#zaorva just want to have fun
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
“Well, you’re only blood and bones. And I know your heart’s at war with your head.” (Lovecraft AU)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
Zaorva´s mask
N/A: Zaorva has SUPREME BIG DICK ENERGY. LK can respect that. I could take this as Coraline au but NOPE.
The planet of Craslaria is a planet where the primary religion is the one followed by Chaos itself, while is true that not everyone in the planet agrees with this, the huge majority(99%) does workship chaos and vouch their lives for chaos itself.
So, when chaos graces itself on this planet people are ready to do its bidding, anything it asks shall be done.
"Chaos itself, I´m the voice of Craslaria, I speak for all the ones that workship thee, tell us what you want and we shall give to you" the man speaks and snapping his fingers and a group of people that do not abide the chaos are present to IT as a nice snack.
However, chaos itself only roll her eyes and wave her hand at this present. "release them, I have no interest in eating people, in fact, I should start eating you if you want violence so much...You anger me, the voice of Craslaria, you anger me a lot and maybe I should just eat you"
"Why? We were following your word"
"That wasn´t my word! You have all fail to me" chaos starts "but I´m in a good mood and if you all want to gain my forgiveness, then you must do a few things for me"
"Anything, chaos itself, anything"
And soon begin the new project of Craslaria. More hospitals, more school and more forgiveness to everyone as chaos order. The slaves were set free and give full citizenship as well apologies, more tolerance in religion was implated making Pheonix worshipers pray for the firebird feel safer.
Craslaria is implating the sacred rule that life is precious all under the watchful eye of "chaos" and it was all going alright, until out of blue, Gaia shows up not looking pleased. A mortal tries to stop her to seek "chaos" but Gaia eats him.
"Zaorva!" this comes from ''Gaia'' who is now alone in the temple with the fake chaos. "What the hell is that?"
The fake chaos aka Zaorva only raises an eye brown(a feature complex to do thanks to this mask and speaks in a calm tone. "What? flatter isn´t the nice form of compliment? You did such a poor job as GAIA that I thought to myself, hey, I can do even shitter job as lady dark Pharoah and would you know? I purge the chaos out of this planet for good"
And she goes to the real chaos to yank the mask out IT. "and I personally feel offended that you used such poor and pathetic imitation of my mask, listen well, little chaos, do that again and I´ll purge you from existence"
This is not what the real chaos was expecting. And he is not complaining either.
"I see, then, I apologise for passing as you, Zaorva, I overstep my boundaries" IT speaks amused now. "but you really think you can defeat me?"
"No," she said looking at his real face. "I know I can defeat you"
And now IT is utterly fascinated by the outer god of creation.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au
N/A: To be clear here, this idea is thanks to a horror video I saw and to make the timeline easier Zaorva knows she is Zaorva, in this world, she will born again as human just to have fun, there´s no squidboy here. This won´t have a plot, per se, is just Zaorva having fun.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
If Terry could have even imagined that this is how her romantic getaway would be she would have stayed at home. Cameron book a nice room in a hotel that...has no one, only creepy sounds and that leads Terry to where she is.
Turning back the pendulum a bit, Terry recalls her lack of better judgment that leads into this mess.
"This is a big hotel, where is everyone?" Terry did ask and Cameron assured her this is fine, they arrive late and he knows the people in this hotel.
In the room, Terry did listen to odd noises, and Cameron would often belittle her, until, black hooded figures appear and they gentle take Terry as she weights nothing. Cameron did nothing and only nod at them saying his debt is paid.
She is now sitting in a chair in the middle of all the hooded figures and is very unsettling. The leader, or so it seems, spoken with a firm voice without falter, in her opinion, his speech seems rehearsed.
"Teresa Pryde, you are hereby chosen to be the mother of mothers" Terry now knows they´re perverts is this one of those freaky sex clubs? Terry is not a MILF. Someone seems to be getting what´s she getting an elbow the leader hard. "I mean, you´re chosen to be the mother of life itself, Miss Pryde, you´re far worthy than all of us"
"I´ll call the police you freaks," she said and to her luck, they didn´t tie her up, but, there´s nothing she can use as a weapon. They didn´t move an inch.
"We don´t want to hurt you, Miss Pryde" someone mutters the leader could start with this line. "We just want to fulfil the wishes of our god"
As the woman is looking for a way out, the leader tries a new approach, and this time Miss Pryde is listening. "Psiu, miss, you´re ruining our scene" he whispers and Terry is confused. "This is a new TV Show called Bust it, we take couples into a scary situation and if the boyfriend comes to save the girlfriend they win, if not they lose"
Terry frowns. "One, I didn´t give permission for filming and I had no clue this could happen and second, Cameron ditch me..is clear he won´t save me"
This makes the leader take the hood out and shout cut pretty loud as cameras can be seen and the others follow suit. "Wait, Cameron told us you are up for a love test...you didn´t know anything?"
Terry is calling to her family and explaining the situation, channel 43 is behind this show and she´s not pleased with all, but, is much better than be captured by a cult.
The leader offer water to Terry to drink. A cab is called and the woman is sent home safely as the crew members watch the woman go. Now, the leader is making some calls. "Mission complete, she did drink the potion, now, you must do a new tv show called busted...yes, I had to use that card. As for Cameron...yes, let´s use plan B"
A few weeks later, Terry finds out she´s pregnant and Cameron is out of town and her life, so, Terry Pryde will be a single mother, and, will have to take a job to support herself and the baby.
"Oh, but, if before getting a job was hard, imagine now?"  Terry laments with her own mother as the job marketing is not easy for anyone.
But to her total, surprise, several companies are hiring and they want Terry to work with them, Terry does recall sending her cv to them, but, in this modern world, maybe they saw her social media and got interested.
The "Inflex" is a pharmaceutic company that has ties in India and Germany, well, it was a successful collaborative and is going strong, so, when they offer a job Terry was a bit sceptical as she clearly has no skills to join this company...yet, this happens.
"Miss Pryde?" the man asked and then he makes some calls. Terry watches as the man only says yes to the phone, then, hangs up and looks at Miss Pryde. "You´re hired"
Terry blinks and nods as the man calls to his secretary to send all the other candidates away. Terry is grateful and suspicious at the same time. There are stories of powerful men that hire a woman to harass her.
Her belly is getting big and each time she arrives in the company people look at her funny. One time, she overheard some co-workers talking about paychecks and Terry realizes that as a secretary she ears more, in fact, she is getting more money then a regular executive and she´s doing almost to nothing.
"I quit," Terry said once is getting clear this company is using her for something. Her paychecks are too high, she has too many privileges and they all talk about her with such reverence ...it is almost as if she´s the Virgin Mary.
"Fraulein Pryde wants to leave us?" a man asked with turtle glass as being the most definitive trait on his face. Terry can´t help by feeling there´s something fake on this man...as if he wears a mask.
"Yes, I´d and you can´t stop me"
The man offers a cruel smile, but, to her surprise, he nods. "No, I cannot, then Miss Pryde, I wish you good luck" and that smile...is not right on Terry´s book.
Terry leaves quickly and more jobs opportunities open to her. Opportunities to work on the sea seem tempting, but, Terry ended up working as a journalist in a newspaper.
Kitty Pryde is born and Terry can´t be any happier as right now. The doctors are making calls in pleasure. "Active part 3 of the plan, she´s here" Terry is oblivious of all that as she´s holding little Kitty, she could swear the new baby is understanding Terry...
Years late, Kitty Pryde is a healthy and lovely little girl that is going to school. She´s a bit of hippie girl and the teachers can´t say anything bad at the little girl, well, teacher Alfonso can. Alfonso teaches math.
The man comes from Brazil and seems to have a burning hatred for children, often belittling them and their intelligence and Kitty? Is an odd fish that he wants to fry.
The man gives a big F on her test and even make commentaries about her intelligence and feels a sense of superiority, after all, he´s the teacher if he says she´s dumb...she´s dumb.
Alfonso is walking on the school halls, you see, he wants to grade his newest school´s grade to his students and want to make this a grand event. Kitty is his favourite target, oh Alfonso will have fun in showing everyone her failures.
"They can´t do anything. I´m a god in this class" Alfonso thought to himself in the safety of his mind.
"Really?" A reply echoes in his mind amused. "You´re god, why? Because you gave me an F?!"
Alfonso stops on his track as now he realizes the school hall is different. The hall´s wall has a liver, in fact, the walls have eyes and mouth and Alfonso let the paper drop on the floor. A tongue takes the paper and eats it fastly.
The floor has a mouth.
"Gods do much more than give F, that´s actually really funny, you think you can hit me" the voice echoes again and the hall morphed into something worse, a Japanese city, well, he can guess it is a Japanese city by the look of traditional houses.
Ballons float nearby and they speak in a high speech voice for Alfonso to hold the ballon. To hold and die. Alfonso notices the dead bodies that still hold the string of the balloon.
"Little human, math means nothing here" Kitty´s voice can be tracked but her face is full of cracks and her smile is far away from being remotely human.
"What is this?" Alfonso asked noticing his hands start to mutated into something akin to a snail, snails have no arms, so, his arms are big snails now.
"You didn´t figure it out? Well, that´s a big F for you!"
Kitty Pryde waves at her mother. Is time to go home. As Kitty approaches her mother the gossip that the other mothers are spreading with ardour. "And Terry that is shocking news, professor Alfonso just run away to be with his lover just like that"
Terry is not one for gossips but she has to admit, this story is interesting. "Leave all behind to be with your lover? Sounds romantic on paper, but, in reality...he was a fool, and his girlfriend or boyfriend is too"
"Yeah," Kitty suggests "he´s a fool that thought to be a god"
"Such silly man" Terry nods and soon the two went home, no one notices the snail that is on the school hall.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Switch au
N/A: This idea comes to me thanks to some fanarts and some talks.  What am I doing? Honestly, no idea. But I´m doing something. BTW, this is a mix of Ultimate and 616. A new au here.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
Her skin is wet, completely so. Her cold sweat covers all spots of her body. Boisterous sounds assault her ear-her eyes see unfocused and dubious figures coming near her form-  as the voices, sounds are still enigmatic to her form. Suddenly, a loud honk forces her eyes to locate a big van and a man - if her eyes have the strength to see something so bleary- and her eyes saw the crimson circle and can only reply. "w-what?" with such feeble tone cementing the fact the others sure must haven´t heard.
"Call HER now. We found" she can hear someone giving orders. Someone familiar. And she sees a form of a blonde woman-oh, she can see the logo of quartet fantastic. Is Sue Storm- near the circle and muttering something. She can´t hear well.
"Don´t worry....you´re safe...Kitty" is all she managed to get before she closes her eyes again.
(2 hours before)
One Kitty Pryde is forming a circle in what used to be Dr. Stranger´s old apartment- the man moved out years ago and never look back- and aggressive fixing the symbols in the view. And huffing in and out. She clenches her teeth for a moment and only speaks once the digital watch-the the only thing she brought with her- marked 00:00 and then finally speaks.
"I summon, the begin, not the end. I summon the harbinger of life. Venus, heed my call" Kitty repeats those words 3 times and waits impatiently - tapping her foot away from the circle to not mess out her work of art- until someone taps her shoulders.
"You know, I´m pretty easy to summon...no need to go so archaic" and there is Venus. The Herald. With her long fiery hair-metaphorically speaking now-her dress covering what it must but showing a lot of her skin and her smug expression. "So, little mortal, what you want?" she looks up and down to Kitty. "A new sense of fashion?"
Kitty ignored Venus. At least, this question. "No, I want to sue Zaorva for taking my face. She uses my face and does whatever she wants" and Venus does the only sensible thing.
She giggles. Flicks her forehead and then speaks. "You´re supposed to be smart...that is pretty much dumb" and Venus shakes her head amused. "You are out of luck...She-Hulk is solving a conflict between Pheonix and Galaticus...time is relative" Venus responds and shurgs off.
Kitty is not caring. "Then I want to talk with Zaorva." and Venus stops smiling. "You´re being dumb here...but" she lifts her hand as her once brown eyes change into something azzure. "what you know, Zaorva is also amused...ok, little mortal..." and summoning somewhat ancient staff- mind you, out of thin air- Venus pushes Kitty to the circle without any struggle.
And Kitty is down on the rabbit hole, so to speak.
The beginning is never static. The Neverending is in constant change if you look closely. Nothing remains the same. And Kitty has no mind- a dangerous thing to admit concerning an Outer God and you- to admire the beauty of Neverending. Kitty has no mind to do anything but survive and talk with Zaorva.
The sky is in a greenish shade-one that seems familiar to Kitty and at the same time is completely new- as she´s holding to her dear life on something - something soft and squeeze. And her eyes land on an azzure tentacle. The origin and no end.
And a booming voice responds. Amused. In higher spirits and all its attention goes direct to Kitty. "You were wanting to talk with me, right...here I´m, Kitty Pryde. Oh, right..." and the voice stops and Kitty looks to a version of herself- donning with something blue. Not sure if is a dress or a robe, and at the moment, it doesn´t matter- as a face similar to hers is speaking now. "Hello, Kitty. You want to sue me?" and she treats as is a joke.
(It isn´t? Humanity is a fun joke for some Outer Gods. Humanity is a great way to kill time for others)
Kitty let go of the tentacle-better not try to understand how Zaorva is- and summons her courage again. "Why you bless that union?" and Zaorva didn´t respond and Kitty continues. "Peter Parker was taken ...by that thing...why?"
And now Zaorva answers putting a finger-Kitty´s finger. And there´re some implications here that she chooses to ignore- making a silent gesture to Kitty. Kitty/Zaorva will explain. "Peter Parker falls in love with the Felicia Hardy of my dimension. If you think this love was caused because of her tits..." Zaorva never breaks eye contact. "you´re wrong! Now...let me answer some of your questions that height in your soul"
Kitty wonders if she can even speak against. Even if she truly wanted. Could she do it?
"Felicia Hardy of the dimension where I live is not human as you noticed but rather the void" Kitty looks even more frightening. "The void has plans to Spiderman...He´s not being forced to be with this version of Felicia nor will be hurt, again, he has plans for this version of Spiderman"
And she continues. "Spiderman of your dimension jump the interdimensional portal on his own free will. No void, no Felicia tempted him to do so...only his desire to escape the mess of this dimension"
And to conclude. "And why I use your face? Because of Katherine Anne Pryde...I was you a long time ago. I can be a bit nostalgic" and a cute smile plays on Zaorva´s face. "And if you want to sue me" she is obviously mocking now. "She-Hulk is dealing with a big problem with Pheonix and Galaticus"
Kitty gulps unsure of her next step. A tentacle shows up. Several.
"Not so fast, little mortal, while I´m amused you wanted to sue me...would be another one to my criminal file" Kitty makes a wtf expression even if she´s still aware of the tentacles. " you did something really dumb and I´m a bit disappointed as well...so, I´ll punish you"
Her eyes change to a crystal tone of blue. She´s smiling in such a serene way. "You´re bold, as you´re judgemental, brash and always look down on magic users...well, that´s a bit hypocrite of you, isn´t it?"
And her view is just darkness.
And Kitty opens her eyes in a blink. So fast and registering how the ceiling facing her is not the one she is used to. This is not the X-men´s mansion. Not the old apartment of Dr. Strange and not a hospital. Where is she?
"Ah, you wake up!" a voice carries from above. She shivers thinking is Zaorva again- her voice is different from the last time- and her eyes land to the right to see a woman -donned from heads to toes with crimson- hovering in the air in a lotus position.
"Who are you and where am I?" Kitty replies taking a grip on her situation. The woman´s age seems lost to Kitty- either she has 1000 years, which wouldn´t be the first time Kitty meet an immortal, or she has a normal age- opens her eyes and slowly comes down to the ground.
"I´m the Sorceress Supreme of this dimension. Still Scarlet Witch, I fought tooth and nails to keep my title to let go so easily and my name is Wanda Maximoff. You´re Kitty Pryde" Wanda answers for Kitty as she didn´t know who she is. "and you´re in Salem, my house now"
Kitty sits on the now identified as the couch and looks around. There´s nothing suspicious on as far her eyes- tired as they are- can register. "What happened?"
Wanda clap her hands and took a deep breath. "Lots of things happen in the 2 days you were in a comma. Oh, I´ll come there. First off, Jean Grey, the woman who was sleeping with Wolverine behind Scott´s back and then sleeping with Scott behind ...did many bad things earning the wrath of Pheonix...the Firebird would have burned all the X-men, however, Jean in a moment of clarity decides to sacrifice herself in exchange to all X-men´s safety. Pheonix agrees!" and Wanda looks at Kitty´s face.
Kitty and Jean aren´t that much friendly towards each other, in fact, quite the opposite...but, knowing Jean sacrifice herself to save others is something Kitty isn´t ready.
"Then, Logan didn´t take this well and jump into a Vulcan. Yes, that happened. Prof X´s lies are exposed and people start to side with the mutants in the social media" Wanda frowns at that. "sure, when I took the mantle people to side with my people too...but that didn´t lead the Romani people to live well, not all of them"
"Oh...anything else?" Kitty asked and Wanda nods.
"Spiderman renounces his residence in this dimension and is living in a new dimension with Felicia Hardy" Kitty inhales loudly and didn´t say anything. Wanda carries on. "The Avengers as well X-men will never be friends, but, once Tony Stark is out of the picture...again, they won´t be friends" and now she lowers her head and exhales. "Magneto was killed in the most ironic way...a Jewish community of New York killed him as Magneto was ready to murder everyone, mutants, and humans for his view"
Kitty opens her mouth and closes. "I´m sorry"
Wanda didn´t say much about this part. "The Quartet fantastic located and killed Madame Hydra and Red Skull on the same day"
"And then...come to you. You´re either the dumbest or bravest soul I ever meet. You managed to get an audience with the Mother of all magic. What you two talk I don´t know and if you don´t wish to say is alright...but, you must know...." Wanda now narrows her eyes sitting in front of Kitty and level her eyes to the young woman. "what you truly think of magic?"
"I ...never liked"
"Well, congratulations, Kitty...Zaorva loves ironic punishment and now you´ve magic powers" and as Kitty lifts her hands Wanda adds. "You can wrap reality just like me"
Kitty shivers and tries to deny, but, as her hands glow a pinkish light. Kitty knew in her heart, without a doubt, what truly happened. "And what I do?"
"You have options, Kitty. You can go away and return to the X-men" Wanda doesn´t hide her disappointment with the X-men-was an Avenger thing or something else?- "and figure out the magic on your own...is your choice. Or, you can be here and I can teach you how to use safely without hurting anyone or yourself"
And Kitty adds. "I must choose now?"
"No, you have options and time, something I never had...and more importantly, if you want to talk...I´m here ´cause I know and did some pretty dumb things in my youth...you´re not on even top 10"
And Kitty takes a decision. The X-men have an open vacancy and Nightcrawler wonders what happened to Kitty to give up on the X-men- is how he sees it- to go to a magic academy. "Something fishy...and I don´t trust Scarlet Witch nor any Sorcerer Supreme"
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Lara Croft au (Part 7)
N/A: I feel I´m dragging this plot a lot. Is just...is hard to make them arrive at the temple at the same time. So, let´s see what I can come up here and well, everything to move the plot forward.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
In the circus, at least in the one Amanda/Jimaine grow, have a few laws and one of them is the most important of all them. Mother is always right. And Amanda used to believe in this rule with all her body and soul- her brother too. Their bodies used to worship her word as well as praise their name in a sacrilegious demonstration of love- until Margalia was killed off in a confrontation with Dr. Strange. It changes Amanda´s blind fate for good.
If she can die...she was wrong and if she was wrong...I need a new purpose.
Count Mordo offers a new way to Amanda and Amanda will follow until the end.
I can do it. Is all about power.
Dr. Rory wrapped his arms around Amanda kissing her neck in a butterfly kisses - a loving image. A loving plan B if anything is to turn souer- and the man points to the distance where her blue eyes can see the image of the temple of Pheonix and Zaorva.
Is a temple, not a pyramid as Amanda thought, and so far the security isn´t as tight as Amanda was hoping.
Oh, since they have a decoy...maybe they never thought in upgrade the security.
"Here is the temple of Zaorva and Pheonix. The tiaras are there." his voice still murmours in her ear and the ship is already porting on their destination, yet, the smile dies off as soon they noticed a new boat already in their place to port.
"What is this?"
Kitty Pryde could tell something is wrong the moment she steps out of the boat-not in the literal exact moment, as she was so happy to be away from the boat in the first place- and Doug seems to receive the same message. "How many people know about the real temple? And I´m not asking this to avoid to talk about Larry here" and points to the chimera who has one of its heads above looking at Dr. Moira as if recognizing her and only her. "But...I feel we won´t have any easy"
And while Dr. Moira is gushing at the chimera as a mother to a small baby. A small baby who can devour the entire boat if so wishes.
Logan quips in his grumpy voice something more or less "And when our plan is ever easy?" and Kurt laughs amused- Kitty listen to the sound. She never heard this sound before- and adds "it wouldn't be fun if it was too easy" and well, Kitty can´t disagree.
"Oh, I knew the temple wouldn´t be a pyramid...still, do we have..." her words die on her lips as a new boat arrives with a blonde woman who is looking up and down to Kitty as if she´s a fat bug and sending a not so subtle look to Kurt.
Kitty suddenly has the compulsion to hit her face. No idea why, but, she does have the urge to bitch-slap her. Her eyes follow Kurt who is completely clueless or so appear to be. "Kurt, who is she?" she asked in a whisper.
And Kurt shurgs off not knowing what to say. And the blonde woman narrows her eyes at this. Dr. Rory is also not happy with this scene.
"Hello, Kurt. I´m happy to see you again. Not trying to do anything illegal, right?" Amanda asked flicking her blonde hair. Kurt noticed the man next to her who is throwing dirty glares at Kurt and only Kurt.
And Kitty could see the next move as Dr. Rory shots at them. Kitty uses her power and phases everyone, including Kurt, and soon Amanda shots at them with magic- as much Kitty can register- But as the chimera shows all its heads the fight stops.
Dr. Rory halts his hand. "A chimera is here...let´s not split blood now...Pheonix and Zaorva may be watching" Amanda make an ugly face at those words and Dr. Rory doesn´t mention anything.
Amanda cast a spell on them- her magic so dwindles it makes her panting and breath with some difficulty to cast this spell- and now the group can´t move.
"Next time, Kurt...I´ll murder you"
And Dr. Rory and Amanda enter in the temple. Once out of the view the chimera lick Dr. Moira and the spell is broken. "Chimeras can heal almost any curse" she explains to her friends. "few people know this" ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Count Mordo is finishing his duties as count. He may have magic, but, ruling a state still requires a sharp mind. Now, in his room, the man is glossing over the big mirror which is cover by a white sheet. A smile places in his face. Is more a smirk than anything else.
The man takes the sheet off and the mirror didn´t show his own reflection.  No. It shows Margalia Szardos looking furious at him. "Hello, you poor excuse of a witch. How is your staying in the mirror so far?"
"Release me Mordo or else..."
"Or else what? No one is after you and your daughter want your position. Not you."
"Then ...why keep me?" and she adds with confidence. "you know I have more knowledge in magic than you"
"No, I keep you because I know you´ll be a great sacrifice to one of my ...patrons, let´s say, and in fact, Margalia...you´ll meet one of them right now" and his smirk continues. "don´t worry...is possible your daughter will be there with you in a minute"
"If Jimaine can´t avenger me...Stefan will"
"Stefan? He´s far away as possible ...I think you should have re-think your strategy. Let´s be real...you don´t have time to do anything other than thinking"
And Margalia screams as the mirror is consumed by a green fire. Margalia is about to meet one of Mordo´s patrons.
"Father!" Lorna asks as Magneto just concludes his work as king for the day. His attention is now solely on Lorna. "why you want those tiaras anyway?"
"I have my reasons, Lorna"
"Great way to say: none of your business, Lorna"
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
The Omen (part 5)
N/A: A small intermission to show Mephisto doing something.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
Mephisto is a Demon Lord by title, but, lately, the Demon feels as if his power is in peril and needs to take serious measures to secure his place in the Hells(plural, but, everyone knows, with great sadness and envy, that Limbo is the official New Hell ruled by Belasco) and it will be soon when Belasco will eliminate the others Demons Lords in his master´s order or...for fun.
Mephisto is planning. Plotting and scheming and has an idea, one that´s so vile and horrible he never used before...until now. "Bring me, Enchantress, I have a request for her" Mephisto orders to his minions who look deformed goats in the most cartoonish way.
A small reward Zaorva gave to him for his good service in helping...a lady get birth safely, somehow, Mephisto believes this reward was a mockery on the other hand...he won´t complain with his boss.
The cartoonish deformed goats did what was asked. Do they really obey him or is just a trick from Zaorva? Again, better not question too much nor complain.
Amora arrives naked as usual and is not frightened in the least by Mephisto. "Does the devil wants me for the night?" Enchantress inquires amused as Mephisto shakes his head bemused and she finally summons some clothes.
"Once you saved Thor´s life by owning me a favour...I´m here to collect" Mephisto utters the magic words as now Amora is completely serious. "Remember that last resort plan? I´ll need it"
Amora does not slander said idea. Only replies. "You´ll need a woman who can handle such birth...a regular woman, even a regular mutant...won´t survive"
"I´m aware...who can carry my spawn?"
"I know someone. A woman named Raven Darkholme. She has her own plans and a grudge against Azazel, you have a sweet tongue sure you can persuade her to spend the night" she now has a flirty tone. "However, once the child is born...not even you can interfere"
"And..what if there´s another who can sire me a child?"
"Well, since you asked so nicely...there´s one last candidate, in case of plan A does not work"
Dr Strange is at the present moment working with Courtney Ross, Prof X, Mr Fantastic, Victor Doom (funny story, no one asked for his input, but Domm invites himself anyway) and now...Thor is here.
"So...the Antichrist is born already, do we know his name?" Prof X asked already dreading the answer. Courtney shakes her head slowly and this makes the point across to everyone.
Doom contributes to the conversation. "It means the Antichrist has the advantage...what do you suggest ?" Doom is looking at Mr Fantastic and does not let him speak. "I suggest we attract his attention. The antichrist has a lot of demonic energy in his presence we can detect if we use the right seal" and looks smug as people are taking his idea seriously.
Courtney intervenes. "Those seals will cause big havoc to each place we put them" and narrow her eyes "and we don´t trust a man named Doom to put a basically put scans seals in every part of the globe" Courtney concludes and Prof X agrees (even though he has Cerebro)
"Then who can put the seals?"
"I can do it" Thor manifest for the first time. "my brother Loki knows magic, but, what he does not know is that I know some as well and Amora taught me too"
No one can distrust Thor. So, Thor and not Doom will put the scans seals.
"Once putting the seals...what we´ll do?"
"Test the boy to see if there´s an iota of good in his soul...if he can really be saved, otherwise" Dr Strange is pragmatic to a tee and Thor is not sure if this is a good thing or not.
Meanwhile, Michael Darkholme is waiting. Always waiting. Sometimes...there´s a part of him who whisper to him to stop waiting and do what he wants now, but, no, Michael sticks with the devil he knows and continues to wait.
"Son...look at me, please" Raven pleads and Michael nows that is all about manipulating the right person.
"You didn´t come to see me for the past days"
"Mom is working to make sure nothing bad happens to you, Mommy loves you" there´s a tone of unhinged here and Michael can feel it.
"Is ok mommy" Michael said hugging her now. "I forgive you"
Manipulation is all about saying the right words for the right person at the right moment.
"So...Raven put you in detention just for that?" Marrow asked somewhat bored with Kitty´s story. "Lame, really lame"
Kitty rolls her eyes. "Yeah, really lame...why we can´t leave the detention again?"
Marrow now rolls her eyes at Kitty. "Scarlet Witch is the one dealing with detention...she cast a spell ...even if she´s not here if we leave she´ll know and the blue lady will get crankier"
Kitty bites her lips and asked. "Marrow, if I could take us out of here...could you help me to get my cellphone back?"
Marrow arch one eyebrow at her for a moment and then shurgs. "If you can take us out of here without alerting the famous Scarlet Witch ...sure, I´ll help get your pink cellphone back"
5 minutes later, Marrow is asking Kitty who they managed to past through Scarlet Witch´s seals. And Kitty, feeling a pun coming at her way, is faster for once. "This kitten got claws"
And Marrow fulfils her end of the deal by getting Kitty´s cellphone back. A bit of blackmail to Rogue works wonder ("Does your mother knows about a certain cajun?" "...what do you want Marrow?" "My pink cellphone, please. A pretty girl like me can´t be without a cellphone" "fine, but you better be quiet about the cajun" "who?")
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Coraline au (geneses)
N/A: I think this is the last episode of this au that´s actually a prequel for all Lovecraft's au...so here we go.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
The sky is without a single cloud offering a blue and clear day to everyone under, of course, a calm sky does not translate well to the current situation. The Avengers are heading to the X-men with one bemused Tony Stark and Cap America along.
"This waste of time"
"Glad you´re not the leader of this operation then, Tony"
Arriving in the X-men, formalities are tossed aside as Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel are searching for the leader of the X-men and one impressed student, named Jia Jang, went to fetch the leader.
Ororo Monroe steps out of the mansion to speak with Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel and the others, but, promptly ignoring Tony Stark. Storm has Wolverine and Dazzler on her side.
"Storm?" Captain Marvel asked impressed but looking around notice the absence of two X-men. "May I ask what happened with Jean and Scott?" Carol asked hoping to not sound abrasive, in fact, the woman is just curious as Scott could step down as a leader, but, never as an X-men.
Scarlet Witch makes an odd face when Logan starts to cry and repeats the name Jean and Pheonix in an incorrect sentence. Dazzler and Ororo roll their eyes as they ignore Logan.
" You may as this is not a secret" Ororo states and Tony scoff and is even more ignored if possible "Jean Grey became the Pheonix, a cosmical force of life and death, and she and Scott are in Shiar ...enjoying vacation" Storm explained realizing how absurd that sounds and how that truly happened.
"The Pheonix force is a powerful deity that can create and destroy" Wanda states fascinated. "But...when she takes a host is often in a very, uhm, shall we say the troublesome experience for everyone involved and the planet" Wanda concludes recalling the books about the cosmic deities she read in her young age.
"Correct" this time Dazzler contribute to the conversation. "But her transformation happened in space, remember the mission the Nasa gave to us? That´s where happened" and something seems to click on Wanda as this explains everything she has felt.
Captain Marvel has no time to get more details as she wants to solve the SCP´s situation fist. "So, Storm you´re the leader of the X-men, congratulations, now...we need your help, Minerva stole a few SCP´s items and we fear she is doing this to bring, and I quote, "the glory of Kree" upon Earth...you must know that this is bad"
Ororo nods and Wolverine stops crying and even stops mutter the name Jean as if it was a sacred pray.
"We, X-men, are well aware of the SCP foundation, however, what we can do to help...we don´t have experience in this situation as you Avengers have"
"Kitty Pryde" Wanda states firmly "she destroys all the Inhumans..." she closes her eyes and is thankful that her brother is not present for this conversation. "even the skank of my brother´s wife. Easily, she controls chaos or is she chaos? I think she´s linked to the SCPs...Ororo, I respect the secrets the X-men have, but, this time I must ask you ...what´s Kitty Pryde?"
Ororo´s blue eyes widen for a moment as she looks at Logan for a moment, the man is sharing the same expression, and she gives her honest answer. "We don´t know...we never asked"
Wanda and Carol aren´t thrilled with this reply, and Dazzler raises her hand and speaks with her fist glowing as she is changing the reality of the space they all are for a few moments. "Let me ask you this. How powerful you think the Pheonix is?" everyone agrees she´s very powerful "and if I tell you there´s something even more powerful than Pheonix...what you all understand about Outer Gods?"
"I understand that if the Herald of Galaticus is saying there´s something more powerful than the Pheonix...I´m listening" Carol states listen carefully and looking at the ''powerpoint presentation''
And Dazzler continues. "This is how your mind can comprehend the Outer God of Death, this is how your mind can understand the Pheonix and this is...the Outer God of life...Death and Eternity are twins as Pheonix is the younger sister. Pheonix is in Shiar, but, Eternity walks freely"
And the powerpoint presentation ends. Dazzler looks at Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel.
"What Eternity wants?"
"You think I know? Only she knows..."
The city is under the rain. A tempest that is causing more trouble than good even for the fish people, yet, Cosmo drags Jupiter here for some reason. The cat is not amused. Even if Cosmo made a bubble to protect them from the rain.
"Cosmo, what the hell? why are we back to this damn city?" Jupiter asked not getting the point or meaning in put their claws back here.
"To see part of my plan, well, I must confess...it was never my plan, I was a paw as much the others are...but, we can see the results here"  Cosmo states and before Jupiter could speak anything else. The fish people start screaming in horror.
"Jupiter, you once asked me about my patron, the Celestial mother, what do you think she does for all Eternity?"
"Uhm...creates life?"
"No, is much more than that...she can create life, morph life, she can destroy life if she wants and yes, Zaorva is not the one to punish an entire nation for one man´s mistake but if the entire city make a mistake" Cosmo trails off as tentacles arrive at the moment the rain turns into flames.
Jupiter glares to Cosmo for a moment then to the tentacles and fire. "I see, so, was this all Zaorva´s plan?"
"Yes, no, who knows? unlike your patron, she´s very, very impatient"
"Kitten is still impatient"
And the cat and dog watch the destruction of the Dagon´s city and everyone included. Jupiter makes some quips that her destruction is very different from LK´s own methods.
Minerva was not having a good day. For starts, the SCPs she stole aren´t working as they should and Minerva has the feeling someone or something is spying on her. "I stay away from the X-men and I didn´t interfere on Chaos` plans...have I wrong him?"
"No, he´s cool with you, but...I´m not" Kitty speaks amused walking barefoot on Minerva´s hideout. Minerva certainly had better days as her azzure skin is blemish and she has bags under her eyes.
"Who are you?" Minerva asked with her laser gun who is not working, in fact, her gun in melting and Minerva quickly tossed away to get another gun, rinse and repeat.
"Won´t say I´m chaos? It has been a while since I went fake Dark Pharaoh" Kitty smiles at her own jokes and continues to walk as the SCPs slowly vanish from Minerva´s grasp. Now, Minerva is completely alone.
"All I did was for the glory of the Kree Empire. The Supreme intelligence Kree shall be the only meaning of..." she can´t speak as Kitty with azzure eyes stop Minerva from talking.
"Minerva, are you that easily manipulated? Oh...I shall have to start again" and tentacles appear out of nowhere. "I shall recycle your life, Minerva, try to come as something a bit more intelligent this time"
"Oh so you admit you were cosplay as me," LK said amused as Kitty leave Minerva´s hideout as her tentacles are back to its original place.
"You knew that for how long?" Kitty asked bemused at him. LK flash a big smiling and speaks how he knows ever since she punches him. "You´re a good liar"
"What you´ll do with the Krees?" LK asked as Kitty is confused for a moment.
"Well, I was tempted in just let go, as I never heard of that Kree supreme or whatever, but, now...she picks my annoyance so...stay here, you handsome asshole, cause I´ll deal with this"
"Ah, you think I´m handsome"
The Supreme Intelligence was not having a good day as LK is just watching ("she thinks I´m handsome" "a handsome asshole") while Zaorva destroys everything with such ease that...her expression is a little bored here.
"Didn´t you said you wanted to overcome me? So...why is so easy to defeat you" Kitty´s face is cracking as the Supreme is trying all her tricks. In the end, she accepts the fate that she lost.
"So...I fly too close to the sun"
"Nah, you fly too below and was too pathetic" and Zaorva adds already losing her humanoid face "but don´t worry, next time, you will be even more pathetic"
LK is watching the destruction she´s causing with a dreamy expression on his face.
"So... the SCPs return to the foundation just like that?" Carol asked again and the person on the telephone confirms this. The X-men aren´t questioning what just happened.
"...Where´s Kitty?"
"There´s never a Kitty Pryde"
"Cameron...Cameron, do you think is odd to make that much food?" Terry asked.
"Well, your cooking is really good so I´m not complaining here"
"Is just...it feels like we are waiting for someone. Isn´t that silly?"
"Hello, Zaorva, did you had fun on Earth?" Death asked ignoring the LK´s presence entirely.
"I did...I think I have a favourite mask for going to Earth" and she adds "Death, so...remember when we talk about love and opposites sides" Death is not happy with this conversation nor with LK.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
The Omen au (part 16)
N/A: Mike is having fun with friends. Rogue manages to enter in contact with him and Doom is arranged to someone to go after Mike as Prof X is testing Mike´s personality. Kitty is sorting things with her mom.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
The news of the Avengers hit the X-men hard, not out of love for this team, in fact, Scott is a great anti-fan of this group, but, rather how easy the group who faced aliens together is so now against each other. Bobby Drake and Spike are sharing the news with Michael who is also not taking the news well.
“So…they´re just gone?” Michael is not a fan of the Avengers, but, knows enough thanks to Tony Stark´s commercials and interviews about the team and how the public reacts to each Avengers and often left a poor taste on his mouth.
“Yeah, they´re gone. Scott is happy, but, Jean is concerned…if they can be dissolved so easily…can we be too?” Evan asked worried as the X-men are his second family and if he loses them…
“I´d not think it will happen…the Avengers tried to split the team, yes Scott told me about the recruitment program, and failed…whatever happened to them won´t happen to us” Bobby promised and Mike offers a small smile. They can´t know the future and speaking only for himself, and only in the safety of his mind, is possible to break any group…you just need to find the weak link.
“Change the subject! Hey, Mike, how are you dealing with all of this?” Spike asked giving full attention to the blue boy who is dreading this conversation. “if you´d not want to talk is fine…I get it” and Mike would like to say that no one could get it, but, then again…what he has to lose?
“Her mother thinks I´m the anti-christ if that´s not a bad first impression…” he jokes mildly. “If I think I´m the antichrist? I´d not know…not a religious person and my mother NEVER talk to me about my father….maybe they think I´m …but I think I´m just a mutant” and this a good answer for the boys. A good answer to soothe their concerns and doubts, but, Mike still has fears, but, he´s good in concealing. If, in the worst cases, he´s the anti-christ…what this will change for him? Nothing.
One month in the school and Michael Darkholme knows how to survive in here and how to blend in…and Michael quite likes here. He can move freely and can interact with more people. Marrow, one of Kitty´s friends show up and she´s funny(“so you´re blue bada badda?” “I´m not getting the reference”) and he has hobbies here.
Michael likes to cook and modesty apart, and Mike really does not like to brag all that much, he can make really good cupcakes. Kitty, sadly, still is getting the gist of how a cupcake should look like.
Kitty is having problems with her newfound powers and understandably so, Wanda is not present to help her, but, even if she was Scarlet Witch is the one to advocate for self-learning, so in the end, Kitty has to solve the problem on her own.
Terry Pryde knocks on her door to see her only daughter levitating her own bed and chatting some words that Terry has no idea of its origins. Once Kitty noticed her own mother, exchange a few words in Latin words, the bed is on the floor.
“Mom?” she asked and Terry is more than happy to see her magic progress. Even if it means accept Kitty is no longer the little girl she once was.
“I´m fine, how was your magic training going?” Terry´s tone is amicable enough and Kitty gives a summarize of her magic tranining. It has a month since Scarlet Witch had shown up to teach witchcraft to Kitty and now with the news of the Avengers…and her supposed betray.
“Mom, you think she´s a traitor?” she asked looking at her hands for a moment and then to her own mother. “This is a mess. The Avengers blame Thor, Thor blames Scarlet Witch and Scarlet Witch is accepting the blame” and the teen looks desolated enough that Terry, not knowing much of magic, can only hug her and kiss the top of her head, as she tries to make sense of this situation.
“I can´t say much here, Kitten, your friend Wanda seems to have her own reasons. Are they good? Are they bad? Not sure, but, I do know that you” and she boop Kitty´s nose with her finger. “Shouldn´t worry about this and should worry more about yourself. Trying to fix everything in the world at once will give you a headache” and Kitty nods accepting those words or at least trying to.
“Mom…do you still think Michael is bad?” is a code to say if Terry still believes he´s the antichrist and tries at Kitty might but she can´t believe in this story of Satan being his father.
“I´d not know” a good lie and Kitty can see beneath it so easily that begs the question why Terry even lied in the first place. “I know you don´t believe me. I know you think I´m wrong and maybe I´m…but, after all, I saw and after all you did, we could agree that Satan existing and having a son is not impossible”
“Maybe” she conceded. “But it would kill you to see Michael as what he is, instead of what you feared him to be?”
“I think not” not a lie and not a truth either. Terry is still firm on her beliefs as is Kitty. Both Pryde women are equally stubborn right now and both think this is each other greatest flaw.
Prof X is looking at some footage of Michael Darkholme. Speaking with friends (how quick he is to make more friends), studying, partying (this one image is the reason for the kids to be grounded as their secret party wasn´t a secret at that time) and of course, getting together with Kitty Pryde.
“Is time to test him” Prof X stated and Courtney Ross is in the room with him, her magic is mostly connected to her domains, after all, Courtney is just a servant of Zaorva, but, she has her little tricks.
“Test? I think the best case here is to kill while he´s sleeping, Charles” Courtney nows how unpleasant the image would be, but, this is the only solution. “Thor has been corrupted thanks to the little demon, I´m sure. The Avengers are no more and Doom is too silent…Xavier, kill the child. Kill him now”
“No!” Prof X stated. “Not if there´s something worth saving in him. Besides, Dr Strange is also silent, is also working…” and Courtney stops him.
“He´s trying to speak with Pheonix…we need a plan C if that monster turns out to be a bigger monster than we thought”
“And so far?”
“Pheonix is not returning the calls. Dr Strange is not pleased…and you should kill the child NOW”
“No, one test, I just need one test…if he fails…you, Dr Strange and even Doom can kill him, hell, I´ll gladly help, all I ask is one test” he pleads and he remembers flashes of his son, Legion, and how Xavier was more than ready to murder the boy and…how in the end, he did.
Courtney closes her eyes. “One test. One, and if he fails…we´ll kill him and not give a damn about your opinion”
Clea provides the news for Dr Doom. The King of this country can ignore the rejection Clean offered to him and be professional, as much Doom is a villain even him has standers, and her news pleased Doom greatly.
“The Avengers are no more. The X-men are afraid. Thor is too tired of Earth to care and he´s taking care of his daughter along with Amora, who has no intention in interfering with our plan as long we stay away from her island” and Doom, for the moment, has no problem in fulfil this small request even if he would love to have such powerful kid on his side. “Hela is still fighting Thanos…uhm, fighting and fucking” and even Doom makes a gross face even behind the iron mask.
“Uhm, great, we can carry on…and Prof X´s test?”
“Is ready to crash and burn as soon you gave your word”
“Excellent, Clea, prepare yourself…because this little test will be bloody and will end the X-men in one strike”
“As you wish”
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
One person doing or talking about something they enjoy greatly whereas their partner just stares at them with a small smile and slight laugh because wow what a cutie their partner is. (Lovecraft AU)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @discordsworld
N/A: again, is based on the idea of "Zaorva goes to LK´s realm to have fun"
How exactly one manages to befriend the Pharaoh? One question that many try to answer with no success and such degree of failure go to rejection, mutation to mealtime. Yet, people still try to befriend the leader of this realm, yet, only one person manages to break all his barrier and pass in all his tests. How the newly arrived detective Zorva manages to get his total and undivided attention (and survive) is a tale many speculate.
(People even think her name is a mystery too as everything surrounder her. Zorva seems a derivative from Zaorva...but why Life would stay here?)
What those two talks is a mystery that no mortal could ever hope to decipher.
"So, I was doing my detective work, once again, acting like a perfect human being, thank you very much" Zaorva states and LK won´t point out her flops as he´s being nice here. "And it was 2 men and one woman complaining that someone is stealing their money and of course, I know who was stealing, you know too" he nods but it wasn´t interested in helping those humans in that case. "And I could point out, again, like a human detective, that it was the gardener that stole those 5 golden coins...but...I feel sorry for the man" she speaks trying to not laugh and LK is not intrigued.
"Ok, You definitely had to hear this from me, but, your people think you want them to be virgin and pure...yeah, that trio didn´t get the memo as the first man was cheating on his wife with the lady and said laid was double time between him and the second dude. In fact, she has a very proficient job as ''mistress'' and I was too amused to even care about the case of golden coins. No, let the poor gardener get his 5 coins." she laughs amused to herself as she concludes her tale. "I told them about the orgy and even mentioned that they were smelling like they just had sex...with the same woman and they had no idea"
LK is never one to care for humans or sex, even less people laughing, but, well, for Zaorva he can make an exception. As he looks at the woman in front of him laugh at her tale (again, he won´t tell her flops here as those humans definitely don´t think she´s human now, but, then again, they have more to worry now) and is a nice sound. LK is quite fond of such image.
"And you? Did you destroy anything?"
And LK now knows what´s like to love someone. Still evil and will destroy humanity but he can understand what´s love.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Lovecraft au (first impression)
N/A: This is based on a tv show I used to watch when I was little. Is about an Egyptian princess and her adventures. And I want an excuse to make jelly and sulking LK with a tad bit of clueless LK too.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @discordsworld
The capital of Cairo is like her Heralds did describe in vivid details. The Nilo River can be ignored by Zaorva with much gusto as water and she are not aligned yet (her sister told her one day she´ll overcome this, of course, Death is mysterious as ever and Zaorva knows better than ask for spoilers from her twin sister) and for the time being Zaorva can focus on the city than the water.
Her Heralds speaks about a man in IT´s realm that seems to understand the concept of Outer Gods. That is not enough to impress her, however, the Heralds also told tales of this man research and how he manages to figure out the laws that Zaorva so much crafted and adored.
And that´s enough to warrant a visit. Sure, Zaorva could see with her eyes what this man has to say and surely, she can be in presence here as it is more polite than just kidnap the poor man.
“I´m Zuka” the man replied and Zaorva could feel telltale of this area, after all, this is where LK loves to watch. Zaorva has a human body for sure but she can see its eyes and she pities the humans that can´t. “The apprentice of the royal physician. I was told you were looking for me” the man replies self-consciously.
“I´m Zorva” she replies with a nice smile and she has a pretty good guess on what some humans think of her mask. Oh, she may be sound like Pheonix now, but, she likes being admired like that. “I´m a new here” she flashes a smile and some social missteps Zaorva did cause were forgiven.
ITS eyes are watching. Oh sure they are and sure Zaorva is not phased.
Zaorva´s cover story seems to be accepted as something ordinary and for once that´s amazing as usual her cover stories draw more attention than anything else and well, is good to be able to mix with mortals.
“Zuka, you are researching about gods?” Zaorva asked again with a cute smile and is working as the apprentice is speaking more freely about his finds.
“Yes, at first I was merely studying the gods of our Earth, but, when I reach the part of creation something was missing and as blasphemous it may sound I doubt it was the Egyptian gods that crafted this Earth” Zuka respond and Zaorva nods waiting to see his point. “So, I reach a name” he looks sick and Zaorva can understand why as she suggest use the word “IT”. Humans can´t say his primordial name. “the Outer god of destruction” he pauses and looks at the beautiful woman next to him.
“If there´s an Outer God of destruction…then there´s the Outer God of creation”
Zaorva smiles somewhat impressed. “Do you know her name?”
“She has many names as she´s the mother of everything. But… I wonder if she has to meet IT”
“Yeah so and so. There´s always the court and why not. But IT is too much of an asshole to be there on time” Zaorva explains and Zuka laughs amused at this.
Zaorva likes to see humans laugh. IT is not pleased by this.
Zaorva seems to be very popular in this realm. Zaorva can also see IT´s rules and what those bring to humans. She would ask IT about but Zuka has always a fun (and partially correct) theory about the creation that takes her time.
One day, as the woman is waiting for the apprentice. (she´s aware that she´s breaking more social rules, again, but, a good story about who she is an orphan and her pretty smile and the people forgive her again) It is something daily, but, today she has a new welcomer in this small atelier where Zuka calls home.
“The Pharaoh,” Zuka said astonished and proceeds to do the right courtesy, yet, the pharaoh does not seem to mind at all as his eyes are on Zaorva.
“Are you the woman walking in my lands?” his tone is grave and deep. Zaorva wonders if IT ever used a female mask. She does not reply but the Pharaoh continues and Zaorva looks around to see the rest of the humans (and not humans) are ready to do his bidding.
Zaorva can´t feign being scared or impressed.
“They told me you were beautiful, but, I didn´t believe until now” It smiles and starts questioning, in a subtle way, her cover story. Zaorva rolls her eyes and is noticed by everyone.
“I´m an orphan, bandits killed my parents and I´m here because I have no else to be” she simplifies her tale. She smiles at IT fearless.
“And …yet, you never bother to see me” his tone is sharp and Zaorva can see his smug smile on his REAL face. “Careful, I may think you were being rude”
“Never, my pharaoh, but you should also check your tone…some may think you are jealous of a mere mortal”
Zaorva can be proud of this line for 5 minutes because now it cements IT´s a fixation on Zaorva, the pretty woman that he is interested.
Zuka is the one paying for her words as the Dark Pharaoh is sparing no methods to make Zuka´s life problematic as it can be. Zaorva is not amused by that.
“Oh, is he your lover?”
“I love him as I love all the others. There´s no difference, is a platonic love that I feel for all the living creatures”
For a moment she thought IT would say something crass and twist her words as to be words from a prostitute (then again, even if he does that it won´t exactly bother Zaorva. She does not think any less of prostitutes) but she is wrong.
“You love life and yet you´re here defying me…seems you don´t love so much” IT respond waiting for her words and reaction.
“You gave me no reason to want to see you, plus, even if you had…Aren´t you the Outer God of destruction?”
“And…aren´t you ever going to sleep?”
“Oh…Maybe I sleep when you sleep”
Zaorva learns later that IT does sleep and that shake her beliefs( “I thought he enjoy the eternal wakeness like me”)
Zuka had enough of the beautiful woman in his life. She´s gorgeous and a sight to behold, but, it seems the Pharaoh think so as well and had no problem in taking care of the competition. For a moment, Zuka would feel proud that the Pharaoh is afraid of him, but, his nightmares prove otherwise.
In his last moment of sanity the man kicks out the beautiful woman out of his atelier, let the Pharaoh have her, he thought, all he wants is a good night of sleep.
The Dark Pharaoh is drinking wine when she shows up. IT admits she´s far beautiful than any woman he ever saw, in fact, she´s too beautiful to be human. Maybe she´s a semi-god? Whatever she is…IT really wants her.
Zaorva appears and is not amused.
“You´re evil!”
“And you never sleep!”
They exchange eyes for a moment as she asked. “Who do you think am I?”
“I don´t know. But I want to found out”
“I know what you´re XXX” she uses his real name as her eyes turned azzure for a moment. IT is too impressed now.
“What are you?”
“You would know if you arrive in those meetings on time”
And leaves a very confused, impressed and lovestruck IT behind. What happened with Zuka is not a big mystery as IT loves to destroy his own toys, but, his researches are well preserved to the point the next generation can access with ease.
The Dark Pharaoh has questions and his curiosity is peaked. What is that woman?
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
1. “I really love it when you smile like that… could you do it again? Just for me?” (Lolita AU)
N/A: This au is a pure sin.
The Necromancer goes back to his home, a castle, to see Courtney Ross with a child, well, a teenager who has chestnut and curly hair, hazelnuts and does eyes and Kurt can see this is not the child her student/his bride sire for him. But, Kurt won´t voice that out.
"Lord Wagner, here is your charge," Kurt notices how she didn´t use the word daughter, but, for some reason, his eyes are locked with this small teenager. She is wearing a white dress and is looking at him as if analysing him.
Oh, she is intelligent. Interesting.
"Hello, Little girl," Kurt said and the teen frowns "I´m your father now"
"My name is Kitty Pryde, not little girl, and you are blue," she said and notices his tail and smiles amused "can you really shapeshifter to a new shade of blue?"
"Oh, I can shapeshifter into something much better, a dragon, what do you think?" Kurt said and Kitty´s eyes lit at this and Kurt has to admit this is a pretty smile and expression.
Kurt Wagner is a man of extravaganzas, he can admit this, and he often likes a reason to throw a ball, and he is not unreasonable to not let the common folk have their fun(his enemies love to paint him as a monster that sits in a throne of bones and laugh at people, but, in real life, those types of rulers never last a day and Kurt does not need a civil war, it is so easier to be nice to his people) and his daughters are enjoying the ball.
A moon ball, no, it won´t be in honour of Zaorva(he fear this god too much for that and wonder why his "fans" could ever think such thing) but is a ball to introduce his daughters to the world.
Barbara and Lucy are having fun. His blue daughters are wearing fancy dresses and talking with people, and Kurt feels so proud of them, yet, his eyes are looking for someone special.
"Where is Kitty?" He asked way too eagerly and Hank only told what Ororo replied to him "She is giving the last touch on her dress" and Kurt is a bit worried as he remembers 14 years old Kitty with a clown syndrome.
Instead, Kitty Pryde is wearing a yellow dress and looks so...enchanted. Kitty talks with people and is possible to see how inwardly she hates too many interactions, but, is doing a great job.
Kurt spends the night watching her, where was that little girl that used to hold Kurt´s hand and playing poker with him? Now...she is so pretty. And he can´t help by feeling excited as scared at the same time.
Kitty gave him that smile to him and Kurt doubt any other woman in this ball could even rival such a beautiful smile. And Kurt licks his lips not noticing Kitty is watching and how this is hardly paternal.
Kitty Pryde has her secrets and for the sanity of everyone around is better to keep them as a secret, yet, as Kitty is reading a book with her favourite nightdress( a soft blue that is almost seen though) when someone knocks on her door. Is her sisters and brother. All blur, all but her.
"Kitty, you are always reading, let´s do something fun, let´s drink" Barbara loud announced and well, Kitty is not opposed to drinking as she is legal now.
Of course, Barbara is a real party girl that only Lucy can rival and soon things went out of control, one of her brothers(she hardly see Daniel, he is a great captain and military strategist for Kurt, but, she hardly sees him) Daniel, take her hand and take her away from the crazy party.
"Daniel?" she asked confused as he still holds her hand.
"I know, Katherine," he said seriously and Kitty has no idea what he is saying until he comes closer of her "I know, and, while I´m not him...I´m here"
And Daniel kissed Kitty. She was confused by a moment until she realizes what is happening and phases out and slap him hard. "Don´t ever do that again!"
"If it was father would you let?"
Kitty told no one about this incident, only to her diary, and when she is called to see Kurt he explains that Daniel accepts a wedding proposal to marry the Princess of the North Kingdom. She still didn´t tell him what happened. And at that moment with Kurt, she does not notice the bamfs being mischievous.
Kurt is reading, well, doing light research, when one of his students enter in his office, Kurt half acknowledge him as the man speaks, until, of course, the student makes a curious question.
"Master, I would like your permission to court lady Katherine," the student said and Kurt closes the book hard.
"You want my permission? That´s very noble of you, but, also sexist, if my daughter wants to marry you, she will tell me, if not, you are wasting my time" Kurt has a faux smile on his face but the Bamfs aren´t and in a not so gracefully move, make the student leave.
"Uhm, is the fifth one this month" Kurt speaks and thanks to the heavens for Barbara and Lucy always drag Kitty in their adventures. "take this book back to Kitty´s room" Kurt hand the diary to the bamf who did just that.
The diary proofs him something, but, he knows Kitty has more morals than him and won´t accept this new "change" so easily.
Kitty Pryde is pretty aware of Kurt´s reputation and he is not an evil necromancer for nothing, so, she always tries to counter some of his bad deeds somehow. She joins a league of heroes with a moniker and manages to capture a circus owner who turned children into a donkey.
Kitty may admit in her diary she is not sorry the man is all beaten up and bruised, in fact, she does admit in her pink diary how she can be bloodthirsty with her enemies and how good and evil is relative...but she still knows what her father did in the past is awful...
Yet, she still feels what she feels for him. Maybe Zaorva is punishing her for accepting Courtney´s offer.
Kitty is with her nightdress and the red cape(is so alike to HIS own cape) and reading a good book when someone is knocking on her door and when she goes to answer is Kurt with his scarlet cape.
He does not speak anything and only touches her face, watching as Kitty let him touch her so intimately.
"Katzchen, we need to talk"
"About what we feel for each other" Kurt said and adds "What you feel...I feel the same"
And Kitty has many things running through her mind, yet, she comes closer to him, closer and closer until there´s only one way left to be so close to this man and Kitty wonders if she is ready to have what she desires for so long. Kurt, for once, is thinking the same.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
The witch, the prince and the demon au
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
N/A: Uhm, this idea needs to be written ASAP. What if EW Kurt, in his younger days, meet the curious case of the FIRST NECROMANCER who conquer the land and the Prince who is horrible in love with her?
Kitty is wearing something like this.
The rain´s drop hits the window with such severity that is a wonder that the windows are resisting so fiercely even though the wind is increasing the danger of the rain. A woman is drinking wine from her goblet and is giving her back as the elderly master is giving the results of the day.
"And the leader of the house Tyrin accept your rule and bows to you" the man´s voice draws out and is visible to even a blind could see how the man´s age is advanced.
Now, the woman, wearing an elegant black dress with a ruby collar as the only item different from the black palette she is wearing so well. And her face is blank as her mind is so far away.
"Maestro Valens, as my first duty as the Queen, I hereby give you the reward you deserve. You shall retire in peace with your family in your land, let be know that my rule no one will work until they die" the woman said confidently.
"Thank you, My Queen," the man said relief as his old bones aren´t made to continue the work and are surprised as the new Queen help the man sit and offer water and wine (his choice) to him. "The old regime would behead me for dare to sit here"
"I´m not the King and my regime will be different" she spoke calmly as she adds "and most importantly better for the people than the last one"
"I see, I´ve two questions, if I may" and Kitty nods "who will take my place? and, what you´ll do with those who did oppose to you?"
"The first question I can answer, my student Larissa will take your place, she is a woman who takes studies on administration and I trust her, as for the second, I´ll send them to a fair trial, of course, some special cases, as you´re thinking, will be executed"
"And ...the prince?"
"...That I haven´t made my mind, yet"
"If I may, the prince was just a boy and shouldn´t be punished for the father´s crimes. When the king crafted a wall with heads of our people, the prince was innocent of that crime"
"But...does the prince think the wall was a good idea?" and Kitty adds "Leonaria is a kingdom that is stained with blood, and, the 3 principles that this kingdom founded. No religion, no private school and no unfair taxation and the king broke those rules easily, which makes me think this kingdom does not have a real identity." and concludes "I´m not here to convert anyone as much that would be ironic, no, my mission here is to rule as this kingdom deserves."
The prince of Leonaria, Albert Taves, is a boy still entering in the teenagerhood, a boy that loved his father and saw his world shatter as a woman take everything was once right on his life and is now the Queen and everyone seems to love this woman.
"Why? She´s a traitor" the prince often said as people often praise the woman. One day, the prince demands to see her(the audacity of this woman to look him up and justify as being for his protection is too much)
He enters in the throne room, knowing full well his father won´t be there, and was ready to face a hag of woman, instead, he spots the most beautiful woman his eyes ever seen(the fairytale books for boys can be hard to compete)
"Prince Albert, you´re out of your room? Is everything alright?" The woman said still wearing a black dress. And the prince seems to be enamouraded by her figure, until, someone cough really loud and the prince comes back to his sense.
"Who are you?"
"Kitty Pryde, the first necromancer and now ruler of this country. And you´re Prince Albert Taves, now, why are you here and not with your tutour?"
"You killed my father!" he exclaimed violently ignoring his previous interaction with Kitty´s beauty. "I shall kill you"
If Albert thought Kitty would be mad or cry about this threat, well, the boy is really mistaken.
"Hum hum. Now, why don´t return to your room, Albert?" she said in a melodic tone "you have many studies to do and being here is not fun for a young boy"
And to his horror, Albert is obeying without complaining.
To say Leonaria thrives is an understatement, in fact, what once used to be a place to scary children "don´t go to Leonaria or the monsters will eat you" is now a real treat to anyone. In fact, one young necromancer decides to take the chances and visit this new reformed kingdom.
Kurt Wagner arrives and meets the Queen, the famous first Necromancer. A follower of the outer gods(she obey to them in exchange to some favours, is a free partnership of sort) and Kurt never saw woman prettier as this one.
"And who are you?" Kitty Pryde asked in a regal tone and Kurt is charmed enough to make her students giggle, but, Kitty is not impressed.
"I´m Kurt Wagner, my Queen, and I would like to work here, I´m a necromancer as you..." then he fixes this last statement "well, I´m learning how to be a necromancer"
"Do you have problems with work from the bottom?" Kitty asked and Kurt can´t do any jokes or pick up lines as he is unable to do anything but telling the truth.
"Of course not, My Queen, while I have teleportation as my awaking, I´d research and I have no problem in dirty my hands"
"Will you betray me or this kingdom?"
"I held no loyalty to anyone but myself, but, I won´t seek to destroy anything without a reason and right now, I have all the reasons to stay here in peace"
"I´d not trust you to work with a woman, therefore, you shall work with Mathias, remember, if you betray us...Death will be too kind."
And Kurt leaves there feeling excited, in fact, once he is in his new room he realizes he´s too excited.
To say the breakfast is a peaceful moment, is a big fat lie, as the Prince is discovering the hormones and can´t help to be mesmerized by Kitty, who is ignoring him("should I kill him? No, I don´t want to rule forever") and Kurt Wagner who is also looking at this scene too amused.
"How are the studies going?" Kitty asked the prince in a calm tone.
"Good" and she can feel him staring at her cleavage. Ok, time for plan B.
"Do you want to rule the kingdom?" she asked and Kurt thinks a marriage proposal is in the making and can´t help feeling envious of the prince.
"With you? yes, I think we can be a great couple, even though, deep down, I still want to get revenge for what you did to my father" the prince looks horrified and Kitty is unphased.
"Even knowing the crimes your father committed?"
"Yes, you´re always in my mind...I need to have you"
"Oh my Zaorva!"
The prince change to a man pretty quickly and propose Kitty´s hand in front of everyone, which of course, Kitty should have seen this one coming, but, she has a plan B as the prince prove to be useless.
"I´m afraid this won´t be necessary, you´ll marry the Princess of Lakersom. As for the next to the throne, what you know, Larissa, my student is a secret daughter of the king and will rule from now on as her kids will do so" Kitty states as Larissa, understanding her cue, rose from the seat and walks to the throne where her teacher is. She is on the right side of the throne.
"But..." the prince wants to protest, but, his legs are betraying him as suddenly, marrying this random princess is not a bad idea.
Kurt watches the scene amused.
"Why you don´t stay and conquer more countries?" Kurt asked once the student is sitting on the throne and making sure that Kitty´s laws remain untouched.
"Because...is tiresome, why anyone would want to do this is beyond me" she gazes into his golden eyes and speaks. "will you stay?"
"I´ll travel to North...wanna come with me?"
"Not now, our paths will cross each other in the future, for now, I must go to the Pheonix´s temple, Pheonix has a mission for me"
"You don´t mind the gods?"
"No, I learn how to deal with the gods, Kurt, as you one day will learn too"
"So, I heard you met Zaorva..." Kitty has no time to finish her question as Kurt is shivering in fear at the mere mention of the name Zaorva.
"Let´s. Never. Talk. About. This."
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Mulan au (fashion)
N/A: Something merciful short just to keep this au alive.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
Genosha heard great tales about Kitty "James" Pryde and once the kingdom that used to be sexist is no more sexist( fight for equal rights is always a constant, always, but, the Queen and all the other women know how to fight now) the woman is free to do what she wants once again.
She wasn´t fired, far from that, she was almost canonized in a new Joan of Dark (a big exaggeration on their part as Kitty does not fancy being burned) and could have any job, any position she wanted...and Kitty stay there for a while, until the Queen gave birth to the princess and until the princess is now ready to rule.
Maybe, Kitty Pryde is not a person to grown roots in any place, however, when Genosha invites Kitty to a ball, something Kitty does enjoy very much, the woman has no problem in show up.
Even when she found out, thanks to her connections, that the necromancer will be there as well. In fact, she would be disappointed if he wouldn´t show up.
"Michael" Kitty speaks to one of her "sons" who is a boy with dirty blonde hair, green eyes and is taller than the others. "Do you want to take your big mom to the ball? I don´t have any date and well, you never went to a ball before"
"Sure, mom, I´ll take you there, wait, is that fancy ball in Genosha?" Kitty nods and Michael ponders for a moment letting the food on his plate get cold by the minute "will I need a really fancy outfit?"
"Ok, then, just checking"
The ball of Genosha is just like they were imaging, extremely fancy and full of powerful people, Kitty and her descendants live in a nice citadel under the mountain of Wish and across the great lake of Hope, by the names, it is clear to notice that Zaorva´s follower found the citadel and still live in peace and harmony with nature and among themselves.
Kitty Pryde is wearing a nice gall, however, not even her decedent knows if the dress is white or blue, and on another topic, while the dress may be pretty is not following the fashion.
Many women are wearing a different dress that does not match in the slightest the dress Kitty Pryde is currently wearing, but, Kitty Pryde does not seem to care.
Giving a soft smile to her descendant, the woman is fixing his tie and speaks in a calm and gentle tone. " The dresses may be different, but, those parties are the same, have fun tonight, boy, but not too much fun or else you will end up in a surprise marriage" she jokes as her lips twisted slighted.
"Har-har, is that what happened when you were young?" Michael asked and Kitty punched his arm softly.
"Brat, and...sort of, I still remember a friend of mine that dance too much with a certain gentleman and well, let´s say it wouldn´t be proper for them to end the dance so soon" Kitty speaks and Michael does not need to know more about euphemism.
King Magneto greets Kitty Pryde as if she is a friendly manner as well in a polite fashion, Kitty Pryde is not a noblewoman, but, noble blood means nothing to someone as powerful as Kitty.
(Plus Magneto knows that people can get royal blood easily. She used to be a mercenary in the past, even if she said it was for a good cause, what´s stopping her to get a noble name? What´s the importance of a noble name for a woman as powerful as Kitty)
"Miss Pryde, I´m happy you accept the invitation," Magneto notices the pretty, but, old dress along with the Davi Star(nothing wrong with the dress, per se, is beautiful and elegant, but, it gives away she is not the age she appears to have) his tone is friendly as much Magneto can have.
"Thank you, Erik," Kitty said as if she is talking to a child, well, to Kitty Magneto as young as a child, so, this time he will let that slice. "I really love balls, even if I´m out of the current fashion sense" Kitty jokes. "by the way, this is my descent, Michael Pryde, this is his first ball in Genosha"
"Then, I hope Michael Pryde enjoys the ball" Magneto replied with a smile as if talking with his own son. (Michael would frown at this comparison as Magneto and Quicksilver have a turmoil relationship) maybe this thought was too loud to even Magneto to hear or maybe Michael is being paranoid because Magneto calls for his second daughter, Lorna, to dance with Michael if Kitty is alright with that.
"I told you to have fun, boy" Kitty mess with his hair but a secret look sends a message to him. Be careful. That Michael can do.
Offering his arm to Lorna he takes the princess to the ballroom to dance. ___________________________________________
The Necromancer is in the ball a request his daughter made(that infuriates Wanda to no end) as she wishes to spend time with her father, of course, Scarlet Witch can be there for her daughter and ignore the existence of the Necromancer too.
The man does like Genosha´s parties, but, is even happier to know of all the guest that Magneto could call with such pompous and elegancy, he chose Kitty Pryde.
This prompts the man to go to talk with Kitty, their first meeting still fresh in his mind, but, no resentment is being held, and so pleased that he is using his best outfit.
He did notice the dress, out of fashion by 50 years, by no means she is ugly, but, that dress is something not even Wanda´s mother would wear and Kurt think is curious Kitty would wear something like that(unless she is trying to revive this old-style, well, like it was mentioned before, she does look good even in an old style)
"Enjoying the ball?" Kurt asked and Kitty gaze to him, her doe eyes are indeed beautiful and Kurt can see why people call her Belle(well, she has many names linked to her, some flattering and some not so much)
"Oh, yes, I´m very much. And you, Mr Necromancer? Are you going to be extra tonight? This dress is my favourite I would hate to stain with your blood tonight"
"Katzchen, I wouldn´t dream with that" He speaks in an easy tone "this is a ball that my daughter waited and planned for" this caught her attention "why waste such ball, such moment fighting when we could dance?"
"You have a way with words, Mr Necromancer!"
"Thank you, I try"
Kurt offers his hand and before Kitty takes she gazes upon a man with brown hair dancing with a woman with green hair, of course, that is Lorna Dane.
"That´s my son, that´s his first ball here," she said with warmth in her voice and is impressed how the young man is being a gentleman with the princess.
Kurt looks between Kitty and the young man feeling the excitement all of sudden. Kitty takes his hand. "Your son? Is he enjoying Genosha?"
"Michael Pryde, and yes, well, he never saw Genosha before, but, seem to be having fun" and adds "you are smiling"
"I´m happy to be dancing with you, Katzchen"
"Uhm, wait, are you here to dance with me or to make anyone jealousy?"
"Just to dance with you, Katzchen, no jealousy plot here, I promise and you can use your blessing on me"
"Already did, elf, just to be sure ...I´m a big fan of Scarlet Witch and don´t want her to be mad at me"
"...she hates me, Katzchen, it was one-night stand" Kurt won´t tell how sometimes she tells people that she conceived Talia by magic just to excluded Kurt of her life. "and you?"
"Michael? it was a marriage full of love"
Well, that won´t stop Kurt Wagner that´s for sure.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au ( Supreme Intelligence Kree)
N/A: I ...confess this idea is born ever since I watch the movie of Captain Marvel.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
The night is filled with the scent of wet grass indicating yesterday´s rain, however, two women are walking side by side as the southern woman is practically jumping in the puddle of water and giggling happily and the other one, a woman with chestnut hair, freckles and hazelnut eyes listen patiently to her tales.
"And then...we kiss, we kiss and he didn´t faint" Rogue explains her date with Gambit. And Kitty nods, but, then she raises her hand stopping the tale to take a more mature turn. "Rogue, I´m glad you like the gift, you can control your power at least, but, if you go further and starts telling more mature parts of your date...I´ll have to share my tales as well"
Rogue is sweating cold for some inexplicable reason. Kitty and Wanda had their cute little dates, but, somehow, Rogue has the feeling she won´t talk about Wanda here.
"Well, let´s just say it was a good date" Rogue finishes and change the subject "by the way, have you heard about...Carol?"
"I think I have heard about all Carols, but, tell me more about this one" Kitty said as Rogue explain, in less than 5 minutes, her complex story with Captain Marvel.
"Anyway, she called me this morning asking help...the Krees are in New York and she fears they may be up to no good" Rogue explains with doubt in her voice.
"You aren´t sure if you should go or not, well, no one but yourself can make this decision, Rogue, but...if Krees are here..this may not be something good" Kitty explained and Rogue has to agree.
And this lead Rogue to accept Carol´s request, as awkward it may be, and go check out what is happening in New York, the invitation extended to Kitty as well.
"I don´t like Krees, sure, I´ll go" Kitty speaks and alerting about the Avengers "Well, I know a guy there and ...better not take jobs for the Avengers"
Rogue won´t question what this means. _________________________________ Captain Marvel is not one to feel fear so easily but being in a room with this Nightcrawler does make her feel fear, and, the worst part...The man is not doing anything against Carol, yet, Carol fears him as a small bird would with a cat.
At least, Carol is not the only one. Rogue is feeling fear as well and only Kitty seems to be alright with the situation. The emissary of the Avengers is here to deal with the Kree infection(Carol doubts as the man seems to enjoy the fear everyone is feeling)
"Skrulls, Krees and Shiars are in a war against each other and they want to bring the fight here"  Nightcrawler explained and there´s a mood of solemnity that only Kitty Pryde breaks it.
"And...A certain Worm has nothing to do with that?" she asked amused and to everyone surprises, Nightcrawler chuckles. "Either way, they will attack the King of Wakanda" Kitty explained and now Carol can forget her fear and demand questions.
Rogue takes Carol up the sky to explain that Kitty is not a human, is more likely to be a Dijin and Carol, may not believe in that, but, she concedes she sees odd things all the time.
("And if she is the enemy, Rogue?" "Trust me on this one, Carol, if she was our enemy we wouldn´t be here")
"If what you are saying is the t ruth...why the Supreme Intelligence would commit such error? Wakanda is not here"
"They are here to assassinate the King of Wakanda and blame his death on the Avengers and then they would offer a friendly hand. Wakanda would eliminate the Avengers in one go and the Krees would have allies. Wakanda is really technological advanced for Earth and they know it" Kitty speaks and looks west where the location of the Avengers can be found and smile "Although ...that would backfire poorly on them"
Captain Marvel looks somewhat afraid and silently asks Rogue what is happening and Rogue only shakes her head.
Kitty´s words are proven to be correct. As the fight issues, Kitty and Nightcrawler are on the side looking humans vs Krees with little interest. Thanks to Rogue´s quick thinking, the King of Wakanda is alive, a bit hurt, but overall nothing fatal.
(Rogue could swear Kitty was bragging with this Nightcrawler. Rogue would like to know why, but, Kitty is not human, that´s for sure)
One of the krees is fed up of the teamwork of Captain Marvel and Rogue and decides and calls for Supreme Intelligence to shot at Captain Marvel. And it was a blast shot so powerful that no one could survive and they are right, except...it wasn´t aimed at Carol, but, at Rogue.
Kitty is not pleased with that, Nightcrawler is showing some courtesy to not smile, Kitty and her toys are a sensitive subject. Carol saw the dead Rogue and has no time for mourn when Kitty is lifting Rogue up in a bridal style.
"You!" Carol shot a blast shot at Kitty, well, she wanted to do, but, her powers are...gone.
"Yes, me, Rogue is dead now...and that shouldn´t have happened" Kitty´s eyes are fully azzure and Carol see her face showing cracks "Tsk, guess I´ll have to fight"
Captain Marvel kneel, without knowing, and closes her eyes as tentacles appear in the battlefield(blue tentacles, red tentacles and Carol just closes her eyes)
Nightcrawler arrives and asked Kitty, ignoring the other humans that witness Krees being eaten by tentacles with mouths, what she will do. " I could lean you one of my Avengers if you want"
"Thanks, but no, Rogue´s time is over too soon...I´ll ask a favour from my sister," Kitty said and with her eyes still closed, Carol can feel the fire and once again she feels fear.
Death is not surprised to see Kitty/ Zaorva in her realm nor with a dead X-men, but she won´t revive Rogue for free.
"What I can offer you for her life?"
"Uhm...I would like to have her in my cult, " Death said and Zaorva thinks for a moment until she nods.
Rogue opens her eyes and has many questions. For once, she will get an answer, although, it will be with Death itself.
"Sister, where are you going now?" Death asked once briefing Rogue in the basic stuff (you died, you are back to life and now you work for me...and I like your style) and Rogue is gawking at this.
"End the Supreme Intelligence!"
"Ok, have fun"
______________________________ The Supreme Intelligence is a thing, for lack of a better term, that crafted the Krees to her desire, and this thing primes to be smarter than the others. Of course, Carol´s rebellion did halt her plans, but, now...Supreme has a bigger problem than Carol in her life.
"Aren´t you going to latch your tentacles on me?" Kitty asked as her smile is not humane nor mortal...and Supreme knows what is in front of her.
"Eternity!" Supreme speaks in a low tone shivering in her own mass "I thought you were in another side of Galaxy"
"Unlike you, I can travel to whatever I want" and her face is no longer human now. Supreme notices how her tentacles are now literally becoming dust.
"You killed my human, now, I will end your miserable existence, goodbye, Supreme Intelligence"
Outside, Every Kree is feeling what their leader is going through. They can feel as if Zaorva is literally eating them...It last 2 minutes in total and all wars the Krees ever planned finally stop.
The Kree have an enemy they will never defeat.
Rogue is being brief on what Death´s cult actually is when Kitty arrives. "So...you really wasn´t human" Rogue said trying to break the ice. "That will be a wild story to tell"
"Rogue" Death speaks is a bit unnerving how they are a bit similar "You are forbidden to tell anyone what this, including what my sister is" And Death put her finger on Rogue´s lips to seal the deal.
"Did you explain everything?" Kitty asked and Death ponders for a moment.
"I´m probably missing something, but, she won´t know if she does not try. Yes, she is not a zombie and since I like Rogue I didn´t take her control over her powers...but soon I´ll need her help" the last part was directed to Rogue. "But, she can go back to the X-men...also, Rogue, says Wade I said Hi!" Death now has a happy smiling on her face.
Rogue does not need to know about Wade and Death´s love life.
Nightcrawler is dealing with damage control, well, in his own way. People are making a question about what just happened and suddenly Nightcrawler is so friendly and ...humane.
"I´ll not lie, this nation does not deserve lies" Nightcrawler speaks  with sorrow in his voice "Tony Stark was building a new machine and...accidents happened"
Captain Marvel does not dare to say that´s not the case.
Kitty is back to the mansion with a very silent Rogue. Is not the first time she died, but, is the first time she meets Outer Gods.
"Scott" Kitty said to a Scott that wasn´t in the entrance of the mansion, now, he is and is trying to be calm about this. "Your problem with the Avengers is over" and she puts Scott to his original place.
And even after that, only Wanda goes to talk Kitty.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au (a small break)
N/A: IT in the school is a fun idea, now, Zaorva and LK trying to meddle in the student´s life are amusing. This is another interlude, I´ll go back to the mystery and Blade will make an appearance here. Today, let´s just see how our fav eldritch couple is faring.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
1) Math.
Math is a class not many people like, even the ones that take good grades, so, is a big surprise that lately the class Miss Thomas is now such a popular one, not because math is cool, is more because of the new student. Kitty Pryde.
The woman has always a vacant expression and gazes upon the ceiling for hours, wordless and does hide the fact she´s not carrying or listening to what the teacher is talking. That´s the beauty of the situation.
Miss Thomas violently clap her ruler to gain attention, Bobby, who was almost sleeping jolt ready to face the teacher, Kitty, however, still gazes to the ceiling ignoring the sound.
A peeved Miss Thomas did the sound again and asked in a huff something directly to Kitty. "Miss Pryde, what is the result of the problem?"
Kitty yawns and without breaking, eye contact with the ceiling adds. "1.245" the tone is devoid of emotion and Miss Thomas grith her teeth as once again Kitty is right.
An idea struck into her mind, a devious one, Miss Thoma quickly write on the clipboard a new equation, one she knows has no result and asked Kitty to solve it.
"Silly human, the solution for this is 2" Kitty responds now gazing to Miss Thomas with a boring expression, Miss Thomas was ready to say she´s lying, until, she saw the girl is correct...
"That is to be the toughest math question of all time" Miss Thomas replied not seeing how Kitty answer so quickly.
"That´s because humans aren´t that imaginative if I were to do the question...you wouldn´t answer even if you were immortal" some people snickers and some take photos or selfies of another Miss Thomas´s burn time.
"If you think you´re so smart, why don´t you leave?" Miss Thomas give the ultimate and Kitty takes the bait. "That´s the best idea you give today, I can now focus on more important stuff" and Kitty leaves the classroom much to Miss Thomas´s astonishment.
Another meme of Kitty Pryde. What an alien girl.
2) Movies and dreams.
Professor Marcus is a firm believer of "I´ll only believe if my eyes see it" so, when the department of movies of the University of Bayville created a project about myths, the man didn´t share the same enthusiasm as his co-workers, especially as Professor Marcus will have to show the short movies to his class.
Well, he thought bemused, let´s end this already.
"Class, today, we´ll see a project made by the students of Bayville university, a short of movies about" and he sighs think the myth itself is lame "the crawling god of chaos and Zaorva" the man is bemused and Kurt Wagner only smiles and Kitty rest her head on his shoulder. Oh, young love is cute.
The first move depicts the crawling God as something nasty and gross, the joke here is that the creature is so ugly that it need a sensor bar to block it, Kurt laughs amused at that and Kitty is bored as that "zaorva" is a blonde white woman.
Cliche, Kitty thought, really cliche.
The second movie, show the crawling god and Zaorva as a dog and a cat, an interesting take as the dog in the movie resembles an Egyptian God. Kitty is amused enough to ask this to him. "Did you have a similar mask?"
"Yes and no, that´s clearly Anubis...but I´d have a similar mask...he hates when I use and that´s prompt me to wear more often"
And the last movie shows an interesting take, it was interesting enough to make Kitty pay more attention, is crawling god as an Egyptian woman and killing white supremacist for fun and Zaorva as a Japanese man. In the movie, people think is odd how an Egyptian woman is dating a man that clearly belongs to Japan feudal.
"Darling, even in movies you don´t get the humans" IT replied amused as in the movies Zaorva, the man, has no real understanding of subtle. "Oh, shush, I like this one...sometimes, people forget I´m the patron of Japan"
The movies are over and many are talking about the myth of crawling god and Zaorva and some comments are being louder than the other. Susan is complaining about one thing in the first movie.
"Why she loves IT? she´s so beautiful and IT is so...ugly" Susan replied and many agree, how come a goddess as pretty as Zaorva can love a monster like IT?
"Well, Zaorva is more than a pretty thing, but, if I must give a reason...maybe the phrase beautiful nightmare born from those two" Kitty explained and Kurt chuckles amused as starts to cuddling with Kitty.
Professor Marcus respond to some of the questions about the myth with a real disdain that Kurt notices and is focused on. "Professor Marcus, you don´t believe in the crawling god?" Kurt asked amused.
"Of course not, crawling gods and zaorvas are nothing by a feeble attempt to explain the world, something bad happened? oh, it must be IT. Something good happened? is Zaorva...is primitive" the man concluded and Kurt humming loudly.
Professor Marcus didn´t return on the next day, some of his friends get concern and go to see Marcus, only to see the man alive on the couch of his house, however, the man shows a  corpse-like estate, his eyes are red as the man refuses to close them and the man is muttering something.
"Don´t go sleep. Is not real, don´t go sleep, is not real"
3) Anything
Kurt Wagner is a popular boy, at least, popular in a realistic way, Jean is the queen who lives a hedonist life and Kurt does not need this...at least, not yet.
So, in his popularity some girls do fall for him, even knowing he only has eyes(all of them) to his Katzchen(oh, Zaorva, how did you conquer IT´s heart?) but one girl dares to at least try.
Ironic enough, the girl is friends with Amanda...well, she used to be. Cassandra Smith is in love with Kurt Wagner and has no shame in confessing to the boy.
"I love you, Kurt, and I was wondering if you feel something for me" the girl is shivering and thoughts of rejection are filling into her mind, Kurt can´t reject her...not another rejection and Kurt smiles kindly.
"How much do you love me?" he asked kindly and the girl saw this as a big yes to her confession.
"A lot, I would do anything for you"
"Anything? Well...there´s one thing you can do for me" Kurt speaks in a soothing tone and the girl listen. The next day no one saw the girl and Kurt is smirking all the way.
4) Girls
Jean Grey and Jubilee have a friendship that few can understand, in fact, Jubilee, Jean and Kitty have a strange friendship. One is too chipper, the other walk as she owns the place(and she does) and the last one seems to be always in another planet(sometimes, she laughs at that)
And the trio has pretty great harmony, however, sometimes, Kitty and Jean would throw heads and in moments like that people ask help from Kurt and Scott.
At this exact moment, Jean is talking, spitting insults at Kitty, who is returning the insults with cold indifference and this is making Jean mad by the minute. Jubilee did try to make the fight ceased, but, without success.
"Admit, you did steal it" Jean accused.
"Careful, bird brain, don´t point your finger at me unless you want to die" Kitty answers and the fight would begin, and the disguise would be dammed, when Kurt shows Jean the stolen item.
"Oh, you mean this? Sorry, I took earlier, sorry Jean" Kurt replied without caring and looking at Kitty who is bemused.
"Another of your tricks?" she asked Kurt who only shurgs and Scott makes sure Jean is not about to blow up the school, meanwhile, Jubilee is eating with Rogue, well, she did mention she already eat and is watching Rogue eats her lunch.
"Aren´t you hungry?" Rogue asked.
"No, I already eat, besides, you shouldn´t eat too much of this...is bad for your blood" Jubilee explained and Rogue nods as she starts complaining about the mosquito´s bite she got from last night.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
What if IT was human
N/A: What if Squidboy
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Everything in life changes, nothing stays the same. This is a law even a 5 years old boy can understand, Kurt Wagner is blue and fuzzy. A condition many wouldn´t think as normal, yet, he is walking side by side with his parents as his first day in daycare is about to begin.
Some people ignore the blue boy, some are looking curiously and some are afraid(Kurt send a smile to an old man as the reek of fear is strong and little Kurt has the sensation he knows that pitiful old man)
Martha and George Wagner adopt the blue boy, a fact anyone can see a mile away(no one can make cheating jokes as it´s obvious Kurt is adopted) yet, little Kurt is treated like a son.
Kurt saw a red skin mutant entering the daycare as well. Saw teachers chatting with new parents saw children of his own age playing and giggling and Martha kneeling to be on his level with a sweet expression. "Sohn, is your first day at the daycare, things are changing, but, in a good way, you´ll see more kids and make tons of friends" Martha is crying as she hugs Kurt and the little boy find the gesture strange, but, retribute the affection. "You´re growing up, my sweet boy, make tons of friends and have fun, ok?"
"I promise, Mutti" Kurt speaks with a small smile. George ruffs his hair and told they will pick him up by 15. The teacher, a kind woman named Anna Holstein, promised to look out for little Kurt(Kurt knows she´s a mutant herself) as the Wagner are waving goodbyes to their little boy, Anna, starts asking if Kurt wants to draw.
"Yes, I do. I want to draw something" Kurt confessed and soon start drawing, it was a peculiar one, Anna mentioned, as a blue woman was being drowned in what Kurt confessed(lied through his teeth) it was chocolate. "Mutti makes chocolate today"
Anna smiled and let Kurt continues the draw as he exclaimed the cake need strawberry. The blue woman in the picture is cover with...strawberry.
Meanwhile, Mystique is not having sweet dreams, in fact, Mystique can´t sleep at all.
Kurt Wagner is a teenager and has an accurate knowledge he´s not a mere mutant. He can do far more than famous Jean Grey and Professor X could dream, yet, he does not wish to gather attention nor glory. He´s fine in remain in the shadows.
Magneto once insulted Nightcrawler, was that an insult? Either way, Kurt Wagner destroyed Genosha. Putting ideas in the right people and creating the right weather.
"Genosha is destroyed and Magneto is mad...muttering something about IT" Betsy informed with grief, Brian take his mask off and mourns, no one notices Kurt Wagner smiling wickedly.
The X-men and Excalibur have a collaboration, a simple mission in Germany, as Nightcrawler lead them to the designated area, it was so calm and ...boring. Kurt wanted to spice things up(he heard so much about Cyclops and Wolverine) so, no one could expect a shadow monster out of nowhere who begins feasting on the people around.
Kurt Wagner watches the scene amused, no one notices as Scott and Wolverine, finally, take down the monster.
"Gut, gut, the mission is not boring" Kurt mutters amused.
George and Martha Wagner were by no means rich, George´s job was enough to keep them going, but, is not enough, one day, George suffers an accident and the doctors can´t fix the problem.
Kurt arrives and looks at his father in pain. Martha hugs her son and sobs as is possible George won´t walk ever again. Kurt won´t stand by this. And using his powers(to heal? something new) heal the injuries.
"Kurt? Since when you can do this?" George asked free of pain.
"For a while" Kurt answers sincerely. Is the first time he ever heal a person. Ever since that episode, George and Martha´s luck increase.
"Kurt, do you have a religion?" someone asked as Kurt finish the conversation with people wearing a cloak, the Szardos is hard discreet and subtle and Kurt is perfectly fine in ignoring him.
"I´d not" his answer was too quickly and he ponders for a moment. "but I´ll share a secret, I love Zaorva" Kurt smiles and the lights went off as the person steps back "that´s a secret and you will keep this secret forever" Kurt smiles grows and no one speaks about that person. In fact, is almost as that person never existed.
Shadowcat is a peculiar member of X-men. She´s not from here, that´s a given("oh, I´m from ...Belgium" "you don´t sound from there" "Then the Netherlands?") and lately, is speaking fondly of Excalibur.
"Kitty, you can´t just go to Excalibur like that...there´s protocols" Scott explained, Kitty´s eyes turned azure as she repeats her request and suddenly, Scott pipes in from his paperwork "Actually, they do have an open vacation now, why I don´t give Betsy a call and pull some strings?"
Kitty smiles and thanks, Scott. She phases through the door and, out of blue, Scott feels like he´s awake and Betsy´s voice is speaking on the phone.
"Uhm, sure, we can take Shadowcat if you insist" Betsy speak and Scott has no idea what this means but deep down knows he needs to agree or else....
Kurt Wagner is hardly a virgin and hardly gives any care for those women. He wants something no one can give. Models, famous actress, prostitutes, no woman can measure to his obsession.
"Zaorva!" is the name he calls when he´s climaxing either in bed or...doing something else.
One day, on  Excalibur Betsy, introduces Shadowcat, she didn´t shake anyone hand(rather bizarre, she licks Brian´s hand) and goes to each member looking at Cerise(cowing in fear as if Kitty, a petite, could snap her bones) and then at Kurt...She stops at a moment as his golden eyes are a lock on her person.
Something clicks on him. Fat tears fall from her eyes as Kurt offers a serene smile.
"My love, I´ve finally met you" she hugs him and everyone one is forgotten. Kurt hugs back.
"You´re real!" he speaks smelling her hair, feeling her skin, so smooth, and looking at her azure eyes. "You´re real, how?" is all he can ask before kissing Kitty again.
No one thinks is odd as Excalibur can´t think or move.
There´s no Cthulu´s cult as Zaorva devoured the deity of darkness and his cult was dispatched through space and time.
"How did you found me?" Kurt asked holding her hand.
"I can feel your energy, I can feel when you...workship my name, every night, every day" Kurt blushes.
"And I found you. You silly pharaoh, I found you"
"You found me, my love"
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“ She’s not yours. “ (Any!verse)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @sailorstar9 @look-ma-no-hands336
N/A: training for the confrontation of Lovecraft Kurt and Dagon. Not relevant but just to make this fun(in the sense of fuck you Lovecraft) all the fish people here are hot and diverse. Not relevant for the story but I just want to point this out
Dagon, in his human form(one of many) a handsome young man is talking with one of his heralds, a Japanese man and man from Seychelles who are working for him in a mission. According to their words, the mission was a success and Atlantis accept his request easily without any doubt.
Dagon would be happier if it wasn´t by the presence of the man with a moustache(resembling Cary Grant too much) looking at him without blinking, his heralds take notice of the entity just now…because of Nightcrawler wants to be seen now.
“Leave” Dagon replied and his heralds didn´t argue as they quickly leave the dimension Dagon created for this meeting. Now is only Dagon and Nightcrawler. “you got some nerve to coming here” Dagon speaks letting his eyes show the red iris without remorse, it didn´t impress Nightcrawler.
“The Fish god wants to scare me?” the deity of chaos smiles showing all his teeth ruining the image of a normal human “you have guts or maybe a lack of intelligence to do what you did. So, tell me, which one is the correct answer?” Nightcrawler asked as changing the core of the dimension created. Bringing chaos to a land that was ruled by the rules of the ocean.
“It is your fault she was killed, yours, and I´ll make sure you won´t ever hurt her again” Dagon speaks unphased.
“Dumb it is” the hellish dimension is more distorted and Dagon can hear his children giggling maniacally “Zaorva is my other half and if you try to make us apart…” his tentacles squeeze around his human arm ripping to shreds “professional courtesy be damned, I killed Squidboy, I killed his dumb son and his damn daughter may as well be my new meal …I can have stomach for a dumb fish”
“She´s not yours” Dagon replied.
“She´s herself. She does not belong to anyone, not you, not me, but she´s my other half and I don´t take kindly a fish trying to be so gallant and putting Zaorva in a box…metaphorical speaking” Nightcrawler replied and adds evilly “You´re the god of the ocean? You got this title because I eat the competition…I´m older than the ocean, little fish boy”
And with that warning, Dagon is back to his dimension. All is as should be, except…Nightcrawler left cracks in this dimension and Dagon can´t erase it. The cracks will remain until the end of time.
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