#zag x meg
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sleeping-at-sea · 7 months ago
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abz-solute-art · 3 months ago
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More modern AU art bc I was still on that design kick. Second pic based off of this image a mutual ahared in their discord server
Please do not repost, reblogs are fine!
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xjulixred45x · 10 months ago
How would be dead royalty au zagreus with his own queen/king of the underworld? He would want heirs? I just want the fluff before the heavy stuff appears(yandere asks)
That would be kind of cute honestly.
Concept of the AU
To refer to Zag's partner in this Au (or reader, as you want) I think they would be called "Consort" (because 1- it is gender neutral and 2- they have the same rank as Zagreus).
and in a way I imagine that Consort was brought as a kind of gift to Zagreus from Zeus (since in a dialogue in the game he offers to give Zagreus a mate when he arrives at Olympus. as Zagreus now replaces his father, He is part of the Olympian pantheon, so Zeus wants to keep his word).
However, when Consort was "chosen" they were SUPER intimidated by the idea of Zagreus (after all, he was the god who killed their FATHER, ANOTHER GOD and ruled the Underworld, they had reason to be afraid) and Zagreus was taken by surprise with all this, because he didn't think that Zeus would continue with that (the poor guy was so involved in the paperwork that he didn't even notice how the other gods were winking at him about it).
Consort would be surprised with a Zagreus who is very shy about the situation and who is not at all as intimidating as they thought. Apart from that well, Zagreus cares about their opinion despite being a mortal (in this case, I love mortal readers, sorry not sorry), giving them a rank equal to his, total freedom of movement through the Underworld, security protection anti-escape, etc.
but above all, Zagreus would be PATIENT with Consort. He knows he has a bad reputation, so he lets them approach him on their own, at their own pace. He honestly finds their nervousness adorable, but doesn't rush anything.
But when they are already in a relationship? The man is CLINGY, Zagreus is touch-starved, you can rip this Headcanon from my cold, dead hands.
We all agree that one of Zagreus' love languages is giving gifts, although in the context of Dead Royalty, now that he is the KING of the Underworld, he can afford to give his partner more extravagant gifts, but they come from the heart, Like, does Consort want to start any new hobbies? Now they have a sewing set in their shared room, do they need clothes? They have a new set in their favorite color, are Consort's gold accessories too heavy? now they are of silver, etc.
He still maintains some of his customs before "that" happened, such as randomly giving Consort bottles of ambrosia/nectar, playing together with Cerberus, walking through some parts of the Underworld that are not dangerous (although no one tries to attack him anymore because well, he's the boss). Consort ends up bringing back a bit of the old Zagreus in a way.
As for the topic of children...it's confusing, on the one hand I think Zagreus WANTS children, but he definitely still has too much of his own trauma with his own father to think he would be a good father, even if Consort reassures him, he would still somewhat insecure. There is also the issue that he does not know if the child could have the same problem of being stillborn, he does not want Consort to go through that traumatic experience for a "whim".
It doesn't help that some gods are concerned about this prospect of Zagreus having children and suffering the same fate as his father (and grandfather), especially Zeus.
although if Consort wanted children/became pregnant, Zagreus would be very, very happy at the idea of having a child, and would definitely be a better father than the one he had.
Although he definitely does not judge Consort if they does not want to have children, it is not obligatory with him.
that's all for now :3
Eso sería bastante lindo sinceramente.
para referirse a la pareja de Zag en este Au(o lector, como quieran) creo que les dirian "Consorte"(porque 1- es neutro con el genero y 2- tienen el mismo rango que Zagreus).
y en cierta forma me imagino que Consorte fue traída como una especie de regalo para Zagreus por parte de Zeus(ya que en un diálogo del juego se ofrece a darle a Zagreus una pareja cuando llegue al olimpo. como ahora Zagreus suple a su padre, el forma parte del panteon Olimpico, asi que Zeus quiere cumplir su palabra).
sin embargo, cuando Consorte fue "elegido" estaban SÚPER intimidados por la idea de Zagreus (después de todo, era el dios que mato a su PADRE, OTRO DIOS y gobernaba el Inframundo, tenian razones para tener miedo) y Zagreus fue tomado por sorpresa con todo esto, porque no penso que Zeus siguiera con eso(el pobre estaba tan metido en el papeleo que nisiquiera se dio cuenta de como los demás dioses le estaban dando guiños al respecto).
Consorte seria sorprendida con un Zagreus muy timido con la situación y que no es para nada tan intimidante como lo pensaban. aparte de que bueno, a Zagreus le importa su opinión pese a ser un mortal(en este caso, amo los lectores mortales, sorry not sorry), dandole un rango igual al suyo, total libertad de movimiento por el Inframundo, proteccion de la seguridad anti-huidas, etc.
pero sobretodo, Zagreus seria PACIENTE con Consorte. sabe que tiene mala fama, por lo que deja que se acerquen por su cuenta, a su ritmo. sinceramente encuentra su nerviosismo adorable, pero no apura nada.
¿pero cuando ya estan tal cual en una relación? eo hombre es PEGAJOSO, Zagreus esta hambriento de tacto, puedes arrancar este Headcanon de mis manos frias y muertas.
todos estamos de acuerdo que uno de los lenguajes de amor de Zagreus es dar regalos, aunque en el contexto de Dead Royalty, ahora que el es el REY del Inframundo, puede permitirse darle a su pareja regalos mas extravagantes, pero que vienen del corazón, como, ¿Consorte quiere iniciar algun hobbie nuevo? ahora tienen un set de costura en su cuarto compartido, ¿les hace falta ropa? tienen un set nuevo de su color favorito, ¿los accesorios de Consorte son muy pesados? ahora son de plata, etc.
igual mantiene algunas de sus costumbres antes de que pasara "eso", como darle a Consorte botellas de ambrosía/nectar de forma aleatoria, jugar juntos con Cerbero, pasear por algunas partes del Inframundo que no son peligrosas (aunque igualmente ya nadie intenta atacarlo porque bueno, es el jefe). Consorte termina trayendo un poco del viejo Zagreus en cierta forma.
en cuanto al tema de los hijos...es confuso, por una parte creo que Zagreus QUERRIA hijos, pero definitivamente aun tiene mucho de su propio trauma con su propio padre para pensar que sera un buen padre, aun si Consorte le tranquiliza, seguiria un tanto inseguro. tambien esta el tema de que no sabe si el niño podria tener su mismo problema de nacer muerto, no quiere que Consorte pase por esa experiencia traumatica por un "capricho".
no ayuda que algunos dioses les preocupe esta perspectiva de Zagreus teniendo hijos y sufriendo el mismo destino que su padre (y abuelo), especialmente Zeus.
aunque si Consorte quisiera hijos/queda embarazada, Zagreus estaria muy, muy feliz de la idea de tener un hijo, y definitivamente seria un mejor padre que el que tuvo.
aunque definitivamente no juzga a Consorte si no quiere tener hijos, no es obligatorio con el.
es todo por ahora:3
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beastialmoon · 10 months ago
Melinoe!?! Girl? Are there no filters for the Princess of Hell?
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I was only able to get this part of the conversation but I am GAGGED. Melinoe was speaking to Nemesis in one of the Special Encounters she comes up in, and they end up talking about armor. And then this line just comes out of nowhere like Melinoe really just speaks what's on her mind huh
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taste-of-the-divine · 2 years ago
i cant get the image of meg walking zag around the house on a leash after he lost a bet because she beat his ass end of tartarus for the third time in a row
and hypnos just goes “oh, another dog!”
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tinydefector · 1 year ago
*jumps in again* i love how you write and im starting to feel like a bother to request some more😭 but but if you don't mind, ultra magnus x gn! reader where he's scolding them for being reckless and sneak off to go meteor surfing with Rodimus. He's not mad, just worried sick for em then reader just storms off and he didn't bother to chase after em, wanting to give them space.
Later, he bumped into Megatron and had a lil chat when Megs pointed out how Magnus is treating reader like his kid(sparkling). Mags denies it but then later connects the dot, like "omg, he's kinda right" que to him went off to find reader which in their room, distracting themselves with some work and he apologize for yelling and vice versa with reader for sneaking out.
Also, if you want, you can add like a bonus bit at the end where Mags praise reader for the excellent report they turned in and reader accidentally say "thanks dad" make it worse if some bot was around when they said that *cough* roddy *cough*
Took me longer than expected to write this out.
Platonic/ Parent and child with Ultra Magnus and Cybertronian Reader. Slight hints to Megatron x Ultra Magnus as a treat.
Other information I decided to write the reader as an Outlier but their ability, form and everything else is left up for the reader to decided themself. Other than the fact they are the youngsters on ship and smaller than the larger bots nothing else is stated.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: none
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Ultra Magnus Masterlist
laughter comes from around the corner, Rodimus and his friend bolt through the ship. "Keep up Rods!" The younger bot yells out. Their hoverboard is servo while they both bolt towards the shipping bay. It wasn't often the two got the opportunity to go asteroid surfing.
Rodimus hurries after, pushing his engines to keep pace through the twisting ship corridors. His intake splits in a fierce grin.
"Hey, wait up!" he calls back, At the threshold they transform, Rodimus jumps onto his board, taking off into the asteroid field. "Alright runt, you asked for it!" Blue optics glint with loving malice. "First to finish a loop and back wins! Loser takes the others reports."
He peels out with a throaty roar, engine howling, not waiting for the start. Cheating? Maybe, but racing was war, and all was fair in love and circuits blown! Let the games begin.
"Your on Roddy!" They shout back at Rodimus before taking a leap out onto their hoverboard. "Wooooooohhhhhoooo" the shout out. They both tear out of the shipping bay on their hoverboard, darting nimbly between support struts like a razorwing on the hunt. Their wild grin is audible even without comlink.
Rodimus bellows a rival cry, engine snarling as he rockets through the asteroids in a shower of blue sparks. Every sensor hones to the night-shadowed chase before him, picking out the board's glints between outcroppings as their rider zig-zags across the field like liquid mercury. Shouts of challenge fly between them over the comms, goading fierce competition.
Adrenaline sings in Rodimus' lines as he closes the gap, swerving within reach, laughter falls from the two as they race and chase each other. Two kindred spirits living utterly within the moment, simply living for the speed and freedom the stars grant.
From the command centre, Megatron observes the asteroid field feed with keen optic. Movement on the edges draws his gaze - two familiar signatures darting nimbly amid the tumbling rocks, weaving hazardous loops and stunts with the heedless abandon of youth.
A low growl rumbles in his powerful frame at their recklessness and endangerment. But watching closer, caught by flickering motions on the monitor, even his hardened spark must soften.
Laughter crackles through the open commlines as they toss chunks at each other in joyful battle, dancing dangerously along the rim. It sparks memories of ages past, when he himself was prone to such reckless ventures in the mines.
He returns grimly to his charts. But the ghost of a smile still plays about unyielding faceplates, echoing wild laughter across the stars. The loud steps of Ultra Magnus making his way towards command has megatron debating. "Rodimus, I'd recommend you both make your way back to ship, less you want Magnus to lecture you again" He calls out, trying to make sure Ultra Magnus doesn't catch them.
Through the open comm, Rodimus and the other bot share a look of mingled dread and mischief at Megatron's ominous warning. Their daredevil games come with risks.
"Slag it, it's Mags," hisses Rodimus. "We better scram before he throws the book at us!"
Their laughter follows, swerving nimbly aside as Rodimus roars past in a spray of grit. "Like he ever lets us have any fun! Race you back, slowpoke!" With that taunt, they gun their board, kicking up plumes of dust under newly ignited thrusters.
Rodimus snarls a challenge, punching his engine into overdrive to give chase. Though his massive frame handles with ungraceful power, the Captain drives with a fearless intensity rivalled only by Megatron himself in his glory days. "You're on!" He shouts at them.
From the bridge, Megatron watches their mad dash with a derisive snort. Fools to the last, but at least they snatched excitement where they found it, consequences be damned. A trait he can almost respect, Rodimus is a wild sparked bot and the young bot wasn't much better taking after the Prime as if they were batch mates. But Rodimus was fiery protective of them and that's all Megatron could ask.
As Magnus walks in he glitches out when he sees the two bots bolt across the asteroids on hoverboards. Magnus' commanding boom fills their comm channels, causing them both to flinch. "By Primus What are you two doing!, Do you understand the danger you are putting yourself in, not to mention protocol!" He shouts
"That sounds like Big Mags alright," chuckles Rodimus, danger-circuits alight. He guns his engine recklessly, tempting providence with stunts that wring pained static from Magnus' voice.
Beside him, the other bot is all bravado, doing tricks that ought to terminate mere mortals. "Lighten up Mags, we're just having fun!, Megatron's providing supervision" Their laugh is wildly carefree as they swerve through spiralling space debris, back to the shipping bay.
Magnus' reply is a wordless warp of wrath and protocols violated. On the bridge, Megatron observes with sardonic amusement.
Their elated whoops echo into the sullen ship as the two bots land, laughter is passed between them both, they knew they were in for a lecture but neither of them could really care at that moment. They both make their way through the ship.
Megatron watches as Magnus starts having a meltdown, seeing the smaller bot out in the asteroids.
From the command deck, Megatron observes Magnus' escalating tirade with sardonic amusement.
The security director paces like a caged turbofox, field frothing with protocol violations as he excoriates Rodimus and his cohort.
"Reckless endangerment of themselves! Disregard for safety protocols!, I expect this from Rodimus but not from them!" Magnus huffs, massive hands clenching and unclenching. His plating vibrates with barely contained voltage.
Megatron's red optics follow the scene with cynical mirth. It seems some things never change, no matter the millennia - law-bound enforcers and daredevil upstarts will always clash.
He cuts off Magnus' tirade oft. "Let the youngsters play. A little uncontrolled chaos now and then builds character. They aren't causing any harm, primus knows they could be doing worse things, circuit boosters, waging wars" His chuckles.
When Rodimus and the young bot make their way through the halls Megatron and Ultra Magnus are making their way towards them. And Rodimus decides to tease them over getting in trouble.
"Well well, look who's in trouble now," he rumbles, teasingly as he nudges the other bot. One massive hand snakes out to gently tweak an audial fin, eliciting a stubbornly stifled giggle.
They try to swat him off, armour fluffing out in a mock display of aggression. "Back off toaster, you're one to talk!" But their field reflects only playful antagonism toward their mismatched partner in crime.
Rodimus laughs, low and smooth. "Oh, I'm not the one Magnus has his pelts in a twist over. You're the lawbreaker here, delinquent." He buffs their chevron condescendingly with a knuckle plate. 
Magnus' grumbles as moves closer. The younger of the two delinquents makes a startled peep, ducking behind Rodimus for scant protection. Their field sparks with mischief and apprehension in equal measure.
Rodimus' engine rumbles a chuckle. "Face your punishment like a mech, squirt. I'll see you in the brig... cause i know thats where im heading" And with that, he steps aside, leaving the young to the Security Director's.
"Rodimus you sell out!" They hiss, Rodimus takes off running before transforming and disappearing around the corner.
Magnus begins going off over both their stupidity and the danger that they had put themselves in.
"Rodimus! When i catch you!" Magnus bellows, at the retreating autobot. His field boils with tightly restrained indignation.
The younger spreads their servos innocently, though poorly banked fires still smoulder behind their smug optics. "What? I was just having a little fun."
"Fun? You call endangering yourself and flouting safety protocols fun?".
"Do you have any idea the liability you've incurred with your selfish stunts?" Magnus huffes, he's not angry just disappointed.
"We were just blowing off some steam. No harm done" they try to defend themself, it was harder when Rodimus wasn't here to back them up.
Magnus optics bulging. "The rules exist to protect life! One mistaken twist could've terminated you both. Do you not understand that" He looms over them, servos gripping their shoulder plating. "Explain yourself. What do you have to say for putting yourself in harms way like that, this is something i expect from Rodimus but you, im drawing a line, no more hoverboard"
"Magnus I'm not a sparkling!, I can have fun, you can't just take my board!." The huff out in anger, "we didn't do anything bad, we just went asteroid surfing, what's the big deal!, Megatron was watching the whole time!" They shout stopping their pedes on the ground as they squint at the enforcer. Magnus' jaw works soundlessly, circuitry spluttering at such blatant insubordination.
Megatron's low rumble cuts through the charging tension.  "Easy there, scraplet. Magnus they are right they aren't sparkling, let them enjoy their youth" he states trying to calm down the situation.
"That is NOT the point!" Magnus hisses through clenched denta, glowering down at the insolent youngster. But the outliers field remains resolute, tiny hands fisted on hip joints. A sigh like rupturing turbines escapes Megatron where he observes, unseen, from command. Stubborn fools the both of them.
Magnus flashes incandescent, but dares not defy a direct order. With stiff, grinding steps, he departs, field boiling.
Only the younger bot and Megatron remain.  "Rules exist to guide, not imprison. Life's greatest lessons often arise from...bending them, on occasion. Try not to give Magnus a spark attack please" Megatron states while standing waiting for them to walk with him.
"I know Megs but he's been up my Tailpipe over everything I do, reports not being right, having fun, primus I can't even hang out with Rodimus without him getting grumbly at me, 'don't do that, don't do this, no you can't go out on this planet it's too dangerous ' he's not my Sire! "  They hiss out in anger, plating rattling lightly from pent up frustration.
Megatron chuckled. He strides the corridor in heavy, purposeful pauldrons, field enveloping smaller frame protectively. "Take it from one who knows - authority stems more from fear, you're the youngest on board, it's only natural that older mech's will try and protect you. Though I do believe Magnus does need to take a step back"
Red optics regard the young mech keenly. "Stand tall. Pursue your passions . And should he overstep, remind him in no uncertain terms who you are. Your strong sparked"
He crouches fluidly before them , digit gentle as steel beneath a chin. "You were made for greatness, little one. Never forget, don't let him stifle your youth, but try not to make him short circuit" A ferocious grin spreads across their face before they take off down the halls.
Ultra Magnus sits in his office, the enforcer's helm is pressed to his servos as he lets out a groan, he has overstepped.
Megatron's mass fills the security office like encroaching gloom, eclipsing what little light permeates the sparse, regulation-bound space. Magnus senses the ex warlord's intrusive field and looks up wearily through digits.  
"What do you want, Megatron?" The enforcer's usually stalwart voice holds only exhaustion. Heavy pedes carry Megatron before the desk, where he looms over Magnus imperiously. Yet when he speaks, his tone resembles dark mirth more than threat.
"Come now, Director. Is one impudent youngster truly more than you can handle?" Crimson optics gleam with sardonic amusement. "Your methods lack finesse. Rebellious sparks respond better to understanding than oppression."
Magnus' field flares defensively. "With respect, keeping order is rather outside your expertise. Some of us prioritise crew safety over spectacle."
One of Megatron's digits raises Magnus' chin, forcing optic contact. "Order through fear is a leash, not leadership. True power stems from willing allegiance, not force alone. It took me along time to learn that Ambus"
"Energon for thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more orders I need to read through to make sure Swerve isn't trying to order EnerGULP or Biofuel to try and fake as Energex " he states while beginning to type away on the data pad.
"Megatron, they are reckless and going to get themself off-lined or worse" Magnus tried to argue back.
"Ambus you'd be rather harsh to them, they are young, I'm aware of that, but you're treating them as if they are your sparkling" Megatron states. As the enforcer's optics go wide Megatron stifles a chuckle.
Magnus meets Megatron's scarlet gaze with quiet defiance. "My role is keeping order on this ship, not coddling delinquents." 
"Yet it seems you have been coddling one rather too much, they are at that stage, if you keep a lock and chain on them they are going to rebel,be glad it's only Rodimus, Tailgate and Drift they tend to be with. Would you rather they be around DJD" Megatron asked with a raised optic.
"Absolutely Not!" Magus shouts.
"My point stands Ambus, perhaps spend some time with them, learn what they enjoy doing, they are rebelling because they don't have the option, they are stuck in a ship with nothing to do, they see Rodimus as friend, batch mate." are his parting words. Magnus watches Megatron's departing form with troubled optics and churning processor. His counsel, however cryptic, raises discomfiting points...
With a heavy ex-vent, Magnus pulls up files on the youngsters in question. The youngest and Rodimus - one a scrappy outlier, the other a wild spark flouting authority at every turn a prime. Opposites yet drawn together like magnets. Why was he so invested in protecting this little outlier
They young outlier sits in their suite, sulking. After the fight with Magnus they had decided it was easier just not being around other bots, they had shot Rodimus a quick message stating that they wanted to be left alone for the rest of the cycle.
They fidget with their data pad huffing in annoyance as they try to fill out their reports.
When the doors open and they see Magnus they grumble. "What do you want?"
Magnus stands silent in the doorway, emanating not wrath but uncertainty. His field broadcasts a cautious olive branch amid pulsing regret. "May I enter?" His tone holds none of the usual stern command, 
When they shrug off tired assent, Magnus steps within cautiously, a massive frame filling the space.
Optics rove the bare walls and solitary form, glimpsing an existence circumscribed not by choice but necessity. His tanks churn anew. How had he failed to see the cages, invisible yet profound, binding errant sparks aboard this vessel?
Gingerly Magnus lowers himself to one knee, meeting their averted gaze evenly. "I came to apologise," he rumbles slowly. "My conduct toward you and Rodimus has been...regrettable, I'm sorry."  
The young outlier watches guardedly, searching that earnest regard for signs of tyranny or deceit. Magnus also acknowledges his protectiveness and worry over the younger cybertronian.
A sigh escapes Magnus' vents, massive shoulders slumping. "You must understand, my role demands ensuring all under my protection remain safe and functional."
"Then why do you treat me differently?" They shoot back. Magnus goes quiet for a moment. His optics hold a gentle light as they find the younger bots. " When I see you, youthful audacity, venturing into dangers I endured long ago...it stirs memories best left buried. I watch the war wipe out so many sparklings,  outliers taken and used for war"
His field pulses rueful ghosts of harsher times. "I never meant to curb your spirit, only shield you from hard lessons learned too soon." Massive fingers lightly brush an audial fin in a gesture both paternal and penitent.
"Perhaps...I allowed duty to eclipse my function as guardian to all aboard." A bittersweet smile tugs at plating. "Megatron, of all mechs, said i needed to step back"  
Optics meet in earnest appeal. "If you'll permit it, I wish to walk a new path, try and be better, it won't stop my worry but you don't deserve to be caged ." His field pulses only patience, regret and stubborn care worn soft by wisdom's dawning light. Care for the future of this young bot.
"I know I'm a young spark, but I'm not a sparkling Ultra Magnus, I know I'm the youngest on ship but I'm not a sparkling " they states quietly. The two sit beside each other.
Magnus nods solemnly, settling beside the young mech and curling his field around their smaller frame protectively.
"You are right. I treated you as one much younger, when your spark burns as fiercely as any aboard." A massive hand rests gently on a plated shoulder.
His gaze holds Tiny's earnestly. "From this moment, consider me not a jailer but guardian here to ensure your path remains lighted, not bar it. To advise and shelter, if you'll have me, I... I will try not to short circuit over your dangerous activity." A beat of silence as understanding passes unspoken between them. Then Magnus offers a small, indulgent smile.
"I've much to learn as well, little one. I'm sorry, I have been as Rodimus calls it a stick in the mud" he states and it makes the younger burst out laughing.
"Can you help me with these reports, I'm struggling with understanding what you want, the words keep moving around and I just don't understand" they state while holding out the data pad. Magnus leans in closer slowly reading over everything before trying to break it down for the outlier.
Things are peaceful for once between them, he helps with the small things and realises a lot in that time. But when he does eventually leave he catches a small slip up from them. "Thanks Sire" they call out, it makes him stiffen but a smile crosses his face as he leaves, he wouldn't tell anyone how it made him feel. 
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keru0 · 6 months ago
Tickletober 2024
Day 5: Punishment
Lee!Zagreus x Ler!Thanatos
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AHHH i forgot how much I adore these two 😭
Warning for minor bondage and themes relating to death
“Th-Thahan please, let’s tahalk about thihis!” The prince of the underworld pleaded from his place on his bed, panting as his wrists and ankles were bound by magic rope – fireproof and strengthened rope.
“No, Zag. I’m tired of having to haul your body back to this damned palace every time you die! Do you have any idea what it’s like seeing you die over and over?” The god of death explained frantically, pacing back and forth on the burned carpet.
Zagreus looked away with a frown, the extreme guilt he felt as Thanatos said what has probably been burdening him for the past several years. He never did think of what happened to him when he died, he always woke up in his bed, as if the entire ordeal never happened. It was only now, as Thanatos frantically explained his feelings, did the reality truly set in – his boyfriend laid his body to rest in the river Styx, every single time he’s died, for the past several years.
Thanatos stopped to look at his boyfriend, noticing the guilt on his blushing face as he looked away. He sighed heavily, sitting on the edge of the bed by his prince’s head, gently carding a hand through his hair.
“Zag, I’m not…I’m not mad.” He started, gently guiding his head to face him, smiling solemnly as he smoothed out the creases the god’s eyebrows made. “I’m not. It’s just- Every time you die, I have to watch. I have to watch the fiery light drain out of your eyes, Zag. And then as soon as you’re back here, you don’t rest, not even for a moment.” He sighed deeply again, leaning down to plant a kiss on his warm lips. “And I don’t expect you to stop trying to escape this place, but all I ask is that you take a break every once and a while. Let me, or Meg, or Dusa take care of you, whether for a few hours or a few days. I just want to see you rest peacefully in a way that doesn’t end with me laying you in the Styx.” He smiled, scratching the other’s scalp.
Zagreus leaned into the warm touch of Death, closing his eyes, finally at peace for the first time in what seems like forever. “I’m truly sorry, Than. I promise – I’ll do better. For you.”
Thanatos shook his head with a smile. “No, I want you to do better for you, Zag.” 
“I will.” He said adamantly, his signature puppy eyes staring directly into Death’s soul itself. “N-now, could you please let me go…?”
Death smirked, his hands trailing down to his lover’s thighs, squeezing and kneading into the muscle as Zagreus was once again thrust into the realm of mirth, tears cascading down his cheeks as he pulled helplessly at his binds. “Absolutely not, I have to make sure to nail my point in. Besides, seeing you laugh to death would be far more pleasurable than what happens in Elysium.”
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angelltheninth · 28 days ago
One More Speedrun
Pairing: Thanatos x Zagreus x Megaera
Febuwhump Day 28: Recovery
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, being sick, resurrection, poly relationship
Word count: 0.8k
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions | Event Masterlist
A/N: This turned out a bit more funny than I originally thought.
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"Is he up yet?" Megaera stepped into Zagreus' bedroom, only to find her answer. Zagreus was still on the bed, moaning in pain while Thanatos was trying to get him to eat something. "Guess not. It's pretty rare for a God to get sick. Do we know what's wrong with him?"
She was expecting him to come running back to fight her after his latest death, but he never showed and she waited for hours. At first she figured he was taking a break or maybe forgot to tell her he had other things to do. But Thanatos didn't know anything either.
Worried the two visited his room and found him feverish and in pain.
"He wasn't like this when he came out of the river! Something wrong!" Thanatos immediately began fussing over him, throwing his scythe and robe aside and asking Zagreus what happened. The Prince himself wasn't sure. He was feeling fine up to a point, and then he got sicker and sicker before he had to drag himself back to his room in shame.
"Have you informed your father?" She asked as she touched his forehead. He was burning hot. Zagreus groaned and shook his head, of course he didn't say anything to his dad. The last thing he needed is for him to give more reasons to quit. "Very well then. Since we don't know what's wrong just yet I suppose we have to treat it carefully."
Thanatos was inclined to agree. When it came to their boyfriend Megaera could show a rare soft side, so he knew she would try to make him feel better.
"Have you thought about dying again? Perhaps it will cure whatever ails you, Zag." She pulled her whip taunt, making Zagreus grow even more pale. Usually he welcomed the pain she gave. The fact that he was refusing meant he was really sick.
"Meg, we can't kill him. What if it makes things worse? Let's try and figure out what's wrong first. I'll go get some food and you go ask around. Without telling his dad. Sound good?" Megaera crossed her arms, angry that she can't do more. But she agreed. "That okay with you, Zag?" Zagreus could only nod painfully.
"I feel like I'm gonna puke." He moaned, every would sounding pained.
Try as they might he didn't want to eat, and he was constantly feverish. How can they heal him?
"What can we do if don't even know what's wrong with him?" Thanatos ran his hand through his hair as he set the bowl of soup next to Zagreus' bed. He was death itself, yet he couldn't figure out how to help his beloved Zagreus. "Meg, what if he got something really bad? What if... the resurrection process got messed up and he never gets better?"
"Shut up, Thanatos!" Megaera snapped at him. It was then that he lifted his head and saw how she was shaking while holding Zagreus' hand. "Don't say such things. He will get better. He always does. He's Zagreus."
And what can she do to make him feel better? She brings pain, not heals it.
"This kind of pain... I don't enjoy seeing him go through it. If only we knew why..." They had to think! Zagreus hadn't been acting any different when either of them saw him last. Now he was feverish, in pain, throwing up, refused to eat... it sounded more like a human illness. A human... illness...
"Thanatos... is it possible that he has what the humans call a flu?" The two looked at each other than at the struggling Zagreus.
"A flu? Him? is that possible?" It seemed like too much of a common thing. Especially for a God.
"I don't know." Truth be told she was grasping at straws here.
It wasn't a perfect explanation, but it was at least something. A cold could be treated. But... how exactly. They forgot they didn't know how. It was rather comical to see two of the most feared denizens of the Underworld go around asking to cure a common human illness.
Warm food, sweat, cold baths, honey, lemon, plenty of rest.
Were those things all that it took?
Little by little Zagreus was getting stronger, better, until one morning when he was already running laps.
"So, how exactly did you get sick? Not a common thing for us." Thanatos had to admit that as Death, he was curious about what could make a God sick. It was natural curiosity, mixed with worry.
"I... must admit I'm not too sure. Although usually in between fights I take small breaks, but I thought I could set records, goals for me to beat. A speedrun." He laughed and scratched the back of his head.
"A... speedrun... you worried us half to death for a silly thing like that?" As Megaera sat up she was already grabbing her whip.
Zagreus sensed that he messed up somewhere. He didn't have time to think where as he was chased by Megaera, who was in turn chased by Thanatos, urging her to calm down.
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Persephone Picmix
Zag and Than (x) Meg and Dusa (x)
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sleeping-at-sea · 7 months ago
I’ve successfully romanticed Meg!!
Two away from being full with Than
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lafortis · 7 months ago
do you have any fictional characters you would consider to be "a favorite"?
tough. I simp hard for Dorothea from fe3h (more just the character at large). Uhhh lemme think what else. beato of umineko fame is probably one of the most compelling characters I've ever read but I think it's hard to divorce the reasons she's compelling from the larger context she appears in so it's hard to say if she's a favourite or if just umineko as a whole is my favourite (and really it's hard to say to what extent those two statements are different lol). none of my favourite protags from my favourite fantasy novels really count cus they're all varying shades of morally grey and shit, cus all my favourite fantasy novels are Like That. I mean maybe whiskeyjack from malazan but that's kinda cheating. he literally ascends on the basis of being a reliable steadfast leader who looks after his people. fromsoft games aren't really filled with characters I'd often consider favourites as such, since there's not always a ton there in general lol. obviously I love solaire, obviously artorias is sick as shit, obviously slave knight Gael is a dope af impactful boss fight, but no, I wouldn't say they're like favourite characters or anything as much as again cool implementation cool context
Hmmmmmm. Ephraim from FE8 was like, what young boy me thought cool dudes were like, and to an extent, I was fucking right. Dude rocks. I should dye my hair blue tbqh
I think that's the most comprehensive answer I can give rly, I don't think there's any character out there that I just like, consume fan art or other stuff of simply because they're a comfort to be or what have you. oh one time I read Zag x Meg from Hades fanfiction, but that was before they finished the romance and I needed fucking closure because of reasons. also, her voice... waow. just sayin. What was I talking about? Idk add Meg to that list maybe because she awoke something within me
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newmoonboon · 5 months ago
10/10 ADORE this idea.
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TRY.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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baejax-the-great · 1 year ago
hiiiiii for the never have i ever: have you written zag with anyone other than than/meg?
Have I ever!! Why did I write this? Who know! But I wrote a fic that is Zagreus x Head Chef
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years ago
Kissy Drabbles Overview
I am currently doing the Kissing Challenge von @grey-wardens-dont-have-dental and I thought I would do an overview for the fics I have done so far for it.
Please send more prompts! A Number and any of my Ships (see below) will do!
…good morning. | A Forgotten Kiss (Ilic/Sayan)
…goodnight. | Good Night, Sweetheart (Edgin & Kira)
…goodbye. | A Long Kiss Goodbye (Trevor/Sypha)
…where it hurts. | To Hold You Close (Striga/Morana)
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear. | To Kiss Away Your Tears (Striga/Morana)
…to shut them up. | Bad Weather (Trevor/Sypha) | How To Shut Up Your Paladin (Edgin/Xenk)
…in secrecy. | In Secret (Viktor/Jayce) | Hidden Kisses (Alucard/Trevor/Sypha/Greta)
…in public. | No Qualms (Alucard/Trevor/Sypha/Greta)
…desperately. | Relief (Striga/Morana) | No Words (Daisuke/Ken) | When the World comes Apart (Caitlyn/Vi)
…in joy. | To See You Again (Striga/Morana) | A Joyful Kiss (Alucard/Sypha)
…in grief. | To Share Your Pain (Striga/Morana)
…discreetly. | Just One More Kiss (Coman/Temur)
…casually. | Casual (Greta/Sypha)
…passionately. | An Order (Ilic/Sayan)
…lazily. | A Lazy Kiss (Ilic/Sayan)
…to distract.
…as encouragement. | Early Breakfast (Trevor/Alucard) | Without Magic (Eda/Raine)
…for luck. | For Good Luck (Greta/Sypha)
…on a scar. | To Pepper Your Scars With Kisses (Alucard/Trevor/Sypha/Greta)
…on a place of insecurity. | Soft Forbidden Kisses (Diana/Leona)
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief. | A Kiss of Relief (Trevor/Alucard) | Everything Is Alright (Striga/Morana)
…in danger. | Below the Surface (Sypha/Greta) | An Illusion of Safety (Striga/Morana) | Explosions and Broom Closets (Luz/Amity)
…as a ‘yes’. | Surprise Gift (Miyako/Mimi)
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion. | Suggestions (Eda/Raine)
…as a lie.
…as a promise. | A Promise Sealed (Hector/Isaac) | A Silent Promise (Diana/Leona)
…as comfort. | For Comfort (Hector/Isaac)
…after a small rejection | "Get Better Soon" (Ilic/Sayan)
32. …to wake up. 33. …forcefully. | A Forceful Kiss (Sayan/Ilic) 34. …to pretend. 35. …to gain something. | Negotiation Tactics (Mel/Sevika) 36. …to give up control. 37. …without a motive. | No Good Reason (Sypha/Greta) 38. …because they’re running out of time. | Before We Die (Edgin/Xenk) 39. …because time’s run out. | Too Late (Edgin/Xenk) 40. …because the world is ending.
41. …because the world is saved. | A Kiss for a Savior (Taichi/Koushiro) 42. …out of pride. | A Prideful Kiss (Sevika/Mel) 43. …out of greed. 44. …out of lust. | Earn it (Sypha/Greta) 45. …out of anger. | "Be a Good Boy" (Hector/Lenore) 46. …out of envy or jealousy. | His Queen (Ilic/Sayan) 47. …out of spite. | Her Pet (Hector/Lenore) 48. …out of habit. | Mourning Routine (Sypha/Greta) | No Guarantee (Taichi/Koushiro) 49. …out of necessity. | Fate (Striga/Morana) 50. …out of love. | Old Age (Sypha/Greta) | Early Morning Confessions (Jayce/Viktor)
As for shippings you can send in with a number:
Castlevania: Trevor x Sypha x Alucard x Greta (or Trevor x Sypha x Alucard, Trevor x Sypha, Trevor x Alucard, Alucard x Sypha, Sypha x Greta, Trevor x Greta), Hector x Isaac, Striga x Morana, Dracula x Lisa, Hector x Lenore
Arcane - League of Legends: Caitlyn x Vi, Viktor x Jayce, Jayce x Ekko, Sevika x Mel, Viktor x Jayce x Mel (x Sevika)
League of Legends: Diana x Leona, Aphelios x Sett, Malcolm Graves x Twisted Fate, Ahri x Yasuo, Illaoi x Sarah Fortune, Seraphine x Senna, Seraphine x Scratch, Sarah Fortune x Caitlyn x Vi
Digimon Adventure/02: Taichi x Koushiro, Daisuke x Ken, Miyako x Mimi
Miscs: Edgin x Xenk (DnD Honor Among Thieves), Nadine x Chloe (Uncharted), Sayan x Ilic (Plaything - The Grandduke's Boytoy), Luz x Amity (The Owl House), Eda x Raine (The Owl House), Mabel x Pacifica (Gravity Falls), Meg x Than x Zag (Hades)
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pffpth · 11 months ago
A, I and X for the ask game? 👀
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. Thanatos and Zagreus from Hades is a recent one. I like the poly ship with Meg too, but there's something beautiful about how death is always the embrace that Zag returns to, no matter how far he goes. Thanatos will always bring him home. No wonder he loves him.
Falin and Marcille from Dungeon Meshi! Current favorite doomed yuri. (: i have no further elaboration except "yay".
Crimson Acid and Lady Love Dies from Paradise Killer. this isn't really *current* but I'm counting it anyways. I love their friendship, I love that they are the "too little, too late" couple. I like that for one brief, fleeting moment, they can have each other for a night. But ultimately, their friendship comes first, and a relationship could never truly be.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
ahahaha... I feel like it's low hanging fruit, but Steven Universe. I love all the art and works that were made, but at some point the fandom Spiraled and i just couldn't bear to go back into the tags. just quietly watched the show on my own.
I don't touch any hoyoverse fandoms with a ten-foot pole, but I also don't have many horses in those races.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
love me some aus with Personal Knight/Royal Ward type deals. i'm a sucker for it. unless this is in the media itself, whiiich i think it has be "character so devoted to another that it begins to manifest in unhealthy/strange ways"
Thank you for the ask! <3
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goronska · 2 years ago
World needs more Zag x Than x Meg x Dusa polycules, so you'd better get many romancing options for me ready in Hades II, developers. Because I will do as Achilles thaught me - FOLLOW. MY. HEART.
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Hug your tiny prince challenge (2 years later edition)
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