#zack flair fluff
ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
How he react when you…
ft. leon kennedy, cloud strife, zack fair, simon “ghost” riley
How he react when you kiss/lick/nibble his earlobe/neck/jaw.
Leon Kennedy -
The hardened former rookie cop would freeze completely still at the first intimate swipe of your tongue along the wiry tendon of his neck. Eyes fluttering shut, Leon would fight back a full-body shudder, teeth gritting as that rugged jaw twitches with mounting restraint.
As your nibbles and caresses increased against the sensitive flesh behind his ear, his calloused palms would clench into white-knuckled fists. Battling the ingrained instinct to defensively seize and subdue like with any other threat. Until, at last, Leon can resist no longer.
A strangled rumble erupts from his broad chest as he twists with feline grace to back you against the nearest solid surface. Pupils blown wide with smoldering hunger, he braces one strong forearm by your head as the other hand cups your nape with surprising tenderness despite the desperation ravening behind each fevered caress of his lips along your jawline. The first of many tremors to rack your entire frame that night.
Cloud Strife -
The stalwart AVALANCHE mercenary lurches as if jolted by a live current when the first pass of your tongue grazes that sensitive spot below his jaw. Spiky blond brows knit sharply over those blazing mako-tinged eyes squeezing shut on a guttural groan torn straight from his diaphragm.
Though his initial fists clench at his sides instinctively, Cloud permits no further retaliation - whether physical or to extract himself from your wandering affections. Quite the opposite, in fact. His head lolls aside, granting you ample access to continue feathering scorching kisses and teasing flicks of your tongue along the sensitive column of his throat.
Only once your relentless sensual torment threatens to buckle those powerful thighs entirely does Cloud shudder and haul you flush against him with dizzying abruptness. Equal parts possessive and reverent, he claims your parted lips in a soul-searing kiss, broad palms framing your face like a precious treasure as he savors every ardent swirl of your twined tongues.
Zack Fair -
That blinding, boyish smile wouldn't dim one iota as your teasing ministrations first make contact. At least, not outwardly. Inside, however, Zack's breath would leave him in a harsh gust as electricity lances up his spine from the languid glide of your mouth torturing that sensitive zone.
Far from the fierce, untamed passion of some of his counterparts, Zack would be endearingly awestruck and bashful at the outpouring of tenderness behind such a simple act. His fingers would splay tenderly through your hair, those sparkling blue eyes crinkling at the corners with unbridled adoration as you eagerly bestow your affections over every inch of accessible flesh.
Inevitably, he'd succumb to the smoldering fog of arousal steadily consuming every rational thought. Zack's doting caresses would roam freely along the sculpted planes of your body, lavishing you in turn with a breathless reverence and earnestness reserved for only you until the lines blurred completely between worshiper and revered.
Ghost -
One glimpse of that icy blue glare, and you'd know the elite marksman's mind was already whirring through a dozen calculated scenarios and counterattacks as soon as your lips made contact. Every toned muscle would go rigid, coiled like a cobra ready to strike or retreat at the first suspicious provocation.
Until, of course, realization trickles through that predatory hyper-alertness - this tantalizing torment stems from no external threat whatsoever, only the exquisite onslaught of pleasure steadily unravelling his razor-sharp restraint. As your roving mouth brands a searing path along Ghost's neck and jaw, his broad shoulders would slump minutely, permitting the faintest hitch of an indrawn breath to escape those chapped lips.
No vocalized encouragement or returned passion yet; such overt displays would likely always be suppressed lest they expose potential weaknesses to be exploited in the field. But like a silent storm front rolling in, Ghost's heated stare would spark with a new, tangible intensity wholly untamed and promising of the inevitable downpour still to come at your unhurried pace.
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chvrchesrp · 7 years
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ZACHARY KAPOOR, born in the 1980s, HUMAN. CHASTITY on the board of directors for the Church of SAINTS. WORKING: Manager @ Smooth Moves. LIVING: 9A @ 111 Arden.
The Sunflower State was called home, a Saint in a long line of Saints. When hard times fell on your family, when the deficit reared its head and nearly stole your house, it was you who recreated the family business. A saving grace, a man-made miracle. And yet, your own ambitions outreach you. Old heirloom tomes, rumours of angels and demons walking, and you’re watching, wondering how your Church has no exorcists. 
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Content trigger warning: funeral mention.
In Kansas growing up, you grew along with the deficit, learning to acclimate more and more to an uncertain time. An idyllic childhood made of yellow brick roads devolved into reality. Your parents, teachers at the local public school, would find their life in a downward spiral. The supply-side economics experiment upended a once steady Midwestern economy and a hole appeared in Kansas’ finances; to fill the gap, the governor took money from public education funding. The sting was felt by early 2015. As your parents lost their jobs due to budget cuts and underfunding, as the world tornado’d around you, you grew into not a tree with deep roots, but a mountain, unshakeable and unflappable. While Kansas was losing its access to good public schooling, you had the idea to make your parents’ skills into a private business, tutoring and supplementing the work that was failing at the public level. While your parents taught, you managed the business, learning as you went and discovering you had quite a flair for it. You saved your family’s home from foreclosure and helped your community at the same time. Then, at the end of March 2017, everything in your life changed for you. 
Well before you or your grandfather were ever born, there had been an angel who had a child with a human; that angel was Zahariel, and that child was a human, and one of your great- great-ancestors. It was a lot to take in—especially receiving that information as the result of a will in which you were gifted not only an apartment in Los Angeles, not only a business there to run, but were also offered a Board position on the Church of Saints, the congregation to which you belonged. It was utterly different from everything you’d ever known to be true. While you’d always been devout in the Saints, there was a difference between a vague belief in the divine and veritable proof. It was the proof that was too good to pass up, plus the chance for something more. While your family felt skeptical, they could hardly grudge you such an opportunity, and they wanted you to make your own decisions. You had already been training up your little brother Aaron into the family business, so handing over the reigns, while abrupt, was manageable. Though you’ll miss them all terribly, it also brought a sense of closure: you’d done all you could for them and now it was time to pursue your own life. You just never thought the pursuit would take you to Los Angeles, to the eye of another tornado.
You have a good heart and a rational mind, made for business decisions and common sense. You aren’t one to worry: you’ll take what comes as it comes, experienced in dealing with the unexpected. You don’t have patience for self-pity in yourself or others, instead preferring action to wallowing. You have a talent for making others feel secure, like things are considered and in control. Far from naive, now that you know more about the veracity of the Churches and the beings they’re tied to, you’re wary of the Sinners and the demons. This move also helps you explore your passion: exorcisms. A horror movie buff who enjoys the thrill of those sorts of stories, you had often wondered why the Saints didn’t have exorcists, like the Catholics do, but figured the concept was fluff. Now that all of this is more real than ever thought possible, maybe you can make a name for yourself by creating a technique for your Church to use. You have no idea just how useful that might be...
* Game update: In season 3, Zack entered Hotel California, faced his fears, and escaped the hotel. After someone “killed” the real Zack instead of his double in July during Famine’s manifestations in the Kill Your Double event, Zack was Summoned back to life by Raziel on August 26th. The time Zack lost just feels like a fog with no particular memories.
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Zack is portrayed by Jesse Rath. Changing the faceclaim is ALLOWED; alternates include Manish Dayal, Ritesh Rajan, and Suraj Sharma. Zack is currently TAKEN and not available for application.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
First date ft. cloud strife, megumi fushiguro, zack fair, itadori yuji
cloud, megumi
The poor guy spent all week agonizing over snagging dinner reservations somewhere swanky yet lowkey - eventually settling on that new fusion bistro downtown. Nice and casual, but not so formal it'd cramp his style.
So after triple-checking the address, he showed up fashionably punctual as always.
Hands stuffed deep in those baggy pockets while casually scanning the entrance with those vivid eyes until spotting you. A brief nod acknowledged your presence before brushing past to seat himself without much fanfare.
Not that he had some grand plan for breaking the ice, mind you.
Those luminous aquamarines just averted every few seconds while absently stirring his water, occasionally clearing his throat but never quite speaking up.
Fortunately, the food arrived before too much agonizing quiet set in. And let's be real - seeing that mountain of gourmet comfort grub loosened him up fast.
He dug in with single-minded focus and low, appreciative grunts - only belatedly remembering to look up every so often with those rosy cheeks puffed full.
"...whazzit? Oh, uh...yeah, it’s good..." muffled chewing "...you like it?"
Don't let those painfully awkward silences fool you, though.
Once the plates cleared, he subtly checked you out from beneath those feathery bangs, trying his damnedest not to gawk too openly whenever a tidbit struck his fancy.
Catching your curious gaze, cheeks flared crimson before he sharply inhaled through his nostrils with an aloof shrug. "...wasn't starin' or nothin'. Just, uh...lookin' good t'night. Yeah."
And despite his dude-bro slouch and restless fidgeting, he didn't fight too hard when your fingertips met across the table's polished surface.
Just peered down with muted wonder until threading your digits through his rough, calloused grip - content letting that charged silence stretch on.
Leaving you pleasantly surprised when, while ambling back beneath the city nightscape, he impulsively tugged your joined hands until you stumbled closer.
Pale arms snaked around your waist without ceremony, anchoring you flush against his muscular warmth as the softest sigh wisped over your lips.
Indulging one infinitesimal brush of those satin pouts before hastily pulling back - eyes blown wide behind all those messy spikes.
He swallowed thickly with a bashful half-smirk, squeezing tighter around your trim waist just once before reluctantly loosening with a mumble.
"...we, uh...should do this again sometime, y'know?”
zack, itadori
Why do you think he picked that 24-hour roadside diner right off the highway exit for your first big date night, huh?
Because that's just the kinda fun, spontaneous guy he is - never putting too much arbitrary stock into overthinking formalities!
Decked out in civvies for a delicious change, the second you arrived his wolfish grin outright blinded under the neon diner signage.
Shooting up from that well-worn booth to eagerly sweep you off your feet into a crushing bear hug.
"There she is! Man, I knew you'd be gorgeous as always." Tucking a loose tendril behind your ear, he drank in your outfit appreciation shining from those smoldering indigos. "Course, that's just your natural state, isn't it?"
Forget maintaining any semblance of personal space from there on out. Once seated, he whipped out all the classic courtship cliches - laying on corny compliments, playfully nudging your feet with his under the table, not so subtly staring whenever you gestured or spoke.
Just an endless, charming flurry of earnest romantic gusto without restraint or inhibition whatsoever.
That boyish eagerness and gushing enthusiasm only doubled down once the food arrived, too.
His borderline bouncing in his seat, fork chittering across ceramic because he couldn't stop sneaking awestruck peeks through those crazy spikes every bite.
"So what'd'ya think? Is this place insane awesome or what??" he babbled through mouthfuls of burger and steak fries that definitely didn't slow his motor-mouth an iota.
"The shakes are outta this world! Hold up, I'll grab one fo-"
Without warning, he leaned over and smeared a smudge of ketchup off the corner of your mouth - only to pointedly lick his thumb with a wicked twinkle of those violets.
Heartbeat skipping several cycles as your breath noticeably caught.
However, once the flirtatious tension reached an event horizon, he predictably ended up squirming and giggling like a bashful kid despite initiating.
Reacting to your slightest lingering touch or coy half-lidded gaze with this hilariously flushed squirm.
"Sheesh...talk about a total smoke-show tonight. Ain't fair at all!" he accused through a goofy, dimpled grin.
Bouncing up from his seat only to gallantly extend his palm in invite after settling the check independently.
"Alright, whaddya say we blow this popsicle stand? I know this lit trail where we can really just slow things down and...y'know... be for a while."
One tug brought you flush against his muscular figure leaving no illusions of intent behind that suggestive purr.
He seized your chin with a gentleness that contradicted that hooded, midnight stare searing into you.
Until finally leaning down and capturing your lips in a slow, passionate waltz of restrained longing temporarily sating you both.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Things he do that you find cute ft. cloud strife, zack fair
Four things he do that you find cute. @a-view-without-light-pollution
The way his brow furrows in that adorable little concentrated pout whenever he's intently focused on a task at hand. You'll often find yourself having to resist the urge to smooth those creased lines with the pads of your fingers.
How Cloud's lips tug up ever-so-slightly at one corner whenever you tell a particularly awful pun or meaningless joke that he'd never admit cracked that famous icy facade of his. He'll try disguising the subtle quirk with a put-upon sigh or gruff scoff...but you always catch that telltale sparkle twinkling in his eyes.
The slight tinge of pink dusting those sculptured cheekbones whenever you catch him off-guard with an overt compliment or casual brush of intimacy. Despite all his battles hardening Cloud into this legendary warrior, he'll revert to a shy, flustered boy beneath your affectionate regard.
The way his gaze instinctively trails after your every movement and gesture no matter where you both are - like a flower automatically angling towards the sun's radiant face. You'll often experiment by exaggeratingly stretching or shifting positions only to be rewarded with those brilliant mako eyes snapping straight towards you within seconds.
That megawatt smile of his could easily power an entire continent with its sheer, blinding brilliance alone. And heaven help you whenever Zack flashes those obscenely gorgeous dimples - it's genuinely miraculous you've yet to literally combust from sheer overstimulation.
The perpetual windswept spikiness of his raven mane that he claims is from all the action and combat readiness...but you suspect has more to do with his tendency to endlessly rake those long fingers back through those unruly locks. Often caught gently reprimanding Zack "Hey, you're gonna go prematurely bald at this rate, you know?"
How he unconsciously sways from side to side or bobs on the balls of his feet in a barely-contained display of restless energy. Like Zack's entire body is simply bursting at the seams constantly no matter the scenario - always buzzing with irrepressible life and vigor.
The utter earnestness and guileless adoration shining from those bright sky-blue depths each time your eyes meet. Staring into Zack's gaze feels akin to bathing in the warmth and optimism he seemingly exudes in endless supply at all times without fail. Total and complete openness radiating from the very core of his soul.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Date at the museum with him ft. cloud strife, zack fair
{ Forcing them to go to the museum with you. }
Cloud would act all shy and embarrassed when you first suggest a museum date.
But he'd agree readily since he loves any chance to spend time with you.
Once there, he tries to play it cool, but you can tell he's secretly really into it.
Stops to read every single plaque and examine the displays intently.
If he sees something he thinks is interesting, he tugs on your arm and points it out.
Gets flustered if you tease him about being a history/art nerd.
But loosens up and even cracks some dorky jokes, just happy to be by your side.
Cloud would settle for holding your hand tightly, sneaking adoring glances whenever you're absorbed in the displays - looking at you like you hung every last star in the heavens above.
The ever-energetic Zack would be psyched about a museum date from the start.
Bounds through the exhibits with barely contained enthusiasm.
Can't resist striking goofy poses mimicking the statues and artworks.
In between being a total dork, he'll surprise you with thoughtful insights.
Points out little details about the ancient weapons and armor you overlooked.
Casually throws an arm around you while you're listening to the tour guides.
Leans in to whisper silly commentary in your ear, trying to get you to laugh.
Zack might even steal a flirty kiss or two when you least expect it.
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@a-view-without-light-pollution just for u bby😘
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
A…date ? ✧
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Plot: Your childhood friend ask you on a date.
A/N: @a-view-without-light-pollution I hope you’ll like it (I think it’s bad bc it needs more details but anyway) enjoyy xoxo.
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From the first instant Zack showed up at your doorstep fidgeting like a hyperactive puppy, you could tell his normally boundless confidence was fraying hard at the edges.
All jittery hand gestures and flushed cheeks as he flashed those baby blues pleading silent messages.
"Heyy...uh listen, I was wondering if ya maybe wanted to, y'know, grab a burger with me later on?"
He finally blurted, scratching at those wild raven spikes crowning his head.
You arched an eyebrow, fighting back an adoring grin at how freaking adorable this human Golden Retriever was acting.
"Zack...we do that literally every other day already. Are you trying to ask me on an actual date here, mister SOLDIER Boy Scout?"
Brilliant crimson exploded across his chiseled features as a strangled noise escaped those plush lips.
He exhaled a shuddering breath, squaring those broad shoulders back as if preparing to charge into battle before nodding decisively.
"Yeah...I am. I really am asking you out on a legit date."
His glowing azure gaze caught yours with an intensity leaving you suddenly breathless.
"Getting all awkward about it won't do either of us any good though, right? Let's just keep it chill like always and have an awesome time."
That trademark sunny grin stretching dimples into those stubble-chapped cheeks was enough to melt anyone's reservations as you found yourself quickly nodding back.
"Definitely, Zack. Count me in - but I expect you to bring your flirting A-game!"
And bring it he did - that charismatic son of a bitch.
From snagging you a stuffed moomba at the carnival shooting range then refusing to relinquish you from under his arm for the rest of the night.
To dramatically serenading you with a botched rendition of "Starlight, Starbright" under the moonlit beach gazebo while passing tipsy couples howled laughter.
Everything felt so achingly, dizzyingly right.
Like this was the inevitable conclusion your lives together were always building toward...however unintentionally.
No more excruciating uncertainty or unrequited longing to agonize over. Just sinking into the warm, radiant glow of Zack's megawatt joy showering over you without restraint.
He was still unapologetically himself, of course. Full of wisecracks and theatrical shenanigans which only strengthened his magnetic charm in your eyes.
Yet now he'd occasionally stumble over his words or allow that velvet baritone to dip into husky dulcet purrs specifically for your ears alone.
Or the way his fingers innocently grazed yours, fingertips sparking little zings of electricity jolting straight to your core while flashing those bedroom eyes assessing your reaction with ardent hunger behind half-mast lids...
All too soon, the carnival lights and jaunty calliope music faded into late-evening stillness encasing you both.
Scuffing boots through sleepy lamp-lit lanes back toward home feeling weightless and intoxicated simply from his nearness.
Drunk on that inexhaustible charisma surrounding you in Zack's personal aura like wafting summer bonfire warmth.
Occasionally lapsing into hushed stretches you leaned in savoring the tactile crackle between close-orbit bodies before erupting into fresh peals of laughter over some locker-room wisecrack.
Until sneaking hesitant sidelong glances revealed his features backlit golden in flickering streetlamp radiance...expression stilled into a look you didn't recognize yet always dreamed of receiving from Zack.
Pure unguarded open adoration emanating in his gaze like you were the only thing in existence worthy of such singular focus.
Your footfalls stopped on instinct, swallowing thickly as those eyes roamed across your face in hungry, aching sweeps you felt tingling upon your skin like physical caresses.
Until Zack closed the short gap separating you in an achingly gradual drift - telegraphing his intent with everything but his voice.
Calloused fingertips glided across your jaw up to cradle your cheekbone with searing gentleness utterly at odds with his rugged stature.
Zack's bottom lip trembled for just a fraction of an instant before your name exhaled from between them in a ravished whisper devoid of the usual bravado.
All you could do was nod mutely and reciprocate the blazing tenderness reflected back at him.
Until those vivid mako irises fluttered shut in blissful surrender...
And you tilted up on tiptoe to lay the whisper-soft pressure of your lips in a gossamer brush across the corner of his own chiseled, perfect mouth.
Just enough for Zack's entire musculature to go rigid as scorching fire flooded his chiseled features - every single one of those battle-hardened sinews vibrating on the verge of deliciously shattering apart at your featherlight touch.
A barely audible whimper sighed out from the deepest caverns of his broad chest before stormy cobalt eyes flew wide in helpless stupefaction.
You drank in every minute tremor and nuance rupturing across Zack's statuesque handsomeness for endless suspended heartbeats...committing the details to permanent memory.
Until finally smiling wider than you ever had in recollection while he just gaped at you in stunned bliss unable to formulate words.
Reality no longer mattered in that divine slice of infinity cradled between you.
Only the dawning awareness of irrevocable, undeniable intimacy blazed in those locked pools of swirling cerulean endlessly dazzling.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧
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Plot: You mimic your boyfriend’s mannerisms. @a-view-without-light-pollution
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While Zack certainly appreciated your hilariously on-point impersonations of his trademark mannerisms - that cocky hair-tousle, gangly boyish gait, or exaggerated pout anytime you teased him - nothing melted his heart quite like catching you spontaneously mimicking his more tender quirks and phrases.
Like the way his gruff baritone took on that infinitely gentle, singsong cadence whenever addressing you with saccharine nicknames or pet names - not that the relentlessly upbeat SOLDIER would ever openly admit to deploying such shameless cheesiness.
Though your adorably squeaky falsetto crooning "Buckle up, buttercup!" or "C'mere and give daddy some sugar!" in that exaggerated, honey-dipped purr never failed to dissolve Zack into hysterics and bone-crushing embraces.
Arms winding snugly around your waist to yank you flush against his solid, muscular frame as he rained sloppy, smacking kisses over your giggling face.
"Damnit, baby! You always gotta go and make me weak in the knees like that?"
Zack would wheeze helplessly between laughing fits, idly stroking those tousled ebony spikes back from your flushed features. Utterly besotted by the way your eyes crinkled with pure, uninhibited joy and mischief in those private moments.
Of course, Zack being Zack - perhaps one of the most gloriously shameless, exuberant dorks to ever grace the planet - he simply couldn't resist leaning even further into the rampant sappiness by doubling down with his own revolting pet names and saccharine nothings.
Lavishing your beaming countenance in a monsoon of overly dramatic pecks, mwah-ing obnoxiously loudly to punctuate every sickly-sweet "Smoochie woochie!" or "Who's mamma's lil' angel-wangel?" in that utterly goofy falsetto.
A resonant timbre so achingly earnest and dripping with boyish charm, mirrored in the smitten gleam glittering within those mako irises.
And whenever you doubled over wheezing with laughter at Zack's antics, he wasted zero time joining you.
Wrestling his solid mass onto the floor beside you where you both sprawled in a giggling, squirming heap.
His achingly affectionate embrace enveloping you from behind as those skilled fingers promptly sought out all your most ticklish spots to amplify the shameless squeals and hiccuping guffaws filling the room.
Because for all the dauntless heroism and battle-tempered ferocity Zack Fair embodied as an elite SOLDIER operative, nobody on this entire godforsaken planet packed a sunnier, softer disposition behind closed doors.
That singularly warm and nurturing spirit effortlessly cutting through any tension or strife with unrelenting, boundless radiance.
Until your ribs positively ached and faces flushed scarlet from breathless exertion, finally collapsing in a languid, sweaty sprawl tangled together on the living room floor.
Both pairs of eyes alight with adoration and contentment at sharing this childlike, carefree bliss - a welcome reprieve from the crushing stakes awaiting beyond your humble sanctuary's walls.
Needing nothing more than each other's tender, steadfast affection to weather any storm swept their way.
Even if demonstrated through yet another round of cheeky impressions and doting squishes of those perpetually boyish cheeks you adored smothering in kisses.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
A headcannon of fluff for kissing/comfort on a rainy day for zack fair? perhaps a day hes upset due a bad mission or something like what he'd like to be comforted how he wants to be kissed? similar to the request you just wrote for cloud? thank you so so much
—headcanons ft. zack fair
A/N: hii thanks for requesting that. I was going to do a zack fluff post soon anyway but I like this idea. I hope you’ll like it, enjoy xoxo
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When the battles have been grueling and the weight of his responsibilities as SOLDIER weigh heavy on those broad shoulders, Zack Fair seeks solace in your tender affections. His usual exuberant spirit dimmed to something achingly fragile and childlike in those vulnerable moments of fatigue and frustration.
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physical reassurance:
The most effective balm for Zack's anguished soul is the grounding press of your body nestled against his own.
He'll wordlessly enfold you in his arms, face buried against the crook of your neck with each inhale saturated in your comforting scent.
Trembling fingers splay across the small of your back as if mapping every groove and dip like braille - anchoring the wayward pieces of himself back together through your joined warmth.
Zack nuzzles into you with such desperate, starving need, grip flexing tighter at each soothing stroke you skim through his disheveled ebony spikes.
Only once your steadying embrace begins dispelling the shadows haunting his bright spirit does Zack's body uncoil from its taut rigidity.
Low, broken rumbles of contentment start bleeding into every ragged exhale as you as his living tether to peace and serenity.
kiss reassurance:
While still clinging to you like a buoy in tempestuous seas, Zack will initiate a trail of tender, worshipful kisses cascading from your collarbone up the vulnerable column of your throat.
Each brush of his pillowy lips is featherlight and tremulous - less a heated passionate and more like honoring you as a sacrosanct offering to soothe his anguish.
Zack pours every ounce of wistful yearning and childlike adulation into each caress of mouth against skin.
You can taste each shuddering breath and aborted whimper bleeding from the very depths of his soul on his lips as he maps your body like a blind man relearning the world anew.
Only once he's attained some semblance of stabilizing tranquility will those revering, barely-there brushes shift into something warmer and more ardent.
His arms loop fully around your waist, hefting your body flush to his powerful frame in a cradling embrace as Zack's lips slant hotly over yours in drugging reverence.
Despite his ravenous hunger, there's still a profound gentleness infusing each velvet sweep of his tongue and greedy inhale gulping down your intermingled breaths.
Zack kisses you intently like committing every ridge and dip of your mouth to somatic memory.
Like you alone provide the grace to exorcise his demons and anchor him to purity once more.
verbal reassurance:
While Zack does appreciate soft-spoken platitudes and tender words murmured through his tousled locks, your SOLDIER needs something a bit more visceral to pierce the haze saturating his mercurial heart in those darker stretches.
Nothing permeates Zack's churning turmoil like spontaneous, uproariously affectionate bouts of verbal indulgence showered directly from your lips to his raptured ears.
Sprawled with his head cradled in your lap, azure eyes fixated up at you in rapt, childlike wonder - this is the prime opportunity to saturate Zack in a deluge of playful, adoring praises and endearments.
He'll grin like a boy hoarding the world's sweetest candy with every crinkle-nosed giggle that erupts whenever you extol the virtues that make up your Zack Fair.
Kiss the tip of his nose and call him your 'courageous puppy' for weathering the harshest storms unscathed.
Trace his swoon-worthy jawline and teasingly laud what a 'dreamboat' he is for all the ladies of Midgar.
Beckon him up for an impromptu snuggle session as you revel in being his 'Zack-attack's favorite hugger.'
At the crescendo of your syrupy-sweet avalanche, Zack will haul you in for a blitzing flurry of grateful smooches - peppering your giggling features until you both collapse in hoots of laughter.
It's only once your breathless cachinnations have echoed out into the room that Zack's usual vibrancy gleams with renewed radiance.
Having his ego stocked on such a sugary diet of affirmations and playful titillation is often the perfect panacea for lifting Zack's spirits back to their full sunbeam zeal.
Nothing ignites that childlike spark better than immersing himself in the doting, frenetic joy you bathe him in like a pure baptismal font.
So keep that fountain of sugary saccharine and worshipful baby-talk flowing freely whenever your Zack needs liberating from the blackest depths of despair - and you'll have your irrepressible, black-bright puppy back in full force once more!
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