#zach salvatore
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crimsonlyinglilly · 1 year ago
Familiar faces- reactions to Elijah's current life.
After you spend centuries as the strongest and fastest beings alive discovering one of your own as human, fragile, breakable is a shock.
Finn decides Elijah is simply better without them and living a normal human life, going as far as planning to deliver his new twin sister to Klaus to keep him from ever coming for him.
Klaus refuses to let Elijah out of his sight when he can and when he can't has him followed by a bodyguard. (Sage wants to how how she got dragged into this mess but knows she's doing this for Finn, the Mikaelson's are an unfortunate side of her love)
Rebekah sides with Klaus slightly, making herself the bodyguard instead, and it gives her the bonus of spending more time with him after a century without.
Kol, takes one looks at his brother's growing annoyance at them and does the sensible thing and teaches him to bloody heal himself with magic.
Why do his siblings always make things so complicated?
Damon and Stefan see Elijah, grown up and strong, free from a crane and breathing without a hitch and sigh in relief at the improvement.
Zach watches Elijah grow free, happy and loved and is happy by it.
Elena and Jeremy never knew Elijah as anything but how he is.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Salvatore Family + Name meanings...
Silas: Forest, woods
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Giuseppe: God will add
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Lilith: Belonging to the night
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Damon: One who tames, subdues
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Stefan: Crown or garland
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Joseph: He shall add; God shall add
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Zachariah/Zach: God/YHWH remembers
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Thomas: Twin
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Sarah: Princess
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schrutexbucks · 11 months ago
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recent TVD reunion posted by nina
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couragehopelovefaith · 1 year ago
@elenajones23 I just realized I had forgotten my queen Lexi and Zach out of the "casualties from Damon's manpain"-list. Such a crime, I'm so sorry.
I saw someone saying that Stefan couldn't ever be himself with Elena, because he was so serious with her, too busy protecting her and constantly trying to get her to do the right thing. It was also brought up that Elena could only be herself with Damon, because Damon is more fun and she got familiar with her dark side with him. And I couldn't help but laugh.
Stefan could be very protective at times, yes, but when it got too far for Elena's liking, she called him out on it and he learned from it. They worked as a team, made mistakes, were there for each other during their dark times and grew together and Elena did her best to keep him safe as well. They had a similar sense of humor and multiple playful moments, when they both were visibly enjoying their time together in the middle of all the supernatural craziness. This didn't change after she turned into a vampire, either. Stefan didn't want to fix her for himself, because he didn't like her as a vampire. He tried to find the cure, because Elena herself had repeatedly said that she didn't want to become vampire and didn't think she could survive as one. That's why Elena's "broken toy"-comment in 4x10 sounds confusingly sudden and absolutely ridiculous.
I love Caroline and Stefan as a powerful BROTP, but when they got together as a couple, it all seemed really one-sided and they never appeared to be as comfortable with each other than they were with their earlier partners and other close people in their lives. They simply weren't very compatible, in my opinion.
I'm not gonna go too far on the D*lena-road or touch the whole sirebond-subject, because it's not good for my blood pressure, but Damon "being fun" and "presenting Elena to her dark side and getting her to accept it" repeatedly put her at an unhealthy pedestal in his eyes and many people around her in serious danger - and was a big part of why Elena ended up turning into something almost unrecognizable. I saw absolutely nothing in canon, that would've backed up her "In death you're the one that made me feel most alive"-statement to Damon. And to be honest, I think that if Katherine would've wanted to be with him, Damon wouldn't have looked at Elena twice.
Sorry if this got too salty. Just wanna remind you, that I don't see Stefan as a perfect angel or Damon as a complete devil. They both have their own flaws and mistakes and also their good moments. But I can't help feeling very frustrated about the most endgames in the TVD/Originals-universe.
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hayleysmikaelson · 5 months ago
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S08E07 - The Next Time I Hurt Somebody It Could Be You
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neverscreens · 1 year ago
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All in GALLERY. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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vampirelon · 7 months ago
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painofhumanity · 2 years ago
Tag Drop;; Stefan Thomas Salvatore 🌿
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crimsonlyinglilly · 1 year ago
Familiar Faces - Admissions, dealing and confrontations. Part 2
Summary: Elijah Gilbert has been haunted by dreams of other lives as long as he remembers, but now with the appearance of the Salvatore brother he may finally get some answers.
Sorry, it's been a while and each chapter is getting longer.
Also flash backs always trip me up.
Damon grimaced as he looked at the bodies around him.
“Please try not to kill them.” Elijah had asked.
He looked at the collection of dead Junkies around him, request failed, at least he had only told Elijah he’d try but clearly all the blame for this was on Stefan.
Who had locked him away to stave.
To miss out of Elijah’s life.
Who had lied about Elijah’s death.
Who had killed Elijah in the first place.
And then went to Damon to get him to turn.
Elijah had been dead before he had taken his first taste of human blood and damned himself, although he couldn't stay angry about that now as it gave him a chance to help Elijah in a way he hadn’t during their life.
Fixing his episodes, getting to watch him grow healthy, to get to live a life without waiting for his illness to finally take him.
Still before he could get to that he had a mess to clear up then he could returned to the boarding house, where he’d likely be facing two judgemental little brothers but that was fine since they were alive to be angry at him.
The fire light reflected off his hand reminded him, he called Stefan.
Hello? Stef’s voice greeted him as he picked up
“I want my ring.” He told him still a little angry after the discovery that he had killed Elijah to bother with the niceties.
“Where are you?” 
“I'm at the sizzler. I had the buffet.” he explained, moving his torch to light more of the bodies “Where's my ring?”
 I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done?
“Noo,” he drawled “what have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy.”
Even after Elijah asked.
“Thought it was better than feeding from him,” he replied, "unlike someone.” He was pleased to hear a choked sound of guilt or pain either way it was a reaction however Stefan smothered it too soon and returned to lecturing him.
“You're being careless. How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?
“I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan.” he snapped back, annoyed, “Where's my ring?”
I'll get it back, but I need time.
“What, did you FedEx it to Rome?! Where is it? I want my ring, Stefan, or I’ll get Elijah to make me a new one”
"Leave him out of this."
“He offered, like the good little brother he is” he taunted, “I could even visit Elena after.”
“I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen.” Stefan’s could almost be serious. 
“Don't give me another reason to rip you apart.”
Yeah? Is that gonna be before or after you get your ring back?
“Just get it.” he ended the call before he heard anymore of his brother’s voice. He didn’t really want to get Elijah to make him one, Elijah hadn’t sounded particularly happy while talking about his magic earlier and besides it was his ring.
He was almost finished pouring the alcohol over the last corpse when it coughed, he stared until he recognized the girl. 
Vicki Donovan.
She passed out again quickly afterwards.
"You're going to have to be more careful." he told the unconscious girl, "Pretty sure Elijah would be pissed at me if you died."
There were pictures of Elijah and Elena with the Donovan boy in the Gilbert living room, Elijah was closer to the age Damon remembered him as in it, the age he died at, that had to mean they were somewhat close to older Donovan.
Vicki Donavan’s luck must suck to place her in his path twice.
Well at least it gave him someone to keep him occupied until Stefan returned his ring, Damon’s pretty sure looking though Elijah’s past lives in his current mood wouldn’t do his self control any good and he was meant to be trying for Elijah.
Stefan stared at his phone, Damon was going to end up back at the house where Zach was alone, he should go back but there was a risk that Damon would keep his threat and come here once he found out Elijah had left.
So he stayed outside the Gilbert house.
He had watched as Elena helped his-their-her- Elijah from the car into the house and was surprised to hear them climb the stairs together when he knew Elijah’s room was on the ground floor.
Then he was reminded of the times in the aftermath of Eli’s Episodes when his nightmares would be worse and Damon had snuck Elijah into one of their rooms despite their father’s anger. 
So he understood as he watched Elena place Elijah on the bed and cross the room to climb into the other side and cover them, watched as she stared at his sleeping face the way he remembered doing memorising for the time he was sure he would lose him.
Her text arranging a meeting at a café for the next day that had come moments later before she fell asleep was still sitting on his phone screen, behind the notification of the ended call.
As much as he wanted to keep her safe from the knowledge and horrors that came with it she would be safer if she knew more and with whatever was the cause of Elijah’s episodes and memories, likely supernatural she was already involved.
He sent a reply agreeing to her meeting and settled in to watch until sunrise.
By then his brother would be trapped for the day and he’d have the day to plan of what he was going to do.
He finished quickly after that and brought Vicki home with him to find a lack of living teenage brother, he could smell their was only one human in the house, so he dropped the girl on the couch and went to find ‘Uncle Zach’
“Where’s Elijah?” he asked after he found Zach back in the library still going through the papers, he looked exhausted.
“He’s gone home.” the man replied without looking up.
“I thought he was staying.” He said settling against the arch, he was very sure that Elijah had arranged it with his aunt.
“His sister arrived, she found out.” Zach shrugged, still refusing to look up, and Damon realised he was copying parts of Elijah’s notes from one of the older lives.
“Found out?” he asked, eyeing the collection of paper; notes, journals and old photos spread out across the table. “About you-” Zach said finally looking up, the man somehow looked more tired than he had when Damon had left “Vampires and Elijah’s dreams.”
“Huh,” he let out before asking, “didn’t take it well?”
“Well enough, considering,” Zach shrugged, “Elijah agreed to explain to her and they left.”
“And you returned to being the busy little bee.” he mocked, Damon was torn between missing the underlying tension of fear Zach always carried around him or relieved someone was able to deal with Elijah’s past thoughtfully, all Damon saw was the lives Elijah had lived and suffered through while Damon and Stefan were out living their lives.
“We have nothing but Elijah’s notes on this side of the table.” he explained, Damon had to agree with the that, Salvatore side despite its few empty places looked filled compared to the other.   
“So look up through the Gilbert records.” he shrugged
“I have, and the Sommers.” The human shook his head, right because Zach had been aware something was wrong with Elijah Gilbert for years. “Miranda wasn’t pregnant.” he added.
He blinked at the news.
“The twins are adopted.” He said as he put the picture together, before asking “So what's your plan?”
For all he wasn’t going to work with Zach, he might as well keep track of what the other was doing, the more information would be useful when Damon found a witch he could trust with this and Elijah.
“I’m going out in the morning to search for more information using some of the names and things EJ managed to write down.” the man explained before wincing as he noticed his slip up.
“Great, I got the house to myself.” he mockingly cheered, Zach looked up with confusion before his eyes moved to Damon’s hands.
“Because your ring.”
“Guessing you don’t know where that brother of mine hid it, do you?” he asked, smiling.
“No-” Zach started,
“And you wouldn’t tell me if you did.” he finished for him as he left the library, he had to hide Miss Vicki so Zach wouldn’t see her and they could party until Stefan returned with his ring.
Elena was doing this for Caroline and Vicki who had been hurt, for the people who had died, for Elijah who wouldn’t tell her everything in trying to protect her, for herself because she needed to know so she could protect the people she loved.
Still even knowing what Stefan was, she trusted him, believed him when he said he didn’t want to hurt her, so she left Elijah sleeping in her bed.
Proof he had pushed himself too soon after a episode, otherwise he would have woken up while she was getting ready and left to meet Stefan at the Grill.
She had explained to Jeremy before she left, trusting their little brother would be able to keep Elijah at home and from doing anything too much for him.
“You said you would explain everything. That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you Google "vampire" you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?” She starts facing Stefan in a well lit public place. She might trust him despite herself but she wasn’t a complete fool.
she‘d get information on vampires and then Elijah’s problems.
“I can tell you whatever you wanna know.” he replies, it’s a start.
“Elena...Give me today. I will answer any questions that you have, and when it's over, you can decide for yourself what you wanna do with what you know. It'll be your choice.” Stefan had said and she had followed him off alone.
Maybe she wasn’t being as safe as she should be a voice that sounded a lot like her twin sighed at her from her mind.
“What’s up with your hand?” Liz asked as she noticed the bandage wrapped around Logan’s hand, it was a nice distraction from the likely mess she was going to see when she uncovered the bodies.
“Gilbert’s hell beast.” he told her as he held his hand up, pulling the sleeve down to reveal more bandages around his arm
“What?” She asked flatly, however understanding slowly dawned on her.
While the Gilbert children had stayed with her after Grayson and Miranda’s deaths, Elijah had gone back to the house repeatedly to check and feed his cats.
When she had asked why he hadn’t brought them with him, Jeremy and Caroline had laughed, which had been a relief as it was the first laugh she had seen from the youngest, while Elena and apologised that they couldn’t do that to her or her house.
Caroline had later explained that one of Elijah's cats was half feral to anyone that wasn’t Elijah.
“While I was searching the house for the watch, I opened one of the downstairs rooms and this black and white beast attached itself to me.” he explained,
“You didn’t hurt it.” She asked, she remember Miranda telling her that the cats had become a help to Elijah during his episodes; the last thing he needed was losing one of them so soon after his parents.
“No.” he snapped, apparently annoyed by her concern, “it let go as soon as I started to take it out of the room and I shut the door. Thankfully the watch wasn’t in that room.”
“You got it.” she asked.
“Yes” he told her and she felt herself calm slightly.
“Good.” she said hopefully they could track down the monster and deal with it before anymore people got hurt. She missed Grayson, he had more experience with these things.
Elijah is woken up by a knock at the door, it takes him a moment of disorientation as he sat up to find himself in his sister’s room instead of his own, before his mind catches up with everything that had happened since he had left for the Salvatore boarding house the day before.
The fact he was waking up alone in Elena’s room with the sun already up hit him.
“Where’s-” he blinked at a concerned look on Jeremy’s face as he stood hoovering in the doorway, his mug in his hands. “Are you okay, Jeremy?”
He’d worry about Elena later, he knows she would understand putting Jeremy first.
Jeremy snorted but took the question as permission to enter and hand him the mug.
The tea is a little too pale for his taste but given both his siblings and aunt prefer coffee he’d take any attempt.
“You always do that, push yourself then worry over us instead of taking care of yourself.” he complained as he sat heavily on the bed, leaning against Elijah’s legs.
“One day I'll learn my lesson.” he joked, it failed to lift the frown from brother’s face, “what’s the time?” he sighed.
“Just after noon.”
“And no one woke me.”
“Why, you got a meeting?” Jeremey shot back, “the fact you slept this late clearly means you needed it.”
He bit back a comment about it being his health to worry about since that never worked, instead turned it back to Jeremy.
“So what’s bothering you enough to bring me tea?” he asked,
“Can’t I just be worried over my idiot brother?” his brother shot back with a speck of guilt that likely would have been missed if he was any else but his siblings.
“Not with tea you can’t.” he told him, with a reassuring smile, after several moment of silence he added ”So are you going to tell me what’s bothering you? and where’s Vicki th-” he started since she had mostly been at Jeremy’s side since he had woken up from the episode.
“Have you touched dad’s watch?” The unexpected question interrupted him.
“No, last I saw it you had it.” he had agreed with Elena at giving it to Jeremy over a pointless show at the Lockwood's, it was theirs and he wanted Jeremy to have it, Dad had always planned on passing it to Jeremy, Elijah had had enough talks about it trying to reassure dad he understood “Have you lost it?”
“No i-” Jeremy cut himself off with an angry look. “No i left it in my room.”
“Then who's been in your room?” he asked
“Vicki.” Jeremy sighed before adding more slightly hesitantly “and Aunt Jenna’s guy”
“The slimeball- er Logan right?” he corrected himself before adding with slightly more concern “Why was he in your room?”
That at least managed to put a smile on his brother’s face which Elijah would take as a win, even if he wasn’t sure why.
“He wasn’t. I don’t know,” Jeremy replied shrugging “I found him walking around up here last night. After he accidently walked into your room.” Jeremy explained, 
“My room?” he blinked, suddenly worried he would find it a mess.
“Luci left marks.” Jeremy smirked, Luci had gotten used to Aunt Jenna quickly compared to everyone else but there was a reason he had to stay in Elijah room when he wasn't home, he attacked everyone other than family otherwise and he only listened to Elijah.
Jeremy spoke again before Elijah could ask “I checked on him, he’s alright.” he might be a large beast happy to use teeth and claws but he was still a cat and he forgot that made him the smaller fighter. 
The smirk vanished when Jeremy suddenly asked 
“You don’t think Vicki would have taken it.”
“No.” he shook his head, he refused the thought they had known her since they were kids, she wouldn’t steal something that important from them and he’s sure her feelings for Jeremy were real.
Another part of him knew how desperate someone could get for a fix, but Vicki wasn’t that far gone, she still had other ways to get her supply.
Vicki still saw beyond the drugs, Elijah remembered getting to the point where all he cared about was his next fix, to escape the nightmares and the real world.
Remembered where that had ended.
That wasn’t Vicki.
But Logan Fell, a member of the foundering families, who had already been oddly interested in the watch.
Mrs Lockwood should have left it as soon as Elena apologised for not finding it but instead she had asked Elijah at the party itself, had called to follow up on it afterwards when there wasn’t a need for it. The founding Council had to know the watch belonged to the firstborn sons of the Gilbert family, it wouldn’t be a stretch for them to think he had kept it back.
And it was just poor luck that Jeremy’s room, both had the watch and didn’t have a fearsome beast protecting it.
Elijah frowned the watch coming to his mind clearly, why were they so persistent, he wondered if Zach knew but for all the Salvatore were a founding family, he remembered being there for it, Zach wasn’t part of the current council. 
Great, a mystery that didn’t involve him, he could solve it without the risk of facing existential dread.
He had managed to get down stairs without Jeremy hovering, after downing the lukewarm tea and released Luci and Kit to feed them smiling at their loud complaints a at being unjustly confined, Luci had apparently cleaned himself of any evidence of the suspected mauling.
He left them to feed, while he went through his dad’s phone book to find Zach’s mobile number something he hadn’t thought to get yesterday too excited by the chance of solving his- everything, of speaking to all out loud and being believed, they were right he had to admit he had pushed himself to far, but he hadn’t done it on purpose he had truly forgotten it, in the rush of being believed.
He found the number and quickly added it into his phone, under Brother- Zach, before calling he had something he needed to ask, another thing beside his health he had forgotten in the rush of being believed.
He wanted to keep the details of his life before EJ hidden, he didn’t didn’t really want the details of that life and what he had done as Elias, he wanted others to know even less.
Zach is ignoring his instincts screaming at him for leaving Damon unwatched since he had returned last night, Damon should have been enraged at them for locking him up to starve, for taking his ring and yet he had been polite for Damon, strangely so. It wasn’t until after he had left the night before that Zach had noticed they had a conversation with any threat in it at all.
It seemed Damon meant his word when he promised Elijah not to harm him, it was strange to think that he could be trusted at all when the only thing Zach had known of Damon is entire life was that he brought death and dread in his wake, but he had seen the photos the way Damon had looked at his brothers in the few of them, the way tiny Sickly Elijah leaned into him like he was the sun in them.
He’s not thinking about how things could have changed if Damon had visited in his childhood before EJ had been sent away, maybe he could have helped Elijah before he was locked away.
None of that mattered now, EJ killed himself to escape the hospital Zach had left him in and now somehow Elijah was remembered and didn’t hate him.
So he ignored his instincts to watch his vampiric ancestor and decided to also take part in the unspoken truce. 
Damon was Stefan’s issue to deal with, Zach was going to work on helping his own cousin-brother-former brother, EJ.
He paused slightly as his phone rang suddenly, taking in the unknown number before he answered, sending an apologetic look towards the people around him that had jumped at the sudden noise.
“Zach?” Came a hesitant voice.
“Elijah.” he answered and smothered the memory of the first time Elijah had called him from the hospital back when he was a child that still wondered when he could come home, before Elijah had re-made himself EJ, bright, carefree and confident.
“Where are you?” Elijah asked
“At the public library, i was checking some thing i noticed from one of you older- lives” he answered, confused, if Elijah was at the house Damon would have told him unless Elijah didn’t trust Damon which would make Zach slightly more comfortable, but he didn’t think that was true given the way the pair had looked at each other.
“What do you mean?”
“You mentioned Bulgarian, Irish and Italian immigrants,” he explained looking back at his notes “i’m looking to find any places many of them could be found matching the dates we worked out.”
“Found anything?”
“A few places.” he replied but it was only the basics he didn’t want to get Elijah hopes up until he was sure they led to anything, “Why did you call?
Elijah hesitated, Zach could almost hear him biting his lip, unlike the many times before the hesitation wasn’t accompanied by the sound of EJ fiddling with the patient uniform. No doubt because his current clothes are aren’t the cheap hospital clothes. He remembered Elijah’s joy at the oversized jumpers he used to give him on his last few birthdays and Christmases.
“EJ” he called softly with a sigh,
“Can you hide my life before EJ?” 
“Why?” he asked, talking over the lump in his throat, what was bad enough for him to ask that. He had read the earliest memories from the Elijah’s notes, unconnected massacres and bloodbath, yet the life before EJ he wanted to keep hidden Elijah’s own words ‘it was too much as a kid’ and ‘Tortured to death by a vampire with a grudge.’ said completely without the horror it should have had.
I don’t want to think about it and i don’t want anyone to read it and see-
“If we don’t then how can we see if it helps.” he hated saying the words, even more when he heard the angry hiss as Elijah let out his breath. He couldn’t deny he also wanted to know why the little boy that used to follow him around the house as a child was apparently doomed before he was born, as much as he was going to regret it he wanted to know if there truly was nothing he could have done.
There was also the fact that if the vampire that had tortured him to death knew his first life-
“Just you.” Elijah voice pulled him out of his thought before they could go too far “You deserve a right to it as it affected you- your life with a mentally unstable-
“Elijah. It wasn’t your fault.” he told him, cutting the boy off before blamed himself anymore.
Nothing he’d read so far could be blamed on Elijah, just circumstances pushing him, like the orderly in the hospital. Elijah was always going to be the little boy that reached for his hand and insisted in sharing his presents, who had mistaken Mason Lockwood for a girl when they were introduced during the few founding family Elijah had gone to. 
“Maybe you can say that after you read what i was like in that life. Sorry i-
“I’ll lock it away once I get back, so no one else can read it and no matter what I read, it won't be your fault, none of this is.” he explained and ignored how much the final words echoed the ones he once told a shocked traumatised pre-teen EJ, after he realised what he had done to the orderly.
 It hadn’t helped then either.
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writememysticfalls · 6 months ago
Roleplay | Damon Salvatore
Summary: Damon secretly fantasises about getting you pregnant. Is it just roleplay... or something more?
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x reader
Genre: Suggestive, hubby!Damon
Word count: >1k
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“You know all my sex fantasies. Why don't I know yours?” you asked.
You watched your boyfriend Damon unbutton his shirt in front of the mirror.
“Hmm, I love your fantasies,” Damon teased. “There's the one where I'm Count Dracula…” he murmured, crawling up the bed. His black shirt fluttered open, revealing his hard stomach.
“I only drink the blood of beautiful women,” he whispered, his fangs sliding out, “and only at night.”
His fingers were cold against your neck. He found your pulse, and sucked it gently.
You stared at the ceiling, wide-eyed. What were you talking about again?
“Hey!” you said, pushing him off. “You're trying to distract me!”
Damon shrugged.
In a flash, his back hit the wall, his eyes fluttering shut. “Your blood is like a drug to me, Bella,” he moaned.
“The Twilight one is a secret!” you hissed. “Your fantasies. Go.”
“Okay,” Damon said excitedly, crawling onto the bed. He lifted you so were straddling his strong thighs. His cool fingers ghosted your lower back, making you shiver.
“I have one fantasy…” he whispered, his cheeks pink. “About making a baby with you.”
You grinned. “So... just sex?”
“No!” Damon said, rubbing your thighs. “Literally making a baby. I dream about getting you pregnant.” He sighed. “I know it's impossible, but that's it.”
“Like what?” you asked.
Damon gulped. “Like…” his hands hiked up your shirt, “we've been talking about it, and we decide that tonight's the night. We're going to make the magic happen.”
“Wow…” you whispered. “Damon Salvatore wants to put a baby in me. I'm impressed.”
Damon pushed you back onto the pillow, his body moving over yours. “You like that - mommy?” he said, smiling shyly.
Damon, the guy who danced on rafters, was feeling shy. This had to be a big deal.
“Call me that again,” you murmured.
“Mommy,” he whispered, his face turning darker.
You gave him a long kiss. His mouth was gentle, but you could feel that his arms were tense, his whole body trembling.
“Tell me more,” you whispered in his ear.
“Hmm,” he started. “Well, we have a little baby boy, who we call Zach.”
“Zach?” you said.
“Yep,” Damon said, his eyes distant. “Little Zach’s a guy’s guy, so I can teach him to take cars apart, but he also loves running around in your high heels, which Kajol - that's his younger sister - finds hilarious.”
You moved to sit up, frowning. “Damon,” you said. “That's not a sex fantasy. That's a life plan.”
Damon smiled goofily. “What?”
“Oh my god,” you said. “You're serious about this. You actually want to have kids with me.”
You stood up. “How long have you wanted this, Damon?”
Damon stretched out on the bed on his stomach, his fingers reaching for you. “No…” he whispered. “Let's go back to the fun sexy stuff.”
“I'm twenty years old!” you said, staring at yourself in the mirror. “I can't have a kid. I practically am a kid.”
Damon sat up, scowling. “Goddamn it, Y/n. This is why I didn't want to tell you.”
“Well, you have. And now I know you want me to be a mom,” you said, your face flushed. “I need to think.”
“Don't go,” Damon breathed. He was trying to smirk, but his eyes were wide. “We'll drop the subject. Pinky promise.”
“I'm sorry,” you said. “I'm staying at a friend's house tonight.”
An hour later, you opened the door to your friend's house to see Damon. He was in the same shirt, his hair still mussed up.
“Let me in, Y/n,” he said, his hand gripping the doorframe.
You pulled your dressing gown tighter. “I'm sorry. I need some space.”
Damon’s hand slid down. “So I secretly want kids! Big whoop. I'm 150 years old. I like tequila and one-night-stands just as much as the next guy - hell, more - but after a while, you get tired.”
“Exactly when did you decide you wanted to have kids with me?” you asked.
He licked his lips. “The moment I met you, okay? I'm sorry that scares you, but it's true. I saw you, and I instantly knew you were the woman I wanted to start a family with.”
Your heart was in your throat. You had always felt like Damon was hesitating, like he didn't want to define the relationship. Now you knew why. He wanted it all.
“Hey…” Damon said. “I'm happy doing the college thing with you for now! I was born to be a frat guy. Jello shots are my champagne.” His eyelids fluttered. “Honestly, the hot college girls are the main perk.”
“I don't know,” you said. “I'm gonna need time to decide if I want this.”
“I've waited a century,” Damon said lightly. “What's another decade?”
You slid your fingers down the doorframe. “Maybe we could adopt,” you said, smiling. “In the distant future.”
“So distant…” Damon said in a squeaky voice, his fingers fluttering away into the distance.
You bit your lip, fighting a smile. You could never stay mad at Damon.
You stepped out onto the porch. “Hey… daddy,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Damon grasped the sides of your head. He twined his fingers in your hair. “Oh, so the calling me daddy part is fine with you?”
“Mm-hmm,” you said, nodding.
Damon pulled you into his chest, inhaling the scent of your hair. “So… you like Charlie Swan, Bella’s dad?”
You shook your head.
“Oh no. It's Carlisle Cullen, hot papa doctor,” he corrected.
You laughed. “That's more like it.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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writtenbyan-aries · 11 months ago
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⋮ What I will/won’t write for - TW ⋮ Get to know me ⋮ Wattpad
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⋮ Formally - SamandColbyOwnMe
⋮ Who I write for - Sam Golbach ⋮ Colby Brock ⋮ Jake Webber ⋮ Johnnie Guilbert ⋮ Carrington ⋮ Zach Justice ⋮ Jared Bailey ⋮ Tara Yummy ⋮ Matt Sturniolo ⋮ Chris Sturniolo ⋮ Rafe Cameron ⋮ JJ Maybank ⋮ John B Routledge ⋮ Daryl Dixon ⋮ Rick Grimes ⋮ Damon Salvatore
⋮ This is a safe place. Absolutely no judgment, just nothing but love and good vibes & pls don’t spam my ask with the same requests! ⋮
⋮ TWD Account - @daddydixonscrossbow
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-> 🍉 🍉 🍉 <- anything helps!
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↳ Sam Golbach Masterlist
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↳ Colby Brock Masterlist
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↳ Adventures with Sam and Colby Masterlist
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↳ Sam and Colby • Solby Masterlist
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↳ Jake Webber Masterlist
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↳ Johnnie Guilbert Masterlist
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↳ Carrington Masterlist
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↳ Zach Justice Masterlist
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↳ Jared Bailey Masterlist
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↳ Tara Yummy Masterlist
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↳ Matt Sturniolo Masterlist
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↳ Chris Sturniolo Masterlist
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↳ Rafe Cameron Masterlist
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↳ JJ Maybank Masterlist
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↳ John B Routledge Masterlist
⤥ ◦ m o r e ◦ ⤦
↳ You’ve Got Daddy Issues And I Do Too
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luminiamore · 1 year ago
a stefan salvatore love story.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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Stefan was, for lack of a better word, tired. He was tired of the way his past haunted him, tired of the way he couldn't control himself whenever he fed, tired of the guilt he felt when he thought of his brother, tired of pretending to be someone he wasn't. He longed to be free of it all; he wanted to rid himself of this suffocating pain, and he didn't want to carry these burdens on anymore.
He dreams every night of a beauty.
No, that term was far too simple for someone of her nature. She was ethereal, like the sunlight peeking through the leaves of trees. She was immensely radiant, so completely captivating. In Stefan's dreams, she gives him a feeling of freedom and peace just for being who he is.
He's been searching for her since the dreams started, the night he turned, going off pure intuition alone.
He feels so unnaturally connected to this celestial woman. Her voice makes him physically weak and her face..
God, her face. He often wonders if he's been personally blessed himself. How is it, he gets to see such a striking face every night as the deep pull of slumber takes him over?
He's done all he could genuinely to find her, at some point he thought she wasn’t real.
Witches were always so lovely to him; they actively cared for him when the things he did as ripper would wake him with breath-shaking nightmares. But even they failed to find the woman who consumed his mind on an unruly basis.
He finds himself back in Mystic Falls. His intuition led him back directly to the home he used to share with his brother. Despite preferring Stefan over his blood, Zach has been acting very hostile. Though reluctant, he didn't mind it when Stefan stayed for a day or two. But that day turned into two weeks and he still wasn't leaving.
In Stefan's mind, he wasn't going to. His intuition wasn't letting him.
“So, you've been here for a while,” Zach breaks the silence he and Stefan shared in the empty living room.
“Do you need something? You seem pretty eager to get me out of my own house,” Stefan's eye twitches a bit as he responds quite pointedly.
He was, for the undead life of him, trying his best not to rip through his jugular. He sensed Zach's hostility for a while, and the urge to kill was juggling at an all-time high.
“Well, I- I mean, this is the longest you've stayed,”he wanted peace again. The peace that came when he didn't have to worry about a blood-sucking vampire sleeping under the same roof as him. I mean, he's a vampire. He's killed people.
“You do know this is my house, right, Zach? You are the guest here. My brother and I are the ones that own this place,” Stefan starts, fixating his intense gaze on the man as he starts to circle around him. Zach has never seen this look on Stefan before; the look of pure craze and calculation, the look of a killer, frightens him. Was this his end?
“So, uh, let go of that hostility you have,” he continues, feeling the fear that radiates off his human relative. His lip twitches upward a bit, a slight smirk itching to make its way on his lips. Stefan finds that he likes this feeling.
He walks and stands face to face with Zach; his eyes flash green, similar to the leaves he sees in his dreams. He breathes out, “Or I will kill you.”
At that, the wooden floorboard creeks a minor tune as Stefan makes his way back into the comfort of his room.
No, he didn't care to see the pure shock on Zach's face. Stefan didn't care for the way his heart was beating twice as fast, the way he felt holes burning in the back of his head as walked. Stefan was much more interested in the enchanting being he had the pleasure of speaking with in his dreams.
He plops onto his bed, slight exhaustion taking over his body. Stefan fell asleep with a smile that night once again; the promise of seeing her was more than enough to drown all the guilt he felt. He remembers her honeysuckle voice as she would whisper, “You're a vampire, sweetheart; embrace it.”
He couldn't wait anymore, and his intuition was telling him that he soon wouldn't have to.
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chapter two
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wolverinesleftclaw · 1 year ago
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𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 as 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐚 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡
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𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐯 as 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐑. 𝐌𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 as 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐊𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦 as 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐨 as 𝐓𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫
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𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 as 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐡 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲
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𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐳𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 as 𝐊𝐨𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐜
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 as 𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐲
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Cast continued....
Paul wesley as stefan salavtore
Ian somerholder as damon salvatore
Candice accola as caroline forbes
Pedro pascal as alaric saltzman
Nina dobrev as katherine pierce
Zach zoerig as matt donovan
Claire holt as rebekah mikaelson
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tuppencetrinkets · 1 year ago
Sorted caps from Season 1 of The Vampire Diaries, the Originals and Legacies.
Nina Dobrev - Elena Gilbert
Paul Wesley - Stefan Salvatore
Ian Somerhalder - Damon Salvatore
Kat Graham - Bonnie Bennett
Candice King - Caroline Forbes
Zach Roerig - Matt Donovan
Michael Trevino - Tyler Lockwood
Steven R. McQueen - Jeremy Gilbert
Matthew Davis - Alaric Saltzman
Joseph Morgan - Klaus Mikaelson
Marguerite Macintyre - Liz Forbes
Sara Canning - Jenna Sommers
Claire Holt - Rebekah Mikaelson
Susan Walters - Carol Lockwood
Daniel Gillies - Elijah Mikaelson
Susan Walters - Carol Lockwood
Kayle Ewell - Vicki Donovan
Melise - Anna Zhu
David Anders - John Gilbert
Arielle Kebbel - Lexi Branson
Phoebe Tonkin - Hayley Marshall
Kelly Hu - Pearl Zhu
Mia Kirshner - Isobel Flemming
Sebastian Roche - Mikael
Charles Michael Davis - Marcel Gerard
Danielle Campbell - Davina Claire
Leah Pipes - Camille O'Connell
Nathan Parsons - Jackson Kenner
Danielle Pineda - Sophie Deveraux
Danielle Rose Russell - Hope Mikaelson
Eka Darville - Diego
Todd Stashwick - Kieran O'Connell
Elyse Levesque - Genevieve
Shannon Kane - Sabine Laurent
Aria Shahghasemi - Landon Kirby
Quincy Rouse - Milton Greasley
Jenny Boyd - Lizzie Saltzman
Kaylee Kaneshiro - Josie Saltzman
Demetrius Bridges - Dorian Williams
Omono Okojie - Cleo Sowande
Yasmine Al-Bustami - Monique Deveraux
Bianca Lawson - Emily Bennett
Steven Krueger - Josh
Lulu Antariksa - Penelope
Melinda Clarke - Kelly Donovan
Sheila Bennett - Jasmine Guy
Karen David - Emma
Gina Torres - Bess
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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nightingale2004 · 10 months ago
The vampire diaries next generation: Delena version
Stefanie Jenna Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Madison Beer
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Stefanie is the first daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore
She is the oldest in her family
Stefanie takes after her mother and does her best to be a responsible daughter and older sister
She is a cheerleader and captain of the Mystic Falls cheer squad and chairman of the Mystic Falls high committee
Damon and Elena feel like she is her late uncle Stefan incarnate
Loves seeing the Saltzman twins
She is a great planner and is considered a great service to her community
She is seen as the golden girl and perfect child
She loves her family and even does volunteer work at the Salvatore boarding school (she knows about the supernatural due to an incident regarding one of her sisters)
Helps out her mom at the hospital when she has the time
She also keeps her siblings in line and babysits her youngest sister who is named Sarah Miranda Gilbert Salvatore
She also works at the Mystic grill and sings a little bit
Stefanie is often called goody goody, golden girl, and/or goody two shoes by her sister Rosabella
Stefanie also goes by Stef, or mini Stefan by her family (mostly Damon)
Damon finds it scary how alike his daughter and late brother are
Rosabella Lillian Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
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Rosabella is the second born child of Damon and Elena
She takes after Damon.......by a lot (Alaric and Matt have expressed this many, many times)
Rose and Stefanie don't get along all that well and constantly tease and argue with each other (same thing with Elena)
Every time she and Stefanie have a fight, it reminds Damon of how he and Stefan used to fight
Rosabella is considered the "troublemaker" in the family
Rose spends time at her dad's nightclub in Mystic Falls (her and Damon have tried to keep it on the downlow)
Rose is very jealous of her older sister but would never tell her that
Accidentally got herself turned into a vampire when she snuck off to a party, and a vampire was passing by.
She got transferred from Mystic Falls High to the boarding school shortly after
She and her uncle Jeremy talk a lot, and she loves it when he comes to Mystic Falls for a visit
She likes photography and has creative writing flame. (She writes for her school paper and helps her dad get some publicity)
She lives to annoy Stefanie and tries to embarrass her
When Rose first turned into a vampire, she locked herself in her room to try and contain herself from hurting her family
When her thirst became too much, she would leave to hide in the woods of Mystic falls, but her family would always do everything they could to help her control her thirst for blood no matter what
She drinks both human and animal blood (she did go ripper once and has regretted it ever since)
Her dad calls her his little raven. She pretends to hate the Nickname, but she secretly loves it
Alaric and Matt call Rose, either a mini Damon or a she-demon (she likes it and laughs about it a lot)
Zachary Grayson Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Gavin Casalegno
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Zachary takes after Damon in looks, but he is calmer like Elena and has an artistic soul like his uncle Jeremy
Zach mostly keeps to himself and never really interacts with society or the town in general
He loves his family
His older sisters often tease him but he knows it's out of love
He also babysits Sarah
He also knew about the supernatural (he knew when he was in middle school)
He found out about the supernatural by stumbling upon his late uncle Stefan's diary, and then he made connections by doing a lot (and I do mean a lot) of research
Out of his three sisters, he loved Rose the most due to them being seen as outcasts in the towns eyes
When his sister, Rosabella, was turned into a vampire, he was more distant with her at first, but he saw how hard she was fighting her "natural killer instincts," and they slowly reconnected again
Zach takes combat and hunter lessons from his uncle Jeremy whenever he's in town or whenever they talk on the phone
Has an interest in auto-mechanics and works at an auto shop (Damon sees a bit of Stefan in Zach whenever he's fixing a car or motorcycle)
He also plays a little bit of football
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pottersmiracle · 1 year ago
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masterlist 【!】
• Harry Potter
- harry potter - ron weasley - hermione granger - draco malfoy - pansy parkinson - blaise zabini - tom riddle - fred and george weasley - sirius black - remus lupin
• Euphoria
- rue bennett - cassie howard - jules vaughn - maddy perez - kat hernandez - fezco - nate jacobs - lexi howard - elliot - chris mckay - ashtray
• Life is Strange 1 2 True Colors & Before the Storm
- max caulfield - chloe price - nathan prescott - victoria chase - rachel amber - warren graham - kate marsh - frank bowers - sean diaz - alex chen - gabe chen - steph gingrich - ryan lucan
• The Umbrella Academy
- luther hargreeves - diego hargreeves - allison hargreeevs - klaus hargreeves - five hargreeves - ben hargeeves - viktor hargeeves - lila pitts
• The Sparrow Academy
- marcus hargreeves - ben hargreeves - fei hargreeves - alphonso hargreeves - sloane hargreeves - jayme hargreeves
• Supernatural
- dean winchester - sam winchester - castiel - crowley - jack kline - rowena macleod - lucifer - gabriel
• Stranger Things
mike wheeler - jane hopper - lucas sinclair - erica sinclair (platonic) - will byers - dustin henderson - max mayfield - billy hargrove - steve harrington - robin buckley - nancy wheeler - jonathan byers - eddie munson - joyce byers - jim hopper
• The Walking Dead
- daryl dixon - rick grimes - maggie greene - negan - michonne grimes - carl grimes - glenn rhee - rosita espinosa - king ezekiel - jesus - abraham ford - shane walsh
• Outer Banks
- jj maybank - john b routledge - sarah cameron - pope heyward - kiara carrera - rafe cameron
• 13 Reasons Why
- clay jensen - hannah baker - jessica davis - justin foley - tony padilla - zach dempsey - alex standall - tyler down - skye miller
- stu macher - billy loomis - jennifer check - colin gray - ethan landry - [will be adding more i just dont know how to write for some other movies cause i dont know all the lore for them 😭]
•Jackass/Viva La Bam
- bam margera - johnny knoxville - ryan dunn - chris pontius - chris raab - brandon dicamillo
• Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 (i don't like 3 i apologize)
- beca - emily junk - chloe beale - stacie conrad - ashley - cynthia rose - jesse - bumper - benji - pieter kramer - kommissar
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
-damon salvatore - stefan salvatore - elena gilbert - klaus mikealson - elijah mikealson - rebekah mikealson - kol mikealson - bonnie bennet - jeremey gilbert - caroline forbes - kai parker -
• Avengers (+Loki and Valkyrie)
- tony stark - steve rogers - peter parker - natasha romanoff- thor odinson - bruce banner - loki laufeyson - valkyrie
• Guardians of the Galaxy
-peter quill - gamora - nebula - rocket raccoon - drax - mantis
- miguel o’hara - hobie brown - miles morales - peter b. parker - gwen stacy - pavitr prabhakar -
• Youtubers
- colby brock - sam golbach - jake webber - johnnie guilbert - tarayummy - anthony padilla - ian hecox - damien haas - shayne topp -
• Wednesday
- wednesday addams - enid sinclair - ajax petropolus - xavier thorpe - bianca barclay -
• Miscellaneous
- theodore finch - pete davidson - david wooderson - joel miller (show & game) - jake peralta - tate langdon - willy wonka (timothee chalamet) - felix catton - oliver quick - joe goldberg - spencer shay - freddie benson
[will probably update in the future!]
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