#zach defense club
frazzledsoul · 1 month
It's so funny to me that I see fans lament that Dave was the perfect man and that Lane should have married him instead of Zach when the narrative definitely implies that Dave broke up with her (or at least stopped calling her so frequently that their relationship kind of ebbed away to nothing) when she started talking about it with the "marriage jug" business. One can hardly blame him for this as he was you know, practically a child, but my point is that he didn't offer and was perhaps uncomfortable with the idea (again! Perfectly reasonable!) while Zach, despite his many flaws, was onboard with Lane having some more traditional expectations and beliefs.
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Life Is Strange Scream au
So I've been thinking of doing an au where Scream happens in Arcadia Bay. LIS has a great cast of characters that could fit Scream so much!
Max has no powers. Warren is the Randy of this au. Victoria is a Gale like figure. David is the anti-Dewey. No one is safe.
"Opening kill". Rachel Amber. Rachel is waiting for Chloe. She gets a phone call and it's someone who is enamored by her. Rachel is the most popular girl in school and everyone in Arcadia Bay loves her. He calls her about her favorite scary movie. Rachel has good taste and says Twin Peaks or The Shining. This caller just wants to see what her insides are like.
The creepy stalker breaks into the Amber house and seemingly stabs her.
There is blood everywhere and when James and Rose Amber returns they are horrified. But the person who broke into their home and hurt their daughter sneaks behind them and kills them.
It's reported that Rachel Amber and her parents were butchered. But there is no trace of Rachel.
Max is horrified about the news about Rachel. Chloe doesn't believe she died and convinces Max to help her find Rachel.
Max is attacked in her dorm and is saved by Warren and Brooke.
In light of the news of Rachel's disappearance and Max's attack, the Vortex Club only gets meaner. Nathan threatens Max and her friends and then Chloe gets up and kicks Nathan in the balls.
Viral vid still happens and Max is unable to save Kate.
David treats everyone like a suspect. From the Vortex Club, to the teachers, to Max, to any student and to his own step-daughter.
Max, Chloe and Warren altogether investigate the killings.
They find Rachel's phone and find threatening and obsessive messages from Frank Bowers. Treating her like an object, demanding sex and one message from a private number threatening to kill her and her family if she doesn't reply.
The Vortex Club hosts a party. And it turns into a fucking bloodbath. The killers kill Hayden, Zach, Logan, Courtney, Taylor, and Courtney. and Stella, Dana, Juliet, Daniel, Luke, Justin and Trevor severely injured.
The last thing Max and Chloe can see before the cops get here is Nathan running away with blood all over his hands.
Max calls out Victoria for Kate's suicide. Victoria is defensive but remorseful. She didn't mean for Kate to die or any of her friends to die. Victoria decides to join Max to bring justice for everyone who died.
Joyce is working the graveyard shift and the Price household is empty. Chloe uses this opportunity to get Max, Warren, Victoria and Brooke to investigate and come up with a probable conclusion on who the killers are. Warren pulls a Randy and uses horror movie logic to help with the investigation.
All signs point to Nathan Prescott and Frank Bowers.
David is called away. Principal Wells discovers that Mark Jefferson is missing.
Max and Chloe confronts Frank. It does not go well. Frank shoots Chloe in the leg, but Chloe shoots him in the dick and lets him bleed out.
Brooke is attacked and Chloe goes to get help.
Max is attacked and chased by Ghostface.
Warren helps her and they barricade inside Chloe's house. In the heat of the moment, Max kisses Warren.
Chloe is begging for Max to let her in and Max does. and then Nathan forces himself in too.
Nathan insists he is not the killer. He ran because his friends were dead and had his blood on their hands but he did not kill them. No one believes him. "GODDAMN IT CAULFIELD, I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!"
Chloe takes out her gun. "I know" and shoots Nathan.
"Welcome to the final act."
And then someone in a Ghostface costume comes down the stairs. They take the mask off. It's Rachel Amber. She shoots Warren(knocking him out, not killing him)
Chloe smirks as she kisses Rachel. "Surprised, Max?"
"Because this town destroyed my life. My father died and YOU. LEFT. ME! Then my mom hops onto Step-Fucker, lets him abuse me and covers it up. Five years to the date where everything went wrong"
Rachel's turn.
"My father lied to me my entire life. Turns out my mother wasn't my real mother and he had my birth mother killed before I could even meet her. Oh and if that's not enough EVERYONE used me. The Vortex Club. Frank. Nathan and Jefferson. Speaking of"
Rachel brings out Jefferson and Frank and shoots them both.
"See Mark here raped me. He raped Kate and was gonna do the same to you. The perfect scapegoat, right Chloe?"
"That's right babe. Jefferson and Frank are predators and Nathan was found redhanded at the crime scene. They have me and you at their mercy and then Rachel heroically returns and stops the killers."
"We could've just killed David, Frank, Mark and Nathan, but we both decided. Why not make a movie out of this?"
"What's going to happen to me?"
"That all depends on you Max. Admit it. You wanted the Vortex Club dead. LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO KATE! I don't want to kill you Max, you and Warren can make it out as the sole survivors for all we care. All we're asking is look the other way and let us get away with it."
Ending 1. Max, Warren and David stops Chloe and Rachel.
Max starts by calling them out. They didn't just hurt their abusers and the Vortex Club, they hurt innocents. People not involved with their abuse or Kate's death and that she'd rather die than stop them. Victoria and David rushes in and Chloe has Max held hostage. David subdues Rachel and before Chloe can kill Max, Warren stops her and David subdues Chloe. It's all over.
Final scene is a callback to the cutscene from the Scream script. Randy asked Sidney out and Sidney says "Obly if it's a nice Meg Ryan film" in this au Warren asks Max out and Max says "Only of it's a nice cheesey sci-fi movie" "Let's Go Ape" "Let's go ape!"
Ending 2. Max plays along.
Max agrees, she doesn't want Chloe to get away with it, but she can't let her or Rachel die. They were justified in why they did it. Max also has one condition. Let her kill Victoria. It was her viral vid that got Kate killed. Victoria and David arrive, but they find Max and Warren knocked out while Rachel gives her and Chloe's stories. David seemingly believes it but is skeptical and when Victoria checks on Max, Max slits her throat. "that was for Kate." Before David can get his gun out. Chloe stabs him in the throat and repeatedly. Rachel cheers her on and after Chloe's finished, they embrace and kiss passionately.
The police arrive. Max tells them all that Mark Jefferson, Frank Bowers and Nathan Prescott are the killers. Their last victims were Victoria Chase and David Madsen and she and Warren would've died if it weren't for herself, Chloe and Rachel.
They got away with it.
Warren has trouble remembering what happened. Max tells him the story. That Nathan shot him, Jefferson was going to kill her and Chloe and then Rachel came to the rescue. Warren believes it and glad they are okay.
Max, Chloe, Rachel and Warren leave Arcadia Bay together with Rachel holding onto Chloe as they drive away and Max holding Warren's hand
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tumblrisweird · 10 months
Operation: REDLINE session 1 summary
<begin broadcast>
LOU: "Well, race day is almost here and we have our final lineup! With the wildcard match concluded, we know who will be joining the four teams who already qualified. "
LOC: "That's right, LOU. We already told you about the Baronic House of Wind, the team from the Ship Breakers Union, the Albatross with his petrels, and the Dross Mech Club. Today we will be introducing you to the final team: TTN. Wait, am I reading this right?"
LOU: "You are. For some reason, the team has apparently chosen 'Temporary Team Name' as their team name. Why do you think they did that?"
LOC: "You're the funny one. You tell me."
LOU: "Well if it's a joke, I don't get it. Maybe you had to be there."
LOC: "Regardless, lets bring our listeners up to speed on these late arrivals. The frontman of the team seems to be one Doctor Armago Montoya."
LOU: "Records indicate he's a member of Smith-Shimano's famous Exotic Materials group with a wide array of degrees and skills. He also appears to have extensive bodily modifications."
LOC: "The second member of the team is Zach Dicoi, a cheerful young man with plenty of piloting experience."
LOU: "Our more well-traveled viewers may know him as half of the stunt piloting duo "Zachy and Dezzy." Like Doctor Montoya, he also has experience working with SSC and uses his honed skills to pilot a Monarch."
LOC: "The third member of the team is apparently also associated with SSC, though in this case as a special operative code-named Usagi. We don't seem to have any further information on her."
LOU: "While she certainly seems like one to keep an eye on, there's always a chance she could get called away on other work. Such is the nature of employment with SSC. Right, LOC?"
LOC: "That certainly was my experience, yes. Anyway, this team apparently is teaming up with Jolene Beauregard, pilot of the Pendulum. Jolene is a former penal colonist who has discovered that fast ships and freedom go hand in hand."
LOU: "Soon after, the team was joined by their final member, another mysterious SSC operative with the call-sign Asurenda. Not much is known about this one either, apart from a lot of frankly baseless speculation. It is unusual to see an SSC operative piloting a Harrison Armory mech though."
LOC: "Nevertheless, this odd team manage to get their act together in time for the wildcard match. Up against a team of drone users led by the fearsome Fergus Metsky, they managed to show why SSC has such an interest in them."
LOU: "That's certainly right! Montoya's White Witch got right in there absorbing hits for the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Usagi utilized their powerful tech systems in close range to lock onto the droners while dancing between powerful enemy attacks. She truly was a sight to see out there."
LOC: "Meanwhile, Zachy and Asurenda provided fire support. In little time at all, the team worked their way through the enemies defenses and brought them down. A fantastic showing from this new squad of pilots. They have definitely earned their place in the race."
LOU: "Well that's all for today's update, but I'm sure you're as excited as we are for the race to begin!"
<end broadcast>
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finexbright · 2 years
can ppl not tell that louis could not give more of a shit about liam🤣🤣 he sounded so sarcastic when telling him to apologise and then proceeded to call him broke💀💀ot4 for life (zayn,louis,harry and niall)
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clubbing both your asks because you guys are talking about louis' response to liam.
look, i didn't like the interview that liam did with the paul brothers either because i still say that he had no right to talk about zayn's background the way that he did because it reeked of white privilege to me and that really wasn't a right thing to do and i won't be surprised if zayn never spoke to him ever again, and that's assuming that they were at least courtesy friends
however, i don't think that louis was being mean or rude either. he wasn't pulling anyone's leg or calling anyone broke. the comment about trainers was just a joke and that's it. but louis did focus on how mentally exhausting the industry and the job can be and he is right because liam has spoken about being mentally affected in the past. i would trust the interview he did with steven bartlett more than whatever clickbait shit the paul brothers were talking about. in the steven one, liam opens about alcoholism and talks about being sober and it looks like between that interview and the paul one, he seems to have taken up drinking again and i really really hope he's in recovery at the minute because and that he's surrounded by people who love him and are helping him
however, that is just my opinion. you are definitely allowed to like/not like liam that's upto you. but the way i read those quotes about the zach sang interview, louis was defensive about liam and used that as an example to talk about how mental health is something that can and does affected in the industry.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Exclusive: Hamas document reveals devious paraglider terrorism attack plan
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/exclusive-hamas-document-reveals-devious-paraglider-terrorism-attack-plan/
Exclusive: Hamas document reveals devious paraglider terrorism attack plan
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JERUSALEM – The Hamas terrorist movement’s use of paragliders as part of its mass murder of nearly 1,200 people, including over 30 Americans, in southern Israel on Oct. 7 was laid out in a methodical plan that Fox News Digital can disclose for the first time.A Hamas military plan obtained by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip reveals the great lengths the Iranian regime-backed terrorist organization Hamas went to deceive the world about its use of the aerial sports device. The Hamas document, originally in Arabic and translated into English and reviewed by Fox News Digital, shows how the terror group was looking to exploit its wider use. “The sport should be developed so that the paragliders become motorized. Areas where the sport can be exploited from a military aspect: Landing behind enemy lines, as part of a silent infiltration across the border using paragliders,” it read. VIRAL INFLUENCER ZACH SAGE FOX PUT SPOTLIGHT ON CLUELESS ANTI-ISRAEL PROTESTERS: ‘NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING’The document continued, “This can be done using silent launch positions. Camouflage of military experiments and training. Reducing costs through the dual use as civilian experiments. Opening the possibility of utilizing civilian activity in other sports that can benefit military activities. Gaining benefits from foreign information obtained through civilian activities.”Terrorists on paragliders swarmed into the Supernova music festival in Kibbutz Re’im and participated in the slaughter of over 300 attendees.IDF KILLS HEZBOLLAH COMMANDER BEHIND BRUTAL ATTACK ON CHILDREN’S SOCCER FIELD: OFFICIALSThe Hamas document goes onto state, “Vision: Establishing a military and civilian aviation force in service of the liberation project. Problem: The occupation is working to prevent the establishment of this force and is fighting against it with all means. One of the solutions: Expose this pattern and work towards integrating it into society in a way that prevents the enemy from ending it. Create a reality that forces the enemy to accept it in some form.”According to the Hamas plan of action, the “steps” necessary to mainstream the paraglider sytem in Gaza involved, “Conduct personal civilian experiments with paragliders, and publish them on social networks and in the global press….Work to attract the attention of adventurous young people to engage in such sports. Establish a special club for this sport in the Strip and encourage a spirit of competition to spread the sport more widely. Create groups and pages on social networks to showcase the beauty and fundamentals of this sport. The Ministry of Youth and Sports must support the sport. The sport should be connected to the global paragliding association, FAI.”ARABIC COPY OF HITLER’S ‘MEIN KAMPF’ FOUND IN CHILDREN’S ROOM USED BY HAMAS: ISRAELI OFFICIALS Brigadier General (Res) Amir Avivi, a former deputy commander of the IDF Gaza Division, told Fox News Digital “The first use of a paraglider was done by a Palestinian terrorist in 1987 in a devastating attack in the north from south Lebanon in Beit Hillel base with 6 soldiers killed and 10 soldiers injured. … We have dealt with this threat for years. It’s not new and definitely Hezbollah has these capabilities. Today we have much more advanced capabilities to detect and destroy this kind of threat.” Avivi is the founder and chairman of the Israel Defense and Security Forum. In July, Israeli fighter jets struck a depot containing paragliders used by Hamas on Oct. 7. The airstrike targeting the paraglider depot in Rafah carried great weight for Israel because the image of Hamas terrorists on paragliders was invoked as a symbol on clothing and posters among pro-Hamas supporters across the world. Neo-Nazis and the Black Lives Matter chapter in Chicago have glorified the Hamas paraglider terror attack. A New York City public school teacher, Mohammad Jehad Ahmad, also displayed the same Hamas paraglider image on his Facebook page.Emory University reportedly fired Dr. Abeer AbouYabis, an Emory School of Medicine assistant professor and employee at its Winship Cancer Institute, in November for waxing lyrical over Hamas’ aerial attack on Israel. She wrote “They got walls / we got gliders Glory to all resistance fighters,” AbouYabis wrote, apparently referencing the paragliders used by Hamas fighters to ambush an Israeli music festival in the early morning hours of the October 7 terrorist attack. “Palestine is our demand No peace on stolen land / Not another nickel not another dollar / We will pay For Israel slaughter / Not another nickel not another dime / We will pay for Israel crimes.”Fox News’ Kendall Tietz contributed to this report.
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trend47 · 6 months
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Bombers first win of 2024.
ESSENDON has claimed bragging rights in one of footy's fiercest rivalries for the second season running, defeating Hawthorn by 24 points at the MCG.
Jake Stringer's presence as a stay-at-home forward bore four important goals as the Bombers kicked away in the final quarter to win 17.5 (107) to the Hawks' 11.17 (83) in the Saturday afternoon sun.
BOMBERS v HAWKS Full match coverage and stats
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In Melbourne's early autumn heat, Hawthorn took the game on and challenged Essendon to bring repeat efforts. The Bombers rose to the challenge after an arm wrestle through the middle quarters where the lead changed eight times.
Every time the Hawks landed a blow, the Bombers would almost immediately return fire, keeping the 73,805-strong crowd on edge.
Archie Perkins comes up big for Essendon with a pair of handy goals in the third term
Matt Guelfi was tasked with a defensive forward role on Hawthorn captain James Sicily in the first half, doing plenty to effectively get under the latter's skin. The Bombers' first goal came by way of a Guelfi free kick against Sicily, quickly followed up by another shot for McGrath against the Hawks' leader amidst a melee. Minutes later a poor Sicily kick coming out of defence set up Peter Wright's first for the day, and Essendon's second.
It wasn't just Sicily, however, succumbing to the tension of the matchup. It was a game littered with off-the-ball free kicks for lingering contact.
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Essendon was focused on aggressive short kicks coming out of the back half. While risky at times, when it worked the home side was able to find dangerous speed through the corridor that proved difficult for the visitors to defend
Josh Weddle shows his aerial ability with this stunning mark in the final quarter
The Hawks were wasteful when they had the run of the play, kicking just 11 goals from 28 scoring shots. With a combination of Moore, Jack Ginnivan, and Nick Watson roaming the attacking 50, the side's forward pressure was important and allowed it to maintain territory control for large portions of the game.
After being trialled in attack during preseason, and even initially named as a forward on Thursday evening, Blake Hardwick played a crucial role on 2023 Essendon leading goalkicker Kyle Langford.
The Bomber had just three disposals midway through the third quarter, needing to roam high up the field to even get near it. It wasn't until the 26-minute mark of the third quarter that Langford was able to take a mark in attack and goal, but small moments were all the Don needed in the second half, kicking another goal in the final quarter to swing momentum back his side's way.
A hamstring concern for Zach Reid was the only sour note for Essendon's day, with the unlucky key defender struggling to get a clean run at the top level since joining the club in four years.
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georgethechen · 1 year
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Zum celebrates its 25th anniversary as a record label with a series of shows on the West Coast. On Saturday, Dec 2, Oakland California’s renovated Thee Stork Club will host the Bay Area return of GROWING after thirteen years away! 
They will be joined by synth-doom act My Heart, an Inverted Flame, New York’s Somnambulists (solo project of Warren Ng), and Marshall Trammell & Paul Costuros Duo). DJ Melanie Marie will also be spinning and providing live visuals.
The New York/Olympia duo GROWING has a storied history of releases on Kranky and Silver Current and recent live and recorded collaborations with acclaimed harpist Mary Lattimore. GROWING released a CD EP with Zum in 2005 (a split with Mark Evan Burden) and contributed a track to the recent Zum Audio Volume 5 double-CD compilation. 
My Heart, an Inverted Flame played their second-ever show (their first was a 2022 Zum showcase at Noise Pop) after a few years of recording for Zum and Deathbomb Arc. The San Francisco/Ashland, Oregon duo delivers heavy doom drones using only synthesizers and percussion. Members Andee Connors (A Minor Forest, Common Eider, King Eider, aQuarius Records) and Marc Kate (I Am Spoonbender, Driftloss) also released a collaboration single with viral TikTok star Banshee. The Wire magazine called them “Stars of the Lid with a bad fucking attitude.”
Marshall Trammell (Music Research Strategies) & Paul Costuros are longtime Bay Area improvisers who convened for Trammell’s six-month residency at The San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum “For Friends” ending in early 2022. Their first recorded material as this Duo is documented in the track “Blue Cube” on Zum Audio Vol. 5. Trammell has toured extensively co-founder and former percussion of the Oakland-based Black Spirituals and currently as solo performer Music Research Strategies or the percussion in In Defense of Memory and White People Killed Them. Costuros has been in the projects Total Shutdown, Death Sentence: Panda!, The Fisticuffs Bluff, Murder Murder, and Burmese.
Somnambulists is Brooklyn-based Warren Ng. He has released solo material under the moniker Somnambulists and in the group This Invitation. Ng has been involved in collaborative film + live score performance works presented at experimental film festivals and exhibitions in New York and San Francisco including an expanded cinema series co-presented by the Microscope Gallery & The Whitney Museum (2016); Mono No Aware IX and X (2015 & 2016); and the SF Cinematheque's Crossroads 2016 & 2018 (presented at the SFMOMA). He has performed at Che Chen’s (75 Dollar Bill) Fire Over Heaven concert series in New York and this is his first appearance back in Oakland since 2019. This show will also be the album release for the new Somnambulists cassette Ascending Planes on Zum.
DJ Bio:
Melanie Marie is a visual artist and creative coder based in Oakland. Initially working with installations centered around Macintosh SE & SE/30 computers, she is now primarily focused on live coding visual synthesis in collaboration with live musicians. Melanie is a host of Transformations Radio and Beloved Radio. Her work and music sets focus on the relationships between music and imagery.
Siblings Yvonne (Xiu Xiu) and George Chen (Common Eider, King Eider, KIT) launched the Zum Audio compilation series (including acts like Duster, Modest Mouse, Deerhoof, Yellow Swans, Zach Hill) in 1998. Over the ensuing decades, the label has released indie emo pioneers Nuzzle, Canadian noiseniks AIDS Wolf, and even Chen’s own stand-up comedy EP.
To mark this anniversary, the latest Zum Audio Vol 5 was released in a double CD format as well as on digital. George Chen set out to survey present-day experimental electronics, drones, hardcore, and mutant pop.
ZUM - linktr.ee/zumaudio
GROWING -https://growing-music.bandcamp.com
Marshall Trammell -https://www.musicresearchstrategies.info
Paul Costuros -https://www.discogs.com/artist/310473-Paul-Costuros
Somnambulists -somnambulistsmusic.bandcamp.com
My Heart, an Inverted Flame -https://myheartaninvertedflame.com
Melanie Marie -https://projectvisualsensation.com
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anthonybialy · 1 year
Buffalo Bills Have Quarterback Who Makes All the Difference, Unfortunately
An overtime loss on a punt return was a perfect ending in its way.  Fuming about a rather egregious lapse for an alleged pro team is an afterthought in a sign of just how superbly the opener went, specifically not quite very.  The most atrocious punt coverage in memory was merely the exclamation point.  Now is the time for questioning every statement.  Winning a coin toss after doinking in a tie meant the club can’t kvetch about not getting breaks.  Instead, the Bills beat the Bills.
Josh Allen was the deciding factor.  That’s supposed to be good news.  Losing on his lonesome is the variable fans weren’t expecting if anyone enjoys surprises.  Inflicting a handicap is one way to ensure parity.  But making it fair isn’t in his job description.  This isn’t golfing, although he may have done too much of that.  The good news for him is that nobody’s going to care who he’s dating.
We wanted desperately for the Jets to use the Aaron Rodgers blink of a tenure as an excuse.  Instead, the Bills couldn’t capitalize on how he wasn’t going to tackle or cover receivers no matter how long he played.  The four-snap era led to the Jets needing the Bills to squander the most glorious of chances, and they naturally obliged.
The only way losing to Zach Wilson could get more mortifying is when he’s thrust into playing after presuming he was going to spend the evening swiping potential OkCupid matches on the sideline.  Doing so should shame any respectable franchise into proficiency.  A night off for MILFs turned into the same for the Bills.  Even his cadence on “Green 18” sounds hollow.
Bills fans should be delighting in memories of Wilson’s prototypical interception that he would’ve thrown even on an alternate DC Comics Earth where Rodgers is a Titan and the new/old/new guy had the entire offseason to prepare like a starter.  Taunting him should lead to a gain of 15 yards.
As for the quarterback he beat, the stubborn refusal to read coverages is the wrong style of defiance.  An interception where it looked like there wasn’t another Bill in New Jersey was as bad as making Stefon Diggs play defense.  Fumbling a snap by not looking at the ball was a nice touch if the throws into oblivion weren’t infuriating enough.  We’re trying to combat a story about Allen’s ghastly decisions as he adds another chapter.  That settles it: I’ll take the cash if I win West Herr's giveaway and not the truck.
Calling Allen a gunslinger shames qualified profession members.  He’s shooting at the Sun.  Aiming recklessly differs entirely from playing riskily.  His decisions reflect someone who thinks he has to win games singlehandedly while losing them on its own.  Irony is tough to appreciate while watching him make decisions bad enough to make Doug Whaley shake his head.
Wholly unnecessary gambles are not an aberration from last season but now part of his profile.  He’s reached the point where it’s on him to change the perception, as he didn’t do so during the offseason.  Number 17 hits on 19; if he gets an ace, he hits again.
Allen is presently a bad player.  That sounds dramatic for an acceptable reason.  A failing 62.6 rating is atrocious and still doesn’t encompass how he cannot be trusted.  The one thing better than criticizing himself is not once again putting himself in position where he needs to do so.  A new season offers an opportunity to start fresh, and he turned it down.  Instead, he sounds like a drunkard promising to sober up before sneaking sips from a schnapps bottle.
This isn’t part of the Josh Allen experience.  Trying to throw through small windows is distinct from seeking to throw through closed doors.  He hasn’t always been careless with attempts.  It wouldn’t be okay if he was, but this unfortunate habit has only become an issue since partway through last season.  Maddening decisions are avoidable if you seek hope.  The problem is the habit seems to have taken hold.
Recklessness is thorough.  Worst of all, there’s no beneficial result in exchange for the tradeoff.  Take his daft final play of the first half, which featured him jumping pointlessly for a few extra yards far from the line to gain and in the red zone, which he needs to be informed means the placekicker is already within range.  We’d be more upset about one bad decision if it was the worst he made and not maybe in fifth place.
A few missed tackles almost seem like a quaint issue.  Leslie Frazier was coordinating from home.  We can’t blame him except for his legacy.  Sean McDermott seemed distracted as feared.  The same defensive lapses as usual would ideally be the most glaring issue.
Prison thinking leads to obsessing over outcomes that likely won’t happen.  The only way to exacerbate endless hours for pondering is to let theoretical narratives take root.  The offseason sentence led some fans to either conclude the Bills were destined to cruise or doomed to have missed their chance.  An unanticipated scenario involving remedial quarterback play didn’t come to mind that entire time in a mental cell.
We still only know one game despite the urge to project results on the next 16.  The Chiefs and Bengals aren’t surrendering because of their respective underwhelming losses.  But the fixes aren’t headlights that turn on automatically when needed.  Teams made to wait the longest to start get the shortest interval before going again, which is good news for one in particular that needs to prove their self-destruct sequence isn’t their most prominent play call.
The opener confirmed the narrative, or didn’t.  That narrows it down to all the possibilities in the universe.  Buffalo doesn’t necessarily have to be defined by a game that was frustrating even by historical franchise standards.  But Tre White needs to start regaining his form.  Spencer Brown has to learn how to play offensive lineman.  And Buffalo’s most prominent resident must stop trying to do it all on his own, especially since he’s doing the opposite.
Everything feels different on September 11.  Sports seem both unimportant and treasured if the schedule happens to coincide.  A day for reflection leads to appreciation for things we enjoy.  If you’re a Bills backer, it then leads to returning to everyday aggravations.
Games go on even if tenures end before taking seats.  The Bills were struck by lightning about half a dozen times last year.  The Jets learned from their rival’s precedent and didn’t use getting hit by a lava meteor as an excuse.
A Trent Edwards/Dick Jauron-worthy performance is the unwelcome kind of throwback.  This season’ first outing ended as unnecessarily ignominiously as 2009’s horrid opener with the additional cruelty of having seen incumbents perform far better.  The Jets cashed in on facing a quarterback who wouldn’t have performed differently if he were trying to lose.
The same franchise that’s broken your heart before dipping it in liquid nitrogen to shatter it hasn’t changed despite recent exceptions.  That was only one game.  But the Bills used their opening shot to demonstrate they’ve reinforced their worst tendencies.
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theultimatefan · 1 year
National Lacrosse League Announces Finalists for 2022-23 NLL Awards
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The National Lacrosse League (@NLL), the largest and most successful professional lacrosse property in the world, today announced the finalists for its annual season-end awards honoring the best players, coaches, and executives for the 2022-23 NLL season.
Reigning NLL Most Valuable Player, Buffalo Bandits forward Dhane Smith, looks to repeat against last year’s NLL Rookie of the Year, New York Riptide’s Jeff Teat, and Calgary Roughnecks’ standout goaltender, Christian Del Bianco.
All 11 award categories are based on 2022-23 regular season stats and performances, with voting taking place prior to the start of the 2023 NLL Playoffs. Voters ranked their choices from 1st through 5th place with those votes correlating with a point total (noted below). The top three vote getters for each award are listed as the finalists.
The winners will be announced next week leading into Game 1 of the NLL Finals.
Most Valuable Player • Christian Del Bianco (Coquitlam, BC) – Goaltender – Calgary Roughnecks • Dhane Smith (Kitchener, ON) – Forward – Buffalo Bandits • Jeff Teat (Brampton, ON) – Forward – New York Riptide
Rookie of the Year • Brett Dobson (Oshawa, ON) – Goaltender – Georgia Swarm • Jonathan Donville (Oakville, ON) – Forward – Panther City Lacrosse Club • Jack Hannah (Milford, OH) – Forward – Las Vegas Desert Dogs
Goaltender of the Year • Christian Del Bianco (Coquitlam, BC) – Calgary Roughnecks • Nick Rose (Orangeville, ON) – Toronto Rock • Matt Vinc (St. Catharines, ON) – Buffalo Bandits
Transition Player of the Year • Reid Bowering (Coquitlam, BC) – Vancouver Warriors • Zach Currier (Peterborough, ON) – Calgary Roughnecks • Challen Rogers (Coquitlam, BC) – Toronto Rock
Defensive Player of the Year • Latrell Harris (St. Catharines, ON) – Toronto Rock • Graeme Hossack (Port Perry, ON) – Halifax Thunderbirds • Brad Kri (Acton, ON) – Toronto Rock
Sportsmanship Award • Kyle Buchanan (Nepean, ON) – Buffalo Bandits • Tom Schreiber (East Meadow, NY) – Toronto Rock • Lyle Thompson (Onondaga Nation, NY) – Georgia Swarm
Teammate of the Year • Kyle Buchanan (Nepean, ON) – Buffalo Bandits • Dan Dawson (Oakville, ON) – Toronto Rock • John LaFontaine (Whitby, ON) – Albany FireWolves
Les Bartley Award (Head Coach of the Year) • Mike Hasen – Rochester Knighthawks • Tracey Kelusky – Panther City Lacrosse Club • Curt Malawsky – Calgary Roughnecks
General Manager of the Year • Mike Board – Calgary Roughnecks • Dan Carey – Rochester Knighthawks • Jamie Dawick – Toronto Rock
Executive of the Year • Melissa Blades – Director of Business Operations, Calgary Roughnecks • Mark Fine – Chief Executive Officer, Las Vegas Desert Dogs • Matt Hutchings – Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, KSE, Governor, Colorado Mammoth 
Tom Borrelli Award (Media Person of the Year) • Pat Gregoire – TSN/Halifax Thunderbirds color commentator and co-host, “Off the CrosseBar” Podcast • Teddy Jenner – TSN play-by-play and co-host, “Off the CrosseBar” Podcast • Adam Levi – Inside Lacrosse, NLLPA, and NLL.com contributing writer and host, “Lacrosse Matrix” Podcast
Each NLL team had the opportunity to nominate and vote for each of the awards with the exception of Teammate of the Year, as each NLLPA Player Representative nominated a player from their team for this honor that was voted on by the NLLPA and its 15 Player Representatives.
Once nominations were finalized, each NLL team casted three ballots for each award by three members of its organization. Select media were eligible to vote for all awards except Teammate of the Year and Executive of the Year with the same voting system.
Each ballot allowed voting members to select their top five choices for each award among all nominated persons. Points were distributed for each first through fifth place vote as follows:• 1st Place – 10 points • 2nd Place – 7 points • 3rd Place – 5 points • 4th Place – 3 points • 5th Place – 1 point
The person that accumulated the most points will be announced as the winner while the top three are the finalists. The All-League and All-Rookie teams are determined by the top vote getters in each correlating award. The All-Rookie team will be made up of six rookies, regardless of position. The All-League First Team and All-League Second Team will be made up of six individuals per team. Each Team will consist of two forwards, one transition player, two defenseman, and one goaltender.
For the latest scores and developments in the National Lacrosse League, please visit NLL.com and find the NLL on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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kaileeandag · 2 years
Tina’s (Imaginary) Voice Roles
Yep,like I said in my last post,I headcanon that Tina would be a voice actress. Just like the son I headcanon her having. So,I made a list of her roles (most of which are in anime.) Note: the anime listed below don’t have dubs,while the game listed does not exist...yet?
-Detroit Metal City-Death Records President -Chibi Maruko-chan series-Sumire Sakura (Maruko’s mother) -Sayonara,Zetsubou-Sensei series-Meru Otonashi (voice provided via text messages she sends) -Gugure! Kokuri-san-Kokuri-san (female version) -He Is My Master-Yoshitaka’s mother -Resident Evil Survivor (2024 remake)-Vincent’s mother -Hozuki’s Coolheadedness series-Datsue-ba
And yes,I’m including her headcanon son’s roles. His will be listed below.
Zach D’Amico: -Yowamushi Pedal series-Akira Midousuji -Gakuen Alice-Narumi-sensei -Ao Haru Ride-Kou Tanaka -He Is My Master-Yoshitaka Nakabayashi -Wolf Girl & Black Prince-Nozomi Kamiya -StarMyu series-Tsubasa Hiiragi -Uta no Prince-sama series-Tokiya Ichinose, Ringo Tsukimiya -Dynamic Chord-Soutarou Haruna -iDOLiSH7 series-Tamaki Yotsuba -Starry Sky-Tozuki Suzuya -Obey Me! ONA series-Satan -Meine Liebe series-Orpherus Fürst von Marmelade nahe Görz -Makura no Danshi-Kanade Hanamine (episode 3) -Sanrio Boys-Ryo Nishimiya -100 Princes of Dream Kingdom-Hinata -Alice in the Country of Hearts series-Blood Dupre -Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! series-Akihiko Beppu -Hozuki’s Coolheadedness series-Hakutaku -Resident Evil Survivor (2024 remake)-Vincent Goldman
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idkmaybesomething · 2 years
The first time I met her was in a basement. It couldn’t have been more fitting. Surrounded by eclectic furniture and lamps and thingamabobs.
She wore a backwards cap and bright red converse, but I couldn’t allow myself to consider that she might like girls. Lesbians don’t get to have that luxury. Nope. I convinced myself that she had a crush on my friend, Zach. I even told him so.
I remember laughing a lot that day while we worked together down in the prop basement. It wasn’t that often that a theater appreciation student caught my interest like that. Usually they were background characters, but she has never blended in. It wasn’t love at first sight, but there were no moments where I didn’t feel something for her.
I noticed her a few times after that. Coming in and out of the shop. You don’t forget a name like Frankie (her name really should have been a giveaway about her sexuality, but internalized homophobia is big.)
A few months later when I saw her while swiping after the breakup, I stopped abruptly. There was the confirmation. She was gay and she was available.
There couldn’t have been a worse time for that swipe. I really took “you can date more than one person” to heart. I was dating half the company and flirting with the other half. And I didn’t know what I was looking for.
I don’t remember much from when we dated that first time. I remember moments. I remember smoking a cigarette in front of her, and knowing by the way she looked at me that she thought it was attractive. I remember running into her in the hallway and getting dinner with her during a busy week. I remember how she always seemed to be available when I wanted to see her.
That night at the club, I should have known. I should have known the way I felt about her was something that the guy I had brought couldn’t even compare to. In my defense, I had been dating both of them on and off and he had said “you brought her on the last event, it’s my turn.” For my era of making my own decisions, I never really figured out how to tell what I wanted.
Even before she got there I could feel the excitement over seeing her making its way into my bloodstream. He didn’t stand a chance. Especially at a gay club? Give me a break. She knew what she was doing. And like always, I didn’t resist it.
After we were pulled together on the dance floor, she pushed me against the bar and kissed me so hard that I couldn’t hear the music anymore. Someone bought us both a shot. And then I let him take the moment. The guy that demanded my loyalty was insisting that I feel guilty for not giving it.
I felt so terrible. How could I have ignored him when I promised I was his that night? But that’s the thing. I never had to promise her. With her, it just was.
But I chose him. I couldn’t tell you exactly what it was. I guess the easy answer is that he made me feel comfortable. I liked knowing that I held the cards. I liked knowing that he saw himself as my caretaker. With her, it would have been hard. I would have had to work. I would have had to open up… for real.
I never really stopped thinking about her, though. Every time I saw her it was like a jolt of desire. At my best friend’s parties, in posts with my friends, at the events she should have been with me for.
So when she messaged me and we were both single again, I didn’t waste our time. We went to a movie. I remember listening to the song “No Interruption” that Joe had showed us both separately and bonding over it. I remember I could tell she was nervous, but maybe not as nervous as me.
We got a drink and nervously giggled… I remember she was wearing those whacky pants that I thought were so hot.
And so, we were on again. It’s not like I didn’t try. It’s not as if I meant to hurt her, but I don’t know. It was never easy with her. It was a struggle and I don’t know how to struggle.
And then we were friends. I would go to Joe’s and the excitement when she was going to be there was always fresh. But we were just friends. It’s all I could give. I remember her telling me about being on a dating app. And I wasn’t jealous. But now I know I wasn’t jealous because I thought I would always have her. I thought she would always be in my life.
I tried so hard to fall in love with her, but the falling just didn’t happen. Even laying next to her on the hotel room in Colorado, I couldn’t bring myself to feel. Even as she made me laugh like no one ever could and as my heart leaped at the thought of seeing her again. I couldn’t convince myself that it was real.
We found ourselves drunk one night on a bench outside a bar. Sharing giggles and a cigarette. I stated that she was moving the opposite way from me. She stated that she had wanted it to be with me. I knew then that I would miss her forever.
When we kissed goodbye I thought for sure that was the last page of the book. This was a new life. A new story. When she didn’t get the memo, I thought it was a lack of understanding on her part.
Recently, I I’ve found out that I was the one who didn’t understand. I didn’t understand that the move was just the ending of a chapter, not the whole book. The whole book was her. It still is her. It will be her.
So when she gets on one knee for you, I just hope you know how lucky you are. I hope you know that there is another soul on this earth that would pull down the stars for her.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Josh Dunkley vs Western Bulldogs hardball
loading Geelong remains silent on whether they are ready to trade with big man Isava Ratugulia who has made it clear he wants to get to Port Adelaide during this trading period. Geelong has been reluctant to let the 24-year-old leave despite playing only four games this season, as they believe he can give them depth in many parts of the land and coach Chris Scott is a firm believer in his talent. However, with the Cats needing to trade in a second round in the future to complete the Jack Bowes deal and possibly needing first-round picks to secure both Tanner Bruhn of the Giants and OIiver Henry of Collingwood, they may need to obtain a future second-round pick from the Port of Adelaide commits. The AFL rules about keeping future shots minimal. Ratogolia played his first three games before being demoted to VFL and then needed surgery after injuring his ankle in the middle of the year. He returned to play the final round but did not appear in the finals. Port sees him playing a role in defense and as a potential rider he probably has more chances at Alberton Oval than the top defender. The Cats have a long tradition of giving players chances at other clubs after several years in their system if their place in the first team is not established. Andrew Mackie, Geelong’s roster manager, told AFL Trade Radio on Wednesday that the big cat remained a sought-after player, although Ratojulia’s position was reasonable. “We put the games in ‘SAF’ and it was a big part of our plan to chain forward in football,” Mackie said. “It’s clear that guys like Sav after six years into the system just want to start playing football, and we’ve had that discussion with him. We’ll keep trying and paint him what it looks like. “He’s a contract player. No doubt the coach loves him, we love him, but we totally understand he’s trying to figure out where he’s going to play football. We’re very clear about how that looks, so that’s where the person sits.” Versatile Geelong Big Man Esava Ratugolea.attributed to him:Getty Images Collingwood and the Giants are so adamant they want fair returns for Henry and Bronn respectively as they were selected in the first round two years ago. The Cats are keen to stick with the No. 7 pick they will earn in the Jack Bowes deal, so they may have to forgo the second round pick in the future in return. Port Adelaide is awaiting deals to acquire Jason Horne-Francis of North Melbourne and Junior Rioli of the West Coast, but a potential triple-deal involving Port, Kangaroos and West Coast was held up when the Eagles decided they wanted to get a player from Port Adelaide for the deal to work. However, Porte says rising stars such as Zach Pattiers, Mitch Georgiades, Xavier Dorsma, Josh Sen and Miles Bergman have no interest in leaving the club and have no interest in trading them. Gold Coast striker Josh Corbett joined Fremantle on Thursday. In turn, The Suns received the Dockers’ fourth-round pick in the future. Josh Corbett.attributed to him:Getty Images Corbett has scored 33 goals from 36 games since his debut for The Sun in 2019 and is a forward mover for the Dockers who are also interested in fast winger Jeremy Sharp during this commercial period. Melbourne’s Adam Tomlinson is open to a Melbourne exit after his chances of defending have been limited in the past two seasons. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x18 - My Winter Song (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - Munich, Germany. Sage is at the University lab, late at night. She seems to be transferring information from one of the main computers into a USB device. From the look on her face, she’s probably not supposed to be doing that. 
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A few minutes later, Pietro sneak vamps behind her and starts kissing her neck.
 PIETRO: (Peeking at the computer screen) What is my head of project doing here at this time of night, instead of in my bed?
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SAGE: (Trying to hide her true intentions the best that she can) Sorry, I couldn’t sleep… I think we missed something when we did the isolation process…
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PIETRO: And what would that be?
SAGE: Look at the DNA structure (points to an image on the screen)…
PIETRO: Darling, you forget I’m a businessman. I have no idea what I’m looking at...
SAGE: There are some structural changes; barely visible… but it seems there were errors in the genetic coding.
PIETRO: Still not understanding a word you are saying. What does that mean?
SAGE: It means it mutated…
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PIETRO: (Gets a call, looks at his cellphone screen) I have to take this. I’ll be back in a moment (leaves the room to take the call).
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SAGE: (As soon as he walks out the door, she checks to see how the download process is going) Come on, come on… (on another window, which looks to be some kind of GPS tracking map, she anxiously waits for a result… seconds later, she seems to have found what she had been looking for) Got you! (Looking at the result) What the hell is that place? Well, at least we know where it is now… pinpoint location, copy, paste… (she transfers the information into the drive and manages to take out the device just in time. She quickly puts it in one of her lab robe pockets. Just as she is about to text someone, Pietro vamps back, starts kissing her neck again).
PIETRO: (As he kisses her, he whispers) You know that saying, “It's lonely at the top”… ( Violently snaps her neck). It is…
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Cut to – Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, and Caroline, having a drink in the living room.
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DAMON: So, ladies, what is this about? You are freaking me out.
STEFAN: That makes two of us…
CAROLINE: Well, we thought it would be best if we told you together.
DAMON: Not helping, Barbie. What’s going on?
BONNIE: It’s about your family…
CAROLINE: You know how your dad had another kid…
STEFAN: Only good thing to come out of that, were Sarah and Uncle Zach. (Sarcastic) But then, of course, Damon had to kill them.
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DAMON: Oh, come on, bro! I said I was sorry!
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STEFAN: I know. Just saying, you were a dick.
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BONNIE: Guys, you are going off topic; that’s not the point.
DAMON: (Smirks) Thank you, Bon!
CAROLINE: We wanted to ease you into this, but I’m just going to say it. Your half-brother’s name is Pietro Salvatore, and he is very much alive. Well, sort of…
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DAMON: (He and Stefan crack-up) Good one, Goldilocks, but that’s impossible.
STEFAN: Is this some kind of retaliation for Vegas? Did someone snitch? I bet it was Kai! (Turns to Damon) I told you!
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DAMON: That little…
BONNIE: Guys, we are serious. Turns out he is the head of Elena’s medical program in Munich. And, it is possible in the same way it’s possible for you to be more than 200 years old…
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DAMON: Even from his grave Giuseppe still finds a way to mess with us…
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STEFAN: I can’t believe this… How are we finding out about him now? He seems to have been around for a long time… you’d figure we would have found out about him over the years.
DAMON: Well, it’s not like there’s a vampire club.
BONNIE: You should probably also know that the “mystery woman”, was a Petrova.
DAMON: You have got to be kidding me! Have we secretly fallen into an episode of the Twilight Zone?!
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CAROLINE: Also, from what Elena told us, he’s up to no good.
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DAMON: Given the Salvatore track record, wouldn’t expect him to be “vampire of the year”.
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STEFAN: I think I need some time to process this…
BONNIE: Elena gave us some research on his background (hands them a folder). She got it from one of her university friends who got close to him. None of us have seen it; figured you should be the ones to look at it first. We’ll give you guys some space… (she and Care leave).
Cut to - Munich, Germany. Elena, Sam, and Alex, in one of their Cadaveric Anatomy practices.
 ALEX: Where is Sage? She’s never late…
SAM: Didn’t she tell you? She went home for the holidays; sent me a text earlier. Spur of the moment type thing.
ALEX: That’s strange, she didn’t tell me anything… And, she hates her family. Why would she go see them?
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SAM: I stopped trying to understand what goes through Sage’s head a long time ago.
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ELENA: In her defense, no matter how crazy it may be, there is no place like home…
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SAM: Feeling home sick?
ELENA: A little… (he kisses her). I know I was just there, but it’s always hard to spend the holidays away from home.
SAM: It sure is. Was the info Sage got on Pietro any useful to them?
ELENA: Not sure, I didn’t read it. Gave it to Bonnie and Caroline to do what they thought was best (someone walks in).
PROFESSOR: Students, may I have your attention. I have a couple of announcements. First, we have a new temporary program director, Mr. Salvatore had to go out of the country to attend other matters. Until further notice, Mr. Veritas Dracul will be taking his place. You will have a chance to meet him later on, once he is settled in. Second, and I ask you not to be alarmed, this is only a precaution. We have been informed that one of our main lab computers has been breached. Special Agents will be investigating, and they will need your full collaboration. Until they find everyone involved, the main lab will be inaccessible to students without Faculty supervision. Last, but not least, for all of those who will be staying here for the holidays, we have planned some wonderful festivities; we look forward to seeing you there! That’s all for now, have a productive day (walks out).
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ELENA: It sounds serious… You don’t think Sage had anything to do with that, do you?
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SAM: Not sure, but she probably knows more about it.
ALEX: And now I’m sure Sage didn’t just “go home for the holidays”. We need to find out what’s going on… (takes his phone out and calls Sage) Straight to voice mail…
SAM: Maybe we should check out her room, see if we find anything off.
ALEX: It feels all sorts of stalker wrong; but I agree.
ELENA: You guys really think she was the one that broke into the computer? The main computers are off limits to students. Even if she is on the inside, I highly doubt Pietro would give her access to classified information.
SAM: Ever heard of the term honey trap?
ALEX: I fucking hate that guy! And if he hurt Sage in any way, I’m going to kill him.
SAM: Let’s not jump to any conclusions. Sage is as tough as they come, if anyone knows how to defend themselves, it’s her. I’m sure she’s fine.
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ALEX: Still, this is a vampire we are talking about, not your average Joe. If Sage got caught phishing around, I don’t think he would just let her off with a hand slap.
ELENA: I’ve seen the worst side of both his brothers; yet he scares me more than they ever did…
SAM: Okay, one step at a time. Alex, send her a text. Maybe she ran out of battery or she’s flying. If you don’t get a reply by the end of the day, we’ll check out her room and take it from there.
Cut to – Edward’s mansion. He’s sleeping in his room, wakes up suddenly, shaking and sweating. 
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He gets out of bed, and makes his way to the study. Finds the Madame having a glass of wine.
 EDWARD: Figured you would still be here. Do you ever sleep?
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EDWARD: I was, until another nightmare woke me up.
THE MADAME: How come you hadn’t told me you have been having nightmares?
EDWARD: I was hoping they would go away eventually, but they are not. I need your help.
THE MADAME: Of course, love, whatever you need.
EDWARD: I want you to read my mind.
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THE MADAME: Edward… we agreed it was best I never do that.
EDWARD: I know. But these nightmares feel different. I really need to know what they are about.
THE MADAME: There are other ways to do that. We can find you one of those dream interpreters.
EDWARD: You know better than anyone those people are charlatans. This is the only way.
THE MADAME: A very dangerous one…
EDWARD: If it helps me get rid of the nightmares, I’m willing to take the risk.
THE MADAME: They are that bad?
EDWARD: They are.
THE MADAME: You know there are no guarantees.
EDWARD: Like I said, I’m willing to risk it.
THE MADAME: Are you positive, dear? Once it’s done, there is no going back…
EDWARD: I know…
THE MADAME: Fine… I will do it. But you must promise me you will not skip a single dose of your medication. Your mind is fragile, and this is not going to help with that.
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EDWARD: I won’t. And my mind is not that fragile.
THE MADAME: You know what I am talking about. I’m only trying to protect you.
EDWARD: And I thank you. But I promise, I will be fine; I can handle it. Now, how does this work?
THE MADAME: I need you to sit down, relax, and close your eyes (he does). Now, take deep breaths, try to leave your mind at a blank. Just focus on your respiration… 
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(She places her hands on his head, and closes her eyes…).
Cut to – The Lockwood mansion. Matt is in his bathroom, staring at the mirror. He looks frustrated and scared. Khuyana walks in.
 KHUYANA: Matt, what is going on? Are you okay?
MATT: I thought it would go away, but its been some time now, and still no change… I’m losing eyesight on my left eye. All I see are shadows and bright lights…
KHUYANA: What!? How come you didn’t tell me?! We need to have a Doctor check you out immediately.
MATT: They have… I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to get upset. When I was taken by those “sketchy” military guys, they messed me up so bad that I actually lost an eye. Sick bastards put this weird bionic eye in its place. I don’t remember anything, I found out when I went to get it checked. Sorry I didn’t tell you; I was scared and really hoping this thing would work. The Doctors told me that it is the highest tech they had ever seen, and that I could actually regain my full eyesight. But… I haven’t. There is no way I can remain a Sheriff like this…
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KHUYANA: Oh my god, Matt… I…I… I don’t know what to say (hugs him)…
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MATT: Guess I’ll have to find a job that doesn’t require 20/20 vision.
KHUYANA: But you love your job! I’m sure there is a way around this.
MATT: K, I shot Penny with perfect sight, imagine what I could do now… I can’t put anyone at risk.
KHUYANA: I’m going to stop you right there! You are the best Sheriff this town has ever had!
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MATT: Second best…
KHUYANA: Regardless, you are not giving up your life’s dream because you feel you might not be fit for it! What happened to Penny was a tragedy, and it had nothing to do with your skills! I’ve seen you practice shooting blindfolded, so don’t you dare tell me you aren’t good for the job! Plus, have you ever heard of Daredevil? If he can, you sure as hell can!
MATT: (Smirks) I knew I should have told you before, you always find a way to make everything better.
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KHUYANA: Yes, you should have told me! We are a team; we deal with things together (kisses him). Everything will be fine…
MATT: (Caresses her tummy) It sure will…
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KHUYANA: I know you’ve been dying to tell your friends. Tell you what, we’ll do it after New Year’s.
MATT:  I love you, K…
KHUYANA: I love you, M… (they kiss).
TVD 9x18 (part 2) coming next! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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I wanna hearing about Paige's family with #5.
Super detailed questions about your OCs
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
HOO BOI my friend, you have volunteered for an infodump. I’m putting in a read-more cut to prevent dash clogging.
Paige was the second-to-last child out of five, with three brothers and one sister. 
Isabelle [Bella, Belle] -- the eldest, Paige’s sister and seven years older than her. Basically ended up as built-in babysitter/second mom. Paige calls her Izzy and is the only one who is allowed to call her that [anyone else will get whacked, including Bella’s husband]. Their relationship when Paige was a kiddo was pretty strained; Paige grew up running wild with her brothers whilst Isabelle, the eldest daughter of a very conservative and publicly religious family, was constantly being watched and judged on how responsible she was and how well she was growing into a ‘lady’ as she was expected to do. Meanwhile Paige, as the younger daughter and surrounded by boys, was excused for more wild behavior and often given a flavor of the ‘boys will be boys’ pass when she got into trouble until she hit puberty and suddenly got whacked in the face with more feminine expectations. 
Somewhere in Paige’s early teens, she and Izzy had it out in an honest to goodness, full-on fight, wherein Izzy accused Paige of being a spoiled brat who was incapable of understanding just how hard it was to hold up under everyone’s expectations, and Paige threw it right back by calling those expectations petty bullshit and questioning why Izzy didn’t just toss it all out if she hated being a lady. The two grew apart after that, maintaining some sisterly affection but mostly not getting in each other’s way. Izzy taught Paige how to look after her hair when she started growing it out, taught her how to do make-up, gave her advice on clothes and shoes for interviews, that sort of thing. 
They both ultimately stayed at arm’s length until Shaun was born, at which point Izzy had reached out to try and reconnect. She and her husband had been living in Pennsylvania when the bombs fell. Izzy’s family was well off enough that they might have gotten a spot in a vault, but Paige hadn’t been keeping up with them enough to know whether or not they’d registered...
Ethan -- eldest brother, five years older than Paige, she always looked up to him as her cool older brother. He and his friends had a garage band when he was a teen, but he gave it up when their parents put pressure on him to start figuring out something ‘real’ to do with his life. Music became a beloved hobby, noodling about on his guitar when he could get away with it, but never when their father was home, as he’d threatened to smash it on more than one occasion. 
Like Isabelle, Ethan was often leaned upon to be more adult than he actually was, looking after his younger siblings but with a touch more wiggle room. Where Isabelle was very much considered the one with full parental authority, and thus expected to enforce the rules to their fullest extent, Ethan allowed Paige, Daniel, and Zach to get away with the occasional mischief with a wink and a smile that assured them he didn’t see anything. 
Besides music, Ethan also had a gift of gab that made him excellent at talking himself and his siblings out of any trouble-- something he and Paige shared, and the two would get into deep arguments over tiny things as a kind of sport. At school a teacher encouraged him towards debate club and theater, and he participated in multiple school productions before, again, their parents reminded him that artistic careers were more fantasy than anything to build your life around. Instead, they pushed him towards law, which he fucking hated but attempted to make them happy.
He dropped out after his first year of college, arriving at home with black dyed hair, two tattoos and three piercings he hadn’t had when he left for school, giving their parents the finger, and all but disappearing when Paige was fourteen. Nineteen years old, he was technically an adult, his their parents couldn’t drag him back. Dad doesn’t talk about Ethan, and mom would cry when he was mentioned. Paige worried he died chasing a dream for the longest time, until she left for law school and started getting postcards-- turned out Ethan was still in contact with Izzy, and had embraced his musical career [and all the hardship that came with it] with everything he had. 
Last Paige heard, Ethan had been somewhere on the western seaboard when the bombs fell. She finds it unlikely that he, or any descendants of him, survived... though, if he went ghoul, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was still living the traveling musician life two centuries later. 
Daniel [Danny] -- middle brother, two years older than Paige, and oldest of the trouble trio. Daniel, Paige, and Zach were always the three making messes together as young kids, running wild, exploring the backwoods on the family farm, finding fun and odd ways to get chores done, and generally being kids. Danny was the tough one out of the three of them; easily the biggest out of all of Paige’s siblings and the one who got in people’s faces if anyone was messing with anyone else in the family. 
Danny and Paige frequently butted heads; they were both stubborn as hell and outspoken, and before Paige was expected to be more lady-like it very regularly came to blows. It’s thanks to Danny that Paige knew how to squirm out of most holds by the time she was an adult, even if the other person was larger than her, and exactly which soft spots to shove her elbows or heels into. This tendency towards brawling changed as they got older, however, as Danny realized that Paige was going to be a petite woman her entire life and went out of his way to teach her some honest-to-goodness self-defense tactics after hearing a few of his friends say a few... off color things about his sister. 
Danny stayed in Minnesota to attend a trade school, finding work in the automation industry; installing and maintaining machines used for mass manufacture. He married almost immediately out of highschool, and the timing of his first kid suggests that his wife was pregnant before the wedding. Paige kept in contact with him, and Danny actually made the trip out to visit her when Shaun was born. While Paige suspects that he’s dead, unless of course he ended up ghoul, she has occasionally speculated that if Danny and his family survived the initial bombing? He had practical skills that might have seen him through long enough to have descendants that survived to the present day.  Zachariah [Zach] -- the youngest, a year younger than Paige and her childhood partner in crime. Zach, like Paige, was kinda on the small side. Unlike Paige, Zach was also intensely shy in a family full of outspoken, opinionated, stubborn mules. It wasn’t that he didn’t have opinions, mind-- rather that he had a lot of trouble putting the words together to express them. Zach would often stick with Paige like her second shadow, because Paige was very good at picking up on what he meant to say to others and saying it for him, or re-iterating when he spoke too quietly and he got ignored. 
That said, Zach was often the mastermind behind what he, Paige, and Danny got up to as little kids-- quiet, but quick witted, and a grade-A prankster. 
As adolescents, Zach and Paige were occasionally confused for being twins despite there being a year difference between them. Their faces were strikingly similar, with Zach having deeply brown eyes rather than Paige’s hazel being the main difference. Sometimes their mischief would play into this, and Paige was allowed to get away with many things as a young teen simply by virtue of being mistaken for her brother. 
When Ethan ran out on the family, Zach was probably the one most deeply effected by it, and Paige did everything she could to support him at the time. They both looked up to Ethan, but Zach even more so because he was also musically inclined and had been learning the drums from one of Ethan’s friends. Sometimes the band even let him do some kind of back-up percussion when they were practicing before their father shut it down, and it was during those practice sessions that Zach tended to really light up. When Ethan left? Zach fell deeply into depression for a long time, and Paige felt like it was her responsibility to hold him up lest she lose another brother. 
Despite being the often-overlooked child in the family, Zach had damn near perfect grades... and yet, their parents appeared to lack specific expectation for him. Rather, the had a vague assurance that he’d simply do well at whatever he decided to do, and Zach confided in Paige that he had no idea what to do with his scholastic success-- that it didn’t feel real to him. That he wasn’t a person, but rather a mass of goo that could just be poured into whatever shape worked best for the people around him. 
Paige still regrets not having any good advice for him. Last she heard, he’d gone to school to pursue an engineering degree, like their father; imitating a ready example. She suspects that he might have gone after something musical, if not for what happened with Ethan, and that his choice paralysis was a form of avoiding even thinking about that kind of rebellion. Like Danny, Zach’s schooling didn’t take him far from the family home, and he still lived in Minnesota at the time of the bombing. He was, at the time, unmarried. Given time to think further on it, Paige actually suspects that Zach might have been some form of closeted due to still being close to the family and their parents intense involvement with the church. Thinking about that always makes her wish she’d been there for him more, that she’d been smarter and figured out what he’d been dealing with and helped him handle it better. 
Like everyone else, Paige is pretty sure Zach is dead... and he’s probably the one she’s mourns the most, because it feels like he never really got to live in the first place. 
15 notes · View notes
As in Debbie Harry
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: implied sexy times, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 4.2K
Summary: Jess and Ella have a frank discussion, then go see a live performance of some angry music.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Gilmore Girls is often a very sex-negative show. There are many examples of the sex-negative narrative through the series, such as when Lorelai implies Paris is “the bad kid” for losing her virginity, or when Lane gets pregnant with twins the first time she has sex with Zach. In “Keg! Max!” Jess tries to pressure Rory into having sex while in a bedroom upstairs during Kyle’s party. In my opinion, that scene seemed a very clumsy (and, honestly, out of character) attempt to convey Jess’s inward situation outwardly without using words. It is a very difficult scene to watch and it is Jess’s worst moment in the whole series by far. With this chapter of my AU, I am in no way trying to trivialize that scene or be an apologist for that kind of behavior. It’s unacceptable in every way. Consent is extremely important, and should be clearly given by everyone involved each time they have sex.
Instead, I wanted to create a more positive representation of teen sex. Sex is a normal part of life, and people should not be shamed for having it. I wanted the conversation between Jess and Eleanor to be realistic and beneficial. And I wanted the morning after to be positive too. I wanted it to be clear that they both gave consent during the initial conversation and right before they actually had sex (because giving consent once does not mean giving consent forever). I wanted them to be safe and comfortable. I wanted them to make an effort to communicate with each other. Also, I personally think the show has a detrimental attitude towards virginity, especially considering how much slut-shaming there is, the incident with Paris being only one example. Virginity, in my view, is just a social construct, but that’s a conversation for another time.
In my AU, Jess does not pressure anyone into sex, and he never would. It’s monumentally problematic of Gilmore Girls to brush off the incident in “Keg! Max!” the way it does, so I wanted to make sure I addressed it before any sex happened in this story. It’s important to recognize problems in our favorite content and learn from them. So, I hope this chapter sends a better message about teenage sex and consent. And I hope I got my ideas across in this note. Please feel free to message me any time if you are going through something, want to talk, or anything else. I am always here. You can learn more about consent and find resources for sexual assault survivors here.
Legs crossed, warming both her hands with the to-go cup of tea from Luke’s, Ella listened intently as Lane gushed about Dave Rygalski. They sat in the gazebo, school bags forgotten on the old wood below them. Stars Hollow High was finally closed for fall break, a whole week off to celebrate Thanksgiving and prepare for the odd, torturous month until the sweet release of winter break as well. Lane was thinking out loud, trying to formulate a plan to get Dave to her house on Thanksgiving. Schemes involving classical Biblical guitar and stuffy outfits were being discussed when Rory finally arrived from the bus stop, binders in her hand and her Chilton skirt hitting her knees as she walked.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite Catholic school girl!” Ella called as Rory ascended the steps.
Rory scoffed. “It wasn’t funny two years ago, and it’s not funny now.”
“Humor is subjective.”
“Not in this case. You’ve reached an objective lack of humor.”
“Hey, not even Rory Gilmore can bend such universal rules,” Ella shrugged, smirking. Rolling her eyes, Rory plopped down between her two friends and blew out a tired breath, a tight squeeze on the small bench.
“Man, that boyfriend of yours is a bad influence. The heightened snark makes the two of you such a sorry lot,” Lane said.
Ella’s wicked grin only widened. “The snark existed well before Jess came along. I think it’s more my old age that’s making me bitter.” She paused, taking another sip. “Really Rory, I could paint your shoes. Your mom could hem your skirt. I think it’s time to make waves in the antiquated dress code community.”
“Expulsion’s just what I need six months before graduation,” Rory grumbled, digging around in her yellow backpack for her pager. There were fourteen messages from Dean. She let out a frustrated growl.
“Dirk Squarejaw again?” Ella asked, sympathetic.
Nodding, Rory sighed and put her head to Ella’s shoulder. “He just won’t shut up about that kiss with Tristan. I swear this all would’ve been easier if he’d ended up actually going to military school.”
“What do you say we throw off our men and just ride off together, Thelma?” Ella said, uttering a dreamy exhale.
“If only, Louise.”
Clearing her throat, Lane nudged Rory with an elbow and raised offended eyebrows.
“And, once you snag Dave, you’ll be part of the feminist killjoy club, too,” Ella said pointedly, smirking.
“You’ve been listening to too much Bikini Kill,” Lane said, cracking a smile.
“No such thing,” Ella retorted. “Revolution girl style now, baby.”
The three of them descended into a sprawling conversation of Thanksgiving plans, along with a rather colorful anecdote involving Rory’s Chilton frenemy Paris. No matter how exuberant she sounded, Ella couldn’t help but think she would get along well with Ms. Geller. A pleasant tingling had spread within Ella since leaving school, the bell finally chiming in seventh period trigonometry. The feeling always came along with breaks, and it was nice to be with Rory and Lane, chatting in their familiar, breezy way. Everyone was growing older, getting busier, getting boyfriends; it was rare the three musketeers got a true moment to themselves. Eventually, Lane had to go to Bible study, eager to get in good graces with her mother, to allow Dave to provide a musical holiday accompaniment.
Autumn brought early nightfall, and the light was just beginning to wane when a decrepit AMC Ambassador screeched to a halt in front of the diner. And Ella found herself not even surprised when Jess stepped out of the driver’s side, the keyring around his finger. A smirk crossed her lips and she scoffed a little, looking over at Rory, who shot her a suspicious glance.
“He’s back behind the wheel, huh?” Rory asked.
Ella’s face fell a little. “Oh, jeez, I’m sorry-”
Waving a dismissive hand, Rory only shrugged. “That accident wasn’t his fault.”
Letting out a breath of relief, Ella gave Rory a side-hug and another grin. “You’re the best, Gilmore.”
“Second only to you, Ella.”
Glancing over at Jess, Ella rolled her eyes. He leaned against the car, gazing at her. His hands shoved in his pockets, hair gelled up, a leather jacket over his Clash t-shirt. A blush almost rose to her face at the sight of him, but she bit the inside of her cheek and smirked wider instead.
“You need something, Mariano?” she called smugly, and Rory chuckled at her side.
Jess shrugged. “Just didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Oh, how polite of you,” she shot back, then looked over at Rory in askance. The brunette nodded and gave her one last hug.
“Lunch tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Ella replied, gathering up her stuff and shaking her head in disbelief as she approached the car, and the boy next to it. “Where’d you get the rust bucket, Mariano?”
“Whatever, soccer mom,” he retorted.
She narrowed her eyes at the insult to her station wagon. “You’re on thin ice. Where’d you even find this?”
“Gypsy sold it to me. Not so pretty, but I got a good deal.”
She nodded, placing her hands on the back of his neck and lacing her fingers together. His arms came to rest around her waist. Ella glanced back around him to the car. “Ah, I wouldn’t write her off too quick. She’s got good bones.”
“Wait to look on the bright side, blondie,” he said, kissing her cheek.
“As in my hair or as in Debbie Harry?” she asked, expectant. “There is a right answer.”
Jess snorted. “Debbie Harry. How could you even ask?”
“Just checking,” she smiled, pressing her lips to his. For a moment, she was caught up, and the kiss deepened. But then she remembered they were still standing in the center of town, and she pulled away as her cheeks heated up.
Jess chuckled at her blush as she took a step back and cleared her throat, running a hand through her loose hair self-consciously.
“Shut up, James Dean” she warned playfully, narrowing her eyes. “With this car? I think you’ve reached caricature status in public opinion.”
“Don’t type-cast me.”
She continued despite his mock defense, ruffling his gelled mess of waves. “You’ve even got the hair to match.”
Rolling his eyes, he swatted her hand away and pouted, trying to fix his look. “Just for that, I’m not letting you pick the music. And I’m not telling you what we’re doing for our surprise date tomorrow night.”
“What? I wasn’t aware the stakes were so high!”
Jess rolled his eyes again.
Before she could do any more damage to his cool exterior, he retreated back into his driver’s seat. Laughing wickedly, she came around to the passenger side and threw her bag in the back.
“I think it’d be perfectly fine for the date not to be a surprise. Where are we going?” she asked, hoping to lure it out of him.
“Somewhere,” he replied flatly, not phased.
Smiling wider at his secrecy, she threw a glance at the diner over her shoulder as he rolled away from town center. Punk blasted through the radio, and she turned it down just slightly so they could hear each other. Jess shot her a teasing glare, but said nothing about it.
“Y’know,” she said, “I’ve worked at Luke’s for three years and in all that time combined I didn’t make enough money to buy a car.”
“And what are you implying?” he asked, feigning innocence.
Ella only scoffed, taking his free hand in hers. She could feel the scar, where they’d pulled out the stitches.
.   .   .
Nowhere. It had been a long drive to nowhere in his car. But, Ella supposed, nowhere could be a kind of somewhere, anywhere. Eventually, though, they’d made it to Hartford and Jess turned back. The frigid sky was darkening to a deep, late autumn blue, and Luke was adding him to a Saturday night at the diner every time he came home past midnight. Upon arriving back in Stars Hollow, it was around ten, the shops were closed, but Jess didn’t want their time to end. Away from town, he felt lighter, easier. Everyone wasn’t watching him. Ella wasn’t the doe-eyed princess like Rory, and she didn’t have overbearing parents like Lane, but the townspeople still looked at him with plenty suspicious eyes when they walked hand-in-hand out in public.
Instead of Luke’s, where watchful figures persisted, they landed in Ella’s bedroom. He felt his muscles relax at the scent of lavender, sitting on her bed and leaning his back against the muraled wall. She laid next to him, shoes off but still fully clothed, atop the knit blanket. Joni Mitchell played a mournful tune over her turntable. Her candles were alight, and Jess would have felt sleepy if it weren’t for the book in his hands. Jess devoured A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, another gloomy tale (shocking) Ella had given him. She said she always read it around Christmastime, and he was beginning to see at least once reason for her Grinchy tendencies. And Ella held Anna Karenina in front of her. It was not her first foray into the Russians, but she had never been too thrilled with them. Jess seemed to believe this one would win her over. A few chapters in, and she doubted it.
“Jess?” she asked as the clock ticked nearer to eleven.
“Are we gonna have sex?”
Choking for a second in surprise, Jess cleared his throat. He scoffed out a chuckle. “What, like, now?”
Ella laughed, shoving his arm playfully. She sat up and faced him, flushed and anxious, though her voice was even. “No. For one, my dad’s still awake. But, I just mean...we do pretty much everything up to having sex, but we’ve never had sex. We’ve been together for almost three months. I just figured we should talk about it.”
Shutting his book, Jess crossed his arms over his chest. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a talent for subtlety?”
She rolled her eyes. “My bluntness is at least half my charm.”
“‘Charm’ is a pretty strong word.”
Launching a teasing pillow at his face, Ella giggled. “I’m trying to be serious here, Mariano.”
“Okay, sorry. Go on.”
“Okay. So...sex.”
He bit his lip to fight off a smirk. “Yes?”
“Well, have you had sex?” she asked.
“Yeah. There was one girl back in New York. Tara. She was nice, I guess. But it wasn’t a Nora Ephron type deal or anything.”
“You like Nora Ephron?” she interrupted, brows furrowed. Not incredulous, only perplexed.
He narrowed his eyes momentarily but ignored the interjection. “I dated her when I was a freshman and then she moved to Albany. Then, your best friend Shane-”
“Fuck off.”
“Not a chance. But, the answer is yes.” Then, after a pause, he furrowed his brows. It occurred to him what a gray area that part of her past was to him. “Have you?”
She nodded. “Hm-mm. A couple times.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling shyly at the way he tilted his head. There was no judgement in his voice. “Right after my mom died, I went to a couple parties...Well, not parties. They were more like get-togethers. Anyway, I got super stoned. This kid Brian smoked with me and we just sorta…did it. There were a couple more parties that year. Rinse. Repeat. Eventually, I started working more and just stopped going.”
“And you never-”
“No, never got together with him,” she answered before he even had to ask. “I never had a ‘relationship’ with anyone. Never had sex with anyone else. It was a good thing, though, I think. Being with him. At the time, I felt so shitty. For just a little while, it made me feel better. He’s a nice kid. Plays for the marching band. Sometimes sex is just sex, y’know?”
“Yeah, sometimes,” Jess agreed. “But...with us?”
Running a hand through her hair, Ella felt her insides flutter at the look he gave her. It was almost….open? Not quite, but almost. “Well, do you wanna have sex with me?”
Swallowing dryly, Jess nodded and hoped he didn’t appear as flustered as he felt. “Yeah. Yeah, I do...Do you wanna have sex with me?”
“Yeah,” she said, nodding casually. It felt odd, talking so frankly with him. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, it was exciting. Would it feel different with a boyfriend? She bet it would.
He cleared his throat, doing his best to hold her hazel gaze. “Good, then. That’s good.”
“I think it is, yeah.”
Bringing a hand to his shoulder, she pulled him in for a short, sweet kiss. And Jess’s heart felt light, relieved. Sometimes, Ella was challenging, she was complicated. But, when it was just the two of them, without all the noise which surrounded their daily lives, it was just so easy. And he could remember no other person he’d ever felt so at home with, who understood him so completely. And when she pulled away, he could still feel the ghost of her lips on his own.
“Alright, I’ve got to finish this chapter,” she said, grabbing her book again and shifting next to him, her back against the mural and her head coming to rest on his shoulder. When she cracked open the pages to her marked place, Jess following suit, she sighed. “This book is excruciating. Why would anyone read this recreationally?”
“You really wanna talk excruciating, Stevens?” he wagered, eyebrows raised as he looked down at her. “Need I remind you of Finnegan’s Wake? And don’t even get me started on this so-called Christmas book.”
“It is a Christmas book,” she argued, gesturing down to the Betty Smith novel in his hands.
Jess shook his head. “Just because Christmas happens in a story doesn’t make it a Christmas story. This is the Godfather debate all over again.”
She sighed once more. “You're never gonna convince me The Godfather isn’t a Christmas movie. Give it up, James Dean.”
“Only like fifteen minutes of that movie takes place at Christmas, my god, how many times-”
.   .   .
Just before official closing, Luke came back from Doose’s with supplies for Thanksgiving to stock the back room. The diner was to stay open on Thursday, and Luke would feed traditional turkey dinner to whoever stepped through the door. The past two years, Ella had worked all day, eating with Luke, Lorelai, and Rory during down times. The year before, she’d also gone to her aunt’s house following her shift to see the kids. But, with Fiona moved in and engaged to her father, the obligations had changed drastically. She was still working the morning shift, but was due home no later than two. Her older brother was coming, along with her aunt, her aunt’s husband, and her nieces.
Cleaning the counter with lemony disinfectant, she watched her boss trudge through the diner with heavy bags to the stockroom. Luke declined her offer to help carry things, as she had known he would. Instead, she was to keep closing.  The clock ticked rhythmically on the wall, and the anxiety for the approaching holiday mixed in her stomach with excitement and pleasant nerves for what the evening was to hold. Jess had slipped out the door around lunch time with the blue vest in the pocket of his leather jacket, telling her he’d be back around nine. And he still wouldn’t budge and tell her where they were going for their ‘secret date.’ But it wasn’t as though she didn’t know why. He hadn’t been able to treat her during their first date, and every date since had been more of a casual hang-out, or a mutually-arranged affair. He still wanted to show her what was, in his opinion, the first date she deserved. So, she wouldn’t argue too much. When the bell over the door sounded, Ella smirked before she even looked up to see him.
“Ready to spill your guts, James Dean?” she asked immediately as he came and sat at the counter in front of her.
Jess scoffed. “Eager much?”
“Jackass much?”
He rolled his eyes. “Are you almost done?”
Nodding, Ella threw the rag in her hand into the dirty bin below the counter. She could hear Luke rummaging around in the back still.
“Hey Luke?” she called.
He came out with his hands on his hips, baseball cap in its rightful place as always. “Yeah?”
“I’m finished out here. Alright if I clock out?” she asked.
Luke eyed his nephew suspiciously, who looked back at him with his usual smug smirk. “Only if Walmart’s favorite stock boy doesn’t keep you out too late.”
The expression fell on Jess’s face and was replaced with furrowed brows, mouth set in a thin line. He’d managed quite a many few months keeping the secret from Luke, until he’d got his car. It was only after Luke accused him of prostitution that he finally came clean. And the teasing had been relentless ever since.
“Don’t worry,” Ella said, smiling as she went to the kitchen to clock out and hang her apron.
With Ella out of the room, Luke pointed a finger at his nephew and took on an accusatory stance. “No drinking, no smoking, no-”
“No drugs, no five-dollar street corner sex, I got it,” Jess interrupted begrudgingly.
Luke grunted in annoyance and rolled his eyes, but said nothing more as he went around to the cash register and started to close it out. Emerging from the back, Ella smoothed her hands over her simple black dress, then pulled her sleeves down over her hands nervously. Suddenly, she wondered if she wasn’t dressed for wherever they were going. She wished she had asked earlier.
“Okay, time to spit it out,” she said, rounding the corner of the counter and grabbing his hand to pull him up. They walked towards the door and she donned her peacoat, taking her shoulder bag, emptier than normal without all the school contents.
Jess smirked. “But what if a blindfold is part of the plan?”
“No fucking way.”
“Hey!” Luke piped up from the register at her language. The attempt at scolding was half-hearted, though.
Rolling her eyes with good nature, Ella followed Jess out the door. “Sorry. Night, boss.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Luke said with a small smile, waving a dismissive hand at the two kids.
Once outside, Ella could see her breath in the night and she was glad she’d worn her thick black tights. Her Doc Martens crunched the orangey piles of dry leaves noisily as they descended the front steps and made their way across the street to Jess’s car. Before they could get in, though, Jess stopped in his tracks and turned to her, leaning against the car doors.
“I’m waiting,” she teased, eyebrows raised impatiently.
After reaching in his pocket momentarily, Jess went to tuck a strand of hair which had fallen from her low bun behind her ear. Then, he revealed a set of ear plugs in his hand, and Ella’s brow furrowed though her smile widened in nostalgia.
“What’s up, Houdini?”
“Figured you might need these. Since we’re going to see the Distillers and all.”
“Are we?” she asked, taking the earplugs from him.
Nodding, Jess brought the tickets from his pocket and held them up for her to see. She broke out in a grin.
“Not bad, Mariano.”
“Yeah, I know you’re more into melancholia, but you were listening to my CD the other week. So, when I saw they were coming to Harford, I figured...” he trailed off humbly, shrugging. “And we’ve been together almost three months and I still haven’t seen those famous Eleanor Stevens dance moves.”
She chuckled, flushing slightly. He could smell her rosemary scent as she leaned closer and rested her hands on the back of his neck. “Don’t know if you’re ready for that. They’re deadly.”
“In more ways than one I’ve heard,” he quipped.
“Shut up,” she said. “This is awesome, Jess. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
And she brought him in for a kiss, smiling into it. Jess could feel his shoulders release their tension. He hadn’t known if she’d be happy. They were one of his favorite bands, and he’d heard rumors of their coming to town when she’d chosen them as her angry music weeks earlier. Though he wasn’t big on signs, he thought maybe the universe was telling him to share the experience with her. Let her in. It didn’t make him any less nervous, though. It was always there in the back of her mind, that worry she would realize what everyone else in the town already had. That he wasn’t good enough for her. But as he felt her hands in his hair, warmed by her touch in the cold November air, he couldn’t help but forget his fears for just a moment.
.   .   .
Mid-morning light streamed through the small window into Ella’s cramped bedroom. Her cacti sat on the dresser, soaking up the sunshine, as Jess and Ella slept soundly on the mattress. Wearing a big KISS t-shirt, Ella turned over in her sleep and faced Jess, his arm draped over her tightening slightly. A shirtless Jess lay beneath the whitish blanket next to her, snoring softly. His jeans and t-shirt were strewn near the bed, along with Ella’s dress. Still pumped full of adrenaline after the concert, Ella had crept through the house the night before to make sure everyone was asleep, then snuck Jess through her window. And their first time together was even better than she’d imagined. Sweet and a little awkward and wonderful, reminding her almost of their first kiss months before. And, afterwards, they’d stayed up talking for hours, with a fair amount of teasing from Jess over the t-shirt she’d decided to wear to bed. KISS was perhaps her biggest guilty pleasure.
Upon a soft knocking on Ella’s creaky white door, Jess began to stir. He cleared his throat and rubbed at his tired eyes before fully waking, becoming aware of his surroundings. Then, a voice came from the hallway outside.
“Ella? Fiona wants to take us to Doose’s to get Thanksgiving stuff!”
Sitting up slightly, Jess saw Ella was still deep asleep.
“Elle? Wake up,” he said, shaking her shoulder gently. It took at least thirty seconds before her eyes finally fluttered open.
“You gotta wake up. Someone’s at your door,” he said quietly, hastily. Another knock sounded on the wood, and Jess glanced up, biting his lip.
Taking in a sharp breath, Ella nodded and her hazy eyes blinked harshly awake. The knocking on the door was persistent now, and her brother called her name a couple more times. She gestured for Jess to move to the corner near the dresser, out of view of the door, as she rushed over to open it. Poking her head out, she kept the door almost shut so only her face could be seen.
“God, Adam, knock louder, would you?” she snapped tiredly.
Adam took a step back at her irritated tone, squinting behind his glasses at her behavior. “It’s not my fault you’re too lazy to get up on time.”
“Didn’t realize we had an appointment scheduled,” Ella shrugged, trying to make her tone lighter.
Shrugging back, Adam began to walk off. “We’re leaving for Doose’s in fifteen.”
“Fine,” she grumbled, shutting the door loudly as he walked away.
“Wow, you’re not a morning person,” Jess remarked, a sardonic twinkle in his eye as he spoke from behind her. When she looked back, he was almost fully dressed already, buckling up his belt. “I gotta get back. Luke’s gonna be pissed.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right,” Ella sighed, running a hand through her messy locks. She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought about it sooner. Sometimes Jess seemed so independent, so out on his own, she forgot how much Luke had invested in taking care of him.
Jess only shrugged. “My fault. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I’ll tell him I was reading at the lake and just dozed off.”
“You don’t have to do that,” she said immediately, shaking her head.
He came over to her and put an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “It’s fine. He’ll be less mad at both of us. Win-win.”
“You think he’ll buy it?” she asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
“I have my ways.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever, James Dean.”
Chuckling, he pecked her lips and took one long look at her. Before he could help it, or worry about feeling stupid, he smiled down at her. Crooked and sincere. And Ella smiled back.
“I had a good time,” she said.
Jess nodded in agreement. “Me too. The best of times.”
Sighing lightly, she rolled her eyes. “How do you always manage to bring up Dickens?”
“It’s a gift and a curse.”
And even after he pressed one final kiss to her lips, disappearing out the window and down the street, she couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off her face.
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justinstolemybike · 5 years
sigh. season 3. here we are. 
i watched the first five episodes and... i felt so uncomfortable. it was bad. not all bad but... pretty bad. so bad, that it wasn’t enjoyable for me and i didn’t care to watch it all the way through, so i read other spoilers and i am not sure if i will watch the final season. but with it being said that i did not watch the whole thing, this can’t be a full review. so, here comes my first glance. spoilers obviously. 
instead of weaknesses and highlights, lets just say likes and dislikes. likes first.
- tyler’s storyline. last season, i was skeptical of how they would handle his rape and emotions about it, but i am relieved they gave his character proper care and devin druid did a magnificent job. my only gripe is that i wish they had him do something other than boxing to channel his anger. like, i understand why he would be learning self defense but i would like to see him do something less violent?? 
- jessica’s reclaiming of her body. at first the whole intro to the sex toys was weird but it actually was really touching (no pun intended) to see jessica begin to love her body and love sex again after what she’s been through. also, female masturbation is so underrated. nice to see it encouraged. know your bodies, ladies. 
- the classic jensen tour. i’m surprised they still allow him to do the tours. like, none of the exchange students from the last time reported him? oh.
- chloe and the abortion. as a character, i don’t care for chloe, i’m sorry. she’s not a character to me, just a plot device. also, she gets no cookies for lying for bryce in the trials (i know abusers and victims have a twisted dynamic and that’s why that happened but nah chief) but i do like how they showed that some pro-life clinics will mask as abortion clinics and manipulate women into coming and trying to get them to keep their babies. totally real and fucked up.
- bryce was held socially accountable (kind of) and i think that makes an interesting point about rape culture. in the real world, jail doesn’t scare men in power because they can buy their way out. they don’t care about women and what they feel, obviously. what’ll really fuck sexual assaulters up is when they have no friends and no one likes them. that’s what they (kind of) showed with bryce this season. and he died which, yes fucking rad awesome wow.
- i know that justin also had a kind of darker storyline (with seth, i think? you can tell me if i’m wrong but don’t be rude) but he was a lot of the comic relief it appears and brandon flynn was great at it.
- alex and jessica broke up. hallelujah.
- justin is a abuse survivor. makes sense with his background. 
- monty died too AND went to jail. cool amazing beautiful.
- tony is still ferociously loyal and apparently there was a scene where clay and tony said they loved each other. rise clony. rise up from the ashes.
- “i write fanfiction” - clay jensen.
-ani. ani, ani, ani. i can understand why people find her annoying and she was probably the biggest reason i was uncomfortable watching but i didn’t hate her. she just... didn’t make sense. the things she did,the things she said, how she was involved and everyone just takes to her and loves her immediately, no questions asked, no buildup necessary... none of it felt natural or believable. a new girl comes in and it’s just a coincidence that clay gives her a tour and she decides to go up to jessica and says shes amazing and lives in bryce’s house and connects herself to the house of horrors that is the tape club (which was so dumb on the tape club’s part by the way, as she could have snitched and destroyed them all) instead of just finishing out her high school career in peace considering she moves around a lot and she starts college in a year and half and probably won’t talk to any of them after that. no, she’d rather potentially go to jail for a bunch of fucking strangers and criminals and rapists. sure, okay.
and for someone who just fucking got there to basically insert themselves in the traumas of these kids and make things worse in some respects and do some fucking shitty things (not listening or caring when she heard about bryce being a GODDAMN RAPIST, accusing jessica of SLEEPING WITH HER RAPIST, accusing clay of being the killer, yelling about chloe’s pregnancy in the street, the list probably gets longer) and think they’re allowed to pass judgment when THEY JUST FUCKING GOT THERE. LIKE, WHY IS SHE SO INVESTED? WHAT DOG DOES SHE HAVE IN THIS FIGHT? DOESN’T SHE NEED TO STUDY OR SOMETHING? WHY IS THIS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING ELSE SHE HAS GOING ON IN HER LIFE?
now, i get what the show was trying to do here. they wanted another, fresh perspective/narrator and i guess a love interest for clay (a wayyyy too convenient love interest, ‘she loves robots and drawing and not minding her business too! swoon!). but they could’ve had both of those things without adding someone to the payroll. honestly, i don’t think they needed a narrator at all but if they really wanted one, they could’ve added an ACTUAL ADULT detective, with no biases so they can be completely reliable to the audience and their investment would be justified. for love interest, yall already know how much i love and miss sheri. she could check clay without sounding patronizing and had chemistry with him and actual nice, romantic history. she could have been his second cop and they could have reconnected and become a couple and... we could’ve had it all, rolling in the deeeppp. 
it’s like with ani, the show wanted to kill two birds with one stone but they missed them both and i think the backlash on her character says it all. i’d just like to remind everyone to give the actress who plays ani respect and courtesy because it’s not her fault. 
- was it just me, or does it seem like the tape club has learned nothing from what they went through? they’re still keeping secrets and trying to hide shit and keep it all inside and i’m like..... but.... this behavior is what got ya’ll fucked up in the first place? and i totally understand it’s about protection and whatever but.... it also feels like an excuse to not be held accountable for wrong doing. like, alex killed bryce. although he had all the reasons to do it and i’m glad he’s dead, he killed someone fam. that’s not okay. and his dad is wrapped up and it’s just... i just... i dont know. then, there was the whole “let’s not tell on tyler so he doesn’t go to jail” thing and i have mixed feelings about that. i think they should’ve turned him in and got clay’s mom to rep him for rehabilitation and therapy instead of a jail sentence. they’re hiding the guns and trying to trust tyler and luckily that worked, but how long? what if someone fucks with him again and it’s too much for them to help him with? 
- speaking of help, clay needs it. oh my god, does that boy need it. they were so focused on getting tyler professional help but, clay’s out here putting guns to his head and having night terrors. he needs therapy more than anyone. honestly, what i would have liked to see, wayyy back in s2, is as soon as justin saw that, he wouldve went to clay’s parents and got him back on his meds and seeing a counselor. he’s been through so much trauma and guilt and he’s tired of his own fucking hero complex. it’s enough man. 
- they tried to have their cake and eat it too when it came to clay stopping tyler from shooting up the school. they tried to be like, clay shouldn’t have done that but oh, he was so brave and what a great guy he is for doing that. no, that doesn’t work. clay should not have confronted tyler in that situation. period.
- zach was disappointing because i agreed wholeheartedly when he said that they should have called the cops but... he didn’t. he was blaming them for letting tyler go free but he was too. damn, zach.
- it’s like they give clay a new lackey every season and.... ok, i guess.
- i also thought it was kind of weird that after everything they’ve been through, they still walk on eggshells with each other? like i guess because now we’re dealing with murder but... i would think they would trust and care for each other a lot more than to accuse each other and spy and interrogate and not just simply ask... like... this season made me not understand the tape club’s relationship. like are they friends? allies? allies trying to be friends? friends out of necessity? do they know? 
- bryce does not deserve to be humanized. that’s all.
- monty does not deserve to be humanized. that’s all. also, it’s so disappointingly predictable that he’s closeted. 
- the new characters (ani, caleb, chloe, winston, cyrus ) i still don’t care about. plot devices, all.
i may edit and retract some things, should i decide to watch all the way but i’m tired.
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