#z-code game
manonamora-if-reviews · 9 months
Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Max Fog
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============= Synopsis
In Milliways: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, every step you take has an equal probability of sending you over the edge of perilous cliff drops or spinning into the stratosphere. But before that all happens, you have a choice: should you hitchhike the galaxy, or stay home and drink beer? Oh, right. Your home was destroyed ages ago. I guess there's only one way to go then. As the game begins, you find yourself on the ramp leading from the hatchway down to the surface of the legendary lost planet of Magrathea. Soon, you will find yourself exploring dead planets, escaping white mice, navigating the fjords of Norway, and of course - at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!
============= Other Info
Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe is a Z-code parser, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp. M:REU is a fan-made sequel of The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy (IFDB).
Status: Completed Genre: Science Fiction, Comedy
CW: /-
============= Playthrough
Played: 2-Oct-2023 Playtime: about 2h [unfinished] Rating: - [IFComp vote] Thoughts: Marvin is still the best robot.
============= Review
M:REU is a very large parser game, reminiscent of the old Infocom era, and very much a love letter to the original HHGG game. The story follows the event of the second book of the HHGG series, in which the protagonist makes their way towards Milliway, the restaurant at the end of the universe. It combines puzzles and exploration, and includes hints and a walkthrough. It can't be completed in 2h.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
When starting the game, I knew I would not be able to finish it within the 2h mark (the beta call, mentioned a 8h-long playthrough...), nor would I have been able to go through the different parts without losing (its difficulty being cruel, one wrong move and you die). But I did not expect the quality of the game to be this impressive, considering this is the first game of this author and the fact that the game had been re-coded a few months prior to the comp.
Through my limited playthrough (I managed to get to the 4th location?), it is clear this was a labour of love for the old Infocom games, and the HHGG universe. The game manages to encapsulate the wittiness of the books so well, from the description of your actions, to the error messages, or the in-game hints. I gladly tried to die, just to see the funny messages, and the game calling me a noob for being a bad player.
Some of the puzzles seem a bit obtuse, and require either knowledge of the story or some trial an error (thank you, walkthrough for the help). They are definitely not meant for first-time parser players. Even trying to understand the hints, or follow the walkthrough, it is pretty easy to make an error and see your progress blocked completely.
Close to the 2h-mark, I stumbled into the Milliway kitchen, tried (and failed) to wrangle with the cupboard and my inventory. At some point, the cupboard just refused to open, and the timer rang. I still tried to play a tiny bit more, undoing previous actions and redo the puzzle, but alas, I could not get it past (is it maybe a bug? or did I miss something obvious?).
Honestly, from the little I played, it is really impressive, and could pass for an official game.
Maybe I'll restart it later and try to play it fully.
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Don't get me wrong, I love having a smartphone but... there was something about this era of cell phones that was just so... texture
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Looking at my viewpoints on certain controversial characters now vs when I was a kid is so jarring to be quite fair, when I was younger I would deny/try to refuse to like/ease the “bad shit” and uwu-ify villains/disliked/anti-hero characters and now I’m a weird adult neck deep in fandom drama and I’m just like THIS GUY IS A CERTIFIED DICK. MORE AT SEVEN.
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drifloonz · 5 months
missingno is a failed clone of mew like mewtwo and ditto are. thanks for coming to my talk.
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
FULL EPISODE: X-Play - Tenchoosy Moms Choose Starbits
It is sure to be Hunter (Denzel Washington’s character in Crimson Tide)’s favorite episode!
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
called my mum today to have her tell me two (2) verification codes so I could switch my EA account's email from hers to mine and I have never seen her as bothered by anything in her LIFE 😭 maam I am doing this so we never have to do it again agkajdfbg
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
...the pagination on my custom theme is broken T__T
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lovphobic · 1 year
LMAO ok a little backstory. i got hollow knight for my brother for christmas but somehow failed to notice it didnt have a little redemption code on the back of the card (or it got lost Somewhere in between me buying it and wrapping it up). anyways
i ordered him a replacement LITERALLY christmas day and it finally arrived and i just got a message w a picture and all he said was "you punk" JKHGJKDFGHDK like OOPS did i do that!!! teehee.
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mwahkazu · 3 months
after taking my mom on some errands i immediately checked the post office once we got home and…
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boredtechnologist · 6 months
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Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" for the Heath/Zenith computer
Reviewing Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" from a deep philosophical perspective requires an exploration beyond its gameplay as a flight simulation and into the broader existential, ethical, and political implications it presents.
1. The Ethics of Nuclear Warfare and Deterrence: "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" places players in the cockpit of a B-1 bomber during the Cold War, tasked with penetrating Soviet airspace to drop a nuclear bomb. This scenario invites players to confront the profound ethical implications of nuclear warfare. Philosophically, it echoes the moral dilemmas associated with the use of atomic weapons and the doctrine of nuclear deterrence. The game raises questions about the justifiability of using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, the concept of mutually assured destruction, and the moral responsibility of individuals (in this case, the player) within a military structure that can lead to mass destruction.
2. The Dehumanization of War Through Technology: The game's focus on operating a nuclear bomber can be seen as a commentary on the dehumanization of modern warfare, where technology distances the individual from the direct consequences of their actions. Philosophically, this aspect of the game prompts reflection on the ethical implications of conducting war at a remove, where the human cost of actions becomes abstracted through the lens of technology, raising questions about the disconnection between decision-makers (or players) and the human lives affected by those decisions.
3. The Concept of Free Will in a Structured System: While players have control over the bomber and its mission, their actions are within the constraints of the game's programming and the military scenario it simulates. This dynamic can be interpreted through the lens of free will and determinism. The game becomes a metaphor for the tension between individual agency and the deterministic nature of structured systems (in this case, military and political systems), reflecting on how much autonomy individuals truly have within such systems.
4. The Psychological Impact of Simulated Violence: Playing a game that simulates the dropping of a nuclear bomb invites analysis of the psychological impact of engaging with simulated violence. Philosophically, this raises questions about the desensitization to violence through media and games, the moral ramifications of simulating acts of extreme violence, and the blurring of lines between entertainment and the grave realities of war.
5. Political Propaganda and Ideological Conditioning: Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" can also be interpreted as a product of its time, reflecting the ideological biases and political propaganda of the era. It invites players to critically examine the role of games in shaping political and ideological narratives, and to consider the extent to which entertainment reflects or reinforces prevailing geopolitical views.
6. The Existential Fear of Annihilation and Human Survival: Finally, the game touches on the broader theme of existential fear associated with nuclear annihilation. The Cold War era was marked by a pervasive fear of global nuclear war, and the game encapsulates this existential anxiety. Philosophically, it prompts reflection on the human condition in the nuclear age, the existential threat posed by human technological advancement, and the moral imperative to manage and mitigate risks that threaten the survival of humanity.
In conclusion, Avalon Hill's "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" is more than a flight simulation game; it serves as a medium for philosophical exploration. It engages players with themes such as the ethics of nuclear warfare, the dehumanization of war through technology, free will within structured systems, the psychological impact of simulated violence, political propaganda, and the existential fear of annihilation. Through its gameplay, "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" provides a platform for players to engage with deep and complex ethical, psychological, and existential questions.
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marinecorvid · 11 months
been keeping up w leaks and theories on what little remains of twitter and how ppl are speculating we’re getting closer to when a new Pokémon mainline game is set to come out and it’s like… obvious issues of Jesus Christ Stop Fucking Overworking Your Employees Holy Shit aside, it’s like with Star Wars all over again. back when Disney got their grubby little hands in the pie I was pumped bc yippee more Star wars!!!!! and now I’m just Are they really making another show? ugh. like I’m getting burnt out on things I genuinely love so much cuz there’s just more n more and we barely get any time to sit with things there’s just so much being shoved in our faces. genuinely the things I’m actually looking forward to the most are unlikely to be the things we’ll get (ranger remakes/sequel, colosseum/gale ports, pokemon z. maybe explorers of sky, but I don’t hold out hope). and it still feels impossible to not be interested in pokemon, bc it’s pokemon, but it doesn’t feel like there’s anything that really engages me on the switch except PLA. idk :/
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manonamora-if-reviews · 9 months
The Witch by Charles Moore
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============= Synopsis
You’re typically a sober-minded upstanding elf but last night you were out a little too late and had a little too much mead. This morning you woke up wedged in a tree in the woods outside of town with a splitting headache. Thanks to your late-night escapades, though, you luckily avoided the previous night’s calamity when a powerful witch swept in and snatched away all the other elves in your village. Now, you’re the only one left to save them. Time is short, however, for the the witch is lurking and she’ll be back at sunset for any stragglers.
============= Other Info
The Witch is a Z-code parser, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp.
Status: Completed Genre: Fantasy
CW: /
============= Playthrough
Played: 3-Oct-2023 Playtime: around 1h30 (abandoned) Rating: - [IFComp vote] Thoughts: An obtuse game...
============= Review
The Witch is a fairly difficult parser where you must save the snatched villagers, though how to do so or solve the puzzles along the way is not quite clear. There are limits in both the inventory and turn count. The entry does not include an in-game help or hint system, but an external transcript walkthrough is included. I reached a total of 60 points before stopping playing (using the walkthrough for help).
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Knowing my (in)aptitude in playing parsers, I wasn't expecting to sweep through the puzzles and reach the end easy-peasy. I just hoped to be able to solve at least one puzzle all by myself. It became quickly apparent I wouldn't be able to do much by myself without the walkthrough either.
Aside from the blurb, the game gives you little indication of what you are supposed to do. You are essentially dropped in this world, left to your own devices. You can explore the world, pick some stuff up, interact with elements around you... and hope for the best. I found myself running around the world, and ended up stuck in some sort of tree that wouldn't let me leave*. *was there a hint somewhere about the order of actions you should input?
Going through the rooms, I kept wondering if I missed some clue or if there was some context about the game or story I should have known about or found before getting to certain locations. It kind of felt you had to do quite a bit of guesswork... and that was a bit frustrating.
The game was not meant with beginners in mind. I hope more experienced parser players have an easier time than I did...
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dravidious · 1 year
Btw I have like three more pieces of music finished for you, just didn't have the motivation to get the drawings done for them yet
Fair enough. Anyway I've started playing Megaman Zero 3 and on the results screen for the most recent level the game just gave me the code name "Supreme Edgeboy"
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kat-z-edition-art · 2 years
I still want to make a mobile game but still don't know how to code
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g4zdtechtv · 6 hours
Cinematech Reborn: Nocturnal Emissions #4 - Let Me Be Direct
You saw the title, and you know what we covering on this episode of Cinematech Reborn NE, as we give you highlights from the recent Nintendo Direct, plus more, including the famous Gangsta Mario, and a chocobo.
I mean, an ostrich. Same difference, really.
(watch on 4GTV!)
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ronearoundblindly · 3 months
For the dirty A-Z headcanon game can I get an A for Steve Rogers?
From this ask game, and I love you to the end of the line, anon, because this is pretty much THE one I wanted to answer...
A - Alone Time
How does he get off when all by himself?
Does he watch porn?
Is it all in his imagination?
Does he jerk off?
Does he use toys?
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In case it wasn't obvious... MINORS DNI (vaguely coded to be gender neutral for the possibility of steve x reader or stucky or whatever your flavor)
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Here we go, babes. I know I've written several different versions of Steve in various universes, but this is gonna be more generalized and not involve the very specific background experiences I've written into other things. This is just my good ol' fashioned headcanon of Steve masturbating!
This man takes his time--or at least would prefer to--even when it's just him. He will gently touch/play with himself for a while before grabbing his dick. Grazing his nails over his thighs. Pinching his nipples. I think this dude really has a thing with his throat? Like he thinks about teeth along his neck or being pulled forward by it and, yes, a squeeze or two. Don't flame me, I'm just saying!
He craves foreplay, is what I mean, and I don't think Steve feels fully aroused unless more than just his genitals are involved in the act, ya know?
He watches porn, but only for examples. There's a whole lot in modern pornography that is a huge turn-off for him. Steve uses certain imagery or sounds/sayings that he found in porn and kinda edits them together for his pleasure later--like mentally edits, lord knows, because that man would not get the hang of Final Cut Pro OR iMovie, feel me?--plus that way he can imagine a certain someone's voice actually saying those things to him or doing them to him.
Which brings us to Steve's imagination which is unbelievably vivid and runs rampant. Think about it: he's a strategist. He has to see tons of possible scenarios play out all at once, analyze where that leads and where that leaves him, and then plan to thwart or redirect all that happens into an ideal outcome. Don't tell me that artist does not have an incredible mind's eye.
Then we get to Steve finally touching himself expressly to come.
He's toyed with himself for a while, maybe gotten close but held back, probably enjoyed finding friction not with his fist. For some reason, I thoroughly believe he has a thing for fabrics? This guy enjoys the glide of silk and satin. I bet his sheets are nice and slick so he can thrust against them a little and think of a pretty skirt or a dressy, formal glove.
Actual toys? Like the kind advertised as sex toys? Like the kind he'd have to purchase with money in some capacity? No. I think shy Steve hasn't figured out a way to discreetly (and by that I mean, untraceably) do that. He refuses to use anything online attached to his name--credit card or secondary/digital wallet whatever--to buy something or to tell someone what he would want them to buy for him because then that person would know! He'd keel over from embarrassment right then and there!! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!
No. What Steve will do is get seemingly useful things for innocuous reasons and play dumb blond if anyone ever insinuates it could be a sex toy. That man can and will absolutely lie like a champ to keep those secrets. That man is a super soldier but his muscles still get sore; that's what the massager is for, not his taint, nuh-uh no how. How dare you ask him!
Which brings us to the climax: his climax.
Steve prefers to finish in the shower. He's spent all that time enjoying the feel of his hands or various textures, the dry (but not painful) drag of everything before the slick lubrication of lotion or conditioner creates a welcome high under the spray of water, and then, yes, he can clean himself right off afterward. Highly efficient. Also very effective at training his brain to get off quickly in a shower if necessary.
Strategy, you guys, it's all about strategy.
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: Are my answers to these like an audition for the Shameless Hoe Club? Maybe. Or maybe Ro has just lost the ability to filter herself...or care 🤭
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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