#z crossed
villains4hire · 1 year
Android 21 - I will be referring to her as 'V' if you prefer that over 21 or just want a mix of both. (Dragonball Z: Fandom Separated)
1 - Alright I'm going out the gate with this: unless your character is literally from DBZ. I won't be using the power scaling from that universe for this character, or maybe even at all. I would say eh, at most she's like 'Thanos' levels of power but mostly just a brute rather than any of the utility he had. And usually either has powers to help with combat rather than anything super useful like time manipulation et cetera. However, that being said, most of the DBZ big villain characters are capable of destroying multiple galaxies, planets at once. So while this is a factor, I am more than fine scaling her down to like... Superman levels of power or something as it's overwhelming otherwise with little consequence. Her real mechanic is potentially scaling endlessly, but I'm willing to reset her if she dies fully then regenerates/revives. So yes, I'm willing to let protags, characters or otherwise fight her as I think just her having a higher number and winning automatically is a bit lazy writing/dumb baby fandom Goku auto-wins vs everyone fighting logic. You just NEED to talk to me first when fighting this character, as I will have two tags for this power-scaling.
2 - With that, I will more or less be separating her from the fandom and DBZ rpc, but open to it otherwise. I will have a 'vague canon' sense for her for the events that happened, then simply have her fighting her split ego as an event they simply fused then counterbalanced another out. Forming another being entirely that no longer can return to her human form, but has their old memories, combined personalities, etc. She's not the most difficult
3 - I will make jokes/4th wally jokes with this show at times or a lot about it's writing, so honestly expect it as it's DBZ, but also be serious at others. DBZ is one of those shows that it's like... so bad that it's good from the cheesy power scaling then having some pretty good fight-scene choreography. Though there were some good moments, I think it peaked at the Frieza arc then became kinda samey until they did DBZ Super or whatever it was called? It improved a lot with that, but it's DBZ, it's kind of plagued by the concept of old fighting anime/power scaling but I'll do my best to actually make it enthralling/funny. So I can write her seriously, but I will be upfront that I will also poke fun at the show in an endearing way.
4 - I will not have this character attack, physically bully or kill yours out the gate, as I know rp wise the consequences of this character using any of her power to retaliate. Just... don't threaten her or insult her frequently is all I ask unless she's having an insult-off/I return it, she's semi-hard to push for how I have her. Just expect her to be extremely unhinged or odd in her train of thought at times. More or less sticking to canon for characterization with a lil bit of extending.
5 - This character does eat people by turning them into sweets or just straight up absorbs them into her goo, talks about eating people. So if that bothers you? Uh, may wanna move on from this character. Otherwise, you're good to go. Other than violence, murder, I can't think of many more triggers with this one.
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The artwork is noted to be unedited as I simply like her toned and more or less fine with canon. Left the water mark but not suggesting the artist as I'm... not sure if they're okay or not? I'm a bit iffy but you can see their patreon in the water mark as 'putcher'.
Do I want them to die: Sure, it's DBZ, everyone has died a few times in the series. It's fairly meaningless but crossovers I will say let's just, try to plot it out or it'll be a joke death. Will I have/get icons: I got plenty! Tag: sweet maji (Default) - z powered (Canon Power Capability, levels of Thanos or characters that can compete with him and can destroy multiple planets, a galaxy when exerting) - z crossed (Crossover Scaling at more or less placing her around Superman/Even with other big bads/protags). These power scaling tags are purely for verse dependent, though I CONSIDER THESE VERSES MORE OR LESS ALL COMBINED FOR INTERACTIONS. Why? I think it's funny, cheesy, plays into DBZ’s inconsistency even if it means her dying. dbz maji (Canon Request Only Verse) rampage maji (This character has gone on a rampage, cannot be reasoned with and has probably absorbed other characters/eaten them for their powers and is running out of control. This is request/plot only) Age: Thirty Seven. Sex: AMAB born, though chooses none usually other than for obvious reasons. Gender: Fem Presenting, any pronouns. Race: Majin Android. (Present) What she was, whether human or otherwise is unknown to her. Sexuality: If they like you. Personality traits: Loves sweets, eating people. Sadistic, Masochistic. Brutal. Fairly Neutral if not odd or bizarre from her full fusion in her fight with her other ego in canon. Generally doesn't attack first unless she feels a need to if something is at stake that matters. Jokey, whimsical, murdery. Tends to have contrasting maturity at times though can combine it with a joking, older woman insight or vastly immature joking/insane ramblings, banter. When calm, she's rather kind, almost 'motherly'. Is interested in her own scientific pursuits to herself, possibly to stabilize herself or make herself more stable. To further her own studies on herself. She wanders naturally being a Majin and feels the need to, especially to other life. Self-sacrificing. Fairly tragic as a person? Extremely loving, loyal. Mental traits: Majin Insanity: has various mental traits of Kid Buu and Majin Buu (Good) in terms of insanity when being unhinged. Though combined with her own personality? It has its own manifestation of having traits of Kid Buu and 'Good' Buu, but with her own varying levels of maturity. So her personality might jump at times depending on how much she's riled up/feels though mostly with a femme fatale vibe, granted, she might change tune if really pissed off. Has a semi-identity crisis when it comes to who she is. Physical traits: Around 6'1 and toned visually. Powers: I will just be using her canon powers as she really, REALLY doesn't need help. Flight - Ki Flight Ki Blast - Basic Energy Blasts - High-Heeled Ki Slash, a unique Charged Ki Blast where she kicks using high-heeled boots to fire a barrage of pink sword-blast-like Ki Slashes. This energy manipulation is planetary to galactic depending on verse. Tail Attack - she can weave her attacks with her tail to make a rather chaotic and fluid fighting style. Hungry Beam - this turns people into food Sweet Tooth/Absorption - either through her good or her food or energy, matter, she can absorb or consume people, energy, matter for their power or intelligence. If she does this too much, however? She can go berserk, however. This usually only happens if she needs it. Otherwise, she can shed excess power and energy (if she's stable enough to think to do this) (Canon adjusted powered to mostly balance her but also make her more flexible) Connoisseur Cut Fighting Style - this strike absorbs her opponent's energy partially and copies their moves. She uses acrobatics, instant transmission with this along with other things listed on her wiki, as they’re more style rather than explicit powers. Be aware, while this character can’t instantly absorb yours? If allowed to grapple or part of her goo envelops your character? They’re pretty much absorbed, so try not to like... let that happen in an rp unless you want her to do that. She wouldn’t do this to good people when stable, however or neutral, as the character in question cannot die until she does at that point. It’s a state of purgatory in a way, though they can eventually be absorbed fully if left for too long. She would do this if desperate though and about to die, however. Z Fighter Moves - she can use the more common powers of the Z-Fighters such as Solar Flare, Kamehameha, Instant Transmission, etc. This is merely from a pool of fighters she already canonically knows pretty well. Photon Swipe - a death-beam capable of destroying planets or a galaxy depending on the verse scaling. Excess Power Detonation - to basically release steam when threatening to go berserk? Android 21 can release energy to either enhance herself physically or her blasts by a large amount behind her base power. Survivability - Frieza, Cell, Kid Buu and their cells are a part of her being and makes her an extremely enduring being. Such as it’d probably take the force of several planets to do major damage to her as in canon, granted this scales down with verse. Regeneration Extreme - She has instant regeneration in canon and has one of the greatest capabilities in the series. Futuristic Intelligence - Specializing in Biology and Robotics specifically, it’s mostly due to studying her own composition and what she has in terms of memories from canon and intelligence. Then being able to create clones of other powerful beings if she desires, though would not at this point. It’s just worth noting that she can be talked to intelligently. Motivations: Wildly varies depending on her mood. But the main ones tend to be: having fun, eating, then finding some sort of stabilization to her own mind. Backstory:
Vaguely uses her canon backstory, like going unhinged to the point of splitting when killing her adopted son from losing control. I have them fuse in the final fight and more or less have them balanced out leaning towards 'good'. As otherwise, interactions would be relatively hard without murder as a result.
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bimyeongie · 2 months
They r crossing the animals
Animal crossing x Wild Kratts!!!
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I feel like they'd enjoy animal crossing just like they'd enjoy slime rancher tbhh
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mylonelydreaming · 2 months
Zelda game where you play as Ganon or Ganondorf against a possessed Link and Zelda. And the reason he's the protagonist is it ruins the game for him if he has no opposition from a hero and princess anymore. But now he has to begrudgingly be a goody two shoes to the people of Hyrule until he gets their hero and princess back to normal.
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diamondchili · 22 days
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(id in alt text!)
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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Tokusatsu x Spring ❀ Day 1 │ A Scene in the Rain
"He is my partner, and I need him."
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chilipepperconverse · 5 months
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started a build rewatch
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zeb-z · 1 year
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called "cucurucho pills" 😳you'll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear Richarlyson is just sleeping
My buddy Pac pacing: the Federation is lying to us
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eliasdrid · 10 months
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minglana · 6 months
this is the mindset of many foreign tourists. we dont speak their language. we complain about them making noise and fucking up the islands. its us that are in the wrong, obviously, and not them........😒
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Cell may be “perfect” but mans occasionally blows his top  😩🤯
(cope seeth mald 😎 )
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skelelovely · 2 months
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png-magician · 4 months
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kamenridergaysex · 18 days
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shrinks your best match
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cricksterz · 2 months
Introducing, the Z/Cell Virus AU!
Basically, the red zygarde from the XYZ anime causes an infection/virus by using zygarde cells as parasites; this allows it to control people.
-The red zygarde has absorbed the other Kalos zygarde and the dynamax adventure zygarde from Galar
—as of now, Kalos, Paldea, and Galar are infected
-There is another zygarde, Helix (the shiny zygarde) who uses zygarde cells in a similar way but instead acts as a guard and makes people immune
Here are two of the main characters, Serena & Calem! (Crossed out note on their refs is intentional)
-both were given immunity by Helix, the red zygarde has figured this out and is instead having the infected attack them to get rid of the threat
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diamondchili · 3 months
Couldn't stop thinking about this post so uh
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the himbos <3
(id in alt text!)
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months
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Toku Pride Month Challenge│Ships
Ryuga Banjo & Sento Kiryu
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