#yuu kihyun
mxnrly · 4 years
cozy, wonho
fluff !
Cramps began to attack the girl's entire humanity, making her shiver and complain in the process. It had been a long time since the pains had flooded her like that and she felt that at any moment she would explode. Her back curved over the bed to one side to become a little ball with the intention of making the pain less strong.
She sighed as she looked at her wallpaper. It was a picture with her boyfriend on their first formal date, both holding hands under a cherry tree. It was the most beautiful thing she could see, and the only thing that coud help her forget her pain for a few moments.
The door of the apartment was carefully opened and closed in the same way. A few footsteps came towards the room where the girl was, making her stop looking at her cell phone to smile at her boyfriend's gaze. A strong pain made her shiver and grimace in the process.
“Honey, relax, I'm here,” whispered the boy in a sweet voice. He approached the youngest girl, leaving a bag full of medicine and food on the desk, to settle behind her, while his arms embraced her figure.
The girl turned to face him and curled up in the curve of his neck, inhaling the deep, masculine scent of her partner. She smiled in the process, feeling the boy's lips on her forehead.
“I brought you some pills and a few chamomile tea bags,” he said in a low voice. The girl opened her eyes making eye contact. The pain on her eyes made him feel a terrible need to hold and hide her in his pocket to protect her.
“I just need you to be here with me,” she whispered. She came closer to kiss the lips of the boy. He responded instantly, a sweet, tender kiss as his hands wandered behind his back.
“I love you,” whispered the boy, which she could hear before she fell asleep, her body surrendering, and his captivating voice singing her favorite songs.
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shoukohime · 4 years
Monsta X as Haikyuu!! characters
I'm sure someone did this already 🤷‍♀️
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Daichi // Shownu
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Asahi // Wonho
- Intimidating at first but actually the sweetest person known to human race
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Sugawara // Minhyuk
- savage
- all in era minhyuk... do i need to say more
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Nishinoya // Kihyun
- short but don't call them short
- talent
- important positions
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Yamaguchi // Hyungwon
- loves sleeping
- underappreciated
- surprisingly sassy
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Bokuto // Joohoney
- they actually look similar imo
- mood swings
- wants you to like them
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Terushima // I.M
- emo
- piercing
- no idea what's going on inside their head
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btswishes · 5 years
That one.
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Monsta X (Wonho Maifia Au)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 /...
A/N: This is a bit new as an idea for me. Enjoy and sorry for any mistakes made. :*
Word count:  3,109
Warnings: Blood, talk of death, cussing
    Society lived normal lives and complained about little things. They never knew what it was to struggle, live day for day and know your life wasn’t yours to begin with. Your whole world was a small room. One bed, one desk and little objects scattered all around it. You would wake up to screams, loud noises people from the rooms next to you banging. After the first few years you stop noticing what happened outside your prison.
  Placing your headphones in your ear, you would sit on the bed, knees to the chest, looking at the wall. New people came in and out of this building. There was no escaping it, one had only 2 options. Get ‘adopted’ by some sketchy organisation, or get carried out in a body bag. Sadly the truth was that there weren’t many workers like you and most couldn’t take the first 10 days in this rat hole.
  If you get adopted you either get killed, or end it all yourself. So in the end of the day it was die or die. You were here already for the 5th year, but your room being at the end of the corridor, where the craziest creatures were, no one visited. Mostly because you staid quiet and it felt like there wasn’t anyone to even check.
  It had been even more empty since your brother ,in life conditions ,got adopted a few days ago. Yuu was a boy originally from Guangzhou, China. He was pretty happy, the opposite of you. You came to like him after spending almost 2 years in here. Talkative Yuu would get scolded often, but you never thought he would be taken like that with the soft character he had.
  Today was a Friday on which usually you would get customers. As always you were in the same spot, listening to music, the muzzle being held onto your head with a lock. The only thing you could hear was the music blasting in your ears, keeping you in this world you created for yourself.
“Sir. We didn’t know that someone like you would be coming here these days.” a man was talking outside, following a bunch of men “Most haven’t been surviving lately and we have been loosing them like flies. Not many have been found too.” they stopped next to your door and peeked into Yuu’s old home “This one here was the last danger level we had. He was adopted 3 days ago.”
  A loud hit echoed in the hallway. The man was obviously pissed at this news. 
“Hyung.” a boy almost whispered standing in front of your door “Look.” the man and his people followed right behind him, peeking into the dark room.
“ Oh that is number 23.She was one of our first arrivals, pretty docile and quiet, we never had any problems with her.” the worker rubbed his palms together uneasy 
“Isn’t this supposed to be the code red wing? “ the boy who found you commented with a raised eyebrow 
“Well yes, she is here on boss’s orders but unlike everyone else she never made a peep and never tried to kill herself.” he was talking fast, worried that one wrong move and his head will roll on the floor
“Open the door.” the main shot spoke silently 
“S-sir I can’t do that.” the worker kept fidgeting, tripping over his words. Suddenly they got stuck in his throat ,when the tall man grabbed his shirt.
“I didn’t ask you, I told you to do it.” pushing him back he fell on the floor and fiddled, pulling out the keys. The sudden light creeping in your room finally made you notice what was happening outside. Your head moved slowly left, view point raising up, you saw him (look at gif)
  Your eyes locked onto him, his blonde hair was moving gently as a small smirk creeped onto his lips. His hand reached in from the hole and he waved at you slowly. With the same speed you stood up and walked over to him.The light of the hallway was illuminating your body from your nose down. Going closer in your line of sight ,the keeper in panic pulled out a gun and pointed it at you.
“S-stay back beast!” he was told that if anyone walks past the line in their room he was allowed to shoot and you did just that. His voice was very loud and you could hear it from the headphones. The moment you looked at him, the man snapped from the fear and shot once at you, hitting one of the cables coming down from your ear. This being your only means of escape from the dark world, made his action unforgivable.
  Since the area from your nose up was covered in darkness, the blood red color of your eyes illuminated everything like it was nothing. Your hand creeped into the door, nails scratching he titanium.
“Sir let’s move!” the man hid his weapon and started pushing the gang of men to move, but the blonde haired man didn’t take even the smallest step. 
“I want that one.” he stepped away from the door and waited for the worker to unlock the gate. He hesitated after what he just did ,but the gang wasn’t feeling very friendly towards him and both ways he was gonna get it. Calling upon a few more people, they opened the gate. There was a moment of silence before a hand grabbed the edge of the wall and crawled out from the pitch darkness. Your eyes were stinging from the sudden light. Looking around, you were scanning everyone, the way they were dressed, the things they had on them. 
  The guards escorted you to a room where you found two women. They were dressed in military clothes and had weapons as well.Quite understandable.  
“Congratulations, you are getting adopted.” one of them walked up to you, her hand pulling you onto a chair and brushing out the hair you were growing for 5 years now “I will cut only a bit of it, since last time we tried you broke our equipment.” the other one stripped you naked and pulled out clothes you had never seen before.
“This is something like a gift from us to you. Chose the style you like.” your hair had been tried up into a high ponytail reaching below your butt. There was a pair of black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a over-sized hoodie that caught your eyes. The women helped you get dressed since you had never tried things like these on and gave you a pair of military boots that had a bit of a heel on them. It felt awkward at first but you got the hand of it. 
“I would have put some makeup on you, even if you look really pretty without it. But that muzzle is in the way.”the woman flashed you a sad smile “ You a code red?” you nodded slowly 
“Must have been awful here for you. I hope you find some happiness outside.” the women knew that it wasn’t possible ,but most of the children here were taken care of by them and somehow they had a maternal instinct towards them.Stepping out and the group of men laid their eyes on you. From behind them walked up the blonde man, leaning down to look at you.
“Look at you. “ his eyes scanned you up and down a few times, before he lifted his hand towards the guards “Key.” after a bit of discussing, they handed over a small object. The man took it swiftly and leaning closer to you. For a second your eyes widened, but the clicking sound you heard followed the loud tud. Your lips parted a bit as your palms ran over your cheeks. Snapping your head up you saw him smiling at you “I knew you were even prettier without that thing.” 
  You couldn’t believe you were feeling your skin, your head wasn’t heavy anymore and it felt nice for once.  His big hand came in front of you and you just stared at it. “I don’t bite, I promise.” the man smiled, but you were confused. The gang of boys were staring closely when their boss gently pulled your arm up and placed it onto his, closing his fingers around your hand “ Next time I do this, grab my hand, ok?” you nodded shortly after. With one swift move he pulled you out of the gigantic building and you realized that you were in the middle of nowhere this whole time. Land upon land and nothing else insight.
  The men opened a car door and sat down one after the other, as you stared.
“Hyung.”someone with brown hair pointed at you. You were inspecting the whole situation. Two strong hands grabbed your hips and lifted you up from the ground pulling you into the vehicle and onto his firm lap.
“There we go.” you sat there,quiet just flashing everyone big doe eyes
“I don’t mean to be the one saying this, but Wonho you sure she can do the job we need her to do? Unlike the others we saw she seems.....weak.” this one had an interesting face shape and was also blonde 
“She was in the danger zone, I am sure there was a reason for that.” the man looked at you while you were sitting onto his lap “I think we should introduce ourselves.” from your right their names were Shownu, I.M, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon and Jooheon. “I am known as Wonho the boss of this mafia family.” he rubbed his hand onto your back in a calming and soothing way, trying to make you comfortable. 
  Your head was staring out the car window, as you were taking in all the new things around you.
“Y/N.” everyone had given up on a conversation with you when you spoke 
“Huh?” Jooheon noticed your voice 
“That is my name.” you added, looking at the men in the car “You were introducing yourselves right?” the boy just nodded, shocked from your answer 
“Good girl.” Wonho patted your thigh. Your eyes trembled a bit when you heard praise, something that never even reached your room in that hellhole.
“So...”Shownu turned towards you “How long have you been in there?Any family or something like that?”
“5 years, I had a mom, dad and brother. “ you explained 
“Do they...um kidnap you from your home or something like that?” Jooheon jumped back into the convo. Pursing your lips out you thought for a bit.
“It’s called harvesting. When a meta human awakens they get a single. The first moments are when we are at our weakest and they offer fake help. No one wants to look like a monster so they act like angels and take us from there.Some go crazy and end it, others get adopted.” you said calmly 
“Is everyone as calm as you?” Hyungwon’s hair pulled your attention when you slowly reach out to him. He was surprised but didn’t move ,with the piercing gaze his leader was giving him. The corners of your lips moved up a bit as your fingers went though his hair 
“You look like the puppy I used to have.” your comment made everyone in the car start laughing 
“She said you look like a dog!” Minhyuk grabbed his stomach trying to breath 
  Wonho’s eyes were focused onto you, the smile catching him off guard. His strong hand pulled you back to him as your arms unintentionally wrapped around his neck. 
“Anyways!”Hyungwon cut everyone off still waiting for his answer “You are too calm for someone of...your kind.”
“I am not calm.” you sighed as you felt the car stop “I just made peace with my life. After awhile you realize that trying to change the world around you is a waste of time and energy. You will go mad if you try to do something about a place like that. They didn’t hurt us if we didn’t act up, we got one thing a month if we were good. I just learned to change the world in here.” you tapped your chest “And it was much better from then on.” 
“Damn, that made me almost bow down to you. Who knows all the things you have seen in there.” Hyungwon exclaimed
“You can only hear things and just imagine what is going on.”
“Hyung we are here.” I.M opened the door and in front of you was standing tall a mansion. It was just beautiful, trees all around it, bright green grass and bushes upon bushes of roses and other flowers you hadn’t even known existed.
  Wonho got off, still holding your hand tight  “Welcome to your new home.” With a small jump you soon touched the grounded once more.He was keeping you close, like a father protecting his child. Your eyes looking around, curious. Wonho stopped his motion the moment he noticed his two doberman guard dogs. They were big and pretty vigilant. They listened only to their owner, not even to the closest men he had. 
  Wonho hurried to pull you behind his back. You crooked your head to the side and noticed the other men staying far from you two.
“Loki, Ares! Stand down!” the dogs were focused onto what seemed to them intruders. Without noticing your swift movement, not even a second later your body was standing in front of the dogs. A cold chill ran down the spine of everyone looking at this scene. 
“Y/N!”upon hearing your name you turned back. Out of your sight but in Wonho’s, they stood tall above your head. Loki’s paws landed on your shoulders as his mouth opened wide.
“Oh I can’t look at this.”Jooheon looked away, expecting the worst knowing these creatures
 Almost like a motion picture movie, your neck moved slowly back towards the dogs, as you left a big and sloppy lick run across your face. A small smile tried to pop onto your lips and you started patting the dog.
“Are you Loki?” the dogs were getting hyper and happy for no reason after the stare down you had with them behind their owner’s back.
“Wait what?!” I.M almost choked upon seeing all of this. He tried to walk closer thinking they were more friendly now, but in a blink of an eye both Ares and Loki stood in front of you in a defensive position, growling “Wow, ok” the boy stepped back with his hands in front of his face “Got it.”
“This is pretty new.” with arms crossed in front of his chest, Shownu spoke to the boss
“Yeah.”Wonho was confused since his guard dogs never acted like this with people from the family, not to mention someone they never met in their whole lives. With a finally calm step he walked over to you and reach down to tap Ares on the nose, turning him into a playful puppy “They seem to like you a lot.”
“Mhm.”you nodded 
“I have had them since they were puppies.” 
“They love you very much ,even if you mistake their names sometimes.” you said looking at the man next to you
“Yeah-” his body moved towards you swiftly “Wait how do you know that?”
“Well Ares here is very talkative, right?” upon your question the dog barked out loud
“You understand them?!”Jooheon’s eyes widened “No wait, you understand animals ?”
“Mmmm.” looking up, taking some time to think “Yes, but I am better with dog-like and cat-like creatures since I have been close to them before and we are similar.”
“In what way? Claws and glowing eyes?” the boy continued, asking what everyone wanted to know at this point.
“Let’s close the door and go to the living room. Not here.”Wonho stared at the garden in front of the mansion, looking a bit cautious. Soon you found yourself sitting on the ground, playing with the dogs and everyone else comfortably onto a soft chair. 
“So...are you closer to a cat or dog?” Minhyuk began where you left off 
“I have enhanced senses and reflexes. I can feel the presence of any living creature in a wide radius. I can tell you how many people are on the territory right now without mistake. Most of my abilities come from animal factors. If there is a creature out there that can do something I can too. But I need to know about it. Being locked up I had seen only guard dogs and the occasional cats that sneak in the building.So I am much more familiar with them.”
“You can talk with them too?” since you were facing away from the group, you didn’t focus too much on who was asking 
“Yes. Animal languages are like English for example. Australia, UK, America and so on, differ only on some native vocal changes.”
“So you are saying they speak the same language but different species have dialects?” you nodded “Wow that is amazing.”
“Do these abilities appear out of nowhere when you are in danger or do you use them consciously?”
“Umm, I think both. There are so many creatures in the animal kingdom that it is impossible to know every thing I am capable of. But I can’t fly since I am obviously not equipped for that.” you shook your hands in the air
“Ok, enough questions.” Wonho pushed himself off the chair and looked at the boys. Without even a peep, they got up, bowed and left the house. You were sitting in this gigantic room, alone with the dogs and Wonho. His footsteps came closer, until his body was behind yours. Your head moved up to look at him.
“Are you my new owner?” you asked with pure eyes, shooting an arrow through his heart
“No.” he bent down, running his hand through your hair ,making you lean into it “You have rights like me and any person in the world.”
“Then what are you?”
“Well, think of me as your boss. I give you things to do and you work for me.” with a small nod you said ok “It’s late, so you should be going to bed.” 
  The man stood up and you followed him up the stairs into a room, that looked like a whole apartment compared to your old one. He said goodnight and left fast.
 The first thing you noticed was the bookshelf taking the space of a whole wall. Almost instinctively you grabbed one and sat on the bed, reading and reading as much information you could find. The night had just began, but you weren’t planning to rest.
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