#yusuke takinoue
ittetsuspecs · 4 months
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Saw someone tweeted they're young and need to smoke weed so here
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anime-freek · 1 year
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
The Crows Past (Karasuno Alumnus)
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The Coach
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[Photo ID: black and white manga panels of the Karasuno High School Alumnus Volleyball Team members and their stats on a five-point parameter of power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed. In order Yusuke Takinoue, Hidenori Uchizawa, Makoto Shimada, Yukinari Mori, and Kenshin Ukai]
(Haikyuu!! Character Reference Master Post Here)
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Senpai Showdown Round 4
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
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way back then, it was just shimada and takinoue along with a bunch of empty stands but it still made a difference. if it hadn't been for them, ukai wouldn't have gotten the idea to bring tadashi up to serve which eventually led to karasuno getting their momentum back.
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heich0e · 4 months
keishin finally (finally) gets you into bed with him—well, onto couch with him, in his little one-room apartment in the back of sakanoshita mart—and he thinks all his prayers have finally been answered. thinks he's found some sort of cosmic apology for every misfortune he's ever suffered in how soft your lips are against his and how sweet you taste.
he knows he doesn't deserve this; that he hasn't done anything in his unremarkable life to merit how good you feel underneath his hands, or how dizzying those little noises you're making when he touches you are. but, against all odds, you're really here, you really want him, and he's determined not to fuck this up.
every time you say his name he feels like he's hearing it for the first time. like he's being blessed by it. it takes him a moment to process the way you've called for his attention as he suckles a little bruise against your throat, using every modicum of will he has left in him to pull away and meet your gaze.
you look so good underneath him on his ugly, ancient couch that it makes him ache. your lips glossy and swollen, your eyes heavy-lidded and yearning. you reach up and touch his cheek, and he can't tell if your hand is cool or his face is burning.
"do you have a condom?"
and all at once keishin comes crashing—violently, disastrously, crushingly—back to earth.
he blinks at you, wide-eyed, in the wake of your question. you seem to understand his answer even though he can't bring himself to say it.
"are there any in the shop?" you ask him, optimistic and gentle, with an encouraging smile.
keishin perks up—visibly brightening at your moment of genius—but as quickly as the hope uplifts him, he's deflating again. he pinches his bottom lip between his teeth.
"we're out right now," he murmurs sheepishly, suddenly unable to meet your gaze.
he only keeps a couple of boxes of condoms behind the counter at a time, since so few people ever come in asking for them. last week takinoue had showed up half-hammered two hours after closing, and banged on the shop door until keishin grumpily answered it. his drunk friend went on to explain that he'd gone out drinking with his colleague from work and she'd invited him home with her, but he desperately needed condoms. keishin chucked the last box at his stupid face, and yusuke swore up and down their next night out drinking would be his treat before skittering off into the night again with a grin from ear to ear.
he was going to kill yusuke with his bare hands the next time he saw him.
"keishin, it's okay," you say with a light laugh at the positively crestfallen look on his face. "we don't have to—"
"no!" keishin interrupts you before you can say the words he just cant bear to hear. not right now. not from you.
even if you promise him that this could happen again another time—that you don't have to go all the way tonight, that there will be other opportunities—he has no way of knowing if that's true. no way of guaranteeing it.
he's got a taste for you now. he knows what you sound like. he knows how you feel.
and he refuses to let this opportunity pass him by.
keishin pulls himself upright so quickly from where he'd been hovering overtop of you on his lumpy sofa that he almost gives himself whiplash. he stumbles up to his feet, brushing his bleached hair back from his eyes—he's not sure where or when he'd lost his hairband, but the strands are hanging freely now and falling into his gaze. he grabs his jacket from the floor where he'd hastily shucked it when the two of you stumbled through the door in the throes of passion.
"I'm just gonna run to shimada mart!" he says to you as he stuffs his arms ungracefully into the sleeves of his jacket, his words so frantic they're almost bleeding together. "it's only about 10 minutes away, if you just wait right here—"
"shouldn't be longer than 25 minutes! 20, even! i might even be able to get macchan to drive me back if—"
"keishin, wait."
your laughter makes him stop dead in his tracks, halfway to the door. he's only got one slide on his foot, the other still sock-clad, and in his haste he realizes he'd grabbed his television remote instead of his cellphone to shove into his coat pocket.
you've caught him by the sleeve of his jacket, holding the material pinched between your thumb and forefinger as you stare up at him from the sofa with the sweetest smile on your face. he's frozen as he peers down at you, his lips parted, his dick still half-hard in his jeans.
"don't go," you say to him, tugging him back towards you by your grip on his cuff. he moves easily, gravitating back into your orbit in spite of how gentle the actual pull had been.
"b-but,"—keishin casts a forlorn glance back in the direction of his apartment door—"what about the condoms?"
his voice cracks a little on the question and he has genuinely never wished so ardently for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
you release his sleeve in favour of twining your fingers with his now that he's near to you again, your soft hand slipping easily into his own. that same dull ache in the pit of his core (and between his legs) throbs again as you blink up at him.
"i've been trying to tell you," you begin, a bit exasperated but not without its own fondness. you hesitate a little, looking away shyly before adding, "we don't... need one."
keishin thinks he might die.
really, genuinely die.
he wonders if maybe this is what the old man felt like when he almost keeled over from that heart attack last year, because keishin's pulse is pounding so violently in his head he feels like his vision is going a bit spotty around the edges—like when you stand up too fast after a night of drinking.
he's brought back to the moment as your hand squeezes his own—a gentle, questioning gesture.
your lashes flutter as you blink up at him, your head tilting slightly to the side. you smile a little at the dumbfounded look on his face.
"...if that's okay with you?"
(keishin pays for takinoue's drinks for the next six months, but never explains why.)
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seishue · 4 years
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mikiyarin · 4 years
Haikyuu Bu!! - Chapter 64
“The Busy Ox’s Day”🐄
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strawberryama · 4 years
Cuddly drunk girlfriend
Daichi, Takinoue, Tendou, Matsukawa headcanons + lil drabbles
Sawamura, Daichi
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He can only smile and welcome his girlfriend with open arms
While he did warn her about going overboard he can’t stay mad at her. Especially when all she wants is his arms about her tightly
Takes care of anything she needs for the rest of the night. Helps her get to and from the bathroom safely. Gets her water. Is just an angel
Typically has her lay down in bed to cuddle. That is his one rule with her drunken stupor. Daichi will have a small bucket of sorts at the ready to be safe should she need to barf
Always makes sure she is asleep first, and on her side. That way if she throws up in her sleep, she at less of a risk to choke on it, especially if he somehow sleeps through it
Most likely the best at handling a cuddly drunk. His girlfriend just becomes a big ol baby, which he love to sweettalk and dote on
“Daaaaiiiiiidaaaaiiii,” ______ whined. She slowly was tugged through the hallway in her boyfriend and her’s shared apartment. A firm hand on her midback and another holding her hand kept her steady and moving.
“I am right here, sweetie.”
“I want cuddles,” she continued to whine. Her eyes got a bit misty as the duo entered their bedroom. Daichi chuckled softly and helped his girlfriend onto the bed.
“We can cuddle in just a second alright? We gotta get you ready for bed. You don’t want to wear jeans to bed do you?”
She shook her head, pouting with her bottom lip out. Daichi ruffled her hair before turning to find her a pair of pajama pants then. “Didn’t think so. Let’s get you ready to cuddle.”
Takinoue, Yūsuke
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This man was the one that bought the alcohol and you know it
While he does like to go out to get drinks on occasion, he knows if his girlfriend is planning to get drunk, it is best to do so at home
100% adores his girlfriend fawning over him and pawing at him with puppy dog eyes for hugs and kisses and what have you
But he does joke around a lot saying things like “geez, so needy” and if she’s a lightweight, he will be making fun of her for how she can’t hold her liquor
His favorite is when she stradles his lap on the couch and just koala hugs him. He can watch tv or drink his beer still, while giving her exactly what she wants
Sometimes Yusuke just needs that hug though and will wrap his arms about her and just embrace her with everything he has. It’s a big romantic turn on for him. It makes him soft and fall even more in love
With an arm about _____’s waist as she sat on Yusuke’s lap, she began to doze off. She nuzzled her nose a bit into the crook of his neck and yawned. The calming trace of Yusuke’s pointer finger on her hip traced circles, lulling her deeper into sleep.
“You getting tired, sleeping beauty?” Yusuke asked. His voice buzzed in _____’s head due to their entanglement. She could only give a small nod and a faint hum in response, which had her boyfriend chuckling.
The tv then went silent and there was a faint metalic clank when Yusuke set down his beer can that was near empty. He wrapped his other arm about his girlfriend then. He repositioned a bit before standing up, carrying her like a toddler on his hips. “Off to bed, baby girl.”
Tendou, Satori
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Welcomes the cuddles happily!!!
Tendou is a bit of a partier but he is such a happy bean whenever his gal comes up and clings to him.
If he’s also drunk, he’ll try to attempt to dance a bit with his girlfriend while she clings onto his side but it doesn’t always work out
Does however know and understand that, unlike him, his girlfriend cannot keep going and will be fighting to stay awake. So if they aren’t home, they are headed there as soon as they can be
One time _____ passed out on him while they waited for a cab and while that was a hassle to deal with for him, it’s a story Tendou teases _____ about time to time, and holds dearly
Not the best at the care part like Daichi but boy does he just fall in love all over again whenever he helps take care of you in your drunk state
“Come on, in you go,” Tendou hummed. At the moment he was trying to help change his girlfriend into her pajamas but her leg kept missing the hole, or she’d lose balance, or she would barely get her foot off the ground. Still, Tendou did his best to be patient and eventually she got there. “Good job, ______-chan!!”
“Yaaayy,” she yawned. Tendou lifted her up as she did and flopped her back onto the bed. Maybe not the wisest idea but hey, she was giggling.
Tendou climbed up into bed and right over top of her. _____’s arms looped around his beck and she gave a tired smile. Tendou leaned down, placing a kiss to her forehead then before gentling lowering himself completely, deadweighting onto his girlfriend.
“Gah! You’re crushing me..!!”
Matsukawa, Issei
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This man at any given moment will hold close his girlfriend and rub her back in circles. He knows it makes her even more sleepy and loosen her cling but he also knows it gives her this happy lil smile
Mattsun is highly protective of her in this statement because the world is scum and that’s his girl. Doesn’t allow for anyone but him and a select few touch his gal in this state because of that
He is constantly coddling her at these times. Calling her bunny, princess, baby girl, pretty girl, etc. Giving her anything sue may ask for whether it be food or a blanket
Adores the hugs and happily gives them back. It’s his favorite thing in the world actually when his girlfriend clings to him. His big form easily dwarfs her and those hugs are his world
One of the best to be a sleepy, cuddly drunk around probably cause he just wants to cuddle right back
“Maaattsun,” _____ yawned, kickikg off her shoes. She looked up to her boyfriend with big, big eyes. The pair had just arrived home after a housewarming party for Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s apartment. It seemed like _____ had wanted to say something the entire cab ride home. But Matsukawa knew what it was exactly.
“Go get in bed. I’ll get us some water and we can cuddle all you want. Deal?”
She just gave a happy lil smile up at him before taking careful steps to their shared bedroom. Matsukawa watched as she tried not to stumble and could only chuckle.
And after retrieving the water as he promised, Mattsun popped into the bedroom to see his girlfriend barely awake. “Oi. I got you water.”
He held out the glass but _____ shook her head, reaching out and making grabby hands at her boyfriend. Once again, Matsukawa could only chuckle and set the glass aside and climb into bed. To which his girlfriend immediately climbd into his lap and laid her head on his chest, ready for cuddles and backrubs.
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hereonlyformemes · 4 years
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Best part of the episode was Saeko’s entrance.  Change my mind.
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ittetsuspecs · 3 years
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anime-freek · 1 year
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shnnn · 4 years
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everything-fanatic · 4 years
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haikyuu-dubs · 3 years
Sub: You know a lot of cool words, Yachi.
Dub: That's a pretty badass metaphor. Did you come up with that yourself?
-Takinoue Yūsuke, sub vs dub
Season 3, episode 4
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I read the last chapter for like the 100th time and y’all know the panel that brings things full circle with the kid on the bike watching the Olympic game?
When were y’all gonna tell me that the store belonged to Yusuke Takinoue??!!!!
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