#yuri fanfic
wisteriamemory · 5 months
RUN DONT WALK! A new AyuMaya fanfic just dropped!!! 😭💞 Slowburn AyuMaya is going to eat my soul alive.
Behind the Curtain - Viermis
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sillyghostspace · 4 months
"The Distance Between the Sky and Sea Isn't That Far After All" - Ningguang x Beidou
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Author's Note: Beiguang is one of my favorite ships from Genshin :3 They can be both fluffy and cute or just a lot of sexual tension. Here's a bit of fluffy version of their relationship :D
Summary: The morning comes, and what Beidou thought would be another peaceful day after that celebration of Lantern Rite becomes quite an eventful day when she wakes up on Tianquan's bed. She doesn't know the reason--or more specifically, she forgets. The one and only thing she remembers is her last night's encounter with Ningguang, dressed in that elegant azure gown. Wanting to know what happened last night, she confronts Ningguang....
Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst
Word count: 10k
It’d only been one night since the fireworks to commemorate Lantern Rite soared high to the sky. Their sparks illuminated the dark blanket alongside the stars, far above everyone’s reach. Following them were the lanterns cast by the people of Liyue, flying beyond the horizon to create such a majestic sight—one that was worth waiting for each year.
To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. Everyone who attended the festival had a smile on their face. The festive ambiance with the cheerful murmurs was comforting, to say the least.
For Beidou, however, the scenery that’d taken her breath away was none other than a certain woman, clad in an elegant orchid’s evening gown, which made the sky itself gasped. She stood near the Jade Chamber’s entrance, and in that entire moment, what entered the captain’s view was only the Tianquan—breathtakingly beautiful, much more than the treasure every pirate was dreaming of.
Because of that sole reason, now when she woke up in the very same bed that the Tianquan usually used, she couldn’t hide her puzzled expression. She blinked twice, and when the scenery didn’t change—still that white king size bed—she knew it wasn’t a dream.
Beidou shouted, and every time, her voice echoed back across the Jade Chamber. She was in the main hall. Whipping her head left and right, she found someone—Ningguang’s assistant.
Baishi’s body twitched in response as Beidou’s voice startled her. If it weren’t for her reflex, her glasses would already lose to gravity. She turned around to face the captain, but she didn’t expect to see the state Beidou was currently in.
“C-Captain Beidou, y-your c-cloth—!”
With her usual nonchalant attitude, Beidou checked out her own body. Something was covering her, of course, but it was just a simple white robe without the lace. That meant her cleavage and abdomen were fully visible for Baishi to feast on, and if Celestia wished to, a tiny slip wouldn’t be impossible. Yet, Beidou closed the gap caused by her robe in a split second, not giving Baishi anymore fan service.
“Oops! Almost,” Beidou said. “Sorry for that. Also, care to tell me where Ningguang is?”
“S-she is outside….”
“That woman….” There was a bit of growl in Beidou’s voice. She looked at Baishi one more time before showing her usual ‘leave it to me!’ smile. “Thanks!”
“Y-you’re…, welcome….”
Beidou left the scene in a hurry. Baishi, who was still standing on the spot, had her mind stunned by the previous sight before her. For her, it was another fuel for her imagination that would give her more sleepless nights in the impending future.
It was just a few meters and turns here and there to get to the Jade Chamber’s entrance. Once she opened the door, the breeze gave her a cold greeting. Her dark brown hair fluttered against the wind, but as someone who’d danced with a much harsher hurricane, she paid little to no attention to it.
What captured most of her gaze was the lady sitting on a wooden chair with a set of glasses and cups placed on a table. A white qipao, meticulously coated with yellow and gold patterns, covered her body. Even then—with clothes or not—such a body would still mesmerize anyone who was lucky enough to cast their gaze onto her. Her long white hair that passed her waist was also beautifully done.
Before Beidou could call out her name, the Tianquan already turned her head around. She smirked, staring at the captain who was approaching her—especially when her untied robe demanded attention.
“Oh my,” Ningguang said. Her gentle voice was loud enough for Beidou to hear. “I didn’t know the Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean love a such a daring appearance.”
“Good morning to you, too,” Beidou said, ignoring the other woman’s little remark.
There was only a chuckle. “Why don’t you wear something more appropriate and then come back here? Can’t risk of getting a cold, can you?”
“Compared to the breeze you feel while sailing? Nah, this one is much weaker. You’re the one who needs to wear warmer clothes.”
“I appreciate your worry, but worry not. Similar to how the sea is Captain Beidou’s territory, the sky is where I breathe.”
“Talking high and mighty, ey?”
“I’m just simply stating the fact.”
Beginning the day with that kind of banter was something to be expected between both of them. Beidou smiled and sat across the table, right on the Ningguang’s opposite side. She saw no need of changing her clothes even though that robe could give up and fly away at anytime.
And of course, Ningguang didn’t mind that view at all.
“Care for some tea? I reckon it to be a nice way to start the day, don’t you think so?” Ningguang asked before sipping on the porcelain glass gifted by none other than the captain of the Crux. The way she handled that precious item was as careful as she could—treating it just like another treasure in her possession.
Beidou noticed that, and although she’d tried her best to remain stoic, the corners of her lips couldn’t help to twitch. She rested his right arm on the table while leaning her head forward. Ningguang, who sat in such a refined position—straight back with closed legs—now was challenged by Beidou, who crossed her legs without any care of the world.
“Do you really need to ask?” Beidou said in a playful tone. “Wine is obviously the answer here!”
“Consider that to be done.”
Everything had been set beforehand, including the wine bottle as requested by Beidou, as if Ningguang’d predicted it. Then again, with how their relationship worked over the years, knowing at least that much wasn’t an enigma.
Ningguang traced the wine bottle with her fingers before taking it and pouring the liquid into an empty cup. Beidou watched as the cup now being filled with an enticing pool of red-ish liquid.
Beidou took the cup and washed her throat down in one gulp. It was audible, and Beidou’s sigh of satisfaction followed the sound.
“That hits the spot!”
Her cheer put a smile on Ningguang’s face.
“So,” Ningguang said. “Will you be back sailing soon?”
“Not really. I’m planning to stay for a while. Some of my men are dying to see their families, lovers, friends….Couldn’t call myself a captain if I didn’t fulfill their wishes, could I?” Beidou looked toward the blue sky around her. Although its color was different from the wave splashing against her ship, Beidou found it to be enchanting as well. “Besides, the festival is far from over, right? Can’t hurt to enjoy the festiveness from time to time.”
Ningguang stared at Beidou with both eyes wide open—an unusual reaction from the Liyue Qixing. “I thought Captain Beidou only favors the sea and all of its thrills.”
“Sea is still the number one for me, though! It’s not my blood to deny that.”
“Is that so?” Ningguang said. “If that’s the case, then care to walk along the streets with me?”
Beidou raised her eyebrows. That sudden invitation from Ningguang was certainly worthy of her attention. Then again, instead of answering it straightforward, she used the opportunity to tease the Tianquan. “Are you proposing for a date?”
That smirk plastered on Beidou’s face showed how confident she was with that tease. She was expecting a curt response from Ningguang—something she’d have done all the time.
This time, however, it was different….
“Yes, I’m proposing a date.”
….Too different that Beidou had no idea how to react.
“So, what do you say?”
Ningguang didn’t break the eye contact even for a second. At a bare minimum, Beidou knew that Ningguang was a calculating person, and sometimes, her nature to use what she deemed as useful within her eyes made her quite manipulative. What she appeared to be might be one of her ways to get what she needed for.
That side of her, in this moment, wasn’t present—at least according to Beidou. The Captain herself believed her instinct that every last bit of word spoken by the woman before her was genuine.
In the end, it was she who lost the battle of wit.
“….Let me get changed first.”
When they went down, the merry atmosphere that hadn’t died even for the slightest greeted them. One glance was all needed to see the joyous occasion that had taken place in this city—Liyue Harbor. The streets were bustling with people, from children running and chasing each other to elderly merely enjoying the scenery.
Ningguang and Beidou were walking side by side. It was really a sight to behold. With little to no effort, they’d attracted the attention from the people around them. That was something to be expected, however. After all, they both had the reputation that echoed across the land of Teyvat—one ruled the sky and the other ruled the sea. It wouldn’t be strange to see the admiration those people had within their eyes upon seeing both of them being so close.
“So, where are we going?” Beidou asked.
“Walking together isn’t enough for you?”
“That’s not what I meant….”
The conversation ended there with Beidou kept glancing at Ningguang, trying to sneak inside that woman’s mind only to get nothing. Knowing that the person next to her hadn’t been so blunt and direct before, Beidou was left puzzled, with a big question mark hovering above her head.
Beidou accompanied the illustrious lady through several stalls, checking on the goods or games they were selling. Ningguang did all the talking. She gave her praises for they who used their precious time to uplift the Lantern Rite’s spirit to a higher height. Of course, the delight they experienced warmed their hearts more than what they’d expected. One word from the Tianquan was enough to paint a smile on their face for days.
It still confused Beidou why it was only her who got the different treatment. Hence, uncomfortable with the silence, she tried to reach the root of the problem.
“Ningguang, tell me this….Did something happen last night?”
“What makes you think so?” Ningguang asked, still avoiding Beidou’s line of sight.
“I’d assume that waking up in your place is a pretty big evidence.”
“And is that a problem? It’s not like that was your first time sleeping in Jade Chamber, isn’t?”
“Well, not on your bed, right? Sleeping in Jade Chamber and in your bed are two totally different things—let alone wearing a bathrobe which, and correct me if I’m wrong, had your scent on it.”
“You should’ve made it more specific, then. The way you answered my previous question could be interpreted in different manners.”
“Fussing over the details again….” Beidou sighed. “At least I’m relieved knowing it’s still you.”
Beidou thought everything had started to get better between them. She was still adamant to figure out Ningguang’s weird behavior this day when suddenly, someone approached her. That person looked like a merchant. A smile was beaming from his face. One look was all it took to see the excitement in his eyes just from standing right in front of the Tianquan.
“E-excuse me, sorry for bothering your time, b-but I aspire to become a merchant like you, Lady Ningguang. May I ask for some of y-your time?”
The trembling in his voice showed how nervous he was. He must have been waiting for this opportunity to arise in his palm, and the moment it appeared, he seized it without looking back. It interrupted Ningguang and Beidou’s supposed “date”, but after seeing his expression, Beidou sighed and kept her mouth shut. The Tianquan wasn’t hers. Who was she to steal what might be the only chance he got?
I get that….I really do, but damn you, Ningguang….Aren’t you the one who wanted to walk with me?!
No matter what, in her deepest feeling, Ningguang was the one person she didn’t want to disappoint. It contrasted her usual easy and outgoing demeanor, of course, but she couldn’t help it when it involved someone important to her.
So waiting was the only correct option here….
….At least that was what she expect.
“Forgive me. Although I do appreciate your enthusiasm, I only intend to enjoy the festival to the fullest. Nothing more. I’m afraid that business talk is something I rather avoid at this current time.”
Ningguang refusing that young man’s request wasn’t in Beidou’s mind, but she just did exactly that. The young man was in shock, too. It was clear he didn’t take that into his heart.
“I p-promise you this won’t be a letdown, I swear. Please.”
Panicked would be appropriate to describe his behavior now. His desperation grew stronger with every word coming out of his mouth.
“….As mentioned earlier, I—”
“J-just several minutes! It won’t take much of your time, so I’m begging you. Please, Lady Ningguang!”
‘No’ wasn’t in his vocabulary. What had appeared to be an excited young man filled with aspiration turned into an annoyance—not just for Ningguang, but also to the surrounding people. It didn’t take a long time before they became the center of attention. Those who were witnessing the scene agreed on how much that young man was bothering the crowd. That statement was even truer for Ningguang, the person he spoken directly to, and also for Beidou, who’d been clutching her fists this entire time.
The more he let out his voice for everyone to hear, the angrier Beidou got. She was mad. That young man fulfilled the criteria of people whom she felt didn’t deserve any of her respect. It was because of Ningguang’s kindness that allowed him to breathe in so much air near her. Beidou believed that the task of pushing him away would be hers.
However, one more time, the ruler of Jade Chamber defied Beidou’s expectation yet again.
“Does it hurt yourself to hear what other people have to say?”
There wasn’t the slightest hint of kindness in Ningguang’s voice. Her gentle expression shifted into a hostile one. It petrified the young man, making him speechless as the disdain look on the Tianquan’s face already conveyed a thousand word worth of an answer.
“Am I obliged to satisfy a request from someone as selfish as you? I don’t think so,” Ningguang said, now expressing contempt with her words. “Let alone having an audience with me, you—who can’t take any rejection whatsoever—don’t even deserve even a single second of my time.”
She uttered every single word with weight that could make someone tremble on their spot, and although her words weren’t just for that young man to hear, she didn’t hold back. There were no mincing words with her. It was a pressure, for sure, as everyone felt as if those words were aimed at them.
The only one who formed a smirk on her face was Beidou—witnessing yet another charm from the wealthiest women throughout Liyue.
While getting mesmerized by that sight, Beidou was caught off guard when someone snatched her wrist. It was Ningguang, who had broken out from the circle of humans surrounding her.
“Our date isn’t finished, correct?” Ningguang said. “Let’s go.”
Ningguang took the brown-haired woman by her hand—or wrist, to be exact. The crowd made a way for them without uttering a single word, still bewildered by the spectacle they’d just witnessed. When Beidou turned around, everyone was still looking at them—except for the young man who Ningguang’d rejected. His head was facing downward. Although she couldn’t make out the expression left on his face with her eyes, she had an idea about what it was.
“You sure that’s okay?” Beidou asked.
“What do you mean?” Ningguang answered back with another question.
“Saying what you said. I get that you’re annoyed, but don’t you feel bad for him? He was even being persistent enough that he begged for your attention.”
“The word you’re looking for is stubborn, not persistent. And to answer your question, no. Not in the slightest.”
There was no hesitation with her answer. She didn’t even look back.
“He did admire you, though.”
“And he did annoy me as well, including wasting my precious time,” Ningguang said. “The moment someone stepped over their boundaries to force me against my will, I’ll consider it as a harassment. As simple as that. That person was one of the cases.”
“Even though they can come out hating you in the long run?”
Beidou’s question prompted Ningguang to stop on her track. They were out of the spotlight now, as only a handful of people were around them this time, minding their own business. She looked right at Beidou’s eyes.
“I’m just telling you that for today—and just for today—nothing will be as important as our date.”
For a moment, Beidou’s cheeks heated. Those daring words blew stronger than the gust of wind on the sea.
“Wait,” Beidou said. One of her eyes twitched. “You can say that, but you haven’t answered my question!”
“I’m clueless to what you’re talking about.”
“Bah! Playing dumb won’t do the job!” Beidou could see Ningguang hiding her face behind a folding fan. “Something did happen, right?! I’m not that dumb, Ningguang.”
“Maybe not dumb, but muscle head? That sounds more appropriate.”
“Aren’t you being crafty with your words? And also stop hiding your face!”
It was Beidou’s turn to seize Ningguang's hand and pull it to the side. She couldn’t resist it. She wasn’t arrogant enough to battle the Captain of the Crux in pure strength. Her arm that held the fan was inching away from the previous spot. Slowly but surely, her face was hidden no more.
And it was an expression Beidou would have never guessed.
“You….You’re smiling?”
“What are you talking about? “ Ningguang chuckled. “Is it bad for me to smile?”
“….Does that mean you’re having fun?”
“I am. You’re scaring me with these questions.”
“S-sorry. I just thought I pissed you off or something….”
“Is it a surprise that I enjoy your company?”
For a brief moment, her expression was that of an innocent kid—the mask of the Liyue Qixing wasn’t there, only Ningguang. That was exhilarating for Beidou. She felt like she could stare into that view as long as she wanted, and in her case, it would be for eternity.
“Oh my….Is it just me or am I seeing two lovely ladies flirting with each other?”
All of a sudden, another voice greeted them. It felt just like a dejavu where Beidou’s chance of conversing with the person before her eyes found yet another interruption. When she looked to the side, there was a girl staring at them. A playful smirk painted her fairly youthful face. A pleasant scent accompanied her appearances. Not too strong nor weak—it was something that Beidou, who wasn’t the type to get into perfume, could wear maybe one day in the future.
“Who might you be?” Beidou asked, having less than one clue about her identity.
“This is Miss Ying’er from the Scent of Spring,” Ningguang answered.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Captain Beidou.”
Ying’er bowed a little, making a formal gesture to greet the visit from those two lovely ladies.
“And also Happy Lantern Rite for both of you,” Ying’er continued. Her shop was also decorated with some lantern, although as the sun was right above their heads, there was no need to use that for an additional light.
“Happy Lantern Rite to you as well.”
“Likewise, Ying’er.”
Beidou answered, followed by Ningguang. The latter had put on her mask again. It seemed to Beidou that Ningguang showed her unfiltered self only to her, and because of that, she became much more conscious about it now.
“So,” Beidou said, trying not to get that into her head too much. “This is the place you want to visit?”
Ningguang looked at her and smiled. “No, it was just a mere coincidence we stumbled upon her shop.”
“I see….”
“Ah, Lady Ningguang, the things you ordered are already here.”
“So you really have an appointment here, don’t you?!”
Again, Ningguang just looked at her and smiled. This time, though, it turned into a somewhat more mischievous. Only after that when she turned around to see the shop assistant for the second time.
“Thank you, Ying’er. May I see them now?” Ningguang put her right palm flat on the hair.
“Of course, Lady Ningguang. However, I apologize if the inside of the shop is still messy.”
“That’s nothing to worry about.”
“Your kindness flatters me.” Ying’er yawned after saying that. “It’s just the shop was much more crowded than what I’d expected. It was a festival, indeed, but my preparation was lacking. Then again, taking care of that many people—although it was the first—felt incredible.”
Beidou made an expression as if she’d just witnessed another Jade Chamber getting destroyed to a thousand pieces. As much as she was unrivaled in the midst of the raging sea and furious storm, her experience in romance wasn’t enough to make her immune to such a suggestive. Hence, Ying’er’s quite provocative language caught her off guard—just like when Ningguang’d told her about her wish to make a second Jade Chamber.
“Is this really a shop that sells vases?” she asked
“What does that even mean?!”
“Just ignore her. Not even I can stop her.”
“So you’re saying she is a formidable enemy?”
“Come on, both of you.” Ying’er’s voice made them look at her again. “I don’t mind a bit of flirting, but if you keep continuing, my lonely self will get pretty jealous. Besides, if your flirting gets even more intense, I’m afraid that you two need a private place to do…, that. Of course, if doing it public is more of your thing, I don’t dare to question what our Lady Tianquan likes.”
Ningguang sighed again. “Her doing that is just the same as breathing. It’s better to think nothing about it or you will find yourself in a more awkward situation.”
As soon as they entered the shop, Beidou found herself to be surrounded by fine works of vases with distinct patterns and details. Despite of her tendency to speak nothing but suggestive phrases, the proof of her craftmanship was all over the place.
“Here you go, Lady Ningguang. This is for you, and the other one is for your beloved partner here,” Ying’er said, while handing two small boxes that could fit within her palms one by one.
“Thank you.”
Ningguang took them with so much care. From how she moved, Beidou could tell that dropping those items—which were still mysterious to her—wasn’t an option. Bold violet hue coated one box while the other had an elegant yellow gold coating.
“Beidou,” Ningguang said, stealing Beidou’s focus from the objects. “Hold this for me, please. No need to open it yet.”
The one Ningguang handed to Beidou was the violet-colored box. Taking a closer inspection of it, Beidou noticed subtle patterns that spread throughout its surface. Its texture told her how much effort had been put into making the box, let alone what was hidden inside. That fact alone made her more curious.
At the same time, Ningguang opened the gold-hued box. It had a hinged lid, so its upper part prevented Beidou from seeing what it was. Instead, she gazed at the smile Ningguang had on her face. It was like the one she’d seen before Ying’er came into the conversation—genuine and sweet.
“Beidou, lend me your hand.”
“Hmm? Like this?”
Beidou stretched her right arm forward. She put her palm flat facing the roof. Not knowing the implication behind Ningguang’s request, Beidou assumed that the position didn’t matter. But what Ningguang thought was different. The Liyue Qixing grabbed Beidou’s hand and flipped it over—now her palm was facing the ground. It surprised Beidou a little, but what happened next shocked her even more.
Ningguang placed her hand under Beidou’s. It was such a gentle touch that Beidou almost didn’t sense. Her eyes were fixated on the Tianquan. They were so close—too close for Beidou’s own good.
And the moment she looked down at her hand, specifically her fingers, there was a ring.
“This is….”
Beidou couldn’t take her eyes away from it. It felt comfortable, as if the ring was made for and only for her. The gold color reflected the lamp inside the shop. Its surface was so clear and smooth, even Beidou could see her face on it. And yet, to say its design was simple would be an understatement. There was a carving of a phoenix’s wings on both sides. It looked majestic, just like a firebird soaring high into the sky with nothing to hinder it.
To make it even more stood out was the blue-ish jewel embedded right in the middle of the ring. It sparked colors that could make anyone looking at it mesmerized. What made it matter the most was its raw material, and just with one glance, Beidou knew what it was—noctilucous jade. Not even Beidou, who lived far from the luxury, could say it didn’t strike a chord in her heart.
“That looks good on you,” Ningguang said. “What do you think, Ying’er?”
“Do you really need my comment, Lady Ningguang? I’m sure mine isn’t that different from yours.”
“I agree. It looks marvelous.”
Those compliments created a storm within the leviathan Haishan’s head. Her cheeks were even redder than before. Handling this situation was much more difficult than her crew’s drinking habit in daily basis—especially when she was one of those drunkards.
“Wait, wait, wait! Is no one going to explain what is happening here?!”
Ningguang and Ying’er stared at each other. While Beidou was confused over the entire situation, the other two ladies also showed a puzzled question—as if they weren’t the ones who didn’t understand Beidou’s question.
“Is there any need for a further explanation here?” Ying’er was the first to answer. “I’m sure Captain Beidou understands what the ring in your ring finger implies. With that being said, though, I believe Lady Ningguang also needs one that suits her, don’t you think?”
After hearing the shop assistant’s words, Beidou cast her gaze on the other box—still on her hand and unopened. Again, she blushed.
“We don’t need to do it now. I owe her an explanation, after all.”
So we’ll do it either way?!
“Sure, it’s Lady Ningguang, after all, who owns Captain Beidou.”
“Don’t phrase it like that.”
“I apologize. I just can’t help to tease both of you.”
“At least you’re honest now….” Ningguang couldn’t count how many times she’d sighed today. “We’ll go now, then. Thank you, Ying’er. I appreciate your help.”
Ying’er just smiled. She seemed enjoying these two visitors of hers—almost thinking them just like newfound toys.
“I’m just doing my job, Lady Ningguang. Please enjoy your rings.” Ying’er’s smirk grew even more ominous. “Fortunately, they won’t hinder in your more private and….I suppose, more intimate moment.”
“Hey, Ningguang, let’s leave!”
“Have a nice day, you two.”
As if Beidou’s fight-or-flight response reacted to that of a danger named Ying’er, she took Ningguang’s hand and ran away. The shop assistant only waved at them as her visitors for today disappeared from her sight.
Outside, Beidou kept complaining.
“That woman wasn’t right in her head! I’m surprised that you could tolerate her that much.”
“Well….Let’s just say my previous experience with her did the job.”
“What do you mean by—”
Beidou wanted to finish her sentence, but she remembered the ring right on her finger. It was enough to embarrass her, and the next thing she noticed was the purple box still in her palm. That thing, although was way smaller than her, intimidated her.
She let go of Ningguang’s hand. “Here! It’s yours, right? I’m not good at handling something expensive like this.”
Acting dumb was the one choice left for her to do. To her no surprise, Ningguang didn’t buy that awful acting. Someone as honest and direct as Beidou wouldn’t be capable of creating any sweet lies. It was the only time she cursed her personality that she’d loved this entire time.
Either way, her attempt turned out to be futile. Ningguang raised her right arm and stopped at chest level. The back of her hand, the part she showed to Beidou, looked insatiable. She became more aware of those things, not knowing it deserved a praise or not. While at it, Ningguang’s fingers danced in the air, inviting Beidou to do something.
“You want to give it back to me, correct?” Ningguang said. “I believe there’s a better way to do it.”
“No, no, no. Just take the box.”
Beidou shoved the hand she used to hold the box. Ningguang stared at it for a few seconds. For a moment, there was silence. The woman in front of Beidou dropped her face, looking more somber than before.
“Do you hate it?” Ningguang said, pointing at the phoenix Beidou had on her ring finger.
That gesture made Beidou look at the ring. “That’s….That’s not what I meant.”
“Seems like you’re adamant about it, though,” Ningguang quickly responded. “However, none of this is your fault. I did force my own agenda to you, don’t I? Ying’er and…, the ring….It must make you uncomfortable.”
“But that doesn’t mean I hate it!”
Beidou clicked her tongue. She didn’t dare to look Ningguang right in the eyes. There had never been a time when she had to consider the words she was about to say.
Not to her crew.
Not to her friends.
Not to the people she met along the way.
But she couldn’t do it now.
Or rather….
….She didn’t want to.
“It’s just….Crap….”
The pained look on Beidou’s face caught Ningguang’s attention. She softly smiled. “Maybe it’s better if we change location for now. Shall we return to Jade Chamber, maybe?”
The sun was setting. The saying of “time passes quicker when you’re having fun” was true in this situation, as both Ningguang and Beidou didn’t realize how many hours they’d spent down in the city. Right now, they just arrived at the Jade Chamber. Each of them stepped a foot to Ningguang’s personal floating castle. Near the entrance were three of her assistants—Baishi, Baiwen, and Baixiao—all of them dressed in red.
“Welcome back, Lady Ningguang,” all of them said together. “We’ve prepared your bath.”
“Thank you, but I will take it for later.” Her voice sounded so gentle in their ears. “For now, please leave us alone.”
Ningguang took one step to the side. That allowed them to see their boss’ esteemed guest, who was standing right behind her the entire time. It wasn’t the first time they saw the captain of the Crux. She’d visited Jade Chamber for several occasions, and in those moments, the opportunity to strike a conversation with her came in front of them. As far as they knew, Beidou was everything but passive. Just like the tides which swept everything on their way, her energy was boundless. She led everyone with a full belly laugh that sounded, weirdly enough, awe-inspiring.
“As you wish, Lady Ningguang.”
It was the reason it only took an instant for them to understand how serious the matter was. Baiwen and Baixiao, more specifically, shared their concerns in their own hearts, wishing nothing had befallen Ningguang and Beidou.
Baishin, on the other hand, was the only secretary who noticed one new detail that hadn’t been there when those two women left the Jade Chamber.
It was, indeed, Beidou’s ring.
After that, the only thing she needed was her ability to connect the dots and imagine. Those would be sufficient enough. The concern she felt towards them was way more different from the other two’s. Heat was rushing inside her head from one point to another. It burned her nose, but she didn’t mind it at all.
T-this day has been so blessed! D-Dear Archon, thank you so much!
No one heard the gratitude she had for the being she called out in her head, and it was certain that no one needed to hear that. What she would do in the following hours as well….This was for Baishi and only for her.
Her secret would be safe here.
Ningguang and Beidou watched those three—each one of them with different sets of idea in their mind—wandered off and disappeared into the building.
They were alone now, without any eyes or ears prying at them. No one spoke a single word, though. The silence was all they could hear, echoing right in their ears with every passing second.
After a while, the Jade Chamber’s owner paced toward the edge. Beidou saw it as the distance between them increased. She couldn’t make out the face Ningguang was making. She didn’t want to know what it was. It was the feeling of dread which froze her legs on the spot. The dread of seeing a disappointed or sad look on Tianquan’s face.
But ignorance was the last thing she wanted. The last thing she wanted would be an interaction that destroyed their relationship. Right now, she believed that this very same moment might become what she feared of if nothing was done.
Thus, Beidou decided to swallow the discomfort in her heart. She made a fist, curling her fingers into the shape of a ball. As the seconds passed, she squeezed harder until her nails dug into the skin on her palm. It wasn’t the act of a mere self-harm. The reason behind that was the sharp pain Beidou desired to snap her mind back into place. With that, she reminded herself of the most important thing she could do now.
No need to overthink it. Only by taking a step—even just a single one—she could look at Ningguang face to face, staring at her graceful yet striking red-colored eyes that could be mistaken with polished gems.
She broke the ice trapping her legs before. Every step felt so light now, and before she knew it, she was behind the Tianquan already.
“Ningguang.” There was less than a meter gap between them. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” Ningguang said. She had her arms dangling on both sides. “As far as I understand, you did nothing wrong.”
“That’s not it.”
At first, Ningguang was clueless about Beidou’s response. She didn’t have time to process it, however, when she felt a sudden yank on her wrist. The pulling force coming from her behind forced her to turn around as well, and in that spontaneous reaction, Beidou’s face entered her view—that serious and determined look which distracted the already confused lady.
“What are you—”
“I’m actually apologizing for this.”
What caught Ningguang’s attention in an instant was the gorgeous, well-crafted ring box Beidou had in her grip. The women before her eyes opened the box, revealing the beautiful violet hue ring which would shimmer under the dark. Although possessing the wealth one could only dream of achieving, Ningguang’s admiration for that ring’s beauty was genuine. Her eyes sparkled, and her heart throbbed.
“Give me your hand.”
That request almost sounded like Ningguang’s words when they were in Ying’er’s shop. Beidou rested Ningguang’s hand on top of hers before raising it until it was high enough. Then, as her hesitation faded away, Beidou put the ring on Ningguang. This time it was a dragon having its tail coiled around the ring’s body while chasing the sun symbolized by the crown jewel of that ring—its jewel. Similar to the one attached to the eye patched-woman, the size was perfect. Taking it off and putting it back in wouldn’t be a problem.
The flawless ring was now resting on Ningguang’s finger. Vibrant gold color stared back into her eyes. She was overwhelmed with the desire to look at it for longer, observing every detail her pupils could figure out.
“….How do I look?” she asked.
Not a single sign of hesitation Ningguang could find from Beidou’s answer. From those eyes that kept checking out on her and that one single word spoken from the bottom of her heart, Beidou was serious—more serious than ever.
“Is that so?”
Ningguang clasped her hands with the left one blanketing the other one. Her palm soon concealed the ring. Even so, she still could feel it. It was still there, hugging her finger tightly. It was the feeling of comfort which she wouldn’t let go for anything else. As her hands ascended towards her chest, the tension between them tightened the grip. Every bit of her movement revealed the layer of emotions she’d been trying to hide for the entire day.
And at the present time, she couldn’t hold them back anymore.
They burst like an overflowing damp.
So she began to utter every little conflicting thing stuck in her mind.
The reason behind the date she proposed.
“Beidou, what….What do you think of me?”
Her voice wasn’t as confident as before. In fact, the usual imposing color in her voice wasn’t present.
“Yet another strange question coming from you today….” Having given Ningguang’s ring already, Beidou put her hands on her sides. “Well, let’s see….”
Beidou closed her eyes. Her feet went restless, hitting the ground with weak stomps. She had her arms crossed. The white-haired women waited patiently. Realizing that her question was quite an abrupt one, waiting was the least she could do.
It took a bit of time before she spoke again, now with the answer to Ningguang’s questions.
“You’re a hard worker, has an absurdly good work-ethic which—still to this day—baffles me. Everyone admires you. I don’t think you know how many people turning you into their role model,” Beidou said, still thinking up some words to continue. The moment she mentioned that last part, she remembered the poor young man from a few previous encounters. “I think you’re a wonderful person.”
“….You think too highly of me.”
Although those were certainly high praises from the Captain who had her own secret fanbase living under her radar, Ningguang’s expression conveyed a reaction opposite to the norm. Not an ecstatic joy bubbling inside her, but one more solemn.
Noticing that, Beidou took her turn to ask. “Are you displeased with what I said?”
“That’s not it….I very much appreciate it. It’s not easy to say those embarrassing words out loud. Maybe only Captain Beidou has the quality for that.”
“Your ‘compliments’ are the ones that have a certain quality of their own….”
Ningguang let out a chuckle. “But in the end of the day, those superficial things wouldn’t last, don’t you think so? When the heaven and earth flip over, they will dissipate into nothing.”
“….They still count, Ningguang. No matter how much you downplay them, none of them is useless. Not even close.”
“Do you think so?”
Beidou’s answer was a nod. Not a single word was needed to convey her sincerity with that answer. Ningguang’d expected that answer. For her, it was the most Beidou-like answer.
“You’re bright, Beidou. Dazzling. Sometimes it blinds me, and yet, looking away is impossible….” Ningguang murmured. “In reality, the things you said about me are what I aspire to be.”
There was a smile on her face, but it was just to mask the blunt pain hitting her chest.
She then continued. “Behind the curtain, I’m weak. Like everyone else, I’m vulnerable…, and maybe even more than most people. The burden of having Liyue on my back pushes me down every single day. I got exhausted, stressed, sick, and that’s—”
Ningguang wanted to lay bare everything in front of Beidou. The date was for this—for her to gather the courage required to convey her worries and weaknesses. She’d decided. No denying or delaying it more than needed.
For that same reason, it wasn’t a surprise to see her bewildered expression when she returned her gaze to Beidou, who had a disgusted look.
“I see. That’s why you asked me for a date….” Beidou’s sigh was the loudest so far, beating even Ningguang’s. One would say it reverberated across the tall mountains and steep cliffs in Liyue. “I know you’re pretty narrow minded, but this is just on a whole another level. You need to get glasses as soon as possible. But that won’t cure it, I suppose.”
Her words gave another slap on Ningguang’s cheek. Not to anyone’s surprise, that rubbed her up the wrong way.
“Beidou, do you understand the severity of this?” For the first time today, Ningguang raised her voice towards her partner. “The era of human is here….I believe that, or believed that, to be more exact. Even when we fought Osial and Beisht….I was trembling. I’m not that strong. I can grief, and I certainly have struggles which keep me awake at night. There’s not a single day passes by when I don’t doubt myself.”
Although it was faint, Beidou heard a trembling in Ningguang’s voice. The Tianquan cast down her eyes. She hoped that by closing her eyes, the problems inside her fragile heart would vanish. That hopeful thought, however, was too good to be true.
Facing the reality was all she could do.
When she was about to tilt her head up, her eyes fell towards Beidou’s hand. The ring was still there, and in that split second, something gentle and comfortable patted her heart. But one more thing stole her attention—this one wasn’t as good as the previous one.
“Your hand is bleeding….” she said.
Beidou pulled her right arm toward her face. On her palm was a hint of wound in the shape of a line. From the look on it, the length wasn’t much different from her nail.
“Oh, this must have been because of my nail. Don’t worry about it.”
It didn’t sting. She’d dealt with hundreds or even thousands of pain much more unbearable than this. Still, she couldn’t push away the concern reflected in Ningguang’s eyes. The Tianquan pulled out a napkin. With a gentle push, she wiped the blood.
Beidou was looking this whole time. Being so close like that, just one step away before they collided with each other, made her unable to look at something else. Ningguang’s face was so clear. Her smooth and fair skin could make anyone jealous—the unparalleled beauty.
“You’re such a worrywart, Ningguang,” Beidou said. They were almost done with the blood. “What you said applies to everyone else! Doubting is in our blood. Besides….I knew from the get go that you’re acting tough.”
It was such a coincidence that Beidou’s question happened after Ningguang stored back the napkin. “Are you serious?”
“More than you know.” Beidou smiled. “You might be gifted, but more important than that is your compassion for others. You’re scared? Everyone does. But you’re brave enough to step forward. Did you forget? The reason Liyue still stands until now is you. And if not for you and your sacrifice, this town would become nothing more than a ruin.”
The wind came out of nowhere, blowing these two girls’ hair to all directions. But it wasn’t strong enough to hinder any of their conversation.
“You didn’t think me as a disappointment?”
“Not even once. You’re just a hard worker. Too hardworking, actually.” Beidou shook her head to the left and right. “But it’s also the reason why everyone admires you. The Tianquan of Liyue is everything but nothing. So take more pride in yourself.”
Those affirmations were simple, but they worked. Ningguang could feel her back easen up. The weight was still there. In fact, nothing changed about the weight. It still burdened her back, no matter how much she tried. The one who changed was Ningguang. She was more willing to accept who the role that she had given herself to.
“Never have I thought that there would be a time when you’re the one comforting me….And yet, I can’t be mad at it. That’s so you, Beidou.”
“Just leave me alone.”
She chuckled. “Thank you. Though, there’s something else I want to talk about. May I?”
“I kind of guessed it already, so just go for it.”
“You’re strangely very perceptive for these things….” Ningguang took a deep breath. “I want you to stay here with me in Jade Chamber.”
“No can do.”
It was an answer Beidou didn’t even need to think about again. An hour, a minute, it didn’t matter. The answer would still be the same, and despite her being rejected, Ningguang’s smile didn’t disappear.
“I also guessed that answer.”
Across the horizon were the colors red and orange blending into one scenery that could still be someone’s breath away.
“Similar to how Jade Chamber is your passion, sailing sea is mine. I can’t describe the feeling of it with mere words, but I know I won’t exchange it with anything in the world.”
Joy and excitement painted her eyes. It was the level of enthusiasm no one could get unless they were in love with whatever it was. Beidou’d fallen in love with the sea. A part of her soul was the waves running amok beneath her ship.
For her, that was life.
Ningguang was aware of that. She knew the result, but she’d still taken the shot.
“Then again, it’s not like this will be the last one, right? Besides,” Beidou showed the ring on her finger. “This won’t separate us at least, right? That’s why you bought this for me. To be honest with you, having something matched with someone else wasn’t really my style, but—”
“Beidou, it just means I want to marry you.”
Beidou had anticipated everything but that answer. The bluntness Ningguang portrayed almost turned her into a completely different person.
“I-is that a joke?”
Ningguang didn’t answer it right away. She walked towards the building, passing Beidou, who still stood there and dumbfounded.
“Who knows? You can be the one who decides,” Ningguang said. “Also, let’s do it again tonight.”
“That’s—Wait! What do you mean by that?!”
“Same thing as last night.”
“So something happened?!”
Beidou followed her from behind, feeling so much embarrassment just because of that statement alone. Ningguang, on the other hand, had her lips curled up into an adorable smile.
At last, it was an eventful day for them. Just like a forge, it strengthened the bond between them, turning it into something harder to break. They might have to separate again in just a few days time. For months, there wouldn’t be any company from their other half.
But that wouldn’t be any problem.
After all, in the end, they would meet again. The phoenix and dragon would see each other.
And after they intertwined their fingers, locking arms with such joyful expression on their faces, they knew nothing would separate them again.
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glassica · 2 months
Live with me
Notes: wlw, yuri, war, sci-fi, both leads are soldiers
That was the word Layla would describe the situation they were stuck in. Five hours had passed since the last reinforcement troop sent to aid her platoons, and all within that time the enemies' machine had wiped out over thirds of her comrades. The lieutenant cursed her own incompetence, while a sense of dread slowly clouding her judgement.
What was she fighting for? She didn't know nor care. Ever since the days at school, Layla and her fellow compatriots had been taught to dedicated their hearts and mind solely for Motherland. All she knew was to fight. Fight for her country. For what cause didn't matter, just fight. Layla didn't question the reason behind this ongoing conflict plagueing her nation for decades, she simply accepted that as her responsibility.
The lieutenant probably would spend the rest her life on the battle ground and die with a noble cause, hopefully got rewarded a medal after her body lain and cremated amongst thousands of other fallen soldiers. That was the life she had settled for, at least until she met Chloe.
"Captain. How was your side?"
"Bad. Down right horrendous. Those bastards blew off medical tents so we had to evacuated all the injured and staff somewhere else. I called off the fight and retreated my units to the barracks now."
Layla sat down beside Chloe. The two women hadn't seen each other since the start of the operation. The captain tucked her head on Layla's shoulder, eyes drowsy from tons of sleepless nights. Layla moved the body closer, making herself as the support pillar so her lover could use some rest. The battle wasn't over, but perhaps sitting around for a little but wouldn't hurt, Layla was exhausted too.
Their peaceful moments didn't last long, as all of sudden a gun machine jumped down right in front of the women. Chloe swiftly dragged the two hiding beneath the ruined concrete. It wouldn't take long before the robot blast through their hiding and wipe out the couple, they needed to come up with a plan getting back to the army shelters unharmed. That seemed impossible considering how far they had to run, and there wasn't that much objects to hide on the way either. As Chloe was racking her brain out calculating the route, Layla just dropped a bomb:
- Maybe this is it.
- What do you mean?
- I mean our ending, love. Our last moment. I honestly can't hope for a better way to go out.
A shadow casted on Chloe's face. So her partner still stick to those kind of martyrdom thinking which she resented vehemently. Dying for your country, for the love of your life, for a noble cause,... all those beliefs Chloe had rejected long ago. She had a wish different from that. A self-serving, petty wish disregarding all the teachings the government that tried and failed to instill on her head.
- No dear. We won't die here, at least not on a battle with this stupid robot. Don't you think that's too lame of destiny for us?
- ...
- Layla. Look at me. What had I told you before? How do I want my life with you once the war's over?
- You want us to buy a house on the seaside so every morning we can take walks around the beach. I'm gonna open a flower shop and you'll try hands in calligraphy. Every now and then we go on road trips crossing to other nations.
- That's right. We have so much to do together. I don't wanna be sacrificed on battlefield just for some medals, that's useless to me. We still have a whole life ahead, and I want nothing more than to live it out the fullest with you.
Chloe pulled her lover in a firm embrace, as if holding onto the hope that a happy ending will happen despite all the cruelty and bloodiness gloomed over the fate of two ladies.
"So live, Layla. Live with me."
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kissgirly · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ  㤅,
ㅤㅤㅤ 𝑙𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 ㅤㅤ 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙.
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sundropcass · 2 months
99% of what I read is angst but you know what my secret favorite fanfiction category is? Outsider POV. I love a good fic where we’re in the perspective of characters who have no idea what the fuck is going on and are stuck watching our MCs be absolutely ridiculous. I love every version of this trope. It could be mostly text based. It could be mostly social media based. As long as it checks the boxes? I’m all in. You don’t understand. I think the first one of these I read was with Sam and Dean Winchester as kids in school from the perspective of a guidance counselor. I have been ruined. I have read every fic I could find with the premise of SkyGem’s Retirement AU (Yuri On Ice). I read White Collar DC crossover fanfiction despite not knowing or caring about White Collar because I treat it like outsider POV fanfictions with a fun identity reveal element. My favorite My Hero Academia fanfiction of all time is entirely made up of social media bit and bobs (tumblr posts, twitter posts, text message chains, etc). I am currently reading a Carmen Sandiego fic like this and it is such a crack fic. It is so unserious. I can’t put it down. I am so hooked.
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sohotthateveryonedied · 2 months
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aileana-the-writer · 2 years
Comenta en los fanfics que lees
Parece una tontería y a veces no sabes que poner o qué escribir.
Pero un comentario puede ayudar al autor/a a seguir con esa idea y que no caiga en el olvido.
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yayforyoi · 7 months
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Sooo, I had @crimson-chains draw this commission this for me years ago (via my other tumblr account @suzewrites) for a fanfic I wrote called Dreams on Ice. I had hoped to post this comic once I posted the chapter it goes with, but I never did and it seems a waste that I never shared it. Well, better late then never! Enjoy!
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saitubaki · 2 months
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summer vacation
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notfernintheslighest · 4 months
everyday i am forced to make a choice
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momokat · 1 month
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More Drawpile doodles. This time I was reading this very short fic:
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chezlinda · 5 months
Yuri!!! on Ice Fanfic Recs
Since MAPPA decided to be a bitch and cancel Ice Adolescence, here are some fics to ease the pain. I made sure to include trigger warnings but all of these still have happy endings
Alternate Universe – Different Meeting
All Our Time is Borrowed by Magrathea
TW: Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, anxiety attacks
Developing relationship, series
Dream Weaver by aeriamamaduck
Developing relationship, smut, series
In Your Arms by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Perspective by soupthatistoohot
Established relationship, anxiety
(Don’t) Wake me up by PrincessofU
Established relationship, anxiety attack, smut
Therapy by vitya_rabbit
TW: suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Established relationship
Domestic Bliss by BunniesofDoom
Established relationship, domestic fluff, series
The Domestic Life and Love of Yuuri and Victor by nerdlife4eva 
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
take all my loves, my love, take them all by sizhu
Established relationship, married Yuuri and Victor, domestic fluff, series
Your Touch Is My Temple by Crowleys_Aziraphale2003
Established relationship, anxiety attacks, domestic fluff, 5 + 1 things
If ice can burn, by ode2youu
Established relationship, dissociation, hurt/comfort
put your head on my shoulder by widomauk
Established relationship, domestic fluff
Sickfic/Major Injury
Homesick by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, sick Victor
Leave It On The Ice by tothebatcave53
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
TW: Suicidal thoughts, self-harm
Head over Toes by ClosetedShipper
Established relationship, hurt Yuuri
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angofwords · 5 months
I've seen a lot of doom and gloom from the Yuri on Ice fandom, and I get it--it's super disappointing. I was hoping for Ice Adolescence, too, and losing that hope is hard.
However, I can promise you, the fandom isn't going anywhere. It's not over. There are SO MANY fandoms that have survived and even become stronger after the source material ended. Star Trek's TOS is HUGE, and the last bit of canon was a movie in the 1990s. If anything, the fandom has made it bigger than ever, because they refuse to stop writing and drawing and thirsting for Spock.
You can do this with YOI. You HAVE done this for all these years. Keep writing. Keep drawing. Keep thirsting for Viktor. Do that and this fandom will continue to be the amazing place you built it to be.
We don't need new canon, because Yuri on Ice is basically perfect as-is. Be disappointed, but don't quit. This place is special.
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gravitycavity · 7 months
Ok ok ok, but imagine if Ragatha had a voice box inside of her that went off whenever she was squeezed. It says something really corny like "I love you!" or "You're my best friend!"
But Pomni doesn't know about it -- and the first time she and Ragatha cuddle, Pomni accidentally triggers the voice box. Mistaking it for Ragatha's real voice, she looks up all teary-eyed and squeaks out a tiny little "R-Really?! 🥺"
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lucylichtenweg · 1 year
Me at 3am silent crying after a fanfiction hit to hard, but my family is asleep so I can't scream:
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dairyocchi · 6 months
i desperately need knb (kuroko’s basketball) to get a popularity resurgence 😕 like where are all the haikyuu and other sports anime girlies at you’ll love knb trust
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