#yunyun denpa syndrome
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
Okay, so in the steam page for yunyun there is one screenshot i haven't really gone over yet that I'll briefly go over here real quick
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This one! There's a lot of different things here so lets look at it.
First of all, it takes place on the home screen which i just did an analysis on here for those who want to know what's going on there! Go read/skim through that post first!
Welcome back! Now, lets look at this thing here...First of all, Q-tie looks fucking exhausted. There is caution tape surrounding the homescreen reading 'MAMA KITA' which could mean A - Her mom's name is Kita orrrr B - 'Kita' or きた can be translated as north through a simple translator, but it also means something like, 'I'm here' so we could read this as 'Mom is here!' I'm choosing to believe both because its funny.
Yunyun is in front of the screen which makes sense, she's yunyun. Finally...the middle of the screen has a tab reading 'MOM DODGED' which could probably mean a few things, so let's go!
Q-Tie is a hikkikomori, a shut in. Basically, I believe that this is a minigame based on avoiding her mom! We all have to leave our room to get food and such from the outside, so this could probably be a minigame based on getting things from outside her room. It could also be a minigame based on Q-Tie having her music too loud and her mom trying to check on her. It could be both lmao. who knows!
Anyways this screenshot...it calls to me...ooo....WHAT DOES IT MEAN WSS WHAT COULD IT M E AN
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denpa-maxxing-yunyun-pilled · 5 months ago
Yunyun... she's in
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months ago
Rhythm adventure game Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis announced for PC - Gematsu
From Gematsu
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Publisher and developer WSS playground, publisher Alliance Arts, and developer WHO YOU have announced rhythm adventure game Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis for PC (Steam). It will launch in 2024.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis is a rhythm adventure game about a psychotic hikikomori girl—also an avid anonymous poster—who corrupts the world with her severe brain rot from listening to too many denpa songs. Yunyun all over this ♡♡♡♡ world with your degen otaku-posting. High and vibin’ with denpa songs, we’ll corrupt the entire Internet! Hehe, all we need is a bit of otaku love, that’s all. This is a rhythm-adventure game where you play as a hikikomori (shut-in) girl who’s high on denpa songs. Become Yunyun-brained and lose all self-control to anonymously post on social media and destroy the world with your Yunyun brain rot. Have a Doki-Doki experience with over 30 denpa songs and multiple endings.
Q. Why did she become a hikikomori?
Q. How does anonymous online posting lead to world destruction?
Q. Does a happy ending exist for a degenerate otaku?
The answers to those “Q’s” lie at the convergence of insanity and denpa psychosis. Now, put those headphones on and become ill with Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis.
Groove to the DENPA!
Anonymously Post Online and Infect the Whole World with Yunyun-Brain! – Get high on denpa songs and sink in the depths of social media!! Browse social media at the start of the song to check up on your Yunyun cult and haters. And then prepare for the climax where you can start dropping posts left and right. Successfully posting will cause other social media users to become psychotically Yunyun-ified. Social media is all about sharing – spread your heartful psychosis to everyone else!
Qtie – The main character. A hikikomori. She suffered too much irl that she’s become a little (very) fuzzy in the head. Her obsessive love for the fictional character “Yunyun” is for sure an illness. Her overly “high” state from overdosing denpa songs causes her to propagate Yunyun love. Will there really be a happy end for such a degenerate otaku?
Yunyun – A fictional character that loves Qtie. A very much angelic devil. She will speak to Qtie through the monitor screen. Whilst the truth is unknown, most likely, she is just a figment of Qtie’s imagination. It’s joever for her.
About Denpa Songs!
“Denpa” is a genre of music that is intentionally strange and catchy. All playable songs in this game are denpa songs. Many popular denpa songs such as “it’s a cherry kissing explosion” (Sakuranbo Kiss) and many more are featured!
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
Simplified Chinese
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totallyseiso · 7 months ago
Looking into that (currently unreleased) yunyun syndrome game by the needy girl devs, and it says it's a rhythm game all about denpa songs.
So I finally looked up what denpa songs are like
That rhythm game is going to be so fucked to play
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coffee-dere · 10 months ago
"“Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis” is a rhythm adventure game about a psychotic hikikomori girl - also an avid anonymous poster - who corrupts the world with her severe brain rot from listening to too many denpa songs. Yun-Yun all over this world."
Made by the same people who created Needy Streamer Overload ^^
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g4zdtechtv · 10 months ago
Cinematech's Trailer Park - Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis (PC)
Groove to the DENPA!
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catastrophic-crisis · 10 months ago
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We did it, we survived the (alleged) turbo bad vibes. How do you rate them? We had a nice little epilogue, then walked the garden of games and checked the fridge for snacks. Are you ready for the next two weeks of Gaming (and Planets)? See you Thursday with the Spectral Mall!
Doggie bag down below!
A selection of games from Indie Live Expo: (ULTRAMUSHROOM, psychedelic mushroom-gathering rhythm game) (Alruna and the Necro-Industrialists, a high-density metroidvania with "a focus on sequence-breaking and playing things out of order") (Hookah Haze, hookah lounge management sim and visual novel on the outskirts of Akihabara) (Yunyun Syndrome!? Rhythm Psychosis, a denpa rhythm game with songs you might recognize as you spread your brainrot online through anonymous posting)
A selection of games from the Fridge: (Ranita Fishing, a wee frog fishing game (where you're a frog fishing for fish)) (The Anglerfish Project, fishing for hidden messages... in space) (PHOTOGEIST ALBUMS: Case 0, a free photography monster-catcher prologue) (Pixross, you know what kind of game it is from the name) (Wretched Depths, a good looking spooky fishing game that I... haven't played yet)
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^ review I referenced
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Aaand here's the Hookah Haze and Yunyun girls
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
Yun Yun Syndrome - Homescreen
So as I was trying to sketch out some fanart of Q-tie, I found somethng!
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I had seen this before...but here's a full version of the home screen of the game!! Let's analyze!
First up we have the score tab, which I believe will function similarly to the Task Manager Tab in NSO, aka holding all your stats. We have 'DOKIDOKI' which for translations sake basically means excitement/heart pounding, its a Japaneese onomatopoeia for those who don't know. From the text on screen, we can guess that this can be added to by listening to Denpa Songs. The next stat is 'YUNYUN' which I would say is probably how obssesed with yunyun we are. 10 bucks that this gets increased by going on twitter!! Finally...'RIZZ'. THEY HAVE A FUCKING RIZZ STAT??? HELP ME. It refers to Charisma here by the way, so I'm not exactly sure what this could mean in game. Are we going to date Yunyun???? I am confused.
So we have 8 apps to the left hand side of the screen, these are from order in top left to bottom right are...Denpa Songs, Health, Socials, TODO, Dream Log, MyPicture, Room Search, Setting.
First of all, denpa songs is probably the rhythm game portion, so we can get that one out of the way. Health is more interesting...will it be various medicine to help maintain our health? I'm not sure what this could be. Socials is also obvious, this is probably similar to the socials tab in nso, and we'll probably have a list to choose from and then post or doom scroll. TODO is obviously a to-do list of some sort, but I'm not exactly sure what for??? Will we have a guide of sorts for certain endings? I'm not sure what this will be. Dream Log is probably Q-Tie's diary, similar to the logs in Nso, MyPicture is probably either a fanart or ingame picture viewer! Room Search seems the most interesting...maybe we can search our room for certain items? I'm not sure. Finally, Settings is probably just the setting menu lmao.
First we have the trash can app, which is either the leave the game button, or a button to get rid of unneccesary tabs and such, not sure. There is also an app hidden behind Q-Tie...what could it be...
We have the Camera tab for Q-Tie and we see her messy ass room too, and then we have the text bar for Q-Tie. Overall nothing noticable here. And we also see Q-Tie's background!! It's Yunyun. are you surprised. Anyways that's it wooo!!! Some exciting stuff here!
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lonelypuppet404 · 3 months ago
HI YUNYUN SQUAD IM BACK WITH MORE YUNYUN CONTENT!! List of everything new in the newest trailer!!!
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Current list of all songs announced!
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New Screenshot(s) from trailer, will be discussing them later (note they aren't in order)
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..and that's it! Game is now set for 2025 yall...I'm not ready :,)
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
Went through the yunyun trailer at 0.25 speed on high picture quality. More analysis? Coming soon...
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
Quick and Short Yunyun post but!!! Cute thing I noticed!!!
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We can see a screenshot of Q-Tie's headphones here, and then later on when we see her wearing them...
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...she added little Yunyun horns to them!!! Omg. This sounds stupid but I never noticed that????? That's so cute the fuck?????
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lonelypuppet404 · 8 months ago
i have a hypothesis. We know Qtie had a traumatic event, and we know she doesn't like her mom, and in one of the images she sees a knife. We also know she likely becomes a cult leader. Human Sacrifice, because that's what you do to mythological beings (like demons) you sacrifice something to them. and her mom was first on the chopping block as she is the cause of the trauma. just a theory tho.
Honestly I agree there is definitely an ending that might entail some sort of human sacrifice, whether it be self inflicted or someone else.
CW: I talk about violence and self harm and some other stuff
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For example specifically in the flashing sequence at the end of the first trailer we get a lot of these different snippets of yunyun and also some text, this one is very much "let's start a cult" via text however
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This screenshot here is also very much cult esque for a lack of better words? You can feel how ominous it is and how it just seems off.
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We see in the trailer near the end this screenshot. Qtie holding a kitchen knife. We don't know what she does with it, but we can make theories.
Sacrificing her mother to yunyun would actually make sense from a game stand point. My current theory on the "Mom Dodged" bit is that it's a pop-up ad style mini game of sorts, and doing this route will eliminate the mini game making playing slightly easier, but also lead to Q-Tie's mental state spiraling downwards. We can tell she has it out for society too, so it's fair to assume that the human sacrifice could reasonably extend to others.
Now I know there's a CW already but OH GOD THIS JEXT PART BE MESSY
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So. We already know Qtie's mental state isn't good. She also worships Yunyun to the point where human sacrifice is possible.
In NSO there was a lot of self destructive behavior, so seeing as ame and qtie are similar...I worry!
But yeah thank you for giving me a chance to ramble about the possible endings the POSSIBILITIES MAN!!!!
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lonelypuppet404 · 2 months ago
Toxic parents error pop-up
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Okay so what we already know/what I've already speculated about, (check here for that) to put a long story short, so far we know that Q-tie's mom probably not the best, as Q-tie often tries to "dodge" or avoid her whenever she can, meaning they probably don't have the best relationship.
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Main example we already had was THIS pop up. We don't necessarily have an explanation for it, just that it exists, and that Q-tie appeared very exhausted once while this appeared on screen. Now, here's what interests me.
SO! this adds more context. First off this is confirmation that Q-tie's parents are not the best or in this case "toxic". To what extent we don't know, however we CAN infer that their relationship is probably not the best, to the extent where Q-tie shuts herself in her room and has to dodge them for whatever reason.
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The "parents" gets me thinking though. This means that, she is not infact fatherless. Her father is in the picture somehow, to what extent though is unknown. Honestly we know Jack shit about him so that's a bit of a hurdle here, however knowing he even exists to some extent in Q-tie's life is at least SOMETHING! Into a more speculative territory here, but it seems her mother is the more protective or present one at the very least, as she has been the one mentioned the most so far. Honestly I don't know if she's "the better one" out of her parents or not, and honestly I can see an argument for either way, so suffice to say I'm excited to see more on this front!!!!
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Anyways that's pretty much it for my thoughts on this, I have a lot of thoughts and mini theories, but this is mainly my analysis of WHAT THE HELL THIS MEANS. Teehee! Anyways analysis over ig woah
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lonelypuppet404 · 10 months ago
So if you're a fan of Needy Streamer Overload, you may like to know that the developers of NSO, WSS Playground, are also working on other games! Specifically, YunYun Denpa Syndrome, or YunYun Syndrome?! Rhythym Psychosis! [WARNING: LONG POST APPROACHING, DO YOU WISH TO ENTER?]
The English Trailer
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Now, the games overview is that you play as a Hikikomori or a shut in who has severe brainrot over Denpa Songs. It's also advertised as a rythym adventure game coming out later this year! The written overview on the trailer and the steam page is "This is a rhythm-adventure game where you play as a hikikomori (shut-in) girl who’s high on denpa songs. Become Yunyun-brained and lose all self-control to anonymously post on social media and destroy the world with your Yunyun brain rot."
Now, if that sounds interesting, let's talk about the characters! First of all, who we are, aka the player insert, Qtie!
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Qtie is our player character, and the Shut-In in question. From the trailer, we can infer that she got into listening to Denpa Music from Yunyun, who we'll briefly talk about in a moment. She is a shut in who gets high on denpa music, and is an anonymous poster online, shouting out her love for Yunyun. Now, we can infer a few things here. First of all, the game, like NSO has a wide variety of endings. With the snippets we see in the game trailer, we can infer that Qtie will have a HUGE impact on the internet/yunyun fandom (i'll be calling them the yundom for the rest of this post) , as we see news articles that roughly describe a 'yunyun addiction' and the title even says 'yun yun syndrome'. We can infer then that she could have a huge affect on the fandom, and the real world because of her actions. According to the Steam Page, apparently she had some traumatic events that happened in real life, that she has become a shut in and has become 'fuzzy in the head'. I don't want to refer to her as psychotic throughout this post, since I feel like that is offesive and giving her a diagnosis without even having the game yet seems wrong. Next, let's briefly go over Yun Yun.
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According to the Steam Page and trailer, Yunyun is a fictional character that Qtie may or may not be hallucinating talking to her through the screen. She is described as 'an angelic devil' which could have many implications. It is also said that 'Whilst the truth is unknown, most likely, she is just a figment of Qtie's imagination. It's joever for her.'
First of all, to the translation/writing team, hats off to you for including the words 'rizz' and 'joever' into this already. Oh god. Now...an angelic devil...she will more than likely have a huge effect on Qtie, and the endings will probably envolve her and the yundom in some way. So far the media she is from is unknown, but based on her design, it's probably an anime or manga of some sort.
Now, a brief overview of the songs! Aka, a crash course in Denpa!
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Now what is 'Denpa'? Well, Denpa is a music genre described by their steam page and google as a catchy, strange sound. Think of the NSO soundtrack and its respective insert song(s), Internet Overdose and Yamero. It usually has a high female voice behind the songs too! A spotify playlist by the sounds of spotify is linked here if you would like to listen to it yourself! I would reccomend checking out the fandom page on denpa if you want to see more.
Now the songs! On steam it says there more than 30 songs, and in the trailer we hear: - Sakuranbo Kiss / it’s a cherry kissing explosion - Kotoko - princess bride - Kotoko -Change my Style 〜あなた好みの私に〜 - KOTOKO -夏はマシンガン - 懐フラ -Miko Miko Nurse ~ Theme of Love - Kiss! い・も・う・と Club -だっこしてぎゅっ! ~汝、隣の枕(よめ)を愛せ - 民安ともえ -Cirno's Perfect Math Class - IOSYS -Overdrive - IOSYS
First of all, thanks to the youtube user who found all these in the comments of the trailer oh g o d. All these songs are great in their own ways, so go listen to them if you want to train for the yunyun overdose! Now let's look at...the gameplay! And also why nso players will love this game!
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So far, we know this is a game where you post online about yunyun and her greatness, and this is where NSO comes into full effect. We have stats, different abilities, and other such things just like NSO! The rythym part in of itself is us posting on our sns of choice (presumabably twitter??? maybe 4-chan?? unsure. probably twitter.) as we, the yunyun-pilled, make other yunyun-pilled. mm. cult.
Overall, the gameplay is NSO, but also...a RHYTHYM GAME. This is very big!
time for end notes!!
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Overall, I'm very excited for this game, and I want others to be too, so here I am posting about it, in my own Qtie like way. wow. she like me frfr.
The game seems to be very interesting and awesome, so please check it out on steam and see how it progresses, this seems so interesting,,,oh my god,,,,check it out,,,for yunyun...hehehe
Anyways gay rant over!
TLDR: Yun Yun Syndrome?! Rythym Psycosis is a game a lot like NSO but also a rhythym game at the same time, so you should check it out!
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lonelypuppet404 · 9 months ago
For my fellow Yunyun Syndrome Pillers on twitter and tumblr, I present,
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Q-tie liked tweet message (Elon deleted the ability to view your likes for everyone, so people are doing creative things to show they liked a tweet lmao.)
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