#yunsung imagine
hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
The Morning After
Noir Reaction
A/n: Not requested but god damn these boys need attention and Tumblr content! Stan Noir I’m working my way towards stanning!
Warnings: Swearing probably?, brief partial nudity?
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The smell of coffee drifted into your room. Slowly you opened your eyes to reveal Seunghoon still in a deep sleep. Your head lay on his bare chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around you. Coming to the conclusion your roommate must be awake you carefully removed yourself from Seunghoon’s iron embrace and replaced yourself with a pillow. Throwing on some sweatpants and a t-shirt you walked out into the living room.
“So,” Your roommate started handing you a cup of coffee. “How was it?” Sipping the hot beverage you looked at her over the brim of the cup. "I don't know what you are talking about." She laughed, setting down the glass mug. "Oh please. You have a fucking hickey on your neck!" Your hand flew to the side of your neck and a blush crept up your cheeks. “We’re we loud or something? I’m sorry.” She laughed and shuffled back over to the coffee maker for a refill. “No, I’m just giving you a hard time.” A moment of silence passes before she spoke again. “But really how good in bed is he?”
You opened your mouth to speak but your bedroom door opened. Turning you saw your boyfriend sleepily buttoning up his shirt and walking over to you. His blonde hair was a mess and clothes were slightly wrinkled. “Hey, I’ve got to head to the studio, but I’ll still see you for dinner right?” He said giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. Seunghoon smiled as you nodded and placed a quick kiss on the lips before heading out the door. Looking over, you saw your roommate staring at you. “Oh shut up.” “I didn’t say anything! But, holy shit...You are really lucky.”
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Waking up in Yeonkuk’s arms was incredible. You looked over at the man next to you and you let a small laugh escape from your lips. He snuggled further into your shoulder and wrapped his arms tighter around your body. “Yeonkuk,” You whispered. An incoherent sound surfaced from the sleeping man. “We have to get up. You’ll be late!” With sleepy eyes, he rolled over and reached for his phone, looking at the time. 
He shot up throwing the covers- and you-across the bed. You laughed as he hopped around trying to scramble and pull his clothes on. “Shit!” He said almost falling over. You watched as the lean man struggled to find the rest of his clothes which were sprawled all over the room. Once fully dressed he looked back at you still sprawled out lazily on the bed. 
“Are you busy tonight?” He asked with an out of breath smile. Shaking your head you watched your boyfriend walk back over to you on the bed. “Not for you,” With a smile, he leaned down and kissed you. “Can I come back after practice?” Yeonkuk whispered in your ear. “I’ll still be at work, but I’ll leave the key under the mat for you.” The two of you smiled and kissed each other once more before Yeonkuk rushed out the door hoping not to be too late to practice with the boys. He crossed his fingers and prayed they didn’t notice he was wearing yesterday’s clothes.
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Rolling over you felt an empty space beside you. Immediately, you sat up looking around the bedroom. Did Junyong leave already? His phone still lay on the nightstand and his clothes were still on the floor. “Junyong?” You called out. Taking your robe from the hook on the wall, you wrapped it around yourself. Opening your bedroom door, you heard water running from the bathroom down the hall. 
A smile spread across your face as you knocked on the door softly. You heard singing over the sound of the shower running. “Junnie?” Slowly you opened the door and looked at the steam covered mirror. The sweet sound of his voice was filling the tile-covered room. He was singing a random song but it sounded so wonderful coming from his lips. Slowly, you slipped off your robe and let it drop to the ground. Pulling back the curtain you saw Junyong facing away from you rinsing the suds from his hair. 
You let your fingers graze over the muscles in his back. He flinched at the touch before turning to see you. “You scared me,” He said wrapping his arms around your waist bringing you under the water. “I like it when you sing.” He smiled and captured your lips with his. The cold tile of the shower felt nice against your back as Junyong pressed you against the wall. His lips trailed down to your jaw and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Stop laughing at me god damn it!” Junyong said with a laugh before kissing you again.
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You woke up to the feeling of soft kisses trailing down your neck to your shoulder. With a tired smile, you reached behind you tangling your fingers in Yunsung’s hair. “Morning,” He whispered in a raspy voice that sent shivers down your spine. “How are you?” You asked playing with his tangled locks. “I’m great,” He said pulling you tighter to his chest. “How are you?” His lips grazed your ear as he spoke. 
“I’m a little sore, but nothing I can’t handle.” He turned you over to face him and pushed a strand of hair away from your face. “Hey,” You smiled. “Hey,” He grinned from ear to ear. “Do you have a schedule today?” When he shook his head you couldn’t help but smile. “I’m all yours for the day.” Pressing your lips against his, you gave him a passionate kiss. His hands wrapped around your body, pulling you on top of him. “Oh, are we doing this again? Okay,” Yunsung said with a smirk before returning to your lips.
“How about I shower, and then we order some food?” You said snagging the corner of your lip between your teeth. “How about I join you?” Yunsung said as he watched you get up from the bed. “Maybe,” You said already halfway to the bathroom. Yunsung laughed and threw off the covers. “Yah, Y/n,” He said as he followed you into your bathroom, that signature smile of his filling up his face.
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You knew the members would be awake soon. Siheon stayed sleeping off the hangover and last night's endeavors in his bed. His shifting made you freeze your movements as he rolled over onto his stomach. His breath slowed once more and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding. Last night both of you got drunk. You had liked Siheon for a while but you didn’t want this to ruin your friendship.
You pulled your shirt over your head and started searching the room for your socks. “Y/n?” Siheon sat up in bed clutching his forehead making you freeze. “What are you doing here?” No words left your mouth, your throat closing up in embarrassment. He took in your disheveled state and then looked down at himself. Siheon groaned and laid back in bed his hands covering his face. “Siheon, I’m so sorry. I’ll leave before the boys get up. We can just forget this ever happened.”
“What? No!” Siheon shot up, almost reaching out to you. His response shocked you, stopping your hand from turning the doorknob. “Fuck-Y/n, come back.” Hesitantly, you shuffled over to the bed and stood in front of your friend. Even first thing in the morning with bed head and bags under his eyes he looked amazing. Gently he took your hands in his. “Y/n, I like you. A lot. I just didn’t want our first time to be like this.” He said looking up at you. Once he saw the smile creeping onto your face he pulled you back into bed, wrapping you up in his embrace. 
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Drowsily you opened your eyes to the sound of shuffling in the dimly lit room. Soft morning light sent a cool haze across your bedroom. Your eyes fell onto Hoyeon who was quietly trying to slip his jeans back on. You watched the muscles in his back work as he pulled the fabric up. You couldn’t look at your best friend the same way after last night. Looking at the time you saw it was about four in the morning. 
“Hoyeon,” You said sitting up, pulling the sheets with you to cover yourself. He jumped at your voice and muttered something under his breath. “Where are you going?” Your voice came out a little raspy having just woken up. He let his hands fall to his sides. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay,” He whispered back to you. “I figured you would want to forget it ever happened and-” “Hoyeon,” He stopped and looked back at you. “Would you toss me my shirt?” You said clutching the sheets to your chest.
 He picked up your shirt from somewhere on the ground and tossed it to you as asked. Slipping the baggy fabric over your head, you pulled it down over your thighs. Getting out of bed, you walked over to the man standing before you. His eyes tracked your every moment. Gently you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his. You could hear his intake of breath and then slowly his hands rested on your hips. You smiled at the sound he made when your fingers tangled in his dark hair. You pulled away only enough for him to rest his forehead against yours. “Hoyeon, let’s call this our day one.” He smiled and kissed you again.
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An alarm blared through the dark room waking you up. The man beside you groaned and shoved his face back under the covers. With a lazy smile, you got up, shivering at the cold morning air on your naked skin, and walked to the other nightstand to turn off his phone. Quickly Siha fell back asleep. You grabbed a random t-shirt from your closet and put on a new pair of underwear. 
Tiptoeing into the living room you quietly closed your bedroom door. The sound of your bare feet padding across the wood floor softly echoed in your apartment. Checking the time on the microwave you sighed. “Of course you would normally get up at 5:30 in the fucking morning, Siha.” You whispered to yourself. Thankfully, he had a day off today. He must have simply forgotten to turn the alarm off. You couldn’t blame him for forgetting you thought smirking. 
Now fully awake, you poured yourself a bowl of cereal. Siha hadn’t woken up yet so you decided to make him breakfast. An hour later, you were setting up a tray with coffee, fruit, and an omelet. Carefully, you carried the tray into the bedroom and set it on the dresser. Sitting on the side of the bed you looked at the handsome sleeping man. Softly you ran a hand through his dark locks. “Goodmorning,” You whispered as he turned over. He smiled and pulled you down to give you a kiss. “I made you breakfast.” He giggled and kissed you again. “I don’t deserve you.”
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You wake up to soft giggles coming from beside you. Turning over you see Minhyuk with messy bed head playing with one of your stuffed animals. He was sitting up against the headboard, a fluffy gray stuffed bunny was in his hands. You quietly watched your boyfriend play with your stuffed animal. Minhyuk spoke softly to the toy, probably trying to entertain himself while waiting for you to wake up.
“Little Bunny, should we wake up my baby?” He asked in a serious voice. “No, we should let her sleep.” He responded back to himself in a cute high pitched voice. You couldn’t take it anymore, it was too precious. You sat up and pressed a lingering kiss on his lips and cheek, letting a hand play with his soft hair. “You are too fucking cute.” You whispered against his lips. He smiled into the kiss and pressed his hand to your cheek.
You let gravity pull you back down onto the bed and smile as Minhyuk presses loving kisses all over your skin. “Good morning,” he said softly against your skin. Warmth radiated off his bare skin as he hovered over you. “Morning,” Wrapping your arms around his neck you brought his lips back to yours. “What time is it?” You asked softly. “Almost ten.” He giggled rolling onto his side. “You want to order in?” You whispered as his fingers danced across the bare skin of your back. “Yeah, that would be awesome.”
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You felt an arm wrap around your waist, waking you from your sleep. Slowly blinking your eyes adjusted to the light coming through the blinds. Memories resurfaced from the night before and you couldn’t help but smile as Daewon held you tighter to his chest. You pry yourself from his grip and quickly throw on some shorts and a shirt that was on the ground. 
Picking up the rest of the clothes on the ground you toss them in your washing machine to clean them. When you return to your bedroom Daewon is sitting up and blinking sleepily in the bright morning light. You can’t help but giggle at the sight. “Why did you leave?” He asks as you sit on the edge of the bed. “I wanted to let you sleep.” He pulls you by the wrist to lay on top of him and he buries his face in your hair. “No, you’re mine. You can’t leave.”
You laughed and played with a piece of his hair. “Okay.” The two of you lay in silence enjoying the morning and each other’s company. “Last night was really nice,” he said breaking the silence and rubbing your back. “Hey! Just nice? I think I performed a little better than just ‘nice’.” You said sitting up, a smile on your face. His hands rested on your thighs straddling his waist. “You know what I meant!” He said with a bright blush flooding his cheeks.
Requests are open! Just send an ask!
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shining-red-diamond · 5 years
She’s Perfect
Word count: 1.1k
Pairing: Minsung x Kelly (OC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of blood; childbirth scene
February 6, 2019. 11:25PM
Kelly eased herself onto the loveseat at the foot of the bed and set her water bottle next to her as Minsung scrolled through Netflix to find something to watch before turning in for the night. Her parents were downstairs watching some late show, and Curtis had been asleep in his bedroom since nine o’clock. Pearl was lying down on the bed and beginning to drift to sleep. Kelly reached out and stroked her brown, furry ears.
Her eyes wandered around what used to be her bedroom. Her trophy case from her cheer and choir competitions was still there, but the awards had been stored in her closet. Old pictures of her were now sitting on the shelves. Most of her decorations were either packed away in the attic or Kelly had taken them to Seoul with her after she moved there when she married Minsung, some of her clothes were still hanging in her closet or were folded in the armoire where her TV stood on top. The hospital bag sat on her old desk, packed and ready for when Marianne was ready to see the world.
Memories from growing up there flooded into her head. Sleepovers with friends from elementary up until high school, getting dolled up for homecoming dances and proms in front of her white vanity that still stood against the wall between her bed and her closet, and the one time Curtis accidentally punched her in the nose while she was playing “Transformers” with him when he was seven and she was sixteen.
Kelly giggled at the memory.
“What’s so funny?” Minsung asked.
“Just a funny moment from high school,” she replied as she turned back around in her seat.
“Find anything?” she changed the subject.
“Stranger Things good?”
“Sure.” Whenever they couldn’t find anything that peaked their interest on Netflix, Minsung and Kelly always went back to Stranger Things.
He pressed play and sat down next to his wife. He kissed her temple and asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Contractions have been on and off all day?” she admitted as the show’s theme song began to play. “But I’m pretty sure they’re Braxton Hicks, since I’m able to talk through them, and they’re not that close together.”
“If we need to go to the hospital, tell me.”
Kelly nodded. She was only thirty-eight weeks along and confidant that she would deliver on her due date.
However, fifteen minutes into the show, she felt a pop. Then she felt as if she was sitting in a puddle, and she knew she wouldn’t have peed on herself.
She gasped as she felt a contraction hit, this one severely more painful than the ones she had been feeling all day.
Minsung paused the show. “What happened?” he asked in a panic as Pearl popped her head up in wonder as to what was happening.
“I think my water just broke,” she managed to say after the contraction stopped.
Her husband immediately jumped up, helped Kelly stand to her feet, and she instructed him to get her mom. Minsung disappeared into the dark hallway as Kelly called the hospital.
February 7, 2019. 1:45AM
Lying still, Kelly could feel the epidural kick in. Her pain began to ease up, but she couldn’t feel her lower half anymore. She could still feel pressure, but the feeling of knives stabbing her subsided. The drug did make her a little gigglier, and she laughed at the most mundane things as she busied herself with applying her makeup. Minsung couldn’t help but laugh with her. He loved it when she was smiling and laughing, even if it was an anesthetic running through her veins.
Mrs. Wainwright was at the hospital with them. Mr. Wainwright had stayed at the house, so he would take Curtis to school in the morning and bring him by after school when Marianne was born.
“How much do you think she’ll weigh?” Kelly asked.
Her mother thought for a second before answering, “Maybe 6 pounds and 4 ounces.”
“What about you, babe?”
Minsung shrugged. “Maybe 6 pounds, 5 ounces.”
“I mean considering I have a smaller stomach,” Kelly agreed. “I think she will be a smaller baby.”
“But a cute one.”
“Oh, I have no doubt about it, because she has very handsome appa.” Minsung smiled and kissed her.
“And she has a gorgeous mother,” Mrs. Wainwright spoke up.
“Mom, stop,” Kelly laughed in embarrassment.
Kelly tried to her hardest to get some sleep, but was only able to doze in and out. Her nurse had come in and checked to see how far she had dilated, and she was at a seven and a half. Two and a half more centimeters and she’ll be ready to deliver. The excitement was making her restless.
She wanted to get up and walk over to her sleeping husband to hug him. Kiss him. Cuddle him. But she was still numb from the waist down and hooked up to monitors.
Her eyes stayed glued on Minsung until she drifted off to sleep.
The nurse came back in shortly after Kelly and Minsung woke up from their naps. She checked Kelly one more time, and she was at a ten.
“About time,” she muttered, making everyone else laugh.
“Hang on, Kelly,” the doctor instructed.
“What for?” she whimpered. She had been pushing for the past fifteen minutes, and her body was screaming at her to push another time.
“Her head’s out,” her nurse explained, “but the cord is around her neck. It needs to be unwrapped.”
Kelly said nothing but waited until the doctor gave his okay for her to push again. With all of the energy she could muster up, she pushed once more but let out a small squeal of agony. She hadn’t screamed while pushing despite the epidural wearing off right before pushing, but now she couldn’t bear it anymore. Thankfully, it was the last push, because she immediately felt the pressure release and relief washing over her.
“There’s your baby,” the nurses cooed as the doctor placed the tiny girl on Kelly’s chest and quickly began drying the newborn off. “Happy Birthday.”
The second Kelly laid her eyes on her daughter and held her she couldn’t hold back her tears of joy anymore. All of the pain she had just endured was worth it. The skin-to-skin contact made her heart flutter. She was a mother now. Minsung was a father. They were parents, and they both were in love. Minsung was beginning to tear up as Marianne’s first cries were heard around the room. Mrs. Wainwright was already sobbing as she was taking pictures of mother and child.
Little Marianne had inherited Kelly’s thick hair texture, but the color matched her father’s. She did have a bit of a cone head, but it wasn’t severe. Her face had most of Minsung’s features, but she definitely had Kelly’s ears.
After about a minute, Minsung was able to cut the cord.
“She’s perfect,” Minsung smiled as he stroked his wife’s head.
A/N: Should I make a part 2?
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daengni · 5 years
Doom doom but you are at a party bawling because you have no friends and you found your boyfriend cheating on you (this is so sad... alexa play doom doom).
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noir-minhyuk · 5 years
I got a question for my fellow lumis (now that I have a new laptop & actually can write comfortable again): Would you guys be interested in longer scenarios?
I‘d open requests, but I first want to know if you‘d be interested in (another) writers work :) let me know ❤️
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softidolimagines · 5 years
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It wasn’t until you met Yunsung that you realised how much more there was to dates than “dinner and a movie”. He never seemed to run out of new ideas, new ways to make you feel like you were the most special person in the world.
A carnival date. 
He texts you twenty minutes before he arrived to tell you he was on his way. No indication of where you were going this time, but you had come to trust him. When you realise that you are heading to the next town over you get excited, the carnival is there. He tells you he remembered how excited you had been when you heard about it coming, so he planned to bring you before it left. You spent the whole afternoon there together; eating cotton candy, riding the dodgy fairground rides and spending obscene amounts of money on games. He did win you a teddy, eventually. When he asked what you were going to name it you had to think about it, eventually setting on Star Boy. “Why?” he asks. Because it reminds you of the sparkle in his eyes when he won.
A picnic date.
It was a beautiful day and this time he arrived unannounced. You giggled as he took you by the hand and you hopped in the car, wondering where you would be going next. The drive wasn’t far, but there was nothing but trees and fields in the area where you parked. But he took your hand again, leading the way. It took almost an hour of walking through woods and flowers before you reached the destination he had arranged for your date. A colourful blanket was set up in the middle of a clearing, with a basket of food sitting beside it. There were freshly cut flowers and all your favourite foods. He just smiled and winked when you asked him how long this had taken to set up. You spent hours sitting together with nothing but the sounds of nature around you, drinking in the sight of him under the golden sunlight. 
A movie date.
When he told you he was picking you up for a movie you felt a twinge of disappointment. It was cliché, but you understood that sometimes regular dates were fun too. So when he picked you up you didn’t question it, even though the cinema was within walking distance. Before long you noticed you weren’t heading towards the cinema at all, but he just winked and said it was a secret. Soon enough you found out what the plan was. It was a drive-in cinema, you paid for your car and could buy popcorn and snacks at vendors dotted around the venue. He opened up the boot of his car and you laughed at all the pillows and blankets he had thrown in, more than enough to get you two comfortable. You threw on thick hoodies and curled up together, fingers locked as you watched the film playing across the screen.
Every date was special with Yunsung, it was always something new and unexpected. So when he asked you to dress for a hike you didn’t question it. You drove for hours since the early morning, way out of the city and up into the mountains. The drive itself could be considered a date. There were snacks and singing and laughter as you just enjoyed your time in one another's company. Eventually, you reached your destination, climbing out of the car and stretching your stiff limbs. The hike wasn’t difficult, and you had great company. He took the lead, your hand in his, and soon enough you reached a rocky outcropping looking down on a small valley. It was beautiful. You moved closer to the edge to get a look down and marvelled at the sight before you. But when you spun around, what you saw in front of you was even more special
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Down on one knee, Yunsung was holding a small velvet box. Inside the box was a ring. Nothing fancy, just a simple silver band with a small stone set into it. But it was perfect, exactly what you wanted. 
Every date with your boyfriend had always been special. And now they would be even more so, as they were going to be dates with your fiancé.
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hoyeonyoo · 6 years
Noir sending you good-night texts 🌙
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blanc-to-my-noir · 6 years
Noir Yunsung Scenario - Dating Rumors
What makes this day a good day to post this? Tbh every day is a good day for more Yunsung content, so...
It’s been about two weeks since you and Yunsung last saw each other. The media had suspected him to be secretly dating a girl, so he was ordered by his company to stop seeing you. After some arguing with his manager, they were able to come to the agreement that you two could stay together, but had to cut down on the time you were allowed to see each other, especially in public. So that meant not talking at all for at least two weeks except for maybe the occasional messaging over your phones, but no more than that, or outsiders may become even more suspicious. After that you should refrain from going out in public together - so no movie dates, no getting dinner together, no nothing. You weren’t even allowed to ride on the same bus together if coincidence were to bring you together like that. The first days were frustrating. The situation made you angry, everything about it. The fact that the public was basically controlling your relationship and was even willing to destroy it made you just as furious as the fact that Yunsung didn’t do more. He could’ve talked things through with the company, he could’ve had the balls to go public with the fact he’s in a relationship, he could’ve just broken the rules and gone to see you nevertheless. Naturally you thought about it a lot, to be frank you thought about nothing but. And at some point you realized your anger was for nothing. The way you were handling things right now was probably the smartest one, and - aside from just breaking up with you - the safest. You know his career means a lot to him, and you realized just how much you mean to him, that he’s willing to risk it all by being with you and staying with you.
The second week was mostly filled with loneliness. You had a date planned for tuesday when you were both free after work. You wanted to check out this new restaurant that had opened right next to where you live, as you had promised the owner, since he was an old friend of yours. But now you couldn’t. Yunsung had texted you to at least go by yourself so you could try the food and make your friend happy, but it just wouldn’t feel the same without him so you refused. However, in the end you went for your friend’s sake, who offered you a drink on the house as soon as he realized what a foul mood you were in. The food was decent - but it would’ve been a lot better sharing it with Yunsung.
The weekend was approaching slowly. Saturday Yunsung usually had things to do at the company until late at night, but he would always try to make time for seeing you in the evening or sometime in between when he had a long enough break to meet up with you somewhere. This time you got a text, and a text only. “We’re having take-out food at the practice room. Hope you’re alright. Hang in there! I miss you.” Not that you weren’t happy about it, but you did feel the tug on your heart when you imagined his voice actually saying the words out loud and you bit your lip to stop yourself from tearing up. What am I being like this for?, you asked yourself. I can deal with at least this much! I’m not a little kid… Even though you told yourself these harsh words, you had to admit the wait was getting draining.
Sunday finally comes around. You didn’t sleep much the night before, just like every night ever since the dating rumors first occurred. With little to no motivation to tackle the day, you force yourself out of the sheets and drag your heavy body towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. It all tastes the same lately, not even your morning coffee can cheer you up anymore. Instead of sitting around all day, you decide to do some cleaning in your flat, take care of your laundry, and maybe offer to help out your neighbour - an elderly woman - with hers. Since you got up late, you manage to distract yourself like that until about noon, but the closer time draws to the evening, the more often you pick up your phone to check if your boyfriend has already answered your morning text to him. And somehow every time you do so, it turns out he hasn’t. You figure you need to do something to calm yourself down, but nothing you can think of promises to give you the relief you so desperately seek for - until your phone rings. You almost would’ve missed the call as you’re in the middle of vacuuming your entire flat, but you manage to pick up on the last ring, only briefly seeing the name written on the display, but long enough to register who’s calling.
“Are you home? My manager said I could go see you right now if I want.” It takes you a few seconds to process what he just said.
“S-sure. I mean. Yes, I’m home. Where are you?”
“Almost there, actually…” Your eyes widen and for the first time in a while your heartbeat speeds up accompanied by a warm feeling spreading in your stomach. He hangs up and you run towards the door, not caring in the least what you’re wearing or that your hair looks messed up from cleaning and worrying all day. You just know one thing - you want to see him and finally after two long weeks you have the chance to. As you’re rushing down the staircase, you almost don’t believe your eyes when you spot him walking up the stairs in front of you about one or two stories further down. Without thinking, you just rush towards him, taking two steps at a time, and throw yourself into his arms. He too wraps his arms tightly around your smaller body, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I missed you so much,” you whisper, hugging him more tightly.
“I missed you too, princess,” he breathes. “But we shouldn’t be doing this here.” You force yourself to take a step back, the sudden deprivation of his touch leaves you shivering.
“Let’s go upstairs,” you suggest and he nods, taking your hand into his, warming up your cold fingers. Even though you try to stabilize your breathing to calm you down, you two basically end up running up the stairs to finally be behind closed doors, where nobody wishing evil on either of you could see you. And as soon as you close the door to your apartment behind you, you feel Yunsung turning you around by your shoulder, his hands cupping your face and him drawing near for a long, deep kiss to make you feel just how much he missed you too. How much he must’ve suffered, being all alone at night, not getting to see you after an exhausting day at the company. How much he must’ve held it all in so as not to worry his members. How many smiles he must’ve faked so the public wouldn’t notice. 
When you part to catch a breath, you can barely say any of the many words rushing through your head in that moment before he pushes you up against the door to connect your lips again, this time leading into a more heated kiss. Your hand finds its way up to his hair to hold onto his brown strands, while his hands slowly travel to your hips.
“I missed you,” you manage to slip in between kisses.
“I love you,” he responds a little later, before kissing his way down your jaw and to your neck, where he starts sucking on your skin in an effort to leave a mark.
“I couldn’t function without you… I seriously thought I’d lose you through all this,” you admit, to which Yunsung lifts his head to whisper softly in your ear,
“You know I wouldn’t leave you. I’d have found a way for us to keep seeing each other if it had come down to it.”
“I know… I was still scared.” Now he looks at you with that familiar expression in his eyes. That same exact expression he had when you first confessed to him and he was about to tell you he felt the same way about you, or when you told him you worried about not being good enough for him, who seems so perfect and he had reassured you that you were just fine. Gently he lifts up your chin to place a soft kiss on your lips.
“You don’t have to be. I will always stay by your side, princess. I’m here to protect you, no matter what.” You give him a small nod, before reaching up to hug him, feeling his body embrace you, his warmth flowing over to you as if he wanted to wrap himself all around you to keep you safe.
“Let’s just… stay like this for a while,” you say and feel him nod with his head right next to yours.
“Let’s see each other in secret for a while. I’m sure at some point we will be able to have proper dates again.” As you listen to him talk in that low, soothing voice, he takes a step back and places your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. You look up at him to see him giving you an endearing expression, his eyes full of love for you.
“I don’t care about proper dates, so long as I can stay with you,” you state, but he shakes his head.
“No, don’t think like that,” he argues. “My princess deserves to be taken out for some good food or to be spoiled with a little shopping tour.” You chuckle and he leans in to kiss your forehead. “So my princess shall get what she deserves. And if I have to fight my company or the media or whoever for it then I will!”
“You’re stupid…” you comment, bumping your head against his chest and almost immediately one of his hands lands in your neck to keep you in place.
“Yunsung?” you call out his name softly.
“Thank you… for choosing to stay.”
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coffusic-blog · 7 years
ROMEO | When you cook for them
I do not own the gifs! Credits to the owners~ 
♡ Seunghwan
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"Hello everyone! I brought food for all of you~"
As soon as he heard your voice, he would run up to you, giving you a hug and a peck on the cheek.
"Ahh..Really!? Thank you jagiya~" Helping you with the food.
"This is really good!!" One of the members would compliment. You smiled; "Thanks!" The members would look up, shocked. "Woah! You made this? Thank you, thank you!" The members would thank as Seunghwan would just admire you.
"I'm a lucky guy." He smiled to himself.
♡ Yunsung
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"Jagiya, I'm home~!!"
You heard Yunsung's voice from the main room, you smiled. "I'm here in the kitchen!" You exclaimed. You heard Yunsung's footsteps coming your way. "Hi jagi~ I missed you." He replied, hugging you from behind.
"I missed you too~"
"Hm? What's that? It looks good; I'm hungry now. Can I have at least a bit?" Yunsung asked, letting go doing aegyo. You chuckled. "Of course." Yunsung cheered in victory as he got a spoon for himself, taking a taste of your cooking.
"This is so good~!!" Yunsung replied. You blushed, "A-Ah..Is it really?"
"I'm so lucky to have you~" Yunsung says, giving you a peck on the cheek, making you blush harder.
♡ Milo
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"Woah..You made this!?"
"Yes-- I've never tried the recipe before and I just wanted to try something new, I guess." You replied, nervously looking at Minhak on how he would think about it. You remained silent as Minhak took a bite. His eyes widening.
"This is really good, (Y/N)!! You should make this more often~" Minhak grinned, taking another bite.
"Really? Thank you." You sighed in relief.
♡ Minsung
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I left food for you before I left, I love you. ❤️
                                            - (Y/N)
Minhwi smiled as he read your note you had left, eager to try more of your cooking; He took a bite, his eyes widening.
"Woah-- This is really good!!" He thought, taking more bites, keeping note to thank you for the breakfast later on.
♡ Kyle
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"This is so good, (Y/N)!" Jaekyung complimented, talking with his mouth full, "Don't eat with your mouth full~!" You replied, smiling. Jaekyung smiled cheekily; Taking another bite, proceeding to eat his food you made for him.
"You should cook more often, (Y/N)~"
♡ Hyunkyung
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You planned to learn a new recipe while Hyunjong was out practicing, you got all the ingredients you needed for the new recipe you were going to do, you finished your dish right before Hyunjong's voice was heard. "I'm home~!!"
"Ah! Hyunjong~ I tried this new recipe I found recently, would you like to try it?" You replied, smiling.
His eyes lightened, excited to try more of your food, "Sure."
After taking a taste; He was left in awe. "This probably has to be your best one-- This is amazing~!!" He replied, grinning then taking another bite.
♡  Kangmin
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"What!? You made this!?" Kangmin replied, eyes widening after you told him you made his meal.
You chuckled, nodding your head. "You should cook more often!!" Kangmin said, grinning. Taking another bite after. You blushed, flustered. "A-Ah..Really? Thank you." You replied. Kangmin smiled.
"M-Maybe you can cook for me and the hyungs? If thats o-okay...I'm sure they will love your cooking." Kangmin asked shyly. You smiled at his cuteness. "Of course!"
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fullsunhyuk · 4 years
bias list [28.3]
those in (brackets) are the ones that wreck/get to me a lot but that i dont think ill bias anytime soon
those in CAPITALS are the ones that murder/attack me
completely soft, you can call them hot but dont give me any sexy thoughts with them, 9/10 times will melt into a puddle of softness if i see them
mostly soft, youd really have to make me imagine things if you want me to get turned on by them
basically neutral, either not feeling particularly strong for them either way or it constantly chances so much that its hard to really say which one it is
mostly hard, will turn me on if you send them but might not happen immediately, probably depends on if you send a cute or hot photo
hard, ill choke if you send them, definitely turn me on (might still have soft thoughts about every once in a while but you get the point)
help, they make my heart jump out of my chest and turn me into a giggly mess but at the same time theyre sO FUCKING HOT
[name] (!): no softness pls, i want to see them as only hard doms that could make me submit to them at will
nct: haechan, lucas, YANGYANG, WINWIN, taeil, jaehyun, YUTA (!) //JUNGWOO, (XIAOJUN, TEN, CHENLE, JISUNG, JENO, MARK, JOHNNY)
stray kids: lee know, seungmin, HAN // I.N
the boyz: kevin, new, ERIC, sangyeon, juyeon, Q, HAKNYEON // hyunjae
up10tion: kogyeol, wooshin, xiao // JINHYUK, GYUJIN
vav: ziu, lou, ST VAN, AYNO // JACOB (!), (BARON)
ateez: mingi, jongho // (YEOSANG, SAN, JOONG)
got7: YUGYEOM, youngjae, JACKSON // JAEBEOM (!), (BAMBAM (!))
a.c.e: jun, CHAN // DONGHUN, BYEONGKWAN (!)
b.i.g: GUNMIN, heedo
sf9: dawon, TAEYANG (!), rowoon, ZUHO // (HWIYOUNG, jaeyoon)
astro: - // moonbin, sanha, mj, ROCKY, JINJIN, EUNWOO
seventeen: dk, JEONGHAN, HOSHI, WOOZI (!), DINO // (mingyu), WONWOO (!)
golden child: JIBEOM, TAG, JOOCHAN (!) // bomin, DONGHYUN, (DAEYEOL)
oneus: seoho, keonhee, HWANWOONG (!) // leedo
onf: etion, j-us, hyojin
pentagon: kino, hui, shinwon // hongseok
nu'est: aron // (jr), BAEKHO, (MINHYUN)
cix: byounggon, jinyoung // (SEUNGHUN)
day6: jae, young k // WONPIL, (DOWOON)
snuper: woosung, SANGIL
vixx: n, KEN, HYUK // LEO, (HONGBIN)
monsta x: i.m, kihyun, minhyuk // (HYUNGWON)
n.flying: hun, dongsung // SEUNGHYUB (!)
ikon: jinhwan // JUNE (!), song, DONGHYUK
imfact: ungjae, TAEHO // (SANG)
knk: JIHUN // HEEJUN, seoham
ab6ix: - // (YOUNGMIN, donghyun)
iz: hyunjun // (JIHOO)
target: woojin // BOUN (!), (SEULCHAN)
witz: jimyoung // ESON
seven o clock: jeonggyu, ANDY, rui // (TAEYOUNG (!))
bts: jimin, v, suga, JIN // HOBI
uniq: yibo, SUNGJOO (!), YIXUAN (!) // SEUNGYOUN
in2it: hyunuk, ISAAC (!) // (jiahn)
the rose: hajoon
nex7 (chin.): ZEREN, wenjun, ZHENGTING, JUSTIN // quanzhe
1team: rubin
verivery: dongheon // YEONHO, KANGMIN, (hoyoung), YONGSEUNG, GYEHYEON
dkb: teo, heechan, gk // (YUKU), lune
d-crunch: hyunoh, hyunwoo
new kidd: woochul, yunmin // HWI, (JINKWON)
too: chan, j.you, MINSU // (chihoon), WOONGI, JEROME
trcng: taeseon // i cant remember but SEVERAL OF THEM
btob: sungjae, ilhoon // HYUNSIK
noir: minhyuk, yunsung, siheon (!) // siha, YEONKUK
onewe: yonghoon, harin
b.i.t: king
lucente: u.seong, bao, z.hoo
greatguys: hwalchan, haneul
kard: j.seph
1the9: doyum, seunghwan // YONGHA, (JUNSEO, TAEKHYEON (!))
tst: yohan
treasure 13: yoshi, mashiho, junkyu
halo: OOON (!), yoondong
black6ix: - // (ALL OF THEM (!) except yongseok) (this group means death)
d1ce: hyunsoo, yonggeun
onlyoneof: junji, nine // YOOJUNG, (LOVE a little bit)
txt: yeonjun // (ALL OF THEM a little bit)
limitless: raychan, a.m // j-jin
unine (chin.): - // (MINGMING, JIA YI, CHANGXI)
trei: jaejun, CHANGHYUN
teen top: niel, ricky
enoi: laon, avin // dojin, gun, J-KID
jbj95: kenta // (SANGGYUN)
awaken f: zimo, MUBO (!) // FEN (!)
winner: jinu // hoony
hotshot: - // TIMOTEO, TAEHYUN (!)
shinee: minho, taemin
super junior: yesung, leeteuk
14u: esol
nine percent (chin.): ZHENGTING, YANJUN (!), justin // XUKUN (!), (CHENGCHENG, XIAO GUI, ZIYI) (perhaps i want this entire group to collectively step on me)
wanna one: daniel, ???, idk anymore
ult list:
1. haechan / lee know
3. jongho
4. yibo
5. kogyeol
6. jeonghan
7. rowoon
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romeorussia · 5 years
I'm Back! by the way, do you like Harry Potter?? do a ROMEO sorted the characters in Hogwarts Houses!
When I got your request, I was so excited with a sorting hat mission~ However, soon I discovered what a struggle it was for me! I feel J.K. Rowling’s House division, which is great in theory, ended up being roughly interpreted as The Good Guys, The Bad Guys, The Nerds and The Rest, which is not fair. Is every 4th person a malicious cowardly arrogant dork? No, people are rarely overtly villainous in real life. Reality is way more complicated!
So, instead of sorting Romeo members into Houses, I went for sorting the Houses by members XD What is the percentage of Slytherin in Seunghwan? How Hufflepuff is Kangmin? Being a market analyst for a reason, I made a chart!
If you prefer the traditional take though, please have a look at romeoscenario’s AU
If you’re still here, let’s hop right in!
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Our Leader is Romeo’s megamind, source of random quotes, foreign languages master and mathematical genius with a totally Ravenclaw intelligence. One fifth of Seunghwan enjoys picking on the members (one tall member especially), being provocative, slytherinly disclosing secrets and teasing fans. Other houses got a low score only because Ravenclaw and Slytherin are so prominent.
60% Ravenclaw 20% Slytherin 10% Gryffindor 10% Hufflepuff
Hufflepuff favours hard work, dedication, loyalty - it’s all about Romeo’s warm voice! Yunsung’s heart is gold, he is a hurricane of energy and love. I can’t imagine Yunsung hurting anyone, or letting out an unpleasant remark, he’s a precious fluffy teddy bear with 0% of Slytherin flaws. His bravery in fighting bugs accounts for a 15% Gryffindor share. Significant Ravenclaw points are given for his stunning outlook which would contend with that of Seunghwan in scope (but not in depth).
70% Hufflepuff 15% Gryffindor 15% Ravenclaw
Milo (yes, it will hurt now!)
It’s hard to write about Milo, but we don’t give up on family here. I primarily assign Milo to Hufflepuff for his sense of responsibility, true care about the younger ones and hard work. His 30% Slytherin share lets him take part in pranks arranged by other members and gives him a sly foxy look. His genuine bravery and straight forward remarks are rewarded with a significant Gryffindor percentage.
30% Hufflepuff 30% Slytherin 30% Gryffindor 10% Ravenclaw
Minsung is one of the most hard-working members, who amazes the others with his determination, which scores him a 30% Hufflepuff share. I can also see a more ambitious, demanding for attention and recognition side, so I define him as 30% Slytherin. The biggest third though, descending from pixies, is responsible for his dorky side. Minsung is extra, okay? He sees future 70 years ahead, is afraid of going to the toilet alone and is widely known as Memesung.
30% Hufflepuff 30% Slytherin 10% Gryffindor 30% Pixie
Romeo’s cold voice is wild af and can cut you into pieces with a dazzling smile. He knows his worth, and his ambitions grant him a solid 40% Slytherin share. His mysterious personality makes any estimations almost impossible, but I see our manly man from Daegu as 40% Gryffindor. I don’t think that even Hyunkyung can outbrave him.
40% Slytherin 40% Gryffindor 10% Ravenclaw 10% Hufflepuff
Uri Hyunkyung is known for his dedication to practice and is definitely 40% Hufflepuff. He also is the only one who has the guts to stand against Seunghwan, which requires bravery, typical for Gryffindor. The evil maknae title was earned by the 20% Slytherin part of his personality. Lastly, Hyunkyung gets no Ravenclaw points for cooking sausages in cups with hot water (how is he still alive even?).
40% Hufflepuff 40% Gryffindor 20% Slytherin
Our lovely maknae has a pure heart, enjoys taking photos with puppies and is at least 35% Hufflepuff. His 5% mischievous Slytherin part lets him get everything he wants from the stuff and occasionally drop things like: “Noona, you’re mine”. I can’t qulify the rest of his personality other than 60% fairy, and that’s where we land.
35% Hufflepuff 5% Slytherin 60% Fairy
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
If you like or in anyway interact with one of my NOIR posts.....
I WILL follow you on the very small chance you are a Lumiere. I'm sorry that's just how it is.
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shining-red-diamond · 5 years
Keep Smiling
Word count: 533
Pairing: Kyle x Bonnie (OC)
Rating: PG
Warnings: gets angsty for the majority of it
Italics means their speaking in Korean.
April 8, 2019. 9:42AM
It was all Bonnie could feel. Dread and numbness mixed with sadness. Even the days leading up to now felt like weights being thrown upon her shoulders. She tried to smile for Jaekyung, but the weight became more unbearable the closer his enlistment day came. Her twenty-second birthday was spent with just the two of them enjoying each other’s company with confetti cake and soda, but she still felt unhappy no matter how much she plastered on a smile for her husband. Even Jaekyung knew she wasn’t happy, but he couldn’t get out of enlistment. However, he made sure to make each day last as much as possible.
Everything had seemed unfair during that time. They had tied the knot about a month ago, and they wanted to start a family; but the latter was going to be put on the shelf until his enlistment was done. Bonnie had pinched herself multiple times over the days leading up him leaving, attempting to convince herself that it was all a dream. She quit when Jaekyung came home the night before his departure with his head shaved. Reality overwhelmed her, and she spent the night crying herself to sleep in her husband’s arms.
The car ride to where they, including the rest of ROMEO and some of their wives and girlfriends, would be seeing Jaekyung off wasn’t as dreadful. He held her hand the entire ride, and she didn’t want to let go until it was time for him to go.
The next thing Bonnie knew they were all standing underneath a cherry blossom tree, taking some final pictures with each other, and wishing Jaekyung their love. Rose was holding little Juliet, and Kangmin had Cora on FaceTime, and Sori came as well. Myunghee had work, and Kelly was at home with a sick Marianne; but they both wished Jaekyung their best. Tears began to escape Bonnie’s eyes again, but Rose was quick to pull a tissue out for her.
“I have one last thing for my wife,” Jaekyung announced as he pulled a small box out from his back pocket. “This is my way of letting you know that I’m always with you, even when I can’t be there physically.”
Bonnie chucked as she took the box from him. “I’m married to a sappy son of a gun, but I love you.”
Carefully, she opened the box, and inside revealed a gold necklace with charms all letters spelling out her husband’s name: J, A, E, K, Y, U, N, and G.
“I love it,” Bonnie whispered in awe. “Can I try it on?”
Jaekyung happily pulled the necklace out of the box, unhooked the clasp, had Bonnie turn away from him, and looped the piece of jewelry around her neck.
She lightly touched the charms with her fingertips, the gold metal cold but smooth.
“Bonnie, it’s stunning,” Rose commented.
“I’m not taking this off,” Bonnie decided. She turned back to her husband. “Thank you, Jaekyung.”
“You’re welcome, baby,” he smiled as he pulled her in for a hug.
“Promise to call when you can?”
“Always. And will you promise me something?” Their eyes met.
“What might that be?”
Her kissed her passionately. “Keep smiling.”
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daengni · 5 years
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I think I’m crazy about you ☆
Part 3 // next >>
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noir-minhyuk · 5 years
[ 9 : 33 pm ] „I really need to get home, you know.“, you told the man in the room next door while slipping into your shoes. „Yes, I know. I‘m coming.“, he yelled back. You rolled your eyes when Yunsung finally joined you at the door. „I can go downstairs alone. Nobody will rob me, Yunsung.“, you said, but he insisted on coming down to the street with you. Something you appreciated, but knew was asking a lot during comeback time when he should have used every available second to rest and catch up on sleep.
Downstairs the taxi was already waiting, but before you could say goodbye to your boyfriend he already had disappeared from your side and now stood in front of the taxi. „What now?“, you asked amused. He opened his arms wide before giving you an answer. „I won‘t let you go home without a hug first.“ You shook your head. „We‘re in public. I‘m not getting you into trouble for a hug!“, you replied, but he wouldn‘t let you go without said hug, insisting by telling you that the both of you already could have been spotted and people could probably already tell who you were. Therefore you gave in to your faith, with a small sigh, and hugged him lightly. Yunsung pulled you in closer, wrapping you tightly against himself. „Thanks for coming over.“, he whispers while he buried his face into your sweater covered shoulder. You hugged him tighter too. „I‘m always only a call away.“, you reassured him.
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noir-blackout · 6 years
Soft Bias Challenge
Admin Inky here! @yunsungsredhoodie said in the tags that others should do this so, here ya go~ (Onyx I'm excited for you to do this)
1. Who's your bias?
2.  What made you notice them?
I mean, he's one of the four members in my personal acceptable age range (not that that's always contained me before...), so I guess he was a little bit on my radar from the start, but I was all enamoured with Yunsung and then... Sunghoon was just there. In my face. In my brain.
In particular, in the instagram video of them goofing around/practicing Beautiful when it pans over to him I remember thinking something along the lines of "wow, I'm ruined.", though less coherent than that.
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Also, in the gifset of them being cute where there's the "Bonus" at the end of him being embarrassed. Those two things flipped the already-teetering Inky off the fine-with-Seunghoon cliff.
3. What’s your favourite thing about them?  
He has this casual power to him. He radiates it. He's confident, but not in an arrogant/cocky way. Not obnoxiously. He knows himself and what he's capable of and wears it proudly, but he's still humble.
He's a good leader and takes it seriously, but he doesn't take himself too seriously.
He just feels stable. He feels reliable.
(Bet you all expected it to be his tongue...)
4. Who would initiate skinship more?
Probably him - he's actually very skinshippy, which I love. He's so soft and gentle when it comes to skinship.
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5. Who would hog all the blankets?
Me. Without a doubt. He can solve this by being near me and keeping me warm~
6. Who would be more clingy?
Emotionally, or? Emotionally I'm not very clingy, but if you're trying to leave the house and I don't want you to then I can be clingy. I feel like we would be similar? Neither of us very clingy.
7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
I have no qualms about saying it first, but TECHNICALLY he's already told me he loves me. Through vlive. Soooo.
I'm sure he didn't mean everyone watching.
8. Who would get more flustered?
That would be me. He's dealing with fans telling him sweet things all the time, and I'm sure that doesn't make him find those things less sweet, but it probably means he's adjusted and isn't flustered all the time.
I, on the other hand, felt my heart drop out of my body when he smiled and waved at me. I flustered myself/was flustered by his stupid incredible smile when I told him he was handsome.
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
Him sitting reclined on the couch or in bed. Me sort of half-beside half-on-top of him with my head tilted back against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. He can lean forward gently and kiss my head, if he feels so inclined.
10.  What colours remind you of them and why?
Yellow because of the instagram video where the GIFs above are from where he's wearing the yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up because I've watched that video more than probably anything else... Also, there's something else where he's wearing yellow that I'm going to share soon... (호랑이~)
The dark blue/black of his hair.
The deep red of his stupid velour tracksuit. I hate how much I find it endearing ugh.
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11. What season would you like to spend with them?
Fall because have you seen him in the turtlenecks and long coats? And he can also wear hoodies because Seunghoon in a black hoodie (+ a baseball cap) looks like such a boyfriend it makes my heart ache.
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I hate winter but I just imagined him brushing the snow out of his hair and then smiling why did I do that no.
12. Who would bake the cookie and who would steal the batter?
I feel like we're both batter stealers and Minhyuk would come back to the kitchen not-even-surprised to find he can now only make 50% of the anticipated cookies...
13. Who would make bad puns and how would the other react?
Despite him being a grandpa, I feel like I would be the one making the puns.
He'd react with this look...
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... and then by walking over, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a hug, and murmuring "You're so lame" against my hair.
14. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
I would want to adopt 50 cats because yes please thank you. He would tell me I could only choose one cat. We would compromise and go home with two cats so they could have each other as friends.
15.  Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to rescue?
I wouldn't because YOU DON'T MICROWAVE POPTARTS?? You toast them in a toaster...
Moving beyond this, I'm not actually sure cause I feel like he's been taking care of himself for a long time so he should be able to use a kitchen at a basic level, but then I realize I have also been "taking care of myself" *shamefully thinks about the recycling bin full of pizza boxes I put out yesterday* for a long time, and I'm not so kitchen-adept, so...
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
I would probably lean over and Seunghoon would either pull me back or (preferably) stand behind me with his arms around my waist to keep me from leaning too far.
17. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
My face would be in his chest the entire time. Occasionally he'd gently scratch my head and ask "Want a dorito?" and I would nod, pull back slightly and allow myself to be fed a dorito. When something scary/startling happened on screen he would jolt slightly and I would chuckle into his chest and he would feign outrage at my laughing at him cause I'm not even watching the movie.
a) writing this killed me I am dead now.
b) I want to write this as a drabble but I basically just wrote it... I could expand it?
18.  Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
Onyx said he was flirting with me at Simply Kpop and he seemed pretty smooth then so
I am a ball of cheese.
19.  Who is more competitive?
He wasn't the most competitive in Action Noir, so it might be me.
20. Who would be given constant reminders?  (Don’t forget your keys, things like that)
Me because I need them. And because he would give them. And this fact makes me feel very warm inside. He would take care of me. Writing that sentence made my heart melty.
21.  Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
I would send memes and he would send cute 'I miss you' texts at 3am...
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hoyeonyoo · 6 years
[20:30 pm] you and Yunsung are walking around the city and come across a cotton candy stand. You look at the candy with longing eyes and pull unconsciously on his coat, so he buys you one (laughing at you and saying you are a child, although then he eats some too) ✨
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