#yunhyeong pastel
yongsmin · 7 years
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like/reblog if you save please~      -reguested-
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nanaminhae · 6 years
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i K O N . fanart
by: nanaminhae | brbrgraphics | redbubble
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josyunnie-blog · 6 years
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It is time for Nivea and the precoius seven ~ I loved the old commercial with iKON, but the new is also wonderful! And I am so sad, that here in Germany no Nivea Balls with their faces exist. x.x
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straewbaerries · 6 years
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Requested by lilkimkim Ikon Pastel Lockscreens - Like or reblog if you save/use - Please do not edit or repost - Photos aren’t mine, only the edits
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kpopheadersicons · 7 years
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ikon’s yunhyeong halloween packs /requested
credit to @yovngdoos on twitter like if u use or save. thank you!
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fresh-trashmx-blog · 7 years
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ikinghanbin-blog · 8 years
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Yunhyeong Wallpapers
Reblog/like if you save it Do not re-edit and do not reupload without crediting me
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noona-clock · 6 years
A Prince for Christmas 👑🎄
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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“You’re really not mad he’s making you go right before Christmas?” your co-worker, Emily, asked after your boss left the conference room.
You had just been selected from your team to travel to a town a few hours away to take over a local bakery there, buying it out and turning it into one of the franchises your company owned.
“No,” you answered, pursing your lips slightly. “You know how I feel about Christmas.”
“As in... you don’t.”
Growing up, your parents had owned a year-round Christmas store, and it had barely taken you a decade to become jaded with the festive holiday. You’d suffered through it while you were still living with them, and once you moved out after you graduated college, you barely even acknowledged the day.
“But, you don’t even go to visit your family or anything?” Emily asked as you both made your way back to your desks, the sound of typing and copying and phones ringing permeating the office.
“Every time I visit them is like Christmas,” you explained with a roll of your eyes. “They still own that damn store.”
“You’ll never get away, I guess,” Emily chuckled. 
You made a quick pit stop at the coffee maker, allowing you two just a bit more time to gossip before getting started on your work again.
“What are your plans?” you asked as you ran your finger over the selection of coffee pods, trying to decide which one you were in the mood for this afternoon.
“For Christmas?”
You hummed positively in response, choosing one of your favorites and dropping it into the coffee maker, setting your mug underneath.
“Oh, y’know,” Emily shrugged. “The usual, I guess. Although... I’m bringing Sungjin home with me.”
“Ooh, you are?” you smirked, raising your eyebrows knowingly at her. “It’s really getting serious with that one.”
“Yeah, I guess it is,” she blushed, holding back a bashful smile. “He’s coming over for a Christmas movie marathon tomorrow while you’re leaving for your business trip.”
“Oh, god, speaking of,” you chuckled. “My roommate was watching one of those really cheesy Christmas TV movies last night. I was making dinner in the kitchen, and I mean, I couldn’t help but watch some of it. Have you ever seen one?”
“What, like the ones where it magically starts snowing and they fall in love?”
“Yes! This one was about a writer who went to this little town to find inspiration or whatever. Of course, the town was all decked out for Christmas, and she met this single dad and they went ice skating together and they made Christmas cookies and she ended up finishing her novel and it became a bestseller, but she moved there to be with him even though she was all famous now because of her bestselling book. It was so corny!”
“My mom watches those,” Emily told you with a little snort as she switched places with you to make her own cup of coffee. “I’ve watched some with her, and just... Yeah.”
You leaned back against the counter in the break room, sipping at your hazelnut flavored coffee. And then a really amusing thought popped into your head.
“Hey,” you began, a far too giddy smile pulling at your lips. “If I were in one of those movies, the town I’m going to for this business trip would be one of those little towns who’s super into Christmas. Y’know, because I’m not? All the lights and wreaths and caroling and joy would inject the Christmas spirit back into me.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Emily agreed, her eyes widening slightly. “And the guy who owns that bakery would be really good-looking.”
“Exactly. And instead of buying the bakery from him, I would fall in love with him, and I would tell our boss I can’t do it because that bakery is his life’s work and his biggest accomplishment and how can we do that to him on Christmas? And then I would quit my job and move there to be with him.”
“And then, in the end, it turns out he’s a Prince from some microscopic European country,” Emily added with a definitive nod.
“Oh, my god, we could totally write one of those dumb movies,” you laughed before taking another sip of your beverage. You were fairly sure you could turn on the television right now and find a movie with almost the exact plot you’d just laid out.
You spent the rest of your workday messaging back and forth with Emily, coming up with even more ideas for this “fake but could totally be real” Christmas television movie. There would be a romantic Christmas tree lighting, most likely. And it would start snowing just before you shared a tender first kiss with the bakery owner.
Emily brought up the idea your flight would get canceled so you would have to stay longer, but you reminded her you were driving, not flying. You’d been terrified of flying your whole life, and the fact you would be saving your boss some money had propelled him to agree to let you drive there by yourself.
Thankfully, the clock hit 5 before she could suggest your car would break down because that would honestly be taking it too far. That could legitimately happen, and it was a situation in which you did not want to find yourself at the end of next week.
“Have a good time,” Emily said in a somewhat sing-song, teasing tone as you both walked out the front door of your office building.
“I will,” you chuckled. “I’ll text you updates. And you have a good time movie marathoning with your man.”
You saw Emily’s cheeks get pink before you went your separate ways in the parking deck, she to go home to prepare for a weekend-long date, and you to go home to pack for your business trip.
How exciting.
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The drive to this town, a place named Spruce (of all things), only took about five hours; you were so used to driving everywhere, five hours was a drop in the ocean for you now. You’d gotten solo road trips down to a science, and before you knew it, your GPS had announced you’d arrived at your destination.
This afternoon, your destination was a quaint Bed & Breakfast situated just on the outside of town. The pastel yellow Victorian home was extremely inviting, and you had to admit to yourself as you lugged your suitcase down the front walkway - you were pretty hyped to stay here.
You didn’t really get out that much. Your job kept you busy enough, and your aforementioned fear of flying prevented you from going any place too far away. So getting to stay in a cozy, homey, adorable little Bed & Breakfast was definitely out of the ordinary and actually kind of exciting.
The smell of gingerbread cookies greeted you as you managed to open the door with your hands full of luggage, though a middle-aged man wasn’t too far behind.
“Hello, there!” he grinned, taking your larger suitcase from you and closing the door to keep the cold air out. “You must be Y/N.”
...Apparently, you were the only guest here.
“I am,” you replied, trying not to make it obvious you were a bit taken aback by his personalized greeting.
“Welcome to our humble abode. I’m Nick.” He held one hand out for you, giving you a friendly wink as you shook it.
“Nice to meet you, Nick,” you nodded.
Nick proceeded to give you a tour of the downstairs before showing you upstairs to your room. He confirmed your earlier thought of being the only guest currently, and he informed you the best room in the place was all yours.
When he opened the large, oak door to what was presumably your room for the next week, your breath got just slightly caught in your throat.
It was absolutely gorgeous, and you knew instantly you would have to convince yourself to actually get out of bed every morning.
“Wow, thank you,” you murmured absently as you gazed around, your eyes taking in the simple but beautiful wallpaper, the crown molding, the plush four-poster bed, the embroidered sheer curtains, and the nice-sized en-suite bathroom.
“Sure, no sweat, young lady. Take your time settling in,” Nick ordered. “The misses and I will be downstairs if you need anything.”
You shot him one last smile before he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone to unpack and send some quick pictures to Emily. She probably wouldn’t be all that jealous because she was currently cuddled on her couch with her extremely handsome boyfriend, but... she might still be interested to see where you’re staying.
Once you’d hung up all your clothes in the ornate wardrobe, you slipped out of your room and tiptoed downstairs. You weren’t sure why you felt like you had to tiptoe; probably because the house was so quiet and old.
You only had to search a few rooms before you found Nick and his wife, a very charming woman who introduced herself as Holly.
Nick and Holly.
Now you thought about it... Hadn’t those been the names of the two main characters in that corny movie your roommate had been watching?
...Huh. Interesting.
“Would you mind giving me some directions?” you asked, trying to push your strange realization out of your head.
“Of course, not!” Holly chuckled. “We’re only here to help, dear.”
“I’m looking for a bakery,” you explained, reaching into your back pocket to slip out the piece of paper with all the store’s information. “It’s called --”
“Song’s Sweet Escape,” Nick interrupted. “The only bakery in town.”
Oh, god, this place was smaller than you thought. They only had one bakery?
“You can drive if you’d like, but it’s a very nice walk if you can take the cold for about twenty minutes.”
“I brought my heavy coat, just in case,” you assured Nick with a somewhat awkward chuckle.
He provided you with walking directions (which were literally just ‘take a left and walk about a mile and boom you’re there’), and you were off as soon as you’d bundled up in your coat, hat, scarf, and gloves.
As you strolled down the sidewalk, you couldn’t help but notice how pretty this little town was. There were definitely a lot of spruce trees, so your curiosity about the town’s name was now satiated. The snow was incredibly white and powdery, nothing like the gray slush back in the city. The houses were all different but beautiful in their architecture, the facades decked out in festive decorations.
Okay, well, now you mentioned it... Every house seemed to be decked out in festive decorations. There were lights and garlands strung up on just about every available surface, public lampposts included.
And as you got farther into town, you saw all the shops and stores were decorated, too. There was even a town square with a very enormous Christmas tree.
This place looked like a scene out of a Christmas-themed picture book.
Or even one of those cheesy TV movies.
Wait, hadn’t you already thought about those cheesy movies once today?
Right, Nick and Holly. The names of your hosts and of the characters in the film your roommate had watched.
So... first, Nick and Holly. Now, a small town extravagantly decorated for Christmas?
It was obviously just a coincidence, but... it was still a little disconcerting.
You tried to shake the eerie feeling from your mind as you approached the bakery, Song’s Sweet Escape, not wanting anything clouding your mind when you met the owner for the first time. You were here on business, after all, so you wanted to remain professional.
The jingle of a bell announced your arrival as you opened the door, and the few customers already there glanced your way. They smiled, despite the fact you were a stranger, and you nodded politely in return.
“Welcome,” you heard a voice call out. “What can I do for you?”
Your eyes gazed around the attractive and picturesque, if not a little old-fashioned, bakery. The pastel blue walls with white paneling on the bottom half. The retro knick-knacks cluttering the shelves. The marble counters and rounded display cases filled with the most scrumptious-looking desserts you’d ever seen.
Eclairs, cupcakes, petit fours, tarts, pies - you name it.
And every single one of them looked and smelled absolutely drool-worthy.
Your eyes finally made it to the source of the voice, and you were a bit taken aback to see...
Well, an extremely good-looking man.
He was leaning against the display case from the other side of the counter, his smile dazzling and his eyes possessing a somewhat dreamy quality.
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“Hi,” you breathed, trying to remember to remain professional. “I’m... looking for the owner?”
The man’s smile only grew before he held out his hand to you.
“Yunhyeong’s the name, baking is my game.”
...Hold the phone.
This guy was the owner?
Like, the actual owner of the bakery? This bakery? The one you were supposed to buy and take over?
Now, wait just a gol-darn, cotton-pickin’ minute.
First, Nick and Holly.
Second, a small town (named after a common Christmas tree, mind you) which was overly decorated for the holidays.
And now, a very attractive man who just so happened to own the bakery you were here to usurp and turn into a franchise?!
Had you not just joked about this with Emily YESTERDAY?
Was this... was this some kind of dream or something? It sure didn’t seem like one, but... if it wasn’t...
Then what the actual hell was going on?!
Part 2
Tagging my fellow Yunhyeong stans @zhangjingyou and @hahasunqwoonz as well as @cramelot to let them know this has been posted! Readers, let me know if you would like to be tagged so you know when the next part of this series is up! Thank you!
-Admin B
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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park-chan-yall · 6 years
Kpop Moodboards Masterlist  UPDATED 10/17/2018
Eunwoo- Horror Boyfriend
Eunwoo- Purple
Banghim- Soft
Yongguk- Orange
Daejae- Jealous
Daehyun- Fuckboy
Yongguk- Boyfriend
Yongguk- Mafia Smut
Yongguk- Bad Boy
Jongup- Vaporwave
Jennie-Red & Yellow
Jisoo- Arcade Date
Bastarz- Apocalypse
Taegi- Witches
Taegi- Demon Taehyung/Human Yoongi
Vmon- Vampire Namjoon/Human Taehyung
Vmon- Stoners
Yoonmin- “Temptation”
Namgi- “Objects in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear”
Taekook- Competitive Roommates
Taegi- “Where the Heart Is”
Taegi- Artist Yoongi/Muse Taehyung
Taejin “Try a Little Tenderness”
Taegi- “White Chalk”
Taegi- Hockey Rivals
Yoonseok- “The Boys of Erinn”
Hoseok- Green
Taekook- Daddy Kink
Yoonmin- Daddy Kink
Sugakookie- Rapper Yoongi/Fanboy Jungkook
Jinmin- Rival Serial Killers
Taegi- Pining Yoongi
Namjoon- Baby Boy
Hoseok- Daddy Kink
Seokjin- Pastel Pink
Namjoon- Golden Hour
Jikook- Soft
Taehyung- Late Night Out
Yoonmin- Pastel
Namjoon- 4 Horsemen-Death
Hoseok- 4 Horsemen- Pestilence
Yoongi- 4 Horsemen- Famine
Seokjin- 4 Horsemen- War
Taegi- Yellow Comic
Taehyung- Neon Night Out
Hoseok- Coffe Date
Yoongi- Purple
Seokjin- Religious Assassin
Seokjin- Arcade Date
Namjoon- Pastel
Kookminjoon- “Protege”
Seokjin- Apocalypse
Taehyung- Night Out (and In)
Taegi- “Stuck On You (and I’m Still Here)”
Minjoon- “Instigate”
Taekook- Idol/Model
Jimin- African American Girlfriend
Vmin-Soft Idiots
Taehyung- Pink and Yellow
Taekook- “Comeback Kids”
Jikook- Roadtrip
Jungkook- 90′s
Dowoon- Jealous
Hani-Arcade Date
LE- Neon
Chanbaek-When I’m With You (I Have Fun)
Chansoo-Roommatess to lovers
Boyfriend Junmyeon
Chanyeol as Fire
Xiumin as Frost
Opposites Attract Kaisoo
Chanbaek- It’s All in the Timing
Baekhyun and his Brazilian gf
Xiumin and his British gf
Chanbaek- Biker Chanyeol and Innocent Baekhyun
Chanyeol- Playing video games together
Chanbaek Smut
Sehun- A Night Out Together
Chanbaek- One Night Stand
Chanyeol- Christmas
Chanbaek- Roommmates to Lovers
Suho- Neon
Chanbaek- Enemies to Lovers
Xiumin- Neon at the Club
Sehun- Beach Picnic
Suho- Green Date
Chanbaek- Basketball Rivals
Chanbaek- Married/ Expecting Twins
Jongdae- Bad Boy
Chenyeol- Roommates
Chenchan- Hockey Rivals
Chansoo- Demon Chanyeol/ Human Kyungsoo
Chanbaek- “A Little Like Love”
BamBam- Shopping Date
Jackson- Light in the Dark
Blue and Yellow
90’s Red
Yunhyeong-Late Night
Chanwoo- Night Out
Bobby- Red Relationship
Junhoe- Apocalypse
Hanbin- Apocalypse
Donghyuk- Apocalypse
Chanwoo- Apocalypse
Yunhyeong- Apocalypse
Jinhwan- Apocalypse
Bobby- Apocalypse
Jinhwan- The Lost Boys
Jeup-Blue and Yellow
Hyunbin- Dark Boyfriend
Hyunbin- Baby Blue
Hyunbin- Yellow
Taehyun- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Donghan- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Longguo- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Kenta- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Sanggyun- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Hyunbin- Cyberpunk Hooligans
Donghan- Sexy Red 
Donghan- Soft
Donghan- NSFW
Jia- Sexy Red
Jia- Dark
Yeonwoo- Pink
JooE- Purple
Jookyun- Hackers
Kiho- Nerd Kihyun/Bad Boy Wonho
Wonho- Reckless
Kihyuk- Breakup/Makeup
Kihyun- Late Night
Jooheon- Apocalypse
Jooheon- Mall Date
Yukhei- Carnival Date
Renjun- Boyfriend
Luwin- Domestic
Yuta- Date
Jaeyong- Blue
Jaewin- Beige
Jaehyun- Nighttime Pink
Mark- Roommates
Doyoung- Park Date
Jaehyun- Crush
Mark- College Freshman
Lucas- Boyfriend
Haechan- Red
Jinho- Date
Shinwon- Day In
Hyojong- Bad Boy
Yuto- Late Night
Jinho- Beige
Hui- Rain
Yan An- Heat
Wooseok- Bad Boy
Hyojong- Rich Bad Boy
Yuto- Bad Boy
Yuto- Vaporwave
Yuto- Bad Boy
Yuyeo- Boyfriends
Kyla- Winter
Roa- Pastel
Seulgi- Trans Boyfriend
Wendy- African American Bf
Wendy- Slayer Series
Joy-Slayer Series
Yeri- Slayer Series
Irene- Slayer Series
Seulgi- Slayer Series
Junhao- Serial Killer
Seungcheol- Boyfriend
Wonhao- Rich Boyfriends
Seokwoo- Pining Roommates
Seungcheol- Fuckboy
Seokgyu- Fight Club
Minghao- Scifi Assassin
Seoksoon- One Night Stand
Soonchan- Opposites Attract
Seokmin- Fuckboy
Vernon- Yellow
Seoksoon- Carnival Date
Soonyoung- Nature Artist
Jun- Red Aesthetic
Booseoksoon- Childhood Friends
Minghao- Blue Artist
Jun- Date Night
Jun- Bad Boy
JiCheol- “Flicker”
Soonchan- UFO Hunters
Jisol- “The Boy Least Likely To”
Junhao- Roommates
Seokmin- Dance Studio
Wonhao- Crushes Won’t Cooperate
Wonwoo- Artist
Seoksoon- Roommates
Jeongcheol- Soft
Soonwoo- Punk Hoshi/Nerd Wonwoo
Soonwoo- Soft Domestic
Seokmin- Smut
Booseoksoon- Roadtrip
Seuncheol- Enemy with Benefits
Seokmin- Night Walk
Seoksoon- Poly
Seokmin- Nature Dates
Soonyoung-Witches Familiar
Seokmin-Dark Witch
Seokmin- Pastel Witch
Soonhoon- Soft Jihoon
Seoksoon- Camboy Seokmin/Pizza Guy Soonyoung
Seokmin- Cafe Date
Soonyoung- Cheery Girlfriend
Soonyoung- Teal and Yellow
Meanie- “A Plug and His GDI”
Seoksoon- Bros
Meanie- Drunken Encounter
Soonwoo- Friends to Lovers
Seoksoon- Horror Movie
Seoksoon- “I Thought You’d Never Ask”
Seoksoon- “Fool’s Gold”
Cheolsoo- Protective Seungcheol
Jicheol-Reluctantly soft Jihoon
Jisol- Blasphemous
Seokmin- Sunshine
Wonhao- Enemies to Lovers
Seoksoon- Band
Mingyu- Domestic
Seoksoon- “Wrong Number”
Meanie- “Waiting and Waiting For You to Make a Move”
Soonwoo- “You Don’t Have to Go Home but You Can’t Stay Here”
Wonwoo- Bad Boy
Jihoon- Beach Date
Soonwoo- “Our House (Is a Very Very Very Fine House)”
Wonwoo- Assassin
Seuncheol- Tutor
Wonwoo- Roommates to Lovers
Minghao- Love at First Sight
Junhao- Road Trip
Jihoon- Crush
Soonyoung- Purple Crush
Mingyu- Pink Plus Size
Jihoon- Neon Green
Meanie-Road Trip
Jihoon- Pink Performer
Junhao- Best Friends
Cheolsoo- Baker and Gym Rat
Gyuhao- Dark Minghao/ Pastel Gyu
Seokmin- Strawberry Picking
Vernon- College
Minghao- Gang
Wonwoo- Otaku
Seokcheol- College Idiots
Jigyu- Detroit Become Human
Vernon- Alien and Cryptid Fan
Gyuhao- FWB/Lovers
Seoksoon- Bank Robbing Boyfriends
Soonchan- Musician/Fan
Mingyu- Dom
Mingsol- Skater!Minghao/Basketball Player!Vernon
Mingsol- Opposites Attract Roomates
2Seung- Thot!Seungkwan/Soft!Seungcheol
Chancheol- Thirsty College student!Chan
Meanie- “Crystal Balling” 
Mingyu- Hip Hop Team Apocalypse
Wonwoo- Hip Hop Team Apocalypse
Vernon- Hip Hop Team Apocalypse
Seungcheol- Hip Hop Team Apocalypse
Minghao- Performance Witches
Junhui- Performance Witches
Soonyoung- Performance Witches
Chan- Performance Witches
Jeonghan- Vocal Team Slashers
Jihoon- Vocal Team Slashers
Joshua- Vocal Team Slashers
Seokwoo- Roommates
Rowoon- Greaser
Hwiyoung- Mamma Mia
Minho- 80’s Camp Counselor
Taemin- SciFi
Felix- Video Games
Chan- Dystopian
Hyunjin- Dystopian
Seungmin- Dystopian
Jeongin- Dystopian
Woojin- Dystopian
Felix- Dystopian
Jisung- Dystopian
Minho- Dystopian
Changbin- Dystopian
Nayeon- Pastel Girlfriend
Nayeon- Soft Girlfriend
Kuhn- Purple & Pink
Wei- Pink
Seungwoo- Rose
Hongbin-Soft Pink 
Ahn Jae Hyun- Vampire
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konowhore · 6 years
A: Something really attractive that your bias does?
Hwiyoung: when he smiles!!
B: A favorite physical feature of your bias?
Yunhyeong: his eyes 
C: A color that you think your bias looks good in?
Guanlin: black, red, white, and pastels
D: Your favorite dance?
either wanna one’s ‘energetic’ or iKON’s ‘bling bling’
E: An idol you think would be easy to get along with?
yuta from nct, amber, chan from stray kids, himchan from b.a.p, etc.
F: The first group you loved?
B.A.P YESSIR! 😭😭🤧😭🤧🤧🤧😭😭💖💕💞💝💘💞💓❤️
G: A group you wish you could see more of on your dash?
a lot….. um UNB, iKON, SNUPER, VICTON (!!!!!), ASTRO (!!!), SF9 (!!!), PENTAGON (!!!), etc.
H: The best hairstyle your bias has ever had?
oof….. i love jinho’s hair during the ‘can you feel it’ era 🤧
I: The most interesting voice or style in K-pop?
this goes out to rose from blackpink, junhoe from iKON, chanhyuk from akmu, and mj from astro owo
J: A group you love to jam out to?
iKON!! honestly i jam out to every group lmao
K: Your favorite non-Korean idol?
L: Your favorite line from a song?
“It feels like our time has stopped.
Was there no such thing as forever?
Will you still remember me throughout the passing of time?
Don’t forget about me.”
-Kim Hanbin, Don’t Forget
M: Your favorite Maknae?
i don’t have one because 1) they’re all precious and 2) i love them all so nsdjsahd
N: The best/catchiest name (or stage name)?
i really like sorn’s name because it’s pretty njnfkjsdnf i also really like luna, victoria…. i also like the name timoteo like it’s fun to say. and chani!!! ….. btw nobody calls iKON members by their stage names… or stray kids,,,,,, well not a lot of the times anyways
O: Another occupation you could see your bias being?
Youngjae (B.A.P) would be a really good barista..
P: Your favorite photoshoot?
iKON’s most recent Star1 photoshoot and wanna one’s first look photoshoot!!!
Q: A quality your bias shows that you absolutely love?
Yuta is always being sociable and he’s really friendly and kind to the others
R: The best rapper, or, the best rapper line?
the best rapper lines are iKON’s (Bobby + B.I), UNB’s (Marco + Feeldog), B.A.P’s (Yongguk + Zelo), EXID’s (L.E), PTG’s (Dawn, Wooseok, Yuto), and SF9′s (Youngbin, Zuho, Hwiyoung, and Chani). I think the best rapper is between Yongguk and Bobby omg they’re both so good i crY
S: A song that never fails to get stuck in your head?
T: Your favorite hidden talent an idol has shown?
Ong’s ear-folding….. i, for some reason, cannot get past that
U: The most unusual group?
in the best way, VIXX because they went from voodoo dolls to love equations jkasndhabsd i love them tho okay
V: The best/sexiest voice in K-pop?
jung jaewon, kim jinhwan, koo junhoe, and park chanyeol
W: Something you wonder about?
when fanwars will stop, when ARMYs (not all) get a grip, when people will realize that ‘love scenario’ is song of the year and nothing else will beat it, when people are going to realize that kpop isn’t just BTS, when fandoms stop putting other fandoms down, when people will stop bashing others for having their own opinion, etc. etc.
X: Your favorite cross-group friendship?
TOO MANY TO COUNT BUT OH  PENTAGON x SF9 x VICTON and ASTRO x KNK x SNUPER (even tho i dont stan snuper oof) and SEVENTEEN x MONSTA X
Y: The last M/V you watched on Youtube?
BOYSTORY - Handz Up 
Z: Not related to Z, but… Your favorite Kpop blogs?
honestly…… too many to count i’m way too multifandom TT
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curledlife · 7 years
- updated (1/19/19)
Want to request one? Here are the rules!
Coffee date with RM
Trying different restaurants with Jin
Traveling with Suga
Dance practice with J Hope
Backstage with Jimin
Late night city walk with Taehyung
Picnic date with Jungkook
Art Museum Date with Namjoon (Requested)
Disneyland with Jin (Requested)
Cooking with Jin (Requested)
Staying at home with Jin (Requested)
Winter with Suga (Requested)
Studying with Hoseok (Requested)
Winter with Jimin (Requested)
Hiking with Jungkook (Requested)
Pied Piper, RM
Dimple, Jin
Mic Drop, Suga
Outro: Her, J Hope
Serendipity, Jimin
Best of Me, Taehyung
Sea, Jungkook
Bad Boy, Suga (Requested)
Prince Suga (Requested)
Red, Taehyung (Requested)
Angel Taehyung (Requested)
Best Friend, Taehyung x Yoongi (Requested)
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Orange Suho
Green Xiumin
Pink Lay
Black & White Baekhyun
Purple Chen
Red Chanyeol
Teal D.O
Blue Kai
Yellow Sehun
Lotto, Baekhyun (Requested)
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Amusement park date with Hanbin
Late night adventures with Jinhwan (Requested)
Movie date with Jinhwan (Requested)
Picnic date with Yunhyeong (Requested)
Traveling with Yunhyeong (Requested)
Sleeping over with Bobby
Facetime with Donghyuk
Boyfriend Junhoe
Game night with Chanwoo
Rose gold, Prince Donghyuk (Requested)
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Beach trip with Mino
Coffee Date with Mino (Requested)
Fool, Seungyoon
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Monsta X
Valentines Day with Wonho (Requested)
Taking pictures with Kihyun
Restaurant dates with Minhyuk
Road trip with Jooheon
Spending Christmas with I.M
Pink, Kihyun (Requested)
Trespass, I.M (Requested)
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Angel Jonghyun (We will miss you)
Married To The Music, Key (Requested)
Taemin with flowers (Requested)
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Fly, Jaebum
You Are, Mark
Just Right, Jackson
Moon U, Jinyoung
Never Ever, Youngjae 
Firework, Bambam
Face, Yugyeom
Pink, Mark (Requested)
Black & White, Jackson (Requested)
Rainbow, Bambam (Requested)
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Staying in bed with Taichi (Requested)
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Finger tip, Sowon (Requested) 
Rough, Eunha (Requested)
Love Whisper, Yuju (Requested)
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Red Velvet
Rainbow Seulgi (Requested)
Forest Nymph Joy (Requested)
Witch Yeri (Requested)
Vintage Seulgi (Requested) 
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Décalcomanie (Grunge gf), Wheein (Requested)
Paint Me (Pastel gf), Moonbyul (Requested)
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Boys Republic
Coffee Date with Onejunn (Requested)
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Spring with Sanha (Requested)
Jam session with Sanha (Requested)
Cha Eunwoo x Sanha, Brothers (Requested)
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Journalist Kim Lip (Requested)
Mermaid Jinsoul (Requested)
Pikachu Chuu (Requested)
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U R, Taeyeon (Requested)
Heartbreak Hotel, Tiffany (Requested)
Summer with Taeyeon (Requested)
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Trauma, S.Coups (Requested)
Don’t Wanna Cry, Vernon (Requested)
Traveling with Joshua (Requested)
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The Closer, N (Requested)
Dark Prince, N (Requested)
Dreamy Hongbin (Requested)
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Pink, Johnny (Requested)
Traveling with Taeyong 
Waking up to Ten
Afternoon walk with Ten (Requested)
First Date with Kun (Requested)
Valentines Day with Jaehyun (Requested)
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Wanna One
Beautiful, Woojin (Requested)
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Stay, Jennie
Whistle, Lisa
At home with Lisa 
Night adventure with Jennie
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You In Me, Somin (Requested)
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Dinosaur, Suhyun (Requested)
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Coffee Date with Youngjae (Requested)
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College student Yeo One (Requested)
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Sana with stuffed animals (Requested)
Cheer up, Jihyo (Requested)
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Stray Kids
District 9, Felix (Requested)
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White, Miyeon 
Blue, Minnie 
Purple, Soojin (Requested)
Red, Yuqi (Requested)
Pink, Shuhua (Requested)
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Forest Deer, Jiho (Requested)
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Now or Never Era, Rowoon (Requested)
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Peach, Dami (Requested)
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Vacation with Christian Yu
Coffee Date with IU (Requested)
Stars, Heize (Requested)
Lazy day with Heize (Requested)
Rollercoaster, Chungha (Requested)
Pink, Chungha (Requested)
Gold, Hyungsik (Requested)
Harry Styles request
Meryl Streep request
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alabastertouch · 7 years
My Prince in Ripped Jeans
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Genre: Fluff
Characters: Kim Jiwon (Bobby) x Reader
Warning/s: None
Summary: Like black and white, your exterior and Bobby’s look a lot opposing, but your heart says otherwise.
A/N: Was that even a summary? Lol anyway, here you go!!! I wish people will sometimes request off anon, though. You don’t have to be shy. :/ Also, this is pretty short, so I apologize!
And if you want to imagine the style of the reader, think Jennie Kim airport fashion 
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“Hyung, you and ____ are going on a date. Can you at least change into straight cut jeans?” Hanbin grumbles as he drinks in the older rapper’s tragic outfit for your drive-in movie date night.
“I have no straight cut jeans,” Bobby looks down cluelessly on his pants. “What’s wrong with this?”
“Well, these aren’t just ripped jeans, these are distressed jeans,” Yunhyeong points out. “And knowing ____, she’ll be wearing something a little over the top.”
“So? she still looks amazing in them,” Bobby shrugs it off and ties his shoelaces. “And we’re going to be inside the damn car, Yunhyeong.”
“If you say so, Jiwon,” Yunhyeong cackles as he continues folding the clothes that he picked up from the dryer. Bobby paces back in front of the mirror, suddenly feeling conscious of what he is currently donning.
It’s true that you’ve always worn clothes that are simply elegant, and because of the great difference between your style and his, you always manage to turn heads during dates. Whereas you’re always dressed in pastel skirts and coats, Bobby is wearing some jeans way too ripped for anybody’s comfort. Oddly enough, though, you both feel good enough with your own clothes, and it has never been an issue for you as a couple.
Not until now, anyway.
“Hold on,” Bobby grumbles as he returns to his room, rummaging through his closet for some of his smartly casual clothes. After a few minutes of digging, he takes out a dark blue jacket and some skinny jeans that aren’t at all ripped. After changing in them, he goes out of the room.
“That was a quick change of outfit, hyung,” Chanwoo points out as he kicks the basket of clothes to the side of the couch. “Are you comfortable in them? I’m sure noona won’t mind you wearing your usual clothes.”
Bobby looks down at his clothes once again, and he shakes his head.
“This is fine,” Bobby takes his stuff. “I’ll be going now.”
Ten minutes after you finish doing your makeup, Bobby parks his car in front of your apartment complex, and you take the elevator to descend.
And when you enter his car, you are surprised to see his hair all pomaded and his clothes unusually fit for him.
“Uh, babe?” You raise a brow. “What’s going on?”
“What? I’m all dressed up,”
You try to taunt him with your looks, asking why he is so suddenly changing his style preferences. It seems like he can’t take your scrutiny anymore, that he scratches his head and frowns.
“The boys thought I needed to dress up well,” Bobby hums.
“And why did they say that?” You question. Bobby had always been comfortable with his overly long and large shirts and hoodies, and with ripped jeans worn inside out. His skinny jeans and jacket does not really scream Kim Jiwon anymore.
“Because they say you always dress up beautifully.” He looks down bashfully. Yet let out a giggle, finding his acts totally adorable.
“But honey, I like the way you dress,” Bobby turns to you with eyes so big, you almost burst out in loud laughter.
“What?!” He sounds like he is panicking.
“You dress up the way you like, and to me, that’s perfectly fine!” You assure him, placing your hand atop his on his lap. “I dress up this way because I find this a way I can make a statement. You make yours perfectly and there is no problem with that.” 
And he breaks into that smile that makes him resemble a bunny.
“Ah, ____, you’re making me blush,” you hold his cheeks as you chuckle.
“You do you, okay? Either way, I’ll still love you.”
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aegissi · 7 years
23-29 for the bts ask game if you want!
hey you!
23 - What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jin?
I think abt his part in Danger bc it sounds amazing and I always wait for it when I listen to that song. He seriously has such a lovely voice and also he reminds me of yunhyeong bc they both cook well, tell dad jokes way too often and are very kind
(my ikonic ass couldn’t help but mention them apparently ?)
24 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Yoongi?
I think of a multi-faceted man who is truly passionate abt music and who is hard to know truly. tbh I relate to him in some ways so that might be why I have a soft spot for him. he reminds me of late night drives, “I don’t give a fuck” attitude, listening to one album over and over again, wearing all black, pastels, cats (I know he has a dog but whatever), and looking fondly at someone you love while they do something perfectly mundane
25 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Namjoon?
he reminds me of autumn and I don’t even know why. and also philosophy. there are a lot of quotes from him that I really like. I just enjoy listening to him talk, like I sometimes watch his solo vlive bc he says interesting things (and also those damn dimples)
26 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Hoseok?
SUNSHINE! FLOWERS! HARDWORK! HUFFLEPUFF! I WANT TO SLIDE ON THAT PERFECT NOSE BRIDGE! and I just appreciate his existence in general. also I remember having a soft spot for him bc he said he was in seungri’s academy
27 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jimin?
tbh... my best friend bc he’s her bias lmao and also her boyfriend kind of looks like him? anyway when I think of jimin I often picture him with black hair bc I send pics of him with that hair colour to my friend (bc I love making her suffer *evil laugh*)
28 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Taehyung?
my other other capricorn babe!!! what comes to mind is fashion and anything artsy tbh, and also stigma bc I fucking love that song!!! he reminds me of nights where you play some ray charles alone in your room while drinking beer bc you don’t have wine and you’re feeling blue without knowing why but also of sunny days where you walk aimlessly around with your earphones on and think happily abt your future plans
29 -What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jungkook?
I think abt the fact that he’s so fucking young?? my mind was honestly blown when I learned that he was only a few years older than me and also I was very impressed bc despite being so young he has awesome vocals and dancing skills (and is basically good at everything) but I also feel like he might be overwhelmed by all of this. what comes to my mind is also his thighs because DAYUM. and he seems like a sweet guy overall
bts asks (if you want to send me a number lmao)
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ikonis · 8 years
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June: blonde/brown with blonde highlights Jinhwan: light brown Chanwoo: black Bobby: yellow blonde Donghyuk: not sure but prob. still blonde maybe smth like red or pastel? Yunhyeong: platinum blonde Hanbin: still black
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kpopperotp12 · 7 years
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IKON  teaser lockscreens/ wallpapers
like if you save
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ikinghanbin-blog · 8 years
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iKON Wallpapers
Repost/like if you save it Do not edit and do not reupload without crediting me
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