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sun13koi · 5 months ago
“They told me casual affection leads to sexual infection But it's hard to get an erection when you're so used to rejection”
I mean it’s also a little hard when you lack a certain “physical requirement”
but its the thought that matters
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liverpool-enjoyer · 2 years ago
hiiii i jus got tagged by my good pal @moomin279!!! thank you sm for thinking a me <3
10 songs I’ve been listening to recently:
tagging a the homies: @mebiselfandi @lancestrolls @swaggypsyduck @tl-trashtalk @cryingforcrocodiles
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k-kizkhalifa · 3 months ago
not the youtube badges 😩😅😅
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lauvra · 11 months ago
You might meet someone in the street tomorrow that will change the whole trajectory of your life, but you're looking down. So look up.
Yungblud in conversation on the Great Company podcast re creating Bludfest festival
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enchantedlandcoffee · 1 year ago
Did you ever get any recommendations on YungBlud? Have you tried out music yet?
Hi anon! I didn't get any recommendations, no. I've been at work all day today and I couldn't figure out where to start with his music. If you have any suggestions please let me know 🥰
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fiamat12 · 6 days ago
What do you think of the song Luke posted “ Zombie” do you think it has a deeper meaning? Or is it just a song he likes. Someone posted this on TT about it.
It could! I'm not sure where she's finding that meaning as the song hasn't been released yet. So I'd say, as of now, it's inconclusive. I will say that YB smashes it vocally in the clip L posted, so he may have just thought he sounded great!
UPDATE: Thank you to the Anon who sent me the X video below where YB explains the meaning! 🙏
YB: "It's about deterioration and feeling like you're ugly and learning to f*cking battle that because beauty is within in you man, it's not f*cking anything else..." ⏬️
Note: Lukola FBI currently listening and notating the lyrics 📝
What we have so far:
• Min mark 1:10: If you were to ask about the pain, I would lie, I would lie... to fix my mind... and it's time, but it's running out, it's running out. Oh I know that I can't live without you, but can swear will keep trying if you do. Would you even want me? Looking like a zombie?
•Min mark 2:05 Because the world is just a figment of the fools, her blank stare, they don't care, so say your prayers, we're almost there. But it's running out, it's running out. Oh, I know that I can't live without you, but can swear will keep trying if you do. Would you even want me? Looking like a zombie?
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kolomo · 11 months ago
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KAIJU NO. 8 (2024) ABYSS performed by YUNGBLUD
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sunb0ts · 2 months ago
ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to turn everything into a transgender allegory
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fightmewiatch · 10 months ago
Anyone else see Edwin and Charles when they hear "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"? Anyone?
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kacievvbbbb · 9 months ago
Listening to the theme that plays under most of the big fights in Kaiju No. 8 gives me the same emotional whiplash as when it finally clicked that Kai’s theme in Kung fu panda 3 was a Chinese instrumental of “I’m So Sorry” by the imagine dragons.
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batsarebetterthanpeople · 8 months ago
I was tagged by @ourflagmeansgayrights to make a poll by putting your "music library on shuffle" but I'll be real I don't know what that means so I just went to my liked playlist on Spotify. Which only has 44 songs sorry.
I'll tag @venusdebotticelli @jellybeanium124 @hiimcanadia and @piratecaptainscaptainpirates
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wolfytae-exe · 1 year ago
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A harsh reminder that not everyone’s favs is as pretty as Yeonjun…
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yungbloode · 2 months ago
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✄┈┈┈┈ trish's sideblog || 26 || mdni ✄┈┈┈┈
hello ! welcome to my rb-centric sideblog. chances are you're looking for my jjk blog, find that here: @starmapz
i reblog nsfw frequently, so mdni.
thanks for dropping by!
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gif © zerolympiustrife. dividers © adornedwithlight.
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biancadoes1 · 7 days ago
I haven't seen the yungblood pics you guys are talking about and I know a lot of us are getting tired of this. Everything. Or maybe it was me kinda expecting A's repeated appearances but also it made me realized something.
If there is one thing Luke is really consistent with his appearances with A is that, he cannot act like an actual boyfriend in love with his girlfriend, and he cannot act like he is genuinely enjoying her company. And we cannot see Luke's smiling whenever he is making physical contanct with A.
And the consistent Luke's off body language.
I'm so glad I have a relative who studies Kinesics and I showed her Luke's all public appearances with A. And she pointed out really interesting things.
● If there is a repeated physical signs of discomfort or like a monotonous facial expression, something massively is WRONG behind the scenes. (She was talking about how off putting Luke's facial expression is. And I haven't told her about them being alleged couple.)
● I know a lot of people misinterpret body language, but if you want to know how comfortable someone is with other people, just see how much of distance their body is with others. If the distance between is like, not even a tiny insect or an air can separate them, not even a single gap, that's when you can tell the level of comfort two people have. (I showed my relative the vid of Luke and A at the water in Italy and she was gagged by how much of that screams stress all over.)
● Look how his body is always, like always facing away from her. That's a clear sign of someone being forced to keep somebody who is he not comfortable with. (She's talking about the BOSS event here)
● The nervous energy he was exhibiting in all events(that I showed my relative) is not normal when he is with her company.
And then I told her they are apparently a couple and this is her response.
My relative also said, "You don't need to be an expert to know if someone is genuinely feeling discomfort at the company of someone they don't want to be around. Say, I can tell from the things you showed me, it seems like the guy(Luke) was really trying his best to keep that uneasiness under wraps whenever he was with her. And it starting to show, because his body is start to fidget whenever it can now. And the forced posture, and the distance is loud. He is leaning his body away from her, through pics or vids you can see it. Even while they are walking despite the attempt to conceal it via physical contact. He may be holding her hand but the distance between their interlock hands and his body is so visible. Whoever is this people may be, people needs to realize that his facial expression is like a cry for help. And I'm not even kidding. That vid of them sitting in a table? The silence and the reduced participation with each other? That's a clear sign of a forced. That alone should tell you that something is incredibly wrong, despite you telling me they are couple. In my truest opinion, they are not."
I tried to asked somebody to know if we are just being delusional or not. And I'm glad to know at least I am not the only one seeing that consistent uneasiness with Luke's face whenever he is with Antonia.
Let me know your thoughts B. Thanks!
First off, I love posts like this with opinions from outsiders. It's refreshing and helpful to get a temp check for what most of us (on this blog at least) are currently thinking.
I agree with all of this, too. This is what most of us have picked up on and why we're all tired af right now 🤣
But it's nice to see it from the perspective of someone who studies this because it shows how damn noticeable it is.
It's VERY easy to glance at pics of them and believe them to be a couple. That's fine if that's the case and all people choose to do. However, when you take the time to look back at all these appearances just this year alone? It really doesn't speak to two people in a relationship at all. Add in everything since June 2024 and it paints a really different picture than what the current surface level view provides.
Thank you so much for sharing anon ♥️
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enchantedlandcoffee · 1 year ago
the people in the comment section of the award announcement post need to chill tf out
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toriaaniin · 2 days ago
The Jive
The following is a recreation of a conversation I had the other night with a friend from one of my group chats. Yes, even when I believe in Luke and Nicola as strongly as I do, I suffer from little brain niggles that feed doubt. I'm so very grateful for my chat groups because even though my friends and I regularly review all the info we know, talking it out loud can make all the difference.
Jive with me!
"Let's talk about it again." "Again? We talked about Luke and Antonia as a couple last night." "Yes please. How are you feeling? After last night's talk with the group, we all left feeling good. But how are you feeling now?" "Feeling doubts. Brain niggles." "Yes. Yes; those damned brain niggles. So let's talk about it again. Make it make sense." "You know we never can make it make sense. The pieces don't jive." "You're right; let's try again anyway. Where do we start?"
We start in the present and move back in time. We start back on NYE 2024 and move forward in time. We start in the middle somewhere because why not? With every starting place - forward, backward or round-about in time - we encounter a glitch, or confusion, or a hurdle, or a "no fuckin' way!" or... well, no matter where we start, the pieces just don't jive.
"Let's start in the present day." "Okay. Cool."
We pause and then step gingerly (because yuck, groan and LOL) into a discussion of recent Luke & Antonia sightings like the People Pap photos (clearly arranged) and the Yungblud concert (weird - with, as usual, no IG acknowledgement of a possible evening spent together by either of them. Luke shared a photo of he and his long-time friend Dom/Yungblood. Obviously Dom was Luke's priority for the evening).
"It's all so baffling and confusing! After watching Luke, most especially, and Nicola at the SAGs..."
We find ourselves happily reminiscing about that evening, and the days afterward. We laugh at Nicola's scramble on the following Monday to redirect the narrative to "my buddy", Jake's seemingly emphatic use of the period as punctuation (how I laughed when the Jakola's decided that was a love message!), and then the unexpected (but I feel strategic) follow of Antonia's IG.
"Hey! We've gotten off track. We're supposed to be finding a way to make Luke and Antonia work as a couple." "I know... but we can't compare apples (the best fruit ever) to dog shit. Luke & Antonia have no energy. No light. "Yep. The pieces just don't jive."
We have no choice but to admit that SAGs throws a wrench into the Luke & Antonia narrative, especially given the images published of the two of them together. Dog shit indeed.
"Let's try again." "We've been trying this since the BOSS event on January 30th and you know where we end up. Every time." "Yes, I know. The biggest stumbling block of all. The one golden nugget that kills any and all Lutonia jives."
Yes. I said golden nugget, as in the ultimate breadcrumb. A breadcrumb that can't be eaten by birds like in the Hansel & Gretel fairytale. Something that - when not ignored or obtusely explained away - is tangible.
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At some point in the last days of January through to the first days of February, Nicola had a baby. I've read a lot of blogs that laugh at us for suggesting this reality. For me and for many with eyeballs in our head, photos like these tell the story. Plainly.
"There's no doubt that Nicola had a baby. You know that I believe Luke to be the baby's father... but is there a chance he isn't?" "Based on when we believe the baby was born, he was conceived back in late April or early May 2024 during the world tour. Sure, Nicola could have been seeing someone else at the time, but I wonder how he would have felt watching the chemistry between Luke and Nicola? Like that time when she was practically sitting on his lap during the long-sofa livestream (approx April 10)?" "Yes! And during the Australia leg of the WT? Luke couldn't keep his eyes away from Nicola's cleavage in that black dress! "Luke?! How about when he saunters out in that monochromatic beige coat, tank and pants, whips his coat open? Nicola was definitely NOT staring at his eyes then!" 🥵🥵
Bottom line is, if we don't consider Luke, there's no evidence of a significant person - a lover - in Nicola's life back during the time of baby's conception, during the whole world tour OR since. No, I don't count her friend Jake in this role. If I'm pushed on this possibility, and I willingly ignore Jake's preferences: Nicola's friendship with Jake isn't actively reflected in the media until late August... well after the August "Chaos Week" activities and the repeated Luke-coded content shared by Nicola on IG.
Luke being the baby's father jives.
"Let's not forget the polaroid photo of her and Luke in Nicola's phone case. We first saw that in Australia." "That's right. I remember her flashing it during the Taylor Swift concert back on June 21st. And of course she's had a possible Luke photo in her case ever since." "I wonder how a significant non-Luke lover would feel about Nicola carrying around a photo of her co-lead in her phone case, right where she can see it multiple times a day, for this past year?" "She even shared the polaroid phone case photo in her 2024 IG photo dump - mirror selfie in Skims, looking sexy, with her phone case clearly visible. Talk about a Luke breadcrumb!
Luke being the baby's father jives.
So what's with Antonia? Did Luke and Nicola break up before the baby was born? After all, Luke took Antonia to the BOSS event on January 30th... right around the time that Nicola's baby... their baby... was born.
"All I can think of is yuck! That's not the Luke that Nicola has described to us." "I agree. The Luke in People's 'Sexiest Man Alive' This/That video showed a lovely excitement when he described 'fairytale ending': 'Happily married; end of season 3 vibes'. Complete with a love-goofy gaze over at someone (Nicola, of course!)." "Don't forget the Claddagh ring. It hasn't left her left hand since October 1st, and of course the left hand with the heart facing inward signifies marriage." "Well... except for that one time in Paris (Jan 26-28) when she moved it to her right ring finger. I think that's because in those last days of pregnancy, her hands were swollen so she shifted it to a less swollen finger." "Heck! During the SAG interview on January 25th when she declared that she and Luke were 'just friends', she was flashing that ring (on her left hand) around!" "We saw it back on her left hand after Paris. Nicola is married with a child and all clues make Luke the father. All tangible indications (ring [ring truther!], polaroid, SAGs energy, This/That video, audiobook Misdirected [possibly released on Baby Newt's due date, Feb 4th], and other clues) are that Luke and Nicola are together to this day." "But what about Antonia?"
What about Antonia. How about I ask you this. When Nicola and Luke were having their baby, what were we in the fandom talking about? The BOSS event and Antonia. Misdirection. Pure and simple.
We have no idea of all the particulars and the whys. "Why her?!" laments get us nowhere. When we look closely at the "relationship" between Luke and Antonia though, we see nothing that jives. It doesn't fit. To my way of thinking (like many here on Tumblr), this is a contractual agreement only. Don't ask me or anyone why. All we can do is speculate. I've done some research and I've looked at it critically... and while I believe I have some understanding of possible whys, it's still bloody confusing!
My recommendation? Accept the fact that we don't know the whys, and we never will. Accept the fact that a contract exists because groaning about it will only take us to a place of frustration. Simply recognize that there is nothing in a Luke and Antonia "relationship" that jives. Then laugh when you see them in papped photos!
To my way of thinking, Nicola and Luke's baby means their relationship is real. It's always been them. Now it's their little family. This reality is what keeps me here!
We all know what we saw. Luke and Nicola jive. They define jive.
Aaniin Xxx
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