#yumi mirackel
ekacucumber · 6 months
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I have a headcanon that New Year in Ninjago is actually a celebration of Ninjago's birth so... Happy Ninjago Birthday!
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rinkunokoisuru · 6 months
hi!! I saw you take requests sooo may I request my girl?
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It's quite old ref but I don't have any fresh things...
Thank you! Have a good day anyway!!
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I spent too long deciding whether or not to draw lips(tick) on her lol
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Villain
❀ Main characters: Yumi(OC), Sensei Garmadon, Kai, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Zane, Pixal
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 4 and 5
❀ Summary: Yumi decides to gift every person in Ninjago the eternal happiness... As the Dream Master, she gets her own definition.
❀ Word count: 1526
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"You're doing very well, Yumi!" Garmadon's smile blinds her, but she doesn't mind, too happy to hear this compliment. "It's great you're getting more control of the Dream element."
"But, Master..." Yumi interrupts. "I'm still bothered by nightmares where you're gone, and I don't know what to do... They feel so real... And so painful..."
She sighs heavily. These nightmares have become her second life, and that hurts.
"Well, I think it's your last test from the Dream," Garmadon replies with kind smile. "You should choose which world you belong."
Yumi looks carefully at Sensei's face, and the feeling of hope lifts her spirit. If she has to fight nightmare, pain and suffering so everybody can live peacefully, free from sorrows and violence... She wiil do her best.
"So, what do you choose?"
"I choose eternal happiness."
Kai goes through the traning course, punching, kicking dummies and shooting them with fireballs. However, the last strike misses. He turns off the mechanism with a tired sigh.
"How's it going?" Yumi suddenly appears behind his back.
"AAAAH!" Kai screams and almost jumps away. "Ugh... You can't sneak and scare people like that!"
"Sorry." She smiles calmly. "So, how's your training?"
Kai looks at dummies and shrugs it off. "Eh, as usual..."
"But you look tired," Yumi notices.
"Maybe I've lost my fit a bit, but that's okay, I can deal with it." Girl stares at Kai, so intently that he starts to worry about it. "Um, what? Is something wrong with my hair?"
"No, I just think I can help you," she smiles again.
"You?" Kai raises his eyebrow in confusion. "I thought you didn't like combat training."
"Oh, I don't need to fight you. I've learnt a new technique to strengthen you," Yumi stretches out her hand. "Do you want to give it a try?"
"Hm... Sure, why not!" Kai gets kind of interested in her progress, so he gives a hand.
Yumi closes her eyes, and Kai feels how the energy fills his body. Weariness leaves him, he feels completely fresh and renewed. The Red Ninja makes a hit in the air and release a burst of fire, the strongest he's ever seen.
"Wow! What a feeling!" he laughs and destroys the annoying dummy on his way. "I've never felt so energetic!"
"Hey, can you be quiet?! I'm trying to-" Jay, who came out to complain, breaks off in mid-sentence, amazed. "Woah, that's so cool! How are you doing that?"
Yumi turns to him with the same calm smile.
"Do you want to try this technique of mine too?"
As Cole closes the fridge door and turns back, he almost drops his portion of snacks out of surprise.
"Hi, Cole," Yumi doesn't even move, smiling calmly.
"Oof, Yumi... How have you got here so quietly?"
"I've learnt some stealth recently."
"That's... That's good to hear," Cole smiles, however, he feels something weird. "Hey, I can't help but notice that you look better... I mean, you finally seem chill again as you were, well, before all the events."
Yumi remains silent and staring.
"... I'm sorry, did it sound bad?" Cole can't even read her expression. "I mean, I'm glad you're fine now. Not stressed or something like that."
"Thank you," Yumi replies. "I'm happy to hear it."
"Cool... Cool."
Cole grabs a snack and eats it, but doesn't get satisfaction.
"Something's wrong?" girl immediately asks.
"Eh, it's just not the same..." Cole sighs with frustration. "It's a hard time for Chen's Noodle House so their food is... So tasteless. Skylor promised to fix that, but for now I have to deal with-"
"Let me help you," Yumi interrupts and stretches out her hand closer to Cole's face. "My new ability will help you to feel the whole spectrum of tastes and even more."
"Uh, what? When have you learnt this trick?" Cole slightly moves away from her hand.
"That doesn't matter, friend. Kai and Jay have already tested it... And they're happy. Don't be afraid, let me help you."
"Okay... But only this time."
"Hey, Yumi, have you called me?" Lloyd enters the room and sees Yumi who leans on a sofa back. She looks at him with relaxed smile.
"I want to talk with you," she replies and makes a gesture to come closer. Lloyd makes a few steps and then notices Kai, Jay and Cole sleeping on the sofa.
"Huh... That's strange of them to sleep in the middle of the day," the Green Ninja notes.
"They've got tired of training so they're taking a nap now," Yumi slightly pats Cole's head. "Look, you know I had hard times... Everything was a mess..."
Lloyd looks carefully at Yumi as she talks. Something disturbs him, something surreal in details of her appearance. She let her hair down, though she always ties it up in two buns. There's no sign of bags under eyes, but it's too early for them to completely disappear. Her movements are very slow, and her eyes don't look at Lloyd... Yumi looks through him, right into his soul.
"But a miracle happened... I saw him."
"Who?.." Lloyd asks in confusion.
"Sensei Garmadon. Our mentor. Your father."
Yumi smiles, and an uncanny feeling strikes Lloyd.
"W-what?.. You must be joking, this is nonsense..." he mumbles.
"This is real, Lloyd!" Yumi sounds excited. "I meet your father in my dreams! My element has finally started to help me! And this way... Garmadon taught me how to control dreams!"
Lloyd sees a tone of craziness in her look.
"Look at our friends, Lloyd! They're happy thanks to Dream! Isn't it wonderful? These new abilities are amazing!"
Lloyd takes a step away, scared of Yumi.
"But you put them to sleep... How long have they been sleeping?!"
"An hour... Or two... Or five..." Yumi counts, getting closer to Lloyd. "But does it matter? They're happy! They're in the best world of all where all their dreams come true! And you can join them, you can finally see your father and never lose him again..."
"Yumi, that's not the way! You're crazy, come to your senses!"
"Oh, Lloyd..."
Yumi smiles and reaches for him. Lloyd tries to get away, but the Dream Master grabs his head and blinds him with her glowing pink eyes.
"I will help you reach the eternal happiness."
The Titanium Dragon flies above Ninjago City. Zane returns home from a mission. Looking down, he notices that city is... Dormant. The streets are covered in pink mist, and people are asleep on sidewalks, in cars, in their offices. Fortunately, there's no sight of car accidents.
"Pixal, can you analyze this fog?"
"I can't find any information in the database. But, I have to say, it seems to have the same structure as Yumi's elemental power. If I were you, I would hurry."
The dragon speeds up, and Zane gets home in a few minutes. Now it's clear for him that the source of fog is here. He walks through the rooms past the sleeping Nya, Master Wu, Misako... Everybody is asleep. Zane moves crosscurrent and finally reaches the source — Yumi. She floats in the lotus position, surrounded by sleeping ninja. As she pats Lloyd's head, her hand absorbs green sparkles of energy.
"You returned..." Yumi speaks slowly.
The Dream Master straightens her legs and floats closer. Zane gets an opportunity to look at her carefully, and her new appearance scares him. Yumi is wearing a dark-pink kimono with flower patterns, its sleeves and skirt slightly flatter. Yumi's hair float like in the water, and antlers made of cherry branches bloom on her head, filling the room with petals.
"What have you done?.." Zane asks quietly in disbelief. How have everything got out of hand so quickly?
"I... Sent them to a better world." Yumi smiles and looks right through Zane's heart with her eyes closed.
"You put them to sleep."
"The Dream Realm is the best home for these tired souls. It's always been."
"But they can't sleep forever. Yhey must wake up!" Zane insists, but Yumi just shrugs.
"You don't understand. You must join them and see. I will be your guide, Zane, you deserve joining the world of satisfaction..."
She reaches out to touch, but nindroid keeps the distance.
"I'm sorry to say it, but it's the wrong way, Yumi. Running from reality isn't a solution."
"The real world is cruel, violent and sorrowful. The Dream Realm gives them eternal happiness. There's nothing wrong, it's the only way to save Ninjago..."
"No!" Zane interrupts. "You can't choose for others. All you give them is the illusion of happiness, when they can experience real feelings in reality."
Yumi remains silent for a moment.
"You're being stubborn... You're afraid. If you can't believe me..." The Dream Master opens her eyes that turned pink. "Then I will show you the truth."
Yumi dashes to Zane and grabs him by shoulders. He struggles to free himself but fails. The Dream Master looks straight into his eyes.
"You're a nindroid, of course you think differently. But that's not a problem... You see dreams too. You're just like humans... And you deserve the eternal happiness too."
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ekacucumber · 9 months
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"Happy birthday, Lloyd!"
"Oh my FSM, is it what I think it is?!"
"Yeah, a big box of your favorite mint candies! Are you happy?"
"Easy, bro, easy, all the best for my sworn brother~"
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ekacucumber · 9 months
"Zane, can you tell about how you supported Yumi?"
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjago Rarepair Week, Day 2 - Nicknames
(I'm so slow omg)
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"Hey sweetie," Yumi hangs on Zane's shoulder with a sly smile. "Have you heard about a new club?"
"Yes, I have. And no, I don't want to bring you there."
Yumi's expression quickly changes to surprised and offended. She grabs Zane's head and makes him look directly at her.
"But honey, I want to check its milkshakes!"
"Don't lie to me, that's not the only reason," Zane refuses strictly. Yumi smiles awkwardly, trying to look innocent.
"Well... I also wanna have a good time with my nindroboy..."
Zane can't hold back a smile. Yumi's nicknames are pretty, but they don't help her to get everything she wants. This secret weapon isn't even a weapon, it's a sign of a great need.
"Can we wait until it gets more reviews?" Zane asks kindly. "So we make sure it's really nice. I don't want you to get sick after drinks, my beloved."
Yumi slightly turns red. Even though she calls Zane nicknames, it's easy to embarrass her with a simple one.
"Fine... You get the point..."
Zane kisses her forehead gently as Yumi blushes more. He won this round.
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ekacucumber · 10 months
Ninjago Rarepair Week, Day 1 - Date night
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Zane hears and feels how Yumi starts moving under the blanket. It takes her a minute to sit down and open one eye.
"Good morning, Zane..." Yumi yawns.
"Good morning," Zane smiles. He's glad to greet her every time she wakes up after a long sleep. "It's 2:43 AM, actually."
"Oh, I see," Yumi chuckles. "And how long was this sleep?"
"You've been sleeping for 67 hours. Good news, it's less than the last time! I guess you're schedule is stabilizing."
Yumi sighs with relief, puts the blanket on her shoulders and hugs Zane from behind. She presses her cheek against his metal neck and touches his face gently.
"You were looking after me, weren't you?" she asks quietly.
"Of course I was."
After their return from the Never-realm, Zane can't stop keeping an eye on Yumi. Especially when she is asleep. He spends days close to her to make sure she's fine, to calm her down if necessary. He wants to protect her after what he did in the Never-realm. Maybe, that's his way to say 'sorry'.
"Do you need anything?" Zane asks. "We can go get you a snack. You must be hungry."
Yumi hugs Zane tighter, holding him close with her whole body.
"All I need is you right now..." she mumbles. It seems she hasn't quite woken up yet. Zane smiles and pats her head.
"Okay, I'm not going anywhere."
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Yumi: Okay, guys, just hear me out... The Dream Realm also got merged and and I got somehow stuck there, and there were a lot of people fighting their nightmares, and my nightmare happened to be a fear of failure to save others so I grabbed a bunch of people and got out... So, that's how I saved a nightmare, meet Sean.
Zane: ... What??
Lloyd: Am I an uncle now???
Sean: I am not her son.
Yumi: I love him like a son.
Lloyd: Aww, I already love him like a nephew.
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Green
❀ Main characters: Lloyd Garmadon, Yumi(OC)
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 2 and 3 | After season 4 | Season 5
❀ Summary: Yumi and Lloyd are sworn siblings. But they weren't always this close.
❀ Word count: 1301
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Yumi can't help but consider Lloyd as her sworn brother. This is a little bit different kind of relationship than friendship. She feels responsible for the Green Ninja, she wants to always stay by his side and catch him when he falls.
The more Yumi thinks about Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, the more she understands the reason of her attachment. He's a son of Sensei Garmadon... Maybe, that's it? Maybe, that's her way to pay tribute to her mentor?
"And... Go."
Upon Garmadon's command Lloyd makes a dash towards Yumi. He makes a sharp blow, and she dodges with her eyes closed, but with an exhalation of surprise. The Green Ninja's moves are quick and accurate, and it takes Yumi a lot of effort to keep escaping his attacks, as she's allowed only to sense the aura, but not to see her opponent. Yumi feels Sensei's eyes on her and tries her best... Also, she feels Lloyd's eagerness.
Yumi misses a blow so hard in the arm that she recoils.
"Stop," Sensei Garmadon says. When Lloyd finally stops, Yumi opens the eyes and looks at the winner's victorious face. "Good job, Yumi, but you still have to work with your fear of your opponent. Remember, when you see clearly, you can predict the next step."
Lloyd smirks.
"And Lloyd, you shouldn't be so violent. Firstly, your body shouldn't act faster than your mind. Secondly..." Garmadon smiles. "You're on training, after all. You could be more gentle with Yumi."
Now that's Yumi's turn to smirk. She actually appreciates every moment father reproaches his son.
"That's the end of our lesson. I'll be in the library if you need me."
As Sensei Garmadon leaves the dojo, Yumi allows herself a weakness and queitly moans, although in an empty room it's perfectly audible.
"Oww, that really hurts... Master's right, you could be more gentle..."
"How could I be more than that?" Lloyd snorts. "I was very careful."
"Dude, you went feral this time! I thought you wouldn't even stop after Master's command."
"Don't you trust the Green Ninja?"
"Honestly, I can't trust Lloyd Garmadon when he acts like a child and goes too far," Yumi can't wrap her words up as a joke, and she sounds more insulting than she actually wants.
"Hey, I'm not a child! I'm just stronger than you."
"It's not a competition, we have different tasks. You fight, and I..."
"And you?" Lloyd raises his brow, waiting for an end of the phrase.
"... You get the point."
"No, I don't. Can you explain?"
Yumi gets angrier when she sees this snide face. She doesn't understand why Lloyd's being so mean to her, why they always argue at trainings, why he always wants so much attention.
Is something wrong with her?
"So... He's gone..."
"Yes. He is."
Yumi can't fully realize what happened to Garmadon. She sits next to Lloyd and stares in the void with the empty head.
"I accepted it so fast, I... I didn't even have time or willpower to say goodbye..." her voice breaks.
"Listen to me, Yumi," Lloyd says. "I know it's hard, I understand your feelings... It's a great loss for our team and our family... But we must stay strong. We shouldn't let the sorrow stop us."
Yumi looks at his worried face and slightly smiles, selfishly forgetting how Lloyd has sent his own father to the Cursed Realm.
"How do you manage to accept reality so easily?.."
As the Ninja get back on the ship and bring Lloyd with them, Yumi is the first to hug the Green Ninja.
"Lloyd, you're back! You're finally here!"
"Whoa, Yumi..." Lloyd barely hugs her back. "Yeah, I'm back, back..."
"He's back, but weakened," notes Wu, although smiling. "Let him recover."
"Sorry... I'm just so glad to see you again, Lloyd," Yumi sighs with relief.
"Oh, didn't you miss us too? We were also in great danger..." Jay is faced with glances of his perplexed friends. "Come on, guys, I'm just kidding!"
"So, what's next?" Yumi asks.
"Morro stole the Realm Crystal," Cole can't hide the anger in his voice. "I think we must get ready for a fight."
"Okay, guys, you prepare, and I take Lloyd to his room and help him get better."
"Hey, you don't have to, I will be fine on my own..." Lloyd tries to pull away from Kai, but can't stand firmly on his feet.
"No-no-no, we are not discussing it, I'm definitely taking care of your recovery," Yumi lets him lean on her and escorts him to the room. She leaves the Green Ninja on the bed and takes a first aid kit from a shelf to treat.
"Ugh, Yumi, I'm gonna be fine, you'd better help others..." Lloyd mumbles.
"Don't play a hero," Yumi takes out a box of band-aids. "You know, I'm against sacrifices. So please, relax and let me do my job."
Firstly, Yumi starts treating the bruises. She's relieved that Lloyd isn't injured too much, so it takes just a bunch of band-aids and bandages. However, she senses how faint his aura is, and that's the problem for the Dream Master to solve.
"There!" Yumi puts the last patch on Lloyd's cheek. "Now give me a hand, I will work with your energy."
"Is it necessary?.." Lloyd, conversely, pulls his hand back. "I can recover by myself."
"Lloyd... Why are you being so stubborn?" Yumi sighs. "I'm serious, it would be better if I help."
"Uh... Alright."
The Dream Master takes Lloyd's hand and concentrates her inner energy. Physical contact helps her to make a connection with the Green Ninja's aura and send an energy flow to him. The flexible Dream energy converts into green energy and strengthens the aura.
"Do you feel better?" Yumi asks. She keeps her eyes closed, but sees her own aura, Lloyd's aura, the connection, the energy.
"It's gonna take some time, but I'll get you back on top, I promise."
"How have you learnt it?" Lloyd asks in confusion. "I can't remember you doing this before..."
"Well, to be honest, I had a lot of time to improve while you were on missions. Also, there was just no need."
"That's... Impressing."
Yumi smiles, pleased to hear these words from Lloyd. She missed him... She blamed herself again for not keeping track and letting the disaster happen. Even though she's not the one to blame.
"You know... I've been worried about you all these days," Yumi quietly adds. "Everything shouldn't have happened."
"Morro said that's because we had opened the portal to the Cursed Realm..."
Yumi unwillingly frowns.
"For real?"
"Yeah..." Lloyd shrugs. "So, did we have a choice to avoid- ow, ow, you're squeezing my hand."
"Oh, sorry," Yumi loosens her grip that was caused by the unpleasant memories. She concentrates on energy flow again. "If the situation is like this... I don't know what to think."
"If only I was stronger and could fight Morro..." Lloyd sighs heavily. "Then nothing would happen."
"You were strong," Yumi denies. "I heard you had took the control to give Kai the Sword of Sanctuary. I think you did your best against Morro."
The Dream Master slightly smiles.
"I'm proud of you, and I'm sure your father would be proud too."
Yumi can't help but consider Lloyd as her sworn brother. This is a little bit different kind of relationship than friendship. She feels responsible, she wants to always stay by his side and catch him when he falls.
The more Yumi thinks about the Green Ninja, the more she understands the reason of her attachment. Due to this role, Lloyd must be a hero. Due to her role, Yumi must be a helpmate.
And they are both well aware of how heavy their burden is, so helping each other is essential.
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ekacucumber · 10 months
Hibernation in their natural habitat
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Occasionally, Yumi and Zane go to a bar to celebrate some events. Well, Yumi celebrates, and Zane makes sure that she doesn't drink too much.
Yumi loves good sake. And good sake is drunk cooled.
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ekacucumber · 6 months
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omg I'm finally getting used to my new phone
btw it's crystalized yumi :) she's had enough...
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ekacucumber · 10 months
okay I'm gonna be honest... I'm actually insane lol
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you can find some info below if you're interested!
So, Yumi Mirackel is an Elemental Master of Dream. That means a lot of things actually (because I'm still not sure about it lol)
Yumi can affect people's dreams (in both meanings) and manipulate their actions a bit, however, she's VERY BAD at combat and she's afraid of hurting someone. She's just a healer. Yumi is a cook in a little restaurant and likes to learn to dance with the help of videos from the Internet.
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Oh and also I ship her with Zane because Zane is my beloved
I call them Hibernation
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Fire
❀ Main characters: Yumi(OC), Kai
❀ Timeline: After season 5
❀ Summary: Kai tries to intervene in the cooking process, but Yumi has a surprise for him.
❀ Word count: 205
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"Mm, I smell something great!" Kai enters the kitchen with a smile. "Is that meat?"
"Your nose doesn't deceive you!" Yumi laughs and shakes the pan with sizzling pieces of meat and pepper. "It's gonna be quite hot."
"Heh, maybe I can help and add some fire?"
Kai shows his flaming hand to the cook. Yumi looks at him, grabs a big spoon and bonks his head.
"Ow, I'm joking, joking!" Kai snorts. "You and Zane seem to have the same level of sense of humor..."
"The kitchen requires safety," Yumi states and then smiles. "But, you know, I can add some fire by myself."
"You?" Kai smirks. He doesn't seem to believe it. "And how?"
Yumi takes a bottle from the shelf, pours meat with whiskey...
"Wai-wai-wait, what are you doing? Are you sure this amount of alcohol is a right desision??"
The Dream Master doesn't answer. She grabs Kai's hand, pulls it closer to the pan and commands with dream energy put in her words: "Fire". A single spark ignites the alcohol, and the dish flares up for a couple of seconds. That's enough to impress Kai.
"Woah... That was awesome! What is this technique? How did you do that?"
"One word... Flambé."
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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❀ Prompt: Samurai
❀ Main characters: Nya, Yumi(OC)
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 2 and 3
❀ Summary: Yumi and Nya have a small talk about Samurai X and gear.
❀ Word count: 277
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"Nya, I just want to ask you... How have you become Samurai X?"
Nya looks at Yumi with perplexity and even puts away her chopsticks.
"Well, I created some gear to increase my physical abilities... You know, blacksmithing gives some knowledge about components, and-"
"No-no, I mean... Why did you do that? I think you're pretty good in combat by your own!"
"Oh, hahah, Yumi! Vehicles make everything easier if you don't have any elemental powers... By the way, what's the matter? It's unusual for you to ask such... Sudden questions."
Yumi looks away in embarrassment.
"I just wanted to know... Well... If I could use some of your gear to get better in combat... Or you make a duplicate... No pressure, Nya, I just-!"
Nya chuckles and pats friend's back.
"Don't worry, I'm fine with that! I can't give you the mech, but I can find something to fit you... Do you keep in mind that you have to know how to use this gear?"
"Is it necessary?.. You know, I'm not a friend of technologies..." Yumi sighs with a shrug. "Maybe, I shouldn't have asked it in this case..."
"Easy, there's nothing bad, really! I can teach you some thingies if you want it so bad."
"... Uh, Nya, I think I've changed my mind. I don't want to damage anything."
"Woah, Yumi, is that what you're worried about? When I mentioned the skills of controlling, I was concerned if you get injured! Some metal parts are quite heavy."
Yumi doesn't seem to understand Nya's preoccupation.
"Do you like the dish?" she asks to change the topic.
"Oh, yeah! It's great."
"I'm glad you're glad."
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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╔ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╝❀╚ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ╗
❀ Prompt: Companion
❀ Main characters: Sensei Garmadon, Yumi(OC), Zane
❀ Timeline: Between seasons 2 and 3
❀ Summary: Yumi has a hard time when she doesn't understand her purpose. She only embarks on the path of accepting her essence of the Dream Master.
❀ Word count: 547
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Yumi, as always, stays after the lesson for extra exercise. As children leave the territory of school, Sensei Garmadon sits down in front of her with reassuring smile.
"Are you ready?" he asks.
"I guess so..." she replies with a sigh.
Mentor's smile fades, his face turns serious.
"You guess? No, that's not the spirit. Is something bothering you?"
"N-no, Sensei, I'm ready," Yumi closes her eyes to get started.
"This won't do. I ask again: is something bothering you?"
Yumi is silent for a few seconds, hesitating and crumpling the edge of her shirt. "I... I just have a question."
"Master... Why do we carry on? I mean, am I even needed as much as you assume? It's a peaceful time, and also Ninja are doing well on their own, I don't think I can be helpful... I'm afraid they don't really need the Dream Master."
Garmadon sighs heavily, as if about to say something important and at the same time difficult.
"Listen to me, Yumi. The peace is fragile. The least imbalance leads to consequences... And it's not only about Ninjago. It's also about a team which can be destroyed due to disagreement. Do you get this part?"
Yumi nods.
"Being a Dream Master is not about fighting alongside. It's about keeping the balance. Dream Masters used to be at the back and help Elemental Masters to recover after tough battles. They chose to use their powers to heal, not to fight. They were never warriors, but great companions."
Yumi looks at her mentor with slight perplexity. Everything Garmadon says about previous Dream Masters always seems something sublime and distant. She remains silent for a bit after the monologue's ending.
"So... Do you want to tell me that I should define myself as a companion?"
"You find your own answer to this question. If you want to think about it more, we can postpone your meditation classes until your mind is clear from uncertainty."
"... Yes, please."
"Here!" Zane reaches out and lets Falcon sit on his forearm. "It's Falcon, my friend."
Yumi looks at Falcon with pure interest. She has never seen a bird so close.
"So, you became friends with a wild predatory bird?" She asks, trying to stroke him. Falcon sharply squeaks under her hand, but does not resist.
"Well, he was constructed to be my companion, so we have some kind of connection."
Hearing these words, Yumi finally realizes why the bird's head seems too smooth and the feathers too stiff. He's made of metal.
"Oh. That is... That's a great work. Looks very... Natural," she even forgets some words. Falcon squeaks again and soars to the sky.
Yumi can't help but think of the word "companion". It's just stuck in her head like a riddle she can't solve. What does it mean to be a companion? Is she a good companion? Will it make her a good Dream Master?..
"Something's wrong, Yumi?" Zane asks in a concerned voice. "You seem sad."
"Uh... No, I'm fine," she shakes the bad thoughts off. "I think you're lucky to have Falcon and the team by your side."
"That's true. It's really good." Yumi looks at Zane's smiling face and averts her eyes.
She's the only one who must search for the solution.
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ekacucumber · 9 months
Ninjagotober 2023
by @alastair-1205
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❀ Prompt: Prophecy
❀ Main characters: Zane, Yumi(OC)
❀ Timeline: Season 11
❀ Summary: Sometimes we are unwilling to believe in bad prophecies.
❀ Word count: 716
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Yumi freezes in front of Zane in a wetsuit. She is quite surprised to see such a choice.
"Oh, good afternoon, Yumi."
"Hi..." Yumi looks at Zane in confusion. "Why are you dressed like that, underwater mission?"
"No, we're having a bathtub."
"Oh... Do we have a bathtub in the monastery?"
"Sort of, Kai and Nya are working on it right now. Do you want to join us?"
Yumi hesitates, clutching the scrolls in her hands, but firmly refuses.
"No, I promised Wu to help him in the archives this morning... I mean, it's still better than combat training."
Zane smiles and puts hand on Yumi's shoulder.
"I understand. Good luck then."
Yumi looks at Zane's face carefully and senses that something is wrong. He is concerned. He's worried. Even though he smiles, something bothers him. This thick feeling touches Yumi's mind like a thorn.
"Zane, what are you thinking about?" Yumi quietly asks.
"Um... A bathtub?"
"No-no-no, not that... Have nothing happened this morning?"
Zane's smile fades. He crosses arms over chest and looks away.
"Nothing really happened... Just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about."
"Zane." Yumi feels offended. As a Dream Master, she fully understands importance of dreams and nightmares, and it is unpleasant for her to hear such words from Zane. But Yumi tries to calmly clarify the situation. "Can you tell me about it?"
"... Okay."
Zane tells about images he saw in the vision. A burning serpent, an ice castle, a dragon with freezing breath... Yumi listens to him carefully, but gets more questions than answers. Also, all these images feel weirdly familiar to her.
"I see..." Yumi says. "That's odd for sure... So, you're afraid that these events can happen?"
"Yes," Zane nods.
"You know... We've been through a lot of things. I think we can handle everything if we stick together, no matter how cliché it may sound." She smiles. "Do you agree the team work is a dream work?"
"Yes, I agree," Zane smiles in response and even chuckles. The tension goes away.
"You guys are strong, I believe you can do everything together."
Yumi sighs with hidden envy. Sometimes she also wants to be a heroine, well, at least once.
"Hey, Zane, are you going?" Cole, dressed only in shorts and his signature soda cap, enters the corridor, calling loudly to a friend. "Oh, hi Yumi, do you want to have a bathtub? The water is just perfect."
"No, thanks, I need to do some chores, haha," Yumi adjusts the scrolls, as if hinting at how busy she is.
"Well, you don't know what you're losing!"
Yumi wraps herself more and more in a blanket in front of the fire, shivering from the cold and unbearable pain.
"Here, drink it," an old man offers her a cup of hot berry tea. "It will help you recover, girl."
Yumi has to make an effort not to spill the drink with shaking hands. After a sip, warmth spreads through her body. She sighs and closes her eyes, feeling absolutely tired.
"Thank you..." she says quietly.
"Thank those hunters who brought you here," the elder replies. "Your clothes is stange and unfamiliar. Where are you from, girl?"
"Ninjago... It's really far away from here."
"So, why did you come, girl?"
Yumi opens her eyes to look straight into elder's face.
"I'm looking for my friend Zane. Have you met him?"
"No. Sorry, I can't help you with that... You'd better rest, girl." After saying this, the elder leaves the hut.
As Yumi drinks the tea and warms up, her mind clears, and she realizes everything that have happened.
The Ninja released Aspheera. This burning serpent banished Zane to another realm. And Yumi was also sent here. The Never-realm turned out to be a deadly cold place... And a dragon with freezing breath tried to kill her.
Now Yumi understands why she has been bothered by a sense of déjà vu all this time. She had the same dream that Zane had told her about. The Dream was trying to warn both of them, but they failed to receive the message. The Dream Master failed to save her friend from the terrible future.
Yumi covers up her face with both hands and silently cries in grief.
The prophecy was fulfilled.
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