#yumeship fiction
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varganardi ¡ 6 months ago
Home - Varganardi oneshot
Words: 1K Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort. Cuss words, slight injury & mention of blood Summary: Just Laura comforting Nacho <3 Pr0ships DNI!
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He kicks off his shoes, his heart heavy with anxiety, and his head, and shoulder, pulsating with pain. The TV is on. Is she really up at this time…? Guilt creeps up, realizing she’s been up. Waiting for him to get home. And here he is, bruised up, sore and exhausted. He limps into the living room to find her, his beloved Laura, asleep under a blanket, with a documentary playing on the tv. He wants to walk up to her, hold her in his arms and seek comfort in her warm embrace. 
Instead, he sneaks - at least tries to limp quietly - to the kitchen. He opens the fridge, which is almost empty. He takes out a beer, the freezing bottle feeling good against his sweaty palms. He puts it against the bruise on his face, and hisses at the pain but then sighs in relief, when the coldness numbs the pain. It has the same effect on the bruise on his shoulder. If only it worked for feelings too. He scoffs at the thought. How bitter he sounds. 
Shit! He turns around quickly, as if paranoid it's someone else. But of course, it’s only Laura. Laura… She looks tired, but as soon as she sees the look on his face, she looks more awake, concerned. Shit. He fights the impulse to throw the bottle away. Instead, he removes it from his skin slowly, giving his girlfriend a sheepish smile. The glare he receives says: I’m not dumb. He sighs. She’s seen the bruises, of course. She’s too observant, too worried about him. Too damn stubborn. That’s what I love about her, though. 
“Hey… You awake?”
No reply. The ticking from the clock on the wall is almost a relief, because at least it’s not completely silent. Usually, he and Laura have a comfortable silence. They don’t always need, nor want to talk. They don’t need background noise either, just the company of each other. 
This is different. She crosses her arms and looks him up and down. His shoulders slumps down, and he barely notices his girlfriend's absence. He blinks his eyes and stares at the closed fridge in an attempt to lose track of time. That’s when Laura returns, but this time carrying a bottle of wound cleanser, cotton pads and band-aids. Noticing how zoned out her boyfriend looks, she takes his arm, guiding him to sit down in a chair. He almost whines when he bends his hurt leg to sit down, almost. But then yet again, Laura notices his tiny grimace. Damn it, Laura. 
“I’m fine.”
“No. You’re not.”
He doesn’t even protest when she sits on the chair next to him, and carefully helps him off with the shirt, so she can inspect his bruises. 
He can see the thousands of emotions on her face - confusion, anxiety and worry, anger, and then… She swallows hard to hide the emotions from seeing him like this. Her beloved boyfriend, exhausted and wounded next to her. She hates it, and hates his work, hates to know that she could lose him, just like that. She blinks her eyes. Not now, not now. She tells herself. 
But she’s not the only observant one. Nacho sees the pain in her face, and it kills him. 
“This will sting for a bit.” she wets the cotton pad with a solution that makes him crinkle his nose. He flinches as she puts it against his skin, dabbing at the sore skin of his shoulder, and then the face. His eyes tears up at the discomfort, but her presence, and the gentle touch, makes it feel ok. She mumbles apologies, but continues the work.
“What happened?”
I give up. He thinks. But he tells her about what happened. He tells her about work today, and everything that messed up. As he talks, she reacts to his words, but never interrupts. If it’s one person he trusts, it’s her. She’s concerned, of course, but never too judging. She hates the fact Nacho is in the cartel, but knows how difficult it is to leave. She’s stayed by his side all this time, even before they started dating. Always on his side. After some minutes the wounds are treated and his face and shoulder is covered in bandaids. I probably look ridiculous. She’s thought of everything, and he even has a bag of frozen beans against his leg, which still hurts.
All of this, for him. 
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” he whispers. Laura looks at him, her soft green eyes meeting his dark brown eyes. The pain in his voice is reflected in her eyes. They both feel it. 
“Stop it.” 
“Stop. I mean it.” She walks into the bedroom and returns to the kitchen with a new shirt for Nacho. After helping him put it on, she walks him to the couch. She’s about to leave again to go get him something, but the urge to feel her close is too overwhelming. She protests as Nacho pulls her down next to him, wrapping his strong arms around her. He just holds her like that, and she hugs him back. Laura moves her hand over his head and shoulders, in a soothing way, and Nacho melts into her touch. He inhales her shampoo and the scent, her scent, of lavender and peppermint. It smells like home. She is his home. He holds her, and wishes to never let go. 
“I love you.” Nacho mumbles, his voice hoarse with emotions. 
“I love you.” her voice too is full of emotions, and shaky. 
For the first time in what feels like forever, he allows himself to be vulnerable. His eyes burn with tears, but he doesn’t hold back. Nacho knows he doesn’t have to. Not now, not with Laura. 
“Let it out, Iggy.” she whispers. And he lets it all out. “It’ll be ok.” 
He actually believes it. 
“Stay. Don’t ever leave me.”
“Never, amore. I’m right here.” Laura’s voice is full of determination. “You’ll be ok.” 
Her words, her touch, and the reassurance is all he needs right now. He knows that whatever he faces, Laura will be by his side. 
She is his home.
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It's angst o'clock YAYYY
Been working on this one for a while, but GUYS!!!
I'm finally out of my creative block and my motivation AND inspiration to write is coming back!!! 😭💕
Here's a little Varganardi hurt/comfort :3
If you've read this far and like my writing, please share OR comment! Interactions means a lot on fanfics (or just any writing)!💕
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Taglist 💕
(Sorry if you guys don't want to be tagged in this- Lmk! <3)
@mashedpotatosinacup @jokerislandgirl32 @tireddovahkiin 
@sharkruss @stoneshipper 
@sheepie-self-ships @scarecrowbf @emmamagorobisgirlfriend 
@sunflawyer @literally-just-there @fomybeloved
Form to be added!
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autism-corner ¡ 7 months ago
get off dating apps. the love of your life is from a video game!
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deathdetermineslife ¡ 6 months ago
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"I don't want ppl to think I'm cringe—" NO. you go draw yourself smooching that fictional character RIGHT NOW. they LOVE YOU. be FREE. you have an entire community of ppl who support you, now shoo, go write that drabble!
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yume-yearning ¡ 1 month ago
i might be alone in this but
shout out to self shippers who can't handle angst with their f/o
shout out to self shippers who get too upset thinking about their f/o thinking bad about them
shout out to self shippers who explicitly avoid angst content because it overwhelms them so much
shout out to self shippers who only like fluff even if it's considered “out of character” for their f/o
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rowenasdarling ¡ 3 months ago
btw ur allowed to take ur selfship as seriously or as unseriously as u like. as long as it’s good for u and it makes u happy, u can do whatever u want. it’s not “too much” <3
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kimiko24-art ¡ 3 months ago
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and the demons are winning
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dolliepiilled ¡ 5 months ago
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your f/o having a crush on you but they’re the worst at hiding it .. always perking up at the mention of your name , getting you gifts and paying for your food , offering to take trips with you and do things for you , rambling on and on about you with their friends with the sweetest smile and flushed face , always stuck to your side whenever you’re around .. and somehow , it’s obvious to everyone but you ;3
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starshakez ¡ 2 months ago
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I love you selfshippers with "unconventional" or weird f/os
I love you selfshippers with anime f/os
I love you selfshippers with cartoon f/os
I love you selfshippers with live action f/os
I love you selfshippers with nonhuman f/os
I love you LGBT selfshippers
I love you disabled selfshippers
I love you selfshippers with obscure f/os
I love you selfshippers with well known f/os
I love you selfshippers with 100 f/os
I love you selfshippers with only 1 f/o
I love you selfshippers that don't use self inserts
I love you selfshippers that make ocs or self inserts to fit into your f/os world
I love you selfshippers that ship with a main character
I love you selfshippers that ship with a background character
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sennamybeloved ¡ 6 months ago
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HELLO ALL! welcome to another year of selfshiptober. i've noticed this is pretty much the 'official' selfship tober event now, which honestly warms my heart! i love seeing what this wonderful community does with my prompts :)
this year, i'm doing things a little differently. EACH DAY HAS TWO PROMPTS ASSIGNED TO IT. the first set is SHIPPY, while the second set is SPOOKY. you may either COMBINE THE TWO PROMPTS TOGETHER or CHOOSE ONE OF THE PROMPTS. the spooky prompts are a bit on the grittier side and probably won't appeal to most, so if you'd like to only use the first set of prompts and completely ignore the second, be my guest! on the other hand, if you prefer the gritter prompts, you can only use the second set of prompts, you can do that too! if you want an extra challenge, you can create a piece that incorporates both of the day's prompts. you can also change your approach depending on how you feel that day!
there are no hard rules for this. YOU CAN START WORKING ON THIS CHALLENGE EARLY, but i encourage you to wait until october to post anything. YOU CAN ALSO CONTINUING WORKING ON IT AFTER OCTOBER ENDS! you can drag this shit out into december for all i care. just DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF PLEASE.
without further ado, LET US PROCEED TO THE PROMPTS!
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#1. confession  |  night.
#2. blanket  |  flame.
#3. embrace  |  blood.
#4. apple picking  |  fog.
#5. all dressed up  |  blade.
#6. carnival  |  haunted.
#7. rain  |  infection.
#8. swim  |  terror.
#9. music  |  masquerade.
#10. warmth  |  claws.
#11. comfort  |  recovery.
#12. married  |  ritual.
#13. party  |  magic.
#14. date night  |  vampire.
#15. games  |  hunt.
#16. candy  |  illusion.
#17. heart  |  feast.
#18. pining  |  violent.
#19. shared hobby  |  potion.
#20. trust  |  experiment.
#21. snuggle  |  nightmare.
#22. kiss  |  scars.
#23. movie night  |  slasher.
#24. baking  |  empty.
#25. rest  |  bandages.
#26. beautiful  |  grotesque.
#27. decorations  |  cemetery.
#28. brush  |  forest.
#29. pumpkin  |  lantern.
#30. flowers  |  snow.
#31. halloween  |  death.
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TAG YOUR CREATIONS AS #SELFSHIPTOBER 2024 AND TAG ME IF YOU'D LIKE ME TO SEE! i cannot guarantee interaction as i struggle socially, but i promise i'll look at everything! HAPPY CREATING ♡
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underachieverinlove ¡ 5 months ago
im feeling really sad. u know what would make me feel better ? my f/o materializing beside me and kissing me 228363927372937383937 times
edit PROSHIP DNI ?.????? PLEASE ?????
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raixhs ¡ 2 days ago
"You're obessed with this character" no, you got it wrong. They're obsessed with ME
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rawr-smooch ¡ 7 months ago
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shot-by-cupid ¡ 1 month ago
There’s nothing wrong with wanting unconditional love from your f/o, there’s nothing wrong with being ‘the exception’ there’s nothing wrong with making ur self ship super lovey dovey- there is nothing wrong with making your f/o love you in the way you want to be loved!!!!! It’s your ship do whatever you want
proship/variants + neutrals and RPF DNI
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deathdetermineslife ¡ 2 months ago
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ily people who write angst into your selfship lore.
ily people who have the craziest, most convoluted selfship lore known to man.
ily people who write tropey selfship lore, like enemies to lovers or friends to lovers or found family or enemies to friends.
ily people who write selfship lore that has NOTHING to do with canon at all
ily people who base their selfship lore on preexisting canon characters or fanfiction or ocs.
ily people who base their selfship lore on songs or poems or specific canon dialogue.
ily people who have no selfship lore at all.
ily people who make a crazy amount of aus with their selfship, like coffee shop aus or vampire aus or soulmate aus.
ily people who aren't afraid to "be cringe" in their selfship lore, make "Mary Sue's" or overpowered s/is or whatever people think is lame.
keep doin u
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starryseafo4m ¡ 2 months ago
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• In an alternative universe your f/o is selfshiping with you<3 yeah you! They weep and cry and think it's so unfair that you are a fictional character in their universe and would die to just get a glimpse of you in all of your glory!
• Btw you might not know it but they are writing a s/i x f/o fanficition right now and they can't help but have a stupid smile on their face while doing so. Literally one of the things that keeps them at peace is fantasizing about you and them cuddling each other to sleep.
• And if their respective universe has merch of you, you bet that they have spent at least a thousand dollars to get their hands on a plush version of yourself<3
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blushingclues ¡ 5 days ago
me going home after a long day to see my husband (he is fictional)
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