#yuma isogai x oc
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wings--of--freedom · 2 days ago
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Name: Mei Hayashi
Age: 15
Appearance: Short dark red hair (usually in a ponytail), brown eyes
Job: Student (Kunugigaoka Junior High School and Kunugigaoka High School), Baker/Business Owner (post-timeskip)
Favourite Subjects: Home Economics (baking/cooking), Languages (Japanese and English)
Least Favourite Subject: Geography
Hobbies: Baking, Track and Field
Partner: Yuma Isogai
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0 notes
aritsukemo · 3 months ago
Our Home | Prologue - The New Assignment! | AssClass
Summary: After another dead end in their current assignment, three assassin siblings are given a new assignment. One more deadly and much more interesting than any mission they've experienced!
Warnings: Reader is referred to with genderfluid pronouns throughout this story, but for this chapter, they're mainly referenced/called using he/him pronouns. That said, any references towards their gender is left purposefully vague as for all to enjoy! Torture scene ahead so possible gore ahead! ( Reader uses their gun as a torture weapon and their captive is shot numerous times ). Codenames are thrown around a lot in this. ( None of the main characters shown this chapter go by their actual names ).
A/N: Hey ya'll! Sorry I went off the radar for a bit..I got sick, heh- 😅 I'm still recovering plus my Thanksgiving break is filled to the brim with me working so anything new after this probably won't come til closer to Thanksgiving Day ( if at all ). On a more positive note, me transferring this old, mainly abandoned fanfic has got me wanting to rewatch Assassination Classroom. Maybe if I get the motivation, I'll actually continue this, who knows..
Tagging: @nursedflowers ( Because I love their commentary ) + Anyone who wants to be tagged! <3
Next Chapter
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Third Person Pov, on the 57th floor of Mirai Hotel
 "Oh you're so funny, Mr. Kobayashi! Who knew you could be such a charmer?" A small giggle slips past the woman's cherry red lips as they gently curve upwards. The businessman who's arm she hangs on seemed completely enthralled as his eyes darted from her glossed lips to her chocolate brown hair that was pinned up by a jeweled hairpin.
  "Please, call me Takashi." He says as he brings one of his hands to his hair. The callous skin of his fingers sliding through his sliver locks with ease. The woman nods her head, her smile widening only to drop at the sight of the man's sudden frown.
 "What's wrong?" She asks, but he doesn't respond. She stares at him for a moment, waiting for his response but when he continues to remain silent, she follows his gaze and looks behind them to see her bodyguard dressed down in a black suit and matching sunglasses.
 "Does he bother you?" She whispers, her cool voice sliding into his ear which manages to recapture his attention and makes him finally pull his eyes away from the boy to look at her.
 "Huh?" He blurts out rather dumbfoundedly.
 "Does my bodyguard's presence bother you?" She repeats, her eyes narrowing a bit as she keeps steady eye contact with him. Takashi stiffens. The woman notices and moves her hand to touch his tense shoulders where she gives him a gentle squeeze and a golden smile that deserves one hundred awards.
 "Don't be so nervous. I was simply asking a question," She cooed. Her hands begin to trail upwards, her cold fingertips tickling the skin of his neck as they slide up until they reach his face where they cup the plump of his cheeks.
 "How about we go somewhere? Although this hotel is nice, I'd much prefer to go somewhere more..romantic," She leans against him, her breast jiggling a little as they collide with his chest which doesn't go unnoticed by the older male, "Do you know of any place like that?" 
 He gulps, trying his best to smile off the butterflies in his stomach. Alas, all he managed to do was present her an awkward smile, "Oh, uh.. I- I know a few places.."
 With a mental smirk forming in her head, the woman pulls away, her award-winning smile stretching in glee as she claps her hands, "Excellent! Then let's not waste any time," She moves to stand a little behind him, her smooth, soft hand touching his back and giving him a gentle push. He looks back at her, beginning to raise his eyebrow as she gives him another push.
 "Go on ahead without me and I'll join you in a bit. I need to send him off," She gestures towards her bodyguard, "What I plan to do with you..heh, let's just say it's not something a kid like him should see."
At her comment the wealthy man's entire face flushes, his mind creating all types of scenarios as he nods dumbly and turns, walking away without any further compliants.
 "Don't have too much fun without me!" As the man boards the elevator at the end of the hall, one of his last sights is her side profile. Her sparkling eye, a polished, perfectly stretched smile, a cherry blush painting her porcelain skin, and her hand waving goodbye to him. It's a shame the doors closed before he could wave back..
As soon as those steel doors closed and that waste of space was out of her sights, the woman saw no reason in keeping up her act. As quick as a snap of a finger, her apple colored lips twist into a rotten frown and her smooth skin is wrinkled by her eyebrows as they scrunch to form a deep v. It was like watching a beautiful butterfly transform into an ugly slug.
..But in her bodyguard's eyes, she seemed pretty much the same.
 "Alright, listen up brat. You needa' scram," She snapped, her voice once soft and tender now grating like a knife scratching against a chalkboard, "I originally hired ya' ass because I thought you were decent enough to do ya' job and stay in the background but I seemed to be wrong."
 "Now, if I see you hangin' around me anymore, I'll make sure yer never able to find a job in this country again."
And with that final warning leaving her lips, she resets. Her pretty mask returns and she smiles at the boy. Although to him, her smile seemed rather oily, "Now, a very wealthy man..whatever his name was..is waiting for me right now so I musn't waste anymore time on you," And without so much as a goodbye, she turns on her heel and walks off in the direction of the elevator, completely unaware of her now fired bodyguard's earpiece buzzing to life.
 "Shifting to plan b, you must secure the target's location before pursing any further actions. She's is approximately five meters away and is increasing the distance between you two every fifteen hundred milliseconds."
 "I will disable the elevator shortly after she boards it. Based on my calculations, she will end up on the seventeenth floor in roughly five minutes and fifteen seconds and counting. I trust that you'll be able to descend forty floors in that time."
Oh they'll manage. As he was continuously being fed information, the bodyguard decided that the obvious way down was to take the stairs. Running the opposite way the woman went and taking a sharp left, he wasted no time in grabbing the knob, twisting it, and opening the sliver door that led to the winding staircase. And without so much as a second thought, they jump over the railing and begin their freefall down.
..What? Surprised? Running down all those steps would take too much time and energy. Plus, as long as he doesn't die, this way down should be fine.
Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven.. Second by second he passes by floors until he finally catches a glimpse at the steel plating that reads '20'. He waits for another second to pass before he decides to act, reaching his arms out and grabbing onto the railing.
After let himself dangle for a moment, the bodyguard tightens their grip on the railing, they swing forward then back then forward again, steadily building up momentum until his body eventually swings back enough to flip completely and he's able to swing over the railing, landing silently in front of the door that reads the number '17'. Perfect.
 "As expected, you arrived early. The target will be arriving on the floor in another three minutes and thirty-nine seconds and counting. All the necessary cameras have been disabled and I've already gained access to all of the vacant deluxe rooms on this floor. When the target steps on the floor, the closest room will be '128' however, rooms '131', '133', and '134' can also be used if the situation calls for it."
Opening the door and walking down the hall, the bodyguard leans against a dim corner that gives him the perfect view of the elevator. He then leans back, crosses his arms, and waits.
About two minutes pass and the dinging of the elevator signals to the entire floor that a new visitor has arrived. One that seemed rather confused by her destination.
 "What the hell," She mumbles under her breath, her hand coming up to click the floor button that reads '1', mumbling a slew of curses under her breath when nothing happens.
 "Damnit.. Whatever. I'll just take the stairs," Stepping off the elevator, the woman walks right past her now fired bodyguard as if she never noticed him standing in the corner at all. She walks without a care in the world, her hips swishing left then right then left in a rhythm as she passes each room, completely unaware of the eyes that watch her.
When he's gained a comfortable distance away, the bodyguard straightens his posture and follows after her. His steps slow. Left foot then right foot, then left again, making sure to walk just behind her. His hips begin to sway left then right then left in a rhythm and just like that he's made her presence his own, going completely under her radar with ease.
And just as his unsuspecting prey passes the room with the golden plating that read '134', he strikes. Like a hungry viper ready to feast, he quickens his pace in an instant and closes the distance. Arms snake around her neck and right under chest where they latch on with a tight grip. Her eyes widen but that's the only thing she can manage to do before her body gives in and falls limp. She can't panic, move, or speak. It's like some imaginary poison has entered her system and has managed to immobilize her entire being. What's more is that it spreads to her consciousness, wrapping it's toxin around in a suffocating embrace and causing her to finally slip into complete unconsciousness..
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Softness floods the senses, wrapping around the body and threathening to swallow it whole in it's comforting embrace. At the same time, discomfort cages the body, suspending it and robbing it of that comfort. As eyelids twitch and flutter open, dark brown eyes are immediately met with a blurred sight due to it's tears acting as a semi-transparent wall that impairs their view. As the senses flood in slowly, there's a quick realization that the softness felt was beneath in the form of silk sheets. Furthermore, as the body stirs, a stinging pain quickly takes over, rooting from the arms and legs.
..Wait, are these..ropes?
 "Are you awake, Ms. Aiko?" A voice calls. One that tingles the senses from the familiarity of it and in a way, helps finally ground the woman. Fluttering her eyelids and blinking away the teary wall that blurs her vision, she cranes her head slowly to the side and the sight she's met with sends a chill down her spine.
Sitting in front of the large windows that align the walls and provide the only source of light through a crack in the black curtains sits a shadowed figure who's eyes gleam in the moonlight and stare down her tied up figure with eyes of a hungry predator that's ready to consume it's meal at any given moment.
 "Wh.. Who are you?" She squeaks out, voice shakier than an unstable bridge ready to give out which she takes note of and in turn, bites her lip in an attempt to calm her nerves.
 "Shouldn't you be worried about other, more important things, miss?" The figure asks cooly as they cross their legs over the other and clasps their hands together, "I have some questions for you. Answer them honestly and—"
 "I don't care—!" With a squeeze of a finger her words die in her throat as a gun briefly shatters the silence of the room. On instinct, the woman's eyes slam shut and her mind shoots to the worst case scenario. However as the silence returns and nothing seems to happen, her eyes crack open and she looks up, her heart skipping a beat when she does. A bullet had slammed into the delicate woodwork of the headboard just inches above her head, cracking it's beautiful form and making her heart drop.
"You shouldn't interrupt others. It's rude," The figure scolds, but their words fall upon deaf ears. The woman seemed more interested in the fact that she was almost shot in the head rather than the person who almost shot her in the head, if her refusing to look away from the hole in the headboard was any indicator of that.
 "As I was saying, I have a few questions for you. Answer them honestly and you won't have much to worry about," The figure holds up two fingers, their other hand continuing to keep their gun pointed at her and their finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any given moment.
 "I'm only giving you two more chances. Interrupt me again or refuse to answer and..well you understand, right? Nod your head if yes," Finally, the woman forces her eyes away from the bullet-pierced bedpost. She looks over, ignoring the clammy feeling she gets when she locks eyes with the figure, and nods her head.
 "Good.. For the past month, you've been kidnapping children and selling them off to someone. I need you to tell me who that is."
 "Huh?" The noise the woman lets out is rather exasperated but she quickly closes her mouth when the figure's eyes narrow. There's her opportunity, she thinks. Although risky, a small chance to get out of this situation is better than having none.
 "I don't know what you're talking about," She begins, her voice softening as her lips begin to stretch into a sheepish smile in the darkness, "I feel a tad bit insulted that you would assume I would do something so degrading--"
 "I have photo evidence that says otherwise," And just like that, the thread of opportunity snaps, "Embezzlement, first degree murder, aggravated assualt, extortion, the list goes on.." With each crime that leaves their lips, the woman's smile gets smaller and smaller until it was nowhere to be found, "I have enough evidence of your crimes to get you life in prison. However, if you comply and answer my questions honestly, I'll convince the police to reduce your sentence to.." A pause, "..Half that long."
 "Are you..threatening me?" As the words leave her lips, her teeth clench and grind, "Are yer' seriously threatenin' me? Do you have any idea who I am? With one phone call I could ruin yer' entire life! I--!"
 "If you don't have a name, it would help to describe their attributes, mannerisms, and or any ticks they may have. If you can't give me that, describe their voice and dialects--"
 "I'm not givin' you shit!" The woman shouts, "'Little brat thinks they can command me? Do you know what I'm capable of, I can—" With another squeeze of a finger, white hot flashes obscure her vision and a sharp, blood-curlding scream forces it's way out of her throat. Crimson drips from her shattered kneecap, the red liquid pooling out and staining the expensive bedding below.
Good thing these walls are soundproof.
Amidst her shrieks of pain, the figure seems completely unfazed. As if having done this countless times and as if her screams were some sort of familiar tune, they don't jump or tense up. They simply sit there and wait for her screeching to die down, silently hoping that she doesn't pass out like the last one did.
But it's no worry really. Although a bit inconvenient, they'll admit, they have ways of waking her if something like that does occur.
Lucky enough for them, that doesn't seem to be the case. Although big, clumpy tears roll down her cheeks and her body trembles violently, she's remains awake. A little out of it, yes, but conscious nonetheless.
 "That was strike two," The figure's voice rings out, speaking a tad bit louder so that their voice could hopefully be heard over the ringing that's probably going on in the woman's ears from the pain of being shot, but also remaining calm enough not to come off as aggressive, "I'll ask you one more time.."
 "Who is the person you've abducted kids for and what do they plan to do with them? 
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 "Oh, you're done?" As the bodyguard enters an alleyway that's a few blocks from Mirai Hotel, a bouncy, almost honeyed voice is what he's greeted with, "You took longer than usual. Did you get anything useful out of her?"  
 "No, I did not," He answers simply only for a groan to be heard immediately after. As the person steps forward into the light, revealing a girl who's hoodie serves to conceal the majority of her appearance aside from her fringed bangs which poke out and covers her forehead.
 "Damn, so another dead end? And here I thought you took so long because you were gathering intel or something.." She grumbles, her lips beginning to form into a pout.
 "Without the necessary distraction from you, it took longer to get her in a secluded area where I could make my move," The bodyguard speaks, crossing his arms.
"Don't blame everything on me. I did my part and distracted that perv' she was with and even managed to get him to leave the hotel. Plus, even if things didn't go exactly as planned, you still managed just fine," Despite her words, the bodyguard didn't seem all that happy with her straying from the plan. Although to others, his face seemed relatively neutral.
 "Stop glaring at me like that," The girl said, waving her hand in a carefree manner, "You're alive aren't you? I don't know why you're getting so worked up."
 "..Moving on from that, why are the higher ups making us of all people play detective and investigate the abductions? Shouldn't the police be doing this?" She asks.
 "I don't know."
 "Would it kill you to be give more than a one-shot answer every once in a while?"
 "( Assassin Codename ), are you there? Did you succeed in gathering intel on the kidnapped children?" A familiar voice rings in the bodyguard's— er, assassin's ear, successfully pulling him away from the conversation at hand.
Bringing a hand up to signal to the girl to be quiet, the assassin brings his other hand up to hold down on the small button on his earpiece, "I couldn't get anything useful out of her."
A sigh is heard, "I thought so.. Someone will be arriving shortly to pick up both you and Inari. They will be escorting you to Rei's office."
 "Does it involve another assignment?" He asks which immediately catches the other assassin's attention and causes her to look at ( Assassin Codename ) with a rather exasperated expression.
 "Another assignment? We literally just finished one! I know we're the higher ups' favorites, but would it hurt them to give us a break before putting us on another exhausting mission?" She asks, waving her hands around in all types of directions to better show her distress.
 "Why are you complaining? You barely did anything," ( Assassin Name ) says flatly.
 "How can you say that? I'll have you know I was working very hard.." As Inari begins her rant of all the things she has done to help out, and occassionally slipping in the times she's helped in past operations, ( Assassin name ) eventually tunes her out. As a black car slowly pulls to a stop in front of the alleyway, the assassin turns on his heel and walks off. Promptly ignoring the curses that are thrown at him as Inari follows after them. 
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"This is ridiculous! What kind of scenarios ran through my seniors' minds to make them think that we would be compatible enough to work together?" The male grumbled as he took another once over at the information on the papers he was given.
 "Oh c'mon, don't get so angry, Kazu'," The pink-haired hitman drawled, walking over to his counterpart's desk which had the nameplate that read 'Kazuhiko Rei' standing tall in the center front.
With a lazy smile on his face, he swings his arms around the hazel-eyed male, "You get to work with your best buddy and the world's greatest hitman! You should be jumping with joy!"
With a scoff, the suited agent pushes him off with a forceful roll of his shoulder which causes the younger male to chuckle.
"As always, your arrogance knows no bounds, Ryūji."
As if he had been shot in the heart, Ryūji clutches his chest and staggers back. His expression morphing into one of faux agony as his brows knit together and his hand comes up to fall dramatically over his forehead.
 "I can't believe you can be so cruel to me! Help me out here, Rina!" At the call of her codename, the girl sitting on the lush couch pauses, her hands stilling above the keys of her laptop as she looks over, her lips stretching into a smile.
 "Well logically speaking, I can't provide an accurate estimate since I don't know the details of this assignment yet. However, I can give you my educated guess based on your compatibility in past operations you've had together as well as the statistics of your own individual skill sets," She said, already beginning to type the numbers into her computer when Rei signals to her to stop.
 "That won't be needed, Rina. Please, do not insult your own intelligence by humoring this fool any longer," He says.
Retracting her hands from the keyboard, Rina eyes fall closed as she nods her head, "Very well then."
 "Huh.. Why do I feel betrayed all of a sudden?" Ryūji asks no one in particular.
With a sudden burst pulling everyone in the room away from the conversation, the doors to Rei's office swing open and Inari comes running in, her straight-faced colleague walking in shortly after her.
 "We're here!" Inari says in a sort of sing-songy voice, getting a mixture of different greetings as a response. Initially her smile widens, but as her eyes fall on Ryūji, who was now splayed out on the couch parallel to the one Rina sat on, her mouth falls open slightly and her eyes widen as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
 "Ryūji?" As she nears him, the hitman stretches his arm out, his hand balled into a fist as he waits for her to reciprocate the action.
 "Long time no see, kid," He says and her smile quickly returns. Balling up her hand, Inari eagerly fists bumps with the pink-haired hitman and in response to that, he laughs and throws his arm around her shoulders, pulling her down so that he could ruffle her hair.
 "Why are you here?" ( Assassin Codename ) questions.
 "First time seeing me in three years and that's what you ask me? And here I thought you'd be running into my arms," He jokes, but the assassin doesn't laugh nor roll his eyes. He doesn't react much at all really. 
 "The government has, for some odd reason, hired Ryūji to work alongside us on this operation," Rei says, his deep, mellow voice capturing everyone's attention.
 "Us?" Inari repeats, "You're going to be involved too? What, are aliens taking over the world or something?" She jokes. Her brow raising when she spots Ryūji making a face at her comment.
 "I'll explain the details in a moment. Firstly, would either of you like some tea? I've just restocked yesterday," Rei asks, sliding his chair back so that he can stand up and walk out from behind his desk.
( Assassin Codename ) walks over to the couch where Rina types who knows what into her laptop and sits down, "I'll have ( Tea of Choice )," He says, as the long haired girl beside her halts and glances up at Rei.
 "May I have a refill?" She asks, having long finished her chamomile tea before the other two arrived. Rei nods his head, "Of course."
 "Peppermint for me!" Inari exclaims which gains a few sideways looks from her two partners in crime.
"What?" She inquires as Rei walks out of the room to fetch the tea.
"It's nothing really," Rina says, "..but I thought you would've grown out of this phase by now.."
Inari brow quirks up, a vein flexing on the corner of her face, "Like that flowery bullshit taste any better."
"It does taste better. Research shows that—"
 "—My research shows that it tastes like watered-down grass," Inari interrupts.
As the two began bickering, Ryūji pouts. Not due to their pointless argument, but because of the blonde-headed agent who walked out a few moments ago.
 "How come he didn't ask me if I wanted anything?" He asks which only catches ( Assassin Codenames )'s attention, the other two being too indulged in their dispute to hear him.
 "You don't like tea," They answer simply and like some moody teenager, Ryūji's pout deepens, a small 'hmph' slipping from his lips as he crosses his arms.
 "Yeah but he could've still offered me some."
 "Hey, ( Assassin Codename )!" Inari calls, "You have taste. Set Rina straight already so that we can move on from this."
 "Both teas possess a distasteful flavor. I'm not partial to either."
 "Ugh! You're hopeless!" Inari shouts. Rina looks at her with an almost disappointed look.
 "It was immature of you to try and drag a third party into our conversation in order to win an argument," She scolds, using an almost motherly tone. Inari rolls her eyes.
 "Yeah, yeah whatever.." As that grumbled comment leaves her lips, Inari chooses to plop down on the small space left on the couch that Ryūji was laying on. Shortly after doing so, the doors to the office open and Rei comes rolling in with a small cart.
As the light smell of different teas fill the air, Rei hands ( Assassin Codename ) and Inari their cups of tea before grabbing the gaudy-looking teapot and pouring Rina some chamomile tea in her matching teacup. He then wheels the cart over to a corner before walking back over to his desk and sitting down.
 "So.. Don't keep us in suspense, what's this new assignment about?" Inari says after a while.
 "Yes," Rei clasps his hands together, his eyes narrowing, "We're all aware about the incident that happened two months ago? The one involving our moon being turned into a permanent crescent seemingly in an instant?"
 "How could we forget?" Inari said, leaning back against the couch, "Those stick in the mud higher ups of ours have been losing their shit over it ever since."
 "Well a week or so after that happened, we captured an alien-like being who we have reason to believe is responsible for that incident. Unfortunately, we're having trouble with destroying it."
 "Are these details relevant to the assignment?" ( Assassin Codename ) cuts in. Rei nods his head.
 "Yes, you see, about a month ago the creature made the odd request to teach a class of poor-preforming students at Kunugigaoka Junior High."
 "And our superiors agreed to this arrangement?" Rina asks, her brows beginning to knit together, "Having civilians come in such close contact with this creature will increase the difficulty of killing the creature and tremendously decrease our success rate. And, that's not counting the possible causalities that could happen."
  "I understand your concerns. I myself was skeptical of the idea of allowing the fiend around defenseless children, however the creature has sworn not to bring any harm to the students and is completely fine with them attacking as they see fit. Plus, government officials will be there to oversee everything so in that aspect, we have nothing to worry about."
 "But what's stopping it from attacking them? You said it yourself that even with the government's advanced technology and resources they were unable to defeat it so what's preventing it from doing whatever it wishes to?" She retorts.
 "We don't understand it's reasoning behind this nor can we one hundred percent guarantee the kids' safety but regardless, we don't have much of a choice. You see, when the creature proposed this idea it also made the proclamation that it will blow up the earth within a year's time."
 "So they're panicking.." Inari mumbles, referring to her superiors, "Heh.. How pathetic," She sneers, "..But I guess it's not all bad. Think if we take it's head they'll actually pay us for our efforts?"
 "Actually, they will. If we manage to succeed, they're agreeing to pay us a rather hefty sum of money—ten billion yen, to be precise," Rei explains causing everyone, aside from a certain monotonous someone, to gape in shock.
 "You serious?" Inari is the one to break the silence, her gaze seeming almost skeptical as she awaits for him to answer.
 "Am I one to joke about something like this?" Rei asks only for Ryūji to follow up with, "Yeah, is he one to joke at all?"
Rei continues, "We would, of course, split the ten billion among ourselves, but I'm sure none of you mind having two billion yen to keep for yourself. If you do, I can divide Ryūji's share among you three."
 "Hey, how come I'm gettin' a pay cut and we haven't even got the ten billion yet?"
Ignoring him, Rei focuses his attention on the three assassins' before him, "So, do you believe you all can handle this task? As you already know, there is no room for failure."
 "Not like we have much of a choice," Inari says, "And even if I did, I wouldn't want to leave the fate of my future to a buncha' punks."
 "That's rich coming from you, Inari," Rina quips. She then turns to look at ( Assassin Codename ) who seemed more or less unfazed by the entire situation as he sipped his tea.
 "What do you think would be the right course of action, ( Assassin Codename )?" Rina asks and suddenly everyone's eyes are on him, not that he cares.
Slowly, he lowers the teacup from his mouth, "Isn't it obvious?" He asks, and as if everything revolved around him in this moment, the atmosphere seems to completely change.
Upon first glance, it goes unnoticed, but as the assassin looks up, his gaze sharper than any dagger he may have hidden and more dangerous than any murderous fiend or wild animal, the bloodlust that exudes them becomes all the more apparent.
 "I'll make short work of it." 
A whistle of amusement breaks the silence before it even has the time to begin, "Well then it's settled! Team Pink is in business!" Ryūji cheers. Inari following up with a similar noise of glee.
Rei lets out a long sigh, his hand coming up to prop his head up, "I can already feel a headache coming on.."
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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dragon430 · 4 years ago
Commission and Request Sheet
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Commissions are temporarily closed Requests are temporarily closed
I will take 10 Requests or Commissions at once
Commission Spots Taken: 0 Request Spots Taken: 0
🔥 This Commission/Request Sheet is for Editing, OC Inserts & X-Readers.
🔥 You can ask for a Commission or a Request either by Direct/Private Message on Tumblr or through an ask/post on my page.
🔥 DC characters from movies and comics are grouped together in one large category (DC) while specific TV series are listed by the series name.
🔥 Marvel characters from comics, live action movies (including Deadpool, Fantastic Four and X-Men), and live action TV series are grouped together in a larger category (Marvel) while anything animated as well as the Venom Movies are listed by the series name. 
🔥 If you request a character that is quite young in the fandom, I will typically age them up to at least the age of a young teen or young adult (12-20) for a dating/romantic X-Reader (if it’s for a platonic or familial X-Reader they can be their canon age). Though how far I age them up depends on what “activities” they are doing. Some examples being if you ask for when they first grow crushes on each other I would probably keep them their canon age or just a tiny bit older. For a soft first kiss scenario I’ll age them up from 12-15. Or if you want something like a make out session, they will be aged up around 16 or older. And of course, for anything NSFW related they will aged up to 18+. The only exception to this rule is if you specifically ask for them to be older than their canon age to fit your story as long as it is fit their actions.
🔥 Characters, Fandoms, Rules and Commission Prices below the cut.
Fandoms and Characters I write for:
101 Dalmatians (Live Action Version): Cruella De Vil
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Accel World: Ash Roller & Yellow Radio
Adventure Time: Finn, Fionna, Flame King, Flame Prince, Flame Princess, Marceline, Marshall Lee & Prince Gumball
Aladdin (Animated And Live Action Versions): Aladdin & Jasmine
Alice In Wonderland (Live Action Version): Alice Kingsleigh, Cheshire Cat, Iracebeth/The Red Queen, Mirana Marmoreal/The White Queen & Tarrant Hightopp/Mad Hatter
American Gods: Bilquis, Liam Doyle, Mad Sweeney, Mr. Ibis, Mr. Jacquel, Mr. Nancy, Ostara, Shadow Moon & Technical Boy/Telephone Boy/Quantum Boy
Angels Of Death: Isaac "Zack" Foster
Arcane:  Ambessa Medarda, Cecil Heimerdinger, Ekko, Jinx/Powder, Sevika, Silco, Vander, Violet “Vi” & Viktor
Assassination Classroom: Gakuho Asano, Gakushu Asano, Irina Jelavic, Itona Horibe, Karma Akabane, Korosensei/The Reaper, Nagisa Shiota, Ryoma Terasaka, Tadaomi Karasuma & Yuma Isogai
A Tender Heart: Evelina & Liandro
Attack On Titan: Annie Leonhardt, Eren Jaeger, Erwin Smith, Furlan Church, Jean Kirschtein, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Nile Dox, Porco Galliard & Reiner Braun
Avatar Movies: Ao'nung, Jake Sully, Kiri, Lo’ak, Miles Quaritch, Miles "Spider" Socorro, Neteyam, Neytiri, Ronal, Rotxo, Tonowari, Tsireya & Tsu'tey
Avatar The Last Airbender: Aang, Azula, Katara, Sokka, Toph & Zuko
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Bad Samaritan: Cale Erendreich & Sean Falco
Baldur’s Gate: Astarion Ancunín, Gale Dekarios, Karlach Cliffgate,  Lae'zel,  Mizora & Wyllyam “Wyll” Ravengard
Beastars: Bill, Gohin, Juno, Legoshi, Louis, Melon & Pina
Beauty And The Beast (Animated And Live Action Versions): Beast/Prince Adam, Belle & Gaston
Beetlejuice Musical: Beetlejuice & Lydia
Beetlejuice TV Show: Beetlejuice & Lydia
Belle: Kei (Beast), Shinobu Hisatake & Suzu Naito (Belle)
Ben 10: Ben Tennyson (+ Aliens), Gwen Tennyson & Kevin Levin
Ben 10 (Alien Force): Albedo, Ben Tennyson (+ Aliens), Charmcaster, Gwen Tennyson & Kevin Levin
Ben 10 (Omniverse): Albedo, Ben Tennyson (+ Aliens), Charmcaster, Gwendolyn Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Kyhber & Rook
Ben 10 (Ultimate Alien): Albedo, Ben Tennyson (+ Aliens), Charmcaster, Gwen Tennyson & Kevin Levin
Bendy And The Ink Machine: Bendy/Ink Demon & Sammy Lawrence
Beyblade Metal Fusion (& Metal Masters): Da Xiang Wang, Gingka Hagane, Kyōya Tategami, Masamune Kadoya, Nile, Reiji Mizuchi, Ryūga Kishatu, Ryūtaro Fukami, Sora Akatsuki, Tsubasa Otori, Yu Tendo & Zhou Xing
Big Hero Six: Baymax, Gogo Tomago, Hiro Hamada & Tadashi Hamada 
Black Butler: Agni, Alois Trancy, Cheslock, Ciel Phantomhive, Dagger, Doll/Freckles, Drossel Keinz, Edward Midford, Grell Sutcliff, Joker, Jumbo, Sebastian Michaelis, Snake, Soma Asman Kadar, Undertaker & William T. Spears
Black Clover: Asta, Charlotte Roselei, Fuegoleon Vermillion, Gajah, Gordon Agrippa, Jack The Ripper, Julius Novachrono, Kiato, Klaus Lunettes, Ladros, Leopold Vermillion, Liebe, Luck Voltia, Magna Swing, Mars, Mereoleona Vermillion, Nacht Faust, Neige, Noelle Silva, Nozel Silva, Patolli, Rades Spirito, Rill Boismortier, Vetto, William Vangeance, Yami Sukehiro, Yuno Grinberryall & Zora Ideale 
Bleach: Äs Nödt, Bazzard Black “Bazz-B”, Byakuya Kuchiki, Coyote Starrk, Gin Ichimaru, Gō Koga, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Hichigo, Hōzukimaru, Hyōrinmaru, Ichigo Kurosaki, Ikkaku Madarame, Isshin Shiba/Kurosaki, Jinta Hanakari, Kazeshini, Kenpachi Zaraki, Kensei Muguruma, Kisuke Urahara, Kon, Kūgo Ginjō, Kurōdo, Mabashi, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nnoitra Gilga, Noba, Pesche Guatiche, Renji Abarai, Ryūken Ishida, Sajin Komamura, Senbonzakura, Shinji Hirako, Shūhei Hisagi, Sōsuke Aizen, Szayelaporro Granz, Tōshirō Hitsugaya, Ulquiorra Cifer, Uryū Ishida, Yammy Llargo, Yasutora “Chad” Sado, Yoruichi Shihōin, Yukio Hans Vorarlberna, Yumichika Ayasegawa & Zabimaru “Snake and Monkey”
Blood Of Zeus: Apollo, Ares, Hades & Seraphim
Blood Lad: Staz Charlie Blood & Wolf
Blue Exorcist: Amaimon, Mephisto Pheles, Reiji Shiratori, Rin Okumura, Ryuji “Bon” Suguro, Shiro Fujimoto & Yukio Okumura
Blue Lock: Adam Blake, Eita Otoya, Gin Gagamaru, Hyoma Chigiri, Jingo Raichi, Julian Loki, Jyubei Aryu, Kenyu Yukimiya, Kazuma Nio, Leonardo Luna, Meguru Bachira, Oliver Aiku, Rensuke Kunigami, Rin Itoshi, Ryusei Shido, Seishiro Nagi, Shoei Baro, Tabito Karasu, Yoichi Isagi & Zantetsu Tsurugi
Blue Period: Haruka Hashida, Koigakubo, Ryuji “Yuka-chan” Ayukawa, Yatora Yaguchi & Yotasuke “Sekai-kun” Takahashi
BNA: Alan Sylvasta & Shirou Ogami
Boku No Hero Academia: Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress), Chizome Akaguro (Stain), Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt), Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot), Enji Todoroki (Endeavor), Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi), Goto Imasuji (Jail Breaker & Muscular), Himiko Toga, Hitoshi Shinso, Inasa Yoarashi (Gale Force), Izuku Midoriya (Deku), Jin Bubaigawara (Twice), Kai Chisaki (Overhaul), Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight), Keigo Takami (Hawks), Kendo Rappa (The Rapper), Kugo Sakamata (Gang Orca), Kurogiri/Oboro Shirakumo (Loud Cloud), Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack), Mezo Shoji (Tentacole), Mirio Togata (Lemillion), Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati), Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief), Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head), Shoto Todoroki (Shoto), Shuichi Iguchi (Spinner), Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum), Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater), Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Reel Steel), Tomura Shigaraki, Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Toya Todoroki (Dabi) & Yo Shindo (Grand)
Brave: Merida
Buddy Daddies: Kazuki Kurusu & Rei Suwa
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Angel, Buffy, Rupert Giles & Spike
Bungo Stray Dogs: Atsushi Nakajima, Chūya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, Kenji Miyazawa, Kyōka Izumi, Michizō Tachihara, Ōgai Mori, Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Sakunosuke Oda, Tatsuhiko Shibusawa & Yukichi Fukuzawa
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Camp Camp: Daniel, David & Max
Carmen Sandiego (2019): Carmen Sandiego, Chase Devineaux, Graham/Gray (Crackle), Player & Sheena (Tigress)
Castlevania: Alucard, Dracula, Hector, Isaac, Lenore, Striga & Trevor Belmont
Chaos Walking: Todd Hewitt
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina: Ambrose Spellman, Caliban, Lucifer Morningstar, Mambo Marie LeFleur/Baron Samedi, Prudence Blackwood, Robin Goodfellow & Sabrina Spellman
Cobra Kai: Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, Robert "Robby" Keene & Tory Nichols
Coco: Miguel Rivera
Constantine (TV Series): John Constantine & Papa Midnite
Coraline: Coraline Jones & Wybie Lovat
Creepypasta: BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Homicidal Liu, Jane The Killer, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Offenderman, Slenderman, Splendorman, Ticci-Toby & Trenderman
Criminal Minds: Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Luke Alvez, Matthew "Matt" Simmons, Mick Rawson, Penelope Garcia, Spencer "Spence" Reid & William "Will" LaMontagne, Jr
Cruella: Artie, Estella Miller/Cruella De Vi & Jasper Badun
Cursed: Arthur, Dof, Gawain, Merlin, Nimue & The Weeping Monk
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Dance With Devils: Mage Nanashiro & Shiki Natsumezaka
Danganronpa: Celestia “Celeste” Ludenberg, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Soda, Kiyotaka “Taka” Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Monokuma, Nekomaru Nidai & Sakura Ogami
Danny Phantom: Dan, Danny Fenton, Ember McLain & Skulker
DC: Alec Holland (Swamp Thing), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Chato Santana (El Diablo), Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Conner Kent/Kon-El (Superboy), Damian Wayne (Robin), Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Floyd Lawton (Deadshot), Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn), Jason Todd (Robin & Red Hood), Joker, John Constantine, Kate Kane (Batwoman), Koriand'r (Starfire), Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy), Rachel Roth (Raven), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin & Nightwing), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Tim Drake (Robin & Red Robin), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg), Waylon Jones (Killer Croc) & Zatanna Zatara (Zatanna)
DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: Astra Logue, Charlie, Damien Darhk, John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, Nora Darhk, Ray Palmer, Sara Lance & Zari Tarazi
Deadman Wonderland: Azuma Genkaku, Ganta Igarashi, Karako Koshio, Kiyomasa Senji & Toto Sakigami
Death Note: L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mello, Rem & Ryuk
Death Parade: Decim & Ginti
Demon Slayer: Aizetsu, Akaza, Genya Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Gyutaro, Hinatsuru, Inosuke Hashibira, Kanao Tsuyuri, Karaku, Kyogai, Kyojuro Rengoku, Makio, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muzan Kibutsuji, Nezuko Kamado, Obanai Iguro, Rui, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Sekido, Suma, Tamayo, Tanjiro Kamado, Tengen Uzui, Urogi, Yushiro & Zohakuten
Descendants: Carlos, Evie, Hades, Harry Hook, Jay, Mal & Uma
Devils Line: Johannes Kleeman/Hans Lee, Megumi Ishimaru, Naoya Ushio, Takashi Sawazaki, Tamaki Anzai & Yuuki Anzai
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor & River Song
Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Asar, Auroth, Bram, Carl the Invoker, Davion, Fymryn, Lina/Slayer, Luna, Nico Hieronimo, Slyrak & Terrorblade
Dream Daddy: Craig Cahn, Damien Bloodmarch, Joseph Christiansen, Lucien Bloodmarch & Robert Small
Durarara: Anri Sonohara, Aoba Kuronuma, Celty Sturluson, Izaya Orihara, Kyohei Kadota, Masaomi Kida, Mikado Ryuugamine, Mikage Sharaku, Shinra Kishitani & Shizuo Heiwajima
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Edward Scissorhands: Edward
Elemental: Ember Lumen & Wade Ripple
Encanto: Bruno Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal
Enola Holmes: Enola Holmes & Sherlock Holmes
Epic: Nod & Queen Tara
Eragon: Arya Dröttning, Durza, Eragon Bromsson & Murtagh Morzansson
Ergo Proxy: Ergo Proxy/Vincent Law, Iggy & Re-L Mayer
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Fairy Tail: Acnologia, Ajeel Raml, Aquarius, Bacchus Groh, Bickslow, Cobra/Erik, Doranbolt/Mest Gryder, Elfman Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Flare Corona, Gajeel Redfox, Gildarts Clive, Gray Fullbuster, Jackal, Jellal Fernandes, Jellal Fernandes/Mystogan, Larcade Dragneel, Laxus Dreyar, Loke (Leo), Lyon Vastia, Macbeth/Midnight, Mard Geer Tartaros, Minerva Orland, Natsu Dragneel, Orga Nanagear, Panther Lily, Racer/Sawyer, Rogue Cheney, Shô, Silver Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Vidaldus Taka, Wall Eehto, Yuri Dreyar, Zancrow & Zeref Dragneel
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Credence Barebone, Gellert Grindelwald, Jacob Kowalski, Newt Scamander, Queenie Goldstein & Theseus Scamander
Far Cry: Vaas Montenegro
Flower And The Beast: Crown Prince Muyeong
FNAF: Bonnie, Foxy, Eclipse, Freddy Fazbear, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Freddy, Mangle, Montgomery “Monty” Gator, Moon, Roxxanne Wolf, Sun & William Afton (Burntrap, Purple Guy & Springtrap)
Free!: Haruka Nanase, Makoto Tachibana, Momotaro Mikoshiba, Nagisa Hazuki, Rei Ryugazaki, Rin Matsuoka, Seijuro Mikoshiba & Sousuke Yamazaki
Frozen: Elsa & Kristoff Bjorgman
Fruits Basket (2019): Akito Sohma, Arisa Uotani, Ayame Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Kakeru Manabe, Kyo Sohma, Megumi Hanajima, Momiji Sohma, Saki Hanajima, Shigure Sohma, Tohru Honda & Yuki Sohma
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Alphonse Elric, Barry the Chopper, Edward Elric, Envy, Greed/Greedling, Ling Yao, Miles, Olivier Mira Armstrong, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Scar & Solf J. Kimblee
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Game Of Thrones: Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Ellaria Sand, Khal Drogo, Joffrey Baratheon, Jon Snow, Margaery Tyrell, Obara Sand, Oberyn Martell, Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane, Sansa Stark, Tormund Gaintsbane, Tyrion Lannister & Viserys Targaryen
Generator Rex: Rex Salazar
Gintama: Gintoki Sakata
Given: Akihiko Kaji, Haruki Nakayama, Mafuyu Sato & Ritsuka Uenoyama
Good Omens: Aziraphale & Crowley
Gotham: 514A, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Kean, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Butch Gilzean, Eduardo Dorrance (Bane), Edward Nygma (Riddler), Ivy Pepper (Poison Ivy), James "Jim" Gordon, Jeremiah Valeska, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch (The Mad Hatter), Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow), Lee Thompkins, Maria "Fish" Mooney, Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Tabitha Galavan & Victor Zsasz
Gravity Falls: Bill Cipher, Dipper Pines & Gideon Gleeful
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Haikyuu: Asahi Azumane, Daichi Sawamura, Hajime Iwaizumi, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenma Kozume, Kentarō Kyōtani, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Shōyō Hinata, Takanobu Aone, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tōru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yūji Terushima & Yu Nishinoya
Hannibal (TV Series): Hannibal Lecter
Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Sirius Black
Hazbin Hotel: Adam, Alastor, Angel Dust, Carmine, Cherry Bomb, Husk, Lucifer, Rosie, Sir Pentious, Valentino, Velvet, Vox & Zestial
Hell’s Paradise: Chōbei Aza, Eizen Yamada Asaemon, Fa Ju, Gabimaru, Gantetsusai Tamiya & Shion Yamada Asaemon 
Helluva Boss: Andrealphus, Asmodeus, Bee-lzebub, Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Loona, Mammon, Millie, Moxxie, Octavia, Robofizz, Satan, Stolas, Striker & Vassago
Hercules: Hades & Hercules
Hetalia:  Alfred F. Jones (America), AlIen F. Jones (2P America), Antonio Carriedo (Spain), Arthur Kirkland (England), Francis Bonnefoy (France), Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Ivan Braginsky (Russia), James Mathieu Williams (2P Canada), Lovino Vargas (South Italy/Romano), Ludwig (Germany) & Oliver Kirkland (2P England)
Hobbit (+ Lord Of The Rings): Aragorn II Elessar, Bard, Elrond, Éomer, Fíli, Kíli, Legolas, Smaug, Thorin II Oakenshield & Thranduil 
Homestuck: Cronus Ampora, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Disciple, Dolorosa, Dualscar, Eridan Ampora, Gamzee Makara, Grand Highblood, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas, Kurloz Makara, Mindfang, Mituna Captor, Porrim Maryam, Psionic, Rufioh Nitram, Signless, Sollux Captor, Summoner & Tavros Nitram
House Of The Dragon: Addam Of Hull, Aegon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark, Criston Cole, Daemon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Jacaerys Velaryon & Rhaenyra Targaryen
How To Train Your Dragon: Dagur The Deranged, Eret, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Valka
Hunchback Of Notre Dame: Esmeralda
Hunter X Hunter: Cheetu, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Gon Freecss, Hisoka Morow, Illumi Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck, Kite, Knuckle Bine, Kurapika, Leorio Paradinight, Menthuthuyoupi “Youpi”, Meruem, Morel Mackernasey, Neferpitou “Pitou”, Phinks Magcub, Razor, Shalnark, Shoot McMahon, Silva Zoldyck, Uvogin & Yunju
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I Failed To Oust The Villain: Reinhart
I Love Yoo: Dieter Becker-Wulff, Hansuke Shishido, Kousuke Hirahara, Shin-Ae Yoo, Soushi Toyoshima & Yeong-Gi Hirahara
Interview With A Murderer: Cicero, Jerome & Kister
Inuyasha (+ Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon): Bankotsu, Byakuya, Hisui, Hiten, Inuyasha, Jakotsu, Kagura, Kirinmaru, Kōga, Kohaku, Meidomaru, Miroku, Moroha, Naraku, Riku, Sango, Sesshōmaru, Setsuna, Shishinki, Sōta Higurashi, Towa Higurashi & Zero
Invader Zim: Dib, Gaz, Professor Membrane & Zim
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon: Ais Wallenstein, Allen Fromel, Ares, Bell Cranel, Bete Loga, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, Liliruca “Lili” Arde, Loki, Ryuu Lion, Sanjouno Haruhime, Welf Crozzo & Yamato Mikoto
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Julie And The Phantoms: Alex Mercer, Caleb Covington, Luke Patterson, Reginald "Reggie" Peters & Willie
Jujutsu Kaisen: Aoi Todo, Kento Nanami, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Panda, Ryomen Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Toge Inumaki & Yuji Itadori
Jurassic World: Owen Grady & Zach Mitchell
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K: Kuroh Yatogami, Mikoto Suoh & Misaki Yata
Kaijudo: Alakshmi Verma, Raiden “Ray” Pierce-Okamoto & Tatsurion the Unchained
Kakegurui: Ibara Obami, Kirari Momobami, Kawaru Natari/Sumika Warakubami, Midari Ikishima, Miroslava Honebami, Ririka Momobami, Ryota Suzui & Yumeko Jabami
Kamigami No Asobi: Anubis Ma'at, Apollon Agana Belea, Balder Hringhorni, Dionysus Thrysos, Hades Aidoneus, Loki Laevatein, Takeru Totsuka, Thor Megingyoruzu, Thoth Caduceus & Tsukito Totsuka
Kamisama Kiss: Akura-Ou, Jiro, Kurama, Mizuki, Otohiko, Suirou & Tomoe
Killing Stalking: Oh Sangwoo & Yoon Bum
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeast: Bad Billions, Good Billions, Hugo Oak/Scarlemagne, Kipo Oak, Lio Oak, Molly Yarnchopper & Yumyan Hammerpaw
Kiss Him Not Me: Asuma Mutsumi, Hayato Shinomiya, Kae Serinuma, Kazuma Mutsumi, Nozomu Nanashima, Shima Nishina, Takurō Serinuma & Yūsuke Igarashi
Komi Can’t Communicate: Chika Netsuno, Hitohito Tadano, Onemine Nene, Shouko Komi & Shousuke Komi
Kotaro Lives Alone: Isamu Tamaru & Shin Karino
Knives Out: Hugh Ransom Drysdale
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Legend Of Korra: Aang, Amon (Noatak), Asami Sato, Bolin, Huan Beifong, Iroh II, Kai, Katara, Korra, Kuvira, Lin Beifong, Mako, Sokka, Tahno, Toph Beifong & Zuko
Lilo & Stitch: David Kawena, Nani Pelekai & Stitch
Love And Monsters: Joel Dawson
Love, Death + Robots: Decker, Liang, Snow, Sobieski, Sonnie/Khanivore & Yan
Luca: Alberto Scorfano, Luca Paguro & Massimo Marcovaldo
Lucifer: Amenadiel, Aurora “Rory” Morningstar, Dan Espinoza, Ella Lopez, Lucifer Morningstar & Mazikeen
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Magi: Aladdin, Alibaba Saluja, Cassim, Drakon, Hakuryuu Ren, Hinahoho, Ja'far, Judar, Kouen Ren, Kouha Ren, Lo'lo', Masrur, Morgiana, Muu Alexius, Myron Alexius, Mystras Leoxses, Sharrkan Amun-Ra, Sinbad, Spartos Leoxses, Sphintus Carmen, Yamraiha & Yunan
Maid-Sama: Aoi Hyōdō, Misaki Ayuzawa, Sōtarō Kanō & Takumi Usui
Maleficent Movies: Borra, Diaval & Maleficent
Mario: Bowser, Donkey Kong, Mario & Luigi
Marvel: Alexander "Alex" Summers (Havok), Alexei Shostakov (Red Guardian), Azazel, Ben Grimm (The Thing), Brock Rumlow (Crossbones), Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Charles Xavier (Professor X), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Curtis "Curt" Connors (Lizard), Drax, Druig, Erik Killmonger, Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), Flint Marko (Sandman), Frank Castle (Punisher), Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Helmut Zemo (Baron Zemo), Henry “Hank” McCoy (Beast), Ikaris, Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night), James “Bucky” Barnes (Winter Soldier), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Jean Grey (Phoenix), Jessica Jones, Jonathan "John" Walker (U.S. Agent), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Loki Laufeyson, Makkari, Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), M’Baku, Miles Morales (Spider-Man), Namor, Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Okoye, Ororo Munroe (Storm), Otto Octavius (Doctor Octopus), Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Peter Quill (Star-Lord), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Piotr Rasputin (Colossus), Quentin Beck (Mysterio), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Robert “Bobby” Drake (Iceman), Samuel “Sam” Wilson (Falcon/Captain America), Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Sersi, Shang-Chi Xu, Shuri, Sprite, Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Sylvie Laufeydottir, T'Challa (Black Panther), Theena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Ultron, Valkyrie, Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom), Vision, Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Warren Worthington III (Angel), Wilson Fisk (Kingpin), Xialing Xu, Yelena Belova & Zebediah Kilgrave
Maximum Ride: Ari Batchelder, Fang, Iggy & Max
Max Steel: Maxwell “Max” McGrath (Max Steel) & Ven-Ghan 
Megamind: Megamind
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien Agreste (Chat Blanc, Chat Noir & Cat Walker), Alya Césaire (Lady WiFi, Rena Furtive, Rena Rouge & Scarabella), Barbara Keynes (Knightowl), Félix Graham de Vanily (Flairmidable), Juleka Couffaine (Purple Tigress & Reflekta), Kagami Tsurugi (Lies, Oni-Chan, Riposte & Ryuko), Lê Chiến Kim (Dark Cupid & King Monkey), Luka Couffaine (Silencer, Truth & Viperion), Marc Anciel (Reverser & Rooster Bold), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug & Lady Noire), Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Caprikid & Evillustrator), Olympia Hill (Majestia), Plagg, Sass, Tikki, Trixx & Zoe Lee (Soul Crusher & Vesperia)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-Kun: Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu, Masayuki Hori, Mikoto “Mikorin” Mikoshiba, Umetarou Nozaki & Yuu Kashima
My Happy Marriage: Arata Usuba, Kazushi Tatsuishi & Kiyoka Kudou
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Nanbaka: Hajime Sugoroku, Jyugo, Kenshirou Yozakura, Kiji Mitsuba, Liang, Musashi, Rock & Samon Gokuu
Naruto: Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Kakuzu, Kankurō, Kiba Inuzuka, Kisame Hoshigaki, Kurama, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyūga, Orochimaru, Sai, Sasori, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara & Zabuza Momochi
Nimona: Ballister Boldheart & Nimona
Noblesse: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Claudia Tradio, Dorant, Edian Drosia, Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia, Frankenstein, Gradeus, Han Shinwoo, Juraki, Karias Blerster, Kei Ru, M-21, M-24, Muzaka, Rael Kertia, Ragar Kertia, Rajak Kertia, Regis K. Landegre, Seira J. Loyard, Takeo, Tao, The Previous Lord & Urokai Agvain
No Game No Life: Sora 
Noragami: Bishamonten, Yato & Yukine
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Obey Me: Asmodeus, Barbatos, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Leviathan, Lucifer, Luke, Mammon, Satan & Simeon
Once Upon A Time: Aladdin, Alice, Anastasia (Red Queen/White Queen), Baron Samdi (Dr. Facilier), Cruella Feinberg (Cruella De Vil), Cyrus, David Nolan (Prince Charming), Drew (Prince Naveen), Elsa, Emma Swan, Felix, Gaston, Gideon, Hades, Henry Mills, Hercules, Jabberwocky, Jacinda Vidrio (Cinderella), Jafar, Jefferson (Mad Hatter), Killian Jones (Captain Hook), Leroy (Grumpy), Lord Macintosh, Maleficent, Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White), Merida, Merlin, Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin), Mr. Hyde, Mulan, Neal Cassidy (Baelfire), Peter Pan, Regina Mills (Evil Queen), Robin of Locksley (Robin Hood), Ruby (Red Ridding Hood), Sabine (Tiana), Ursula, Will Scarlet (Knave Of Hearts) & Zelena (Wicked Witch)
One Piece: Absalom, Alber/King, Arlong, Bartolomeo, Black Leg Sanji, Belamy, Boa Hancock, Bon Clay, Brook, Buggy, Capone Bege, Cat Viper, Charlotte Cracker, Charlotte Katakuri, Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote “Corazon” Rosinante, Dracule Mihawk, Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate, Eustass "Captain" Kid, Franky, Fukaboshi, Gol D. Roger, Hajrudin, Hordy Jones, Izou, Jinbei, Kaido, Killer, Kin'emon, Koby, Koza, Kozuki Momonosuke, Kozuki Oden, Kyros, Marco, Monkey D. Dragon, Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Paulie, Pedro, Pell, Perona, Portgas D. Ace, Rob Lucci, Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, Shanks, Silvers Rayleigh, Smoker, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp, Vinsmoke Ichiji, Vinsmoke Niji, Vinsmoke Reiju, Vinsmoke Yonji, Vito, Wyper, X Drake & Yamato
One Piece Live Action: Black Leg Sanji, Buggy, Dracule Mihawk, Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro & Shanks
One Punch Man: Bad (Metal Bat), Garou, Genos (Demon Cyborg), Saitama (Caped Baldy) & Zombieman
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Benio "Benibara" Amakusa, Haruhi Fujioka, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Kyoya Ootori, Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka, Ritsu Kasanoda, Ryouji “Ranka” Fujioka, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, Tamaki Suoh & Umehito Nekozawa
Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown/Momonga & Demiurge
Overwatch: Ashe, Genji, Hanzo, Junker Queen, Junkrat, McCree, Mercy, Moira, Ramattra, Reaper, Soldier, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya & Zenyatta
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Parasyte: Shinichi Izumi
Peaky Blinders: John Shelby, Michael Gray & Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson (+ The Heroes of Olympus): Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson & William “Will” Solace
Peter Pan (Animated Version): Peter Pan
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow & Will Turner
Pokémon: Alain, Allister, Arven, Ash Ketchum, Atticus, Bea, Bede, Eri, Gary Oak, Gladion, Goh, Grimsley, Guzma, Hop, Ilima, James, Jesse, Kabu, Kiawe, Leon, Marnie, Milo, N, Piers, Plumeria, Professor Kukui, Professor Sycamore, Raihan, Rika & Spark
Poppy Playtime: Catnap & Dogday
Princess And The Frog: Charlotte, Dr. Facilier, Prince Naveen & Tiana
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Raya And The Last Dragon: Namaari & Raya
Record Of Ragnarok: Adam, Anubis, Buddha, Hades, Heracles, Jack The Ripper, Loki, Lü Bu, Poseidon, Raiden Tameemon, Shiva, Thor & Ying Zheng (Qin Shi Huang)
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu & Karl Heisenberg
Rise Of The Guardians: E. Aster Bunnymund, Jack Frost, Pitch Black & Toothiana
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:  Casey Jones, Cassandra Jones, Donatello “Donnie”, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey” & Raphael “Raph”
Riverdale: Archie Andrews, Cheryl Blossom, FP Jones, Hiram Lodge, Jughead Jones, Toni Topaz & Veronica Lodge
Romantic Killer: Anzu Hoshino, Hijiri Koganei, Junta Hayami, Riri/Rio Fushigi & Tsukasa Kazuki
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Say “I Love You”: Kai Takemura, Mei Tachibana & Yamato Kurosawa
Secret Saturdays: Doyle, Vincent Vladislav “V.V” Argost & Zak Saturday
Seraph Of The End: Crowley Eusford, Ferid Bathory, Gekkouin, Guren Ichinose, Krul Tepes, Mikaela Hyakuya, Seishirō Hīragi, Shihō Kimizuki, Shinya Hīragi, Shinoa Hīragi, Yoichi Saotome & Yūichirō Hyakuya
Servamp: Hyde (Lawless/Greed), Jeje (Doubt-Doubt/Envy), Kuro (Sleepy Ash/Sloth), Licht Jekylland Todoroki, Mahiru Shirota, Mikuni Alicein, Misono Alicein, Sakuya Watanuki, Snow Lily (All Of Love/Lust), Tetsu Sendagaya & Tsubaki
She-Ra (2018): Adora, Catra, Double Trouble, Hordak, Horde Prime, Scorpia & Wrong Hordak
Sherlock: James “Jim” Moriarty & Sherlock Holmes
Sing: Big Daddy/Marcus & Johnny
SK8 The Infinity: Ainosuke Shindo (Adam), Hiromi Higa (Shadow), Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry Blossom), Kojiro Nanjo (Joe), Langa Hasegawa (Snow), Miya Chinen & Reki Kyan
Skeleton Knight From Another World: Arc, Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiyome & Goemon
Slugterra: Dr. Thaddius Blakk, El Diablos Nacho, Eli Shane & Thaddius “Tad” D. Blakk
Sons Of Anarchy: Alexander “Tig” Trager, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Happy Lowman, Harry “Opie” Winston, Jackson “Jax” Teller, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Nero Padilla & Venus Van Dam
Soul Eater: Asura, Black Star, Crona (+Ragnarok), Death The Kid, Franken Stein, Free, Giriko, Lord Death, Medusa, Mifune, Soul Evans & Tsubaki
Spider-Man Spider-Verse Movies: Earth 42 Miles Morales (Prowler), Gwendolyn “Gwen” Stacy (Spider-Woman), Hobart "Hobie" Brown (Spider-Punk), Jonathan Ohnn (The Spot), Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099), Miles Morales (Spider-Man), Noir, Pavitr Prabhakar (Spider-Man) & Peter B. Parker (Spider-Man)
Spider-Man Video Games: Miles Morales (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Split (+ Glass): Kevin (+ Personalities)
Spy x Family: Anya Forger, Damian Desmond, Loid Forger (Twilight), Yor Briar & Yuri Briar
Star Trek (2009): James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh/John Harrison, Leonard “Bones” McCoy & Spock
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil: Eclipsa, Marco Diaz, Star Butterfly, Toffee & Tom Lucitor
Star Wars: Kylo Ren
Steins;Gate: Kagari Shiina, Kurisu Makise, Luka Urushibara, Maho Hiyajo, Rintaro “Okarin” Okabe, Suzuha Amane & Yugo Tennouji
Steven Universe: Amethyst, Bismuth, Garnet, Jasper, Lapis, Lars Barriga, Pearl & Steven Universe
Strange Magic: Bog King & Marianne
Stranger Things: Alexei, Billy Hargrove, Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven/Jane "El" Hopper, Jim Hopper, Max Mayfield & Steve Harrington
Sugar Apple Fairy Tail: Ann Halford, Catt, Hugh Mercury, Keith Powell & Shall Fen Shall
Supergirl: Alex Danvers, Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Indigo, James “Jimmy” Olsen (Guardian), J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter), Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), Lena Luthor, Leslie Willis (Livewire), Maxwell “Max” Lord, Mon-El, Samantha “Sam” Arias (Reign), Siobhan Smythe (Silver Banshee) & Winn Schott 
Supernatural: Abaddon, Benny, Castiel, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Death, Gabriel, Jack, Lucifer, Rowena & Sam Winchester 
Swamp Thing: Alec Holland (Swamp Thing) & Daniel Cassidy (Blue Devil)
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Tangled: Flynn Rider & Rapunzel
Tarzan (Animated And Live Action Versions): Tarzan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 Version): April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Chris Bradford (Dog Pound & Rahzar), Donatello “Donnie”, Karai, Leatherhead, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey”, Raphael “Raph”, Saki Oroku/Shredder, Shinigami, Slash/Spike, Tiger Claw & Yoshi Hamato/Splinter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 Version): April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Donatello “Donnie”, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey” & Raphael “Raph”
Teen Titans (2003): Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Aqualad), Jinx, Komand'r (Blackfire), Koriand'r (Starfire), Rachel Roth (Raven), Red X, Richard "Dick" Grayson (Robin), Roy Harper (Speedy), Tara Markov (Terra), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg) & Wallace "Wally" West (Kid Flash)
Teen Wolf: Aiden, Derek Hale, Deucalion, Ethan, Halwyn, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Liam Dunbar, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Peter Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski & Theo Raeken
The Addams Family (1991 Version): Gomez Addams & Morticia Addams
The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Alice Swayne, Cartaphilus/Joseph, Chise Hatori, Elias Ainsworth, Lindel, Mikhail Renfred, Oberon, Ruth, Silver Lady & Titania 
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar, Julian Devorak, Lucio, Muriel, Nadia Satrinava, Portia Devorak & Valerius
The Boys: Annie January (Starlight), Ben (Soldier Boy), Frenchie, John (Homelander), Kimiko Miyashiro, Margaret Shaw (Queen Maeve), Marvin Milk & William “Billy” Butcher
The Case Study Of Vanitas: Astolfo Granatum, August Ruthven, Chloé d'Apchier, Dante, Dominique De Sade, Jeanne, Jean-Jacques Chastel, Johann, Loki Oriflamme, Louis De Sade, Noé Archiviste, Olivier, Roland Fortis & Vanitas
The Devil Is A Part-Timer: Hanzo Urushihara (Lucifer), Sadao Maou (Satan) & Shiro Ashiya
The Dragon Prince: Aaravos, Amaya, Callum, Rayla, Runaan & Soren
The Fantasie Of A Stepmother: Elias von Neuschwanstein, Jeremy von Neuschwanstein & Norra von Nürnberger
The Fast And The Furious: Dante Reyes
The Flash: Barry Allen (The Flash), Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost), Felicity Smoak, Leonard Snart (Captain Cold), Mick Rory (Heat Wave) & Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
The Imperfects: Alex Sarkov, Juan Ruiz & Tilda Weber
The Little Mermaid: Ariel & Ursula
The Maid And The Vampire: Areum Yoon & Millard Travis
The Mandalorian: Cara Dune & Din Djarin
The Maze Runner: Gally, Minho, Newt & Thomas
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Barrel, Jack Skellington, Lock, Oogie Boogie & Shock  
The Order: Hamish Duke, Jack Morton, Lilith Bathory, Randall Carpio & Vera Stone
The Owl House: Amity Blight, Darius, Edalyn “Eda” Clawthorne, Edric Blight, Hunter, King, Lilith Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Raine Whispers, The Collector, Vee, Warden Wrath & Willow Park
The Sea Beast: Jacob Holland
The Seven Deadly Sins: Arthur, Ban, Derieri, Escanor, Estarossa/Mael, Galand, Gilthunder, Gloxinia, Gowther (Doll), Griamore, Helbram, Hendrickson, Howzer, King, Meliodas, Merlin & Zeldris
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Drake Stone
The Umbrella Academy: Ben Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Fei Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves & Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves 
The Vampire Diaries: Alaric "Ric" Saltzman, Damon Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert, Katerina Petrova (Katherine Pierce), Mason Lockwood, Matthew "Matt" Donovan, Niklaus “Klaus” Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood
The Witcher (TV Show): Cahir, Cirilla “Ciri” Riannon, Geralt, Julian “Jaskier” Pankratz, Lambert & Nivellen
The Witcher: Nightmare Of The Wolf: Filavandrel aén Fidháil, Luka & Vesemir
Thundercats (2011): Cheetara, Lion-O & Tygra
Tiger & Bunny: Antonio Lopez (Rock Bison), Barnaby Brooks Jr., Ivan Karelin (Origami Cyclone), Jake Martinez, Karina Lyle (Blue Rose), Keith Goodman (Sky High), Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger), Nathan Seymour (Fire Emblem) & Pao-Lin Huang (Dragon Kid)
Titans: Clifford "Cliff" Steele (Robotman), Conner Kent (Superboy), Donna Troy (Wonder Girl), Garfield “Gar” Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Aqualad), Jason Todd (Robin), Jericho Wilson, Komand'r (Blackfire), Koriand'r (Starfire), Lawrence "Larry" Trainor (Negative Man), Rachel Roth (Raven), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Nightwing), Rita Farr, Rose Wilson (Ravager) & Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
Tokyo Ghoul: Ayato Kirishima, Ginshi Shirazu, Hideyoshi “Hide” Nagachika, Juuzou Suzuya, Kazuichi Banjou, Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki, Kishou Arima, Koutarou Amon, Kuki Urie, Naki, Nishiki Nishio, Renji Yomo, Seidou Takizawa, Shuu Tsukiyama, Taishi Fura, Tatara, Touka Kirishima & Uta
Toradora: Ryuuji Takasu & Taiga Aisaka
Total Drama Island: Alejandro, DJ, Duncan, Gwen, Leshawna, Mike (+ Personalities) & Scott
Transformers Movies (+ Bumblebee): Bumblebee, Cade Yeager, Cheetor, Mirage & Optimus Prime
Twisted Wonderland: Ace Trappola, Ashton Vargas, Azul Ashengrotto, Che'nya, Deuce Spade, Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel, Ernesto Foulworth, Floyd Leech, Idia Shroud, Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Leona Kingscholar, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia, Ortho Shroud, Riddle Rosehearts, Rook Hunt, Ruggie Bucchi, Sam, Sebek Zigvolt & Vil Schoenheit
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Ultimate Spider-Man: Adrian Toomes (Vulture), Amadeus Cho (Iron Spider), Ava Ayala (White Tiger), Ben Reilly (Scarlet Spider), Blade, Bone Spider, Carnage, Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Curtis "Curt" Connors (Lizard), Danny Rand (Iron Fist), Flash Thompson (Agent Venom), Flint Marko (Sandman), Ghost Spider, Harry Osborn (Patrioteer & Venom), Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night), Kraven, Luke Cage (Power Man), Mary Jane “M.J” Watson (Spider-Woman), Miles Morales (Kid Arachnid), Norman Osborn (Green Goblin & Iron Patriot), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Sam Alexander (Nova), Scorpion, Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Tandy Bowen (Dagger), Thor, Tony Masters (Taskmaster), Tony Stark (Ironman), Triton, Tyrone "Ty" Johnson (Cloak), Venom & Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Ultraman: Rising: Kenji “Ken” Sato (Ultraman) 
Uncharted: Braddock, Nathan Drake & Victor “Sully” Sullivan 
Underfell: Asriel/Flowey, Gaster, Grillby, Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans & Undyne
Underswap: Gaster, Mettaton, Napstablook & Papyrus
Undertale: Asriel/Flowey, Blooky, Grillby, Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans & Undyne
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Venom: Carnage, Cletus Kasady, Eddie Brock & Venom
Victorious: Beck Oliver & Jade West
Vikings: Astrid, Björn Lothbrok, Floki Vilgerðarson, Hvitserk Lothbrok, Ivar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Ragnar Lothbrok, Rollo Sigurdsson & Ubbe Lothbrok
Villianous: Black Hat, Dr. Flug, Dr. Slug & White Hat
Voltron: Antok, Hunk, James, Keith, Kolivan, Kuro (Clone Shiro), Lance, Lotor, Rax, Shiro, Thace, Throk & Zarkon
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Wednesday: Ajax Petropolus, Bianca Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams & Xavier Thorpe
Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun: Alice Asmodeus, Alikred, Ameri Azazel, Atori, Baal, Balam Shichiro, Coco Orobas, Goemon Gaap, Ichiro Androalphus, Iruma Suzuki, Ix Elizabetta, Jazz Andro, Kalego Naberius, Kerori Crocell, Lied Shax, Maemaro, Niro Androalphus, Opera, Sabro Sabnock,  Schneider Allocer & Shiida
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Jessica Rabbit
Wolfblood: Rhydian Morris
Wolf’s Rain: Blue, Hige, Kiba, Toboe & Tsume
Wolfwalkers: Mebh Óg MacTíre, Moll MacTíre, Robyn Goodfellowe & William “Bill” Goodfellowe
Wolverine And The X-Men: Anna Marie (Rogue), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Emma Frost, Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Neena Thurman (Domino), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) & Warren Worthington III (Angel)
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X-Men Evolution: Anna Marie (Rogue), Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Lance Alvers (Avalanche), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) & Warren Worthington III (Angel)
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Yona Of The Dawn: Ao, Hak, Jae-Ha, Kan Tae-Jun, Kija, Lee Geun-Tae, Shin-Ah, Soo-Won, Yoon, Yona & Zeno
Young Justice: Artemis Crock (Artemis & Tigress), Bartholomew "Bart" Allen (Impulse & Kid Flash), Brion Markov (Geo-Force), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Cameron Mahkent (Icicle Jr), Cassandra Savage, Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Conner Kent/Kon-El (Superboy), Crystal Frost (Killer Frost), Eric Needham (Black Spider), Etrigan, Forager, Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Tempest), Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), Jason Todd (Robin), Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad & Aquaman), Klarion Bleak (Witch Boy), La'gaan (Lagoon Boy), Leslie Willis (Livewire), Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin & Nightwing), Roy Harper (Arsenal), Tara Markov (Terra), Tim Drake (Robin), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg), Violet Harper (Halo), Wallace "Wally" West (Kid Flash), Will Harper (Red Arrow) & Zatanna Zatara (Zatanna)
Your Boyfriend: Don & Peter
Yuri On Ice: Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky & Yuuri Katsuki
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Zootopia: Nick Wilde
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💥 What I WILL write for:
Emotions/Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Comfort, Crime, Dark!, Drama, Fantasy, Fluff, Horror, Hurt, Mystery, NSFW, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller & Western
Reader or Relationship Preferences: Different Species Reader or Relationship, Female Reader, Gender Neutral Reader, Harem Relationship, LGBTQ+ Reader or Relationship, Male Reader, Poly Relationship, Reader with Disability or that gets one & Reader with Mental “Illness”
Themes: AUs (I’ll write for every AU except the ones listed in the “What I will Not write for” section), Body Swap, Crossovers, Genderbends/Genderswaps, Songfics & Species Swap/Change
💥 What I will NOT write for:
Reader or Relationship Preferences: Harmful Yandere Character or Relationship
Themes: Abusive Relationship (unless it’s talking about a past one), Crack Fic, Dub-Con, Incest, Non-Con, Slavery & Underage
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Commission Prices:
Payments are only taken through Paypal and in USD currency
💥For Editing:
For simple editing: $5 per hour For medium level editing: $10 per hour For detailed editing: $15 per hour
💥For X-Readers/OC Inserts:
One Shots: Between 1,000 - 3,000 words = 1 cent per word Between 3,500 - 5,000 words = 1.5 cent per word Over 5,000 words =  1.7 cent per word
Series:  For each chapter between 1,000 - 3,000 words = 1 cent per word For each chapter between 3,500 - 5,000 words =  1.5 cent per word For each chapter over 5,000 words =  1.7 cent per word
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Needed Information:
💥For X-Readers/OC Inserts:
What gender the Reader/OC is
What species the Reader/OC is
What age, book, movie, season, version, etc. the character and Reader/OC is/is from
Any Emotion/Genre, Reader or Relationship Preferences, or Themes you want from the “What I Will write for” section
Any prompt/story details you want
Reader/OC’s personality
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🔥 Anything that you don’t fill in from the “Needed Information” part will be filled in by me. So, if you want something specific be sure to put everything you want.
🔥 You can request other characters or fandoms, but the ones listed above are the ones that I will definitely write for. Though if you request a character or fandom I don’t know I will most likely ask you to wait and I’ll try to watch or read from it to see if I can get the character(s) down well enough to write for them.
🔥This list is constantly being updated the more Books, Movies, and Shows I read/watch. And when I remember more things to add to the “What I Will write for” and the “What I will Not write for” sections I will.
29 notes · View notes
aritsukemo · 16 days ago
Our Home | Mini Chapter - New Home, New Identities | AssClass
Summary: Team Pink moves into their new home and establishes their roles for their upcoming assignment.
Warnings: Poor attempt at humor ahead and Rina's on the verge of a panic attack for the majority of this. Aside from that, it's nothing serious. Read at your own discretion.
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day my darlings!! 😘💕I hope you all are having at least a decent day today!! ( I know I won't be later on today when I watch Wiege, but that's neither here or there.. ) I couldn't buy chocolates for everyone in time, so I hope you'll accept this to make up for it!
Tagging: @nursedflowers + Anyone who wants to be tagged! <3 ( Which you can let me know via comments, my inbox, or personal dms! )
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 "Welcome to our new base of operation!" Ryuji chimed as he swung the door open, the grin on his face so wide that both his fangs made a brief appearance.
He manages to find the light switch behind him without looking back and promptly flips it on. As the gentle whites of electricity flicker to life and illuminate the once dark space, his three younger companions peer their heads over either side of him.
A whistle slips from Inari's lips as her olive-colored hues scanned the area, pupils darting left and right in a quick succession to take everything in, "From the outside this place looked way smaller. Heh, for a second, I thought I'd have to bunk with ya', ( Assassin Codename )!" She says. The assassin in question’s monotone expression scrunches ever so slightly.
 "Why me specifically?" They questioned as their eyes landed on her. Alas, Inari never bothers to give them an answer, deciding to walk further inside instead. They had no choice but to drop the conversation altogether.
 "The concern should've never crossed your mind," Rei's voice is heard from behind them as he comes strolling in with bags filling both his arms. They’re heavy, filled to the brim with cumbersome weaponry, electronic devices, and the like, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him. He’s not out of breath, his arms don’t shake under the pressure—nothing. It’s as if he were simply carrying pillows.
 "As always, the government has provided the best to ensure that we face minimal problems with anything unrelated to your main objective." He says as everyone—aside from Ryuji who seemed more captivated by the electric fireplace against the living room wall—-turned back to look at him, "This home has specifically been renovated to accommodate the five of us and there's even a spare room that can be used however we see fit."
 "Great! I was thinking about somewhere I could do my usual warm ups!" Inari said with a grin as her balled fists came up to rest on the round of her hips.
 "Actually, the room will be used to store the remainder of my devices that are of less importance,” Rina butts in, “I have my doubts that whatever room I choose will be able to harbor all of them.”
 "I myself were thinking of making the room a home office. It would be easier to pull the strings from the background if I didn't have to travel such great lengths every morning," Rei said as he walked past the two girls, swiftly maneuvering around them in order to avoid grazing them with the bags as he walked between them.
After he passes by, Inari and Rina exchange looks for a moment. Both of their eyes narrow before they soften and they both let out similar sighs of defeat—Rina’s shoulders even slump—as they silently yet unanimously come to the decision to let their superior have the spare room.
In the background of this happening, Rei walks up to Ryuji and without warning swings his arm and slings half the bags at his head. Ryuji, swift as ever, manages to catch the initial few, but inevitably ends up bonked upside the head with one of the bags he couldn’t catch and crushed under the weight of the rest when he ultimately toppled to the ground. The sound alerts Y/n, who had already made their way upstairs to examine the rooms, but upon realizing what happened, they brush it aside. They are kind enough, however, to come back downstairs and help Rei with some of the bags.
 “Thank you—and be careful; they’re your sister’s,” He said and Y/n nodded in acknowledgement before they both began making their way up the stairs, ignoring the whines of their companion on the floor. 
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 "So what's our game plan this time?" Was the question asked by Inari after plopping on the large bedding Rei laid out on Rina’s new bed. As she lays her head down, her wavy hair spreads across the sheets, showing off its steady transformation of darkened, cherry tips to warm, brown, coconut roots in the evening rays.
A little aways from the bed sits the technological prodigy—her sister in arms—who's fingers go soaring across her keyboard at a mile a minute. Characters and images go by at blinding speed to the point the high-tech computer struggles to match her pace which makes it seem as if mini windows of incomprehensible text and codes fly on and off her screens in quick flashes.
Rei sits in her reading chair—her new bookshelf filled to the brim with her bland-colored books serving as his personal backdrop—and watches Rina work with a narrowed gaze. 
 "For the highest chance of success, I suggest that we stick to our usual set up. Of course, with Rei to provide further guidance and Ryuji here as possible backup, our chances skyrocket by thirty percent," She says; a statement that should typically evoke joy, and yet, her tone remained devoid of it—an expected reaction from someone as imperturbable as herself.
 "Furthermore, since you'll be in a closed space surrounded by many...unpredictable factors, the best course of action based off the data I've already collected is—"
 "—Before you start devising a plan, I would advise that you listen to my next words," Rei cuts in smoother than any knife to flesh, putting Rina's possibly lengthy ramble to a swift end. Moreover, she full on pauses what she’s doing when Rei follows up with, "It's new orders from the higher ups. This also regards the serial disappearance case."
 "Although this assignment takes our priority over all else, we're still expected to find out what happened to those children and present them with the culprit behind this mess." And immediately, words of sheer irritation are pouring out of Inari's mouth with the chime of a whiny huff.
"Seeeriously?" She drawls, "We've been working at that case for months and they expect us to continue doing that while also beatin' alien ass?! One of these days I'm seriously gonna—!"
 "It doesn't change the outcome," Rina cuts her off, nothing but utter confidence evident in her words, "I figured a situation like this would occur," She goes back to typing, "It'll complicate a few things, but overall the ending result will be the same."
 "Hm, as always, you're five steps ahead of everyone," Rei says, "Unfortunately, those complications you mention may be more difficult for you to handle this time around."
The comment was nothing to typically roll heads over. It was vague and possibly meant to be taken as a light warning. But Rina was smart. Or, it was more so that she felt that something felt amiss with his words. They left a thick, uneasy oil to pool in her chest, clog up her arteries, slow down her movements, and make her heart slow to the uneven pace of a kid playing hopscotch for the first time.
Those words felt oddly targeted, but before she could get her words out, all of her questions were answered—and the answer given was the last thing she ever wanted to leave his lips.
 "I think, for the sake of the success of this operation, you should be on field and present."
Her breath catches in her throat, causing her lips to tighten and purse uncomfortably tight—a risky move seeming as she could barely breathe. Moreover, for the first time all evening, her eyes leave her screens to look at her higher up with an uncharacteristically spooked spark gleaming in them.
( Rei couldn't help the way his mind immediately morphed her into a terrified baby animal in his head. )
Probably realizing his thoughts, Rina turned her head back to her screens. This time, though, her hands didn't immediately find place on her blocky keys and instead took solace in folding together in a trembling little ball on her lap.
 "I.." She began, voice quiet and unusually shaky, "I..can't.." She tried again, but her words were just as feeble as her last—if not even worse. It was painful to hear the quiver in her tone—even more to see her and notice the tremor of her shoulder—and the feelings that stirred was akin to ones that would arise upon watching a noble queen's undeserving fall from grace..
Moreover, whether Inari shared that sentimentality with Rei or not, she ended up relieving the tense air he caused with her usual insensitivity. 
 "Pfft-!" She spits, her words warmed by her chuckles as she said, "Are you suuure that's a good idea? I mean, she rarely ever steps foot on an actual field and you think she'd be better suited on a mission?"
 "She's right," Rina shoots out, as if her colleague's comment was some high praise, "Think this through, Rei—really think. This assignment will decide the fate of the world. Women, children, everyone and everything. Throwing me, who hasn't gone five feet from an office or bedroom or lab in years would be—!"
 "—Exactly what we need," He finishes, "Rina, your brain is a gift not even NASA can only hope to compare to one day. You are fluent in over thirty different languages, possess a photographic memory which has memorized thousands of difficult texts and scriptures, and have brought countries to their knees with your digital intellect and wit—and half of that was achieved before you reached adolescence. Not only that, but I can’t think of anyone faster at cooking up a plan in a pinch better than you."
 "But that's not the same!" She cries out, spinning around in her chair to look at him, "A software is not the same as a knife or gun! I can't truly kill anyone with just complex words and programs!"
 "That may be true in a sense, but you can surely put the pieces in place for someone else to do so," He retorts calmly before releasing a sigh from his lips, "At the end of the day, that's all we need from you; to put us in a situation where we can have a clear shot of—and ultimately put a swift end to—that abomination."
And to that, Rina had no room to argue. Logically speaking, Rei's idea was the better one as it did put her in a position where she could actively manipulate the situation in the best way for them, but even so. The thought of dressing up, pretending to be someone she isn't, and dealing with all the stress that comes with going undercover..the constant chance of slipping up and saying too much or not enough and someone finding out which leads to the entire operation falling apart.. Messing up and being the blame for everything going downhill..
It's all too much to handle. It was back then at least, that's for sure. After all, if she were even half as strong as her siblings, that incident wouldn't have played out the way it did and such great potential wouldn't have been lost.
Nevertheless, it seems her inner turmoil played like a tv show on her face because even with her back turned to them, both of her colleagues could practically read what she was thinking like a book—or at least, came close to figuring it out. ( Just another reason why it'll be a dire mistake to send her out on this mission, she thought. )
 "All I'm saying is that, at the end of the day, you're a top ranking assassin even if you aren't the most physically adept like a typical one. This mission will most likely require unorthodox skills and plans to accomplish and the best results could be produced if you were to experience the situation first-hand rather than playing it by ear," Rei sighed out, his eyes closing as he decided to relieve her of his intense gaze, "Just think it over."
 "I did a long time ago," She says; a comment that made no sense when paired to what was currently being discussed. It was never meant to. Nevertheless, she continues her nonsensical utterings with a distant look in her eyes, "I can't do it. I'm sorry if that comes off as disappointing, but I'm not as capable as you've made yourself believe, Rei.. All I'd do is jeopardize this assignment for everyone."
 "What are you guys talking about?"
At the monotonous chime they've come to associate with a certain killer, everyone's eyes dart over to the corner of the room where the door leading to the bathroom resides.
They were all met with the usual gaze of their colleague—although it was deemed to be the only thing they could use to tell who they were staring at. Everything about them had changed. Their hair, once long enough to string up into a bun, had been cut down to mid-ear length and dyed into two tones like an abstract painting in an art exhibit—their bangs serving as an eyecatcher with how drastic the change is compared to the rest of the strands behind it. Their torso had been concealed behind a cotton veil of fading yellow while their legs were clad in comfortably baggy, dull gray trousers, leaving their frame a mystery like a medieval knight’s armor in a museum hiding a corpse.
At the same time, the softened themes of their clothing made their overall appearance seem less intimidating. Looking at them no longer had one instinctively gulping because of their predatory stare. Listening to their feet click against the wood of the room didn't make anyone's heart race from unknown fear or cause their bodies to tense and prepare for the worst.
The air they once wore like a fitted dress was nowhere to be found and instead replaced with something more breathable, more innocent.
If they didn't know any better, they could've been fooled into thinking the one before them was simply a child. Just another junior high student who's worried about small-scale things like passing their next exam or if they'll end up with a stable, successful future. Certainly not an assassin with nothing but blood and guts filling their mind 24/7.
 "Woah…is that really you, ( Assassin Codename )?" Inari asked before her voice dipped into obvious sarcasm and she said, "For a second there, I almost killed ya' thinking you were some dumb kid who had stumbled in here."
And completely ignoring the vocal threat made on their life, they reply casually, "Good. That means my disguise is believable enough for this assignment."
 "You're deciding to go in as a male? I would've thought you'd find it better to pose as a female student," Rina commented, seemingly more composed. Although there's still a noticeable tremor in her tone, "After all, people tend to let their guard down around women more so than men. They're also less likely to have suspicion raised against them. That's why it's so much easier for them to commit crimes like trafficking and theft."
 "While I'm not fond of the comparison made, I have to say I agree," Rei jumped in, his eyes now open and staring at their dual-toned hair with furrowed brows, "I certainly didn't expect you to take such a..dramatic approach to your appearance. After all, you usually go for more unobtrusive roles for missions. May I ask what brought this on?"
And, as if his comment had summoned him, Ryuji came twirling out of the bathroom door, a big grin rearing his pale skin as he slings an arm around his blank-faced workmate and forces them under his chin.
 "What you really meant to say was, ‘Wow! You’re new hair fucking rocks, ( Assassin Codename )! Who was the genius behind your badass dye-job?’, right? I already know you don't have to say it," He chirps before carding his fingers through his colleague's hair and ruffling it. Rei's face dips in disdain.
 "I had a feeling you were behind this," He says in an exhaustedly knowing tone before his gaze breaks from him to look at his junior with an almost disappointed look on his face.
 "I have no idea what has run through your mind to confide in him of all people to help in changing your appearance, but I hope it's a good one."
 "You say that as if it's a bad thing. C'mon, I made them look sick!" He says, grabbing them by their arm and suddenly slinging them forward to show them off as if they were some expensive ring or something.
 "They don't need to look 'sick' when the operation calls for them to look as inconspicuous as possible," Rei retorts through clenched teeth, and like some upset mother he motions at them, obviously vexed, as he continues, "They stick out more than the monster now."
 "I have to agree," Rina says, "This is an assignment that calls for a less drastic approach and pertaining such a…gaudy look will do nothing but put unnecessary eyes on you, ( Assassin Codename )."
 "Who cares who's looking? The hair is awesome!" Inari says, rolling over on her stomach and propping her head up with her hand as she asks with a toothy smirk, "Think you can do mine?"
Ryuji matches her expression, replying in a half-joking tone, "Yeah, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg," to which she dissolves into a fit of giggles. It was only when her laughter began to die that her monotone partner in crime slipped from Ryuji's grasp, their hand coming up to flatten the flying strands in their hair before beginning to speak.
 "Typically, new students are to take a general diagnostic exam to decide what class they'd be best suited in, and while it wouldn't be a hard task to purposely fail it and get sent to E Class that way, me and Rina found out earlier that the school simply doesn't allow new students in that don't score high enough to at least make it into D Class," They explain, "Furthermore, as to not tank the school's prestigious reputation, they also don't allow students in who already have a bad track record."
 "So that poses the question; what is the best way to infiltrate Kunigigoaka's Class E that would draw the least amount of suspicion?" They walk forward and sit on the bed, their leg coming up to cross over the other. At the same time, Ryuji makes his way over to Rina where he mumbles something incoherent in her pierced ear which doesn't go unnoticed by either Rei or Inari, who're both raising eyebrows at the charade that happening before their eyes.
 "The answer is quite simple actually.." Suddenly, Rina spins around in her chair to face the screens once again. Her hands find place at her keyboard before seemingly multiplying from the sheer speed of her typing before then coming to a sudden halt when she sees three unfamiliar faces staring back at her.
 "The answer..is to simply go in as someone who's already laid out the groundwork for us."
 "So that's what that odd request earlier was about," Rina said, her head turning slightly so that she could look at her twin out of the corner of her eye, "I must say, it's not often I see you so..playful. Simply telling me what you needed would've been less time-consuming."
 "They just wanted an excuse to look cool," Inari quipped with a cheeky grin; a comment that was promptly ignored even when she went as far as to poke their cheek, "Didn't know you had it in ya' to be such a showoff."
 "So, you want to pose as low-performing students already attending the school?" Rei inquired, "I'm assuming you've already found a solution to deal with the obvious flaws in that plan?"
 "It doesn't seem like they have to," Rina comments, "You see, these three students in particular—although still present on the roster—are labeled as suspended for 'rumors of inappropriate behavior outside of school grounds'.
 "Ahhh, so they're a buncha' delinquents," Inari said, her grin widening.
 "Yep, a buncha' dead delinquents," Ryuji added, and despite the grim undertones, no one batted an eye. As if he had said the most normal thing in the world.
Then again, in their profession, death was the most normal thing in the world. As common as eating and sleeping for them, in fact.
 "Nothing has officially been stated, though that possibility is a likely one," Rina clarifies, "Shortly after their suspension at Kunigigoaka, these three had disappeared seemingly out of thin air. Nobody has heard anything from them in several days and it's likely foul play is at hand."
 "Moreover, the Ministry of Justice has investigated the case privately and upon further investigation, it seems that their disappearances may be linked to the serial disappearance case."
Inari groans, her feet kicking aggressively, "Ugh! Why is everything involved with that damn case?!" She then huffs, her cheeks puffing out like a child as she starts grumbling, "Seriously, why couldn't they have just bit the bullet another way and ended up as a typical homicide or something.."
 "The government has all of this information hidden from the public as to not cause unnecessary panic. Furthermore, with the three students' parents being MIA, the world, and more importantly the school, are none the wiser and are continuing about their lives believing that these kids are simply serving out their suspension at home."
 "The most important detail noted is that after their suspension, which'll end a few days from now, they'll be attending E Class as they've been demoted due to their suspension. It'd pose zero difficulty to rewrite the files and pose as them, it'll also lessen everyone's suspicions of us and lower the monster's guard."
 "That's all good, but what about the main building?" Rei questions, "Even if Class E doesn't recognize you as frauds, surely the other students in the main building who've spent years with them will see right through you."
 "Actually, the possibility isn't likely. These students are special, you see, as there is seemingly nothing on them. No note of any friends or even acquaintances. On top of that, the only thing we are aware of is that they would often skip school—which ended up being the main reason for their suspension in the first place."
 "In simple terms, they're nobodies," Ryuji said, his arms crossed and his lean body against the wall, "Perfect personas, don'tcha think?"
 "Hm.. As it stands, it seems you've fleshed most things out. I believe that you’ll be able to handle the more minute things so I suppose I have no further questions," Rei's eyes close for the nth time today, his hands clasping together as he nods, "And don't worry. Though I was assigned this mission along with you, I won't get in your way. I'll simply be here for additional backup in case you need it."
 "I do have one concern," Rina then says, "This plan requires three, capable people to go on field and while you, ( Assassin Codename ), and Inari fill two out of three of those roles just fine, the third worries me.."
 "Ryuji fits the qualifications for the role on a first basis with his skills as a hitman, and while he does possess the necessary acting skills required, his physical appearance may pose a problem."
 "Who said anything about Ryuji filling the role?” The response was anticipated, but still dreaded. Unlike before, though—whether she was simply tired of arguing her point or didn’t think she’d be able to against them—she didn’t put up much of a fight as before and simply stared at her sibling with her defeated, downcasted eyes.
 “So I’m to assume that you expect me to fill that third role?” She asks. It was childish, but part of her hoped—no, prayed that, for once in her life, her calculated deduction was wrong. Part of her wished with all her being that her sibling had someone else in mind, that there was some unknown third party she wasn’t aware of—anything! She wasn’t a miracle worker, but she’ll make even the most difficult person possible to work with them on this operation if it meant she could stay in her realm of electronic screens and morse codes.
But alas, it seems she had hit the nail on the coffin as she always did.
 “It would be preferable if you did,” They tell her; a cruel statement seeming as there was, in truth, no real option—no real choice to refuse—and no real escape. To Rina, it almost felt as if she had been stabbed in the back and the knife used had been twisted and ripped out along with her heart, leaving her as a hollow shell of anxiety and foreboding.
But as her eyes—dulled of its already boring color long before this—looked up to gaze at the perpetrator, who so happens to share her face which only adds insult to injury, the hatred felt disperses as quickly as it comes and without it to harden her gaze, it ultimately softens.
She could never stay mad at them for long, such is the price of viewing them as her little sibling rather than her colleague like she should in this line of work.
 “Having you and your skills directly at my side during this operation would put my mind at ease and keep me in the mindset that would be able to produce better and faster results,” They said, “As for your inexperience on the field, I’ll simply make up for whatever and wherever you fall short.”
Their tone was as blunt as ever, making it unclear whether their words were some half-hearted attempt at comforting her or if they even cared at all. Nevertheless, it felt like a warm hug to her cold, walking corpse, and in the end, that was all she needed to be swayed.
She takes in a long breath before exhaling that same breath along with her worries—and ultimately her better judgement—out to dissipate in the air. Meeting their eyes as she forces her lips to move and say, “If you believe that the mission will end as a swift success if I were to be on field then I have no right to protest.”
 “Alright!” A loud clap draws everyone towards Inari, who had just jumped up from the bed. Her toothy grin—her commonplace—easily squashing the somber mood into dust, “Now that our roles have been settled it’s time for the fun part!”
She quickly skips over the small space between her and Rina and forces the younger girl into a crushing side hug which earned an exasperated look from her that was promptly ignored.
 “Inari, what—” “Work your magic, Ryuji! Turn us into true degenerates!” She says, and despite his early words, Ryuji smirks and nods.
 “You don’t have to tell me twice!” Matching her energy, Ryuji eagerly makes his way over to the two girls. Squeezing his head through the space between them as he cages them with his arms.
 “How far am I allowed to go?” He asked them with a devilish look in his eyes, but before either of them could respond, Rei came to their—mainly Rina’s—aid, his gaze stern as ever.
 “You’re only allowed to dye their hair and provide them with contacts and the appropriate attire like you did with ( Assassin Codename ) and only if they give you their explicit consent for you to do so, if not..”
His threat doesn’t need to be expressed because all who heard it understood clearly what he meant. Furthermore, as current Chief Intelligence at the Ministry of Defense and as a former but infamously known warrant officer for the JGSDF, you would think his threat would be taken with utmost seriousness, which it would…if the one he was talking to wasn’t Ryuji—who was known far and wide to have more than a few of his screws loose in his pretty, peach-colored head.
 “Don’t worry, Kazu’..” Ryuji drawled, “Consent is, like, my whole schtick! I even ask my targets for permission before I put them out of their misery, hahaha~!” A groan leaves Rei as Ryuji’s cackling fills his ears.
 “Sooo pretty girls, you name it and I’ll go beyond!” He exclaimed with glee, “How far will you let me go witcha’?”
 “I’m fine with whatever! Don’t hold back!” Inari said just as excitedly and to his surprise, Rina nodded along.
 “I agree. I give you my full consent to do whatever you see fit to my appearance as long as it’s necessary for the operation. …Though..” She pauses, and for the first time that day, she flashes a smile albeit a brittle one.
 “I’d prefer you not cut my hair if possible,” She says to which Ryuji moves his arm, which was wrapped around her shoulder, up to her head and pats it roughly. Nodding along to her words like an eager little puppy. Rei sighs, his hand coming up to message the skin of his forehead.
 “Just don’t go overboard,” He grumbled as if he had just given in to a child’s plea to play longer at a playground.
 “When have I ever?” Ryuji chimed, but dragged Rina and Inari along before Rei could give an answer. It only makes the pain growing in Rei’s head worse.
 “What have I done for my superiors to punish me like this..?” Rei found himself muttering under his breath as he ran his ring hand down his face. 
 “Mister Rei,” A dull call of his name has the man rearing his head towards the bed. Upon seeing Y/n staring at him, Rei raises his eyebrow and asks, “What is it?”
 “I still want to make some final touches to my appearance,” They state bluntly as they rose from the bed, “Typically I wouldn’t request help with this, but what I want requires your—or rather your family’s—expertise.”
Rei’s brows furrow, “You mean…” Y/n nods.
 “I’d like you to take me to Miss Hina’s shop, I have a special request for her that I’m sure she’d love to complete for me.”
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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