#yuma is the only well behaved child
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mothiidae · 2 years ago
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just met the main group and it the dynamic feels as if yakou is the babysitter to a bunch of errant detectives.
close ups of each of the characters are below because damn, i did not plan for how long this would be
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dia-souls · 2 years ago
I wanna request all the Diaboys reaction
Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami, Kino and Yui what they think about my oc Fiona?
Fiona is a 17 year old Woman, she is 148 cm and her blood type is A+
Fiona is at the same class as Kanato and Ayato, and Yui too.
Surprisingly Fiona dosen’t have a last name like Kino.
Fiona is kind of a special human, the reason is because she is wearing a unique necklace, and the necklace can do time travel, and the necklace only works on Fiona, Fiona goes time travel in the past and future.
Fiona’s personality is cheerful, bubbly Friendly and a introverted one little human, she is INFP, she likes to see the best in everyone, she has a little child-like personality and is very shy Meeting other students she don’t know and she has social aniexty too, she can get annoyed by people’s strange behaviors. To close people she is really open for talking with them and for other people like the Sakamaki Brothers, she prefers to stay calm and is kinda a little nervous when she is around one of them.
She is VERY scared of wolves and that’s why she os trying to avoid Shin Tsukinami.
Fiona’s facts
She does takes Jokes very serious and dosen’t understand why people laugh at it, and about a meme joke she just get confused.
She hates her own height size, she doesn't like the idea of ​​people mistaking her as a kid.
She is not a fan of sweets, she prefers healthy food like she loves to eat salad the most.
Fiona Is way to gullible (poor her :,)) )
Fiona dosen’t understand at pervy jokes, her mind is full of innocence.
She can get flustered /bashful easily
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Yui Komori: I think Fiona-san is a very good and kind girl. But it seems that she is a little shy. We haven't talked yet but I really want to get to know her better. Maybe we can become good friends.
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Shu Sakamaki: Who cares what kind of girl she is. I really do not care. But fortunately, unlike my brothers, she is not noisy and does not disturb me.
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Reiji Sakamaki: As a girl of her age, she behaves very childishly. Honestly, I don't like this inappropriate behavior and I prefer not to hang out with her. I will never accept behavior that is not worthy of a lady from a girl.
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Ayato Sakamaki: She is just a stupid girl. When I joke with her, she quickly gets angry and cries. Hehe, joking around with her is very enjoyable.
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Kanato Sakamaki: She is very annoying. I don't want her to get close to me or Teddy at all. Right teddy?
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Laito Sakamaki: She is a very cute girl Nfu~ and very innocent. She gets very embarrassed when I joke with her. Fufu, I would like to spend more time with her, but she is very simple and avoids the charming Laito-kun.
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Subaru Sakamaki: I don't know her very well and I don't care. Honestly, I prefer not to get too close to her. She looks like a very weak and stupid girl. I don't want to hurt her.
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Ruki Mukami: She is a human being and very simple and stupid. So what can I expect from her? She is very simple and easily fooled, and it bothers me a lot to see the Sakamaki brothers taking advantage of her simplicity.
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Kou Mukami: She is very cute and lovable and very shy. But at the same time, she is very stupid. She doesn't even care about me as a famous model. Fufu, the poor girl has no idea how famous I am.
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Yuma Mukami: I don't know her well and I don't care. She is an ordinary girl in school, nothing else.
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Azusa Mukami: Fiona-chan is a very kind and gentle girl. I don't know if she likes pain like me or not. Fufu, maybe I can show her my knife collection.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Carla Tsukinami: I don't know that girl well, but there are some strange things about her that I better understand. If this girl is in a relationship with that half-founder, it might cause trouble for us later.
Shin Tsukinami: Haha, that girl is very stupid. I don't care about her, but Nii-san seems to be concerned about her. I don't know what is so strange about that girl.
Kino: She's just a normal girl. She is very tiny for her age. She looks like a little girl. I really like to tease her hehe.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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lunarsun12 · 8 months ago
Niki Real Parent - Part 2/2
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After the encounter with the unknown, the unknown has changed the chat name. As he didn’t know how to create one. Thinking nobody knows his indentity, FYI everyone knows due the gc name.
Luckily, the unknown is a bit clumsy and added all his family members in it. Giving an opportunity for K to make it up to Niki. As well revealing the real reason behind the not so threatening text behind unknown…
Back At Enhypen Chat
Unknown changed the gc name:
Get ready to get a stake in your heart
Sunghoon❄️: Really? Stake? You know we aren’t really vampires…
Unknown: Shut up! I say what goes…
Jay🦊: Wow…that is so mature of you…letting your youngest child…to send those messages…
Unknown: I’m not Maki! I’m somebody else big and scary grrrr
Heesung🦌: Only Maki, will write those sort of things…thinking we are real vampires…
Niki🕺: HEY! WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS! That was cold using me as bait…to take down my family business!
Jay🦊: Niki is handling well then expected…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I think Jake explained to him what is happening. I don’t even need to do anything!
Sunoo☀️: More like over explaining…it was tough trying to calm Niki down after that
Jake🐶: What? He asked and I deliver
Unknown: Be quiet! You erm betrayer-
Jay🦊: Hey kid what do you want?
Unknown: I’m not a kid! Please work with my big I mean brother! He has been begging non stop to collaborate with you!!
Jay🦊: Why would I want to work with your family…your family practically dumped Niki and is threatening me…
Unknown: I’m so sorry about Maki! He just wants you to collaborate with his brother Nicholas fashion line!
Heesung🦌: Which uncle is it? The one with too many kids or K?
Unknown: The one with too many kids…i don’t understand how I keep picking up more kids…
K🐨: Where is Niki? I need to explain to him!
Sunoo☀️: You not going anywhere near him! You made Niki upset! I will personally punch you!
K🐨: Sunoo still cheeky as ever!
Niki🕺: I don’t want to talk to you! You left me and have to deal with this weirdo family
Jay🦊: Again how did you get here?
K🐨: Actually, maki created the chat and he got the names confused…
Unknown: It wasn’t me! I mean if it is me of course…
K🐨: Niki! I’m sorry! I didn’t know that my family will come and do that. Me and Taki really wants to meet you and make it up!
K🐨: You really have a sweet family. Who is willing to fight for you!
Niki🕺: Well you two screw that one up big time! Seriously why did your brothers take me to a church? WHILIST IT NIGHT TIME
Unknown: Yuma said it will make the vampire go away…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: We all know Yuma read too many comic books…
K🐨: If you want to…we can meet up for lunch and promise. Just me and Taki, he really misses you! Due to circumstances…we have to leave you..
Niki🕺: I dunno…I’m confused like I was yesterday…
K🐨: You can have Jungwon or your uncle to supervise!
Unknown: Please please work with my brother! I’m begging you!
K🐨: Maki! Stop it! You embarrassing us!
Unknown: YOU IDIOT MAKI! Why did you do that! You ruined my chance! Both you and Harua kept on bugging me about it!
Maki💪🏻: I only wanted to help…you were too scared to say hi…
Nicholas😎: W-who said I was scared! I was being polite! Now Jay company will never collaborate with me!
Jay🦊: Actually the fashion line isn’t mine…it’s my son sunoo line..
Nicholas😎: Why did I listen to you two! If it was sunoo, I just bribe him with mint chocolate icecream
Sunoo☀️: EW! As if I will collaborate with a psycho family! Try Jake dog shelter…they love furr
Jake🐶: Hey leave my dogs friends alone!!
K removes Nicholas and Maki from the chat
K🐨: I don’t want them to embarrass our family anymore. So Niki?
Niki🕺: Uhm Uhm okay but I’m bringing my cousins with me…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: No Niki, will be bringing me only. I don’t trust you cousin to behave properly
Sunoo☀️: You are not taking Niki anywhere near that K person! No one hurts my chick!
Sunghoon❄️: One reason why uncle Jungwon doesn’t want to take us…you can be so dramatic sometimes
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Actually it’s Sunghoon…just in case he makes Taki cry…
K🐨: Why would he do that..he seem so well mannered!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Sunghoon can be too honest sometimes…
K🐨: Right…? I drop the location see you Niki and Jungwon! I have to go and sort out Nicholas and Maki…
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Mukami manor
Kou: Well then, I better hurry and get everything ready! I’ve got tons of things I want to pack after all!
Yuma: I bet you’re gonna take a bunch of useless shit with ya, huh?
Kou: As if you’re not going to ask to take a bunch of sugar cubes along?
Azusa: Would it be too much...to ask to include some shichimi spice as well...? 
Yui: ( I was worried that the guys might be feeling down since it hasn’t been too long since we received the news about Karlheinz-san’s passing but... )
( Seems like they’re up to their usual shenanigans. No need to worry for now...I guess? )
( ...Butーー )
Ruki: ...
Hm? ...What’s wrong?
Yui: Ah, no, nothing. You know...I was just wondering if you’d start packing as well or not, that’s all.
Ruki: Unlike the other guys, there isn’t anything in particular I’d like to take with me.
Yui: I see...
( ...Ruki-kun is the only one who still concerns me. I can’t help but feel as if he hasn’t been himself as of late. )
( I’m worried because Ruki-kun has a bad habit of keeping all his worries to himself. )
( Regarding the whole Adam and Eve thing...While he hasn’t commented on it out loud, I’m sure it’s been weighing on his mind. )
( As for what happened with Karlheinz-san as wellーー )
ー A flashback ensues to the living room of the Sakamaki castle
Ruki: Karlheinz-sama has...passed away...?
Shuu: Yes. I didn’t really care but I figured I’d let you guys know at least.
Kou: That man has...
Yuma: ...For real?
Azusa: ...We’ll never see him again, huh...?
Shuu: That’s the only reason why we called you here. There’s nothing else I have to say, so go ahead and show yourself out. 
ー Shuu walks away
Ruki: ...Karlheinz-sama has...
Yui: ( Ruki-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the balcony of the Mukami manor
Ruki: ...
ー Yui approaches him
Yui: Ruki-kun...You’re still not going to sleep?
Ruki: ...Oh, it’s you. I told you that I don’t mind if you go to bed before me, didn’t I?
Yui: Yeah...But I’m worried. Are you alright?
Ruki: Yes, I’m perfectly fine. ...Or at least, that’s what I’d like to say, but if I’m honest, I don’t quite know myself.
Yui: It must have...come as a shock, huh?
Ruki: Exactly. The fact that man has passed away is obviously shocking to me as well but...
Have you heard? Apparently his powers were passed down to Sakamaki Shuu.
Yui: Then Shuu-san is the one who inherited the throne? 
Ruki: That’s how it works. He’s still the eldest son in the end. I guess it only makes sense...
...The eldest, huh?
I guess he favored his actual son in the end. Rather than a child who is not even blood-related to him...
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( ーー Back then, I wanted to say that he probably cared about everyone equally...but for some reason I couldn’t. )
( Shuu-san and Ruki-kun both hold the titles of being the eldest son of their respective families. However, Ruki-kun was not chosen. )
( As a former human and an adoptive son...Ruki-kun is not qualified to become Adam. )
( Once I considered that...I realized that there was really nothing I could say to comfort him. )
Ruki: ...You’re unusually quiet. Do you have something on your mind?
Yui: Ah...No, I’m sorry. Um, I better get ready as well.
Ruki: Wait. About that...
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: As mentioned before, the Demon World is currently experiencing a crisis. In other words, the situation is incredibly dangerous. 
It would be bad if something were to happen to you on our way to Eden. Thereforeーー 
Yui: ...Don’t tell me you want to say that you’re leaving me behind here...?
Ruki: That’s the safest option. I mean, there is not much you could do, even if we were to take you with us, is there? 
Yui: Butーー!
Ruki: The one thing you can do, is behave.
Yui: Ugh...
Ruki: You don’t need to pack your things. Return to your room and rest up. 
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s room
Yui: ( ...It’s true that there’s nothing I can do. But still, I wanted to come with the others. )
( I wanted to be there for Ruki-kun. I thought that maybe...I could support him from the side. )
( I guess that’s probably pretty selfish coming from someone powerless such as myself. )
( ...I don’t want to burden him. I’ll just stop fretting about it and get some rest. I’ll be seeing everyone off tomorrow morning. )
ー Yui closes her eyes
ー Somebody enters the room and walks up to her bed, taking a seat on the edge
Yui: ...Nn...
ー She wakes up
Ruki: ...Did I wake you up?
Yui: Ruki-kun...? What are you doing here at this hour?
Ruki: I couldn’t sleep for some reason. It was never my intention to wake you though...
Yui: Oh no...It’s fine. If you can’t sleep, why don’t we talk for a bit? 
Ruki: No, I just came to see your face. You can sleep. 
Yui: I won’t be able to when I know you’re watching me. I’m embarrassed to have you see the expressions I make in my sleep...
Ruki: Pft, little late to worry about that, don’t you think? I’ve seen you sleep a million times by now.
Yui: It’s embarrassing nonetheless. Besides...I’m sure you came here for a reason, didn’t you?
 Ruki: ...You can tell?
Yui: I do. I’m always watching you after all.
Ruki: I see...
...Yui, lend me your shoulder for a bit.
Ruki: Don’t move. Keep still. 
Yui: ( ...His face is sheer white. )
( It might be odd to say this about an immortal being but...He almost looks like a corpse, it worries me. )
Are you alright? Tired...? 
Ruki: Not quite. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.
...Sakamaki Shuu inherited Karlheinz-sama’s powers. I can’t get that out of my head ever since that day.
It’s only natural since he was the eldest son. There is nothing strange about it. However, I still can’t help but find myself wondering.
What exactly does he have that I don’t?
Yui: Ruki-kun...
Ruki: I know this might sound selfish, but I felt like you might be able to answer my question. 
Yui: ...There’s nothing you don’t have. I believe that both of you are formidable eldest sons. 
If I had to name one thing, it would be that you’re not blood-related and he is. That’s all.
Ruki: Hah...No holding back, huh? Even though that’s exactly what makes it so cruel.
Yui: But it’s the truth. I don’t think there’s a difference between the two of you. 
Ruki: As to be expected of the kind Eve. 
...I’m actually well aware that I’m completely different from that guy in every regard. That’s why I wasn’t chosen. 
My brain knows that, but when I heard about the critical condition of Eden, I couldn’t help but wonder. 
Why did he not choose me? I would have never allowed for that place to reach such a horrible state. 
That thought has been circling through my mind non-stop as of late ...Very weak of me, don’t you think? I’m disappointed in myself. 
Yui: That’s not true. It just proves that Eden is very important to you, don’t you think? 
Besides, that’s exactly what I love about you. 
You have many things which you value deeply and wish to protect. I love that kind side of yours. 
Ruki: ...As to be expected of you, Livestock, you know exactly how to please your Master. 
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I want...your everything.”
“Let me feel you directly...”
Ruki: ...Nn.
Yui: Nn...!
Yui: Wait...
Ruki: You like it when I show my weak side as well, don’t you? Then be quiet and accept it...
...You are my only salvation, Yui. 
Yui: The only? ...I’m happy to hear that, but you’ve got your brothers as well, remember? 
Ruki: You should just genuinely be happy about it. You truly are sincere, aren’t you? 
We’ll spend some time apart for a while from tomorrow onwards. So stay with me here tonight. ...Okay? 
Yui: Yeah...I don’t mindーー
Yuma: Oi, Sow!! Is Ruki here!? 
Yui: Y-Yuma-kun!?
Yuma: Oh! He’s here after all. Sorry to interrupt.
Ruki: My thoughts exactly. So, do you need anything? 
Yuma: It’s an emergency! Seems like the Sakamaki’s have been attacked by someone!
Yui: Attacked!? 
Ruki: What do you mean? Give me the details.
Yuma: I was told by a Familiar investigatin’ the area. We don’t know how it happened exactly, but the manor got blown up. 
Yui: What about the guys? Are they alright!? 
Yuma: We don’t know for sure yet. What should we do, Ruki? 
Ruki: I would like to get a good grasp on the situation before we leave the human world. Let us go take a look for now.
Yuma: Gotcha. I’ll go wake up Kou and Azusa as well. 
Yui: I wonder...If Ayato-kun and the others are safe?
Ruki: ...They sure have horrible timing. Could this not have waited until a bit later so I got to indulge in you first? 
Yui: N-Now’s not the time for that! Aren’t you worried about them? 
Ruki: They wouldn’t die that easily, would they? No point in worrying about them. ...The real problem isーー
...No, for now, I want to see the situation with my own eyes first. 
Ruki: You should come as well. I wouldn’t want to leave you behind here and have something happen to you. 
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the Sakamaki manor
Kou: Uwaah...The place has actually been blown to bits. Whoever did this really went all-out. 
Ayato: Aah? Oh, it’s you guys. I thought some other fuckers showed up to mess with us. 
Laito: Even Bitch-chan’s here. Nfu~ Did you come because you were worried about us? 
Yui: Ayato-kun, Laito-kun! The others as well...Thank god. I was worried.
Ruki: We heard that you were ambushed by someone. What happened exactly? 
Judging from the damage they dealt, it must have been someone who possessed a great amount of magic powers...
Subaru: This isn’t the enemy’s doin’...
Yuma: Haah? Then who did this? 
Shuu: I did.
Yui: Shuu-san, you...?
Shuu: I was caught off guard. I couldn’t control my powers and as a result, I blew up the entire manor.
Ruki: ...
Azusa: You tried to fight back but went a bit overboard...? And this is the result of that...? 
Yui: ( In other words, his magic must be that powerful. )
( So this is what Karlheinz-san’s powers are capable of...I feel truly terrified having witnessed it first-hand... )
Ruki: ...Did you find out who it is who attacked you? 
Kanato: All we know is that he is also a Vampire. 
Yui: It was a Vampire? 
Kanato: Yes. I was out on the balcony when I was attacked out of nowhere. 
I was having such a good time singing as well. ...He has no manners.
Shuu: Anyway, that’s enough chit-chat for now. We’re heading to the Demon World before this turns into a huge fuss. I don’t want to deal with any more trouble after all. 
Laito: Reiji should already be there to get everything ready, so we better be on our ways. See you later, Bitch-chan~ 
ー The Sakamaki’s leave
Yuma: ...They don’t seem stressed at all even though they were attacked. 
Azusa: But...It’s good they’re unscathed, right?
Kou: Anyway, this is the home of the Vampire King, remember? Who could the person who attacked them be? 
Yui: If it was also a Vampire, then they should be on their side, right? So why would they attack...? 
Yuma: I mean, we’re in no position to speak.
Ruki: ...Could it be that man?
Kou: Do you have an idea, Ruki-kun? 
Ruki: We ran into a strange guy on our way back from school. Yui, do you remember? 
Yui: On the way back...? Ah, the guy we met at the supermarket? The one who ate the apple you dropped...
Ruki: Yes. He gave me Vampire vibes. 
However...His scent was different from that of a Pureblood Vampire, which caught me off guard.
Azusa: Which means he could be a Halfblood like we are...?
Ruki: No, it was different from that as well. I’m not sure how to put it into words, but I’ve never met a Vampire like him. 
Yuma: I’m not sure but...It does smell fishy. So ya think he’s the culprit?
Ruki: We’re not certain about that. However, I am sure that some kind of unknown creature has made his way to the human world. 
We are changing our plans. Let us head towards Eden at once. Before we get caught up in a sticky situation. 
ー The scene shifts to the gate to the Demon World
Yui: Well then...Be careful out there, guys.
Ruki: Wait. 
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: I know I told you to stay here, but I think we’ll be taking you with us after all. 
While you may be Eve, I did not like the idea of involving a human such as yourself in a conflict between Demons. 
However, taking the recent events into account, I can no longer leave you behind here. 
While the Demon World is just as dangerous...If both options hold a certain risk, then I’d much rather have you close to me so I can keep an eye on you. 
Kou: Geez, you always have to make things so difficult, Ruki-kun. Just be honest and admit that you want her by your side because you’re worried.
Ruki: ...Kou, shush.
Kou: Fufu, okay~
Ruki: I’ve already made up my mind. You’ll be coming with us. Understood? 
Yui: Yes, of course. 
( I’m relieved that we won’t have to be apart but...The situation in both the human and the Demon World isn’t stellar... )
( Chaos broke loose in the Demon World from the moment Karlheinz-san passed away...I wonder if that’s just a coincidence...? )
Yuma: Oi, if we’re all on the same page, let’s get goin’ already. 
Azusa: Off we go...To Eden. 
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iricathel · 3 years ago
What would you rate the vampires and Yui?😳💗
Suppose this is Irina's point of view
Shuu: 9/10 Handsome and very calm, you hardly notice his presence, he also has very beautiful eyes and his hair looks very fluffy ... but he's too lazy for my patience, it's like a baby.
Reiji: 8/10 He is a very intelligent, educated and elegant boy, like a gentleman, I love it! But ... the task of getting along with him is quite heavy, he is spiteful and vindictive, and quite serious.
Laito: 7/10 He has beautiful eyes too, similar to mine and his smile is charming, but his perverted side surpasses me, and look that I have a very green humor.
Kanato: 4/10 Wah... He screams too much to bear it, he behaves like a spoiled child and he is very capricious ... it is scary to have sweets near him, he is able to stick a fork in your eye just to remove them from your hands.
Ayato: 6'5/10 He is so proud with a huge ego that it is fun to tease him! Several times we have competed in volleyball to see who is the best since this idiot thought it was a sport equal to basketball.
Subaru: 8/10 Aw he's so adorable! Despite his strong behavior and tsundere demeanor, he is a good company and makes you want to protect him. And I love his red eyes with his albino hair, he looks like a fluffy little bunny!
Ruki: 9'5/10 He would seem to be the perfect man. Loyal, handsome, mysterious, intelligent, responsible, has several very useful talents and is a very cultured person, But that possessiveness ... To be declared as belonging to someone like that out of nowhere would scare anyone, but I guess it's the nature of a vampire, haha ~
Kou: 9/10 What can I say? He's a good friend of mine for a reason! We have quite a few things in common and I always have good times full of laughs with him, I love having a selfcare day with him! The only bad thing about him is his moody personality and that moral philosophy of his.
Yuma: 8'5/10 Intimidating at first glance, he's somewhat stubborn and ... how to put it ...? Edge? I can't find the most suitable word. But as soon as you get to know him better, he is like a cute teddy bear, very friendly and pleasant.
Azusa: 10/10 Aw ~ He's such a sweetheart! I know he seems to be harmless for how dangerous he can be, but he is so cute~ He is one of my favorites without a doubt, although the Mukami family is one of my favorites.
Carla: 9/10 Another albino and even though I don't really like very long hair on men, it looks great on him. His eyes are striking and he is another responsible person, just like the older brother that he is, but what drives me back from him is that exaggerated sadism and ... that nickname for women ...
Shin: 8'5/10 The doggie? Good person, funny and somewhat unbearable, but he is a very suitable person to do teasing ~ I love to annoy him!
Kino: 8/10 He's actually quite easy to get along with but he's also a bit like triplets ... But I don't dislike him. Oh! And he looks a lot like my younger brother, so I have practice to be able to handle the situation with him well.
Yui: 10/10 Another sweetheart without a doubt! It makes me want to protect this girl and I am struck by the kind heart she has despite not being fully human. But if I was her I should set more limits, at least with humans since I understand that vampires are a more complicated situation.
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kyouxa · 5 years ago
hii. I wanted to ask you something that is stuck in my head for a long time now. Can Kino really be considered a Sakamaki? because we know that theoretically the Mukamis were adopted by Karlheinz, so they are his family too, but Karlheinz gave them a different last name, and Kino (as far as I know about his character, because I really don't know much) has no contact with Karlheinz, I mean Karlheinz doesn't know he exists, Kino was adopted by a family of ghouls so he should have their last name??
All the things I‘m going to show in this are my translations and my current knowledge. For me, Kino is supposed to be called part of the Sakamaki family because: While the Mukami’s are “used” for Karlheinz‘ plan about the Adam & Eve project, Karl wanted to know what will happen if Eve once again gets tempted by the snake¹. He did save them from death, but only for the purpose of his plan. The difference between Ruki, Kou, Yuma, Azusa and Kino is that the Mukami‘s are each from a different family with different parents, while Kino IS something made from Karlheinz. Yes, he isn’t like the rest of the Sakamaki‘s, made out of coitus between himself and a wife he had, but Kino is made out of something Karl has left behind. This obviously makes him a creation of Karlheinz, and in my opinion, your creator is supposed to be your father. By the way, Kino even calls himself 「カールハインツの隠し子さ」 which translated means “Karlheinz’ illegitimate child”.
+ The Sakamaki‘s accepted Kino as part of their family in his route, noticible in the CG I added too!
-> snake (I‘m referring to the Mukami‘s as the snake that tempted Eve in the known story. Since the Sakamaki‘s (burebloods) are Adam, the Mukami‘s refer to themselves as the snake in the story as well.)
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Ruki Mukami (More Blood), Ecstasy Epilogue
(This more or less proofs that Karlheinz only allowed the Mukami’s to be reborn, to return him a favour. He did this so they could be test subjects in his plan, to see if Eve will be tempted by the snake again.)
❀ Translation can be found here ❀
ルキ: コウもユーマもアズサも。俺と同様に生きることを選んだんだ。死にたくない理由が全員にあった。
Ruki: Kou, Yuma and also Azusa. All of them chose to live the exact same way I was living. Everyone had their own specific reason not to die like this yet.
ルキ: そしてヴァンパイアとなった俺たちは二度目の生を与えて下さったその方についていくことを誓った。
Ruki: And so we vowed to follow any favour of that person, because he gifted us a second chance in life, with turning us into vampires.
ルキ: あの方が望む…… 『アダムの林檎計画』 を成功させることで、そ。恩義を返さなければならないんだ。
Ruki: That person’s wish… was to succeed with his “Adam’s apple” plan. For that reason, it was my obligation to return my debt of gratitude.
ルキ: だが…本当は気付いていたんだ。俺では、アダムになり得ないということを。
Ruki: But… I became aware of the truth myself. Someone like me is unable to become Adam.
ルキ: ...イブになれ、ユイ。この家にいる六人からひとりを選び、アダムとイブとして結ばれろ。
Ruki: …Become Eve, Yui. Choose one of those six men in this house, in order to be wedded as Adam and Eve.
ルキ: それがあの方の望みであり、…お前の役目だ。
Ruki: To fulfill that person’s wish, ...that is your duty.
Kino (Chaos Lineage), Story 15
(In this it’s proven that Karlheinz only made Kino to use him as benefit for his own sons. He sadly never really acknowledged his existence, nor that he’s his son. However, he is a creation from Karlheinz and with this, he technically is one of his sons. I really hope for Rejet to include more story revealing about Kino in the next game! I‘m going to continue calling him Kino Sakamaki anyway...)
❀ Translation can be found here ❀
キノ: カールハインツ… あれが…父上…
Kino: Karlheinz… that’s… my father…
カールハインツ: …君は…
Karlheinz: ...You are…
キノ: キノ……です、父上。アナタのゼロ番目の王子。覚えているでしょう?魔界の僻地…ローティゲンベルクにボクを置き去りにしたことを。父上!ボクはここまで来た。他のとの兄弟よりも玉座に相応しい存在として!
Kino: I’m… Kino, father. I’m the zeroth son you have. Do you remember? In the demon worlds hinterland… you abandoned me back then in Rotigenberg. Father! I’ve come this far already, I’m more worth to own the throne than my brothers or the other guys!
キノ: 魔力も才気も、誰にも劣らない。甘ったれた生活じゃ得られない生命力だ��てある…だから、ボク—アナタの力の継承者に…
Kino: Magical powers and wisdom, they are inferior. These guys would get your power even if they only behaved like spoiled children… that’s why, I— I want to be the successor of your powers…
カールハインツ: これだけの力を得ているとは予想外だった。ならば、話してもいいだろう。 確かに私は、ローティゲンベルクへ足を運んだことがある
Karlheinz: It is unexpected that you bear such strength within you. If so, I could talk about it then. You are right, I certainly did pay a visit to Rotigenberg.
カールハインツ: もし、お前に存在している理由があるとすれば、それは... やがて生まれる新たな王のための礎。 私の息子達、6人のいずれかがやがて新たなる王となる。その成長を促す良い刺激物。それがお前の存在する意味だ
Karlheinz: If you certainly do have a reason to be in this place, then it is… that you are the foundation for a new king to be born. One of my dear six sons, one of them may eventually become the new king. I stimulated a good development for its growth in you, that is the meaning of your entire existence.
キノ: 待ってよ…ボクは、ただの踏み台だったってこと…?そのために生まれて捨てられて…ここまで来たって…?
Kino: Wait… I was supposed to just be a stepladder…? I was born and abandoned for that reason…? I’ve come so far for this… ?
カールハインツ: ああ、そうだ
Karlheinz: Yes, that is correct.
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ozymandiascezn · 4 years ago
only in hindsight
chapter one
fandom far cry 4
pairing ishwari ghale x pagan min
rating teen, mature
warning language, references to violent acts
note this is thanks to @achieverooster / @cascast if not for them, this would not exist also how does one play a violent character when the only violence you’ve ever experienced is telling someone you’d shank them with a candycane 
  Pagan Min was young, but he was most certain the Golden Path would age him thirty years if they weren’t taken care of soon. Their use had long since come to an end, but the inconveniences they continued to cause were far greater than their use. 
  He had dealt with quite a bit of the Golden Path monkeys, but they mated like rodents it seemed. You cut several down, a dozen more were born. A true shame really, he was a good king to those who behaved themselves. He didn’t need his governors to constantly remind him of that every time something went fucking wrong. 
  In the midst of his brooding, he became aware of the doors opening, and with one eye opening, he stared at the servant who had entered. 
  “I thought I fucking told you I wanted to left alone! Do you worthless peasants never listen?” He sneered, leaning his head to the side with a displeased grunt. “What do you want?”
  “King Min, t - there’s a w - woman.... she’s c - come to the palace for y - you...” The servant shivered in fear, voice trembling in alarm as Pagan stood, nearing him with a predatory look. “S - She’s soaked from the r - rains, S - Sir, she has a b- baby with her -”
  Pagan paused, staring quizzically at the servant. “Oh, dear me, that’s no good, is it? Bring her to a room, give her a change of clothes and anything else she might need. When you are done with that, tell the chef to cook something good for dinner. It seems we are to have a guest this fine evening.” 
  “S - Sir?” The man stood there for a moment before his eyes widened and he scrambled out to handle the tasks he had been given. Questioning Pagan would always cost you your life and while he got away this time, Pagan would ensure that this would not happen again. 
  Something far more peculiar had piqued his interest, far more than hounding on a servant for questioning him. He quite enjoyed the idea of his citizens flocking to worship the very ground he walked on except it was raining quite hard outside and with a baby? To travel so far and wander up a mountain in this weather is quite alarming, but very interesting.
  He shook the mysterious woman from his mind and stalked across his room, returning to his desk. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so suspicious of his own citizens, but he could hardly even trust his own governors to get things done without messing something up. 
  “King Min?” Gary nervously poked his head into the room. He was a young man, although, Pagan was quite sure he was still only a boy, but he was thankful to have his services anyways. He was loyal and a quick learner, as far as Pagan was concerned, nothing else mattered. 
  “Do I need to have a ‘Do not Disturb’ sign on my door to get my point across?” Pagan sighed and turned to face Gary, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “What is it, Gary? Yuma give you a hard time?”
  “N - No, sir. Dinner is ready.” Gary quickly bowed, awaiting further instruction.
  “Ah, wonderful. You may go now, Gary. I will be down shortly, and - while you’re out - tell our guest this and if she is ready, bring her to the dining room. It should be quite eventful this evening.” He would’ve sounded excited, or at the very least interested, but his mind danced around with ideas and plans of the Golden Path.
  Even when it was time to eat, there wasn’t a moment when Pagan wasn’t focused on diminishing the Golden Path, but when his guest entered the dining room, he looked up, setting the work aside like they were suddenly of little importance. 
  “So, you’re the woman who hiked up my mountain in the rain, with a baby no less.” He leaned back with his head tilted, he was amused to say the least, to find that she looked quite nervous to even be there. “I don’t bite. Not unless you want me to.”
  Her eyes widened considerably and she coughed to clear her throat, bowing shortly afterwards. “Ishwari, Your Majesty.”
  She was wearing a less than stylish outfit, but Pagan cared little for that, but was rather amused by the sight of a wrap around her upper half that kept - what her assumed was her baby - to her chest. Her hair was in long braids, soaked from the rain, that curled around her shoulders and over her chest. Pagan found strength in her brown eyes, but her stance said otherwise.
  “King Pagan or King Min will do just fine, Ishwari.” He scrunched his face up, disliking the honorifics. “You... You were an old tarun matara, or whatever that blasted thing was called, weren’t you?”
  “I - I was, yes.” She nodded lightly, a bit surprised by the question.
  “Please, sit. It’d be awfully rude of me to keep my guest standing.” He gestured at the table he sat at, waiting until she was seated. “What brought you to my palace, Ishwari? Not many often trek up here - they are much too weak to entertain the idea of heading up a mountain, I suppose.”
  “Then you’d be delighted to know I’m not ‘much too weak’ to entertain the idea. I fled from the Golden Path and it led me here.” She muttered lightly, either keeping quiet for the sake of keeping her child asleep, or to hide her nerves. 
  He hummed. “Your child. Do they have a name?”
  “Yes...” She paused for a moment, eyes searching for something he wasn’t going to give so easily. “Ajay. You’re a lot more curious than I thought you’d be.”
  “I’m a lot more of a lot of things, Ishwari. I ought to be curious, however, you’re my guest and you arrived quite so suddenly.” He took a sip of his wine, humming at the taste. “Please, eat, enjoy what you will. We don’t want you getting sick, not with a baby to care for, now do we?”
  Ishwari hummed in agreement, although she seemed a bit on edge when she slowly started eating, poking at the food as if testing to make sure it was edible. “What is this?”
  “Chinese food, though, it’s got a western flair to it.” He hummed lightly, slowly returning to his papers. “The food isn’t poisoned, you’re welcome to eat at your leisure and if you need anything for Ajay, Gary is at your disposal to retrieve anything you may need.”
  “Gary?” She questioned.
  Gary stood from the shadows, having been there awkwardly awaiting the time to bring forth a letter meant for Pagan. He waved towards Ishwari before handing the letter over. He awaited for her, to see if she had anything she needed.
  “Ah, some milk should do just fine, Gary. Thank you.” She offered him a slight smile before glancing down at the baby against her chest. 
  Pagan cursed something awful in Cantonese upon reading whatever contents were in the letter and he looked at Gary with misdirected anger. “Send for Yuma when you’re done with this, Gary. She’s the only one who can do anything right in this fucking country.”
  Ishwari looked up from her meal, switching between Pagan’s disgruntled and obviously tense form to Gary’s rather anxious form. She wondered how the two met. 
  Gary nodded quickly and disappeared.
  “How did you meet Gary? He isn’t from Kyrat, is he?” She asked quietly, poking at her crab rangoon with a rather confused expression. She had never seen something like this before. 
  “Now who’s the curious one?” He took a rather generous gulp of wine before he poured more for himself. “He’s an American, so no, he isn’t from around here, but I trust his judgment.”
  “He seems afraid of you.” She admitted boldly, although her tone betrayed her fear in saying so.
  “I have a temper,” He rolled his eyes, “I’d never hurt him, if that’s what you worry about. I am not as bad as I seem, Ishwari. I only do what I think is best.”
  He knew as well as anyone else that he didn’t care for Kyrat nearly as much as he pretended to. He cared not for it’s people, or it’s nature. Kyrat only proved interesting and useful in his endeavors of drugs and money. What occurs elsewhere fails to concern him unless it affected his operations. He was a businessman first and foremost. 
   “Many of your subjects would argue otherwise, King Min.” She responded with courage, finally looking him in the eyes to meet his piercing gaze. “Not just amongst the Golden Path.”
  “The Golden Path are a bunch of fucking monkeys who think they know what’s good for them. Did you like being tarun matara, Ishwari? Being paraded like an object for the people to follow? If not for me, you’d still be doing that, hm? To think, people turning to a child to decide their country’s rules.” He scoffed lightly, grinning when he got the reaction that he wanted from her. “I do more for this country than it’s own citizens. Whether they realize it or not is not up to me.”
  Pagan observed the silence she fell into with a pleased glint in his eyes. His enjoyment of the silence was long, up until near the end of the meal, Gary returned with a bottle of milk for Ajay and with Yuma in tow, hissing in Cantonese the moment she had seen Ishwari. 
  “Ah, enough, Yuma, you and I have some business to attend to and I think you might enjoy it quite a bit. You will have plenty of amusement in Durgesh once we are through.”
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mukamibabe · 7 years ago
Can you do one where the s/m/t boys react to their s/o randomly turning into a child. They know it's not permanent, but their s/o doesn't have any memories of them either. Also, thank you for your posts~
Shu: “..(Y/N)..? How did you- Oi, stop crying, you’re being too noisy… Quiet down, what do you want?” ..Um, he would consult to Reiji, but Reiji would probably make fun of him, lol. He doesn’t really know what to do, or how to take care of a child, but if they need anything he’ll help them as long as they don’t bother him. It’s weird, and pretty annoying, but hopefully it won’t last long.
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Reiji: “You’re a.. child, now..? This isn’t good at all.. I wonder what caused this? Ah, nevermind.. For now, I suppose we’ll just have to let it be.” Well, that’s… odd. He wants to know how this happened, and hopes it wasn’t one of his potions gone wrong, but he’ll try to come up with something to turn them back into their regular age. Although he doesn’t mind children, that’s his s/o,, and prefers them to be their regular self.
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Ayato: “What the hell happened to you?! How am I supposed to drink from you, now!? Ugh..! WHO DID THIS!? …No, shut up! Stop crying!” No. He hates it. He doesn’t hate kids, but where did his s/o go?? What the hell happened? How long is this going to last? Does he have to take care of them? Probably calls Reiji asking if he could fix it. He does not want to put up with that.
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Kanato: “..(Y/N)…? What..? What happ- DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH TEDDY, BRAT! WHERE DID (Y/N) GO?!” Honestly, it probably really all depends on how they behave. If they’re quiet and keeps to themself, and doesn’t touch everything, then it’ll be okay. His s/o’s gonna have to deal with a lot of.. aggression after they’re normal again, because he blames it all on them, and says he hated it.
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Laito: “O-Oh..? Bitc- Ah, no, no, it’s okay, I’m not mad~ Oh Re~iji-kun~! I have something for you~!” ..that’s awkward, lol. He just sends them to Reiji, and constantly nag at him to help, but it’s not that Laito is mean to them. He’s nice to them, but doesn’t really want to be around them. 
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Subaru: “WHAT THE FUC- No! S-Sorry, um, I-.. Shit… You.. Nevermind. Just follow me, okay..?” ..what does he do???? He doesn’t really want to be near them, because,, like, he’s scary, and aggressive, but?? Is his s/o okay?? How did that happen? He’s really confused, and kind of scared, but just hopes that it wears off.
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Ruki: “Livestock, you’re-? ..Ah, no, you’re fine.. I am just a bit confused, it seems… Ahem, I have to go, okay? ..sigh.” He’s shocked, but tries not to show it. First thing he does is ask that man. Even though that’s his s/o,,, he’s going to be nice to them for this temporary moment. He’ll take care of them, and honestly has a bit of fun observing what they we’re like as a child. He’ll tease them for it, after they’re back to normal.
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Kou: “W-What the!? M Neko-chan, what happened!? You don’t know what I’m talking about… Ugh… Hm, are you okay, then?” He doesn’t hate it, but he also doesn’t like it. He won’t be mean to them, but probably will after they’re back to normal. He’s really impatient with them, but will have fun with them while it lasts, I guess.
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Yuma: “Sow..? How did ya become a kid.? This is you, isn’t it? ..Nevermind. Oi, follow me, I’ve gotta go ask Ruki about this.” Well, that’s fun? He doesn’t really know, honestly. He’s actually pretty cool around them, and takes care of them. He’s confused, but is curious to see if they’re any different from how they are now. Asks them a lot of questions, but it’s like if they like school or something, or if they have any friends, what’s their favorite color, and a bunch of other things like that.
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Azusa: “…(Y/N)..? Why are you.. a child…? How did this happen..?” He tries not to show how disappointed he is, but has a hard time doing so. He’s not exactly.. Mean to them, but he’s kind of standoffish. He’s not going to make them cut him, and he’s not going to cut them, which is why he’s kind of annoyed. He doesn’t really know what to do, but he does try to talk to them, no matter how awkward it is.
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Carla: “Ah, this is quite a surprise… How troublesome.. Please don’t tug on my scarf, I didn’t say you could do that. …sigh.. No, I’m fine. Just.. Go sit down, please? I need to figure out what’s going on.” It’s annoying, but he really doesn’t care. I think he’d be okay if it were only just a few days, and hopes it just wears off. He makes them food if they’re hungry, and thinks it’s a nice practice for his future. 
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Shin: “…uhm..? How..? ..No, stop asking questions..! Look, you see out there? There’s some puppies out there, do you want to see them?” jaafsk ahaha. He’s really annoyed, but makes sure there’s one of his wolves around to follow them, whether they scare the kid or not. He’s not mean to them, but acts kind of like a bully, and teases them a lot. He does take care of them, though, because.. it’s not like he has a choice, but stil.
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 3+4]
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Original title: 野蛮で乱暴 & 砂糖より甘い血
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 5: Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (08:29 ~ 19:00)
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Yuma’s perverted nature is definitely more emphasized in this. I did chuckle a little when he calls the MC out for having kiddo panties though. There’s also a fair amount of blood-sucking in this CD which is not great news for me since I don’t particularly enjoy listening to all of the slurping but I’ll manage. It’s not as bad as Laito’s MB CD where he’s also moaning into my ear every two seconds. 
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
TRACK 3: Wild and Ferocious
“Anyway, let’s get started. I’m darn hungry ‘cause of that delicious scent of yers waftin’ through the air...”
You swiftly escape his grip and run towards the door.
“...Hey! Don’t try and run!”
You try and open the door, but to no avail.
Yuma approaches you.
“...Shut up! Argh...What a drag. Don’t cause me extra trouble, ugh!”
He drags you back.
[00:38] “Geez...Do ya even have a brain inside of yer head? Should be pretty obvious you’re no match for me just by lookin’, no? If I wanted to...I could easily snap yer neck with my bare hands.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Pinnin’ ya down ‘gainst the ground like this is child’s play...”
*Rustle rustle*
[01:10] “Geez...Ya want to be treated hard-handedly, don’t ya? That’s why you’re workin’ me up, aren’t ya? ...Oh well, whatever. No matter how much ya try and stall, ya can’t avoid the inevitable.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You’re just a prey layin’ on top of the plate, waitin’ to devoured...I’ll make sure to...”
“...savor ya thoroughly. Ya should be happy. Anyway...”
“Ya seriously smell amazin’...Where is this scent comin’ from...?”
[01:58] “From here? ...Hah! What kind of underwear is that? Ya really lack any shred of sex appeal. Can’t ya wear somethin’ with a lil’ more ‘bang’? Geez. What a turn off. Next time go for somethin’ worth showin’ off. (1) ...Well, guess that rules out this place.”
You get mad.
[02:21] “...Aah? Yeah. I flipped over yer skirt knowin’ damn well the smell wasn’t comin’ from there, so what? I won’t get turned on from yer kiddy panties so don’t worry.”
You continue protesting.
“Aah...So noisy...Shut up already!! I’m lookin’ for the source of this delicious smell...Is it comin’ from inside after all...? I can’t tell...Well, in that case, I gotta do some lookin’ ‘round, huh? Hehe...Yuma-sama will do you the honor of tastin’ this body of yers which Ruki is oh-so interested in.”
[03:05] “It’s taste-testin’, ya see. When it comes to cookin’, the person preparin’ the dish has the right to have the first bite, no? In other words, since I caught ya, I deserve to take a lil’ nibble out of ya as well.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ahー ...I can’t get enough of this scent...Honestly...is it even legal for a human to smell this good?”
*Rustle rustle*
[03:45] “Aah...You’re so skinny all over...You’re severely lackin’ in curves but...Haah...Your scent is sublime...Oi. Imma turn ya into my toy right now, so ya better watch closely. ...I’ll pierce your skin with my fangs...thrusting all the way through your flesh down to the nerves in one go.”
TRACK 4: Blood Sweeter Than Sugar
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma bites you.
[00:22] “Haah...Wow...What’s this...? Oi...I’ve never...”
“...had blood even tastier than sugar...”
*Rustle rustle*
[00:44] “It’s fuckin’ sweet...What’s up with yer blood? Don’t ask me for the details, but I was told that there’s somethin’ special ‘bout yer heart, but is that really enough to yield these kinds of results? Nah, I doubt it.”
[01:03] “Oi, ya know what’s up, don’t ya? Did they fiddle with yer body or somethin’ ...Ah...Fuck...I’m feelin’ kinda dizzy...is it ‘cause of yer blood? ...Actually, you’ve got that dazed look in yer eyes as well...Not a bad look at all. Both of us get to feel good. ...This experience is a first for me. Usually they either succumb under the intense pain or go batshit crazy, but never have I seen someone make a lewd face like you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
[02:02] “Hehe...Shocked to hear that? Don’t worry, honestly. Just enjoy it. If ya beg me to indulge in more of yer blood, I wouldn’t mind dotin’ (2) on ya a lil’, ya know?”
You protest again.
“Che...You’re still fightin’ back? Ya really aren’t cute at all. ...What’s yer problem? God gifted ya with this special body, didn’t he?”
You shake your head.
[02:34] “...Ah? Ya never asked for it? ...Hah! Well, I honestly don’t give a damn ‘bout how you feel ‘bout this. I like pleasure, simple as that. Besides, I would never turn down a delicious snack either. ...I’ll suck ya down to the very last drop.
[03:04] ...Honestly, I don’t care if ya stick to or try to change your morals. I think it’s bullshit and I have no interest in that sorta crap. The only thing that interests me...is yer blood. Besides, ya could never beat me in terms of strength. ...I mean, just take a look at our difference in height!”
[03:30] “You’re a midget! Ya look like a lil’ kid next to me. Haha! Which means...All resistance is futile. Guess you’ll just have to behave if ya don’t want to be in a world of pain, huh? ...Altho’, I have to admit that when they don’t even attempt to fight back, there’s really no fun in beatin’ them up. So if ya wanna resist, be my guest.”
You try and speak up.
“ー Stop right there. Ya talk way too much. Well then...Where should I bite ya next? Maybe I should go for yer leg?”
[04:20] “Your scent only keeps gettin’ better...How should I describe it...? Nnh...”
Yuma bites you once more.
“Aah...I can’t...My body’s burnin’...and I feel unbearably hot...Haahn...”
[05:00] “Nn...I can feel it flowin’ inside of me...Somethin’ as hot as magma...right into my body...Hehe...This is the best...You’re way too delicious...”
“We’re still nowhere near done yet...”
“Sick...It feels like even my senses have become numb...The fuck’s this stuff? Nnh...”
*Rustle rustle*
[05:39] “Hm...Honestly, I’m embarrassed that such a dull chick is makin’ me feel this way...You’re way too intense...What have ya been eatin’ to get yer blood to taste like this?”
You frown.
“Vegetables turn out perfect with the right amount of fertilizer and water. So what’s the secret in yer case? ...Oi, ya listenin’? Now’s not the time to space out...Hey!”
*Smack smack*
“Can ya hear me?”
*Smack smack*
[06:14] “Che...She lost consciousness. Did I scarf down too much from the very start? Should I have minded my ‘table manners’ a lil’ more? Ah...What a drag. ーー Oi!”
*Smack smack*
*Smack smack*
“Wake up, ya bitch!”
*Smack smack*
Translation notes
(1) Yuma says ‘go for something where you don’t have to worry about people flipping up your skirt’, implying that a sexy pair of underwear is worth showing off, I suppose. :p
(2) While かわいがる or ‘kawaigaru’ usually means ‘to dote on’ or ‘to spoil’ in a positive sense of the word, in DL it is often use ironically and actually means ‘to treat badly’ instead.
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.8 Mukami Yuma [Track 2]
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Original title: 漆黒の花片
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 8 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: I really enjoy the different approach in this CD. In pretty much all the other Bloody Bouquet CDs, the guy is there when the MC accepts the bouquet and pricks her finger. :p It’s funny how she almost gets away with hiding it in this one, if it wasn’t for the random dizzy spell telling Yuma what’s up. It definitely is cute how he’s so desperate to save her though. It’s gonna hurt my heart to see (or hear, more accurately) him suffer next track. T _ T Our farmer Vampire deserves better than that. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 2: Jet Black Petals
You open the door and find the bouquet of flowers.
*Rustle rustle*
You prick yourself when picking them up.
“ーー Oi, Sow! Where the fuck are ya...!?”
You quickly throw the flowers away and close the door again.
You walk up to Yuma.
“...Ah! Che...There ya are, huh? Geez...Ya sure had some nerve leavin’ right after I was satisfied. ...You bitch! Whatcha doin’ here at the entrance?”
You nearly collapse but he catches you just in time.
“...!! Oi!! Why did you collapse...? Anemia? Honestly, you’re such a weaklin’...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Guess it can’t be helped. Just hold onto me for now. ...There.”
“...Ah, the fuck’s this? Black petals? ...Are these from roses? How did those get here?”
You explain.
“Hm? ...Ahー The delivery from earlier were flowers? So, where are the black roses in question? I don’t see them anywhere.”
You admit to throwing them away.
“Haah!? Ya threw them away? Why would ya waste them like that? ...Black roses are kinda rare, ya know? Also, tossin’ a gift straight into the trash doesn’t sound like somethin’ ya’d do.”
You nearly lose your balance again.
“...Oi!! What’s wrong!? ...Fuck! Guess I’ll just carry ya to the bed for now...Heave-ho.”
“...Say, did I really suck that much of yer blood? Is that why you’re feelin’ like this now? ...My bad. I won’t go overboard again, so if ya could properly push me away next time...”
You shake your head.
“...Ah? Then what’s causin’ this? That’s ‘bout the only thing I can think oーー”
You apologize.
“...Haah? ...What do you mean with ‘I’m sorry’...?”
“...!! Oi! ...She lost consciousness? ...Fuck!”
Yuma carries you away to the bedroom.
*Tick-tock・Tick-tock Tick-tock*
“...Haah. Is this really gonna end well for her? Several days have passed, but rather than gettin’ better, I feel like her condition is only worsenin’...”
“The symptoms seem kinda off for it to be anemia...? And the way she’s sufferin’ just seems abnormal? ...She refuses to tell me anythin’ as well. We should probably go to the hospitaーー”
Yuma gets sudden dizzy spells.
“...Ugh...! ...It hurts...! The fuck’s goin’ on...!? There’s a voice...echoin’ through my head...Kuh...!”
( Alongside a loud ringing inside my ears, I could feel my brain get shaken up. The voice echoing through my mind suddenly spoke the following words: “The throns of the black roses have put a permanent curse on her. Her blood will gradually begin to rot, becoming a poison which torments the immortal. This process can no longer be stopped. There is only one way to survive, to continue having the person she loves feast upon her blood. If not, the curse will surely become the end of her.” 
Che...Smells fishy. Under normal circumstances, I would have simply disregarded it as some shitty joke. It just sounds so unbelievable. However...those black roses which were delivered to us a few days ago, as well as her weakened state, I just couldn’t play it off as a lie. She might die at this rate...When I considered that, I was suddenly overcome by an intense feeling of fear. At the same time, anger welled up inside of me at once, upset at her for not telling me anything. Unable to keep standing around another second, I bolted towards the bedroom. )
Yuma bursts into the room.
“ーー The fuck’s this ‘bout, oi!?”
He rushes over to the bed.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Don’t be burdenin’ it all by yourself! Why didn’t you tell me anythin’...!?”
You flinch.
“That reaction...So you knew what those black roses did to ya, huh!?”
You explain to Yuma that it was written on a card that came with the bouquet.
“A card...?”
You tell him about the curse.
“A cursed message? ...Then why did ya keep quiet ‘bout somethin’ so important!? You hid the fact you were pricked by the thorn this whole time as weーー!”
You try and defend your decision. 
“Shut up! I don’t wanna hear yer lousy excuses!! Ya didn’t wanna bother me!? So what if ya die ‘cause of it, huh!? Havin’ ya die on me would affect me much more! ...Who do you think I am!?”
“...Can you not put faith in me? ...If it was Ruki, then maybe...Fuck!”
You apologize again.
“...Don’t apologize. Don’t be sayin’ sorry! That won’t lift the curse, will it!? ...We can still make it on time, right?”
“Don’t move. I don’t plan on doin’ anythin’ horrible to you, really...You should know as well, right? Wasn’t it written on that card? Now that you’ve been affected by the poison, there’s only one way for ya to survive. Only through me suckin’ yer blood. ...Say, ya can no longer live on without my fangs, right? ...Perfect. Guess I just gotta do it then. I’ll break this curse somehow.”
You try and push him away.
“Ugh...Ya don’t want my fangs? ...Don’t be fuckin’ ‘round! You’re mine, remember...!?”
“Behave and lemme suck ya!”
Yuma bites you.
“...Nnh...!? Kuh...! ...Haah! I-Is this...the poison...? Cough, cough...! ...They’re not playin’ ‘round, huh...? Haha...”
“...Ugh...Haah, haah...Bring it on...I’ll blast that curse right outta ya.”
“Haah, haah...! This stuff’s child’s play once ya get used to it. Ugh...”
“Cough, cough...!”
“...Shut up! Don’t get in my way!”
“You’re actually acceptin’ my fangs, aren’t ya?”
*Gulp gulp*
“...Ugh...Fuck...Haah, haah...”
“Don’t be runnin’...! Stop makin’ this even harder on me. ...Altho, I guess you’re already feelin’ a lil’ better if ya can fight back like that.”
You frown.
“...Ah? Should I not be worried? Am I breakin�� character? We proved it just now, no? Ya can survive if I suck yer blood. Haah...In that case...I’m obviously gonna save ya. Besides, we’re talkin’ ‘bout none other than your blood. I end up yearnin’ for it, even when I know it’s poison to me. I need it.” 
“Come on, gimme yer hand.”
Yuma grabs hold of your wrist.
“Show me...Where did the thorn prick ya?”
“Come on, which finger is it? If ya won’t tell me, I’ll just have to test them all out.”
You answer.
“...Such slender fingers. Mmh...”
“...Cough, cough...! ...Ah, did I hurt ya? But my bad, I can’t control my strength right now.”
“Hang in there just a lil’ longer...Yer life’s on the line...Cough, cough...!”
You beg him to stop.
“...Shut up. I already said I wouldn’t stop, remember? Haah, haah, haah...Fuck. I can’t suck very well any more...Ugh...”
You get up from the bed.
“...!! Oi, whatcha doin’...!?”
You suddenly dash away.
“Ah...!? O-Oi...!! Hold it right there...!!”
You leave the room.
*Rustle rustle*
“Fuck...My body won’t listen to me...But if I don’t catch her, she will...! Ugh...”
Yuma starts limping after you.
( ...She would surely leave me. I banished those words to the very back of my mind. Because I was scared that the moment I voice them out loud, they would become reality. Fearーー Such emotions should have long left me when I turned into a Vampire. I don’t want to lose something or someone again. With that desire, I chased after her. )
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.8 Mukami Yuma [Track 3]
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Original title: 抗い続ける
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 8 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Yuma is such husbando material in this, there is just no way anyone could say ‘no’ when he asks to marry you. Seeing him so motivated to save his S/O really warmed my heart. ;w; I know these boys do a lot of horrible things to you in some of the other CDs but when Rejet gives us fluff, they do it RIGHT. That being said, I am curious how the final two tracks will play out since it seems Yuma has entered detective mode right now. >3
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 3: Continuing to Fight Back
You flee inside a room and lock the door.
“...Open up!!”
You remain quiet.
“Haah, haah...Can ya not hear me!? I said open the damn door!!”
You refuse.
“Listen to me...!! At this rate, you’ll die! Are ya ‘kay with that!? Don’t ya wanna live!?”
You insist that you don’t mind dying if Yuma stops suffering.
“Keh...You bitch! Do ya any idea what nonsense you’re spoutin’...!? Don’t be sayin’ ya wanna die! No way in hell I’d let ya get away with that! Don’t run from that stupid curse! Fight back against it! Like I do! I promised I would save ya no matter what, remember!? Is it really that hard for ya to put some faith in me!?”
You deny that.
“Then what!? Are ya sayin’ that I can’t save ya!?”
You repeat that you don’t want to make him suffer.
“Just leave me be. All you need to think ‘bout is yerself right now! ...You idiot! ...Cough, cough...!! Uu...”
You ask if he’s okay.
“Kuh...’Course I’m not fine...If I wasn’t this weakened right now, I could easily punch my way through this door...Ugh...At this rate...You’ll get away from me...Guess I have no other choice...”
Yuma pretends to collapse.
“Ugh...Haah, haah...”
You open the door and run up to Yuma.
“...Gotcha! I’m not lettin’ ya go again ...Not until I break this damn curse...”
You realize he was faking it.
“Heh...I had no other choice, right? If I didn’t do this, ya would have stayed locked up in there forever, no? But well...The poison is definitely startin’ to get to me...Ugh...Kuh!!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Haah, haah...Don’t be gettin’ worried or runnin’ away...Messin’ with me like that...I swear, if any other person tried to pull that shit, I would punch them across the face.”
You apologize.
“Sorry is really the only word ya can say, huh? Like this, I almost seem like the bad guy. ...No, I might be. I had no clue that you were hidin’ somethin’ at after all.”
You shake your head.
“If ya don’t think that’s the case, at least try and work with me a lil’. I wanna save ya, remember?”
Yuma bites you.
“Haah...Guess I’m startin’ to get used to this flavor...Cough, cough...! Haah...Not yet...Mmh...”
“Mmhpー!? Cough, cough...! Cough, cough...!! ...Ugh...”
You grow worried again.
“Argh...You’re so stubborn...!”
*Rustle rustle*
"It’s yer fault for tryin’ to make a run for it. ...Besides, if you’re prepared to die anyway, you won’t care whatever I do to ya, right?”
“Phew...Ya better don’t believe I’m gonna let ya do as ya please...Now behave. If ya move, I might just hang ya on the wall by yer wrists... (1) I should have just done this from the very beginnin’... Mmh...”
“...Cough, cough...! Fuck...This curse is gettin’ on my nerves...When will it break!?”
“What? Ya feelin’ it? ...Heh. You’re such a cheap woman in the end. No matter how hard ya struggle, ya can’t resist my fangs. Just be honest with yerself already...I definitely won’t let ya leave me at this point...Ugh...”
“...Does it hurt? Guess that makes sense. I’m doin’ it on purpose after all. Mmh...”
“It left some nice marks...Deep, large ones. Ya like it when I bite yer neck, don’t ya? Go ahead and drown in the bliss...and then, you’ll forget all ‘bout that stupid death wish of yers. ...Haah...Say? Where do ya want me to suck from next? ...I’ll go for that spot.”
You shake your head.
“Nowhere, huh? In that case...Mmh...”
“Will ya give me an answer if I do this? ...Ya like kisses, don’t ya? ...Don’t ya want me to do more? If ya won’t tell me...”
He moves towards your wrist.
“I’ll suck from here. The blood has piled up from my grip, it looks delicious.”
Yuma bites you once more.
“Don’t move...I can’t suck well like this...Nn...That bein’ said, this curse really is a pain in the ass...Even though I’ve had this much...Cough...I don’t feel like I’m any close to breakin’ it...But well, I’ll keep goin’ till the bitter end...”
You beg Yuma to stop pushing himself.
“Keh...You’re still sayin’ that? Ya really are one hell of a stubborn woman, tsk...I told ya I’m fine, remember? All ya need to think ‘bout is yer own body.”
“I tought I was all ya needed? So don’t try and make the selfish decision of leavin’ me. Stick with me till the very end...”
He pulls you close.
“I’m beggin’ ya...Don’t go anywhere...Don’t just vanish in thin air...I don’t wanna have to admit defeat. I don’t want to lose ya...to some stupid curse or whatever.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. 
“Heh. ...Fool. Ya only realized my feelings right now? Lil’ late, no? ...I definitely won’t let ya die on me. ...When ya go, we’re goin’ together.”
You protest.
“If ya don’t wanna die together, then let’s live together? ...I always keep my promises. So ya better don’t give up either. Trust me when I told ya I would break the curse.”
You tear up.
“...Heh. Don’t start cryin’, idiot. ...But, thank you. Don’t try and leave me again, ‘kay? Talk to me before ya do anythin’ reckless. That’s what I’m here for after all. 
“So...Endure it just a lil’ longer, ‘kay? Haahn...”
“Ah...Your body has started warmin’ up...The curse might be slowly fadin’ away...Nnh...Cough, cough...! ...Ahー ...My bad. I’ve seriously become a weakling. But I’ll hang in there a lil’ longer...and keep goin’...”
You ask if he is okay.
“This is child’s play...Ah, right. There’s somethin’ I wanna tell ya tho...Ready?”
You listen closely.
“...Once the curse has been lifted, how ‘bout we get married?”
You are startled.
“What’s with that face? Am I not enough for ya?”
You shake your head.
“Then rejoice right away. Ya scared me just now. ...I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout what I should do this whole time...Lookin’ for a reason for us to remain together forever...”
“Ya need somethin’ bindin’ us together, no? Then I’ll give ya exactly that. Marry me. I want ya to vow...that you’ll stay by my side forever.”
You nod.
“Yeah. As long as I have this promise, I can keep pushin’ through.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Haah...You’re the only chick I’d want to save...or keep by my side forever...So I’ll lift this curse for sure. I’ll be the one to rescue ya. ...I love ya. More than anythin’ else in this world. More than anyone else. ...’Kay?”
“...!! Oh...Eh!? ...!! ...What the hell was that just now? ...Didn’t ya see somethin’ shimmer? ...I guess it was just my imagination...I’ll keep goin’ then, ‘kay?”
Yuma sucks your blood again.
“...Hm? ...!? Your blood’s back to normal...The fuck? It tastes comepletely different from before...”
“Don’t tell me...Has the curse been lifted? ...!! Hey, how do ya feel!?”
You tell him you feel fine.
“For realー!? ...But why so suddenly...!? I don’t get it...! ...Ah, fuck! For some reason it doesn’t sit right...Those roses and the curse...Aah, I still don’t know who that voice belonged to either...Haahー... Haah...Tsk...Well, I guess there’s no point in rackin’ my head over it. It’s not like fussin’ ‘bout it will change anythin’...Heh, more importantly...Say...”
He pulls you close.
“Let’s keep goin’...Lemme feel ya thoroughly...”
*Rustle rustle*
“What’s this? Ya can be pretty bold when ya want to as well, huh? Keep yer arms wrapped ‘round my back like that. Like you’ll never let go again. Well, I don’t plan on lettin’ ya go either. Mmh...”
“Hah...Aah...It really is delicious...You’re mine for eternity now...So I’ll devour ya whole once more. Nn...”
( ーー That bein’ said. I will never forgive the jerk who put us through all of that, without havin’ the guts to show his face even once. To ensure this never happens to us again, I need information. Guess I’ll ask Ruki and the others for some advice. )
Translation notes
(1) 貼り付け or ‘hari-tsuke’ literally means ‘to crucify’. 
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
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Original title: 躾の機会
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood Vol. 12 Mukami Ruki [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
Translator’s note: Thankfully this track is a little more tame than the last one because there is only so much sadistic Ruki I can handle, haha. I do like how the MC is using the hourglass to her advantage and every time Ruki realizes what she is doing, time is once again rewinded. Unfortunately, I can no see this ending well for either of them. > <
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 3: A Training Opportunity
*Sizzle sizzle*
You enter the kitchen while Ruki is cooking.
“...Hm? You’re already here? You almost resemble a dog or a cat rather than livestock, lured in by the scent like that.”
“Let me tell you just in case, it is not feeding time (1) just yet. Wait until I’m done preparing it.”
You offer to lend him a hand. 
“I do not need your help. I can handle this just fine by myself. For one, how is your health? You’ve been acting somewhat off ever since you hid yourself away in the library yesterday, haven’t you?”
You tell Ruki you feel better.
*Cling cling*
“It would appear so. I can no longer sense your blood aching. I suppose strange things happen every now and then. If you’re back in tip-top shape, I don’t mind having you help you a little. I don’t dislike it when you show dedication like that after all. However, you know what will happen if you are pushing yourself, no? Deceiving me does not come without a grave punishment. Keep in mind that an appropriate penalty would be waiting you ahead.”
You flinch.
“What’s wrong? Did those words alone make you recall the times I punished you? The scent of your blood has grown somewhat sweeter. I don’t remember ever taming you that way though. ...Or perhaps you are still experiencing the after-effects of yesterday’s happenings?”
You shake your head, insisting that everything is fine. 
“Hmph. I hope you are not simply putting on a tough facade. We have already made plans to head out together this weekend, so don’t get yourself bedridden.”
You walk towards the counter.
“You plate the salad. We’re having white fish today. Cut it in diagonal strips and pile some leafy vegetables on top. I am working on the dressing right now. I added some shichimi, but I already vividly picture Azusa being dissatisfied with the level of spice and coming in to add more, so do not let him approach.”
“You can put everything on this large plate. Please do not break it, okay?” 
You nod.
“I wonder. You have a bad habit of making blunders the second I take my eyes off you. A good chunk of those I can see coming from a mile away. When I tell you not to break a plate, you drop them. When asked to stay away from a room, you still enter by mistake. You’re the type of person who would walk into a trap with their eyes widen open. (2) ...That being said, you have been behaving quite well as of late. I’ve had to discipline you much less frequently.”
You say you have learnt from your mistakes. 
“Yes. Seems like it. Humankind has a bad habit of repeating the same mistakes, but with the right training, they have potential to improve. Well then, let us hurry up and wrap up this meal. Before the others start making a fuss.”
*Cling cling*
“When I think back to the time you had only just arrived at this manor, you have shown great improvement. You burden me far less now. Back then, I doubt I ever thought such a day would come. A day on which we stand side-by-side behind the kitchen counter like this. Right, I suppose I have to acknowledge you for that at least. While it is only a minor help (3), you can be mildly useful regardless.”
He turns off the stove.
“However, I just don’t understand...”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“I’m talking about your recent behavior. I do not mind being less burdened to you, but it still seems odd for someone like you - who used to make one mistake after the other - to suddenly become this clever. It is almost as if you learnt from your mistakes and are trying to avoid them in the future...”
“What’s wrong? Your complexion seems a little pale.”
You try to change the subject.
“You do have a point. I suppose I should finish my task at hand first, before resorting to idle talk.”
“Let us continue this conversation after dinner. I am done with the dressing. You have finished cutting the ingredients as well, right? Put everything on a plate.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah, use those tomatoes to your side as well. Yuma plucked those just this morning.”
You nod.
“Oi, don’t be lazy and take a few steps to the side. Trying to reach it by extending your arm will onlーー”
You accidentally push the plate off the counter.
"Haah...I take back everything I said earlier. It seems like humans do like to repeat the same mistakes after all. On top of that, you did not just break the plate, but you wasted the food as well. It seems like your foolishness is only on the rise. Seems like I was just imagining things when I thought you had been on the right track as of late.”
You quickly kneel down, picking up the shards.
“Wait. Don’t move. You don’t need to pick them up.”
*Cling cling*
“If you were to touch the glass shards, you willl most definitely hurt yourself, no?”
You cut your finger right as he says that.
“Haah...I knew it. When your next bunder is so easily predictable, I can barely still call it foolish. ...Show it to me.”
Ruki grabs hold of your hand. 
“Seems like the cut is rather deep. It is bleeding.”
You wince.
“I am sure that hurt. There’s a large cut on the palm of your hand. However, this is child’s play compared to the wound left behind by fangs piercing the flesh. Fangs, huh...? Right. I do not mind simply tending to your wounds, but you will not take anything away from that. I have had very few opportunities to discipline you because you have been so good. You made this kind of blunder because I have been slacking on your training, no? In that case, it can be contributed to my negligence as your Master.”
“Let us put preparing the food on hold for now. I shall dedicate this time to your taming instead.”
You shake your head. 
“You simply do not understand unless I give you pain every now and then, no? You just proved it yourself. It is your first punishment in a while. I shall give you my fangs, to the point of your blood running dry.”
*Rustle rustle*
“What are you looking for? You must be rather confident. However, no matter how much you struggle, you simply have no way of escaーー”
You pull out the hourglass.
*Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock*
“When I think back to the time you had only just arrived at this manor, you have shown great improvement. You burden me far less now. Back then, I doubt I ever thought such a day would come. A day on which we stand side-to-side behind the kitchen counter like this. ...What’s the matter? Your movements have stopped.”
You look around frantically.
“What has gotten into you? You will cut your hand if you panic like that. If not that, it’ll end with you dropping that large plate.”
You look away.
“Why did you avert your eyes just now? Your complexion has changed as well. You were your usual laid-back self up until just now, but right now, you have turned pale.”
Ruki turns off the stove.
“There is one question I would like to ask. ...Are you perhaps hiding something from me?”
You remain quiet.
“I do not mind exposing you myself, but if you choose to confess yourself, I shall take that into account and somewhat lessen your punishment. If there is nothing you are hiding from me, face my way. Look me straight into the eyes.”
You turn around.
“You are shifting your eyes from left to right. On top of that, you’re suppressing your breathing. So you are hiding something after all, huh...? I doubt this is the case but are you perhaps using that hourglass for somethiーー”
“...Ah! So you really are...!!”
*Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock*
*Sizzle sizzle*
You enter the kitchen while Ruki is cooking.
“...Hm? You’re already here? You almost resemble a dog or a cat rather than livestock, lured in by the scent like that.”
“Let me tell you just in case, it is not feeding time (1) just yet. Wait until I’m done preparing it.”
You tell him you will wait.
“...Huh? Ah, yes. Very clever words. Just wait quietly.”
You leave the kitchen.
“Why does something seem off...?”
Translation notes
(1) Ruki uses the term 餌 or ‘esa’ here, which is specifically used to refer to the food you would give to animals. Otherwise you would say ご飯 or ‘gohan’ which means meal, or 食事 or ‘shokuji’ which means ‘(human) food’. 
(2) Literally he says ‘if there were to be a hole in front of you, you would fall into it’. 
(3) Ruki uses the idiom 猫の手 or ‘neko no te’ which means ‘a cat’s paw’ literally. It is when the help you are offered may not be ideal (e.g. as if it’s a cat helping you and not a human), it is still better than nothing. 
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fictordearumiun · 1 year ago
Yakou and the entire agency dynamic in one drawing.
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just met the main group and it the dynamic feels as if yakou is the babysitter to a bunch of errant detectives.
close ups of each of the characters are below because damn, i did not plan for how long this would be
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kodedgeekthings · 2 years ago
This is basically the group's whole vibe tbh.
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just met the main group and it the dynamic feels as if yakou is the babysitter to a bunch of errant detectives.
close ups of each of the characters are below because damn, i did not plan for how long this would be
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