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dailymontreal · 6 years ago
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un beau matin
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Le nouveau CHUM offre sans contredit l’une des plus belles vitrines sur la métropole. #mtl #mtlmoments #montreal #montrealmoments #chum #hopital #panorama #passionmtl #yulorama #514mtl (à CHUM) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnpalJOl09W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o1r6nstwkldr
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brochunews · 8 years ago
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Évelyne Brochu is (8 times) among the Best of MTL   2017
• People & Places
Hottest Woman:
1 Evelyne Brochu 2 Maripier Morin 3 Eugénie Bouchard 4 Tranna Wintour 5 Audrey Ivory 6 Lou Lou la Duchesse de Rière 7 Coeur de Pirate (Béatrice Martin) 8 Annie Demelt 9 Mitsou 10 Mutsumi Takahashi
Best-Drssed Montrealer:
1 Evelyne Brochu2 P.K. Subban 3 Justin Trudeau 4 Tranna Wintour 5 Xavier Dolan 6 Leonard Cohen 7 Marc Bergevin 8 Pierre Lapointe 9 Maripier Morin 10 Estelle Davis
Best Icon (c/o Tourisme Montréal):
1 Mount Royal/the cross on Mount Royal 2 Farine Five Roses sign 3 Olympic Stadium 4 Saint Joseph’s Oratory 5 Orange Julep 6 Leonard Cohen 7 Old Port 8 Notre Dame Basilica 9 Jacques Cartier Bridge 10 Evelyne Brochu
•  Media
Best TV Personality:
1 Éric Salvail 2 Mutsumi Takahashi 3 Evelyne Brochu 4 Jean-René Dufort 5 Lori Graham 6 Guy A. Lepage 7 Maripier Morin 8 Véronique Cloutier 9 Sugar Sammy 10 Marc Labrèche
Best Twitter:
1 @EvelyneBrochu 2 @TrannaWintour 3 @CultMTL 4 @evandubinsky 5 @fagstein 6 @mcleanspub 7 @mtlblog 8 @OzziesPOV 9 @DenisCoderre 10 @stminfo
Best Instagram:
1 Evelyne Brochu | @evelyne_brochu 2 Fucknomtl | @fucknomtl 3 Tranna Wintour | @trannawintour 4 Ponto | @ponto_mtl 5 Audrey Ivory | @audreyivory 6 McLean’s Pub | @mcleanspub 7 Gothshakira | @gothshakira 8 Cult MTL | @cultmtl 9 YULorama | @yulorama 10 Lavender May | @lavendermay
•  Film & Arts
Best Actress:
1 Evelyne Brochu 2 Anne Dorval 3 Jessica Paré 4 Karine Vanasse 5 Alex Petrachuk 6 Leigh-Ann Taylor 7 Magalie Lépine-Blondeau 8 Holly Gauthier-Frankel 9 Alison Louder 10 Caroline Dhavernas
Best Film of 2016-2017:
1 Arrival 2 Juste la fin du monde 3 Les loups 4 Le passé devant nous 5 Boost
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alexandre--rousseau · 7 years ago
Bienvenue sur Le Monolithe!
Mon nom est Alexandre Rousseau et je suis un cinéphile de 32 ans. Bachelier de l’UQAM, j’ai étudié en scénarisation, en création littéraire et en communication. Pendant près d’un an, j’ai écrit pour le site web YULorama sur mon sujet de prédilection.
Dans le but d’aiguiller vos sorties cinéma, vous trouverez sur cette page ma critique d’un film en salle, et ce, à tous les vendredis. Des chroniques et des analyses viendront également se greffer au contenu.
Le Monolithe (une référence à l’énigmatique structure dans 2001, A Space Odyssey) vise à rassembler sans discrimination les fans du septième art de tout acabit. Du blockbuster hollywoodien au film d’auteur européen, aucune bobine ne sera laissée en plan, le but étant d’offrir une tribune à tous les types de cinéma de toutes les époques.
Mais pourquoi lire des critiques de films en 2018 ?
Au même titre que les films qu’il décortique, le critique joue, à sa façon, un rôle d’historien. Il porte le chapeau d’entremetteur entre l’artiste et le public, s’efforçant de rendre ses lettres de noblesse à des œuvres filmiques, nonobstant leur budget ou leur notoriété. Il cherche à pousser la réflexion un peu plus loin certes, mais aussi à contextualiser, à promouvoir.
L’Internet donne souvent cette impression de nous rapprocher les uns des autres. Cependant, notre bulle devient peut-être plus hermétique qu’on pourrait l’imaginer. On clique sur les pages des gens qu’on aime, qui nous ressemblent, puis les algorithmes des réseaux sociaux nous exposent à un contenu ciblé, à notre goût. Dénicher des articles qui confirment nos opinions est si facile, et accentue insidieusement la distance entre nous et les autres. Ceci étant dit, les plus belles révélations surviennent souvent lorsqu’on sort de notre zone de confort. Les raisons pour lesquelles on s’est parfois empêché de voir un film paraissent ridicules avec le recul lorsqu’on découvre l’une de ces perles rares qui laissent une trace indélébile en nous. Le pouvoir du cinéma est tel.
Certains aiment peindre l’idée qu’un énorme fossé sépare les critiques de films et l’auditoire. Humblement, Le Monolithe tentera de briser ce mythe en concentrant ses énergies sur ce qui nous rassemble tous en tant qu’amoureux du cinéma. Vous pouvez également me trouver sur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemonolithe.critiques.de.films
Bonne visite, en espérant nous revoir chaque semaine.
-Alexandre Rousseau-
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dusudaunord · 8 years ago
Olympian figure skater Eric Radford champions Canadian Gay Curling Championships
Canadian Olympian champion figure skater Eric Radford loves performing on the ice: in addition to being a six-time Canadian national champion (2012-2017) and two-time world champion (2015-2016) with his pairs partner Meagan Duhamel, Radford loves curling and will take part in the 2017 Canadian Gay Curling Championships in Montréal, the city the Winnipeg-born Radford now calls home.
Organized by Montréal’s increasingly popular Les Fous du Roi and Les Phénix curling clubs, the 2017 Canadian Gay Curling Championships will be held in conjunction with The King’s Quest bonspiel at the Town of Mount-Royal Curling Club from February 10 to 12. The championships and bonspiel will welcome Canada’s nine growing LGBTQ curling leagues, and Radford explains why he is looking forward to competing.
Revolution on Ice will be a show I never forget. #Madrid you are amazing and I hope to perform for you again and again! @javierfernandezskater thank you for this amazing experience. Also thank you to @yolanda_cal for this photo! #ROI #Revolutiononice #Madrid #Spain #figureskating #figureskater #amazing #goodtimes #unforgettable
Une photo publiée par Eric Radford (@ericradford85) le 31 Déc. 2016 à 11h30 PST
Eric Radford Q&A
Job: Figure skater
Favourite pastime: Playing the piano
Why do you love curling?
I think in a lot of small towns across Canada that curling is in our culture, and curling has a totally different pace and energy than figure skating. I love how it combines skill with strategy and teamwork. It’s a great sport.
Throwing the first rock at the Gay national curling championships. @meaganduhamel and I threw them in perfect unison of course. It was a fantastic event and I have to mention me and my team made it to the semi-finals! Now it’s time to get back to that other sport I do… #figureskating #curling #Canada #4CC2017 #pyeonchang #Korea #icesports #lifeonice
Une vidéo publiée par Eric Radford (@ericradford85) le 13 Févr. 2017 à 7h33 PST
Why take part in the 2017 Canadian Gay Curling Championships? 
It’s a very big and competitive sporting event. For me, I feel lucky to be a part of a different sport than I am used to,  and as a member of Les Fous du Roi league I like that I can help give exposure to curling in Montréal and across the country.
Why is it fun to be a member of a gay curling club? What is the camaraderie like?
It is an opportunity to be part of a community, to make new friends, just to get to talk about things totally different than the skating world. I love having a circle of friends outside the world of figure skating.
“Practice like you’ve never won. Perform like you’ve never lost.” • : To whom is due __________________________________________________ #PatrickChan #TeamCanada #GoCanadaGo #TheEhTeam #1YearToGo #WithGlowingHearts #GoldInMyHeart #AlwaysGolden #ForeverTheBest #TheKing #GreatestOfAllTime #RiseToTheChallenge #LetsGoChamp #FigureSkating #MyFavorite #PatrickChanForever
Une photo publiée par @patrickchanforever96 le 9 Févr. 2017 à 4h42 PST
Do you have a favourite memory from the 2017 Canadian Figure Skating Championships?
It was nice to have a good skate but I really had a moment watching (fellow Canadian skater and three-time world champion) Patrick (Chan) skate his program to my music, especially when he has a great skate like that. It was emotional.
Why did you become a figure skater?
I used to watch figure skating on television when I was a kid and I was naturally attracted to it. It was Nancy Kerrigan’s long program during the 1992 Olympics that sparked my passion for skating. It reminded me of flying, because when I was younger I was obsessed with planes and flying. I wanted to be a pilot. But watching skater fly around the ice and do the jumps– it all just happened like that.
⛸⛸⛸ #livemontreal #mtlblog #mtlmoments #mtlphoto #somontreal #narcitymontreal #montreal #montrealcity #yulorama #visitmtl #christmas #christmaslights #patinoire #skate #skating #skatingrink #ice #glace
Une photo publiée par Atrium Le 1000 (@atrium.le1000) le 23 Déc. 2016 à 13h21 PST
Have you skated at Montréal’s Atrium Le 1000 indoor skating rink in the 1000 De la Gauchetiere skyscraper?
I was there recently for a photo shoot and have skated there a couple times. I love the Atrium, it’s awesome to have a space like that downtown where people can skate indoors all year-round, and with all that natural light!
Why was it important for you to publicly come out in 2014, at the top of your game?
I felt I had an opportunity to use my success as a figure skater to help influence, support and inspire young gay people – not just young gay athletes. Had I known LGBTQ role models when I was younger it would have made a big difference to me. So I have the opportunity to try and be that for other people. I was comfortable in my life and felt ready to do it. I have gotten so many amazing messages from people around the world, it has become a non-issue which is what I was hoping it would become.
What is the coolest thing you’ve done so far this year?
I skated / modelled in a fashion show in New York in early February for the New York Men’s Fashion Week, for a Montréal company called Samuelsohn. It was so much fun, they even painted my hair silver, so I got a preview of what I will be like in a few years!
What’s your favourite Montréal restaurant?
One of the best meals I’ve ever had was at Europea on Rue de la Montagne, and a restaurant I always bring visiting friends to is Ferrari on Bishop Street.
Where do you like to go for drinks and socialize with friends?
I like going out with my friends in the Gay Village, I like supporting the businesses and restaurants around there. Of all the cities I’ve been to around the world, Montréal has one of the best Gay Villages.
What’s the one thing anyone visiting Montréal should absolutely do?
Stroll around the Old Port and Old Montréal. It’s so unique in North America, it really is like taking a time machine into history.
The 2017 Canadian Gay Curling Championships and The King’s Quest bonspiel will be held February 10 to 12 at the Town of Mount-Royal Curling Club.
The post Olympian figure skater Eric Radford champions Canadian Gay Curling Championships appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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montrealphotosblog · 10 years ago
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Before #sunset / Avant la nuit - #montrealphotos #latergram for #mtlfriday_magichour #montreal #montréal #montreallife #MTLmoments #mtlpics #mtlblog #YUL #yulorama #downtown #centreville #lookingup #architecture #skyscraper #gratteciel #sky #ciel #citylights #igersmontreal #urbanexploration #visitMTL #514 #igerscanada (at Saint Catherine Street)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Le musée dans la nuit #musee #museeartcontemporain #mtl #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #passionmtl #yulorama #ilovemtl #quartierdesspectacles_mtl (à MAC Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal)
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mariejetset · 6 years ago
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Quand tu as des amis extraordinaires: ils t’amènent un bout de leur propre sapin de Noël pour égayer ta chambre d’hôpital. Éric Trottier et @elisabeth_eli , vous êtes parfaits ❤️❤️❤️ #christmas #christmastree #sapindenoel #mtlmoments #yulorama #passionmtl (à Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrOL-_gAGC0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1onx7o7vclgii
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mariejetset · 6 years ago
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Impression Soleil Levant. #montrealmoments #mtlmoments #yulorama #passionmtl #sunrise #stade #rogerdastous (à Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrAXwvNguOx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o6dsscw1pz9o
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mariejetset · 6 years ago
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Après-midi d’automne sur la ville. #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #514mtl #panorama #passionmtl #yulorama #vieuxmontreal #vieuxportmtl (à Parc de la Cité-du-Havre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9EIv2FhVY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14l6x930jcxfz
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Les 30 minutes d’attente se font aisément oublier devant les copieux repas et l’extraordinaire pain doré du @passecomposemtl #brunch #paindoré #frenchtoast #mtl #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #passionmtl #514mtl #yulorama #villagemtl (à Le Passé Composé Montréal)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Sortir de l’île le temps d’une soirée #sunset #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #pont #pontvictoria #bridge #passionmtl #yulorama #514mtl (à Pont Victoria)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Le Soleil se couche au bout de la ruelle, signe d’une autre belle journée d’été qui se termine. #sunset #summertime #mtlmoments #passionmtl #montrealmoments #514mtl #ruelle #soleil #yulorama (à Île de Montréal)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Cet endroit sur le long de la 30, où caché au loin dans les champs de maïs, ce dessine le panorama de la grande ville. #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #passionmtl #panorama #autoroute30 #champs #fields #city #514mtl #yulorama (à Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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#architecture #quartierdesspectacles_mtl #yulorama #passionmtl #ilovemtl #mtlmoments #bluesky #514mtl (à Quartier des spectacles, Montréal)
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mariejetset · 7 years ago
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Ce soir, j’ai eu la chance d’aller manger dans cette institution de Griffintown. J’ai été conquise! #lelocal #restaurant #mtl #mtlmoments #montrealmoments #griffintown #514mtl #passionmtl #yulorama (à Le Locale)
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