#yuki on sora's body
starclast · 11 months
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Two sides ⚖
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mothy35 · 1 year
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After weeks of work and agony, i finally did some sprite edits of my own, ending up with these 4 AU versions of the DRA/SDRA2 characters:
She Was Saved AU!Akane (An AU version of Akane Taira who survived her canonical death, and now travels Japan alongside Yuki Maeda to help those suffering because of the Tragedy)
10 Years Later!Yuki (An 29-30 years old Yuki Maeda, who has lived on Akane Taira's body for 10 years after the end of Mikado Sannoji's killing game, and has changed into an appearance he's more confortable with)
10 Years Later!Mikado (An 20-30-something years old Mikado Sannoji, who has lived on Akane Taira's body for 10 years after he succesfully stole the Divine Luck and escaped his virtual prison, who now is creating a new Void to continue with his nefarious plans)
The Algorithm (An Alter Ego AI created from Sora's original algorithm, who doesn't have neither Akane Taira/Sora's memories and humanity nor any desires besides doing what's she's told, that now lives without purpose now that Mikado Sannoji's master plan was stopped)
Sprites available here: (Akane), (Sora!Yuki), (Sora!Mikado), (Algorithm)
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starcaller-senni · 1 year
TS4: Senni's presets for cute boys
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I didn't plan to public this because it's far from perfection, or just being good… But I just discarded of 90% of project I work on for last 2 months (only in my free time, so it is why so long) and felt guilty that I didn't post anything for so long…
So I decided to upload presets I made for my cute male OCs quite some time ago. I wanted them to be on male frames because of face features but have more soft/feminine body because I just want to.
[more info and download (no ads) under the cut]
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custom thumbnails:
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DOWNLOAD: [SFS] [GoogleDrive]
list of mods used (not full, just more visible ones) : all: feets / my default skinblend Sora: skinblend / hair / pose [1], [2] Yuki: skinblend / hair / pose Yoichi: skinblend / hair / pose
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ninjagirlstar5 · 4 months
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Akane, beyond the grave: *steals her ex-friend's ultimate talent*
Jokes aside, the wheel chose Sora to be the Ultimate Merchant, so that's fun! Designing her outfit was interesting since I know Akane would take her role as a merchant seriously, but since Sora is (supposedly) an amnesiac, she would not have the memories that would influence her personality and decision-making, let alone her tastes in fashion. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I approached this design not by thinking on what Akane would wear, but rather what Sora would cobble together upon waking up the first time and what peaked her interest as an Ultimate Merchant.
In Sora's OG design, she was just wearing a regular school uniform, and in Teruya's designs, they were either a school uniform he personally designed himself, so he was doing self-promotion by physically wearing his own product, or just a regular suit underneath a very iconic coat with a hat, scarf and goggles which were all mementos of people he held dear. Both are good designs in their own right, although Sora's was definitely the simplest and perhaps uninteresting between the two of them. And considering that a part of being a merchant is making an impression on your customers and fellow businesspeople, Ultimate Merchant Sora can't look too simple to the point that she just blends in with a crowd. So I decided to go with an outfit that's similar in it's simplicity like her uniform but leaning a bit more towards a business-like vibe. So now she has a button-up, a shorter skirt, replaced her ascot with a tie, gave her a jacket to help her stick out more, and made her socks shorter along with some transparent tights underneath. While Akane is pretty professional in her design (when not in Despair), Sora comes off as someone who's much more casual in personality, hence why her button-up has it's collar popped open a bit and is untucked, her tie is a bit loose, and her original mary janes were replaced with sneakers. I also gave her skirt and jacket her matching criss-cross plaid pattern as not only was it an iconic part of her OG design, but I think Sora would choose this pattern to stand out thanks to her instinct as the Ultimate Merchant. Her hair went through some minor changes as I wanted to reference my Akane redesign's bang hairstyle a bit by giving Sora a similar style, just with a straighter style as Akane's hair is a bit more...floofier, to say the least. I also moved Sora's ponytail over her shoulder cause I wanted it to be more visible and as I mentioned in my Kiyoka redesign, making a low ponytail visible in a front-facing sprite like this one can get lost behind the body. I think it looks kinda nice like this. I stuck to her black, white, and red color palette and thus, we are done with Sora.
Next up is Kokoro!
Considering Sora is supposed to be Akane (but not really) in original canon, Sora's "backstory" might as well be her past up to the DRA events, but one that she had completely forgotten due to her amnesia. Since I mentioned not going with the Neo World Program setting for the killing game back in my Swap Talent Yoruko post, I'm gonna approach this as if Sora really was Akane and not just an algorithm put together to protect Yuki and attached to Akane's brain (or however this game described it on how Sora can be familiar with the DRA events but not know them).
Honestly, the most that would change from this is that Akane was supposed to die at the end of the DRA events but when her body inherited Divine Luck, she ended up surviving instead. But due to her injuries and being underwater for so long, even the Divine Luck couldn't keep her memories intact, so when she woke up in a hospital, she literally didn't know who she was and could only think of "Sora" as a name. So, unable to remember who she really is and the horrible things she's done, Sora kinda just...goes off to do her own thing as she searches for answers on who she is. In the process, she realizes that she has a distinct talent in business, and she uses them to buy and sell products to try and help others during the Tragedy. Which she's able to do very well...with a bit of luck. (I always considered that Divine Luck isn't the most active when the user isn't consciously aware that they have it. It's how DRA!Yuki had Divine Luck the whole time but people still died/bad things still happened because he just wasn't aware that he has a literal deus ex machina that is Divine Luck, and the only times it became active in his subconscious was when he was involved in a game reliant on luck or willed for a scenario so badly that it just happened, like with what happened with Kinjo in Chapter 5. Same with Sora in canon and it's basically the same here.) So Sora starts making headway with her reputation, with some people even calling her the "Ultimate Merchant" although she laughs it off since she doesn't have any papers to prove she was ever an Ultimate (she was). Mikado finds out about this, curiously looks into it since "Hey, wasn't there an Ultimate Merchant in the Proto-Killing Game?", and, after a lot of digging, he figures out that Sora is most likely Akane who managed to survive her fate from DRA, most likely due to her own luck. But of course, he never figured out that she has THE Divine Luck, he just assumed that either her Fortune pulled through for her or Utsuro blessed her a second time to save her life before dying. Either way, he needed an extra player since his class only had fourteen students, and who would be better than the accomplice to the mastermind herself? And oooh, how convenient, she also has amnesia so she can't blab about how strangely similar these events are in her previous killing game (although to say everything goes according to Mikado's plan would be a lie). So he snatches her up and does some convenient memory science alterations with the help of Void, more on that in future posts, to make her believe that this is her first time waking up and is a part of their class in this strange killing game when really, none of them had met her until now.
And to make matters worse, it's through this killing game that Sora finally starts to find out who she is and what her past was. And OH boy, would that hit her like a fucking truck to find out that she was a Despair and even got most of her real classmates and friends killed for the sake of her Master Utsuro. Since she has no memories of when she was Akane Taira, the dissonance between her past self and her current self is VERY strong and she's riddled with a huge sense of guilt and shame. Even to the very end, she never fully remembers her past, but she does take responsibility for her past actions even if she'll never forgive herself as Akane Taira.
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ask-olive-huchers · 3 months
just for funnies, I'm gonna do a relationship chart thingy realll quick with the characters Olive has interacted with (plus maple, Chris, Ditch, and pebble bc they technically have met but there's so roleplay for them-)
Olive and Bailey: close friends, kinda like siblings! Olive definitely sees him as a big brother, though! And (don’t tell anyone!), They definitely look up to Bailey a lot
Olive and Sora: close! Sora is like the mother of the group, so naturally Olive see's him as a role model!
Olive and Zaria: they know she helped Rowan with her plan. So. hate.
Olive and jasper: ehh, neutral (ish). Just has fun messing with him most of the time. So I guess possibly another brother figure idk
Olive and Rowan: despises. Hates. Would kill. Could kill. It’s their fault. Or, that’s what olive thinks anyway.
• Olive and Finn: neutral. Not much to say in this in, olive just doesn't really know Finn that much.
Olive and Skipp: do I even need to explain this one? ok, fine. Olive definitely "likes" Skipp. Let's put in simple terms for now, shall we?
Olive and Yuki: Dislike. Only bc bro was in a bad mood when they had met. Then again Olives kinda always in a bad mood, so..-
Olive and Ray: sorta dislike. Only because they had a bad first impression as well. But all of Olive's first impressions involve anger so..no hard feelings?
Olive and Quinn: a like for sure. I mean, her dog had already won them over! Plus she was pretty nice!
Olive and Stone: neutral. I mean, he's okay I guess.
Olive and Ditch: hate. Hate. Hate. Pure annoyance. If given the chance, Olive would stab him in the neck and stomp on his body. They'd throw his body into the ocean. Plus, Olive would tie giant rocks to his body so he'd sink to the very bottom. Where no one could find him. But he's too important to the story so that'll never happen! Perhaps in another universe...
Olive and Chris: neutral. Not practically close, but Olive does like to call him out for anything he's done wrong. They find it funny how ironically clumsy he is.
Olive and Maple: neutral. That's all I have to actually say but, I don't reallly think they'd have have a straight bond. It would probably be from their friend group, if you know what I mean.
Olive and Pebble: I guess sorta like? I mean, he must be cool if they're dating Bailey. Right? Though I think they've only met like, once..-
Olive and Calvin (their father): hate. I thought that was obvious..? But yeah. He's a pretty shitty dad who was verbally abusive and physically abusive. What was worse was it was only olive that WAS being abused, so it was favouritism for sure.
Olive and Charolette (their mother): Strong disliking. Not much as a hate, though. Their mother was fairly nice to them when they were younger. And the only golden child to appreciate. But once Their sister was born, Olives perfect little world had fallen apart.
Olive and Adi: let's get something straight. Olive hates a bunch of people. Like, a lot. But Adi takes the number one spot on the leaderboard. Olive absolutely DESPISES HER. I mean, she RUINED their life! If you were to ask olive how they ended up on the streets, they'd probably say their father. And little sister. If they could torture anyone until the end of time, Olive would 100% pick Adi. I mean, that's the whole reason they had murder their mother. To strike fear into the child, and to get the message clear for her small little mind.
And yeah! I think that's everyone? Question mark? Well, that's everyone olive met! I think? I'll probably put this is the masterpost, and it'll probably change over time as well!
Last updated : Aug 4th, 2024
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Uno reverse! Tell us all about your dra/sdra2 shipping brainrots
If this means headcanons, here ya go!!
-jesus christ ayame stop swinging your girlfriend around in circles she is DIZZY
-they cuddle a LOT.
-akane has a habit of beating herself up over little things. Ayame hugs her and kisses her and praises her to combat it.
-akane cheers for ayame at every race!
-when ayame had to retire due to the issue with her hamstring, akane did everything in her power to cheer her up. (She even offered to save up money so Ayame could get a surgery)
-teruya has many nicknames for rei, including; "mekamei(combination of Mekaru and Rei)", "my darling owl", "my beautiful goddess", "teddybear", and "honeybun".
-rei just calls him "Otori". Even though they've been married for a year and a half.(she does think of him as her incompetent, though)
-teruya shows his love with llloooots of gifts. Rei shows it by cuddling up to him and falling asleep on him.(he didnt realize this until post-marriage.) (Before they started dating, she would fall asleep against him, and that was the best way she could show affection)
-he proposed to her at the foundation beach party.
I have so many others but ive posted them before so.
-rei carries around a bag of pistachio shells to throw at him.
-they were dating because rei had fallen in love (briefly) and tsurugi was reminded of yuki via her short hair.
-they hate eachother now
-tsurugi isnt typically one for nicknames, but he does call yuki(dra ofc) "carrotcake" and "pumpkin"
-tsurugi still blames himself. He will never stop blaming himself.
-cuddles. Lots of cuddles.
-as soon as yoruko was able to get into contact with a sora(via computer), she just spilled everything.
-when sora was able to get a robotic body, yoruko jumped into her arms and almost started crying.
-sora does all the cooking. Yoruko cant cook.
-both of them have a hard time saying that they love eachother.
-Kanata is the one who tells the worker that kakeru asked for no pickles.
-they hold hands :3
-most affectionate thing they can do is hug eachother. Kissing? Absolutely not. hand holding? Illegal.
-after keisuke nearly shot Midori, ryutaro became really clingy and wouldnt stop checking in on her.
-minako had to force them to tell eachother that they loved the other, because she was getting second hand embarassment.
Uhhhhhh im so eepy. Hang on ill reblog this later with other ship hcs.
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glossytoji · 2 years
King's Concubine (18+) - Chapter 4 (1)
(Mini Series)
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Themes (and warnings):
Sukuna × F! Reader
OC: Akira = Reader
[In where Ryomen Akira -one of the concubines of Ryomen Sukuna's harem- has remained invisible at the King's eyes, until the death of his favorite concubine...]
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 3
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Chapter 4 - Intertwined
Yuna became stiff while her eyes intently stared at the woman who seemed to be washing the curtains.
Isn't she a concubine? Isn't she supposed to be dead? Yuna thought as she continued to suspiciously eye the former concubine. It also dawned to Yuna that the former concubine has indeed dowgraded as a servant. Yuna figured that she was the concubine who ran away when Usagi's death was announced.
What was her name-
"Sora! Careful with that one!" The head maid suddenly exclaimed as she reprimanded Sora— the former concubine—from harshly squeezing the gigantic yet delicate curtain.
"Oh." Yuna exclaimed in realization as she heard Sora's name.
Another gasp escaped from Yuna's lips as she finally noticed the lifeless expression on Sora, it's like she was forced to rise from the dead— as per Yuna. On what used to be a flawless face, Sora's face was suddenly adorned with dark and heavy bags evident from the lack of rest and chapped lips that used to be glossed and hydrated.
Yuna couldn't wait to bring the news to Akira but as the day went on, she couldn't find the time since she was loaded with chores. During the emergency meeting for the palace personnel, a lot of staff were culled which resulted to a lack of manpower. According to Uraume, the culling was necessary as it was believed that traitors infiltrated the palace. Some were totally removed from the palace and some were demoted to more exhausting jobs. Yuna was sure that the culled staff were not only removed from the palace but from the face of earth.
Dinner among concubines went on as usual except for the fact that Akira has finally engaged in conversations. Ever since Akira's newfound resolve, the aura during dinner changed as well, somehow dinner became lighthearted; it might be due to the fact that the king has not joined them for dinner for more than a month now.
Yuna grinned at the joyful sight of Akira, it seemed to her that her lady has finally gave the kingdom a shot. Yuna grinned more when she realized that Akira's happily munching on the lechon de leche, afterall, it was Yuna who requested for such meal for Akira. Despite being exhausted for the overload of her workload, Yuna still find it energizing when Akira's spirits are high.
What a relief, Yuna thought as she noticed Akira, Rhee, and Aiko fully immersed in their conversation. Yuna's reliev
ed expression was suddenly replaced in a shocked one as she saw the former concubine serving the table with desert. No one was yet to realize the situation but when one of the concubines attempted to thank Sora, the dinner table suddenly became silent.
"S-sora?" One of the concubines, Yuki, asked in disbelief. The conversatiom between Akira, Rhee, and Aiko also came to a halt as they've realized the sudden silence. Akira's throat suddenly felt dry at the sight before her, she was confused, she didn't know that she would be relieved to see the woman alive or rather worried because she knew that Sora used to be naive with an optimistic personality but with the Sora before them, it was anything but that.
"Surprise!" She lifelessly exclaimed.
"Hey, join us." Yuki suggested as she shifted on her seat, her whole body gesturing at the vacant seats.
"Lady Yuki—" Sora was immediately interrupted when the head maid suddenly entered the hall; the concubines remained quiet at the head maid's presence, it was obvious to everybody that next to Sukuna, they are highly terrified of the head maid.
"What insolence!" The head maid exclaimed at the interaction. Sora immediately bowed at the concubines and left without a word while the head maid's intimidating vision remained at the concubines.
"I see you enjoyed today's dinner. The King ensured that the best services should be provided for his wives." The head maid stated.
"Lady Rhee, you raised your piglet very well. The chef has only hoped that tonight's menu is of the concubines' favor." The head maid added before she bowed towards the concubines and left. Akira stared at the area her plate was supposedly placed instead of her dessert.
"What?" Akira gasped in disbelief as she felt bile rise to her throat. Everybody else went on their conversations and dessert except for the trio.
"What was that supposed to mean?" Akira said as she glanced at Rhee who was as confused as Akira. Aiko knew where this is going. The situation was pretty much clear for Aiko and indeed she could confirm that piggy, tasted good although more than half of her was in guilt and a little bit gloomy at the situation.
Akira harshly stood from the table and ran towards her quarters which made the rest of the concubines surprised. The jog towards her quarters took her a while but as soon as she arrives at her bathroom, she didn't hesitate to puke her stomach out.
"Lady Akira!" Yuna exclaimed in worry as she hurriedly assisted Akira's crouching form through holding her hair from her face.
"What was that?!" Akira hissed as tears run through her face. Her eyes clenched in sorrow and disgust as she eyed her vomit.
"Akira?" A worried voice spoke from the distance. Rhee hurriedly entered the bathroom with Aiko tailing behind.
"Rhee!" Akira exclaimed, tears still streaming down her face.
"I thought piggy was domesticated!!!" Akira hissed as she aggressively wiped her mouth with her sleeves.
"Well... I loved piggy I swear! But I..." Rhee mumbled in sorrow and guilt.
"She practically stole piggy from the food farm." Aiko stated, glaring at Rhee.
"What?!" Akira hissed, now glaring at the concubines.
"Hey! It was Rhee!" Aiko defensively said.
"I grew attached to piggy too! At first... I just thought I could cheer you up with piggy but I didn't think you would really enjoy her presence..." Rhee mumbled.
"Piggy was not your pet?!" Akira exclaimed in disbelief, she truly felt played at the moment.
"No..." but when Rhee noticed Akira's expression she knew she had to take it back.
"—because piggy is like family!" Rhee immediately added which made Aiko scoff bullshit.
Rhee always knew she was in trouble when Akira often finds her days spending with piggy. Rhee thought piggy was just there for temporary fix but to her misfortune...
"But how?! Why did you not— how could you allow her to end up like this?" Akira interrogated.
"I didn't know! I swear, I never thought that they would grill her this soon!" Rhee honestly said.
"Oh god..." Akira groaned with her hands covering her face.
"On the bright side... piggy won't have to live in constant anxiety... like she won't have to be on egde anymore just to anticipate when her time is up because you know..." Aiko mumbled, attempting to soothe and comfort Akira which only resulted a sharp glare from Akira instead.
"A-and, on the bright side, she really tasted good! I am sure piggy is honored that you get to be the person whom she was served!" Aiko added as another attempt on saving her face.
"Are you kidding me??" Rhee groaned in disbelief.
"I can't believe you Aiko. Atleast pretend you give a damn about the poor pig." Rhee added, still in disbelief.
Akira's frown deepened at Aiko's words which made Aiko gulped in nervousness.
"Aiko just shut up." Akira sternly said as she interrupted Aiko from saying anything further.
"Damn..." Aiko mumbled in defeat.
Akira couldn't sleep well that night, she found herself twisting and turning on her bed. Her lack of sleep was evident as her eyes were swollen during the ceremony on the following day. All the concubines found themselves glancing at Akira from time to time. They had heard the news on why she ran off during the night-before's dessert time and most of them refused to believe that it was about a pig... or as they would call it, pork. Some were even laughing, thinking that they were just messing around but seeing the concubine before them with swollen eyes, they slowly believed on the ridiculous news.
"No way..." Ivy mumble as she stood beside Yuki while doing her best to not make her staring seem obvious but unbeknownst to her, it was truly obvious and the rest of the concubines could only scoff at the behavior.
"What?" Akira deadpanned as she felt Ivy staring intently at the side of her face from her right.
"Are you okay?" Ivy hesitated to ask but did anyway. Akira only sighed at the question as her eyes remained at the vacant throne before them.
"C-condolence." Ivy mumbled which made Akira roll her eyes in an attempt to stop her tears from flowing. Ivy gulped in guilt and nervousness for having to be the person who reminded Akira about a certain pig's death. The concubines gasped in chorus, it was during that moment that the news was affirmative. Akira was indeed mourning for the loss of her pet. Akira rolled her eyes in annoyance as she heard the audible chorus of gasps among the concubines.
"Why are we here anyway?" Aiko boldly asked to stir away the attention from Akira and Akira was thankful for that.
"I don't know but my lady-in-waiting said that the King has something to announce." Rhee replied, this time diverting her vision from Akira to the vacant throne before them.
"Bow at the presence of the shining sun of the empire, his majesty, the emperor, Sukuna." Uraume suddenly announced and in unison, everybody bowed their heads.
"Emperor?" Akira muttered in confusion, her brows became furrowed while she remained in a curtsy like everybody else. When Akira pointed that out in a mumble, the concubines situated close to her realized the change of title.
"Rise." The king said.
As he began talking, it was clear that all eyes were on him because if otherwise it is treason. It is spoken with pride as he announced that he has successfully dominated every neigboring land and the kingdom will slowly transition in to an empire. Everybody was in awe as the charismatic now-emperor continued to speak. Some of the vassals of the king of curses will be hailed as dukes to various dominated territories.
It is clear that he is the emperor of the rising empire but nevertheless, his title as the King of Curses remains. It was never mentioned by him but everybody knew the difference between two titles.
From time to time, Akira could feel his eyes lingering over her a little longer than it should and everybody knew that as well. She was embarrassed and she thought that everybody felt the same with her but unbeknownst to her, everybody is worried and it is due to her swollen eyes, they were sure that the king— the emperor won't sit idly with the idea of her darling in discomfort. Everybody gulped from time to time as his vision would linger a little longer on Akira, as if he has noticed something.
"My lady!" Yuna exclaimed as all of the concubines and audience went on their separate ways. Akira rubbed her forehead in distress. Recently, she has been feeling that the days have been passing her by quickly than she could comprehend.
"I have a surprise!" Yuna exclaimed, hoping that her so called surprise could somehow lift Akira's spirits even a bit.
"I -I appreciate it..." Akira mumbled. It is obvious that she is still feeling disheartened with the recent incident.
"Darling." A voice interrupted making Akira and Yuna go stiff, most especially Yuna since this is the first time that the King of Curses has talked to her lady in public.
"Your majesty, the emperor." Yuna said as she bowed while Akira soonafter followed.
"Surprise..." Yuna mumbled nervously although she meant for the desert that she made, she also feel like the king of curses' presence would cheer her lady up. As they have risen up from bowing, the intent stare of the king to Akira made Yuna feel that her presence is no longer welcomed and with that she announced her departure and left; rubbing her temples as well as she hoped that her lady's mood would be uplifted by the king's presence.
"Sukuna-sama." She said, with a hint of gloom in her tone.
"What's going on?" He firmly said almost as if irritated.
"Nothing..." Akira mumbled, not in the mood to interact; and most certainly almost forgetting that it is indeed the king of curses before her.
"Answer when being asked." He demanded which made Akira sigh.
"I- piglet." Akira said, taking a deep breath once more.
"P-piglet is dead and I ate her." She mumbled in distress, the tightening in her chest reoccuring.
"The what?" The king asked as if he misheard with a a huge grin on his lips as he stops a chuckle from escaping.
"It's— it's nothing." She mumbled; feeling disheartened because she knew it would seem funny to people— or even to curses.
"I wouldn't dare to burden the emperor with such idle worries." Akira firmly added which made the king frown instead.
"Your eyes are swollen." He said as he reaches out to caress the bags beneath her eyes; while fighting the revolting feeling and the urge to crush her skull. It just so happens that whatever Akira's been feeling would make him oblige to empathize due to the unfortunate spell casted on him; he would feel atttaction and a strong sense to provide security towards Akira that whenever he plans to do the opposite, it would provide an immense pain on him.
"You ate... pork?" He carefully asked; in compliance with the spell and fortunately, whenever he complies to such affection, his chest would feel light as if he is rewarded.
"What?" Akira almost gasped in disbelief at the insensitivity of the king; but what is she really expecting? It's the king if curses after all, he is not supposed to give a fuck about some random human and a random pork at that. He sighed, genuinely not understanding on what he is supposed to do. If it weren't for the constant searing pain on his chest, he wouldn't be even doing this. He swears to himself once more that he would kill the culprit and probably Akira- rightafter he deals with the culprit.
Not knowing what to do, he proceeded on crashing his lips on hers. The keen observing servants who are eavesdropping bulged their eyes at the sudden affection. They were in awe to have witnessed a different side of the king... a soft and gentle side.
"I'll give you all of the piglets this world has to offer. Do you want it right now?" He whispered against her lips; his other hand now resting on her waist as his thumb rubbed her there in circles while his other hand remained on her cheek.
"I can and will, give you everything, just say it." He added.
"Thank you Sukuna-sama, you don't have to." Akira said with a faint smile on her lips. She couldn't deny that she found what he said hilarious and if it was announced in another situation she would have laughed boisterously.
"Your words of concern is more than enough." She assured. Somehow, such words ignited intrigue within the king, he has never met someone who has deliberately rejected his offer. He is hailed as the most powerful being and is currently known to be the richest man in the land. How could she not take advantage of such offer? Not even for diamonds and exquisite linen? Or hectares of land? Why wouldn't she ask for it?
Unbeknownst to the king, Akira has been fighting the strong urge to ask to be held that's why she decided to fiddle with her fingers instead until he held her fiddling hands and redirected her attention back to him. The king then pulled a single hand from her to intertwine with his which made him shut his eyes in distaste. It puzzles him how a stupid spell that seemed to almost defy the laws of jujutsu— be this idiotic and effective in irking him; most especially when he reminisced his earlier days and remembers zero to none in being this affectionate. This is indeed an insult to his highness.
"Join me for dinner, my darling." He spoke as he moves toward the hallway to where his chambers are located.
"It would be my honor, Sukuna-sama." She said as she laces her fingers firmly to his as well. Akira then decided to make the bold decision to kiss his knuckles and contrary to what the king is supposed to feel, his heart fluttered at the gesture; once again, another consequence of the spell.
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Dinner felt awkward, atleast for Akira. The king couldn't help but feel irked when he notice Akira fidling with her food for a while. Lately, he has been on edge as it was only recently affirmative that he was indeed trapped in a spell that defies the laws of jujutsu. What aggravates him more is that despite the culling of servants, he still couldn't pinpoint the culprit which meant that the culprit has remained hidden in the castle walls. He was sure that this ploy couldn't be orchestrated by his dearest darling because it wouldn't make sense— for him how someone like Akira would go unnoticeable for a year and would suddenly be the star of the night— or does it?
He rubbed his temples simultaneously releasing a distressed sigh. Whoever made the spell must have been truly prepared for the consequences of his wrath. He was starting to suspect that one of his concubines must have been the audacious culprit; but nevertheless, no solid evidences would lead him to that conclusion unless he would indulge himself with hearsay and rampage at the concubines's quarters.
He hummed while deep in his thoughts as he realized that all of his concubines are quite replaceable— except for his darling of course. Should I just aim for the kill? he thought.
i've been gone for more than a year :<< i'm so so sorryy but this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for ages amdiaks this is part 1 of chapter 4 hihi
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lutervania · 1 year
Ive recently come across your art and I really enjoy it!!
I was going to ask if you could draw the Kisaragi foundation leaders (Rei, Teruya, and Tsurugi) hanging out? Maybe grabbing food or smth?
If not if you don't mind maybe Yuki/Sora (Yuki in soras body) just being awesome?
Again feel free to decline both!! But your art is super pretty!!
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HELLO THANK U SM FOR THE ASK!!!!!!! sadly i am Horrible at drawing multiple people so I will give U A yuki/sora . enjoy…!!❤️
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agent-scotch · 10 days
[PRESS] "They're gunna love you darlin'" - from Huck IDEK maybe she's meeting his enormous family
"What if they don't? I still can't remember half their names," Sora whined sitting beside him in his red vintage ranger. Every gesture of nervousness was present in Sora's body language as they made their way to Huck's family home in Seattle. Her fingers fidgeted with hem of her olive dress she had purchased with Maria amongst many other pieces of clothing that weren't boiler suits and cargo pants, while her other arm hugged Huck's bicep.
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"And do they even know what we do for a living? Who we really work for?", she murmured under her breathe. Yuki who was none the wiser stuck her out the passenger window, enjoying every moment of the breeze through her fur and ears in the wind.
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caeified · 1 year
I wanna know how you'd see Yuki in like,, the future future of the true ending. I just call them “Yui”, in my AU(I have this AU planned out, but I gotta just- think how it should work and all,, since it's kinda of a crossover?? OMORI/SDRA2, type of thing souhyea)
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uhh very quick design. i am of the opinion that
1) utsuro and sora are not in that body & yuki is mainly the same person but reacts to situations more like utsuro (like he does in ch4 + 5 sometimes)
2) divine luck does change appearance BUT it doesn’t fully return him to his prev appearance due to inner conflict of
a) i want to return to the life i had as Yuki Maeda
b) i am a fundamentally different person living in a fundamentally different world where that is not possible
c) i am absolutely terrified of using divine luck as a crutch and becoming utsuro as utsuro was a completely ordinary person who was hollowed out by divine luck and therefore that could happen to anyone (me)
starting to hate this design actually he should wear a cloak forever methinks
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danganronpafan777 · 2 years
SDRA Boys reaction to finding out Kanade killed there Fem S/O because she is best friend with Hibiki which resulted in Kanade cutting up S/O gruesomely like she did to Setsuka in the canon Game
Damn, fellow angst fan! 
You didn't specify if Hibiki committed the murder too, so I included how they would interact with her after the trial knowing what her sister did-
Yuki Maeda: 
When he sees your body at first, he's in complete shock
He wants to look away, but his eyes won't budge
It isn't until Shinji and Sora say his name a few times when the dam breaks
He's horrified, sad, angry, and full of grief all at once
He throws up during the investigation, and can't go near the body
There's no point, since it's already burned into his mind
He's quiet and crying during the trial, barely even blinking and ignoring anyone who tried to help
Sora tells him if he wants to get justice for you, then he must work with everyone
"...huh...What the hell do you know? About me? About Y/n? She's dead. I don't care anymore."
Yuki goes blank. Even void is a little worried, isn't it a bit soon for Utsuro to come out?
Anytime he sees Hibiki, he feels his stomach drop, the image of your body appearing fresh in his mind
He doesn't want to hate her, as she's just as much of a victim as you were, but her resemblance to Kanade makes him mistake her sometimes
Teruya Otori:
He slams his fist down on the podium in grief and anger, his eyes beginning to swirl in despair.
Why was this happening to him again? It was really all because you befriended the wrong person? Why did you have to die? Why couldn't it have been him!? 
He thinks back to all the moments he had with you. Sun gazing, cuddling, your first kiss... he'd never see you again, he promised he would protect you and he failed again. Why was he such a failure?
He didn't want to give into despair, he really didn't, but sitting idly while everyone you loved died a horrible death made him wonder if hope really did exist 
He stays in your dorm for a while, but definitely keeps a closer eye on everyone
If Hibiki didn't die, he couldn't bring himself to resent her, just her criminal scum of a sister
He has to keep the others safe and put an end to the killing game. He's well aware that he's not smart, if he was, he would have been able to save you
But he's strong. He's pushed himself past his limits before and he's not afraid to do it now. 
He’ll protect everyone because it's what you would have wanted
That's the only thought keeping him sane
Shinji Kasai: 
Also in shock when he sees your body
You were....there...(and there, and there-)
He’s seen a lot of gruesome sights of people who had terrible burns (Including himself, which you always reassured him over) but this was…
He starts to cry right there, as Yuki and Sora rush to comfort him
He can’t bring himself to investigate your corpse or your room, instead talking to everyone about their alibis
This whole time, he was saying that the people in void were friends and probably had some kind of reason for doing this, but…
He’s not sure anymore.
What kind of monster would put you through something so horrid?
When he finds out that it’s Kanade, he nearly breaks his podium
He’d never hit a girl, even if she is a literal demon spawn, but he’ll still yell at her for what she did to you
He can’t forgive her, turning his back on her and not even bothering to watch the execution
He stayed in his room for a few days, barely opening the door to anyone except Yuki
He is actually nicer to Hibiki, and even helps train and comfort her with all she’s been through
but there’s there a part of him that can’t help but think about what would’ve happen if he done this sooner, if he would have met your fate
The thought makes his stomach churn
Hajime Makunouchi:
Falls to his knees upon seeing the body 
He nearly vomits at the way the face on your decapitated head was twisted in terror and your limbs were contorted as if you were nothing more than a doll
Hajime doesn’t feel angry, he just feels… sad.
Abandoned…once again.
He finds himself sobbing, unable to stop
He just felt so alone, but he told himself not to blame you, you hadn’t left him, not on purpose
He can’t investigate… he just can’t…
Ironic, that the strongest person in the class never felt so weak
Another part of him feels guilty, of all those times he talked you into training, into eating healthier foods… what was the point of all that when you were going to die so young?
He can’t say anything to Kanade, he can just glare at her through his sunglasses, his void eyes coming to life
He watches her execution, but he can’t bring himself to smile or feel happy
It just makes him feel….empty
He actively avoids Hibiki, but he’ll try not to treat her any differently
He confronts Nikei about turning against Mikado
Syobai Hashimoto:
Syobai wasn't attached to a lot and he rarely let anyone get close to him 
But he made an exception for you
That's what you were, the exception
He was never loved by anyone in his life
Except you
He never cared about anything other than money and his own survival
Except you
He never fell in love with someone before
Except you
He never felt such sadness and grief when seeing a corpse
Except you.
The moment he saw your corpse, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, a pain unlike any he had felt before
Followed by a tsunami of emotions that were running wild
He forced them all down, much harder to do than ever and investigated your body
He found the culprit easily, charging Kanade with his knife almost immediately
She was quick but not quick enough, he left her within an inch of her life while Hibiki screamed and cried
He used his own medical knowledge to keep her alive for the trial, no matter how hard he wanted to end her right there 
He smiled when she was voted, everyone understanding Syobai's actions
He doesn’t care about Kanade's backstory, he hates her for killing you, that's it
He won't hurt Hibiki, knowing Kanade would probably like that, but he glares at her anytime she's in the room with him 
Yuri Kagarin:
He claimed it was a male the whole trial, only a male would be capable of doing this to you
When he found out it was sweet Kanade, his views shattered
"W-Why...?"  That’s all he can ask, and when she explains, he wishes he kept quiet
You were gruesomely murdered because of your kindness, and how you befriended and comforted a scared and paranoid girl
Kanade was a demon through and through who took pleasure causing pain in others
Only then did he realize what you were always trying to say, about all males not always being bad, funny how the message only got through when he learned the opposite
If Hibiki isn't executed alongside her, he wouldn't ever directly blame her for the person her sister was
But he'll never be able to look at her without thinking of the monster who killed you
Mikado Sannoji: 
This wasn't supposed to happen.
That's the first thought that crosses his mind, out of everyone here, you were supposed to make it to the end
He'd think it was Nikei, being the only void who would dare to do this, but even Nikei is not that psychotic
This was someone that made him look like a saint
He contributes everything during the trial, ignoring when people tell him to be quiet
They don't get to tell him that, not after his S/o was dead
When he learns of Kanade, he feels angry, at both her and himself
He could have figured Kanade's past out if he had just dug a little deeper...
He lightly avoids Hibiki, but doesn't make much of an effort to push her away, 
Not like anyone else besides you would ever willingly talk to him
Nikei Yomiuri:
God damn it... 
Rage. He can only feel raw unhindered rage when he sees your mutilated corpse
The whole trial, he thought Mikado was the only bastard messed up enough to do this, there's no way anyone in void would do this to him
To kill the one thing he had left
His leadership, his power, his luck (the whole reason he was pressured into creating this messed up game) 
And now he lost you, the one thing he achieved without the use of his remaining luck
And now you were gone in one of the most messed up ways possible
He demands Kanade's reasons for doing this to you, and only feels more disgusted when he finds out
He hopes she burns in hell
He can't look at Hibiki without his void eyes flaring and his face being consumed by undeniable rage
He lashes out at her a few times, but he doesn't care
He uses the rest of the space in his notepad to write about you
He's not sure if your dead in the real world, but if you were, then he wanted some way for the world to know the kind of person you are
Because he knows for a fact that he's not making it out of here alive
He just hopes he can bring Mikado down with him
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comfortabletogether · 4 months
HARUHIKO BEING THE “I love you song” FROM THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE IS SO REAL!!!!! Anyways, 💫 anon back with a silly idea
I was thinking about Kirby Star Allies and how they kiss to share health. Maybe the reader is trying to cheer up their crush while they’re sad and kisses them?
[For characters, feel free to choose any you want but if you need some characters, could you do Haruhiko, Yuki (sdra2) and Teryua (dra)? ]
Hello 💫 Anon! How are you doing? I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this quicker, I’ve been playing Stardew Vally for the past week, I’m trying to romance Abigail or Elliot. And it’s not going great.
So another apology since it’s 4am and i can’t read, i completely forgot about Teruya. But Yuki and Haruhiko’s were basically the chapter four angst pack.
Reminder my requests are CLOSED and I will be deleting any requests that have been sent in while they are closed. Thank you.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
You were concerned, you were starving, you were in pain, you were suffering. You’d thought about killing— how easy it would be to grab a gun from the arsenal and shoot the short bastard. But Kinjo always being in the arsenal made you rethink. You didn’t want to provoke him.
You were dying, but so was everyone else. Mikako was still the same inside the ballroom. Akane was the same as well but you could see her sweet demeanor cracking by the day. And Haruhiko, he was trying to act as typically but he was guilty and clearly cracking as well.
While he would rant to you or to anyone who asked about the vintage guns and how they came into place in their respective histories to anyone who listened. Haruhiko had been one of the food thieves and he had even shared a few scraps with you. 
“S/O.” Haruhiko’s face was out of the ordinary. The emotion conveyed on it was one of lamentation. His voice was shaking, this wasn’t the confident act that Haru had been putting on for the past while— this was the scared teenage boy who blamed himself for killing Kyoka.
He was also gripping something in his pocket.
“I’m so sorry, S/O. This is all my fault, if I hadn’t been stealing the food, if I hadn’t ate so much food in the beginning, if I was as smart as Kinjo— or Mekaru.” Haruhiko went on. The frown on his face was imminent. You were in your private room.
Your words wouldn’t likely convince him. But you had an idea to cheer the pervert up even slightly— something was better than nothing. You cupped his cheek and placed a small peck on the corner of his lips. It was supposed to go on his lips but you were so shaky from hungry you hadn’t kissed him properly. You swore internally that you would someday.
“This may seem hard for you Haru, but you aren’t the problem, not in Maki-Higa’s case, not in the ballroom and especially not with your parents.“
“Y-you saw it too?” Haruhiko eye’s glittered. His lips parted and he had a blush on his face as if he was astounded by the mere kiss.
“Saw what?”
Yuki Maeda 
Pacing in the frigid cold, endlessly scanning over the books that was only stuffed with random nonsensical gibberish. That’s what Yuki had been doing a few days prior. Half of you vaguely wished you were still stuck in the conference room. Maybe then he wouldn’t have died and Yuki wouldn’t have been so… strange.
 Yuki had been shell shocked moments prior at the revelation of Shinji being dead. Shaking like he had done something wrong but now… he was having the complete opposite of an emotional break.
“…” No response.
“Yuki Maeda..?” You called out him to once again. 
This time Yuki had shifted his body to slightly face you, his dull brown were glaring at you and it was utter juxtaposition in the fact that his freckled cheeks were still had tear stains on them.
“Yuki, I can’t convince you that it’ll be okay. But I believe in us, alright? We have lost Shinji but we still have Sora, Nikei, Yoruko and you always have me. I’ll always be here for you. And I know I can’t make it better but I’m here for you.” You tried to comfort the best you could and leaned in and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“…” Yuki didn’t say anything but he stared. Gears were churning behind his brown eyes. Ones that looked so full of sorrow and despair. Moments later Yuki shell shocked attitude had hit him once again in full force. Tears were coming from his eyes again.
You weren’t sure if it was the best thing to do but alas, you pulled Yuki closer to your figure. Tracing names of place and phases of the moon into his back. And he held you back so much tighter. Trying so hard to decipher whether or not you were really there.
“Please— don’t… please don’t die.” Yuki sobbed.
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Some YukiSora (The ship) with my designs of 10 Years Later Yuki!Sora and Android Body Sora.
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spyrkle4 · 1 year
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The whole "Sharing a body thing" took awhile for Yuki and Sora to adjust to...
Anyways I'm planning on posting a pre-LMIT one-shot soon that focuses on Yuki and Sora post-sdra2
There will also be some flashback scenes sprinkled in bc I'm not going to cover the canon-divergence that happens in the killing game post chapter 3 n.n;
Keep an eye out for "Fortune's Fleeting Act" in the future!
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 year
Protag Teruya AU - Akane Taira Logic Refresh
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I was looking through the wiki and found out that this minigame is called Logic Refresh. Which makes a lot more sense than Support Showdown, haha. ^^;
Akane would be...in an interesting position trying to help Teruya, considering how DRA ended. She’s quite the unexpected ally to Teruya, and is trying her best to be supportive of him while encouraging him to develop his good traits and skills.
Since Sora was the protagonist of SDRA2 and thus never had a Logic Refresh (and by that, I mean she was more focused on trying to protect Yuki instead of telling the truth to Syobai of what she’s done in Chapter 4), I ended up using Akane’s DRA counter sprite as a base sketch and went from there. Her body is more seen and I added her fist near her collarbone to change up her pose a little.
The Protag Teruya AU was inspired by @/anotherprofessional’s post! Beware of Void spoilers though!
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