#yuki irie
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itakizzs · 2 days ago
can we pls have a itakiss s3 exploring yuki and konomi's relationship?
I need it, and I will forever ship Kotoko x Naoki and Yuki x Konomi... I hope this is a possibility.... The storyline will have to be original since I don't think the manga continues any further, but nevertheless, I love to see Honoki's chemistry!! (Honoka and Yuki = Honoki)
I don't ship the two actors but their on-screen chemistry gets me every single time. I've been begging for an S3 since... idk, AGES ago?
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hear me out whoever is the decision maker behind all this!!!!!!!
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wsjyuyuyuau · 15 days ago
Loid Forger (Spy X Family)
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Name: Loid Forger
Series: Spy X Family
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Family: Yor Forger (Wife), Anya Forger (Daughter)
Flower Motif: Iris (Iris)
Flower Meaning: Admriation
Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle
Associated With: Interdimensional Hero Club
Hero Form Appearance: A sleek combination of a classic spy outfit and YuYuYu’s Hero Form outfits. The undersuit is an elegant gray, and that makes the iris blue stand out more. The main color of the outfit is a stunning blue (The jacket’s upper half, shoes, and lower half of pants) fading to purple (The top, upper half of pants, and the lower half of the jacket), accompanied by yellow accents to balance it out. The iris’ petal shape is seen in the tailcoat, sleeves, and the tie shape. An iris brooch serves as the tie clasp, and an iris hairpin serves as the only other accessory alongside the white gloves.
Full Bloom Gauge Location: Right Elbow
Guardian: Kishi (Based on the Kishi)
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Parallel To: None
Bio: Loid Forger is a master spy working for the Westalia Intelligence Services' Eastern-Focused Division (AKA WISE) to protect the nation of Westalia and ensure the maintenance of peace between the East and the West. But believe it or not, he is quite the family man.
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iris-nonsense · 2 years ago
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Yuki has the only valid reaction to a villain explaining their plan
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mabel-piness · 9 months ago
For all the Itazura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo enjoyers
I made an edit after 10 ish years? Wild
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naokiscoffee · 1 year ago
What makes Itazura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo so special?
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This is probably my twelfth thousand re-watch of this drama, but this is not like all the other rewatches. I have decided to make this one special by using it to analyse the drama in more depth, and attempt to uncover why I love it as much as I do, despite all it’s flaws. I am writing this as I watch the episodes, so it might be considered somewhat of a commentary.
Season 01 Episode 01
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Starting off with the first episode, the opening scene is fantastic in my opinion. I love how we are getting introduced to Kotoko in the comfort of her own room, and getting a peek into her hearts deepest wish. I honestly think that this might be what made me like this version of Kotoko from the get go.
However, technically, the actual first scene of the story is the iconic confession scene (if you would even call it that). I am going to go on a tangent here and just say that I am an absolute fan of her letter, but I will get back to that in a later episode.
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The way she is nervous and excited before confessing and the way he flat out rejects her before she even has the chance to confess always makes me feel crushed for her, and is the reason why I initially disliked him. But now that I am actually analysing it, it is less harsh than how I’ve always perceived it (or this might just be me trying to explain it away).
Hear me out, consider the implication that he has a whole queue of girls that like him, drool over him and confess to him in school, his reaction/rejection is really not that surprising. Imagine receiving confessions from a bunch of girls, when you just want to live your life in peace … that must get old and tiresome fairly quickly. Additionally, the fact that the whole entire school is talking about the rejection might explain why he didn't accept her letter; had he accepted it (even if he rejected her afterwards), the whole school would probably assume that they were dating. On the other hand it makes me think, why would the whole school be interested in someone confessing? are we back in kindergarten?
We see later on that she still has that card with her. I think that for her, getting rid of it would feel like getting rid of her feelings for him, which is why she holds on to it.
Anyways, I find it quite ironic when Kotoko’s friends tell her “you and Irie are from different worlds” . Their worlds are literally going to forcibly merge under one roof very very soon.
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Another random thought I got, like a lot of my thoughts are, was why did Kotoko like Naoki, and not like Kinnouske? I mean he might not be handsome, he might not be smart, he might not be rich, but he is hardworking, talented and most importantly, he liked Kotoko, and was always nice towards her. This version’s Kinnouske has always been my favourite one. I think this version does a good job at portraying him as a three dimensional person, rather than a comic relief kind of personality *cough* Itazura Na Kiss 1996 *cough*.
When I started to pay more attention, I realised that although I do love Kinnouske, I do find him to often do things based on his own feelings, and does not consider what Kotoko wants. For example, I cant help but feel that he is a bit insensitive for being happy when Kotoko is sad after deciding to ‘give up’ on Naoki. This is a small detail, and perhaps I am reading too much into it, but I do feel that Itazura Na Kiss is all about the details. He sort of redeems himself for it by asking his friends to come and help her move, but soon it goes to shit again, which I will come to later on.
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I really like — at this point, everything really, but anyways — the reoccurring mentioning of “less possible than getting hit by a shooting star”, which is a kind of teaser to what is to come later on in the show. Although I’ve always thought that the reason for their house being destroyed in this version to be a bit dumb, I admit, I do like the thought and metaphor behind it, so I will turn I blind eye to it. I also find it hilarious how it ended up all over the news.
Kotoko’s extremely optimistic outlook despite everything that happened is perhaps her most charming personality trait. It makes me feel that her optimism is somehow what everything work out for her in the end.
Now, to one of the scenes I dislike most in this story. I am always tempted to skip the first episode altogether to avoid it. And that’s the scene where Kinnouske is collecting donations for Kotoko. Here we see Kin-chan’s good intentions having not so good results. I get the feeling that he does what he thinks is helpful for her, and never once stops to consider her feelings or ask her opinion on it, and the way she gets annoyed with him tells me that she’s not that fond of this either, despite what his intentions were.
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Back to Naoki. Looking at the size of that entrance, he could have 100% just walked around Kotoko and Kinnouske and gone in. Heck, following the little pattern we have so far, wouldn’t he purposefully avoid them to maintain a quiet and peaceful life? Now, he did just the contrary and approached them. Considering the fact that by the end of the episode he already knows about the arrangement (of her going to his home to stay there with her father), it would be safe to assume that at this moment in time, he already knows that she would stay in his house. This is supported by his response to her “preferring to die over taking his money”; “are you sure you want to tell me that?”. Therefore I assume that he approaches her out of curiosity.
If you pay close attention to this interaction, you will notice that Naoki did not say one thing that was wrong or out of line. Naoki giving Kotoko the money was not very nice. But more than anything, it was quite confusing. He told her “If I donate this money, you won’t argue with me anymore”. Now, Kinnouske was the one arguing with Naoki, so why would Naoki tell Kotoko that? Is it because he sees her as the most reasonable one, or rather, is it because they’re ‘her’ friends (thus making her responsible for them)?
Kotoko was the one with an explosive reaction in this situation [although she was in the wrong, I like how she stood by her friend eventhough they were fighting a few moments ago (if she realised the previously mentioned point that is).], and was more than a bit mean when saying “do you even have friends?”. Here we see just how much of an opposite to her he is. Instead of having an explosive reaction like Kotoko had, Naoki just finds her reaction amusing and leaves calmly.
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Now to when she goes with her father to the Irie household. Naoki’s mother’s (Noriko’s) comment of “you and I seem like we were meant to meet” and the fact that she knows that she’s in the same school as Naoki tells me that he told her about Kotoko; which in turn makes me think that she left a memorable impression on him. Kotoko’s reaction to seeing Naoki is Hilarious, especially te part where she’s too shocked, and is not shy to say “I’m just do surprised … because Iri-chan-san and Irie-kun don’t look alike at all” (I really am starting to realise and understand why Naoki finds her amusing).
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Another one of those small details; the way her father scoots away right off the bat when he saw Yuki asking her a question about a kanji character, and pretending to look at a random décor piece kills me (It’s nice to keep in mind; despite how similar Kotoko might sometimes be to her dad, he still has more awareness of his own ‘stupidness’ than her).
I recently watched one of @Machitsuki2 ‘s analysis videos, and like she pointed out, I did in fact notice how Kotoko was going straight to the food and cakes, while Naoki was mainly only sipping coffee (even during breakfast). This will become really important later on.
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Lastly, I love the interaction between Noriko and Kotoko when she takes her up to show her her room; Kotoko found a mother she never had, and Noriko found the daughter she never had. They are the first puzzle pieces that fit into each other perfectly.
When Naoki comes in and tells Kotoko that she took Yuki’s room, I get the feeling that rather than an insult it served to make Kotoko understand why Yuki disliked her so much. I might be a bit delulu, but I kind of feel that Naoki did this on purpose? anyone?
When Noriko asks Kotoko “do you like(suki) Sukiyaki?” and Kotoko looks at her (in Naoki’s direction) and confidently answers “I like it! (suki-desu!)” almost feels directed at Naoki. It is in fact the first time he hears her say it. This next part I had to go back and watch once more; Naoki only starts being mean to her when she pulled the bag from him (not wanting his help) and he saw the letter she wrote him drop out of it. I do wonder if he is mean to her because of that letter, or maybe because he thought she was rude towards him?
To be continued…(maybe)
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tevinho · 3 months ago
IRyS' group performance of Kalafina's To The Beginning at her 3rd Anniversary 3D Live
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ochitea · 1 year ago
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changed my ocs' heights according to how i draw em individually (w/ lucy as the base bc he needs to stay 6'9)
everyone is shorter than i thought lol
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love-for-burgundy-blog · 5 months ago
Also I just learned that Aoi Yuki, who voices Amano Ichigo in Yumerio Pattissiere is also the Japanese VA of Iris in Pokemon BW!! Man the BW parallels are never ending!!
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rewritingcanon · 9 months ago
i know lots (like…. two….) people on here have said they like my pfp and that it suits me but as someone who vehemently makes fun of those hello kitty pfps that do nothing but cyberbully others online i feel in my soul that i also need to change my pfp so im not in the same vein as them when i inevitably complain and bitch about harmless things.
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outsider-rodeo · 8 months ago
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divanstrawberry · 1 year ago
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как же удобно,когда у соседей дети ровесницы
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eirasummers · 1 year ago
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I'm so exited for the new from Argonavis game!!! Feel free to add me if you play too~ and if you're someone who is gonna translate stuff, let me know so I follow you, I wanna read everything!!!
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iris-nonsense · 1 year ago
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They would have been great friends in other circumstances
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destinylordoffreaks · 1 year ago
And now it’s time for a special batch of art every picture in here is of Benjamin and Iris together
so Benjamin an Iris start at has friends but through a slow burn friends to lovers arc, become a couple
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 and you can kind of see that here. in the first two pictures you can see they’re kind of just paling around just being their friends it’s cute 
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Then you have this cute one where there hugging 
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and then these  are some quick sketches where I tried to go with a more fantasy style wardrobe
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Then we have this one it’s supposed to be the two of them laying on the ground laughing it was a really cute concept except I absolutely hate the execution. I don’t know what is going on with Iris‘s hands, but it looks like she had some sort of seizure and the angles are just all wrong. 
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now this one is one of my favorites you can see they’re much more romantic here it’s done in an almost chibi  art style which I actually really liked I liked it enough to color it twice once with my markers and once digitally
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And then we have my headshot portraits Benjamin and Iris are actually the first ones I finished so I have an earlier prototype and then the finished version 
I like to give all of my couples something in common something that sort of help strengthen their bond and for Benjamin and Iris, that’s the ocean. It’s their favorite place in the world is they love to just be on the beach looking out across the ocean waves, fun fact Benjamin is a marine biologist, he loves snorkeling and swimming and Iris was pretty much raised at the beach. She loves swimming and surfing and of course building at Sandcastle. 
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wintergreenoreo · 3 months ago
F1 grid as Greek Gods 🌟
Max - Ares: God of war and courage
Checo - Leto: Goddess of motherhood, childbirth, and modesty
Charles - Aphrodite: Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
Carlos - Hephaestus: God of fire, blacksmithing, and the forge
Lewis - Zeus: King of the gods and god of thunder and lightning
George - Athena: Goddess of strategy and wisdom
Lando - Apollo: God of light, youth, healing and plagues
Oscar - Aeolus: God of the winds
Pierre - Eros: God of love and procreation
Esteban - Antheros: God of requited love and the avenger of the unrequited
Fernando - Hades: King of the dead and god of the underworld
Lance - Persephone: Goddess of agriculture and vegetation
Alex - Artemis: Goddess of the hunt, moon, and wild animals
Franco - Dionysus: God of wine, pleasure, and festivity
Valtteri - Poseidon: God of the sea and earthquakes
Zhou - Iris: Goddess of the clouds and rainbows
Nico - Atlas: God of strength and endurance
Kevin - Eris: Goddess of discord
Yuki - Hestia: Goddess of the hearth, food preparation, and baking
Liam - Melinoe: Goddess of nightmares
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objectheadzine · 9 months ago
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Thank you for your patience! I'm happy to present our artists for the 2025 edition of the Object Head Zine:
Potentialforart | Corviday | Kimberly Wang | Louise Kay Uy | Cosmicloak | jeong | theHoleyness | Nighto | Blacklimes | Autumn Haynes | Jenny Park | Shibara | Juliette GMM López | Lemonjuiceday | Cacoethic + Lenalis | Vetiverfox | Caitlin Ono | Inktrashing | Jackarais | Pastachyan | nauma | april | siins | Kosse | PigDemonArt | CHRISQI | R-GIE | BunnyangelArt | K_Duffles | 1000 Dead Draculas | Rainboopz | Krispy | Feefal | Andrea C. | JOU | Kai_QS | Winiberto J. Garcia | Mina Martinez | koloquials | Kaz Fantone | Den_Ai_D | Nisnow | Iris | Andrhomeda | KIDSID | Yuki M / KAISEI INK | TK Pinkerton | Guillermo Saavedra | SkyShard | June Flores | Sarah Skrutskie | bluequills | Nikru | corruptimles | Jara Draws | Chroma | ZOOT | Null | Dr.Jingles | Solaire | arcadechan | planetsandmagic | Poofylion | cowsaresushi | Kadin DiStefano | Frouponic | Mangozic | Tien
Thank you all for applying, I can't wait to see what our participants create!
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