#yukari takeba headcanon
marsycozycorner · 3 months
Yukamitsu sexuality headcanon!
Yo! This is my first time writing about Yukamitsu and its been a while since i wrote a long ass headcanon for characters so if my grammar is not the greatest i hope you don't mind it! i'm trying my best! and its my first time posting a long hc here on tumblr! This took me 2 weeks to do so i hope it doesn't flop ><
Anyways! These are my hc of yukari and mitsuru and how they found out that they are lesbians and in love with each other :3
For Yukari she used to identify as bisexual for quite a while in her life as a lot of boys in high school were interested in her always asking her out but she would most likely decline but she does go out with some if she’s interested in them or they caught her eye! She has dated a few of them but some didn’t really end up well or some ended on good terms but weren’t for each other. Yukari also keeps up to trends by picking up on fashion magazines to see what’s the current fashion which she always is in awe and tries it out and she also realizes that she loves the girls on there which made her think “oh wow the girls in this magazine is so cute!” And sooner or later she realizes that maybe she’s into girls too? So she started to research on the web as now she was questioning herself. Is she straight? Bisexual? Or a lesbian? Back in the early 2000’s lgbtq+ wasn’t talked about on the internet but she still figured out what she identified as and at that time she identified as bisexual. 
After that day in school she would have eyes on some of the girls and realizes omg I really do like girls too and she goes up to them and talks to them which some of the girls gets flattered as Yukari is a popular girl in school because of how cute she was and both boys and girls admired her so it was known to her that some girls liked her but were just too afraid to ask her out as they thought Yukari would look at them differently but Yukari doesn’t as she doesn’t judge them for who they identify as so she took the first move and asked some of them out. She wouldn’t lie that the dates she has been with the girls she asked out were actually the best dates she had as they share the same interests with her and they could relate with each other a lot. After these dates she had dated 2 girls, one ended in a heartbreak and the other on good terms which then she took a break from dating for a while as she realized wlw relationships hurt a lot and she needed time healing. 
But that didn’t stop her from liking girls instead she fell harder for girls. She realizes she leans more to girls now and when she locked eyes to the intelligent and elegant red haired girl, Mitsuru Kirijo, she realize that she’s not bisexual anymore, she doesn’t want to date boys anymore she saw herself marrying a woman in the future, living in a beautiful house together, sharing kisses and cuddles with the women she loves, being there for each other when times are hard and spending the rest of her life being in love with the women she chose to be her partner forever. She was super lucky and also a lesbian mess when she joined SEES and shared the same dorm as Mitsuru as she would have to work together with her and the rest of SEES and she was such a hopeless lesbian everytime Mitsuru comes up to talk to her she could feel her heart beating so fast but she has to act normal or Mitsuru would know what’s up but there was one point of time where Yukari was so in love with Mitsuru that when Mitsuru came up to her she felt really blushy which made her face red and Mitsuru realizes and got concerned and though that she was having a fever which lead to Mitsuru placing the back of her hand on yukari’s forehead which was the first time Yukari has felt physical touch from Mitsuru and Yukari fainted. Because she couldn’t take it anymore and when she woke up, Mitsuru was right beside her bedside monitoring her asking if she was alright when she saw Yukari slowly opening her eyes. Yukari felt like this was a dream but it was reality. Mitsuru Kirijo is right beside her right now and they are alone in her room and she wondered if she should ask her out right now or it would take a long time to find the right opportunity again. As much as Yukari was super scared to confess to Mitsuru as she doesn’t know if Mitsuru is interested in girls so she asked her first.
“Hey Mitsuru I know this is weird to ask you right now but I’m just curious… are you by chance interested in girls? I mean if you don’t want to answer it’s totally fine I understand!”  Yukari said nervously and blushed, she felt like she was about to faint again.
“I mean I guess I am? I’ve never really liked boys if I want to be honest with you Takeba, I always felt that I love girls. But just asking why did you ask me that? I’m okay with it, no stress but it was just so sudden of you to ask me that question.” Mitsuru said in a questioning tone, twirling her hair while waiting for a reply from Yukari.
This wasn’t Yukari's first time confessing to a girl. Instead she has done this a few times and she was always the one willing to make the first move but she doesn’t know why she’s so afraid now. Is it because Mitsuru and her have grown to be close friends and doesn’t want to lose this friendship because of a silly crush she had on her? Or was it because she was too scared Mitsuru had high standards when it came to a partner? 
Yukari then sat up and faced Mitsuru with a flustered face. She took mitsuru’s hand and held it which shocked Mitsuru but as soon as she tried to speak, Yukari cut her in
“This might sound silly but for a long time Mitsuru I’ve always liked you more than a friend… wait no, love you more than a friend and I couldn’t hold it any longer and just tell it to you right now. I admire you so much Mitsuru. I adore your beauty, elegance and your personality and I would love to give you all my love. GAHH I’m so sorry I spilled too much… but I really love you Mitsuru." Yukari felt like she was about to explode. This was the most scared and flustered she has been in her life. What if she rejected her? Well she had to face it but if Mitsuru shared the same feelings for her back, she would melt instantly.
Mitsuru was speechless; she didn’t know how to react, what to say or just function in the moment when Yukari just gave her the most heartfelt confession she has ever gotten in her life. Yukari was about to let go Mitsuru’s hand as she thought she had made a mistake but Mitsuru held her hand tighter and not letting her go which jerked Yukari’s head up to face her
“I too share the same feelings for you Yukari… I never really confessed to anyone but I really love you too. I-“ Mitsuru who is now blushing madly and covering her face so to not embarrass herself, cut herself off as she for once didn’t know how to confess her feelings to anyone before but Yukari already knew the answer and embraced her in a hug
“I already know, you love me so much.” Yukari giggled and said it in a silly way but it was the truth, Mitsuru really loved her so much she just didn’t know how to express it until Yukari did first. 
Yukari then held Mitsuru in her arms while Mitsuru melted into hers and snuggled up to Yukari and this was her first time feeling the comfort and love from the woman she loves.
Mitsuru was never really into boys for her whole life because she’s a busy gal! She had no time for love, always trying to improve herself and be on top of her level as her parents had high expectations from her which made her focused on her goals and being better than before! But ever since she entered high school, she has had more freedom and explored more about herself and who she is as she is growing. Many boys and girls instantly fell in love with her either plantonically or romantically and admire her for being just smart and mature. She has gotten confessions here and there but she turns them down as she doesn’t know what to do and has ZERO experiences with romance and also doesn’t want to get into a relationship as she thinks it will be too much on her or she wouldn’t treat her partner well as she's always so busy studying and dealing stuff in the Kirijo group. 
But as years passed by, she met Yukari who just recently joined SEES. She didn’t know a lot of lower classmen but she has noticed Yukari a couple of times as she stands out a lot from the crowd of 2nd years during school assemblies. I mean she literally wears a pink sweater everyday and no one in school wears one other than her and her hair style and color too stands out a lot. Mitsuru can admit that Yukari is cute and maybe she was her gay awakening… just maybe… she ended up being her gay awakening. Mitsuru never found anyone this cute before until she met her and she felt something weird like butterflies in her stomach as one might say. She went to the library one day and picked up books about romance or how to romance with someone (lol but she's trying!!!) She found out that she relates a lot to the books she picked out and how she actually likes Yukari because GOD she just wants to hold her and call her mine.At first she didn’t talk much to Yukari only about stuff relating to SEES but she slowly opened up and talked more about personal or just stuff out of SEES which was going really well and Mitsuru was happy about that. 
It's not that Mitsuru can’t talk to people she can but in this case, she’s talking to someone who she has a crush on and sometimes she can get nervous and fuck up which is very unusual of her since she’s always confident and normal when she talks with anyone but not with Yukari. It has been a couple of months since they both have grown and gotten closer thanks to also being in SEES together (iykyk) and she doesn’t know how to confess her love to her. But! Her dreams came true, Yukari confessed! (Refer to Yukari’s part to see how the confession goes!) and she was jumping for joy. She has never felt romantic love before and she was glad to experience this for the first time with the person she loved dearly <3
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snarkks · 5 months
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i think they’re silly
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llemon-soda · 2 months
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self indulgent yukari and shinjiro best friendism
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dailyshinji · 5 months
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rosebunnys · 6 months
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the specialised extracurricular execution squad 🌕💙
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bi-naesala · 1 year
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made another batch of these
[part 1] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5]
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Pfft Aegis with a reader who wants to lay on her to sleep but is met with a metal ftaaang as soon as they lay their head down
(Persona 3) Reader attempting to rest their head on Aigis
That should probably happen a lot more for the Girls' Frontline T-Dolls and the other newcomers I'll be adding in, considering they're all androids like Aigis.
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Aigis stares at (Y/N) when they asked the question: "May I rest my head on your lap?"
They had gotten some strange looks from the others in the dorm, but Aigis seemingly did not care.
Or more accurately, she didn't understand the implications.
(Aigis) "Very well. I have no objections. However, doing so may not be comfortable for a human head."
(Junpei) "Whaaat?! That's like, every guy's dream!"
(Yukari) "More like it's yours..."
Aigis adjusted her position and gave (Y/N) plenty of space on her lap.
And right when they laid their head down, dropping their full weight-
(Y/N) "AGH!"
Everyone in the dorm winced in pain. They could feel that impact.
(Minato) "That sounded like it hurt."
(Y/N) "Ow, it did!"
(Aigis) "Are you injured, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) rubbed their head while Aigis continued to stare at them, albeit her eyes seemed to be focusing on their head.
(Junpei) "Oh shit! That's right, I forgot you were a robot!"
(Yukari) "How do you just forget an important detail like that?!"
(Aigis) "It is why I warned them it would not be comfortable."
(Y/N) "And I appreciate it, Aigis but...Now that I know what it's like, maybe I won't just drop my head like that."
(Aigis) "Would a pillow suffice?"
Y/N smiled.
(Y/N) "That'd...be nice, yes."
Minato wordlessly tossed (Y/N) a pillow from the couch and allowed them to fulfill their wish without suffering a concussion.
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thaisibir · 4 months
SEES members react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
(Go here for post on Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia)
Makoto: the guy who secretly smokes weed, chews through roc every 15 minutes, needs over 1.5 MAC maintenance sevo. (Laymans terms translation: smokes weed so he burns through a ton of muscle paralytic agent (rocuronium) and anesthetic gas (sevoflurane) needed to keep him relaxed and deeply asleep)
Yukari: had her hair and nails done the day before surgery, wakes up from anesthesia asking if she said anything dumb and apologizing if she did. (Complimenting patients on their nice nails is part of my small talk to attempt calming nerves when they're rolled into the OR)
Junpei: would try to fight anesthesia and count past 10 seconds, tries to cheat by counting fast (he loses anyway) (It's so amusing when patients try to challenge anesthesia. Some put up a good fight, but in the end, anesthesia always wins.)
Mitsuru: takes 300 mg of propofol on anesthetic induction, scares the shit out of OR staff when she still reaches for the airway device as the anesthetist tries to insert it. (Redheads tend to need more anesthetic than average. For context, the induction/knock-you-out dose for propofol is about 2 mg/kg. For frail old people, I halve that dose. Most people don't need more than a single 20 ml syringe/200 mg of propofol. I push 200 mg for big tall football/basketball guys. I've seen redheads take at least 2, even 3 syringes. Mitsuru would be a tough one to knock out.)
Akihiko: the extremely athletic ASA 1 guy with baseline bradycardia bordering on need for anticholinergics. Will most definitely wake up swinging fists and knocking out teeth and trying to jump out of the bed if he didn't get enough sedative on board beforehand. (Healthy athletic young patients (HAY patients, I call them) tend to wake up violently and delirious from anesthetic gas. To mitigate this, there's a sedative called precedex that helps smooth out emergence from anesthesia. Good to give for little kids, teenage girls, and big strong-looking guys. As soon as I see I'll be getting an Akihiko/HAY type patient for an upcoming case, I already know to draw up and dilute precedex to have at the ready.)
Fuuka: actually a very pleasant and compliant patient, but has family history of malignant hyperthermia and allergies to practically everything, apologizes for all the trouble. (Malignant hyperthermia is a very rare, but very deadly anesthetic complication if not treated promptly. Many anesthesia providers go through their entire careers without ever seeing MH, but we're trained to know what to do if it ever happens. Anesthetic gases and a muscle paralytic agent called succinylcholine are MH triggers. The anesthesia machine must be completely removed of the gas canisters and flushed through with high flow oxygen for an hour or so, to really make sure none of that stuff is exposed to an MH patient. I like the idea of Fuuka turning out to be a patient requiring an extensive anesthetic plan when she totally wouldn't mean to)
Ken: the rare kid who's cool with getting an IV in preop. (Pediatric patients typically do not get an IV placed before being rolled back to the OR, as most kids are terrified of needles. Induction of anesthesia in the OR must instead be achieved by delivering high flow anesthetic gas through a mask. Once the kid is unconscious from the gas, then an IV can be placed to give medications throughout a case intravenously. Amada seems like the type to be fine with getting an IV placed when he's awake because that's what adults have to do.)
Aigis: is a robot, physically can't process anesthesia. (Probably goes without saying)
Koromaru: Mitsuru or Akihiko, as the oldest members of SEES, act as guardians to sign anesthesia consent forms. Holds out his front leg and rolls over to offer his chest so staff can put on the blood pressure cuff and EKG stickers. Adored by the vet and vet techs for being so smart and adorable.
Shinjiro: the guy you think would smoke weed and drink a lot but actually has a history of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and prolonged emergence from general anesthesia. (Somehow I like the idea of Shinjiro turning out to be a delicate flower when it comes to anesthetic requirements)
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blueoakshusband · 4 months
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I just recently finished my hc designs for SEES from Persona 3 ^^
Note: I don't claim the poses at all, they're from official artwork, I used the official art to draw over with my designs
Enjoy ^^ idk when I'll be posting headcanon designs next, but I wanted to get these posted here!
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At first Minato thinks the sound he hears is his eardrums popping, but a moment later he realizes that it came from a distance– a distance they’re closing as they sprint onward, in fact.
In front of him, Sanada stops short. “What–?” Minato can barely hear him. “Dammit… Both of you, hang on!” He takes off again, not even short of breath. 
Minato is almost jealous. Despite all of his time spent with the track team, he feels dizzy and ready to collapse by the time the alleyway behind Port Island Station comes into view. Every breath might as well be filling his lungs with tar instead of air.
The shadows in the alley sharpen and focus into human shapes– not two, but three of them: one sprawled on the ground; one standing as tall as it can; the third looming over them both, arm extended towards the smallest figure, taking aim–
“Takaya!” Minato’s voice sounds foreign in his own ears. He wouldn’t have guessed he’d be able to speak at all, much less shout.
Everything happens all at once after that.
Takaya’s whole body jerks towards Minato’s voice. 
The shape on the ground lunges up and forward, taking the smaller figure crashing back down with it.
The gun goes off with a sound like–
Like a gunshot.
It isn't a clap of thunder. It's not at all like the crack of a whip. 
There is no metaphor that can soften the truth. 
The noise that tears open the silence of the Dark Hour is a gun being fired: a spark igniting powder propelling a bullet at shattering speeds towards the soft, vulnerable bodies of his friends.
Speckles of something dark and reflective fan through the air, glittering obscenely where they catch the light of the moon. Takaya almost seems to glow under that sickly light; pale skin and hair and eyes and shining silver gun gleaming ghost-bright in the murk of the alley, in stark contrast to the dark shapes huddled on the ground.
He meets Minato's eyes briefly. His expression is openly astonished for less than a moment before it shifts to fury, then is immediately papered over with a mask of calm indifference. He says something, but Minato is still too far away to hear. The Dark Hour swallows him up faster than Minato would have assumed possible.
He isn't terribly preoccupied with Takaya's Houdini act at the moment though, because–
Aragaki lies prone on the pavement with Amada pinned underneath, whose breath is coming in shallow, panicked gasps, his face pale under dark splotches of blood. The bullet intended for Amada has shredded Aragaki’s right shoulder into a confusion of gore and torn wool and glimpses of pinkish-white that Minato tries not to think too hard about.
“Hang in there, Shinji!” Sanada hauls him off of Amada and onto his back, revealing another wound in his gut, a black well of blood. More of it dribbles sluggishly from the corner of his mouth. Aragaki doesn’t cry out in pain as Sanada and Mitsuru rearrange him in their hold, lifting him off of the cold concrete and supporting his head. He hardly makes any noise at all.
Minato feels like his ears have been jammed full of cotton. He can tell people are talking, but he can no longer pick out any voices or words. His vision tunnels, phantom colors chewing at the edges. 
He stands there and watches as Yukari frantically tears out of her jacket and hands it off to Mitsuru, who packs it hard against Aragaki’s ruined shoulder. 
He stands there and watches as Junpei unties his own jacket from around his waist and uses it to dab gingerly at the side of Amada’s face– it’s only now that Minato realizes that not all of the blood that Amada is wearing is Aragaki’s. The shape of Amada’s left ear is all wrong, like some of it is just missing, but Minato only catches a brief glimpse before Junpei presses the jacket over the injury and holds it there, hiding it from sight.
Yukari tries to summon her persona. Io flickers above her like a mirage for less than a second before vanishing. She pulls the trigger again, but the result is the same. She pulls the trigger again and again and again, face contorted and body heaving with sobs that Minato can’t hear. Io stops appearing at all. He stands there and watches.
It’s no use. They’re too far from Tartarus or any powerful shadow that could be harboring a piece of its influence. They’re too close to the end of the Dark Hour. Minato has two personas that can cast Recarm, but they wouldn’t be of any use even if he could draw his evoker, if he could move at all.
He stands there. And he watches.
Aragaki is saying something to Amada, and Amada answers through his sobs. Their mouths are moving, but Minato still can't hear. Why can’t he hear anything? Why does it feel like his mind is clouded over in static? 
Something jabs hard into his side and suddenly Minato’s ears work again, like a loose wire has been jarred back into place.
“--ato! Minato! Hey, are you listening?!” He blinks, dumbfounded, and turns to the source of the voice. Junpei is staring at him. Minato has no idea what he’d call the expression Junpei is making at him, but it’s not one he’s ever seen him wear before. “Give Sanada-san your coat, man! We need to stop the bleeding!” 
Even though he can hear again, it still takes him far too long to actually comprehend what’s being said. Junpei starts to repeat himself before it finally clicks and Minato shucks his jacket and hands it over. Junpei passes it off to Sanada, and Sanada presses it against the hole in Aragaki’s stomach. Aragaki doesn’t even flinch, just looks over at Koromaru gently nudging his hand. He pets him weakly. It’s probably the most movement he can manage.
“Just a few minutes–” Fuuka says, nearly hysterical. “The Dark Hour ends in a few minutes. As soon as it does, I-I’ll call an ambulance!” 
“Did you hear that, Shinji?” With the hand that isn’t leaning on the makeshift bandage, Sanada grabs Aragaki’s, gripping tight. Aragaki grips back, much weaker. “Just hold on for a bit longer!” 
“Aki…”  Aragaki’s voice is quiet and thready, but everyone falls silent at the sound of it. “Take care of him…” He slowly inclines his head towards Amada. 
“Don’t talk like you won’t be around!” Sanada says through gritted teeth.
“Pr…promise me, Aki.” 
Sanada’s breath hitches and he bites his lip against it. “…Alright. Alright, I– I will. I promise I will.” 
Aragaki smiles and Minato’s heart lurches. It’s sad. It’s final. 
It’s relieved. 
Aragaki is smiling like a weight has finally been lifted from his shoulders. He looks so content that Minato almost envies him. “This is…how it should be…” he sighs.
He slumps in Mitsuru and Sanada’s arms. Minato’s ears ring. There is a chorus of strangled cries from his teammates. 
Amada chokes like he’s been stabbed. “No–! H-he can’t–!”
“Is he–?” Junpei’s voice shakes.
“He’s alive,” Sanada gasps, still clutching Aragaki’s hand. “He’s still breathing–”
“I can feel his pulse,” Mitsuru affirms, pressing two fingers gently to Aragaki’s neck. “It’s weak, but it’s there. He’s only passed out, but unless he gets medical attention soon…” She can’t even finish her sentence, but she doesn’t need to. The implication is heavy enough. 
“Still breathing,” Sanada murmurs to himself. “He’s still breathing–” He says it again and again, as though he can force the words to remain true through sheer repetition.
Without fanfare, the green glow of the Dark Hour vanishes. The murky clouds that had blotted out the stars disappear and the moon returns to its normal size. 
“Yamagishi!”  Mitsuru exclaims.
“R-right!” Fuuka is already dialing. Her voice is strained and thin but steady as she relays the necessary details, and the person on the other end of the line thankfully seems to understand. It isn’t until she closes her phone that Fuuka allows a choked sob to escape. “Th…they’re on the way,” she says, her voice breaking. 
All they can do now is wait. Nobody speaks. Most of the team crowds around Aragaki, if nothing else to assure themselves that he’s still alive. Only Amada stays off to the side, until Junpei breaks away to crouch next to him and speak quietly. 
And Minato. He’s frozen in place, staring at the battered body of a man he’s come to greatly respect as the life slowly leaves him. His eyes burn, but it doesn’t feel like the sting of tears. They don’t feel wet at all. Has he been blinking? 
A hand rests on his shoulder. “Minato-san,” Aigis says, her vocals strangely gentle. How does she feel about all of this, Minato briefly wonders. “Are you alright?” 
“...No,” he answers, voice barely audible even to himself. Minato hasn’t felt like this since… not since Back Then. Not since the bridge, and the car.
Aigis’ face remains as impassive as always, but somehow she still looks sadder than she ever has. Sadder than Minato thought she was capable of. “I am here if you need me.” The compassion in her voice feels like a brick thrown against his chest.
It’s only a few minutes until they hear sirens, but it’s the most agonizing few minutes of their lives. Even in Tartarus, where a minute can stretch like taffy, time has never seemed to creep by so slowly.
A group of punks has started to gather, trying to gawk at the sprawled figure hidden within the protective ring formed by his teammates. They scatter as soon as the ambulance pulls up, stopping right next to the huddle. Four paramedics pour out and swarm around the injured parties as fast as they can. Two police cars arrive moments later. Officer Kurosawa steps out of one of them.
The alley is filled with disorienting pulses of red and blue light. Minato almost misses the sickly haze of the Dark Hour.
There’s a whirlwind of voices– explanations and questions and medical jargon– but Minato absorbs none of it. He just watches (again– again, he just watches, and does nothing) as three of the first responders transfer Aragaki onto a stretcher and load him into the ambulance. The fourth gently guides Amada inside as well. 
Everyone wants to go with them, but there’s only enough spare room for one more person. Minato isn’t surprised when Sanada insists it be him. Nobody argues, and the ambulance takes off the moment Sanada is inside. 
The last train has already left the station, so the rest of them will have to find another way to the hospital. And they will. They have to.
None of them can bear the idea of doing anything less.
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frickingnerd · 2 months
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru
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pairing: yukari takeba x gn!reader x mitsuru kirijo
tags: love triangle, (one-sided) rivals to friends (yukari&mitsuru), jealous & clingy yukari, mitsuru is bad at feelings
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yukari is much more obvious about her feelings for you, while mitsuru struggles to come to terms with them at first
at the start, yukari views mitsuru as a bitter rival! she doesn't like her and especially doesn't want mitsuru to steal the one person yukari loves!
mitsuru is more oblivious about yukari's one-sided rivalry, though she does notice that yukari tends to be a bit meaner to her than usual
yukari is very clingy and she tries to hog up all of your time, just so that mitsuru can't have any time with you!
mitsuru tries to get your attention through mundane things, suggesting study dates (though she would never call them that) or cooking together
yukari is of the opinion that she needs to do something fun with you to win your heart! so she takes you to some chic cafés and other fun places!
yukari doesn't want to confess to you, until she's sure you like her back. though she makes her feelings for you very obvious
meanwhile, mitsuru tries to confess to you, but it takes her quite a while to come up with the right way to do it
as yukari and mitsuru begin to get along more, their one-sided rivalry even comes to an end
yukari makes it clear to mitsuru that she won't give up fighting for you, but she doesn't want to hate mitsuru over some crush the two of them have
and perhaps, yukari could even help out mitsuru with one thing or another. but only if she feels comfortable that she'll end up winning your heart in the end…
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icespur · 3 months
While I haven't played P3 Portable yet, I did purchase It along with Reload on my PS4. I also support the "Male MC and FemMC are siblings" Headcanon and I wish it was actually canon 😞.
Where instead of MC getting into a car accident with his parents that only he survived, it would be their parents and sibling in the car and whoever you choose to play as is the sibling that survived the accident. In normal canon it would of course be Makoto who survived.
(I prefer the male P3 Protagonist's name as Makoto Yuki)
And---oh! Going by the Headcanon of Makoto and Kotone (Femc Canon name is Kotone Shiomi) are siblings makes a canon scene have a sad context----
Anyone notice how Kotone's and Yukari's appearance looks similar?
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It's not exact. Kotone has bright red eyes, while Yukari has brown eyes. Kotone's hair color is a dark orangish while Yukari is a bright brown (In reload her hair color is brighter, while in Classic P3 it's a more realistic light brown)
But can you kinda see it?
So, what if when Makoto and Yukari are cornered by the shadow, Yukari gets incapacitated and Makoto internally panics "I have to protect her" then picks up her Evoker and awakens his Persona----
What if the reason Makoto jumped to wanting to save Yukari despite just meeting her was because she reminded him of his deceased sister?
He was too little back then to save her from burning. It was a panicked "escape or be killed" situation and he was just trying to get out of the car and not die that the fact he forgot and didn't even try to save his family or sister only hit once it was too late.
He couldn't save her then, but maybe this time---
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crappyheadcanons · 5 months
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Amab trans masc and afab trans fem Persona 3 icons
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nkn0va · 6 months
Ok so Yukari, Marie(P4), Kokonoe and Phonon being unable to use their arms for a while for whatever reason so their s/o needs to feed them, help them change clothes, maybe even wash them.
I'm sorry if this selection of characters is all over the place I just tried to select all the grumpy self reliant women I could think of.
This is surprisingly amusing to think about. I'm fucking flabbergasted it's taken this long to get a P4 ask (I have a P3 one already I've been procrastinating on for days now lmao) but here we are.
Sorry if these start feeling a bit repetitive, this is a more niche ask and there wasn't really much else I could come up with. I still don't know Phonon that well as a character unfortunately so her section ended up being relatively short.
Yukari Takeba
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-Chances are, some special shadow did some weird fucky wucky thing and numbed her with some kind of spell the team had never seen before. She was mostly able to dodge out of the way, however it managed to clip her arm.
-Strangely enough, even after the Dark Hour ended, she was still affected, unable to move said arm. Fuuka and Mitsuru would get to investigating this as fast as possible, but until then Yukari would have to cope with this.
-Unfortunately, said paralyzed arm was her dominant one, so she'd need someone to help her out. Thankfully, you were more than willing to help out.
-You'll have to write down her work for her in class and write everything down for her homework. It's a bit of an awkward situation to explain to the teachers so the best you can come up with is that she had a bad chiropractor's appointment that left an arm numb for a while.
-The real awkward situation is when you need to help her change, especially if you're a guy. She really doesn't want anyone else to be around when she'd doing so, however you're realistically her best option. Helping her change is comprised of both of you holding opposite sides of her clothes as she slides into them while you look away. She makes a point that she still has a good arm to clock you if you dare peek at her.
-Naturally until her arm's back to normal, she's not allowed to go into Tartarus. If you left her on her own she'd be bored out of her damn mind, so you choose to stay behind as well to keep her company. Technology unfortunately doesn't work during the dark hour so the two of you pass the time with board games that she's able to play with just her non-dominant hand or good ol' fashioned gossip. She has way more to share than you were originally expecting, giving you a nice reminder to be extra careful to not embarrass yourself in front of her.
-At the very least, she's able to shower on her own, albeit if using just her non-dominant arm is a bit unwieldy. No way in hell though is she letting you jump in the shower with her, even if you're her S/O. She's not nearly ready enough for that.
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-It's kinda hard to choose something for Marie since she doesn't exactly do anything involving the T.V world until the end of the god damn game. Perhaps she took some sort of collateral damage after her boss that injured her arms and made it hurt too much to move them.
-Her pride does not let her admit she needs any help to do anything, she's perfectly capable of functioning normally. At least, until you ask her if she needs help. Her demeanor suddenly becomes a lot more nervous as she stutters out that it'd be nice if you did. She tries to pull the 'it's not because I like you or anything' card, until she realizes that you're her S/O, she can't exactly do that anymore.
-She begrudgingly accepts your help. She does need you to feed her which she will absolutely not allow anyone to see. She's exclusively eating at your house and will refuse to do so otherwise. If you try she'll hurl harsh words your way in a typical Marie fashion.
-It's pretty adorable, honestly, seeing her open wide for each bit of food you give her. If you try to do a here comes the airplane/choo-choo train you're going to get yourself a flurry of angry, near incoherent words as she pouts and looks away. It's pretty hilarious, but don't do that more than once per meal.
-Soon she realizes that she also needs your help to be able to wash herself, mostly because you bring it up first. She instantly turns red as a cherry in the face and tries to slap you, but quickly winces as the harsh pain of trying to move her arm shoots through her body. She reluctantly accepts you have a point.
-Ten minutes later, here you are sitting in your bathroom as Marie's in the tub, letting you wash her back for her. She absolutely refuses to turn around and look you in the eye. It'd probably be best not to lean over to try unless you wanna get a lightning bolt straight to the face.
-Undressing/redressing is a similar process. She demands for you to close your eyes as you hold her clothes in place so she can slip in an out of them. She tries to guide your hands by telling you where to put them, but it's a long awkward process. A lot of "right there! No, you idiot, over here!" is thrown around. Her ability to guide you with your eyes closed is astounding.
-Do not ever let her guide you to some surprise she's got with your eyes closed.
Kokonoe A. Mercury
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-Kokonoe was under a pretty big crunch, Sector Seven's top brass had told her to get this extremely complex machine done for whatever the hell they were planning next and the deadline was fast approaching.
-In her rush, she made a grievous mistake that backfired. It ended up severely injuring her arms in the process as she was trying to tinker with it. Thankfully they didn't need to be amputated, but she'd definitely need some time off to heal.
-Being her S/O, she pretty much demanded you helped her out in her daily functions, albeit pretty irked about the situation. She didn't like the idea of being coddled like that.
-She doesn't eat a whole lot normally, just chocolate, silvervine and coffee. On occasion she'll ask you to throw a chocolate from halfway across the room into her mouth. Results vary depending on your accuracy.
-If you want to feed her proper food it'll take some convincing. Just don't tease her for the love of God and just let her eat. If you try teasing her in the same way as mentioned before with Marie you'll be met with a swift headbutt. Though whether that's worth it or not is up to your discretion.
-You'll naturally have to do her laundry for her as well. Chances are it's the first time her clothes have been washed in a while. Helping her dress again means looking down at the ground as she tells you where to guide your hands until she's covered enough for you to look again. On the bright side though, she finally discovers how good it feels to put on fresh clothes. Maybe she should actually start doing her laundry herself more often once she recovers.
-You'll have to fight with Kokonoe quite a bit if you want her to get in the bath her being a cat beastkin with shut-in tendencies. Chances are, she'll just tell you to put some bath bombs in the water and piss off.
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-EXS can be funny sometimes, and not in a good way. Phonon went a little TOO wild with her powers while she was still getting the hang of them and her sound based abilities fucked up her arms. Moving them felt nigh impossible to do.
-Until this wore off you'd need to help her. She tries to act all high an mighty as part of her dominatrix persona in the Hollow Night, but she's actually surprisingly normal outside of that.
-She's a bit miffed at the situation but she's probably the most cooperative girl here when it comes to letting you assist her overall. She can actually realize the fact that she kinda needs you around, contrary to popular belief. She's self-reliant and confident, but she's not a fool.
-Phonon should be fine overall as long as you don't actively go out of your way to tease her. Try that and she'll promise you're gonna freaking get it the moment she can move her arms again. And considering this is the same young woman that uses a whip in combat...yeah. Best not to fuck around and find out.
-She's a bit more open to helping you wash her thankfully, just as long as you don't try anything funny. Wash her from behind and stay away from anywhere you shouldn't touch. If you do be prepared for a headbutt from behind.
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dailyshinji · 4 months
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Yukari Takeba from Persona 3 is a pan lesbian.
Yukari Takeba from Persona 3 is a pan lesbian!
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