#yueliang answers 🌒
solargroup09 · 4 years
ari, luna and yueliang: what was your favourite subject in high school? also, do you like poetry? can you give some examples? 🧝‍♀️
Yueliang: you are talking to a super nerd because I loved a lot of subjects in high school! In order I'd say Latin, History, Italian Literature, Philosophy, Anthropology and English! 😂💕 About poetry, I do like modern poetry, but I'm a big fan of "classic" authors. I loved "Posthumous Revenge" by Praga, very macabre. It talks about the death of his lover and it's very graphic. It's inspired by Baudelaire's "Remords Posthume". I remember liking "Posthumous Revenge" because it was so different from classical poetry. I was also a huge Baudelaire enthusiast. Since I'm not sure it's easy to find the english version of "Posthumous Revenge" I will also talk about another poet I love: Ungaretti. He fought in the trenches at the Italian front during WW1 and his poem "Soldiers" is beautiful. It's a subtle poem trying to show the horrors of the front. It goes like this: "Here we are / like leaves from trees / in autumn".
Ari: first, I am not a poetry person... it’s pretty and all, it’s just not for me (I leave that to Yue) 🤷🏻‍♀️ by my favorite subject in high school? I really enjoyed English and History, but I also loved my Chemistry classes!
Luna: I really loved History and Language classes they definitely were the ones i loved and was the best in in all the subjects at school ! I like poetry but i rarely read it outside of school i have to be honest. I prefer listening to Yueliang reading poetry rather than reading it myself ❤
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solargroup09 · 4 years
unnie line! what is the best thing about Seoul? and the worst? - 🤡 anon
Yueliang: Seoul is a beautiful city, and even after living here for nearly four years, I still haven't seen all of it! There are so many beautiful places to see and the best thing is to explore it by getting lost! 😍 Also, I love how you can get anywhere just by taking the subway. Seoul bad aspects? Definetely the fact that you can't find a trashcan anywhere 😂 and the way they drive... it's scary! I can complain for hours about the times people have cut in front of me! Also, scooters that dive on the sidewalk? Unacceptable!
Mina: I can only agree with Yueliang! And I also think that one of the best things about Seoul are the many exciting places to see and visit - cafés, street vendors, pop-up stores, whatever the heart desires ... you can basically experience a new Seoul every day, as the city is everchanging and quickly developing. In a sense, that‘s also the bad thing about it though - permanent change can be exhausting and draining from time to time ☺️
Skitz: Oh for sure it’s tha Han River! I always go to the river when I feel lost or need help in my thoughts. Also....all the food stores. As much as I love Daegu and it’s wonderful varieties.....Seoul is for sure waaaaayyyyyy broader in the variety of foods. But....iunno I guess I just miss Daegu, and I certainly miss Washington. And Seoul is just...too loud for me at times. The irony I know, but still, I just feel like I can’t think a lot of the time because of the noise rushing through my ears through windows and doors.
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