#solar yueliang
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solargroup09 · 5 years ago
Movie Night
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× summary: Yueliang is often shy in front of Haechan but she ends up overcoming her nervousness thanks to a movie night and a lot of whispering
× pairing: Yueliang x Haechan
× genre: fluff
× wc 1680 words
× notes: most of the jokes about the movie twilight are inspired by @/kennieJD on YouTube
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
I love movie nights. Watching movies is one of the things I love the most, in particular if I am with people I am comfortable with that will make fun of the movie as we watch it. The genre does not matter, the quality doesn't matter either, we just want to make comments and see who laughs the most.
The infamous ’96 line movie nights were born during the typhoon season, when we all got stuck in Monsta X's dorm during a storm. Being terribly bored, we opted to watch a movie only to spend half the time laughing because of the characters being absolute dummies. It was so fun that we decided to make it into a tradition. We try to do them twice a month and every time we go to someone else's dorm to make sure we are annoying everyone. We pick a movie (sometimes more than one), sit on the couch and eat snacks. We comment and have a good laugh. To me, there is nothing better than that.
It's also not rare that other people will join the '96 line during movie nights. The members that lend us their living rooms sometimes will stay and enjoy the company. At the end, the more the merrier, right?
One of the funniest movie nights that I remember was the one where we decided to do a Twilight marathon. Why Twilight? Because it is a classic and it's good comment material. Also, some members of the '96 line had not seen it so we wanted to educate them.
The Twilight Marathon was held in NCT 127 dorm and Doyoung was already fighting with his members because they were trying to steal popcorn (he deserves a medal because how do you deal with so many members?).
That time I arrived late so I couldn't get my usual spot on the couch next to Woozi, that always had the best jokes, so I had to sit on the floor. Some of the NCT members were already scattered through the living room and I said hello to everyone.
-Hurry up!- said Chungha, cheerfully, -The movie is going to start!
The people who were making popcorn with Doyoung run into the living room just in time to see the first scene.
One of them sat next to me, and when I turned around I found Haechan, smiling.
-Popcorn?- he said, nodding at the bowl he put between us. I took some and while munching I whispered: -Thanks.
-They're still warm- he added, sitting more comfortably, -and they're just for us, noona.
I didn't answer but I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Do not get your hopes up, I said to myself, he doesn't mean anything special with that.
The movie began and the first comments started coming and I was already smiling contently, what is better to relax than a good laugh with your friends?
-I have a question- Haechan whispered, leaning towards me. He smelled good like he had just took a shower and he was wearing sweatpants and a dark t-shirt. -what's with that ugly green filter?
I snorted and he added: -Even when she was in Arizona everything was green… isn't it sunny in Arizona?
I nodded and to stop my giggling I ate a popcorn. Then I added: -Also, I know it's a vampire movie but why it looks like everyone needs some vitamin D?
Haechan smiled widely: -I can't wait for the scene where Edward sees Bella for the first time...
And just like that I started to feel more relaxed next to Haechan. I used to always feel nervous around him for a long list of reasons but, while watching a dumb movie together, I felt like we had known each other for years and smiled widely, feeling like I was overcoming my shyness. That was the thing I found the most confusing about Haechan, he made me shy. I was not particularly shy, definitely not with boys, but he had this way of making me feel like I was a schoolgirl.
I knew Haechan had an effect on me because I was a fan, but at the same time I felt more than just admiration for him. We had talked on multiple occasion since I was friends with Doyoung and since Haechan was naturally good at socializing. He was charming, quick-witted, clever and playful. Chatting with him was always so interesting because Haechan had a way to see things differently that always surprised me. He was also loud and cheeky, but he always struck me as a more emotional and thoughtful person than his idol image showed. I even had his phone number but never had the courage to text him (to tell him what? Hello? How was your day? Do you like bread?) or to interact in any other way. I often felt like I totally forgot how to make friends. I also felt awkward because of the whole I am your noona but you are my sunbaenim relationship. No one knew about my inner torment and I found myself thinking about Haechan pretty often and I was not pleased with that. I did not like the idea of feeling all soft for someone that could make me blush with a smile even if we didn't know each other well.
But when Haechan leaned towards me again, I felt my heart flutter and didn't really mind how close he whispered into my ear. I did not mind at all. Stop lying to yourself, I scolded myself, you like this whole situation.
-Who wouldn't be scared if a grown-up man came to you and just growled?- Haechan murmured, while in the movie, Edward saved Bella from some bad guys that cornered her on the street. I giggled again and I didn't miss how his eyes lighted up.
-This entire part it's so creepy it gives me goosebumps- I replied, -Edward spends his time staring at her, he's been following her around and now he's back with the "I want to be close to you but I also want to be away from you because I don’t think it's good for you because I'm a bad person but also don't go away I want you" thing...
Haechan laughed and I felt on top of the world. We kept watching the movie but I wasn't listening to the rest of the '96 line jokes, I was just waiting for Haechan to talk to me again.
-Oh yes- Haechan whispered after a while, -the glowing thing. I almost forgot about it.
-How could you forget about the most important part?- I answered, feeling bolder and leaning closer to him, our shoulders touching, -Edward loves Bella but wants to eat her, and here he goes describing all the ways he could kill her. Romantic, isn't it?
He snorted and added: -The best thing is that Bella had known Edward for like weeks? And still she doesn't care for the fact that he actually wants to kill her. Where does the trust come from?
-This is the power of an awkward conversation during Biology class.
Haechan nodded like I said something very deep: -You're absolutely right.
I leaned a bit more: -Also, he saved her life with his super vampire strength, that counts too!
-Undead muscles, those are important. I also think that Edward staring at her for half the movie definitely did something.
We were laughing so much that Doyoung had to ask us to stop but we were on a roll. All through the last part of the movie, even when Bella was dying and Edward had to save her life, we kept making comments in each other ear, laughing even during romantic scenes. I felt so happy, so giggly and lightheaded, like I was drunk from laughing too much.
When the movie ended, someone turned on the lights and after my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I found Haechan looking at me. His eyes were shining, and he said: -Was this so fun because of the movie or because we commented it together?
-Definitely the second- I answered standing up, finally feeling more like myself. My heart still fluttered when he sent a charming smile to me, but I decided not to give that feeling too much thought. Maybe I did like him, maybe I did not, but I knew I wanted to enjoy his company more and get to know him better.
I went to chat with the rest of the rest of the '96 line but, after a while, my manager sent me a text because he was waiting for me to take me back to my dorm. I started to say goodbye to everyone but Haechan stopped me before I left: -Noona! Can you give me your phone number?
He did not know I already had his because Doyoung once used my phone to call him, so I took his cellphone and saved my number.
-Here- I said, giving it back with a smile.
He thanked me and seemed like he wanted to say something more but one of his hyungs called him, so he had to leave. Haechan said goodbye and left me with my friends. We left the dorm together and while in the elevator, Hoshi elbowed me.
-Seems like someone had a great movie night.
I rolled my eyes at his excited face and wiggling eyebrows, and I kept ignoring him as I heard my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a text from Haechan.
"Stay safe on the way back. Goodnight!"
I couldn't contain a smile: -Yes, it definitely was a great movie night.
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moonbaesic · 5 years ago
Solar: Zhong Yueliang 🌒
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See Yueliang's introduction here
Yueliang is an original character created for a fictional girlgroup named Solar. Check out their work here
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kisskissbanggang · 5 years ago
Bias tag!
Tagged by @sluttyten 💕💕💕
rules: list 10 biases and then answer the following questions.
(OOF here we go in some vague order)
NCT Doyoung
SKZ Bang Chan
NCT Yuta
SKZ Jisung
NCT Johnny
SKZ Changbin
ITZY Chaeryong
Mamamoo Solar
SHINee Key
Between 1 and 4, who would you rather kiss?
OH NOOO OH NO OH NO. DOYOUNG. NO. JISUNG. NO. JISUNG. I THINK. give him all the smooches 😭
Between 2 and 7, who would be your best friend?
Oh no, Chan and I being fiercely sleepless and competitive and whole parents, a Slytherin to my Gryffindor -- OR. Changbin and I being fiercely attached, spoiled, clingy, babies, a Hufflepuff to my Ravenclaw 🤧 I THINK CHAN?
Between 5 and 10, who has a better voice?
Ooh Key or Johnny? Like we still barely know Johnny's full capabilities but just on speaking voice I prefer his. Singing I prefer Key, he has this cool and effortless quality to him.
Between 1 and 8, who is the funniest?
Doyoung or Chaeryong: I'm thinking Chae! I fall in love with her every time I see her do variety and lives. She's so comfortable and funny it's so charming 😩
Between 6 and 9, who would you date?
Lia or Solar 😱 I'd have to say Solar. I just respect her so much and she seems like so much fun to be with, but I love her thoughtful side. 🤧
Between 4 and 8, who is the best dancer?
Jisung or Chaeyong!!! I mean, it's Chaeyong. But Jisung is such an amazing dancer like if you pay attention to him in performances he could really pass as a main if you didn't know the group.
Between 3 and 5, who would you most likely marry?
Yuta or Johnny? 🥺 Actual Husband Johnny Seo? Like how do I say no to that?
Between 1 and 7, who would you nurse when sick?
Like me nursing them? Between Doyoung and Changbin? Oh I'm terrible but I think Changbin because Doyoung would absolutely whine the whole time 😂
Between 6 and 8, who would you rather vacation with?
Lia or Chaeyong?! Based on their Paris vlogs, Lia. I could just drag her anywhere 😩💕
Tagging: @yueliangs-wonderland @starxblossom @stoop-girl
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Laser Tag
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× summary: how to flirt playing laser tag
× pairing: Yueliang x Haechan
× genre: fluff
× wc 2006 words
× notes: I know laser tag is a non-contact sport but… yeah whatever
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Two months.
Two months since that movie night at NCT dorm.
Two months since I gave Haechan my phone number, two months since he looked at me with sparks in his eyes.
Two months of constant texting. From that night on, Haechan and I were always talking, always chatting. Sometimes it was long, deep conversations that would leave me beaming because he understood me so well and sometimes it was just nonsensical memes and cute puppy videos that made me laugh and swoon.
We would send each other lists of questions to answer, trying to satisfy that growing desire to know. We were burning of curiosity and, without really noticing, we found ourselves addicted to talking to each other.
Since I was an early bird, I got the habit of sending Haechan a good morning text while I had breakfast. I would answer the questions he’d leave during the night together with goodnight wishes and leave him some of my own curiosities. I usually sent him my rough schedule, in hope that we’d find time to videocall.
I used to hate video calling people but Haechan had a way to make despicable things (like being awake at 3 am) sound appealing. And with him they were. I would be so tired and sleepy but he would make me laugh and tell me funny stories and I would totally forget about sleeping.
Haechan made me feel a rollercoaster of emotions and instead of feeling scared, I was just so excited. Haechan (that now I was so used to call Donghyuck and sometimes, when I wanted to see him blush, just Hyuck) was so sweet and so lively. He was the best at making me stop dwelling on things that made me sad and could make me smile in no time. He was attentive, always remembering the little things I said and caring, because he always made sure I was eating, resting and taking breaks from studying.
Haechan was making it difficult not to fall for him.
One evening, we were talking about Doyoung upcoming birthday. NCT members were planning a surprise party at a laser tag arena and I had been invited as well, being part of the ’96 line.
“You should hope to be in the same team as me” he texted, when I mentioned that there will be a big match with teams.
“Why? I think it will be funnier to shoot you” I replied, chuckling.
“You don’t want to have me as your opponent, trust me”.
“Should I be scared? Because I am not. I won’t have any mercy on you, Haechan”.
“Who’s Haechan?”, he replied, making me laugh. It felt weird to use his stage name to address him now and I sometimes used it to make him sulk or to annoy him.
The conversation shifted on other topics but I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing him again after so long.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
February arrived quickly and, as planned, we were celebrating at the laser tag arena. After surprising a very confused Doyoung and eating some cake, we started planning the game.
We decided, since the arena was very large, to play Capture the Flag so we divided in two teams, chose two bases at the opposite ends of the field and hide the flags. We had the ’96 line team and the NCT 127 team, with nine people each, since Doyoung was going to play with his members.
We settled up on the rules (do not hide your sensor to avoid losing points, be careful of your surroundings, do not run) and the point system and we gave ourselves some time to elaborate strategies before starting. As I was joining my team, I saw Haechan looking at me. When he noticed me he smiled slyly and winked. He then turned around to listen to his hyungs, leaving me blushing slightly. It was disappointing not being in the same team as Haechan because that would stop us from spending time together but I was up for the challenge. I was sure that Haechan would definitely try to be the clever fox he always was but I was determined to win.
With a smile, I turned to Ari, Woozi and the others: -So what’s the plan?
I was giving one last look at the map of the field when someone whistled loudly.
-Okay- said the arena employee, -the game is about to start. To win you need to capture the other team’s flag and take it to your own base or to eliminate all players on the opposite team. Please remember the rules and have fun!
We settled in the positions we chose while planning and we waited for the NCT members to do the same. I looked around and spotted Jun and Chungha, who flashed a smile in my direction. Like them, I was so excited to play and I really wanted to win. Everything was motionless for a while before the employee whistled again, signaling that the game has officially started.
I watched Ari and Changkyun (an obvious pairing since they had such a great chemistry) moving east trying to distract our opponents, while Wonwoo and Rowoon did the same towards west. Chungha and Jun decided to stay back to protect our flag, while Hoshi, Woozi and I would try to go and steal NCT flag.
Since we couldn’t run, we walked as fast as possible towards our opponents’ side of the field. The arena looked a bit like a maze so there were tons of places where they could be hiding, ready to shoot us, but we kept going, feeling like some kind of SWAT team on a mission. I felt the adrenaline growing and I was so excited I nearly missed Yuta (or was it Jaehyun?) aiming at us from behind a wall.
-Watch out!- I exclaimed, pushing Hoshi away from the trajectory of the laser.
I hid behind a corner and started shooting. The game was about points so Yuta would not die immediately, we had to shoot him multiple times or wait for him to run away. After a while Yuta stopped shooting so we kept going, now more attentive.
We all had a smartwatch telling us how many life points we had left and how many shoot points we got. I checked mine and I still had eight life points, so I was doing pretty well. Hoshi and Woozi lost three lives each so we kept going through the maze.
We were getting closer to NCT members’ base but we got into a trap not long after. Jungwoo, Mark and Taeil ambushed us in a space where there wasn’t much to hide behind to so Hoshi lost all of his life points immediately. Woozi and I got separated and after I found shelter, I could not see my teammate anymore. I hoped he was still alive (I just lost four life points) and I decided to try and go get the flag myself.
I circled around the point where I thought Jungwoo, Taeil and Mark were, and I saw it. The flag was lying there, close but awfully exposed. I tightened my grip on my laser gun and, while walking as close as possible to the wall, I went towards the flag.
I was going to pick it up when someone said: -Easy there, Yue.
I froze because I knew perfectly who that voice belonged to.
I turned around to find Haechan pointing his laser gun at me.
-Really?- I mumbled. -This is such a cliché scene.
He lowered the gun and smiled: -We love a good kdrama moment.
-So you won’t shoot me?
Haechan shrugged, smiling defiantly.
-Can I take the flag, then?
-That would make me a terrible tactician.
I pointed my gun at him: -Then seems like I have to shoot you.
He opened his arms: -Have fun.
I stared at him, unconvinced.
-Are you letting me win?- I asked, genuinely confused. That was definitely not something Haechan would do.
-You may shoot me, get the flag but I never said you could walk away with it.
I rolled my eyes, he was so into the role.
-Then I should at least eliminate you- I muttered, aiming at his chest.
-Haechan, have you seen Yueliang?- shouted Doyoung, who was approaching the base. I lowered the gun and started walking away, knowing that Doyoung would have no mercy on me.
I was going to turn around the corner when I felt someone taking my hand. It was Haechan, who pushed me to go faster.
-This way- he whispered and I looked at him, shocked.
-But Hyuck…
-They’re behind us, let’s go!
He guided me through the maze and I could hear Doyoung and maybe Mark calling after Haechan. They were getting closer and closer. I got anxious and nearly started running, holding Haechan's hand tightly. When I thought they would find us, Haechan pulled me behind a corner and behind a thin wall. We hid there even if it wasn’t exactly permitted to lurk and not play.
We heard Mark and Doyoung walking next to us, but they didn’t turn the corner as we did, they kept going, calling Haechan and wondering where he went.
After a couple seconds of silence spent looking at each other, we started giggling and we tried so hard to suppress it but it was useless. The adrenaline we got from running away was getting to us and I whispered: -Shhh!
Haechan chuckled again and I looked at his plump lips like I was hypnotized. My eyes stopped for a second too long because he noticed me and smirked.
-I think we can leave- he whispered, and I realized how close he was. I felt my cheeks getting red and I nodded: -Yes, I think we can.
But we both stayed there. We kept looking at each other, breathing deeply and waiting for the other to do something. He looked so good with his hair all messy, his lips as kissable as ever and his sun kissed skin seemed so warm and so soft I had to force my hands to stay still.
Half of my brain was telling me that staying there was not a good idea and that we needed to go back, but at the same time I didn’t want to stop being so close to Haechan.
-Did you just ditch your members for me?
Haechan smirked: -The game was getting boring.
-That’s why you wanted me to shoot you? You were bored?
He shook his head: -You looked cute with your gun and your focused pout.
I tried not to show that I felt delighted, but my face got flushed anyways.
-If you want I can shoot you now.
Haechan brushed the hair away from my face and smiled cocky: -A game is still a game, Yue.
I raised my eyebrows, confused when he pulled away from me. He took his laser gun and pointed it at my chest.
He shot.
I heard the smartwatch beep and I knew it was telling me that I had been eliminated. I only had four points left and hitting an opponent on the chest was the only way to take 5 points from them.
Haechan had just eliminated me with a smile on his face.
I was so offended that I couldn’t formulate a phrase. He chuckled, pleased, and walked away.
Fuming, I followed him.
-Lee Donghyuck- I said and he turned around, still smiling in that cocky way of his, full of bad boy bravado. I thought that smile looked so well on him but I kept that thought to myself and said: -You owe me a date for this.
His eyes sparkled with amusement and he bowed: -Your wish is my command, Yue.
And I watched him go away all happy with himself. I nearly wanted to smack him, but I tried to focus on calming my running heart and my weak knees. He did win this game but I was feeling like I just won something way better…
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solargroup09 · 5 years ago
✨ online announcement ✨
Hello everyone - this is Solar’s manager!
This is where we will tell you who is able to talk, and who can’t for the moment. But by all means, you are always able to message any of the girls. All we ask is you keep asks as innocent as possible due to minors being in the group. And let’s try and be as respectful of the girls and their opinions as possible please? They try to be respectful of your wishes, so we want you to be respectful of theirs.
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✦ Mina: Rehearsing Lines
✦ Skitz: Dance Training
✦ Yueliang: Dance Practice
✦ Ari: Online (📝)
✦ AJ: Online (✨)
✦ Luna: Online (🌙)
✦ Rin: Dance Training
✦ Hannah: Hiatus
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solargroup09 · 5 years ago
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Official Announcements
Debut Mini Album - Solar System
2nd Mini Album - Solar Eclipse
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Mina’s vlives
Mina‘s Music 
Mina’s Covers
Mina’s Memories
Mina’s kdrama - Steal My Heart
the beginning of Mina & Youngbin’s friendship | one shot, 1.8k
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Skitz in Trouble
Letters in the Sky
Skitz Covers
Solar Moments
Joining A-Team? | one shot, 925
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Yue Bookish Stories
Movie Night | one shot, 1.6k
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Story Time with Ari
Ari’s Covers
Ari on Soundcloud
Ari in 꿈 Magazine
Birthday Twins | one shot, >500
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AJ’s Journal
AJ’s Polaroids
AJ’s YouTube Channel
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Luna Chronicles
Luna’s Covers
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Former Members
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Yeorum Journal
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solargroup09 · 5 years ago
We are Solar ✨
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Hi everyone!
We’re a new, 8 member group freshly brought into the world by 8 wonderfully creative people (who may or may not reveal themselves to you at some point in time... but that’s beside the point). We’re under the label WJ (Woojoo) Entertainment.
the 8 members are:
✦ Mina - Leader, Main Vocal, Sub Rapper
✦ Skitz - Producer, Rapper, Dancer
✦ Yueliang - Vocal, MV producer
✦ Ari - Lead Vocal, Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Song Writer
✦ AJ - Main Rapper, Face of the Group, Song-Writer
✦ Luna - Main Dancer, Lead Vocal
✦ Rin - Dancer, Vocal
✦ Hannah - Dancer, Vocal, Maknae
former member:
✦ Yeorum - Main Vocalist, song writer
... you‘ll see more about us as time goes on 💞
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuevlive ep. 2
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× episode two
× ‘96 line first vLive recap
× wc 804 words
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
- The Vlive starts and the whole '96 line is pretending the screen is frozen, so they are not moving;
- Then Doyoung sneezes and everyone groans;
- "You ruined everything!" screams everyone, quoting Woozi;
- Doyoung is pouting;
- "Hello everyone! A lot of people requested a '96 line Vlive so here we are!";
- The members are sitting on a big couch, with Chungha precariously sitting on the armrest. Doyoung, who wanted to be the MC, got himself a chair and the tallest people were pushed to sit on the floor;
- The beginning is a mess, Doyoung is trying so hard to keep everyone focused but Yueliang and Woozi are annoying Hoshi, while Changkyun just wants everyone to do aegyo to see them suffer;
- "You are not allowed to read comments anymore" says Jun taking the phone from Changkyun;
- For seven full minutes it is just dudes showing off their biceps and talking about going to the gym together;
- Rowoon got food from the convenience store and it becomes a weird mukbang for a while;
- Hoshi manages to fit 13 marshmallows in his mouth before nearly choking and dying;
- Chungha is surprisingly great at throwing popcorn in the air and catching it with her mouth;
- Yueliang tries the trick and fails miserably;
- "Let's pretend this never happened";
- Tease Hoshi Festival 2020 edition started;
- "We have no concept today, this live is a mess" says Woozi after reading comments of confused fans;
- Doyoung is trying so hard to MC but it is definitely not working;
- Pray for Doyoung sanity 2020;
- They tried to answer some fan questions but they always get lost and start telling funny episodes instead;
- This episode contains a great amount of inside jokes no one understand other than the '96 line;
- Wonwoo is salty because Chungha mother thinks Rowoon is the most handsome out of them;
- They are currently obsessed with JYP's “Fever”, even if it is one year old already. At random moments they just start singing it and it is MESSY;
- They love BIBI rap part and now it is stuck in fan's brain too;
- “Kiss on my wrist, baby I want more, keepin’ up my lips, baby like muah muah”
- Did JYP paid them to give him a shoutout?
- “We don’t have a leader but if we did, it should be me” says Doyoung;
- “We all know our leader is Woozi because he’s the richest here” replies Yueliang simply;
- “I never said I wanted to be the leader!”;
- “Now you are, congratulations”;
- They are back on aegyo and they want Woozi to show his cuteness again but he strongly refuses;
- "You have to kill me first";
- So they played the clip from Weekly Idol TWICE;
- "I thought we were friends!" -Woozi, 2020;
- They did some acrostic poems and it was more frustrating than the infamous "NCT dream the love" vs "NCT dream IS love" MarkHyuck situation;
- "Oh Canada"
- They are reading more fans’ questions and comments and Wonwoo is actively choosing the weirdest stuff just to piss Doyoung;
- Pray for Doyoung sanity 2020;
- Yueliang is playing “Feel Special” by Twice;
- “It’s always Twice time!”;
- “Is there someone in Twice that was born in 1996?” asked Chungha;
- “I’m googling it right now” replies Yueliang, “Jeongyeon, Momo and Sana sunbaenims were born in 1996! We need to befriend them!”;
- “We will befriend EVERYONE!”
- Honestly, they are a bit scary;
- Fans want to know who has the most damaged hair in the room and it is a FAIR QUESTION;
- They spend half the time quoting memes, they are coming for us;
- Yueliang has been braiding Chungha hair for half the video now;
- Fans are asking if they will ever do a meet up with the '97 line;
- "This will never happen because we are too cool for them" Changkyun answers;
- "Also they ignore our texts" admits Jun;
- Tease Hoshi Festival 2020 edition is still going on;
- Yueliang is laughing so much she is going to die;
- She has actual tears in her eyes;
- "Please sing us a song!" asked a fan;
- They choose Chungha latest song;
- They try to harmonize but fail and go off pitch;
- "Don't sing my songs anymore, please" says Chungha;
- "I'm stressed" - Doyoung, 2020;
- "This was our first live ever and, judging from my manager expression, it will be the last too" concludes Rowoon;
- They close the Vlive with BIBI rap again because it’s just that catchy;
- “All that marks, and I’m woo ahh…”
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuetube #7
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Hello my dear Suns!
This week cover is "I remember" by Bang Yong Guk ft Yang Yoseob!
When I listened to this song the first time, I had no idea what an impact it would have on me. I found it while looking for more Yoseob sunbaenim music and I found this collaboration. When I gave it a first listen I was amazed by Bang Yong Guk deep voice and powerful lyrics but when I heard Yoseob pure voice in the chorus I lost it. I remember my eyes watering because he conveys emotions like no one else. His voice is so powerful, clear and mesmerizing and every time I listen to the bridge and the chorus at the end I swear I feel so many emotions that one day I will just explode.
Here's some of my favourite lyrics: "Even with my eyes closed / the light that shined on us is still there / I will keep our precious memories deep inside / even if pain comes along with the days / the days we promised eternal love / I will never forget those moments / I remember".
Love you,
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuegram #22
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuevlive ep.3
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× episode three
× yueliang “what a tragic day” vLive recap
× wc 815 words
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
- When the vLive starts Yueliang looks r o u g h;
- Her hair was braided but she has strands popping everywhere;
- It looks like she was in the middle of a storm;
- She is wearing a mask which is unusual because she likes to smile at the camera a lot;
- "Guys... today was a mess";
- Suns are worried but she reassures them: "Nothing bad happened, me and the members are fine but... guys today was my free day and nothing went as planned";
- She looks so defeated poor soul;
- Suns are asking her to tell them about her day;
- To get the atmosphere Yueliang is playing her "sad sad SAD playlist";
- "Today I only wanted to read, that's all I wanted";
- "But to read well you need the right snacks, so I went to the convenience store close to our dorm but, when I was going to pay, I realized I left my wallet at home! I had to leave all my sweets at the shop! I was so sad!" she complains;
- "On the way back to the dorm, obviously, it started POURING and I got so wet that water would flow out of my shoes at every step";
- Suns are sending her tons of hearts to make her feel better;
- "When I got to the dorm, I took a warm shower and I remembered we had leftovers from yesterday when we ordered fried chicken! I was so happy so I decided I'd eat that and finally read my new book! But of course, when I looked inside the fridge, we still had the box where the chicken came in but, someone ate all the leftovers and put the box back into the fridge! It was empty!";
- "How can someone be so evil? I swear if I find out who it was I'm going to hit them square in the face!"
- "Even if it was Hannah?" ask the fans;
- "Yes! She's my baby but I have no compassion for demons!";
- You know Yueliang is really mad when she won't hesitate to punish her baby;
- "I had to eat ramen again and then our manager called me because they needed me at the company. So, I could not read anything and had to rush to Gangnam. When I got there I found out they didn't really need me and I went out for nothing!";
- "The manager thought I needed to sign some paperwork but ends out that I already did that and that he got confused!";
- Insert clip of Lemongrab screaming "UNACCEPTABLE!";
- Suns are trying to be sympathetic but the whole story is so funny that it's impossible not to laugh;
- "Then, back at the dorm, I kicked Ari out of our room to finally read but, when I opened the book, I got an email from one of my professors saying that I didn't hand my assignment and that could cost me some important points for the final exam. I panicked because I could perfectly remember myself mailing the project!" she explains, while making her braid even messier playing with it;
- "And after twenty minutes of pure dread I get another email saying that I did, in fact, handed my assignment and that it just got lost in the inbox of my professor... I felt like I lost five years of my life";
- Yueliang was reading comments when someone said "you should go out with your friends to relax!" and she nearly swore;
- "God knows that I tried! I texted the '96 line suggesting we go out for dinner" she explains, "but it was impossible to agree on where to go and we spent ONE HOUR debating on which restaurant was the best! Everyone had a different opinion and they did not want to do anything else. It was their way or no way. I ended up giving up. I was so tired and so stressed that I decided to stay at the dorm"
- Stressed Yueliang is stressed;
- "So I decided to just stay in my room and read but... our neighbors upstairs decided it was the right moment to move all their furniture! Also, it did not help that I had "Fireflies" by NCT Dream stuck in my head! In particular Jaemin sunbaenim part! I couldn't concentrate on anything and it was literally driving me insane!";
- She looks so cute even when she is exhausted;
- Suns were ready to brighten her mood so they started sharing funny stories and, at the end of the vLive, Yueliang was smiling happily;
- "It has been a rough day but thanks to our Suns now I feel recharged! Thank you for being here to support me, I love you so much!";
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuegram #27
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuegram #32
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Yueliang, AJ and Rin went out together 💕
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solargroup09 · 5 years ago
Solar on Weekly Idol
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- MCs: “They’re an 8 member group, each from their own planet who have come to steal the hearts of many with their wit and spunk. They recently debuted with their first title track ‘Solar System.’ Please welcome Solar!”
- Solar joins the MCs, bowing towards them while waving and smiling towards the cameras. Once everyone is assembled, Mina begins to count down: “3, 2, 1″ and the other members chime in:
“Your rays of sunshine. Hello, we are Solar!”
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- INTRODUCTIONS: “Solar’s intros” -
- Mina smiles and waves with both hands, before making a finger heart which she shoots towards the camera like an arrow: “Hi everyone, I’m your brightly shining Mina, the eldest and leader of Solar - I hope you’ll take care of us today! We’re really excited to be here, thank you for having us!”
- Skitz winks at the camera and gives a smirk while shooting finger guns between the camera and hosts: “Just because I’m the coldest doesn’t mean I can’t melt hearts. Heyo, I’m Skitz!”, she gives a two fingered salute and bow.
- Yueliang bows swiftly and smiles: "As bright as the moon, it's Solar sweetheart Yueliang!". She sends a flirty wink and a finger heart at the camera.
- Ari gives a small flirty smile to the camera and a little finger wave. “I’m the sweetest heat of Solar, you can call me Ari” She does a dramatic model pose before laughing.
- AJ smiles at the camera and cups her cheeks with both hands, “I’m Solar’s small ball of sunshine! It’s always nice to see you, I’m AJ”, she does a finger heart before the camera changes to the next member.
- Luna smiles sweetly and sends a little finger heart to the camera. "Just like the moon, I'm always there for you. Hi i'm your Luna"
- Rin scrunches her nose up at the other members' introductions and when it's her turn, flashing her gummy smile as she awkwardly does a ✌️ pose to the cameras (the wrong ones) and then - when Mina tilts her body to the camera - she just does the blank tight lipped smile: "yes, hi, uh I'm Rin! Uh....it's nice to be here! yes! yes...." she looks over to Mina to ask for help to get out of this very awkward introduction time; Mina just smiles at the younger member before noding towards the MCs to continue.
- MCs: “Your maknae, Hannah, unfortunately couldn’t make it today as she has gone on temporary hiatus to focus on her school work. Anything you want to tell her?”
- all the members nod: “We want to say that we love and miss her, and that we can’t wait for her to come back and join us again - and, of course, that we’ll be happily cheering for her to succeed in school! Hannah, fighting!” The members shoot different kinds of hearts towards the cameras, smiling and waving. 
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- MCs: “So, each member represents a planet - could you tell us a bit more about that?”
- Mina flashes a smile, before beginning to explain: „my planet is Mercury, the ruler of communication, messages, eloquence and wit. But not only can I talk for hours, I can also listen for hours - so please know that I‘ll always have an open ear for you!“ Mina shoots a flirty wink towards a camera.
- Skitz smirks and points to her face. “Just like my planet Uranus I have 13 rings around my body! I represent being weird, art, science, originality, the unexpected, libido. And I symbolize discovery, not being traditional, insight, expression of self, and shock value. So don’t worry, I’ll keep you on your toes!”
- Yueliang smiles again: "In Solar I'm Jupiter which is the planet of growth and good fortune so keep me close to your heart, I'll be your lucky charm!
- Ari nods. “I represent the planet Mars, the planet of energy, action, and desire. You’re always in for a good time when I’m around”, she tries to wink a fails miserably.
- AJ: “My planet is Venus! It’s the planet of love, beauty and aesthetics and pleasure! I live by ‘Give the love around and back around it goes’ I think it’s a good philosophy that matches my planet!” 
- Luna: "In Solar, I represent Earth. I am the Earth, the Earth is me, so I own everything you're walking on !", everyone laughs. "I'm joking, I picked Earth, well... it was kind of the last one", she giggles, "I'm happy I got it though, as nature, like music has a healing effect on people's souls. And I truly hope I can heal yours through my music"
- Rin, clenches fist and does a 'hwaiting' motion. "I represent Neptune. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. The members always say that I always zone out so I guess it fits me quite well!"
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- MCs: “Soo, about Skitz - “tired parent who carries a caffeine drink with her….where is this drink then?” 
- Skitz smirks and motions toward the manager hiding behind screen. “Actually I was told I couldn’t bring one on set today.... so what you see is me fighting the urge to scream and cry and nap on the floor.” 
- MCs: “Skitz can sing and rap? Like at the same time?” The group laughs as Skitz shakes her head with a snort: “I’m the rapper of the group, but I can sing as well. I auditioned as a singer at J. Tune and passed with a rap I came up with.”
- MCs turn towards Ari now: “Lived in Boston and in Korea growing up... can you do a Boston accent?” Ari starts going off in English with a Boston-accent, saying something about one of the girls stealing her candy.
- MCs smile at Mina: “It says here that you’re not only the oldest and tallest, but also the one with the biggest hands? Can you show them to us?” Mina laughs and hides her face behind her hands for a few seconds, before holding both hands towards the camera. Everyone makes “ooh” and “aah”, before the MCs give Mina a ruler to measure one hand - it’s 17cm, and Luna grins slyly while grabbing for one of her leader’s hands. “Perfect size for holding mine!”, she says, making everyone laugh, Mina hugs her lovingly.
- MCs continue: “According to your profile, Mina, you’re the main vocal and can also play the piano really well - we heard you prepared a little performance for us?” Mina smiles and nods, before getting up and walking towards the keyboard that has just been set up for her. She then sings an acoustic cover of Heart of Gold by Neil Young while playing the piano. Yue and Luna hold up imaginary lightsticks and dramatically swing their arms around to the music, while Skitz seems a bit touched by the performance of the leader. Everyone cheers and whoops when Mina finishes, and she smiles and bows towards the cameras and MCs, before taking her seat again.
- now it’s Yueliang’s turn: "We can see here that you have played the violin since you were three years old, can you show us? We prepared a violin for you!" Yueliang looks a bit taken aback but she accepts the challenge right away. When she sees the violin, though, she burst out laughing. It's a 1/32 size, basically a child violin. Despite the small and cheap instrument, she tries to play some famous pieces but since the violin is made of plastic the sound is terrible. Yueliang can't stop laughing and all the members are cheering and clapping excitedly like it was a real concert.
- the MCs look at AJ: “It says here that you do CF’s, and you have experience in MCing and variety”. AJ nods, listening attentively, “I do. I have done quite a few, mostly for make up brands”. “You actually sold out a lip tint... is that the brand you’re wearing today?”. AJ panics a bit, “Well... actually no... it’s sold out!” everyone laughs at her quick save and she smiles shyly.
- one of the MCs waves at AJ: “Come to this side, you’re going to be an MC with us for a while” they gesture for AJ to join them on the other side, where the staff brings a chair for her and a new name tag with the letters MC quickly scribbled. AJ laughs and bows before taking a seat next to the MC, trying to read the cards over their shoulders. After failing to see the questions and just swinging her legs over the chair, the MC’s dismiss her, ripping the MC tag from her dramatically.
- the MCs look at Luna’s profile now: "Grew up in London. Fluent in Japanese as well as Spanish. Could you say something to International fans watching Weekly Idol ?" She agrees to do so and starts with Japanese. "Hello everyone, I'm Solar's main dancer Luna, we hope you'll like this episode of Weekly Idol,please give it lots of love. Thank you for supporting us ! Bye bye !" And translates it in Spanish. "Hola encantadores de Weekly Idol. Me llamo Luna, soy la bailarina principal de Solar. Esperamos que les encantará este episodio de Weekly Idol y le dará mucho amor. ¡Muchas gracias por apoyarnos ! ¡Adiós!"
- the MCs applaud her and ask: "You also have a special little dance that is 'similar to the Carlton Dance'. What is it ? Can you show it to us?" She explains briefly what the Carlton Dance is and gets up to show it which sends everyone into a laughing fit as she moves her body from left to right dramatically. "Now I will show you my version." Luna says before flailing around dancing again, in a very over the top manner. Giggles happily as she goes back to her seat, like a child who was just given candy.
- it’s finally Rin’s turn, and the MCs read: "Master Bone Cracker, nickname is Crunchy. So Rin, I guess you have a really old body?" other members chime in agreement, while Rin just gummy smiles again "So before you crack any more of your bones while waiting for your turn, let's get the game started. You have to produce at least 30 pop sounds to pass the challenge." Rin nods and waves to the camera, "this is easy peasy. my fingers alone can crack 22 times in one session. guys, are y'all ready to win?"
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- Ari enjoys learning new dance choreos, so is having the time of her life. But makes the most dramatic noises throughout, which makes the other girls laugh and mess up
- During a song switch, Mina somehow slips on the ground and falls down, making everyone laugh. She quickly gets up and bows to the hosts and members, apologizing for messing up all while still giggling uncontrollably. 
-Skitz is the one that enjoys having fun with the dances, and depending on which song comes on, will make faces at the camera or be completely serious and in the moment.
- In the end of all the dancing Skitz falls to the floor and groans. “No morrreeee.” Tries to nap instead and gets sat on by Luna.
– AJ knows lots of other groups choreos but she stays sitting and just dancing softly to herself, letting the other members showcase their talent. Nobody has seen AJ more confused in her life during the 2x version. She keeps making funny faces that the MC’s can’t help but point out and she’s basically singing to herself to remember where she’s supposed to go. Celebrates like she just won the World Cup by the time the challenge is over.
- Luna is one of the members who does pretty well unless someone starts making noises and it distracts her, which is exactly what Ari does so Luna giggles and smacks her arm in fake anger because she can barely get her moves straight. In the x2 version she is one of the members who does really well, along with Rin.
- Yueliang is the one who shouts at the members to correct their position and identifies which section of the song they're dancing to when it's confusing. All of this while giggling.
- Rin knows every single choreo, and does the 2x perfectly too. slightly out of breath at the end and is just standing there looking at the other members panting like “👀 y'all good?”
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- Mina is first in line and stands beside Luna, using her as an arm rest and starting to tease her for their height difference right before the game starts. They’re both laughing too much when facing each other, immediately failing to proceed with the game and having to take a new paper.
- Ari stands next to Yueliang in the “pass the paper by your mouths” game and she plays up their ship so hard. Mina finally has to tell them to calm down
- Yueliang can't stay concentrate during the game because Skitz face when she tries to take the paper from Yue is too hilarious.
- AJ is the last in the line and feels slightly concerned about the game. She keeps laughing at her members failing but doesn’t wanna fail herself aka gay panic. In the end, although they succeed she still gives a loud kiss on the cheek to each member.
-Skitz is in between Yueliang and AJ, always making both girls laugh at the faces she makes as she’s trying to take and pass the paper. She gets flustered with the girls and ends up yelling at them to focus, while still laughing herself in the end because she knows how crazy she looks.
- Rin loves affection and kisses are one of her favorites. Watch her not even try so she can get a free kiss 🤩
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- MCs: “Well, we had lots of fun with these girls today! Thank you so much for joining our program, Solar - we’ll make sure to invite you after your new comeback, too.”
- all members thank the MCs, bowing to them, and start waving towards the cameras, shooting finger hearts and blowing kisses, before Mina counts down “3, 2, 1″ and the other members chime in: “Your rays of sunshine. This was Solar! Thank you very much!”
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuegram #25
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solargroup09 · 4 years ago
Yuevlive ep.4
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× episode four
× yueliang Venice vlog recap
× wc 780 words
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
-Yueliang is back to Venice!
-This vLive was recorded, edited and then posted on Solar’s channel on the app;
-There is a brief intro made of scenes of Yueliang vlogging her own mistakes and accidents. She bumped in a bunch of tourists and she nearly tripped on the Rialto Bridge. She also tried to take some pictures of herself leaving the camera on a wall or a handrail but seagulls and pigeons kept getting in the way;
-“Hello everybody!” she exclaims cheerfully, “as you can see I am not in Seoul! I’m back to Italy for a short holiday and I thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to show you a bit of my dear Venice!”;
-“So today, we’ll visit some famous places, some cool places and maybe, even some creepy ones!”;
-Yueliang is so excited she can barely contain her grin. She is wearing comfortable clothes and has a big hydro flask with her;
-“Stay hydrated!”;
-She is marching towards San Marco Square and she totally ignored the classic tourist points to show us something more fun. It’s a monument and it shows a lady as she is dropping a mortar from her window;
-“This” Yueliang says excitedly, “is one of my favorite things in Venice”.
-“You need to know that in 1310 Baiamonte Tiepolo plotted together with other noblemen, a conspiracy to overthrow the government of the Serenissima. Their army was preparing to attack the government building. Puzzled by the roar coming from the street, Lady Giustina leant out of her house window and in doing so dropped a heavy mortar that she was holding immediately killing the flag holder of the army of rioters. This incident caused havoc amongst the insurgents who were subsequently easily defeated by the regular army”;
-Yueliang eyes are shining: “Isn’t this great?”;
-Yueliang: *points at any artistic detail * Mina would love it!
-She proceeds running around Venice, showing both recognizable spots and funny curiosities;
-This is such a relaxing video I love it;
-“Let’s talk about curses”;
-Okay, not that relaxing;
- A horrible fate has combined the stories of the owners of this beautiful building, so as to define it “cursed”.
-“The owners of the beautiful Ca’ Dario Palace have all met a horrible fate. Brace yourself, the list is long” Yueliang has a wicked smile, she really loves dark stories;
-“Do you know who has been buried in San Michele Cemetery? Stravinsky! I love his music and I still remember when I was practicing his violin concerto… ah, I miss those times! Maybe one day I’ll play a bit of it for you!”;
-She really is doing her best to capture the beauty of Venice;
-“You may not know this but Venice has quite some underground spaces and crypts despite lying on water! The San Marco Basilica hides a secret. Basically, under the marbled floor lies a crypt fashioned out of the earliest buildings of the basilica. The crypt used to be the place where remains of St. Mark’s – the patron saint of Venice – were laid to rest in secret. They were only discovered in 1811 locked up in a wooden box which had been hidden in a pillar. The relics had been concealed there in fear that an attempt could be made to steal them in the same way they had been stolen from Alexandria in Egypt by two Venetian merchants in the 9th century”;
-“Stay hydrated!”;
-Yueliang: *points at any food stand * Ari and Luna would love that!
-After more shots of her face as she is walking, she reached Mastelli Palace;
-“This is the last place we’ll visit today, I’m dead tired but I had so much fun hanging out with you Suns! I hope you enjoyed seeing a new kind of content and I’m so happy I had the opportunity to tell you some interesting stories about Venice!”;
-She ends the vlog showing the curious statues adorning Campo dei Mori. There are three men and they look pretty startled. There is also a bas-relief with a camel.
-“The legend says that they were three rich silk and spices merchants – Rioba, Afani and Sandi – who tried to scam a rich Venetian lady by selling her some low-quality textiles for an exceedingly high price. She ended up catching up with the scam so she cursed the money she paid. When the three dishonest merchants touched the money they turned into stone! It is said that if you touch the nose of the statue of Sior Rioba, you’ll have luck in your business affairs” she explained smiling;
-At the end, Yueliang touches the nose of the statue and, while looking at the camera, she cheers: “Solar, fighting!”.
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