#yt revenue
posthumanwanderings · 7 months
if anyone was curious what's going on with my youtube channel and why I'm holding off using it for the time being, this video explains the stupid bullshit that is 'The Youtube Invalid Traffic ban'...
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upwards-descent · 5 months
Absolutely wild seeing people immediately forgive the Watcher crew
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
Even in a high school rom-com, Sea Fairy’s life is only suffering
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kuromi-hoemie · 10 months
just finished that hbomberguy vid. he went in so hard on somerton being shitty i forgot it was about plagiarism for a sec 😹 the whole video was interesting, I'm still rotating it in my brain.
if u haven't seen it i don't think u HAVE to watch it, but it is p good. he was catching people in 8K lol
also idk how to put it into words but seeing people who are bad at coming up with their own work rly make me more appreciative of how much time and effort goes into making ur own thing. the way these people can't even be bothered to think about how the sentences they rearranged actually read..
also an insightful look into the mindset of how plagiarizers view the ppl they plagiarize, and how they (don't) respect the medium as a whole. it's just 4 cases discussed but there's a lot of dismissiveness and entitlement and slight of hand wrt reasoning being done that remind me of AI bros entitlement to people's work just bc it was visible on the Internet somewhere. all this to just avoid saying you think other people's publicly accessible work is yours to take and do with what you please
i was like ⅔ of the way through thinking he's just like 2 steps away from getting into the issues with AI if he wanted to, so I'm glad he actually did towards the end if even for just a bit. which I'm glad bc whew!! long video!!
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spacealiencafe · 10 months
this whole adblock-blocker thing has made me realize how little i actually need to or even want to use youtube. i mostly watch reruns on other streaming services or dvd's anyway. everytime it warns me about my insidious use of the adblocker i just close the tab. feels nice
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kittenpinkamations · 1 year
Gonna be a controversial opinion but tbh i think like 99% of youtube discourse would be avoided if youtube just had like. An actual functioning block button like tumblr’s or instagram’s instead of just being a glorified comment mute, lol
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boygirlctommy · 5 months
why do you need THREE THOUSAND watch-hours on yt to get monetized wgat the fuck
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l0vedove · 5 months
Watcher google drive
i think the title is pretty self explanitory
Only ghost files on it atm but Mystery Files and Puppet History are next. Watcher has back pedalled on deleteing all their free content to lock it behind a pay wall but y'know what? maybe I just dont want to give them ad revenue anymore, which is evil but screw them. Also they may still back pedal on their back pedalling, which is to many pedals anyways.
As an update, I ran out of storage :3
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lucientheartisticfox · 11 months
i switched my yt ad blocker (bc of the dumb popups) and now i can see the like sidebar ads and stuff. and one of the first that i saw was "ARE YOU LESBIAN QUIZ" and like. yes. yes i am. i'm an aroace lesbian, but still a lesbian. thanks yt
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deadandphilgames · 5 months
okay walk with me. dan has said covid fucked over his plans to create his own show ‘dan is not okay’. during the first stereo, dan said there was always meant to be 3 projects after BIG in 2020 (44:44). one was something that couldn’t happen until lots of people could gather again (this was WAD), one was delayed by covid (DINOK) and the final project to conclude it all was ywgttn. Dan had to bump up ywgttn to be released first.
then we know dan got fucked over again by yt after this and dan released why i quit YouTube, said he was going to fund a third of DINOKs budget himself (1:12:45), and WAD finally was a go. then we waited for WAD recording to be released, dapg came back (woo), then finally (im assuming because of the increased revenue from dapg) they were able to plan 2 more WAD shows to record, then that funded the worldwide premiere livestream. i can only imagine that then allowed dan to secure the rights to then publish it himself. hes also releasing ywgttn now, a new paperback version with a more hopeful and light cover.
now we come to this:
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i am thinking that perhaps DINOK is finally in the works, it would make sense for all 3 projects to finally be released together. good things come in threes.
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theabigailthorn · 21 days
Dear Abigail. I was reading about how creators get paid in nebula, and is it true that you get 10 times as much revenue per view compared to YT? I rewatch your old videos sometimes and I wonder if it helps you more to watch on nebula?
(looking forward to Dracula's ex gf, really that's why I'm on nebula lol)
Huh? Who told you that?
No, I don't get paid by the view on either YouTube or Nebula. When people sign up to Nebula I get a cut of their subscription, that's where the money comes from there
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cats-artbag · 5 months
SwapOut/Webcomic/Twitch PSA!
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Hi everyone 👋🏻 Zk here >< or Cats, for older followers
So I've been getting back into doing SwapOut again, but I would like to appeal to everyone who reads and loves the comic. Much love to all of you who's still sticking around 🙏🏻💙 But something has also always been bothering me throughout this journey.
As many of us know, we artists do these comics for free (especially fan comics), starting them out of love and taking a LOT of time and energy out of our lives to continue making them.
And it's amazing how many of you come from translations or comic dubs on Youtube, which are also very well-done and take a lot of effort to make, much love to them too. There is a difference, however.
And I'm not asking for pity! I'm appealing for understanding.
Because some comic dubbers on Youtube are able to earn ad revenue from the videos they upload. From the beginning, we artists have given them the permission to dub our works. But we don't receive anything from it, nor do we usually charge them for using our art (against our better judgement).
We let them use our comic pages in their monetized videos for free. And occasionally these videos receive thousands and millions of views, which I imagine gives a decent amount of ad revenue, while the artists themselves don't usually earn anything from their own artwork, nor do we ever want to put it behind a paywall of any kind. (we like reading free comics too so don't worry x|)
... But doing full-colored comic pages for free eventually gets hard to sustain without any income from it, even more so when we need to give our time and energy to other jobs to earn money for a living instead. We legitimately keep going on our comics purely out of love. Truly, we would LOVE to do our own art for a living. There's things like Patreon but it's only feasible if we're also able to produce bonus content or show BTS, and only people willing to spend money for them can help us, and not readers who aren't able to.
And we understand that not everyone can afford to support us monetarily. And that's okay!
But if you love these comics and want to really help us to keep going, there ARE ways you can easily support us for free!
For example, affiliates on Twitch (like myself) are able to earn ad revenue very early on (they must have at least 50 followers, quite a requirement, but still easier to obtain than Youtube's 1000 subscribers).
(my Youtube, btw. not much rn but drop a subscribe?)
But simply put, if the vast majority of readers from the yt numbers visit and stay for ads on the artists' Twitch streams (remember to have adblocker disabled for the site, if any), they'll be making an actual, physical contribution to the artist themselves, at no cost whatsoever. We earn up to 55% from any ads that run on our stream, so the more viewers, the better!
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(this is my twitch on average 8 viewers, with a 3 hour stream. again, the more the better!)
(ofc you can also buy subs to watch ad-free and supports me directly, but i'm typing all this to share the free ways people can support their fave creators ✨)
And even if that doesn't work out, I'd be happy enough to see most of you there 🙏🏻💙 I've been treating my streams as work, so I'm striving not to break the streak.
So drop a follow on my Twitch, and catch the streams when you can! They're great if you need company or background noise, and also great for co-working~
Currently streaming WEEKLY, Mondays, Wednesdays (SwapOut) and Saturdays, 10.30AM EST
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(art by @cupcakepaints)
>> twitch.tv/zkcats <<
Anyway thanks for listening to my Ted talk, please share this around for others as well >< 🙏🏻 Artists, make this a reblog chain or something! Promo your stuff!
And apologies for the essay, I wasn't expecting to type this much sdghsgh this itself is not an ad for Twitch or whatev, I'm just a little frustrated with needing to juggle all this.
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I was also considering hosting SwapOut somewhere that could get ad revenue, but I wasn't sure where until I realized I can probably earn that from my Tapas now (i think?? sdfhgh up to 70% ad revenue there but i haven't seen any yet) So maybe I'll post there a day earlier than here or something? We'll see. Go subscribe there! Check it out! Reread it! Help ME help YOU!
... Much appreciated ><
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eggcats · 5 months
"people are mad that that artists wanted to be paid" no, people are mad that they HAD places of revenue they could have invested in and instead decided to fuck everyone over and piss off their fans who have been there since the buzzfeed days
(+ the only reason they're now saying they're not pulling content is BECAUSE of the backlash, and this isn't even going into how any growth is now impossible if it's their own platform, they are NOT big enough or produce enough content for this)
like, apparently they have a patreon? have never heard of it. absolutely no advertisement on it, when PLENTY of people would subscribe if they plugged it at ALL (like, fans love bts content, early episodes, extra/uncut stuff, having their names be credited at the end, a discord, etc) but I've never heard of it, and according to people who have subscribed, they didn't find it worth their money (not an ideal baseline for their own service)
they have merch? make more and better quality/nicer designs (or just fun quotes! so much of my stuff from their buzzfeed days is just shane quotes, but the only stuff I've bought from them now is their jackets and the professor doll, nothing else. I've looked at their catalog, it's ugly. put a funny quote on a shirt and I'll buy it guys, it's not that hard)
a youtube membership for similar stuff to the patreon, yt livestreams, USE THE PLATFORM YOURE ON MAYBE???
explicitly asking fans to turn off adblock for them on their videos
but, like, I am absolutely not paying $60 just for like 1-2 shows that only get like 4 episodes a year. they do NOT have the content for this on their own (and why tf do they have 25+ employees???? bro what) - not to mention, the inaccessibility the new platform and ability for non US based fans to even subscribe
people watch bc of the dynamic between Shane and Ryan, some of my favorite episodes are ones where we get the random text on screen- nothing fancy
tbh I get what they want but it's been my opinion that too much of their stuff that I watch has become a) formuliac and b) overproduced without much to show (imo mystery files comes to mind, it's Fine but I only enjoyed the banter vs all the unnecessary visuals, the same with ghost files)
I've seen people mention how expensive just the ghost hunting stuff is, and like yeah, maybe stop buying that big fancy brandname equipment without and instead ask for sponsors to advertise your stuff, all that stuff is nonsense anyway so it's not like you're lying about like betterhelp or something
and idk, maybe having a show where you apparently eat gold and caviar isn't the best if you're struggling with money (esp bc who watches it? not me)
what they need is someone who actually knows anything as their ceo, having less than half the staff they do, and investing in the avenues they already have with SOME pay walled content (not all), and maybe learn how to actually produce their shows without bleeding themselves dry bc the fans watch for THEM not the "production value"
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dnpbeats · 1 month
There is one thing I know for a fact they will never share with us. Like they would rather post a 3 hour video of them making out before sharing. And thats how much they earn and how much they have earned. And If I had one question I could ask them that they had to answer, it wouldn't be "are you married" or anything like that, it would be how much money do you make, and where does that income come from. Because based on the look of the phouse and the price of the clothes they buy, I would not be shocked to find out they are millionaires, but where is that money coming from?? Because surely its not all from video veiws. They have not uploaded consistently enough throughout their career for that imo. And I mean. Yes they are big creators and used to be bigger, but its nothing compared to the numbers of big creators now. They never even broke 10mil subs. Is dragon city seriously paying them that much??? And what about the 5 years where they basically posted nothing and phil did like one 10min video a month. Surely that was not covering mortage costs plus rent of TWO apartments, plus all of dans bougie clothes?? Were they living off of savings from before the haitus??? That brings me back to HOW MUCH WERE THEY MAKING??? This is the phan conspiracy I want them to address.
i also would love to know how much they’re currently making bc im a nosey bitch. but also for sure they are millionaires. like multi-millionaires. think about how much money they were bringing in in their prime (2014-2018). obviously there are their videos, so the adsense money plus any sponsorships. they were getting money from the radio show and also all the other hosting gigs they did for the bbc (those handful of random docs dan did, all the festivals, etc). there was money from their own merch, but also remember that they own irl, so they're getting a cut from other people who were using irl as their merch distributor. then they had the money from tabinof and dapgo. they had the money from tatinof and ii (while we know they lost money on some legs, I'm sure overall it was income gained not lost). also whatever money they got from tatinof + story of tatinof being posted on yt red and then the money from the ii dvd. also other random shit, like they had licensed t-shirts at hot topic (which as a side note is so batshit 😭). also those random two events they did for dapgo (dapgoose 🤩). oh also truth bombs!! also the partnership they had with rize (I want to say they also had one with younow at one point?? but I could be making that up lol). and this is all just stuff off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more i'm forgetting
and then okay, the hiatus hits, but phil's still making videos, and then dan eventual comes out with ywgttn. (then wad ofc but dan didn't make money on that so 😭 lmao.) but also keep in mind that during this time, they're still getting adsense revenue from anyone rewatching any of their videos, and also like you said im sure they had savings. and on top of all of this, I'm 100000% sure they have investments that we don't know about, because I don't know how they could've not invested any money lmao. like we know they aren't stupid when it comes to business, and investing is something regular ppl do too. so you’d assume for ppl like d&p who are self-employed (and making a shit load of money doing it) they have more investments than most ppl. so like they aren’t mr. beast obviously, but I don’t think dan is losing any sleep over dropping $600 on a shirt
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demilypyro · 5 months
Is there a place you prefer we watch your VODs? Like is there a meaningful difference on the income end for you depending on if we watch on YT or Twitch?
btw you're an amazing streamer. Just started watching last week and I immediately subbed. Love your voice, your humor, and your epic gamer swag <3
The VOD channel on YouTube is the best place, I do in fact get some small amount of ad revenue when people watch the VODs there, unlike on Twitch. Thanks for asking.
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stuffandwonder · 5 months
Here's the thing tho, whilst it's great that they took accountability and made some real immediate change on the back of feedback 'watcher would of gone-under if we just stayed on youtube' is a WILD statement
Like who the fuck is your business manager?! And sack them immediately.
There are numerous channels on YT that have (sometimes much) more staff, big studios, high production costs etc and manage to fund that completely with ads, patreon, merch, tours etc (the normal and all things watcher has/does). And these are channels I have no reason to believe don't pay their staff a fair and decent wage. They'd be bleeding employees if they weren't.
If you're not able to pay your staff a fair wage with current youtube income then clearly you've taken on more staff than is financially sustainable or sensible right now!
And as for wanting to make higher quality content, I don't begrudge them that if that's what they want, but it's pretty clear from the comments that generally their audience doesn't give a flying fuck about the quality, in fact they kinda like the low budget stuff! So why make 'high-quality' a business priority if its not a priority for your viewership? You could just aim to slowly move towards that as you hopefully increased the revenue you had available to do it, if you were still wanting to.
You wouldn't have needed to make this apology video if you'd just made some better fucking business decisions in the first place.
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