#yr fic resources
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A highly incomplete introduction to AuDHD for YR fans who want to write more Sara Eriksson
Greetings, friends! In my time in the Young Royals fandom, I’ve seen a few people mention they were interested writing Sara but they didn’t know how to approach her neurodivergence, or that they find it intimidating. I figured it might be worth compiling a post where I share both ADHD and autism resources I’ve found helpful, as well as elements of my personal experience I draw on when writing Sara.
This post is by no means exhaustive, and I could probably say a lot more. But I figured I’d get it out there in case it was helpful to anyone else.
Part One: Resources and Such
Yo Samdy Sam is an AuDHD vlogger who talks about her experiences, and I find her video about how autism and ADHD show up together pretty informative. Since Sara is both it’s good to have a grasp on these nuances! Yo Samdy Sam’s other videos are also ones I’d recommend.
I’m autistic, now what? is also a good channel to check out for someone talking about their day to day experiences of autism. Her videos are a little longer, but she focuses often on how things have changed from her childhood to her adulthood, which can be helpful if you’re thinking about Sara at different ages/writing flashbacks/working on fic set in the future/etc.
Chloe Hayden, who stars in another teen drama called Heartbreak High, is both autistic and ADHD, and very fun and positive. She presents quite differently than Sara does—lots more talking and energy—but I think she’s a good example of every neurodivergent person presenting differently. Also, people should watch Heartbreak High and write me some fic where Sara and Quinni meet because I want it.
How to ADHD is mostly geared toward practical life skills when you’ve got ADHD, but it doesn’t neglect the way those interact with emotional well-being. Sara might try some of these strategies while working on her school work and chores, either because an adult recommended she do so or because it’s part of a system she worked out for herself. Also, the videos are perfectly designed for ADHD brains, and i have acquired many ways to self-accommodate by watching them.
Jessie Gender is autistic and does commentary about lots of nerdy things and trans rights. I really liked her video on The Queen’s Gambit where she talks about autistic girls and sex. If you’re planning to write spicer fic about Sara (which people should write more of imo) then Jessie might be a good resource!
Marieke Nijkamp is a multiply disabled author, and one of her disabilities is autism. I still have to get around to reading her novel length books but her short story “Better For All the World” made me cry and is one of my formative sargust mentor texts. I really recommend it if you can get a hold of the anthology The Radical Element. (Although, heads up, the story deals with the Buck v Bell case of 1927, which is difficult subject matter.)
Disability in Kidlit has some great resources on writing autistic characters from a craft perspective. If you’re going to write specifically from Sara’s point of view, or even if you’re not, it’s worth reading this article about the autistic voice in fiction and this article about humanizing autistic characters. Other articles on the site are also great!
I’m going to talk more about my personal experiences under the cut below…
Part 2: My personal experiences & takeaways
Sooooo if you’ve met one AuDHD person, you’ve met one AuDHD person. I can’t really claim to speak for all AuDHD people, and I’ve only recently gotten my diagnosis anyway. That said, a lot of my own personal experience colors how I write Sara. So in the interest of transparency, I’ve gone ahead and listed some of the things I’ve thought about when I write her.
An important note before I get started—this is not, actually, meta or analysis of the show. I’m not trying to tell you want I “really” think is going on with Sara Eriksson, or what the writers intended, or what the show is saying. You may read her differently, and I’m sure your interpretation is just as informed by your own experiences as mine. So please don’t take this as a criticism if your interpretation is different.
What I am explaining here instead are the ways that my personal experiences as an AuDHD person have influenced my perception of Sara, which in turn translates to how I’ve made sense of her storyline and written her in fanfic. None of these are “excuses,” but they are explorations. You can look at it as me examining my own thinking and writing process. I’m also opening up about some of my experiences and being a little bit vulnerable. If you have questions about any of these things below, or you want to know more for your own fic, you are always welcome to message me. I may not be able to get back to you right away but I can help however I am able. There are also some things I might feel more comfortable discussing in depth one-on-one, so direct messages might be better in that case, too.
Anyway, let’s begin…
Polarized strengths and weaknesses: In my own experience as an AuDHD person there are some pretty dramatic contrasts between what I’m good at and what I suck at. I’m in the 99% percentile in some skills and the 2% percentile in others. This adds up to stuff like, I read the Sherlock Holmes stories for the first time when I was eight and Les Misérables when I was eleven, but I cannot drive a car or learn a choreographed dance no matter how hard I try. This is inexplicable to some people because they’re like, omg but you know all these advanced words! Surely if you can’t drive a car, it’s just because you aren’t trying hard enough! Likewise I think it makes sense to write Sara with a spiky profile of her own, and have characters react to that accordingly.
Perceptions of maturity: AuDHD adults aren’t children. AuDHD teenagers aren’t children either. And yet part of ableism is the infantilization of AuDHD people. I don’t have a lot of huge narrative squicks, but this is one of them, and it’s rooted in frustrations I’ve had over people treating me like I’m still a child. I always write Sara as the age she’s intended to be in the fic. If I see fanfic scenes or headcanon scenarios where someone is treating Sara like she’s five, and that’s spun as positive or never questioned, it can make me really upset and it’s an immediate back button. This is something I would recommend writers be on the lookout for if they’re incorporating Sara into a scene. Maybe this one bullet point is spinning a little far into criticism of other folks, but I think if I could communicate one thing to other people writing Sara, this would be it.
Special interests/hyperfixations: The thing about special interests is that autistic people often turn to them to replenish their energy and get their nervous systems back to a state of equilibrium. (For instance, me writing this post right now about my blorbo Sara Eriksson is me engaging with a special interest to put my nervous system in a state of equilibrium and put energy back in my body.) Sara’s time spent with Rousseau isn’t just wonderful because she loves horses, it’s also something that’s probably helping her recharge after a complicated day of navigating social situations at Hillerska. This is why she panics at the thought of losing Rousseau. Now, there’s still issues here in that Rousseau isn’t actually Sara’s horse. And I do think many teenage and adult autistics with low support needs, like Sara, understand that they can’t engage with their special interests all the time. But in order to write and understand Sara, I have to understand that she’s counting on Rousseau and horses more generally as something that helps her self-regulate and stay grounded. (In Heart and Homeland I also added art as one of her hyperfixations, so she often draws to recharge and make sense of things.)
Alexithymia: Alexithymia is essentially a trait people can have where they struggle to read their own emotions. It’s pretty common in autistic people and other neurodivergent folk; I have a mild version of it. For me, tuning into my emotions is a bit like trying to figure out what song is playing on a staticy radio. I might have to wait and “mess with the dial” a bit before I can fully understand what I’m feeling in a given situation. The question “how are you?” is a bit of a nightmare for me sometimes. Because my alexithymia is mild, I usually can figure out what I’m feeling in time, but I still often need extra effort to discern the nuances. I tend to apply this trait to Sara when I write her, mostly because she seems to need to sit with her feelings to understand how they’re affecting her. This is most evident when she’s trying to figure out if she like-likes August, though it comes out in other ways, too. Sara might just need a lot of time to process her emotions. Even when she’s showing her emotions and in them, they might take a lot of time to leave her system, and she might not catch on to how they’re affecting her right away. In Heart and Homeland, part of the reason Sara keeps a diary in the first place is so she can sort through what she’s feeling.
Heightened empathy: There’s an old stereotype that autistic people don’t have any empathy. This is not true, and some autistics even have an excess of empathy. I would argue that Sara (at least the way I interpret and write her) is one of them. This may seem counterintutive to some, as I have seen people argue that she is insufficiently empathetic to Simon and/or Linda. I see it differently, however. In my own experience, having an excess of empathy doesn’t always mean that I come across as loving and sweet to the people in my life. Sometimes it can make it so you’re so full of feelings toward others that you can’t act. I often function clumsily in conflicts, and feel like I’m caught between different parties, especially if it’s a situation where everyone appears to be hurting. It’s enough to make me shut down and not do anything, or even side with the person who to everyone else is obviously wrong. Especially when I was a teenager, the answer about “who to side with” in a conflict wasn’t always clear to me. For instance, in college, I dated a girl who constantly belittled me and many of my friends, and I let her get away with it because I was sensitive to the ways she was genuinely hurting about life. I am not proud of it now, and I did break up with her eventually and made efforts to patch things up with my friends when I could, but it also took me two and a half years to get there. Thanks to life experience and therapy, I am now better at recognizing red flags and overriding my excess empathy to call people out on their shit when they need it. It took me time, though, and I can’t help reading a lot of that into Sara. In a way, I tend to think her hope that August will own up to his actions is born out of heightened empathy for both August and Simon. She pins her hopes on this solution because, in her mind, it meets Simon’s needs because the person who harmed him has come forward and is willing to be held accountable for his actions and it meets August’s needs because he can find relief in owning up to his shit and stop drowning in regret. Now, yes, Sara is absolutely misleading herself and ignoring crucial details of the situation because she’s in love, and she does misread what Simon actually needs in the situation. This is very typically teenage. At the same time, when I write her in fic, I see this as tied to an excess of empathy, and not a lack of it.
Inertia/Executive Functioning Struggles: Building on what was said above… some AuDHD people (like myself) can really struggle with making a plan and getting started on tasks, and the bigger the task, the bigger the struggle. “Tasks” is a word we usually apply to things like doing laundry, so we tend to think of executive functioning as an unemotional thing, but it can also apply to emotional stuff like, say, having a big conversation that needs to be had or breaking up with someone you know you need to. (Like I said above. Two and a half years with that shitty person in college!) In fact, I would say inertia can even make things harder with social/emotional stuff, because math homework is at least consistently math homework, but social/emotional situations can shift and become more complicated over time. At Hillerska, we see Sara get involved in ever-shifting social politics, and it takes things escalating to the field scene for her to take action at the end of S2. (In a more minor example, Sara taking a while to get ready in the parents’ weekend episode, and Linda rushing her out the door, is a great example of Sara being affected by inertia.)
Menstrual ick: Increasing numbers of studies show that people with uteruses who have ADHD, autism, or both are way more likely to have painful periods and PMDD. This is true for me—one of the biggest signs that my period is coming is that I am absolutely convinced everyone hates me. I don’t know how to apply this to Sara directly, but periods are part of life and if you happen to write about her dealing with menstrual nonsense, this might be something to keep in mind.
Sensory issues: A lot of people are aware of sensory issues for neurodivergents, and every neurodivergent experiences sensory issues differently, and not always in ways that are immediately apparent to neurotypicals. For me, I hate vacuums and car horns and bananas, but for my roommate, she hates any lights on after 7 PM and finds chocolate overwhelming. Sara doesn’t mention any particular sensory issues, but presumably she has some and masks her reactions, so uh… make up the ones that make sense to you, I guess. Or, don’t make them up, but maybe read about a bunch of different people’s experiences of sensory issues and work from there. External stuff like being tired, sick, or being on one’s period can heighten sensory issues, so think about vulnerability factors that might increase them for Sara.
Rejection sensitivity: Many people with ADHD feel rejection or criticism from others with a high level of intensity, even as physical pain. (Fun fact: PMS makes my rejection sensitivity even worse!) I don’t know if we see Sara feeling rejection sensitivity onscreen much in YR, but I can’t help but imagine she’s dealt with it in the past, based on the way she says she sometimes feels like the worst person in the world, when she’s talking to August in 2.3. If Sara’s had therapy (which I assume she’s had in some form because she knows breathing exercises) then maybe this is something she’s worked on coping strategies.
Accommodations in school: I don’t actually know how this works in Sweden specifically or at a school like Hillerska, but I’d love to hear how it works! Someone else should weigh in if they know things. But I would not be surprised if Sara has the legal right to certain accommodations in school such as extended time on tests, guided notes, etc. (Not being Swedish myself, I’m not sure what the equivalent to the Americans With Disabilities Act would be in Sweden.) One thing to note here is that Sara would get to decide herself whether she actually uses her accommodations or not. I would say, based on my observations of teenagers, is that some neurodivergent teenagers tend not to use their accommodations so they can avoid sticking out among their peers. This seems like it might be the case for Sara, since she wants to make friends at Hillerska and not stand out. The other thing she might encounter at Hillerska specifically is teachers who don’t want to meet those accommodations because they’re “old school” and, frankly, ableist. Accommodations are something one should take into account when writing Sara’s academic life, though.
Double empathy problem: This is something that the psych community is talking about more lately, and essentially the idea here is that neurotypicals communicate best with other neurotypicals whereas neurodivergents communicate best with other neurodivergents. That doesn’t mean both groups can’t communicate with one another (and even reducing it to two groups is kind of oversimplifying things, because obviously culture and other things impact communication too) but there are different patterns of communication at work here. In my own life, I vibe well with people whose neurotypes are similar to mine—this is exactly why @coruscantrhapsody and I are such iconic roommates. The Double Empathy Problen is theorized to have played a role in stereotypes about autistic people not having any empathy. (PS: I don’t actually think August has undiagnosed ADHD in canon, at least not according to the writers. Still, I think it would be pretty interesting to write him in fanfiction as someone who has a missed childhood diagnosis given the way he struggles with rejection sensitivity, impulsivity, and emotion regulation, and the way that the adderall addiction could be a form of self-medication that has gone awry. For that reason I think it’d be interesting to see a fic where the sargust relationship is viewed through the lens of the double empathy problem. Obviously not in a way where the ADHD excuses August’s harmful behaviors, but you know. An added layer of delicious nuance. Alternately, I know some folks like to headcanon Wille as autistic. Sara really clicking with autistic!Wille when they finally get a chance to talk is something I’d like to see!)
Neurodivergent community: As far as I can tell, Sara doesn’t really have neurodivergent community. This makes me sad, as someone who strongly benefits from friendships with other neurodivergent people. I would like her to have some in someone’s fic, please! Let me know if you write it.
That’s all for now… maybe I’ll add more in a future post.
For any other AuDHDers, do you have any elements of your personal experience that you incorporate into how you interpret or write Sara’s character? Feel free to reblog and add on, if you feel so inclined. (But also, no pressure.) Like I said, every ND person experiences this stuff differently, so someone else may have completely different experiences than me.
#young royals#sara eriksson#yr fic resources#actually audhd#first time using that tag so it’s kind of a milestone
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TLT Dashboard Simulator- Pt 5
💀 drearybruh Follow
10,000 y/o lyctor gf who exclusively calls me 'lovey': Ugh they're still debating the ethics of using cavaliers as a resource to suck dry, I can't deal with this empire today.
me [heard 'suck dry cavaliers' and got so hard i got nauseous]: I think I hauve devils in me
(2,710 notes)
🫁 soulosexualll
omg guys im so sorry ive been MIA!!! the alexandrite id been talking about won custody over our baby so i had a bit of a crisis about my future on the fifth house alone and loved only by the spirits. and then of course i visit the third over vacation and get roped into a multi-week bender [have u ever snorted dried marrow? life changing] and then i was lost on the third for likeeeee four days and had to find my way back through hitchhiking and bartering with my own blood.
but i promise ill update my Joy/Patience/Duty threesome fic soon :333
#rpf #munposting #EEEEEEE GET EXCITED GUYS #joy strap time? joy strap time.... #i see ur messages in the askbox and i super appreciate them btw but i cant justify answering all of them #BUT I SEE U AND I LOVE U <33
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🦴 skeletal-system-bracket
We had two ties last round [within a margin of error of .1%!!] , so we decided it would make the most sense to make this a four-way poll. Propaganda:
Occipital Bone: do you want an unprotected cerebellum??? the infernal surface is groovy af, and all the nuchal lines are actually goated. are u seriously going to look me in the eyes and tell me the three-part bone of all time [father son and holy spirit, anyone?] can even be stepped to by some normie basic bone shit???????? cmon..... [via. @skullfuckbonegod]
Fibula: VOTE FIBULA!!!! bone with a best friend <3 Tibia already got out round 1 so its ur legal duty to stand up for its legbestie... also my hounds r named Fibula and Tibia and theyre adorbsies [via. @sodiumradiation]
Thoracic Vertibrae: twelve bones. twelve bones, one combined goal: fuck shit up, take names, keep that back backing. least commonly injured part of the spine for a reason. its built different. this shit protects ur spinal cord, provides attachments to your ribs, supports your chest and abdomen, and literally lets yr body move. objective best bones. [via. @ithinkthereforisam]
Scalpula: Scapula sweep!! Those are your angel wings. Watching your Cavs shoulder blades move under their skin while they carry a big sword is the best part of being a necro. They're also just such a good plane of bone they're perfect for breaking up into little pieces for bone adepts to store in their pockets. Also the attachment point for a bunch of muscles!!and the yummy little joint cavity… [via. @kavkisser]
#polls #tumblr polls #skeletal system #tibia #fibula #vertebrae #scalpula
(450 notes)
📷 devoutofmymind Follow
📷 devoutofmymind Follow
For my Edenite followers this is like if gun disappeared
12,345 notes
🫀 gorewanker Follow
I swear they're like the septum piercing havers of cavaliering 😭😭😭
🦀 xx-0ct0g0ne-xx Follow
Ah. So you're unable to handle the pressures which are expected of the average Eighth House devotee, and as such, fall back upon insecure insults. Get a life + Praying for you + L.
(923 notes)
👤 boobmonger-deactivated-2917220
holy shit tower prince announcement this is crazy. liveblog time
👤 boobmonger-deactivated-2917220
(3,891 notes)
🦷 bitingyoubitingyoubitingyoubitingyoux3 Follow
(14,088 notes)
☠️ is-the-emperor-undying-d34d-yet Follow
#the locked tomb#tlt#dashboard simulator#nona the ninth#ntn#htn#harrow the ninth#dash simulator#gtn#gideon the ninth#my post#beauposting#ianthe naberius#ianthe tridentarius#cytherea loveday#gideon nav#john gaius
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Why do people get so offended with fics that hv lily copying from Snape in potions instead of having the innate ability to do it herself?(hear me out)
Obvs, its annoying when its used to show lily as satan reincarnate against poor uwu sev, but imo there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea itself. Because we get absolutely no evidence from the source material attributing to her abilities apart from Slughorn's word. For example, we get evidence of james being skilled at transfiguration because he literally turned into an animagus at 15 (smthng Mcgonagall needed Dumbledore's help for) and even helped a fellow student do the same (albeit with Sirius). Ollivander also says in book 1 that his wand was good for transfiguration (actually, he also says that lily's wand was great for charms, but this is either forgotten or massively slept on by both the fandom and the source material itself). We get nothing of this sort about lily's supposed prowess in potions. In fact, Slughorn keeps saying that Harry's inherited his mother's abilities literally every single time he follows the Prince's instructions, which honestly makes me see this as the more plausible option.
Now obvs, there is the possibility that snape could have taken lily's work, but imo this is highly unlikely as we do hv evidence of him being good at the subject (brewing wolfsbane, becoming the potions professor only a few yrs after graduating, theatrics on the subject in his very first class with 11 y/os, etc. Also I don't think someone who names himself 'the halfblood prince' would be very ok with just copying from someone, snape is too proud for that).
This isn't canon ofc. They could have helped each other, had their own individual abilities, or whatever, but i just don't see why this possibility should be frowned upon so much. Maybe he was just helping her as a friend. Or maybe she was profiting off of him ( imo that would be an improvement to the perfect godlike figure we get in canon, and even so she wouldn't be half as flawed as the others in tht generation). Even if she did, it wouldn't mean she's stupid or incompetent overall, she was probably just bad at one subject and got help for it/ conveniently used the most easily available resource. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.
#harry potter#severus snape#lily evens#lily potter#snily friendship#young snape#young lily#anti lily evans#anti lily potter#only because thts how this idea is usually perceived
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summary: a background for all of the segments in heliotropes, if there is a ??? it’s something that will be revealed in the fic
warnings: mentions of anxiety, unpleasant home life, violence, my own hcs ab dottore’s background & how it fits in with the fic
do not steal my segments! i put a lot of thought and heart behind them.
dottore’s youngest segment, in the mindset of his 5 yr old self—before he was outcasted from his hometown while he was still living in a harsh environment with his parents who tried to keep him locked inside, stifling all of his curiosities. he is rather quiet most of the time, only enjoys physical touch if he initiates it and just wants to spend all of his time outside exploring but the thought of it makes him anxious because he’s stuck in the mindset that his parents put him in. he was created because iota was unable to see the aranara anymore. he thoroughly believes his soulmate will show up one day and is very eager to meet them. he still doesn’t fully understand why the other kids in the village & the adults were so awful to him.
the second youngest. he was created right after he was chased out from his hometown, scar fresh across his face and emotional wounds still very very fresh in his heart and mind. he is extremely closed off and cold to anybody new, at least at first. he craves love and affection but at the same time he’s incredibly hostile when offered it because of what happened with his parents. his favorite thing to do is explore, which he can now do freely without his parents monitoring and restricting his every move. he’s particularly interested in old khaenriahn technology regardless of how dangerous it might be (hint hint). he’s very sensitive regarding the topic of soulmates—kappa was too young to really understand why he was being treated so poorly by the other kids and adults but iota is very well aware.
the oldest of the young segments. he was created after he was accepted into sumeru’s akademiya but before he officially enrolled. at this point, he had been on his own for nearly five whole years and while he had learned how to take care of himself, he is awful with social interaction and doesn’t know what to expect going into the akademiya—all he knows is he is adamant on finally getting the chance to research khaenriahn society and technology. automatons are still his main interest, but he’s also beginning to dabble in elemental research. he doesn’t talk much about his research/interests, he’s not really comfortable with it. he’s less sensitive than iota when it comes to the topic of having a soulmate but he hasn’t given up hope yet, he’s still certain that they’ll eventually show up.
the first of the adult segments! zeta has around three and a half years under his belt at the akademiya and plenty of experience dealing with other students and the professors/sages. he hates everyone around him but he’s come to realize that social connections are really all that matter in sumeru city and if he wants the proper resources for his research, he has to get in with the right people and make them like him. butttt he’s at the point where there’s only so much longer he’ll be able to fake it all before he snaps, he’s already becoming a bit colder and more standoffish. he was created approximately one year before the sohreh incident. soulmates are a taboo subject, he has realized now that even if his soulmate is born, there’s more than a twenty year age gap and he doesn’t want to think about that.
yes, this is webttore. he was created a few years after being cast out from the akademiya but before pierro brought him into the fatui. he is on his own again but he’s far more unstable this time. he’s given up on trying to blend in with everyone else & controlling his emotions. his only focus is his research and he lets no morals stand in the way of progress. he’s rash and unpredictable and has very intense mood swings—he can go from pleased to highly irritable in a second. the other segments describe theta as having been created at the lowest point in their lives. the delta segment particularly cannot stand him. if soulmates were taboo with zeta, they’re even more taboo with theta.
hateful, aggressive, antagonistic, just not as flamboyant as theta. this segment was created in the mindset from right after pierro brought him into the fatui. he’s come to learn, again, that if he wants to advance the ranks and obtain the freedom & resources to do whatever he wants, he’s going to have to have at least some semblance of self-control. despite this, he is by far the most violent of all the segments—having to force himself to restrain all of his urges makes him eager to lash out when someone displeases him. if there is a trail of mangled bodies, you can safely assume that delta will be found at the end of it. he is the most antagonistic toward the theta segment, solely because he is the closest in mentality to him and does not want to be associated with him. he usually looks after the iota segment. at this point, he has convinced himself that soulmates are a weakness anyway but they’re still a rather sore topic.
driven. that’s really the only word to describe rho. he was created in the mindset of dottore post-harbinger promotion. he is tunnel-visioned on success in whatever project he is focusing on. failure is simply not an option to rho. because of his propensity to obsess and hyperfixate until a goal is completed, rho is typically the one that dottore sends after rouge underlings or bold enemies—nothing escapes him. rho took in the gamma segment to assist with his research. soulmates are no longer a sore topic for rho but he would still rather not think about it.
EPSILON | 40 YO | ???
BETA | ??? | ???
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I feel like I’ve read every Tomione out there (and I'm still reading WIPs as new chapters come in), so on that note, while I’m waiting, I’m curious to know if there are any new fics that have caught your eye lately?
Hey Anon -
So we talked amongst ourselves and decided to share what we are currently reading that we're enjoying. Hopefully this turns other readers on to fics. Note: none of these are endorsements. Please consider them an extension of Admin Faves - TF Team
Verso by virennia
E | WIP | 85k
Hermione met him when she was twelve. Tom Riddle, the most handsome boy in school.
Wolfer by peppershark
E | WIP | 58k
The preacher’s daughter backs up against the shed. He pins her against the cold wood planks: a shadow of a man, a rugged trapper from the mountains. He pulls something long and thin from his mackinaw and she’s about to scream. He says, Lumos. And there’s light. Old west AU with magic. Dark romance.
Portrait of an Angsty Teen by April17Rose
E | WIP | 28k
AU that is set in the 1800s. Hermione does not know she is a witch. She lost her family in a fire at a young age and was put in a home where the girls are sold to wealthy buyers. I wonder who is going to buy her ... Or Voldemort buys Hermione and imprisons her in his manor where there is a Portrait/Horcrux of an eighteen yr old Tom Riddle. Or A fic where I get Hermione to bang Experienced!Snake face and Virgin!Tom Riddle
All the Good Girls Go to Hell (She'll Want the Devil on Her Team) by Hoppsan
E | WIP | 62k
Things go wrong, one after the other, but Hermione is nothing if not resourceful. Harry dies? She builds a time-turner to fix it. The time-turner flings her 40 years further back than she intended? She'll adopt Tom Riddle and love the evil out of him, ensuring he'll never go after Harry in the first place. Dumbledore unexpectedly dies before he can take out Grindelwald? Well...that one might be a bit trickier to fix, but she'll manage. Somehow. She just needs to keep the teenage Dark Lord who's convinced himself he's in love with her at arm's length while training him to take on Grindelwald in Dumbledore's stead. Everything will work out. Probably.
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♥♥♥ Carbonated Blood ♥♥♥
Inspired by recent interest in this blog, and for ppl newly landing on it, I made this pinned post as a welcome, a warning, and some tags I would recommend that are specific to my blog for my favorite stuff. Here's why it's called i-want-my-IWTV.
🤘 A welcome: I'm Burnadette (21+) and this blog is an unofficial Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles appreciation blog started in July 2013, but it's not an authoritative resource, I'm just collecting fanworks and other dash goodies based on my own rubric, sprinkling catnip out to the fandom, and answering asks for ppl who are curious about my opinions on things. I encourage positivity and optimism! ✨
My AO3: Burnadette_dpdl
Co-mod @wicked-felina and I typically run the @vcsecretgifts exchange, you can check out the archive there. We had to take a 2 yr hiatus for real life reasons, we hope to revive it in 2024 💕 In the meantime, go check out @vamptember (@hekateinhell and @monstersinthecosmos), for a wealth of VC fanworks!
⚠️ A warning: You may encounter things you dislike on this blog, such as ship art of ships you dislike, discussions about dark fiction, problematic characters, and other such topics. My free time for fandom is limited and I do this for free for my own entertainment, so I don't engage in bad faith discussion, and I'm generally picky about engaging* in all discussion posts or personal posts.
You may have noticed that I don't post/reblog much about it if I can help it: While I do not like the current IWTV AMC 2022 adaptation, I can talk about it, and I do appreciate that it's brought fresh blood 🩸 into the fandom, a lot of talented fanart and writing! And yes, ppl can enjoy IWTV '22 and other adaptations and canon and absolutely whatever 🤝, these things are not mutually exclusive 😎 (I tag it #iwtv 2022 and #iwtv amc if ppl need to block those tags.) With that said, I think there are some fabulous ppl who can embrace it all, like @xxhellonursexx! There are role models like Nurse, able to venn diagram the VC content with a sense of humor and respect.
So I welcome new fans, and encourage them to ask questions and engage with ppl like me, there is limitless room for everyone.
Behold, my STUFF: Some of my favorite tags in no particular order, this may evolve over time:
(Cut for length)
Lin, get in here and settle this - (Not a tag but this is my 20 second magnum opus 😎✨)
vampire physiology - Both about Ricean and other vampire media, studying them like lab animals and talking about it!
Fandom laws - Fandom's been around a long time, and I think a big part of having a great experience in it is mutual respect, which ppl have codified in fandom laws. When/if you break them, you may turn other ppl off and that can spread quickly; you build your reputation by your actions.
digging up an oldie from the archive - when I need to throw an older post on the dash to share again, maybe there's a reason, or a great addition.
hello dinner - Various amusement about vampires and their dinner.
messy eater - Related to the above, it's less common (canonically) for a Ricean vampire to spill a drop of blood, so it used to be more dramatic when we'd see art/fic of spillage! There are vampires from outside VC in that tag, too, I couldn't resist reblogging them.
vampiredevelopment/interviews and rec - this is some of my favorite textmeme content 😂
memeything - y'know, memes, some are embedded in more serious posts, but I think when I first heard the word "meme" I didn't think mine really counted? So I made it "memeything" so as not to land in a "meme" tag if they didn't count, but eventually I decided that "meme" can be pretty widely defined, so mine kinda do, but by that point I was far into the habit of using my own word, so there it is.
how to make a post a vc post - when you just gotta insert your fandom into an unrelated post bc it FITS.
VC fandom hunters - when you're looking for other VC fandom ppl to role play with, etc.!
Lestatiquette - Lestat ettiquette.
Lestatuesque - Someone/something is acting like Lestat.
Lestats closet - Something you might find in Lestat's closet, a resource for fanartists/writers looking for inspo 🙏
Its a coffin - fanart and works involving coffins!
We appreciate and love Louis in this house - There was a wave of sentiment criticizing Louis for various reasons and these are thoughtful responses to that criticism. Tag started by the magnificent @covenofthearticulate/@theballadofmrslovett (go check out her ideas, and her AO3 covenofthearticulate, she is so so good 💞)
Defending Antonio - There's periodic discussion about Antonio Banderas as Armand in the '94 IWTV movie, I love him, and I'm totally rational about it
Louis has canon hair I know that will make at least 2 ppl I know very happy - and idk if I would even reveal privately who they are but definitely not publicly! I don't want to put them on blast! 😅 I appreciate Louis with different hairstyles and I've debated about it enough that like... I can appreciate Options but some ppl would prefer to see his hair as it's described in canon 😙
VC wedding hysteria - What it says on the tin.
iwantmyiwtv has opinions - a way to signal that these are my opinions only and not presented as fact.
Iwantmyiwtv rp - I sometimes take asks for Lestat or Louis to help inspire my fanfic. Specify who you're asking and they might respond 😎, Lestat response starts with ♛, and Louis with ♠.
vc news/vc casting - For sharing news and post casting ideas, as there are multiple adaptations and there's always fantasy casting! It never ends.
not vc/vc adjacent - I see some ppl have adopted these two! I made these out of a kind of purist approach, I wanted to reblog smtg and share it but it wasn't exactly VC, soooo, it's my acknowledgment accordingly.
VC - I may have used this in the past but I don't anymore, bc there are tons of things that could have that abbreviation, I assume, so I don't find it too be descriptive enough for use as a Vampire Chronicles tag 🤷🏼♀️
*You may see older posts that were written in a bubblier/sassier manner than I'd be comfortable with now, but I find those to be charming now, it's a 10+ yr old blog, after all! Our internet experience has evolved. What's cringe or even rude now was normal then and I know that my intention was always positivity and anti-censorship, so that includes not censoring myself. ✨ I ask that you have patience with those responses that may not have aged well as you have patience with an artist or writer's earlier works, or your own growth over the years! 🌱
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@esposadejoyhuerta navigation
basically just a list of all the fics I've read and loved. as an avid angst consumer, you'll find themes below/can indulge in my favs if you'd like! mainly making this bc i'm losing track of all the stuff I reblog but I also hope this gives ppl some fun new things to read!
last updated: 9/14/24, 9:09pm PST
Wanda: navigation page pt 1 , navigation page pt 2
Nat: navigation page
Wanda to Nat: never mine always yours , this yr to save me from tears series , bent right to your wind , don't say you love me , dirty little secret , traitor/good for you series , dangerous love , undeserving of a love like yours , enough
Nat to Wanda: i'm losing you , believer , torn
Same time: fevered confusion , drabble
Mera (lol): dirty little secret series
Melissa Schemmenti:
Jealousy: bf , almost is never enough , realizations , untitled , dangerous emotion
Kinda fluffy/makes me giggle: i still got it , caught in 4k , pecsa
Heartbreak: our last goodbye , distant wedding bells series , bad idea right , dancing on my own series , the rooms r all on fire
Hurt/comfort: the ex factor , your new girl , at arms length series , the most wonderful time of yr series , tease and untease, fuck it it's fine , she said what , just sex , JOY HAHAHA , want u back
Smut: use me , yeah I said it , bdubs ,
Palestine: effects of performativity/how you talk ab things matters , compiled resources , beauty products boycott guide
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Ok, I surprisingly got a few asks about this? I didn't realize this was much of a discussion on here. I don't have much faith in the YR fandom's activism/morals to be honest. I know people will think of delusional responses, but I'm gonna be assume those asks were sent in good faith. I'll only speak on this once in this way, no I will not be watching the new movie that some of YR cast is in, because I will be partaking in the boycott due to the director's/cast's actions. I'll just attach a thread from twitter on here that explained everything better than I can. It addresses a lot of arguments about "he's not a zionist, he's a journalist", omar's "silence" being "as bad" (it's not but even if they were...why would you support them lol, this isn't about celebrities?). It also addresses the importance of boycotts like this, and how zionism comes in many forms. I'll also attach a thread of a convo I had. I guess I'll go by what I said in my tweets, if you guys want me to dig up screenshots you can dm me, and I can try, but really our focus should be on Palestine. Boycott to show solidarity if you choose, but regardless please remember this is a real genocide. It is about holding people accountable, but it is not about defending or hating celebrities. Please spread resources, take your activism beyond just the internet. Since I'm planning on being more active on here, I'll be sharing some links. Also lastly, I don't really care if this gets me any hate lol, but to be clear, this isn't me hating on anyone and it's weird if you take it this way. I'm assuming people asked in good faith, so I'm spreading a way to show solidarity. This is my decision because of what Palestinian advocates have said- people can make up their own mind. But yeah, I won't be posting about that movie, this blog is going to be about young royals/my fics as of now. That's all! Free Palestine.
#apoy#a part of you#young royals ???#idk how to tag this#young royals cast#edvin ryding#asks#palestine#resources
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Hello ! sorry to bother you but I’m looking for fics or some meta that would speculate on the operation to reclaim Wall Maria (yr. 846) and more specifically on the Survey Corps’ involvement in that mission. Surprisingly I’ve never seen anyone really talk about it even though it’s, imo, one of the worst things that happened in canon ?
Hello Anon, apologies for taking so long to answer your ask. it has often struck me how odd it is that this awful event has more or less been passed over by the fandom. It's almost as though there's an unspoken agreement that because it's so unfathomably tragic, we're just going to not talk about it.
As far as I’m aware, it's never confirmed in canon who actually led the expedition, but as commander of the Survey Corps at the time, there's little doubt is must have been Erwin, with Levi, Hanji, Mike and the other vets by his side. There is no way that Erwin would have led such a genocidal expedition voluntarily. He must have recognised it for what it was; a thinly veiled attempt to cull humanity to relieve pressure on resources within the remaining walls, so we can only conclude that he was coerced. Whatever happened outside the walls, we can only speculate, but there's no question that the loss of 20% of humanity would have taken an horrific toll on Erwin, and on the small band of veterans who survived. In chapter 12, Pixis describes the expedition as a sin that belongs to all of humanity. It makes me so angry to think of Erwin being forced into this position when he was already carrying his own burden of guilt and grief.
In terms of fic, the only one I can recall reading that tells the story of this catastrophic expedition as it happened is the old Eruri classic Audacity by shoi. He Chose Titans by @masksarehot2 mentions the expedition and deals with a subsequent expedition to reclaim Wall Maria. I've also read a few fics that deal with the aftermath of the expedition, including The Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings a fabulous on-going canon-divergent fic by DrButtons.
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Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I am popping up to let you know that I’m alive, that there’s a lot going on, that I still love YR, and that I’m thinking about boundaries and priorities.
I loved Young Royals season three. I especially love how it engaged with the legacy of Erik and the systems of Hillerska. I love that it took the idea of the legal system providing catharsis and that it threw that out the window. I love the way characters got words for what they were going through, how Felice got to name the racism happening to her and August got words to name his disordered eating. Most of all I loved the way Lisa wrote Sara’s relationship with her father and her reconciliation with Simon. That meant so much to me, and I can’t wait to imagine a future for the Eriksson siblings.
Here is a brief list of things I loved about the finale. They were all written in the afterglow of seeing the episode. I stand by them. Especially how much I loved Wille’s ending, and what happened there.
In the coming weeks, I’m sure there’ll be stuff I’m more critical of or don’t feel as strongly about. I especially have mixed feelings about the way Lisa seemed to structure 3.5 in a way that mimics the emotional roller coaster of trauma. I’m not really focusing on that stuff here or now, because I don’t want to. But it’s on my mind, and I don’t know if I’ll end up posting about it here and elsewhere.
At present this post isn’t rebloggable or tagged with much of anything. That’s because I’m trying to figure out the best way moving forward with tumblr. I don’t know if I want to delete this blog and abandon it entirely, but the pressure to present a curated version of myself is too much, and is a pretty big trigger for things like rejection sensitivity and anxiety. The pace here is also too fast and there is no way to keep up with everything, and (forgive me for this cardinal sin in tumblr-land) I wish I had some easier way to not see the same sets of gifs a hundred times with the same commentary. I’m experimenting with slower ways of doing fandom, where I can enjoy myself more.
I do, however, want a way to get the cultural footnotes for Young Royals, especially when they help me write better fic and create better fanworks. I know there’s some pretty darn useful posts about how lines get translated and various holidays and traditions (and looking forward I would like to know more about universities in Sweden, and how the monarchy works and such.) So I want to be able to find the stuff I need without having to spend as much time on what I don’t need. The resource posts people make are truly helpful.
And I also have some other fannish things I want to see here, like Les Mis and Interview with the Vampire. And the memes are nice. I miss the memes.
Before I make the decision about how I engage, I think it will be useful for me to know my priorities. So I’ve thought about them a bit, and I want to make the decisions that align with my priorities. Here’s what I want to focus on moving forward:
I want to spend more time creating. The thing that has always brought me the most genuine joy in this fandom is writing fic. YRS3 ended in a place of possibility for so many characters, and I want to keep writing about them and learning about them that way. (I won’t even lie, of course most of my ideas are about August—August and Kristina working on their intergenerational cousin relationship, August getting pulled into weekly DND sessions with Wille and Simon so they can all get better at being human together while pretending to be elves or something, August doing the personal and liberatory work that allows him and Sara to one day have a Second Chance Romance with they’re older, even August/Nils because oh boy did that season give me ideas about them I never knew I had.) One of my goals is to cut down on browsing time significantly so that I spend more time writing, especially so I can finish Heart and Homeland. I think it’ll make me happier.
I want to spend more time helping others create. Some of the most meaningful experiences I had in this fandom involved being a beta reader or hearing out another person’s fic ideas, and getting to live in that space of creation and collaboration. For that reason, I’d like to still make new YR connections on occasion, especially with people who wanna share their writing process with me. Tumblr may or may not be a place to do that. I’m still figuring out where stuff should happen.
I want analysis to be something I do as part of my creative process, and that’s it. I don’t know if this is fully true, but it felt like ten years ago there was more fandom meta focused on what fans wanted to write in their fanfics, and how their interpretations of canon led to them creating cool art. There was some meta that was about how to interpret canon “correctly” but that wasn’t the priority. Now, it feels like—and this is true even outside of YR fandom, so this is no reflection on YR specifically—there is more emphasis on having the “correct” interpretation of canon. About getting it right, and having the right predictions and interpretations. It feels competitive in a way that wears me down. From this point forward, when posting analysis, I’m going to ask myself, is this furthering my creative pursuits and my understanding of the writing process more generally, or am I just trying to win an argument? If the answer is just to win, then I’m not going to post my argument. That runs counter to my goals.
I don’t want to engage in any space where anonymous discourse flourishes. Even when well-intentioned. Being away for a while was clarifying for me on that point. Turns out one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety and shame are extensive, heated conversations where I don’t know who is saying what and who I can trust. Spaces where there’s a lot of anon conversation are probably going to be ones I block and unfollow first moving forward. It just seems like a good baseline for how I engage.
So this is where I am as of now. I’ll probably continue to hold off on doing much posting in the coming days, but I did want to poke my head up for air for a second to let people know what the state of everything is.
Here’s one picture of the plushes for the road:
And here’s a picture of the waffles I ate on finale day:
Oh, to have cloudberry jam and time spent with friends. These things are truly joyous.
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a fragment
so... i wrote this short fragment of a scene ages ago... maybe a month or so after YR S2 premiered, when i was trying to wrap my head around what i wanted S3 to be like or what i thought would happen in it-- either/or. i'm not sure.
i wanted to write it early on in the break, before the real S3 came and jossed it, but although i had some idea of the beats i wanted to hit, i was never able to fully crack the plot, and now that S3 is firmly in postprod territory, i realize i probably won't have time to write the full thing. but i think it's a pretty good piece of writing, and i don't want it to just languish in my hard drive without anybody ever reading it, so i figured i might as well put it out there just for kicks.
you don't get much of the plot in it-- it's just 650 words of wille complaining about being grounded at drottningholm-- but the gist of the fic was going to be: sara runs away after telling the police about what august did, her family thinks she's missing and the police starts searching for her, august gets arrested but he promises to not implicate simon with the drugs as long as the crown puts all of its resources into the search, wille demands to be allowed to stand with simon and linda during public appearances to support them/give the case more visibility, and eventually they get a tip from the public that leads them to sara alive and well in some other city she ran away to because she couldn't take the guilt of what she did to her brother. they all make up. august goes to jail. something something happy ending. your guess is as good as mine. xD
anyway, here's the little snippet i did manage to write. it was supposed to be the very beginning of the fic. hope you like!
Four days Wilhelm spent by himself at Drottningholm, completely disconnected from the outside world and without a clue as to what was happening with Simon or any of his friends at Hillerska. His mother had confiscated his phone before leaving the school that day; his computer was presumably still at Hillerska or elsewhere with the rest of his belongings, which hadn't been returned to him as of yet. He could watch tv in the family lounge but all they were doing was speculating about his sexuality and his relationship with Simon without any response from the Crown, and that only made him even more anxious, so he'd given up on the news altogether. His parents' room and offices had been unused and locked for the past four days so there was no way he could use their desk phones even if he knew how to do that (which he didn't), and the entire house staff had been instructed not to lend him theirs no matter how much he begged. Labor contracts and NDAs outweighed pity when it came to the palace staff, unfortunately.
He hadn't even heard from his parents, who had probably spent the past few days at the Royal Palace dealing with the fallout, and his only interaction with another human being other than the house staff was his one daily check-in with Minou. He was sure his mother had done that on purpose because Minou was the "nice" one— Farima would've gotten a door slammed in her face, and Jan-Olof better not show his face around Wilhelm any time soon if he valued his life at all. But even though polite, Minou was still loyal to the Queen, and the most Wille had gotten out of her was that the team was figuring out how to proceed after his reveal at the jubilee and he should stay out of the public eye until further notice.
Not for the first time, he cursed having to live in a place watched over by the Royal Guard; their job was just as much to keep him in as it was to keep intruders out. He swore he'd haunted the palace like an 18th-century ghost, pacing trenches in every carpet to be found within the 162 hectares of the property in search of some exit that would allow him to get outside undetected and maybe hail a cab or jump on a bus— fuck, at this point he'd even try and hitchhike back to Bjärstad, even though every horror movie in history warned against doing that.
But even that was a no-go. Every known exit to the building had at least one guard posted outside of it, and he was certain he'd be bodily brought back inside if he so much as poked the tips of his toes beyond any external doorway. By this point, he'd even begun contemplating the physics of jumping out a window, but he'd concluded there wasn't one that was close enough to the lake that he could fall into it and maybe, with some luck, not break every bone in his body.
This had to be some kind of kidnapping, right? Except even if it was, he was screwed because his captor just happened to be the queen of the fucking country, who probably couldn't even be charged with a crime— he wasn't sure; he'd never asked. Erik would probably know, but that was… a whole separate issue, wasn't it? And even if he raised a stink about neglect or something along those lines, he was nearly seventeen, not seven, and nobody would buy it, anyway, because the place he was being held captive in happened to be a bloody palace with a whole fleet of servants at the ready to attend to his every need.
Except when that need happened to be talking to the boy he loved.
#young royals#young royals netflix#prince wilhelm#simon eriksson#wilmon#wilhelm x simon#wille and simon#hi there otp#cali writes fanfic#simon x wilhelm#wille x simon#simon x wille#netflix
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YEAH ! ! she understabds wanting to write what ywou know and writing particular characters buuut . . . in a lot of the fics regarding transness mizu is regarded as a resource instead of . a person . just somenyan who tells the mc what transness is which is . . . strange ngl . ( she is a little bit guilty of this but , , it was a gender discovery oneshot not an entire fic based around trans struggles give her a break ) . . . transf.uyu is an interesting lense to look through esp bc m.izu is canonically supported by her family so unsupportive family is interesting to explore but also . . . dont push them away for the sake of exploring it yk
EXACTLY !! bweh , , he enjoys transf.uyu because taking Mi.zu , someone who figured themself out decently young , and is pretty far along in their transition from what we are shown , and is accepted by family , but is unsure of their friends stance on things ,, and contrasting that against maf.uyu , who he sees as figuring it out later on in life ( i . e , 3rd yr highschool or later ) , and would absolutely not have a supportive family, but unlike Mi.zu who is unsure of if her friends will accept them ,, Ma.fu would have a lot more of safety in knowing their friends would accept them ? ( if mi.zu's secret is revealed , which in his opinion would be a catalyst in ma.fu figuring their gender out )
But he agrees , using mi.zu as just- an info dump to others is . . . not good rep , and the fandom needs to find more creative ways of sharing that info TvT .
Also sexualizing the fact mi.zu is amab . . . that's just . he doesn't feel right when people use mi.zu's trans-ness in that way . . .
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Fic Rec
This week is....Festina Lente by HarlequinKing
Leo dies in the prison dimension but somehow wakes up 4 yrs before the invasion happens. Leo must work to gather allies and resources to prepare and plan for the fight with the Kraang. Unfortunately trauma is still a thing even if this body had not yet had to fight villains such as the Shredder and the Kraang.
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My names Annakat
19 yrs old
she/her or they/them
very, very bisexual
gender queer
I am indeed a Slytherin
I have been obsessed with Harry Potter since was a little kid and Inhave always related to the character a lot. (Mostly Snape)
This is a pro Severus Snape space
This is a anti JKR space I do not endorse or support transphobes
This blog is very gay
side blog: @snapessoftspot
This blog is very random will probably include some Snapedom stuff, some writing stuff, some memes probably
Random facts that have nothing to do with HP
I have been obsessed with David Bowie since I saw Labyrinth when I was 7
I’m an aspiring actor currently in theatre school
I’m one those awkward homeschool kids
I grew up in very strict household where I was not allowed on the internet so books were my main entertainment
If you are homophobic, transphobic, anti feminist, racists or any other sort of prejudice you are not welcome here. If you post hate you will be blocked.
I love making friends so if you’re a Snape fan and wanna chat you can join this discord server
Or if you’re a fellow hp fic writer and want a community of people and writing resources you can join the Writing Good and Beyond Death Eaters server
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Spider and Songbird Behind The Scenes: Currency! (Courtesy of Jackelope)
You may have noticed that in the most recent chapter of Spider and Songbird, money is exchanged for goods and services. Furthermore, you may have noticed that that money is Called Something Specific. That would be because Kel (@colormywords) has an economics degree and a passion for making sure all the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details get just as much polish as the rest of the fic.
The essay you’re about to read outlines the process by which they figured out not only what the money should be called, but roughly how much money is being exchanged. Personally? I could never. But they can and did and now it’s here in front of you. Enjoy! Or else :)
‘Tis I, the nerd! In trying to decide what to call the currency in our modern setting, I thought long and hard about how much I wanted to be like this meme and call our currency coin or gold like it really is in Baldur’s Gate and how much I wanted it to be more unique in name. I knew that gold was called Dragons in Waterdeep because I ran a Waterdeep based campaign once and know far too much about the City of Splendor (there’s more than one reason I love Gale) so I just kind of casually googled if Baldur’s Gate had the same thing. I found this fellow nerd with a similar question and went from there. If you don’t want to look at the analysis the title is enough: there’s no definitive canon spot where it says what Baldur’s Gate currency was called, but they did trade in Trade Bars. Further research (don’t knock my academic writing) showed that Baldur’s Gate set the standard weight for silver trade bars in the Sword Coast and possibly beyond (there’s only so many books I can read).
For a list of the full terms of coins as collected by a few people, you can check this link or this one.
With that established, I thought about how the British currency got its name (the pound). After researching to make sure I wasn’t fully insane about how that came about, the pound was the monetary value of one pound of silver (a fortune at the time). It retained the name after the UK established the currency with gold backing, in other words keeping enough gold somewhere in a vault that amounted to the total minted currency in the country. More recently, most economies have entered fiat currency, basically the principle of saying “bro you know I’m good for it” when they print their money.
So imagining that Baldur’s Gate had a similar economic history: they started with physical trade bars with a government set weight and monetary value. They changed to paper because of convenience but continued to hold that much physical money in a vault somewhere and the single paper bill was equivalent to a 2lb Trade Bar represented in that vault. As they moved into the modern era and realized printed money was infinite but resources like silver and gold were limited they began practicing fiat backed currency. The paper is called a trade bar or bar because that’s what it represented so that’s what it was always called. Because the physical bars were 5 inches long they could be easily cut into inches and separated that way for partial payments back in the day so the biggest coins are bar fifths (think if the US did .20c fifths instead of .25c quarters)
So Dehlia gets 10gp roughly in tips for her 5 song set. Now in the time BG3 is set, a “poor” lifestyle is 73gp a year. So does Dehlia earn 1/7th (roughly) of scraping together a living in 15 minutes? Making the fractions fract (not the verb for that using it anyway) 73gp/yr for a poor lifestyle should equal 1800L/yr (the 2022 UK poverty line not including housing). So by that estimation it’s 0.0406~ gp per L. So, Dehlia’s 10gp equivalent trade bar equals roughly 0.41L. Hardly enough for a tea or coffee. So then we take into account inflation! With inflation at roughly 1.3% a year, that takes the .41 to 333L. Which… also doesn’t make any sense. So we went digging for more nerds! And it turns out the math for a gold piece doesn’t make too much sense. http://www.kenthedm.com/blog/2019/8/7/how-much-is-a-gold-piece-worth-5e https://medium.com/@Swizzler/what-is-a-dungeons-and-dragons-gold-piece-worth-in-modern-dollars-fcd7670b285b
Some other people have put a lot of thought into how money maths. And they end up with a 1492 (ish) gold piece would be worth about 35$ or 100$ based on whether you consider it across the economy or tied in worth specifically to food. The more conservative of which put us much closer to what our above math works out to. But is a nonsense amount for Dehlia to just carry in her pocket.
So how do we get from a trade bar being equal to 10 gp and therefore 333L to a reasonable number? Well I arbitrarily decided to move the decimal up another place, putting into canon a world in which the trade bar at some point stopped being worth 10gp but instead became a stand in for a single gp. A trade bar is now worth roughly 33L. More than enough for a coffee while also not being a ridiculous number. I also decided to never try and make fictional currency make sense again.
#bg3#bg3 fanfiction#baldur's gate 3#baldur's gate 3 fanfiction#cults and coffee shops#spider and songbird
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