1800-patria · 10 years
is there any chance you guys would be willing to hand over the blog to another person that is passionate about les mis so that the blog would stay alive and could still be updated for everyone's enjoyment? I mean, I know I'd be really interested in keeping it alive and investing the time into it!
Hi! First of all, thanks for the offer—it is extremely flattering and both me and Nat really appreciate it. However, we’re going to have to say no.  From the start, this thing only made sense because it was the both of us working on it and in a very real way, this was sort of our baby. I was extremely uncomfortable by the idea of writing it without Nat (even though I’m still very much in the fandom and love this verse dearly).  Passing it on to someone else—regardless of who that person is— is just completely unthinkable to either of us,
We are, of course, totally okay with you writing fic set in this verse or continuing it as an AU of this AU sort of thing—as long as it is clearly marked as such. However, we both really want the only “canon” things set in this verse to be the chapters written by the both of us.
ETA: Right okay, totally forgot to add but if you do end up writing fic of our fic please link us to it so we can see and squee at you a lot.
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arknightslovemail · 11 years
nEVERMIND TALKING TO SOME OLD FRIENDS IS REALLY NICE AND FUN AND LIBERATING and slightly awkward bc we're both like what, but dang i needed this thank youuuu
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gearstation · 11 years
to the anon: 999 is a puzzle rpg type thing and its really fun + scary and the plot is amazing. definitely worth multiple playthroughs and your time. it's pretty challenging the first few times through and the characters are all interesting so yeah
There you go! Of course if youre reading the lp like me then you're spared the puzzle frustration HAHAHAHAH im so lazy
thank you! carry on, yourwaywardson
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je-tanime · 11 years
did U fuckkkg change your url I s2g
yes i did now love me
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mexicanalesbiana · 11 years
Hello! After you receive this, you must share 5 random facts about yourself and then copy and send this to your 10 favorite followers! :)
I've never gotten one of these! :0
5. I have a catchphrase (it happened accidentally don't look at me that way)
4. It's "I need a drink" despite the fact that I drink minimally, if at all
3. I love white chocolate, but refuse to classify it as chocolate (there's no cocoa, damn it)
2. I wear so many skirts that people wonder if I even own pants. I do. One pair.
1. my hair curls into ringlets whether I want it to or not
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sleepyspoonie · 11 years
0, 1, 2, 7, 14,
0: height:
five feet, nine and a half inches! I'm the shortest person in my family OTL
1: virgin?:
yeeee but totes okay with it (might have sex one time to try it idk don't think I'm missing out on much)
2: shoe size:
10 1/2! but those are like magic in that they don't exist, so I buy 11s, which only exist marginally more whoops
7: have tattoos?
yep! I've got the harry potter stars on both of my ankles (but I think I'm gonna cover up the left one so I can get the VFD eye symbol from lemony snicket) and I have a negative space spade on my chest as my aromantic asexual tattoo :3
14: biggest turn offs:
ehhh hard to say, my libido is a fickle and medically induced thing so friend turn offs are people who're exploitative of their friends or won't tell their friends the truth just bc they're scared of hurting their feelings even when it's important
idk :'D
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flovverfairy-blog · 11 years
roses, sweet pea, fresia
Roses: Who is your love interest?
love interest makes it seem like im in a show or something
Sweet Pea: Are you delicate or sweet?
both im super lame
Fresia: Who is your best friend?
all my friends i cant choose a best friend i love everyone
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je-tanime · 11 years
if u were gay id probably not date u bc the selfies
pls.my selfies make me look 100x uglier     ( - :plus i’m hunGAYry so i’m gay w at
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astroidbelt-moved · 11 years
URL: meh | cute | great | amazing | flawless | sell me your soul
ICON: meh | cute | great | amazing | flawless | sell me your soul (don't ship it but still nice.)
SIDE/THEME: meh | cute | great | amazing | flawless | sell me your soul
POSTS: meh | cute | great | amazing | flawless | sell me your soul
OVERALL: 7/10 (gorgeous blog hun)
Send me a question or a ♚ for a blog rate
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je-tanime · 11 years
ohonhon croissant baguette eiffiel tower crepe
wow i think i understood like 90% of that.be proud of me woman 0^;
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je-tanime · 11 years
miss, i think u need to not pretend u kno french bc ur not actually taking freCNH UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE WHO TRY RLY HARD TO MEMORIZE WHAT JE T'AMIE MEANS. [cries]
boNJOUR HOW CAN YOU NOT MEMORIZE WHAT JE T’AIME (YOU EVEN SPELLED IT WRONG U BUTT) MEANS and “i love you” is boring in other languages poo. (^:
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je-tanime · 11 years
wAIT ARE YOU DATING SOMEONE. WITHOUT TELLING mE1/1/!?!>!?! im offended ouch. im the queen of lurve you gotta tell me
omfg shannon-senpai idk if you can call it dating becuz we don’t know each other irl but we’re like dating ??? internet life ya’know?? becuz i have no idea what im saying
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arknightslovemail · 11 years
Tumblr media
yourwaywardson replied to your post: I’m angry and don’t want ...
a really angry song is “last resort” by papa roach and “bodies” also know as “let the bodies hit the floor” by drowning pool
uhhh these weren't really the types of songs i was looking for, but thanks anyways??
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arknightslovemail · 11 years
idk i just don't really like things that sound like hs musical
and i just
idk the whole lovey dovey thing's just sorta creepin me out a bit
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arknightslovemail · 11 years
omg today was awesome day
i just
lorax dvd ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and claire made a little puppet and it's so cute!!!
and vonnie got me like million things and onLINE STUFF TOO????
and david's card
and helen got me a RotG poster asdfjklasldf;askdfjl;
and rachel's sketching stuff
and jackie's mouse
and asidjdsaklf;sjadfl;asfdjfds;lsjfad;l
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arknightslovemail · 11 years
i think i'm almost done with professor layton and the curious village bc i only have one? two? more journal pages to fill??
i just
this game is so good holy shitballs
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