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havenotjones · 5 years ago
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Have Not original meme "shit on haters daily" haha #havenotjones #toilet #fuckahater #shit #takingashit #artform #dontgiveafuck #motivation #funnymemes #doodoo #lmfao #youropinionisirrelevant (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uxJjtJJ6E/?igshid=1e98wmv3rwk1r
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mujeralchimista · 4 years ago
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“I used to care what other people thought about me... until I tried paying my bills with their opinion. 😉” . . A lesson I’ve learned over and over and over since MujerAlchimista began was that people will make negative and insulting blanket statements about people who disagree with them or their lack of morals. Having integrity and enforcing it, will make people drop like flies out of your life, but the good ones stay, the ones that are worth fighting for will stay regardless of you, your opinions or paradigms. . . This is my face when people have opinions about me, my life, or who they think I am. 🤣 They normally fail to see, that I become a mirror to their behavior, and the empath in me will call you out on your BS real quick. . . #idontcare #idontmind #youropinionisirrelevant #selfcare #paradigms #paradigmshift #changeyourmindset #changeyourinternaldialogue #peoplesopinionsdontmatter #byefelicia #sorrynotsorry😘 #ilovinglyrelease #releaseselfdoubt #releaseselfjudgement https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2BD5BMpXm/?igshid=1775hzz00nutw
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punknspikesmomma · 5 years ago
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#sheisperfect #youropinionisirrelevant #workit #perfectlyimperfect https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mHpfCA8Gm/?igshid=bp9iz27dm1sg
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paraphraze615 · 5 years ago
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Actions speak louder than words! #LeadByExample #ChangeTheWorld #ChangeTheWorldChallenge #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords #YourOpinionIsIrrelevant #SomethingToThinkAbout #ThinkAboutIt #LifeShit #RealLifeShit #Quotes #QuotesToLiveBy #WordsToLiveBy #WordsOfWisdom #InspirationalQuotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B4c1bB7ALvx/?igshid=1ctxqhwvz3mi8
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bettyboopbbw · 6 years ago
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Old rant full of relevant material. Drink it in and move around. #auntiekim #fatgirlchronicles #comedy #share #wtfilooklike #mouthharassingahamburger #advice ##stfu #vinememories #youropinionisirrelevant #hbo #vh1 #viacom https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jz11Ll8wY/?igshid=8xvdz7pxnawf
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swirl5254 · 6 years ago
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The most frequent question asked if they came up with a cure for vitiligo would I want my color back? No I would not but if you would of asked years ago I would of jumped at. Now I feel I have already been through the high and lows. You cannot embarrass or shame me. I love me!!! #iknowwhoiam #vitiligobeauties #vitiligoworld #vitiligo #youropinionisirrelevant https://www.instagram.com/p/BuVa3zDhVPY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16gl9vy7bqyai
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wovenstardust · 8 years ago
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Just your friendly neighborhood instrument of Satan #ThanksRandomCustomer #youropinionisirrelevant
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boobti0nary · 5 years ago
💰 M O N E Y • C A N T • S I L E N C E • M E ‼️⠀ ⠀ Nick Cannon voiced his OPINION on his OWN podcast and still managed to get fired from the network despite it having nothing to do with work. ⠀ ⠀ Your opinion should never be silenced because of the job you hold. Just because you make this amount of money or work for this company your opinion no longer matters........SAID WHO?.....EVER? ⠀ ⠀ I’m going to voice how I feel regardless of who I’m working for and how much I’m getting paid. You can’t but dignity or respect for self and by being silenced you are being robbed of that. ⠀ ⠀ I didn’t watch the interview and I refuse to speak out of turn on exactly what was spoken BUT I WILL say this WHAT YOU DO ON YOUR TIME IS YOUR TIME! If that job let you go because of something you did on your time THAT COMPANY IS NOT RIGHT FOR YOU! ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #boobtionary #opinions #morningvibes #morningmotivation #morningmessage #youropinionisirrelevant #youropinionmatters #selfdignity #selfrespect #donotbesilenced #yourtimeisyourtime #corporateamerica #brainwashedsociety #yourjobisnotyourlife #nickcannon #viacom #respectyourself #knowyourworth #rva #clt #dmv #atl https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtBF8hDl3q/?igshid=28bt0lueq1b7
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epicrealistyoutube · 8 years ago
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Real shit. 👌 #atheist #homeschool #memyselfandi #fuckyouropinion #youropinionisirrelevant #spirituality ❤💜💙
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876inc · 4 years ago
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I used to care about everyone's opinion - - - - - #opinion #opinions #fuckuropinion #myopinion #unpopularopinion #wolvesdontlosesleepovertheopinionsofsheep #fuckyouropinion #opinionated #opinionsdontmatter #opinionskill #opinionatedshow #youropinion #ineedopinions #freeopinion #myhonestopinion #opinionswelcome #unpopularopinions #opinionsmatter #unbiasedopinion #youropinioncanbedifferentthanmine #otherpeoplesopinions #publicopinion #whatsyouropinion #onemansopinion #politicalopinion #shareyouropinions #freeopinionphotography #youropinionisirrelevant #nbaopinions #secondopinion https://www.instagram.com/p/CRKUsdHF9oR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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curleysue88 · 9 years ago
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And the girl that cared way too much finally reached her breaking point. Something snapped and changed and she came back with a different mind set, outlook, and a sense of clarity. The girl that cared way too much about everyone and everything no longer gave a fuck. #breakingpoint #yesisaidfuck #nofucksgiven #youropinionisirrelevant #timetodome #takenforgranted #lookinthemirrorbeforeyoujudge
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boobti0nary · 5 years ago
W O M E N S D A Y • W E D N E S D A Y • M O T I V A T I O N ⠀ ⠀ Stop letting the opinion of others dictate what you do with your life. START THAT BUSINESS ANYWAY! The same people hating you will be the same people paying you. Get your grind on sis! BEST REVENGE IS YOUR PAPER 💰#periodt ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #boobtionary #aword #buildyourbrand #motivation #hatersarefanstoo #hatersaremotivators #opinionsarelikeassholes #dontbelievethehype #beyourownhero #pandemicbusiness #pandemic2020 #doitanyway #letthemtalk #letthemhate #bestrevengeissuccess #bestrevengeisyourpaper #rvablogger #dmvblogger #cltblogger #youropinionisirrelevant #whocares #positivity #positivevibes #positivevibesonly https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGtte5D8BZ/?igshid=2i4sa7nn91dn
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findingjordandotorg-blog · 9 years ago
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To the opinionated ass mfs on Instagram. #YourOpinionIsIrrelevant
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her-queenb · 9 years ago
Today has been one of those days, there's 2 people who are trying their best to break me but I refuse to let that happen...So I decided to take a moment to sit back, pray, remember my blessings and remind myself of who I AM👑👏🏾🖕🏾#AllSmiles #IAmBlessed #ProudToBeMe #ImAQueen #WithOrWithoutYallWellMakeIt #YourOpinionIsIrrelevant #YouCantStealMyJoy #StayBitterOverThere
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