Phil for blorbo bingo. how many bingos can we get
uh fucking what phil do you want? there arel ike four i can think of off the top of my head. five acutally. im just gonna do qphil bc he's the most recent
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TWOOO BINGOS!! almost four! but qphil hasn't commited any Actual horrific atrocities. yet. one can hope
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look man the swords great i love swords too but its clearly not working for you
[ID 1: Ace Attorney characters drawn over a twitter screenshot. The tweet, from user hoshiumisexy, reads “i had a roommate who was a blacksmith and he kept a sword under his bed and just had knives lying around. one time he got cut by his sword and we had to take him to the ER and he was so smug because the doctor was like “that was a really really sharp knife it cut so cleanly.” In the corner of the tweet, Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill’s faces are doodled. Athena looks exasperated and has her mouth open to speak. Simon has his eyes closed and is humming with a smug grin. ID 2: A two-panel comic, featuring flat-color Ace Attorney characters on a red-to-grey gradient background. In the first panel, Simon Blackquill, shown from the chest up, brandishes his sword and gestures to it with his free hand. He smugly speaks a text post by tumblr user yourhourisup, which reads, “while you were attending therapy i was studying the blade.” The back of Athena’s head is visible and shows anime sweat-drops. In the second panel, Athena is visible from the chest up and Simon is visible from the waist up. Athena puts her hand on Simon’s shoulder. She looks concerned. Simon now looks annoyed and confused as he lowers his sword, the hand that was previously gesturing clenched into a fist. He speaks tumblr user yourhourisup’s follow-up post, adding, “what do you mean i need better coping mechanisms.” /End ID]
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Dirk: While you were attending therapy, I was studying the blade.
Dirk: What do you mean I need better coping mechanisms-
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infinitystation · 2 years
hi i saw your tag . i dont know what happened it had 1k yesterday help
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sparrow-ceiling · 3 years
This is soup god, if you promise to disrespect soup lovers I may have a spine I can gift you, just don't ask where you got it from
bro i fuckin disrespect everyone & i already have a spine from @yourhourisup
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niftyscond · 3 years
So. Blueberries? ( @illusionaryskies @apemomennt @yourhourisup ) - 🏥
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tubbo · 3 years
Hello Real Tumblr User Tubbo
Hello Real Tumblr User Yourhourisup
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wininthetardis · 12 years
Doctor Hobbes
Winter sighed quietly, the motion blowing her hair everywhere as she knocked on the other woman's door. Still breathing a little heavy, she had to laugh at herself a bit. "Hi Doctor Hobees. 'S Winter." She made a quiet oofing noise as she heard her tell her to come on in.
"'M late. 'M late an' 'm sorry. I'd have been on time completely but the baby was just tap dancin' on my bladder." Then Winter flushes. "That was probably more than y'needed to know."
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[something I need from you all;
Bubble verse plays off of desires the character wants in life; ie Blue being close to her mother and missing her mother combined with Lady's desire for family has made them mother and daughter.
So your life in this bubble verse is built around 'the perfect life'
I need things from you to write things for you]
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goat did u rebrand
i've been rebranded for over a month now yea
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25, 32, 18, 10
25. drop a lore hot take🔥 (or cold take🧊 who cares)
i think sometimes people need to have a little more grace with the admins/players when plotlines aren't as cleanly executed as people hope for. running a massive game like this is hard as shit, nevermind trying to keep track of a coherent narrative between several different players who are also trying to make their own streams entertaining. i think sometimes we all get so (understandably) wrapped up in the moments that really hit as Perfect Cinema that we forget how much of mcrp is scuffed, poorly paced, or just plain awkward to watch through sometimes. And it's getting better all the time, for sure, but there are still gonna be miscommunications between players, and between admins and players, and i think sometimes people need to just chill out and work with what we're being given rather than being pressed that the story isn't as clean as we want it to be.
32. name a song that reminds you of a character or pairing/group
ummm i have recently decided that Battle Cry by The Family Crest is a codebreakers/philtoiiles song for me. u can interpret that how you will. i need them to die in battle in each other's arms, et cetera
18. describe your quesadilla island sona (what would you do? where would you live? what would you look like?)
I'm a crow :) I live on top of the wall and follow Phil from the treetops and sometimes Tubbo. I have a hard time visualizing myself in this world especially since it's supposed to be an island on specific invite only, so I just stick to being my chat persona lol
10. which egg would you bring back?
Trumpet because I feel like his death was the most preventable if the island developed the strong support system it did just a little earlier. And I would have liked to get to know him more.
☆ qsmp ask game ☆
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Plotty McPlotterson
[ Basically this is how this'll go for now - less more people pop in.
Everyone in town goes to Therapy. No one knows why, but they all go to Sunny.
Sunny is specifically being put in there to snap them out of Bubble verse, though she doesn't know it. She's thinking everything is normal.
Crowley is easiest to help remember that he is actually a demon and that he came here for a reason.
Eventually between Sunny and Crowley, Blue will probably come to next.
Then after Blue, Lady will freak out, probably have a melt down and remember.
Subject to change.]
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infinitystation · 3 years
Oven time?
yup, get in!
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you’re so fr for seeing any bit of lore and immediately going ‘qphil?’ I do the same thing
my brain has a single pathway and it starts and ends with qphil im so serious. i couldn’t change this if i tried
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
*appears* ive seen the light (bug phil)
i was gonna include some june bugs but turns out i have only seen one since i got this new phone so uhhhhh have some cicadas instead, they can get pretty green so close enough 👍
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
two things
a) youre the reason i hear empire ants and immediately get gut punched with nostalgia, you linked that smpe animatic in a tumblr post and i watched it and its seared into my brain now forever and ever
b) yes you CAN tag my post as smpe, and i approve. funny story actually, i think you tagged my ‘studying the blade’ post as having techno energy and that post is literally taken directly from a conversation i was having about c!techno so you were spot on
im so glad i seared that animatic into your memory, now you are the bearer or the curse like me >:)
i cant remember what the studying the blade post was off the top of my head but im glad we were on the same wavelength with it 👍
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