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anniemar · 4 years ago
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Hi, I’m Annie! #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #happyhalloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBwGvtF_kq/?igshid=sonosz1gugvx
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ssweet-bret · 6 years ago
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You're never fully dressed without a smile! Heres a good shot @ssweet_steph got of my Alastor cosplay from Tekko this past weekend! I was so excited to finally wear him on the floor and was flabbergasted by all the love I got for him. You guys rock! Wig is an @ardawigs jareth in apple red spliced with an old derek in black, with short classic apple red wefts and silky onyx wefts in the "ears" and arround the circumference. I might make a full tutorial of how I did the ears if people want it. Teeth are the Grell from @dental_distortions Contacts are the Sweety Akaten Red from @uniqso . . . #hazbinhotel #hazbinhotelcosplay #alastor #alastorcosplay #radiodemon #radiodemoncosplay #tekko #tekko2019 #cosplay #strawberrypimp #staytuned #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #vivziepop #arda #ardastyled #ardastyle #ardawigs (at Tekko) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwS80gKHNBl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1euwrjq171xnl
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laurengott · 7 years ago
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Desert Vibes 🌵 . . . Looking forward to sharing pics from this desert trip. Here’s a screenshot of some goofing off between shots. . . . #laurengottmakeup #visor #supergoop #visorswag #spf #spfmakeup #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #makeupartistlife #onlocation #onlocationshoot #desertvibes #desertshoot #desertlife #desertprotection # (at Palm Springs, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7o1o_B4on/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=haq9by38grgr
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theiridescentgoddess · 7 years ago
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👑The “It’s pronounced Bourgeois, darling. I’m what boujee wants to grow up and be.” pose aka “Since day 1” 👑 . : . Never basic, always original! Rockin “the gaps” finest in denim dresses, they we’re shocked (mom included) when it was picture day at Reach CYA and I dropped down on the table because a Queen knew her angles... even in pre- k! : . #nobasiczone #godblessmymom #hellonwheels #asmilethesaintspraise #blessed #therejoicingdaughter #goddontlikeugly #andheaintoofondofcute #blackgirlmagic #blackexcellence #perschool #presentday #theiridescentgoddess #sidelean #postedup #flygirl #theiridescentlifestyle #weareblackhistory #loved #smilesformiles #manifesting #gratitude #intentioninmotion #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #truehappiness #unbridledpassion #forfilled #selah #ase (at Manasquan School)
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simangelematoba · 5 years ago
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"You're never fully dressed without a smile." #smilemore #fullydressed #smile #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Dk96jp8a8/?igshid=j6du3odimqwe
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adamboden · 6 years ago
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#youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile singing class as part of this afternoons #musicaltheatre session #afterschool #dramaschool https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfYTYPFIIk/?igshid=4br5zj6q03dv
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spoonfullofsugar-ticka · 8 years ago
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Curls, curves and @converse 😁 #naturallyme #plussizefashion #mossimo #curvyncurly #happiness #casualstyle #plussizefashion #doyou #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #converse #sweatsuit #keepitsimple #boldncurvy #streetstyle #mylife
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theterpingshowgirl · 6 years ago
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A backstage #latergram of my spoopy pre-blood lewk for Aftershock Burlesque last night at @thewinchesterbar_ !! 💕✨ #dahlia #cleveland #showgirl #burlesque #halloweenburlesque #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #dontfuckingtellmetosmile #🔪 #spoopy #clevelandburlesque #aftershockburlesque #dahliadluxe #thesensuouslysillystripper #bts https://www.instagram.com/p/BpeypW5lxS1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bsu0swja9oq2
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sewlydecor · 7 years ago
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Happy Saturday friends! . From the words of one of our favorite movies “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” This is so true! So, let’s put on our happy faces and enjoy this bright, beautiful, warm, sunshiny day! These pillow cover are available for purchase in our shop when you follow the link above! I hope you all have a beautiful day! . 📸 @imjustsammielynn thank you so much for this gorgeous shot my love! . #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #annie #anniemovie #sewlydecor (at Sewly Decor)
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leegrae178-blog · 7 years ago
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Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest things in the world to do, but to hold it together when everyone expects you to fall apart, well that’s true strength. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over... it became a butterfly 🦋 #onedayatatime #bestrong #bebeautiful #bebrave #betrue #beyou #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #beradient #radiatelove
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imogencolise-blog · 7 years ago
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Quote for the day 💕 #quote #positivity #positivethinking #happy #smile #behappy #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #grinandbearit #right #entrepreneur #businesswoman #happiness (at Costa Coffee)
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itsninid · 7 years ago
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Current mood got me feeling like wtf have I been doin with my life? Feeling like I'm going through that quarter life crisis. Life is slowing down, I'm trynna speed it back up, just to turn around and remind myself that slow and steady wins the race, so you better get back up, put on a happy face and finish this damn race! #youarenotalone #yougotthis #yougotthisgirl #selfmotivation #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #slowandsteadywinstherace #patienceisavirtue #patienceiskey #putasmileon #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #currentmood #quarterlifecrisis #weregonnapullthrough #dontcompareyourselftoothers #personalgrowth #believeinyourself #keystosuccess #hustle #huslter #hustling #lyrics #lyrical #getbackinthegame #noselfpity #finishstrong #strongerthanyesterday #nobasicbitches #imnotaverage #oneandonly #loveyourself
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paintedladypaigeturner · 8 years ago
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#youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #glitterandgrime #twerkingclass #workingclassy #staycoal #eclecticcultivation #paigeturnerspreservation
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bertrandlamblot · 8 years ago
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Hey, hobo man, Hey, dapper dan, You've both got your style, But, brother, you're never fully dressed Without a smile! Your clothes may be beau brummelly They stand out a mile, But, brother, you're never fully dressed Without a smile! Who cares what they're wearing On main street or saville row? It's what you wear from ear to ear, And not from head to toe, That matters. So, senator, So, janitor, So long for a while. Remember you're Never fully dressed, Though you may wear your best. You're never fully dressed Without a smile Smile! #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #harryconnickjr #donaldtrump #thenewyorker
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sewlydecor · 7 years ago
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Happy Monday morning me friends! From what I hear, this week is going to be a wet one in many areas... hopefully our minds won’t be as gloomy as these skies... LOL! Please remember that “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile” as shown on our beautiful pillow cover! Thank you @imjustsammielynn for sharing your gorgeous cozy space! It makes me want to grab that chair, that throw blanket, our pillow, and a great book..... on yeah, and don’t forget the coffee! You can pick up this pillow cover in our online store at sewlydecor.etsy.com ⭐️Link in bio⭐️. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Rise and shine my loves!❤️ 📸 by @imjustsammielynn . #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #motivationalpillows #inspirationalquotes #inpirationalpillows #SewlyDecor #sdandco #sdco (at Sewly Decor)
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wetheideawoman · 5 years ago
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What do you get when you add a vase, a used candle holder and a @tropicana_juices jug under the same roof? A whole bunch of dot therapy! #dots #acrylicpainting #acrylicpen #relaxation #focus #brain #brainlove #art #recycle #pointillism #doitallday #hope #mentalhealth #wellness #ispywithmyeye #fun #itworks #powerofone #creative #creativetherapy #youreneverfullydressedwithoutasmile #yourenotalone #love #intentionalhealing (at Sunnyside) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeAAQwjdxz/?igshid=1tz0pv09pttva
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