#youre the one who got me into student council ❤️
wrintur · 22 days
got into student COUNCIL 💜
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winterchimez · 11 months
Nonsense | Jacob Bae
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SUMMARY: never would you have thought that joining the music club is where you would develop an abnormal crush on your senior/club president Jacob Bae. so when the university's annual school performance is around the corner, you have decided to give a shot to confess your feelings in the most extravagant way possible.
PAIRING: senior!Jacob x junior g.n!reader
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: pg-13, kissing, yall this is just pure tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: we're back with another fic for the emails i can't send fwd: collab that i'm doing with @heemingyu 😉 shoutout to both sana & @sungbeam for beta reading & helping me out with this one!! love you both loads 💕 also, lowkey this was written for you @zzoguri aka cobster's future, i hope you'll enjoy this (and may this somehow be a little something for you during your hectic times ily my moni forever!! ❤️)
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It was finally the summer holidays, and you were ecstatic as you heard the sound of a vehicle driving right onto your front porch. You had been waiting for this moment since you got the news during the new year and counting down the days on your calendar without fail every day.
Once you heard the engine stop, you immediately ran out to the door to jump right into the person’s arms which were already opened wide, fully expecting your demeanour. 
“Yujin! I’ve been waiting months for you!” You shrieked as you hugged your cousin tight, rubbing your cheek against hers. 
Both you and Yujin were raised together by your grandmother back in Vancouver, and things took a turn when your parents eventually got a promotion up in Toronto, causing you to move far away from your family. Because of that, you don’t get to see each other often anymore, the most being once every 2 years when your parents will try their best to make time to attend the Christmas parties held annually at your grandmother’s house. 
Yujin was like your long-lost sibling; even though you were cousins, you both felt there was more to that. Ever since you both have gotten your very own mobile phones, you both promised that you would FaceTime each other almost every other day. You knew everything about one another—from each other’s darkest secrets to how much money you stole from your parents' wallets when you were younger to buy that vinyl you have been eyeing for the longest time. 
But lately, things have been a bit too chaotic for you both to keep up the promised ritual. Since you both started university, it was hard to make plans, especially when studying in different courses, which also meant different timetables and classes. During the weekends, the both of you would often be occupied with either school events or at your local pizzeria as your part-time job. Hence, texting was the primary source of communication between you two.
And besides that, something crucial had happened to you lately, and you couldn’t wait to spill the beans to your cousin. 
Once you had helped Yujin unload her stuff from the car and moved it up to your room, you quickly made yourselves feel comfortable by cuddling together on your sofa bed. 
“So, tell me. How has life been for you?” you asked, blinking your eyes, trying to give her a pleading face because you wanted to know about everything that had happened lately. 
“I’ve been promoted to being part of the student council at my university! Oh, and then there’s also me actually acing an exam that I clearly did not study for because I was up all night that past few weeks playing Genshin Impact. Oh, and then there was this adorable guy from my campus who I think kind of has a crush on me because he always glances in my direction, like you know? That stare? And then—” 
“Woah woah, slow down, tiger,” you had to pause your cousin because clearly, she was dumping all of the information without giving you time to process them individually. With that, the both of you chuckled, hands placed onto your stomach as you began to laugh a little bit too hard until it started to hurt. 
This was what you had missed so dearly, and you couldn’t help but put on this genuine warm, soft smile on your face as you looked into Yujin’s eyes. 
That was until she squinted at you. 
“Whatever you’re doing right now is creeping me out real bad, so I suggest you stop that.” 
You slapped her arm. “Rude.” 
“Fine. What about you then? I’m sure your time at the University of Toronto has been a wild ride for you.” 
“About that…I have something I need to consult you for,” you lowered your head and voice to a minimum, which got your cousin's ears perked up and was prodding your arms, wanting to know the details. 
“Oh my god, did you just finally have your first kiss?”
“W-what? No! I mean, at least not yet….” 
“What do you mean not yet? So do you have a special someone in your life right now?”
With a deep sigh, you took one of the pillows lying on the floor and threw it in Yujin’s direction, causing her to hug the pillow tight as she laid her head down gently to rest on it. 
“Buckle up, babe. It’s going to be a long story.” 
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“God, why do I have to sign up for this?” 
You stomped your feet to the ground as you looked at the paper, which read: “Applications for extra-curricular activities such as clubs are mandatory for all students, commencing on April 2023.” 
Your university had been pretty lenient over the years, and they had never once forced students to participate in clubs if they chose not to, understanding that some of them had make-up classes for their courses or were just busy with their thesis and side jobs. Most of the students in the university themselves took on part-time jobs, such as working in the school’s cafeteria and library, to earn a little bit of pocket money to survive.
So, when they decided to change the rules after the previous headmaster resigned and was replaced by a new one that everyone did not like, she chose that both coursework and extracurricular activities played a crucial role in one’s graduation. 
Left with no choice, you stood before the bulletin board, trying to find a club that suited your taste. 
“Screw Mrs. Kim.” You huffed. 
“Look, Y/N. It can’t be too bad. It’s just a club. After all, nobody said you have to be super committed to it,” Your friend Keeho sighed, looking at how you beat yourself up over such trivial matters. 
“You don’t understand, Keeho. This means I will have less time at home because I will have to leave to work my shifts at the pizzeria right after clubs. What is going to happen to my games and k-dramas?” You whined. 
“If you want to graduate from university, you’re going to have to choose one now.” Knocking some sense into you, he gave you a pat on your shoulder before walking away towards the opposite direction, heading to his club.
You turned to look back at the bulletin board once again, scanning through all of the posters and flyers that were scattered throughout. After a minute or two, your eyes finally landed on this one cream-coloured flyer, and you sighed before checking the location once more before heading to your destination. 
“This is the only option that will work for now.”
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“Hello?” You called out, but the room was empty as you opened and peeked your head through the door. Thinking that you should try again, you entered the room and looked around. 
There was nothing here but a ray of sunshine shining through the glass window into the empty room, and the sunlight landed directly on the lone black piano at the corners of the room.
Maybe playing it for a while wouldn’t hurt at all.
You slowly approached the piano and opened it up as you made yourself comfortable, sat down, and got into the rightful position, gently laying your hands on the keys. Immediately, you started playing one of your favourite pieces of all time, Summer by Joe Hisaishi. Unbeknownst to you, your body began swaying along with the music, enjoying the moment you were in. 
That was until a clap made you stop your tracks.
“Wow, that was some excellent playing right there.” The male gave you a round of applause as he slowly approached you, causing you to jump right up, looking all flustered. 
“I-Umm—I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to play the instrument without approval—” 
“Oh no, no! The piano is free for anyone who wants to play, so you’re all good,” he reassured you, causing you to calm your fast breathing down by placing a hand on your fast-rising chest. 
As he finally reached where you were standing, he posed a question directly at you. “Is there anything that I could help you with?” 
It was there, and then you took in his facial features as the sunlight shone from his face. His soft fluffy brunette hair, those doe-like eyes, and how mesmerising it was as he smiled. Adding onto the fact that he keeps smiling in the best way possible, your heart starts to flutter. 
“Umm, hello?” He was now waving his hands over your face. 
Oh, right. You were supposed to sign up for a club. What on earth were you thinking, Y/N?
“Y-yes! I’m here actually to umm…sign up for the club,” you said reluctantly, a little bit too shy with your answer. 
That was when the male’s eyes widened, and he did a little jump to indicate how happy he was to hear that from you, and he quickly extended out his hands to you, giving you a handshake.
“But of course! We are always open to new members joining the music club! Oh, pardon me, where were my manners? You can call me Jacob.”  
“Y-Y/N.” You replied.
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It has been around two weeks since you joined the music club, and everything has been going smoothly for you. Thanks to Jacob (who turned out to be the club’s president), he has helped you so much in trying to get you to blend into the crowd and with other musicians, creating a very safe and warm atmosphere for everyone. 
It was also then that you noticed what kind of a person he was. He was very gentle, yet suitable to be a leader. The tone of his voice and the way he handled things fairly and reasonably made everyone respect him and want to perform alongside him. 
From what you have heard from the club members, Jacob would lead the team to busk at the city centre once every two to three weeks, which was where they would earn some money that served as their reward as they went out to celebrate once in a while at the local party scenes such as the bars. 
Thanks to his guidance, the university’s music club eventually garnered enough audience from the school and the public to the point that they have been invited to perform multiple times throughout the year. You have heard that even local communities such as the orphanage and childcare facilities would often ask Jacob and his team to function for the underprivileged ones, and they would gladly volunteer, even if it were for free. 
There were a few times when you stayed behind to help Jacob close up the music room (more like you were trying your best to spend much time with him as much as you could), and it was when you decided to ask him about his thoughts and the way he did things around here. 
“Music just means so much to me, and I would gladly perform every day even if I had to. It’s not about the money; it can be great as a little side income, but what matters most is that I do this because I am passionate about it,” he replied, clearly stating his goals and reasons well. 
Ever since that conversation, you notice more in detail how he did things or even when he performed. Just as he said, he was passionate—it didn’t matter if things were hindering his way, he would still make way for it. 
No matter how burnt out he could be from his coursework or side job, he would always place the music club first, making sure that not only he enjoyed the whole process but also the club members as well. 
Slowly, you began to admire him for not just his good looks but also his personality. It was as if he was this fine perfect gentleman that had just entered your life easily, and you couldn’t stop thinking about him each day. 
It was the way he was always smiling with others, the way he would sometimes sit at the piano and play a duet with you, the way you both were guitarists, so one of you would either offer a fun little duet session after club hours, even up till writing song lyrics together. 
And how there was one time he unintentionally got his arms around your waist when you slipped from the wet, freshly-cleaned wooden floor from the club, and he caught you in time. 
That was something that you have thought about all the time ever since it happened. 
As the weeks progressed to months, the little spark in your heart for him eventually grew, and it just kept getting bigger each time you saw him in the same club room. 
And that was when you knew you were in big trouble.
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End of flashback 
“Damn, you're whipped,” Yujin concluded after listening to your story. 
“I know. That’s why I’m telling you this, Yujin. I’m so screwed.” You buried your head in your palms, the slight headache becoming more prominent now. 
“Hey, what’s wrong with liking a senior? I’d say it’s your time to shine and confess to him.” She reassured you by gently rubbing your back before you slowly lifted your face up. 
“That’s because I think I might be in too deep,” you mumbled. 
“And how exactly did you come up with that conclusion?” 
“Do you ever start stammering and slur your speech when they get close to you like they’ve not done anything, but somehow you just can’t converse like a proper human being.”
“When they literally tell you how they absolutely love your eyes and loved making them roll?”
“Okay. Go on.”
“And that you actually finally got their contact number and literally named them ‘do not leave me alone’?”
“Hold up, let me see.”
Reluctantly, you fished out for your phone in your back pocket and scrolled through your contact list until you found Jacob’s. As you click into it, you nervously hand your phone to your cousin, praying internally that she will not drop another diss to make you feel worse than you already are. 
Do not leave me alone ❤️‍🩹. That was exactly what was written for the club president’s contact name on your phone. 
“Damn, Y/N. I never would have thought you would be so delusional. I’d like to think that you’re far worse than I am,” Yujin declared, turning your face into a bright red tomato again. 
“I know, Yujin! And I have never felt this way before. That’s why I needed your validation.” You were practically doing somersaults mentally right now, wishing that you could take it all back, but at the same time, you needed to let out your inner feelings too.  
As Yujin handed your phone back to you, she raised an eyebrow before posing you a question. “So, what exactly do you intend to do from here on?” 
“There’s this upcoming music festival at my university this weekend, and I will be performing on stage.” 
“Oh, that’s great—”
“And I’m going to perform a song I wrote specifically about him,” you blurted out. 
That made Yujin shut her mouth as she tried to process what she had just heard. “Wow, Y/N. You are literally going all out on this.” 
“I just need a way to get this off my shoulders somehow, Yujin. And it’s now or never,” you said. 
“Will he realise that you are trying to serenade him, though?” Yujin asked as she placed her hand on your shoulder. 
“Success or not, I will still do it. And then I’ll completely forget that I’ve ever written this song ever again.”
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It was finally Friday night, and the auditorium hall was filled with students, lecturers, and outsiders. Peeking from the backstage, there was this nervousness in the pit of your stomach, and you were now trying your best to rethink your actions. 
What exactly had made you even decide to sign up for the concert in the first place had remained a mystery for you, and looking back now, you swore you would’ve thrown a cold bucket of water over you to wake you up from your insanity. 
But it was too late to turn back now, as it would be your turn on stage in a few minutes. After the previous performer finished his chosen song, the MC briefly introduced you and your contributions to the music club before finally inviting you onstage. 
As you entered with the white guitar you had gotten for Christmas a few years prior, you tried your best to search for Yujin amongst the crowd—sure enough, she was sitting right at the side, waving her hands enthusiastically to cheer you on. You couldn’t help but flash a smile back. 
And finally, you decided to find the man of your dreams, and he was sitting right in the middle section along with the other club members. He gave you a clap just like the rest of the audience did and mouthed out a few words that you couldn’t grasp. Perhaps he was just saying “all the best,” as one would as they support their fellow members.
When you finally reached where the microphone stood, you adjusted yourself before positioning your fingers along the instrument's strings and introducing the piece you were about to perform. 
“This song was written by a special someone in the crowd tonight, and whoever that it may be, I hope this song speaks to your heart and that you mean a lot to me. Without further ado, enjoy.” 
With a few strums from the guitar, you gathered enough courage to smile before singing into the microphone. 
I’ll be honest.  Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in And when you got your arms around me Oh, it feels so good 
Instantly, you noticed several people from the crowd starting vibing along with your song as they naturally swayed their bodies from left to right, enjoying the melody and rhythm your song produced. 
I had to jump the octave I think I got an ex, but I forgot him And I can’t find my chill, I must’ve lost it I don’t even know, I’m talkin’ nonsense  I’m talkin’, I’m talkin’ 
When you peeked from the corner of your eye, you noticed how Yujiin practically stood up, clapping her hands along with the rhythm. Naturally, the people around her joined in, as did the crowd from the middle and far left section. 
God, were you so grateful for that, so much so that you were trying to hold back your tears. 
I’m talkin’ all around the clock I’m talkin’ hope nobody knocks I’m talkin’ opposite of soft  I’m talkin’ wild, wild thoughts You gotta keep up with me I got some young energy I caught the L-O-V-E How could you do this to me?
I’ll be honest.  Looking at you got me thinking nonsense.
With one final strum, you ended the performance with a bang, and you got the crowd to give you one of the loudest cheers you have heard throughout the night. Some have even given you a standing ovation, and you swore that tears were about to form in your eyes. 
You quickly redirected your attention to Jacob, and he did the same, standing up while giving you that sweet honey smile that you’ve grown to be obsessed with, clapping along with the rest of the audience. 
Thank you for existing, Jacob Bae. I hope you can hear my thoughts through this song written specifically for you. 
With a final bow, you quickly exited the stage.
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You were sitting on a bench at a park near campus, opening the bottle of sparkling water you had gotten from one of the nearby vending machines.
You met up with Yujin right after the show and told her how you wanted some time alone just to wind down and digest everything that had happened. You reassured her that you wouldn’t be gone too long and would return as soon as possible. Thankfully, your cousin understood the message and agreed so long as you did not venture far away nor leave her alone too long exploring your campus. 
With a sip of the water, you couldn’t help but smile as you looked up into the skies filled with stars on a clear night like today. The secret was finally out, and a burden was lifted from your shoulders, so you could just sit back on the bench and relax a little bit. 
That was until a voice brought you back to reality.
“Mind if I join you?”
You jolted up from the bench to see the man you were trying to serenade, and immediately you felt the heat rise towards your cheek, and you began stammering again. 
“Y-yes, o-of course!! Umm..g-go ahead!!”
As he sat next to you, you naturally shifted slightly away from him and ducked your head down as you began to rub your palms around the water bottle you were holding back and forth. Jacob noticed your demeanour, and he couldn’t help but giggle as he saw the redness of your face becoming more prominent.
Because he had always known how you have been having a crush on him.
To break the ice, he devised a simple conversation to help you loosen up a bit and break off the tension. 
“I really like your guitar, Y/N. It’s just the right shade of white, and seeing it reminds me of elegance and simplicity but in an attractive way.” 
“U-uh, thanks! It was gifted to me as a present—”
“Just like you, Y/N.” 
Wait, what?
Did you just hear that right? Or is your mind playing tricks with you? Maybe the after-effects of adrenaline from the performance got you thinking nonsense. But you had to make sure. 
“I umm…I beg your pardon?”
“I said what I said, Y/N. I know you have a crush on me.”
Oh no.
“How I make you feel all giddy and excited every time I talk to you.”
Oh, hell no. 
“And I’m going to guess that the song you just performed was directed towards me.”
Lord Jesus, take the wheel. 
At this point, you felt as if you were receiving dozens of arrows shooting right into your heart one at a time, and you were just about to pass out. What you thought was a simple crush became way too apparent to the point that your love interest has already known since day one. 
This is the most embarrassing shit ever. 
You quickly recollected yourself by sitting up straight and clearing your throat before responding properly. 
“Ha-ha, I guess I-I was too obvious!! I-I’m sorry if I might’ve made you un-uncomfortable in any way—”
That was when Jacob interrupted you. “What makes you think I was uncomfortable by all of this?”
Jacon now inches a few spots closer to where you were, and your butt was glued shut on the bench because if you were to move any further, you would end up falling straight onto the grass. 
Oh, good lord. 
“I’m actually grateful for you, Y/N. I think it’s the first time anyone has ever felt that way about me,” he smiled. 
That was when you blinked your eyes. “W-what, really? How can people not fall in love with you—” You clasped your hands over your mouth as soon as you said the “L” word. 
He chuckled. “I don’t know. People have always seemed to view me as a good friend but not a potential love interest. I haven’t had one since a long time ago, and that made me rethink if I could ever date again.”
Gently he laid his hands onto yours that were situated on the bench as he turned his full attention to you now. 
“And funny enough, I’m pretty sure I have feelings for you too. The moment I saw you playing Summer on the piano that first day we met, I knew there was something different about you. And I am so glad that eventually we got close to one another.”
After that, Jacob finally took in a deep breath before turning his direction back to you, which made you gulped for a second. “I think it wouldn’t be fair for me to not give you a proper response to your confession to me, no?” 
Oh, god. It’s here. “S-so…what are your thoughts, Jacob? Was the song okay?”
“Y/N. It was far beyond just okay. It was a masterpiece, and I loved how quirky you are with the lyrics. It was something else, but it suited my taste.” 
As he finally intertwined his fingers with yours, he inched his face closer to yours until they were centimetres apart. 
“I accept the proposal, Y/N.” He smiled.
“Y-you…you do?” You asked weakly as if you were already not melting enough from the tension and heat. 
“Will you give me a chance, Y/N?” There was this glistening in his eyes, and he looked exactly like Puss in Boots from the animation that both you and Yujin loved watching when you were kids.
“If you’re ready to deal with me, of course,” you stammered. 
He gave you the biggest smile before pulling you into a warm embrace. “More than ready, Y/N.” 
As you sunk into his embrace and took in his scent, you rested your chin upon his shoulders and stayed just like that briefly before Jacob broke off the hug and gently grabbed both of your shoulders, his eyes now landing on your lips. 
“May I?” 
Without giving a proper answer, you immediately shut your eyes, indicating that it was a yes in your books. Jacob chuckled at that for a while before leaning in to give a peck on your lips. 
The sweet moment was then ruined by a ruffling noise coming from behind as both you and Jacob turned towards its direction. Sure enough, you found your cousin Yujin emerging from one of the trees with her phone in hand, recording the whole session. 
“Now, that is what I call a successful indirect confession!” She exclaimed. 
“Miss Ahn Yujin don’t you even dare—” you quickly threatened her before you took off running towards where she was, and she did the same but ran away from you instead. 
“You will be sleeping on the streets tonight!” You yelled.
“Try me, Y/N!” She replied. 
Jacob watched as the two of you began chasing each other around the park, and he couldn’t help but giggle as he laid back and propped one arm on the bench, just admiring everything about you. 
“Little did you know Y/N, that you also got me thinking nonsense about you all day every day.”
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orphic-musings · 2 years
All the glowing lights sparkle so delicately in your eyes
Characters: Cyno x reader, Tighnari x reader (platonic) (NOTE: this is when they are still students at the Akademiya!)
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: None. Except one Cyno joke.
Summary: As students of the Akademiya, your friend Tighnari invites you out to the winter festival along with his friend Cyno…. who definitely has a crush on you.
Notes: I wrote this for a Secret Santa event by @2022gisecretsanta ! I was @yostresswritinggirl ‘s secret santa so I HOPE YOU ENJOYYY! 🫶🫶🫶 And Happy Holidays everyone! ❤️
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Cyno stares up at the stars twirling and shimmering above his head. The student’s event council had been tirelessly working to make the Akademiya look festive, and these paper stars were some of the finishing touches. As the student decends the tall ladder he pushes out a sigh. The whole school, even the whole town, is in the spirit for the winter holidays, except him.
“C’mon Cyno, we’re almost done studying before the break, can’t you at least pretend you’re looking forward to it?” His amber eyes peer up at his fuzzy-eared friend, who’s staring at him with a dubious grin. “Or were you too busy thinking up bad puns to pay attention.” Cyno merely grumbles.
“I wish school would keep going instead, I just wanna get the year over with.” He plops his cheek against his palm, face ever stoic.
“But it’s the holidays! You can take the time to just nap and eat festive snacks if nothing else, what’s got you in such a sour mood?”
Tighnari notices Cyno suddenly stiffen, and he follows his friend’s gaze right over his shoulder and towards…
“I just finished my last final!” Another of Tighnari’s colleagues thumps their books against the table and slumps into the seat across from Tighnari and beside… Tighnari shoots a grin and an eyebrow wiggle at Cyno.
But Cyno doesn’t notice, he’s too busy trying to resist the flush that threatens to ignore him. Luckily, or unluckily, you pay no attention to him as your grumble to your good friend Tighnari.
“Well, since you’re all done why don’t you come to the festival with me and Cyno?” He offers, putting on a friendly smile to hide his mischevious intent. You glance between him and Cyno, before an excited grin takes over your tired features.
“I would love to! I didn’t have anyone to go with so I wasn’t going to go, but now…. ooh I’m so excited!”
Your pure elation cracks Tighnari’s calm demeanor, lighting his face up with a bright smile to match your own. The two of you are meanwhile oblivious to Cyno’s apparent suffocation.
“I have to return these library books, but I’ll see you two tomorrow?” You say, getting up from your seat.
“Yes, let’s meet at 6:30 in front of the library.” Tighnari says. You smile in reply, scooping up your heavy books and scampering off. Turning to Cyno, he shoots him a smirk, which, humoursly, Cyno could only describe as foxy.
»»————- ♡ -————««
The next day you wake up refreshed, enjoying being free from the stress of finals at last. You spend the day relaxing mostly, but you can’t help the excitement bubbling away. As half past six approaches you get ready, making sure to wear warm clothes. Although the days in Sumeru are quite warm, the nights quickly get cold.
“Oh, hi Cyno! Is Tighnari with you?” You call out, seeing the white haired boy standing alone. He whips his head around hearing your voice, you worry you may have given him whiplash.
“Hi um. Tighnari’s not here yet, hopefully he won’t be much longer.” He mumbles, looking away. His aloof nature doesn’t surprise you, you’ve heard he’s a rather stoic guy from other students. You watch his gaze, fixed at nothing in particular, and he appears in deep contemplation of something. Absentmindedly, you muse as to what it could be, unaware of your staring. Until Tighnari clears his throat, causing the two of you to startle.
“At ease soldiers,” he jokes, noting your riged statures. “Ready to go?” He asks, and you and Cyno both nod. Tighnari leads the conversation, effortlessly weaving both you and Cyno into the conversation. It makes you wonder if it tires him to be the middleman, but when you reach the festival you all have something in common.
The three of you stand in awe of the beautiful decorations. The Grand Bazaar radiates warmth with the lit-up stalls, the buzzing chatter and the joyful performances on stage.
“This is so amazing! I’m glad I came out here,” you say, eyes sparkling with wonder. Tighnari scans the wonderful scene too.
“I’m glad I came too,” Cyno concurrs, but his eyes are instead focused on your face, brighter than all the lights of Sumeru combined.
“Hey look, they have a tea stand! Let’s go get some!” You say, already dragging the other two along. You sip tea while observing all the various stalls and displays, the jubilent atmosphere filling your body and soul with warmth.
»»————- ♡ -————««
As the night goes on you find yourself standing beside Cyno, with Tighnari lost somewhere in the masses, claiming he wanted to go back to buy something.
“Do you think he’s coming back?” You ask, trying to break the silence. He merely shrugs. You notice his faraway gaze returns.
“What’s on your mind?” Your question surprises him a little, but he cracks a small smile, you would call it almost michevious.
“Y/N.” He turns to face you, and you look at him with anticipation.
“Why should you always invite mushrooms to a party?” He asks. Your mouth opens and you blink, taken aback. Taking a moment to recover from the sudden query, you begin to shake your head, dumbfounded.
“Because they’re fun guys,” he states plainly. You blink once more, before a wide smile splits your face and you burst out in laughter.
“That was the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard,” you says, features still scrunched up in amusement. His victorious smile fades a little, unsure if you are insulting or complimenting him. “But it did make me laugh so, I guess it worked.” You look at him with a smile still on your face.
“I’m glad,” he says, his grin returning, “you’re cute when you laugh.” He freezes. You freeze too. He didn’t mean to say that, he opens his mouth to stutter out an apology, but you interrupt him.
“You’re cuter,” you reply. He can’t tell which of you is more flustered in this moment. From within the crowd Tighnari emerges, but seeing your burning faces he ducks away without a sound, smiling to himself. Cyno inhales, trying to grab a hold of any confidence or courage in his bashfulness.
“Well, then in that case would you maybe like to hang out with me… sometime. A-as like a date, only if you want of cours-“
“I would love to.” You quiet his ramblings with your sound reply, and a hand placed on his. He maneuvers his hand so his fingers are slotted between yours, and he squeezes gently.
“I already say this but… I’m glad I came out here,” you whisper, and put your head on his shoulder. The warmth from his hand, the tickle of his long hair and the scent of oranges, earth and amber provide you with an overwhelming sense of comfort. Suddenly a tingly warmth and restful heaviness fall over you.
“Me too,” he says, and he gently rests his head over yours, staring up at the glow of the festival illuminating the navy sky. He smiles.
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renee-writer · 4 months
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Parents of graduates lend me your ears.
Your kid did it. Allow yourself a moment to celebrate even if this looks nothing like you thought it would.
I see all sorts of kids in my school travels and every single kid is worthy of celebration.
Your kid may be crawling over the finish line with bloody knuckles while you raise a white flag, but it doesn’t matter, they did it. They. Are. Graduating.
They may not have gotten a single award or accolade.
They may have had to remind you that a D is passing.
Doesn’t matter they did it.
They may not have a single photo to post surrounded by a group of smiling friends.
They may be unsure about where they are going next.
They may not have loved every minute of high school.
Doesn’t matter they did it.
They may not have a letter in a sport or have taken charge of a club or have gotten the lead in the play or even joined much of anything.
Awards and accomplishments are great but man there is so much more to celebrate. So. Much. More
Seriously, there should be an award for the student who sat with the lonely kid in the cafeteria each day.
Or that was the lonely kid but kept showing up.
Or for the kid who worked their butt off for the C in math class...every bit as hard or harder than the kid who got all the A’s.
Or for the one that faced anxiety day in and day out and endured mental health struggles no one could even see.
In absence of these awards, we just need to remember to celebrate the heck out of all they accomplished whatever that looks like for each of our students.
They ran their own race and they are getting that diploma and THEY DID IT.
This may also be a good time to remind them that not once in my life have I ever been asked about my time leading the student council. Not. Once.
No one has ever cared a bit that I never ran in a track meet.
I’ve never asked anyone how many awards they received at senior awards night or if they were on the prom court.
Because not one of these things matter to us as grown human adults.
Our kids are going to walk across that stage and get their diplomas no matter what they did during the last four years.
My prayer is the kids leaving our schools are more resilient, kinder and more thoughtful than when they went in. I hope with my heart they know to look for the underdog and root them on….and actually the best supporters of the underdog are those that have been underdogs themselves.
I dream they are ready to go into the world and find their place in it without comparing themselves to a single other person. Please dear lord let them be ready to join us all in making the world a better place, we need them so.
And I hope when they get that diploma in their hand they will feel deep in their soul that they own this accomplishment. They did it...even if their doing it looks nothing like medals hanging from their necks or certificates hanging on their walls.
Their battle has been their own. And we should be just so darn proud of every single one of them.
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cybervesna · 2 years
Gush About Your OC
Thank you for tagging me @maimaiapologist  ❤️ It was cool to read more about Sal ❤️    
📚  Rules:
💛 Post 5 Facts about your
💛Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags.
💛 Tag 5 People to spread the game. Tagging: @arasakas-ronin @scuttlebuttin @scumpatrol @abysswaatchers @kohnnor​ 
Why not, I decided I will give some spotlight to my guilty pleasure baby - Himiko  💛
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💛 First of all she technically doesn’t exist lol. Let me explain: Himiko started as an April Fool’s joke baby of my Vincent and Hanako at the old server I was in, 2 years ago. She’s not part of my “official headcanons” but she’s my guilty pleasure headcanon I run for comfort when I want to be mushy and cute and have happy vibes thinking that despite everything my otp got together for so long and they’re somehow happy. So technically, she’s in additional AU to my Blaze of Glory AU where Hanako never went nomad with Vincent cuz instead of leaving with Aldecaldos after the Devil Ending, he decided to do the gig from Mr. Blue-Eyes gaining worldwide fame as the most dangerous man alive. I hope that means sense.  💛 Himiko is lab-made baby! I can imagine that since Hanako is chromed she’s already infertile in 2077, but after all she is the Arasaka so I bet her eggs were stored for the sake of Arasakas future. So Himiko was made in-vitro, in womb like enviroment in the most top secret Arasaka Labs in Tokyo.  💛 Her existence is kept secret from the world, kind of. In 2081 a year after her “birth” Saburo informed the public that he was blessed with new member of Arasaka family - a child of his beloved daughter Hanako, and her husband Vincenzo Giovanna. However, it was everything the public knew for decades to come. Instead Himiko was given a secret surname as Himiko Ikeda (hehe in my nomad ff Hanako is undercover as Asami Ikeda), and had pretty much what would seem a normal kid experience growing up in Kyoto, going to school like any other kid. In reality it was really stresfull situation where she developed a fear towards other peers, being scared of befriending anyone, afraid they will realize who she is and her life would be ruined. However that did not stopped her from being the leader among others as she even was the Head of the Student’s Council in her High School.  💛 In her childhood, when her father’s cat who was her bestest friend - Nibbles - died due to old age, her grandfather used this as opportunity to play on little Himiko. Instead of “another stray cat” in the family, Saburo gifted Himiko a baby of the last living lions that she named Kumo (meaning: cloud). Of course her parents were outraged by this, as it was super dangerous, and they needed to keep Lion Trainers around. Years later due to Kumo being an offspring of already struggling animals, he turned out to have a lot of health problems that slowly became uncurable. When Kumo started getting his first cybernetic parts Himiko swore she herself will find a way to save his life, therefore she pursued her interest in cybernetics and ended up designing life-saving parts that she asked her mother to make the software for. At the end Himiko and Hanako saved Kumo, and he lived many more years with her. Thanks to behavioral chip that Hanako wrote, Kumo was unable to cause harm to Himiko or the family, so the trainers and precautions weren’t needed anymore.  💛 Those who knew of her existence had mixed opinions. She was either loved, or shamed for variety of reasons. The most prominient one was Saburo’s own way of thinking that Vincent’s genes disgrace purity of Arasaka bloodline.  P.S. I have to make future appearances for Hanako and Vincent just to take pics with her  😭
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sunny-choi91 · 1 year
Mini #Fanfic #YunAsta #AsYuno
❤️-> It’s You. <-❤️
-"Here it comes"-
-"What am I supposed to do?"-
- "Just say hello for God's sake Asta, you know almost everyone and you're embarrassed to say hello to him?"
-"It's not the same, the others don't look like prince out of a story"
Asta and Vanessa were standing hidden by a column, cautiously spying on the members of the “Golden Dawn” study club, its last member and his two friends were walking calmly down the hall.
This boy just got transferred, he has less than a month in the College, but Asta can't stop thinking about him.
Yuno Grinberryall, tall with white skin and golden eyes that have half the student community fascinated.
It's not like Yuno really cares, he's not very sociable as far as Asta can tell, nor very expressive. He always has a stoic face and goes quietly with Klaus and Mimosa who usually do the talking.
But Asta knows that under that mask of indifference he must be a sensitive person, he has cute little expressions when he sees something he likes (like strawberry shortcake) and grimaces when he doesn't like something (like injustice).
In this case, Asta is one more boy who longs to be able to talk to him but still doesn't know how, with the difference that Asta is the most popular boy in school.
Asta sighs in frustration. -“Let's go, they're getting closer and I don't want them to see us”-he begins to turn around, leaving his back to the group of friends who are approaching when Vanessa takes him by the shoulders and smiles slyly at him.
-"Thank me later"-And with a strong push he is thrown backwards.
He starts taking small steps to try to regain his balance, waving his arms funny and ends up bumping into someone taller. By inertia he holds him by the waist so that the other does not fall and he can also stabilize himself.
A fresh perfume with a hint of mint reaches his nose, he can't help but inhale and fill his lungs with that pleasant smell.
It is when a calm and somewhat doubtful baritone voice slips into his ears. -“S-Sorry”
Asta recognizes that voice.
That voice that's been in her dreams lately.
Without letting go, she looks up and sees Yuno look at him sideways with a slight blush. Both remain static and no one dares to break that expectant tension that is in the air. Nor Mimosa, who until a moment ago was laughing at the situation.
It's when Yuno puts a hand on Asta's that is on her waist and gives it a light squeeze that Asta reacts and jumps away nervously. -"F-Forgive me Yuno, I didn't mean what-what happened"-
The other nods -"Hmm"- adjusts his uniform -"It was my fault too, I didn't see where I was going, excuse me..." - He makes a sign that Asta doesn't understand, and his stupid face must be obvious because Asta's friend intervenes Yuno, the guy with the glasses.
-"What Yuno wants to say is that he doesn't know your name, let me introduce you, Yuno he is Asta, the President of the School Council, my name is Klaus and she is Mimosa, we are from Golden Dawn"-
-“Hi-Hi”-she hesitates embarrassingly, Yuno doesn't take her eyes off her. -I'm Asta, forgive me I didn't see where I was walking and I accidentally hit you.
-"You... know my name"-Yuno observes with curiosity, tilting her face towards him. Asta blushes furiously from being under the scrutiny of that powerful golden gaze.
-“Ah… yes, I… heard the girls talk about you. And they mentioned your name, I hope you don't mind." -Of course he didn't mention that the girls in question didn't exist and that he was the one who followed him in a creepy way for 3 weeks.
Yuno's look is sympathetic. -"Hmm, okay, I hope you'll excuse me for hitting you."
Asta was about to start apologizing again when an extra voice distracted everyone.
-"Come on, come on, it didn't happen much, but if you're really sorry to hit our president why don't you invite him to a breakfast date Yuno-kun?"- Vanessa approached smiling and put her arm around the shoulders of a stunned Asta - "I think it is the least that our Asta deserves"
-“Da-date?”-Mimosa stammered in complicity with Klaus, they both love Yuno but God knows he needs to have more than two friends in the world.
To the surprise of both Yuno accepts with great ease. -"Yes that's fine. I was going for some food to have breakfast in the class room, but if Asta likes we can have breakfast in other place, I'm free"
A very, very stunned Asta reacted to his friend's nudge and with hasty steps followed Yuno to the school dining room, leaving the other three in the corridor.
-"This is really new"- Klaus said adjusting his glasses.
-"I swear I was waiting for Yuno to complain like always!!"- Mimosa exclaimed, beginning to jump with excitement. -"You know, 'I don't like unknown people Mimosa'" - I imitate Yuno with a poor accent.
-"If I could be a goddess, I would be the goddess of love"-Vanessa pointed out smiling. – “How much do you bet that they will go out together?”
-"Go out?? Don't you think that's a lot? I've known Yuno for years, he's never been romantically interested ”-Klaus murmured.
-"Just look at his eyes, they shone with Asta, I'll give them a month"-Vanessa winked at them and advanced to the dining room well behind the couple. Asta stuttered, something she never did. And Yuno was talking meekly, with a slight blush on her cheeks.
Yes, Vanessa gave them a month.
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P.S.: The photo is not mine all the credits to its respective author and creator, just take it as inspiration for the mini fanfic ✨
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nickleai · 1 year
Soulmatch Boys Introduction + Yearbook Signature
So you don’t know who my boys are or just know a bit about the boys before the game release? Well I got you!
Here you’ll get a lore introduction/a small snippet of the characters AND as a bonus you get what they will write on your yearbook (post game scenario)!
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(Note: above are concept art of the boys, designs might change in the future)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
🖤 Asher: Your childhood best friend that moved away years ago is now back, attending the same college as you. Over the past few years things have changed, especially him. From his looks to his self reserved personality, you couldn’t recognize him at first. You two were close to the hips, but now it’s almost as if you two are complete strangers.
Can you respark your friendship and other potential feelings from the past?
“Let's use next year to make up for all the lost time we have, honey.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
💙 Hayden: The captain of the varsity basketball team. He has a contagious smile and a happy go lucky attitude that lights up the room. His charismatic personality and sociability makes him one of the most looked up people on campus. His talented athletic capability makes up for the lack of book smart. With his upcoming test, it can put his basketball career in jeopardy. 
Can you make a slam dunk into heart and help him ace his test?
“BABEEE HAGSSS!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
❤️ Eric: Your class student teacher assistant who’s also your rival and sworn enemy for years now. You two would never get along; always butting heads with each other at any opportunity you two can get. With his short tempered, hot headed and feisty personality, he is not afraid to speak his mind.
 Will you two put your differences aside and learn your true feelings for each other?
“Just remember I know all your dark secrets, don’t fuck with me :) Jk I love u angel"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
💚 Vincent: The student council president of your school. He’s the top of the class and a role model who’s admired by the student body. He's a sophisticated, analytical gentleman. With his workaholic tendency and routine lifestyle, he doesn't know anything other than school and work. That all changes when you get introduced into his life. 
Can you teach him the ways of love and change?
"Being with you during the entire of this year is indispensable for my self improvement, not only as a person and a leader, but also as a partner and a lover. There’s a lot for me to learn, but for giving me the time, patience and love I would like to thank you my dearly beloved."
(tbh his would ended up being a paragraph full of words that you don't understand)
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💜 Felix: The so-called “Prince Charming” of the school. A flirtatious charmer who can swoon every girl on campus with just a wink towards their direction. Every girl except you, and he loves a challenge. The type of guy who isn’t afraid to wear his heart on this sleeve, loud and proud. There’s a lot more to him than just a pretty face and his loving words. 
Will you be able to shatter his mask and reveal his true self?
"Darling, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, I hope you have a spectacular year now that you have your Prince Charming by your side."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
🧡 Damien: The “Iron Tiger '', the most feared person on campus. Always spotted ditching class and smoking a cigarette. He always pushes and scares people away with a combination of his death glare and his threatening words. His cold and “fuck off” personality mixed with his violent past makes it hard for people to look past that and see who he is on the inside.
Can you melt through his heart of steel and make a deep connection with him?
“I had a better year than I thought because of you, dumbass. ♡”
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alexskye · 3 years
Episode 8 of Light on Me in my mind:
*Spoilers I think??? Also swearing cause this show makes me feel 100 different emotions
•Namgoong is the BEST- his chart is the cutest! Guess his goal is to get a girlfriend 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
•Taekyung didn’t tell anyone about him getting an umbrella from Daon (like what’s the big deal if he borrowed an umbrella???)
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•Also this scene??? Like, I could tell Daon is conflicted about something and most likely the fact that he’s emotionally unavailable to date well…anyone
•Daon runs in the rain like the romance lead in a KDrama that he is. Honestly there’s always a rain scene somewhere in these dramas
•Cliche romantic comedy cold because Daon’s dumb ass ran into the rain
•Shinwoo’s awkwardness is awkward- his STARE!!! How is Taekyung NOT seeing this?!?!
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•Namgoong’s strut 😂😂 he’s so extra and I love it, the most unproblematic character in this show tbh
•There’s this weird love square (???) going on between Daon, Shinwoo, Taekyung and Sohee. Meanwhile, Namgoong is just vibing
•Taekyung accused Shinwoo feeling bad for something because he was being nice lol
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•THIS BUS SCENE!!! My heart ❤️❤️
•Ngl he’s really good-looking. This scene makes him look really handsome. How does a man like this exist????
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•This walking scene was just so calm and really nice. No bickering, no proclamations of not liking each other, no awkwardness. Just Taekyung and Shinwoo having a chill moment
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•When Shinwoo said “Thanks for realizing now” made me really think about how he would silently do things for Taekyung in the episodes and using his actions as part of expressing how he cares for him. Also, I kept thinking of this line when he took care of Takeyung while they were eating (Taekyung being a whole baby in this scene 🥺) and constantly telling him to slow down to avoid overeating. This is a FORESHADOWING line for future episodes of how Shinwoo takes care of Taekyung in his own hot-cold way.
•I notice that poor Daon constantly gets called on to help out or do favors, I have yet to see anyone return the favor for him. Dude can’t catch a break
•The entire conversation about Shinwoo treating Taekyung well was a great moment, just amazing build up and the two of them getting closer is making me hope for too much
•SHINWOO is fucking indirectly confessing wtf?!?! This was so sudden and I am in DISBELIEF that he actually said something after 8 episodes of SECOND LEAD PINING.
•Tbh I swooned at this moment. His expression, his eyes and tone really made my heart skip a beat. And still Woo Taekyung doesn’t notice ANYTHING!! Ugh! Why?!?
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•Then he fucks up immediately after by saying “it’s not that kind of like” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😩😩😩
•This is why Team Daon has been winning
•Also I cannot find Lee Sohee likable at all. Like, okay…Daon is nice to people and does favors and is a people pleaser (I guess), but there was no need to tell Taekyung that so cruelly. Girl, your jealousy is showing and it’s obvious to EVERYONE that you don’t like him hanging around your 3-year crush.
•In BLs they usually make the girls bitchy or toxic or both. Can we please have ONE female character that is actually nice??
•Am I the only one that low-key wanted Daon to be evil?? Okay okay. Hear me out! I mean, he’s the Student Council President that is smart, good-looking and has a friendly smile on his face. But, I felt his kindness was fake (I was thinking: no way is there a person THIS nice) and it was all ONE GIANT manipulation tactic to get people to like him and be his followers (???). This guy could basically control the whole school while laughing his ass off in secret at how everyone got duped by his “nice guy” act. Then, Taekyung would find out he’s been pretending to be nice and it would be freaking WILD if Daon was actually manipulating people by acting kind
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•By this episode, I threw away the whole Daon-is-a-villain theory cause maybe Daon is just a “yes guy” and is actually a nice person who doesn’t really know what he wants or has never really acted on his desires. I was still hoping he would be a villain lol
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•THIS SCENE. I. AM. NOT. OKAY!!! Shinwoo taking action??? Grabbing Taekyung’s neck?? Disinfecting his wound so gently and being soft??? Just the total opposite of how he acted in Episode 1.
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•Daon stepping in just increased the tension and still seems be insistent of forming that love triangle with Shinwoo for Taekyung’s heart
•Team Shinwoo has been fed well during this episode! His demeanor, attitude and tone becoming softer towards Taekyung. Being nicer to him with gentle, sweet actions. PLEASE!!! Something happen already, this is so frustrating
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•Noh Shinwoo continues to surprise me with this action of taking Daon’s hand away from Taekyung and saying “I’ll do it”. The way he directly looks at Daon so intensely while delivering this line was so mind blowing because Shinwoo has been stepping up in this episode.
•I honestly don’t know anymore how this show is gonna go. I’m Team Shinwoo all the way, but this slowpoke is taking too damn long! I’m totally calling it: Shinwoo won’t directly confess to Taekyung till like another 4 episodes
•Theory 1: Shinwoo has liked Taekyung far longer than we might have assumed
•Theory 2: Daon will reject Taekyung’s confession cause he’s a “yes guy” that doesn’t know how to express his desires, emotionally unavailable to date, and is a people pleaser plus it feels as if he’s gonna stick to the “status quo” by letting Sohee continue to like him and not get into a relationship with another boy
•Theory 3: Shinwoo discovered he was gay/attracted to boys in middle school and the assholes from his former school knew about it, basically threatening to out him which causes him to hesitate on saying anything about his feelings because of those jerks
Thanks for reading.
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