#the unraveling blog
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renee-writer · 3 months ago
I can still remember the magic of the holidays as a child. I feel it linger even now.
I had parents who, at the time, lived pay check to pay check and worked hard to do just that. We didn’t have a whole lot, but I there was a feeling of gratitude for having the essentials.
Nothing was fancy. There wasn’t an abundance of anything. It was simple.
But I never noticed that as a kid.
Because during the holidays, my imagination would run wild.
I remember the first time we had jello at Thanksgiving and I’m pretty sure I didn’t eat anything else. I remember going to a little store that had a discount section and buying little snowman trinkets to gift family members. I was so excited to wrap them and give it to them. I remember folding up paper and cutting out snow flakes. I remember after a Christmas Eve service my sister and I being SO sure we saw Rudolph’s red blinking nose in the sky (it was an airplane). I could barely sleep that night. I remember our pj’s weren’t fancy Christmas matching sets, but adult sized Walmart shirts (and we loved them!)
And I guess I just want to remind parents, and grandparents, and whoever else that needs to hear it…
It’s okay to make the holidays simple this year. It’s been a hard year on a lot of people.. financially, physically, emotionally, etc.
Even if you haven’t in the past, you are allowed to scale back if you need to.
The holidays bring with them a sense of awe- of God, of beauty, of the atmosphere in general.
Kids, in particular, have a way of remembering very little about how grand something was, but forever treasure in their heart the feeling of wonder that was created.
That’s what I hold with me, even now.
Simple holidays and all.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog
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aphelea · 3 months ago
my personal proposal for the Timeline Problem is that we were all originally right with the early 2010s timeline, however, we incorporate the existence of the anti-hero lyrics by considering that, à la rick riordan, taylor swift may actually be an elf in keeper world. "but that doesn't fix the problem!" you say. no. it turns out that taylor actually has a unique ability: she's a time elf. a telf, if you will. and she accidentally time travelled while writing her hit 2022 album midnights and fell into her 2014 recording sessions for 1989, muttering the lyrics of a song that shouldn't technically exist. thus shake it off gains an extra verse and t-shirts are made for keefe to wear.
this becomes relevant in kotlc because telves actually use the void for time travel and sophie accidentally finds herself stuck with dinosaurs after keefe holds her hand and they have some weird mutual enhancing/healing thing happen. it turns out that the rocks gisela wants are from that asteroid thing. sophie wins. the end
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bookwyrminspiration · 20 days ago
🌟🎉Keepblr Wrapped 2024 🎉🌟
thanks for your patience and contributions! i've tried my best to get a good overview, but if I've missed anything you feel crucial, please do add on :)
this year was quite eventful. here's a few highlights (not in order):
Fintan Pyren won Keeper sexyman for the second year in a row
Sal (worldsunlikemyown) created a script for the Enlightened language!
Shannon announced we'd have a 9.5 instead of book 10, to mixed reviews
Unraveled's cover was revealed, and everyone tore into it. Is Keefe actually attractive? The world may never know
Tam cam. featuring months of about 10,000 different fake blogs, detectives, and accusations--to the point it needed it's own separate tag
wiityispb won the best kotlc quote bracket!
we started translating wiityispb into several languages (Punjabi) (Arabic) (Nahuatl) (Hindi) (French) (there's more, too)
people started making bingo cards for Unraveled
a handful of people tried to get kotlc trending, absolutely flooding the tag and rendering it unusable for a day or two
Lavacake (marella x fitz), and the ship name arguments it started
Roisin (camelspit) hosted a skribbli.io session!
abscourse, the neverending debate about whether Keefe has abs (he shouldn't), which also dragged asscourse back to light (whether fintan pyren has a fat or flat ass (it's flat))
Lady Cadence won the 2024 Keeper Sexywoman bracket!
the Fairy Tale AU Exchange! featuring 54 lovely works you should peruse <3
a second event, the Keeper Big Bang 2024! find the works under the ao3 collection and by perusing the keeper big bang 2024 tag!
kotlc and keepblr's Fanlore pages are now being updated by Catherine! (everliving-everblaze)
there were also several themed weeks, such as Ancients Week and Tiertice Week 2024!
the infamous Anti-Keefe Rant by Stria (the-way-astray)
Hethen, Elwin x Gethen, which also sparked ship name arguments
we tormented @/do-you-ship-this-book-couple with a million kotlc ships
Fitz Vacker won the best keeper character 2024 bracket!
During said bracket, Quil (bookwyrminspiration) developed a severe, ongoing loathing for Watson the Dog, which people torment it about to this day
We got brand new official art by chrissabug!
like half the fandom was accused of being Katie (myfairkatiecat)
Roisin (camelspit) hosted another year of Roisin's Reading Rumble!
Strieefe, the pairing between Stria (the-way-astray) and her least favorite character, Keefe Sencen. Now with 21 (and counting) different fics, 8 artworks, and 2 songs!!
A few Unraveled scenes leaked, sending the fandom into a panic--half from the contents of the leak, half from the scramble to avoid said contents
Quil (bookwyrminspiration) drew krocs, which Fin (fintan-pyren) actually made
Unraveled, book 9.5, was officially published!! (Quil, bookwyrminspitation's, notes from the tour) with canonical queer characters!! the fandom took this very well.
They did not take the timeline well. There were many debates about when the series takes place given pop culture references in 9.5
Finally, we started transing several characters genders again! Notably, Laith Vacker
This brings 2024 to a close, leaving us all still riding the high (low?) of Unraveled. Jesus fuck, y'all. what a year. can't wait to do it again <3
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the-way-astray · 2 months ago
the elves don’t have coffee as confirmed by unraveled which means there’s a good chance della has never had any (we ignore her “walks among humans” because they seem like they weren’t very long) but i think she would get addicted to straight black coffee after like two drinks and make it look so appetizing, people (edaline and biana) are gaslighted into thinking it tastes good
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waining-crescent-moon · 1 month ago
i was going to do this in a reblog but it felt a bit too long for that so i’m just going to make my own post and link the post i got this idea thing from here by the blog @telugu-girl-13
major unraveled spoilers!!!
I’ve decided to mostly go through this in sections so I will put a picture of what I’m talking about in each section.
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I’ve had the Eleanor is alive theory since I found out she was ‘dead’ in legacy so I’m either being delusional or it was planned and just wasn’t obvious. I don’t have much evidence because a good amount of that theory was just knowing how Shannon tends to write. For example, she has faked or rewritten character deaths before. Helpfully, Keefe gave us the examples when he met Eleanor “‘Cause the only other explanation I can think of is that this is another secret-twin thing, and I’ve already lived through that twist—though I guess I also did the not-dead twist when I ran into Alvar. And when Fintan showed up again.” (Unraveled, 348). Clearly, Shannon is aware of how often she does this twist. Leading up to Unraveled she also said that she made the book because there were secrets that only made sense coming from Keefe’s perspective. That is not real proof, I’m aware, but it does mean that she has some plans for everything that happened in Unraveled, likely meaning there is more to find out about Eleanor’s situation. The main proof I have from the story is that Eleanor is the same age as the main cast which is also more of evidence based of off how Shannon writes. I do think that the twist was planned, Shannon just didn’t build up to it well enough.
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My assumption for the Gisela bit is that it’s going to be revealed that she actually knew eleanor was alive and just needed her or something. Especially with how Eleanor mentions “Three days later a stranger showed up at our door and told me my dad was dead and I had to leave because I needed people to think I was dead too.” (Unraveled, 356). So, someone else knows about her being alive, possibly a neverseen member or someone connected to Gisela.
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Eleanor also says “But…he’d made all these arrangements. Obituaries. Graves. A new name. New guardian. A bank account.” (Unraveled, 356). We know from this that she has a new ID and most interesting, to me at least, a new guardian. Having all this stuff means that it’s more her dad’s fault she’s still in London. With what we are given about her character in her scene it seems like it’s very important to her that she follows her dad’s instructions, even if it’s not the safest option. Keefe also describes her “bright red hair” a lot when he saw her. My theory for this is that it may be dyed, but that’s not confirmed, just what I got from the line. Also, the only thing people have to identify her is a grainy, black and white photo in a newspaper from like five years ago. I’m sure it would have been difficult right after he died when she looked the same but as we saw her dad got her a guardian before he died meaning there was probably a lot less suspicion on her.
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moonlitkissing · 2 months ago
Knitting is cancelled for today, I just unravelled the stupid neck again because my gauge was off again
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skepticalcartographer · 4 months ago
Synonyms know each other like old colleagues, like a set of friends who've seen the world together. They swap stories, reminisce about their origins and forget that though they are similar, they are entirely different, and though they share a certain set of attributes, one can never be the other.
Because a quiet night is not the same as a silent one, a firm man is not the same as a steady one, and a bright light is not the same as a brilliant one because the way they wedge themselves into a sentence changes everything.
~ Juliette Tahereh Mafi
(Unravel me)
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aurenflare · 3 months ago
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latin textbook alvar vacker doodles bc as u all know i love him
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faggot-friday · 3 months ago
omg green day #1 artist twins
omg yayyyy i love twinning
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twinsfawn · 4 months ago
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renee-writer · 18 days ago
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Sometimes God’s blessing are easy to see.
-Our beautiful children.
-The spouse we love.
-A home.
-An income.
-Friends and family.
-A pet we love.
-A beautiful sunset.
Sometimes God’s blessing are in disguise.
-A terrible breakup that ultimately opens the door to someone better for us.
-A promotion you really want but someone else got, only for that position to later get laid-off but your position to stay.
-Getting fired only to find a better career.
-A difficult situation that grows us and prepares us for the future.
These blessings we can see later down the road, but usually not in the moment. In hindsight, we are able to see how God’s hand was working for our good.
But what about the blessings that we never see? The ones where God guides us and protects us and gives us good things and we don’t even realize He did.
Sometimes God’s blessings go completely unseen.
-What if God derailed your plans to protect you from something terrible happening?
-What if God put you in the perfect place at the perfect time so that you would meet someone important in your life?
-Or what if he made sure you weren’t in the wrong place at the wrong time?
I wonder how many times God has blessed us and we have no idea?
His blessings come in many different forms.
Just because we don’t see or feel them, doesn’t mean the greatest blessing in our life isn’t taking place right now.
Let’s thank God for all the blessings He gives us, including the ones we may never see or even know have happened.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog
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uhohbestie · 5 months ago
Will there be a TAMN playlist?
There will, yeah! Once the fic is finished Key and I are going to compile our many (many, many) TAMN-related/inspiration songs and make an "official" playlist! We don't want to spoil anything, though, so we're going to hang on to it until the fic is completely posted! - 🔒
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months ago
I am once again beseeching everyone to be careful about spoilers!! tag even the faintest spoilers, don’t send asks with spoilers to people who don’t want them, be careful what you say in reblogs and tags because op may not have the book yet.
please be considerate of those still waiting <3
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lucyshypemaster · 4 months ago
hello....is anyone still active here....
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battle-subway-ghost · 11 months ago
{Off screen post}
[Sprite paced around his room before collasping on his bed, head in hands.
Ghost hadn't been responding to his texts. Ghost.
Was his friend (?)
What he saw last night wasn't his friend.
Something was wrong with him. Really wrong.
Something was distorting him- ruining him... Rotting him from the inside out...
He didn't remember pressing call on Paris's number, but heard it ring out three times before his friend answered. ]
"Paris... I don't-You're not... Something's wrong."
{Off-screen post}
[Paris sat up fully on the couch, his head spinning slightly- ugh... He wasn't feeling very well today, not after last night.
He held his forehead with his hand, narrowing his eyes- the lights were hurting his head, and if it weren't for this call, he'd be laying down right now...
It took a moment for Paris to respond, sounding disgruntled yet concerned when he finally did. Thankfully though, he sounded... normal, for lack of better words. Tired, but himself]
"heh- Sprite? What's happening-? You alright??"
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desireeyvonnexo · 5 months ago
It’s soo hard to remain genuine when I’m always getting fucked over 🫠
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