Music tag
I was tagged by @yaoimochi. Thanks, you nugget. <3
RULES: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle, list the first 10 songs, and tag 10 people. (oops not quite for me)
1. "Cold Sweat” - James Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ0p7k-KzWM
2. "Histoire Éternelle” (Tale as Old as Time) - La Belle et la bête (Beauty and the Beast) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oHJbu3LUJg
3. “Pretty Dress” - Rosie Thomas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XMxwyBBywc
4. "Leaving Netherfield” - Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Pride and Prejudice (2005) movie soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38EfFpNaqa4
5. "J’ai cherché” - Amir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQysGibXphE
6. "Johnny B Goode” - Chuck Berry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFo8-JqzSCM
7. "Gimme Gimme Gimme (A man after midnight)” - ABBA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEjLoHdbVeE
8. "Avec la foi” (When You Believe) - Le Prince d’Egypte (The Prince of Egypt) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql_mEu-lgzU
9. "Good Golly Miss Molly” - Little Richard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ6h0kyqSRk
10. "The Reason” - Hoobastank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV4DiAyExN0
~~~~~~~~The more you know~~~~~~~~~~
I tag: @seabeams, @blearily-brave, @fignewmans, @youraveragebutuniquegirlnextdoor, and @lunessia. Have fun with it, y’all. : )
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multiplealienabductee · 11 years
I love you Nicole. Your blog never fails to have amazing posts. Just passing by :) xxxo
I love seeing all the notifications from you going through my blog! You're the best
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thetenantoftennant · 12 years
Youraveragebutuniquegirlnextdoor tagged me! Rules: Rule 1 - Always post the rules Rule 2 - Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new questions Rule 3 - Tag 11 new people and link them to your post Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them ***** 

1. What is a pet peeve of yours?

 When papers are left askew. 2. A song you wouldn’t mind listening to again and again?

 Dead Man's Will 3.Would you rather have an airplane ride or a long drive?

 It depends on why I'm traveling. 4.Do you think the world’s poverty problem is caused by unjust leaders or unequal distribution of money/jobs or neither?

 I don't feel I have the authority to answer this question. 5.Do you think opposites attract? why/why not?

 Yes, because science. 6.If you can only watch a movie once, would you rather watch in a movie theater or in a dvd at your house? Theater. 

7.Converse or stilettos for everyday use? Converse. I enjoy not being in pain. 

8.Do you have a middle name? Do you like it? Yes, I do. And well, yes I guess I do. 

9.What’s your favourite season? Season 3. (Ohh the ambiguity) 

10.Birthday or Christmas?

 Christmas 11.Do you believe in life after death? Depends what you mean by life. MY OPEN QUESTIONS TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ANSWER THEM: 1. Do you have a daily routine? 2. Who is your favorite actor/actress? 3. Cereal or waffles? 4. Math or English(as in grammar, I realize not everyone here has English as their mother language)? 5. What is your favorite book and why? 6. Nine, Ten, or Eleven? 7. If you could be an object, what would you be? 8. A good memory 9. What is your opinion on white walls? 10. Couch or sofa? 11. Did you know that you're awesome? Because you are. And no, I'm not just saying this because I ran out of questions.
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tinysherrys · 12 years
Sherlockicks tagged me!
Rule 1 - Always post the rules

Rule 2 - Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new questions
Rule 3 - Tag 11 new people and link them to your post

Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them
1. Are you afraid of the dark?
Sometimes. Not when I go to bed, but when it’s late and I have to walk home alone.
  2. What is the weirdest compliment you have ever received?
There was this girl, who couldn’t tell if I was a boy or a girl. Don’t really know if that’s a compliment, though.
3. Who is your favourite artist?
Like a painter or a singer? Ahm, I really fell in love with John Brett’s amazing landscape painting, The British Channel, when we were at Tate Britain, and I do love Monet. As for a singer/musician, it’s hard to say. Right now it would be Beethoven and Boney M.
4. What song are you embarrassed of loving?
Village People – Macho Man
5. What is the funniest word you know?
Hihi my favourite English word is definitely hurly-burly!
6. What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? 
Haven’t the foggiest, but I bet the Doctor would be able to answer a few questions.
7. What are you especially good at?
Writing and procrastinating.          
8. Hands or feet?
Depends. Mostly hands.
9. If you should sleep rough for one night, where’d you go?
Finnish Lapland, I suppose.
10. You are addicted to tumblr, aren’t you?
Yes, but I’m on a break now. *sighs*
11. Impress me. 
*deciphers code on a mobile phone*
  My questions:
1. What’s your favourite piece of clothing?
2. If you could pack your things and move anywhere in the world now, where would it be?
3. Do you ever yell at things that can’t hear you?
4. Invisibility or ability to read minds? Argue.
5. Tea or coffee?
6. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?
7. Cities or countryside?
8. You’re going to have trouble making up your questions. Favourite free time activity?
9. What browser are you using?
10. What was the best present you ever got and why?
11. Tell me a random fact about yourself.
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Could you make a follow forever post?
I sure guess I could, Anon. :D
Lemme see...forever is an awful long time. And there are some people who I've only started following recently who I'm very fond of, but it might be a little premature to put them on a Follow Forever list. There are also some people I enjoy that I've been following for a long time, but I can't honestly say that I won't ever grow out of my interest in what they blog. And then there are people I know in real life, and I'll follow them forever because they're my people, but that doesn't count. Damn, I'm taking this question really seriously and it feels SUPER harsh. I know people's FF lists usually have like, 20 blogs at least, but I'm WAAAYY too picky for that. If it does not please you, dear Anon, please return and request a more relaxed version. :) Until such a time, there are just five blogs which are absolutely-and-most-certainly on my Follow Forever list:
All of them tried and true good 'uns, Anon. 
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enigmaticdoctorscully · 12 years
thanks ya erin!
IT DID. my roommates made me brownies. and now i'm going to explode because i just finished a 12" sub when they gave me the giant brownie. 
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Happy Birthday Gabby! :)
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1in5billion · 12 years
omg omg omg. hello! you're following me?! O.O I looove your blog! doctor who and TXF. heaven. thanks for suddenly following me! :)
Ohmygoodness, thank you! You post awesome stuff too!
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tracymcconnell · 12 years
Here! This is the Wedgie of love! Go to everyone in your Tumblr crushes, and send them this wedgie to let them know that they're loved!
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thiselvenmaiden · 12 years
Thanks for sending me a number. I've answered it already. And tell me too, what's your 5 favorite books? :D
The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
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dream1n9big · 12 years
Hi? :)
1. First impression: Likes HP, XF, and Disney. FOLLOW. 2. Truth is: You are super sweet, I love talking to you, and I just love you in general.3. How old do you look: 184. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes5. Have you ever made me mad: No6. Best feature: Hair and personality7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: hmm...idk9. Name in my phone: Nope10. Should you post this too? Yes
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maybetheresknope · 12 years
Tagging game
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you have tagged them.
Rule 5 - Tell the person who tagged you that you completed it!
My answers:
1. If you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?
Well, seeing as I watch Doctor Who and seeing that the Doctor gets to live forever and has to watch the people he loves dies and all of that. NO WAY would I want to live forever. I guess at first the idea of living forever can seem great. I mean just think about it, if you mess up you have all the time in the world to fix it. Not feeling like you are wasting your life not doing anything worthy You are living forever so, you don't have to worry about that. But, imagine having to watch all the people you come to care about die. And you have to keep on living life forever with no end in sight. There is one beginning one, a whole lot of middle and an end in life. You just gotta make sure you make that middle part worthwhile. 
2. What’s your favorite season of the year?
Winter is the greatest season of all time. I just love cold weather so much. I remember when I was younger and winter would come around and Christmas season and ugh, it was the greatest. Unfortunately, though it doesn't get that cold anymore in crappy Miami (I guess global warming is to blame) which I reeeeally hate. 
3. Most annoying song you’ve ever heard?
Currently it's "Call me, Maybe." 
4. Do you prefer to meet David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson? Why?
I would love to meet both but, if I had to choose it'd be Gillian. DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH IT KILLED ME SEEING ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO MET HER RECENTLY? :( She played one of my favorite female characters of all time who is like a role model to me and I just admire her in general and all the charity work that she does and how much she truly wants to help people. 
5. Do you have any favorite comedy actors?
Ummm...not really? Idk. I love Steve Carrel and Amy Poehler and a bunch of other people. I don't necessarily have a favorite. 
6. Dark, White or Milk chocolate?
I just love all chocolate equally. 
7. Do you ship Doggett and Reyes? 
I do! I don't hardcore ship them but, I did enjoy their shippy scenes and episodes. I like to think that they're together now. 
8.Do you prefer watching a movie or reading a book?
To be honest, i'm not much of a reader. I used to be the biggest bookworm when I was younger. I would get in trouble with my parents for staying up too late reading lol. But, as I got older, the bookworm in me went away. So, I prefer watching a movie. 
9. Do you prefer staying inside on a good sunny day or stay outside on a rainy day?
Definitely stay inside on a good sunny day. It gets waaaay too hot in Miami and I hate that lol. 
10. Would you rather have an older sibling, younger sibling, or be an only child?
I'm the oldest out of three. I have two younger brothers. I wish I had an older sibling. I always wanted an older sister.
11. If you could choose where to live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
NEW YORK Or idk anywhere where you could actually feel the seasons year round. I would just ultimately like to live somewhere else that is not Miami, at least for a while. Just see what else is out there, you know? Different culture, people. From what people have told me, living in Miami and then going somewhere else, it's completely different. 
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Tada! A vlog! Complete with My Voice and My Face! (sorry about that...)
Apologies in advance for the sound quality, my camera takes better still photos than it does audio...
Thankies to those who sent questions, and even more thanks to anyone who dares brave viewing this vlog...cheers!
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enigmaticdoctorscully · 12 years
tagged by youraveragebutuniquegirlnextdoor
1. If you had the choice, would you choose to live forever? I don't think so.  2. What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall 3. Most annoying song you’ve ever heard?  Ummm i can't think of most annoying, every song that i dont feel like listening to at the moment is annoying.  4. Do you prefer to meet David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson? Why? Gillian  because she's queen  5. Do you have any favorite comedy actors? yerp, tina fey, betty white, amy poehler... basically SNL people 6. Dark, White or Milk chocolate?milk chocolate. forever.  7. Do you ship Doggett and Reyes?  yes 8.Do you prefer watching a movie or reading a book? depends how tired i am. books if i;m not, movies if i just want to lie there and zone out.  9. Do you prefer staying inside on a good sunny day or stay outside on a rainy day? out on a rainy 10. Would you rather have an older sibling, younger sibling, or be an only child? hmm... i;d like to try older so then i wouldnt be tje one gettng trouble for all the shit my sisters do...  11. If you could choose where to live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Netherlands 
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claudiajeancreg · 12 years
Tagging game:)
1. If you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?  Yes, because then me and Scully could hang out forever.  Probably not, I mean, look at poor Alfred Fellig! 2. What’s your favorite season of the year? Summer:) 3. Most annoying song you’ve ever heard? Basically any song that Rihanna has released in the past 2 years. 4. Do you prefer to meet David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson? Why? David Duchovny, because if I met Gillian I would faint and she would think I'm a crazy annoying person, and she would hate me forever.  I love her too much to put her through that. 5. Do you have any favorite comedy actors? EMMA STONE 6. Dark, White or Milk chocolate? Milk! 7. Do you ship Doggett and Reyes?  Ever so slightly. 8.Do you prefer watching a movie or reading a book? I'll do either as long as they are good! 9. Do you prefer staying inside on a good sunny day or stay outside on a rainy day? Outside on a rainy day. 10. Would you rather have an older sibling, younger sibling, or be an only child? I have a younger sibling, so I've always wondered what it's like to have an older one;) 11. If you could choose where to live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Under Gillian Anderson's house  LONDON<3 
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Social situations involving more than 5 people make me ridiculously uncomfortable But I still get jealous when all my friends hang out together.
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