#your going down croaker
the-bat-fozzie · 3 months
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Hello people of Gotham; I am finally ready to make my appearance known. I am BatFozzie I kin both Batman and Fozzie bear.
I’m making this blog to fight against the the Croaker uprising I am 100% serious about hoping for his rehabilitation but ready to take him down for his crusade to end.
=I am the night. I am Batman=
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You are all cordially invited to the greatest showdown this side of Astral Plane Texas.
Statler vs Gordon, a cook-off of EPIC proportions.
Date and time? Figure it out yourself, I'm not your mother.
We're gonna make hell's kitchen look like home economics...
If YOU want to feast your eye balls on the most exciting battle since Croaker vs that one guy, meet us at the Astral Plane DENNYS.
Gordon is going DOWN!!!
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big-fan-of-botw · 2 months
Everything I know about Dashcon 2
Written August 1, 2024 and posted 9:00am CST
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(Image says: dashcon 2. This website is still under construction! If you have any questions for our team please reach out to us)
DATE: July 12, 2025
LOCATION: Toronto, Canada (nothing more specific as of now)
WEBSITE: dashcontwo.com
Tumblr: @dashcon-two
Instagram: dashcontwo
Twitter: DashconTwo
Facebook: link on website does not work
TikTok: dashcontwo
Their link tree (linktr.ee/dashcontwo) only links the Instagram, Tiktok, and website. Fancebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are linked on the website (their website does NOT have a link to TikTok or Instagram).
Info in the FAQ regarding convention logistics and organizers (CLICK THE "About Us" LINK ON TOP RIGHT OF WEBSITE FOR FAQ):
1.) The organizers are not the same as the ones for the original Dashcon.
2.) Dashcon 2 is not sponsored or organized by Tumblr.
3.) (Image quotes website, "Our team of organizers actually have experience in event coordination, or fields with transferable skills. We’ve taken our time to plan the road ahead carefully, and we have no intention of repeating DashCon’s mistakes.")
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4.) Dashcon 2 is "a celebration of local artists, fandom, and internet history".
5.) There will be a ball pit, it will be supervised at all times to prevent anyone from peeing in it.
6.) There will be both safety guidelines for guest to follow and professional security.
7.) Large props must be approved by Weapons Check before they are allowed into the convention space.
8.) In-person attendance will be limited, and virtual tickets to panels will be offered. There is no attendance limit to virtual panels.
Extra info
There may be two ball pits (Tumblr blog)
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@the-muppet-joker expressed interest in going (Tumblr blog, https://www.tumblr.com/dashcon-two/757557151949602816/im-going-to-convince-the-croaker-to-go-to-dashcon?source=share)
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(Image says:
Anonymous asked: im going to convince the croaker to go to dashcon two
strange-aeons answered: YES WE DUEL IN THE PIT
the-muppet-joker Prepare for my Muppet Face and Joker Smile, Strange. You will taste my blade. And my hooves I mean feet for when I kick you into orbit. I accept your Ballpit Duel… *I chuckle darkly*)
There is a timer on the website counting down to Dashcon 2 (CLICK THE "DashCon 2" LINK IN THE TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE WEBSITE).
Information on the convention organizers was previously available on the website earlier today, but not yesterday (when I checked). There were 4 people listed, 2 were co-something (I believe organizer or founder ), one was something about art, and I can't remember the last one but I believe it had something to do with the logistics of the convention.
I used the wayback machine and the jobs are (in order): co-founder, co-founder, artistic director, and panels & attendee relations. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE OR UP TO DATE, IT MAY HAVE BEEN TAKE OFF OF THE WEBSITE DUE TO INCORRECT INFORMATION.
The current date for dashcon 2 is July 12, 2025. It will last for 1 day.
As I update this, I will post the time and date of the update and what was changed.
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gonzobatman1 · 5 months
your blog is truly righteous and the TRUE movement thank you for bringing people to the light
Thank you my friend it is nice to see someone go down the path of enlightenment
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theoneandonlyblob · 1 year
Miscellaneous Croaker Facts
-I didn’t want to call them male and female so gender names are flashes(Female,Bright and Shiny) and flickers (Male,Brown and Stripey)
-They got eight limbs now. They walk like a grasshopper with very short back legs now.
-the little holes I draw behind their eyes sometimes are breathing holes. The feathers hide it sometimes
-Croakers have weird little cylinder things for globes they know you’ll end up in the same place if you travel far enough. They have a lot of traveling equipment. They just never pieced together it’s a sphere.
-Also they don’t have larvae and cocoons anymore. They just have nymphs which have an external exoskeleton for a couple molts and then in their final molt they finally come out with their internalized exoskeleton.
-Also making some cultures for these guys. -Most of the planet is oceanic but there’s a couple of landmasses close to each other where croakers originated.
-Croaker nymphs definitely have a prey drive. Show them some bugs in your hand and they’ll bite your fingers off.
-Croakers will go into the woods grab some small critters. Sometimes eat them raw but usually bring them to their kitchen and cook ‘em.
-Southern croakers are smaller than northern on average.
-Southern clothing involves bright colors, intricate patterns, and a bunch of stuff that hangs down and flows while northern clothing is mainly based on practicality.
-Decency standards clothewise is really just keeping your chest covered. I don’t know why they’re like that but they’re just weird like that.
Also here’s the redesign :>
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Working on the clothing and cultures but it’ll be out soon….
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worldsfromhoney · 9 months
To Fall and Fall to Rise Pt.2
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tw: emotional manipulation, child abuse
It’s already dark by the time he drives into his old neighbourhood and nothing’s changed. He sees the only school in the area, memories of never attending and wondering why why why flitting through his head like an old grudge. There are the shops right across it he always passes, never going in unless Amala has an errand for him.
He wonders again, so many years later, if he would’ve made friends then.
Val drives past the school and the shops. He goes along the streets he still knows like the back of his hand, all the joys and horrors remembered. There is only a spattering of people out, all in their flimsy attire and stupid sandals, where they can wiggle their toes with a sigh in the snow.
Snow is something else. Kea and the others who look at him with a curious eye always try to dare him to touch it, but he always refuses. He’s already ice cold, they reason. What’s the harm in getting colder?
Val just smiles at remarks like that until they feel uneasy enough to shift the conversation. But it makes sense, their arguments. A little more cold wouldn’t hurt, right?
That’s easy to say for people who’ve never felt cold in their lives. It’s easy for anyone who’s never almost been part of the wintry landscape if Amala hadn’t rushed out to find him. The feeling of being surrounded by the very cold he emanates is not like death. Not exactly.
It’s like sleeping and what was scarier than that?
Val comes upon the local playground and slows down. There’s a familiar face. Rolling the window and coming to a stop, he shoots the figure his first genuine smile of the day.
“Hey, old man,” Val says in greeting. The vendor shuffles to a stop. The old man frowns before shuffling closer. It takes only a moment for recognition to finally spark in those dark eyes.
“Von Brandt!” He says, laughing. Val returns the laugh, his smile getting wider by the minute. “That your ugly mug, you brat?”
“Says the idiot old man who’s walking the streets all red-faced,” Val said, sniping back good-heartedly. He threw a coin the man swiftly caught. “What, you cooking those sweet potatoes on your face, Lailo?”
“Brat,” Lailo says with a grumble, but still dutifully opens his steamer. With deft hands unafraid of the concentrated heat, he plucks out a sweet potato wrapped in tinfoil and tosses it over.
As always, Val pretends to fumble with it, hissing hot hot hot if only because it makes the old man chuckle. Three years later, and it still does. He unwraps the tinfoil and sighs as a puff of heat went at his face.
He missed this. The best steamed sweet potato always came from Lailo’s cart.
“So,” The old man starts after Val had taken some bites. “You came for ol’ Amala, huh?”
Val’s hands around the sweet potato twitch, but he nods, staying silent. He keeps eating. Lailo gets enough of an answer from that. The old man always seems to have an affinity for reading him too easily. He seems to know well enough he should let the matter go because he dusts off the snow on his cart.
Val looks at the old man he’s formed a friendship with and wonders. He looks at the gloves, hat, scarf, and all the other layers Val himself had adorned hours before. All he knows of Lailo was the old man was just like him.
Val wonders how much Lailo Croaker knows about him and his mum.
“She’s about to burn out,” Val says and he watches, closer than he’s ever had, how the old man he’d treated like a brother reacts to the news.
Lailo keeps on cleaning his cart.
“That so,” Lailo says, their dark eyes knowing and the sweet potato turns to ice in Val’s throat. “You better head on over soon then, brat.”
And with a heave, he pushes his cart and was on his way again along the streets.
Val … should’ve known. He really should’ve because of course, Lailo must’ve known everything that goes on in this town. Of course, he knows everything. Val had helped with that.
He understands and knows he doesn’t have to, as he throws the sweet potato out into the snow where it belongs.
The snow’s falling heavily outside, but Val gets out of the car, anyway. The few bites of steamed sweet potato make him ‘warm’ enough to only need a coat compared to earlier.
Earlier. What a curious thing to think about those hours of listening to professors as ‘earlier.’
He thinks it’s a lifetime ago. It feels like it. It’s as if the long road from his university to here crossed the boundaries of time and opportunity. Being here at the playground he always went to worsens the feeling settling over him. He feels like the swing’s a pendulum, reversing the hours and days he’s been away. Being here worsens the feeling of wanting to forget. It makes him only want to remember the good things and none of the bad, which made him leave.
Hard not to drown in these thoughts and feelings when everything’s the same—the sandbox, swings, and the playhouse with its slides. The little paradise for the little Von Brandt.
Val blinks. Someone’s calling. No one should be. It’s late at night and his neighbourhood’s never had much of a nightlife. The most obvious reason is no one knows him well enough, save for Amala, Lailo, and—
Someone’s walking towards him. They’re wearing the same flimsy attire as everyone else—all thin fabrics and floppy sandals. Their steps are hurried, steam rising from the snow-covered path that Val himself has taken just moments before getting to the swings.
Then the figure comes into the light and Val wishes he stayed in the car.
“Val?” Mrs Sorge says, breathless and with awe in her delicate voice. It’s the same voice he remembers. “Oh, gods, it’s really you.”
Val offers a polite smile.
“Mrs Sorge,” He says and stops before he gives more than he should and wants. The woman who had gracefully aged seems to catch on and she shuffles closer. Her hurried steps from earlier are now hesitant, as if she doesn’t know if the welcome is still there.
Mrs Sorge looks into Val’s face and the welcome’s there. It’s always been from when she first found him hiding near her house. She sees the welcome from when she promised she wouldn’t say and mind telling me what’s the problem, love?
It’s there. Of course it’s still there and Mrs Sorge sobs and cradles his face. Her kind eyes look at him like he’s still the boy who shared whispers with her and that he didn’t—
“Oh, my boy,” She says with a sob, love and regret burning off of her so like the day she left, leaving him promises never met. “Oh, my boy, why are you back?”
Val let something of the truth show on his face. He reckons it’s like a sheet of ice falling off, crashing into dagger shards at their feet. It might hurt her. It might not. Might, might, and all the possibilities. This, he shows her when he lets himself lean into her touch before pulling away.
Val smiles for real this time. Something cracks like the chipping of ice. He wonders what else will break today. Will she? For him? Mrs Sorge’s hot tears are still flowing down her cheeks and he wipes them away.
“She called,” Val says, and that’s a truth he doesn’t need to explain. Not to the only person who tried to get him out and away and free.
Her tears, he thinks, are as warm as he remembers.
@wildthingsandmagic @starbuds-and-rosedust @alexsidereus @adorable-bookworm @th3-scr3ens-ar3-watching
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saishreehospital · 11 months
ACL surgery - Saishree Hospital
ACL Injury Overview
A rupture or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the robust bands of tissue that joins your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia), results in an injury. Sports like soccer, basketball, football, and downhill skiing that require rapid stops or direction changes, jumping, and landings are the most common causes of ACL injury.
Many people experience a pop or a "popping" sensation in their knees when they have an ACL tear. It could becoming painful to put weight on your knee and enlarge. It might also become unstable.
ACL tears caused by sports
In sports, an ACL tear or sprain frequently occurs when you: - • Plant your foot firmly on the ground, and your leg is straight or slightly bent when a powerful force strikes your knee.
• While sprinting, swiftly change your direction.
• Make an unpleasant landing following a leap.
This kind of injury is frequent in sports like soccer, skiing, football, basketball, and others that involve a lot of stop-and-go movement, jumping, or weaving.
Other causes of ACL tears
ACL sprains and tears can also be caused by falling off a ladder or missing a step on a stairway.
The ACL, like any other body part, deteriorates with age. Tears are more common in adults over the age of 40.
Common Symptoms OF ACL Injury -
The following signs and symptoms are typical of an ACL tear:
Knee pain with a loud "popping" sensation,
extreme agony that prevents you from exercising,
excessive and rapid swelling, and a loss of range of motion.
A feeling of "giving way" or instability when you bear weight.
Treatments for ACL Injuries
Immediate first- aid treatment helps minimize discomfort and swelling after a knee injury.
• Rest- Rest is essential for mending and restricts weight bearing on your knee.
• Elevation- taradiddle down on your reverse with your knee raised on pillows.
• Compression- Wrap your knee with an elastic girth or contraction serape .
• Ice Pack- When you are awake, attempt to ice your knee for at least 20 twinkles every two hours.
• Compression- Wrap your knee with an elastic girth or contraction serape .
• Elevation- taradiddle down on your reverse with your knee raised up on pillows.
• Rehabilitation- The end of the remedy is to lessen pain and lump, recapture the complete range of stir in your knee, and strengthen muscles. Individuals who are generally inactive, engage in modest exercise and recreational conditioning or play sports that put a lower strain on the knees may profit from this course of physical remedy.
• Surgery- Your croaker may advise you to get surgery if
• If you are an athlete who wants to keep playing your sport, especially if it requires jumping, slicing, or rotating.
• further than one ligament or stringy cartilage in your knee is also damaged.
• Your knee is buckling as a result of the damage during everyday conditioning.
Prevention –
ACL injuries can be prevented with the right exercise and training. Training in risk assessment might be given by a sports medicine physician, physiotherapist, athletic trainer, or other specialist in sports medicine.
• Leg strengthening exercises, especially with the hamstrings.
• To improve technique, practise pivoting and cutting movements.
• Core-strengthening workouts for the lower abdomen, hips, and pelvis.
• Practise and instruction on proper leaping form and knee alignment upon landing leaps
Takeaway -
Whether or not you require knee surgery will depend on the severity of your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and how it impacts your quality of life.
If you don't lead an active lifestyle and your knee doesn't seem unstable, you might decide against having an ACL surgery. However, you should still perform one more physiotherapy exercise.
On the other hand, you should be aware that waiting for surgery could lead to more knee issues.
Note -One study of persons with ACL tears discovered that the chance of injuring the damaged knee increased by 1% every month between the injury and surgery.
Web-  ACL surgery – Saishree Hospital
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project1939 · 1 year
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Day One- “A Toast, Then, To Yesterday!” 
One day down, only 90 to go! The nicest surprise? The QUIET! Having so much natural ambient sound as my backdrop instead of a device constantly playing something feels almost soul cleansing. 
TV: Dragnet, Season 1 episode 2. Jan 3rd. Roy Rogers. Season 1, episode 2. Jan 6th. Westinghouse Studio One, season 4, episode 17, Jan 7th. 
Radio: Fibber McGee and Molly, Jan 1st.. You Bet Your Life, Jan 2nd. Bergen and McCarthy, Jan 6th. 
Film: Neighbours, Jan 1st. 
1) Gustav Mahler’s daughter: She was randomly in an episode of You Bet Your Life! She introduced herself as a sculptor from Vienna with the last name Mahler, and she was his flippin’ daughter. She was charming with a bit of dry humor, and as someone who is basically obsessed with her father’s towering genius, I of course loved her.  
2) Dragnet 1950s crime lingo: “Are you a Joy-popper or a Croaker, babe?" "You better stop selling Cecil and Mary, or your life’s just gonna go to the dogs!” 
3) Betty Furness: The pitch-lady host of the tv show Westinghouse Studio One, and my weird new crush. She can sell me a “laundromat” (washing machine) or a refrigerator with an ice chest any day. 
Roy Rogers’ tv show: It wasn’t terrible, but I stan Gene Autry, the other famous cowboy of the day. Rogers' stuff lacks the knowing humor of Autry. In this one, a sheriff was shot, a bank was robbed, and a horse named Trigger and a dog named Bullet helped Roy save the day.
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txskinandvein · 2 years
The Dermatology Facts You Should Know
Dermatology is a piece of clinical information that arrangements with the assessment and treatment of conditions related with the skin, hair, and nails. Skin is the best organ of the body and goes presumably as an insurance of your body from any injury. Thusly, it is compelling for overseeing skin articulations of warmth. Best Dermatologist considers the legitimate treatment of warm movements like hyperpigmentation, parasitic ailment, dermatitis, going uncovered, and different issues. This assessment of the solution has become by and large famous in San Antonio. Dermatology San Antonio is for the most part open with the assistance of complete dermatologists.
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When do you want a dermatologist?
A dermatologist is a croaker who manages the issue of skin, hair, nail, and mucous film. Dermatology is comparatively helpful in settling elaborate helper issues. A dermatologist gives full treatment to the individual and besides gives pro encouraging to your chief body passageway. Dermatology in San Antonio isn't bound to conversation just, it has likewise come progressed in displaying the normal treatment and activity if crucial.
There are sure issues when you ought to visit a dermatologist
Diminishing up top Going uncovered is a tremendous and customary issue of our age, and it's for sure more normal in the USA. Going uncovered issues can be heritable or it will in everyday be a quick outcome of hair lice. Patient Handles These connection point with harmless skin improvement, and they do when it's adulterated by the pollution. On the off chance that you're besides experiencing handles moreover you genuinely want to visit a dermatologist for the treatment.
Vitiligo It's the most shocking skin grievance and it gives patches over the skin lighter than the shade of your skin. Vitiligo is sensitive to treat, and it happens considering the explanation that skin loses melanin in a combination of ways. A dermatologist can treat it and assist with stopping it.
Shingles, a kind of viral disease, causes rashes over the skin. You can be recuperated from Shingles in the scope of a week or so point of fact without treatment. In any case, treatment can assist you with accelerating your recuperation with appropriate consideration.
Skin Disorder It's the most seen as normal issue in the USA and it will overall be treated with dermatology. Sorts of skin disorder are essential cells, melanoma, etc.
Piecemeal from these infirmities, there are different hardships too. All of the sicknesses related with skin, hair, and nail can be treated under dermatology. Dermatology in San Antonio gives the prescriptions in general, and afterward you can track down the surefire dermatologists with instruments and licenses.
Kinds of treatment a dermatologist gives
Made by a dermatologist isn't simply restricted to conversation or offering bearing related with skin illnesses, yet he likewise gives drug and simple solutions.
There is a flood of different styles, as well. These styles of dermatology assisted individuals with attempts of skin issues. Be that as it may, as a result of perplexing issues, it's sensible to manage the legitimization behind skin-warm movements (contamination, medication misuse, and so forth) first. besides, acknowledge about the treatment. Prescriptions can be really open for Dermatologist In San Antonio Texas as a various group are in addition experiencing skin issues or having elaborate issues then, at that point,
For More Info :-
dermatologist san antonio tx
learn more about texas skin and vein
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/txskinandvein46/home
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sarowar9xl · 2 years
How Lose Weight Fastly? These Science-Backed Tips Can Help You Lose Weight
Weight loss isn't the answer to every health problem, but if your croaker recommends it, there are tips to help you lose weight safely. A steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for the most effective long- term weight operation.
That said, numerous eating plans designed to help you lose weight leave you feeling empty or unsatisfied, or they cut out major food groups and aren't sustainable. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a healthier eating plan. Everyone has unique requirements and different eating styles and tips may work better for you than someone differently. You may find you're suitable to lose weight by following a low carb diet or a diet that has a focus on whole foods, but there are some general principles that apply when you ’re trying to lose weight. Then are some wisdom- backed tips to help you lose weight that include healthy eating, choosing carbs precisely, and that end to reduce your appetite and hunger situations while keeping you satisfied produce harmonious weight loss over time help ameliorate your metabolic health at the same time still, some of these tips may help, but quick weight loss is infrequently sustainable If you want to lose weight snappily. fastening on long- term health and habits that you can stick with over time will help ameliorate your health and are more likely to affect in lasting weight loss.
Cut back on refined carbs
One way to help lose weight snappily is to cut back on sugars and beans, or carbohydrates. This could be with a low carb eating plan or by reducing refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains. When you do that, your hunger situations go down, and you generally end up eating smaller calories (
1Trusted Source). With a low carb eating plan, you ’ll use burning stored fat for energy rather of carbs. still, you ’ll benefit from advanced fiber and digest them more sluggishly, If you choose to eat more complex carbs like whole grains along with a calorie deficiency. This makes them more filling to keep you satisfied. A 2020 study verified that a veritably low carbohydrate diet was salutary for losing weight in aged populations (2Trusted Source). Research also suggests that a low carb diet may reduce appetite, which can lead to naturally eating smaller calories without allowing about it or feeling empty (3Trusted Source). Note that the long- term goods of a low carb diet are still being delved. It can also be delicate to cleave to a low carb diet, which may lead to yo- yo overeating and lower success in maintaining a healthy weight. There are implicit downsides to a low carb diet that may lead you to a different system. Reduced calorie diets can also lead to weight loss and be easier to maintain for longer ages of time. still, a 2019 study identified high whole grain input with lower body mass indicator (BMI) ( 4Trusted Source), If you conclude for a diet fastening rather on whole grains over refined carbs.
To determine the stylish way for you to lose weight, consult your croaker for recommendations. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables
Eat protein, fat, and vegetables
Aim to include a variety of foods at each mess. To balance your plate and help you lose weight your refection should include a protein sourse fat source vegetables a small portion of complex carbohydrates, similar as whole grains To see how you can assemble your refection check out this low carb mess plan
this lower calorie mess plan
these lists of 101 healthy low carb fashions and low calorie foods
Eating a recommended quantum of protein is essential to help save your health and muscle mass while losing weight (5Trusted Source).
substantiation suggests that eating acceptable protein may ameliorate cardiometabolic threat factors, appetite, and body weight (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
Generally, an average manly requirements about 56- 91 grams per day, and the average womanish requirements 46- 75 grams per day, but numerous factors influence protein needs. Then are guidelines to help you figure out how important protein to eat without eating too important( 9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source)
g/ kg of body weight
1-1.2 g/ kg of body weight for people 65 and aged
- 2g/ kg of body weight for athletes
Diets with acceptable protein may also help you reduce jones and snacking by helping you feel full and satisfied (11).
Healthy protein sources include
meat beef, funk, pork, and angel
fish and seafood salmon, trout, sardines, and shrimp
factory- grounded proteins sap, legumes, quinoa, tempeh, and tofu
About Us
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A Pennsylvania home health agency provides the best senior care.
In the space of modernization, we are truly occupied with our calling and own life; we are now and again bungled to commit the referenced an open door to our inclined toward bones.
 Work strain in office and the agitated timetable are the starting purposes for our ideal strategy for letting the created individuals from the family be at home. To guarantee internal serenity you genuinely ought to quit whining about your created guardians while you are working. You search for experts who offer a full time sponsorship to them. It's focal that you ensure that they yield the tolerant love they secure from individuals you select for them. To give the sponsorship these experts ought to be sufficient prepared.
 Organized experts of Home Idea Relationship in Philadelphia are reasonable to express the impression, love and sponsorship that your kin need. They are told and truly win the conviction of seniors through their straightforwardness and kind disposition. They offer them fitting admiration. They give nutritive and incredible food and follow a specific eating ordinary as suggested by croakers.
 Notwithstanding, dressing, taking medication, on the off chance that your old watchmen are not reasonable to do express things and require moving in their standard effort; Home Clinical advantages Firm in Pennsylvania offers assists that with uniting washing. The staff individuals have a central impact in aiding the created individuals in playing out this enormous number of tries effectively and permit them to keep their sureness. Sometimes they give rub helps that give the more prepared individuals a help from routine torment in joints. They beyond question brief little activities, which influence in updating the genuine show. The parental figures go with you in a short walk that can expand the strength of muscles and stretch ligaments and joints as well. Promise you close the ideal areas reasonable to offer remedy on opportunity to your old guardians.
 Individuals you select can give your kin relentless sponsorship. senior occupants will most obviously have two or three clinical issues. The master places will drive them to the croaker
 a cardiologist, a pedicurist and certainly to a beautician; all over they need to go. With everything considered, what are you remaining for? In the event that you are not exactly sure about using subject matter experts, direct a web-based outing and give your old mother or pater
 the wash and the most charming choice.
 Some could track down moving created guardians to an idea home an irksome choice; yet the verity ought to be confronted.
For more info :-  
Home Care Service Agency Pennsylvania
home care assistance Pennsylvania
Source Url :-  https://sites.google.com/view/jovanhoomecarebusiness/home
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shawnbarai · 2 years
What is a normal oxygen level?
Normal A normal ABG oxygen position for healthy lungs falls between 80 and 100 millimeters of mercury( mm Hg). still, a normal reading is generally between 95 and 100 percent, If a palpitation ox measured your blood oxygen position.
still, in COPD or other lung conditions, these ranges may not apply. Your croaker will let you know what's normal for your specific condition. For illustration, it is n’t uncommon for people with severe COPD to maintain their palpitation ox situations between 88 to 92 percent.
Below normal A below-normal blood oxygen cylinder position is called hypoxemia. Hypoxemia is frequently beget for concern. The lower the oxygen position, the more severe the hypoxemia. This can lead to complications in body towel and organs.
typically, a PaO2 reading below 80 mm Hg or a palpitation ox below 95 percent is considered low. It’s important to know what's normal for you, especially if you have a habitual A condition or illness that arises sluggishly over days or weeks and may or may not resolve with treatment. It's the contrary of acute. lung condition. Your croaker can give recommendations as to what ranges of oxygen situations are respectable for you.
Is My Blood Oxygen Level Normal? – Health Line So what's the normal oxygen position? People who are breathing normal, who have fairly healthy lungs( or asthma that's under control), will have a blood oxygen position of 95 to 100. Anything between 92 and 88, is still considered safe and average for someone with moderate to severe COPD. Below 88 becomes dangerous, and when it dips to 84 or below, it’s time to go to the sanitarium. Around 80 and lower is dangerous for your vital organs, so you should be treated right down.
Your blood oxygen position will also go down a little when you're exercising unless your croaker has instructed you to turn your inflow setting up while you're exercising, making up for this change. Depending on the mo
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premierallergytx · 2 years
What Treatments for Allergies Are Most Effective?
Asthma is maybe of the most notable hesitance that have been upsetting people for a surprisingly long time. Regardless, you ought to sort out stylish  premier allergy TX that can be of help, Accepting at least for now that you're encountering similar issues also. Treating mislike requires a lot of obstruction and you really want to precisely check out at the quantum of progress that you have made.
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chief sensitivity tx
One of the most perplexing issues with mislike prescriptions is that not all styles suit everyone. subsequently, indeed cleaned asthma mislike treatment could fail to be of help to you consequently you want to take a gander at the changed expected decisions and unobtrusively stay for the right sort of treatment that can firmly impact your prosperity.
There are a lot of mislike centers that can loosen up the right help to you consequently you should take a gander at the sort of foundations that they give. After unequivocally examining their set of experiences, you can have a thought about the association that you should choose for getting your mislike treated.
Piecemeal from asthma, there are innumerous other mislike issues too. There are splendid different kinds of skin mislike that have been disturbing a numerous people too. Some skin mislikes will frequently come legitimately outrageous as they leave flaws on the face. Further, they can be troublesome additionally and certain people face shivering bothers too.
Anyway, it's basic to comply to the croaker's headings precisely, If you're encountering issues of mislike. The issues of mislike bear you to be wary and moderate as there's no compass for whipping with the tips. Nevertheless, your interests can destroy a unimaginable game plan and accordingly the challenges would top and your disease can sever down too On the opportunity that you're not adequately mindful.
Anyway, you really want to at first endeavor to find that, If you're not uncomfortable of the valid thing that is the justification behind your mislike. There are different ways that can help you in getting on concerning what's provoking the antagonistic response.
You could have to cover and track your standard events completely for changing the genuine effects that are causing unwilling responses. After you have been sensible to perceive the effects or composites that are getting an unpleasant response, you should endeavor to search for the appraisal of a specialist equivalent that they can portray the right treatment decisions which you should mileage.
Anyway, you can demand the appraisal from various specialists also, In case you're not truly sure of the sufficiency of the treatment decisions. There is for each situation farther than one treatment style that you can have and thusly you should at first endeavor to examine the decision which is apparently great for you.
Whenever you have started a treatment system, attempt to stick to it. You should overview the headway reliably, yet, show limitation because treating threatening responses will for the most part possess a really long time and thusly the results likely won't appear for you to perceive nearly incontinently.
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leam1983 · 2 years
Razer Blade 14 - Thoughts
Specs before anyone asks:
AMD Ryzen™ 9 6900HX Processor (8-Cores /16-Threads, 20MB Cache, Up to 4.9 GHz max boost) with Radeon™ 680M Graphics.
Windows 11 Home.
14-inch FHD 144Hz, 1920 x 1080. ...
NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3060 (6GB GDDR6 VRAM)
1TB SSD (M.2 NVMe PCIe 4.0 x4)
Actual thoughts below the cut. Send gamer hate at [email protected]
So. It, um, certainly is a laptop. At fourteen inches, it's just about comfortable enough to sit in someone's lap, assuming you're not looking to kill your cojones by sitting cross-legged through a maxed-out run on Cyberpunk 2077. Not that you could, it's only got 6 GB of VRAM and the onboard RTX 3060 draws a ton of juice. You'd be lucky to get an hour at 1080p Medium. Being a Ryzen lappy, it also doesn't support Thunderbolt, so you couldn't exactly turn it into a hybrid system by plugging in a docked GPU while at home. Your only other option is the humble 6900HX's onboard Radeon graphics, which are, well...
Calling them limited by today's standards would be fair.
So why the fuck did I buy that? Because I'm an adult, and I need something with a screen and a keyboard that can follow me. The Steam Deck's great for my Linux needs and it still is my contender for actual portable gaming, but I've increasingly found myself getting shipped around the city to deal with sales reps directly for the sake of my job, and dealing with a car dealership's Sales Director typically means waiting. Waiting quite a bit, at that. If I'm told to sit around a break room and wait above ninety minutes, I'm getting comfortable and getting some work done.
All that, and the fact that I already have a decent gaming PC. I don't need the new portable hotness, not when gaming at work would get me fired, and not when I'd be liable to wait for a hotel room or some other accommodation to consider loading up a Skyrim save away from home.
On the plus side, the USB-C ports are decently zippy and allowed me to tether to our single Windows server rack quite comfortably.
You're not here for Adult Shit, though, any old croaker can run some form of a word-processor or an office suite. In terms of performance, the onboard RTX 3060 outpaces my housebound RTX 2080 in terms of raytracing capabilities, but has less of a texture buffer. Warhammer 40K: Darktide runs with all its bells and whistles cranked to High on my main rig, and with ray-tracing turned off. On my laptop, my single Darktide run yielded a steady 60 FPS at low-to-medium details, with a few ray-tracing elements turned on. Considering the type of game this is, it's really an "apples or oranges" sort of deal. Crisper details you won't really slow down to look at, or deeper shadows? Take your pick.
The same goes for Cyberpunk 2077, with things improving if you step down a notch and consider older titles. FarCry 5 is amenable with the 3060's lean VRAM budget, as is Assassin's Creed Odyssey - everything gets cranked up with no complaints other than the cooling array's incessant whining.
Therein lies the one reason why I think even gaming laptops should be seen as a stopgap for when computers aren't available: heat transfer. If you're the type to pack a gamepad while on the go, odds are this won't concern you. If you're hoping to tackle an FPS or a Management game, however, odds are you'll quickly realize how toasty your hands and fingers can become. Over time, the resulting feeling can be quite uncomfortable. If you've gone for one of the pricier Blades or any other laptop with an Intel CPU, you've got access to Thunderbolt 3 and as such, could reliably dock the machine and use it as a hybrid rig, thereby negating any heating-related issues. As this is quite the commitment - and a pricey one at that - it's almost more worthwhile to do what I've done, and to invest into a mobile gap-filler.
Do I like it, though? I'll answer like a boring adult man nearing his forties and say that it does what I need it to, without looking like your typically cheap ASUS Aspire build. It's utterly quiet unless taxed, seeing as the 6900HX covers both processing and video display as long as low-effort jobs are presented. You can set it to consistently default to the snappier RTX 3060 if you absolutely must get that high-frequency Refresh Rate feel even while working on someone's Sales portfolio, but then this adds a consistent low hum to the overall use experience. I like the idea of knowing that my laptop's GPU is effectively turned completely off until taxed. In an office, not being known as the one guy with a jet engine of a notes-taker feels particularly good.
As you'd expect of Razer, however, very little is serviceable or upgradeable, with the onboard Wi-Fi suite and default audio and video drivers absolutely requiring the presence of a default, factory-flashed recovery partition. Delete that, and your custom Windows install is going to get unpleasant really, really quickly. I've also attempted to use one of my old Windows 11 serials to upgrade from the default Home Windows fork to the Pro, and it seems as though this particular Home license key is linked to the recovery partition. I can change OSes at will, but doing so will require that I invest in a USB-to-Ethernet adapter first, to work around my lack of an onboard Ethernet port.
Small ray of sunshine, though - remove six tri-wing screws as well as the backplate itself, and you get access to the one and only serviceable component, which is its SSD drive. The M.2 slot could theoretically accept any size of drive whatsoever, but the Blade 14's confines are so tight that tests show chipsets going above 2 GBs will bend slightly when screwed in. The one source I checked who tried it with an obscenely-priced 8 GB stick from Sabrent claims the laptop still works fine after several weeks, but I wouldn't expect them to maintain their optimism once a chip's solder pads pop off. The safest bet would be a simple 2 GB stick, with anything higher perhaps requiring a little bit of literal hacking to raise the stick while somehow making contact with the port's pins.
My thinking is that I could perhaps find an M.2 riser cable, if those do indeed exist, snip it down to barely an inch, solder its other connector end back on, using that to connect with a high-capacity double-sided NVME drive I'd have stuck to the backplate proper with a combination of thumb tack and electric tape. Problem solved, I think - only I'd be unable to touch my laptop's backplate without burning my fingers.
At that point, you have to question who really needs 8 GBs of storage on a laptop, of all things...
I'm more than satisfied, all things told - except perhaps with that dreaded Razer tax. It's almost worth it, seeing as a few gaming-related stickers got the office's Apple cultists to ask me if I'd just gotten a vintage MacBook. Cover up the three tangled snakes and it certainly passes a cursory inspection.
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24x7pharma · 2 years
Fildena CT 100mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablet
Not getting an construction during coitus makes men frustrated. It's important to sustain an construction to have satisfactory coitus. There are a lot of men who don't get an construction at the time of sexual intercourse. Although the problem of construction seems to be a common problem these days, men should go to see a croaker at formerly. still, also a womanish mate tries colorful ways to make her mate erogenous, 
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If a manly mate doesn't get an construction. It's necessary to make your man sexually aroused to achieve an construction. When a man becomes sexually stimulated, also he can get an construction snappily. 
Sexual stimulation or making your manly mate erogenous is extremely essential for satisfyingsex.However, also he may not be suitable to sustain an construction, If a man doesn't get sexually aroused. Not being suitable to sustain a establishment construction for coitus could be disturbing as well as frustrating for men. The incapability to sustain an construction is a sign of erectile dysfunction. 
  It's essential for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction to make an appointment with their healthcare croakers. Beforehand opinion can help your croaker give an effective treatment. The stylish drug for treating Erectile Dysfunction and making men erogenous is the Fildena oral capsules. 
 Factors Contribute To Erection Issues 
 It has been noticed that men don't get an construction due to numerous reasons. The beginning health issues similar as rotundity, Heart Disease, high blood pressure, or high blood sugar can make a man experience difficulty getting an construction. still, also there are chances of not getting an construction, 
 If a man undergoes stress or anxiety. Men need to stay down from stress and anxiety. passing a problem in getting an construction can make a man depressed. 
 To maintain a healthy coitus life, it's necessary to take care of your health. You need to be mentally and physically fit which will help you get an construction. Being erogenous can help you achieve anerection.However, also you should take a Fildena 100 which can help you get erogenous as well as will help get an construction, If you don't get an construction. Taking Fildena can help you overcome the issue of erectile dysfunction. You need to talk to your healthcare provider formerly before you ingest Fildena. 
Why Should Men Take Fildena? 
 Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction for a long time are advised to take Fildena. Fildena averts an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type- 5 from performing too snappily. The enzyme works in one of the areas of the penis. As a result, getting an construction becomes easy for men. 
 Men who have a problem with an construction don't get a hard- on. When a man is sexually aroused, a penis doesn't expand. As a result, a man isn't suitable to keep an construction for a long time. When a man is sexually agitated, also his body’s normal response is to enhance the inflow of blood to his penis which helps get an construction. 
 The enzyme in Fildena helps to sustain an construction when the penis is stroked. You should keep in mind that a physical action similar as stroking is demanded to make the Fildena work. Along with getting an construction, a man will get erogenous at the same time with the help of Fildena 25 Mg. 
 Information You Need To Know About Fildena 
 Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction have a lot of prospects from Fildena. Fildena is an erectile dysfunction drug. Fildena is vended under the name of Viagra in all online and offline apothecaries. 
 It's essential to know that every erectile dysfunction drug comes with a set of troubles, instructions, andwarnings.However, also your croaker will presumably suggest Fildena, If you're diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. 
Along with treating incompetence, this drug can make a man erogenous at the same time. 
 Fildena is an oral erectile dysfunction drug that's specified to men who aren't suitable to attain the important stage of construction. When a joe doesn't get hardness in their penis during sexual intercourse, also a croaker prescribes Fildena. Having Fildena can ameliorate the inflow of blood throughout the penis. Fildena assures a steady inflow of blood throughout the penis. 
 Men who take Fildena once a day have entered positive results in a many weeks. You should keep in mind that Fildena won't start working incontinently. The drug takes time to work. It has proved relatively effective in treating erectile dysfunction problems. 
 Applicable Lozenge 
 When it comes to defining a proper cure of Fildena, a croaker takes into account a case’s intellectual and physical health. Depending on the condition of the erectile dysfunction, the cure is specified consequently. Healthcare providers have the authority to define the right cure. Healthcare croakers may start with a lower cure of Fildena. also, croakers may increase the cure, if necessary. Taking the cure duly can make a difference to your sexual health. Don't miss the cure or overdose of Fildena. In case you overdose on Fildena or you miss the cure, also you must inform your healthcare provider. 
 medicine relations 
 You should keep in mind that certain drugs should noway be used together. Interaction with medicines might take place when you take two drugs at the same time. Notifying your healthcare provider about the drugs can help medicine relations.
 Still, order complaint, lung complaint, If you haveallergies.However, also you should tell your croaker,If you're taking Fildena oral capsules along with any of the specifics for the forenamed conditions. 
 Your healthcare provider may change some of themedicines.However, your croaker may change the cure of Fildena, If necessary. Your croaker may tell you to take preventative measures when you're taking Fildena with other drugs. You can get Fildena capsules from Fildena Double 200 store at affordable rates. 
 To cure erectile dysfunction and to make yourself goatish, it's necessary to take Fildena. The effective erectile dysfunction capsules will treat your construction issues within a many weeks. 
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zwellness · 2 years
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
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Medicine and alcohol dependence is a wide problem; numerous people who feel they've their drinking or medicine taken under control are actually in the grip of a dependence that they can not or will not indeed honor. Luckily for those who are willing to ask for help, there's no deficit of organizations that can give emotional support, advice, and indeed practical backing to those addicted to medicines or alcohol. We have the best alcohol de addiction centre in Chennai.
Rehab conventions, short for recuperation, may feel to be the sphere of celebrity addicts whose careers have been derailed by too important partying, but ordinary people can be admitted to these institutions too. As with any other style of dealing with dependence, the addict should want to be helped and has to admit that they have a problem. In some cases, courts have transferred people to fix to try and force them to clean up their act, but this is only a short-term result. If the addict does not want to be helped they will soon find themselves drinking or taking medicines once released from the clinic.
In utmost dependence cases, recovery is not necessary. After all, it's quite a serious and potentially precious step to take, sealing the addict down from family and musketeers for weeks or indeed months until the cause of their dependence has been dealt with. utmost addicts, once they've admitted their problem can be helped in the community, through comforting, support groups like rummies Anonymous and with the support and help of their loved ones along with medical professionals. Bizarrely, it can be dangerous for people who are used to drinking a large quantum of alcohol to suddenly stop drinking altogether and the advice of a croaker or nanny used to dealing with addicts should be consulted throughout the process.
You'll have heard people relate to themselves as" recovering rummies" or" recovering addicts". The verity is that formerly addicted you noway stop being an addict. Once you have decided to give up alcohol or medicines, it becomes a lifelong struggle to stay down from your particular demon. There's no similar thing to an alcoholic who can enjoy a couple of sociable drinks at parties. Either you quit altogether or you are only chaffing yourself that your dependence has been dealt with effectively. Giving up medicines and alcohol is not an easy process and it'll stay hard for the rest of your life, but it's a commodity that's worth doing as living life with dependence is no life at all.
If you think that someone close to you is going through the problem of alcohol or drug addiction, make sure you talk it out with them and help them get proper treatment. We have one of the best rehabs in India along with a team of professionals who will help you recover at the best possible time. You can contact us through our website if you want more information on the treatment regime of our best rehabilitation centre in Chennai.
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