#your fam: welll ... i GUESS ....but why are they white though-
slasherscream · 5 years
you really did the lord's work by making that billy x black fem!reader x stu fic! love you 💕
A/N: this was not a request and yet the sheer kindness of popping in just for a compliment like this?? i'm soft with love.
     billy loomis x black fem!reader x stu macher        ft. that's it .... that's the whole concept           ( but this time meeting your family )
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You think you've lost your damn mind. No, actually you're sure         you're sure you've finally cracked because what other explanation is there for this?
The boys are the first ones to bring it up. Specifically, "I have trust, mommy, and abandonment issues" Loomis. He's a triple threat. The whole package. You've all been together for a long while now and he wants to know why they haven't met your family yet.
You've met his father (who his relationship with is a little tense at times but ...still)? You've met Stu's parents? Stu's Mom loves you! Y'all even have lunch together sometimes and gossip. When are they gonna meet your family? 
Before he can put anymore base and accusation in his voice that will get him #Got ... Stu steps in (angel he is). They just wanna meet the people who made you so amazing, babe! C'mon, it'll go great!
God help you, you must be going crazy because you actually agree to it. 
You tell your family that you're going to be bringing home your partners. Yes, you've told them they're white and yes you've told them there's ... two of them. You wanted to tell them over the phone so they wouldn't be able to flip on you but you decided to not do that in the end. They don't freak out as much as you thought they would. Which is a plus.
You give it a month though where you slowly begin to talk about them more. Mentioning them in how your day was. Dropping references to them. It's all a slow warming up exercise. 
All the while you can tell Billy is still annoyed and feeling insecure because he's been extra bitchy lately and there have been more murders. 
He's just coming back from one, stomping around your damn house and slamming doors. You'd ask him what bills he pays to be acting like that but then he'd only get pissy at Stu too, who is the one who is paying most of the rent (or his parents are anyways ...details).
He stops when he hears that you're on the phone with your Mom. Not out of common courtesy or politeness, you know that much. He stops because he's a nosy ass and wants to eavesdrop and he can't do that if he's banging cabinets. But you just keeping doing what you're doing and ignoring him.
"Yeah, Mama I'm alright        school's got me bugging but       My boys? Oh they're fine! Thanks for asking. Billy's been a little grouchy lately but we both love him plenty so he'll get over himself soon." 
Oh well now he feels bad. Stu drifts by him laughing and comes to join you on the couch, "Hey Mrs. L/N!"
"Stu? Is that you? What have you been up to, young man?" because Stu wasn't being such a baby and lowkey ignoring you he's actually been talking with your Mother over the phone too. 
Billy comes to join you both on the couch ten minutes later. With a smile you cover your speaker, "Wanna talk to her? She's been wanting to talk to you but you've been ignoring me and shit so-"
"Just uncover the phone." He snaps and yet he's leaning on and across Stu so he can hold your hand. That's about as much apology as you're gonna get probably. Although you'll probably be getting some of your favorite candy and snacks from the store later, totally unrelated to this incident. 
Billy can be charming when he wants and he really wants to charm your Mother. By the end of the call you guys have all been ordered to dinner this weekend. Don't you guys skip out on her!
You know your Mother so you physically scream when you hang up and cover the two in kisses. She likes them! She actually likes them! What were you so worried about again? 
Billy is now playing it cool like he knew he'd be able to win over your family and wasn't getting very upset at the mere thought of alternatives. 
That fake confidence dies Friday night and you all have an actual conversation like adults (gasp) where you talk about your feelings (gag). You weren't hiding them from your family? Nothing will change if they don't like us?
It's actually really nice and you all wind up having make-up sex tbh. 
Stu is the calmest person day of. Has already purchased a nice wine to bring. You made a dish to bring so that your Mom doesn't have to cook too much and you're gonna say Billy helped you with it (you'd never, in reality, let him touch your food).
Billy has to be the one to drive even though he's so nervous that y'all definitely do not #Want Him To Do That. But he needs to feel in control so-
When you get there you all sit in the car for ten minutes and Stu takes the initiative to get Billy calm by making him make a plan like they do before their murders. You join in because shit! If it works it works. 
It works. Billy gets through the in-person introductions flawlessly. You thought his hands had been shaking in the car but apparently not. 
Your dad is very wary of them tbh and doesn't quite know what to do with himself.
You start helping your Mom in the kitchen and she proceeds to shoo the boys out insisting y'all don't need help and should be "guy bonding". 
You did not want them to do that. Never heard a worse suggestion in your fucking life. You wanted them in eyesight where you could watch them at all times. You and Billy exchange a look behind your Mom's back like.
Seems you were both depending on the idea of being together the whole night. Panic! Stu       again, is the one to be chill. Kisses your cheek and sweeps into the living room to join your Dad with Billy being dragged under his arm. 
Your Mother thinks it's important that if anything is gonna happen, it might as well happen early in the night! She says it so cheerfully you think you'll pass out.
Your boys walk into the room and find you Father flicking through channels endlessly. He tries to smile at them but it looks like a grimace. They grimace back. They sit in silence. Just the sound of the channel changing. This is fine.
When he settles on something they kinda assumed it would be sports or something. He turns on a horror movie. They both sigh in relief, "you like scary movies?"
You were trying to listen into the living room waiting for sounds of shouting and fighting but they never come. Eventually (don't hover honey it'll be fine) your Mother let's you bring them drinks. Your voice is high pitched with stress like a step-ford wife about to snap when you walk into the room carrying the tray, "how are my favorite men in the world doing in here?"
Lowkey that's you asking them if they need a rescue? But they're all in here laughing and shit while Billy and your Dad are passionately discussing the horror movie on screen that looks very b-rated. Your Dad is insisting it's one of the classics. Billy is clearly disgusted at the opinion but loves debating and arguing so (he fits right into the family) he's having fun. Stu is just watching the two go at it. 
When you leave for the night they're already calling your Mother by her first name and your Dad nods them goodbye while smiling. Plans have been made to meet up again sometime this month. 
Billy gets kissed silly by you and Stu once your parents have walked in the house (and stopped peaking out the window). You don't know what you two were expecting of him but it wasn't for him to suddenly be a professional at getting parents to like him. 
You catch the two on your phone next month after you come out the shower talking to your Mother like they all just chill on the weekends and internally begin to scream. 
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