#youngmin angst
pasteidolons · 2 days
𝔥𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤 - 𝔩𝔧𝔥 || 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔦𝔦
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pairing: lee jihoon x female!reader genre: historical au, fluff, angst, smut (later routes), supernatural members: choi seungcheol, wen junhui, kwon soonyoung, jeon wonwoo, lee seokmin, kim mingyu, boo seungkwan, lee chan warnings: crass humor and language, blood, violence, mentions of suicide, alcohol, minor character death, 660's sexism, crossdressing, medical procedures, political upset, historical innacuarcies for the sake of plot progression word count: 6.6k
taglist: @hipsdofangirl, @reiofsuns2001
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𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔦 || 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔳
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𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 5𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔬𝔩, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 In the late months of 662, King Munmu had purged several members of his council for being either directly connected to or sympathetic towards the efforts of Baekje revivalists. Now not only the revivalists themselves, but anyone who the Crown deems sympathetic towards the cause, is branded a traitor and an enemy of the Kingdom. 
The loyalists laid low for a time, yet as the days, weeks and months progressed, more and more outrage began to grow in the hearts of those who feel as if Silla has done them wrong. Rumors of an insurgency began to spread throughout the peninsula, with the Baekje revivalists calling for the return of Buyeo Pung, the son of the last Baekje king. Not knowing how baseless these rumors were, the Crown asked Kwak Youngmin to head an expedition to the former Baekje capital of Sabi to investigate the claims. 
It comes to pass that the expedition proves to be a fruitless venture, Youngmin writes as much in a letter received at Bulguksa this morning. He writes that he is to return immediately, the cost and expenditure of the venture far too much for the little information recovered.
Riding on the coattails of nothing, you set out with Choi Hansol this morning to accompany him on his rounds. An uneasy feeling fueling you with what may come in the weeks and months to pass. 
“I’m glad winter’s finally over,” you note as you walk with him, thankfully that you no longer have to wear a thick coat when you go out on rounds. 
“As am I,” he replies, his answer short and simple. His gaze flickers to a nearby shop before he looks to the men behind him, “We can start here and begin our rounds.” Hansol then turns to you, “You can wait outside if you’d like, I’m sure there’s nothing in here that would interest you.”
“Alright,” you nod before he and the handful of men make their way inside of the store, leaving you alone outside. His voice muffled from the interior, but you can hear him questioning the owner of the shop over a few accusations that had arisen recently. A few more minutes pass as you idly stand outside before you notice a commotion a bit further down the street. 
A bawdy group of soldiers make their way through the crowd, pushing, shoving and spewing less than pleasant profanities as they laugh amongst one another. For members of the kingdom’s army, they never seem to have respect towards the people they protect. You’d come across some before, never able to do much about their behavior. And now the Hwarang aren’t here, still holed up in the shop behind you with their investigation.
One soldier knocks a child down as they pass, you’re not sure if it’s intentional but your instincts kick in and you race over to help the kid to their feet. You’re about to shout something at them, the anger towards their attitudes bubbling within you rapidly, but before you can, someone else calls them out.
“Stop right there!” It comes from a woman, an angered expression on her face as she marches over to them.
“Are you trying to tell us what to do?” A soldier laughs at her, “We’re here to keep you safe, miss.”
“Is pushing around people keeping them safe?” She bites, venom in her words, “It’s a little pathetic to act all big and strong to people who can’t even fight back.”
The soldier’s temper lit, he makes a grab for her and misses entirely. It looks as if he’s trying to move for her once more before you spring to your feet and jump between them.
“WAIT!” You shout out, trying to make your voice sound deeper than it is. It’s then you realize what you’ve done, your arm outstretched to keep the soldier from coming any closer to the woman.
“This your girlfriend or something,” the soldier snickers at you, “Who are you?”
“I don’t know her,” you shake your head, “but I can’t just stand by while you try to hurt her.”
“Why don’t you keep your nose out of my goddamn business you bastard,” The soldier says through grit teeth, flecks of spittle flying out of his mouth with each word.
“If you’re a true soldier of the kingdom, then why are you abusing your power over children and women?” You argue back, unsure of where you’re getting the strength to sound so authoritative when your knees feel wobbly, “A soldier is meant to protect the people, not take advantage of them!”
“The fuck did you just say?” You’re sure if there wasn’t an audience watching this happen, the soldier would’ve ripped into you with the blade at his hip.
From somewhere in the crowd, a man shouts out, condemning the action of the soldier. A few more voices rise out in agreement, your speech must’ve encouraged the people to call out the soldier’s behavior. 
“You son of a bitch,” the familiar sound of a blade being unsheathed rings in your ears as you watch the soldier take out his sword.
 Eyes widening, you at first think to move to dodge the attack, but that would leave the woman you’re trying to protect vulnerable. So, you move to reach for your own blade before the soldier lets out a groan and falls face first onto the ground in front of you. Looking up, you see Hansol standing there, his hands holding his still sheathed blade.
“I used the hilt,” he notes, looking down to the soldier before looking back up to you, “He should be out for quite a while.” Hansol then looks to the Hwarang accompanying him before giving them an order, “Take him and his men back to Bulguksa, they may have information on the loyalists.”
The Hwarang quickly get to work tying up and escorting the men away, leaving just you, the woman and Hansol alone on the street. Hansol now looks at you, trying to figure out what had happened.
“That was reckless,” he sighs out, “I was just inside, you could’ve asked me to help. What would you have done if they injured you?”
“I couldn’t stop myself,” you shake your head, “What if she were to get injured?”
“He’s right though,” the woman speaks up from behind you, stepping forward so she’s in line with you, “I feel like I was handling the situation well enough.”
“I’m sorry I made you worry,” you look a bit shocked, fully expecting the scolding from Hansol, but not from the woman. After giving her a short bow, her eyes widen as if she’s remembering something. 
“You did save me though, didn’t you?” She now bows towards you, “Thank you! I forgot myself for a second.”
“I really didn’t do anything,” you chuckle nervously, “It was Captain Choi here and his men that did the work.”
“Even still,” she insists, “it’s way more respectable than just watching it all go down. Young ladies have to watch out for one another, you know?”
Hansol’s gaze travels from her to you, an expression crossing his features that you can’t quite name. “…You can’t expect to fool everyone you meet.” He says after a moment, letting you know that your jig is up.
“Were you trying to pretend to be a boy?” She sounds incredulous, the soft pinks of her shirts shimmering brightly in the sunlight, “Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it…” 
You’re not sure how to respond to her, in it of itself your whole situation is precarious at best. Seemingly sensing your confusion, she moves on swiftly, “I haven’t even asked your name! It seems like I’ve forgotten my manners. I think we could become very good friends, but it’s a bit difficult to befriend the nameless, can I as your name?”
“Oh well,” you look to Hansol, “this is—”
“I know him, of course. Captain Choi, right?” She says and looks at the man, “The Hwarang are famous enough in the city. But I’m asking who you are.”
You give her your name and blow slightly, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Her eyes grow wide, almost as if your name shocked her. She stares at you for a moment, “Heo? Your family name is Heo? Were you born near the coast?”
A slow nod, “I was. I lived in Toehwa-hyeon, but I’ve been in Seorabeol for a while.” 
She’s quiet for a moment, looking intently at you before she breaks into a smile. “I’m sorry,” a hand to wave off her prior concern, “it’s the same last name as an acquaintance of mine. It’s a lovely name.”
“You think so?”
“I do,” another smile before she introduces herself, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Sooyoung, by the way.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Sooyoung,” judging by her attire, she’s probably the daughter of a high-ranking noble.
“Don’t be so formal!” She insists, “You look like you’re around my age, there’s no reason for us to not speak as equals.”
“So, just Sooyoung?” You question hesitantly.
“Just Sooyoung,” she smiles, “We have to meet again sometime, I feel like you’d be great company to keep.” Her hands reach out to hold yours for a moment, giving them a gentle squeeze before she turns and leaves. 
Your encounter was over before you had the chance to fully comprehend what had happened, so you stand partially stunned as you watch her walk off. 
Hansol watches her disappear into the crowds as well before he turns to you, “She seemed to be interested in your last name.”
“She said it was the same as someone she knows…” You hum and look at him, “It’s not an uncommon last name.”
It seems like he’s concerned with her reaction, deep in thought as he nods his head. “We’re running late on our patrol schedule… We should get going.”
And so the two of you continue on the patrol, basking in the pre-summer warmth that descends on the kingdom. 
𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 25𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 The heat intensifies as the month continues, dredging the compound in humidity only seen in the later summer months as the days go by. You’re sitting in the main hall with a small fan to cool yourself down with when you hear the sound of approaching footsteps. 
“Excuse me, Heo?” You turn and see Lee Junghwan standing in the doorway with a tray of tea in his hands, “Is this batch good enough?”
“Hm,” you stand and walk to him, gingerly placing your fingers to the pot before recoiling away with a small wince from the heat, “It might be best to make tea lukewarm on days like this.”
Shin Junghwan had joined the Hwarang just after Youngmin had returned from his expedition to Sabi, while there he invited the new member to join the organization. He’s now working as Youngmin’s page, and seemingly struggling with the transition from military life to that at the headquarters. The new member does seem fond of the Hwarang, very focused on honing his skills when he’s not running errands for the leader. 
“Do you think we can water it down?” A voice questions as they round the corner and saddle up to Junghwan, a tray of tea in his hands as well.
“Ah, Dohoon, if you do that then you’ll lose the tea’s flavor,” you note, somewhat scarred by that suggestion. 
“Really?” His eyes widen as he turns to his friend, “What do you think we’re supposed to do, Junghwan?”
“Maybe if we put the teapot in well water?” Junghwan suggests, humming out the question.
“That might work!” Dohoon nods enthusiastically, “Let’s do it!”
Kim Dohoon joined the Hwarang around the same time that Junghwan had, and because of their similar rank and age, they grew quite close to one another. Not to mention, Dohoon also became Youngmin’s page-in-training. Because of that, it was up to you to make sure the two became acquainted with the Hwarang and all of their pagely duties, a task more difficult than you previously imagined. 
“The tea doesn’t need to be exactly room temperature,” you say quickly, “Just a bit cooler to balance it against the warm weather. So, instead of boiling water, just make it warmer and then brew it. Then it won’t affect the tea’s flavor.”
“Ohhh,” Dohoon muses, “You really do know a lot about this.”
“It’s very helpful,” Junghwan smiles at you appreciatively.
“As for the tea,” you look to the pots, “I’ll serve it to them so you two can—” 
“What do you need?” Dohoon asks, saddling over to you, the cups and pot on his tray clinking together as he does so. “We’re up for it!”
“You’re going to do some sword training with me!” Junhui, who’d been sitting at the other end of the table, fiddling around with some trinket, exclaims as he rises to his feet. The two pages go quiet, knowing full well that Junhui’s training regime would probably leave them battered and bruised come tomorrow morning. “What?” The captain asks at their silent, “You don’t want to train?”
“Of course not!” Junghwan shakes his head, “I’d love to train.”
“Um…” Dohoon sighs out, “I still have a few errands to do…”
“Don’t get shy on me, new kid,” Junhui laughs at him.
“It’ll only help us become better warriors,” Junghwan mentions to Dohoon hurriedly.
“It’s not training, it's hazing,” Dohoon frowns and mutters quietly.
Junhui laughs again and puts his arms around the two, looking over at you with a wink, “I’ll take them off your hands for a bit.”
Junghwan smiles weakly as he sets down his tray, Dohoon looking as if he’s ready to cry as he sets down his own before Junhui throws his arms around the two and drags them off towards the training yard. 
𝔐𝔞𝔶 13𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 “Is it really true that Buyeo Pung returned from Yamato?” Your voice is quiet as you set down a cup of tea by the Hwarang’s leader. Youngmin had been sitting out in one of the temple’s gardens after briefing the captains on what news had just emerged from the former kingdom of Baekje when you found him. On his expedition a few months prior, the Crown had concluded that the rumors of the former prince’s return weren’t anything to be afraid of, yet now it seems as if the attitude has shifted and a causation for worry has arisen.
“It seems that way,” Youngmin nods and reaches for the cup, bringing it to his lips and taking a long drink from it. “His forces attacked Yongmyo Gate out west and a monk from the temple they’ve been holed up in has instated him as Baekje’s new king.” The leader looks tired as he sets the cup back down.
“Does that mean there’s going to be a war?” You ask quietly, wondering what this means for the rest of the kingdom. It doesn’t seem as if the news of Pung’s return is widespread yet, as the city still seems to be at peace.
“War? Hmm,” Youngmin hums, “I’m not sure. They’ve allied with Yamato, gotten Gwisil Boksin back as their general and are trying to claim territory quickly so we can’t stop them.” That seems scary enough just listening to their conquest, but Youngmin adds a bit more to ease you, “King Munmu has asked Emperor Gaozong for aid, supposedly they’re sending in Lui Jengui.”
You don’t know who that is, but with the assuredness in Youngmin’s tone, it makes you feel a bit better. “Will the Hwarang have to fight?”
“I’m not sure,” he shakes his head, “We could be delegated to keeping watch over Seorabeol or be put into the ranks depending on what’s needed.” His arms cross over his chest as he remains deep in thought. 
You’re not sure what to say, on one hand, fighting for the kingdom is what the Hwarang are meant to do, but in doing so, there would be inevitable loss among his men. A heaving sigh escapes you before Youngmin speaks up once more.
“Doctor Namekawa is examining Seungkwan right now.” You look at him, wondering why he’d said that. The captain had seemingly been in a sickly state for a while now, had it gotten worse? “He hasn’t said anything but I hope it’s nothing serious,” a frown on the leader’s lips as he says that, “if something happened to him, I’m not sure I could face her…” 
“Her?” You question, “He’s not married, is he?”
Youngmin chuckles lightly and shakes his head, “His eldest sister. He left her in Gochang when he joined us.”
“I didn’t know he had a sister,” you say, somewhat surprised at the revelation.
“He has two,” Youngmin nods, “Their parents passed in a small town before they came to Seorabeol.”
“It sounds like Seungkwan has been through a lot…”
“He’s too honest to admit it, but yes, he has,” Youngmin agrees.
“You’d be the only man in Silla to call him honest, Kwak,” Jihoon laughs, having arrived in the garden at some point when you and Youngmin had been talking.
“Jihoon,” Youngmin smiles at him and motions him over, “Would you like some tea?”
“No thank you,” the commander shakes his head, his demeanor becoming more serious, “Have you heard about the notice board by the river?”
“The one that calls for the arrest of Baekje loyalists?” Youngmin asks before answering himself, “I have.”
“Some assholes tore it down and threw it into the water,” Jihoon relays, crossing his arms.
“I heard about that as well,” the leader nods, “Didn’t they fix it the next day?”
“Yes, but then it happened again,” Jihoon huffs, “I have a feeling we’re going to be asked to keep an eye on it sooner or later.” 
“It was torn down at night, wasn’t it?” Youngmin muses, “What about using Seungcheol’s Fury Corps?” With the way Jihoon looks after Youngmin’s suggestion, it’s easy to see it doesn’t sit right with the commander. 
“They work hard enough but they get… excited once the sun goes down.” Jihoon uncrosses his arms, “Whenever we give them something to do, they end up slaughtering instead of arresting. They desecrate the corpses until they’re unrecognizable. I don’t know if it’s to hide our involvement or what, but they’ve been going too far.” He shakes his head as if to rid himself of the thought, “Despite me telling them to stop, they won’t. If they keep it up then they’ll be no better than the average murderer.” 
You still can recall the night you’d first encountered the Furies, their bloodlust and the utter lack of regard for human life.
“… I have other ideas of what we can do.” Jihoon says, looking towards Youngmin.
“I’ll leave it to you then,” the leader nods with a sigh. “Have you heard of the reforms that Cha Sohwan is trying to initiate with the crown?”
Before long, the two of them delve further into political jargon and names that you’d never heard of before, so you excuse yourself and walk back to the inner buildings. There’s much on your mind, but the notice board is what really confuses you. Most of the revivalists were have thought to have retreated back to the land of the old kingdom, does this mean that there are still a few hiding out in Seorabeol?
𝔐𝔞𝔶 17𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Jihoon seems to have been right about the notice board, a few days later the order arrived telling the Hwarang that they’re to guard the board and apprehend anyone who seeks to destroy it. Any captains and their division not on active patrol are to be positioned there to guard it. The first few days proved to be calm, with most of the men rolling in in the morning looking dead tired. 
Junhui is a great example of this, you notice it when you walk into the great hall and he’s slumped over in his chair, his cheek pressed against the tabletop as he yawns. “Morning,” a lazy wave towards you, “I’m beat.”
“I’d have thought you were better at pulling all-nighters,” Mingyu mutters next to him, leaning back in his chair.
“Pulling all-nighters in Noseo-dong is different than standing guard for a goddamn sign,” Junhui groans, pushing himself off the tabletop. “It’s not like I want the posting to be vandalized, I just wish something would happen. You’re in charge of it tonight, aren’t you Gyu?”
“Yeah,” the other nods, “And I will uphold my position with my sense of duty, honor and enthusiasm.” It’s obviously sarcasm that leeches from his voice, but you can’t fault him but so much, it does sound awfully boring. 
“Good morning Captain Kim, Dongyoung,” You nod as the two brush past you and head further into the hall.
“Hello, you three,” Gongmyung greets with a tired sigh, “Did I interrupt something here?” As he speaks a few of his men filter into the room, taking up a rather large portion of the space.
“Are you up to something here?” Mingyu asks as he watches the men file in, “What’s with all your men?”
“Me?” Gongmyung looks at him and smiles, “I was planning on holding a debate with my men on the topic of the potential Baekje threat. Would you like to join us?”
“You’re such a jackass,” Dongyoung says quietly and rolls his eyes at his brother. “I’m sure Mingyu’s read the Four Books and Five Classics but I doubt the other two even know what those are.”
“Don’t be impolite, Dongyoung,” his brother scolds without any real scorn behind it. He looks to you and Junhui, “Excuse him, I’m not sure what’s been affecting my dear brother as of late. But as it looks as if the hall’s in use, I’ll just take my men elsewhere.” With that, Gongmyung beckons his followers to follow him out of the hall, heading for another building in the compound. 
As soon as they were out of sight, a look of disgust comes over Junhui, “Him and his groupies are just a bunch of pompous nobles.” 
“Gathering his men and having secret meetings,” Mingyu frowns, “Who knows what they’re actually ‘debating’.” His head shakes with confusion, “I still don’t see why both Kwak and Soonyoung saw him as a valuable asset.”
Gongmyung isn’t just disliked by Junhui and Mingyu, more Hwarang than you can count had expressed distaste in him since he’d joined. There’s no way the captain hadn’t picked up on that by now, but he seems less than concerned of what everyone else thinks of him. 
“Have any of you seen Captain Kim go by?” A new voice appears in the doorway, it’s Suh Kangjoon, looking a little frazzled.
“He just left to go to another building,” you say quickly, “I think he’s going to have some kind of debate.”
A frustrated sigh, “I told him to tell me when he’d have his next meeting…” With that, Kangjoon storms off, probably going to find the captain.
“What was that about?” Junhui mutters as he watches Kangjoon stomp away.
“My guess is that he tried to join Gongmyung’s little posse but he’s not giving Kangjoon the time of day,” Mingyu shrugs. “It seems like he doesn’t really have a place for himself these days.” Another glance outside and Mingyu sighs, standing from his chair and stretching a bit, “I guess I should head out now.”
“Oh, actually—” You begin, and he turns to look at you. “Can I go with you?”
Mingyu seems to think on it for a moment before shaking his head, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Those Demons are still out there and these revivalists aren’t much better if we come across them.”
“I guess you’re right,” you frown, the sedentary nighttimes at the compound are just bugging you, you suppose. “Be careful, I know things are getting more hectic these days.”
“Will do,” he nods before spinning on his heels and bounding out the door. 
𝔐𝔞𝔶 9𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔑𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔬-𝔡𝔬𝔫𝔤, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 That night the loyalists struck, or at least tried to. Nearly a dozen men descended on Mingyu and his men as they kept guard over the sign. Kim’s men were able to apprehend a handful of them, but two of them had managed to escape. The Crown had praised their efforts, but when asked on how two of the prisoners got away, Mingyu had replied with ‘It was too dark to make sense of everything’ and left it at that.
A few days after the event, you accompany the captains to a meal in Noseo-dong, a neighborhood in Seorabeol known for its nightlife. It only takes you a moment after stepping into the area to know exactly what kind of nightlife it is, you assume it’s the city’s pleasure district.
“You’ve really outdone yourself!” Junhui shouts upon entering the restaurant, wrapping his arm around Mingyu’s neck and pulling him in. “And to think you want to use your reward money to treat us all to some good food and entertainment— I could cry.”
“If you’re going to be a kissass you should at least mention how he got that reward,” Seungkwan snorts as the group is escorted to a private room in the back of the restaurant. You can hear various instruments and chatter through the doors of the other private areas in the restaurant, this doesn’t seem like a brothel or anything of the sort, merely a place to get a good meal with a kisaeng or two. 
“I’m just,” Junhui relinquishes his hold on Mingyu and pretends to wipe tears from his eyes, “I’m just so touched that he’s thinking of us. Let’s have a good time!”
“Don’t get too crazy, okay?” Mingyu says as he settles into his seat, “The last time I paid I’m pretty sure you almost wiped out my family’s savings.’
“Thanks Gyu,” Soonyoung says giddily, reaching for a nearby cup of what you can only assume is alcohol, “I’m going to drink myself stupid tonight!” 
“Not everyone here can drink, you know,” Seungkwan sighs from his seat.
“There is more to do than drink, you know,” Jihoon also sighs out, probably well aware of the trio’s antics by now, “Eat, for starters.”
“Oh no,” Seungkwan shakes his head at the commander, “I wasn’t talking about you, Lee. You can drink as much as you want.”
“Ah, well… makgeolli…” Jihoon trails off, a panicked expression overcoming him for a second.
“Don’t tell me that the Demon commander of the Hwarang can’t drink!” Seungkwan laughs aloud.
“You know damn well why I can’t,” Jihoon frowns and crosses his arms, “It’s obvious.”
Before the two can continue their conversation, a woman dressed in fine silk robes enters the room, you assume it’s one of the establishment’s kisaengs. 
“Thank you for coming,” she says with a smile as she walks in, the personality she exudes from her simple entrance breathtaking. Her hair neatly pinned up with subtle rouge on her lips and cheeks, an epitome of beauty if you’d ever seen one. “My name is Seulgi, I’ll be keeping you company tonight. For now, enjoy yourselves, your food will arrive shortly.”
She isn’t wrong, moments later a near feast lays itself before you and the captains, instigating the real opulence of the evening. 
“Expensive gokaju is just… way better,” Soonyoung says, his finger twirling on the rim of his cup as his cheeks flush red. 
“You haven’t even eaten anything, Soonyoung,” Junhui frowns down at the dishes, “You’re going to be on your ass in no time and I’m not dragging you back to headquarters.” 
“Forget that!” Soonyoung exclaims. “I never get to have alcohol this good! Never! Filling up on food will just leave less room for it inside of me,” a pout on his lips as he cradles his stomach lovingly. 
“You sound like a drunkard,” Mingyu shakes his head and pours him another glass from a nearby carafe, “Drink up.”
The captain’s head whips to look at Mingyu, “Just because you drink like there’s a hole in your stomach doesn’t mean the rest of us can.”
Junhui then looks to you, a quizzical expression on his face, “Aren’t you having fun? It doesn’t look like you drank anything.” 
“Ah, I don’t think I should,” You haven’t had too much experience with alcohol, most of it had been medical usage and you can’t really pull the memory away from it right now.
“Alright,” Junhui nods, “Just make sure you’re eating though! We’re here to have fun and it’d be a damn shame if you didn’t.”
You nod and continue picking at the dishes in front of you. This was the first time you’d eaten expensive food, but truthfully, it doesn’t taste all too different than a home cooked meal.
“I’ve heard that the Hwarang men are comparable to Demons or monsters,” Seulgi says, looking towards Jihoon, “But from here you look more handsome than I’d imagined you to be. Almost like an actor.”
Jihoon laughs, “That’s not the first time I’ve heard that.”
The two converse rather freely as she pours him a cup of gokaju, the scene looking as if it’d been painted rather than a real life occurrence. 
“I can’t believe they gave you all that money for just watching a board,” Junhui shakes his head as he looks to Mingyu, “Imagine what you could’ve gotten if you’d caught all the bastards. How did they get away?”
Mingyu falls silent, looking down at his cup before his gaze flickers to you, “You didn’t leave the compound that night, did you?”
Brow furrowing after he’s asked, you shake your head, “No, I didn’t.”
“You’re sure?” He prods again.
“Yes, I am,” a nod before you continue, “I’ve never left on my own, ever.”
“What’s wrong Kim,” Soonyoung asks, “see a ghost?”
“It must’ve been a mistake, then,” the captain shakes his head, “It was dark and there wasn’t any moonlight… But even then, I did see her up close…”
“What are you talking about?” Now your turn to ask a question, you inquire about Mingyu’s ramblings.
“After we’d surrounded the Baekje loyalists this girl showed up, a girl who looked just like you.” He says and your confusion sets in, “She got in the way and messed up our formation.”
The room goes silent, even though Mingyu has been speaking in a hushed tone, the chatter doesn’t resume until Junhui speaks up.
“Well, shit happens, I guess,” he makes a move for his glass and finishes the contents in one go, “Mingyu’s paying tonight so let’s drink and milk him for every cent he’s got!”
“Seconded!” Soonyoung, picking up on the cue, takes his own glass and downs the contents, slamming it back down onto his tray, “Let’s see how much more I can handle!”
The two have the party back in swing in no time, but now your thoughts lay plagued with what Mingyu had divulged. You feel perplexed, unsure of how to process what he’d said. There was no way it could’ve been you, but someone who looks just like you makes things more difficult for the Hwarang. 
“Are you worried about what Kim said?” Seungkwan pulls you from your thoughts with the question. 
“I was wondering how someone could look just like me…”
“Maybe you were possessed by a ghost,” he suggests with a snicker, “Whenever you sleep a restless spirit takes you over to wander the streets of Seorabeol.”
You shake your head at him, “I’m having trouble believing that that’s it.”
Seungkwan pauses for a moment, remembering something before he speaks, “Do you remember that one time you were patrolling with Soonyoung and there was a girl he and I saved? She looked just like you.”
You’d almost forgotten the incident, but it now rushes back to you with a vivid clarity. “It must be her!”
“I can’t imagine many more girls in Seorabeol look like you,” he nods.
“She seemed normal though, not like an enemy of the Hwarang.”
“There isn’t one person in this city that doesn’t know how important that notice board is,” Seungkwan shakes his head.
“If that is her, what will you do?” You question, an uneasy feeling rising in your stomach.
“I have a feeling you already know that answer.” He lets out a sigh, “I’d kill her. She may be a girl, but an enemy is an enemy.”
The air in the room becomes all the more suffocating to you. You knew that would be his answer but the way he said it with no hesitance got to you. 
“I’m uh, going to go use the restroom,” you say and push yourself to your feet, just trying to get yourself out of the room.
It takes a moment, but you find an empty room further down the hall to collect your thoughts in. You take a seat at one of the open windows looking out into a small courtyard and frown. Was the girl whom the Hwarang had saved that day truly a Baekje loyalist? It doesn’t make sense to you.
You hear the door open and someone speaks up, “There you are, I’d wondered where you’d run off to.” Turning, you’re met face to face with Jihoon, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks as he speaks, “Is something wrong? The food not good?”
“No, it’s good,” you nod, “I actually had something else on my mind.”
“You’re worried about the girl Mingyu saw,” he nods, catching onto your thoughts. “It’s not like she’s your friend or anything, right?” Sensing your apprehension, he continues, “Don’t worry about it, it’s our business to handle. Or was Seungkwan trying to rile you up again?” Your expression gives it away and the commander sighs, “He doesn’t know when to stop.”
Jihoon ambles over and takes a seat beside you, “I’ve always said his humor is a bad influence on the new members.” Through the now open door of the room you can hear the shouts of the Hwarang some ways away, vaguely hearing Junhui request a brush and ink from one of the hostesses. The commander chuckles at it, the warm breeze drifting in, blowing a few strands of his hair around his face. “They never change,” he muses.
“Back at Youngmin’s father’s school we’d drink like this whenever we got a day off,” Jihoon reminisces, looking up at the moon hanging overhead, “This just reminds me of that. Youngmin’s father would hound our asses every day and once we were able to let go for a night, we went crazy. Of course, we’d show up to lessons the next day feeling like shit and he’d work us even harder but still… We kept on doing it. To spite him, probably. He was always shitty to his son and we promised that we’d follow Youngmin wherever he went so no one could treat him like that again.”
It’s hard to imagine Jihoon in those days, when you first met him, he’d already been designated as the Hwarang’s commander. So, it is very difficult to picture him as a kid following around his ragtag group of friends.
“I still think about those days with Seungkwan, Eunseok, Hoseok and Youngmin every once in a while,” he sighs out, “It wasn’t long ago that I was playing soldier with my brother and now I practically am one for the Crown. I sometimes wonder if it’s all a dream and eventually I’ll just wake up one day in my childhood bed.” 
This is the second time you’ve heard the name Hoseok mentioned around Jihoon, you’ve never met him before but with the way he’d said his name, you’re sure it’s someone he’s fond of.
Jihoon takes a moment to look up at the stars some more and you can’t help but notice how beautiful he is. Seulgi had been right earlier when she said he has the looks of an actor. The face the commander normally portrays is cold and demure, but now he looks almost happy as he reminisces.
The spell breaks after you and he hear Junhui crying out through the tavern, yet upon further inspection it seems as if he’s crying laughing rather than just weeping. Soonyoung and Mingyu’s voice raise as well, all three laughing about something as you continue to sit with Jihoon.
𝔒𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 30𝔱𝔥, 663 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 After the siege by Silla on Buyeo Pung’s fortress at Imjeon, the newly crowned Baekje king and his people fled further into their homeland, taking residence at the former capital of Sabi. Shortly after, Buyeo Pung has his lead general, Gwisil Boksin beheaded for fears of insurgency in the newly reformed kingdom, subsequently calling for aid from their allies in Yamato to try and suppress both Tang and Silla forces on the peninsula.
The tensions between Silla and the Baekje revivalists culminate in early October, when, on the fourth, Yamato forces arrive on the coastal front of Sabi. Intent on invading the capital in the name of their Baekje allies through navigating the Baekgang River, they soon found themselves interlocked in battle with the Tang army stationed nearby. 
Emperor Gaozong merely requested supplies from Silla at first, until the next day they call for standing troops. This means that several Hwarang were sent to fight the front lines, among them, Kim Mingyu, Choi Hansol and Wen Junhui had taken their men to fight amongst the Baekje-Yamato forces. On the seventh, the Baekje-Yamato and Silla-Tang forces engaged in battle once more, with the Yamato forces reeling with heavy casualties as the Silla warriors were able to break through their lines.
What comes to be known as the Battle of Baekgang ends on the thirteenth of October, 663. With little to no way of defeating the Silla forces on land or the Tang forces at sea, Buyeo Pung is forced to retreat. Neither the Silla nor Tang forces can capture him before he escapes into Goguryeo. Yet, the absence of a king quells the thoughts of a Baekje revival for some time after. 
In lieu of waiting for the three captains return, you find yourself sweeping the entranceway of the temple’s grounds, the autumnal air setting into your bones as the minutes pass. There isn’t a great much you can do as you anticipate their arrival, merely picking up things out of place and making sure no one’s snuck around and gone through their things while they were gone.
“You’re certainly hard at work,” Youngmin notes as he’s come outside to see what you’ve been up to. “The captains should be returning any day now.”
“I know,” You smile, expectant on their return, “Everything’s been hectic these last few months.” 
“You can say that again,” the leader sighs out. It’s been especially taxing to both him and Jihoon, who’d been called nearly every other day to the palace to discuss further plans on the fate of the remaining Baekje loyalists. “Oh,” Youngmin says as he spots a figure nearing him around a corner you can’t see behind, “Over here, Jihoon!”
The Hwarang’s commander comes into view seconds later, a tired edge to his voice, “There you are, I was wondering if you’d had enough and escaped yet.”
Youngmin laughs, “Almost to that point, I’m afraid. I’ve been looking for you too, it seems as if Lui Jengui’s been chosen to front the effort to extract Buyeo Pung from Goguryeo.”
“Him?” Jihoon nods slowly, “I guess it makes sense, he did just secure Sabi for Silla. The captains will have to tell us more about him once they get back.”
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espresseo-cafe · 8 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.8
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 3.1k+
a/n: this has a crossover with @jae-canikeepyou ‘s series serenity in us 🤭 read that if you like, you’d love it 🤗 so now i’m back from hiatus! enjoy your coffee time 💚 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
“how are you coping?” was one of the last messages johnny had sent you. after your breakdown and asthma attack, he didn’t send you any more, just short ones as he was planning his baby thesis together with kun on psychology. he also had to do his paediatric studies on saturdays.
besides, you guys were entering to your final year very soon.
you decided to give him space, you as well needed to catch up with your own (being at the library at the moment)- even though it was stressful enough to have your parents by the ends of your hair strands most of your life. it was habitual, you guessed.
it was also ironic because even though you dislike shoving your face in books and research papers, you found yourself kind of listening to their orders of studying hard.
but you soon realised you were doing this for yourself, not for them.
somehow you wished you never agreed to meet them that day. you just ended up disappointed and hurt like you always had.
your phone rang when you just quickly put it down, receiving mean glares and shushes from the people around the table. taking your stuff and shoving them in your bag, you ran out of the library and called back the person who conveniently decided to embarass you.
“you just love to distract me, do you, johnny?” placing your phone between your ear and shoulder, fixing the heel of your socks.
a soft chuckle heard from the other line, a voice you kinda want to hear. “because i know you will be. want to go for coffee? i finished my project so i can meet you at the atrium.”
“please, i got homework to finish.” you dramatically told him, turning to your left then walking down the stairs.
“hm, interesting.” he hummed, “if you got homework to finish then why did you change your path down the stairs?”
you halted as you almost set foot to the atrium’s entrance. looking up, he was there by the railings.
“i see i got a stalker.”
“the one and only.” johnny smiled and waved at you from the balcony before going down the stairs to meet you.
placing your phone in your pocket when he stood in front of you, you laughed, “dear me, do i need to call the police?”
he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, “please don’t. besides you owe me coffee, it’s been a week.”
you slapped his chest lightly. what’s with him and coffee? “dude that’s what you’ve been wanting to do? don’t you have cash?”
“i spent it on youngmin’s medicine. little dude can’t keep still, always running around until he caught fever. but he does get regular check-ups.” he sighed, “medicine should be free, especially for kids.”
as you walked to the coffee shop at the next street, you concluded that maybe it was why johnny took paediatrics, to monitor youngmin’s health.
johnny was on his final year of his double degree in psychology and paediatric studies, so his schedules were going to be busy. an idea came up to your mind. “say, why don’t i take him to the clinic for his checkup appointments? so you could focus on your studies.”
johnny’s slightly tired face lit up, “really? you can do that?” you nodded as you both entered the coffee shop, “that’s great, it’ll be a huge help.” looking at the drinks menu, he hummed. “you know what, drinks are on me today, i’m suddenly in a good mood.”
you giggled when he took out a five dollar bill on his hand, “so you can treat me coffee on days i take him for appointments, deal?”
“deal-“ johnny flicked his head to you, “-wait!”his hand got freed of cash when you took the bill and jogged to the counter. he stifled a laugh seeing you already pointing at your desired drink, smiling endearingly at you until you turned to him.
“johnny, come on here and choose yours!” gesturing for him to come closer, “they’ve got an offer of buy one get one free.”
little did you two know, you didn’t notice the presence of both rowoon and seungcheol seated at the very end of the coffee shop. rowoon thought that seungcheol’s little crush on you was too obvious. he wondered why after all this time, the guy never seemed to talk to you.
“for a jock like you, you’re someone who’s actually soft for the girl you like.” he munched on the scone he bought, seungcheol then shaking his thoughts off of his mind.
“so what do you want me to do?” the doe eyed asked, taking a sip from his latte.
rowoon smirked, checking a piece of a paper slip before giving it to seungcheol. “nothing actually. you can stay put for now, but hold onto this.”
“if this gets us into trouble, rowoon, you’ll know what you’ll get.” seungcheol warned him, taking the envelope from him as the boy stood up to leave.
“don’t worry, hyung. we got this.”
“no way! how come i just heard of this?” yoohyeon told you through the small screen, while you ate on ramyeon bought from the convenient store. she tutted her lips together, “hey y/n, is that all what you’ve been eating since i was gone for almost three weeks?”
“it’s my cheat day.” you slurped, wiping off excess soup from your cheek. “i’ve been studying my brain off, i need to de-stress somehow.”
yoohyeon whined playfully, “i want to de-stress too! the expectations here in paris is as high as the eiffel tower. but anyway, answer my question. so it’s still on the rocks with your parents?”
you hummed, not sure how to answer that just yet. “yeah definitely, can’t believe i’ve been stood up at the dinner.. well it’s not like it never happened to me.”
“well isn’t that great? there’s progress!” she sarcastically said because she knew how your relationship was with your parents. she then squinted her eyes. “then what about you and johnny? any progress in that?”
you coughed on a piece of noodle. “t-that, i don’t know. i heard he had an argument with his ex after youngmin’s party.”
“minji? after so long?” she questioned. “well, i hope she doesn’t give him a hard time. the guy’s moved on, given that his attention is so focused on you.”
you laughed a little, “who’s to say, it’s a little crush i have for him. there’s a fine line between falling in love and having a crush, you know? maybe it’s just admiration on my part. but him to me? i doubt it.” you felt a shuffle on the side as you placed the ramyeon on the table behind you, making yoohyeon tilt her head in question.
“did you get a puppy, y/n?”
“a cute one, actually.” shifting your phone for her to see clearly, youngmin snuggled next to you.
“oh, my, word.” she said dramatically, “you’re a certified mommy candidate for the little one. i’ve never seen him so close to anyone like that. johnny must love you to the point he trusted his son to you.”
“a: he doesn’t love me, and b: i offered to help him, alright? we’re not even gonna go there.” you shook your head, combing youngmin’s hair as he slept.
yoohyeon took a snap of that, sending it to johnny immediately. “oh isn’t it time for you to bring him to his appointment? it’s almost 1pm.”
“yes and you’ll be late for class.” you reminded her, “make me proud, yoohyeon. i helped you with your thesis, don’t put it waste.”
hearing you say that made her laugh so early in the morning. “it’s 6am here but roger that, momma!~” waving a goodbye before signing off.
you turned your phone off, putting your legs off of the sofa. then youngmin woke up and wiped his eyes, “mama i’m warm.”
you flicked your head to the boy, chuckling and patting his cheek. “it’s auntie y/n, youngmin.” he sat up and yawned, asking for a hug and you carried him, soon taking your leave to the clinic. “you’re going to get better.”
the little toddler was tired the whole time, and that worried you. wearing the carrier, you placed him facing you while he slept once more. the cooling patch on his forehead wasn’t doing any good to put his temperature down. he actually cried quite a bit on the way so you put a dummy on him, and thankfully he didn’t cause too much of a scene on the train.
stepping in the clinic, you suddenly saw your long time friend, jungkook. his eye smile never failed to be so contagious. “ah noona! you’re here again?”
“yeah, i need to be here for this little one. my friend’s son.” you ruffled his hair, and jungkook poked his cheek.
“he’s adorable! oh and guess what? i’m assisting the renowned dr. jung yunho tomorrow, i just finished meeting up with him.” his bunny smile showing.
you gave him a high-five, you were really proud of him. “nice on you sophomore, it’s gonna look good on your resume once you do your residency and fellowship.”
jungkook just scratched his head, blushing red. “it’s still a long ways to go, noona.” checking his watch, he gasped at the time. “and i don’t want to be late. catch up soon?”
you nodded and gave him a wave, “sure.”
the reception was close by and you confirmed youngmin’s booking. the nurse had to double check if you were the parent, and you clarified that you were substituting the child’s father, who couldn’t make it in the scheduled appointments and showed her the documents with johnny’s signature.
“i actually thought you were the mother. because mr. suh comes here alone often, other than the grandparents. so i got my hopes up when i recognised youngmin with a young lady. sorry about that.” she noted, giving you an apologetic smile.
“it’s not a problem, i haven’t met the mother as well so i guess we’re on the same page.” you smiled a bit, and took a pen from your bag, signing the check-in sheet.
“oh excuse me miss, you dropped something.” one intern next to the nurse pointed down while you muttered a thank you.
it was the extra coupon you had from all the coffee breaks you had with johnny. maybe i should use this later. so you placed it back again to use it again. slowly standing up, you removed youngmin from the carrier while the nurse took him in for a little check up before the actual appointment with dr. yunho.
“miss y/n!” you heard a little squeal, and it was one that you recognised so well. “long time no see!”
“hi liam!” you bent down to have a short chat. “are you here for a check up with the doctor?”
the kindergartener nodded quickly like he was so proud of it. “yes, i got a scratch on my face and on my leg because i fell.” you told him to be careful and he just pouted, saying that he would. he turned around to lady who called him, saying that they had to leave.
at the same time, you were called in by dr. yunho. you patted his hair and bid him goodbye. standing up, you were faced with a lady, who was around your age. must be liam’s mother.. you thought. but who were you to judge?
liam jumped as he left the hospital, whining that he was hungry. “can we go to mcdonald’s, auntie minji?”
she held his tiny hand, “of course, you did really well at the checkup.”
“then can you carry me there, please?” he pleaded, making puppy eyes to convince her, only for her to disagree.
“no can do, liam.” she poked his little nose and teased him. “you know auntie isn’t that strong like a superhero.”
after youngmin’s checkup, you were thankful that he didn’t need to be confined in the hospital. on the other hand, you were so dazzled by dr. yunho, how could someone be so handsome and smart at the same time? it was funny how he opened up so quickly, even mentioning that he had brothers who went to the same university as you- currently year one and year four. it didn’t feel like an appointment at all because of how he conversed.
youngmin seemed to have gotten used to being at the doctor’s, after the fact johnny told you that he used to cry a lot about it. and speaking of him, you got a call, just in time.
“hey y/n, i’m on my way there with bosco, we’ll drop him off at mom and dad’s first, then i owe you coffee again, is it the third time this month? anyway see you both in five minutes.”
you lit up, “sure, we’ll wait here.”
it took about five minutes for him to arrive. talk about consistency: another box ticked on your checklist. he came out of the car to help carry youngmin, while you got on after.
the nurses who saw this from the clinic had their hearts swooned in various places. johnny was young but the way he handled everything made him so mature.
“daddy material..” the intern’s eyes twinkled while she clasped her hands together.
“get back to work, rookie.” the nurse sighed.
“what? you were staring at him too, hypocrite.” she pouted.
as youngmin rested at his grandparents’ place, you and johnny made your way to the coffee shop. patters of rain drummed the windows and johnny sighed when he looked above. “i swear this is like the worse summer ever, it’s been raining for days.”
“can’t help it though. it was scorching hot as well. besides, fall is on the way, in a few weeks?” you stretched your neck and your back from side to side. the feeling of cracked bones was such a relief that johnny glimpsed at you back and forth and scrunched his face.
“sorry, you must’ve been tired from bringing youngmin to the clinic for three weeks.” he stopped the vehicle at the red light.
“it’s okay, it’s workout for me to carry him.” you snickered. as you said that, the rain gradually grew a bit stronger. so you looked up as well, and you didn’t like how it reminded you of the past.
it used to be about your parents, it still was, besides text messages you hadn’t heard any apologies from them at all. and that upsetted you.
another thing was the accident, you haven’t even came into terms with it. you still remembered the impact, the screeches from its tires, the way you flew, and the way you thought everything gone in a blink. it felt like it was yesterday.
johnny knew at one look that you were still processing everything that happened. it was something he wanted to help you overcome but he also knew it was a long journey and that it doesn’t just disappear overnight.
so an idea came up to him, he hoped you were up for it, and he hoped he was right. you felt the vehicle turn sharply to a corner. johnny turned the engine off, “y/n, let’s go out right now.”
your raised eyebrow made him want to laugh but he knew you would love this. “um, are you crazy? it’s raining cats and dogs outside, johnny.”
he just grinned at you. “i maybe am. but with a little bit of play in the cold of ‘cat and dog’ rain, you might just be crazy with me.” he got off the car and ran into the rain, hollering and spinning around.
your eyes widened, frantically turning your head around to check if people noticed him. reaching for the handle, you stared at the rain once more, hands shaking anxiously. should you go out once again?
“awooo!” johnny continued to shout and laugh. you stared at him deadpan, this was embarrassing.
you sighed, “johnny!” the secondhand embarassment you got from him was unbelievable. you ran towards him and stopped him from whatever he was doing. “what are you doing?”
“oh? the puppy chased me and stopped me.” he laughed and you just blinked your eyes in confusion. “cats.. dogs.. rain..? you and me? don’t you get it?”
“johnny, cats don’t howl.” you crossed your arms, finally getting what he meant. “let’s go, before we get sick.”
he didn’t say anything and pulled your arm, “i know you hate the rain but…” he trailed off, taking two pairs of airpods. putting one pair to your ears before he put another into his, he played one of coldplay’s biggest hits, and the song that calmed you down- a sky full of stars.
“let’s have some fun.”
the piano melody and the vocals filled the intro, johnny’s head started to follow the beat and sang. and naturally you followed, singing as well. the familiar music slowly building up. when it reached to the one minute and eighteenth mark, as if you and johnny shared the same braincells, started to jump in the rain.
he held your hand and twirled you around, then suddenly doing a crumping move on this medium-paced song, made you laugh. you’d say it out loud that johnny was a good dancer. it even showed when the next song- adventure of a lifetime, was next in queue.
that was where you confirmed he was groovy, pulling a little genre of modern swing. not that you knew how to do that certain dance pairing, but the music and johnny’s energy just made you dance with the flow.
his guided his hands to yours, leading you with his twists and turns. and in parts were the music were on a slight drop, he led you to follow him on certain easy steps.
you also had your share in adding steps and iconic movements, putting a little michael jackson moonwalk in it. johnny pointed at you in surprise, even in earphones, you could hear his laugh.
johnny and yourself probably looked like idiots dancing in the rain on the road towards the highway. but to the both of you, it was special, as you were dealing with heartbreaks in different aspects. music was definitely a de-stresser.
johnny looked at you with admiration. as you danced away in the rain, he felt like he was witnessing something beautiful. though the music was playing, he could hear his heart beating. and his eyes widened when the lyrics mirrored what he was feeling:
“now i feel my heart beating, i feel my heart underneath my skin, oh, you make me feel like i’m alive again.”
he smiled endearingly, he knew he was so attracted to you. he knew you had space in his heart, and he’d gladly give it to you.
you turned around, hair flicking slowly, then your eyes met.
and it was when he realised fully,
that he was starting to fall in love with you.
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh @mrkleelvr
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
☀️ Imagine 🌙 Fanfic
🌼 Fluff 🥀 Angst 🌷 Comedy 🍄 Suggestive
Choi In
Coming soon
Choi Seungyeop
Coming soon
Rano/ Byun Yongseop
Coming soon
Baekgyeul/Baek Sunwoo
Coming soon
Romin/Choi Youngmin
Coming soon
Coming soon
Lee Wonjun
Coming soon
Oh Yejun
You’re what?! ☀️🌼🥀
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6ixfics · 5 years
pour up / youngmin
rated T word count: 795
if youngmin was ever sure of anything, it would be that he never got over you. it didn’t matter which part of you, or which aspect of your personality; it was only common knowledge among his friends that the thought of you always lingered in his head. since the very first step you took out of his penthouse, bags packed and not a single trace of you left behind, youngmin has never stopped missing you.
even on nights he rode till late, beating traffic lights, speeding across the highways, more often than not, he’d find himself on the route to your apartment block as if on auto-pilot. and then the realisation hits him and he drifts as he makes a u-turn to wherever the motorcycle takes him.
he tries to get drunk every time his body drags him into a club, indifferent and emotionless. yet his heart remains cold and the same, taking a stranger back home just to temporarily overcome the loneliness that has washed over the penthouse. as though he’s merely trying to convince himself that he’s doing well without you. as though he wants to show you that he doesn’t need you to fill the void in his chest.
but he has to face the truth someday — no one could compare to you. every shot of alcohol he takes can’t compare to how drunk you make him feel. every woman that has his name rolling off her tongue can’t compare to your quiet pleas against his skin. forget having good sex, it didn’t feel right if it wasn’t you.
sometimes his wildest thoughts cave him in. sometimes he thinks he’d seen you somewhere in the crowded, noisy club, all messy hair and skin-tight dress and dancing to the music haphazardly. sometimes he thinks he hears your voice in his ear, louder than the blaring speakers, making him look around frantically and trying to find you in the pockets of people in the tight space.
at some point of time he thinks he has it all under control, that the strings that tie him to you are getting looser with each kiss he leaves on a stranger’s bare skin. but youngmin has got it all wrong when he wakes up with a bitch hangover and finds himself lighting another cigarette at three in the morning, as though it’s you he’s breathing in time and time again, only for him to let everything go in puffs of toxic smoke.
slowly the pictures and 15 second videos of you and your new boyfriend start being posted on instagram. youngmin takes notice, his thumb pressing on the screen of his phone to stop and stare at the wide smile plastered on your face. he could not be bothered about the other man’s attributes; whether he was more good-looking or richer, or if he was funnier and gentler. the only thing that mattered to youngmin was that you looked happier, and maybe it made him more upset than he would’ve liked to admit to anyone.
he’s reckless, showing up at another club the following weekend, dressed in all black and a loose, tie-dyed grey denim jacket. almost immediately upon sitting down on the stool at the bar, he’s downed a shot of vodka, the familiar strong taste washing his mouth and burning his palate.
not enough, the voice at the back of his head prods, and he’s downing a good five shots. it’s starting to heat up as he gets tipsy, head spinning and throat on fire. he dismisses the few women who come and go, the high-pitched voices a little bit too much for him. he quickly gets agitated, raising his tone a little bit to tell them to leave him alone. he doesn’t think it’ll be a good night for him.
youngmin figures he’s just going to stay at the club until he gets bored of people-watching. he cringes at those eating each other’s faces off, raises his eyebrows at fems who scan him up and down, fiddles with the silver watch wrapped around his wrist. he’s sick of it. undeniably so.
he gets up to leave, and it’s about midnight as he pays for the alcohol and heads towards the exit. just as he’s about to leave the premises, he has to do a double take.
you’re there. standing in line, arm linked with another man’s. wine-red dress ending mid-thigh, hair swept over to one shoulder. you’re glowing, and he has to look away. maybe a second too late.
“youngmin?” it’s like your voice sobers him up in an instant. “it’s you, right?”
he glances at you, a small, hesitant smile on his face. “yeah,” he stops in his tracks. “have a good night. enjoy yourself.”
he hated just how cold he sounded.
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b612sunsets · 3 years
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If you look at first glance, Go Seungtak is talking about Cha Youngmin. Youngmin promised Jessica he would be her surgeon again when the time came and even though he's a ghost in a coma with his own fragile life on the line, Seungtak wanted to keep their promise because patients are gold and the world to Youngmin. But if you look closely, he's talking about himself indirectly too. He wanted to stop the surgeries and possession because they were killing Youngmin and Youngmin is his first patient. He is Seungtak's gold and world. He wanted to keep his promise with Yougmin for the last time as well.
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pacadong · 5 years
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79 notes · View notes
cloudysunny · 4 years
“Upon entering the dark room, Youngmin quietly made his way over to the bed. In the low light streaming in from the window, he could make out Yejuns frame under the sheets, the maknae facing away from him. He cautiously lowered himself on the edge of the bed, mindful of not waking him, in case the curled up boy had alreay fallen asleep. Up close, it was noticable just how tense Yejun's body was. Reaching out a careful hand to card through his hair, Youngmin soflty whispered the maknaes name. Although he didn't receive a verbal response, Yejun slowly relaxed into his touch, the strain of his muscles ebbing away as the raven-haired boy gently massaged his scalp. Youngmin knew that the younger was awake, but he didn't want to push him, so he waited, the calm movements of his hand never ceasing.“
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pasteidolons · 4 hours
𝔥𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤 - 𝔩𝔧𝔥 ||𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔳
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pairing: lee jihoon x female!reader genre: historical au, fluff, angst, smut (later routes), supernatural members: choi seungcheol, wen junhui, kwon soonyoung, jeon wonwoo, lee seokmin, kim mingyu, boo seungkwan, lee chan warnings: crass humor and language, blood, violence, mentions of suicide, alcohol, minor character death, 660's sexism, crossdressing, medical procedures, political upset, historical innacuarcies for the sake of plot progression word count: 27.7k taglist: @hipsdofangirl, @reiofsuns2001
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𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔦𝔦 || 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔳
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𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥 22𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 A thin line of perspiration coats your brow as you juggle carrying a tray stacked with dishes and teacups towards the main hall. The captains were having their weekly meeting now that everyone had a moment to gather, and you had been tasked with plying the food and tea. Excusing yourself softly, you step inside, gently setting the tray down onto the nearest tabletop and begin distributing the plates and cups.
Once done, you go about pouring tea for the captains, quickly moving from one to another so as to not disrupt the flow of the meeting. Glancing at the floor, you notice a few wayward petals that must have been swept in here as the captains congregated. With spring finally beginning to spur into motion you mentally note that you’ll have to be more vigilant in your sweeping and dusting away of the blooms and pollen to come.
“Thank you,” Youngmin says quietly after you’ve begun pouring his cup. 
You give him a small nod and then move to Gongmyung, “Here you are.”
“Thanks,” he says quickly, turning his attention back to Jihoon.
The air of the room is somewhat electric, perhaps because Gongmyung had brought along his followers to the meeting. 
“That’s all there is to report,” Jihoon states once he’s finished his spiel. “Anyone have anything else to add?”
“Not worried or anything, but have you noticed how lively the city’s been recently?” Mingyu notes. “It’s got me excited.”
“I noticed that too,” Hansol adds with a curt nod. 
“Don’t tease him, Hansol.” Seungkwan laughs, “Festival or not, Jun finds the city entertaining all year round.”
“I didn’t mean Junhui was lively– I was talking about the city.” Hansol frowns.
“One in the same, really,” Seungkwan huffs.
“Aw, you guys are going to make me blush,” Junhui says playfully. 
A snort from Mingyu, “No one here’s complimenting you. We’re just talking about the atmosphere.”
“Poor Junhui,” Seungkwan laments with a shake of his head. He then perks up, “Is there a festival coming up soon? Do you know, Gyu? I’m sure they talk about it at your drinking halls.”
“No idea,” Mingyu shakes his head.
“It’s probably for the spring festival at Bomun Lake,” Youngmin interjects himself into the conversation. “We may have people staying in the capital from Samjinnal as well. The King reinstated it to boost morale this year.”
“That would make sense,” Hansol says, looking at Junhui who looks ready to burst.
“Does that mean we can have permission to go?” He buzzes, “It’s been forever since I’ve been to a festival!”
“Festivals have nothing to do with our jobs,” Jihoon barks out with a frown. “We need to be more alert than usual. Our enemies might take advantage and use the commotion to cause more issues.”
“I agree with the commander,” Kangjoon adds. 
“Ah,” Soonyoung sighs out with disappointment, “Way to be a buzzkill.”
“Are you sure?” Gongmyung asks Jihoon, “It’s a special festival, the King himself reimplemented it. Should we not celebrate too?”
The moment the words leave him, tension makes the air thicker in the room.
“You’re suggesting that we slack off and go–?” Kangjoon prods.
“Right.” Gongmyung smirks, “We aren’t just warriors. It’s a good opportunity for the men to reflect and celebrate, and get out of their Hwarang robes for a while.”
Dongyoung laughs, “I don’t think they can do that, especially those three idiots over there.” His eyes flash to Mingyu, Soonyoung and Junhui.
“What the fuck did you call us?” Mingyu raises his voice.
“I didn’t say any names,” a smirk dances on his lips, “Or maybe you’re aware that you’re an idiot?”
“Dongyoung,” Gongmyung’s stern voice rips at him, “That’s enough.” 
“My bad,” Dongyoung chuckles, “I’m so honest my mouth sometimes says what I think before I can stop it.” 
Mingyu grumbles something while Kangjoon begins to talk once more, “It would be a good opportunity to better our relationship with your men, Gongmyung. Since we’ve been more and more noticed by the Crown, wouldn’t it be best to show off how cultured and mannered we are?”
“I don’t think that’s our current priority.” Jihoon states sharply. 
“I–” Kangjoon clears his throat, “I suppose maybe we don’t need to participate in our current… situation.”
“It’s precisely because of our situation that we should participate.” Gongmyung insists. “With the increased vigilance, the men deserve some sort of distraction, right Gukseon Kwak?”
“Ah? Oh, um… Yes…” It seems difficult for Youngmin to choose a side. “It is well deserved…”
A small ‘tch’ from Gongmyung before he laves compliments, “That’s right. I expected that answer from someone as qualified as you.”
Mingyu lets out a long sigh of relief, “I can already smell the gokaju and hwajeon.”
“Is that all that has your interest?” Seungkwan rolls his eyes. 
“If it’s drinking sanctioned by the Hwarang, I’m all in,” Mingyu nods. 
There’s some more chatter about the festival before the sound of several pairs feet treading down the hallway draws everyone to look at the doorway as Lee Chan peers in. “Are Gukseon Kwan and Commander Lee here?”
“What is it, Chan?” Jihoon beckons him inside, peering behind him to see a few other faces, “Dohoon, Junghwan, Wonwoo… What happened?” The tension that had been building in the room prior heightens as you see the stern faces Chan and the others are making. 
“The warriors sent to receive our monthly stipend from the palace were attacked and robbed of their money on the way back,” Chan reports, straightening himself. 
“What?!” Jihoon rises to his feet, a look of incredulity on his face.
“They tried to apprehend the culprits but they lost sight of them in the crowd,” Dohoon frowns. 
“Attacking a Hwarang warrior in the streets of Seorabeol and stealing our money…” Youngmin also rises to his feet. With how angry he looks, it’s almost as if he’s another person. 
“This is personal. If we let it pass, we’re going to lose face.” Jihoon looks at Youngmin. He then glances around at the captains, “You all, catch that criminal at all cost!” The captains agree with varying degrees of yeses before the commander continues, “But do not let the other men and the wang-do know it’s stolen. Only the ones in this room can handle the situation, is that clear?”
“Understood,” Hansol nods as he stands. 
“Then let’s devise a plan immediately.” Youngmin states calmly, the angered look still playing on his face as they discuss their roles and area of search.
“With that much money, the culprit won’t stay in Seorabeol for long.” Chan notes. “He may be on the move as we speak.
“He could already be out of the city,” Hansol adds.
“Maybe we should focus on swordsmen trying to leave Seorabeol,” Jihoon muses.
“What use could a swordsman have with that much money?” Junhui huffs.
“Alcohol, women,” Mingyu lists, “Nothing too erudite.” 
“Then we should monitor Noseo-dong, there would be a chance he’s there, right?” Soonyoung questions.
“If he’s walking around with a lot of money, he’s going to stand out.” Hansol states. “Isn’t it better to assume he bought something with it that he could easily turn back into money later?”
“A sword or something made of gold, maybe,” Jihoon mutters.
“I wonder why the swordsman picked today specifically,” Gongmyung ponders, his hand resting under his chin, “Perhaps they knew we were getting paid.”
“So you think it was one of our men?” Kangjoon looks over to him. 
“It’s possible. With the new shortages, we’ve gained more green warriors without checking their backgrounds as strictly,” Dongyoung smirks, aiming to poke.
“Criticizing us isn’t going to solve the problem,” Soonyoung retorts. 
You look to Jihoon, who seems to be taking all of it in quietly. His brow furrows before he begins speaking once more, “Okay. We don’t have much time. I’m going to decide who’s doing what…”
He goes on to explain the role of each captain in great detail, once received, they all begin preparing to leave. It just leaves you and Jihoon alone, you hadn’t been a part of the discussion in the first place, only stopping in to deliver tea and snacks. Yet now that you've heard everything, perhaps you can help.
“Commander Lee…” You speak out, your voice cracking after not having used it the entirety of the last half-hour or so.
“Ah,” he seems almost surprised as he turns to you. “You’re still here. Can you clean up the dishes?”
“Of course,” you nod quickly, “Is there anything else I can do? About the stolen money… Can I help?”
“You?” His eyebrow quirks upward, “What can you do about it?”
“I’d like to help speak with the swordsmen that are leaving the capital,” you answer and immediately his shoulders slump downward.
“Not so fast– You can’t go out by yourself. Do you really think you can pry into roaming swordsmen’s affairs?”
It does sound a bit bold coming from you. But you can’t resist the urge to help, “I can’t be as efficient as the rest of you, I’m very aware of that… But that doesn’t make me any less than you. I want to know who did it too. That’s why I want to help.”
Jihoon looks at you intently, almost as if he’s testing your resolve and you stare right back at him. After a moment of silence, he relents, “You’ve got the wit of a Hwarang, that’s for sure.” A small smile plays on his lips as he continues, “We are shorthanded, so you’re going to have to work with us for the time being.”
You try hard to hide the smile threatening to break free, “... Thank you so much.”
A moment later he calls out for Eunseok, asking if he could take you to where the negotiations with the officials are happening. It isn’t what you had in mind, but if you’re helping you’ll gratefully follow the Hwarang.
As the two of you near the edge of the city, Eunseok sighs, “I didn’t think it would be this difficult.”
“Me either,” you frown as a bead of sweat trails down your neck. Your job is to look for any suspicious swordsmen trying to quickly leave the city from the southern gate. The two of you had gone to the magistrate’s office and the Watch to ask for information but neither of the two entities were of any help.
“If we were honest, perhaps they would have cooperated more,” Eunseok wonders aloud.
“That’s true,” you nod in agreement, “but we need to be careful about who knows…”
“You’re right,” he taps his foot on the ground. “Many of the men from the Guard have been incensed since Jihoon stopped them from directly interfering with Wonweol.”
Being more successful meant more opportunities to be envied and hated. The jealousy seems to always be pitted in the Watch and Guard’s stomachs. “What should we do next?”
“I think our best course of action is to return to Jihoon, at least for now,” Eunseok says and begins walking back in the direction of the compound. “Perhaps another captain was more successful than we were.”
As you begin to join him, you see several swordsmen chatting together on the other side of the street. 
“–expected it to go smoothly!” One of them laughs.
“It was so easy,” the one next to him chortles. “Ever since Ongsan they’ve been lacking men, it’s laughable.”
“Eunseok are you hearing–” you begin but notice that he’s already listening intently to the men.
“Shit, you’re talking too loudly,” the first man says, “We need to get out of this city as fast as possible, not let everyone know we’re here.”
The two men begin to walk away, bantering with one another.
“They must be who we’re looking for,” Eunseok frowns, watching the men. His hand flexes over the hilt of his sword as you begin to turn on your heels.
“I’ll let Commander Lee know!” You’re already beginning to run off when he calls out after you.
“It’s a ways back to Bulguksa–! Be careful!”
“I will!” You shout back, “Please don’t lose sight of them!”
With as much strength as you can muster, you race back to the compounds. By the time you reach them, the sun is sinking, dyeing the sky a vibrant red.
“A– Are you alright?!” You hear Junghwan clamor as you approach, your breaths running ragged and your chest heaving trying to collect enough air. “What’s wrong?!”
“I need to speak with the Commander… Immediately…” Your voice comes out in strained pants.
“He’s in his study– I’ll go and get him.” Jungwan says, letting you recuperate while he runs off to find Jihoon. A few moments later Junghwan returns with the commander in tow and you relay what you had seen and heard. 
“We ought to have made you a messenger rather than my page,” Jihoon lauds you with a small smirk. His face begins to harden as he thinks of a plan to retrieve the stipend safely from the thieves, “I’ll let the others know and send them to support Eunseok.”
“Then I’ll go back to Eunseok first,” you say, knowing that leaving him alone while trying to track those men could get him in trouble.
“Don’t be an idiot– Are you planning on retrieving the money yourself?” Jihoon questions you with a frown. “Even if you get there first, what help are you going to offer him?”
You mirror his frown, knowing that he’s speaking the truth: what could you do? You wield no authority in the city and certainly aren’t as adept in swordsmanship or negotiating to get through to the thieves.
“I’ll get to Eunseok,” Jihoon states, “You find the others and join us when you’re done… And good job, by the way. If we can resolve this thanks to you, you’ll get the credit.” Without another word he leaves, heading towards the front gate hurriedly. 
All of the credit…? You hadn’t found the culprits by yourself, you’d only told Jihoon that you had come upon them with Eunseok. It still warms you that Jihoon had praised you, but it wasn’t just your doing. 
With Jihoon now on the way to the city proper, you go to find the other Hwarang. It takes you some time, with night falling as you lead them to where you’d last seen Eunseok. 
“You say that you saw the men here earlier today?” Youngmin asks, his face illuminated by lanterns adorning one of the nearby shop’s entrances.
“Yes,” you nod, “They were here.” Glancing around, you don’t see Eunseok or the swordsmen anywhere nearby.
“Ah, I thought I heard you two,” a voice calls out as they round the corner, “There you are.” Wonwoo walks in tandem with Junghwan as they approach.
“The captains are hiding out in the forest a little ways away from Bomun, we’re to tell anyone showing up to go and join them,” Junghwan nods.
“Then let’s get to it,” Youngmin says quickly and begins to walk.
After a short distance along a heavily forested road on the outskirts of Seorabeol you finally find them. Wonwoo glances at you, raising a finger to his lips to tell you not to make a sound. All of you continue to walk a bit more.
“Commander,” Wonwoo whispers into the quiet night, “Everyone should be here now.”
“Thanks for showing them the way,” Jihoon says quietly. 
“Are the culprits nearby?” Youngmin asks and Jihoon motions his chin to a path parallel to the one that you’re on. Even squinting, you can’t see anything in the density of the trees and the opaqueness of night. Yet you can hear voices rising over the crickets and cicadas crying out.
“A third!?” A voice, one you recognize as a man from earlier, shouts out angrily. “I’m the one who risked my neck for the damned operation!”
“What?! I’m the one who went undercover!” The second man from earlier shouts. “Investigated the Hwarang while you sat on your ass!”
Another voice that wasn’t with them prior now shouts, “Calm down you idiots! You’ve got a ton of money, why’re you fighting over nothing?!”
Jihoon’s expression grows more disgusted the longer he listens, a snarl of anger ripping across his face, “Can’t agree on their share, huh? Well it isn’t as if they’ll need it in their next life.”
“I’ve been scouting around and I believe it to be just those three,” Dohoon reports. You nearly jump at how quiet he’d been on his approach. 
“Let’s get this over with then,” Jihoon huffs and then motions forward, addressing his men, “Surround them!”
As soon as he gives the command, the Hwarang start running, surrounding the swordsmen. 
“W-What!” One of the men shouts as he eyes the blue robes, “There’s no way you could have gotten here so fast!”
“You shouldn’t have tried to swindle the Hwarang!” Jihoon barks back at him, unsheathing his sword and pointing it towards the three men. “Did you truly think you wouldn’t face any repercussions?!”
“Bastard,” one of the men clenches his teeth and draws his own blade, “I guess we’ll just have to fight our way out!”
“You’re stupid if you think you can win while outnumbered,” Dohoon snickers, a glint of moonlight reflecting off of his blade.
“Do not cut them down,” Jihoon orders, “Capture them and we’ll let the King’s justice sentence them.”
And with that, the Hwarang rush the thieves.
The men, who put up a small fight, are eventually captured and taken to a prison somewhere near the palace. After that, the Hwarang filter back to the compound after retrieving the stipend and not much is said about the excitement of the evening until the next morning. Kwak Youngmin calls all of those who aided in rounding up the thieves into the main hall, beaming at them as they enter, you included.
“Thanks to everyone’s cooperation, we were able to get our money back!” He grins, clapping his hands together. “To celebrate, we decided to allow an evening to celebrate the spring festival!”
“Yesss!” Junhui pumps his fist into the air, “I knew I could count on you, Kwak!”
Soonyoung joins in on Junhui’s excitement, excitedly hopping from foot to foot, “Hell yes! That’s what makes it worth it for me to work my ass off every day!”
“Don’t get too carried away, Soonyoung,” Jihoon says warily, “Don’t forget your position as a captain. Besides, you still have a few more days until it happens.”
“We know, we know…” Mingyu waves his hand at him, “But it’ll be the first nice evening that we’ve had in a while.”
When the meeting disbands, each captain goes their separate ways from the main hall. If the Chief wanted this to be a spring celebration, you’re going to need alcohol, food and flowers.
“If you have some time,” you call out to Jihoon as he begins to leave, “Can we talk about the arrangements for food, drink and decorations?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jihoon turns to you, “We’ll be celebrating at a place by Lake Bomun. If we’d done it here you’d work yourself to the bone… You still need to be rewarded as well.”
“Oh, Commander, I don’t think–” Your ears warm with embarrassment.
“It’s a secret,” he says with a coy smile, “If I reveal it now, it’ll spoil the surprise.” After vaguely speaking, leaving you in a confused state, he spins and leaves the hall.
A few nights later you find yourself being led along a stone path to a temple near the lakeside of Bomun. 
“Commander Lee…” You murmur, trying not to trip on the agate stone of the walkway, your nerves somersaulting at the sight of the flowing fabric around you. “Isn’t there an issue with,” you let out a small cough, “what I’m wearing?”
“What’s wrong?” He asks, “It’s been a while since you’ve worn women’s clothes… Are you uncomfortable?”
“I think that’s exactly my point,” You stop as he turns to look at you, “I’ve only worn men’s clothes since I’ve come to live with the Hwarang.” You’d neither tied your hair or worn a hairpin for a while so it feels quite out of your comfort zone.
“You look great,” he nods, “If I hadn’t known it was you, I’d assume you were a noblewoman.”
“You’re too nice,” you murmur as you feel heat creep up your neck, he surely has an odd sense of humor. It’s then you take a look at him, the blue of his Hwarang robes shed for a brilliant purple. Gold embellishments line the fabric and a portion of his long dark hair is held in a cuff, cascading a ponytail along his already freed hair. Jihoon doesn’t wear his hair like this often, nor the clothes of his noble rank. He’s handsome, you cannot deny that.
“I took some time off tonight so that I could walk the temple grounds with you,” he motions you to follow him, “It’s a rare opportunity for both of us. Want to look around?”
“Ye– Sure!” You nod, still momentarily distracted by him. 
The two of you wander the small pathways of the temple for a time. Other festival goers litter the paths as well, couples, parents and their children– an air of calm in a seemingly torrid world After a few more minutes of walking, you and Jihoon find yourselves on a more secluded area of walkway when he pauses, looking at you with a question hanging on his lips,
“Are your feet sore? I know you’re probably not used to those kinds of shoes.”
“No,” you answer with a shake of your head, “I’m alright.”
“You’ve got a stronger resolve than most,” he chuckles, “Makes sense, how else would you have traveled from Toehwa-hyeon to Seorabeol alone?”
“I only left home because I was looking for my father,” you smile at him, sadness riding in your tone and surely reflecting in the small smile you offer. 
“I know,” he sighs frustratedly, “Trust me, we are trying our best to figure out where he disappeared off to.” 
The once light atmosphere becomes heavy with the mention of your father. Walking further a bit, you see several temple patrons tying small pieces of parchment to a tower in the center square of the temple’s entrance. 
“Do you think that’s for prayers?” You ask and look at Jihoon, “Should we write something?”
His eyes stare coldly at the display before you, before relaxing at your request, “I’m not one to leave it all in the gods’ hands… But if we’re already here, why not.”
“I’ll go and find a brush,” you grin and begin to dash off.
“Don’t forget the paper!” He calls out after you.
It takes you a while to find the items, but you return to Jihoon and hand him a brush and piece of paper. You take your time carefully penning your wish down onto the paper, blowing the ink softly so it dries faster.
“I can tie it for you,” he says as he notices you trying to figure out where to place yours. You hadn’t noticed him tie his own to the tower.  
“Ah– Okay,” you nod, caught up in his words as you try to hand him your wish clumsily. 
“What kind of wish did you write?” he asks, gently holding it in his hands but not unfurling the carefully folded paper. Eyes widening, you reach out, aiming to grab the paper but instead grip your hands around his, blocking his free hand from taking the paper. He laughs, “I can’t put it up for you if you hide it from me… Don’t tell me you want to keep it a secret for me that badly?”
“It’s nothing like that at all!” You nearly shout, flustered as heat creeps along your cheeks. 
“Is it something too shameful to mention, then?” He teases, leaning in closer. 
“…Why would you think that?”
Jihoon looks at you suspiciously for a moment too long but eventually sighs and pulls back, “Now, thanks to you, I’m wondering if you’re really making a wish for yourself or for the sake of someone else. IF it’s really something you want for yourself, then good.”
Thinking for a moment, you drop your hands away from his. He sighs in the gentle night breeze wafting through the temple and ties your wish to the tower without looking at the inscription on it. 
“My bad,” he relents, “I was being tactless. Your wish is only between you and the spirits.”
“No,” you shake your head, “It isn’t that… What did you write, Jihoon?” Your teeth catch your lower lip at the slip of his first name. You don’t use it often, only in the moments where you forget that he wields absolute authority over your role within the Hwarang. 
His eyes widen at your name falling from his lips, and then soften, his lower lip turning into a pout as you raise your hands, “Sorry! I shouldn’t be asking you.”
He laughs, waving his hand, “No, I don’t mind. My wish is obvious: for the Hwarang to become even greater than they already are.”
“That makes sense,” you note. “Then my wish is–” you begin before he cuts you off.
“Hush, I didn’t ask,”
“You just told me yours, though. It wouldn’t be fair… I wished for you to be safe and healthy.”
When you tell him, he laughs a bit mockingly, “Really? Isn’t that exactly what I was worried about? Plus, there’s no reason to hide something like that, right?”
“I know, but it’s just–” you flush, looking at the ground.
“Thank you.” He says simply and you look at him. “I’m the one keeping you under house arrest, and yet you’re so good natured.”
“I don’t think of it that way anymore,” you retort. “At first, our only common goal was to find my father. But now that I know all of you better I’m happy that I can live with you all and be useful in some ways.” Ever since the raids on Wonweol and Jeolin you saw what force the Hwarang could muster, you then could understand and believe that they are fighting for what is right.
Jihoon gives you a small nod in thanks, “This was a nice evening but unfortunately I have some work to do, so I guess we’d better head back.”
“Thank you for taking the time to take me out today.”
“There’s no need for thanks, it was a nice breather for me as well.”
𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 13𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔬𝔩, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 “Look Seungkwan!” You call out to the captain some feet in front of you, “The trees are still in bloom.”
Boo Seungkwan stops in his tracks, the blues of his robes shifting as he turns to face you and then looks across the street at the tree you'd pointed out.
The gentle introduction of spring is most certainly needed in Seorabeol now. After last autumn’s attempt at quashing the Baekje forces, Silla thought themselves to be rid of the threat, but now more rumors have been arising from the north that Buyeo Pung and his men are on the move once again.
“You’re right,” he nods and looks back at you, a smirk on his lips as he does so, “Even then, I’d try to act sedate about it.”
Eyes widening as you look at a few townsmen who pass, their gazes dubious over your excitement towards the changing season. Maybe too forgetful of your attire with the dawn of a new spring, you find yourself quieting down as you catch up to Seungkwan.
“Seungkwan?” You question after a moment more of walking, your eyes watching a few petals float atop the river, “Why didn’t we go after those men who ran off after seeing you?”
“Them?” Seungkwan scoffs as you look back to him, “They’re not revivalists, that’s for sure. If they were, they wouldn’t have run off like a dog with its tail between its legs. More than anything they’re probably common thieves.” A nod of his head as his shoes kick up a small cloud of dust, “To be honest, I doubt there are any revivalists in Seorabeol willing to start anything and oust themselves at this point.”
“The Hwarang have really made a name for themselves, haven’t they?” You muse, watching the street ahead of you. “It seems like everyone knows your blues.”
In recent memory, the question of changing the Hwarang uniform has been placed on the table more than once, stemming from the fact that it both catches people’s attention as well as wards troublemakers off. As well as a lack of fashionable sense, Gongmyung had so graciously advised. 
“Has the Deputy Commander returned from Ungjin yet?” You question, knowing that Gongmyung had left some time ago to oversee some things at a newer installment of Hwarang in the area.
“Think so,” Seungkwan frowns, “Can’t say I wanted him back so soon, if ever, though.”
“He said he was going to recruit people too, right?” 
“Mhm, but I have to wonder if Ungjin is the only place he went.” The Hwarang mutters.
“Isn’t that a good sign though? That he’s trying to get more numbers?” 
“Is that what you think that’s about?” An eyebrow piqued at you.
“Am I wrong to assume that?” You furrow your brow, brushing your hand on the front of your robes to try and get rid of some lingering dust.
“Not at all,” with the way Seungkwan says it, you know he’s being sarcastic. “Kwak’s too nice to him, he should’ve been kicked out a long time ago.”
Ever since the Kim brothers had arrived to join the Hwarang, there had been a strong dislike for Gongmyung. You certainly can see why but hearing the absolute vocalized protest against him is jarring to hear. 
You break away from looking at the road ahead and catch a glimpse of a figure quickly turning and racing down a side alley. At first you think it to be more men afraid of getting caught from the Hwarang on patrol, but the bright pink of their skits catch you off guard as they slip around the corner. 
“Wait a minute…” Catching their eye, you’re stricken with a familiarity almost as if you were looking at your own face. You aren’t given much time to look at her, though, because once you’ve realized who she is, she’s gone. “Ahro!” You call out, only to be pulled back by Seungkwan.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, only for you to shrug him off and barrel down the road towards where you’d last spotted your doppelgänger. 
“Just hold on!” You call out behind you, knowing that a stunt like this is going to get you into trouble. The backstreets are more dense than you originally thought, a thicket of people causing you to weave your way through the crowds as you race after the girl. It isn’t until you trail her to a back alley deep in the depths of Seorabeol does she stop.
“Is something wrong?” Ahro asks as she spins on her heels as she turns to face you, “You seem to have exerted yourself quite a bit.”
“It looks like I surprised you earlier,” you huff, trying your best not to double over as your lungs take in more oxygen than they can process. “Do you remember who I am?”
“Of course,” she nods, “You were with the Hwarang that day.”
“Can I ask you something?” Thoughts flooding to what Mingyu had said that night at Noseo-dong, of the girl he mentioned who looked exactly like you. “One of the men said they saw a girl who looked like me at the bulletin board by the bridge some time ago… Was that you by any chance?”
“I’m not sure,” a frown holds her lips as her pink skirts flutter in the wind with a gentle breeze, “I don’t find myself traveling there very often. But if he had seen me, would that be an issue?” Embarrassment takes hold over you, you’re almost accusing a stranger for something that you don’t even know the full story of. “Perhaps what you wanted to ask me was if I’ve been there at night?”
Eyes widening at her statement, maybe she is more perceptive than you thought.
“It happened in late spring, someone who looked like me disrupted what the Hwarang were guarding,” you pick your words carefully, trying not to be but so accusatory at the moment.
“If it was you,” a voice, more accusatory, calls out from behind you and directed towards Ahro, “Then we need to talk, it may or may not end with your imprisonment depending on the answers you give me.”
“Seungkwan,” you mutter, surprise overtaking you as he walks to stand by your side. You’re not sure when he’d caught up with you. 
“Captain Boo,” she notes with a small smile, “Thank you for helping me back then.”
Her gratitude falls on deaf ears, Seungkwan’s frown not budging with her words. “Are you going to answer her?” He asks, gaze narrowing, the taught smirk reappearing as his body tenses, anticipating something, “Were you at the board that night?”
“Many people walk by that board during the day,” Ahro’s brow furrows, “But I don’t go near it at night because of the attacks. Are you accusing me simply because I look like someone else?” She looks almost downcast at her own words, her gaze dropping to the ground as she hangs her head.
“Of course not,” you step in, “It’s rude of us to assume without any proper evidence.”
“You’re still gullible,” Seungkwan scoffs, shaking his head, “After a few sorry words you’re just going to believe her? Even if she is the culprit, do you think she’d just tell you that?”
Seungkwan and you lock eyes, an immense feeling of guilt washing over you. You’re not one to place the blame with little to no evidence, but she was the closest thing to a lead you and he had seen since Mingyu had divulged what he’d seen that night.
“If there’s no reason for you to keep me here… I should be getting on my way, I have errands to run,” Ahro sighs out and turns on her heels, beginning to walk towards the main street.
You think to pursue her once more, but a fit of coughing coming from the captain interrupts that thought. 
“Are you alright?” A worried look to Seungkwan, who’s nearly doubled over, coughing into his hand. You find yourself stepping forward, wanting to offer assistance but not sure on how to do so.
His head shoots up to look at you as he hears you approach, his free hand raising to stop you, “Stay back.” Another bout of coughing before he speaks again, “I’m fine just… just give me a second.” It is the intensity of his demeanor that halts you, not only his words. The captain coughs for a few moments more, only standing straight when the bouts reside. His face looks pallid, sweat crawling down the sides of his face as he looks back at you. 
“Are you still sick?” You question him carefully as he wipes his hand on his sleeve. “You look tired.”
“I’m fine,” he answers shortly, a small smile finding its way to his lips as if to assure you. It doesn’t. “You did make me run after you, you know.”
“But…” you begin before he stops you.
“But nothing, we’re in the middle of our rounds, we can’t get sidetracked anymore.” With that, he begins to walk, pace a little more slower than usual. You catch up to him and he starts to scold you, “I agree that asking Ahro about the incident was important, but you can’t just run off like that alone. If she had been an enemy or had accomplices waiting for you, what would you have done?” He watches your brow furrow and shakes his head, “You didn’t even think about that, did you?”
Even if Ahro hadn’t done anything nefarious, Seungkwan’s right. You’d chased after your doppelganger without a second thought, which could have been bad if it had been someone else. 
“Just,” he sighs, “try to be more careful, okay? I can’t be around you all of the time to make sure you don’t run off and get yourself kidnapped or killed.”
With Seungkwan’s words still lingering in your head, you finish your rounds and head back to the temple grounds. They still continue to float around even after you've eaten dinner and resigned yourself back to your room, the bright light of the moon creeping in through the sole window of your quarters. 
You like to think yourself useful, on more than one occasion you have helped the Hwarang with their ventures and around the headquarters. Yet, today has shown you that there is much more to learn, and maybe that your perception isn’t where it should be. 
The more you think about it, the stronger your resolve to change it becomes, you’ll work on becoming more aware and less dependent on this. It’s high time you do something about it. 
Just when you think that to yourself, a loud boom reverberates around your room, up against your door as if someone’s thrown themselves against it. It causes you to startle, quickly bolting up from your bedding as your heart begins to pound in your chest. It happens once more and the door bursts open, splinters of wood falling to the ground from where the hinges once attached to frame, revealing a wang-do standing in the dimly lit hall.
“Is… everything alright?” You question after they make no move to speak, continuing to stand there ominously. “Do you need something?” Every muscle in your body feels taught, anticipating the culminating worry building in your gut.
The wang-do mutters something, nearly inaudible as you strain your ears to listen to him.
“What did you say?” 
“… Blood,” the word chills you as he takes a step across the threshold of your room, now as he comes into focus you can see that his hair is stark white. “I need… blood.” In his hand is a sword, dragging along the ground as he takes another step, the sound of the metal carving into the wood of the floor echoing around the space. It hits you then, your stomach dropping as you realize that he’s one of the Furies. 
You part your lips, wanting to call out for one of the captains, but find yourself unable to muster a singular syllable before the Fury lunges at you with a cackle. The blade hisses as he raises it and brings it down toward you, you roll from your bed and onto the floor but not before you feel the cool metal of the blade burn and sink into the flesh of your arm. 
A cry escapes you as you hit the floor, trying to scramble away from the intruder, but as the Fury catches sight of the crimson of your blood, he seems to only become more enthralled. Hand finding the wound on your arm, you try to apply pressure to it, your back hitting the wall behind you as the Fury looms in front of you. 
“Someone help!” The words finally escape you as the Fury reaches up to smear the droplets of blood that had hit his cheek, he laughs again before raising his sword once more, probably intending to end your life. His eyes show no remorse, no semblance of humanity as he laughs and laughs. Feet kicking off of the floor, he begins to barrel towards you, your limbs frozen in place as you can only watch.
The sound of a pair of footsteps racing into your room nearly pulls your attention away from the man running at you, yet it doesn’t, but when the new figure tells you to duck and look away, you comply almost immediately, tucking into yourself and trying to move away.
The Fury that had been chasing you stops at the intrusion, looking surprised to see the commander standing in the front of your room, his sword raised. Angered at the arrival, the Fury turns from you and takes a sloppy swing at Jihoon, the commander’s blade meeting the wang-do as he turns. 
A cry resounds around the room as the Fury is struck, writhing for a moment before his wound begins to heal before your very eyes. Jihoon realizes this and looks over to you, “Get over here, now,” his voice stern before he looks back to the wang-do. Wordlessly, you do, still holding onto your arm as you make your way to him, the Fury’s attention still rapt upon Jihoon. As you fall behind the captain, more footsteps race towards your room, several of the captains arrive at your doorway seconds later, their brows furrowed.
“You all right?” Junhui asks as he looks to survey the situation. 
“That’s,” Mingyu frowns before you can respond, his eyes settled on the wang-do, “the kid who had to drink the pimul after that shop raid… He’s too far gone now to bring him back.” The sadness in his tone is palpable, knowing that they’d have to kill the turned wang-do in the very near future. As if the words were an unspoken signal, the trio release their blades from their scabbards. They fan out, circling the wang-do carefully, watching for any signs of erratic movement. In an instant, the captains attack and fell the soldier, who crumples to the ground with a shriek of pain. 
For a few seconds, the room is quiet, only then to be interrupted by more footsteps approaching. Perhaps the captains hadn’t been the only ones to hear your plea for help.
“I thought we’d talked about sparring after the sun’s set…” Gongmyung’s voice sounds from around the corner, rubbing his eyes as he turns into the room, freezing when he sees the scene before him. “What’s happened?”
Brow furrowing as he looks to the fallen Hwarang, “Wasn’t he sentenced to death a few days ago for breaking our code?” Looking from the bloodied corpse to the bloodied blades held by the captains, “Are you all responsible for this?”
Jihoon mutters some profanity under his breath as Soonyoung begins to ramble, “You don’t understand, we’ve just-”
“A captain cutting down his own man?” Gongmyung continues, an amalgamation of confusion and anger culminating in his expression, “This is unheard of.”
“This is my fault, I suppose,” another voice rings out from behind Gongmyung and your hair stands on end immediately. Seungcheol looks forlornly at the wang-do’s corpse, “My lack of leadership caused this to happen.”
At the sound of his voice, Gongmyung jumps and at the sight of him, Gongmyung pales. “W- What are you doing here, Colonel? You’re supposed to be dead…?” 
The room falls silent once more, until Jihoon breaks it.
“I suppose we can’t keep it a secret for any longer.” Arms crossing over his chest, he looks to you as you push yourself from the floor, “You should leave, you can use my room for the night.” 
You want to stay, want to make sure that they can explain everything properly so that Gongmyung doesn’t get any more frantic. Yet, Jihoon’s expression tells you enough that he’ll handle it. 
𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 14𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔬𝔩, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 The sound of birds chirping stirs you from slumber, and as soon as your eyes open you bolt up, looking at the unfamiliar space around you. This is the commander’s private quarters, you remember this as you recall the events of the night prior. Your arm, now wrapped in bandages, has healed quickly, yet you keep the guise of injury for the time being. The last you’d checked it had faded into a light scar, in a few days there would be no trace of it at all. 
Your feet eventually find the floor, standing and stretching before you open the door and quickly make your way to the main hall to see what the events of last night had wrought upon the Hwarang. Before you get into the hall, you come across the Kim brothers, Gongmyung calling out to you.
“You…” The Deputy Commander says before two more figures come into view.
“Soonyoung… Hansol… Where are you all going this early?” You ask, tilting your head in confusion.
“Due to last night’s… disturbance, I’m sure no one got a good night’s sleep,” Gongmyung answers for them, “You were injured, right? How’s your arm doing?” 
“It isn’t as bad as I first thought,” you nod, hand moving to ghost over the injury.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he says with an uncharacteristic smile. Rather than the manic state he was in last night, he seems to be chipper. 
“Did something happen?” You ask, wondering about the mood shift.
“I suppose you could say that, right, Choi, Kwon?” Gongmyung looks at them, as do you. When you catch Soonyoung’s eye he quickly breaks away, diverting his gaze away from you. 
“I guess so,” the younger mumbles out.
“It isn’t information we can give out right now,” Hansol frowns, his attention rapt on you, unlike Soonyoung’s. 
“Even for you, Choi, that’s a cold goodbye,” Dongyoung says, “Or did you want to get out of here as fast as you can?”
“Are you… leaving?” You question, looking back to the brothers before Gongmyung hushes his sibling.
“We’ll be on our way,” he nods at you, “I hope your injury heals well.”
“Goodbye,” Hansol says as he passes you, a small nod in your direction before Soonyoung brushes past with a ‘See you’. 
And then just like that, they’re gone, leaving you standing at the entrance of the main hall to try and understand what had just happened. Before long, you pull yourself from your thoughts and make your way into the hall, meeting with a few other captains.
“Are you sure you should be up already?” Eunseok calls out to you as you enter, a worried expression on his face as he notices your bandaged arm. He’s standing next to Wonwoo, presumably having been in a conversation with him before your arrival.
“I’m alright,” you try to assure him with a small smile, “It wasn’t as bad as it looked.”
“That’s good news,” Wonwoo smiles, “I’m sorry to hear that it happened though.”
“It’ll be alright…” Trying to sate their worry, you bring up another thought plaguing you. “I saw the Deputy Commander on my way here, he was acting strange.”
The two look at each other before Eunseok lets out a sigh, “You saw them?”
“Soonyoung and Hansol were acting strange as well,” feeling concerned for the captains, you look to the two in front of you for answers. 
After a moment of silence, Wonwoo speaks up hesitantly, “Well… They’re leaving.”
Eyes widening as Eunseok adds on, “They’re going to form a new group different from the Hwarang. We had a meeting with the Chief and Commander Lee about it this morning.”
“So Soonyoung and Hansol…” A frown begins to curve your lips as you realize why they had been so downcast. 
“They are leaving with him, yes,” Eunseok sighs out, “I think I’m as shocked as you are. I understand that coming from Soonyoung, since he’s known him for longer… But Hansol’s surprised me the most.”
“Don’t worry,” Youngmin’s voice calls out, probably having witnessed your conversation from the head of the room. “We promised to keep things calm between our two organizations.”
Even if his words are meant to calm, with Gongmyung leaving with several pivotal members of the Hwarang, you only think he’s meaning to split and factionalize the rifts forming in the Hwarang’s ranks. 
“He still won’t be able to associate with the Guard though, right?” Wonwoo questions.
“Like hell I’d let him,” Jihoon speaks up now, a bitter bite to his voice, “He can leave, but I’m not letting him walk all over us so he can get what he wants.”
From there, the Hwarang begin to speak amongst themselves of names and other organizations that you aren’t too familiar with, slowly leading you to drift away from the conversation. Despite your feelings towards the captains leaving, you know nothing you say now could change anything, they’ve already left. So, you quietly excuse yourself and leave the main hall. As you walk towards your room, you look to the sky, wondering what the impact of leaving would have on the remaining Hwarang. Surely a blow like this hurt not only their pride but the relationships they have with those who left.
The door to the main hall opens and you turn to see Jihoon leaving, he catches you looking at him and strides over.
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” He questions, eyes lingering on your bandaged arm, “I remember the cut being deep.”
“I feel better,” you say quickly, trying to brush off his concern.
“Just because your father’s a doctor and you know a few things doesn’t make you invulnerable,” an almost concerned tone wavering in his voice, “Go and get some rest before you hurt yourself more.” 
“I will,” you nod, mentally berating yourself. It’s hard to recall the severity of one’s injury when it heals so quickly. “Before I go, though… Can I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“It’s about the new group… How do you feel about all of them leaving?” 
“What do you mean?” He questions, crossing his arms. 
“You’re losing some of your men,” you aren’t sure how careful you should be with your wording, “Doesn’t that make you upset?”
“If they were my allies yesterday and things change that makes them my enemies tomorrow, so be it.” He shakes his head, “That’s just life.”
“Even Soonyoung and Hansol?” The two captains had been by his side since he’d started commanding the Hwarang, surely, he couldn’t turn on them so easily.  
“They’ll be missed,” Jihoon frowns, “But if they’re leaving it means they had an issue with the Hwarang, it’s better they leave now than when their discontent grows even more.” 
The commander’s harsh and analytical take towards his men leaving has you somewhat stupefied. On one hand, you can see how indifferent he’d be towards Gongmyung and his lackeys leaving, but the two captains should have him more in a state. But if they all found themselves incompatible with the Hwarang, maybe it was for the best.
In the days following the departure of Gongmyung, Dongyoung, Hansol, Soonyoung and the rest of Kim's followers, you notice the compound feeling much emptier and lonelier. Around that time, Suh Kangjoon departed the Hwarang and his role as War Counselor. Even if it’s the inevitable change of things, you can’t help but see several different paths beginning to veer off the main one, unsure of where each one leads. 
𝔍𝔲𝔩𝔶 11𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Three months have passed since the departure of Kim Gongmyung and his men to form the Guardians of the Royal Tomb. More so, it has been three months since Hansol and Soonyoung left. Their presence, or absence of, remains blazingly obvious at times during the days that have since passed. These thoughts of them, and their reasoning for abandoning the Hwarang plague you still, as they do tonight as you toss and turn in your bed as you search for slumber.
It isn’t coming any time soon, your muscles ache from your work earlier in the day, and you’d woken up early this morning to aid with an upcoming captain’s meeting… Why aren’t you tired? You should be, right? 
Eyes shutting for the umpteenth time, trying to force yourself to sleep, you hear a voice call out to you from behind your door, a gentle knock accompanying it. “Are you awake?” The voice of the Hwarang’s commander causes you to scramble to your feet, inching closer to the door.
“Is something wrong?” You ask as you approach the door.
“You have a visitor,” voice muffled behind the wood, you can hear him shift on his feet, “Once you’re dressed, come to the main hall.”
“A visitor?” You muse as Jihoon’s footsteps lead away from your room to give you some privacy. The visitor in question confuses you, who could possibly be calling for you late at night? Regardless of their identity, you quickly dress yourself and head to the main hall. 
The figure standing there as you enter surprises you, before you’re able to question their appearance, Youngmin speaks.
“I’m sorry for disturbing your sleep,” A small smile of apology as he glances towards the newcomer.
“You look like you just rolled out of bed,” Seungkwan says snidely, a grin on his lips, “Didn’t even brush your hair?”
You begin to move your hand towards your scalp as you frown at him, but before you can touch your hair, Jihoon cuts him off. Glancing at the commander, you can see Seungcheol, Junhui, and Mingyu in the room as well.
“This isn’t the time, Boo,” Jihoon huffs and looks at you, “You look fine.”
You nod quickly at the commander before turning back to look at your guest in full, once she lays her eyes on you, she breaks out into a small smile.
“It’s good to see you again.” With all of the elegance that you had upon your first meeting, Sooyoung commandeers the room with her charisma, “I hope you’ve been well? I’m sorry for visiting so late.”
“Sooyoung?” The name falls from your lips as you stare at her, confused. It’s then you realize that another woman stands beside her, her face seems familiar as well.
Sooyoung seems to catch this, turning to her and telling you, “She’s my bodyguard, of sorts.”
“Your bodyguard?” The woman in question is almost as striking as an actress, not what you’d expect a guard to look like. 
Even more confused, you look at Jihoon, who sighs out, “…She said that it was imperative to talk to you.”
It’s obvious that he isn’t stepping into your own matters unless you allow him to, so you hum to yourself and look back to your visitor. “Why are you here, Sooyoung?” A tilt of your head as you ask, “Is something wrong?” 
“I’ll get straight to the point then,” her smile fades away and her expression becomes stern, turning to face you fully, “I’m here to take you away.” 
“Take me away…?” Brow furrowing, your foot moves instinctively to take a step back, “Why?”  
A hum as she thinks, “It’s a long story that I’m not sure how to begin.”
“There isn’t any time to discuss this,” the woman beside her says hurriedly, “We need to leave immediately if we’re to get her out of here safely.” 
“Hold on,” you interrupt the pair, “Why should I go with you two?”
“That’s a good question!” You hear Junhui speak up from behind you, “You barge in here, ask to talk to her, and demand that she leaves with you?”
“You’re not related to her, are you?” Mingyu adds questioningly, “She looks about as confused as we do.” 
“Sooyoung could you explain what’s happening a little more?” You pose, not trying to get the captains upset if there’s an actual reason for you to be worried. 
“Our intrusion would perplex anyone, I suppose,” she nods in understanding and then motions to one of the tables in the room, “This might take a while, so it’s best to be comfortable in the meantime.”
“Would you like us to stay outside?” Youngmin asks, glancing towards the open doorway into one of the temple’s courtyards.
“No,” Sooyoung says as you move to take a seat at the table she’d motioned to. “I’d like you to stay, this involves the Hwarang as well.” She takes her own seat, followed by the captains, Youngmin and Jihoon, who she observes quietly before beginning to speak. 
“I’m aware that you all have met Hong Jisoo before, right?” As she states the question a few of the Hwarang look taken aback. “You’ve fought him once or twice.”
“How do you know that?” Jihoon’s gaze hardens on the woman.
“I know most things that go on in Seorabeol,” her gaze returns the hardness of his, “Eventually.”
“You’re like him and his cronies, aren’t you?” Arms crossing over his chest as he comes to the realization. 
“I’d prefer not to be associated with him, Minghao or Minhyun, but yes, in a sense I am.” A nod of affirmation as Jihoon’s expression softens slightly.
“… You were talking about Jisoo, then.” 
“We fought him at Wonweol, Ongsan and Banwolseong,” Mingyu interjects, brow furrowed, “What are his ties with the loyalists?” 
“It seemed like he was there for his own reasons, though,” Seungkwan points out, countering the other. “Not any sort of politics.” 
“Regardless, he’s an enemy of us,” Jihoon frowns, adjusting the way he’s seated.
“Then you’re also aware that he’s pursuing her?” Sooyoung’s eyes flicker to you, the captain’s stares following suit. 
The unraveling of this truth is a story you don’t want to hear the end of. Your stomach churns uneasily as each captain looks at you, some confused, some unsure of what to do or say. Youngmin eventually breaks the silence,
“We’re well aware of that.” He coughs to clear his throat before continuing, “We also know he has comrades he calls Demons; not that we believe that, of course.”
“I’m not sure that that claim is unfounded, Chief,” Seungcheol speaks up from the swarm of captains looking at you, “They all possessed strength incomparable to any of our men. Any of our... living men, at least. Despite that, it seems as if no one really knows they exist.”
The captains shift, murmuring things too quietly for you to hear before you look back to Sooyoung, anxious for her to continue. 
“So, then you do know that they’re Demons,” a nod as she hums somewhat contently, “That will make things a little easier to explain.” Her hands fold atop one another as she places them on the table, “I’m not human either, I’m a Demon too.”
Your eyes widen, lips parting in surprise, “You are?”
“I’m actually rather high ranking,” eyes locked with yours, “something akin to a princess.” 
“My family has been guarding hers for generations,” the other woman adds, moving a bit to stand closer to Sooyoung’s chair, not having sat when everyone else did. 
“I suppose that makes more sense,” Jihoon muses, despite you still looking confusedly between the three. “I was wondering why you were so friendly that night, you were getting intel on the Hwarang, weren’t you?” 
A sly smile as the guard brushes a few strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear, “I’m not quite sure what you mean.”
“You know her?” Junhui sounds shocked as he looks at Jihoon.
“Move your eyes up six inches, Junhui,” Mingyu snorts, “That’s Seulgi.” Then, it clicks, she isn’t as dressed up as she was that night, but it looks to be the kisaeng from the night the Hwarang had been in Noseo-dong. “Dressed a little differently, but that’s definitely her.” 
“Holy shi-” Junhui nearly chokes, baffled at his inability to have recognized her from before.
“Us Demons have lived on this land since before the kingdoms were even mere conceptions,” Sooyoung captures the conversation once more, “The top officials in Silla, Goguryeo, and what was once Baekje, already know of our existence. Most Demons have no interest in human affairs, preferring to be left alone. However, humans in positions of power sought to use us to benefit their own means.”
“Did the Demons comply, then?” You question softly, seeing the look of disgruntlement on Sooyoung’s face. 
“Most didn’t. Human ambition has never been strong enough to pull a Demon to get involved,” an almost angered sigh leaves her, “Yet, when the Demons refused to help, the humans were furious and sent out armies to destroy our homes and our villages. We scattered across the land and are now divided by the different kingdoms. We seldom leave our domains and remain in hiding.”
“That’s awful,” a somberness coating your words as she speaks, the lorness in her expression unsettling. 
“Many Demons went on to have children with humans, there are few of us now who can claim a pure bloodline.”
“I assume Jisoo is one of them?” Youngmin questions softly, trying to not upset Sooyoung further.
“The largest pureblood family are the Hongs, you’ve already met the head, Jisoo.” A small nod as she looks to you, “In the north, the largest clan is the Heo family. That would be yours. I heard the Demons of your family were destroyed by humans, but it seems like you’re the lone survivor.”  
“Me?” You resist the urge to point at yourself, utterly taken aback by what Sooyoung had just divulged. “That’s impossible… I-”
“I had Seulgi look into your family history to the best of her ability,” she insists with a firm shake of her head.
“It seems hard to believe,” Seulgi offers you a sympathetic smile, “but you are very much a Demon.”
At a loss for words, you stare at the two women. It’s borderline insane that this is what they’re telling you, but at the same time it would explain a few things. Why Jisoo is after you, why you heal so quickly…
“If you really are the descendent of a pureblood Demon, it’s quite clear why Jisoo is after you,” Sooyoung doesn’t finish the rest of her statement, the answer being quite clear.
“He intends to marry her,” Youngmin huffs, glancing at you and your wide-eyed expression.
“It seems so,” the woman agrees, biting her cheek, “So far it seems as if he’s only been testing the water, I’m unsure of when he’ll become more confident in his approach. If he were to use his full strength, I don’t know how you would fare in protecting her. Even the Hwarang can’t stand against the true power of a Demon.”
“Wait a minute- aren’t you going a bit too far?” Junhui asks, sounding hurt by the latter statement. 
“I don’t think you’re giving us enough credit,” Mingyu frowns, “We’re not just some foot soldiers.”
“The only reason you’re alive is because Jisoo wants you to be,” Sooyoung points out, “If he and his accomplices were to use their full strength I’m not sure what would happen.”
“Then let them,” Seungcheol’s voice rises through the unsettled quiet, “I would like to see the power of a real Demon.”
Jisoo, Minhyun and Minghao had all shown incredible strength in the prior meetings you had with them; even the Hwarang captains had trouble keeping up. If that hadn’t been the full extent of their power, you’re unsure that you want to see it. 
“Junhui and Mingyu are right,” Jihoon says, “Even if they’re stronger than the average warrior, you’re still discrediting us. The power difference wasn’t so great that they bested us easily.”
“That’s right,” Seungkwan nods and smirks at the Jihoon, “Besides, we’ve got the Demon commander himself in charge.”
“This isn’t the time for jokes, Boo,” Jihoon sighs and shakes his head.
“You must realize that these men are unlike any you’ve faced before,” there’s an almost pleading edge to Sooyoung’s voice. “Your job is to protect Seorabeol, not her. That’s why I’m asking you to leave her in our care, with us her chances of surviving one of Jisoo’s attacks will be much higher.”
“Give us a break,” Junhui says, rising to his feet and planting his palms on the table, “You’re making it sound like we can’t protect her.” 
“I’m not trying to sound rude but,” Seungkwan’s head tilts at the two women, “you think that the two of you could protect her better than us? Neither of you are a part of the Hwarang, I’m not sure why you’re going around and sticking your nose in our business.”
Sooyoung and Seulgi seem to be taken aback by the captain’s reaction. 
“What do you think, Commander Lee?” Seulgi looks towards Jihoon, her gaze narrowing, “You’ve acknowledged Jisoo’s strength, are you not at least considering Sooyoung’s offer? I think it’s in your best interest to leave her in our care.” 
“That’s different,” Jihoon looks at Seulgi, leaning back in his chair slightly, “We made a promise to her, to protect her, we’re not going to back out just because they’re Demons. And I understand that you call yourselves Demons too—but that gives us no ground to trust you.”
“Do you realize who you’re speaking to? Sooyoung is a descendant of—” 
“Seulgi,” Sooyoung stops the other with a raise of her hand, her tone calm but stern, leaving no room for more argument, “That’s not necessary.”
“I agree with Lee,” Seungcheol affirms, yet doesn’t look your way, “if she possesses blood of a different species… I’m sure her aid will come to use for our internal purposes in the very near future.”
Seulgi glares at the colonel, not speaking as to not anger Sooyoung. 
“This is a problem, then,” Sooyoung notes solemnly, “Is there no way to convince you to allow her to go with us?”
“Hold on,” Youngmin interjects, “We didn’t even confirm what she has to say about all of this.” His gaze travels to you, sympathetic in nature and looking in your eyes as if you already have an answer.
But you don’t know what to say. It’s not that you doubt the concerns of Sooyoung and Seulgi, yet there’s just more and more to take in. 
Youngmin sees your furrowed brow, eyes teeming with indecisiveness, and nods with a small smile, “It must be difficult to discuss in front of so many people. You should speak to Sooyoung privately.”
“What the hell—!” Jihoon begins to protest, but Youngmin is unwavering in his stance. 
“We’ve been ignoring her feelings for this entire conversation,” Youngmin states, “if she wishes to leave of her own accord, for her own safety, we ought to let her, no?”
“You’re too soft on people,” Jihoon scoffs, but makes no move to stop him. 
“You won’t steal her away the moment we leave you alone, will you?” Seungcheol asks as the captains rise to their feet.   
“Of course not,” Sooyoung says as she remains seated, “Once Demons make a promise, we’re bound to keep it.”
A few moments later, once the captains, commander, chief and colonel had filed out of the main hall, you lead Sooyoung to your room nestled in the compound. Seulgi had opted to stay outside, just far enough away so she wouldn’t encroach on your private conversation. 
“I apologize for giving you a terribly large number of things to think about,” Sooyoung starts off, “Normally, I would never do something like this.”
“It’s alright,” you try to reassure her with a small smile, “I’m sorry for them as well, I know they can be a little… brusque at times.”
“That’s to be expected,” she waves it off, “I know I was asking a lot of them. Not many humans would accept the existence of us so easily. But enough of that, what do you say to my offer? Do you have any thoughts on it?”
Of course you do. If it had been Sooyoung to come across you on your first night in Seorabeol, you very well may have taken her up on her hospitality. Yet now…
As if she can see the wavering of your options, Sooyoung speaks, “The Hwarang seem to believe they can protect you from everything out to get you. I don’t doubt their dedication, I do, however, doubt their ability.”
You stay silent, aware that what she just said may be true. The Hwarang are powerful, skilled in both the sword and bow. You’d seen them overcome overwhelming odds, but those odds had always been nothing but human-made. From what Sooyoung had said, the strength of a single Demon would be enough to wipe them out should they so choose. A few of you have been able to see that firsthand, and the losses associated with it. To think that that same fate could arise to a captain of the Hwarang fills you with undeniable dread. 
“With Buyeo Pung seeking aid in Goguryeo, things will only get more hectic here in the capital,” Sooyoung says to fill the silence, “If Jisoo were to strike in the hysteria, what do you think would happen? You should leave the Hwarang, let them fight without worry.”
“Sooyoung…” The concern for you seems real, frantic, almost. 
“Is there,” her expression softening as she searches yours, coming to a subtle conclusion, “a reason you want to stay?”
“…There is.” You answer without thinking it through, the words falling from you so quickly you can barely catch them. 
“One of those men, perhaps?” Innocent in nature, her question still catches you off-guard. 
“Yes,” you nod, lower lip catching between your teeth as you can’t find it within yourself to lie to her. 
For a moment she looks tense, before her posture softens and a relieved expression overcomes her, “I see… I won’t ask who, but I can understand your hesitance now. I can’t force you to leave, but should you need us, you need only ask.” 
Sooyoung and you make your way back to the main hall, the captains loiter around the space, some look anxious upon your arrival.
“Have you come to a decision?” Youngmin asks once you’ve fully stepped into the room, giving you little time to compose yourself. 
“For the time being we’ve decided to leave things as they are,” Sooyoung states, Seulgi looking at her worriedly.
“Are you sure?”
“Quite.” Sooyoung nods to her, “I believe prioritizing what she wishes is what’s most important for now.” 
“Very well,” Youngmin finds it hard to mask the smile growing on his lips, “The Hwarang accept responsibility for her well-being.” 
“Just relax and leave it all to me!” Junhui bursts out, eager to show his worth.
“I’m sure Wen’ll give you much more to worry about,” Mingyu laughs and looks at you, “It’ll be nice to still have you around.”
“What kind of girl wants to stay here?” Seungkwan chuckles, “I can’t tell if you’re brave or if you’ve had a strong lapse in judgment.”
“This doesn’t change anything,” Jihoon points out, “You’ll still be treated like you always were.” 
“Of course,” you nod, “Thank you all for letting me stay.” 
Sooyoung then moves to you, her hand finding yours as she looks into your eyes, “Please be careful, and remember, I’m on your side.”
“Thank you, Sooyoung,” you smile at her gratefully as she relinquishes the hold on your hand. She gives you one last beaming smile before her and Seulgi are off into the dark of night. 
𝔍𝔲𝔩𝔶 19𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 In the days since Sooyoung’s visit, you find it much more difficult to drift off into a dreamless slumber. When you do dream, you find that your mind often travels to your heritage and what it means for you now and in the future, something of which you don’t want to think about. 
You had decided to stay with the Hwarang, but was that really the best choice for you, for them? Of course, you wanted to stay but would you being here cause them unneeded harm?
A sudden clang from outside causes you to jump, to leave your thoughts for a moment as your heart begins to pound. Eyes cautiously looking towards your bedroom door, your hands clench your blankets in taught anticipation. 
Several short bangs from your door cause you to rise to your feet, the voice of Jeon Wonwoo calling out to you, “I’m sorry for bothering you, but there’s an emergency!” 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, voice wrought with anxiousness as you walk towards the door, opening it to allow him inside. 
His body tense as he enters, continuously looking over his shoulder to make sure the hallway is clear, “The Demons have attacked us.” 
“What?!” Icy dread seeps through your veins at his words.
“They’re after you, which means you need to stay here.” 
“But—” You begin to protest his assertion, wanting to help in some way as the only reason the Demons are here is because of you. “Wonwoo, I have to find the others.”
“I can’t let you,” he shakes his head, a worried look in his eye as if he knows he can’t reason with you, “The Commander asked that I make sure you don’t leave.” 
“They’re here for me, though. If anyone gets hurt…” You wave away the thought, “Maybe I can try and reason with them? What if I can get them to leave peacefully?” 
Wonwoo’s lips purse, and after a moment, he shakes his head in defeat, “If you’re going to be that insistent, I don’t think I can stop you. I was told to protect you though, so if you’re going, I’m going.”
The two of you leave your room, barreling down the hallway until you’ve reached one of the inner courtyards. You stand there momentarily, unsure of where to go, until Wonwoo speaks up.
“It’s this way,” he says before something darts in front of you, pushing the officer to the ground. His body seems to fly for a few yards, hitting the ground with a thud as Wonwoo groans out in pain. As you try to run up to him, the same blur passes in front of you and you feel an arm wrap around yours.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The voice of Hong Jisoo asks you simply as you struggle to get out of his grip. His grip is like steel, unmoving and snakelike, “I heard the Park Clan visited a few days ago, I’m sure you know why I’m here, then.” 
He sighs, looking at the surrounding buildings, “You’re a Demon, a noble Demon… There isn’t any reason for you to hole yourself up with fakes.” Jisoo’s grip tightens on your arm slightly, “Come with me.” 
It’s obvious who he’s talking about when he mentioned the fakes. With the way your body tenses, Jisoo can sense your anger.
“Do you really think staying here and helping their own self-interest and agenda to create those… things is really what you should be doing?”
You find it hard to respond. For obvious reasons, you aren’t a fan of the existence of the Furies, but there were times when it was needed for a Hwarang to survive. Could you fault a man for wanting to live? Besides, your father was one of the people who created the serum, you can’t help but feel partially responsible.
“You don’t know anything about what’s going on here,” you thrash in his grip, trying to lessen his hold on you.
“So? Even if I did, are you asking me to play ignorant to what they’re actually doing?” He scoffs, looking up from you as the sound of racing footsteps approaches. 
You break your gaze away from him to see Mingyu and Jihoon running towards you, sour expressions on both of their faces.
“Breaking in again?” Jihoon frowns as he locks eyes with Jisoo, “I don’t know if you’re brave or stupid. This isn’t a gathering place for Demons, you know.”
“Barging in here to find yourself a wife,” Mingyu snickers at the Demon, “You’d think you’d have gotten the message by now.”
The sight of the two Hwarang puts you at ease a bit, even more so when you can see Chan and a handful of other wang-do behind them. There are a few missing faces among them, you wonder if they’d gotten injured in the earlier skirmishes. 
“You have no idea how important she is,” Jisoo frowns, his grip on you unrelenting still.
“So, taking her against her will just because you’re too scared of rejection is the way you’re going around this?” Mingyu nearly shouts at him, “That’s just pathetic.” 
“Even if you take her as a hostage, we’ll kill you without hesitation,” Jihoon affirms, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. 
“I wouldn’t need to use her as leverage with the likes of you,” there’s an arrogance in his words as the Hwarang begin to encircle him. The tension pulls like a taut rope, beginning to fray as it reaches its breaking point. 
Eyes glancing down to your arm, you realize that Jisoo had left your other one free, you reach for your blade at your hip. It’s an awkward angle, but you jerk the blade from its scabbard and swing it up towards Jisoo.
He dodges it easily, his hand reaching out to grab your wrist, his grip tightens and causes you to cry out. With the force he is exerting, you feel as if your bones will break, the blade in your hand clattering to the ground. 
“You really don’t understand how powerful I am, do you?” His gaze sharpens at you, lips parting to say something else before a voice calls out.
“I’m your opponent,” Jihoon shouts, “I said before that I wouldn’t hesitate to strike you from behind!”
Your failed attack had abated Jisoo’s attention towards the commander long enough to allow him a chance to strike. Jihoon’s sword drawn from his scabbard, he arcs his blade towards Jisoo’s head. The Demon moves quickly, but with a nonchalant nature in his movements as the blade passes centimeters from his throat.
The attack was enough time for you to rid yourself from Jisoo’s grasp and run towards the commander. Jihoon’s free hand outstretches to grab your arm and pull you into him, his arm then moving to wrap around you, both catching and sheltering you. 
“I thought I told Jeon to keep you in your room,” He mutters under his breath, “You never listen, do you?” 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, the pulsating feeling from where Jisoo had grabbed your wrist beginning to fade.
“You did good though,” Jihoon praises you, “Without your distraction I wouldn’t have gotten an opening.” His approval is somewhat shocking, not something you’re accustomed to so it takes you by surprise.
“Lee Jihoon,” Jisoo’s voice pulls you and Jihoon’s attention away from one another and towards the adversary, “Get your hands off her. She’s mine.” There’s a possessiveness in his tone that chills you to your core, a fury in his eyes that seems to have ignited after he made his recovery from Jihoon’s attack.
“The Hwarang are responsible for her,” The commander shifts, bringing you just a little closer to him, “We gave our word.”
“Come with me,” Jisoo’s attention turns to you, “You’re a member of an honorable Demon family. You shouldn’t be associated with the likes of these humans.”  
“I’m staying here,” it only takes you recalling the blatant disregard Jisoo has had for human lives on your handful of encounters with him to confirm your distaste for him. 
“You choose the humans, then?” His voice low, threatening like a cornered animal. 
“That’s too bad, Jisoo,” a laugh from outside of the circle of Hwarang, you look to see Xu Minghao pushing his way through the members. “Never thought I’d see you get rejected by a girl.”
Your eyes widen, Jihoon had had issues dealing with Jisoo alone, now that another Demon is here, you’re not sure what he’d do. 
“Commander,” another voice from outside the circle as the Hwarang break their lines to allow Seungcheol to walk through, “I apologize for being late.” He looks at Jisoo and Minghao with a small smile, “I’m afraid the Fury Corps will be your opponent this evening.” 
A wash of relief overcomes you at the sight of several members walking behind Seungcheol, although the Furies have caused issues in the past, it seems these men were on a set goal.
“You were saying some interesting things earlier,” Seungcheol muses, still looking at the two Demons. “Something along the lines of calling us fake? This would be a great opportunity to prove you otherwise.” The colonel’s eyes then turn red, his hair turning stark white as he reaches for the blade at his hip. 
“These men are ready to fight,” Minhyun, who you hadn’t seen snake his way through the men, tells Jisoo. 
“So?” Minghao scoffs, the quiver of arrows on his back rattling as he moves, “They could have a whole army of these new bloods and they still wouldn’t be a match for us.”
“There’s no need to dirty my blade with fake Demon blood,” Jisoo’s eyes flicker from Seungcheol to Jihoon, “I’ll do you a favor and not kill you all today, but that doesn’t mean I’m done here. I will be back for her.” With that, the trio break past the lines of Hwarang faster than any of the men, human or Fury, could keep up with, disappearing into the darkness outside of the compound.
“You bastards—!” Jihoon calls out after them after they’ve already disappeared.
“Should we go after them?” Seungcheol asks the commander, glancing back at his group of men. 
“No,” Jihoon shakes his head, “We can’t risk the citizens of Seorabeol seeing your unit.”
“Understood,” Seungcheol nods, “We’ll call it a night, then.” 
“Thank you, Commander,” once you were sure that the threat was gone, your body sags in relief.  
Jihoon’s grip on you relaxes and allows you to step away from him, “There’s no need to thank me. We had our reasons for wanting to protect you. Just try and get some sleep now.” He then turns to his men and orders them to find any dead or injured men around the compound. His demeanor takes on that of astute seriousness, wanting to end this as quickly as he can.
𝔍𝔲𝔩𝔶 20𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔲𝔨𝔰𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Mid-morning, after a tumultuous night and subsequent sleep, you trudge your way to the main hall to find the captains in some kind of meeting. Upon your entry, Eunseok turns to you and offers a small wave.
“Good morning,” he smiles and beckons you over to sit down next to him, you take him up on his offer and he speaks again, “Did you sleep well?”
“As best I could,” you respond sheepishly.
“You don’t need to lie,” Eunseok notes, “We can tell you barely slept at all.”
“Do I really look that bad?” You mutter, your fingers moving to trace the circles under your eye. A shake of your head as you turn to Chan, who sits on your other side, “How’s Wonwoo doing?” 
“The fall knocked him out cold, but aside from some minor bruises he looks like he’ll be fine,” the officer reassures you. “He wants to apologize for not doing a better job of protecting you.”
“I should be the one apologizing to him!” You claim almost exasperatedly as the door to the main hall opens and a figure strides in.
“Is something wrong, Chief?” Eunseok questions Youngmin, who looks far from the chipper mood he typically has. “I think you’re scaring her.”
“I’m sorry if I am,” he apologizes to you, “Forgive me.” The smile he gives you is fleeting, returning to the grimace that seems deep rooted into him now. 
“What happened?” You question, and he lets out a sigh.
“The monks here don’t want us staying at Bulguksa any longer.” He says as calmly as he can, a look of defeat in his eyes.
“You mean to say they’re telling us to leave?” Chan asks, a troubled expression overcoming him. 
“More or less, yes,” The leader frowns.
“I had a feeling this would happen…” Eunseok sighs out and looks at Youngmin, “What should we do?” 
The monks at Bulguksa seemed to have shifted to a pro-Guard stance since the outburst of attacks in the recent months against the Hwarang. It’s no surprise they want the Hwarang gone, but this place was just beginning to feel like home.
“Do you think last night’s incident was the last straw?” Chan poses to Youngmin, who nods in agreement.
“I don’t think, I know.” He huffs out a large amount of air, “They don’t want actual fighting on their grounds, I’m sure some councilman also had his hand in this as well.” 
“This is all my fault,” you realize as he says that, the Demon’s wouldn’t have shown up if you weren’t here.
“That isn’t true,” Youngmin tries to reassure you, “We forced ourselves in here with unreasonable demands.”
“If we need to move, we should start looking at new locations,” Chan says quickly to change the topic. 
“The monks here have already provided another temple for us to stay in,” Youngmin says, his brow furrowing. 
“That’s very… nice of them,” Eunseok states, trepidation in his voice. “They must really want us gone.”
“Yes to both,” Youngmin nods, “which is why I accepted their offer. We’re going to get busy around here soon.”
The donors to Bulguksa Temple bought a piece of land some ways away from the original site to build a new compound for the Hwarang. It lay outside of the city, further than Bulguksa or Shoshin had been, called Shoji. The new grounds has ample enough space for a bathhouse, new training buildings, and even more rooms for the Hwarang members. The members are clearly excited about it. By the time the end of the summer came around, the Hwarang had fully moved from their residence at Bulguksa to their new home in Shoji. 
𝔖𝔢𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 27𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔧𝔦 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Autumn breaks quickly after the long summer months. In August, the Crown had ordered its army to lay siege to Tolsa Fortress in the southern part of the Goguryeo Kingdom, asking for the aid of several Hwarang captains to join their ranks. The siege lasted for weeks with no eventual winner, save for Goguryeo as its stronghold hadn’t been weakened. No major events had occurred during the siege, the captains that had left, Junhui and Mingyu, returning with little to tell of their ventures to the northern kingdom.
It’s a quiet morning today, you’re cleaning up dishes from breakfast when you realize that the commander is nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, he hadn’t been present for breakfast this morning, either. Maybe he’s too busy to come out, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t eat something.
A few moments later you find yourself with a tray in hand, walking carefully to his room. You’ve adorned the tray with an assortment of food and a small pot of tea as well, not knowing if he was hungry or not.
“Commander,” you say as you stand in front of his door, “I’ve brought you some tea.”
“Come in,” Jihoon says after a moment, and you move to open his door. 
“Oh,” your eyes widen as you step inside, a bit taken aback by what you see.
“You can put it down anywhere,” he says, and you move to set it down, trying not to stare at him too much. He sits at the head of the room, writing something down on a piece of parchment, but that’s not what is grabbing your attention. His hair, which he usually ties up in a not atop his head, cascades down his shoulders loosely as he writes. 
“Do you need something else?” He asks, probably noticing your elongated stare.
“No,” you shake your head quickly, averting your gaze from him. 
“Then why are you here?” Jihoon questions, setting down his brush, careful not to draw his sleeve through the inkwell. “I’m a little busy.”
“Well…” You mumble, “Isn’t your hair in the way?”
“I don’t have time to tie it up, there’s too much I need to do,” he says nonchalantly, “I’ve got mountains of this shit to go through.” It’s then you notice the stacks of papers around him, all baring what looks like important seals. 
Even then, every time he moves to brush a strand of hair from his vision, he becomes even more frustrated. 
“Would you like me to tie it up for you?” 
Jihoon stays silent for a moment before turning back to his work, picking up his brush and beginning to hurriedly write, “I don’t like it when people touch my hair.” 
“I see…” you say, watching him write for a moment, not knowing what to say next.
“I appreciate the gesture,” he sighs, once again setting the brush down and moving to tie his hair up. “Now I can focus a bit more.”
“Commander? Have you eaten anything today?” You ask, looking towards the tray you’d brought in, “I brought you some snacks but if you needed a full meal, I could make you something.” 
He pauses from his work, and for a moment you think he’s forgotten about your presence entirely. “No,” Jihoon says and shakes his head, “I should be done by lunchtime. I’ll eat a lot then.” 
“Is there anything in particular you’d like?” 
“I told you that I don’t have time to eat right now,” he frowns, a small hunger pang reverberating through him.
“I meant that I’m the one cooking lunch today…” You scramble to fix your words, “So if there’s anything you want, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.” 
Jihoon now turns to fully look at you, chuckling to himself as he does so, “If you make what I want, the captains are going to be pissed.” 
“Let them be,” you shoot him a smile, “They can be as mad as they want. You’re working hard, and since I can’t help you out here, I can at least do something else for you.” 
“Food on the mind, huh?” A smile curling onto the edge of his lips, “I guess it can’t be helped then… If you back out on what I say, I’ll have it out for you, okay?” There’s a playful edge to his voice, joking, obviously, but it still catches you a bit off guard. 
“I’m ready to do what I can,” You nod eagerly.
“How about namul then?” He states simply. “Any kind will do.”
“Of course,” the words fall as you begin to think of what you’d need to make the dish. It’s not that it’s difficult to make, just time consuming as you would have to cook the variety of sides that you could find. 
“I’m looking forward to it, your cooking’s gotten a lot better recently.”
“Really?” You ask, somewhat surprised. No one’s really mentioned your cooking prowess before, you think it's okay at best. 
“The food we normally have is quick and easy to make, we don’t get much that takes time and effort. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it though.” 
A smile creeps onto your face and you try your best to hide it, still taken aback by the continuous praise, “I’ll try my best. We get a lot of fresh vegetables this time of year.” 
“Ingredients aren’t important,” he shakes his head, “If you could try and get the northern flavor, that’d be great.” A peaceful demeanor, almost as if he’s reminiscing, overcomes him. It ignites something of a fire in you, making you want to make this the best namul he’d ever had. 
“I’ll be going then,” you say and turn on your heels, only for the commander to call out your name a second later. 
“Do I really look that tired?” Jihoon asks as your eyes meet his.
“I never meant anything like that… It’s just that I don’t get to do much for you and I’d like to do anything I can.” 
The commander frowns, staying silent for a moment. “I’m not sure what it looks like, but I only allow myself to take on jobs that I can do. If I can’t do it, then I give it to someone who can. That’s also a part of my job.” He watches your eyes for your reaction, “Being determined is always good, but if there’s something you can’t do, you can’t do it, right?” 
“…Right?” Jihoon is being serious, but for the life of you, you can’t understand what he is trying to say. 
“How do I…” He hums, tapping his foot impatiently, “What I’m saying is that you don’t need to give yourself more work. Just do what jobs you can.” 
If you did that, then you’d barely be doing anything. 
“With you here, it gives the Hwarang something to stake its pride on. Do you understand?” He breaks his gaze with you to shrug slightly, “We’ll keep you safe, you don’t need to worry.” Your silence seems to miff him, “Don’t trust me?” 
“No, of course not!” You exclaim shortly, trying to keep your outburst to a minimum. 
“Then put on a brave face and don’t worry over what you can’t control,” he sighs, “that’s what everyone else here does.” 
“Commander…” you feel warm at his words of assurance. 
“I’ll stop lecturing you now,” Jihoon looks back to you, “I’m sorry for holding you.” He reaches for the cup of tea you’d brought him before looking back to his paperwork. 
“Thank you…” You know he’s driven by a ravenous determination to never look at Hong Jisoo or any other Demon out there, and that asking for help from others isn’t who he is, yet… To hear him say that in front of you, in and of itself, is some part of that resolve. Even though he can’t see you now, you give him a bow before you leave the room. 
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 1𝔰𝔱, 664 – 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔬𝔩, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 It’s windy today, you noticed it first when you awoke, the hiss of air swarming in through unsealed cracks and pockets of air where the doors don’t meet their frames. You notice it still when the last of the leaves are stripped from their branches as you and Mingyu walk to the city center. And you’re noticing it now, the slice of the cold cutting through your clothes and chilling you to the bone. 
“It is almost winter, isn’t it?” Mingyu muses as he catches you shivering involuntarily, “The wind coming in from the coast isn’t helping. If this is what it’s like during the day, I kind of feel bad for the guys who patrol at night.” 
Your hands clench as he huffs out a laugh that turns into clouded vapors, “Are your hands cold? Want me to hold them for you?” 
You know he’s joking by the way you get flustered and tell him no, him laughing again as you continue to walk down the street. Looking up from your embarrassed haze, you spot someone walking towards you.
“Isn’t today great?” Junhui asks as he approaches, his arms outstretching as if to embrace the chilled air.
“Unfortunately, not all of us can act like human torches,” Mingyu shakes his head, “I still don’t know how you’re not affected by the cold.”
“Look at who’s talking Mr. I’ll-Break-Code-and-Wear-My-Summer-Clothes,” Junhui scoffs. Now that he mentions it, Mingyu is wearing his Hwarang blues, but the white cloth of his sleeves doesn’t look to be the thick linen typically worn during the colder months.
Even if Junhui was meaning to scold him, you know he means it in the friendliest way possible. Their friendship is wrought with things like this: what seems to be an argument but is really them caring for one another. You can’t help but chuckle at the two.
“Why’re you smiling like that?” Junhui asks when he catches your expression.
“She probably thinks your face is funny, you should really do something about that…” Mingyu pokes, a teasing cadence to his voice.
“It’s not that,” you shake your head, “I was just remembering the last time we met each other on your rounds, I was with Seungkwan and Soonyoung then.” The latter name brings a bitterness to your tongue, still unsure of how to feel about Soonyoung and Hansol leaving the Hwarang on such short notice. The two men’s faces turn sour at the mention of their friend.
“I just meant that with everything going on… it makes me a little nostalgic,” you say, trying to shake off the thought.
“The Hwarang’s changed,” Mingyu nods with a sigh, “Hell, so has everything else. Youngmin’s been promoted and all.”
Youngmin’s promotion didn’t mean he left the Hwarang entirely, but it meant he traveled often to speak with other generals and assess the threat of another Baekje plot. Rumors of Buyeo Pung raising an army in Goguryeo had been circulating recently, putting everyone on edge once again. You thought Youngmin’s promotion to be a good thing for the Hwarang, yet with Junhui and Mingyu’s reaction, they seem less than thrilled.
“We didn’t join to be the Crown’s guard dogs,” Junhui shakes his head. While the Hwarang had been surface level related to the Crown, only receiving orders when necessary, they now take orders directly.
“How is this going to change for everyone going forward?” You ask the pair, trying to focus on them and not the whirlwinds of conversations happening along the busy street.
“Well, if we really do need to fight against another one of Buyeo Pung’s rebellions, we won’t just be killing off the tail end of his followers. We’ll probably be put on the front lines.” Mingyu frowns, not too certain what to think of that idea.
“Supposedly, it was Yoon Jeonghan. He’s been making efforts to get Baekje back on its feet,” Junhui’s shoulders shrug, “Because of that I heard some factions of the revivalists are pissed at him because they were trying to win Pung’s favor.”
“He already had a target on his back within the Silla government for being a Baekje revivalist, he’s hated by most of the kingdoms now.” Mingyu muses, looking up to the sky for a moment. “Until something happens though, I suppose things are going to stay as they are.”
“And they will, it’s not like they can do anything about what the kings want to do,” Junhui nods. “They’ll only get involved once the king starts asking them to ration their food again to send it off to war.”
As you look around the street, you want to think that he’s right. The city kept thriving even under the threat of another invasion or war… Life continues regardless of what the higher powers of the kingdoms are plotting. You look up to Junhui, words falling out of you before you can catch them,
“I never realized you were so interested in politics.”
“Didn’t realize?” He looks slightly taken aback, his arms crossed over his chest, “What exactly did you think of me?”
“Uhm…” You cough into your hand, looking away from him, “Let’s continue our rounds. It’s nearly winter which means the sun’s going to start setting earlier...”
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 7𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔧𝔦 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 The name Yoon Jeonghan had only been said once before, that you can recall. He seemed to be an instigator for a few of the Baekje-Silla skirmishes as of late and the kingdoms were desperate to find him. Yet, after a few negotiations with Tang and Silla leadership, it seems as if he had betrayed his loyalty to the Silla powers and had begun to help the two allies. You don’t know much about the logistics of it, but when Eunseok brings him up, you’re a bit startled by what he says.
“Yoon Jeonghan has been assassinated.” Eunseok states the news in the main hall, among the collection of captains who linger there after their morning practice.
“Are you serious?” Mingyu questions, “Do they know who did it?”
“Could have been someone from Silla or it could’ve been someone from the loyalists,” Junhui shrugs, “Hell, it could’ve been personal. If it was, I bet it was that Huang guy.”
“If he was going to get killed, I wish I could’ve done it myself,” Seungkwan sighs, crossing his arms.
“That’s not very funny, coming from you,” Junhui frowns as he looks at the other captain. “Weren’t we told to leave him alone?”
You’d never met Jeonghan, in fact, you barely know who he was or what he did. Yet somehow you feel that his death means something important to the kingdom, as if the already rising unease has skyrocketed.
“You all know the orders to leave him alone came from the Crown,” Eunseok nods gravely, “The rest of the kingdom isn’t going to see it that way. A scabbard belonging to a member of the Hwarang was left at the scene of his death. An official investigation by the Guard has been launched.”
“Is a scabbard really enough evidence?” You ask, feeling worry begin to claw its way down your spine.
“If it’s not I’m sure they’ll ‘find’ some more when it comes time,” Mingyu huffs as he looks back to Eunseok, “Who are they saying it belongs to?”
“They actually say it’s yours, Mingyu.” Eunseok frowns as the elder’s eyes widen.
“Really Kim?” Seungkwan sounds somewhat amused, “I wish you’d taken me along.”
“Cut it, Boo.” Mingyu’s voice is sharp as he motions to his waist, “My scabbard’s right here. If they’re going to make shit up they should at least do it better.”
“I don’t suspect you,” Eunseok points out and gestures to the others in the room, “I’m sure no one else here does either. Unfortunately, I’m not sure that the rest of the kingdom won’t try to pin the blame on you… I’m sure they’re having trouble finding the real culprit. Those who don’t think it’s you are looking at Huang Renjun, they say that he hired us to kill Yoon.” Was that the Huang that Junhui had mentioned earlier?  
“I’m sure most of the king’s chamber are eager to pin this on us though,” Junhui shakes his head, “Ever since the rumors of Baekje started again, the king only appointed staunchly pro-Royal Guardian and Guard nobles. Unless someone lied though, there’s no way this murder was done by one of us.”
“Unless Seungcheol decided to go and do it off the record,” Seungkwan notes, a slight smirk on his lips.
“How… is he these days?” Mingyu asks, a worried expression on his face. The last few times you’d come across him, he seemed to be acting stranger and stranger. Even if you didn’t want to believe it, something like this wasn’t far out of his realm of possibility. Whenever you pass him in the halls, it looks as if he’s hungry, thirsty for blood.
“We’ll have to be careful,” Junhui says, a hand running through his hair, “If we let people know about the Furies…”
“About that,” Jihoon interjects as he walks into the room, followed by Youngmin. It looks as if he’s going to say something else but the third figure that walks in takes everyone by surprise that whatever the commander is trying to say gets drowned out.
“Hansol?” Junhui nearly gasps out, “What the hell are you doing here?!”
For a moment, you question whether you’re asleep or not. The man who had just entered the hall was the same man who’d left months ago with Gongmyung and his men, Choi Hansol.
“Hansol,” Eunseok says, a smile overcoming him, “What happened with Gongmyung’s organization?”
“Why are you so nonchalant about this?” You ask him as you look at Hansol. “There’s no way the commander would allow someone from Gongmyung’s group here, we’re not even supposed to be talking to them—”
“Just,” Jihoon sighs out, trying to get the energy in the room to settle, “Let me talk. Starting today, Choi’s returned to the Hwarang.”
“What?” Mingyu sounds surprised, his once crossed arms falling to his sides. “Hold on, Lee, we’re glad he’s back but… What happened to Gongmyung?”
“You’re mistaken, but understandably so,” Hansol speaks, and you feel a sense of calm wash over you. It’s been too long since you’d heard him last. “I was never one of his supporters.”
“In fact, he joined Gongmyung under Jihoon’s direct orders,” Youngmin says with a coy smile, “As a spy, of sorts.” With the leader’s words, everything begins to make sense.
“I can’t believe you went off and had fun without me,” Seungkwan faux pouts at Hansol.
“I’m sorry we had to keep this from you,” Youngmin’s head bows down in apology. It’s a surprise for sure, but nonetheless a welcome one.
You give Hansol a small smile but he only sighs and shakes his head, “I’m afraid it’s a bit early to feel relieved.” His gaze turns to Jihoon, “The last six months have made Gongmyung’s intentions clear. Gongmyung plans to uproot the Hwarang institution in favor of his ideal one.”
“What do you mean by uproot?” Eunseok asks with a frown.
“Gongmyung is going to expose the Furies to force the king’s favor,” Jihoon bites the inside of his cheek as he holds in a scathing retort.
“There’s more,” Hansol adds and glances at Youngmin, “They plan to assassinate the Leader of the Hwarang.”
Youngmin’s face is tense, gaze hardening as he looks at Jihoon and waits for him to speak. You feel your stomach drop, not realizing the extent to which Gongmyung hated the Hwarang.
“The Guardians are moving to destroy us,” The commander says and looks to Mingyu, “You heard about Yoon?”
“That they’re trying to pin it on me?” A nod, “Yeah.”
“They’re using it to pin blame on us and to discredit your father,” Jihoon crosses his arms, “They’ve been spreading the rumor across Seorabeol, even if Huang says that he wasn’t the one who ‘hired’ us, there’s still going to be people who believe it was our doing.” His gaze travels to Hansol, “So, Choi’s going to be guarding Huang for the time being. If it looks like he left and then came back, it won’t be hard for Gongmyung to figure us out.”
A subtle nod from the captain, “Of course.”
The room stays quiet, so quiet that one can hear the wind whistling in from outside. A tension remains taught in the room, anticipatory for what’s to come and the outcome of what it brings.
“Kim Gongmyung…” The name leaves Jihoon in a hushed murmur, “It’s not enough for him to expose the Fury Corps, but to try and kill Youngmin too?” It’s almost as if he’s having a quiet conversation with his former comrade. He shakes his head, drawing his gaze from the floor and looks to the captains, “It’s too bad that it has to end this way, but we have no other choice. Gongmyung dies.”
“It can’t really be helped, can it?” Youngmin exhales, nodding solemnly as if to seal the former Deputy Commander’s fate.
“We’ll invite Gongmyung to Youngmin’s residence in Seorabeol, I’ll be there too,” Jihoon begins, his voice low, commanding, “Once he’s dead we’ll use his corpse to lure the rest of his Guardians there and kill them.” He looks to Mingyu and Junhui, “I’m assigning both of you and your divisions to this, take care of it.
“Who do you want me to kill?” Seungkwan asks, his hand resting atop the hilt of his sword.
“No one, you’re staying here.” When he sees the other beginning to protest, the commander speaks again, “You’ve still got that cough, right? You’re sick. Hansol can keep you company for a few days.”
“So, you’re telling me I can’t participate in the assassination of a person who’s trying to kill our leader?” Seungkwan sounds agitated, a bitterness coating his words as he glares at Jihoon, “You’re a real asshole.”
You don’t realize that you’ve been watching the scene unfold in silent shock until you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. Turning, you see Hansol standing there, he seems to take in a breath before speaking.
“The Guardians of the Royal Tomb are going to be destroyed after this… If we want Soonyoung to return, this is our only chance of getting him back.”
Eyes widening at what he says, he’s right. If the Hwarang mean to kill the Guardians, that includes Kwon Soonyoung.
Sucking in a breath, you look at Jihoon, “Commander? What are we going to do about Soonyoung? He’s a part of the Guardians…”
“Don’t be silly,” Junhui says easily, “Of course we’ll save hi—”
“If he fights us, he dies.” Jihoon interrupts, cutting off the captain.
“You can’t mean that—” Heart beginning to pound in your chest, your mind going blank. Is Jihoon serious? “You’ve known Soonyoung for so long, surely you don’t mean that?”
Jihoon looks as if he wants to push you away, turning on his heels and exiting the main hall swiftly.
“You’re actually going to order them to kill Soonyoung?!” You cry out after him, finding yourself following his footsteps, “Just because he left the Hwarang means you don’t care if he lives or dies?!” Before you’re actually able to leave the main hall, a hand grabs the back of your robes and pulls you into the room.
“I know that he wants to save him too,” Youngmin’s voice says softly as you turn to face him, his hand letting go of your clothes. “There’s no way he could possibly live with giving the command to kill a friend who was part of our family for years.” His hands clench at his side, so much so his knuckles turn white and you fear his nails have pierced his skin.
In this moment you realize how much each of the Hwarang are suffering with this.
“I’m sorry for saying that,” you bow your head to him after your realization.
“There’s no need,” Youngmin sighs, “You’re angry. We all are. It makes me happy though, I’m glad people care about Soonyoung.” He lets out a heaving sigh before turning toward Mingyu and Junhui, “I’m not asking this as your Leader, but as Kwak Youngmin… Let Soonyoung live, if you can. Try to convince him to rejoin the Hwarang.”
“… Got it,” Junhui says quickly as Mingyu takes a moment more to think.
“His life in our hands?” He shakes his head, “That’s a big responsibility.”
“I trust everything’s clear, then?” Youngmin asks, scanning the faces of the captains, “If you have questions, now is the best time to ask.”
“…Wait,” you speak up, unable to stop yourself. The leader looks to you as you brace yourself, “I haven’t been given any orders. I want to help.”
“This is an… unseemly job.” Youngmin looks at you, brow contorted, “Nothing like Wonweol or Ongsan. You shouldn’t be involved.”
He’s right. This isn’t a mandated order from a higher official, this was the Hwarang’s business alone, a covert and self-righteous one at that. They aren’t meant to guard or patrol, they’re set on murder. Still, you want to do what you can.
“Please, let me be a part of it,” You implore, “I promise I won’t get in the way.”
“This isn’t like anything else you’ve been a part of,” Junhui says gently, “You understand that, right?”
“We’re killing someone who used to be a Hwarang.” Mingyu adds soberly, unable to look you in the eye. “And even if we don’t want to, we may end up killing Soonyoung.”
“I know it’s serious.” The Hwarang, as prim and proper as they like to see themselves a majority of the time, have carried out these sorts of missions before. There wasn’t any way you could stay with them if you hadn’t known, but this burden was too much to bear alone. “If it’s too presumptuous, please tell me, but I consider myself a member of the Hwarang at this point. And because we’re going through this, I want to help however possible.”
“Tell me then, how do you intend to help?” Youngmin’s face has lost its usual warmth. Anger not cruelness takes shape on his expression, but the gravity of the situation at hand seems to age him a handful of years. He seems like a weathered general addressing his troops.
“I want to help with Gongmyung.”
Youngmin seems to stare at you, analyzing your thought process with fierce determination.
“Very well then,” he nods once, “You may accompany us.”
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 9𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔧𝔦 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Whether out of courtesy or want to humiliate his former leader, Kim Gongmyung accepts Youngmin’s invitation to his home several days after the plan to assassinate him came to be. Kwak Youngmin and Lee Jihoon stand at the head of the room, speaking quietly to one another before the sound of approaching footsteps enters the room. You stand in the corner of the dimly lit area as Gongmyung walks in, an air of proudness about him.
“Why am I honored with the privilege of being summoned here this evening?” Gongmyung asks, looking around the room. “I can surmise you wish to ask me something?”
“I called on you because I was hoping to have a discussion,” Youngmin says with a confident grin, “It’s about the current political climate. You, as well as me, must have seen that we need to come to a consensus on how to move on from here.”
“Let’s save the business talk for later,” Jihoon says, “Let’s try to get warmed up first.”
You move to sit at the small table set up in the center of the room, several bottles of gokaju littering the tabletop. Jihoon reaches out to pour Gongmyung a cup, the latter noting this,
“I never thought I’d see the day where Lee Jihoon pours me a cup of alcohol.”
“Don’t say it like that,” the commander chuckles, “I wasn’t faced with as formal an education as you, it just took me a bit to learn the proper etiquette. We’ve come to realize that you were right this whole time."
“With your politeness, I can’t help but feel a little… off.” Gongmyung notes as he lifts the glass of gokaju, “You’re not trying to poison me, are you?”
“Don’t trust me?” Jihoon shakes his head, moving to pour himself a cup before downing it quickly. “Not poisoned, am I?” An eyebrow quirked to the Guardian as he set down his glass.
“I never meant to offend—” Gongmyung states and sips from his cup.
The three continue to drink, you pouring most of the glasses, with Gongmyung becoming more and more reddened with the amount of alcohol the two Hwarang and you ply him with.
“Are you familiar with Dong Sicheng’s ‘On the State of Being’?” Gongmyung slurs his words together as he speaks to the two, “On what it means to find peace in the life you were given? That was written twenty years ago! Do you know how much has changed since the fall of Baekje?”
“You’re right,” Youngmin nods in agreement, “The Crown has implemented so many new things that I can’t quite keep up with it myself.”
“So, you agree!” Gongmyung nods vehemently, “And to add to that, they’re looking for help from the Tang to help educate the troops! And dress like them as well!”
“Is that true?” Youngmin asks, looking a bit taken aback.
“Of course, it is, all of my sources are very reliable,” Gongmyung says after downing another cup of gokaju. “If you ask me, this spells out a rocky relationship once this Baekje mess is over. If we leave ourselves with Tang customs, there’ll only be little left of Silla’s own design in its own kingdom!”
“I see…” Jihoon nods. His lips smile as if he agrees but a different, burning fire behind his eyes tells a different tale. “This means we’ll have to rethink a lot of things, right, Chief?”
“You’re right,” the shock that had once lain on Youngmin’s face is gone, replaced with a cheery smile. “Gongmyung, it would be such an honor if you would continue to guide us on such matters in the future.”
“Confucius once said: ‘Gentlemen are undignified if they are frivolous, and they aren’t stubborn after learning.’ So, yes,” Gongmyung nods, “Of course I’ll help you. If you all don’t open your minds to proper knowledge, you’ll just become hard-headed.”
“We may be on different paths, but we are headed for the same destination,” Jihoon nods, “Your glass seems empty, would you like another drink?”
“Yes, please.” Gongmyung motions towards his empty cup, “This gokaju is very easy to drink.”
“Here you are,” you say, pouring some of the contents of the bottle in your grasp into his drink. There isn’t poison within the alcohol, yet you were making Gongmyung drunk now to murder him later. Although this felt no more different than pouring poison into his glass.
“Your hands are shaking,” Gongmyung notes as you manage to drop a few beads of gokaju onto the table as you pull the bottle away from his glass, “You’re not feeling ill, are you?”
“Ah, don’t worry about him, he’s probably just nervous about speaking to you,” Youngmin waves it off with a small laugh.
“Am I that intriguing?” The Guardian chuckles as he looks at you.
“He does have his moments,” Jihoon says, his eyes flickering to you. “You need a little self-control sometimes.” His subtle message is clear: hide your emotions. It had been your choice to be here, the least you can do now is to not screw it up.
“I’m sorry,” you say to Gongmyung and move to wipe up the droplets with your sleeve.
“Oh, don’t be so boring,” Gongmyung laughs, “We’re having fun!”
“Truly a man worthy of distinction,” Youngmin nods as he looks at the man.
“You flatter me,” he sighs out with a smile, “Is there anything else you want to ask me? I can answer anything.”
The minutes turn into hours, Gongmyung is drunk, stumbling to the street as you, Youngmin and Jihoon follow him.
“Thank you for the meaningful conversation,” he says as he spins on his heels, looking towards Youngmin. “I’ll take my leave now.”
“It’s dark out,” Youngmin notes the dimness of the street, “Please be careful on your way back home.”
“There’s no one who would dare kill me in Seorabeol,” Gongmyung almost snickers at the thought, drunkenly sauntering away into the darkness of the city’s streets. You watch his silhouette fade into the blackness, noting that it would be the last time you’d see him alive. A hand on your shoulder has you looking away, turning, and you see Youngmin looking at you.
“…It’s a bitter taste, isn’t it?” The frown on his lips is telling as you sigh.
“It’s the path we chose,” Jihoon shakes his head, “Our duty. In order for us to do what’s right, sometimes we need to get our hands dirty.” You feel conflicted, unable to say anything as you stand on the quiet street. “This isn’t on you or Kwak, though,” the commander says, sensing your unease. “I was the one who orchestrated it, I gave the orders.”
What happened later that night is something you’d rather forget. Gongmyung, too inebriated to walk in a straight line, was quickly killed by the Hwarang waiting for him. But that didn’t end the night. Junhui was met with a bloody fight outside of the Guardians building, Seungkwan was faced with fate at Shoji. For many of the Hwarang, it is a night after which nothing would be the same.
The assassination of Kim Gongmyung and the dissolvement of the Guardians of the Royal Tomb comes to be known as the Samsil Incident. Both the Guardians and the Hwarang were surprised by the sudden appearance of the Royal Guard and the Demons who accompanied them. Both parties had fallen for the trap and the fight was thrown into a mass disarray.
As the battle of Samsil was taking place, the headquarters of the Hwarang came under attack from Hong Jisoo. Causing the already ill Seungkwan to further injure himself fending off the attacker.
The serum that your father brought to the Hwarang seems to only be a cause for worry. Slowly devouring the organization piece by piece. How long until the serum swallows them whole?
𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 2𝔫𝔡, 664 – 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔧𝔦 𝔗𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Barely a month since Gongmyung’s murder, since the Samsil Incident and the return of Soonyoung and Hansol, but the Hwarang feels nothing like it once was. A looming, dark atmosphere hangs over the headquarters. Many men had lost their lives or had been injured due to Jisoo’s attack, even more had been wounded in the fight of Samsil, Soonyoung being one of them. Several of the wang-do had seen him almost succumb to the injuries he’d sustained during the battle, due to this, he was pronounced dead but joined the Fury Corps shortly after. Hansol hadn’t been wounded, but many of the Hwarang began to call him a coward.
To them, his betrayal of leaving the Hwarang still runs deep, worsened as they saw him leaving the Guardians to change his fate. You see no reason why he shouldn’t correct them: he’d left to help the Hwarang, not deceive them. He claims that he’ll keep quiet on the matter, as to not tarnish both Youngmin and Jihoon’s names, who had ordered him to join Gongmyung. Due to this, it has been decided that Hansol will leave Shoji for the time being, until the hot-headed tempers of some of the Hwarang recede. He’s been sent to protect Huang Renjun, a Tang noble residing in the northern part of the kingdom.
The Samsil Incident was in no small terms a turning point for the Hwarang. For the men who knew only the surface level details, it seems as if it were just a battle between the Hwarang and their former comrades. Those better informed know that it is the causation due to a culminating fear of another Baekje rebellion. Yoon Jeonghan’s death solidified that as truth. And further still: the Hwarang are the only ones who know of the Demons, and Soonyoung’s transformation into a Fury. They’re the only ones who know Seungkwan’s illness has gotten worse.
Such an event riled the compound, a moment of silence scarce in the days following the battle. Feeling as you would only be in the way during this time, you keep to your room.
You’re sitting cross-legged at your desk, wondering if writing your thoughts down may help you try and conceptualize this all, when your door opens without a knock.
“Thank goodness you’re here,” Seungcheol says as he steps into your room. “If you’d left, I wouldn’t have been able to search for you.”
“Seungcheol?” You look up to him, confused at his appearance. “It’s daytime, are you okay?”
“Yes, yes,” Seungcheol nods his head, his voice sounding a little frantic. “I just had a revelation and had to share it with you immediately.” His eyes glitter with… a dangerous curiosity and you feel spindly cold fingers of dread scratch down your back.
“Why me?” Questioning carefully, “Wouldn’t you want to tell the Chief or Commander first?”
“…Well, it has to be you.” A small frown pulling at his lips, “Won’t you listen to me?” Although in the form of a question, the way he asserts himself lets you know you have no choice. “Sooyoung claimed you are from a Demon family, right?” He doesn’t allow you to respond before he begins to speak. “And as a Demon, you’re stronger, faster and more resilient than a human. Their superiority over humans was clearly displayed during their most recent attack.”
“I understand that,” you nod slowly, “But what are you trying to say?”
“A Demon possesses more power than the average human, it follows that the blood of a Demon possesses that power as well,” His deductions begin to unsettle you, despite that, he continues, “Perhaps even potent enough to counteract the madness of the Furies.”
You’re unsure how the pimul works, but Seungcheol’s explanation seems logical, even if he’s somewhat frenetic about it.
“Since before I became a Fury, I’ve been researching how the serum works, I know more about it than anyone here.” Seungcheol pauses and shakes his head, “Yet, I still have yet to discover the exact composition of it. I hypothesize, however, that a core ingredient is fresh blood… And I’m assuming not from a human. Perhaps there are Demons or Demon-like beings roaming throughout the other kingdoms.”
“So…” You trail off, still not able to follow him completely.
Seungcheol takes a step closer to you, falling to his knees as you continue to sit at your desk, “Your very existence could save the Fury Corps… No,” He shakes his head, “The entirety of the Hwarang.” His eyes turn sharp, piercing, even, as he looks at you. The barest trace of mania in his voice as he confesses his thoughts. His hand reaches for the sword at his hip, calmly and carefully drawing it from the scabbard.
There seems to be no madness or bloodlust in his movements, but that only serves to terrify you even more.
“I’m not going to kill you,” He tries to reassure you, but your heart’s beating too quickly and your limbs feel too heavy to move away from him, “I just want a sample of your blood…” Seungcheol begins to rise to his feet, that’s when you find yourself mirroring him, taking a step or two backwards to distance yourself from him.
The blade glimmers in the sunlight as he raises it, raising it towards you before you hear a shout from the hallway.
“Seungcheol, what the hell are you doing?!” Jihoon bursts into the room, quickly looking from the colonel to you as if to gauge the situation. “What’s going on here? Of all people, you should know not to draw your sword on someone in the compound, have you lost it?”
“Jihoon,” Seungcheol smiles when he sees him, “Please, give me a hand here. Convince her to cooperate with us.”
With an assertive quiet, Jihoon steps between you and Seungcheol. “Personal conflicts are forbidden, the O Gye apply to even us.”
The colonel stares at Jihoon for a moment, and then another before begrudgingly sheathing his sword.
“Did she do something to upset you?” Jihoon asks one it seems as if Seungcheol’s cooled down.
“I’m searching for a way to treat the madness caused by becoming a Fury, for the good of us all,” Seungcheol says simply, his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword.
“And that means you have to cut her?”
“It’s not like I’m going to kill her,” Seungcheol frowns and shakes his head, “I only need a little of her blood. We lost so many Furies during the attacks, many of our human wang-do as well. If we are to effectively use the men we have left— We need to find a way to temper their madness. Surely you understand this, Jihoon.”
“The code says we’re to trust one another,” His gaze hardens at the colonel, “It doesn’t look like she’s very trusting of you right now. No matter your reasoning, I cannot condone this if either party is unwilling, or coerced into submitting.”
“It’s not as if she’s one of the Hwarang,” Seungcheol points out.
“Maybe not, but she’s been here long enough to might as well be one.” The two continue to stare at each other for a while, their stubbornness present at the matter.
Seungcheol eventually sighs, “It isn’t like you to be this soft. I’ll leave for now. But if we don’t find a way to suppress the side effects of the pimul… Even Soonyoung will suffer like the rest.” He leaves on that note, you don’t exhale until you hear his footsteps wane away into nothing.
Jihoon hums, looking at the door and then turning to you, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yes,” You nod, “Thank you…”
“Nothing to thank me for,” He bows his head, “I was making sure he was adhering to our code.” His gaze returns to the door, “In the past, he wouldn’t have challenged me like that.”
A slow nod as your eyes find the door, lingering there for a moment. It’s turn, Seungcheol had been acting more and more strange lately. He would never have drawn his sword aggressively, or demanded things from you without consulting the other Hwarang first. “… I’m sorry.”
“Is something wrong with you?” Jihoon questions, his attention turning rapt to you, “There isn’t anything to be apologetic for.”
“The reason he was acting like that…” You frown, “Because Jisoo destroyed the Fury Corps.”
Jihoon seems to reflect on this for a moment before responding, “I think you’re confused.”
“Hong Jisoo has allied himself with our enemies, be it in the court or Baekje. If an enemy attacks us, it’s known that we’re going to put our lives on the line to stop them.” There’s conviction in his voice yet you cannot help the guilt that invades you.
“It isn’t your sole duty to protect me, though.”
“What are you trying to say?” His arms cross as he tilts his head, “Want us to hand you over to the Demons in the hopes they’ll spare our lives? Just because they’re more powerful than us? That isn’t how we work.” Jihoon’s confident in his claim, and you feel no way to object to it. Even if he won’t say it, having you leave the compound would make their live exponentially less dangerous, it would be a violation of the values they pride themselves in upholding.
“I’m sorry if what I said was out of line,” apologizing once more, you bow your head.
“I already told you to stop apologizing, don’t make me repeat myself,” He murmurs under his breath, timidly looking in your direction. “The next time something like this happens, tell me. Don’t keep it to yourself.”  
“I understand,” you look at him and nod. Jihoon then turns to leave, but there’s one thing left you have to say.  “Commander…”
He stops and looks back to you, “Is there something else?”
“Is there anything I can help you all with?” With Youngmin busy with the Crown, Hansol protecting Huang and Jihoon himself tirelessly working, you feel wrong not aiding in some way.
“Help?” He sounds almost incredulous. Has he become upset at your question?
“It could be anything…”
The silence stretches throughout the room, saturating the space for a moment.
“You may be more discreet than some of our men…” He seems to muse for a second, “Brush and paper.”
“Huh?” You ask, looking at him with confusion.
“Do you have a brush and paper?” Jihoon asks as he glances around your room.
“Of course,” you reply and quickly rummage around your room for the materials. After a few moments you gather the items and he sits at the desk in your room, staying silent as he quickly begins to draw. It looks to be a rudimentary map of sorts, having you question, “What is… that?” He ignores you and continues to draw.  
“Hansol is in Noseo-dong guarding Huang, right?”
“Right,” you nod, looking down to the paper.
“I want you to visit him,” Jihoon says before gently blowing air onto the ink, hoping to dry it faster. “Do you think you can? You won’t stand out as much as one of our men.”
“Yes, of course,” You say enthusiastically, excited to do something, and even more overjoyed that it’s especially catered to you.
“I drew you a map,” He says, lifting the edges of the paper and handing it to you, “So you don’t get lost.” Without it, you may have, only really knowing the select routes of several of the captains’ patrol when it’s your turn.
“I’ll get going, then.” Taking the parchment into your grasp, you begin to turn on your heels towards the door before the commander stops you.
“It’ll be hard to deliver a message you haven’t heard…” His voice stops you in your tracks and you whip around to face him, “I know it’s been a while since you’ve been out,  but you’re getting a little too excited.”
“I’m sorry!” Exclaiming with widened eyes as you look at him.
As you speak, he quickly writes something down on another piece of parchment, he lets it dry for a moment, carefully folding the paper before handing it to you. “This is a letter for Captain Choi, make sure you don’t drop it… or lose it.”
“I’ll be very careful,” you say as the parchment folds in your grasp, “Is there anything you want me to say to him?”
“Everything I need to say is in that letter,” he nods, glancing at the paper.
“I’ll be off then,” you state and hurriedly leave the room, anxious to begin your mission.
The streets of Seorabeol are busy once again, the crowds closely knit together, not allowing you any space to slide past the throng of bodies. Jihoon’s map, unfolded haphazardly in your hands, guides you to Noseo-dong and leads you through several side streets, winding your way around the district until you come upon one of the most unassuming inns you have ever seen. On the map, Jihoon had written that Hansol’s name should be under ‘Seola’.
Making your way inside, you walk to who you presume to be the innkeeper, you ask to speak with your friend and they’re off, Hansol walking out shortly after.
“A Ha—I mean Seola,” you say with a nod, “I’m sorry for bothering you.”
“Oh,” he says, almost genuinely surprised, “I didn’t realize they’d send you.”
“I’m sure you weren’t expecting someone as inexperienced,” You give out a short laugh.
“No,” he shakes his head to dismiss your thought, “I was only surprised. I expected to receive new orders soon, but I didn’t expect that you’d be the one to deliver them.”
“Ah, well, I asked if there was anything to do to help and…” You mutter, reaching for the letter you’d tucked away on your belt.
“I can see the commander’s thinking,” Hansol muses and reaches out to take the parchment, “It’s a good plan. Any other Hwarang would’ve drawn unnecessary attention to this place. The new members can’t be trusted yet, either. You, on the other hand, can move unnoticed, and your loyalty is beyond question. He really did make the best choice.”
The captain’s explanation makes you realize how much Jihoon had thought the plan through, not merely giving you the task on a whim.
Hansol then unfolds the letter, scanning its contents before lighting it on a nearby lantern and watching the paper disintegrate into ash on the ground.
“Uh, Captain Choi?” You begin but he cuts you off.
“Ah, right. Seola,” you retract your words and begin anew, “Is it okay to burn that?”
“I’ve read it and know what it says,” his shoulders shrug, “There’s no reason to leave evidence lying around. Thank you for delivering it.”
By the time you return to Shoji, the sun has already dipped below the horizon, dusk coolly falling onto the compound as the bite of winter sinks its teeth into you. Breath coming out in short puffs only to quell as you enter the main hall, you find the space empty. You’re surprised, hoping to see at least one of the captains loitering around, but none are present. So, you make your way to Jihoon’s quarters to report that you’d succeeded in handing the letter off to Hansol.
“Commander?” You ask, knocking on his door.
“Come in,” you hear after a moment and open the door, stepping into his room. His room still lay adorned with documents as he sits at his desk, the glow of the lantern in the corner of his room providing a shimmering light onto him. “Thank you for taking care of that,” Jihoon says as he looks up to you from his work, “How was Hansol?”
“He’s his usual self,” simply said as he nods his head.
“That’s good,” a sigh and you wonder what’s come over him. His mood seems more sour than when you left him earlier in the day.
“I’m sorry,” you say, unsure of how to go on with your conversation.
“What do you mean?” His brow furrows, “Did you lose the letter? Or did you not even make it to the inn?”
“Nothing like that—”
“Then why did you apologize?”
“I thought you’d be angry since I’d taken so long to get back…” You lead off, eyes breaking from his gaze and settling on the floor.
He sighs, as if relieved what you said wasn’t dire, “I’m not mad at you. It may surprise you that I have other things to worry about than just you.”
“Oh of course,” You say quickly, “I never meant to imply that— ”
Jihoon’s expression softens and he gives a short chuckle, shaking his head as he tries to contain himself. It does warm you a bit, knowing that he isn’t as worked up as you thought him to be.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why were you so upset earlier?”
“As you know,” he sighs, “there have been some issues in the Hwarang. Things are becoming more strained with the higher-ups as well.
“The higher-ups?”
“Ah, you’re practically one of us so I should tell you,” the happiness from seconds ago fades as his brow furrows, “Word is, Buyeo Pung is on the move again, this time backed by Goguryeo.” Does this mean that there would be a bigger battle than that of Baekgang or Ongsan? Jihoon’s lips purse and he shakes his head, “We’re not sure of their movements until they strike first. Then again, it’s not like worrying about it will do any of us good.” With each sentence, there’s another sigh, knowing the decisions made now will impact the whole of the Hwarang in the future.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?”
“Was running off to Noseo-dong not enough for you?” He questions with a piqued eyebrow.
“No… But if the Hwarang need help, I feel more than obliged to lend a hand.”
“You know what?” His eyes linger on his paperwork, “No matter how much you work, you’re different from Hansol, Chan, or Wonwoo. And you wouldn’t be able to do the dirty work that I give Junhui or Mingyu, either. Assigning duties to my men isn’t as easy as I’d like it to be.” Every one of his words feels like a knife to your gut, even if he has a point.
“I understand that I’m not a warrior like the rest of you,” you begin with a deep breath, “But I see how hard everyone is working and it makes me feel bad if I just sit around and don’t do anything.” Head bowing and your eyes looking to the floor, “Just let me help out in any way I can…”
Jihoon sits quietly for a moment before sighing out a “Damn…”, you hear him move to stand, his footsteps nearing you and his hand gently placed under your chin. His hand raises your face until your eyes are locked with his, the proximity of him so close to you sets your skin on fire. The commander’s eyes seem to pierce through you, the intensity churning your stomach.
“You say that you want to help,” he says as you nod your head, his hand still planted under your chin, “Why?” You can’t find the words immediately, and as you think, he speaks again, “Is it because you want to make a name for yourself? Or do you want us to recognize your efforts and reward you accordingly?”
“That’s not it,” confidence riddled in those three words as you speak.
“Then why put yourself through all of this?”
“For everything you all have done for me…” You frown, the pads of his fingertip’s abrasive on the underside of your chin. “There were times you all put your life on the line, people got hurt… The Hwarang have protected me time and time again. I just want to give back. I don’t want to regret anything anymore.”
 Jihoon’s hand falls away from you and he sighs, speaking with a low voice, “Then stop bowing so easily. You think you’re right. Why apologize if you believe yourself to be true?” Your eyes widen at his words, slowly realizing what he’s trying to convey. “If you believe in something then never yield to someone else. Hold your head up high and walk tall, you won’t win if you can’t even see the prize because you’re looking down at your feet.”
His words spark something in you, an understanding of his mindset and attitude towards life. So, you look at him, trying to match your gaze’s intensity with the blooming fires behind his eyes.
“I want to help. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”
A small smile flickers onto Jihoon’s lips as he takes a step back from you, “If you want to help so much, how about you make some tea?”
“Alright,” you nod assertively, and the smile lingers on the commander’s face.
“The fate of the Hwarang rests on this tea, you know.”
“Leave it to me!” You say loudly, brushing past him and out of the room, racing as fast as you can towards the kitchen. Yet, before you leave, you can hear Jihoon mumble to himself,
“What’ll happen to us now…”
𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 11𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔎𝔦𝔪 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔨𝔪𝔦𝔫’𝔰 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 Baekje is trying to restore itself once more. News from Goguryeo solidifies King Munmu’s fears a few days into December, after a skirmish breaks out on the Silla-Goguryeo front. At first it was thought to be Goguryeo troops, but with Buyeo Pung leading the charge himself, it’s quickly realized that the kingdom is once again trying to establish itself.
More and more soldiers begin to flock to Seorabeol in anticipation of the oncoming onslaught, purges of Baekje loyalists once again resume and a tension lies in the air as if a cord is about to snap and set everything loose. With each passing day, news comes from the north of the collecting armies, as well as from the east, where former Baekje citizens have begun to rebel against the Silla leadership. As the Crown draws in its allies, seeking out aid from Tang once more, they call upon the Hwarang to aid in the upcoming battle.
The Hwarang reside at Kim Seokmin’s residence, Mingyu’s father’s home a little way outside of the city. While his father remains locked in the capital as plans are drawn, the residence is being used as a base of operations for the Hwarang, and not just those from Seorabeol.
“Everyone!” A voice shouts from the outer courtyard of the home, a wang-do bursting into the main room, sweat dotting their brow and his eyes looking frantic. “The Chief’s been shot!”
There were no witnesses, and the culprit escaped unnoticed. The motives unsure.
“What the hell?” Junhui frowns, “What asshole uses a bow in the city?” The captain leaves the residence shortly after collecting a group of men to survey the scene of where Youngmin had been attacked.
The arrow pierced the leader’s right shoulder, the head lodging into bone and shattering it. It requires more treatment than you can provide.
The sun had gone down when the door to the main room opened again, Seungcheol striding in the room, looking surprised to see you. “You’re still awake?”
“Colonel Choi…” You note, “If you need to use this room I’ll leave.”
“I don’t mind,” he shakes his head, “Rather, I think it’s best that you stay here.” His words are confusing, anxiousness rising in your stomach as you recall the last time you’d been alone with him.
Just as he finishes speaking, the captains of the Hwarang file into the room, somber expressions dotting their faces. Your anxiousness only continues to heighten.
“… Looks like everyone’s here,” Jihoon muses as the door is closed to allow you all a bit of privacy.
“Where’s Seungkwan?” Seungcheol asks, scanning the faces for the missing captain.
“He shouldn’t hear this,” Jihoon shakes his head, “If he learns about Kwak, he wouldn’t think twice about his safety and run off to find vengeance.”
“But if that’s what he wants, why wouldn’t you let him?” Seungcheol points out, “Again, being too kind, Jihoon.”
“What did you want from us?” Mingyu’s voice rises, directed towards the colonel. “We don’t know when the fighting’s going to start, for all of us to be here right now… Don’t tell me—”
“It’s exactly that.” Seungcheol nods. “I asked you to come with the intention of giving you something.” In his hands, you now see, is a bundle of cloth that he slowly unwraps before you all. What you see makes you take in a sharp breath of air.
“Pimul?” Hansol frowns, eyeing the vials of red liquid in the colonel’s hands.
“As captains of the Hwarang, we took on the risks of researching this,” a slow nod, “In doing so, it’s necessary for us to take responsibility for this experiment. Especially if any of you become injured and unable to fight. Or in the worst case, there’s a possibility that you may lose your own life.” Moving the vials to one hand, he picks up one in his other and examines it in the lantern light of the room, “I know for certain that this serum will be of use to you.”
“Colonel…” Junhui says slowly, “Are you trying to experiment on us too?”
“I know your hesitation,” Seungcheol snips, dropping the vial back into the pile with an audible clink, “But under our current circumstances, we cannot afford to lose any more of our captains.”
“Fuck that,” Junhui frowns, “I don’t want to depend on that shit to survive.” With that, he storms past the group of captains with heavy footfalls, swinging open the door before leaving.
“Maybe this would be something of a good luck charm…” Eunseok suggests, his eyes warily looking over the vials. “I hope it never comes to the point where we use the serum.” Seungcheol extends the pile to the captains.
“I don’t think I’ll use it,” Mingyu murmurs as both he and Hansol pick up a vial, “but I’ll keep it just in case…”
Until this moment, Jihoon had remained silent, listening to Seungcheol’s speech.
“Take responsibility, huh?” Eyes looking troubled, the commander reaches for a vial and pockets it, almost as if he doesn’t want to acknowledge its presence, “Maybe you’re onto something.”
“I believe that’s all I have to say for tonight.” Seungcheol nods as he folds the now empty cloth, “I hope this courtesy doesn’t go to waste.” After he finishes, the captains slowly file out, leaving you alone with Seungcheol once more.
“I’m sure you’re aware of this,” He sighs and looks to you, “But don’t let any word of this reach the other Hwarang, do I make myself clear?”
Nodding your head timidly, the colonel stays for another moment before leaving.
The serum that your father created now lies in the hands of the Hwarang captains. The serum that had entrenched them into the world of Demons and a life they should never have had to think about.
𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 16𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔎𝔦𝔪 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔨𝔪𝔦𝔫’𝔰 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 “We still haven’t figured out who shot the Chief?”
“I bet you anything it was some of those Guardian bastards!”
“No way, it was probably the Baekje loyalists—”
Ever since the attack on Kwak Youngmin, the atmosphere at Kim Seokmin’s residence had been wrought with speculation and tension. This tension ever more present as you step into the main room with a tray of tea for the captains.
“Thanks,” Mingyu says as you enter, “Can you just leave it here?”
A nod as you set down the tray, it seems as if you’d walked in on an important discussion.
“What’s the plan, then?” Junhui questions whomever he’d been speaking to. “Gaozong wants power in exchange for helping us, but they’re also hoping not to get as involved as they were at Baekgang. They know a war’s coming and they’re trying to extort Munmu for all he’s worth.”
“I’m not saying that you’re wrong,” Jihoon sighs out from the head of the table. “There’s nothing you or I could do about that though. We follow the Crown and not Gaozong.”
“In regard to sending our men to the front line…” Wonwoo speaks up, “Colonel Choi’s been pushing to implement the Furies.”
“I disagree with that,” Mingyu frowns, “This is war, not a massacre. There’s going to be both enemies and allies on the field, we won’t be able to control them. It’s not that they’re not powerful, it’s just too risky.”
“Agreed,” Junhui nods, crossing his arms as he leans back in his seat, “And inhumane too.”
“Then what do you suggest?” Hansol questions, looking at the captain. “If you’re so vehemently against it, you should offer an alternative.”
“We’re working on that.” Junhui grumbles, his voice raising, “If it were so easy do you think we’d be in this mess?”
“Commander,” Wonwoo looks at Jihoon, “What do you think?”
“… Let me think.” A deep exhale from Jihoon as he straightens himself in his seat, “We need to know the movements of Baekje before anything else, as well as prioritize what the Crown wants and, inadvertently, what Tang wants as well.” With the war inching closer and Youngmin’s injury, everyone in the Hwarang had been and is still on edge.
You leave the meeting sometime after then, never finding out what solution the men had come to. Later in the day, as the sun sinks over the horizon, you find yourself at Seungkwan’s door, anxious to check on his condition.
“Captain Boo?” You ask, gently opening the door and stepping inside, “How are you—huh?” Upon entering, you find that Soonyoung had come along to keep the captain company as well.
 “What are you doing up so late?” Soonyoung asks as he looks to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Well um… people may get the wrong idea if a girl visits a man’s room at night…” The young captain trails off, obviously flustered.
“You know that Seungkwan and I aren’t…”
Soonyoung laughs, “Yeah, yeah… That’s not really your kind of thing, is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean ‘what do you mean?’?” Soonyoung snickers, “Come on…”
“Why are you here?” Seungkwan, not seeming to be in a playful mood, cuts into the conversation, “I assume you have a reason for visiting me?”
“Oh, yes, well… I came to check up on you.” Returning to the reason you’d come in the first place, you look to the captain, “Are you feeling okay? Is there anything I can get you?”
“Of course not,” his expression bitter, “Look at what’s going on.” After a moment of silence, he speaks to you, “Is that all? You can go now.” His aggression taking you by surprise, you falter for another moment before coming to your senses to bring up what had been bothering you.
“Do you all know?” Another pause, “That Colonel Choi wants to… use the Furies.”
“Of course…” The grin that was adorning Soonyoung’s face drops.
“If you were him,” Seungkwan sighs, “Wouldn’t you want to do the same? They need numbers or they’ll never make a name for themselves. I mean, it’s a given once they can’t function anymore, they’ll need to be cut off.”
“Cut off…”
“We’re not all good-doers,” the captain shakes his head, “we can’t go around giving food to everyone we see who needs it. I mean, yeah, you mooched off of us for years, but that was entirely your good luck. Don’t forget that.”
“I guess you have a point…”
“Seungkwan you’re being a bit of a jackass,” Soonyoung frowns at the other captain. “It was our fault she was brought to the Hwarang.”
Seungkwan sneers at the statement, clearly unmoved, he continues his grievances. “And what the hell is Jihoon doing? He should be kicking himself in the ass for not apprehending the men that hurt Kwak.” A frustrated sigh, “If I weren’t—If I weren’t like this, I’d go out and do it myself.”
His bedrest is clearly getting to him. He’d known Youngmin, long before either of them had joined the Hwarang.
“What do you think, Soonyoung?” A glance towards the other as you ask.
“Me? I, uhm, well…” He hums, “I did drink the serum but… I was worried about what would happen to me. Seungcheol wants more men in the Fury Corps, and says we’ll never win otherwise. But I don’t like the idea of forcing the Hwarang to join us, even if they’ve broken our code.” The demeanor he has is unlike the one you remember from when you’d first met him, it’s cold and stern. Recalling how he used to be, sadness overcomes you.
“No matter what Seungcheol says, it’s Jihoon that makes the call.” Seungkwan says, crossing his arms.
“You’re right.” Soonyoung says, a frown pulling at him, “But the Corps already exists, it’s not like we can pretend it doesn’t.”
“Then maybe we should use them, then.” Seungkwan mumbles, “They can hold a sword, at least.”
The power of the Furies is something that would ultimately be beneficial to the Hwarang, should they need to utilize their power for the war effort. Yet, once the war was over… You struggle to think of what would be done with them after. Fearing the answer, you don’t press the matter further.
𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 17𝔱𝔥, 664 – 𝔎𝔦𝔪 𝔖𝔢𝔬𝔨𝔪𝔦𝔫’𝔰 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 It should be no surprise to you by now that an unexpected visitor, be it friend or foe, should stop in on you at any time now. Such an occasion occurs, with a friend, this very morning.
“It’s been too long,” Sooyoung’s voice calls out to you as you walk outside the front gate of the Kim residence, one of the captains had alerted you to her and Seulgi’s presence and you came as quickly as you could.
“What brings you here?” You ask, an inquisitive tilt of your head.
“We have business with your leader, could you go and get him for us?” Seulgi responds, glancing towards the interior doors of the home.
“Oh… the Chief isn’t really in good condition to meet with people, I could go and get the Commander—”
“That’ll do fine as well,” Sooyoung nods with a smile before you’re off to summon Jihoon.
After you’d let the two women inside, as well as summon the commander, the four of you stand in the main hall. Jihoon looks over the two warily before crossing his arms, “This is unexpected, to say the least. What do you want?”
“I apologize for intruding again, but it’s important that I speak to you.” Sooyoung begins, her expression turning stony as she speaks to the commander, “I’ve come to discuss your… Furies.”
You’d been about to excuse yourself to make tea for the group, but upon hearing Sooyoung’s statement, you freeze in place. Jihoon seems to tense as well, a downward curvature of his lips etching into his face. “I won’t waste your time or mine—how long do you intend to keep them in your service?”
“What do you mean?” Crossed arms, stern gaze, the signs that Jihoon is on the defensive yet again.
“You’ve kept them imprisoned here long enough; I think you know what I’m saying.” Her words turn bitter midway through her statement, “Even the Crown has admitted to this failed experiment. They are too much for the Hwarang to handle. With Jisoo on your trail, it would be best for you to wash your hands of them.”
“Is it up to you to decide if they’re a failure or not?” Jihoon questions, letting out a sigh, “We’ve done our research, I’m not sure you have the authority to judge us.”
“Then are you aware that the Hwarang’s Furies have been murdering people on the streets to test their strength?” Seulgi asks, her gaze narrowing at Jihoon.
His eyes go wide, muttering a “What?” before looking at her. For a split second, his veneer of put togetherness fades and confusion and worry situates itself on his brow. And then it’s gone, his composure returning and frown reappearing.
“Where did you hear that?”
“There’s no reason for me to tell you…” Seulgi states, “My sources are reliable, and that’s all you need to know. Your job is to protect Seorabeol, is it not? And yet you let your men who’ve succumbed to madness wander its streets and kill its civilians. It disgusts me, Commander.” Her eyes bore into Jihoon’s, “Before all of Silla knows of your failure, I strongly suggest you disband your Fury Corps.”
Her logic is sound, no matter how scathing she is towards the Furies. The room falls silent, you can almost hear Jihoon’s thoughts racing in his head.
Sooyoung stops him, however, speaking up, “We can quiet this conversation for a moment, there’s something else I would like to address.” With that, she looks to you, “Will you still not leave with us?” The question simple, her eyes wide, “I know we spoke of this before, but with the current climate… I fear your safety here is jeopardized more and more with each passing day.”
 You know that war is coming, everyone in the room does. Yet to hear Sooyoung insinuate it adds even more weight to it all.
“Are you suggesting that we can’t handle it?” Jihoon says, anger tinged by his words.
“The truth is hard to accept sometimes,” Sooyoung turns to him, “If Hong Jisoo shows up, can you protect her? If he comes while you’re amid battle to take her away, can you protect her then?” She’s angry, her tone rising as the commander stays quiet, “She’s a Demon, not a human. She should be with her kind; we can protect her.” Looking back to you, she pleads, “If you’re with us then their entire effort can go towards the war and battles to come.”
Each word is a blow to your chest, guilt wrought upon you for even thinking that your presence among the Hwarang wasn’t detrimental to them. Meeting with Jihoon’s gaze says nothing, he averts his eyes as you’re left to make a decision.
You’re sure Sooyoung is right, yet you can’t find the words to say that.
“What do you say?” Sooyoung asks, her voice returning to a normal, soft level. You know she wants what’s best for you, even if her means aren’t the kindest towards those you’ve begun to hold dear to you.
Jihoon, however, sees right through you.
“You don’t want to leave, do you?” The question is simple as it leaves him, and he knows your answer before you even say it. “Then don’t, stay. There isn’t much else to think about if your mind’s already set.”
“Is that really okay?” The implication behind you staying is far more dangerous than that of you leaving. Is Jihoon saying that he wants you to stay?
“I’m not going to repeat myself.” He shakes his head, “What proof do we have that they can keep your secret any better than we can? If that bastard’s after you too—Well, if we’ve got the same enemy, wouldn’t it make sense to stick together?”
“So… I can stay?”
“What kind of question is that?” Voice gruff as he huffs out, “If you were as much of a pain in the ass as you think yourself to be, I would’ve kicked you out years ago.”
A smile, small and timid, curling your lips, “Thank you, Commander.”
The four of you disperse moments later, you leading Sooyoung and Seulgi to the front gate of the home before the first woman stops you just as you reach the gate.
“So,” she says with an apologetic tone, “You’ve turned me down again, haven’t you?”
“I appreciate your offer,” a nod of your head, “but my place is here.”
“It’s alright,” another apologetic smile, “If you’re so determined to stay then there’s no way I would’ve gotten you to leave with me… And… When you told me that you were staying because you were, ah, interested in someone, did you mean the Commander?”
You’re not sure how to answer that question.
“To be honest,” you begin, the toe of your shoe scraping atop the dirt of the ground, breath coming out in puffs of white air, “I don’t know him all too well, but…” The words stutter out of you, not sure how to explain yourself or because you, too, cannot comprehend your feelings towards the Hwarang. “The men here call him the Demon Commander because of his harshness and strict nature, a lot of people think he’s cold because of that… But I think it’s his way of showing kindness, there’s warmth there that isn’t seen too often yet…” You don’t realize that you’re rambling as you continue, “He’s responsible for most of the Hwarang, it’s not like he has a choice whether he can act like that or not, either. I’m not sure what I can do for him, but I’d like to stay and do whatever I can.”
“He really has you wrapped around his finger,” Sooyoung hums to herself, “Not that I think he sees that, though…” After giving her a confused look, she continues, “They say my ancestor fell in love with a human and followed him to the capital. I'm their granddaughter so I suppose I can understand where you’re coming from… Rank and circumstance, whether human or Demon, mean little before the eyes of love.”
Wait. Wait… “What?” You squeak out, “Love?! I never—Sooyoung, I never said I love him.”
Her hand only finds your shoulder as she sighs and continues, “A human and a Demon, there’s something romantic about that, I think… Don’t think it’s destined to fail, either.”
“Sooyoung…” Seulgi calls out, probably to save you from dying of embarrassment, “We should get going.”
“Ah,” her hand lifted from your shoulder, “You’re right.” The Demon looks to you, “Take care of yourself, please. Don’t underestimate Hong Jisoo, he’s more powerful than I’d like to imagine.” A slow nod as she sighs, “If you need to contact me, please send a letter to Seulgi.”
“Thank you, Sooyoung.” And with that, the pair are gone through the front gate. Your mind, however, lingers on Sooyoung’s words. Rank and circumstance mean little before the eyes of love… But was your desire to be close to Jihoon that? You want to be around him, to help him… The most important thing for him is the Hwarang, he’d invested his life into this organization, and put everything he is into it. With war on the horizon, he doesn’t have the time to think of anything else.
As dusk descends on the compound, you find that the men of the Hwarang are ravenous. You would expect nothing less from men who spend their days training and patrolling and spend their nights doing the same as well. Any food given is gone as soon as it reaches their plate and you offer any that you have, finding yourself forgoing dinner tonight in favor of a younger member of the Hwarang getting a meal.
With pangs of hunger rattling through you, you decide to stave it off by going to the kitchens to either drink some water or make yourself some tea. Your hands gently clenching at your stomach as you walk, you almost don’t hear the voice behind you.
“Was that your stomach?” Turning, you see the Hwarang’s Commander stopped to look at you, “I know the wang-do ate all of the food, did they not leave you any?”
“I’ll eat later,” you nod, fingers still at your sides as you try to stop another growl from escaping your gut. “I’m alright.”
“I didn’t ask if you were alright,” arms folded across his chest, “I asked if you’ve eaten.”
“Well, um,” a shake of your head, “no, not yet.”
“Really,” he huffs, almost incredulously, as he reaches for the bag slung around his shoulder. He rummages around inside of it for a moment before grabbing something and tossing it to you. Unwrapping it from the cloth, you find that it’s one of  the balls of rice that you’d made for the captains.
“Commander, this is yours—”
“Just eat it,” he grits his teeth and the two of your gazes settle on the disputed food. After a moment of silence, he sighs and moves to break it in half, “Don’t tell me you’re rejecting my kindness… If we halve it will it make you feel better?” Taking his half in his free hand, he offers the other chunk out to you.
You grab your half, “… Thank you.”
The two of you eat in silence, before Jihoon speaks again, “Stop worrying so much about the other men and eat what you deserve. Okay?”
“I’ll be sure to do that next time…” you nod as your hand drops to your side after finishing the food.
“I wasn’t trying to lecture you,” Jihoon’s voice goes soft before muttering, “… thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll let the men eat what they want and get my own food another time,” you shake your head, “They need it more than me—”
“I wasn’t talking about that,” he coughs to clear his throat, “I meant to say thanks for staying. You decided to stay with us.”
Was the commander happy that you decided not to go with Sooyoung?
“What’s with the funny face?” The commander asks and you feel a swell of emotion come over you. “Was that not enough food?”
“No, no,” you shake your head, “It was fine.”
Jihoon nods as he tucks the cloth back into his bag and looks towards the entrance of the home, “I’m going to leave you in charge for now before I go out on my rounds. Take care of this place, okay?” There’s a small smile on his lips as he asks you.
“Of course,” you say, returning the smile. And with that, the commander turns on his heels and strides out of the front entrance to the home, heading off to his duties in Seorabeol.
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espresseo-cafe · 10 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.4
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 5.6k
a/n: another weekly update on your coffee! got carried away with the word count 👀🤎 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
your hand sheepishly scratched the back of your neck out of nervousness as yoohyeon complimented you, still feeling awkward about this. out of all people, yoohyeon had to pick you as one of her muses for her final project: your junior yeri, yoohyeon’s boyfriend minhyun, and sana from language studies, and four others from several departments whom you’ve only met at lunch earlier today.
“y’know, i might just as well perform your thesis.” you said as you turn from side to side to check one of the beautiful gowns she made, running your hand on the material that she used. she may be a workaholic, but she knew when to get things done. who would’ve known she would be able to design something so pleasing to the eyes.
the gown was a tube type; a bit loose yet flowy, boosting up your busts a little, and a slit down your left thigh. the colour would be a favourite: diamond silver with hints of very pale pink on the top and blue that the slid down to the bottom. lastly, intricate details of jewelry, lace, and flowers lined on it almost all over.
what made you awkward and uncomfortable to be wearing it was the fact that it was almost see through- so much that you felt like your body could be seen but not quite. it was confusing to explain it that you asked yeri to wear it instead at one point.
“bestie be careful with the deets! it’s my best work yet!” yoohyeon held your hand playfully but stopped when she saw your face pout. “hey y/n, what’s wrong?”
yeri and sana looked back to check on you as well. you looked up before making eye contact with yoohyeon, your eye twitched so evidently with nervousness that she knew she had to scram. you lifted your hands and pinched her cheeks, saying in gritted teeth. “i can’t go out in this tonight! i’m too exposed.”
yoohyeon squealed and yet let out a giggle, holding your slightly shaking wrists to stop you from squeezing her cheeks. “y/n, you look so, so beautiful. i wish you could see it because you are.” she turned to yeri and sana. “right, girls?”
sana hugged you from the back. “yes she is. you know even though i don’t stay here at the dorms anymore i know for a fact that you- y/n, have the best face without makeup. what much more if you actually wore some?”
you pulled a face so ugly that yeri messed up your hair, laughing. “yeah y/n.. except, just don’t do that.”
they swung you to the vanity and brought out a makeup palette and curler to get going. “i wonder just how many hearts will be swayed tonight.” yoohyeon grinned and you just held your breath hoping you could get through the night in one piece.
johnny stood by the backstage of the university outdoor hall, peeking out from the side to see people filling up the seats and bleachers. the lights slightly dimmed while the main focus was the walkway.
“three out of three.” he told himself. that was the number of times he was asked to model for the clothes his seniors made before they graduated. he was glad he didn’t have to do it this year, taeyong taking his place instead.
also he wouldn’t call it a blunder to model years before, but rather flattering because at least he had another image he could be besides being called a fathe-
his phone rang, disrupting his circle of thoughts. “yeah?”
“dude where are you?” jungwoo shouted from the other line, making johnny squeeze his face a little at the volume. “you’re needed by seulgi noona for the photography, she says you got the main camera.”
“yup i’ll be right there.” he said when he put his phone in his pocket, feeling a tiny tug from his jeans. “hey little buddy. sorry.. was i long?”
youngmin just patted his cheeks and smiled when johnny picked him up, who gave him blows of raspberries before meeting the others. he had to bring him along because his parents were back in america for his aunt’s birthday and no one was there to look after him.
“aww our little youngminnie bean is here for the night. auntie seulgi will be watching you while your dad goes for his rounds to take photos.” seulgi carried the almost two year old. “aw he really looks like you, john. same lips.”
johnny just laughed and his heart melted when youngmin’s lips started to quiver. “i’ll be back, okay? don’t give auntie here a hard time.”
“aren’t we going to have fun?” she patted the baby’s bum to stop him from crying, shaking the little toy rattle for him to play with while johnny took his leave. her attention swifted when she heard familiar voices of her juniors. “ah yoohyeon! how’s the preparations going?”
“superb, my last model finally didn’t chicken out.” she giggled, turning her head to youngmin. “is this.. ? johnny’s son? he’s grown so big now.”
“yeah he told me to keep an eye on him for a bit.” seulgi combed his hair back while she shortly carressed his cheeks, “so yeah, uh, your last model is y/n?”
yoohyeon nodded and it made her smile, “yes and she’s stunning.”
“great. she’s perfect for the design you whipped up.” her expression changed before looking around. “how is she though? she coping up well lately?”
“i can’t really say, she’ll open up when she’s ready.”
backstage, you stood beside sana and she noticed you were having the nervous jitters, she held your hand and squeezed them. “you’ll be fine. we’re queued to be the last ones out.”
“that is why i’m nervous, yoohyeon had to be the top student.” you faked cry and sana just poked your nose. “.. but thank you.”
outside at the seating area, kun, johnny, and mark lee sat together, the younger one writing notes for the article that the newspaper club would be featuring by the end of the month. johnny was the assigned photographer, former runway model. and kun being known as an all rounder, was in charge of the music being played but left it to the juniors so he was just sitting pretty.
“you think jungwoo would do good for his thesis? i’m kinda nervous on what he’d put out.” kun joked, making johnny laugh as he set the camera ready.
“trust me i think taeyong would save his ass from failing, i just don’t know how he managed to be at the dean’s list despite his grades, and retaking quizzes.” johnny said, taking some sample shots before turning to mark. “hey kid, mind if you swap places with me? i’ll be closer to the stage.” pointing to the camera he was holding.
“sure.” mark took his belongings, “wait- you’re johnny suh. the one with the ki-“ he paused when kun gestured the younger one stop the convo, knowing well that johnny didn’t want any attention for not being the one on the runway. “sorry.”
johnny raised his brow and smiled as he sat down, finding the younger one quite amusing. freshman, probably. his arm accidentally elbowed the person to his left, and muttered a ‘sorry’. his eyes met with the guy so familiar he wished he didn’t ask for a swap.
choi seungcheol just nodded, accepting his apology. johnny for sure didn’t want his mood to be ruined just by his batchmate’s presence, because in the first place, there was nothing going on between you and the guy. but johnny felt he was being challenged, and decided to just let the night pass and finish the work he was required to do.
the lights dimmed down, indicating the fashion show was about to start. he looked through the viewfinder taking snapshots of student models. jungwoo’s models and designs were showcased first, making yuta and johnny chuckle that they teased him for not having higher grades. the younger one rebutted that he only went first because people found out taeyong was modelling.
other works came out and being so indulged with fashion himself, johnny actually found the clothes on the runway quite boring though applauses were heard on each outfit shown said differently. well, it wasn’t up to his standards. the people who walked weren’t even walking right.
“when will something actually get your attention?” kun whispered to him, noticing him lowkey sighing quite a few times.
johnny just shrugged, not so sure himself.
“the final designs of the fashion show will be out in a bit! please welcome kim yoohyeon and her models!” the crowd cheered at the mention of her name, making sana, yeri, and yourself flick your heads at her. she only waved and gave you all a thumbs up.
you coughed and kind of panicked. you were the last one out but questioned why you were this nervous. you had these habits when you did so, not knowing until yoohyeon pointed them out. your neck slightly tilted, breathing short airs in and out, and your fingers crumble themselves into a fist. it was slow but enough to know you were entering anxiety.
however tonight was no exception for you to flop. yoohyeon had her reason to why she chose you for her final design. so you firmly decided to just suck it up and do your best because if anything, the last thing you want to do is to disappoint your best friend. she helped you so much during the darkest time of your life. and by golly, she still was.
with the thought of that, you were so proud of her nonetheless. she was one of the first people in your year to be graduating first since she skipped a year due to her talent. even flying to paris for an exchange programme.
yoohyeon cued for you to stand by, she gave you a smile that made you want to tear up. you smiled back and gave her flying kiss.
it was a minute interval, you had to wait for minhyun to come back and wait a little more before you go out. people were anticipating, knowing there should be eight models in total. and when you finally went out on the runway, johnny found himself mesmerised by you, almost forgetting to take a photo.
he wasn’t the only one in starstruck. he knew that the person to his left was also attentive to you, and in his peripheral vision, seungcheol’s mouth was left agape.
so johnny’s shaky brown orb found itself looking through the viewfinder once again. even though he wasn’t snapping a photo, he felt like he could see you clearer than anyone else in the room. and with that, he felt like he had an upperhand to the other guy.
you were a natural and he knew that might’ve been your first time modelling given the fact you were so nervous.
again he questioned himself just how could someone be so attractive. but, just like he noticed back at the dean’s camp last week, he noticed your eyes were tired despite being really stunning, beautiful.
the lights dimmed slowly and you almost slipped out a curse because it was something yoohyeon never told you about this segment of your walk. you looked around in relief that it wasn’t all dark. like something out of a fairytale, your gown started to light up from your chest downwards.
it was rare to see lights on the style of your dress, only seeing it on ball gowns and that made everyone gasp and clap louder. and because the gown was a pink and blue hue, the light made a combination of a very light lilac at the middle. the gems and sequins made it sparkle and that made you smile.
you felt like a princess and started to spin a little, even though it wasn’t required. but this was a chance that needed to be taken.
johnny smirked and took more photos, this was a first in the university, a gown lit up made by a graduate student.
“looks like we have a winning thesis.” mark wrote notes on his notepad, he elbowed his senior. “johnny sunbaenim, is okay for you to take good ones? we need a photo to feature for the university article, please.”
johnny let out a sniffle, “alright, order the sunbae to do things.”
“sorry, i didn’t mean-”
“since the hoobae said so, i will do it. he asked nicely.” mark hearing that made him feel at ease, one of the first people to not see him as a let down for being to be a writer/ author.
“y-yeah, thank you.”
once yoohyeon came out and walked one last time along with you and the others, confetti blasted from the ceiling, letting everyone know the show’s over. you walked backstage and had yourself changed, though makeup was still on, yoohyeon appeared and hugged you ever so tightly.
“sorry for not telling you about the surprise.” she cupped your cheek, “i know how the dark frightens you still but know that i’m always here for you. besides your whole concept is a reflection of our friendship.” her voice softened almost to a whisper. “you were with me in my darkest of times, like you’re the light.. ah i don’t want to tear up.”
you eyes welled a little, knowing that this thesis was something she would bring with her before she leaves for paris to continue her studies and internship next month. “likewise for me sis, you’re still looking out for me, and i’m still the same y/n.”
“don’t be, healing takes time. you know that. i’m older than you so i can tell you off whenever i want.” she hugged you and tried to change the topic by taking a lot of selfies and portraits before you both actually cry.
johnny was standing by the opened door and the curtain that was between you and him, not meaning to eavesdrop but he had to collect his backpack. healing? is she hurt? he shook his head and knocked.
“sorry, i need to collect a few things.” johnny pressed his lips to a small awkward smile, “hi, uh. you both did amazing tonight.”
“johnny! hi, long time no see.” yoohyeon gave him a side hug, “thank you-“ she looked at you and johnny’s flushed expressions. it was silent and something clicked in her that brough her into a smirk. something happened here, y/n, you obvious one.
your eyes looked elsewhere but to johnny, however that would be rude for you not to even talk to him. it had been a week since you both actually talked. “thanks, johnny. how are you?”
“busy with my classes among other things.” johnny scratched the back of his head. “listen, at the camp i forgot ask for your number. just wondering, when would be okay for you to hang out?”
yoohyeon nudged you because you weren’t answering, “y/n.. stop just staring at him. you’re making him wait.”
yeri stood by in front of this exchange, giggling as she took her items with her. “oh what is this? high school? you know there’s a carnival-”
jungwoo covered her mouth, not wanting her to ruin it for johnny, “anyway johnny hyung, we’ll see you back at the apartment!“
yoohyeon saw that as her way out knowing that she had forgotten plans after, “ah y/n, minhyun told me to meet him at the mall, i’ll see you at home, ok?”
you nodded at the commotion, the once noisy room became quiet in an instant. you smirked at johnny, “sorry i was in trance. um, anyway hi. so.. what’s this thing about a carnival?”
johnny laughed awkwardly, “y-yeah it’s the prize we won as champions at the dean’s listers camp last week. i got two tickets so i was wondering if you’d like to come with me.”
“hm carnival, i haven’t been there for so long. when do you want to go?”
“last day’s tomorrow and i got no one to go with.”
this time you laughed awkwardly, “so i guess i have to say yes?”
“that’s pretty much the plan.”
you crossed your arms, curling your tongue in your mouth, “sneaky, smooth.. but it’s giving the last minute guy.”
johnny laughed, his eye dimples showing. what you said was unexpected. “maybe because i save the best for last?” referring to the fashion show tonight, referring to you.
your heart thumped, which was unneccessary at this point. but this is johnny, the guy who had your mind occupied for the past week. “okay, i’ll see you tomorrow before lunch at the train station?”
“sure thing.”
“great. i’ll take my leave then, it’s nice seeing you. i know we’ve been busy after the camp. have a good night, johnny.” you waved, and johnny hitched a breath at the sight of you.
ah her phone number.
“y/n!” he covered his mouth because of his accidental loud voice. “uh, can i have your phone number?”
“calm down big guy, afraid to lose me?” you teased him but your heart was still beating repeatedly, giving him your phone number then leaving to rest for the night.
johnny held his chest, his heart hadn’t felt this a long while. he felt like a little boy who finally had a play date that seulgi caught him smiling like an idiot.
“hey dorkface, you finally can use your carnival tickets. good on you, for bringing y/n.”
she handed him youngmin, who already fast asleep and stretched. johnny licked his lips, trying to bring up something about you that he had heard earlier. “seulgi, you know y/n, right?”
seulgi looked at him while she tidied up her own belongings. “yeah, we had the same minors last year. what about her?”
johnny hesitated to ask further but he couldn’t help but be curious. “is she okay? i noticed that she looks tired often behind all that smiley aura she usually shows.”
he didn’t receive an answer immediately, seulgi had to think about it. though she knew it was something serious just about vaguely, she wasn’t in any position to share anything. “i can’t really speak for her because it’s personal. i don’t know the full details but if you want to know you need to gain her trust. that’s all i can say.”
“alright, thank you.” he slung his backpack behind his shoulder as he carried the already sleeping youngmin, shaking him a little. “also for this.”
he for sure want to get to know you more.
seungcheol looked at his phone, lip biting at the group photo of the crimson commanders at the camp. his smile was evident when you and him stood next to each other, arms crossed while laughing at other players.
jeonghan rolled his eyes and nudged joshua to take a look at their friend, the latter one laughed while chewing and talking, “dude stop smiling like that, it’s creepy.”
“yeah dude, you’re such a simp for her lately.” jeonghan shook his head, “are you sure she’s the one you’ve been looking for all this time?”
“oh yeah definitely, she’s the one.” seungcheol sat up from his bed, stretching his arms before they become numb. “do you think she remembers?”
joshua raised his brow, “you mean that night?”
jeonghan’s eyes widened, “don’t tell me you’re gonna tell her what happened. i don’t think she even knows or remembers anything about you.”
“that’s why it wasn’t a coincidence that i ran into her at the dean’s camp. we were meant to meet again.” seungcheol clicked on his phone once more, “and she might be the one i was matched with here on love click.”
“desperate guy called for desperate measures. you really are a creep, cheol.” jeonghan threw a basketball at him. “isn’t that app under construction at the moment? whoever created that sucks.”
“you’re just jealous because you weren’t matched with anyone, and that you got friendzoned by sowon.” joshua teased him, earning him a glare from the blonde haired guy.
“guys, i’ll make her remember. she can’t escape from this. though i do have an obstacle.” he tossed the ball back to jeonghan, “you know that guy johnny? from psychology? or was it medicine?”
“the one with the baby?” jeonghan spun the ball on his finger, “yeah he was in my biology class in year one. dude sure knows how to multi-task.”
“what about johnny?” joshua continued to eat, but still listening to the conversation.
seungcheol’s brows furrowed a little, “i don’t like the vibe i get from him for some reason. feels like he’s just going to be using her.” his friends questioned him how he was so sure about it and he just shrugged, “heard the guy has anger issues though, can’t seem to control his fits.”
“and where did you hear that from?” jeonghan threw the ball to joshua, who at this point nearly dropped his bottle of water.
“minji noona. she’s my maternal cousin.”
the day was sunny and bright, but not too much that it made your skin burn from the heat. the clouds got your back from covering the sun rays from peeking. today was exceptionally something you looked forward to, yoohyeon joking that it would be your first date ever.
and you were so nevous, but..
.. you wouldn’t call it a date though..would you? because as you looked at yourself at the reflection from a nearby shop window, you were all dolled up.
a floral dress in white, paired with your favourite sneakers. your hair done in a half do, slightly styled, and just a very light make up. “this should be fine, right?”your phone rung to see johnny’s caller ID appearing on your screen. immediately answering. “hello?”
johnny could feel his cheeks heat up, your voice made him nervous for today. his first hangout with you. he felt like he was going out for the first time. “hi, y/n. i’ll be there soon, did you wait long?”
you stayed silent for a bit, he sounded really nice over the phone. deep and raspy. “um not really, i just arrived like two minutes ago.”
liar, you arrived half an hour ago.
johnny chuckled, sighing a relief. “phew, that’s good. i had to do other things so i was afraid i’ll miss our meetup time.” you heard a little shuffle, “i’m about to exit and headed for the landmark clock tower.”
“okay, see you.”
you looked at your shoes, lips pressing into a line. the guy you were matched with in loveclick only sent you a message or two in a week, just sending stickers. you thought maybe he just wasn’t interested at all. so you didn’t bother to message him back.
in all honesty, you were happy right now. someone asking you out in all the years you’ve even existed. even though you did say you’d change for the better, no one really ever went out of your way to ask you out.
so johnny being the first one to do so made it all special.
“y/n!” you heard him calling your name, seeing his figure approaching closer under the bright sun that you needed to place your hand to see clearly.
your slightly squinted eyes became relaxed when johnny was already in front of you, carrying a toddler whom you recognised. “hey y/n, sorry i had to bring this little guy with me. meet suh youngmin, a year and 11 months.”
he had a son.
“h-hi, guys.” you kept staring at the little boy.
johnny noticed your confusion and amazement at the situation. “was it a jumpscare that i brought a baby? hope it didn’t ruin our date.”
you shook your head, “no. no, i’m completely fine with it. hi there, youngmin.”
youngmin looked at you while he had his dummy on, suddenly shrieking into a smile and almost dropping his dummy that johnny caught it in time despite him carrying the toddler in one arm. “whoa hey, easy there bud. why are you hyper all of a sudden? you weren’t like this on the train.”
his little arms stretched out to you, wanting you to carry him instead. so you did, and the little babe wrapped his arms around your neck. “i guess you like me, huh?”
johnny chucked, “y-yeah, oddly. he rarely goes to anyone for the first time. usually it takes three or more meetings.”
you smiled and patted youngmin’s back. “well i’m honoured, youngmin. shall we go to the ticket kiosk?” you walked ahead because youngmin was already pointing at the balloons.
johnny shielded his eyes, the noontime sun rays glaring at him. once his vision was adjusted and he jogged up just behind you, he had to stop in his tracks when the scene in front of him was something familiar, all too familiar.
then he realised you were the silhouette he encountered ages ago at kahi’s son’s party. his heart beated like crazy once again, maybe that’s why youngmin knew you in an instant.
“johnny?” you called him when you gave the admission bands, “let’s go have lunch first.” you smiled and held youngmin’s hand, “i’m kinda hungry.”
johnny was brushed out of his deep thoughts, “yeah, let’s eat. youngmin likes lasagna. are you okay with it?” your eyes lit up and he honestly thought it was adorable.
“no way, i was craving for lasagna!” you jumped a little and youngmin let out a bubbly giggle. “we’re best friends now. aren’t we, youngmin?” youngmin just put his hands on your cheeks, speaking gibberish under his dummy.
the carnival was packed with a lot of people, slowly filling the place with unbridled joy and laughter. you didn’t remember how long it was since you last went here. probably when you were five? it was when everything was still in place, when everything was still peaceful. it felt warm to witness the busy movement, colourful scenery, and full of.. families.
your attention was broken by youngmin who handed you a cutlery. you let out a gasp that he held a knife.
“oh. give it to me.” you said firmly, “you’re not too big yet to handle big people things.”
johnny was impressed how you handled youngmin. you sounded firm but gentle, your tone not heavy nor scary. just alright for the kid’s liking. “you’re pretty good at this, y/n.”
you shortly looked at him then back to youngmin, giving him a kid spoon to play with instead. “really? i’m still struggling and nervous sometimes. but i get by. i take ECE, you know?”
“ahh,” johnny crossed his arms, “early childhood education? no wonder.”
“i must’ve forgot to mention. did i pass the vibe check?” you teased.
“oh yeah definitely, on youngmin’s book.” johnny chuckled, “he really likes you.”
“maybe because i already ran into this little bear.” you poked youngmin’s nose. “at kahi’s son’s party. i’m the godmother.”
“that’s no coincidence.” johnny sat forward, his hands interlocking. “noah’s my godson as well, shame we didn’t run into each other after all this time.”
“shame you left youngmin all alone under the dessert table.” you remembered, giggling softly when johnny’s ware ears slowly turned red. “i wondered who the responsible father was.”
“my fault, teacher y/n.” he playfully raised his arms in defeat. “but not my fault that i was surrounded by a lot of mothers and other ladies’ attentions. say, why weren’t you part of the circle?”
you smirked, this guy.. “maybe because youngmin here caught my attention the most.”
“that i can’t compete with.” johnny smiled, “he’s irresistible.”
“exactly.” you pointed at him as your order was being called by the staff. “oh there goes our order, i’ll go pick it up.”
johnny watched your back when you went to get the food tray. his heart warmed up once again today. talking with you was easy, it was like conversing with an old friend. one of the reasons why he wanted to hang out with you wasn’t because his friends pushed him to. it wasn’t because he wanted to jump into a new relationship straight away.
it was because of youngmin. he needed a mother figure, a role that his ex-girlfriend couldn’t keep and maintain. it had been so long since youngmin had interacted with someone so closely who was like a mother.
not that he expected you to be one, but you were such a natural. and seeing how youngmin opened himself up so relaxed and early with you felt like an elephant was lifted off of his shoulders.
“do you like auntie y/n? you seem to like her a lot little one, and you just met her recently.” he patted youngmin’s head as he drank water and he couldn’t keep himself from blushing on what the young one said after.
johnny coughed, grabbing a piece of tissue just below his cutlery. earning startled yet amused looks from other customers, he bowed his head in apology in return.
“here’s our lasagna, sides. and drinks.” you said brightly, and the scene in front of you made your heart warm: johnny coughing and youngmin giggling on the side. “seemed like youngmin said a funny joke that made you cough on your water.”
“oh you bet he did.” johnny wiped his mouth clean.
you sat down, grinning as you passed their food to them, “care to share?”
as if on cue, youngmin was about to blurt out ‘mama’ when johnny covered his mouth with a dummy. “that’s classified.”
you feigned a gasp, “jokes aren’t secrets, youngmin. what has your dad been teaching you?”
“let’s just eat, okay?” johnny held his cutlery, trying to change subject when youngmin held his hands together. for a toddler, this one knew table manners? and it shocked you that it made you giggle.
johnny chuckled, “alright alright, we have to say grace. my mom’s been teaching him that.”
you nodded and went with the flow, finding this whole thing very wholesome, “okay.”
the day pretty much went by quickly, playing several games and riding kid friendly rides. you’ve been staring at one certain ride since the beginning but was too shy in asking johnny because he brought youngmin along.
but johnny was sharp, he knew what you wanted and decided to take the ride with you because you did help him with minding youngmin almost the whole day. so he stopped by the kiddie pool where parents leave their kids to the staff for a bit.
“you sure leaving him there will be fine?” you asked, holding your sling pouch as you and johnny walked to the queue.
“he’ll be fine. i know one of the lady staff.” johnny reassured you, fixing his hair.
yeri took a peek from behind the column, seeing you and johnny talking very casually. “we’ll be fine, won’t we, youngmin?”
“you really had to tag me along?” taeyong dragged himself next to her, with two kids hugging his legs and one called him a prince while at it.
“well i need a second witness. in case no one believes us that those two actually went for a date.” yeri’s eye smile never leaving, so excited that her ship was starting to sail.
“yeah and made youngmin as their chaperone.” taeyong shook his head. “poor little guy.”
johnny didn’t know how long he was staring at you until you turned around and asked him to hold your bottle of water as you tied your shoelaces. he wasn’t sure how to act when it was just you and him, but he certainly didn’t want this to be any more awkward than it already was.
as you finally stood up, you dusted your dress when the person in front almost bumped into you- they had been messing around for a while now. johnny being the observant one, was quick to avoid the clash from happening by placing himself in between.
so now you found yourself leaning on johnny’s stomach, one of his hands holding your back and the other holding your forearm, this seemed familiar. “watch it.” he said sternly to the person in front. he turned to you after, “you okay?”
you hummed “mhm” and nodded quickly in response but all in your mind was:
abs, abs, abs, abs, abs..
the picture from the dodgeball game at the dean’s camp came running back to you and you felt yourself heating up.
johnny’s eyes squinted and placed his palm on your forehead.
shoot my forehead’s sweaty.
“you sure? you’re heating up.”
“i’m fine!” you flicked your head back and fake laughed to hide your embarrassment. “i’m really okay.”
johnny pulled an ‘i don’t think so grin’ but just let you off the hook ‘cause you did look fine. “okay then, teacher y/n said so.”
you held your chest and sighed, you would’ve been busted if you weren’t careful. but johnny was so cool back there that you couldn’t help but smile.
dummy he’s not your boyfriend, you thought.
after the ride was done and went to pick up youngmin at the kiddie pool, you decided to call it a day as the sun was starting to set into orange. dusk was approaching and it was better for you guys to be home by evening. johnny agreed and walked with you towards the exit.
you patted youngmin’s back as johnny carried the tired toddler. you carried the boy’s bag and johnny felt embarrassed that he needed to rely on you a lot today. he was relaxed when you told him it was alright.
when he took another glimpse of you, you were staring elsewhere and he felt you slightly shake, hand holding on his shirt. your eyes trembled a bit in fear and johnny’s brows furrowed, wondering what got you all shaken up until you mumbled.
“m-mom… d-dad…?”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh
37 notes · View notes
임영민, Im Youngmin
So I may have one really small favour to ask you if your not too busy with your other request, buuut... I’ve been craving reading a make out with youngmin!!!! Like you very first make out, where your both cautious cause you’re both nervous and you’re not really sure in the beginning how to initiate it but then your like ‘fuck it’ and just climb on his lap, pause for a sec to look at him and you swallow some nervous spit (sorry those string of words are so unappealing) before you just lean in to kiss him gently, to test the waters and then before you know it, you’re in a full blown make out sesh. Maybe one of the boys could enter his room and the both instantly jump apart!!!! To make it more juicy and interesting; they could be friends??? Start of the relationship!!!!!
Group: AB6IX
Member: Youngmin
(A/N) I told you that this request killed me... I wasn’t lying. I’m writing from the grave.
You tried to focus on the movie, you really did. It was just a little difficult. Especially when Lim Youngmin was out there just... Existing. 
It was irritating sometimes how flawless he was in your eyes. Even when he looked like a total mess, you were still in awe of him. And not just the average, “Damn, bro! Drop the skincare routine”; something deeper than that. 
Something more stable.
When he was disheveled, sweaty and gross after practice, you almost always said, “Your hair looks nice”. It wasn’t even you buttering him up, it was just the way your mind worked. When he sported that comical frown that made his cheeks puff out, all you could think was “cute”. 
When he smiled, you got lost in the up-turn of his lips, when he laughed you drowned in the sound, and when he caught you staring at him, it gave you butterflies. Even more so when he looked to you first.
It was like no matter what mistake he made, you would still see him as beautiful, which was both touching and annoying in equal parts. 
It was strange thinking of him like that after so many years of being just friends. You were stuck in a so-so limbo of both of you knowing and acknowledging that you liked each other, having kissed once or twice, everyone around you being aware of your feelings, but neither of you taking any steps forward. 
A frustrating, confusing standstill. You couldn’t tell if it was because he couldn’t see a future with you, he was scared, you were scared or mixture of all of the above. 
Either way, it pissed you off.
You poked him lightly with your toes. “Yo,” you said, just slightly louder than the movie playing on his laptop. 
He looked away from the screen, setting his eyes on you. “Yeah?” he answered. He was always attentive like that, which gave you a little hope, but also made you feel burdened. 
Love sucks. 
“Do you like me?” you asked bluntly. “Like... At all?” 
His breath caught in his throat, dark eyes widening. He cleared his throat, looking back at the screen. “Well, I thought that was kind of obvious,” he said, so quietly that you almost didn’t hear. His fingers went to his fringe, twisting it awkwardly. 
He shifted around in his seat, as if he were suddenly uncomfortable. He forced himself to look at you, chewing the inside of his cheek nervously. “I mean... We’ve kissed before.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Those didn’t mean anything, though!” you complained, crossing your arms. “If we have anything, I want it to be real.” 
Suddenly, his expression changed. “You don’t think those were real?” he asked. He furrowed his brows. “Why?” 
You searched your brain for the right answer, your expression mirroring his own. “Just ‘cause,” you stated lamely. “It felt like I was kissing my friend, not someone who loves me.”
He scoffed under his breath. “Friends do love you,” he said. “That’s kinda what friends are for.” 
“But they also don’t kiss each other on the lips, Youngmin,” you said firmly. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, not catching the look that he gave you when you did so. “How can I put this?” you wondered aloud. “I just... This sounds so basic, but I don’t want to settle for mediocrity, y’know?” 
He raised a brow. “So you think I’m mediocre?” he asked. 
Your jaw clenched. “That’s not what I said,” you argued quietly. Your mind was racing. This always happened with you. You tried to word your thoughts, but they always came out sounding so poor and unappealing. Even if you meant good things, your unskilled tongue always twisted it into a proper mess.
You groaned, letting your head fall back against the wall. “My God,” you breathed out. You revised your plan in your head before sitting up to face him again. “Okay, I’m back,” you said. 
He gave you a look. “...Okay?” he said. “Got anything else to comment on? Other than my mediocrity, that is.” 
You frowned. “Dude, don’t make me hurt you,” you threatened weakly. You rubbed your hands together as if you had prepared something fantastic. Really, it was just the bare minimum and you were hoping that he’d catch the drift. 
“You and me,” you said, pointing in turn, “we don’t talk well.” 
He nodded slowly. “True enough.” 
“But I’m trying to tell you something,” you continued. He nodded again, the tension slowly slipping away. You pointed to your mouth. “Words?” You shook your head, wagging a finger in sync. “Not working.” You took a few slow breaths. “But maybe actions would help a little bit?” 
You only barely registered the way his cheeks lit up, dimly illuminated by the light from the screen. “What do you mean by that?” he stuttered. 
You’d deny it if anyone asked, but you could feel your cheeks heating up as well. “I mean that...” You shuffled slightly closer to him, the mattress bending under you, making him watch your every move particularly closely. “I could just show you what I’m looking for.”
There was a silence hanging in the air; palpable and almost suffocating. 
“Then, why don’t you?” Youngmin finally said. You stared at him for a moment; the flickering lights on the side of his handsome face. He could sense your hesitation. “I dare you,” he said quietly, his words piercing through the air and shooting straight to your ears. 
For whatever reason, it set you off. The only thought in your mind was: “Well, screw it.” 
You moved closer to him, tossing a leg over his lap, straddling him. Naturally, your hands rested on his shoulders, but they didn’t make a move from there. He didn’t make any advances, he stayed where he was, keeping his hands a respectful distance away, resting limply by his side.
There was something quite intimate about sitting here together in the comfort and quiet of his room, on his bed, just exchanging eye-contact. You could hear the other noises in the dorms, slightly drowned out by the soundtrack from the movie. 
Daehwi was playing games, Donghyun was humming a melody while strumming along on his guitar and Woojin and Woong were doing God knows what, just being lazy roommates. 
Your mind fogged over with too many thoughts. They could walk in at any moment. They could spot you and never, ever let you live it down. Or they might even screw it up. 
Though, was there really any more ‘screwing it up’ than what you were about to do? By your standards, you were about to lose the greatest friendship you’d ever had. Maybe it wasn’t the longest-lasting or the one that knew all of your darkest secrets, but it was the one that was most comfortable; most natural. 
You hadn’t told him everything, but you felt like you could if you wanted to, which was more than you could say for your other friends. With the way you were, you felt like you were being an irritant if you talked about yourself too much. 
But with Youngmin, he had this way of making you feel important. In his presence, you never felt like an inconvenience or a burden. You felt like a person. A person who had just as much rite as anyone else to state her opinions and feel her emotions freely.
Your hands started shaking at the realization that you were about to throw that away for just the chance that you could grow into something more. You ran your fingers through your hair again. 
Before you could pull yourself from your thoughts, his arms were around your waist pulling you closer forcefully, his eyes half-lidded. “Can you stop doing that, please?” he muttered softly. “Please.” It sounded like he was begging.
Your brow raised. “Doing what?” you asked, matching his volume.
Cautiously, one of his hand trailed up your side. Slowly, ever so slowly, like a tease. Sparks were left in the pathways made by his fingertips. They reached your neck, pausing for a beat, resting on the smooth, unblemished skin, his thumb rubbing against your jaw-bone. 
He didn’t meet your eyes, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t looking at you. It felt like he was taking in every inch of you, just examining fondly—his eyebrows knit in concentration—every curve of your figure. Every beauty mark, every freckle, every flaw. 
It was like he was memorizing you.
His hand moved again, traveling farther up until it carded through your hair with a gentle stroke, staying wary of any tangles or knots. “That,” he breathed out. “Please stop doing that.” 
Your hand caught his wrist, keeping his hand close to you. You were well aware of his other hand resting on your hip, but you tried not to let it distract you. “Why?” you asked. You didn’t know why the compulsion to ask came over you, but there it was, showing its face. “Why do you want me to stop?” 
Even with the poor lighting, you could see the way his cheeks turned red. He timidly avoided your searching gaze. “Because it makes you look gorgeous,” he admitted abashedly. “That’s not a very friend-like thing to think...”
A small smile crossed your face. Seeing him look so shy to admit you were pretty... It decided your own mind for you. “Youngmin,” you said, gaining his attention. You held his hands, brushing over his knuckles with your thumbs. “That’s exactly what I’m looking for.” 
His eyes widened. “I’m looking for the type of relationship where both me and the other person can make each other feel beautiful,” you continued, “and when you look all shy like this while you compliment me?” You swallowed the lump in your throat. “It definitely makes me feel beautiful.” 
He smiled sheepishly. “So...” he started, his gaze shifting to your hands, still lightly holding his. A tenderness overtook his eyes. “You want that kind of relationship with me?” he asked. 
You nibbled your bottom lip. Now you were the one feeling embarrassed. “If I can, I guess,” you said, shifting a little. 
He took in a sharp breath at your action, immediately taking hold of your hips to still you. “You really can’t do that,” he said under his breath, his eyes screwed shut and his heartbeat speeding up. He said it so quietly, you almost didn’t hear him. 
When his dark, shining eyes opened, they bored into your with an intensity that you’d never seen from him. “If that is the kind of relationship you want...” He leaned a little closer to you. “Shouldn’t it be your turn to make me feel beautiful?”
You felt a tension return to the room, but it was different from before. It was the kind that make your mind fuzzy with excitement and your skin set on fire. 
“It should be,” you said. “But I’m not quite sure that you understand me fully yet—” 
He cut you off with a quick, soft peck to the lips. “You don’t like it when I kiss you like that, right?” he asked, gazing into your eyes. His hands were resting securely on your back, fingers spread, making your realize how large his hands actually were. “It feels too familiar, right?” 
You nodded slowly. Honestly, the kiss didn’t even shock you. You’d gotten too used to the little shows of affection while stuck in your limbo-state. They were habit, and sometimes habit was stale. 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips while he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Then, why don’t we... Explore?” he suggested. He pulled you a little closer, his face so close by now, it blurred in your vision. 
You both knew what being this close meant. It meant you were on the threshold of your friendship. One step decided your future with each other, and that, in and of itself, filled you both with terrible anxiety. 
Would you regret this? 
However, looking into each other’s eyes in that moment—studying each other—it proved something to you. This would change the nature of relationship, and maybe even who you were as people, and it would definitely be a step over the threshold, but it would be a step in the right direction. 
Forward, not back. You could feel it sinking into your bones the more your breaths intermingled. 
Youngmin tittered nervously, his warm, minty breath fanning over your face. “Here’s to unexplored territories?” he offered. 
You shut him up by closing the distance between you. His eyes fluttered shut and both of your lips quivered against each other for a moment before moving together in a slow, simple rhythm. 
Your lips molded against each in an awkward, sloppy way at first, but it got smoother as you went on. You were both hesitant to ask too much from the other, so you left it uncomplicated, guiding and following each other in equal measure. 
He pulled away slowly, his eyes still closed. “Like that?” he asked, breathless. 
Your hands tangled in the hair at his nape. “Close. That was a kiss like someone who loves me,” you said, your tone matching his, “but now,” you cleared your throat, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, “if it’s okay, I’d like one that feels like a boyfriend.”  
He opened his eyes to look at you before nodding. “’Kay,” he said, his voice just barely above a whisper. He leaned in, meeting your slightly chapped lips once again. The pace was brought up just slightly. “Like that?” he asked in between kisses. 
“Faster doesn’t mean better,” you said. “Deeper.” 
He took instructions well, though you weren’t even intentionally trying to lead him, the words just slipped out in the heat of the moment. He deepened the kiss, taking your bottom lip in between his teeth and pulling it gingerly. 
“Better?” he asked, desperate for your approval. He chuckled, a flutter of nervousness blooming in his chest. “I feel like it was wrong.” 
You let out a breathy sigh that shot straight to his chest, spreading throughout his body like an electric shock. “Do it again and I’ll let you know,” you said. 
With a little more eagerness than either of you had expected, he did, eliciting the same sound from you. You leaned a little farther into him, giving him the same treatment. 
He melted into it seamlessly, whimpering in the prettiest way. 
“It’s good, right?” you asked softly, smiling ever so coquettishly. 
He nodded, entranced by you. “Yeah, a little bit,” he admitted. His fingers trailed a gentle path up and down your spine, respecting the boundaries of your shirt. “What’s a step up from a boyfriend?” he wondered aloud. 
You thought for a moment, your hands playing with his hair unintentionally. “A lover?” you offered. You nodded, satisfied with your answer. “Sounds about right to me.” 
Youngmin pulled you impossibly closer, your torsos pressed against each other. “Then... Can I kiss you like that?” he asked, a genuine request. You didn’t need to say anything verbally for him to know your answer; he just had to look into your eyes. 
Just as your lips touched and your tongues lightly grazed each other, you both heard footsteps coming down the hall. 
With expert speed, you wiped your mouths and jumped away from each other, immediately (and unconvincingly) looking back to the laptop screen, pretending to be completely enthralled with the plot-line. 
In truth though, you’d both been too caught up in each other to remember what it was even about. 
Daehwi peeked his head into the room. “Hey, Youngmin?” he started. He took one look at the two of you before snorting. “You guys are so not subtle,” he laughed. He spun on his heel and closed the door again before jogging further into the dorms. “Guys! Youngmin’s officially an adult!” he shouted. 
Youngmin groaned, covering his burning face with a pillow. “I’m gonna kill him...” he said, voice muffled by the cushion. 
You smiled playfully, even though you were equally as embarrassed. “I’m gonna thank him,” you said. 
He threw the pillow at you. “Don’t you dare become his enabler!” he warned.
Your jaw dropped. “Is that how you treat your girlfriend?” 
“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “But it’s how I treat my ex-best friend.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, sure, whatever—” You were cut off by another kiss. This one was emotional, expressive and precious, sending delightfully romantic shivers down your spine.
Youngmin pulled away, giving you a smile. “And my soulmate,” he said. 
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Why’d you do it, bruh... You know you’re just killing yourself. 😂 I hope that there was enough angst to satisfy you, Cheya. I know how much you love it. With Youngmin though, since you’re kinda sorta head-over-heels for him, I felt like a focus on slow-build romance was equally (if not more so) important. 
I hope it met your expectations/requirements and it didn’t disappoint. 
In summary, hope you enjoyed!
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moondnce · 4 years
Pulling your knees up to your chest, you buried yourself even deeper into the covers of your bed, hoping the soft sheets would bury you forever. You tried your best to steady your breathing and remain calm but it was no use. Within seconds, you felt the trails of tears rolling slowly down your cheeks. This time, the one person you would usually call to help dry your tears was now the reason for them.
Like a broken record, his words played over and over in your head. “It never meant anything, Y/N. You know that. I never had feelings for you.”
Soon, soft tears turned into loud sobs. You wanted to be angry at him. You wanted to hate him, but you couldn’t. It was your fault for ever believing a guy like him could change. You were doomed to this heart-break the minute you started letting your guard down. Falling for a guy like Youngmin was pointless. All the time you spent together, all the memories you cherished most meant nothing to him. For months, he had been the centre of your world and now everything was crumbling around you.
Curling your body up even tighter you wished for all of this to go away. You wished you could forget it all. You wish you could go back to a normal, happy life. More than anything, you wished you had never met Lim Youngmin.
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kp0p-4urever · 4 years
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Genre: Angst
Y/n POV   
   Me and Youngmin have been together for 3 years and today is our 3rd anniversary and I decided to tell that I am pregnant. I woke up early wanting to cook him breakfast only to notice there was no one beside me. ' He must have went to work' I thought as I cooked some breakfast for myself
  I called my best friend Yejin to go shopping with me and she agreed. We shop around for almost 2 hours I bought a cake for our anniversary and a pair of couple watch with our name carved on it. "Aigoo,Youngmin must be so lucky to have a girlfriend like you" Yejin said as she pinched my cheek. I just laugh and said " Nope, I am lucky to have such a perfect boyfriend."
I went back home and cooked us some dinner as I want our dinner to be simple. I light up the candle and wait for Youngmin to come back.
I looked at the clock it was 10 he usually come back at this time so I text him.
Where are you
                                I am having practice              
                                now will be late. 
Oh okay.
At 12 he was still not back and the candle had already melted. I decided to go for a walk in the park to forget today before sleeping.
As I was taking a stroll in the park I saw a cute couple on the bench kissing seeing this made me thought about Youngmin. As I was about to go home I heard Youngmin's voice and decided to follow it to realise it came from couple. Thinking I might be wrong I went closer to see that it was really Youngmin. I immediately called him " Where are you right now?" "I told you I am practicing with my members" he replied. " Oh really , look and see who is behind of you" he immediately turn back I saw me he quickly ran to my side and said" wait this is a misunderstanding" I just ignored his words and quickly went back home I ran into our bedroom and packed my clothes after that I wrote a letter and left it on the table before hurriedly went down stairs to flag a cab to Yejin's house.
Youngmin's POV
After y/n left I went to my second girlfriend, Chaemin and ask her to go home first. She nodded and kissed me before leaving. I quickly went back home and into our bed room to see no sign of  y/n and I open the cupboard to find y/n's clothes were gone and the only thing left was a letter.
I open the letter and read:
Dear Youngmin ,
Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary I guess you forgot about and decided to hang out with your new girlfriend. The gift and cake is on the table.
After I read finish, I went to the table to see a box and cake and table filled with food not touch. I open the gift there is a picture, a pair of watch and one more letter. 'surprise' with a picture of a ultrasound attached to it.
I was in a crying mess. I just lost two of the most important people in my life. That when I  regret cheating on her.
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6ixfics · 5 years
into the unknown
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you’re getting married in a month.
the words ring incessantly in your ears; like the bells early in the morning that wake you up from your deep slumber. upon hearing it from your mother herself that you’re due for marriage in four weeks, you excuse yourself back to your room. now sitting on the edge of your bed, you ball your hands into tight fists and let the tears of anger stream down your face.
“what? to whom? what for?” you’d thrown questions to the queen. “i’m barely of age — why am i getting married? you promised me when i was 18 that i was free to do anything until you step down from the throne!”
your mother gave you a warning look. “our kingdom is losing money at a dangerous rate,” she’d explained. “the kingdom of daejeon has offered to help us. they have a prince, and he’s more than suitable for you.”
“what does that have to do with me?” you were aware you sounded ignorant and irresponsible, but your priorities concerned yourself first. “prince of daejeon? please, father, you know i have feelings for someone else.” you pleaded, looking at the king in hopes of getting defended. before he can say anything, however, the queen places a hand over his to keep him at bay. “i don’t care if he’s a prince or not, mother!”
she stood up at the raise in tone of your voice. “prince or not, i’ve taught you well enough for you to know that i would never approve of you and youngmin,” she told you firmly, and you flinched, lips parted and eyes blown wide. “the engagement ring will be sent to your room. there will be no more discussion about your relationships, or your wedding. my word is final, and you will be marrying the prince of daejeon.”
that night during dinner, you keep your mouth shut, silently eating your food, immediately retreating back to your chambers when you finish. you sit yourself down on the queen-sized bed, your eyes falling to the navy blue velvet box sitting on your vanity desk, still untouched and unopened.
getting up on your feet and settling down on the stool in front of the desk, you take the box in your hand and cautiously open it, revealing a dainty silver ring which diamonds sparkle under the chandelier lights like stars. you hesitate, catching it between your index finger and thumb, pursing your lips together as you let out a long exhale. just as you are about to slip it onto your ring finger, your mind clouds with the thought of youngmin, and you almost instantly place it back onto the cushion of the box. you close it shut, pushing it towards the corner of the desk.
you leave your room, towards the library, having a hunch that he might be there. as suspected, when you open the glass doors, he’s sitting at the long table, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, too immersed in a book he probably found on a shelf at the fourth stairwell landing. as you drag a chair perpendicular to him and sit down, he’s a little taken aback, but recovers and places his small bookmark on the page before closing the book. “yes, your highness?”
“your highness?” you frown, eyes quizzical. “you never address me like that. it’s just me, youngmin,” your voice is quiet; because you’re in the library, yes, but mainly because you’re not feeling too good about where the conversation might go. “everything okay?”
youngmin can’t seem to look at you straight in the eye, his own eyes suddenly dull. “i heard,” he admits after a long silence. “you’re getting married to the prince of daejeon, aren’t you? did you come here to tell me?”
“youngmin, i had no say in this,” you point out. “you know that if i did, i would have rejected it immediately!” your fingers loosely grip his, resting atop the cover of the book. “you know i would have. i would never betray you like that — you know this.” his other hand comes out to cover yours, gently squeezing it, his gaze finally lifting up to meet yours.
he gives you an apologetic, solemn look. “princess,” he speaks again. “i know you would have done things differently if your voice was going to be heard, my sweetheart.” he takes both your hands in his, his thumb drawing circles at the back of them. “but this is your fate now. your duty as a member of the royal family to keep your kingdom at its best condition. remember what i told you on your 19th birthday, right when the fireworks display started?”
you look up at him, holding back the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “i told you that if we’re just not meant to be together, to stay together, then i won’t battle fate just to change it,” he reaches up to catch a stray tear from the corner of your eye, then caressing your cheek. “i just want you to know that, when you leave this kingdom, and you just happen to find yourself to be happy with the prince,” he pauses, searching your eyes. “i’ll wait for you back here not as your lover, but as your tutor, your friend who has shared knowledge with you and taught you how to love.”
as soon as the words leave his lips, you let yourself cry, pulled into youngmin’s chest as he kneels beside your chair. to think that you are going to have to leave the man you love behind to marry another just to save your kingdom from bankruptcy. it causes your heart to boil and your insides to churn, but soon you’ll have to learn that everything you feel or say aren’t going to make a difference in the kingdom of daejeon.
after all, you’re merely a princess arranged to marry the prince — but somehow it feels like you are a tradeoff for the money being sent to the kingdom of busan.
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b612sunsets · 3 years
Ep 14 SPOILERS. Be warned, proceed at your own risk.
It’s not every cute fond and proud gaze they gave each other, nor all the banter and flirting scenes, but this right here were the highlights of episode 14 for me.
We had possessive and protective Youngmin in episode 13 saying “My boy Seungtak” “You think you know him better than me?” and in this ep with “The Seungtak I knew” “No one can ruin Seung Tak” and now we have possessive and (more of the) protective Seungtak saying “My teacher” “My mighty professor” and “Don’t you lay a finger on him again”. Also, Sejin with “I’m starting to wonder if you two have a special bond”. Yeah, it’s called soulmates (ghostmates).
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And of course, their way of saying “I love you” with other words:
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@poet01000101 @prettylilthing07 @arthemisxluna @inescated @gays-captian @fanfictionroxs
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flowerboyyoonbin · 5 years
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☀︎ — fluff
☔︎ — angst
☻ — crack
✩ — personal favorites
✎ — ongoing series
✄ — discontinued
✔ — completed
☏ — social media au
❁ — requests
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jeon woong
None yet
kim donghyun
None yet
park woojin
None yet
lee daehwi 
None yet
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Former member(s):
lim youngmin 
↳ [11:54pm] | ☀︎ ☔︎ ❁
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donghyxns · 7 years
home | Kim Donghyun
character: donghyun
genre: angst/fluff
summary: you brought him home
word count: 839
*based on the song “sleep in the heat” by pup :) // also im super sorry this is literal trash i havent been writing a lot recently :(
you never thought your life would come to this. you never thought in a million years you would be sitting in front of a very cute, stranger. you never thought you would willingly take in a stranger just because he had no home.
maybe you were a saint. maybe you were crazy. maybe you were blinded by his good looks. who knows?
“what’s your name?” you cross your arms over your stomach while looking at the very uncomfortable and shy boy.
he clears his throat, running his hands through his very dirty hair, “donghyun. kim donghyun…” he trails off, eyes shifting down to your wooden floors and white couch. he immediately stands up, a look of panic crossing through his face and eyes.
“i’m so sorry… i-i made your couch dirty…. i’m gonna go.” but before he could leave, your hand was reaching out to stop him.
“do you wanna…. take a shower and eat dinner with me before you leave?” that was the exact moment you and donghyun connected with each other.
donghyun decided to stay over that night. then that night turned into a couple of days. then those couple of days turned into weeks which turned into months. it was currently month six now.
you look over at donghyun who was washing the dishes.
you heard plates clanking together and donghyun giving a loud sigh.
“what’s wrong?” you ask him. he looks over at you with guilt across his face.
“you’ve done so much for me and i’ve done literally nothing. you give me food, a place to sleep, entertainment, and you buy me clothes. i do nothing for you. i’m such a freeloader.” he shakes his head, guilt in his body language.
you felt bad that he felt that way.
you walk over to him and wrap your arms around him in a tight  embrace, “donghyun, you aren’t a freeloader. you clean my house, you wash the dishes, you do the laundry, you make sure i’m happy at all times. you are welcome here, donghyun. trust me, if i didn’t want you here you would have been kicked out a long time ago.”
he looks down at you with a smile on his lips and returns the embrace.
he was finally somewhere he could call home.
it was now around eight months since donghyun has started to live with you and every moment was lively and exciting. donghyun was a very positive person even with the circumstances he went through at a young age.
“i’ll be home in around five hours, okay?” you tell him while he was folding laundry in the living room. he looks up at you and gives you a cute smile and a slight nod. you wave at him and exit out of your front door.
you had to go to your work for a couple of hours and you felt bad for leaving donghyun alone. he always seemed so sad when you had to leave. thankfully today he seemed actually okay about you leaving.
you were glad. you hated seeing him sad.
the five hours at work seemed to fly by as you were constantly on your feet and doing something. you were glad to finally come home so you could relax and watch some youtube with donghyun. that was his favorite part of his day, you coming home and watching youtube together.
you step inside your apartment and notice the laundry in the same position in the living room as you left the house five hours earlier. you furrow your eyebrows, usually he would be sitting on the couch waiting for you to come home.
“donghyun?” the house remained silent, “donghyun?!” you say a bit louder, hopefully to get his attention. it didn’t work though. the house remained completely silent. the only noise was the slight buzz of the TV.
you walked into your room and saw him laying on your bed, back turned away from the door. you feel your shoulders immediately relax as you walk over to him with a slight smile on your face.
you place your hand on his sweatshirt covered shoulder and start to shake him slightly, “dongdongie, let’s bake some cookies.”
you continue to shake him slightly. his body wasn’t moving, “donghyun?? donghyun?!?!” you put your two hands on his shoulders and flip him on his back.
he looked like he was peacefully asleep. his skin was perfectly tanned and his pink lips were parted slightly like he was breathing. panic starts to set in as you lean your head down to his lips and nose to hear for his breathing.
you look around your bed frantically, tears welling up in your eyes and body numbing. you couldn’t believe what was happening at the moment. you felt like you could barely move.
right beside his unmoving body was a bottle of pills.
you hand shoots out to grab the bottle of painkillers. it was empty.
the bottle flies out of your hand and slams against your mirror.
he’s not waking up.
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