ingridkepkova · 11 years
Séria Psycho-auto-portrét
Prvotným impulzom bolo školské zadanie – autoportrét. Snaha zachytiť samú seba pomocou pohľadu do zrkadla alebo bez neho, z môjho mentálneho obrazu o samej sebe, napokon vyústila do mocného nástroja na vyjadrovanie svojich emócií svetu a ľuďom okolo mňa. Vznikol ďalší prostriedok pre autoterapiu.
Psycho-Self-Portrait Series 
First impulse was a school project - a self-portrait. While trying to capture myself through the gaze in the mirror or without it, from my mental image of myself, a powerful tool for expressing my emotions to the world and those around me was born. It became another form of my autotherapy.
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ingridkepkova · 6 years
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Installation After beauty
VV VUNU #2 / Druhá výročná výstava VUNU 26. september (streda) / Baťov dom / Hlavná 29 / Košice
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ingridkepkova · 6 years
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00kniha, Ingrid Kepková and Viera Zubalová, Košice, 2016
Time-lapse experimental project by Ingrid Kepková and Viera Zubalová -  Diaries from summer 2015 set in the area of Kospace (Košice, Slovakia) symbolically closes the 12-month life cycle of young girls.
Notes were originaly published on the Tumblr blog where two authors independently added posts without signing them. Notes reflect on the psychic states of the “mad girls”, as well as the specific atmosphere they “sensed in the air” in the Košice city during the summer months. 
Notes were ilustrated by paintings, capturing natural phenomenons as Blue Moon, Persian Meteor Shower, summer storms and so on.
Material used for paniting bases were found on the streets of Kosice. Paintings were later installed back at these public spaces. Tumblr blog was deleted at the end od the project to “close the portal of the magical events”.
Project was presented in the “Reading Room”/ KLUB, Košice; Kino Úsmev, Košice; Central Slovak Gallery in Banská Bystrica at the Open Studio of Magic, where it was performatively read by Viera Zubalová during performance “Ritual” by Ingrid Kepková.
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ingridkepkova · 6 years
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The difference between beauty and disgust, Ingrid Kepková, VV VUNU#1 - Prvá výročná výstava
Vernisáž: 27.09. I 19:00, Trvanie výstavy: 27.09. - 30.09.2017, Bývalý Strojzvar I Strojárenská 3 I Košice
On the relationship between the object and the human perception.
On boundary between beautiful and disgusting.
On the basis of authenticity of disgust.
Biological versus synthetic material.
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
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STOCK col. first exhibition, Wave. Before it was cool: print, Viktória Lengyelová, Viera Zubalová, Ingrid Kepková, 2017
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
Schematic complex, Uzhhorod, 2016
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
Women of Uzhgorod, Viktória Lengyelová a Ingrid Kepková, Sovine hniezdo, Užhorod, Ukraine, 2017
Artists Viktória Lengyelová and Ingrid Kepková created project focusing on feminine themes that naturally came to them while becoming familiar with „social mood“ in the streets of Uzghorod while being on the two months residency there.
Project brings insights into women living in Uzhgorod. Inspiration came from the concept of traditional women beauty slowly mixing with contemporary aesthetic of women today. Artists observed women in public space noticing their more or less present femininity and the way they work with it.They decided to record simple interviews with local Ukrainian women, trying to uncower what is hidden under the first impression of physical appearance. The answers tells us much more about their lifes than the first impression ever could.
Site specific installation, photographic and audio material, collected with the permission of participants.
Performance: Using beauty supplies and textiles bought in Uzghorod.
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
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site-specific installation Not so blank with Viktória Lengyelová / Koniareň, Slovakia, 2017
"It's always like this: things are being played on the conscious level of adversaries, war, irreconcilability, irreconcilable ideologies, but what actually happens beneath the surface?" (Jean Baudrillard)
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
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Performance and performative reading with Viera Zubalová, book Hľadanie autora - Marcel Lacko, Kotolňa, Košice, 2017
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
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Performance with Martin Koniar, EQO, Noiseability, 2017
abour letting prejudices go
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ingridkepkova · 10 years
Mhm... , videoart, 2013
The video explores the concept of guilt within relationships, shedding light on its relative nature and dynamics.
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ingridkepkova · 7 years
Seconds of life, videoart, 2015
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ingridkepkova · 8 years
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Child´s game/ selection of photos / 3 art books / photography
Child’s subconscious reconstructed by adult consciousness
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ingridkepkova · 8 years
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Various art books/ selection/ photography, collage, drawing, text
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ingridkepkova · 8 years
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Záznam, reality / Solo exhibition / art books & scrapbooks / VUNU gallery / curator Nikolas Bernáth/ Košice, Slovakia / 2016
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