#youngbae mbti
noona-clock · 7 years
Study: Dong Youngbae
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite KPOP idols.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Taurus (Earth)
Knowing what I do about Youngbae, he relates to his Sun Sign probably the most out of any of his signs. As I did some more research on Taurus, I kept nodding and saying ‘Yep, that’s him’ to myself. Personally, I relate to my moon sign a bit more than my sun sign, so it’s always interesting to me to see what other people think of theirs! (If only I could actually ask Youngbae what his thoughts are).
Taurus are very down to earth people (they are an Earth sign, after all); they’re reliable, genuine, and authentic. They have no apologies for being who they are. Youngbae is most definitely a Taurus in this aspect. He’s one of the most humble and down to earth idols, and he’s so true to himself it’s not even funny. He is who he is, and he won’t say sorry about it (unless he does something others might deem disrespectful, of course). They are also great friends because they’re so genuine, and they’re also very loyal to the people they love. Youngbae demonstrates this by being such a caring, loving friend to the other members of BigBang.
Taurus also prefer to live stable, chaos-free lives, and this is very evident when you watch his episode of I Live Alone. He likes to balance out the hectic life of being an idol with a very calm, quiet life at home. If he’s at home, he’s going to just sit around and do whatever he feels like doing - in his pajamas. Speaking of pajamas, Taurus like to collect things. If they like something, they have more than one of them. And, apparently, Youngbae likes pajamas! Taurus also really value permanence; they like things to basically stay the same, and I think we see that when Youngbae talks about BigBang’s futures. He’s always promising VIPs they’ll be back, and he loves to talk about where they’ll all be years from now. He definitely doesn’t want anything about BigBang to change for as long as he can help it. We can also see this side of him in the fact he just got married to the only girl he’s dated since debuting as an idol!
Another Taurus trait Youngbae fully embodies is that they’re tough and resilient but very sensitive on the inside. Youngbae is pretty emotional, and he has some deep feelings (which you’ll see in his MBTI), but he doesn’t often show it because he is so tough. He’s a very strong person emotionally and mentally. Taurus do tend to take things personally, and I think this might be why Youngbae likes to make fun of himself - in a good way. One of my favorite things is when he’ll post a picture on Instagram of himself as a meme. I just love that, while he is a very serious person, he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He has such a delightful sense of humor!
A Taurus’ career is very important to them, and they will work extremely hard to be successful and become financially stable. Bigbang in general are some of the hardest working idols out there, and Youngbae could even be one of the hardest working in the group. He’s very passionate about his music, and one of his main concerns is making sure VIPs are happy. A lot of Taurus do find they love to creatively express themselves and become performers. Funnily enough, Taurus is ruled by the throat, so... is it any surprise Youngbae is such an amazing singer?
Moon Sign: Gemini (Air)
Gemini is one of the craziest signs in the Zodiac because they have so many different sides to them. Not a lot of them apply to Youngbae, but I did pick out some aspects I think fit him pretty well! Like I said, he probably relates more to his sun sign than his moon sign - Taurus fits him so well, don’t you think?
Gemini are very persistent! They will not give up until they’ve achieved what they want to achieve. There are quite a few politicians (and rappers) who are Gemini; they know what they want, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get there. Gemini also have constantly working minds, and sometimes they show that by being extremely talkative. The really smart Geminis don’t always share their thoughts, and we all know Youngbae has his Master’s degree (something I actually have in common with him!).
Gemini are also very confident in their abilities, and they know they can the best job possible when trying to achieve something. Youngbae definitely knows he’s an amazing singer and dancer - he’s always showing off his skills! They also tend to have good people skills, and they know how to make people happy which only aids them in achieving the success they know they deserve. Youngbae, as I’ve mentioned, cares so much about making VIPs happy. He’s always so sweet, and he takes his time when meeting fans outside of concerts. On the flip side, Geminis can be savage. And if you think Youngbae can’t be savage, just think of his Instagram. The horse teeth one he posted in December. He comments on fans’ pictures of him (caption: youngbae is so charming. comment: am i charming? caption: youngbae slayed my life. comment: did i?). He commented “thank u” on CL’s selfie captioned “Okay, I’ll stop.” He’s even savage to HIMSELF. So... yes. Youngbae is savage like a Gemini.
Chinese Astrology: Earth Dragon
Like Jiyong, Youngbae is an Earth Dragon. There’s a reason these two are best friends!
Dragons really like to be the center of attention, and we all know Youngbae does, too. He is definitely not shy in any sense of the word, and Dragons are usually extremely outgoing and great at attracting publicity and attention. A lot of Dragons are known for being showmen, and they have such attractive personalities, they rarely ever lack an audience.The Instagram video Youngbae posted from his wedding was Prime Dragon.
Dragons are known to be the luckiest sign in the Chinese Zodiac, and they have a tendency to be very successful. Their self-assuredness and desire to succeed help them go far in their career, and obviously Youngbae fits this description. While he is super outgoing, he’s also very serious, and he takes his career seriously, as well. Some people might mistake his seriousness for being quiet, but he’s really not.
In addition, Dragons really like to give it their all in whatever they do. Youngbae is very passionate about music, and he’s an extremely hard worker. He’s described himself as an over-achiever before, and that’s definitely the Dragon in him.
Numerology: Life Path 4
Like Seunghyun, Youngbae has a Life Path number of 4. 4s are known as “The Teacher,” and I think we see this in Youngbae as a hyung (or even a dongsaeng). He not only likes to impart his wisdom on his members and fans, but he likes to take care of them, teaching them about self-care and giving advice. He certainly loves to help people (as we will discuss a bit more in the next section). 
Home life is very important and prominent in the life of a 4. If you watched Youngbae’s episode of “I Live Alone,” you will immediately know this is true for him, too. His home life is very quiet and peaceful. He takes the time to cook for himself, he stays in (different pairs of) pajamas all day to feel as comfortable as possible, and he loves to just be at home.
In fact, having a quiet home life is essential for 4s because of the way they take in and process information. Since they are known as Teachers, they love to devour information in hopes of sharing it with the world. They sometimes process so much it leads to sensory overload. This is where a quiet, secure home life comes in handy - to keep the brain calm.
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
It took me far too long to realize/admit that Youngbae is Introverted. But then I watched him on “I Live Alone,” and I understood everything. He’s definitely an Introvert (he likes his alone time), but he’s a VERY outgoing Introvert, which definitely tricked me into thinking he was an Extrovert. 
Those who are typed as Intuitive are more interested in the possibilities of what could be, so they tend to look more toward the future than the past. I believe Youngbae would type as an N because he’s one to quickly answer whenever an interviewers asks them where BigBang will be in 10 years (or which one of them will become a father first). At concerts, he’s always telling VIPs to wait for them, promising us they’ll be back because he has the ability to imagine what might happen in their future as a group. As an Intuitive, Youngbae also trusts symbols and metaphors more than his actual life experiences, and I believe this is why he’s religious. He has so much faith, and he’s proud of it since he’s tattooed more than one religious symbol on his body. Obviously, not all Ns are religious, but I think they probably have a greater propensity to be.
Anyone who knows Youngbae will agree he is certainly more Feeling than Thinking. He’s very emotional and sensitive, and he’s so, so thoughtful. I will always remember the letter he wrote to Seunghyun while he was filming his movie in Europe. That has ‘decision made with the heart’ written all over it. INFJs are known as “The Advocate.” We love to help people, and Youngbae is very much a helper. He wants to help people with his music, and he’s said before he would much rather become known as a meaningful singer.
When a person is typed as a Judging personality, it means they most interact with the outside world when they’re making decisions (whereas Perceiving types interact with the outside world when taking in information). This is connected to the F/T dimension, and Youngbae has shown signs of his Feeling dimension being more dominant. His stage name, Taeyang, means “Sun,” so that shows you just how outwardly his heart shines. Judging personalities also tend to be more structured in how they live their life, but this is not always the case.
Fun fact: Both Admins are INFJ, though Admin B is most definitely a shy introvert, so it seems hard to believe Youngbae is the same type!
Other Studies: Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung, Lee Seunghyun
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socialistseunghyun · 7 years
Have you ever thought about bb's MBTI types? My guesses are TOP: ISTP | Taeyang: INFJ | Seungri: ESTP | Daesung: ISFJ | GD: xNTJ. Least sure about gd but i do think he is on the introvert-extrovert borderline. :)
oooooh i haven't but it is interesting!!! 
(im gonna borrow the descriptions from the myers briggs ws)
dae for me is either ISFJ (like me!!!) like you said or ISFP: ‘Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.’
youngbae - i agree w/ INFJ: ‘Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.’
seunghyun - imo he’s closer to INFP than ISTP (he just doesn't seem that logical to me ajsdhfksd, instead i see him as quite idealistic and value driven): ‘Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.’
jiyong - i agree with xNTJ, but i think he’s more introverted than extroverted tbhhhh: ‘Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance - for themselves and others.’
seungri - i think he’s the only extrovert of the bunch tbh. ESTP sounds a lot like him! but for me i think ENTP sounds the closest: ‘Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.’
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noona-clock · 7 years
Study: Kwon Jiyong
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite KPOP idols.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Leo (Fire)
Jiyong is basically the epitome of a Leo, and I feel he really lets that show in his stage persona. G-Dragon = Leo. He likes to be the center of attention because he’s so supremely confident in just about every aspect. He’s not afraid to wear anything when it comes to clothing, hair, makeup - whatever - because he knows he always looks good. Even when he’s got rattails or a mullet or long hair on one side and shaved on the other, he looks good because his confidence just radiates from within, and he truly doesn’t care what other people think. He can just literally pull off anything. 
There’s such a strong, personal magnetism to Leos, including Jiyong. People want to be around them which contributes to them wanting to be the center of attention. Since Jiyong is so supremely talented (another Leo trait), all eyes are on him in the KPOP world. He’s undeniably a huge influence in the music industry as well as the fashion industry, and for good reason. He’s incredibly creative and ambitious, and there’s something about him that just draws you to him. It can take you a while to understand him because he is so different and unique, but in the end, he’ll pull you in.
Fearless and strong are two words which 100% describe Jiyong. We’ve already talked about how he’s fearless with his appearance, but he’s also fearless in his career. He’s not afraid to write whatever songs he needs to write. He’s not afraid to diss the MAMAs while performing at the MAMAs. He’s also not afraid to show off just how successful he is - and deservedly so. He’s the most copyrighted Korean artist, for crying out loud!
Kind of on the flip side, Leos are known to be warm and loving and personable, all of which fit Jiyong. He’s an amazing friend and leader to the members of BigBang and other YG artists. He loves to show affection, so he’s almost always hugging or touching the people around him. This side of his Leo really shows off-stage, when he’s more Jiyong than G-Dragon.
There’s one phrase which describes Leos pretty well, and I think it certainly applies to Jiyong: A Leo is 40% nice, 60% don’t fuck with me.
Moon Sign: Libra (Air)
If G-Dragon = Leo, then Jiyong = Libra. He’s so charming and good-looking, and people just like to be around him because he’s so attractive. His looks may not be your cup of tea, but he’s definitely got some otherworldly good looks going on. Libras possess a sort of breezy elegance, and Jiyong shows that by wearing high fashion, donning women’s clothing, and just looking good in a simple t-shirt. He’s the kind of person who could pull off a burlap sack, not that he ever would because his aesthetic taste is just so freakin’ classy.
Another part of Jiyong’s attractiveness is his calm, cool, collected aura. He’s almost unapproachable because he gives off such a Cool Cat vibe, and his exuding confidence doesn’t help that at all. But his warmth and caringness are what ends up drawing people in. People also like to be around him because of how he expresses himself. He has a way with words which really shines through in his songs; he’s a songwriting genius because he’s honed the ability to express his thoughts and feelings in such clever and intelligent ways.
Astrologers like to describe Libra Moons as charming, social, adaptable, artistic, graceful, and clear-thinking. This is Jiyong in a nutshell. He’s sweet as can be, he knows how to charm the pants off people, he’s one of the most talented music artists in the world, he exudes grace and elegance no matter where he goes, and he’s a strong leader of BigBang.
Chinese Astrology: Earth Dragon
If Jiyong were any other Chinese Zodiac sign, nothing in this world would make sense. Leos, Libras, and Dragons just go together like bread and butter. 
Dragons are extremely self-confident and they love being the center of attention (sound familiar?). They’re wildly talented, and they devote themselves to using their talents. They have a tremendous desire to become successful, and their intuition and artistic tendencies help them immensely to fulfill this desire. Dragons are also known to be agreeable and personable, but like actual dragons, they’re fierce, ferocious, and even dangerous. Does this sound like Jiyong to anyone else, or is it just me?
Chinese culture sees the Dragon as the luckiest sign. Those born in the year of the Dragon seem to be followed by good fortune, and they are blessed with the Midas Touch. Jiyong certainly has been. His name alone can ensure success, like with his wildly popular brand peaceminusone. Overall, Dragons are just successful, and there’s no denying Jiyong is one of the most (if not the most) successful artists in Korea.
(Fun fact: If I had been born 11 days earlier, I would be an Earth Dragon, as well. Thank goodness I wasn’t because I am most definitely not a Dragon. Snake all the way, yo!)
Numerology: Life Path 7
Those born with a Life Path number of 7 tend to be bright, intelligent, intense, and spiritual. They are always seeking truth and knowledge; they’re even known as ‘The Seeker.’ I think we see this in Jiyong because he’s always seeking out how he can grow as an artist. He’s not afraid of the truth, and he’s always willing to share his knowledge through his songs. He’s definitely intelligent and intense, as well. He won’t do things half-assed, and he puts his whole self into whatever he does.
Number 7s also possess an aura of mystery and secrecy. Jiyong can be pretty coy, and it really is sometimes hard to tell if he’s G-Dragon, Jiyong, or a little of both. He certainly likes to keep his private life private, and he very rarely posts selfies on social media. Overall, 7s are just kind of hard to figure out, and I feel like that describes Jiyong pretty well.
Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging
Many people would classify Jiyong as Extroverted, but I feel pretty strongly he leans a little more toward Introversion. I think he spends a lot of time inside his own mind, and he knows himself very well. He thinks way more than he speaks. I wouldn’t say he’s completely introverted (like I am, lol), as he does seem to draw energy from performing in front of thousands of people. He also doesn’t hate going out to party, but he’s mentioned before how he likes to just be at home alone. Jiyong has even described himself as an introvert.
Those with the Intuitive trait are really good at seeing the big picture. Their thinking is more abstract and conceptual, and a lot of that can be seen in Jiyong’s songwriting. His lyrics many times have hidden meanings; he also loves using metaphors and symbolism in songs. His whole Kwon Ji Yong EP was one of the most conceptual albums put out last year. Each song was connected even though they sound completely different, and the album as a whole symbolizes who he is as an artist and a person. 
Jiyong is a big softie, yes, but he’s most definitely a Thinker. He is constantly thinking, and he tends not to let his emotions rule his choices. I believe his Thinking trait is so clearly seen in his songs. He’s not really the type to write a lot of emotional songs, though If You is one of my very favorites. Rather, his songs are clever, witty, full of plays on words, and just about everything has more than one meaning. He’s always thinking about what to do next, how he can better himself as an artist, what he can do to push the boundaries. 
The last of the four dimensions relates to how people identify with the outside world. Judgers show more dominance with their judging function - either thinking or feeling. Jiyong is a Judger because of his very apparent extraverted thinking. Everything he does is very planned, almost calculated, and he’s one of the most thoughtful artists. Judgers also approach life in a structured way, and they really prefer to take control and make their own choices when it comes to their life. While some might think creative minds don’t fit with the J dimension, Jiyong is also an extremely savvy businessman. His art is his business, and it’s made him extremely successful. In fact, the INTJ personality is known as ‘The Architect,’ and it’s safe to say Jiyong has pretty effectively designed and built his own empire.
Other Studies: Choi Seunghyun, Dong Youngbae, Kang Daesung, Lee Seunghyun
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noona-clock · 6 years
Study: Admin T
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite Noona-Clock Admins.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Pisces (Water)
Pisces is one of the more *~magical signs in the Zodiac because it’s ruled by Neptune, the planet of mysticism and fantasy. And since Pisces ends out the Astrological calendar, they tend to feel very closely connected to spirituality, reincarnation, and the “other side,” whatever that may mean for you. But they also have a very strong understanding of the world - or what the world means to them. They like to paint pictures of what they want to be the reality, so they’re usually pretty optimistic and positive. Admin T is definitely one of the most positive people I’ve ever met! She always looks for something good in any situation or every person (which is another Pisces trait). She can make friends easily because she’s so bright and cheerful.
Going off this kind of mystical aspect of Pisces, they can be very dreamy and like to escape by doing things like making or listening to music or writing - or just being creative in general. T loves listening to music - a wide variety of music, at that. And she obviously loves to write! It’s a way for her to relax, especially when she’s feeling stressed from work or just needs some self-care time.
Pisces are also very emotional since they are a water sign. They tend to be susceptible to other peoples’ emotions, acting as sort of a sponge to how other people are feeling. If you’re stressed out or anxious about something, and you talk to a Pisces, they’ll get stressed out or anxious. If you unload your negative emotions on a Pisces, they’ll pick them up and feel them, too. T definitely has these Pisces traits! She’s a great listener and will help you through anything, but it does take a toll on her. She is very, very empathetic and compassionate.
Being emotional, sympathetic, and compassionate also means Pisces tend to be very generous, giving, and romantic. They are wonderful friends because of this and because they’re non-judgmental, extremely forgiving, and accepting of mistakes. This definitely describes T to a T (...lol). She’s one of my very best friends for many reasons, but a big reason being she is accepting of who I am, and she doesn’t try to change me. She definitely doesn’t judge me - or anyone, for that matter! She’s extremely understanding, and she also is always thinking of things to do for other people. She’s generous with her time, her love, and especially her writing!
Moon Sign: Aries (Fire)
So, basically, anyone who has a Water sun sign and Fire moon sign can be described as “Soft on the outside, hard on the inside.” This is definitely T! She’s such a sweet, loving person - but she’s not going to take any bullshit from anyone, ever. This is her Aries moon shining through!!
Aries, being a fire sign, are very powerful and energetic, but they’re definitely the most loving and caring fire sign. They truly are some of the most loving people, even though their love tends to come out in... interesting ways. They will show how much they care about you by being brutally honest with you, and T will certainly do this. She doesn’t love confrontation, but if something needs to be said, she’s going to say it. She won’t sugarcoat, but she’s also not going to be mean about it because she is so loving.
Aries are also known to be one of the most self-centered signs, but not necessarily in a selfish way. They put themselves first in terms of looking out for themselves and making sure they’re getting taken care of. T is a Queen of Self-Care. She makes time for herself quite often whether it’s cooking, writing, reading, working out, and doing her skincare routine every night. She definitely makes sure she gets her self-care in there because she knows how important she is!
Aries, especially those who have Aries in their lunar placement, tend to need to get all of their emotions and feelings out. They love journaling or writing because it helps them get all their thoughts or emotions on paper, and T is a huge fan of journals! She loves writing things down, and she lives her life by lists because it helps her to write out what she’s thinking. 
Chinese Astrology: Earth Dragon
Just like Jiyong and Youngbae! So is it any wonder she’s amazing?
Dragons are seen to be the luckiest of all the signs in the Chinese Zodiac, so those born in the year of the Dragon are usually blessed in more ways than one. They experience hardships, of course, but their life is generally just lucky. Earth Dragons, in particular, are very positive and cheerful. We’ve already established T is a very positive and optimistic person. She never fails to brighten my day, and she very rarely lets her negative emotions get the best of her. 
Earth Dragons are also pretty fierce. They’re not afraid of anyone, really, but they don’t use their fierceness against other people. Dragons are definitely not bullies! They just have very strong characters! Female Dragons moreso than Male Dragons should not be underestimated; they will stand up for themselves of their loved ones, and they will win. T, for all the positivity and love and emotion she’s filled in, is not someone you want to mess with. She certainly has a sassy side to her, and she will not hesitate to give you a talking to you if she feels you really need one. But know she’s not doing it with any sort of mean spirit!
Numerology: Life Path 4
Those born with the life path number of 4 are known as The Teacher. 4s love learning and they tend to devour information, especially about topics in which they’re interested. They learn all they can about them, and then they turn around and impart their knowledge to others.
4s are also usually pretty serious, though they certainly have a sense of humor! They’re not totally serious, they just tend to take life a bit more serious. They liked to offer advice, and they truly just like to help people out with the information they’ve learned. I do think T is someone who likes to help people, and she’ll always try her best to turn situations into a “teachable moment,” especially to our younger readers who don’t have as much life experience as we Noonas do!
As much as 4s love giving advice, it can be quite difficult for them to take it themselves - especially if the advice is more like criticism. They’re perfectionists, basically, and if a 4 doesn’t do something perfectly according to his/her own standards... Well, it’s just not an ideal situation. T is definitely a perfectionist, and she can sometimes stress if she thinks she’s not trying hard enough or doing a good enough job. Of course, she always does an amazing job - she just needs to be reminded of that sometimes!
Home is very important to a 4. 4s really like security, and having a place to call home is the best source for that. T does love spending time at home, but I think her true home is being with someone she loves rather than any building. 
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
Admin T is definitely an Introvert as she loves to have “Me time,” but she’s also a very outgoing introvert. It might seem like she’s an extrovert because she’s not shy, but too much social activity can be very draining for her! She loves staying home and immersing herself in something, like books or writing. In fact, she’s said many times she has a bad habit of being too much of a homebody. (I don’t think it’s a bad habit, but that’s just me!)
T is also an Intuitive type meaning she has the capability to think more abstractly. She’s able to see patterns in information and can more easily read between the lines than Sensing individuals. She’s very open to new ideas and experiences, and she remembers things more by the impression they left on her rather than the small details.
As you might be able to guess by her Sun sign, T is a very Feeling individual. She has a huge heart, and she definitely lets her heart make a lot of her decision. She’s very empathetic and compassionate, and she has a lot of feelings! She’s in touch with her emotions, and she lets her emotions guide her decisions and choices.
Finally, T types as a Judging individual. Most of the time, Judgers like to live their lives in a very organized manner. T definitely loves making lists and writing things down in very structured way, so it’s no surprise she’s a J. This also means her judging function is dominant, which would be her Feeling aspect. She uses her feeling preference to make decisions more than her intuitive preference to gather information.
INFJs are known as The Advocate. We love to help people, but in a very ‘need to make the world a better place’ way. We don’t want to just pay for somebody’s meal at the drive-thru because we know it’s a nice thing to do. We do it because we want to start a Pay It Forward movement, to help people help others. We love having a cause, and we are relentless about making the world a better place.
Other Studies: Admin B
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noona-clock · 7 years
Study: Lee Seunghyun
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite KPOP idols.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Sagittarius (Fire)
If you know anything about astrology, you will know Lee Seunghyun is a Sagittarius. Through. And. Through. I really feel like there’s nothing about Sagittarius that doesn’t apply to Seunghyun? It’s almost freaky.
Sagittarius signs are fun to be around, plain and simple. They’re super enthusiastic, and they’re very good at telling stories and making people laugh. Does this sound familiar? Seunghyun is 100% the most enthusiastic and fun member of BigBang. He’s the maknae, yes, but it’s not a maknae act! He’s just genuinely positive and outgoing and fun-loving and flirty. This is completely the Sagittarius in him! 
Sagittarius is a sign which is ruled by Jupiter, known to be one of the luckiest planets. So Sagittarians are just generally lucky people. They don’t live perfect lives, of course, but things usually seem to work out in their favor. They are very important people most of the time, and they’re very aware of their importance and purpose in life. They’re definitely known to be confident - a lot of the time, even over-confident. And I’m pretty sure VIPs will agree with me when I say Seunghyun is extremely confident. But he has a right to be! Like a Sagittarius usually is, Seunghyun is good at everything! He is a jack of all trades, certainly, and he dabbles in so many different things. He loves to learn, especially languages, which is another Sagittarius trait.
Along with the Sagittarius confidence comes the ability to know they deserve to be treated well. I’m pretty sure Seunghyun only puts up with teasing from his hyungs because... they’re his hyungs. There’s always that look on his face which clearly says “I really don’t deserve this.” But he doesn’t get upset because he knows he’s the maknae, and he has to respect his elders.
Moon Sign: Libra (Air)
Like Jiyong, Seunghyun’s moon sign is Libra. While I’m pretty positive he identifies more with his Sun sign, I can still definitely see some Libra in him. Libras are described as charming, social, adaptable, and artistic. While Seunghyun doesn’t contribute much to the music of BigBang, he has mastered the art of business. He’s also extremely charming and social - his picture is next to those two words in the dictionary. And he’s certainly adaptable - or at least willing to be adaptable! He’s not scared to put himself in any situation, and he’ll try just about anything once!
Libras are also very drawn to expensive things. They like to treat themselves to designer clothing, expensive watches, amazing gourmet food, and we really do see this in Seunghyun. He’s always dressed to the 9s (whether or not his taste is your taste), and he cares a lot about how he looks. He cares about how the people around him look, too! He’s extremely concerned with image, and he only wants the best (which would also be his Sagittarius side coming out, lol).
While I usually don’t talk too much about the negative sides to a sign, I have to bring up the fact Libras can be very melodramatic. Because Seunghyun can also be very melodramatic. He’s so extra and over the top, and that’s why we love him, right?
Chinese Astrology: Metal Horse
It’s times like this when I just love studying astrology. When I was reading descriptions on different websites for the Horse, I just kept going “Um, yes. That’s our Seungri, all right. YEP, that’s him too. Wait, is this actually written about Seungri and not just horses in general?” IT’S CRAZY!
Horses are known for being brave, ambitious, charming, persuasive, determined, likable... Need I go on?
Seunghyun is just a true horse, okay? Just like he’s a true Sagittarius! The Chinese Zodiac views Horses as extremely lovely, charming people who have very active social lives. Most of the time, they have massive amounts of friends, and they spend a lot of their time with people. Seunghyun is basically friends with everyone, have you noticed? He’s always popping up in other idols’ Instagram posts and stories! And in his own stories, he’s always tagging a bunch of people, and his posts are very rarely of him just by himself. His social circle is huge, and that’s how he likes it.
Horses are also very determined to succeed. Their goal in life is to just go as far as they can without stopping. Seunghyun certainly does this. He’s extremely hard-working; he’s literally always doing something, always making connections, always putting himself out there. If someone in life is going to succeed, it’s going to be a Horse, and Seunghyun is a Horse through and through. Horses also tend to have a wide range of interests, and this has helped Seunghyun in his endeavors. He does so many things! Music, clubs, DJing, ramen restaurants, record labels, medical companies, cafes... What doesn’t he do?!
Numerology: Life Path  7
Honestly, I wasn’t that surprised when I found out Seunghyun’s Life Path number is the same as Jiyong’s. I mean, we saw earlier they have the same moon sign! But I do feel like both of them share pretty similar life goals. They both want to become their own brand - they just have different ways of going about it!
A person with the Life Path number of 7 is known as “The Seeker.” This can be interpreted in so many ways, and I believe what Seunghyun is seeking most is popularity. This is not a bad thing because he’s doing it for the right reasons. He wants to make the world a better place, and he knows he can best do this by putting himself out there. He has so many side projects and businesses besides BigBang, so he’s constantly seeking in that regard.
7s are also known to be very intense and intelligent, and we definitely see that in Seunghyun! He kind of has to be intense and intelligent with everything he’s got going on, and I feel both of these traits just come naturally to him. 7s also are excellent communicators, and they set really high expectations for themselves and other people. Seunghyun knows how many languages, now? He’s not particularly fluent in most of them, but he knows enough to communicate pretty well! He’s set such a high expectation for himself to be able to relate to and reach out to all of his international fans, so he just goes and learns the language! You can tell he tries to get the other members to learn them, as well, because he’s always encouraging or correcting them. Bless his heart.
Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving
Seunghyun is the only true Extrovert in BigBang. And it’s painfully obvious he is actually an Extrovert. And he’s a very, very outgoing Extrovert. He is pretty much constantly out and about doing something, and he always has things going on. He doesn’t do quiet, and he definitely doesn’t do low-key. He loves to be around people, and he’s the type to make friends with anyone and everyone. He’s about as ‘out there’ as a person can get.
I would type Seunghyun as Sensing because he seems really “hands on.” He liked to really be involved, especially with his businesses, so he can learn more and become more successful. Sensing types learn best through their own experiences, and this just seems like Seunghyun to me. He’s an entertainer through and through, and he really prefers to be out and about and around people. While this definitely goes along with his Extroversion, it also shows he prefers to use his external senses. He likes to see, hear, touch and just be immersed in a setting.
Typing Seunghyun as Thinking was a very difficult decision for me. To me, it seems like Seunghyun really doesn’t think before he speaks, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he would be Feeling. That just shows he loves to talk and is very outgoing and extroverted. I then thought about how business oriented he is, which is why I ultimately typed him as a T. Out of all the BigBang members, I think he would be the first to jump at the chance to take over Papa YG’s place as CEO. He understands music isn’t just about writing good songs, it’s also about good promotion. Music can’t make people feel good if they don’t listen to it, am I right? At least this is what Seunghyun thinks. In addition, he doesn’t seem to be a very empathetic person. Kind of like a “Why are you crying? Stand up and dust yourself off, you’re fine,” kind of person. Y’know?
I’m fairly positive Seunghyun would type as Perceiving. While this can mean he has a more flexible approach to life and is not necessarily worried about organization, it mainly means his Sensing function is more dominant than his Thinking function. I was definitely iffy about whether or not he was Thinking or feeling, but I was not when it came to Sensing or Intuition. This is pretty telling that his Sensing function is clearly dominant.
Other Studies: Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Dong Youngbae, Kang Daesung
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