#young susan grimshaw
thedailybullshit · 2 years
RDR2 Incorrect Quotes pt. 34
Arthur: You’re acting like a child, John.
Dutch: I mean, small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to be contained.
Susan: That’s ridiculous. Give me one example of this.
Dutch: Wasps.
Bessie: Spiders.
Hosea: Terriers.
Arthur: John.
After The Kiss:
Arthur: If you do that again, I will not hesitate to throw you out that windo- what are you doing?
Charles Chatenay: Checking how high the drop is to see if it’s worth it.
Sean: If tomatoes are fruits, isn’t ketchup just a tomato smoothie?
Lenny: It’s jam, I love you but I’m too tired for this shit, please go back to sleep.
Annabelle: All the haters being like, “Aren’t you wanted by the state?” It’s like, I’m wanted by a lot of people, okay? That’s the price of being pretty.
Annabelle: Anyways, I did commit a smidge of treason.
Abigail: *handing Arthur a coffee* Remember: more espresso, less depresso.
Arthur: *drinks it*
Arthur: I’m still depressed, but now I’m FAST.
Abigail: Are you ready to commit?
John: Like a crime or to a relationship?
Sean: I’m a hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense!
Hosea: I’m Hosea Motherfucking Matthews, I fear nothing.
Dutch: I have a plan!
Hosea: I have one fear.
Bounty Hunter: I’ll put so many bullets in your head, God won’t even recognize you.
Arthur: I’m an atheist; fire at will.
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fvkvrodani · 4 months
tilly jackson hcs bc she deserves to be talked abt too.
due to her csa trauma, she was very skittish after dutch had saved her & let her stay in the vdl gang. she wouldnt let her guard down & if she sensed any danger towards her from any of the members, she was ready to bolt.
grimshaw was never kind to her. not ever—she just put that girl straight to work & has never said a single kind word to her.
the only reason tilly turned out to be the sweetest out of all the vdl gang is bc she saw how they were & wanted to be nothing like them + her mother's last words to her were wishing her to live happy.
it took the combined (& frankly awkward) efforts of kohn & arthur to get tilly to trust not just them, but also hosea & dutch. they couldnt get her to trust or even like grimshaw, but she learned how to tune that woman's incessant insults & beratings out by the time she was 16.
arthur & john were (& still are!! idc what canon says!!!) very protective of her; if she went anywhere, even a little ways away from camp, trust & believe that one of the brothers was with her.
they also taught her to how fend for herself. hosea & dutch, for once, didnt want a child to learn how to fight... never mind the fact that tilly learned how to do kill someone at 12yo. or possibly younger than.
she absolutely loved bessie. she learned how to be feminine from her (because, again, tilly hated grimshaw growing up). she got her love for stories (especially the romance genre) from watching hosea & bessie act all lovey-dovey whenever bessie was around camp. & the only reason im mentioning this is bc dutch's books are. Not romance—that man probably had her read moby dick when it first came out or smth.
she would bicker & banter w john a whole lot more than she did with arthur; shes much closer to john's age. they lovingly & playfully bullied each other.
courtesy of being raised by dutch & hosea: hers, arthur's, & john's senses of humor are dry as the desert.
arthur gave her piggyback rides a lot.
tilly wouldnt let Anyone touch her hair, not even to wash it.
she has some memoirs of her mother that she grabbed from their home before running away again.
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the99thfanboy · 6 months
Young Arthur going through a phase where he wants to dress fancy like Dutch.
Hosea takes him into town and Arthur comes back with new clothes and a fresh haircut, looking like a little Dutch.
Dutch has a dumb grin on his face just looking at the boy.
John says he looks stupid and Arthur’s face turns red, wanting to punch the little runt, but he’s trying to be more Dutch-like, so he just scolds his little brother.
This phase lasts for a while and after it’s passed, Arthur catches John trying on his ‘Dutch clothes’ and teases him for days. John doesn’t want to admit he was actually hoping to look more like Hosea.
Meanwhile, Tilly finds a nice dress so she can dress up like Grimshaw. The older woman doesn’t notice this because she’s so busy, but once Hosea points it out to her she does up Tilly’s hair like her own.
Somewhere in those crates there’s a picture of the Old Guard. Dutch and young man Arthur dressed just like him, Hosea and teenaged John sheepishly wearing a nice vest, and Susan with little Tilly in near matching dresses.
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marstonandson · 7 months
van der linde gang headcanons just because
- kieran sleepwalks. whoever’s keeping watch is also in charge of making sure he doesn’t die
- on many separate occasions, tilly, karen, and mary-beth have all called grimshaw “mom” by accident. while they’re dying inside, susan has a smile for the rest of the day
- sean and lenny have a secret club for young men. only jack is invited to their meetings. no one knows what they talk about
- sadie takes molly out into the woods sometimes and they just scream together
- john only knows the ‘rip van winkle’ story because jack read it to him once
- bill and javier pretend they hate each other in front of everyone else but they gossip when no one is looking
- hosea gave dutch that white and red checkered bandana as a gift
- charles is the only person arthur will show his journal to
- abigail has punched most of the gang members at some point for various reasons
- whenever josiah visits he tries to bring a trinket for jack
- everyone actually loves pearson’s cooking, they just hate to admit it because he makes a big deal out of it
- when dutch praises micah, micah turns around and sticks his tongue out at arthur whenever dutch isn’t looking
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verdemoun · 5 months
tilly jackson, my beloved. arthur and tilly's relationship. oldest sibling vs oldest daughter. big protective 'we all love you miss tilly' brother meets calls him out on his shit 'mary ain't worth it' sister.
of course, it wasn't always like that. like, imagine. tilly jackson, kidnapped from her mother by the foremans at age 12. held captive by them for long enough that people forget she was a victim and refer to them as a gang she ran with. only escaping by murdering the leader (which she openly states she will never feel bad for, because he was bad. treated her real bad). finding out her mother died while she was kidnapped. falling into trouble, alone, until dutch found her.
tilly jackson, the sweetest and saddest little thing they ever saw. rescuing herself from one gang only to be taken in by another. early days (early enough for dutch to have the time to teach her to read). post-marston, so arthur's well into his 20s. imagine arthur, with his stupid tough guy persona and an established role as the gang's enforcer, trying to tell young tilly that she'll be expected to work if she's going to be a member of their gang. tilly immediately shutting down with a vacant, dead-eyed stare, remembering the foremans.
miss grimshaw, the only other woman in the gang, pulling her close as she slaps arthur hard for being so goddamned dull. arthur, rubbing his arm that is definitely going to bruise, still taking far too long to understand the implication before panicking. tilly watching this six foot man built like a brick wall trip over his words as he frantically apologises because jesus christ he didn't mean that. he'll kill anyone who ever even looks at her like that, he swears, as he fidgets anxiously because susan grimshaw is glaring like she's going to kill him but also he's now painfully aware that he is a massive intimidating adult man who doesn't know how to not look scary to a traumatized teenage girl.
tilly jackson slowly breaking into a smile and giggling because not only does she realize this is this big, scary, fellow child of dutch van der linde is harmless, maybe a touch dumb at times, but 'oh no, i have to protect him'.
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nthspecialll · 5 days
Susan's love for the girls and her insecurities
Susan Grimshaw was on her way towards a good life, a respectable life, with money (hinted at), with a fiance and a family and on top of that, she was attractive, most likely having gotten many gifts from suitors and admirers.
She was on top of the world, she was happy, but then her fiance died, she mourned him as she loved him, but it wasn't the end of her world, she was okay, she still had her beauty and as such she was able to find another suitor, Dutch. She was still loved, she was still given gifts and affection. She was okay.
But then her "youthful figor" faded and she was left with nothing. the younger girls talked about her behind her back, Dutch no longer wanted her, no respectable man did either, the only people who wanted her were an old man with an alcohol addiction and a filthy man.
That was the tipping point for her, everything she loved, being desired, it was gone, and she was watching as these young girls took their beauty for granted and made fun of her for loosing hers. She was conflicted between helping them not end up like her and being jealous of them having what she doesn't.
She was trying her best to make sure that if they get the chance at a proper life, if they get a husband, he will still want them even after they are no longer pretty by making them into good wives. She wants to save them from her fate, but sometiems her jealousy slips through and she gets angry at them, yelling or hitting them. Or sometimes she simply found them lazy, as the times of women had changed.
But her main motivation is her love for them, she does care for them, she sings with Karen as Javier plays, laughing and giggling, she is the first to notice Tilly being gone and the first to go save her, holding her when they find her, she opens up about her fiance to Mary-Beth and in chapter 6 when Tilly is worried, she tells her she is proud of her. She takes Tilly's hand and she tells her she is proud of her, that she will be okay.
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isaadleer · 16 days
Hola! I don't know if requests are open, but could you make a drabble where young! Arthur teaches a young reader how to shoot and how to ride a horse? She's a newcomer to the gang and has a little crush on Arthur; which only intensifies if he gets close to her.
hii sweetie!! tysm for your request, i loved your idea so much, so here it is!!!!! i did something really basic and short but even so i still liked, maybe i could do a part two 🤭 but i always say that and don’t do it, so i don’t know… i hope you liked <3
shy shots
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summary: Young! Arthur found young! fem character trying to learn how to shoot and he decides to help her. pairing: Young Arthur x Young fem character. words: 1836
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On the sunny morning, the sun shone intensely against your eyes, causing the rays of light to disturb your vision. The trees swayed slightly with the gentle breeze, and your hair flew in rhythm with the leaves. The sound of a distant gramophone echoed through the camp where you had been staying for a few months since you were saved from an attempted robbery by a few thieves.
During a harsh winter in the mountains north of West Elizabeth, you were in dire conditions after the death of your father. Even though he was a violent and bitter man, he always returned with some food at the end of the day, which helped back then, but no longer, as you now didn't know how to hunt on your own.
At the same time, the Van der Linde gang had been camped in an isolated area. With life’s challenges, Dutch decided to explore the surroundings in search of supplies or opportunities that could benefit the group. He rode until he heard a muffled sound in the distance that made him stop. Driven by curiosity and suspicion, Dutch followed the noise until he reached your old wooden cabin, partially covered by snow, visibly worn by time. As he approached, Dutch noticed two men trying to break down the cabin door. Inside, you, an 18-year-old girl, were trying, with all the strength you had left, to defend yourself from the invaders.
Seeing that you were about to succumb, Dutch decided to intervene. He drew his gun and shot the thieves before they could even look him in the eye, leaving you alone and terrified inside the cabin. After the action, Dutch approached you. He moved cautiously upon seeing you curled up in a corner, wounded and wide-eyed with fear. The cabin was cold, almost without furniture, and there was little food in sight, all indicating that you had lived in poor conditions for some time. In a softer, but still firm voice, Dutch reassured you. He offered help, saying no one should go through that alone. You, hesitant and distrustful, initially resisted trusting a stranger, especially someone who had just blown the heads off two men in your home. However, Dutch's natural charisma and his promise of safety began to break down your resistance.
Dutch told you about the gang, describing it as a family, something you had lost a long time ago. He offered you the chance to join them, at least until you recovered and decided what you wanted to do with your life. With few options and nowhere else to go, still stunned by the situation, you accepted the offer.
Dutch then placed you on his horse and took you back to the gang’s camp, where you were met with a mixture of distrust and compassion. Dutch became a father figure to you during that time, comforting you over the loss of your biological father. As you tried to adapt to your new reality, you began to realize that maybe this unlikely gang was the family you had never had, even though you still weren’t sure if that was truly what you wanted.
During the months you spent with the gang, you tried to redeem yourself in any way you could, grateful for having been saved, by cooking, chopping vegetables, or cleaning the camp. The gang didn’t have many members, just Dutch, Hosea Matthews, Susan Grimshaw, and Arthur Morgan, who was the only one closer to your age.
You had a slight crush on Arthur, which made you watch him around the camp, when he arrived with his horse or when he chopped wood, showing off his muscles pressing against his shirt, or when he spoke to his horse affectionately. Even though you knew there was no reason to be jealous of a horse, he somehow made you feel that way. Arthur was probably about two years older than you, but his skills in the criminal life made him appear a bit older since you didn’t even know how to use a revolver.
And so, you found yourself that morning a little away from the camp, in front of some glass bottles, with Hosea’s revolver borrowed in your hands. You fired a few times and couldn’t hit anything. The next time, the same, and the next, again no success. Even without experience with guns, you didn’t realize it was this hard. The sound of the shots from the revolver hurt your ears, as you weren’t used to such loud noises.
Silent footsteps blended with the noise of the shots, making you turn around in worry, as you were a little away from camp. But when you turned, already pointing the revolver at whoever it was, you found Arthur standing in front of you.
“Are you gonna shoot me with that thing?” he said jokingly, though also a little nervous with the gun pointed at his face.
He wore a white shirt with a yellow vest, his traditional hat, and a black bandana wrapped around his neck. His blonde hair made your heart stop, every detail of him made you feel like having a heart attack every passing day.
Realizing he wasn’t a threat, you lowered the gun, embarrassed by your reaction. "If I could shoot with this thing, maybe I would," you joked, venting your frustration with your lack of skills.
He looked around, seeing the bottles without even a scratch, and realizing you had been trying to shoot them.
"How is that working out?" he asked, pointing to the bottles in front of you.
"Well, let's just say I’m not the best shooter I’ve seen," you turned, trying to point the gun at one of the bottles again. "But I’m trying." Then, you fired, trying to aim at the glass bottle, but again without success.
"Well, I wasn’t the best shooter either, but with time, it gets better," he tried to comfort you. "Look…" He approached from behind, trying to help. "You gotta..." he raised his arm, trying to position you correctly, "hold steady..." his hands found your shoulders, sending chills through your body from the closeness. "And firm," he added, increasing the pressure of his hands on your shoulders. "You just focus…" he said in a low tone near your ear, his warm breath against your cold skin. "Breathe slowly," he spoke again. You raised your arm and pointed the revolver at the bottles again, and inhaled as he instructed, but your attempt to stay calm failed, as Arthur's proximity made you tremble from head to toe. "And always pull the trigger on empty lungs." Then he exhaled with you, trying to help you concentrate, but little did he know that the more he talked, the more nervous you became. "Now, try again," he said, removing his hands from your shoulders, making you miss the weight of his touch.
Even so, you straightened your back and pulled the trigger again, but now following Arthur’s instructions. "Wait to breathe out, wait to breathe out…" you whispered to yourself, trying to reinforce your actions. Then you fired again, and the sound echoed through the trees around you. During the noise of the shot, you closed your eyes, and when you opened them again, the bottle you aimed at was no longer standing on the tree stump, only shards of glass remained on the forest floor. "Did you see that? I did it, I did it right, Arthur!?" you were almost jumping with happiness. "I haven’t hit one bottle the entire morning," you said with a mixture of laughter and relief, as it was your first time hitting anything.
Arthur watched you, happy and smiling with your achievement, and couldn’t help but smile along with you. "Not bad! You’re a natural!" he praised you, drawing more smiles from you.
His words made your heart warm, making you fall even more in love with him, even though you thought it wasn’t possible. "Good girl, you’re not that bad like you said." Looking into your eyes intensely, he said.
"Don't be a fool, this is the first time this whole morning," you corrected him, feeling your cheeks heat up from his compliments.
Arthur looked at you with a confused expression, but also with a slight smile on his lips. "I’m serious," he insisted, his voice softer now but still full of sincerity. "Even with my help, you’re really good at this." He reaffirmed, making your heart race even faster.
"Thank you..." you murmured, feeling your cheeks now turn red, but very happy with the unexpected compliments.
"Now..." Arthur began, getting serious again. "We need to go back to camp. It's not safe to make this much noise with you out here alone."
“Okay…” you replied, still a bit embarrassed but obedient.
You would always obey Arthur, anything he said. Anything he asked, you would do—comfort him after a failed job, clean his clothes, or tend to his wounds. Your heart was entirely his, even without realizing it, you were already completely in love with Arthur Morgan.
During the way back to camp, the silence between you two was comfortable, but you couldn’t help but glance at him from time to time. Arthur, with his calm demeanor and the way he handled everything around him, seemed like the most secure man in the world. The wind made his hair fly in a way that you found incredibly charming. At times, you noticed his eyes on you, and when your gazes met, both of you smiled briefly, as if sharing a secret.
After a few short minutes, you arrived at camp. Arthur turned to you and said, with a slight hint of shyness in his voice, "It’d be a pleasure to help you again, if you want." He rested his hands on his belt, trying to ease the anxiety of fidgeting with his fingers.
Without hesitation and with a smile on your face, you quickly replied, "Of course I would, Arthur..." You took a step toward him, and with all the courage you had left, you thanked him with a quick kiss on Arthur's cheek, which instantly blushed. He smiled, an embarrassed smile, as he brought his hand to his face where your lips had touched.
"Now I need to go back and help Miss Grimshaw," you said, trying to hide the smile that insisted on appearing. "See you around, Arthur." You waved briefly before turning to walk away.
"Yeah... I need to... hum... I need to feed Copper too..." Arthur tried to speak, but you were already too far away to hear, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
As you returned to camp, you couldn’t stop smiling like a fool. Susan Grimshaw, who was busy organizing the day’s tasks, noticed your unusual expression and asked, somewhat suspiciously, "Are you alright, girl?"
"Of course!" you replied, laughing in happiness.
Susan frowned, confused. It wasn’t common for you to smile for no reason. Maybe she thought you were going crazy, but, in reality, maybe that was it—you were crazy for Arthur Morgan.
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sickvictorianangel · 7 months
I don't wanna tag anyone or fight anyone on the internet. But no, seeing Dutch as who he is isn't being ableist. For the love of God, people! Chill 🤣
Dutch has a history of manipulating every women he dated, starting with Grimshaw herself. After Anabelle died, and he used that as an excuse to go after Colm, he hopped on bed with Molly, a woman he completely destroyed and left to die in a brutal way (same with Susan). Dutch manipulated Arthur and every person in the gang, not only for them to do exactly as he wanted, but so they could never run away. Loyalty was his weapon. And it's already disproven he got crazy after the accident in Saint Dennis. What we see is a proud man who saw every plan he ever made get frustrated, one after the other. Pay attention to the little conversations in the game and maybe you will see. Like Arthur telling Tilly that a guy in the gang was murdered because he betrayed Dutch 🤦🏼‍♀️
His constant flirting with Mary Beth, ignoring Tilly even though she is his "daughter". Getting angry at anyone that tried to open his eyes or show he was wrong. Micah is the villain, but he didn't manipulate Dutch, he played with his ego and Dutch decided to trust Micah because he was the only one not defying his orders. He left his "son" die alone, after stealing Arthur's strength and being responsible for his TB, after Arthur said he didn't feel comfortable doing Strauss work for him.
Dutch is a narcissist and that's what his character is about. Arthur's last words about Dutch on his journal is literally "Did Dutch became like this after everything, or was he always like this and we didn't notice?".
I love Dutch as a character, because he was very well written and he is very charming. But stop babying problematic characters because they are your favorite...
(Also, let's not forget how he treated Abigail and the other women. How Micah acted around them and Dutch never said anything. How he and the Callander brothers were constantly racist -As Lenny and Charles said- and Dutch continued to allow this treatment.) Charles and the others see Dutch for who he is in the end. Are you forgetting how a young Indigenous boy was killed just for Dutch's sick plans to happen? Or how he killed Heidi, an innocent mother in cold blood?
I rest my case now.
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plussizedreader · 10 months
Hello all! I was inspired by the amazing @391780 and her fat reader stories to start this blog (so give her a follow!) anyways introduction post!
My name is Bo/Maul, and this blog will be dedicated to ONLY fat readers with canon characters with multiple fandoms. There will be smut, so this blog will be 18+, so any younger I will block! I will primarily write a fem reader, but will try my hardest to try male or gn readers!
Here are the fandoms and characters I’ll write for! I try to get all my smaller interest in here for those who also like it and get zero content for it!
House of Wax (Bo, Vincent, and Lester)
Firefly trilogy (Baby, Otis, Foxy, I will write Spaulding, but fluff and anything but smut since he reminds me a lot of my grandpa lol)
31 (Doomhead)
Micheal Myers from any version of the series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (any version of Leatherface Thomas, Bubba etc, Choptop)
Near Dark (Severen, Jesse, Diamondback)
Saw (Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Adam Stanheight)
Video Games-
Red Dead Redemption (Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Sadie Adler, Karen Jones, Abigail Roberts-Marston, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Tilly Jackson, Susan Grimshaw)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remake Games (John Price, Simon Riley, Soap, Gaz, Alex Keller, Farrah (I’ll write romance but no smut for Farrah!), Kate Lazwell, Phillip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.)
Last of Us (Joel Miller, Ellie Williams (I will ONLY write adult Ellie and only ever with a Fem reader) Abby Anderson, Tommy Miller)
Days Gone (Deacon St John, Boozer)
Mortal Kombat (Johnny Cage, Kenchi,Sub Zero, Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, Kabal, Kano, Erron Black. NOTE please specify which timeline these characters are from or which movie so I know the correct characterization!)
Resident Evil series (Lady Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Carlos Olivera, Chris Redfield.)
Star Wars (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul)
Stranger Things (Hopper, Eddie Munson)
Blacklist (Raymond Reddington)
With that being said, while I will write smut, there are things I will not write, such as fat fetish and weight gain fetish bullshit, and I will continue to expand this list, also I can just simply say no I’m not gonna write it if I don’t like it lol.
This list is bound to change with my interest and I’ll add and take off things as needed! Please send in any request and I’ll start working on it shortly!
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Dutch van der Linde, the current king of the land, very much Zeus coded, too loud, too proud, too egoistic, often refuses to sign contracts with surrounding countries if it doesn't benefit him more than them, but because of his speeches people love him, big rumour he killed his dad, the previous king? who knows, but he did make big changes when he finally arrived at the throne
Hosea Matthews, ah yes, the Matthews lineage, the counselors of kings and queen, every single monarch has their Matthew, very rich, but how did they get the money in the first place? who knows, talks and drinks with the people, is actually the one keeping the country working
Susan Grimshaw, the woman Dutch married and the fomal queen, but well know in their personal life, they are divorced, but no! they could not possibly say that publicly! it would be scandal, and the cheating of the king and the ignorance of the queen became the norm, no surprise they each have their palace wing, and no suprise she spends hours in the garden, but why does she stay? who knows, maybe it's some obligation to the country, to her people
Arthur Morgan, the son of Lord Morgan, a knight lineage, the first ones to put their neck out for the king, the silent but smart, the rumor has it he once had a son? who knows, always with the king and his counselor, always the first one to protect the ones from the palace, but also the first one to keep the prince out of trouble
John Marston, the prince whose side of family died, now raised by his cousin/uncle Dutch, but who cares for the complicated family tree, all we know he was gone for a while, where and why did he go? who knows, but he lately spends a lot of time in the maid chambers, a troublemaker, too young, how can he be the future king
Abigail Roberts, a maid who, like many others, got smitten by the posibility of being in love with a prince, and what a long year without him it has been, and now she has a son, but the public still asks, who is the father? and why is that child around so much? who knows
Molly O'Shea, what a blessing that a princess from so far has visited our country! and she must like it here very much, for she has no plans of leaving yet, one wonders why the queen avoids her and why the king is the exact opposite, she seems sad these days, I wonder why? who knows, she beautiful and graceful and gets letters everyday, from her father, asking her to come home
Mary Linton, another princess who came few times, her country is small but a prosperous one, and when she locked eyes with the knight, nothing stayed the same
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zanazirafanfic · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Alright, I think I've finally worked out a WIP/publishing schedule I like a little bit more. (Or it's more realistic, at least.)
Here's what I'm working on now, and what I've got planned for the rest of January. (I've got fics on the list from now until almost the end of the year, but I don't want to put out that big of a list just yet.) Everything is listed by planned date of publication. :)
1/24/24 - 25DCC, Ch. 11 - "Going Ice Skating" - 1885, young John, Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea having a (mostly) fun day out on the ice.
1/25/24 - Whumpcember Day 11 - "Infection" - Micah Bell H/C feat. Simon Pearson, Susan Grimshaw, and Orville Swanson. "Tiny tree, big splinter, HUGE problem."
1/27/24 - "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" - Baylock whump w/ Kieran Duffy + Micah Bell friendship
1/28/24 - 25DCC Ch. 12 - "Tucking Them In" - 1910, Kieran and MaryBeth Duffy tell their children a bedtime story, which may or may not have its roots in true events.
1/29/24 - Whumpcember Day 12 - "Touch-Starved" - Karen Jones grieves Sean's passing once the dust finally settles after the Braithwaite raid. H/C feat. Arthur Morgan.
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
RDR2 Incorrect Quotes pt. 31
Bessie: Oh, you’re such a handsome young man! Can you give us a big smile?
Little John, who had a shitty childhood & doesn’t know how: 😬
Bessie: Oh! Ah - please don’t do that again. Ok-
Thomas the Swamp Boatman: You people have issues.
Arthur: Well of course I have issues!
Dutch: *drowning Bronte*
Arthur, pointing to him: THAT’S MY FUCKIN’ FATHER!!!
Arthur: Hey man, whatcha doin’? Whatcha up to?
Francis Sinclair: Nothin’ big. Just, uh, practicing my time traveling. So-
Arthur: Sorry, did you say time traveling? Like traveling-through-time time traveling?!?!?
Francis: In fact, the love of your life is gonna walk through that door in three, two, one-
Charles, opening door: Hey, I’m sorry, is this - is this the therapy session?
Arthur: The love of my life is a man?!?
Francis: . . . Oh, have we not gotten to that part yet?
Micah: It’s sad to see you slowing down, Cowpoke. Tell me, is it the TB?
Arthur: Maybe it is the tuberculosis. But then how pathetic are you? That you can’t best me at my worst!
Dutch: The money is what I want. That is where my loyalties lie. That is what my priority is!
Hosea: Not the person who raised your children?
Dutch: Don’t bring the boys into this.
Hosea: Alright. NOT THE MAN YOU MARRIED?!?!?
Arthur: I don’t talk about feelings, Hosea. I don’t have any, I’ve never seen one. I’m a night-stalking, train-robbing outlaw, and a campfire tune-singing machine. I don’t feel anything emotionally except for rage - twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five, at a million percent. And if you think that there’s something behind that, then you’re crazy. Goodnight Hosea!
Hosea: Arthur, it’s morning.
Arthur, looking into the sun bc he didn’t realize: Hsssssssssaahhhhh!!!
Young John: I have a question.
Young Hosea: Alright, shoot.
Young John: *shoots the ceiling* Alright can I ask it now?
Mr. Grimshaw: If I were a gardener, I’d put our two-lips together.
Susan: Aw, thank you!
Dutch: If I were a gardener, you’d be my Ho.
Hosea: Thanks.
Hosea: It must be so nice to be rich instead of, say, having to develop a personality.
Mrs. Braithwaite: Shut up, Matthews.
Hosea: Buy my silence, Catherine.
Charles: I have this strange urge to do something stupid.
Arthur: I’m stupid, do me.
The Gang:
Arthur: I said that out loud.
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Emotional repair for the whole gang;
Dutch, through thick and thin you keep your family and friends together. You hold faith in yourself and that is admirable.
Hosea, you're proof that outlaws can have a heart. You care for your boys and make sure everyone is taken care of. You provide the whole gang with silent, strong wisdom. The father most never had or won't have.
Arthur, you've been through hell and back. Your losses and traumas have altered your perception of yourself. You're kind and handsome and strong, even if you yourself don't see it, others do. Be kind to yourself the way you are with the others.
John, you're brave and smart and a good dad. Regardless of what others say, we see it and know it. You're a valuable addition to the gang. You matter to a lot of people.
Charles, your calm presence and silent strength make it easy for others to follow you. You're a good leader and your choice for solving issues with violence as a last resort is admirable. You're firm in your beliefs and that alone inspires people to see you for you.
Lenny, your father may disapprove of your choice to live this life, but I see your motives. I think choosing to break the mold to be free is one if the bravest and smartest things for someone to do. He should be proud of your accomplishments.
Sean, your eagerness to prove yourself doesn't go unnoticed. Your efforts are paying off and they're valued more than you know, even if they're hidden behind that young man bravado. Your father is proud.
Kieran, you deserve better treatment. I know you're not an O'Driscoll. Your knowledge and experience with horses is immensely valuable. You're a sweet man, soft and kind despite it all.
Javier, I know people overlook your history and trauma. I see it, it's valid and I hear your pain. I know it gives you your strength and anger, it's what drives you, but be gentle with yourself. Your mother would want you to.
Bill, I hope you heal. I hope you heal from the wounds others inflicted and the ones you've given yourself. It's alright to want to be different but lashing out isn't the way to do it.
Uncle, somehow your presence makes this gang feel more like a family. You really are the uncle. Without you, we'd have a lot less frustration but we'd also have less laughs and songs. You bring us together, despite being a little irritating.
Pearson, your time in the navy is something I never tire of hearing about. You have a wonderful singing voice, it's beautiful. I love to sit around the fire and hear your stories and share in songs.
Strauss, I know you weren't always like this. I wonder what your life was like to make this the path you chose. I wonder about your family and home, is this what they would've wanted for their son?
Reverend, you cannot exorcize the demons you want with the bottom of a bottle and syringe. Only you can do that and you will.
Josiah, keep being a gentleman but stop lying to yourself. Actually take opportunities you'd value and grow from, not just for the sake of greed.
Micah, I refuse to believe you were always like this. I refuse to think one is born without a heart. You lost it and yourself on the path of life. I hope you'll learn to do right, even if it's too little and too late.
Susan, you're the mother most of these people miss and long for. Despite being firm and hard with you expectations, there's no question if you love the people of this gang, for the most part. You want them to grow and succeed and for everyone to be happy and healthy. Your camp, your rules, miss Grimshaw.
Sadie, you deserved a life of love with Jake. You deserved a happy ending with him. You lost everything you hold dear but you still grew to care about others, making you inherently stronger than most.
Karen, you deserve to feel as beautiful as you are. You deserve to have genuine happiness and I hope you find that with Sean.
Tilly, you'll do great things. Everything will be okay and work out for you. Don't you worry none.
Mary-Beth, don't you lose that love of life and hope for romanticism, it keeps people going even in the darkest times. Keep believing in it and it will come to you.
Abigail, you're a wonderful mother and a loyal woman to John. Never, ever forget that. It's your greatest quality, your love and loyalty.
Molly, you need a better love. A real genuine kind. The kind that holds you tenderly, kisses you softly, and peels oranges for you. You're beautiful and soft and sweet and should be cherished.
Jack, you're a bright and curious kid! You deserve to learn and love and grow. You're going to go far and do a lot.
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necro-hamster · 2 years
actually im making an actual post abt this lol. if you actively go out of your way to post really just aggressive, vile things abt the women in rdr2 -- mary, abigail, molly, and susan are the ones i see most frequently -- and claim that you do this because these characters are, in your eyes, irredeemable for certain actions, but you DON'T consider characters like dutch, hosea, arthur, john, etc irredeemable, i really think you need to ask yourself why you feel this way.
why is ms grimshaw a bitch who should fuck off and die because she slapped mary-beth and tried to get abigail to go back to prostitution, but dutch isn't a stupid cunt who got what he deserved because he literally left arthur and john to die more than once and encouraged murder and robbery to young people he took in?
why is mary linton a manipulative bitch for turning away arthur's affections but still asking for his help, but john isn't a piece of shit who should be smeared for abandoning abigail after she had his kid?
why is molly a stuck up lazy cunt for acting the way she does, but uncle is just a silly old man instead of a freeloading shithead who should die?
y'all will focus so much energy on just HATING women in these games it's actually insane, and i fr think people who aggressively hate several women in these stories but absolutely adore characters like dutch and arthur, who have done horrific awful things, really need to just take a step back and ask why they feel that way. if you post any stupid shit on this im stealing something out of your house btw
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Van Der Linde Gang Monster Headcanons
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Don't mind me with my stupid little headcanons and shit.
🌙 Dutch Van Der Linde - Vampire
Turned decades ago before the West became wild. Molly O'Shea is the reason he can walk around in the light of day.
🌙 Hosea Mathews - Vampire
He was born human but he was turned by Dutch to save his life during their first robbery together.
🌙 Arthur Morgan - Werewolf
Was bitten by John and turned one night when John got out of his restraints. He's a lot worse than John due to the fact that Arthur is a hell of a lot bigger.
🌙 John Marston - Werewolf
Was bitten and turned before he joined the gang. He has a tendency of slipping from his restraints so it often leads to little rampages across the countryside.
🌙Abigail Marston - Succubus
Born to be a succubus, she used her powers for her prostitution job to get by. That all stopped when a werewolf of all things got her pregnant.
🌙Jack Marston - Unknown
He's far too young for his parents to tell, but as he grows older, it's starting to become apparent that he may take after his father.
🌙Charles Smith - Wendigo
He may not exhibit all of the signs of a true wendigo like cannibalism, but the hulking form tends to shut people up.
🌙Sadie Adler - Human
She's the only human woman in the gang. She has a slight distaste for monsters, but the Van Der Linde Gang is her home.
🌙Micah Bell - Demon
Born out of sin from a deep pit in hell, he continues his hellish torment in the Wild West.
🌙Susan Grimshaw - Banshee
Born to be a banshee, she's kept up at night with the knowledge of how others around her pass. It's why she's so strict and stern with some people sometimes.
🌙Molly O'Shea - Witch
She earns her keep at the camp solely from keeping Dutch and Hosea alive. She's not a fan of using her magic on others unless it's necessary.
🌙Tilly Jackson - Faun
Tilly can sometimes pass for human if her dress is long enough to cover her legs and hooves, but the horns can be a problem. Mary-Beth can always be found with Tilly weaving flowers into her little horns.
🌙Javier Escuella - Skinwalker
He was cursed to become one at a young age, way before he joined the gang. It's often a useful curse but it does come with many downsides.
🌙Bill Williamson - Werebear
Born seemingly human, he didn't know she slept with a monster until he was barely into his teenage years when he turned. It's definitely one of the major factors to his prickly demeanor.
🌙Sean Macguire - Satyr
The Irish charmer is a typical Celtic satyr. Sometimes it's hard for him to keep his holster attached to his leg from how it's all bent naturally. He missing half of one of his horns.
🌙Lenny Summers - Minotaur
Easily the sweetest man of the gang, he's a gentle giant until the bull sees red. It is sometimes hard for him to find a hat that fits the bovine head, though.
🌙Karen Jones - Succubus
She's not very good at her life's work, but when she does succeed, she's pretty brutal. There's a reason she's always drunk all of the time.
🌙Mary-Beth Gaskill - Witch
Her powers are different than Molly's. She's mostly found messing around with plants and such. She's always growing something, mostly herbs to be used for medicines.
🌙Uncle - Human
The only other human in the gang. There are often daily jokes and threats about how the other members are gonna hunt him down and eat him because of his bullshit. Mostly from Micah.
🌙Simon Pearson - Undead
Kept alive after an accident in the Navy by some supernatural forces. It explains the faulty food.
🌙Leopold Strauss - Dragon
It explains his lust for dollars and coins since he was a young child, though, he can't turn into a full beast as he was never strong enough.
🌙Josiah Trelawny - Incubus
His drive did not last long and his powers don't really work nowadays. He's been around longer than Karen and Abigail, though. He's still thankful he's just as strong.
🌙Orville Swanson - Demon
He used to be an angel but made some horrible choices in life which led him to be struck down to hell. Now he continues on the earth continuing bad habits.
🌙Kieran Duffy - Vampire's Thrall
Kept alive by Colm's word and will, he only broke free because Arthur basically kidnapped him. He much prefers the Van Der Linde Gang but he still feels the pull of his master calling for him.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 years
Young John: Miss. Grimshaw, why can't I get an ice cream but Tilly can?
Susan: Tilly ain't getting an ice cream.
Tilly: Check it out, Arthur got me an ice cream!
Susan: ARTHUR!
Arthur: What?! She helped me find a new dinosaur fossil!
Tilly: It was a velociraptor.
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