#young mav fic
wait whaaatt i love the tailspin series!! it was so good <3
Aww that makes me so happy! Thank you 🥰 Tailspin is my baby 😆
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foreveraweirdoneslife · 5 months
I Think We're Alone Now - Chapter 13
(formerly: You Can Be My Wingman Anytime)
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Fanfic Summary: After the mission in the Indian Ocean, life continues for the flyboys at the Miramar Naval Air Station. They’ve got jobs to do. Mav still can't let go of the past. Ice is worried if he can continue flying with Slider. And most of all and in between all of this, Ice and Mav begin to hang out a lot and start falling for each other more and more. And as if that wasn't enough there's  Charlie, it's the 80s and they're in the Navy. 
Rating: E.
Pairing: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. 
About the Chapter: Ice needs a hug (and gets it).
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maverickcalf · 2 years
Queerplatonic CaroleMav where Mav did in fact share a bed with Carole and Bradley never caught on, some how.
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justabigassnerd · 5 months
Protective Friend
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader
Word count - 2,182
Warnings - physical violence, mentions of cheating, blood, angst, mentions of Goose, fluff
Summary - after someone picks on Bradley one too many times, you handle the situation and secretly impress your father
A/N - it's been a minute huh, y'all? I think I'm doing a bit better (no promises), so maybe I'll be uploading more fics. anyway I won't bore y'all with a long A/N so as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy
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Growing up alongside the Bradshaw family, it was basically inevitable that you would become best friends with Bradley Bradshaw. After all, you’d practically known the family since birth with your dad working alongside your Uncle Goose and it had devastated you when Goose died, understanding the finality of it all even at a young age. After Goose passed you made even more of an effort to be a good friend to Bradley, doing your best to keep a smile on his face.
However, the kids at your school were not nearly as kind. They had found out that Goose had died one day during an activity in the build-up to the summer holidays where your teacher gave you the freedom to make Father’s Day cards to store somewhere safe until the day came and Bradley had innocently asked your teacher what he was supposed to do. When the teacher had crossed the room to crouch down alongside him to ask why he couldn’t write a card for his dad, some kids had overheard him saying that his dad was dead and apparently thought it was the funniest thing to them. The teasing started off light before it got worse, but you could tell it bothered Bradley all the same, especially given the sensitivity of the topic. You ended up telling your dad about the teasing and bullying and without hesitation, Maverick had gone straight to Carole to make sure she was aware as well. Carole, of course, wasted no time going to the principal and telling him about how he needs to be doing better in making sure the bullies get punished.
When the principal did nothing about it, nonchalantly saying he couldn’t control kids’ actions, Carole went and tracked down the parents of the kids who were picking on Bradley after you gave them their names. Once again, Carole reached a brick wall as when she spoke to the various parents of the kids, they just shrugged her off and said that both Bradley and Carole needed to stop being so sensitive over something that happened years ago and that a bit of friendly teasing wasn’t hurting anyone so according to them, Bradley simply had to man up and learn how to take a joke. It took everything within Carole not to slap anyone when she heard the same answer multiple times. Her son was being bullied and no one was doing anything about it when this was the time to step up and do something. She didn’t care if had been ten minutes or ten years since Goose’s passing, he was still Bradley’s father, and her son was allowed to mourn the loss he suffered.
When Carole next met up with Maverick and filled him in on what had happened, Maverick immediately offered to give it a try himself, more than willing to be assertive and to even drag Iceman into it if needed. Carole told Maverick not to worry about it, and that he probably wouldn’t get much further than she did, even with Iceman.
“Do you want me to sleep with their wives?” Maverick had jokingly suggested which resulted in Carole hiding her giggle as she lightly slapped Maverick on the shoulder.
“You wouldn’t dare.” She replied, continuing to laugh as Maverick shrugged jokingly.
“All I’m saying is I could give them the best night of their lives, end it then and there and then ruin their marriage. That’ll teach them for picking on Bradley.” Maverick says nonchalantly, leaning back against the sofa with a grin.
“Mav, I love you, but no you can’t ruin people’s marriages over this.” Carole says as Maverick holds his hands up in mock surrender, both of them chuckling lightly.
“It was a good idea though.”
A couple of days later, one Saturday morning, you managed to coerce Maverick into taking you to the local playground and when you asked if Bradley could come with you and so he walked you over to the house just down the road and asked Carole if Bradley wanted to come to the park with the two of you. Carole was of course extended an invitation to join you all, but she politely declined, saying she had housework she needed to do. Now with Bradley in tow, the three of you make your way to the park, entering the gated park and both of you immediately head over to the swings while Maverick sits himself on a bench just outside of the park, watching you play with a soft smile.
However, at the most crucial moment, Maverick found himself distracted by a pair of attractive women who smiled flirtatiously at him as they passed, deciding that since both you and Bradley were happily playing in the park, he had the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with them.
In the park, a boy that was in your grade named Johnny decided he wanted to pick on Bradley, calling over to him and once again picking on him for the fact his dad was dead the moment, he realised you had crossed the park to talk to another one of your friends.
“Stop it.” Bradley said firmly, standing from the swing and attempting to stand up for himself against the bullies.
“What are you going to do? Tell your dad?” Johnny said before eyeing the way Bradley’s hand clenched around something hanging on his chest.
“What’s that?” He then asked teasingly, eyes glinting with glee as Bradley took a step back, fist tightening around the dog tags that once belonged to his dad. With nothing more than a look exchanged between them, Johnny’s two friends put a hand on Bradley’s shoulders and forced him to the floor, while Johnny pried Bradley’s hand open and removed the precious dog tags from around his neck, inspecting them and chuckling to himself.
“Goose? What kind of stupid name is that?” Johnny says, reading the callsign displayed on the tags.
“Give them back!” Bradley cries out, attempting to get up and grab his dog tags but Johnny’s friends were quicker, forcing down on his shoulders harder to prevent him from moving.
Across the park, you had heard Bradley’s demand and so glanced over and immediately removed yourself from your conversation and immediately rushed over to Bradley’s defence, taking less than a second to realise what it was Johnny had stolen.
“Give it back, Johnny!” You say firmly, holding your hand out expectantly and gritting your teeth when Johnny just laughs in your face.
“And why would I do that?” He taunts, sniggering as he glances over at his friends who laugh too.
“Because you’re not going to like what I’m going to do next.”
Just as Maverick was bidding goodbye to the two women, making sure to give each of them a cheeky wink as they went, he turned to look back at the park and instead came face to face with a rageful-looking mother who had a boy alongside her who was holding a tissue up to his bleeding nose.
“What do you have to say for yourself?” The woman all but yells in Maverick’s face, barely giving him space to breathe, let alone process what she is saying.
“I’m sorry, what?” Maverick says, trying his best to calm the tension. He had recognised the kid instantly; you had pointed him out to your dad one afternoon when you had first told him about the bullying.
“Your brat of a daughter punched my sweet Johnny for no reason! I can’t believe you’d raise a child to think that’s okay.” The mother says, glaring at Maverick who takes a moment to glance over at you where you were crouching down alongside Bradley, clearly talking to him before taking a moment to look over at your dad with a worried expression.
“y/n wouldn’t hit someone.” Maverick says, getting up from the bench to be more level with the woman.
“She punched him!” She repeats, even louder and begins to get looks from people surrounding them.
“Okay, okay, cool your jets. I’ll speak to her.” Maverick says, waving his hand dismissively before crossing to the park gate, opening it and catching your eye before gesturing you over and waiting patiently for you to approach.
“Hi, dad.” You mumble, glancing down at your shoes to avoid looking Maverick in the eye.
“Hey squirt. So, I heard you punched that Johnny kid. Want to tell me what happened?” Maverick says, crouching down to be at your level and gently encouraging you to look at him. You mumbled something in response but none of it was audible to him.
“You gotta speak up kiddo.” Maverick encourages gently, reaching out and resting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing lightly, silently promising you he wouldn’t get upset.
“He took Uncle Goose’s dog tags from Bradley.” You say, a little louder so that Maverick can hear you. Upon hearing the reason you had lashed out; Maverick knew he couldn’t be mad at you at all, but he also knew he had to try and dissuade you from using violence in the future.
“Okay, sweetheart, you can’t punch people. I understand why you did it but if you’re ever in a situation like this, you come and get me, Carole, Ice, whoever. We’ll sort it out. I’m sure you did try but make sure you use your words. Punching people isn’t okay, no matter what it is they do.” Maverick says softly, watching as you carefully take in his words, nodding softly.
“Yes, daddy.” You say before Maverick gently pulls you into a hug.
“Go and grab Bradley and get ready to head back home. I’ll speak to Johnny’s mother.” Maverick says quietly before releasing you from the hug, letting you go over to Bradley then standing up and heading back over to Johnny and his mother.
“I didn’t see you disciplining your daughter. How do you know she won’t do it again?” Johnny’s mother says firmly, gripping her son’s shoulder and pulling him closer to emphasise the injury.
“I spoke to her, and she knows it’s wrong. But she did tell me that your son took something that was special to not only Bradley, but his family and my family too. And when your son clearly refused to give it back, she did what she thought she had to do. She won’t do it again, but I won’t say she wasn’t justified.” Maverick explains, folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow as he anticipates her freakout.
“She hurt my son and you’re saying it’s justified?” The shock and horror was painted all over her face as she yelled at Maverick.
“I’m not going to lie to you and say she wasn’t justified in what she did. Your kid stole something special from Bradley and has been bullying him for a while. You have refused to teach your kid better so no I will not punish her for standing up for her friend.” Maverick says firmly, deciding then and there that the conversation is over and turning to find you and Bradley.
“Come on you two, we’re heading home!” Maverick calls over to you and Bradley and when you and Bradley rush over to him, he wraps an arm around each of your shoulders and ushers you away from the woman and her son and begins the walk home. First, you drop Bradley off at his house, both of you greeting Carole as she opens the door. Just before Bradley heads inside, and while Maverick is explaining what happened earlier to Carole, Bradley turns to face you with a small smile.
“Thank you for getting my dog tags back.” Bradley says softly, making you smile before hugging Bradley.
“You don’t need to thank me.” You insist gently, squeezing Bradley softly before releasing him from the hug and letting him head inside with Carole while Maverick wraps an arm around your shoulders and encourages you to head home with him.
When you make it home, Maverick guides you into the living room and asks you to stay put while he grabs you an icepack. He soon returns with an icepack in hand, sitting down alongside you and taking the hand you had punched Johnny with and placing the icepack on the knuckles, biting back a frown when you wince slightly.
“This should help with any swelling.” Maverick says tenderly, his voice quiet as he lets you hold the icepack in place.
“Are you mad at me?” You question quietly, eyes fixed on the icepack to avoid looking at your dad.
“No sweetheart, I’m not mad. I do wish you had handled it a little differently, but I can’t be mad at you for standing up for Bradley.” Maverick admits, watching as you finally get the courage to look up at him.
“I wish I didn’t punch him. But it was satisfying.” You say quietly, a shy smile covering your face as Maverick lets out a soft chuckle before carefully pulling you into a hug.
“Well between me and you. I think he had it coming.”
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callsign-muffin · 19 days
Heal Together: Chapter 2
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
I'm like completely overwhelmed that anyone has even read the first chapter of my fic, well alone liked and/or reblogged it! Thank you guys so much!
This chapter is a little bit of filler, just a heads up. But I hope you all like it anyways.
Word Count: 2.0k
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There were a lot of people surrounding Rooster’s bed, they all introduced themselves but the only thing he could really think about was how scared he was for them to pull this tube out of his throat. The doctor told him that there’s always a chance he might not respond well and they’ll have to place another one. And good god, that was the last thing he wanted. The sedation medications, being unable to talk, having to have his throat suctioned constantly, and listening to the never ending sounds of the machines were his own personal hell. And the prep before this was its own level of horrible. They put a vest on him that shook him violently to loosen any crap that had built up low in his lungs while he was intubated. Then they deep suctioned the shit outta his throat, it was so uncomfortable but Y/N promised it was all to help him and keep him from getting sick again and having to be intubated again.
He looked over at Y/N and prayed that she could say something to make him feel better. All of his friends and Mav were still on the aircraft carrier in God knows where, so Y/N was the only familiar face. He guesses he could’ve called Penny, Mav’s girlfriend, but it’s a Saturday morning, she should be spending time with Amelia and getting ready for another crazy night at the Hard Deck.
“So what’s gonna happen is: I’m gonna sit your bed up really high and place a pad under your chin since a lot of gunk might come up with the tube. That’s completely normal.” Y/N explained calmly, “Brent, the guy on your left, is the respiratory therapist. He’s gonna ask you to cough a few times and on the last cough, he’s gonna pull the tube out.”
Bradley nodded, looking her straight in her beautiful, expressive eyes.
“Your throat’s gonna hurt and feel really dry, you probably won’t be able to talk for a little bit.” She continued, “But I’m gonna stay here and monitor you, listen to your lungs, suction out any more gunk, and maybe we can try swabbing your mouth with water to help with the dryness until you’re cleared to drink. Does that sound okay?”
The young doctor at the bedside scoffed, “Do we really need to have this much dialog? We have other patients to get to, Nurse.”
Y/N’s face hardened, “I am well aware that you all are busy. However, I’m not going to allow anything to happen to Lt. Bradshaw without his full informed consent, so I’m making sure he knows exactly what we’re doing. It’s his right.”
The older doctor smiled at Y/N, “This is why nurses are so important, they fill in the blanks for the patients. As physicians, we can get caught up in the science and the technicality of things but nurses are the people who remind us to remember that we’re taking care of the whole person.”
The young doctor rolled his eyes.
Y/N smiled at the older doctor and shot the young doc a look that said, Bite me, bitch. She then looked at Rooster and asked, “You ready?”
Rooster nodded slowly, he was so scared.
“It’s okay that you’re scared.” She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “But you see Brent, the one literally doing the damn thing to you? He’s not scared and I’m not scared ”
Brent smiled, “Not one bit. And all of those docs in their fancy white coats, they OK’d me to do this. That means they’re not scared either.”
Rooster felt a rush of calm wash over him, Y/N trusted these people, so he had no reason not to as well.
“Ready man?” Brent asked.
Bradley nodded.
Y/N sat the bed up so that he was sitting tall and placed an absorbent pad under his chin, “Let’s do it!”
“Give me a few coughs, Lieutenant.” Brent instructed.
Rooster coughed uncomfortably, it felt so weird with this thing on his throat.
“One last big cough.” Brent said.
With his next cough the tube was out and Rooster couldn’t help but continue to cough and dry heave. All the doctors’ eyes were glued to the numbers on his monitor, the only one looking at him was Y/N. 
She wiped all the spit and nastiness off of his face carefully and talked to him quietly, “That’s it, let it out. You’re doin’ great.”
A few moments later the older doctor said, “His oxygen sats look great. Let us know if anything changes, Y/N.”
Y/N nodded, “Will do. Can I get a standing supplemental oxygen order? Just in case his sats start to decline.”
“Of course, Carl– I mean… Dr. Parks will put those in for you right away.” The old doc looked over at the very displeased younger doctor.
Once the doctors all assessed him and felt okay leaving the room, it was just Rooster and Y/N. He gestured towards his white board, there was no way in hell he could talk yet.
Y/N happily passed it to him and proceeded to start her own assessment, listening to his lungs with her stethoscope.
That young doc is an asshole. Rooster wrote.
Y/N snorted, taking her stethoscope out of her ears and setting it to rest around her neck, “For the sake of professionalism, no comment.” 
Can you call Maverick and tell him I’m okay? 
“Yeah, of course.” She pulled a pen and a slip of paper out of her scrub pocket, “Just write down his full name and number.”
█ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █
“Hi Captain Mitchell, this is Y/N and I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw’s nurse today.” You tried your best to sound as not nervous as possible. You always hated sitting at the nurses station and calling family members on the phone, usually because it was to give bad news or tell them to come to the hospital quickly to say goodbye. At least this time it was something positive.
“Oh my god,” The man choked on the other end of the line, “Is– Is he okay?”
“Yes, he’s fine. I’m sorry for scaring you.” You fiddled with the long phone cord, “He’s actually doing great. We took him off the ventilator about an hour ago and he’s breathing really well on his own. He’s working with physical therapy now, they have him out of bed and sitting in a chair.”
You could hear the joy in the man’s voice, “That’s incredible! Oh my god! I can’t wait to tell everyone, we’ve all been so worried. Can I speak to him?”
“Not quite yet, he’s not able to talk yet and will be hoarse for a little while.” You explained, twisting from side to side in the swiveling chair,  “But I can see if we can charge up his phone so he can text you and call when he’s able to.” 
“Thank you so much for the update, Y/N.” Capt. Mitchell gushed, “I usually have to call first for updates but this was such a great surprise.”
“Well one of the first things Bradley asked me to do for him after his extubation was call you and let you know that he’s okay.” 
He let out a happy sigh on the other end of the phone, “Did he really? That’s so good to hear. Tell him I’ll be home soon and my first stop will be to see him.”
You nodded, “Will do, Capt. Mitchell. You have a great rest of your day.”
“You as well, I know you’re taking great care of him.” And the call cut off right there.
“Ooooh look at you, big shot.” You couldn’t help but smile seeing Bradley sitting up in a chair and channel surfing on the crappy hospital TV.
Bradley picked up his white board and marker from the table beside him, Did you talk to Mav?
“You mean Capt. Mitchell?” You confirmed and Bradley nodded, “He said he’ll be home soon and his first stop will be to come see you. But hopefully you’ll have busted out of this joint before then.”
Bradley raised his eyebrows and scribbled, You think so?
You shrugged logging into the computer by his bed and starting to organize his 3pm medications, “I mean, I can’t say for sure. I know that you military dudes can’t tell people exactly where you’re going or when you’re coming home on your deployments. But if things keep going as well as they are, it seems like a good possibility you could be transferred to a step-down unit and then hopefully discharged in the next week or so.”
Bradley started writing again, I don’t want to go to another unit. I want to keep you as my nurse.
You giggled, “Well that is incredibly kind of you to say, but the best part of my job is seeing patients get well enough to be transferred to a lower acuity unit and then eventually discharged.”
Bradley pouted and drew a big fat frowny face on the whiteboard.
“You were a lot less sassy with that tube down your throat, Bradshaw.” You teased as you crossed the room with his meds, hanging them on the IV pole and programming the pump.
Pumping me up with poison? He smirked as he wrote.
“Nah, just antibiotics to treat that pesky infection that almost killed you and brought you in here.”
Damn, I was hoping you were gonna say they’re steroids to get me yolked. He flashed a mischievous grin at you.
You scoffed, “I took a pledge when I finished nursing school not to harm my patients and I considered giving them drugs that would shrink their balls and give them breasts doing harm.”
Bradley snorted and let out a hoarse laugh. Though it was very quiet, you could tell it was a great laugh.
“Hey Y/N, I’m taking room 4 back from you.” Carly, the young nurse from the morning, sat in the empty chair next to you at the nurses station.
“Oh great, do you want a full report or are you good with just the updates?” You asked, pulling out your notes from the day.
She clicked her pen, “Updates are just fine.”
“So the biggest news is that he was extubated today.” You grinned.
“Really?!” She gasped, “I’ve been pushing for that but the resident kept saying no.”
“Parks?” You inquired.
She nodded and sighed, “Yeah, have you met him?”
“Unfortunately.” You rolled your eyes, “I think he shares similar feelings about me as I do him.”
“I hope you gave him hell.” She giggled, “I’m still a new grad, so I don’t have enough experience under my belt to push back very much.”
“Well if he gives you any grief on your shift, don’t let it get to you. He’s also a new grad doctor, he’s also still learning.” You assured her then went on to finish your report.
“Hey Bradley, I’m headed out for the night. Carly’s gonna be taking care of you and I’ll be back tomorrow.” You entered the room with Carly by your side.
“Thank you…” Bradley croaked, “For everything…”
Your heart melted a little bit, you knew it took a lot of effort to get the words out, “You are more than welcome. And I’ll see you tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll get you transferred to a less intense unit.”
Rooster pouted and did a big thumbs down gesture.
You giggled, “That’s a great thing, Bradshaw. You don’t wanna be stuck in the ICU with me forever.”
He sassily rolled his eyes.
“Carly and I are gonna sign off some meds and check your lines.” You said, “And don’t give my girl too much sass tonight; she will be reporting back to me in the morning.”
Rooster scribbled on his whiteboard, No promises.
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callsign-mayhem · 8 days
i'm with the band (part 2)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female!Reader & Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader (final pairing to be revealed at the end...) Word count: 5.1k CW: Use of Y/N; reader wears Dr Martens, but that's the only specific detail.
You discover that your best friend Bob can play the drums, and since you have some musical gifts of your own, you decide to start a navy band. It's supposed to be a bit of harmless fun, but what happens when lines get blurred between you and Bob, feelings come to the surface, and a certain Rooster gets jealous?
This is a multi-part fic.
Find part one here!
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The Hard Deck was bustling like it always was on a Saturday night. Bradley was the last of the daggers to arrive, so he headed straight to the bar to get caught up. When he was eventually next in line to be served, he was more than a little surprised to see Maverick behind the bar.
‘What’re you doing, Mav?’ He asked.
Maverick handed two pints of beer to a young aviator, flashed him a million-dollar smile and then turned on Bradley. ‘Helping Penny,’ he replied. ‘One of her girls called in sick.’
Bradley’s lips quirked. ‘Does this mean I get free beers all night?’
Penny suddenly appeared beside him, a tray of empty glasses in hand. 
‘No, Rooster, it doesn’t. And if Pete wants to keep his balls attached to his body, he’ll agree with me.’
‘Remind me never to get on your bad side.’ Bradley grumbled.
‘There’s a beer in the tap for you, anyway,’ Maverick explained. ‘From Y/CS.’
‘Three beers, actually. She paid for them when she got here, something about getting you back for the sex on the beach.’ Maverick grinned, seemingly pleased that he’d successfully embarrassed his son for all intents and purposes. ‘Hope you used protection.’ 
‘Oh god, Mav. Stop. That’s not what she meant.’
‘I know what she meant,’ he said, pouring Bradley’s beer. ‘She’s drunk already. Phoenix too.’ 
Bradley’s stomach somersaulted. He’d seen you drunk a handful of times, and he was obsessed with the way it made you more confident. 
‘Yeah, that’s my fault.’ 
‘Keep an eye on them, alright?’
‘Always do.’ Bradley saluted him and headed towards your space in the corner. 
Somebody had the good sense to push three high tables together. Much to Bradley’s annoyance, Bob and Mickey had already taken the seats on either side of you. Nat was sitting opposite you like she had at the restaurant, so she saw Bradley before you did. 
‘ROOSTER’S HERE!’ She yelled.
You spun around so fast that you almost slid off your stool. Before Bradley could steady you, Bob was already there with his hand on your arm. 
‘ROOOOOOOOOOO!’ You cried. ‘Did Mav tell you about your drinks?’ 
You weren’t drunk to the point of heavy eyes and slurred speech, but you were the furthest from sober next to Nat. The last empty seat was right at the edge of the tables, next to Jake. Bradley didn’t feel like chatting to him all night, so he picked the stool up and put it at the head of the table by you and Natasha. 
‘Yes, he did. You shouldn’t have, doll.’ 
You practically swooned at the pet name, a reaction Bradley filed away for later. He wondered how else he could make you swoon. 
‘What did I miss?’ He asked, settling himself on his stool.
‘Me and Y/CS duetting Limp Bizkit in Bob’s truck,’ Nat informed him. ‘It was something to behold, really.’ 
‘Penny should start doing karaoke nights,’ you said. ‘Imagine the fun we’d have.’
‘Nobody would want to do karaoke with you, Y/N.’ Bob said. He had two Corona Extra bottles in front of him and a full one in hand. Bradley supposed that you weren’t the only one who needed a bit of Dutch courage tonight. ‘You’d smoke every single one of us with that voice of yours.’ 
You blushed deeply. Mickey and Natasha shared a knowing look, all but confirming Bradley’s suspicions. 
‘He’s not wrong,’ Bradley chimed in. ‘We should get behind the piano later.’
So maybe he was swinging his dick around. Either way, the way your eyes widened at his suggestion was worth feeling like a dick for a couple of seconds.
‘Yeah, it’s been a minute.’ 
‘I’d love that, Roo.’
Nat jumped down from her stool. ‘Let’s get another drink, Y/N. I think Penny wants to talk to us about that thing.’
‘She does? What thing?’
‘The thing,’ Mickey interjected. ‘You know, the surprise for Mav.’
One second, two, three. Then realisation suddenly dawned on you, and you disappeared with
Mickey and Natasha, out of Bradley’s grasp yet again. 
What he wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall during that conversation. 
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Natasha led you through the swarm of people around the bar and out to the decking. Part of it was undercover, which is where you stood to keep out of the rain. Clusters of people were huddled underneath the shelter, smoking cigarettes and sharing drinks. Mickey had followed you out, which you found highly amusing. 
‘You’re not one of the girls.’ You toyed, poking him in the chest. 
‘I am tonight. I know what’s going on, and I wanna be involved.’
Nat rolled her eyes so hard they disappeared into the back of her head. ‘You’re such a child, Fanboy.’
‘Oh, let him stay. Maybe it’d help to get a guy’s perspective. He texted me at the restaurant to tell me Rooster was looking at my tits.’
Natasha scowled. ‘Don’t let me hear you say tits, Fanboy. It doesn’t suit you.’
You and Mickey both howled with laughter. ‘That’s exactly what I said!’ 
‘We’re getting off track here,’ Phoenix said, flapping her hands. ‘Pay attention.’
Mickey nodded, face grave. ‘Attention on deck.’ 
‘First of all,’ she started, ignoring his pun. ‘Bradley was looking at your tits. Let’s get that out of the way. Second of all, Bob was also looking at them.’
‘Well, he was trying not to, which made it obvious that that’s where he wanted to look.’ Mickey corrected. 
‘Right.’ Nat agreed.
Heat pooled in the bottom of your tummy. ‘What am I supposed to do with this information?’
  ‘You gotta make a decision.’
‘What if I don’t want to be with anyone right now?’
‘Don’t you?’
It sounded even more stupid out loud. Of course, you wanted to be with someone, but how were you supposed to pick out of the two most incredible guys in the whole world?
‘Why do I have to make a decision now?’
‘Cause they aren’t gonna wait around forever.’ Natasha told you. 
‘Bob might.’ Mickey said, earning him a smack around the back of the head. ‘What the fuck was that for?’
‘Bob has just as much chance of finding someone else as Bradley,’ Natasha chided. ‘Don’t talk down about him.’
‘Right, sorry.’ 
‘Me and Bob are starting a band,’ you blurted out. ‘We’ve been getting close lately, practising and stuff. A few navy guys are coming to his place next week to audition.’ 
‘Oh boy,’ Mickey grinned. ‘You’re starting a navy band and didn’t ask Rooster to join?’
‘His name didn’t even come up,’ you admitted. ‘I doubt he’d wanna be part of it anyway. He’ll probably say it’s lame.’
Nat tucked a loose curl behind your ear. ‘If you think that, you don’t know him at all. He lives and breathes music, and he won’t think it’s lame if you and Bob are there.’
‘If she’s there, you mean.’
Nat raised her hand, and Mickey flinched. ‘I swear to God, your honorary girl membership isn’t gonna mean shit if you say one more word.’
‘We should go back inside.’ You said. 
‘Tomorrow, we’re gonna talk about this. Once we’ve dropped Bob off at his truck. You’re not gonna keep getting out of it.’ 
‘Breakfast? What breakfast? Can I come?’ 
‘Fanboy, for fuck’s sake.’ 
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Bob was arguing with you over the songs in the jukebox again. A fuzzy feeling had overtaken his body, filling the empty spaces with warmth and giving him confidence he’d never known until now. Sure, he’d been drunk before—well, drunk by his definition—but this was something else entirely. He’d come to the conclusion that even though he was enjoying himself immensely, it wasn’t something he wanted to feel on the regular. He didn’t understand how people did this every weekend. 
‘If you had to pick one song in this jukebox to listen to for the rest of time, what would you pick?’ You asked, leaning against the machine.
Bob scanned the song titles that were becoming so familiar to him that he’d probably be able to recite them in his sleep soon enough. 
‘That’s an impossible question.’ 
You smiled lazily. ‘Come on, Bobby.’
‘You’re expecting me to pick one when there’s The Clash, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen and AC/DC in this jukebox.’ 
‘And Billy Idol. You can’t forget Billy.’ 
‘Exactly my point.’ 
You leaned over to reread the song’s titles. Bob admired the way your hair slipped over your shoulder, brushing the hand he was using to steady himself against the jukebox. You were closer to him now than at the restaurant earlier, and he wished he could bottle your scent and carry it around with him all day. He was obsessed with your perfect, glossed lips and the idea of kissing them. 
His small crush on you wasn’t small right now, and being intoxicated made it harder for him to stop himself from doing something about it. You reached out and pressed the number for Dancing In The Dark before taking his hand in yours—a small feat, maybe, but not to him. Your hand was soft and warm, and he wanted to feel it on his face again, like in his truck. 
‘Where are we going?’ He questioned. 
‘To dance.’ 
‘I can’t dance, Y/N. You know that.’ 
‘Everyone can dance when they’re drunk,’ you reassured him. ‘Just don’t overthink it.’
It was easier said than done, but with your hand in his, his newfound confidence grew three sizes until it was almost too big for his body. You two were something straight out of a movie just then, dancing in a small space you’d found in the middle of the bar, singing along to the lyrics at the same time. 
He respectfully rested a hand on your waist, and you put the hand that wasn’t holding his other one on his shoulder, so you were like ballroom dancers. You sure looked the part, being too overdressed for The Hard Deck; the only thing missing was an actual ability to dance, but you were both too happy to care. Little did you know that Natasha was filming the whole thing on her phone and taking pictures now and then. 
When the song ended, you both waited to see what would play next, but nothing did. Instead, Bob was brought harshly back to reality, to the sounds of glasses clinking and loud chatter. That’s when it dawned on him that the jukebox had been unplugged. Once people realised what was happening, they moved to the piano on the other side of the bar from where you and Bob had been dancing. He hadn’t even noticed Bradley leaving the table to unplug the jukebox or take his seat at the piano because he’d been too wrapped up in your energy, your touch, and the sound of your voice. 
He wasn’t happy to have been interrupted by Rooster yet again, but the idea of hearing you sing properly—not just under your breath while dancing—was highly alluring. 
‘I think it’s piano time.’ You grinned. 
Still holding tightly onto his hand, you weaved your way through the massive crowd to the rest of the daggers, all of whom were at the front, waiting for their friends’ performance. When Bradley saw you, his face broke out into a toothy grin. He’d donned his aviators as per usual, and he watched you walk over to him over top of them like it was just you in the room. 
Bob couldn’t exactly blame him. Most of the time, you were the only person in the room for him, too. 
When Bradley patted the spot on the bench, you hurried yourself, clearly excited to perform. The alcohol was probably helping, as he’d yet to convince you to get behind the instrument sober. 
Bob moved to stand between Natasha and Reuben. 
‘Been having fun?’ Nat quipped. 
‘I was.’
‘Is that a little jealousy I hear in your tone, Floyd?’ 
Reuben nudged him playfully. ‘Come on, man. Phoenix didn’t raise you to sit on the sidelines. If you like Y/CS, don’t just sit around and watch someone else sweep her off her feet.’ 
Keys tinkled as Bradley got reacquainted with the piano. He looked to you earnestly, silently asking if you were ready. In response, you nodded and offered him an anxious but excited smile. 
Bob recognised the song immediately. 
Bradley sang the first verse, and you sang the second. Where his was husky and deliciously rough around the edges, yours was full and velvety. 
Slow down, you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then, if you're so smart, tell me Why are you still so afraid?
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out You got so much to do, and only So many hours in a day
When the chorus came around, both you and Bradley sang together. Paired with his expert piano playing, it was the most beautiful cacophony. Your voices welded together like precious metals, and the result was priceless. 
But you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through  When will you realise, Vienna waits for you?
You were bouncing off one another. When Bradley sang louder, you sang louder. When Bradley’s voice deepened, it made yours sound more angelic. When you held a particularly long and high note towards the end of the song, Bradley stopped singing altogether to give you and your voice a very deserving moment in the spotlight. Everyone around the piano was singing along, even Bob. He was helpless to stop the urge. Bradley’s stage presence was infectious, even when you weren’t performing with him, but there was something about you singing Billy Joel that made it virtually impossible not to join in. It wasn’t just the song or the fact that you were singing it, but the apparent joy that performing brought you and Bradley. Someone would have to be deaf and blind not to notice it. 
Bob was half considering asking Bradley to join the band. He was talented, and Bob could see that he’d be an asset, what with how much you loved singing with him. 
But that was also the problem, wasn’t it? 
He hadn’t even wanted to be in the band, but now he was protective of the whole idea. He didn’t want band practice to become another place where he competed for your attention and affection. 
Bradley managed an expert transition from Vienna straight into his usual crowd-pleaser, Great Balls of Fire. Bob had no idea how he’d managed it, but he had, and the crowd roared with delight. Mickey and Javy—who had somehow overtaken you and Nat and currently held the position of the drunkest daggers—were jumping around like maniacs. Bob, Nat, Jake and Reuben were laughing amongst themselves, totally distracted by their shenanigans. 
As a result, Bob missed the smouldering look that you and Bradley shared, the way you reached up and stole his aviators with a wink, all while never missing a word of the song. He was singing at you, and you were singing at him. Now, not only were you the only ones in The Hard Deck, but you were also the only ones left on planet Earth. 
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It was gone 1 AM when the cab pulled up in front of your home. Stars twinkled in the night sky—looking much like your dress—and your front garden was bathed in moonlight. It had been a night for the ages, but as brilliant of a time you’d had, you were looking forward to taking off your boots and putting your pyjamas on. 
Natasha seemed to share your sentiment—she’d taken her shoes off in the cab and walked up your front path in her socks, trainers swinging absentmindedly from her hand. You were glad she was spending the night because you felt you needed an entire debrief after the evening’s events. 
Bob’s presence was perhaps more exciting than the prospect of gossiping and making breakfast with Nat. He was drunker than you’d ever seen him, humming to himself as he led you to your front door. He held your arm to keep you steady, and the contact felt out of this world. 
‘Bobbyyyy—’ you slurred. ‘Please, can you get my house key out of my bag? I don’t think I have any base brain functions.’
He laughed, taking your bag off your shoulder to find your house key. ‘I knew I should’ve stopped Seresin when he started ordering shots.’
‘Nah. That might have been the best idea he’s ever had.’
‘I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.’
You and Bob were standing on your porch with the front door open. He gestured to Natasha, who was doubled over next to your rosebushes. 
‘Example A.’ He smirked.
You facepalmed. ‘Not the fucking roses, Nix!’ 
She heaved once, twice, then promptly threw up. You started down the steps, but Bob reached out and grabbed your arm again. 
‘You can’t even stand up straight,’ he said. ‘Go inside, I’ll get her.’ 
‘Yes, sir.’ 
You stumbled through to the kitchen, turning lights on as you went. The air in your house still smelled like the autumn candle you’d been burning earlier and clean laundry. At heart, you were a homebody. Nothing was more satisfying than returning to a clean, organised space, cooking a meal and watching a movie tucked under blankets after a long day. It was rare for you to enjoy a night out like this, to be the one begging everyone to stay for one more drink. The atmosphere had been charged tonight, especially at The Hard Deck. When you’d performed ‘Vienna’ with Bradley, it had been like touching a live wire. The current still reverberated through your body, and your body ached from unused energy. 
In the time it took Bob to get Natasha inside, you poured three glasses of water, added some ice, and nearly tripped over your own feet. She looked a bit worse for wear, but it was nothing that some aspirin and long rest wouldn’t fix. 
‘I think you two should get upstairs to bed.’ Bob said sternly.
‘Okay, dad.’ Nat sniggered. ‘You gonna tuck us in?’
‘Well, I just held your hair back while you threw up, so we’ve already crossed a line.’
‘Girls do that for each other all the time,’ you said. ‘It’s normal.’
‘But I’m not a girl.’
Nat wagged an accusing finger at him. ‘You know what, if Fanboy was here, he’d have appreciated that. He loves being one of the girls.’
‘So true,’ you murmured in agreement. ‘Bob, you’re being ungrateful.’
‘For what?’
‘Your hon-honourary girl membership.’ You said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
‘Alright, let’s go. Get your waters.’ 
Both of you did as you were told but weren’t happy about it. You headed towards the staircase, Bob following close behind. He turned lights off as he went, ever thoughtful. 
Upstairs, Nat collapsed face-first onto your bed. You rummaged through your chest of drawers for three sets of pyjamas while Bob switched your lamps on and closed your blinds. 
‘Bobby, are you okay with one of my oversized band tees?’ You asked.
When he didn’t answer, you spun around. He was perched on the edge of your bed, the photo frame you kept on your side in his hand. He was cradling it like it was worth a million dollars, eyes misty and far away. It was a photograph of you and him on the carrier after the special detachment mission when everyone had gone out to meet Maverick and Rooster. There seemed always to be people taking pictures in moments like those, and when you’d seen this one, you had to frame it. You and Bob were standing facing one another, faces bright with triumph and relief. He cradled your tear-streaked face in his hands, and you were both laughing in disbelief that you were together again. 
‘You keep this next to your bed?’ He whispered. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you said: ‘Of course I do.’
‘Because you’re my best friend, and I like it being the first thing I see when I wake up in the mornings.’ 
Bob set the photo down gently. He seemed to be having a hard time breathing. ‘One of your T-shirts will be fine, thanks.’ 
Natasha sat up, rubbing her head. ‘You guys are so cute,’ she said. ‘Do you want me to sleep in the guest room?’ 
Your eyes flew to Bob. He was playing with his hands, clearly still stuck on the photograph. 
‘No, Nix. You should sleep in here with me in case you choke on your vomit.’ You threw a pair of Spongebob pyjamas at her. ‘Go put those on.’ 
‘Both of you are so bossy.’ She grumbled. ‘You’re perfect for each other.’
She padded across your bedroom floor and out into the hallway. Once you heard the bathroom door close, you sat next to Bob on the edge of the bed.
‘It’s a Radiohead t-shirt.’ You informed him. ‘I don’t think any of my pyjama pants will be long enough for you.’ 
He took the shirt and set it on your pillow, ignoring the unsaid words that hung in the air like rain clouds. It was all you could do to sit still when Bob took his glasses off and ran his fingers through his sandy hair. 
‘Thank you for letting me stay,’ he said quietly. ‘And for the shirt.’
You looked at him earnestly, waiting for him to meet your eye. ‘Thank you for existing.’
His leg bounced nervously. When you laid a hand atop his thigh to stop it, his eyes darted to and from your face so fast you almost missed it. There was no way you were letting him shy away from this time. 
‘Bobby, look at me.’ You pleaded.
He did as you asked with some difficulty, and you were met with a hesitant gaze. 
You touched the middle of his head with your index finger. ‘What’s going on in there?’
He leaned against your hand, smiling bashfully like a child. ‘It’s a secret.’ 
‘We don’t keep secrets.’
It seemed like he was going to spill his guts for a moment, but then he stood up. He grabbed your t-shirt, pausing above you.
‘Get some sleep, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.’
And with that, he took himself off to the guest room, leaving your heart racing and your head spinning. When Natasha returned, you were still staring at the doorframe, desperately trying to figure out what had just happened. It seemed like Bob was upset with you. 
‘What happened?’
‘I think Bob’s angry with me.’ 
You picked up the picture frame and handed it to her. ‘He was looking at this, and I tried to talk to him—see if I could see what was going on in his head—and he couldn’t even look at me. He told me to go to sleep.’
Nat’s brows knitted together in confusion. ‘I don’t think he’s upset with you.’
‘He is.’
‘No, he’s not. Hear me out: he’s in love with you, and most of the time, you guys act like more than best friends. Short of sleeping together, you’re basically already a couple. Then, tonight, you have that moment with Bradley—’
Nat held a hand up. ‘Don’t deny it, we all saw it. There’s chemistry there.’ She insisted. ‘Bob’s probably super confused because he can see it too, and then he comes here and sees this. The poor guy probably doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going.’ 
Your heart withered in your chest at the realisation. ‘He’s in love with me.’
‘Yes, Y/N, and you need to do something about it. If you think you might feel the same way, you need to stop fucking around with Rooster and give it a shot with Bob. Or, you need to let Bob down gently because otherwise, someone is gonna get seriously hurt.’ 
God, how you wished it were that simple. You took the clips from your hair and kicked off your boots while Natasha took her makeup off at your vanity. All seriousness put aside, it did feel a lot like the kinds of sleepovers you had with your friends in high school. 
‘Nix, can you unzip my dress?’
‘Damn, now you’re trying it on with me too?’
You laughed. ‘You make me sound like a whore.’
‘I mean, if the shoe fits…’
You grabbed one of your throw pillows and launched it at her. She squealed with laughter, jumping up to grab her own pillow. After dealing a few revenge blows, she unzipped your dress for you. 
Breathless from laughter, you said: ‘Hangman would have a field day if he saw us.’
‘When he asks how our sleepover was on Monday morning, we should tell him we had a pillow fight in lingerie.’ Natasha grinned devilishly. 
‘He won’t be able to focus on his manoeuvres.’
‘Good, then I’ll beat him all day.’ 
Natasha crawled into your bed and propped herself up on your throw pillows. You went through the motions of your night routine, taking off your makeup and changing into pyjamas. It was gone 2 AM by the time you got into bed. You had lots to think about. Natasha was right about somebody getting hurt if you didn’t do something soon. She’d told you everything you needed to hear except what you were supposed to do about it. 
Why couldn’t there be a blueprint, a map that showed you which path to follow and where you’d end up? 
As you drifted off to sleep, you thought about band auditions with Bob on Tuesday afternoon and the expression on his face when he’d seen the picture on your bedside. But this wasn’t all you thought about. You couldn’t help but reminisce about your performance with Bradley and the pure, unadulterated joy you felt while singing with him at the piano. 
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Rain pelted against the roof of Bob’s garage. The weather had been awful the last couple of days, the build-up to the storm that had been forecasted for San Diego. Bob loved being cosied up inside when it was storming and falling asleep to the comforting sound of rain. What he didn’t love was the fact that it kept the dagger squad grounded and bored at work. Sure, there were other things to get on with, but he preferred being airborne. 
It had been a tedious week thus far. The only thing getting him through it had been the prospect of band auditions this evening. Considering he didn’t even want to start a band to begin with, he was in his element now. You and Bob were sitting on the sofa in his garage, leaning forward in your seats as you listened to Elliot Green play bass with expert precision. Elliot was one of the air and space operations guys, and he’d seen the poster you’d made on his way to work one morning. Bob wasn’t sure anyone would notice your posters, even though you’d spent ages creating them. 
He’d never been happier to have been wrong about something because Elliot was a natural on the bass. He was precisely the kind of person you needed for the band, and Bob could tell from the glint in your eye that you felt the same.
When he was finished, you both gave him a hearty applause. Elliot was tall and lean, with sandy blonde hair slightly longer than Bob’s and glasses. At work, he wore the same glasses as Bob, but he had a different pair for out of hours. These were round with tortoiseshell rims, and Bob couldn’t help but think Elliot was an artsier version of him. 
‘Well,’ you said dreamily. ‘I don’t think Bob and I need to discuss anything.’
‘No, we don’t.’
‘The spot is yours if you want it.’ You beamed.
Elliot’s blinked behind his glasses, taken aback. ‘Isn’t there anyone else trying out?’
‘Not for bass,’ Bob explained. ‘We've got someone else coming over in the next hour, but he’s trying out for guitar.’
‘You wanna stay?’ You offered. ‘Since you’re part of the band now, it might be a good idea.’
‘Yeah, sure.’ He smiled. ‘Thanks, guys. I’m excited.’
Not even half an hour later, Fletcher Adams showed up with the sexiest-looking guitar Bob had ever seen. It was a matte black Strat, and it suited him perfectly, what with his slicked-back raven hair, grey eyes, and sharp jawline. He introduced himself as Fletcher, but you and Bob knew him as something else. 
Fletcher Adams. Callsign: Phantom. 
He was part of another squadron, and although Bob didn’t know him well, Phantom’s reputation preceded him. If Bob weren’t part of a better squadron than Fletcher, he’d have found him intimidating. 
‘Thanks for having me, guys.’ Fletcher said. ‘I’ve been fixing to join a band for a while now, but there’s not much happening in the San Diego music scene.’ 
Somehow, Bob found that hard to believe. As you grabbed a cherry coke from the mini fridge, Fletcher eyed you like you were something to eat. If he’d wanted a bandmate with a massive crush on his best friend, he’d have called Bradley up.
‘Let’s see what you’ve got.’ Bob said, gesturing towards the guitar. 
Fletcher made a ballsy choice for his audition song: Master of Puppets by Metallica. Part of Bob had hoped that Fletcher was shit at guitar, but he was anything but. It was as if his instrument was an extension of his body, the strings extensions of his fingers. If that wasn’t enough, he played the most challenging part of the song with his eyes closed in bliss. 
It appeared the band was complete. 
Before wrapping things up for the night, you all made plans for the same time and place on Friday night to start putting some songs together. You also pooled all your equipment and made a short list of things you were missing. Everyone contributed, and you and Bob arranged a trip into the city over the weekend to get the last few bits you needed.
The whole thing had come together remarkably quickly, perhaps too quickly for Bob’s liking. At work, he was trained to keep his cool in stressful situations. It was different then, when he could use his nervous energy for problem-solving and quick thinking. He wasn’t unused to feeling like a fish out of water, but this was the furthest from the pond he’d ever been. Bob liked to keep his head below the parapet where it was less likely to get cut off. He stayed off the radar and made as little noise as possible, but starting a band was the exact opposite of that. 
And falling in love with you was the noisiest thing he’d ever done.
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A/N: Part two is finally here! This fic isn't doing as well as I thought it would, but I'm still going to finish it because I'm enjoying writing it. I guess my uni professor was right in saying that the projects you're super attached to are the worst received. I have such big plans for the next parts, and it's kind of writing itself at this point. I have no idea whether the reader ends up with Bob or Bradley, so I'll be just as surprised as you guys!
Taglist: @dearsnow
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the-ace-with-spades · 15 days
this is about slow down (you're doing fine) fic but also a general headcanon I think is universally true for me
I like to think that before the whole USNA papers fiasco happened, Bradley was very much Mav's kid.
He was the best of the best in anything he put his mind to and he always seemed to do it so effortlessly (it wasn't). He had no fear of danger that looked like pure bravery but was in truth, just him trying and trying to be brave (he'd 'do it scared'). He was a painfully loyal person and friend but rarely trusted to have it reciprocated. He was known and liked but rarely close enough with anyone to be fully seen as who he really is. He was commanding attention whichever room or group he wasn't in, and he was doing it on purpose. He had this weird intensity about him (always aiming for more, always being best at whatever he wouldn't start, always so sure of what he wanted and what he didn't) that only few brave people dared to get close to and explore, that very few people wanted to have in their life.
Even appearance-wise a lot sips off from Mav (not that Bradley would ever admit it) because Mav's been recylicing four pairs of Levis 501s since the 80s and buys only solid colored t-shirts that are easy to replace and jean and leather jackets. Sure, maybe Bradley did try not to fall under the trap of this, but it was hard to find clothes that were comfortable and not baggy.
He was a skilled pilot even young, even just flying boring Cessnas and that will continue because it's like driving - a good base is everything, and his base was taught by Pete Maverick Mitchell. He's beyond people his age, when he gets his pilot licence at 17, he's beyond people twice his age, and that's because he puts his heart into anything he cares about, which he inherited from the same man and great pilot who taught him how to fly, who spend hours at home and hours in the same cockpit, putting all of himself into Bradley.
Bradley's never felt like it was necessarily bad that he was so much like Mav — the way he saw it, the right people loved and liked to be around Mav, and sure, a bit embarrassing to be like your kinda-dad, but he much prefers this over ending nothing like him. The life Mav has — a man that loves him, a job that is demanding but one he always wanted and dreamed about, a kid that slowly grows to be like him, a small but tight group of friends and family — he'd love to end up with that life, too.
So just imagine. Bradley who thinks that all that's best of him was taught to him by Mav, who thinks all that's best of him comes from Mav, having his dreams crushed and hearing as the only explanation of why, from the same Mav that made him the best he could turn out to be, that created the person he was in such a permanent, significant degree, that he's not ready.
Every single insecurity he's ever had fixed with the use of loving, supportive parenting gets reopened.
And sure, at first he's in denial of it, he's nothing but stubborn, so he pours it all into spite and makes his life powered by the thought that he's going show Mav he's fucking ready and he's going to do it alone, without help from him or anyone else. He's not denying who he is, no, he still loves with his whole heart, he's still brave, maybe to the point it's now slightly more of reckless bravado rather than lack of fear, maybe he goes overboard into anything he cares about, trying to prove something to himself
This is when the hyperindepedency sets in, when the guards set up around him, and when the trust he has in people he cares about is permanently damaged, and when he starts thinking that there's no one in this world who can love him forever the way he is (the person he thought would love and support him no matter what couldn't, after all).
It's only later, once he finally becomes a naval aviator, that he realizes he'll never 'show' Mav how good he is, that he's always going to think he wasn't ready, that he can't trust the parts of himself that were built by Mav.
This is when spite gets too bitter. This is when he promises himself (even if he doesn't know it) that he'll never again be like Mav.
(the winging ceremony from slow down is what I was thinking in this case, but it can be anything - it can be a phone call to Mav, it can be Mav not showing at the winging ceremony, it can be him or Mav reaching out and thinking it's going good until he realizes Mav will never apologize because he's not sorry and he still thinks he was right)
He is distanced to the people who are in his life and not open to having any new people in his life. He's expecting everyone to leave eventually and he acts like it (he takes in anything they give him with even bigger appreciation, but rarely gives more than he's already given, afraid it'll set things off earlier than necessary).
His flying changes drastically but in a way that people think is just him maturing. Instructors and COs thinking he's good enough and mature enough not to show off and to play by the rules when needed. Newbies still noticing how skilled and precise he can be in the air. But it goes the other way as well and soon enough, it's not just playing by the rules — it's being overly cautious, it's overthinking everything, it's constant hesitation what he can trust himself with, it's giving up while anticipating the next bad move against him that never comes. All because he never wants to fly like Mav again
The only people who notice are the people who are the closest to him. Guys from his squad, Nat.
Jake, who's the closest person Bradley has, who always had the front seat to the shitshow that Bradley Bradshaw was as a person, can very well tell something's changed.
But that's all. He's stuck just with the feeling something is wrong and that Bradley is moving further and further away from him and doesn't want to tell him what and why it changed. And he can take a lot, because he does love him, but the minute he presses Bradley, truly presses for the first time, it's the end.
That's why Jake is so pissed. He knows something changed, he knows it's why they ended, but as days and days follow, he never figures out what caused it. And he's fucking bitter because he wasn't even given the chance to prevent or reverse it. It just happened and Bradley never even thought to let him help. And Bradley stays the same as years go on and on, and if he just told him, back then, maybe Bradley's life now would be different, would be happier.
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seresinhangmanjake · 1 year
Birthday Boy
Dad!Jake “Hangman” Seresin x female reader
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Summary: It’s Jake’s birthday and you have a very special gift for him.
Warnings: this is just a mega fluff monster (i think, anyway). Jake’s all happy being a dad and being in love with his lady and everything. Maybe cursing. Didn’t double check. Allusion to eventual smut that is not in this fic. Just to be safe:18+
Notes: can be read alone, but contributes to the Oh, Baby world as well. 
Words: 2422
Oh, Baby Masterlist
*turn on notifications for this blog or @seresinhangmanjake-library if you would like to keep up with my writing*
Thirty-four. The number was speckled throughout his house. It was strung together as part of a lengthy banner that was taped to his wall; scribbled in green icing across the center of the vanilla cake you’d baked him with an equal number of rainbow-colored candles sticking out the top; and in the form of two massive shiny, floating balloons in the corner of the living room—Rooster’s addition to the decor, supposedly meant to tease Jake but were obviously brought for your daughter, Eve’s, amusement. And the little girl loved them, immediately crawling across the carpet to stare up at the mirror-like mylar that reflected her fascinated face. 
Jake had joked two weeks prior that he was getting old, so you’d taken it upon yourself to plan a party that reminded him of his younger days…his very young days. You’d gone all out, including everything for a kiddie party but the clowns and ponies. 
Initially, you weren’t sure how he’d take the surprise—he could see the worry in your twisted features when you observed his wide eyes and gaping mouth—but Jake only grabbed you around the waist and kissed you until everyone grew bored of watching a couple so lost in themselves. No one had ever quite done anything like this for him before. He’d had birthday parties, sure, plenty as a child, but not a single one after his mid-twenties, and never thrown by a woman he loved.
You’d still kept it small. Inviting your shared friends, a few other pilot buddies, Penny and Mav and a couple of the Hard Deck bartenders—one of whom was the pretty blonde Rooster had yet to completely get over despite the year that had passed since first meeting her. Clearly you knew something the rest of them didn’t when it came to the woman because you spent a good bit of time trying to push her and Rooster together. And if Jake could tell by the occasional glances he shot the two, it looked like some progress had been made. Good, Jake thought. He wanted his friends to have what he had.
By far, it was the best party he’d been to, fully surpassing the unknown number of wild nights he'd dedicated to getting hammered in college. Jake liked the intimacy of it all, even more so after it had died down and most guests returned to their own homes, leaving just you and his team remaining.
“Well,” Rooster began after taking a sip of the beer that you’d made sure to pour into a polka-dotted plastic cup, “I hope you enjoy being old, Hangman.”
Phoenix tucked her finger under the elastic band holding the cone-shaped hat to Rooster’s head and pulled it a good few inches away from his face before releasing it. It slapped harshly against his skin and with a frown, he rubbed his palm over the fresh sting.
“If he’s old, we’re all old,” she scolded. “And you should be nice to the birthday boy.”
“The birthday boy’s got enough nice things. He’s got his lovely lady.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes with a chuckle. Then he extended his finger to lightly tickle Eve’s cheek. “And he’s got this little nugget.” 
When his daughter giggled in his arms, Jake pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her hair. He smiled contently before turning his head to connect his lips with yours. You both grinned into the kiss, that usual fluttering blooming in his stomach as you placed your hand on his cheek to draw him in closer. 
“Ok,” Payback just short of shouted, trying to pull your and Jake's attention back to the surface. “You know other people are here, right? And you’ve got a child in your arms.”
Separating from Jake, you looked back to your group of friends. “That was an innocent kiss.”
Fanboy snorted and took a bite of his cake. “It was no peck,” he mumbled around a mouthful of sponge and frosting. 
Jake reached behind you to rest his hand against your lower back, but it lasted there all of five seconds before traveling lower to settle on your ass. "Well, that’s as innocent as we get," he said.
“Pathetic,” Rooster playfully scoffed. “Be less in love with each other.”
“Not a chance, man.”
Everyone released a mocking groan at the sappiness, but Jake only snickered and leaned over to kiss your temple. It wasn’t the first time his teammates had joked about your supposed ‘nauseating’ obsession with one another, but underneath, their love for the two of you together was more than supported. 
“We should probably go,” Phoenix said. They all nodded in agreement, hugging you and Jake before giving extra special goodbyes to your daughter. Then they were gone—so much like a herd of wild animals or a school of fish migrating in one giant mass. 
Jake blew out a breath. He wasn’t old, but it didn’t mean the man didn’t feel the exhaustion of the long evening. 
“Tired?” you asked, extending your arms for Eve. 
He handed the girl over to her mother and shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”
“Good, because your night is not over yet.” 
Jake’s eyes followed the movement of your finger drawing a line down the row of his shirt buttons. He looked up at you. “Is that right?”
You winked, and as you turned on your heel to go put Eve to bed, Jake began to throw forgotten used cups and plates into the trash. They littered the area but he expected no less. His friends had a habit of bringing a tornado with them just to vanish when time to deal with the aftermath. 
“You don’t have to do that, baby,” you said, stepping back down the stairs. He felt your arms snake around his waist a moment later and squeeze. “Come with me instead.” 
Taking his hand, you led him to sit in a dining chair and settled yourself onto his lap. 
He knew his gaze was burning as it roamed over the features of your face. The only time it wasn’t was when he made sure to tamp down his desire in front of his daughter. But his baby girl was asleep now, and nothing stopped him from unveiling the entirety of what he felt for you. 
He was fully prepared to capture your lips in a kiss, but you stopped him when you said, “I got you a birthday present.”
Jake cared; he did. But you’d already given him so much and his neediness for you blocked out any ability to think of what could possibly be more important than you on top of him; he inside of you. 
He hummed lowly. “Does it happen to be lacy?” he asked. His fingers slid along the smooth skin of your thigh, pushing up the hem of your dress. “And under here?”
“Yes,” you grinned as you tilted your head down to brush your nose over his. “But I got you something else, too. Something better.”
You hopped up, slipping from his grasp before he could blink and disappearing around the corner into the hall. He instantly felt the gaping hole of your absence; the chill now coating his skin from the sudden loss of your warm body. He wasn’t a fan.
“Honey, I’m not sure there’s much better than you all dolled up in lace,” he called after you. 
You returned with your hands tucked behind your back, a sweet smile on your face as you once again took your seat atop his thighs. Jake rose a brow at your barely contained excitement when you whipped an envelope out and held it in front of his face. He leaned back a bit to get a good look, but the crisp, white folded paper was blank. 
“What is this?”
“You have to open it and read.”
He did as told and took it from your hands, lifting the unsealed flap and pulling out another folded sheet of paper. One of his arms snuck around your waist, holding your body flush against his again—tighter this time so you had no chance of escape—as he began to read aloud. 
“Petition for a change of name of a mi—” Jake’s voice caught on the syllable. His whole body, organs and all, briefly froze within him. A swallow strained his throat. “Minor,” he finally finished. He let the word settle on his tongue and when his brain regained functioning and fully processed the weight of its meaning, his eyes flicked over to yours. “Are you serious?”
Nodding with surety and cupping his cheek, you said, “I want to change her name. You just have to agree and we’ll sign some papers.”
The tears began to cloud his vision, fuzzing the words on the page as he read them again and again. “So, she’d…”
“She’d be Eve Seresin.”
Jake had imagined it before, dreamed about it. His sweet family—a small unit of Seresins that might one day grow into a decent sized bunch. You and he outnumbered by a group of little ones. But since your baby girl was such a surprise and you’d had Eve without him there—without him even in the picture at the time—her name was yours. Jake was fine with that. Of course, he was. It only made sense, and he wasn’t going to demand his daughter take his name just because you and he were officially together. But he couldn’t deny how the thought of his baby girl being a Seresin in name delightfully tightened his chest. He wouldn’t be too terribly upset by his woman sharing his name, either.
With your free hand, you brushed away the escaped salty droplet that slipped down his cheek. He met your eyes again.
“Honey, are you sure? Just because she doesn’t have my name, doesn’t mean—”
You shook your head. “I know, but your family name means something to you,” you said. “Besides, I imagine we’d be doing this sooner or later, and with Eve starting daycare in a couple of months it’s really the perfect time.”
You’re amazing, you know that? He thought about saying it every time he looked at you. Every time he saw you walk through the door, or take care of your daughter, or when you crawled into bed and cuddled up to him. And moments like this, when you expressed your devotion in such wonderful, unexpected ways. 
Jake put his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you down for the kiss he’d been desperate to give you. It was a pattern of long kisses between short kisses, with some kisses making their way to cheeks and jawlines, and eventually, his lips found the sweet, delicate skin of your neck, sucking red marks into the flesh. He liked those marks—made sure to give them to you often—a new one for every old one that disappeared. He was especially adamant about it once you’d started back to work at the bar, remembering all too clearly the wide range of drunk men that went far out of their way to hit on you. But you were his now. You shared a daughter, you had a future, and he didn’t need other guys thinking they were going to get lucky with his lady. And though you didn’t give him the satisfaction, he knew you secretly loved it, too.
You moaned, your head naturally falling to the side to open access to more of your skin, and Jake gripped your neck a bit harder, holding you still as he took a gentle bite.
“I love you,” he whispered against your neck, licking over the fresh mark to soothe the tenderness before lifting his head. “And you gave me a wonderful gift.”
The glimmer in your eye—he lived for that glimmer. That little shine of pride. “Yea?”
“Yea.” He smiled softly. “Any chance you want to get your name changed, too?” 
That smile morphed into a pout, his bottom lip slightly puckering.
“Don’t puppy-dog-eyes me, Seresin.”
“But Honey, I can get a wedding together so fast.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, but your lips were struggling to stay in a straight line. They begged to curve upwards; to part and bare your white teeth in the perfect smile that had taken him to his damn knees the first time he saw you. 
Jake loved when he could get your smile to break through any emotion you were feeling or trying to portray. He was convinced that was one of the reasons you worked so well together. Crying, irritated, exhausted—didn’t matter what it was, he could find some way to get you to crack a smile. Now was no different. 
He knew you weren’t going to say yes; your relationship was officially only six months old and you’d always lived by a hard line of being with a man for a year before getting married. He knew this before you even slept together, back when you were friends exchanging innocent thoughts about potential futures. But that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy hinting at the subject every once in a while. 
“We’ll talk about it,” you said, moving one of his stray blond locks back into place. “But let's start with our daughter’s.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
He accepted your kiss—your promise that when he asked you that question for real, you would say yes. That was enough for him. When you were ready, he would get down on his knee and present the ring he’d had made a month ago, and you would start another chapter. But for now, everything he had was enough. More than enough. More than he could’ve dreamed of. 
“Would you like to have your other present now?” you asked. 
Your finger slowly traced the neckline of your dress, pulling down just a bit to reveal the lacy trim of your bra.
Jake took in a deep inhale through his nose and let the exhale fill his cheeks as it left his body. Just under that dress was a layer of thin, intricate material in a deep shade of red just barely covering some of his favorite parts of you. Swallowing hard, he replaced your finger with his and pulled the front of your dress lower to expose more of the garment. The lace barely contained the swell of your breasts, and he instantly hardened beneath you, cock straining against the zipper of his jeans. 
With his eyes still glued to your cleavage, he nodded. “I would absolutely love to have my other present now.”
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polar-equinoxx · 7 months
My Updated Masterlist!!✨
My ao3 account: polar_equinoxx
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Take your pick, all of these are sfw, full of fluff or angst and definitely hurt/comfort.
All are rated either gen or teen!!
The number in brackets are the words for the multi-chapter fics!!
☁️ The Heavens Told Me That Clouds Have Been Grey
All of my icemav fics
☁️ There’s A Silver Lining On Every Cloud
Icemav kiss prompts from this post here , feel free to send me prompts to write!
🌟 Canons Shoot Ships But Not This One
Fics that slot neatly into the canon timeline, contains feels (and icemav kisses)
❤️‍🩹 Goose Lives AU
Nobody dies AU, Goose and Slider get icemav together in hilarious ways (I need to write more for this series tbh)
🪽 Angelus AU
The icemav boys are angels, and that isn’t normal… (wing fic/s)
🌠 Shooting Stars
A three part icemav get together, and they discover they have more connections with each other than ever
Multi-Chapter Fics
🍁 Hot Summer Nights To Cold Winter Days (18,018)
A retelling of tg86, but icemav get together sooner
❄️ Returning To You (25,400)
Ice gets amnesia, very angsty, also (not) -one-sided pining (with a 1.5k epilogue)
🌙 When The Human Strokes Your Skin That Is When You Let Them In (29,042)
Another retelling of tg86, Mav closes off from everyone post Goose’s death
🌷 Galloping Into The Cold (5,777 - unfinished)
Alternate Universe, the boys ride horses, also a huge class divide between Ice and Mav
🐎 Heaven In Your Eyes (8,160 - unfinished)
Alternate Universe - cowboys, circa 1886
🧊 Not Enough (11,433)
A backstory for Ice, if you will
🌹 Roses (5,303)
Ice POV pining for Mav with intense flower symbolism and multiple valentines days
🌪️ Vertigo (22,867)
Alternate first meet, circa 1984, (they are young babies) Ice finds Mav drunk in the bathrooms and takes care of him. (With a 1.4k extra)
💫You Can Be My Light (wip)
An Ice-POV retelling of tg86, featuring a lot of pining, feelings and emotions
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Maverick is a dad?!
Summary: Omg I loved you last fic it was so cute!! I loved how you included the large amount of peer pressure that people in these situations can face and they still stuck with their gut and went to where they felt safe.
I was wondering if I could request another maverick x daughter reader
(background) my cousin is in the military and I attended a gala with him and I saw the cutest thing ever. A soldier holding his sleeping daughter while at the party and my heart immediately was like omg Maverick would so do this!!!
so can I please request one where maverick attends the navy ball with his daughter as his plus one but after some time she starts to get tired. So she does that little toddler whine/cry (not a fit but like they are tired) so Mav starts to think that something is wrong but the only thing he can understand is “I tired” so he realizes that she missed her nap so he picks her up and she falls asleep. So maverick goes through the remainder of the party with a sleeping toddler clinging to his shoulder. Maybe his teammates tease him a little but there wives and girlfriends think it is the sweetest thing ever and just gush to Mav about his sleeping baby.
totally your choice and I love all that you do
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
First Installment: Light of His Life
Second Installment: Maverick is a dad?!
Third Installment: Crossing Paths
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The Navy Gala was something that Maverick dreaded going to always seeing families together and being happy. He never had anyone to go with always going alone. Maverick never really made friends besides Goose, Carole, and Little Bradley. But when Y/N came along, at just a week old, everything changed for him and his lifestyle, the only people that knew about her were the higher-ups and the Bradshaw family, Carole helped a lot when it came to having to babysit and just being a parent.
Y/N was too young when Maverick came into the custody of her. But now that she was 3 years old he thought it was time for her to attend a Navy Gala. Maverick initially didn't want to announce he had a kid but he knew that he couldn't hide her forever plus Goose, Carole, and Bradley were going to be there.
Maverick got dressed in his dress whites and then turned to his 3-year-old sitting on his bed. He could see her from the mirror so she was never out of his sight.
"How do I look, Sunshine?" Maverick asked her, he started calling her Sunshine because she lit up his world when she came into his life. The little girl looked at her dad and scrunched up her nose, a trait her daddy loved, and closed one eye seeming to think about it. One hand comes to her chin to tap it. Then she smiled a bright smile.
"Good Daddy!" She said in her cheery voice. Maverick smiled at her and went over to her tickling her which made her screech and laugh.
"Thank you, Sunshine." Maverick said pulling back "Now we need to get you dressed." He said and picked her up and walked her to her room and sat her down on her bed. He walked to her closet and opened it. He pushed some clothes out of the way until the mini navy blue dress come into view. He pulled it out and walked over to her with it. "Ok, Sunshine. Time to get dressed." He said and started to undress her. While getting her ready he tickled her every now and then making her giggle. He got her dress on and sat her down "Ok shoes." He said to no one in particular, he went to her closest again and pulled out her white sandals. He shut it and walked to her and put her shoes on her. He then looked at her hair. "Ok, Sunshine. How do you want your hair?" He asked her again she made the face she did when he asked her how he looked, then she smiled.
"Side braids Daddy!" She said and he laughed.
"Ok, Sunshine." Maverick said with a giggle. He picked her up, careful to keep her dress down, walked her to the bathroom, and sat her on the counter. He started to brush her hair gently while making faces at her through the mirror. He put the brush down and started to on the right side of her head, gently pulling her hair out of her face and splitting it into three sections, and crossing them over creating a braid until the back of her head and then bringing it around to her. "Hold that for Daddy, please Sunshine." She nodded her head with a smile and took it from him. He repeated the process with the left side and then took the right braid from her and then braided them together and then the end and tied it off with a clear plastic band. He smiled proud of himself and ran a hand through her naturally curly dark locks. When he got custody of her he immediately started to learn hair and even had Carole to help, she was happy to have a little girl to practice hair on since you can only do so much with a boy's hair. He had to add one more touch, he pulled out some navy blue ribbon, that Carole bought him, and tied it in a bow, exactly like Carole showed him. "All done Sunshine." He told her with a smile and helped her down.
"Daddy, how do I look?" Y/n asked twirling.
"Perfect. You look perfect." Maverick said with tears welling up and smiling. They still had some time to kill but decided to get ready early in case something happened. He was so lost in thought that the doorbell ringing made him jump and made Y/N smile.
"UNCKY GOOSEY!" Y/N practically yelled, that kid loved that man, and took off for the door with her dad right behind her.
"Y/N/N slow down before you trip and don't open the door." Maverick said and caught up with her before she could open the door and picked her up. He opened the door to reveal the Bradshaw family. Y/N made grabby hands toward Goose who gladly took her.
"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire don't you look like a princess." Goose said and hugged her and she giggled. He put her down and she ran to Carole and she hugged her.
"You look pretty baby. Mav you did a really good job." Carole said and let her go and then turned to Bradley and hugged him and he returned it.
"Thank you. You helped a lot." Maverick told her. With all the greetings out of the way. "Ok, let's go." He said and headed outside, Goose, Carole, and Bradley got in the Bronco and Maverick and Y/N got in his Ford Range Rover, he still had his bike but figured he needed an actual car to travel with a kid. He put Y/N into her car seat and they all headed towards base.
They arrived on base around noon, it started at 1, and Maverick’s nerves grew a million questions running through his head. How will his squad react to him having a kid? Was this a mistake? He completed turning around and leaving but a tap on his window brought him out of his head and knew there was no turning back. He got out and got his little girl out of her car seat.
"Hey, Mav you ok?" Goose asked him before meeting Carole and Bradley on the back end of the car.
"Yea just a little nervous." He said still carrying Y/N.
"Everything is going to be ok. We're here if something goes wrong." Goose told him and Maverick just nodded. Maverick put Y/N down and held her hand. They started walking into the building. They got in and looked around Maverick felt Y/N squeeze his hand a sign of nervousness he looked down and bent down to her level.
"It's ok sweetheart. I know it's overwhelming but I'll be right here with you. If I can't be with you then you stick with Carole, Bradley, or Goose, ok?" Maverick comforted her and asked her.
"Ok, Daddy." She said kind of mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. He hugged her and stood back up.
"Mav we need to go say hi." Goose said and Maverick nodded and turned to Carole.
"Go! I got her." Carole said and they both left. She went over to the other wives and girlfriends with the kids in tow. Y/N was quiet never really been away from her daddy. She stuck close to Bradley and Carole. It was nearing 3 in the afternoon when little Y/N started to get tired, she was supposed to have a nap at noon but had woke up a little later than usual. Carole was talking and she didn't want to interrupt since her daddy taught her better than that. She wanted her daddy. When there was a break in the conversation she got Carole's attention and she bent down to her level. "What's up baby?" She asked her and Y/N pouted and mumbled and started to rub her eyes "What was that baby?" She asked one more time.
"Want my daddy." Y/N said and Carole nodded.
"Ok, let's go find him." Carole said and picked her up and grabbed Bradley's hand. After searching for Goose and Maverick she walked to them excusing them when they had to go past people and they finally reached them. She tapped Maverick on the shoulder and he turned around and saw Carole holding his little girl. "Somone wanted her daddy." She said. He noticed her expression on her face.
"What's wrong Sunshine?" Maverick asked her. She mumbled some stuff but nothing coherent. He took her from Carole and Y/N immediately clung to him "One more time." He said and leaned closer to her to hear her and started to pout and cry throwing a fit but not enough to make a scene.
"I'm tired." Y/N said and rubbing her eyes vigorously and then it hit him, she was supposed to have a nap at noon. They had at least another 3 hrs to go.
"Oh, Sunshine. You missed a nap. Go ahead and go to sleep. I'll hold you." Maverick told her and she nodded laying her head on his shoulder and burying her face into his neck and instantly fell asleep. He turned around to finish talking to Goose, Viper, and Jester who all had a smile on their face. They continued to talk until the two older gentlemen were pulled away. As Goose, Carole, Bradley, Maverick, and Y/N all hung out together they heard some whispers but most of all he could hear his little girl's soft snores and her breath on his neck.
Over where Ice, Slider, Hollywood, Wolfman, and the others with their significant others were talking, Ice spots Maverick with Y/N in his arms. Ice slaps Slider several times trying to get his attention until finally he does.
"What?" Slider said while rubbing his arm all Ice did was point at where Maverick was.
"Am I just seeing things or am I drunk?" Ice said not taking his eyes off Maverick.
"Not drunk we're seeing it too. You think that's his kid?" Wolfman asks him not fully believing it.
"Can't be. It has to be Goose's kid." Slider said while their significant others all talked and gossiped about how cute it was.
"No, I don't think so. She looks too much like Maverick." Hollywood said. Sarah, Ice's significant other, cut in.
"Well it's just adorable and I think we should go say and introduce ourselves." She said and all others agreed well except the men. The men didn't have a choice with them being dragged over to the little group. Carole was the first one to notice the large group stroll up.
"Hey, guys!" Carole said to them not worrying about how loud she was since Y/N could sleep through anything, she got that from her father.
"Hey! We thought we would come over and say and introduce ourselves." Wolfman's wife said earning a groan from the others which resulted in some elbows to the ribs.
"Well, I'm glad you did." She said they introduced themselves more like the women to Goose, Maverick, Carole, and Bradley. Maverick tightened his grip on his daughter.
"I'll ask the question we're all dying to know. Who does the little girl belong to?" Ice said getting straight to the point and earning a slap on the arm from Sarah. Goose and Maverick looked at each other with Goose giving him a nod of encouragement.
"She's mine." Maverick said a little defensively and his arms tightened but not enough to hurt her. Everyone was stunned in silence.
"Maverick is a dad?!" Slider pretty much yelled and asked and his jaw dropped.
"Well, she's just so cute!" Elizabeth, Wolfman's significant other said "What's her name?" She asked wanting to touch her but refraining from it wanting to respect the father's space.
"Her name is Y/N Grace Mitchell." Maverick told them as Y/N shifted and turned her head away from her father's neck. She continued to sleep away.
"Why didn't you tell us about her?" Ice asked him and Maverick sighed.
"I figured you guys wouldn't care. I mean we had our own things to worry about, why would you having known I had a kid be important?" Maverick said and everyone's hearts melted, including Ice's.
"Where's her mother?" Slider asked curious.
"Not in the picture. Gave up rights as soon as she was born. She was the result of a one-night stand." Maverick told them. Everyone was silent.
"Did you do her hair?" Holly, Hollywood's significant other, asked in awe.
"Yes, I did. When she came into my life I started to learn hair and had some help from Carole. Her hair is naturally curly so that helped some." Maverick told her and the look of awe on her face was perfect. Y/N slowly started to wake up and leaned opened her eyes and leaned back, Maverick who had felt her move looked at her. "Hi there, Sunshine. Nice nap?" Maverick asked her and she nodded her head. Everyone's hearts melted even more and a chorus of 'aw' came out from all the women. "You think you're up for meeting some people?" He asked her and she made a face but nodded. She turned around and some people she didn't know. "Y/N I want you to meet Ice, Sarah, Slider, Avery, Hollywood, Holly, Wolfman, and Elizabeth." He told her their names knowing it was a lot but knew she was a smart girl and would be able to remember even for her age.
"Hi Y/N. It's nice to meet you." Ice said with his charming smile and she smiled back and hid into her father's neck. Everyone was in awe. Goose laughed and tickled her sides which she giggled.
They stayed together talking and including Bradley, who was now in Carole's arms, Y/N in their conversations and occasionally eating. By the time 6 PM rolled around it was time to go home. Everyone was bidding their goodbyes but Ice stopped them from leaving just yet.
"If you ever need help with her or anything, we're here for you." Ice told him and the rest nodded and Maverick didn't know what to say.
"Thank you, guys. It means a lot." He finally said. They all bid their goodbyes and headed out of the building. Maverick, Y/N, and the Bradshaw family arrived at their cars and Maverick put his little girl in her car seat and kissed her head before closing the door. He turned around to Goose and Carole, Bradley had already been put in the Bronco. "Goodnight guys. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Of course Mav! You and Y/N are always welcome to hang out around us! You know she and Bradley love to play together." Carole said.
"Absolutely Mav. Goodnight." Goose said with a smile. They hugged each other and got in their cars. Maverick looked back checking on his little girl and she was fast asleep again. He backed out after Goose smiling. He was glad she was not a secret anymore but boy was it nerve-wracking to tell. He was glad he had people to help out when he needed it and maybe Ice and the others would give him some more respect now, they had grown some respect when he brought Ice, Slider, and Goose home safely.
When they got home he parked his car and got out and went to the back seat, he unbuckled his little girl, shut the door, and walked into the house after unlocking it. He walked in and shut it then walked up the stairs and to Y/N's room. Amazingly she was still asleep, he hated to wake her up be needed to get her changed.
"Sunshine." Maverick said while rubbing her back and she slowly started to wake up.
"Daddy?" Y/N asked and he smiled
"Hey there. I need to get you changed and then you can go back to sleep ok?" Maverick asked her and she nodded sleepily. He went on about getting her changed with little help from her. He then tucked her in and kissed her forehead "Goodnight, Sunshine. I love you." He whispered and she snuggled into her pillow holding her stuffed F-14. Y/N didn't answer already had fallen asleep. He didn't bother taking her hair down but did take the ribbon out.
Maverick turned and walked out of her room cracking the door slightly. He went about tidying the house up and watching some TV until about 10 PM and then started to get ready for bed. He checked on Y/N one more time then walked into his room and got changed and climbed into bed. As he was drifting off to sleep a smile graced his face, he was glad he had her in his life and happy that he has a team to support him. He might've been scared to bring her out into the world of aviators but, he knew that she would have them wrapped around her finger in no time.
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—𓆩[almost (sweet music)]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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one of my first music inspired fics, inspired by Hoziers Almost (Sweet Music)
𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem! Wife! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.3 k
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Watching you and Bradley be the cutest couple on earth reminds him of his best friend. He wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - this is just adorable fluff || established relationship || I’m a med student guys, I know it doesn’t happen overnight y’all have been having sex for a while- || goes from Mav’s POV to yours and Bradley’s (multiple times) || timeline jumps around || pregnant reader (later) || mom & dad || don’t forget that our boy is 38 years old || Bradley’s great balls of fire <3 || mentions of death || crying || reminiscing || high school sweethearts ||
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If there was one person Maverick remembers in Bradley’s young life, it was you, his god-son’s best friend and neighbor. He already had a bet going with Carole - you were going to be the woman that Bradley married, they were just betting on how long it would take.
From the age of sixteen when you both officially started dating, it took him five years to propose and seventeen years after that did you both finally have children. Since you both were aviators, it was harder for you both to actually settle down until you both got to Top Gun, where the baby fever actually started.
Maverick had followed you and Bradley throughout your careers, and you were a highly decorated pilot who had done more than six missions in the last three years before the uranium enrichment plant mission. Stalking you both on social media proved useful as well, being able to see the two of you on the annual trip you both went on anywhere in the world for your anniversary.
Maverick was happy you made his boy happy.
It did surprise him when you asked him not to send you on the mission, though. You were scared in front of him, fiddling with your fingers as you swallow slightly.
“You… you don’t want to go on the mission?” You were first in his mind to pick, not because he didn’t want to bring Bradley, but because he knew that you wouldn’t think and just do. Bradley still had a bit to learn, but you not wanting to go on the mission changed everything.
“I-It’s not that I don’t want to go,” you rub at your wrist, swallowing. “I-I just… want you to go with Brad- Rooster. You and Rooster should go together.”
Maverick looks out to the water, sighing heavily. “Zorro,” he uses your call sign, rubbing his chin. “I trust you. I trust Bradley. I’m not going to not send you-”
“I may be pregnant.”
He paused, though it was more like a freeze. Pregnant? You? Bradley? A father?
Now he had to bring him back. “What?”
You nod, rubbing the skin between your thumb and pointer finger. “I am not sure, but I have been having some symptoms, though it isn't certain.”
“Does Bradley know?”
“Know what?”
“That you’re talking to me. That you could be pregnant.”
You nod, then shake your head. “He knows that I’m talking to you. He doesn’t know that I’m asking you to choose him, but I kind of knew you would. He doesn’t know I could be pregnant.”
Maverick sighed heavily, rubbing his chin. He didn’t know what to do - of course he would’ve chosen Bradley, but if something happened? If you were pregnant and he wasn’t coming back?
“Pete,” you whisper, tapping on his chest. “You keep him safe. Please.”
He swallows, nodding slightly. “I will.”
You lean up, holding his face to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Mav.”
“Y/N,” a voice says, Maverick’s head snapping over to see Bradley. “You ready?”
You smiled, nodding. “So ready.”
You waved at Maverick as you jogged over, immediately finding your place under Rooster’s arm and wrapping your arm around his waist. Bradley looks back as he pressed his face into your hair, nodding slightly at Maverick as you began ranting about something random going on at your shared home back in San Diego.
Bradley listens, his hand slipping into your back pocket as he pressed kisses against your forehead. He hums occasionally to assure you knew he was still listening, Maverick swallowing as he stared at Bradley’s side profile.
He really did remind him of his father.
“Talk to me, Goose,” he whispers as soon as you both are out of earshot, staring out at the water before someone says his name.
“Maverick,” Warlock stood there, staring. “It’s time.”
When Bradley and Maverick get out of the Tomcat, you were the first to jump into Bradley’s arms. Your own go around his shoulders, Bradley holding back a sob as he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist as you wrapped your legs around him.
“Oh my darling girl,” he whispers into your ear, sighing heavily as he stroked your hair, kissing at your temple. “Fucking hell, I couldn’t stop thinking about you up there.”
“If you ever do that again, I’ll kill you,” you mumble in response, sniffling as Phoenix and Hangman make their way over, Bradley pulling your face closer to his neck as he kisses your cheek. “You’re so stupid.”
“I didn’t think. Like you told me.”
“Yeah, that’s good. That’s good, Roo.” Your fingers push into his hair, sighing as he loosened his hold on you, but still securely holds you to his body.
You don’t make a move to get down, Rooster speaking with Phoenix and Hangman as you finally find Mav. You smile at him, mouthing a ‘thank you’ as he smiles back. He nods, watching as you pull away from Bradley’s shoulder, interrupting his words with a firm kiss to his lips.
Phoenix whoops as she claps, Hangman laughing as Bradley basically turns to mush, groaning into your mouth as you hold his collar firmly. Your hand goes through his hair, his mustache tickling your lips as you pull away. You bite your lip slightly, giggling as you lean close to his ear. “I’m glad you’re back, baby. Have something to tell you.”
Natasha heard, grinning. You had already confided in her about the fact that you could have been pregnant, and watching Rooster’s face as you told him was something that would forever be engraved in her mind.
“We’re having a baby?” He whispers as you brush your nose against his, giggling.
“We could be. I haven’t taken a test-”
“Even if that test is negative, sweetheart, we’ll be having a damn baby.”
You laugh as he spins you around, lifting you up as you hold his shoulders, yelling out, “We’re having a baby!”
You both reminded Maverick of Bradley’s parents, and he couldn’t have been more thankful to see something like this.
When you and Bradley got back home, your fingers trailed over every inch of his skin. What if you would’ve lost him?
That night was the night you both memorized every inch of each other’s bodies again, using muscle memory to get each other to a point of an amazing orgasm.
Bradley’s large hands gripped at the sides of your thighs, his mouth pressed into your hot sex as you held his head, gripping his brown curls. If there was one thing your husband knew, it was how to work his mouth. He had memorized your body after the twenty two years he had been with you, his hands squeezing at your hips as he pulls you slightly off the bed.
“Pl-Please, Lee, is’ too much, t-too much,” you were putty in his scarred hands, eyes rolling back as his mustache grazed over your clit.
He lets his spit gather against the sensitive nerve, smiling at the loud groan that fell from your lips, then proceeding to use his tongue to drag his saliva down to your cunt. Your thighs tighten around his head, moving his hands to your inner thighs to press them against the bed.
When you whimper, he looks up, staring at you through the pretty valley of your tits. He winks, pushing between your pussy lips to press his tongue into your sex, moving one hand to prod against the sensitive ring of muscles with his slick appendage. He watches your eyes roll back, thighs quivering as you inhale deeply, Bradley watching his spit slowly dribble down your slit to the wet sheets under you.
The sight almost made him go crazy.
He pushed his fingers knuckle deep into you, sucking and popping against your clit before dragging his tongue back down. He licks around your entrance, a loud moan leaving your lips before he pulls out his soaked, slick fingers. He spits into your pussy, a yelp leaving your lips as he takes his hand, spreading your lewd juices all over his cock.
He bites his lip as he crawls over your body, lining his cock up with your cunt, using his tip to gather up the cum-saliva mixture dribbling down your pretty lips. He hissed as he pushed himself in, your tight spongy walls clamping down on his cock as you came, body convulsing before he pulled your arms around his neck.
“Come on baby, I’ll make you feel good. I’ll make you feel so good, you know I will, don’t give out on me now,” he grunts into your ear, trying to hold back from ramming into you. He was unsuccessful, the slight bucks of his hips making your overstimulated body jolt and a scream fall from your lips. “You got a few more for me, right?”
He pulled away to look at your fucked out face, the saliva running down your chin and your swollen lips he hasn’t stopped kissing and your hazy eyes with tears adorning your cheeks. You whined, nodding as your hands ran across his chest, one hand going down to cup at his balls as the other wrapped around his shoulders. “Kiss me, Bradley, please kiss me.”
He does, of course he does. He always listened to you, anything you wanted, you got.
“Fuck me, Bradley, fuck me hard.”
Oh, of course he would. What kind of husband would he be if he didn’t?
He pressed his lip to yours again, holding your body close to his with strong hands on your hips. Whispering praises against your lips, he lays you gently along the bed, letting his hands rub against your perfect body.
He leans down, pressing kisses all along your plush skin as he thrusts his hips, quick and hard just like you loved it. He groans against your skin, his rough hands rubbing along your skin like a ritual, a quick pop of his lips every few centimeters of your skin.
His name fell from your lips like a mantra, his tongue trailing along your shoulder as his cock dragged against your walls, one of his hands pushing down to slide between the two of you and rub against your sensitive, puffy clit. He watched, his ego inflating as you threw your head back with a loud scream of his name and a curse.
He takes your thighs, pulling them closer to his body before lifting you up just a bit. Bradley watched your mouth fall open, eyes rolling back with loud moans filling the room as he thrust into you, leaning down to press a kiss to your open mouth. Your hands run through his hair, tugging softly which makes him groan loudly, the added pleasure from your soft fingers and your cunt clamping tightly around his shaft making his eyes roll back.
“You’re doing so good for me, darling, so so good,” he praises into your ear, groaning as you kiss his head. “You’re doing so good, you got one more for me? Please?”
You nodded, eager. “Yes, I do, of course I do Bradley. I have as much as you want, please.”
He smiles, leaning down for a kiss. “I love you, darling.”
You giggled. “I love you too, Bradley. I love you.”
He kissed against your cheek, his thrusts turning softer before getting rougher again. They were rough, hard- a signal he was losing controls. He groaned out, your nails dragging down his back, a loud moan leaving your lips.
“I-I’m close! I’m close, I’m close Bradley, f-fuck, fuck Bradley.”
He laughs, smiling down at you. With a soft grunt, he slams into you, moaning loudly as your walls clamp down on him, tipping him over the edge.
His eyes roll back, loud moans falling from his lips and your name being whispered into your ear, praiseful words soothing you as his hands rubbed against your soft tummy. “Feel good, darling?” He whispers into your ear.
You nodded, head resting against his shoulder as you panted, the feeling of his cum filling you up making you moan again as he moved slightly. “Gonna fuck me through it, Bradley?”
Oh you tempted him, and with soft rolls of his hips, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “Yeah darling, I will,” he rolls his hips slowly, watching your eyes roll back before letting his hands palm at your pretty tits. “Want to take a break? Let me clean you up?”
You nodded slightly, hissing as he pulled out, his eyes staring at the cum- his cum slowly trickled out of you. You looked so, so pretty full of him.
He takes his fingers, slowly pushing the cum back into you, your thighs quivering. “B-Bradley, Bradley please-”
“It’s okay, darling, I promise. I’m going to clean you up.” He whispers, mischief dancing in his eyes as you whine.
“F-Fuck, Bradley-”
He takes his place between your thighs, sucking on your puffed up clit as he thrusts his fingers into you, pushing your mixed cum back into you. He pops kisses against your thigh, leaving soft red marks everywhere he went before grinning up at you. “Told you we’re having a baby no matter what.”
You went with Bradley to Maverick’s hanger, dressed in a pretty purple sundress with white flowers dotted all along it. His arm was wrapped tightly around your waist as he walked in, the morning sickness from the past couple of days worrying him.
“You alright, darling? Do you need a seat, some breakfast? A drink?”
You only giggle, shaking your head. This type of concern was rare for Bradley to show outside of your shared home, and as much as you appreciated it, you softly pushed him away. “I’m okay, Bradley. Go.”
He looks back at the plane, groaning. “Are you sure? We can go back. We can go back home-”
“Bradley. Go.”
He sighs, slowly pushing you into a chair. “Just… let me know if you need anything.”
“I will. Go!” You pushed him, watching as Maverick slowly came down from a platform.
He waves at you, a giggle falling from your lips with a quick wave as Bradley walks over to him. They stand in front of each other for a minute, awkward, before Maverick hugs him.
It was tight, the hug, tighter than he thought it would be. Or, initially meant it to be. Maverick slowly pulls away, ruffling his hair before leading him up the platform, looking over at the wall that had one of Bradley’s old baseball pictures on it.
He watched as Bradley looked back at you, your form relaxed in the most comfortable chair Mav could find and that he put out for you. Bradley smiled, a pure, perfect smile as you crossed your legs. You wave up at them, Maverick coming behind him with a smile.
You reminded him of Bradley’s mother, who on some days would just sit there, watching him and Goose work on whatever they had to. He looks over at Bradley, that stupid smile and that mustache that was just like his dad’s making Maverick sigh.
It was like looking into a mirage, a dream of wanting to see his best friend again. And for a minute, he did. He saw Goose in Bradley, and it made his heart swell in happiness, or feel as though it was.
“Mav? What’re you staring at?”
The mirage was gone. The time Maverick wanted to go back to so bad was gone, and now he was here, with Bradley.
Even then, though, the happiness never went away.
Bradley, though, stared at him in confusion. “Mav?”
Maverick shakes his head. “Let’s get to work, kid.”
Your baby shower was at the Hard Deck, hosted by Penny and Phoenix. The future godmother of your baby was excited, and she made sure everything, everything was perfect so neither you or Bradley had to worry.
You were expecting twins, and this would determine what you would be having with your husband, and the names you two had settled on as well. Since you met Bradley, you already knew the names of the children you’d want - mainly because you and him had been together since what could’ve surely been the beginning of time.
You had finally sat down after being on your feet for about an hour, saying hello to everyone and doing whatever a good host would do. So finally, you lift your feet onto a chair as you sit on the patio of the hard deck, stroking your tummy. You needed some air from the crowded party, especially because Bradley was worrying about you because you were nearing your due date.
The baby shower was late, especially because Bradley had to go on a mission, and that made him even more protective. He didn’t want to leave, but the way you forced him to made him know that he could, that he had to. You both were aviators before you were going to be parents, and you both sure as hell were going to be aviators after for hopefully a long time.
You let your fingers trail over your tummy, sighing heavily before looking out at the beach. You relax when you feel someone’s hands on your shoulders, those oh so familiar hands that rubbed softly, releasing all the tension they once had. “Oh my… darling, that feels good.”
Bradley smiles. “Of course, darling. Are you alright?”
You sigh. “I uhm… I’m just, a little- fuck.” You cursed, a sharp pain shooting into your lower abdomen. Bradley quickly goes around, stroking your side. “Baby? Darling, you alright?”
I shook my head. “N-No, I’m fine! I’m fine, it’s just… these pains have been happening for a few hours, but uhm… I don’t know, th-they just got worse.”
“Babe, we need to go to the hospital.”
You shook your head. “Why? We haven’t even had the gender-” you gasp, holding your stomach. The sharp pain made you straighten, another loud groan falling from your lips in pain as Bradley looked around frantically.
“I’m calling an ambulance.”
“No! No, don’t,” you say, inhaling deeply as you stand. “J-Just drive me there. Please.”
He nods. “Yeah, yeah okay. I’ll tell them-”
You gasped, holding your stomach as you hunch over. “Bradley. Bradley, oh my god, Bradley- we’re having a baby. Babies. We’re having babies.”
He freezes. “Right now?”
You let out a scream of pain. “Yes! Yes right now, holy shit!”
Six hours later, your sons Nikolai and Zion were born, Nikolai named after Bradley’s father, Nick.
As soon as you were back on your feet, there you were, sitting at the Hard Deck in front of the piano. You were breastfeeding Zion as Bradley held Nikolai in his arms, who you both often called Nick, Bradley - of course - singing Great Balls of Fire.
You laughed next to him, leaning against his shoulder as maverick stood at the bar, sighing.
I’ve got some color back, he looks at you, who smiles back at him.
She thinks so too.
He laughs as Nikolai slams down on the keyboard, absolutely ruining the keys of Great Balls of Fire, but when Bradley laughs and kisses his head, he sighs heavily. I’m almost me again.
Bradley looks back at him, smiling. He jerks his head to the side, beckoning Maverick over. And he does, walking over to see his godson’s babies.
He’s almost you.
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reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated! I love getting y'alls feedback :)
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© asterias-record-shop
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Hi there, just coming to say Tailspin is actually my FAVVVVVorite story from you and I hope you know there are absolutely readers out there who love your Mav stories 🥺💕 I love all of your works and go back to read them often but I always return to Tailspin the most. Even in the Rooster spinoff I really was dying to read and know more about Mav and OC. I hope this will give you a bit more motivation and confidence if you ever get an idea for another Mav story! Have a lovely lovely day 🥰
Aww thank you so much, darling!! This made my morning 🥹🥹 It means so much to me that there are people who really enjoyed Tailspin and Altitude because they are my OGs 😅 And young Mav is such a character, he’s incredibly fun to write! I feel like there is such a stark difference between young and older Mav in terms of the way he behaves and I loved exploring that in Tailspin vs Altitude.
Thank you for the confidence boost, love 🫶 You rock!!
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foreveraweirdoneslife · 6 months
You Can Be My Wingman Anytime - Chapter 10
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Took me a couple of days more, but the new chapter is online now!
Fanfic Summary: After the mission in the Indian Ocean, life continues for the flyboys at the Miramar Naval Air Station. They’ve got jobs to do. Mav still can't let go of the past. Ice is worried if he can continue flying with Slider. And most of all and in between all of this, Ice and Mav begin to hang out a lot and start falling for each other more and more. And as if that wasn't enough there's Charlie, it's the 80s and they're in the Navy.
Rating: M.
Pairing: Icemav.
About the Chapter: Slider is back in town.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
The Parent Trap | 0.2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader au
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♡ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
♡ In which, after a couple of years of listening to Peyton and Parker Bradshaw complain about their parents’ custody agreement, Grandpa Mav’s meddling goes a little bit too far.
♡ warnings: mentions of divorce throughout the fic, flashbacks to arguments and unhappily married people. Idiots who still love each other and don’t know it, struggles during breastfeeding, Jake Seresin cameo, flashback indicated by italics
“She’s seeing someone? — You’re kidding!”
Penny looks up from the bar, eyebrows scrunching slightly as she stares across the otherwise empty room at her husband and his two adopted grandchildren. Sitting opposite the two young girls in a booth, the three of them turn their heads and realize that they’re been overheard, then quietly resume their gossiping.
Maverick has this idea in his head that Rooster isn’t happy being alone. He probably isn’t, most people aren’t — but Penny has told him time and time again not to meddle. Rooster’s kind of a hot head about his personal life and this can only end badly.
Anyone that has come across Pete Mitchell, though, will be able to tell you that trying to get a bad idea out of his head is like drawing blood from a stone. There’s no level of intervention that can stop whatever he’s up to. Besides, it is a little bit cute watching the three of them plotting away together.
The door startles Penny as she’s cleaning residue from the beer taps. It’s only eight in the morning, they aren’t open yet and that door is supposed to be locked. Mav left it open. Jake Seresin strolls in the same way he always does, sunglasses on, lips quirked. Like he owns the place.
“Penny.” He greets with a nod.
“Little bit early for me to be seeing you, isn’t it?” She replies with a soft smile, setting her cloth down and leaning her palms forwards on her side of the bar. Jake takes off his sunglasses and tucks them into the front pocket of his khakis.
“My blushing bride seems to think she left something here last night.” Jake answers without a hint of shame, lips quirked at the sides, knowing Penny knows exactly what he’s talking about.
“Ah. Yeah, I was wondering if she would be wanting it back.” Penny answers, her cheeks running hot even though she has nothing to be embarrassed about. Jake’s wedding is to a local girl that Penny has known for years, Quinn even worked her for a couple of summers while she was in college. Last night, Quinn’s bachelorette party began here.
Penny crouches down and slides the lost and found box out from under the counter. She presents Jake with a plastic bag. His brows scrunch slightly. Quinn only sent him here for a phone. Glancing between Penny and this mysterious plastic bag, he opens it gingerly. She watches as his grin grows slightly.
Sure, there’s his fiancées phone. But there’s also a cute little gimmicky thong that was a gift from one of her friends that proudly proclaims ‘Property of Captain Jake Seresin’ on it. There are a few other things too, but it’s the thong that really catches Jake’s eye. He chuckles and closes the bag again.
“Thanks for saving these for me, angel. I’ll make sure that they get back to Quinn safely.” He winks one of his green eyes at her and pats a hand over the top of the bag.
Penny breathes out a dry chuckle, shaking her head. In her almost fifteen years of knowing Jake, he hasn’t changed a bit. “I’m sure you will.”
The sound of hushed whispering draws Jake’s attention away from their conversation, his head turning towards the booth in the corner. He leaves the bag on the bar, wandering over, “Bradshaw’s!”
They turn their heads in unison, two freckled faces staring up at the man who taught them exactly how fun water balloons can be, smiles crossing their faces. “Hey, Jake.”
“What are you two troublemakers doing here? — Shouldn’t you be in school?” He checks the heavy, black IWC watch on his wrist and frowns slightly at the two of them.
“We got suspended.” Parker answers calmly, still undecided in whether or not she should feel guilty about the situation. It’s hard to feel guilty when she gets to spend an entire week hanging out with Grandpa Mav instead of learning fractions.
“No way,” Jake smiles at the idea, leaning forwards and resting his palms on the table on the booth. He has always said that the two of them take after their mother and this just proves it. You always had a knack for finding mischief. “What’d you do?”
“We swapped places so that I could beat someone up for her.” Peyton explains. Jake grins. He and Rooster might have had their differences, but Jake has always adored these little terrors. He turns his head towards Mav, raising his eyebrows and then looking back to the girls.
“You look like you’re up to no good right now.” Jake decides, folding his arms over his broad chest. The twins glance at Maverick and Jake knows that he’s right. He slips a hand into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, opening it up. He drops two five dollar bills in front of each of the girls, “Well, do me a favour and give your old man a little hell.”
“Thanks, Jake.” Parker grins up at him. Like butter wouldn’t melt with her little pigtails and their matching denim overalls. Jake smiles and gives them a curt nod as he steps back.
Jake chuckles to himself as he waves goodbye to Penny and takes his fiancée’s belongings back to his car.
“What did Bradley say when she told him?” Maverick presses.
“He was fine with it!” Peyton bangs her fists on the table, startling her sister and getting a sharp look from Penny. She sighs and folds her arms over her chest. “He’s going to meet this weirdo tomorrow!”
Maverick hums, resting his hand over his face. Admittedly, he hadn’t been expecting a third party and this derails some of the plans he had made with the kids. But, it doesn’t kill the plan completely.
He sits forwards and rests his hands on the table as they lean in closer to hear him. “Okay, so here’s what you do, and this is important, so listen.”
The next afternoon, Bradley finds himself more anxious than usual for the evening. It’s a big deal. Meeting someone who could be a big part of his childrens’ lives. Bradley glances around his room at the two of them, wondering for a moment what they would think if they knew.
Only, they do know, and they’re two steps ahead of him already.
“How come you’re watching me get ready? — You two never care what I wear.” Rooster squints at them through the mirror as he tries to tame his short curls with a small amount of styling wax. Parker picks up the pot and inspects it. Barber Barber beachcomber sea-salt infused styling paste. She lifts it and inhales. It smells good, at least.
Peyton searches through his closet, looking through shirt after shirt as she tries to find one that’s good enough.
“Are you going on a date?” Parker asks. He glances down at her as he grabs the deodorant from his dresser and sprays it under his arms.
“No, just going out with some friends.” He replies calmly. Telling white lies to your kids is just part of being a parent.
“Which friends?” Peyton prompts.
Rooster gives her a quick look from the corner of his eye and smooths a hand over his mustache, eyeing himself in the mirror. There’s more scrutiny in the way he looks at himself now than there used to be. It isn’t that he has let himself go, it’s just that he’s not as young as he used to be. Stronger now, a little less lean than he was back then.
“We don’t have to tell each other everything, you know.”
“I’m gonna remember that when you’re asking me who I’m going on a date with in a couple of years.” Parker replies.
“Watch it.” Rooster warns, instantly frowning at her. She smiles sweetly back up at him. She looks so much like you when she does that. There’s affection in the way he rolls his eyes and grabs his belt from his dresser. “You found a shirt for me yet, honeybee?”
Peyton hums in consideration and steps up onto the base of the wardrobe, extending onto her tiptoes to pull a hanger down from the rack. She turns and sets it on the bed, “Try this one.”
Rooster scrunches up his nose slightly, eyeing the coal coloured button up that his daughter just laid out in front of him. “Kinda boring, don’t you think?”
“It’s grown up.” She protests, hopping up onto the foot of his bed and staring him down, “Try it.”
It’s probably not the smartest move to take advice on what’s grown up and what isn’t from a seven year old, but Bradley relents. It’s a grey linen short sleeve. He slips it over his shoulders and buttons it up. Peyton frowns at her father’s reflection as Parker shakes her head in disapproval
Something about it isn’t clicking. It hugs him too tightly in the wrong places, it sits weird on his arms. He sighs softly. There’s no way he’s wearing this to see you.
“Guys?” The chirpy voice carries through the condo as the front door swings shut downstairs. Amber. Parker glances across at her sister as Bradley calls back that they’re upstairs.
Amber is the twenty year old college student that lives next door. She trails her manicured fingers along the wall as she strolls along the carpeted hallway, already barefoot by the time that she stops to lean up against Bradley’s doorframe. She’s super friendly and she has been so helpful since she got back from college for the summer. She adores the twins and will babysit whenever Bradley asks.
“Hey, Amber — does this look dumb?” Bradley asks, furrowing his brows as he half turns towards her, still eyeing up the awkward fit of the shirt through the mirror. She smiles, her plump, glossed lips quirking at the edges as she looks him up and down.
“Like that? — Um…” She presses her hand over her mouth like she’s about to laugh. Rooster scoffs and shakes his head as he starts to unbutton the shirt.
“Enough said. Pick something else, my little Honeybee.” He chuckles. Amber’s green eyes trail as his fingers work open the buttons on the shirt, revealing more and more tanned skin. Peyton moves to jump down.
“Wait, wait…” Crossing past Parker, she steps in front of her boss and looks him over once more. “We can fix this. Do you have tank tops?”
Parker moves to sit beside her sister on the bed. Faces stormy and their eyes crossed, they watch as this borderline teenager plays dress up with their daddy.
First she gives him a tank top, and then she recommends that he changes his pants. She fiddles through his jewelry while he changes. He steps out of his en-suite with the grey short sleeve unbuttoned and black dress pants that hug his hips perfectly.
“How do I look?”
Her hands reach out and curl into the unbuttoned sides of the shirt, holding onto the fabric as she looks him over. The smile on her lips is unmistakably sly as she nods her head at him, “Amazing. Right, girls?”
Met with immediate silence and stoney faces, Amber’s confidence wavers. Peyton folds her arms over her chest while Parker squints at her side.
“Alright, well I’ve gotta get going. There’s money in the kitchen for pizza, bed by nine at the latest. I’ll be back before eleven. Have fun, kids!”
Amber winces at herself being included in that. Even wearing her Mom’s perfume and the shortest skirt she owns, he’s still calling her kid. She doesn’t realise that Bradley’s aloofness doesn’t run in the family.
The knowing look in the girls’ eyes as their babysitter checks out of the window and watches their dad drive away. The trouble they’re already planning to ensure that she won’t be invited back.
“Babe?” Slamming the car door shut, Bradley damn near forgets to lock it as he bundles the plastic bag under his arm. He rushes forwards, crossing the browning lawn at the front of the condominium and fumbling for his house key. No time for lack of precision, he slips the key into the lock and twists. Even before the door opens, the screaming fills his ears. Hell, he could hear it before he had even turned the car radio off.
“Baby?” The powder-blue painted door swings open wide, chipping paint from the hallway wall that’ll count as a two hundred dollar reduction in the return of your rental deposit later on. He kicks it shut behind him and carries on through the small apartment, already knowing exactly where you are. There are technically only four rooms to pick from.
The kitchen and living room are all in one space. Small bathroom. Two bedrooms. The screaming tells him exactly which room you’re in. Rounding the corner into the nursery, his heart breaks in two. You’re sitting on the floor with your back to Parker’s crib, your head in your hands. He hadn’t heard you sobbing until right now.
“Baby,” He breathes out, legs carrying him forwards as he moves to sit next to you. Parker’s cradled in against your chest, wailing as loudly as her little lungs will let her. Behind you, Peyton’s screaming just as loud in her crib. “It’s okay, give me the baby.”
Up close, he can finally see the way that you’re trembling. No, not even trembling. Shaking. Your lips, your arms, your legs. Unable to hold still as your body wracks with sobs and your smaller baby flails in your arms. Faintly, you can hear your husband saying your name.
“Give me the baby, it’s okay.” Bradley says softly.
Your lip quivers as you cradle her closer to your chest, silent tears burning your cheeks as they stream freely. Your voice breaks, barely audible over the newborn screeches that fill your small apartment. “I called you over an hour ago.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” His adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he sits forwards, shuffling closer to you. He presses his lips to your temple, “I got here as quick as I could. Let me take her.”
You hold her closer, a silent sob wracking through you, feeling her tiny heart racing against your skin with how worked up she has gotten. Tears stream down your face without a break, living your skin wet and salty. “I can’t — s-she still won’t— I’ve been trying—“
“I know, I know, it’s alright,” He smooths a hand gently over the wispy curls on Parker’s head, fluffy and already thinning from the amount that she had been born with. He kisses your shoulder softly. “I got the formula.”
Parker was born smaller than her sister. It’s natural with twins, there’s almost always a smaller one. But, it’s been three weeks. Peyton latches without issue and her weight has been progressing normally. Three weeks old and yesterday’s doctors appointment confirmed that she’s still underweight.
Your mother managed to breastfeed four kids successfully. Four different pregnancies, four different times in her life — and you can’t manage just the two of them. She has been telling you since you found out that you were pregnant that your body would know what to do, that it would all be okay and it isn’t.
“C’mon, mama. Let’s get her fed,” Bradley hums softly as he reaches out for her. “Just need her to stop crying first. Right? — We’ll figure out what comes next after that.”
He kisses the top of your head as you relax your arms enough for him to take the newborn.
“That’s it. Alright, I’m gonna go and make her a bottle. Can you bring Peyton? — Doc says they should eat on the same schedule.” He pushes himself up with one hand and cradles your daughter with the other.
“I fucking fed Peyton already!”
It’s snappier than you mean for it to be. Your chest heaves after you speak, throat sore already from all of the crying. Bradley nods his head, “Perfect. That’s great — she’s probably just crying because loud mouth here’s keeping her up. She’ll calm down. I’m gonna be right back, baby. Two minutes.”
He scoops up the plastic back on the floor and wanders off towards the kitchen. Over the sound of the other twin screaming, you can hear him faintly shushing your daughter.
“Not even a month old yet,” Bradley hums, pressing his lips to his daughter’s forehead, then her nose. “Already being a little trouble-maker. We’ve got our work cut out with you, huh, kid?”
He sways softly, taking care to support her tiny head, leaning back to keep her balanced against his shoulder as he shifts her into one arm so that he can pour the boiled water. Humming softly, he doesn’t even realize that the crying in the other room has stopped until the bottle is ready and Parker’s screeching is replaced with the contented hums.
“Atta girl,” Rooster murmurs, his infant daughter rested safely along his forearm, leaned back against the kitchen counter and her bottle lifted in his other hand whilst she guzzles the formula back. “Gonna just as big as your sister one day, aren’t you?”
A soft whimper breaks his attention from the baby. He looks up and finds you standing in the doorway to the hall. This isn’t how motherhood looked when you had pictured it.
You, barely able to get one baby off to sleep, standing in yesterday’s pyjamas at four in the afternoon, watching your husband take care of the baby after he has been at work all day. You stare at him, still in his work khakis, making it look so natural.
Standing before him in one of his stretched out old hoodies and a pair of boxers that you bought for yourself in your final trimester. Skin blotchy and your eyes swollen with tears, you turn your face away from him towards the ground.
“Hi, beautiful,” Rooster smiles at you. After most of her two ounce bottle is finished, Parker stops drinking and Bradley sets the bottle down on the counter. His face soft, head tilted, those big brown eyes tugging at your heart strings. “Tough day?”
A sob catches in your throat as you stumble forwards and press yourself into his side. Parker tucked up against his other shoulder as he pats her back gently, he’s quick to wrap his other arm around you. He’s going to have to grow a third with him being outnumbered like this.
“I keep trying and she just won’t — or she can’t — or I’m doing something — a-and my Mom says that—“ Babbling on, dampening the shoulder of his uniform. Bradley simply rests his cheek against your hair and smiles to himself.
“Baby,” It’s enough to make you quiet for a minute. His hand patting Parker’s back softly, the gravel of his voice vibrating through his chest as your head lays against his shoulder. “Your Mom once asked me if the movie Avatar was based on a true story. She gets it wrong sometimes.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the analogy he chose, hugging yourself closer to his side, resting your hand against Parker’s back over the top of his.
“Formula or breastfeeding — whatever stops her from screaming the house down like that is a win in my book. How about yours?” Bradley asks, rubbing his free hand up and down along the base of your spine. You nod softly against his chest. He pulls back and lays Parker down along the length of his forearm again, her head resting against your stomach.
“I just want to do it all right. They’re so perfect, and I just… I want to be perfect for them too, like you are.”
“Me? — Perfect?” Bradley lifts his head and grins at you. He unhooks his arm from around your waist and presses the back of his palm to your forehead. “All these kids are making you loopy, baby.”
You lean down and kiss her forehead softly, then settle back in against Bradley’s side. “I’m so worried about her already. Do you think we ever stop feeling like this?”
Bradley shakes his head softly as he strokes his index finger along her rounded cheek, and over her chin. “Nah. Kids are designed to stress their parents out, it’s like their sole purpose.”
Lips quirking softly at the sides, you glance up at him and know that he’s probably right. Doing it with him made it all seem okay, though. Being stressed out with him at your side didn’t seem so tough.
Now, staring at him across the restaurant, it suddenly occurs to you to wonder when all of that changed. When had doing it alone become a safer option than having him with you? — Those last few months all seem so blurry now.
The memories might be fuzzy but the feelings aren’t. They’re heavy and they’ve sat with you for the past two years. You might not remember exactly why you let him go, but the pain is enough to know that you wouldn’t like to feel that way again.
Chris and Bradley’s heads turn at the same time. Bradley nods in acknowledgement as his autopilot directs him to do. Then, he steps past the hostess and points to the two of you. He takes in what’s in front of him as he walks over.
This new guy isn’t ugly, which is more irritating than Bradley was expecting it to be. He looks him up and down. Loose fitting jeans and a flannel shirt buttoned up. Brown hair that really isn’t styled all that differently from Bradley’s. But, thanks to Amber, Bradley is dressed significantly better.
The pants fit him perfectly and the charcoal shirt just makes his skin look even more golden than it usually is. You squint softly and wonder who the fuck dressed him — because the man that you married doesn’t dress like that.
Maybe the man that you divorced does. It’s been a long time since you saw Bradley for something other than drop offs or pick ups.
“Roo— Bradley,” It seems more grown up, more formal. A more appropriate way to refer to your ex husband. “This is Chris. Chris, this is Bradley.”
“Heard a lot about you.” Chris smiles, cheeks dimpling as he sticks his hand out. You watch as Bradley takes his hand and shakes it casually. Weird — it’s weird.
“You’re still a man of mystery to me,” Bradley admits playfully, shooting you a quick look and noticing that you’re eyeing his outfit. Letting the babysitter pick what he was wearing was a good choice. “Luckily, I’m good at asking questions.”
Small talk, small talk. Your ex-husband and your boyfriend are hitting it off like a house on fire and you’re just standing idly between them, wondering why this doesn’t please you as much as it should.
The nerves that have been bothering you all weekend don’t settle down even when they’re laughing and jibing each other about football teams and golf. You didn’t even know that Bradley played golf.
You’re shown to your table and you accidentally pick the seat between them. Chris sits back in his seat with one hand on your knee and the other curled around his beer as he teases Bradley about a football game from three years ago that their teams played against each other.
As much as he’s enjoying the conversation, Bradley’s eyes keep wandering back to that guy’s hand on your knee. His foot taps impatiently against the floor, fighting to keep his focus on the conversation.
Finally, focus shifts to something a little more engaging for you when Bradley asks you how the two of you met. He sits back on his chair and watches the two of you finish each other’s sentences.
“Well, Chris’ workshop is right down the street from my store, and y’know, I have consultations all the time and weddings are stressful so I like to keep my appointments chill and quiet, but then he was always—“
“Y’know, building something. Hammering, sawing, whatever. And there are a couple of times actually, where she came flying through the door of my shop telling me what’s what and —“
His thumb swipes through the condensation on his beer, staring at you. Your face is turned away from him, looking at Chris with this dopey, lovesick look on your face. Bradley wonders if you’ve told him that you love him yet.
It’s a cute story. The way that you’re beaming across the table at this guy doesn’t make Bradley happy, but he knows that it should. By the time you’re finished eating, he has searched high and low for some kind of major character flaw on this guy and had come up with nothing.
Short, brown hair. Stubble covering his jaw, kind of a squinty cowboy look to contrast the sharp blue of his eyes, not short. Handsome, sure. And he’s great with kids.
Bradley damn near picks up his dessert spoon and turns it into a weapon — either for use on himself or your new boyfriend, he isn’t sure, when he listens to Chris’ stories from his work with inner city kids.
Thankfully, right as they’re getting into the nitty gritty of Chris’ charitable personality, Bradley’s phone cuts through the silence. You grin across the table at Chris, squeezing his large palm in yours and pretending that this doesn’t make you as uncomfortable as it does.
“Whoa — kid, slow down. What?” Bradley plugs a finger into his other ear, brows furrowing as he tries to decipher the incoherent babbling on the other end of the phone.
“I looked everywhere, and I’ve been calling them for like fifteen minutes! I don’t know if they’re hiding or they ran away but I’m freaking out right now, please don’t be mad at me — should I call the cops?”
Rooster pushes his chair out and stands up from the table. “Jesus Christ, no. Don’t call the cops, I’m on my way. Did you check the crawl space in my room?”
“Cops? — Rooster, what the fuck?” You frown at him from across the table. Rooster sighs and presses his finger into his ear drum to understand the shrieking girl on the line.
“There’s a crawl space in your room?”
“Just, hang tight. I’m gonna be ten minutes. Tell them I’m on my way and they’ll probably turn up.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket, grabbing his wallet and tugging it open. “I’m really sorry, I’ve gotta run. It was great meeting you Chris, you seem really cool, but, uh—“
“Rooster, did you let somebody lose our kids?”
“No! I left them with a very responsible babysitter, actually, and I’m pretty sure that they’re just messing with her.”
“Oh, well that’s good. You’re pretty sure.” You sigh, shaking your head at him as you set your glass down. “I’ll be sure to mention that when I issue the amber alert.”
Chris slips his hand into yours and squeezes softly as Bradley tosses his card down onto the table.
“Whatever. I’ll text you.” He slips his wallet back into his pants and turns, leaving your mouth gaping.
“Are you kidding — our kids might be missing, we’re obviously coming. Right?” You shoot a look across at Chris as it occurs to you that this is probably extremely overwhelming for him. He gives you a calm smile and nods his head at you.
@fadingbelieverexpert @jessirosebud @cowboybarbie @pinkpantheris @thedroneranger @a-serene-place-to-be @xoxabs88xox @unordinaire @slutfordw @fudge13 @averyhotchner @hangmanscoming @sharpsapphic666 @khaylin27 @bradshawseresinbabe @diorrfairy @perpetuelledaydreaming @phoenix1388 @cherrycola27 @wkndwlff
“Yeah. I’ll get the car if you settle up in here, we’ll meet Rooster back at his place.”
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Mitchell Charm
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,555
Warnings - a couple of comments about people thinking Mav would be an unfit parent, mostly fluff though
Summary - Iceman and Slider discover that Maverick has a daughter which was the last thing they expected from the man who constantly surprised others
A/N - it's been a hot minute but it's new fic time lads! I am so sorry it took me so long to get this out for y'all this cold has really been kicking me while I'm down. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Since arriving in Miramar for his training at Top Gun, Maverick had remained pretty private with his life outside the navy. Goose of course knew everything about Maverick’s private life since the two were practically family but any other student at Top Gun was clueless about Maverick’s young daughter. Maverick hardly knew nor trusted the people he was training with. He and Goose were all he needed when he was up in the air. Sure, he’d look out for his wingman when he was up in the air, but he’d much rather look out for himself and Goose, they knew what they were doing, and they both had loved ones to return to.
However much he wanted to keep you a secret from his fellow Top Gun students, it was bound to be revealed at some point. When families were permitted to fly out and meet with their loved ones, Carole had packed a bag with stuff for her and both you and Bradley before heading to the airport and jumping on the first flight to San Diego. When you got off the plane, you had been holding on to Carole’s hand but the second you saw your dad, you let go and darted into Maverick’s outstretched arms, laughing as he scooped you up and cuddled you close.
“Daddy!” You giggle happily as Maverick presses a kiss to your temple.
“Oh, I missed you, sweetheart.” Maverick says with a grin, holding you securely in his arms before he greets Carole and Bradley. The five of you decide to find somewhere to eat and soon stumble across a small restaurant along the beachfront. Unbeknownst to the group, Iceman and Slider were walking along to the beach to relax on their day off when they stopped in their tracks upon seeing the five of you. They knew Goose was married and had a son, but they had no idea that Maverick had a daughter.
“Mitchell has a kid?” Slider questions, watching as the group disappears into the restaurant.
“That cannot be true. Maybe Goose has two kids and Maverick is just helping out?” Iceman says, just as bewildered at his RIO. He knew there was no way Goose would’ve remained silent about having a second kid. He bragged lovingly about his family whenever he could. Iceman just couldn’t believe a reckless and dangerous man like Maverick could have a daughter. The pilot and RIO duo chose to move on and would question Maverick another day.
Iceman and Slider chose not to question Maverick while at Top Gun, they knew he’d most likely get defensive and shut them down, so they tried to figure out a way to ask him about it. They debated on asking Goose, but they knew his loyalties lay with Maverick and there’s no way he’d tell them about it. Instead, they happened to run into him again on the weekend. The two had decided to take a break from studying their flight manoeuvres and walk along the beach. As they watched a pair of pretty women walk past, they noticed Goose and Maverick further along the beach. They could see Carole sat with Bradley on her lap as Goose eased himself to sit down next to her. They then saw Maverick chasing after a little girl who giggled wildly as she toddled away as quickly as she could. She soon tripped on the sand and Maverick was quick to scoop her up, lifting her to sit on his hip as she looked up at him with all the love and admiration in the world.
“Mitchell!” Slider called, jogging over to the group as Iceman follows suit. Once the pair reach Maverick, Iceman notices how Maverick’s grip tightened on you ever so slightly.
“Slider. Iceman.” Maverick greets his fellow students, his face emotionless as he stares at them.
“We didn’t know you had a kid, Maverick.” Iceman comments, glancing at you as you wave at the two men, hardly intimated by them, which served as a dead giveaway that you were Pete Mitchell’s daughter.
“I wasn’t aware I had to tell you about stuff like that.” Maverick retorts as Goose rises to stand alongside Maverick.
“I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it. We’re just a bit shocked is all.” Iceman defends himself as he holds his hands up in surrender. In response, Maverick puts you down and tells you to go to Carole and Bradley, ruffling your hair with a grin before you cross to the pair and Maverick straightens up and returns his cold glare to Iceman and Slider.
“Are you trying to say that someone like me shouldn’t have a kid?” Maverick says lowly, angry at the mere thought of the accusation they could be throwing his way.
“No, man, it’s not like that. Shit, we knew Goose had a kid, he can’t stop bragging about his family. No offense man. But we figured you’d be the same. I mean from what we saw before we came over, you adore that kid, so we thought you wouldn’t keep something like that a secret.” Slider says quickly, addressing both Maverick and Goose who fold their arms over their chests in tandem.
“Slider’s right. I mean I did think it was odd that you have a kid. You never struck me as the kind of guy to settle down and have a kid already. You also live dangerously when you’re at work, so I know it was a horrible accusation to make but we just didn’t expect you to be a father.” Iceman continues, glancing from Slider to Maverick who nods faintly at his words.
“I understand why you’d think that. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to hear you thought that. But I appreciate the honesty.” Maverick says to the two before gesturing to Goose, telling him it was okay for him to go and join his wife again. Iceman and Slider exchange an apologetic look with each other before apologising to Maverick quietly. Maverick nods at their words and before he could respond, he feels a small tug on the leg of his jeans, and he looks down to see you looking up at him with wide, curious eyes.
“Hey, squirt.” Maverick grins, scooping down to pick you up when you hold your arms up for him to hold you. Once you’re secure in your dad’s arms you wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle closer to him while looking at the two men standing before you.
“Hey y/n, this is Iceman and Slider. They work with me.” Maverick says gently, pointing out who was who to you as you wave at the two who wave back with soft smiles on their faces.
“Guys this is y/n.” Maverick says, introducing you to them. You then begin to wiggle out of your dad’s hold, wanting to investigate the two men. Maverick places you down on the floor and both Iceman and Slider crouch down to be at your height.
“Hey, y/n. I’m Slider, but you can call me Ron if you’d rather, whatever floats your boat.” Slider grins, watching as you smile back at him.
“I’m Iceman, but you can call me Ice or Tom. Your pick.” Iceman says, smiling softly as you blink owlishly at him. Both men were fully aware that most of what they were saying meant nothing to you, but they figured introductions were needed.
“Hello.” You say with a smile that reminds the two men of the man who stood right behind you. If they hadn’t already had verbal confirmation that you were Maverick’s daughter, your cheeky grin would’ve been what solidified the answer for them. Without warning, you grab Iceman’s hand and lead him and Slider over to where you had begun building a sandcastle and the beginnings of a moat were evident.
“You need a hand digging, Mini Mitchell?” Slider comments as he crouches down alongside the sandcastle as Iceman rolls his eyes at the name Slider gave you.
“Yes please.” You say, grabbing your spade and handing it to Iceman who takes it, immediately complying with your instructions and digging where you wanted the moat to go while Slider used his hands to dig. Maverick and Goose watched on with amused grins on their faces.
“She’s already got them wrapped around her little finger, huh, Mav?” Goose comments as he sits Bradley on his lap, rubbing sun cream on his son’s arms.
“What can I say? It’s the Mitchell charm.” Maverick shrugs as he eases himself to sit down next to his friends.
“Well that ‘Mitchell charm’ of yours isn’t working on them, is it? Seems you needed your daughter’s help to actually stop butting heads with those two.” Carole points out as she digs around in her bag for some water, ignoring Maverick’s spluttered protests.
“Oh man, Mitchell’s kid has us wrapped around her finger.” Slider mutters with a small grin as he continues to dig in the sand, watching as you place sea shells around the castle.
“Rather her than Maverick. Besides, she’s going to need more cool uncles than just Goose.” Iceman replies, sitting back on his heels to rest for a moment.
“Can’t argue with that. Hey, kiddo, how would you like to go and get some ice cream?”
“Ice cream!”
“Hey, stop trying to win over my kid!”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Duck duck Goose | Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw
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Pairing: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw x Naval Aviator!reader (call sign: Hummingbird)
Wordcount: 1485
Warnings: boys being idiots towards reader, FLUFF, ANGST, mentions of Goose's accident. FIX IT FIC BC I CAN.
A/N: I'm not tagging the usual people bc this is not... Top Gun Maverick. If anyone wants to be in my forever tag list, hit me up.
Special thanks to my darling @purplevortexx, always ready to help when i get stuck.
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"Did you hear it?" Mav asks Goose, waiting for the waiter to give him another beer. 
"Well, I hear a lot of things you gotta be a bit more specific here, buddy" 
"There's a female pilot in the program" 
That wasn't exactly what he had expected to hear. He knew there were female backseaters, but female pilots? 
That girl is either crazy or the biggest badass to ever walk the Earth. 
He can't wait to meet you. 
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"Hey, sweetcheeks, I'm hungry, can you make me a sandwich or something?" Hollywood teases you, for the hundredth time. 
You stopped paying attention to him after the first week, but it's getting annoying. 
"I don't know, Rick, why don't you ask your boyfriend over there?" you point in Wolfe's direction. "Maybe he can give you something to eat" 
Goose's laugh is so loud that you can hear it from the other side of the hallway. It makes you smile. Honestly, he and Maverick are the only reasons you haven't left the academy. 
Other than your RIO, Lucky, they were the only two men here that were supportive of you. Iceman sometimes said that you were better to fly with than Maverick. 
Not sure if that was a compliment or not. 
"Hummingbird, you need to stop it. Poor Hollywood here doesn't even know how to spell his name properly, you can't expect him to know how to address young ladies like you" Goose mocks, putting his arm around your shoulder.
You have to bite your lip to suppress the laugh. Nick has been very touchy with you, always checking to see if you're okay, if you need anything. When Maverick, Goose, you, and Lucky had been partnered on an exercise, he insisted on listening to your opinion before letting Mav do anything on his own. 
Falling for someone who gives you that much attention and who respects your job, is the easiest thing you've ever done. 
He is married and has a child, though, according to what you've heard. A kid! How can you even think of a married man that way? 
“Birdie, we’re going out for some drinks. Wanna come with us?” He whispers in your ear, his breath making you shiver. 
“Sure, let me go get changed” 
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“So, how’s baby Goose?” you finally ask after finishing your second beer. The golden liquid gives you the courage you lacked. 
“My sweet Bradley! Let me show you a picture,” he smiles, pulling out a picture of his jacket. You see a little version of him in Goose’s arms, next to a beautiful woman. “There he is” 
“Oh, is that Mrs. Bradshaw?” 
“She was. Now she’s just my friend. And the mother of my son” 
You look at him, expecting to see a sad look on his face. He seems happy, however. As if the two of them were better friends than they ever were as spouses. 
“People don’t usually talk about their ex with a happy smile, you know?” 
“Well, we’re not a normal case. We met young, fell in love, I became an aviator and when she got pregnant she asked me to be more careful but…” 
"You can never be too careful when flying with Maverick," you finish, and he nods. “But it’s good that you’re friends. That will make things so much easier for Bradley” 
“Yeah, it’s our main priority. He was a bit confused on Christmas when he went from Carole’s house to mine, but he got more gifts and that’s all he could care about” you can’t help but laugh. He leans over the bar top, his head resting on his hand, and looks at you, with the sweetest smile. “He would like you” 
“Me?” you ask, getting a bit closer to him. 
“He loves hummingbirds.” His free hand slowly moves from his beer to your cheek as he caresses it. His cold fingers contrast deliciously with your hot skin. “And I’m beginning to like them too” 
You move slowly towards each other, attracted like magnets. You close your eyes, wetting your lips, and getting ready to kiss him, when Mav’s voice interrupts you. "COME HERE, GOOSE! There’s this girl I want you to- Oh. Did I interrupt something?” 
You chuckle and pat Mav’s back before you leave. 
“Did I really interrupt something?” 
“I’m gonna choke you” Goose groans while he watches your figure leaving the bar.
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The next few weeks go by, with both of you being incredibly obvious about your feelings but neither of you making a move. Small smiles whenever you two made eye contact. Finger-brushing whenever you two stood together. Sweet and loving little notes kept appearing on your locker, and the most special one had a little doodle of a hummingbird. You found a special place for it in your cockpit. 
And yet, neither of you dared to say what was evident to everybody else. 
Today’s exercise should have been easier. That was until Maverick and Goose’s aircraft got caught in Iceman’s jet wash. You’re on the base, you’ve been waiting for them to complete their exercise and come back, making you, Hollywood, and Woflman the next ones to perform the exercise. 
You hear everything on the radio. Maverick trying to reach the ejection handles, but the spinning force of the F-14 made it impossible for him to do it. Goose is trying too, and succeeds, but something goes wrong. 
The rescue team leaves immediately; the exercise is long forgotten. You and Lucky go inside, waiting to hear any news. Viper informs all of you that Goose got hit, but they don’t know the severity of his injuries. 
Is this it? Are you going to lose someone as marvelous as he is? Did you waste the last few weeks flirting like idiots when the two of you could have been together? 
Will you ever hear his loud laugh again? Will you ever hold his hand properly? Will you ever hear him call you ‘birdie’ again? 
It’s been an hour, and you don’t have more news. Maverick is in the hospital, too, but you know he won’t leave Goose’s side until the RIO is either safe or dead. 
At this point, you’re beginning to believe it’s the latest. 
You’re sitting on the floor of the locker room, Goose’s sweet notes in your hands. You hold them tightly, praying to God to give him enough strength to survive. You just found someone you can imagine spending your life with. 
Don’t take him away from me now.
“I’ve been looking for you, birdie”
You raise your head slowly, afraid that your brain is deceiving you. That the voice, and the owner, are just figments of your imagination. 
But they're not. He's there. 
Bloody and covered in bandages. 
But alive. 
And smiling. 
"I thought you were dead" you whisper, watching as he silently sits in front of you. 
"I was for a second. Cause I thought that I would never see you again. And that killed me inside for a moment, but... I'm here. And I don't want to waste one more second of my life not being with you" 
“Goose, I-”
He presses one finger over his lips, making you stop talking and look at him. He leans over, his lips quickly replacing his finger. One of you is crying, you can feel the salty tears on your lips, the bittersweet aftertaste remaining on your tongue while you pull away. 
“Goose, where the fuck are-. Why am I always interrupting you two?” Maverick laughs, watching you two sitting on the floor. 
“You’re late this time, Mav” Goose says, his eyes never leaving yours. “You’re late” 
“And she’s good with you leaving the hospital when you weren’t supposed to?” Mav leans on the door when he sees the confusion in your face. “You didn’t tell her” 
“Nicholas Bradshaw, you did not leave the hospital without authorization” 
“Honey, I knew you would be so scared I had to tell you I was okay” he tries to convince you that him leaving the ER was justified, but you’re not having it. 
“There’s this thing called the telephone. Ever heard of it? It allows you to call people and tell them: ‘Hey birdie, I’m not dead. Can you come here? I have to tell you something’”
“Oh, feisty, I like her” Mav comments, enjoying every second of the situation. 
“But I had to see you. I couldn’t stop bleeding without seeing your face” 
“Goose, you’re making it worse” you warn him. 
He sighs, pecks your lips and gets up. “Are you coming with me to the hospital, at least?” he pouts.
You shake your head and roll your eyes. “You’re a big baby, you know?”
“Your big baby. And Mav’s. You have shared custody” 
You snort, looking at the two aviators. “You better start walking before I kick your asses” 
“Goose, your wife scares me” 
“She’s not my wife!” 
“Like hell you’re not marrying this one” 
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