#young!Derek Hale
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sterekmylove · 2 years ago
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“What was that for?...”
“You were freaking out-- I had to calm you down”
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casually-eat-my-soul · 7 months ago
Okay so like stick with me but young Derek, alive hale fam au.
So like the Hale family finds out that Derek has a crush on Sheriff Stilinski’s delinquent son, and has mixed reactions. Talia is torn between amusement, worry and wanting to dislike stiles. Papa hale is very protective but thinks it funny that him and his son have the same tastes.
Peter is ecstatic, Stiles once beat him in chess when running from the cops. (stiles was running and sat down in the park around people for cover, turns out he interrupted a chess tournament. Peter challenged him to a game if stiles lost, Peter would turn him over to the police. If he won, stiles could use him as an alibi)
The rest of his siblings don’t really have an opinion other than using Derek’s crush to make fun of him EXPECT for Laura. Laura is in a one sided rivalry with stiles.
As the sheriff right hand deputy she was tasked with keeping an eye out for stiles and she constantly loses him. Which shouldn’t be possible because she’s a werewolf. She can never connect him to a crime he’s committed and can never prove anything. Can’t go to a judge a say “oh he left a scent trail which I followed because I’m a werewolf.”
Derek brings him home to dinner after they start dating. Unfortunately, the day that Derek brings him over, is also the day that Laura had to run around town taking reports of his crimes. She is fuming. Stiles looks her dead in her twitching eye and asked her how her day went.
The only crime she can connect him to is when he commit aggravated assault against a few of Derek’s teammates went to far with hazing. (Derek refused to fight back as not to hurt them) she lets him off.
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sototallynormaliswear · 25 days ago
Stiles: When me and Derek get a divorce, it WILL be in an IKEA. that place is built for divorces
Isaac: are. are you two married??
Stiles, hasn't even kissed him yet: ...no?
Derek: I don't see how that's relevant
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conniecaserole · 3 months ago
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imagine-sterek · 1 year ago
Imagine all the Hale kids plus their cousins all at the park and kid stiles is there playing with kid Cora and her cousins then they make Derek play with them. Derek is classic middle child. He’s older than the little kids but younger than Laura and the other cousins. Stiles absolutely loves playing with Derek. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the werewolf kids and even the human ones too but Derek stays behind with stiles until he catches up. Then when it’s time to leave Talia calls over the kids with a loud whistle (lol my mom actually does this) and all the kids all start herding back to the car, including stiles who is just following along. It takes Talia when they’re half way home to realize that she took an extra kid with her, she didn’t even smell him cause they’ve all been rolling around him all day. Good thing she knows Claudia so she won’t be too freaked out.
She gets half way home and realises there’s 11 heartbeats in the back seat when there should only be 10 (I know, what car fits 11 kids, we’ll, they’re small and children - especially werewolf pups - have no regards for safety). She pulls over and turns around to see stiles sitting between Cora and Derek with a big smile on his face.
I like to think that Talia, Noah and Claudia grew up around the same time and know each other well, or maybe Peter caused a lot of trouble growing up and Noah was a new deputy that often had to deal with him (like Parrish with Stiles), so she knows Stiles and just drives him home. Chances are, Stiles snuck out of the house to go play at the park in the first place.
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celestialvoid-fanfiction · 9 months ago
Derek: Eli, we need to talk.
Eli: Is it about the empty cookie jar in the kitchen? Because that was me.
Derek: No, but thank you for your honesty. I got a call from the school…
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supercap2319 · 1 year ago
Noah Stilinski looks at his sons. He wishes he didn't have to address this topic, but as a father and as a sheriff, it was his duty. "Boys? I think it's time we talk about your... questionable taste in older men, who just happen to be werewolves and related."
Y/N looks at his father. "Technically, this is all Stiles's fault. He's the older brother. I'm just following my big brother's example."
"Oh, that is such bullshit! You're the one who started this by sucking Peter Hale's dick." Stiles said.
"Yeah, but you're the one who was getting fucked by–"
"Okay, enough! You're both guilty." Noah Stilinski said.
"Would it help things if we said Kate Argent turned Peter and Derek to teenagers?"
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stilesstilinskisposts · 2 months ago
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sufferingink · 1 year ago
117 is the best teen wolf episode because you can see younger Derek realizing that Stiles is spouting absolute NONSENSE and goes "alright now how to make him double down" AND STILES DOES EVERY TIME ITS BRILLIANT NO NOTES
the fact that we never see younger, never-broken-a-law-ever Derek Hale reacting to Stiles speedrunning every crime ever is a travesty
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buckyeah · 1 year ago
Young Derek : *gawking at stiles*
Mason, with a knowing smile : ah, the first gay crush. I remember when i was your age
Young Derek :
Young Derek : shut up I'm literally older than you
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salemsvlog · 1 year ago
Alright but I just need fics where Stiles tells Derek that he loves him and Derek rejects him bc he doesn’t want to be Kate but it’s kinda too mean to Stiles and they stop talking.
Shit comes to BC as always and young Derek appears again but this time old Derek is still on the picture so we have a love triangle that Scott will laughs about for a century:
Young Derek likes Stiles - Stiles likes Older Derek - Older Derek also likes Stiles but he’s not going to do anything abou- IS THAT YOUNG HIMSELF DOING A MAGIC MIKE NUMBER ON STILES?!
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sterekmylove · 1 year ago
Red Fabric {Young Sterek}
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Your prompt: Person B lends their sweater to Person A. When Person A is home, they realize they still have Person B's sweater and find Person B's iPod. Out of curiosity, Person A looks through Person B's music and finds a playlist titled with Person A's name.
P: Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski
Age: 18 & 19
A/N: I forgot to post it here.
“Dude… just take the damn sweater! Stop being stubborn” Stiles groans as he tried to shove his sweater into Derek's hands, the sick omega
Refusing his friend's request. They've been repeating this little argument since Derek first walked into History, taking a seat next to Stiles and dropping his head onto the table ignoring Mr. Harris words to pick up his head, and that it wasn't nap time. Derek hadn't picked up his head, instead, he made a sound that nearly sounded like a growl. The sound even caught Scott's attention, looking away from Allison to look toward the Omega who sat one row ahead. Stiles kept his eyes down on his notations scribbling away— adding in extra for Derek later. He kept his voice low so Mr. Harris didn't try to give him detention for the simple fact that he spoke.
“Are you okay?” the lanky teenager asked in a low voice. Derek had hummed in response. Not good enough.
“Der” Stiles tried again.
Derek let out a raspy breath shifting his head against the desk to peak towards Stiles, the brunette doing the same— side-eyeing the werewolf. The omega looked like hell, his tan skin was paler— Stiles couldn't even blame that on the season— the cool air in the room being a reminder of the freezing cold outside that is known as winter.
“ ‘mm fine” he mumbles in response.
Stiles snorts, keeping his eyes on the paper. Bullshit.
“Something funny Mr. Stilinski?” Mr. Harris questions
Stiles glanced up at the teacher with a pen in his mouth— when did he get it there? Stiles glances around the room to see everyone looking at him— facing his attention back on the teacher.
“Uh—” the pen drops from his mouth, making a sound against the table— he looks down then back up real quick to do a one-over when his brain comes to a halt.
“Um… no?”
“Then why did you snort?”
“Cause I farted— what else?” He asked his expression mocking a duh look mixed with ‘are you stupid?’ Look.
Derek made a low strangled sound. Scott covered his mouth while ducking his head. Stiles twisted in his seat to turn and look at Allison who was sitting with Scott and behind Stiles.
“Forgive me Ms. Argent for passing gas, is that nose okay?” Stiles asks dramatically.
Allison pressed her lips together trying her best to hide her smile as she just nodded at Stiles. Stiles smiles brightly, turning back to the teacher. Mr. Harris stares at Stiles then sighs— deciding not to argue with the lanky boy today.
For once.
Now, back to what’s wrong with the sourwolf.
Stiles found out in second period Art what was wrong with his friend.
“Sick? you’re sick. How the—.”
“Breathe Bambi,” Derek declared as his hand moved in strokes on the canvas.
Stiles takes a second or two to breathe and then speak.
“I thought werewolves couldn't get sick?”
“Bitten one can't, born can. We're still Humans Stiles, just grow extra hair on a full moon” Derek spoke in a low tone.
Was— did he— did Derek unintentionally make a joke to Stiles on the last part? nevermind that he'll go back to that later.
“But how— dude are you—”
“Stiles what are you—” The back of Stiles's hand touches the omega's cheek, Derek's droopy eyes widening a bit at the contact of Stiles's cool skin against his face. Before the sick wolf can even consider leaning into the touch of Stiles' warmth— which he will blame on his sickness— Stiles pulls away.
“Dude— you're cold, you, Derek Hale who is usually built like a real-life heater are cold!” Stiles stresses out, Derek didn't need to look at the lanky teen to see what type of face he was making.
“Take my—”
“My sweater is better!”
“No, I'm already wearing my leather jacket” Derek declines, pushing down the feeling of accepting the human request— the excuse of Derek wearing his close friend's sweater and smelling his scent for the rest of the day was tempting– but he wasn't going to. He was sick, those little ticks were all a part of his cold.
The want to lean into the cool touch, the want to accept the sweater, the want to be even closer to Stiles and bury his face deep into his friend's neck and take in his scent till his mind is dizzy with the smell of Stiles.
Roasted hazelnuts with the lingering smell of black coffee and medication—Adderall.
“And clearly it's not keeping you warm enough if you caught a cold Derek”
Which leads to now— they were in third-period gym playing dodgeball, Derek weak on his feet— stubborn and very human Stiles still arguing with the Hale boy over his sweater as balls were being thrown at them.
“Come on—“
Stiles dodges barely fast enough from the flying ball that hit the wall hard, Derek glares at the culprit that threw the ball— Tyler Johnson.
“Johnson!” He barks picking up one of the red balls that landed by his feet throwing it towards the brunette hitting him in the stomach making the other teen wheeze sinking to his feet, Stiles winches at the site.
“Derek—.” Derek grabs Stiles by the front of his shirt yanking him towards himself— making the lanky human not get hit by a ball.
“Stiles focus—.”
“Take my sweater and I will!”
“Stiles it’s cold outside-.”
“I’ll wear your leather jacket— just take the damn sweater you stubborn—.”
A ball gently hits Stiles in the head, the pale teen blinks a couple of times. Staring— staring at Derek who had pulled him close to him with a ball in his hand and with enough force hit him in the forehead with it. Stiles looked at the omega as if he committed a crime, his mouth opening and closing— Derek catching a ball before it hit him in the face.
“Did you—“
Derek gives him the famous Hale smirk.
“Got to sit down Stilinski”
Stiles gasp, then looked over to Scott who just shrugged his shoulders.
“You little…”
Was that even allowed!?.
“I look stupid” Derek mumbled as he tugged at the red fabric that hugged his body, Stiles' sweater was loose but also fitted tight around the werewolf’s sick frame. He wore the cuffs of the sleeves over his palms looking down as the two walked down the hall— Stiles fixing Derek’s leather jacket around his body, patting the pockets filling his curiosity that can sometimes be dangerous.
“You look nice in red sourwolf I don’t see the reason to complain” Stiles says in a tone that can let anyone know he’s not paying attention to his words.
“That’s not— not that pocket Stiles”
Stiles stops his hand barely above the chest pocket looking at Derek while they walked down the hallway as the last bell rang.
“What’s in it?”
“Just don’t touch it”
Stiles nods moving his hand away shoving them in the pockets walking in silence.
Tags: @cowandcalf
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realmscupcake · 6 months ago
there is definitely not enough sterek au with young jock derek in secret relationship with nerd stiles *plot happening* sheriff finds out friends find out
i don't know why but i love secret relationships and stiles and derek being the same age
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teenwolfiedit · 8 months ago
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TEEN WOLF (2014) 117 - 4x2 dir. Christian Taylor.
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fuji09 · 7 months ago
So in Peter's medical file it said he was 38 when the fire happened. With how young Peter looked in the flashbacks, that's odd to have him 38 and have a younger actor to portray "young Peter", seriously 6 years is weird to have actors for younger versions of Peter and Derek, especially since Peter looked like present age Peter when the fire happened and when he was in the hospital recovering. It doesn't make sense!
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omgtheywereawooomates · 6 months ago
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Stiles: I didn't technically lie, though.
Derek: You. LIED. Stiles.
Stiles: Noooo, I just made an educated wish.
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Stiles: ......I totally lied.
Peter: Sweetheart. You didn't lie.
Peter: You just... made an educated wish.
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