#youd think ppl would have picked up on this
snekdood · 2 years
Damn well. One of the clear ways you can tell my ex is bullshitting about me being anywhere near conservative is the fact that i get along well w the left leaning portion of my family vs the right leaning portion whomst i Do Not get along with or interact with
#my gma is probably the most liberal irish old lady you could know#like can we stop pretending sbsjsbnsns#admit that i got into that dumb shit bc i liked the magic part and would have 100% left if i knew what the other shit was implying#there Wasnt. infact. other intentions.#i was literally 14 years old. my biggest intention was to sleep draw and smoke weed.#i did not have the brain capacity or mental capacity or planning ability to have other intentions behind it.#i was paranoid and i wanted to protect myself. im not sure where i got lost tho bc literally nothing ever said anything about jewish ppl#either its as i remember it- and no one mentioned it back then outright- or its always been that way and i somehow blissfully#walked past it interpreting it as something a christian priest would do.#i kinda feel like its as i remember it. krazy how my memory of things is oft correct#anyways hello random person who might be reading these tags. i used to think all those conspiracy theories were about christian#conservatives because loterally HOW DOES IT NOT SOUND LIKE SOMETHING THEYRE FAR MORE LIKELY TO DO.#i just liked the chakras and crystals and aliens n shit but literally its the alien belief that brings you over there AND LET ME BE CLEAR#aliens are prolly real but the conspiracy theories ppl come up w about them sure as fuck arent#regardless. somehow i walked through all of that w/o ever adapting the idea that 'jewish people bad' which seems to be an idea that was#pushed or more obvious later on as the years progressed?#idk. shits wack#idk how i missed that shit but i do think it might be because i avoided any conspiracy theory website that said anything with 'God' in it#all the gs in the page capitalized. i just knew i couldnt trust it then. youd think i wouldve noticed something was wrong if i was already#doing that. however. i was also paranoid and i grew up always feeling unsafe bc ppl would bully me and trick me and pick on me n such#which ironically made me more trusting of people? apparently its a thing that happens.#its apparently bc ppl who are too trusting but who are abused or whatever can become even less trusting of themselves and what they know#anyways i shouldnt have to explain every little detail of my life in the tags but oh well#the things i do to not get yelled at for shit i dont believe in unless i#clarify otherwise sdbjsks
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lunar-serpentinite · 5 months
assorted hjp headcanons
he takes to guitars like a bird to the sky. acoustic, bass, electric, you name it, he'd slay it
he eventually finds a way to force kreacher into retirement, but still lets the house elf have absolutely free reign in the former bedrooms of his beloved departed masters
harry has this habit of just picking up all the even mildly pathetic/helpless strays he finds on the streets and ends up raising them. 12 grimmauld place looks a lot like a menagerie now, and he kinda likes it
he went to luna for help on how to take care of his newfound animal roommates and thats how he befriended luna's then-penpal-turned-bf rolf scamander
eventually he moves to a quaint little cottage right outside of godrics hollow to be closer to his parents' final resting place. it's heavily warded, fidelius'd, and nobody except for ron, hermione and luna know the address
he never really did like living in a gated community / suburban neighbourhood, it reminded him too much of privet drive
the first time someone mocked him by calling him freak, harry blacked out a bit and the next thing he knew he was standing over a decently beat-up person
creatures associated w death like corvids, moths and the like are weirdly attracted to him. hell, he even found a whole vulture in his backyard once
harry is pretty apathetic about the notion of his own death post-battle of hogwarts. he told luna once that it felt like he was just idly waiting by for death to come by again
differences aside, he and pansy (my characterisation of her anyways) wld bond over being nosy, gossipy little shits
he would've said yes if cedric and cho invited him into their relationship lmao
i dont think hes necessarily a naturally jealous/possessive person. he just doesn't know how to properly have a grip on himself if the few scant ppl and stuff that he considers his are in danger of being taken away from him, born from trauma from the dursleys ofc. make him feel secure enough and he'd be chill
hes kinda shit at potions especially without proper instructions and motivation because he learned how to cook first, and potions deals w exact measurements while cooking is just measure based on vibes
he would make an excellent beekeeper. idk but he just gives me that vibe
harry's vibe checks are rarely wrong but he doesn't say anything abt em anymore bc hes used to ppl automatically assuming that hes a liar
"harry, why didnt u tell us" "you didnt ask. and if u did ask, youd probably assume im lying"
hes a bit of a hoarder lmao he has a small room in his new cottage thats just filled w his trinkets
he has absolutely no qualms in lying to everyone's faces if he thinks he's justified based on his own criteria of justice
he cant dance those fancy formal dances but at some point he will discover that he likes other types of dancing, just not in front of other people
harry would abuse the FUCK out of slang so he can say as little words as possible. his convo partner is confused but he also doesnt like them ? theyre a grownup with access to books, they can figure it out by themselves
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Ive seen a lot of bitching about hotd in the tag, which surprised me bc there was none of this two weeks ago and now all these ppl are acting like season 2 sucks and its badly written and its rewriting the books and bla bla. This surprised me, so i did a little snooping
Like. First off, isnt grrm consulting them this time? I know he was doing it for s1 and im sure i read he was doing s2 too. I cant say anything about bad writing, tbh i havent examined it that closely bc nothing about pacing or dialogue has bothered me enough to spend time thinking about it.
The "its not like the book!!!" Thing really bothers me though bc have you read the book? Lmao im not so sure bc some of the stuff you complain about is so weird, also how did you miss that fire & blood has deeply unreliable narrators? It literally says gyldayn is an unreliable narrator on the Wikipedia, hes taking a bunch of biased sources and kind of patches the history of house targaryen together. If you had read the book, youd KNOW that it isnt a definitive chronicle and stuff was likely altered, embellished and left out. Some of the alterations make sense, because why would some maester know about these ppls private lives. Fire and blood is full of propaganda, rumours and bias. Also the stuff that WAS changed isnt really that deep? I really like the change to the rhaenicent dynamic (ill come back to this, theres a reason ppl seem to hate this change lmao), i dont care about maelor and the nettes changes dont bother me that much? (Some ppl are convinced rhaena will get the ENTIRE nettles storyline. Which would indeed suck cough cough, but i dont think thats where theyre going at all lmao)
So i took a look at some of the other opinions of ppl who really really HATE s2 and, WOOOOOOWWWWW,there sure is a lot of homophobia on the yuri Website huh? All of a sudden it makes sense why these ppl popped up 2 weeks ago huh? (And why theyre so bitchy about the changes to alicents character not being a wicked stepmother but more of an... almost lover) Wow, what a fucking pathetic reason to be a hater. Awww nooooooooo this female character is kissing women noooo, theyre ruined!! Even though the relationship was kind of maybe sort of a little implied in the book. (Granted the book talks about a close relationship between rhaenyra, mysaria and DAMON, but see above for rumours and inaccuracies) Also there are a lot of ppl who were genuinely Team green (i did not realise those ppl existed unironically, gonna be honest) who are mad that Team green is portrayed more negatively than Team black and apparently thats unfair. Yeah, idk what to say about that, do you always expect to opposing sides of a fictional conflict to be treated the same and to be equally good and justified? Granted, the "pick a side" Marketing was dumb and encouraged this sort of thinking, but those two teams are not equal lol you can still like the characters even though theyre cheaters, usurpers and Bad ppl.
If you had genuinely read and UNDERSTOOD the books and that theyre full of propaganda you would understand why SOME PPL are either portrayed more positively or more negatively in the show than they were in the book. Just consider WHO was writing the history for one sec.
Yeah, rant over, this was just too ridiculous not to get off my chest.
Like yeah, you can criticise some of the changes and the simple fact that 8 ep seasons are SHIT for building a plot, but considering some ppl call an ep "filler" just because nobody got roasted by a dragon, maybe we dont deserve 20 ep seasons with a slow building of plot and tension anymore....
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ok so like despite spending years being constantly online and looking at the words Dungeons and Dragons, i am at a loss as to understanding what d&d is 😭😭😭 and i like ik you love jrwi so like... care to explain maybe??? i really wanna know fhdgdfkgk 😭😭
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As a premise i have played dnd but with a group of my friends for like 3 oneshots where i had no idea what was going on really and the dm was pretty inexperienced SO i am going 2 go off of all ive picked up from jrwi mostly since thats where ive learnt like. Everythin abt dnd. SO I MAY BE WRONG ABT SOME STUFF BUT IM EXPLAINING FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOMEONE WHO HAS LEARNT EVERYRHING LIKE THIRD HAND.
BUT. so dnd is. Fuck iidk what term u use to explain it but its basically exactly like playing pretend as an 8 year old except with more rules and its fantasy instead of like lego ninjago or whatever The Council of 8 year olds has decided 2 play today.
Im gonna relate EVERYTHING back 2 riptide btw forrrr ease of access SO YEAH OKAY.
In dnd, there r basically 2 roles u can be. Either the dm (the dungeon master) or a player. Simply these r basically like the narrator and the characters sorta. The players each have their own player characters (pc) that they play and they very rarely change who they play in a campaign. They might get a new pc if their old one dies or smth happens to them where they arent around for a while. The dm however, plays pretty much every single other npc in the campaign (and grizzly, the dm of riptide jrwi, does it so fucking well and he has a unique voice for like 80 different characters or smth hes insane). The dm also tells the story and presents the players w the situations they need to get past. The players then decide what they do. The entire thing however is a LOT of yes anding. For example, the dm might be like "so you step into this tavern and around you you see [description of tavern bla bla bla] and sitting at the tables r groups of people, many of them bald, [bla bla bla more description of everything happening round them]. And then with that the players might decide their characters talk to each other a bit and then slap each bald man, resulting in the dm then later creating a combat with the players fighting against a group of bald men. For example. But yea thats the dm n the players basically n yea
However beyond just usual roleplay of like characters interacting and chilling, theres the whole thing w ROLLING. Bc like. Just ROLL with it. Bc like any rpg every character, pc or npc or enemy or anything. Has stats in a few different skills. Since i barely remember playing dnd myself bc that was like almost 2 years ago or smth fuck if i remember, im just gonna list of what i do remember from hearin shit in riptide. So these skills r shit like charisma and strength and wisdom n acrobatics n whatever yknow and i dont actuallyyy remember but ITS FINE. and then there r 2 ways ppl can roll these things. Either checks, or saves. Its sorta difficult to explain the difference between a check and a save because in terms of technicality i dont actually know the difference. But usually checks are for if youve decided to just do an action, but saves are for if youre trying to negate a negative effect or. Whatever. For example, if youre trying to pick up something very heavy, youd make a strength check. But if you were like trying to. Fuck wait i cant think of an example of a strength save. Errr. Ok fuck it im switching 2 charisma examples. A charisma check would be if ur tryna like idk win someone over, but usually ud make a persuasion check or a deception check fuck wait er idk the difference. OKAY IGNORE ME HERE BC IDK THE TECHNICALITIES OF DND THAT WELL BC I HAVENT PLAYED IT IN A WHILE AND I ONLY DID A COUPLE VERY MESSY ONESHOTS. but a saving throw would be for smth likeee lets say someones tryna possess u and u dont want em to. U would make a wisdom saving throw to try to like Resist the possession. If u win the save, u dont get possessed. If u fail it, u get possessed. And the way u determine if something fails or wins, is with dcs. I do not know what dc stands for but its basically whatever number u have to roll higher than to pass.
ANYWAYS. With rolling n shit, with checks n saves, u roll on a d20 (a dice with 20 sides) and then add or subtract ur modifier in that ability. For example, gillion in jrwi has like a -4 to dexterity or smth absurd bc hes not dexterous at all. This means that if he rolls like a 15 on the d20, thatd become an 11 instead. If it is actually a -4 idk the exact number. Altho, chip jrwi has like a +11 to persuasion because hes fucking insane. So then if he rolls a 15 persuasion check thst becomes a fucking 26. Also, rolling a natural 20 or a natural 1 r like. Sorta big things as they r the highest and lowest u can roll. So like, rolling a nat20 is almost always an immediate success UNLESS whatever ur trying to beat has an insanely high dc. For example, at one point gillion had to make a constitution save with like a dc 35 because he had done some crazy shit. He rolled a natural 18, and with all his spells and all his modifiers to give him some kinda buff, he only made it to like a 32 USING ALMOST ALL HIS AND HIS FRIENDS SPELLS. So in this case he wouldve had to roll a nat20, but without the spells and buffs, that wouldnt have succeeded because it wouldve still been below the 35. Anyways.
Theres also a thing called rolling w advantage or disadvantage which is from whst ive seen, just rolling twice and taking whichevwr roll is best. So if u have like an advantage to a perception check bc like lets sayyy someones also looking with you so theyve given you advantage, you could roll twice and keep whichever roll ends up higher. And then vice versa w disadvantage.
Anyways theres a lotta mechanics i cant rlly fully explain bc i dont fully understand lol BUT smth i can explain to the best of my ability is COMBAT. so with combat, you begin with everything that is going to be fighting rolling initiative. This means player characters who r in the fight, enemies in the fight, and anyone who is going to join the fight later. The initiative rolls the decide the turn order, with the highest initiative going first, then down the turn order to the lowest initiative. Each turn, the character can do a buncha shit which i dont fully know BUT. I do know that everyone gets an action for their turn, so with that they could likee go to attack whatever theyre fighting, or use their movement to get away, or cast a spell to help themselves or their friends out or WHATEVER it can literally be like idk fuckin anything. Ur action could b shootin the bad guy in the face or it could b pullin down the pants of ur enemies. But then, some ppl also get a bonus action or maybe everyone or maybe idk i dont know the logistics but theres a number of Things u can do on ur turn until u decide that ur done doing things or if ur out of actions. Also tho bc its still very roleplayed, anyone can like talk to each other, regardless of turn. So like a character during their turn might shout to their ally, who can talk back instead of being locked in a stasis of Not Their Turn. However the person replying cant act on anything until it is their turn. Which leads 4 some kinds funny dialogue ig. Like 4 example it might be like. "Hey, ally, throw the Object over here !!" "I cant !" "Why not ????" "Its not my turn im stuck in my idle animation for the next 6 seconds !" Or whatevwr the fuck. But then they could throw The Object their next turn. Ummm and yeah. Also w combat p much most attacks have to pass the victims AC which is their armour class. So like, if one person wants to stab someone else, the dm will b like okay roll 2 hit. N if the other persons ac is sayyy a 15 (if they remember 2 put on their leather armour and dont forget to equip it for like 50 episodes) then that roll to hit has to end up above a 15, or itll miss. Or however thwy want to flavour it. Sometimes the miss will be flavoured as hitting armour and just clinking off of it, sometimes itll be the victim dodging, sometimes itll be just a complete fuck up, whatever rlly. And then yeah also in combat, if someones hp is reduced to 0, they do not automatically die unless theyre reduced to under double their max hp i think ? Idk the exact thing but no hit so far in riptide has instakilled i dont think other than one that was like crazy insane but that one was like crazy insane dc104 strength save holy fuck kinda blow. Actually i think its different when it comes 2 enemies bc the pcs have plot armour or smth idk man. But if someones hp is reduced to 0 they dont die, theyre knocked unconscious. And then, they remain unconscious until somebody heals them to above 1 hp, and for each round or smth they arent bsck, they make death saves. Idk if the dcs always the same or if its different for different ppl, it seems to just be a dc10 but idk. But if in total the character fails 3 death saves, they r just straight up dead. But if a character succeeds the death saves, theyre still unconscious, but not dead. If theu roll a nat1, thats automatically 2 failed saves in one. But if they roll a nat20, they recover a singular hitpoint and come back up.
Anyways thats all the mechanics shit out the way i do not understand it that well and a lot of it involves maths that im too scared to find out more abt BUT. in dnd as well there r races and classes. The race is like. Ur species. For example in riptide bc i love my examples, chip and jay r just humans, whereas gillion id a triton, so like. A fish guyyy. But with legs hes not a merman. And he is amphibious. Other races in dnd tho include tieflings and orcs and genasi and dragonborne and goliaths and That One Thing My Friend Was In Our Oneshot I Forgor and tabaxis and halflings and elves and a fuckkk ton of different races dude theres a lot. All of them r fantasy tho other than like. Humans. And also pets if there r any. Sometimes the pets r fantasy too. Like on the crew there was a bluebird called apple and she was just a normal bluebird. Well she had some shit going on but tbat wasnt important bc what was important was that her race was at that time just a normal bluebird. Altho theres also the most specialist girl in the whole wide world called pretzel and shes a frogtopus and she has the head of a frog and rhe body of an octopus but frogtopi dont exist irl but yea.
anyways, classes r different to races in that theyre less to do w genetics n more 2 do w abilities. For example, in riptide once again, chip is a rogue (i think hes taken like 2 levels in sorcery ? But hes primarily a rogue), jay is a hunter/ranger i forgot which one and an artificer, and gillion is a paladin and a sorcerer. These classes affect the abilities these ppl r good at and the things they can do, and if theyre magic, the spells they have and also the beliefs they hold. I thinkkk paladins r known 4 bein v like religious n shit bc a lot of the time the other players have been like Yeah Trust A Paladin To Thank God For Us Saving His Life or smth like that. But other classes include things likeee fighters and bards and warlocks and barbarians andddd i forgot any others becauseeeee yeahhhhhh awesomeeee but yeah!
Andddd yea honestly i think thats all the dnd stuff explained theres a few like other stuff ive probably missed out and ive probably got a buncha this shit wrong BUT this is enough 2 understand riptide atleast. I think. Basically, tldr, dnd is roleplay with more rules and fighting and fantasy and the dm is like god to ur players but like also god of the gods. The end.
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dykeyote · 1 year
asks you say? well how do you think the dndads teens would react to being at ch&t? (crossover time?) personally i think it would be really fun and they would all have certain counselors they get attached too. Yvonne scary friendship?? they would overall cause more damage and chaos to camp than anything but it would be fun right?
normal is in cabin dungbeetle and is like extremely fucking invested in it . like putting juniper on the flagpole was his idea FOR SURE he struggles w lack of identity in the summer bc no school to have spirit dor so he just gets VERY invested in camp to cope . he has a moderate crisis of identity when they break apart bc he has cabin dungbeetle spirit AND camp here and there spirit !!?!??!?!?! oh the humanity ): he tries not to pick favorite counselors bc he sees the counselors as in their own way a mascot for both the camp and their own cabins BUT he specifically hates jedidiah for his lack of camp enthusiasm . that fucker grinds his god damn gears
scary is in cabin silkworm she likes yvonne and HAAAAATES joshua . speaking of counselors shed be attached to i actually think shed like sydney quite a lot near exclusively bc of the fact that he vents on the announcements all the time and her edgy teen self can identify w that. ppl are like why is he talking abt his personal shit again and shes like god..... ugh . youd get it if youd ever SUFFERED . if you had darkness in your heart if youd felt real pain.... i get him. You obviously dont :/
link i can never imagine being at summer camp hes too busy doing soccer ..... i feel like hed run away honest 2 god . and then like die in the woods bc of some freakish shit . imagining him in a camp setting is impossible to me . hed curl up and die in a place w no soccer and no fifa and no garfield he needs enrichment in his enclosure
taylor is a survivalist he would LOOOOOVE being at summer camp but only so he can run off and try and like live in the woods or some shit . idk what cabin hes in .... maybe magpie moth? i feel like hed just escape into the woods a lot . his fav counselor is inexplicably soren but only because soren is the groundskeeper and if taylor helps him w his rituals soren wont tell on him for being out there when he shouldnt be so taylors like heh. a small price to pay for expanding my skills......
lastly the hermster . hes in magpie moth with taylor also i think ....... u cant separate them . his favorite counselor is juniper by far bc he thinks juniper is just like him fr and is CONVINCED that hes method acting as british and as such he DEEPLY admires his enthusiasm and commitment to the role . however this also incites some competition in him so whenever hes at camp hes like 30% more annoying than usual bc he feels the need to outdo junipers acting prowess
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menalez · 2 years
i think that most australian aboriginal people are mixed right ? Only 1% are full when I looked it up, and they also make up only about 3% of the australian population. Which is very sad bc. Yeah .... but it makes your poll results not surprising
Also a lot of people mightve not known whcih to pick and defaulted to white + i dont think many latinas voted bc they didnt feel any of them were accurate. Its not your fault though I feel like you'd have to make multiple polls to fit all options or youd have to opt for doing really Broad categories for them to be all in one
But also, I think that if you polled literally the entirety of english speaking tumblr , it would still be mostly white
i feel like itd make sense for aboriginal ppl who are of that experience to choose that option over mixed. but wow that tiny population % explains its.
also several good points 😔 i thought i generally included broad enough categories that it’d include everyone but i may be mistaken
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] NO BUT THATS GENUINELY EVEN MORE EMBARRASSING 2 MEEE im covering my face fr blush blush like gosh bc i never rlly thought of someone else liking and be influenced with my ideas till i realize. its cus i barely have ppl whom i express it for them to vibe LMAOOO u and other special moots (which is just. 1 other moot i kiss theym) i hold u so dear LIKE YKNOW everytime i have A Thought or i go to my lil private space where ive already word vomit my xiao and lumine bs im like uhehe augh wehehhrhg aur *unintelligible* should i pick this out wud aly like this thoght like i be sending 47827473 asks by then of rewording my jargon to at least be Comprehensible and then again i thought it might not. make as much Sense when in common consensus its not as romantic and too Slow for others but i did have hope youd get it (which u did!!!! and it still blows my mind everytime the joy never gets old to be understood of ur special silly thinkings in overwritten essays cus i cannot. articulate things properly HRHHRHEKDKFHDH)
like i genuinely get worried sumtimes bc with me rambling i mightve unintentionally forced u into my thoughts and agendas even when its just fun exchange and things!! and i really Really dont want mine to override the ideas u have like yknow bc u have god tier ideas too that i still think abt like the fUGK. like i spit Way too much abt zhongli xiao but i also dont see it like the former Pampers the latter too much like a baby than just wanting to ease the suffering like any other person. anyway bottom line i dont want to take away ur prev enjoyment before i came in too cus gosh i get carried away sumtimes but its the Only way to get the interpretation across UEUEUEUE ANYWAY (2) I JUST!!!! GRHGRHSHHH GRAAHHH BITES MY PILLOW U HAVE NO IDEA POPPING INTO THIS INBOX AFTER MY LIL COMMENT ON UR AO3 HAS MADE MY LIL. my little lonely life thinking xiaolumi is a Tad Different feel so Better 💕💗💕💖💞💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💖💞💞💗💞💖💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💕💕💗
ILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i absolutely pinkie prommie that you have NOT forced me into having any thoughts or being part of any agenda, in the past that would Definitely Be Possible i was like incapable of having opinions BUT i am a grown girlboy now and like. idk even when some of the besties share ideas its rly easy to pick apart "i am adding this to my own thoughts Immediately this is perfect" "oh i genuinely rly like that" "oh mad respect but not for me" "oh What The Fuck" (<- that ones for the dottore fuckers) and to keep my own thoughts intact and such,, none of what uve said has overridden any of my own ideas its more like. a) me soaking up ur thoughts like a sponge or b) ur thoughts Fanning The Flames for my own thoughts adding fuel to the fire etc etc like they consistently add and make things better than what i tend to think of on my own but they've never pushed my own thoughts aside in the process yknow ?? idk if that made sense i am Very Tired writing this sob emoji
i Also get carried away i think we both get mad carried away we are like two little silly guys floating in the wind flinging each other further and further out into the atmosphere with no sign of stopping and i love that for us <3
AND NO BC I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT like. literally it wouldve been so easy for you to Not Comment or to Not check my silly little blog or to Not send an ask but you DID and i am SO GRATEFUL FOR THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love love love talking to you i love discussing our silly little ideas i love losing our minds you are so. idk even if we WEREN'T so often on the same wavelength and weren't interested in the same things you are just so so so fun to talk to and to be around !!!!!! and youre so passionate and it makes hearing u talk abt the things u love That Much Better its so. 💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗 LIKE FR !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILYSM I HOPE UR DAYS BEEN GOING WELL AND I HOPE IT GETS EVEN BETTER !!!!!! and if any part of it Doesnt go well. well. i am sleepwalking my ass over there to beat up all the bad parts and then we will hold hands amen
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icysab · 2 years
heyo sab howve you been? hope school is good n its not too harsh on you. get that education but dont forget to not push urself too hard yknow.
also here to complain? i have had barely any fic . feeling Sad rn. wish ppl would send requests sometimes, since everyone has such fun ideas. been trying to get inspo from other fics n stuff but guuhh my brain isn't picking anything up. worst thing is having motivation but zero (0) ideas. + been having riki brainrot & its ruining my image.
(also sorry for not texting you directly. i still dont understand when its appropriate to text ppl sometimes but hey you can always msg me if youd like! i need to man up actually n do that too.) hope you have a good day!! – 🐞
hii :)) i’ve missed you!! and i’ve been doing pretty well, albeit kinda stressed haha. schools fs been a lotttt, and my band is playing a show on friday !!!!!! so i’ve def been really really busy running from practices to tech rehearsals to club meetings just to get back at 11 to do three hours of homework lol. but it’ll all be worth it in the end, in my opinion.
& ik how you feel :(. it’s really really hard to keep motivation when you get a grand total of zero interactions. don’t give up though!! i really have never had interactions until this past month where i’ve has so many meaningful ones!! and i’ve had this blog for wellll over a year now. it takes time, but don’t worry! it’ll come— i promise <3
one of the easy ways i get motivation when i’m stuck is my boyfie hcs! they’re easy, i don’t reallly have to think about my writing, and they can be informal. they’re a fun, simple way to just brain dump my inner mental state and still make something out of it. you could try something the same or similar to try and spark some motivation?
and dont be sorry for not messaging me— i 100% get it lol. but also i hope you don’t feel afraid to! i’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and when i say my dms are ALWAYS open, i mean it. so yea, you’re absolutely welcome to dm me whenever <3 it makes my day tbf
hope you have a nice day as well !!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Reading progress: chapter 300 (what the fuck)
reading highlight: this time with. so so many probably inaccurately copied quotes. forgive me. i was trying to eat my own pen. and also notebook. and also arm.
Square brackets are. when not quoting text. my own meta reactions or clarifications
280 Cheok jungyeong tries to uplift the ppl and fight outer god. I do love him.
sword saint and kyrgios. battle couple
Indescribable Distance. great name for a (baby girl) unknowable horror.
281 kdj bullshit. commence.
[often i lose track of whose taking but in this section they were focusing on jhw] "I can't let you go! don't go alone again! please! Dokja-Hyung!"
swk (looks at) his friend ABFD (looks at) his adversary CJY (gives) furious yell
oh yjh baby
live and death companions is silent
yjh spoke in a trembling voice
282 txt revision yjh is fucked up and depressed
kdj told ysa the plan in ADVANCE
indescribable distance -> Oh like the pale? (DE)
■ final chapter OR eternity. inch resting
283 sprawling chaos
SP "I don't agree with your methods but I'm curious" the kdjc story
284 SP and wenny man ominous interlude
(bunch of constellations dying in front of him) kdj picking up video game items
"For a brief second I felt my heart stop. Scarred muscles could be seen through the torn sleeves of the coat. I looked at the trajectory of the sword against the ground and emotions filled my heart."
285 middle school kdj made a yjh whisperer chart
"Son of a bitch you have to let me talk to you" classic
kdj lack understanding to 2nd level orv (ugly crying meme)[on kdj side]
4th wall trying to fry yjh brain with the greatest hits comp
286 only person who can debuff yjh? yjh. regression depression [YOUD THINK THAT WOULDNT U]
the angels are just chilling with kdj?
"He will commit terrible destruction and shall destroy the mighty and holy people" gabriel girl what the fuck
kdj literally "you dont have all the facts" the facts being? "i love him..."
gabriel has seen uriels amvs and okays it
kdj aggravates regression depression. hold his hand and tell him happy moments. you know. to torment. him.
288 giant baby monster. skyscraper height
angel conversational interlude -> "they were fighting and holding each others by the collar a few hours ago". welcome to dokhyuk
kdj seemed to be stroking yjh head. -> excuse me?
gabriel comparing dokhyuk to her and uriel. HELLO?
kdj making yjh eat soil. ETHICS...
289 "bear like man lhs" i stay winning
↳ kdj are u gonna cry about seeing him
knw! hi!
290 this patient is allergic to animal related stories
HDH! hi!
this is a hospital and base of operations?
hsy... did what kdj would have done. but without yjh.
hsy... two of them
291 hsy multiplicity moments (orv doesn't work)
ppl crowd yjh like an attraction
yjh eyes became hot and his heart stuffy -> crying? anger?
yjh remembers from 4th wall. uriel doll... like a child first learning to speak "uriel"
292 hankim. dressed the same. playing mind games. socratic
lhs gives piggy back to hsy
hsy power b/c nothing is truly original + TWOS is just that bad
Damnit. I had no choice but to agree. In order for this world to be complete, Yoo Joonghyuk... Han Sooyoung stared at me. She seemed to understand what i was thinking. "You know by now, I don't need him in this world." The plagiarist, who dreamt of a world beyond the original told me "I know how to kill YJH"
293 Hsy probability based arthritis
HSY grabbing YJH chin. pulling out a cig. howd you get so cool hsy...
294. 1863 lhs is still a sad dog boy huh
knw... kdj is giving girl advice?.... no never mind hes talking about how handsome yjh is.
1863 got to read orv... and it reg deps him
295 SP really wanted 1863 to die huh?
hsy to kill yjh by sealing the earth. an eternal sleep. no dreams no waking. (to die. to sleep. No more, and by a sleep to say we end the heartbreak and 1000 natural shocks that flesh is heir to)[the final chapter... or eternity]
"It is a deception" "Some call it salvation"
defiance to yjh sponsor... always
"I watched Yjh, I heard it clearly. I was still listening [I want to live]"
kdj would see the end with these ppl and find a way back
"The world that you showed me? Does it really exist"
297 "Does the world where you live really exist?" [its the emphasis change thats killing me here]
hsy "Is it cause of this guy? Did this guy do something to your spirit? Didn't you want to die so badly? Aren't you tired? Don't you want to stop preforming scenarios?"
yjh desperate for hope hsy begging for pragmatism kdj (deluded) faith in a only win scenario
yjh agreed to become enemy of the world, lost everything -> unites the world
yjh "does it (exist)?" kdj "I didn't know if saying would be comforting to yjh. I cried out with all my might [It exists]"
kdj ready to spend 3-5 years here to win both 1863 and then return to 3rd turn. yjh wont let him
"the dazzling light filled the air with ashes, revealing a pale reality. In it yjh was walking towards a world we didn't know."
298 "Yjh escaped from being a character"
lhs beautiful bear like idiot. knew hsy was tricking them. went with it anyway
yjh "wanted to write a new story in a very sincere manner. that's the condition for the author trait"
TWOS written by? large baby?
299 yjh dead "It's no longer a novel" 4th wall activated
oh no (checks notes) Jophiel dont sacrifice yourself
J: I don't believe in you (kdj) but i have something to ask.... bruh
"Someone was left and someone was leaving. No matter what was chosen, everyone would eventually reach their end." (Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.)
lhs continues to imprint on kdj
"Even without me the 3rd round would be fine for a lone time" "How can you be so sure?" HSY stared at me suspiciously. "You are there" -> WHAT THE FUCK AFFECTIONATE KDJ HANKIM MOMENT
rotating: okay. okay. alright. where to even fucking start. small. start small. kdjs friends have even cottoned on pretty well to his bullshit. jhw in particular doesnt want him to do things alone. shouldnt you give people the choice to stand (and die) with you. than leave and die and force them to keep living alone. this is a secret tool that will help us later
im considering. the weight put on endings. ■■. the closer it is to meaning, truly, an end. the more... auspicious? and is an end a finite or infinite thing. final chapter or eternity. death or endless sleep. life or forever regression
im considering. stories. and ownership. and what does it mean to end one. rewrite one. does it change you. does it change the original story. are they gone forever. could they every truly stay. the moment you reread the story. isnt it different. kdj cant let go of 1863 by his own volition (always... volition). it meant everything to him. from middle school to 28 years of age. TWOS yjh saved him. HSY, who, in so many ways is kdj, and in so many was, is not. has no loyalty to yjh. she can make this world without him, she can write beyond it. she will put this world to bed and she will create something else. 1863 yjh has nothing. no companions, no hope, just loss. and 4th tells him the story of our 3rd turn. OF. ORV. and this is what he needs. to live and die. to leave. to try again. to person himself once more, to act and not react. possibly. killing himself, killing this story, is an act of creation too
and. speaking of yjh and being a person. we. i gotta talk about this. and im gonna try and make sense and use sentences but. i have. just. why did they have kdj caress yjh and put him in a highly suggestible state by whispering sweet (tormenting) nothings to him. what... what what what. do you think they meant by that (they meant to torment me....). With making him follow kdj very command. With making him incapable of acting *without* the command. He's an attack dog. Bodyguard. Instrument for violence. Kdj also makes him eat dirt. Kdj also tells him to go to bed (and then to sleep. He needed to be told to *sleep*). The people in the 1863 base crowd around him. They gawk. The world's enemy and most dangerous person. Docile. A toy? Hsy grabs him by the chin, inspects him. He's a thing. Kdj. In knowing everything about him. With tenderness. In an act of terrible love. To avoid having to kill him. Unmakes his person. What the ever living fuck am I supposed to do with that.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
I loved your post about their laughs and was really curious about how youd describe their bodies? thank you!!!!!!!!!!
nonsexual nudity!!! discussions of weight, bodies and body image, mentions of drugs!!
THESE ARE PROBABLY GONNA STRAY A BIT FROM CANON BUT IDC <33333. Also just some,, general details?? Mostly just whatever comes to mind
She looks a lot smaller than she is??? Maybe it's bc she has shit posture but,, he's a pretty tall lady!!
She definitely got her Dad's shoulders - not super broad, but enough that if she started working out they would be???
STOCKY HANDS <333333333 VV square hands, pretty textured bc shes,, Constantly Working With Them!! <333 she keeps her nails super short out of convenience.
CANONICALLY DRY SKIN. She does put a bit of lotion if she remembers, but it means she has,, a lot of texture on her hands and face!! Lots of gorgeous weathering <33
SUPER FIT. ABS FOR DAYS. We already get to see that he’s Built Like A Greek Sculpture. His muscles are all vvv distinct!!!
the only man here with an ass <3 rip everyone else
He’s always had squishy cheeks since he was a kid!! When he smiles they all bunch up?? <333 IDK IF IM DESCRIBING IT CORRECTLY BUT <333 Like they’re,, constantly rosy. He breaks out into this,, Peach Colored blush so often?? <333
HIS FINGERS ARE BIG AND CLUMSY. He fumbles stuff a lot because he doesn’t have great coordination w/ em?? His nails are VERY well kept tho <333
This lovely hodgepodge of traits??
He's thin enough you can see a bit of his ribs, but also has a bit of a tummy? He has visible muscle and decently broad shoulders, but his wrists would probably snap if you have him too hard of a high-five? Tent pole legs and a small torso?? Assless, practically concave. His body is hairless and smooth like a skink, except for a Very Pale happy trail.
He wears makeup to get rid of the eyebags + how Deathly Pale he looks. He needs to get more sun, he has a Vitamin D deficiency </3. Truly built like a Tuberculosis Orphan <3
ALSO A VV STRONG JAW??? Super squared off n firm. he is so proud of that jawline esp because he didn't have to work for it <3333
THE HANDSSSSS he definitely has Slightly Bulbous Gecko Fingers?? Kinda rosy too bc he chews his cuticles to ratshit. They’re always slightly cold and Exceptionally Soft <333
Y'know what? I'll say it. Quintessential Dad Bod. Nobody can convince me otherwise. They hated Outis because he spoke the truth
BUT LIKE <333 broad shoulders, big stomach n thighs?? Plenty of stretchmarks everywhere!!!
Apparently the original President was an Oops All Tits situation, and while surprised, AB isn’t really complaining?? 
he definitely isn’t a fan of the body hair though ‘Was a happy trail really necessary??? he doesn’t understand why he needed body hair if nobody was ever gonna see him naked??
His skin has a buncha texture?? Laugh lines, crows feet, plenty of Wrinkles and Weathering. 
just in,, every meaning of the word. If he had good posture, he’d tower over the entire gang.
He's the kind of strong of like,, Lumberjacks. A fuckton of muscle n fat, big shoulders - he could probably toss a desk with little to no effort.
I like to think he helped around his parents the farm since a young age, probably picked up odd jobs here and there (friends farms, local fishery) until joining the army when he graduated high school!!
He may not be as active as he was in his 20s-30s but,, Buddy He Could Still Turn You Into Jam If He Wants
MASSIVE FUCKING HANDS. Jesus you wouldn't realize it bc he doesn't Gesture A Lot but,, he could probably wrap his full hand around most ppls throats. ALSO TALONS <333 SHARP CLAWS
His teeth are the thickness of your thumb, a dulled point. He can break bone!! Yes, he’s tested, (I SHOULD CLARIFY : not on people, on Assorted Meats)
Long and thin - he has trouble keeping on weight, even though he eats like a trash compactor. you can’t see bones, but he’s definitely on the smaller side!!
SUPER LANKY, but unlike JR he doesn’t have that much muscle?? The weight he does have is mostly fat!
HES SUPER FLEXIBLE. He could probably shove himself in one of the cabinets in his office when he doesn’t wanna talk to people lmao. He can stretch backwards and grab hold of his calves (he does it to freak Myc out smdnsd)
Boniest fingers in the universe. you can see the individual like,, joints. They’re also all,, curved?? He’s broken his fingers a bunch on accident so,, they have a bunch of kinks!!
his skin and hair is vvvv oily!! he used to have really bad acne when he was a teen!! Myc lovingly teases him that the reflection of light off his forehead + hair could cook smb like an Ant in a Magnifying glass.
speaking of hair - it has this super textured, gritty feeling??? Maybe cause he forgets to clean it but,, it feels Dense n Sandy?? <333
he looks way less solid than he is??? it looks like if you poked him he’d dent
he’s actually fairly sturdy!! Like theres some give but he has Structure? He kinda feels like if you coated a Slightly Deflated Beach ball in Aloe Vera.
The bulbs on the top are probably the softest??
The Ball (tm) is straight up a giant crystal ball. There’s a slight give, but it’s basically a Firm Crystal-Like Membrane??
everything about him is slick - but in the Tacky, Oily way that some Hand Sanitizers have?? It feels like you can never get him off your hands </3
MNSDMS SHE’S PRETTY SHORT </3 the heels help but she still has to ask Myc and Andre to get stuff from the Top Shelves.
Everything about her is very,, sharp?? High cheek bones, edge nails, etc. 
She has the kind of,, Elegant Strength that a diamond has if that makes sense??
HER SKIN IS FLAWLESS, EVERYONE ELSE IS JEALOUS. She has full access to Andre’s Mad Science + her Media Team so,, yeah she always looks like she’s just stepped down from heaven for a quick bite to eat <3
She has freckles!! she usually covers them up with makeup, so it’s very rare to see get a look at em!!! <3333 they really come out in the sun tho <3
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So to summarize:
"If Azazoth wakes up the universe ends" and "Shiva could Dr Manhattan anyone and anything out of existence by looking at them"
are mythologies that can and should co-exist, and picking just one is yet another example of FGO finding the one wrong answer and going with that.
they kept the shiva dr manhattaning ppl out of existence thing but ONLY for kama and ONLY to make shiva look like a colossal dick as well. like lets be real here if you were actively grieving your dead wife (who killed herself protecting your honor against her father no less), had made it explicitly clear you weren't ready/in the mood to remarry even if it was to her reincarnation, and some guy tried to love arrow you to get you to fall for said reincarnation anyway you might lose your temper! and he DID bring kama back to life as anaga as an apology in the actual myth, they just made it happen by accident in fate bc...idk screw the idea of a god trying to make up for hurting someone else i guess? this is off topic tho ghkldsf
like ideally if you wanted to make every religion canon AND absolutely had to bring powerscaling into it youd probably have it be something like current faith of believers+overall cultural impact+age of actual religion/myth/whathaveyou so you COULD give cthulu mythos some weight when up against like...idk the greek pantheon as it DID have a marked effect on specific styles of horror (ie it invented a new one) and is sort of known by most people in a pop culture kind of way (in that it is more relevant to the current cultural zietgiest than greek mythology. this is a bad example bc greek mythology is also still wildly popular just as the stories but ykwim). that being said no one really actually worships them, so actually having them square off against gods is...silly for lack of a better word?
and to use my previous example, if you wanted a like cthulu vs zeus showdown using the parameters i mentioned while its true that lovecraft mythos is much more well known/current to today and operates on a much larger cosmice scale, greek mythology and the culture it created HEAVILY influenced other mediterannean cultures which in turn heavily influenced a whole bunch of other cultures and that would need to be taken into account even if zeus is 'only' a thunder god. (ignoring that he was also actually worshiped, and for a far greater period of time than any lovecraft god)
so like, keeping all of the cosmic scale of the lovecraft gods but going 'uh well actually none of the other gods are like how you heard they were' is annoyingly inconsistent. even with whatever excuses they have re: sefar or whatever its just...bad storytelling. why is this one made up pantheon the only one exempt from their own rules, and why is it the one that actively seems to go against the franchise's general themes of the human spirit? it just BOTHERS me lol like picking and choosing when to follow or break their rules isnt at all new to fate but i think the fact that out of all the god pantheons they couldve left unaltered they chose the one invented by lovecraft touched a nerve in me.
this is all a very long way of saying that if azazoth DID exist and DID have all those powers it wouldnt even matter if he woke up bc the minute he even thought about stirring all the other equally omnipotent omniscient all-powerful gods from across cultures would simultaneously flip him off so hard hed cry
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 years
can you talk more about DarkMango...? i am hungry for content/lh/nf
HEHEHE OF COURSE ANON sorry for taking like two hourz to get back 2 u i waz playing a game w a friend
i put Too Much Rambling so im shoving it all under a cut
anywayz mmm. darkmango. :] i like to think that while both dark and mango arent the best people they genuinely do make each other better. not even realizing it, sure, but they encourage each other to be better people! [dont get me wrong theyre still fucked up and evil villainz but theyre just nicer sometimez now /hj]
ive got a few doodlez lying around where theyre literally just holding each other and staring fruitily into each otherz eyez /hj itz nice . i like to think they both know how to dance, be it from learning on their own or one teaching the other !! sometimez theyll dance w each other :] im a cheesy bitch so my favorite thing ever iz imagining characterz waltzing together itz cute to me
hmm. mango iznt a huge fan of spiderz, but despite that, he iz Very interested in darkz virabotz i think. hed pick one up and sorta look it over and ask dark a bunch of questionz, and obviously dark will w/o hesitation just fuckin infodump about them, which i think mango would do that thing where someone iz listening to someone they love talk and they just stare at them w the most love stricken face ever, just pure no thoughtz, head "i love thiz person so much."
darkz a very animated talker too, id think, so youd have thiz contrast of one guy very animatedly talking and waving his armz around excitedly and the other watching with almost literal fuckin heart eyez, head on the hand and everything LMAO
they probably act both like a new highschool couple [ie, very touchy, stupid/cheesy pet namez, all in all being very loud and open about it] and also simultaneously like those cool unclez at family gatheringz that have a job theyd probably get in legal trouble for lol, all cool n shit. definitely the type of guyz to be the "partnerz in crime" type of couple.
ohh speaking of that, if they were to actually 100% team up and try to take ppl down, they would be a TERRIFYING opponent. forcez to be reckoned with for real. like, you got a godlike entity that can destroy the very thing that makez you up [ie, code], and ANOTHER guy thatz trying too hard to be a god with a staff of an item that can decimate you INSTANTLY if he so chosez. they both just choose not to do thiz bcoz a, dark likez his family, and b, mango likez being a king with power over people, not an empty world. lol. so yknow itz a win-win for everyone involved.
oh god theyre probably the kindz of ppl that are alwayz like . near each other in public. like alwayz gotta be holding handz or shoulder to shoulder or even one of em sitting on the otherz lap while talking to someone else, not even in a weird way just in a "i NEED to be making contact w my bf right thiz instant if i dont i will DIE" way yknow /j [touch starved mfz /j /j /j]
dark would hype mango up for shit like fightz or just taking over villagez n shit. like "fuck yeah baby you get their assez u can do it ily" type stuff lol.
mango on the other hand would be more of the type to silently encourage dark? like while dark would Literally stand on the sidelinez and shout encouragement, mangoz more the type to quietly encourage shit and supporting dark. bringing him stuff he needz for his little virabotz, giving him a kiss or something of the sort after winning a fight, hell, hed probably fucking clap for him lol
hmmm. thatz all ive got so far but :] i really do like theze two i need to draw them more tee bee aych. im glad therez other darkmango likerz out there lol
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
Gooood morning hope you get better soon!! Hm any specific (personality) traits that she got from her dads? Or maybe mannerism, way of speech ?
gooooood morning!
i feel like its really hard to pinpoint whats from angies dads and whats from the rest of the crew and ppl she was raised around yknow? esp bc she was so young when sing happened SO much of her personality is more from how her and the girl had to grow around each other when it was just the two of them
THAT BEING SAID definitely how cocky she can be is directly from kobra. like its a growing up at the crashtrack almost everyone she knows is a crash queen type thing but kobra being such a crashtrack darling did nothing to discourage tht particular trait.
her general disregard for rules is more of a ghoul thing, i feel like you watch your dad blatantly steal from tcms from a jerry-rigged chest harness a few too many times and you start thinking that paying for things is just optional
but theres a bit more of a balance to her as well? it could be a cherri thing could be a jet thing could be a girlie thing but angies MUCH better at like. sitting with her emotions and acknowledging and discussing them than kobes and ghoul were. shes not prone to like. poetics and flowery speech like cherri was but shes still eloquent
her way of speech is another one of those things thats like. could be her dads could just be everyone could be just her but theres some things that r HEAVILY influenced by her dads at least. shes got a real specific dialect of ZSL goin on where some of her signs r like? simplified? less intense hand movements shall we say and thats definitely from ghoul and how he had to accommodate his dyspraxia. the signing itself obv comes from how much kobra uses it when he cant speak but i DO think they wouldve picked it up for her either way. she signs just abt all of her speech (as well as verbalizing it) bc she does have a speech impediment from her lip and its the easiest way to make sure her message gets across the first time which is an entirely her thing. however! her and the girl also dip between spanish and english in a way thats just like how ghoul and jet would talk to each other
OH and she uses nicknames for absolutely everyone thats from all three of her dads. ive said before that if it werent for jet and pois angie wouldn't have even known her dads names and like. angie takes that to a whole new level i think. barely even uses peoples names when shes taling to other people about that. for a girl that hates being misunderstood youd think shed make it obvious who shes talking about but noooo
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello Zak! Glad to be here on the game show tonight, it’s an honor. Let me first say though that I feel lik an alien who's only been on earth for about a month, is still trying to blend in, and now is on Jeopardy!!! Truly a wondrous life I'm living. But onto the show. My answers for which I think are truths are 1,2,3,7,10. My reasons for why I did or did not pick an answer are:
1. I want it to be true
2. There's no doubt in my mind that he could and would do that.
3. I hav no clue what nyctophobia is and that makes it seem smart and true
4. I also want this to be true but I don’t trust it enough
5. It sounds like something he’d do but I might cry so I’m choosing not to believe it
6. Fake wikipedia my beloved, you can only be but a fantasy
7. He scares me! (affectionate)
8. He has to hav every doctorate ever. Or at least more than 2. He seems lik that kinda bitch
9. They didn’t hav a bunk bed they had a loft bed and mc slept in it while luke (of his own accord) slept on the floor. Sorry i don’t mak the rules
10. This seems very realistic, unfortunately
irt the tears of themis 5 truths, 5 lies gameshow
kJSDJGBKJSD HI KITKAT! welcome to my gameshow because i love to terrorize the wonderful ppl who follow me!!! i love the alien on jeopardy image youve painted for me, how i wish that were my life...
anyway, onto your answers!!!:
four out of five of the numbers you listed are correctly true and canon!! for somebody who knows only about tot from my blog and---judging by the rationale uve given me---is mostly answering thru sheer vibes, four out of five is GREAT
heres the answer key if u wanna see specifically which ones are canon or not :DDD
and also ur rationales killing me.
i rlly want the luke in trees thing to be canon but alas i made that up bc it is so endearing to me to have little kid luke pearce up in a tree just CRYING (i hc he was a huge crybaby before his self consciousness and self loathing crashed into his brain at around 11 or 12 years old) for help to get down
trust that marius is shit at anything music related. TRUST!!!
huge kudos on not trusting the fake wikipedia artem one because i fooled a bunch of ppl merely thru the bit i put in parenthesis where i act as if it rlly did happen in the game HAHA. oh man, just from that, youd see through 80% of the lies i tell irl kJBKJFGKS
vyn having 2 doctorates is a huge meme in the fandom. look, we even have a gif for it!!
Tumblr media
thanks for playing and i hope u had fun :DDD
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goldentsum · 4 years
hoonie!! who do you ship your mutual with then ??
oomf-! okay i thought long and hard for this one and a lot of the people here, i haven’t really talked to //sorry if you find tagging annoying, please tell me if you don’t want to be tagged huhu// but i really tried! i hope i can talk to you next time (im so awkward mahgawd ://) also sorry if you dont rlly like the ship, its just my opinion and sorry if i got ur vibe wrong HAHAHA also can i just say that sunarin gets all the girls, goddamn..
@daydreamingsora-fics | sunarin and akaashi (bitch you already kno it HAHAHAHAA landi mo hayuf) (kaashi still my pick for u tho,, alaga ko yan!!) @caxsthetic | osamu (cus ur sooo dom~ <3) and oikawa (idk why but i feel like you’d make tooru rlly soft cus ur a sweetheart) (tho i think i’ll steal u away from them cus ur mine.) 
@sugawara-sweetheart | suga and mattsun (i miss you neems.. i ship u with me <3) 
@kenmasbb | kenma and iwaizumi (ur subby so i think iwai going hard dom @ u would make u happy HAHAHAHA i mith u) 
@kiyoo-kun | omi and yamaguchi (ur so sweet and smol (i feel like ur smol idk why) so i feel like u deserve a stoic and as equally as sweet as u men)
@notkageyamasprincess | kags and me pft hinata (i can see the tug of war between yall AHAHAHA)
@cultsumu | atsumu (can we poly? HAHAHHA) and bokuto (he’s just so hyper idk why but i think that youd like him??) 
@rinslilmonster | sunarin and tsukki (stoic men with a salt in the side <3 spoiler alert, they’ll simp hard with all of those constipated feelings they hide) 
@sleepyrintaro | sunarin and oikawa (the contrast between the two but also the same pettiness HAHAHA i feel like you’d make them simp-y KSKSS) 
@babie-sunarin | sunarin and kenma maybe (soft bbies for a soft bb like urself <3) 
@arixtsukki | tsukki and lev (tol bois for u HAHAHHA) 
@sayakaaaaaa | daichi and kuroo (i feel like you like men in authority? is it just me? HAHAHAHA) 
@macaronnv | ushi and akaashi (quiet guys can get reall freakkyyyy goodluck bb HAHAHAHA) 
@vikkiuwu | kenma and tsukki (scorpios love libras and viceversa amiright HAHAHHAA)
@matsukipple | mattsun and daichi (daddies for u <3)
@datecho | futakuchi and kags (futakuchi would love u idk why i thought about that HAHAHA) 
@keiyoomi | tsukki and omiomi (ur username lit says it HAHAHA fr tho, those petty guys would be **simpinggg**)
@tsukisemi | semi and noya (soft and kinda edgy bois for u)
@ausahi | asahi and suga (gentle //tho sugas kinda chaotic// bois to warm ur heart! <3) 
@ultimate-astridwriting | kuroo and tendou (hor-knee and sadist doms to heat ya up~ ehehe)
@milks-writings | bokuto and noya (hyper and extroverts ehe! <3) 
@cutiekawa | oikawa and atsumu (loud and petty, just how we like it eh?~ HAHAHA)
@loveitadori | yamaguchi and iwaizumi (guys who would be fr soft for u)
@softsugars | kita and akaashi (attentive bois to take care of you~ <3) 
@velvesagi | tsukki and oikawa (i feel like yall talk smack about ppl and just have a GREAT ass time HAHAHA) 
@kitazura | kita and kuroo (these men would love to just chill with ya <3) 
@babiekawa | atsumu and makki (chill but also kinda protective yk also would spoil the heck out of u)
@somecravings | ushi and tendou (i feel like these two would love to work in tandem to make u feel loved and also ehem worked up) 
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Rich Kid pause game NCT edition: Round 5
bodyguard: ten (tbh i feel like his form of being my bodyguard would be to divert the attention to himself. like there'd be paparazzis everywhere when im trying to leave a building or and hes just like "dw i got this" and just takes of his shirt and starts strutting down the street and everyones like "wtf??? HES SO HOT" and start mobbing him and taking pics of him. then they would leave me alone to get out of whatever place safely. and you can bet your ass that he would enjoy it) 
neighbor: yuta (i feel like he's the cool neighbor that just oozes satire everywhere he goes and just leaves ppl with their jaws on the floor. but when you get to know him hes really fun and kinda a crackhead so you can be sure hed be fun to hangout with) 
teacher: taeyong (arguably the best person to be your teacher out of them all. i mean come on. HES TAEYONG. do i really need to explain?) 
bff: kun (probably, no DEFINITELY the mom friend. hed be super perfect and polite in front of my parents and be super perfect and polite everywhere else. sure he might be a bit of a party pooper sometimes cuz he actually follows the rules but he would have you covered in any and every situation. for example, runny rose? hes got a whole tissue box in his bag. period started? hes got pads and tampons by the box and a 3 sets of changes of clothes for you to pick from. hungry? hes got a whole ass storage box of snacks [iykyk hehe]. feel like shit? he's got an infinite dose of kun mother love to help.) 
crush: shotaro (tbh i would probably fall in love with his smile and laugh first, then his dancing and charisma. hes just too adorable yet unbelievably hot at the same time. if you hate him then youre either blind, have terrible taste, or talking abt a different shotaro cuz hes literally perfect) 
hangout friend: jeno (would probably be that one friend that your parents met once in a bad situation and didnt approve of but you still hangout with them behind their back. i feel like hes so nice and an actually good person but my parents saw him beating up haechan cuz he actually pissed him off for once and said "nope hes terrible, we will never hear his name again" even tho hes constantly proven after that that hes actually super cool) 
has a crush on me: mark (i cant tell you how awkward and obvious this guy would be. i feel like i would figure it out but play it off as if im super oblivious just to see how into me he really is and then end up accidentally falling for him. HARD. im sorry shotaro but if mark was in love with you, i think youd get it.)
original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6Ei11_kkfA
other rounds: Round 1 , Round 2 , Round 3 , Round 4
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