#you're not annyoing!!!
compass-genius · 1 year
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mildlyromanticperv · 3 months
What did you expect of me?
Karina x MReader. Fluff. Enemies to lovers.
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-For christ sake, what a bitch! -Your anger boiling in your heart and your brain tells you, no, yells you to go to your managers office and demand a fair treatment, it's just ourageous that among all the workers in the office you have to stay late every single day of the week to cover the "last project of the quarter".
No matter what you do, how hard you work, how many late nights and how many cups of coffee you drink at a day, it just feels like a prison in here, the office that hired you as the main developer for the website on their new brand "Supernova."
Plus, who names a project "Supernova"? Sounds like with just a simple code here and there you'd make the market implode and then explode in money... If your manager Karina expects for that to happen she's either naively hopeful or a total delusional.
-You, come to my office. -Her cold words stabs your brain, after a whole week hearing her low pitch condescending dictatorial voice you can't bear to listen to it one more time, but you need this job like, DESPERATELY need this job, so there's no talk back to the boss.
-Yes boss?
-We're behind on the project, have you been slacking off again? -Her cold judgemental gaze falls upon your black sacked eyes showing off the immense exhaustion you have tu put up with during the project.
-Look boss, I'm doing my best, I haven't slept well these past few days but I assure you I will have everything ready by next month even if the useless of my coworkers don't do shit. -Your tongye got the best of you and runs wild. -I just need to have a good night sleep, can you let me out early today?
-No, we are all hands on deck and you know that. -She sighs and rubs her forehead in a clear show of stress and disappointment. -Just go back to work and don't screw anything up.
Any person with enough patience would put up with that shit, but not you, not now at least. The condescending tone and the past sleep deprived week has been just too much for you, clearly you're not thinking straight anymore, or perhaps you're thinking clearer...?
-Fuck this.
-Excuse me? -She responds with equal or perhaps even higher anger.
-Fuck this Karina, I'm not doing any more shit today and I'm tired to put up with your fucking demands. Fire me if you want I'm going home to sleep. -You really shuld've thought that better, but what is done is done, you start to pick up your stuff and bracing yourself for the shouting match.
-You cross that door and you're suspended, one week half pay. -Surprisingly enough instead of picking up a fight and shouting her vocal cords off as she usually does, she just stares straight into your eyes with a gaze so cold it could freeze hell itself. -You're not the only developer in our payroll, if I wanted I could fire your sorry ass right now and make it so you never work as a developer never again in your life, so consider this a favour.
Don't let that tone of hers get into your core.
Just, breathe.
-Fuck you. -It's the only thing you get to say before actually leaving.
-One week suspension no pay, and don't you dare call me or text me asking to forgive you. Jackass.
With the anger oozing through your pores you just slam the door and head out. You start your car and praying you don't crash you go from 0 to 100 in just a couple of seconds screeching the tires of your car.
-Please god, take care of him... -She sighs under her breath.
But wait... What?
Take care of him?
During that next week there was absolutely no news from you on the office, things started to be more... tense. You've received a ton of messages from your coworkers basically begging him to come back, but the answer is defenitive: No.
However things don't ever go your way.
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
-Hey, we need to talk, come to the office. -Again, that swee... No. Annyoing voice again.
-I'm suspended. -Your answer comes as soon as the thought hits your brain.
A sigh from the other line and a faint whisper.
-This man is going to be the death of me some day. -But then the usual tone returns. -Look, I made a rash decision and we need your intel, you're the one that knows the way around our software.
-I thought you had several developers in your payroll, I bet they can help. -You say sipping through the wine you bought for that dinner for one you've been pushing away so much due to the job.
-I'm asking nicely, and around here you know that's as rare as an unicorn. Just come here tomorrow and finish the project, we're ahead.
-Ahead? What do you mean ahead? You said we we're behind last week! -Your voice comes harsher and harsher, even though your chest is telling you not to.
Not to her.
-I lied to try and make things faster, okay? Just come and we can talk like professionals. -She couldn't come to acknowledge the fact that she just wanted to see you. She couldn't admit that she misses your cologne, your three day beard and your stoic gaze when you're so deep in thought. -I'll send you the advances that have been made.
Right away she hangs up the phone, relieved she didn't break down into yelling or insults. Right away an email arrives on your computer with such incredibly... small advances looks like you carried the entire project all by yourself.
-Why am I not surprised? -You sigh under your breath as you pause the movie you were watching and read what has been done, immediately you start chaning... well, almost everything.
Next day...
You should at least turn off the car, for real, have you seen how expensive the gas is around these days?
"Just go, I avoid her any longer... I- I don't want to..." -It's the only thought that crosses your mind, the thought of seeing her piercing eyes again, the feeling of her gaze piercing and burning through your very soul, the loud beating of your heart as you look at her lips...
Her lips...
If only she wasn't your boss, right?
-So, I checked the non existent advances the useless guys did, and...
-How you've been? Have you slept well? -For some reason her tone wasn't condescending anymore, the worry present on her voice...
Could it be?
-Yes, finally in months I've been sleeping great... -Her eyes, oh. my. god... Her eyes... -Anyways, I have everything finished now, you can present it to corporate. -You say trying to avoid her eyes as you speak sarcastically and look at your watch.
-Big date coming or something? -She asks, doing an awesome job yo hide the jealousy.
-Just wondering how long this will take. -She sighs again, feeling the anger and stress of your cold demeanor.
-Your week of suspension ends today and the weekind is off by legal, so you can go now and I'll see you on monday.
After that you just go back to your usual routine, the weekend goes great and the next week of work comes, with so much less stress that even the busiest day feels like a walk through the park. The time off work led you to watch so much shows, and so much free time, time spent in imagining your life outside of work with that person that would make your days so much happier.
Thinking of love.
What a great future you could have, perhaps you could get married and have kids, after all that's your dream.
In a year you'd ascendo in your job, start earning more, you'd start dating to finally get the chance to let you feel that love you so desperately look for, In a year your boss wouldn't be your boss and perhaps you could date her, in a year you'd buy your first...
Your boss? Date... your boss?
Why would you think that? She's a bitch.
"But she's a gorgeous bitch." You thought, perhaps... only perhaps... You wanted that, you liked your boss...
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
Your phone rings with a text from your boss.
-Corporate loved the project, we were given monday to celebrate, so I'll be expecting you monday 7:00 A.M. sharp for the party.
-Got it boss. And hey, sorry for snapping out last week. -Perhaps this could be a beginning, you know you should keep things professional, you keep telling yourself to stop but flesh is weak.
-Yeah, just don't be late. -Her response cold as always after 5 minutes of writing and deleting, she's also in the midst of an inner debate, whether let herself feel what she wants to feel for you or just don't say anything.
But why? Why shouldn't you try? Because she's your boss? There's plenty of people that date with their boss and make it work, you shouldn't keep ahold of the prospect of your happiness just because people might judge, that's the whole point, living for yourself and be happy yourself. Isn't it?
That very Monday at 7:00 A.M. you show yourself at work wearing a new white T-shirt and some loose jeans, your usual wrist watch and a new cologne you bought just for your boss, nothing else is going to stop you.
-Hey, boss. -You came to talk to her made a nrevous wreck not really knowing what to do to get her attention.
-Oh, here he is, the brain behind it all. -She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to present you to some corporate officers like if you were a prize, like you never shouted before... Like you two were friends... Being so close to her made your every sense enter overdrive and your nostrils welcomed her particular scent, that magnificent smell of lavender and strawberries sent your head over the moon.
The rest of the party went completely normal, talking here, showing off there... Taking glances at your boss every once in a while as well.
Wait, did she looked at you as well?
Was she blushing?
-Hey boss can I talk to you for a sec? -You got closer and whispered into her ear, not long after she pointed you to the balcony where you usually go to have your lunch.
-Make it quick.
-Look boss, there's no easy way for me to say this, but I think I should quit... I... I have feelings for you.
-Is that so? -Her cold demeanor makes you back off for a second, unable to tell the truth in her eyes you stutter.
-I know, I know that I was rude last week and I'm being just way too out of line. -Her eyes shine with a glint never seen before, in her mind the thoughts are divided whether she should speak from her heart, as Karina. Or speak from her brain as Ms. Jimin, regional Manager of your branch.
-You know you're my worker, and this is incredibly inappropriate.
-Don't you feel the same for me? I saw you looking for my eyes before.
-Don't be ridiculous, I'm your boss. -Despite the way she feels work ethics comes first, how can a manager could let a worker speak to her that way?
-I don't care. -It's the last thing you said before leaning forward and placing your hand against her cheek, caressing her soft skin and pressing your lips over hers.
For a second all that exists is you and her, together in a tight embrace holding her waist desperately thinking that if you'd ever let go of her she'd just vanish in the thin air. She responds to your advances letting your body invade her personal space, for mere seconds that feel like an eternity all that she can feel is your hands gripping her blouse until she lets go of any ties and wrap her arms around your neck, tipping into her toe-tips to match as much as she can your height.
-We... We can't... I'm your boss... -Her voice comes out cracking, breathing unsteady due to the raw passion she just felt a while ago. -It's inappropriate.
-I don't care, I'll quit if needed, I just care that I want you.
-I want you too. -She rests her head on your shoulder nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck.
You then caress her soft hair, taking a deep breath of her unique scent that send jolts of electricity along your brain.
-So what now, boss? -This time the words come out strong, lovingly, softly.
-Now we talk to HR, couples need to fill paperwork. -She pulls back and looks into your eyes again. -You always make me do more and more paperwork... -She then whispers in your ear. -Sweetie.
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winter2468 · 5 months
Astarion, flinging himself across Wyll's lap: Wyll, tell me I'm pretty Wyll, lovingly cupping Astarion's face in his hands: You're pretty damn annyoing is what you are
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notsofunsenpai · 6 months
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Enemies to Lovers?
You guys didn't really like each other,you guys were constantly at each other throats. You would purposely eat his food,make all his white shirts pink by 'accidentally', leaving a pink sock in his laundry, or lock him outside of your shared dorm. Kenji is petty,he would move your chair as you were about to sit down. He blasts his music, especially Prince,he'll purposely ruin your meal by 'accidentally' putting something nasty on it,he'll purposely ruin your homework by pouring water on it or just straight up give you the wrong answer if he knows it,he'll wake you up in the early hours of the morning with the tv as he plays on his xbox or whatever gaming console he has or he'll rat you out to the professor if you are talking or thinking about cheating. You had to be careful. You knew if you got on his bad side, he'll give you hell and what for. You tried to switch dorms, but they said no and told you to suffer basically. Now, here you are, laying wide awake with your pillow over your head,trying to sleep, but your lovely roommate was keeping you up with him chatting up a storm with someone on the phone. He's been talking for hours,glancing at the clock that read three in the morning you had enough. You got up,jumping off of the top bunk,going to the sofa where he sat and grabbing his phone, hanging up on the person.
"Hey! Wasn't done talking!" Kenji glares at you.
"It's three in the morning. Go to sleep,im trying to get my beauty sleep."
"You need more than sleep to make you look ten times better." He retorts,snatching his phone back.
"Excuse me?!" You said, feeling your blood boil.
"You're excuse. "He gives you a smirk.
God is testing your patience with this man.
"Will you fuck off?"
"Nope,i love annyoing you." He then went to the bunk bed,climb up the latter and purposely laid in your spot to piss you off more.
"Hey! That's my spot! Get off!"
"Make me."
You could have just laid in his bed or the couch, but no,you wanted YOUR bed. You knew you weren't strong enough to grab him by his feet and drag him out of bed,so what you did was climb up the latter and try pushing him off.
It didn't end well.
Within five minutes of trying to push him off,he decided to roll over on top of you, then ended up falling asleep pretty quickly. You practically cursed to yourself for not just taking the couch or his bed,you have this idiot on you snoring like a bear. Man,you would rather have him talking for hours than hear him snoring into your ear. You then felt him nuzzle into your neck,which took you by surprised,you didn't even know what to do for a second. Then you felt yourself become grossed out as you felt drool on your neck,god its gonna be a long night.
You managed to fall asleep within an hour or so,Kenji would wake up,groaning in the process. He was thirsty,he's always thirsty but for a different reason, this time he actually needed water. He then also realized he fell asleep on you. He admired how peaceful you looked and had to admit you looked cute like this and not talking back to him. He smiles softly at you,kissing the top of your head as he carefully got off of 'his' bed,basically jumping off the top and landing on his feet. He went to the mini fridge and got him some water,drinking the bottle and then letting out a satisfying gasp. Cold Water hits differently in the morning, when you're craving it. He throws the bottle away in the trash can,he climbed back into your bed,laying next to you,putting the blanket on you and him,wrapping his muscular arm around you as he tells you good night,going back to sleep as well.
He can't wait to annoy you later on♡
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radio-navlee · 7 months
Not so tough now huh?
I really wasnt expecting the poll to get so many votes!! Heres what you guys have voted on <3
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Lee!Jax Ler!Ragatha
Summary: Jax finally pushed Ragatha over the edge causeing her to find something out about the annyoing rabbit.
Jax smirked to himself, setting up the most diabolical prank on his dear ol’ friend.
He’d been planning on getting Ragatha for weeks. He had completely transformed the rag dolls room into something you’d seen out of home alone.
String and marbles practically covered her room. Foam balls, feathers, water buckets and paint set up to hit her as she walked in.
“3…2…1” Jax counted down watching Ragatha close her door behind her. He could hear a muffled, ‘What the?’ Come from the doll herself. The marble rolled into a small hole triggering scissors to cut string sending the bucket of water over her bed, the water spilled everywhere and into a lower placed bucket below activating the foam balls to sore through the air hitting targets around the room. Finally it ended with a bucket of paint spattering on her head with another balloon filled with feather to pop.
“…..JAX!!!” Ragatha screamed causing Jax to chuckle to himself already booking it down the hall.
Ragatha, surprisingly, cleaned herself off quickly and darted after him
“THAT WAS SO WORTH IT!!” Jax yelled back
After 5 minutes of Ragatha chasing Jax, he started to get tired. He felt like it was the longest game of tag, where Ragatha was it and he was playing for his life.
Jax, now starting to panic, realizing that Ragatha was not slowing down. Regatha was so determined to catch him. Every time Jax would fumble over himself he would scream. Scared to what would happen if he did fall with the doll hot on his trail.
eventually he backed himself into a corner. He spun around to try to run but Ragatha was already there.
“Raggs…. Please… it was…. Just a joke!” Jax panted, catching his breath
“Oh that was no joke, that was a prank! A prank you fully thought out!” Ragatha pointed out
“Look, let’s… talk about it! How about we make a deal?” Jax suggested
“I’m listening”
“Okay, how about this! You let me go….” Jax inched his way slowly trying to get past Ragatha, “and I promise…. TO RUN- EuGH!” Jax ran full speed thinking he was getting away, only for a plushy hand to stop him.
“Not a chance” Ragatha said holding Jax by his upper arm.
“Let go!” Jax tried to pull away
“No!” Ragatha squeezed his arm causing Jax to let out a yelp
“..what….” Jax face got hot, he didn’t know he could still be ticklish after entering the digital world!!
“Jax what was that?”
“.. a cry for help?” Jax tried to excuse. Ragatha squeezed again causing Jax to yelp again
“Are you-?”
“Because you sound like your-”
“I’m not..”
Ragatha smirked, "You're not what?"
"uhhh.." Jax blanked, too embarssed to say anything just in case it wasnt that. Ragatha spun Jax grabbing both arms pinning them both above his head. Jax gave her the most panicked look he could give, seeing as Ragatha didnt give him the 'you ok?' look, Jax was doomed.
“So if I do this” Ragatha pinched at Jax’s sides “you’re sure you're not..?”
“gAH- Rahahags!!” Jax nearly jumped out of his skin. He started to squirm and giggle as Ragatha continued to tease and tickle him
“Oh so you are ticklish?” Ragatha smiled moving her way up and spidering across the poor bunny’s ribs
“NohOHO! WAIHAhaeheHAT!!” Jax complained and groaned through his giggles, he shook his head frantically as Ragatha moved up.
“Somebody’s sensitive!!” The doll teased, tickling right below where his ribs meet his armpits. The anticipation was literally eating at Jax.
“RAhaHags!! PLEheEase!!” Jax panted, trying to make himself sound as tired as possible.
“Shouldn’t have set that prank up, this would have never happened!” Ragatha growled, remembering the mess she gonna have to clean up when she gets back.
Jax shut his eyes as the rag doll massaged into his armpits. Jax nearly screeched, he turned his head into his pined up arms to try to muffle anything. He’d hate it if somebody came looking for them to find the predicament he was in.
“RAHFAHFAHGS!!” He stomped his feet below himself to try to diffract himself from the tickling
“Sorry, am I in a bad spot?” Ragatha teased
Jax sighed as Ragatha slowed down her torturous hand. Jax’s cheeks turned pink straight out of embarrassment. Just as Jax thought Ragatha was done, she put her hand on the side of his neck. Crap
“Wha- what are you doing?” Jax asked nervously
“Take a wild guess rabbit!” Ragatha stated as she tickled into his neck
Jax squealed scrunching up his neck and throwing his head back. Ragatha immediately noticed how Jax no longer wanted to muffle his laugh. Jax just chucked freely as Ragatha moved her hand to his ears.
“AH- Waitwaitwaitwait!! Ragatha!! Ihavetowarnyounowpleaseimgoingtoscream WAIT!!” Ragatha held his two ears in place and slowly blew air onto them. Jax screamed followed by loud laughter, he squirmed and shook his head but he couldn’t shake her off
“RAGAHATHAHA!! *Squeal* GAHAHA!!” Jax, now more embarrassed than ever, sat there laughing seeing as there was nothing else he could do. Ragatha tickled the tops of Jax’s ears, still blowing onto the bottom part.
Jax was in practically in pieces giggling and taking deep breaths when Ragatha would inhale giving him time to breathe before she would exhale again. Ragatha stoped once Jax started to get wheezy
“You ok?” Ragatha asked as Jax sat on the floor
“I uhh, *HIC* ohmygod” Jax completely shut down covering his face with his hands while his embarrassment covered his face
“Did I go to far?” Ragatha giggled, she never saw Jax like this. She laid her hand over his shoulder causing Jax to jump as the sudden contact
“No uh *HIC* you’re good it’s just- *HIC* these damn hiccups.” Jax explained, his frustration only getting worse as he continued to hiccup
“Stay here, I’ll get you some water” Ragatha smiled. She was back to her old self again, Jax didn’t complain and watched her run off.
He rubbed his ears free of the ghost tickles, bringing one down to his vision. ‘Weird’ he thought. He leaned up against once of the walls and eventually fell asleep.
Jax shot up, expecting to still be sat up on a wall, instead he was in his bed. He looked around confused, until spotting a glass of water and a note on his night stand. He sipped the water and opened the note
“Hey Jax,
I saw you were passed out so I brought you back to your room. I also brought you the water I said I was going to get. You might have been confused how you got back in your room, that’s why I’m writing this. I’ll be in my room tidying up YOUR mess.
-Doll Face”
Well, that solves that mystery…Jax grabbed a pen and paper.
He opened his door carefully looking to see anybody, but nobody was there, good. He found Ragathas door and crouched down. He slid the note under her door with a knock and booked it back to his room.
Ragatha heard a knock on her door while cleaning up the mess Jax’s prank caused. ‘Probably just a dig dong ditch’ she thought hearing the sound of feet running away. She looked over to the door anyways, ‘a note?’ Ragatha walked over picking up the note and opening it up.
“Hi Rags,
Thanks for not leaving me in that corner and I guess thanks for the water. You better not mention this to anybody. I mean it. It was already embararsing enough,
‘he missed spelled embarrassing’ Ragatha giggled. I guess he was right, he did look really embarrassed. But this is the first time he’d thank Rags for something, this was once in a life time.
Ragatha looked at her trash can, then her storage box. She thought for a minute, then put the note in her box.
(I AM SOOOOOO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK😭🙏 lots of stuff has happened but do not worry! Your goul is back🩷)
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jotunvali02 · 2 months
Playing Ace Attorney, Rise from the Ashes, part 1
"It's not Edgeworth who was murdered though."
Careful, be fucking CAREFUL with what you say, Phoenix...
"I am not accepting new cases."
Why?? Do you have better things to do??
Oh, so Mia used to do anything to get what she wants, "anything" too? Hmmm...
"That probably was why she was attracted to me."
"You know, attorneys aren't supposed to examine crime scenes."
But, but... I'm gonna slap you so hard, Phoenix!
"Put it in your pocket!" "Sounds like theft to me."
BITCH!!! That's what you've been doing ALL the time with NO second thought and NO regret and what basically made you win your cases and NOW you're having legal qualms??
I'm going to slap you!
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*gasp*! Or maybe Edgey has been giving him basic classes of lawyering during these mysterious two months? Is it the better thing to do than your job, Fee-Fee??👀💞
Phoenix being his old whiney bitch again and Ema telling him to shut the fuck off. ^^
"You know, I aced a 97 on my test!" "Too bad they don't have a test for common sense!"
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Queen Bitch Fee-Fee's baaack!
Oh, the Queen Bitch likes to be stepped on by another queen, huh?
Ok, did Lana Skye bedded all the sexy ladies of that city?
Don't tell me. The "boyfriend" is Larry, isn't it??
"Very useful. Not."
Bitch, why are you suddenly such a bitchy bitch again, anyway??
Hm, so Phoenix is the "evilest lunches of all".
Oh no.
My baby Edgey.😭
How must he have felt when he was awarded "the best prosecutor"? Two months after learning that ALL of his prosecuting (mentored by the killer of his father and who manipulated him all his life) had been, indeed twisted and ugly?
My baby... Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to gift him that??
"Wright? Still rummaging through my life? You know, I like it."❤️ "That voice..."💘
That voice that caresses and blesses my ears!!💞🥰
"Are you sure you should be showing clues to Mr Edgeworth?" "I don't give a fuck!! He's my boyfriend now! I'll show him anything, Ema! Anything..."
*showing the badge like an annyoing motherfucker again* ;p
"I once dreamed to be a defense attorney too..."
Nooo!!😭 What have I done?? I've made him sad! NOOO!! 😭😭
Can't I kiss him to make him feel better??
Rumors?? Babe, you never cared about the stupid rumors about you before! ...... ....... oh.💔
"Go ahead, Wright! You think I did it, don't you?" "So you've come to laugh at the fallen prosecutor? Then laugh. Laugh!"
No! Nooo!! Never!! What would FEE-FEE of all people do that??? Why do you think he hates you?? 😭😭💔
No baby!! Stop! Stop that self-flogging!! And just let yourself be hugged and loved!
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Wait. So defense attorneys can defend themselves but prosecutors can't prosecute themselves?? Why?
Is this a timeline where it's traditional to treat defense attorneys better than prosecutors? Like defense attorney are societally superior to prosecutors?
Nooo... my baby thinks he was betrayed, framed and manipulated by a mentor he admired again! 😭 Takumi, will you stop torturing our baby Edgey just for ONE case????
Ok, an Edgeworth headbutt in Phoenix' face please!
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"You must be proud to be the King of Prosecutors!"
But I... I will assassinate you, Phoenix. I will SO fucking assassinate you!
Oh and now you want to nap on Edgey's sofa!!
And Ema starts to get wet with her fantasies of Edgey. I can't blame her, I do the exact same.
"He doesn't seem concerned about his award."
No shit?? And why that, in your opinion??
"I place little faith in my memory." My baby 😭
"Looks like this guy was absent the day they gave out brains and good luck."
B-b-but.. what a douche!! This isn't being a bitch anymore, this is being a complete DOUCHEBAG, Phoenix!
Why are you such a spiteful CUNT today??
Gumshoe was "kicked out of the Criminal Affairs"?? Hmmm....
"What's going on with Edgeworth?" WHAT'S GOING ON WITH EDGEWORTH???
Feenie, have you fucking DEMENTIA joined to your cunt-isis???
No,... Edgey is getting bullied now?? Isn't this trial where he's being framed by a mentor again enough?? Wasn't Von Karma enough????
NO! NO! NO!!
Like, do his colleagues have fucking dementia too?? Did they already forget that Edgey was declared innocent, framed and manipulated all along, all his fucking life?? By the killer of his father?? While he repeated he was guilty and "deserved to be punished"?? Or that he's been living with a fucking PTSD since he was fucking 9??
And he "just wants to snatch the position of Chief Prosecutor", like WHAT?? Or maybe he wants to throw his jail his other mentor who ALSO lied to him and ALSO tried to frame him for murder???
Are lawyers in future Japan all brainless and heartless fuckers??
Ema: "Officer Marshall! Shut the fuck up!!"
Yeah, and don't go badmouthing my baby Edgey, you fucker!
"He was unbeatable. That is until he met you."
Fee-Fee's heart:
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"The rumors lead to one person."
Who?? WHO's that umpteenth fucker who dares to hurt my sweet, baby, fluffy Edgey????
"You shouldn't believe your clients, Mr Wright." "Miss Skye: shut the fuck up!"
"I have to discover the truth all by myself!"
YAY! Fee-Fee is finally committing to be a big boy!!🥳
Without needing the help of teenage girl or of dead person!
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barbarianbookhoe · 1 year
Chapter 3
A/N: here comes one of my fave Kanej scene!! (tho a bit changed but nvm) This became longer than I wanted, apologies if it feels too much!
(Btw i rewatched the series recently and my god was he hot doing this)
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"You want us to do what?" Jesper asked and stopped fidgeting with his revolver. Y/N gave them back to him aftter Kaz told (almost) everything about his plan. But as expected, they had some reluctance towards some details.
"Do you have a better idea on how to get into a prison?" Kaz raised his brows, waiting for an answer, then nodded. "Thought so. As I said-"
"You intentionally want us to be prisoners? Get put behind bars, not to mention, that we'll have absolutely no weapons with us," Nina interrupted him. Kaz turned to her with an annoyed expression. "That is what I just told you, didn't I?" Everyone shifted in their seat uncomfortably, except Y/n. Her mind was already running with thoughts about Kaz's reason behind the idea.
"That's what I'm here for, isn't it?" She asked and they turned to her as she continued. "No one's going to expect criminals to willingly go into prison, that's why it's the perfect disguise. While the six of you are inside, I can shapeshift and easily get in and out, bringing you your weapons. I can change into anyone or anything, which means I can even change into a guard to make it less suspicious." It's a brilliant idea, she thought to herself but didn't say it out loud. Ghezen forbid she makes Kaz's ego grow bigger, if that was possible.
"And once we find Yul-Bayur, the two of you will change place until we get him out, saving time for us." Kaz told them and Y/N let out a small hum, as if she was agreeing with Kaz's explanation. "It'll work as long as no one tries to speak in Shu to me," Y/N said then quickly added, "or Fjerdan."
"According to my timing, no one's going to suspect a thing until we give you the signal and you leave," Kaz told her while Jesper slightly shook his head. "Don't want to offend you Y/N, I totally believe that you can do that, but umm," he hesitated for a moment before continuing, "how sure can we be that this will work? I mean, won't it be suspicious that while we're dragging him through the crowd, another one of him casually stirs potions in his laboratory?"
"I aggree with Jesper," Inej said and Kaz looked at her annyoed. "You too now?"
"Look Kaz, it's not that we don't trust you-" "I definitely don't trust him," Matthias mumbled while Inej spoke. "It's just that this really seems like a crazy idea. At least tell us you have a backup plan, if someone notices us," she pleaded with him but Kaz just stared at them with a blank face, seemingly in thought. His silence made both Jesper and Y/N worried. "You do have a backup plan?" Jesper asked, and Y/N quickly followed.
"Tell us you have a backup plan," Y/N asked with wide eyes and when Kaz finally looked at them he rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'm not an idiot. I have backup plans for backup plans,"
"That didn't sound so convincing," Y/N let out a sigh and Jesper did the same.
"I already figured it out. There's a few things that needs more details, but otherwise I have a solid plan," Kaz told them, and this time they found his words convincing enough not to doubt him furthermore.
After assigning each of them a task and telling them to meet at Fifth Harbor in two hours, Kaz dismisses the Crows.Y/N hugs Inej and Jesper on their way out, telling them to be careful, and slipping a newly made knife onto Inej's belt. When Nina walks past her to the door, she slightly turns towards the shapeshifter, as if telling her a secret.
"I don't know what's going on between you and Brekker, but I'm glad you're joining us," she told her honestly and it made Y/N's heart skip a beat. She was sure the heartrender sensed it by the smirk on her face.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked as nonchalantly as she could, but the grin on Nina's face told her she couldn't deceive her. "Whenever you speak his heart beats slower, like your voice is a drug and he just got injected with it. Makes him more calm, that's all. Also, green suits you," Nina winked and pointed at her leather vest under her apron. Y/N gave her a small smile in return, and watched as everyone left her apartment, even Kaz.
She didn't stop him when he went out the door, instead keeping her promise to him and acting like they were nothing else besides old colleagues. Oh but they were much more than that.
Even the word lovers were too much of an understatement for what they were to each other. In her head, Y/N called Kaz many things throughout the years: a colleague, an annoying friend, an asshole, a best friend, a partner in crime, a pain in the ass, her other half. One thing she knew for sure was that no matter how much of a liar and spiteful man he was, whatever promise Kaz made to her, he always made sure to keep it somehow.
I promise I'll give you a new knife.
He stole the one a Dime Lion threw at his head.
I promise I won't tell you drank it.
He created a fake alibi for her.
I promise I won't steal your pancakes again.
He stole the waffles instead.
I promise I'll be willing to try.
He could give her kisses on her skin now. He could take off his gloves and hold her hand for almost fifteen minutes. He could hug her, hold her, kiss her cheek almost without trouble.
He even tried kissing her a few weeks ago, trying to surprise her, but it didn't went well. They still did the things they accomplished in the last two years, but he didn't try kissing her again. Y/N didn't mind it for one minute, because this slow pace wasn't just because of Kaz. She had her fare share with fear of skin on skin contact. If the burn marks on her neck weren't any indicators, then her avoidance of close touches certaintly was.
She could deal with her aversion far better than Kaz, due to her nephew who sometimes clinged to her like there was no tomorrow. Not to mention that she used to work as a waitress in the Crow Club for a few months, before accepting the job as a gunsmith's assisstant. Though sometimes when she got back into her apartment, she felt like just standing in the middle of the room, not wanting to touch any material or fabric. These times even the soft and warm cushions of her own bed made her feel nauseaous. Especially the warmth that mattress could radiate, despite the fact that she always kept her bedroom rather chilly, even in the winter.
Y/N walked down to the workshop and took off her belt, that kept some of her tools on her hip. She also took the dirty apron off and tossed it on the anvil. She glanced around the workshop, wondering how many weapons should she bring with her. She though about the ones she's going to use, the ones for backup, and the ones the others will have to use in the Ice Court. She walked over to the shelves next to the fireplace and grabbed two belts. One for her and one for Inej, once they're inside the prison. She also grabbed gun hoisters, just in case, and put the four items on an empty table. She grabbed a few knives and two revolvers, along with three packs of bullets, so at least four dozen bullets. She began searching for the bag she used for delivering weapons to the Dregs, and she found it amongst the multiple boxes at the back of the room. She carefully placed the guns and the gun hoisters inside, then filled it with the knives and the packs of bullets. She threw the belt for Inej on top of everything and closed the bag. She also put the other belt on her waist, secured it, and filled it with knives, along with her leather vest. Her fingers grazed the edge of the vest, remembering her 16th birthday, when her brother convinced Inej to get Y/N a similar vest to hers
"I hate that you keep weapons on yourself at all times, but you might as well do it with some style."
Y/N smiled at the memory as she grabbed the bag and made her way upstairs.
Just as she was about to close the door, she heard the sound of a cane clicking on the stairs. She left the door slightly ajar, as she went into the kitchen and put the bag on the table. She grabbed another glass from the cabinet along with hers, and poured some kvas into both. She didn't turn around, even when the footsteps stopped and she could feel Kaz's presence directly behind her.
"Do you think you'll be able to pull it off?" He asked as Y/N turned around with both glasses in her hands. She gave one of them to him, as she answered. "If you think I can, then I think so too," she took a sip from her glass and watched Kaz quirk his eyebrow at her. "And why would I think that?" He asked rather playfully. "You wouldn't have offered me a place, if you thought otherwise," Y/N shrugged her shoulders and let the smug look take over her face. Kaz rolled his eyes, but Y/N could see the smile he was hiding in his features. "Your smugness is something I definitely didn't miss in the last few days," he downed the remaints of his drink and stepped closer to put his glass on the table. Right next to Y/N's hip.
"That indicates you missed me in the first place," she said quietly and really hoped her voice didn't waver as Kaz leaned closer to her. She could almost feel his breath on her face as he spoke. "Don't be so full of yourself," he whispered back gently, as he tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, then letting his hand linger on her cheek. It made Y/N's heart melt the first time he did it, and it certaintly melted for the hundredth time too. She gave him a soft smile. "I missed you too,"
Later at Fifth Harbor
Kaz and Y/N parted ways after closing the workshop, to meet the others. Y/N went on a longer route to eliminate anyone that might be following them. The bag felt heavier in her hands, since Kaz insisted on her bringing some first aid items, just in case.
"We won't need at least half of these," Y/N argued with him, and he gave her a frustrated glance. "Is it so evil of me to try keeping you unharmed?"
As Y/N reached the harbor she noticed five figures near the ship that was taking them to Fjerda, and when she heard the footsteps behind her, she let out a smile. "How is your new knife?"
"It's beautiful. I really like it," Inej said from next to her and they began walking over to their group. "I knew the royal blue grip would suit you," Y/N winked at her and Inej softly smiled. "I've been thinking, and I'd like to ask you a question. Is it because of your shapeshifting ability, that you always knew when I was near? I always found it strange that you could notice my presence, when no one else did."
"When I turn back into human, I can still use some traits of animals. Sometimes it's only for a few hours, sometimes it's for days. Depends on the strength of the animal. Excellent hearing is one of them," Y/N told Inej and she listened to her with curiousity. She always liked to learn about new things, and Y/N was more than happy to give her answers.
The two of them came to a stop in front of the group, when all of a sudden the ship in front of them blew up. They all ducked down to not get hit by the wood and glass shards that erupted from the end of the dock.
"That was our ship!" Jesper shouted as Inej and Y/N were already scanning their surroundings. Kaz stood up straight and began limping away, signaling for them to follow him. "That was only a decoy. I counted on something like this happening,"
"Of fucking course you were," Y/N mumbled as she followed him along with the others. Kaz lead them to the real boat, the Ferolind, when someone began shooting at them. The bullets came from more than one direction, which ment the ambush was planned.
Jesper grabbed his revolvers and began shooting back, while diving behind one of the shipping crates, Nina and Matthias following him. Kaz and Wylan wasn't too far from them, throwing bombs at the attackers. Y/N and Inej were hiding in the shadows, trying to see who the attackers were.
"Shit, I need to get rid of this bag," Y/N whispered to herself, before tugging on Inej's coat. "I'll try to pass the bag to the others. Go around from the left, I'll take the right side. Maybe we can attack them from behind," she said and Inej nodded, disappearing among the crates.
Y/N took a glance around the dock and when she saw Jesper behind one of the crates, she slowly began to make her way towards him, but in the last few meters she just ran. She hopped down next to him and pushed the bag into Nina's hands. "There's at least a dozen knives in there, so be careful," Y/N told her and immediately went back to where she came from.
She couldn't see well in the dark, so she duck behind a crate and turned into a black cat. She ran the way where Inej went and she saw her fighting with a man, badly losing. Y/N sprinted towards them and just as she changed back into human, ready to kill the person, she saw him bleeding on the ground, Inej nowhere to be seen. She glanced around frantically searching for Inej, and when she saw her climbing the pyramid of shipping crates she gently grabbed her ankle. Inej tried to kick her and as Y/N saw the girl pointing the knife at herself, ready to avoid capture, she quickly reassured her.
"Inej! It's me!" She exclaimed and saw Inej stop as she took a better look at Y/N. "Are you hurt?" She asked but when she saw dark liquid staining Inej's side, her face fall. "Saints. Come on, I'll get you to the boat!" Y/N said and grabbed the girl's arm and put it around her shoulders. Then she tried to get Inej to her feet as gently as she could, but she still groaned in pain. "Sorry, sorry," Y/N apologized quietly. She quickly got the girl to the dock, before she felt a sharp pain piercing through her shoulder, making her drop Inej as she lost her balance. She managed to let out a scream before she felt the dark waves crash above her head.
The others were already on the deck, ready to help the two girls on the boat when they saw what happened. Nina and Jesper ran towards Inej, meanwhile Kaz stood there frozen, watching the dark water that took Y/N. He could faintly hear Jesper asking Nina if she hears Y/N's heartbeat, and the girl saying yes. He also saw a Black Tip, Oomen, jumping right after Y/N with a rope in his hands. Jesper stepped on deck with Inej in his arms, and Nina by his side giving him orders and Kaz watched as they disappear.
Just when he looked back at the water, Y/N came to the surface, tossing around to get Oomen off her back as he tried to strangle her with the rope. She went underwater again, and the next time she came up she began frantically swimming towards the boat. When she saw that Kaz was about to jump after her, she yelled at him as loud as she could. "Go! Start the boat!" Then she let out a groan as Oomen behind her grabbed her again. "GO, I'LL FIND YOU!" She shouted before he pulled her underwater again.
Kaz knew it was the logical choice to start their journey, before the Ferolind got blown up too, but Y/N's scream was the only thing currently echoing in his mind. He didn't hear Nina and Jesper arguing while trying to keep Inej alive, nor Specht walking over to him.
"Start the boat as quick as you can," Kaz said harshly to Specht as he walked over to a scared Wylan. "Do we have any flash bombs left?" He demanded and the boy pulled the bag off his shoulders and handed Kaz three small bombs. "What are you going to do?" Wylan asked as he held the bag close to his chest. Kaz contemplated just leaving him there without an answer, but in the moment he was too frustrated and angry to care about the image he held. "Save a friend," he told Wylan and for a brief second saw the surprised faces of Matthias and Jesper. Kaz hurried to the side of the boat and threw the three bombs as close to the crates as he could, imitating the explosion of an actual bomb. Kaz was sure the rest of the attackers didn't stay in the harbor long after that.
As they left the harbor, Kaz kept his eyes on the waves below them, even as Jesper told him that Inej was fine, and Nina was currently stitching her up. Everytime Kaz thought he saw Y/N resurface in the water his heart lept from him. And everytime he realized it was just his mind playing tricks on him, his heart stopped in disappointment.
"Where's Y/N?" Jesper asked suddenly. "Is she okay? Did she stay behind?" He didn't got an answer and Jesper was about to walk away from Kaz, when he finally spoke up on a quiet voice. "She got attacked. It's nothing she can't handle though," he sensed Jesper's shock and subtly looked at the side of his face. "What is it Jesper?" The sharpshooter just shook his head, the shock turning into worry as he spoke. "Are you not worried about her? Not even a little bit?" "Not particularly. She can take care of herself," Kaz responded quickly, and tightened the grip on his cane. "But isn't the two of you old...acquaintances?" Jesper asked, slightly confused at the word. He suspected there was more between the two than being colleagues, but Jesper also suspected if he ever told this to Kaz he'd skin him alive. Kaz looked at him with a blank face, before turning back to the sea. "Tell Wylan and Matthias to work on the map," Jesper sighed disappointedly, but did as Kaz said.
Kaz heard someone cough beneath him, and he was certain his imagination was playing another trick on him, but then he heard a familiar voice. "Anyone there? Please," Her voice was weaker than he would've liked it to be, but it didn't stop Kaz from leaning down to see her better.
Y/N was gripping the side of the boat as hard as she could, with blood stained arms. She could hardly keep her eyes open and Kaz hurried to the ropes on the deck, before abandoning his cane and throwing the rope down for Y/N to grab. "Hold on," Kaz told her, and his voice made Matthias, Wylan and Jesper look at his back as he layed down on his stomach. Y/N grabbed the rope and Kaz immediately started pulling her up, letting out a groan as his bad leg protested against it. He felt the rope slowly slipping from his hands and it made him go faster. Y/N was only a few inches away from him, when all of a sudden Oomen emerged from the water, and grabbed her waist to pull her down.
Without a second thought, Kaz let go of the rope and grabbed Y/N at the back of her jacket which made her groan in pain. The others saw Kaz starting to slip off the boat and ran to him, but when they saw Y/N and the man on her back they shared shocked glances before jumping to action. Kaz told them to pull the man on board too, which made them even more shocked. Jesper grabbed Y/N's jacket and helped Kaz pull her up, while Wylan and Matthias grabbed the other guy and Y/N made sure to kick him in the groin once they were both on board.
She began to curse him in Ravkan, before she started violently shivering from swimming in the cold water. Nina stepped on deck right at this moment, when she went to check on the others. The scene before her left her speechless for a few seconds before worry took over her.
"What the hell is going on here?" She asked and when she saw Y/N shivering in her drenched clothes beside Kaz, she quickly went over to her, but was stopped by a very angry Kaz. "You stay there Heartrender," He growled but Nina had none of it. "Saint sake, the girl will freeze to death if you won't let me help her! Let me warm her up!" She said but it only made Kaz angrier. Y/N shook her head as she spoke.
"No, no fire. I don't want fire," She began frantically breathing but Kaz reassured her with gently rubbing her back.
The movement made them realize that Kaz was still holding the girl, like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"There won't be any fire," He said to Y/N before turning back to Nina. "You can go," His harsh words made Nina even more angry with him. "Damn you Brekker, I was trained for this! I know what she needs! Let me help her!"
"You don't know what she needs!!" He yelled at her and it made everyone go silent. "Oh, and you do?" Nina asked mockingly and Kaz stayed silent. Then to all of their shock and surprise, he took off his coat while still staring at Nina like he was going to murder her. Then he put the coat around Y/N's shaking form as he helped her up from the ground and took her inside a cabin on the boat. The murderous look not once leaving his face.
After they disappeared, Jesper and Wylan got Oomen tied up and sat against the railing of the boat, stuffing his mouth with an old cloth. Jesper walked over to Nina and opened his mouth.
"Nina dear, can you check if my heart is still beating?" He casually asked her which made Nina turn to him with a questioning look. "I thought I'll have to die before I get to witness something like this,"
"Like what?" Nina asked back.
"Kaz Brekker, being affectionate...and protective?" Jesper answered like he didn't believe his own words.
"Did you...notice the tension between them?" Nina asked sheepishly and when she looked at Jesper he was already grinning. "Notice? I'm surprised we didn't catch on fire yet," he chuckled and Nina smirked at him. "Do you think they know about their feelings for the other?"
"Knowing Kaz, I'd say not in a million years," Jesper hesitated for a second and then continued. "And knowing Y/N, I'd say they're already together, but again, knowing Kaz, he'd rather keep it a secret than publicly admit he feels anything besides revenge."
Nina's mouth was slightly agape as she crossed her arms and fully turned to him. "I can't possibly believe he'd ever admit his feelings to anyone. Especially to that gorgeous woman," she said and Jesper smiled at her with a little mischief in his eyes.
"Would you bet on it?" Nina returned the mischievous grin as she answered. "Certainly. What have you got in mind?"
"We bet on their relationship." "Oh, and how much?" Nina asked curiously as he answered. "Dunno. Does 20 kruge sounds good to you?" She nodded her head and Jesper continued. "I bet that they're already together."
"I bet they don't know about each others feelings," Nina replied and Jesper reached his hand out to her and she shook it. "Deal."
The bet made its way to the others, every one of them voting on Nina's words, with Inej being the most definite about it. Even Specht bet on them, being the only one to side with Jesper.
Meanwhile Kaz was having a hard time reasoning with Y/N, for she seemed even more stubborn when she was injured.
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funforahermit · 4 months
I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have this theory that I call Event Gravity
Gravity is a force of attraction between masses, right? And I think that a similar thing exists between events in time. That they attract each other.
And it's annyoing, because it means that people only want something from you when you're busy. Because when you're doing something, you create a little bit of temporal gravitational energy, and that leads to other things happening. Because when you're idle, when you think "now would actually be a convenient time for anyone to want me", because you're basically just waiting for something to happen - then you're not generating any gravitational force and you're not attracting any events.
That's my theory.
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holylulusworld · 6 months
What do you do abut people demanding updates or more in your notes? It's annyoing and disrespectful. (they never reblog the story. never.)
I feel ya, hun. I get notes like this too.
I don't know if they aren't aware that their comment/demand comes off rude. I'm not sure and will give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they're just invested in the story and want to read more. I get it - as a reader and a writer - I know both sides of the story.
However, most of the time, they never interacted with my blog before and serial-liked a series, only to say "More! I need more. I need the next part right now, Part 2! Part 2?" or something.
I think to myself reading this kind of note: My friend - you didn't reblog the already available parts and now you demand an update or a sequel. The last part dropped like 5-9 days ago. Am I a machine to you? That's not how writing works.
Sometimes you just can't find the words to get the next chapter done. You're stuck in the plot, or experiencing writer's block for this specific story.
If you don't want to reblog and/or leave a comment - it's fine.
But a comment and/or a reblog shows the writer you liked/appreciated the work they gave you for free. Most of the time, it motivates me to write the next chapter faster or to write a sequel.
If people are nice and tell me they want another part because they loved the story, I'll tell them about the progress I made with the story/next chapter.
Edit: I forgot to add that I do not block serial-liker. That's something I'd never do. I like things too, to find them later.
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Starter for @afriendtoravens
Orianna sighed as she looked over her estate from her balcony. The courtyard was brimming with guests, dressed up, wearing their finest robes and gowns. She recognized some faces from court. There were a lot of faces she recognized, some she had never seen before. It was quite the assembly for sure. Despite being the host, she didn't really join in the festivities. She had spoken to a few guests earlier, but now she was just having a glass of wine, watching over everybody from above.
It was not like she didn't like mingling with people at all, but being among the high society of Toussaint was tiring at times. All the shallow people and meaningless chatter, people trying to ingratiate themself to climb up the social ladder, hearing unsubstantial rumors, the gossip..it could be annyoing. As someone who had to hide was she was, even this level of fakery was tedious to her.
While she stood there, lost in thoughts, a guard came over with a guest right behind him. Seemed like someone had requested to speak to her. At first she wanted to roll her eyes in annoyance, but once she saw who it was, she actually smiled. It turned out to be Regis. Finally someone to talk to who wouldn't bore her to death with mindless chatter. It had been quite a while since they saw each other.
"Regis! You're the last person I expected to see here tonight." she greeted him, sending the guard away so they could speak alone. "It's been a while."
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polaroidcats · 8 months
Sirius: 6, 12, 22!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I know you always say I'm ridiculously Remus-coded and I do agree, but there are also so many things I relate to in Sirius. Maybe this is a bit more fanon/fanfic Sirius but whenever Sirius worries about being too much, taking up too much space, demanding too much or being annyoing, all of that, I feel that so much. Nothing makes me angrier than people calling Sirius a drama queen or sth like that, just for expressing his emotions and going through a really fucking hard time.
I also think Sirius cares very, very deeply about the people close to him, and about the world in general (also in a political sense), and that is also something I definitely have in common with him.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I mean this is nothing new or revolutionary but I love demisexual or gray-ace Sirius so much. And I also think that works so well with my fave, fuzzy boundaries poly marauders. Just, Sirius loving James and Remus and Lily and it taking him a while to figure out in which specific way he loves all of them because it's not that obvious to him as it might be for allo people. <33
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I love it when his family backstory is explored, I love it when his relationship to Reggie breaks my heart a little bit, I love it when he blames himself for James and Lily's deaths even though it was not his fault, I love it when he gets to be an actual, well thought out character with flaws, I love it when he gets to be political, I love it when he's smart but at the same time his one blind spot is him being stupidly oblivious when pining after Remus, I love it when he gets to be as queer as possible in any kind of way, I could go on forever.
I don't love it when Sirius is made into a one-dimensional, often more feminine, stupid person who's only personality trait is pining after hot dude Remus, that's just not the vibe!! Trans/Fem/Genderfuckery Sirius hell yeah, but that doesn't have to mean Sirius is suddenly stupid and unable to have any sort of personality outside of "Remus's love interest". I don't love it when Sirius works a boring corporate job (and is fine with it) in an AU, he just wouldn't do that and I have to really love a fic writer to accept that for him in a fic haha.
Character ask game!
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Ok. I am *really* struggling with how to use the verbs “like” and “miss”. As in “I like her but she does not miss me”. I get that I need to use “al x piace” and “io non le manco” but getting the words grammatically in order has me stumped. Where do I put the subject and the object for each? (yes, I am learning via Duolingo. It’s free and easy for my spouse and I to use and encourage each other.)
Please, let me be the annyoing person I am deep inside for a few lines before answering you. I need it. :') You can avoid reading this first miniature paragraph ofc.
The more I hear people are learning via Duolingo, the more I find people who struggle in understanding grammar patterns and really getting how things work in a language. It's not a critic to you, I understand that you find Duolingo of help for all the reasons you have listed but imo, it needs to be taken only as a support in learning, if anything. Cause it rushes people. And explanations aren't always correct (if you can even find them) and, from my personal experience, it has mistakes (translation and grammar) too (and I refer to the Italian course as well). I personally decided it wasn't of help to me: it only gave me translations without explanations. And I later on found out that some grammar patterns I got to understand where completely wrong (it rushed me to learn them without having the basis of the language I was learning). Ofc, it's a personal decision and I am not telling you you're wrong for sticking with it, I mean, it could even work for you... but I still suggest everyone to maybe stop and trying to realize if you are really understanding what you are learning via Duo. And maybe think also about what do you want to do with the language you are learning: do you want to just use some random words/sentences if necessary/for pleasure or would you use it as you like, one day? Either are fine, it's your choice ofc. And btw there are also other apps that work even better than Duo imo (Memrise is the one that works better for me for example: you can also choose from different courses, and it has daily goals and it's free as well + you have audios from natives).
Now, to answer you. I get why you struggle with these two verbs: they both are "buildt" differently from the English sentence pattern. Let's see them one by one. I will use some colours to try to make things easier, I hope those who are colorblind don't mind (it's still understandable, I hope).
-Piacere: (links: verb | noun | synonyms | uses | per piacere -I added all the ways you can find this verb/word, but for now I suggest you to focus on understanding how it works as a verb)
"al x piace" isn't what I would use to explain the Italian translation of "to like" (we never or rarely use it when commonly speaking + beware: use the preposizione semplice "a" not the preposizione articolata "al", to start. You can change "a" into any articolata one when necessary, i.e. when the following noun requires it). Anyway, I understand this could be an easier translation made up by the app exactly cause of the reasons I listed above (rushing people). But it's also true that the grammar pattern of the verb is different from English to Italian. In English you have a simple "I like you" (Subject -verb - object) cause the verb in English is transitive. But the Italian verb "piacere" is intransitive, so you need to build the sentences as if it was a passive verb: (Tu) Mi piaci = Tu piaci a me (or, as you wrote, "A me piaci tu") = You "are of/provoke like" to me. You cause me to like you. The English object becomes the subject of the action in Italian. And us, well "I" in the sentence, the ENG subject, I undergo the action of liking you. I "suffer" the fact that I like you (=I suffer that your appearance/anything makes me feel better, if you want to make up something to remember the thing). So your sentence: "I like her", could be easily translated as: (Lei) Mi piace. Instead of the "Lei piace a me/A me piace lei" (the order is not that relevant here, but we generally put subject + verb + object + other complements in our sentences) that you have understood from Duo and ofc it is grammatically correct, but not that often/much used. (I suggest you to learn the verb "piacere" conjugation well before making up some sentences on a notebook; and to look at the personal pronouns, if you haven't).
-Mancare: (I have already mentioned somewhere but the explanation was kinda short, so I am gonna write it here anyway)
This verb too is buildt as if it was in a passive form. And you have used the right translation in your sentence. In English is "I miss you". I, the subject, make the action of missing you, the object. In Italian we say "(Tu) Mi manchi", which translates (in the same way as for piacere) "You miss from me": You become the subject and us, (in the example I, but I talk from an "italians" pov) "suffer" the fact that I miss you, that you are missing from me (that your absence makes me incomplete, if you want it to be more romantic: anything goes to remember how it works!). I don't need to add anything else as your sentence is already correct "(io) non le manco" = She doesn't miss me.
So, putting it all together, your sentence would be: "Mi piace ma io non le manco". "I like her but she does not miss me" = (lei) Mi piace ma (io) non le manco.
We often leave subjects implied, in particular when we are the subject or the subject is undefined or very clear from our speech (and the verbs used). This sentence looks more natural with only the second written subject, but it'd be okay also without it: let's say that putting the second subject stresses the change of the subject from the first part/verb (=lei mi piace, lei=she is the subject), makes it more clear to our listener that the focus is on us now (io non le manco, I=io). I suppose, from this sentence, these two people where already talking about "her": this makes it even more clear that she is the subject of the first part/verb.
I hope this is of help!
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did you know it's been years since we last talked? years since the fallout and one less since we tried again but it fizzled out. i don't think there will be a third chance. i found myself going through old messages the other day. we used to talk every day you know? hundreds of messages a day, then tens, then one or two, then every few days, every few weeks, and then suddenly it was months between messages. how did it happen? we were best friends, we were each other's person, i thought i would know you forever, i carved a space into my heart for you, let down my walls and let you in, but you left anyway. was i too clingy? too much? too annyoing? you were always such a shining star, so exciting and brave and i looked up to you, i always felt dull and slow in your presence. that wasn't a good thing, i can see that now. our freindship wasn't a healthy one, not at all, but i miss it anyway you said you loved me but you left you said you loved me, but you didn't try, you just disappeared you never told me how you were feeling about things between us i was just supposed to guess we wanted different things you said i broke your heart but what about mine? there are so many things i wish i could say to you, but the heart of it is i loved you too, maybe not in the same way but i did i'm sorry i got scared. i wish more than anything you were still in my life. all i have now are fading memories and a hadnful of messages i can't bear to throw away. i wish we could've been something more. i wonder how you're doing. i wonder if you'd care to hear how i am
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alessiasblood · 11 months
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Warning:explicit and suggestive language, fuckboy!ellie, toxic!ellie, petnamass,etc.
You are a wealthy upper side teenage girl, 17 years old, at a private highschool. You're aime to study in France next year in your school's pretigious exchange program. Your best friend Lilith, also hopes to go with you. You two have been been best friends since childhood, and as the year passed by you two became more and more close, strengthening your friendship. Although you have a "good girl" reputation, you often feel lost in your bubble. Your parents are on the edge of divorce, do not speak with each other anymore, they barely speak to you. Altough teenage girlhood life must be hard sometimes, and that in many aspects, you cant really complain since you go to private school,you're rich and your mother is a politcian and your father is a bussinesman. You need to wear the uniform everyday to school, have the best grades and study a lot. You're beauty and brains, quiet and modest. But no one knows you're little stupid dark secret.
Ellie Williams.
Shes the one who drives you crazy all the time. The one who you're deeply in love with, yet have to hide your feelings. This has been going on for such a long time. You cant even recall when. You and Ellie have been nothing but friends with benefits. Nothing less and nothing more. However, you always wished it was more, so much more. But you very well knew shes not the person who can give you what you want. Yet the desire for her never vanished. You and Ellie know each other since you were kids. You enjoyed each other's company pretty much, but as you startet to get older, you grew up apart. What is even more frustrating is that she is the one you love, and she is your best friend's sister. Ellie doesnt love anyone, barely likes anyone at school. Altough she is dating one of the popular girls in the higschool, Blair,shes still secretly sleeping with you. You know that she is dangerous and not to be trusted. Shes cheating on her girlfriend with you,and you start to get fed up being her little secret.
It was Monday, you woke up due to the strong sunlight shining trough the window in your room. You woke up panicked, you thought you're late for school. The clock on the wall indicated 8:05 am. You had one hour left to get ready. But there is one single problem next to you. Ellie. Who is sleeping and hasn't been woke up by the noises you were making in your agitation.
"Ellie" You called her name, shaking her shoulder. You had to wake her up for school too. You called her name once again, she moved from her side to her back and slowly opened her eyes.
"We're gonna be late" You told her. Ellie grabbed her t shirt from the floor and quickly dreses up, along with her jeans. You desperetaly tried to help her as fast as possible, pushing her from the back.
"I'll see you at school" She said as she runned out of your room. She had to make sure no one saw her leaving. This happend pretty much all the time, it was somehow frustrating and started to get annyoing yet you loved Ellie and couldnt give up on her that quick. You put your uniform on, tied your hair in a ponytail and went to the kitchen to greet your mother. When you arrived at school, your main destination was Lilith and your other friend, Tyson. As you walked trough the hallway full of students, you walked past Ellie, being as usually with her friend group, and her girlfriend Blair of course. You tried to ignore her and continue to walk further, reaching your locket, and there was Lilith and Tyson laughing about something.
"Where the hell have you been blondie?" Lilith smiles at you.
"Sorry,i totally overslept,i forgot to set my alarm" You explained as you opened your locket and grabbed some books.
"Girls, i gotta go, i have baskebtall practice first, you know hoa Mr.Clerk is." Tyson said and hugged both you and left. You were left alone with your best friend. Who was looking towards Ellie's friend group who stand just a few meters away from you.
"Ellie is looking towards us, what does she want?" She asked
"I dont know and i dont care" You put your textbooks inside your backpack.
you were upset cause she promised to talk to you at school and now she pretends you dont even exist. You hated her. So much.
"Lilith, we are gonna be late, come on" You said and started to walk away. You were started to get annoyed. You refused to tell your best friend your personal matter with Ellie. It hurt you more when you talked about it. So you always kept it a secret. After classes you Lilith and Tyson deiced to hang out again at Lilith's place. As the theree of you started to eat dinner at the table, you talked about random things and Tyson kept making jokes about how Lilith and Ellie are so much alike. But you can indeed agree. Afterall they are sisters. You smiled as you took another bite from my plate, and you heard the front door open. You look up to see Ellie and her girlfriend Blair, walking towards you. Shes so pretty and popular, you always had a deep jealousy towards Blair, mainly because she had Ellie and you didn't. But she doesnt know the truth afterall. Ellie gave you a small wave as her girlfriend untangled their interwined hands and walked towards you.
"If you dont mind" Blair bend over the table and grabbed and olive from Lilth's plate, all you could focus on was the way her wavy blonde hair was bouncing.
"Please" Said Lilith,you couldnt tell if she was irritated by her or not. Anyways, Blair always did whatever she wanted and no one would care. But you did.
She walked back towards Ellie and grabbed her hand again, your pulse was quick and anger started to build in you. She dragged Ellie along with her towards the living room, and the house being openspace, you could see them, and Ellie gaves you a look back before following her girlfriend. You completely lost your mind.
"She can bring home whoever she wants but mom and dad wont allow me." Lilith complained, continue eating. You glanced back at them, they were now sitting on the couch together. Blair pulled out her phone and so did Ellie. They started taking selfies.
"God Lilith, stop it with this feminism" Tyson teased.
"It is not feminism!" Lilith replied rolling her eyes. They kept talking but you couldnt hear anything, it was like the time stopped. You guessed seeing her here with someone else really made you sick to the stomach and you felt like you may throw up aswell.
"Excuse me" You said and get up from the table, walking towards the bathroom. You really need to put your shit together. You felt Ellie's eyes on you but you didnt flinch. "God when is this all going to end?" You thought.
(something related to this fanfic!) xoxo!
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monterraverde · 1 year
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Shipping with me comes with the caveat that I'm never going to shut up about them.
I'm more concerned about annoying my ship partners and making them leave then the actual ship working out because my brain loves to WANDER. Which usually winds up with me pulling back and hiding because I feel like I'm annoying them with my constant headcanons and talking too much.
But if you're just as into it as I am I'll be making moodboards and MMD's and writing full 5 page lists of headcanons and probably commissioning artists and sending you tons of unprompted asks and shit.
So just be prepared for me to be the most annyoing git ever if you ship with me, basically.
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invertedromance2 · 5 months
<>ε>are you still gonna deny my kismesisisitsitueede hate demands<3<>
<>ε>cmon man banishment is nearing its ugly pan i dont wanna get caught without a kismet and neither do you so pweaseeee you know you want to oooo im so annyoing and cullable n stuff<3<>
Yes Ku11ie I am sti11 going to deny them because they aren't real feelings.
I'm sorry if you end up without a k1smes1s during bucket season [ugh], but that's rea11y not my problem. I can afford to go without one, because as much as it isn't rea11y the proudest of options, if I don't have an actual k1smes1s during that time I can just. Buy one.
And I'm sorry i think but I'm pretty sure you don't know how k1smes1stude works? Or any relat1onsh1p? I mean, you're annoying, sure, but you're annoying to everyone on an equal 1eve1. That's not rea11y gonna get you anything other than platonic hatred. Stop bothering me please, when someone doesn't reciprocate pitch sol1c1tations just end up being harassment.
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