to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
The Blessings of Brokenness
So I was reading this book my Mom gave me and it's written by Charles Stanley...
  Here is a short passage I would like to share: 
The two words don't seem to go together. If anything, they seem to be exact opposites. 
We all know what it means to be broken-- to be shattered, to feel as if our entire world has fallen apart, or perhaps been blown apart. We all have times in our lives when we don't want to raise our heads off the pillow, and when we feel certain the tears will never stop flowing. Brokenness is often accompanied by emptiness-- a void that cannot be filled, a sorrow that cannot be comforted, a wound for which there is no balm.
Nothing feels blessed about being broken. The most painful and difficult times of my life have been those times when I felt broken. I don't like pain, suffering or feelings of brokenness any more than anybody else does. Certain circumstances in life hurt, at times so intensely that we think we will never heal.
One of the things i have discovered through being broken, however, is that after brokenness we can experience God's greatest blessings. After brokenness our lives can be the most fruitful and have the most purpose....
But this blessing comes ONLY if we experience brokenness fully and confront why it is that God has allowed us to be broken. If we allow God to do his complete work in us, blessing will follow brokenness. 
So after reading this short passage, it really reminded me of how you shared with us that you were leaving to Thailand. It was an example of brokenness and how God completely separated you from friends and family but to fulfill his purpose in your life. He will bring you blessings upon blessings in the future. I believe that whatever troubles you, or I may face later in life, let us just rest upon his care and assurance that he will turn our brokenness into blessings :) 
Stay strong Juhee!
God bless,
The one & only tannest TAN hahahah
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
February 21st 2013
Mark 6:8-13                                                                                                           "These were his instructions: "Take nothing for the journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt. Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them." They went out and preached that many people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. "
Just a short passage that sounded almost exactly like what God instructed you to do. To leave without anything, and no plan and just to trust in him fully. That if you believe and trust in him, he will provide. 
I haven't been keeping up with the blog for a few reasons. Honestly, I've been feeling really down. I feel like I've lost all happiness and the thing is... I don't know why. I can't really explain it. I've just lost all genuine happiness. 
Every passing day, my faith is being shaken, and my spiritual life is continuously spiraling down. This past week we talked about how it's important for seniors especially this year, to strengthen their faith. That an increasing number of youth seniors leave the youth group and lose their faith. I'm afraid that I will be heading in that direction. All the intimacy, conversation, and joy leaving along with my faith. I question will I be able to keep myself accountable? Will I be able to stay strong? 
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
My heart cries out for...
The young women in (New Delhi) India...
So recently, I've been reading the New York Times daily because it is required for one of my classes. Although news, as usual, can be very depressing, however I am extremely shocked and saddened by the lives ruined by these young women in India. Recently, this 23-year old student was gang raped on the bus in New Delhi and no actions were taken. In fact, the police took no heed of the situation and laughed it off. She was then taken to the hospital 2 weeks later, but unfortunately, she died in the end. Another case, this 18-year old girl who was also gang raped in the past month committed suicide after the police forced her to drop the case and marry one of the attackers. 
While reading it, the only thing on my mind- "Seriously. What has our world become?" 
I can't understand the intentions of men, nor will I try to. I can't stop the violence of these young innocent women. But I know one thing.
My God can, and My God will.
My heart reaches out for them. So just keep them in your prayers as will I :) 
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
2nd Semester is almost here!
I'm pretty excited about skipping classes and getting bad grades
just kidding... I'm actually just really stoked that I am almost done with high school. It hasn't really hit me that I'm actually a senior yet, But I feel like I'll feel it on the first day of college. Which brings me to my next point.
About 2 weeks ago while I was applying to colleges, my parents told me I was still an international student. That my PR (permanent resident file) was still pending and had not been approved yet. At first I didn't think it was a big deal, I didn't think that it would affect me at all. But what I found was that for international students, the tuition costs for college are exponentially larger than say a person that was a PR. After sitting down and conversing with my counselor, I narrowed my options down to two choices. George Mason University or Nova. My counselor had told me that the tuition costs of GMU had risen. He said that international students would have to pay an estimated amount of at least $39,000 per year for tuition and fees... $39,000...
I've gotten to a point in my life, where i know my family's financial stand point. Acknowledging this, I knew that my family wasn't in the position to pay this much even if they wanted to. I had reached a stalemate against myself. All throughout my high school career, my main goal was just like every other student, to go to college. I endured the same amount of overnight studying as every other student. I had the   same arguments with my parents like every other student, and I also had to cope with the same amount of stress. I asked myself, All that has led you to NOVA!? I was so frustrated. I repeatedly asked myself, Is it even worth it to go to NOVA? This is basically what I have been struggling with recently. Just second guessing the value? of everything? I don't know where I am going with this but yeah this is mainly what has been on my mind lately...
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
First day of class...
Good Lord... 
Haha just kidding, first day of the semester wasn't as bad. I actually really liked all my professors, except I'm kind of scared of one of them. My Civic Journalism professor.... no food... like really? How do I live T_T  gaaahhh and we basically have to read the New York Times everyday and there would be a quiz every week on the current events @_@ ( I don't know how I feel about that) and of course lots and lots of endless writing.... 
But, other than that Organic Chemistry was a pretty good start. LOVED my professor, she was super enthusiastic, but she could not spell to save her life. hahaahaha. I also had another class today: WGSS (Women Gender & Sexuality Studies) pretty interesting, except it's literally a room filled with girls & girls & girls.... so I don't know how I feel about that yet haha.
Praying to God I will do well this semester :) & I shall be praying for you too dear Juhee
Will update you more about my other classes soon ~ until then annyeong 
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
Philippians 1:21
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  
 "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Romans 12:8
When you shared that small passage from the book Tortured for Christ, it reminded me of this verse. I believe it is a blessing to live in order to glorify Christ by devoting your life to him. There is no greater blessing than living solely for the purpose of God and walk in obedience with him. 
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
There's a cry in my heart
for your glory to fall
for your presence to fill my senses
there's a yearning again
a thirst for discipline 
a hunger for things that are deeper 
Thank you Ju Hee (UNNI) hahaha I got it right this time :) Ever since you introduced this song to me, I can't stop listening to it... it really calms my spirit from a hectic and stressful day. I pray that this song will mirror our lives. So even if you're 234928347 miles away never give up, never lose hope. God is always on your side.   
God is faithful.
Stay strong :) 
~ Felicia ~ 
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
remember what i shared... "you could be saving lives in that time..." well i was reading this book (tortured for christ) and the author tells a horrible suffering story of a family for sharing the gospel. then he writes this: "Don't just say that this is ugly or immoral - of course it is - but ask yourself if it is not also your sin that such tragedies occur, that such Christian families are left alone, and are not helped by you who are free." crazies...
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
You left us today ): 
I'm guessing you are still on your way to Thailand...
Thailand is truly blessed to receive such a wonderful gift.
(you are the gift just in case you didn't get it)
I don't think I will realize that you actually left until this Sunday, when I do something stupid and no one is grabbing my arm saying "앤디아.."
When you aren't there to take me to EM dinners, or when you aren't there to have those long talks in your car with me.
I'm gonna miss having you around to correct me when I'm wrong and you giving me wisdom. To rebuke my bad habits and to recommend better ones.
But I think the thing I'm gonna miss most is how you were like a second mom to me always looking out for me and always wanting the best for me, but in the most genuine way... and even though I was not the most appreciative person in the world, I look back and am now realizing how I took you for granted and I apologize.
I guess it's true that you really don't appreciate a person until they're gone..  
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
oh! it works :D
got it :]
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to-juhee-nuna · 12 years
Well I tried convincing my mom to try and buy your car. I really want that car you have no idea. How cool would it have been if in like 3 years you came back and I still had your car... but yeah I don't have that much confidence in myself to blog every single day because lets face it... my life isn't that exciting.. but I will try my best!
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