#you're free to ship whoever you want but when you hate on a character and then pretend?
meldarkthrop · 5 months
Some E/riels-
One moment:
"Lucien and Gwyn are annoying and ugly, they are traitors, they should d1e—"
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Next moment:
"Lucien deserves happiness, so I ship him with Vassa! Omg TarGwyn makes sense🥺"
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The number of people who believe they care about Lucien or Gwyn:
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Just say the redheads threaten your ship and go pls
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
I'm just wondering where the Taylor posts are with women explicitly saying that they see themselves in her and being told that if they are like her they're horrible people? Or being dismissed? Or being told that fandom isn't about them? Even when their gender/sexuality is the driving force behind 90% of fandom?
Y'know, since all things are equal.
ok, i'm going to answer this even though it's clearly not in good faith but it's a good example of completely missing my point.
Under a cut for my mutuals who do not want to be subjected to Discourse (i feel you...i really do...)
I don't have a problem with people hating Taylor Kelly. My point is that fandom hated on her, and honestly almost ALL of Buck/Eddie's love interests in the past. and that people made harmless jokes about them and no one had an issue with it. we were all on the same page that they were jokes, and that it was ok to hate this character because she was kind of mean, or did some bad stuff in the past, or treated your faves badly, or the actress was homophobic, or she was in the way of the main ship, or whatever.
now people are doing the same thing to the new Buck's love interest, Tommy. and they are being told they are bad and wrong and terrible homophobes for making the EXACT same jokes and head canons and interpretations of every micro-expression. and the reason they are bad and wrong and terrible homophobes is because now there are people in the fandom who like that character and like that ship.
and look, it's a great thing that men in this fandom see themselves in Tommy and enjoy the relationship. But not everyone does or will and they aren't doing anything wrong by hating him/the ship. or joking about hating him. or interpreting every scene with him in the worst possible light. and if you genuinely feel attacked and threatened by this then I'm very sorry, but not everything that makes you uncomfortable is something that is objectively morally wrong and must be stopped. And I will also say, I don't see everything or even a large chunk of everything that goes on in fandom so i'm sure some of it really IS that bad. and certainly some of the Taylor hate was too! This is why god (tumblr) invented the block button.
And sincerely, I'm sorry if you're having your first experience with a fandom hating on a character who you identify with, but no one (or at least the VAST majority of fandom) is hating on Tommy because he's a gay man. And perhaps you might reflect on the millions of women, and especially women of color, who have had their faves relentlessly and virulently hated on explicitly because of their gender and race in every fandom ever since the beginning of time.
And I'm not trying to say there aren't any truly toxic contingents of this fandom. I'm certain there are. However, they're pretty easy to filter/block out. You know how I know this? Because I do not see them.
I do NOT agree with anyone telling people they are horrible for liking Tommy or shipping BuckTommy and I never will. Just like i do not agree with anyone telling people they are horrible for NOT liking Tommy. Or Taylor. Or Abby. or Ana. Or literally whoever. (Although if you hate Chimney i will not fuck with you. but we all have a right to our own terrible & arbitrary opinions!)
And finally, fandom is not about any one person or group. it is about the show and the fanfic and the edits and the fanart and the headcanons and all of us spending our free time sitting here talking about it for some fucking reason!!!
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torchickentacos · 1 month
21 and 22 for drew? or may if you’ve already been asked those ones about him!
From this ask game! LONG, under cut. Various off-topic musings included.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ok so disclaimer for the few people who read what I write- this may or may not translate into my end product. I try to keep it in mind but ultimately my fics kind of write themselves and I have minimal input tbh. I'm not steering this car, I just put my foot on the pedal. I make it go but the characters are the ones driving with reckless abandon.
Also these are all just my opinions and if anyone hates them, please don't let me know.
Something that I like doing when writing Drew is leaning into how much he thinks. I enjoy leaning into his internal dialogue, his hang-ups on every little thing, his propensity to dwell (in my characterization of him, anyways, which is, ehhh, give or take maybe 85% taken from canon and 25% bullshitted. My math is wrong but I'm not changing it, there's just an extra 15% of my own bullshit and we'll pretend it was intentional).
When writing him, there tends to be a lot more going on internally than when I write, idk, May or Ash or whoever. Drew's always attuned to the situation, picking things up and filing them away. He's always formulating opinions and thoughts and emotions that rarely make it out of his head. He feels a lot of things but generally they stay inward, whereas when writing someone like May, if she's feeling it, she's probably also expressing it regardless of if she should or not. No filter vs too much of a filter for his own good.
I think that, in a related vein, he's always holding himself back. Both vocally and just... kind of in general? Maybe not career-wise, but emotionally, he'd rather get close and then dart away over and over again instead of making any leaps. He's careful. He'd rather balance on a tightrope than take the fall USUALLY *(this is how I write him, and other portrayals are ones that I love! this is just what I do, not what I'm saying is the right thing). We see it in canon- he gives May roses but hides behind excuses. He starts conversations but leaves just as quickly. He's mercurial and never builds up the bravery that he needs. He's careful to the point of cowardice- and not just ship-wise. This can be used for any number of things, which I find fun. He likes being in control, and if he doesn't feel like he has a steady grasp on a situation, he leaves. And you can't control people's emotions, so that's scary, so he dips out from emotional moments unless something stronger keeps him there. It's a constant push-and-pull between his own mind and emotions. One's always trying to rein the other in and break free of the other at the same time.
He likes certainty. This contrasts well with a certain someone whose entire battle style features assist and metronome, which is built in uncertainty. She challenges him. But that's for another post.
Something I dislike writing is leaning into how much of a jerk he actually is in canon sometimes tbh. Canon can keep that- I do enjoy it situationally but overall I leave that to writers who are better at showing that side of him without making him grating. I prefer watering it down some and making him be annoying in different ways lol, which admittedly does actually close off a few interesting avenues and facets of him. But I think given the tumultuous nature of rival ships and fandom's current... propensity for tossing out words like 'romanticizing' and 'idolizing' and whatever else, I'd rather just leave well enough alone with the worse aspects of him and avoid being called a verbal abuse apologist or whatever 😭 I don't want any avenues for some jackass to be like 'oh ew you write m/f relationships where the man is mean and dominant over the poor woman' or whateverthefuck. TLDR, I'm a people pleaser with worn-thin patience for rival ship discourse.
I also lean towards AU/slice-of-life stuff where his rival jerkassery is less applicable to begin with, anyways. I am FULLY guilty of watering him down and making him nicer, but I'm self-aware, so... there's that, I guess, lol. I also think he'd chill out as he gets older, anyways, leaning more towards 'vaguely prickly and sardonic' than anything else.
Anyways, it's kinda weird to answer these when I never actually share my writing on this blog, but oh well. That privilege got revoked after someone was mean about my writing around me without knowing that it was mine, lol. It wasn't even good criticism (which baffles me because god knows they had material to work with), it was just general bitching about ship fics that aren't as complex as War and Peace. God forbid some people enjoy fluff. Send me to the corner of shame along with the few dozen people who liked my writing and the people who left kind comments. Anyways, it's funny now, but I still won't share writing here. The best way to support me is to support writers in general.
So! General call to action. Go find a fic for your favorite ship (or just any fic in general but I'm being petty and saying 'ship' since the rude person seemed to take issue with shipping) and leave a (NICE. 🔪) comment. Just a heart emoji if you feel like it. Tell writers when you reread their work, just a 'Hey! rereading and remembering how much I liked this one :)' or something. It'll keep them going for a week, I'm telling you. I still think about and reread every single comment that I have ever received. I keep them all copy-pasted in a google doc. It's 24 pages long and 11.2k and it makes me cry (in a good way).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
This is going to sound so fucking backhanded but I LOOOOOVE reading fics where he has friends. I love reading him talking to Solidad or Gary or Ash or May as a friend or whoever else!!! Make him socialize!!!! it's fun! Lord knows that he doesn't do it enough and it shows. I like reading fics where he gets to interact with people that he doesn't talk to often in canon. So anyone but May pretty much. I love his horrendously down-bad tunnel vision where he only acknowledges May and literally nobody else, funny as hell, but also it'd have been so fun if he actually spoke to other people. I read a fic several years ago where he and Paul were sorta-work-friends, it was some 2014 assassin AU PS/CS/IS fic. but I remember that Drew would intentionally play coldplay songs around Paul to annoy him or something like that. They had a frenemies-bromance-coworkers thing going on and it was just DELIGHTFUL, if a little odd! That shit's hilarious! Let me see Drew bothering other people on purpose and joking with friends!
So. Things I don't like. I personally disagree with the early 2010s FFN portrayals of him as a casanova womanizer, BUT I also kind of love those portrayals for their sheer absurdity and the camp factor lmao. It's not even an ironic enjoyment, it's a genuine affection for that whole era of fics. It's the opposite of how I write him, but it's nostalgic to look back on old fanon. I also don't care for fics that break him and May up but that's obviously a personal bias that I've literally gone against myself on, lmao. It can be done well but sometimes it skirts into ship-bashing territory, usually at Drew's expense. Just because it's not a preference of mine doesn't mean that it's a bad thing to write! I'm just not the audience and that's okay, it's not a failing of the writer. I mentioned the person who disliked my fics and said so publicly, and that doesn't reflect on me. It reflects on their tastes. Same goes here. It's just not to my taste. It's subjective and not at all a statement on the quality or validity of a fic that includes those things.
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deadendtracks · 2 months
This thing about tommy dying and someone’s fantasy that they want him to meet grace is obviously bothering you. A LOT. No matter what their justification is to see that, why are you constantly ranting about it? I am told you have blocked tommygrace fan accounts so why bother what they think. It is no secret that you dislike Grace and like to JUSTIFY how she doesn’t have much importance. I have read your meta and you are terribly biased against that character. You can insist and pretend you are not part of the ship wars but you are very judgemental about Grace and always reduce her character while supporting Lizzie and her stan. I mentioned about your posts to the original poster and her reaction was to laugh at you. She mentioned you are a hypocrite who finds every opportunity to rant about Grace fans and ignore the ridiculousness that goes on in other parts of the fandom. Like why would you say “you have never seen lizzie stan talk about dying?” I mean obviously they are too busy praying for lizzie to finally get tommy even though they were toxic together. All fans have their hopes and wishes, you are selectively picking on Grace stan.
a) i like grace a lot! so wrong there.
b) i have been clear that the part that bothers me is talking about tommy dying as if that's the only thing left for him given how traumatized he is. that's completely unnecessary and a really gross thing to say. sorry!
c) i can block whoever i want, whoever annoys me, and i encourage you do to the same. please, block me.
d) i do not tag my posts about this stuff so you have clearly come looking for it, or follow me. there's an easy solution to both of those things.
e) grace has a lot more power and privilege than lizzie, canonically, and that is what i have written about in my metas. you're free to interpret that as bias and as me taking part in the shipwars but that's a really silly interpretation of my motivations here.
f) oh no a random person doesn't like me, what will i do
g) i ignore the other ridiculousness that goes on in fandom because i don't go looking for it. i only ever comment on the grace fans stuff because you guys can't help but attach yourselves to posts of people i follow even when they don't tag fandom, so clearly you go fishing for reasons to be upset all the time, and you never take a hint.
h) it's very funny that you're complaining about me when my latest comments were sparked by a grace fan stomping into a post of one of my mutuals to whine at them. and the last time i ranted about grace fans, it was for the same reason: a grace fan attaching to themselves to a post of someone i followed and making a fool of themselves, because you can't just keep it to yourself.
i) i don't care if lizzie fans pray about lizzie and tommy staying together and i don't care if grace fans pray that tommy dies so that he can be with grace, as i explained, if any of you would ever look past your shipwar nonsense to comprehend, i think it's toxic and gross to talk about a character basically needing to be shot like a horse because that's the only thing left for him. i've been quite specific!
j) i'm not "picking on grace fans" i am having an opinion about a gross regressive thing that some grace fans say, on my own blog, untagged.
k) please, continue to hate follow me or whatever it is you people do that you always come complaining to me about *my* opinions posted in my own space, untagged. I never go searching for your posts, i do not come into your spaces and spew things at you, it is always the reverse, and that is other thing i have consistently been critical of, and you cannot help yourselves but do it...
and here you are again. proving my point.
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"Thank you, I really hate it."
"Who's at your house right now?"
"The devil knows I tried."
Any for whoever you like! (Don't feel like you have to use all of them unless you want to!)
This took me a while to finally put some time together, but here we go! In honor of the season, I went with all Star Wars characters.
All prompts are taken from this list! Feel free to send me more!
"Thank you, I really hate it."
"So? What do you think?"
She looked so happy. So proud of the decorations she had somehow managed to string up around his office without him realizing. It was clear that she had worked hard on it. He didn't have it in him to tell her that it was completely out of place in a marshal commander's office.
"It looks... great," Fox finally answered.
Riyo laughed, the sound clear and clean and bright. It was probably his favorite sound. "You can be honest, Fox," she said, leaning forward to wrap her hands around his arm and lean her head on his shoulder. "I went overboard, didn't I?"
Fox started to shake his head no because he didn't have it in him to tell her that he didn't love anything she'd ever done. Because, as Thorn kept reminding him, he was entirely useless when it came to one Senator Riyo Chuchi.
Her hand caught the side of his face mid-motion. "It's okay," she said with a sweet smile, pressing her perfect lips against the corner of his mouth. "I don't even like it. It's too much."
Fox sighed. He ran a gloved hand through his hair. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I really hate it."
Riyo laughed again. "I know," she said, kissing him again. Then she pulled away, looking out at the display skeptically. She then turned toward him, wearing a hopeful grin. "So... help me take it down?"
"Who's at your house right now?"
"Bly," Aayla Secura said, rubbing her eyes. She checked the chronometer beside her bed to confirm that it was, in fact, the middle of the night. For some reason her commander had called her and his small holographic avatar was fully kitted in armor.
"Sorry for the late call, General," Bly said in his typical no-nonsense attitude. "We've received orders from the Jedi Temple. We're..." he trailed off, eyes going wide in surprise when an arm wrapped around Aayla's waist in her bed.
The clone trooper grinned like a man who had just caught his little sister out past curfew. "General," he said in a playfully reproachful tone, "there wouldn't happen to be someone in your quarters with you, would there?"
Aayla sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of her nose. In spite of the awkwardness of the situation, she found her body instinctively snuggling into the warm figure behind her. "I'll... I'll be up to the bridge in a few minutes," she groaned, ignoring the commander's teasing question.
"Of course, Ma'am," Bly said, grinning like the Loth-cat that ate the Porg. He leaned forward to end the call but paused for just a moment. "Tell General Fisto I say 'hello,'" he added. Then he ended the call before she had a chance to protest.
Aayla twisted on her small bed to bring herself face-to-face with her companion. "You're ridiculous," she muttered, her tone gentle in spite of her terse words. She knew that Bly was never going to let her live it down.
It wasn't even like anything had happened... she and Kit had finally had an excuse to see each other. They stayed up late catching up, and she wasn't going to make him return to his own ship when he was half-asleep. It wasn't her fault that her quarters only had one viable option for sleep furniture.
It also wasn't her fault that her fellow Jedi's arms felt so right wrapped around her throughout the night.
"Sorry," Kit replied without even a hint of apology in his voice. He smiled - not his signature smile for which he was known, but a small, intimate grin that he reserved only for her - as she ran a finger along his jawline.
His deep, dark eyes fluttered open and caught hers, and for a moment she forgot what she had been annoyed about. Unfortunately for them, time was never something they had much of.
"Duty calls," she sighed, sadly pulling herself out of his grip. He playfully held onto her for just a moment, and she couldn't help imagining a different life - one in which they spent lazy mornings in bed, and she could allow herself to be drawn in by the almost irresistible pull of his warm arms indefinitely.
Then they both rolled out of bed and tried to make themselves look presentable. They had work to do.
"The devil knows I tried."
Derek "Hobbie" Klivian was a great pilot. He had flown through some of the most gripping battles of the Rebellion's short history, and was an Ace several times over. He was a member of the Rebellion's most decorated squadron, and that was by no accident.
Unfortunately, as good a pilot as Hobbie Klivian may be, he seemed to be even better at crashing.
This last time, though... he'd been almost sure that it was going to be his last. Rogue Squadron was running defense for the ground troops fleeing the Imperial walkers. It was a losing battle. They knew that going in... all that mattered was that the transports had made it out.
The soldiers on the ground weren't making it out fast enough. That lead walker was tearing them up. Hobbie's T-47 wasn't going to limp back to the staging area... it had taken too much damage already. But it could help them.
"Be ready to eject," Hobbie growled back to his gunner as he spun the speeder around. Ommis said something back, but Hobbie wasn't listening. He was lining up the perfect shot.
The lead AT-AT seemed to figure out what he was doing. He grinned smugly. You're too late. He jammed the throttle to maximum, the craft shaking as the walker turned its guns on them.
"Canopy, canopy, canopy!" Hobbie cried out, slapping the eject control. The cockpit canopy burst up and back, and then both he and Ommis were blasted into the air behind it. It was close... very close. Two seconds after they ejected, their crippled craft smashed through the cockpit of the walker.
Hobbie had only a moment to grin and enjoy his victory. Then a chunk of debris collided with his helmet, and everything went black.
The gentle whirs and beeps of a medbay were by now a familiar sound to Derek Klivian. They practically felt like home. Still, he was surprised when his eyes opened again.
"Welcome back to the land of the living," cried out the overly excited voice of his squadmate Wes Janson. "You gave us a scare on that one." The other pilot reached out and roughly shook Hobbie's shoulder.
"Let go of him, Wes," he heard another pilot say. "Your going to shake his brain loose... what's left of it, anyway." When Hobbie managed to focus his eyes he found Wedge Antilles grinning down at him. "Janson's right, though," the squadron leader said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You just about got yourself this time."
"Devil knows I tried," Hobbie replied, groaning as he forced himself into a sitting position. "How's Kesin?"
"Complaining, as usual," Wes laughed. "You should see the mileage he's getting out of the medical staff. He really thinks he's going to get one of them to fall in love with him this time."
Hobbie grinned in spite of the dull throbbing pain he felt in his... everything. "Can't blame a man for trying." He caught sight of one of the nurses walking by his door and grinned wider. "I might take a shot at it myself."
Wedge rolled his eyes. "Incorrigible. All of you," he said, shaking his head like a disappointed father. He couldn't keep the smirk off his lips as he turned to Wes. "Let's go, Janson," he sighed, throwing an arm around the other man's shoulders. "Looks like we need to give Hobbie a chance to speak with the locals."
As his squadmates left the room, Hobbie laid his head back. It was surreal, surviving yet another crash. He was beyond making a pastime out of it... the words 'crash' and 'Klivian' were practically synonyms at this point.
Still, he reasoned with a shrug, it could be worse. Besides... everybody's got to have a hobby.
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
this might be the best asks of all time bc our DMs are nothing but hater-nation and we are ultimately the correct ones. SOOOOO; 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 24 - i had to ask so many bc your opinions are my FAV lmaooooo but feel free to *not* answer any you dont want!
We ARE always the correct ones - eventually people will realize it 🙄
the character everyone gets wrong
Listen, I have a list of players I'm going to take away from fandom because of crimes of mischaracterization and the list includes, but is not limited to: Matthew (Tkachuk), Jack (Eichel), Trevor, Jamie. Sometimes I swear people haven't ever spoken to a real live boy when they write the convos these guys have in fic
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
I'll be strong and not turn this into an opportunity for my bottom!Jamie agenda, and instead say: Jack Eichel isn't a top - he wants to be fucked often and well, and would also like a few smacks on the ass before and after, thanks. He won't hesitate to tell whoever's fucking him what they're doing wrong, either.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
THERE ARE SO MANY WRONG TAKES ON HERE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???? but easily the worst take I see on any given day is every single take about Matt (Tkachuk) and how his dad hates him and how he needs a fake gf because his dad's is ASHAMED of him or whatever the fuck people have decided is the new hot trauma to put him through - they've turned Matt into the fandom crier and I hate it with every fiber of my being
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
for me, personally, it's any x reader/ yn or whatever writer who doesn't put their shit behind a read more (Also Nolan Moyle is not a dom, like come the fuck on people)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Crosby, full stop. I cannot stand the way fandom is with him and I can't even watch him play hockey and enjoy it any more
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
The Knights. Just. The whole roster lmaooo
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Rule 63, full stop. I don't get why people write it, why they never put in any actual character work into it when they do, and it gives me homophobic vibes (like in general, as a trope, not a specific fic). Like you change everything about someone, and the way the world sees them, the way it interacts with them, and I'm supposed to believe that every single thing happens exactly the same???? Pull the other leg, it has bells on
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Alex Turcotte, My Beloved - truly he's so pretty and sweet and plays good hockey and is just someone fandom needs to pay more attention to
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I don't do shame, but I do find it kind of funny how much I love a/b/o now because I used to absolutely hate it when it first showed up lmaooo
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Censorship, 1000% because besides being gross on it's own, it's always dragging purity wank in with it and I've seen so much of that shit, I hate it
Thanks for asking bestie!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (choose violence ask game)
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johnbly · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the @boltlightning the myth the legend
1. how many total works do you have on ao3? 31
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 137,304
3. what fandoms do you write for? mostly potc, but i did toss out that one roland fic the other day. also at some point hornblower and his dragon will be published. i promise bolt. i will not abandon justinian. he also likely wouldn't allow me to anyways. he is likely just outside my window at this very second
(putting it the rest under a cut as this is a bit long)
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a birthday dinner for two (tears of themis)
i would do it again (tot)
partners in everything (tot)
party in the mansion (fe3h)
learning to trust (fe3h)
of the five, learning to trust is definitely my favorite and the one that i think actually deserves the kudos. like not that the others are bad but tot is up there because of fandom popularity and then the other 3h once was for an exchange
5. do you respond to comments? usually!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i was gonna put one of the potc fics here but it feels more bittersweet than angsty so i'll return to my hubert and edelgard pov azure moon fic that i remembered from last time (our paths end here)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i'm p sure last time i did this one i did one of my tot fics which makes sense bc they're basically the only happy ones but i don't think i'd published this one yet? who knows. anyways partners in everything
8. do you get hate on fics? thankfully no but i did get a somewhat rude one that one time
9. do you write smut? only fade to black here and i don't think i've ever posted any of that anyways. don't hold your breath on this changing but also if you're following me expecting that kind of content to begin with you are. in the wrong place
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? i don't usually but i have done hockey aus for two separate fandoms (3h & pb) so there's that. i wouldn't consider that too crazy though
11. have you had a fic stolen? / 12. have you had a fic translated? / 13. have you ever co-written a fic? keeping these stuck together with a no for me as well. i did do a back and forth writing thing with a former friend but that was for a personal project
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? i am not really a big shipper! i went through my charmed tag the other day so i guess i can say piper/leo bc i was very into them when i was watching. if we can extend ship to being not necessarily romantic then we all know that The Horny Lads have rewritten my brain
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? great question! i can't think of any bc if i don't think i'll ever finish a wip i likely. don't want to finish it
16. what are your writing strengths? i'm good with dialogue especially banter and since i refuse to write fics where i can't get into the head of the pov character i'd like to think my characterization is solid
17. what are your writing weaknesses? society if i could describe things without suffering. i will blame the aphantasia
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i'm not sure i've given it much thought since i haven't done it before. i'd def be scared of messing something up
19. first fandom you wrote for? my first ao3 fic was for pb but i know i did fics before that. i'm gonna guess hp since that was my first fandom
20. favorite fic you've written? look i have to hype this fic up bc it has an audience of like five people but i put a lot of love and time into my fernand character study (the fallen knight)
i tag @writingbyricochet (not sure how much fanfic/ao3 you do since your blog is mostly original worksso feel free to ignore this/adapt as needed) and @philcoulsonismyhero and whoever else wants to do this!
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boreal-sea · 11 months
The only reason Ed treated the crew like he did in s2 was because of Izzy. Izzy pushed him over the edge with his abuse. Izzy took Ed's found family away from him and then played hero for them when it was his fault Ed was the way he was in the first place. Izzy got what he deserved. Shut the fuck up, you racist abuse apologist piece of shit.
Y'all love being wrong, don't you?
(We're gonna ignore the racist part because that's so completely wrong that it doesn't even warrant being talked about)
Izzy was not the only person responsible for Ed going over the edge at the end of S1. Did you forget the whole part where Stede left him?? Izzy undeniably played a part in it. Izzy said a mean thing to Ed. Absolutely.
But Izzy did not "take away Ed's found family". What the fuck are you talking about? When did Izzy do that??? Izzy did not say "ok, Ed, you need to kick all of Stede's men off the ship". Ed did that. That was Ed's choice. It was Ed's decision to "get rid of Bonnet's playthings". Izzy did not do that, and you are delusional if you hold him responsible for Ed's choices.
Ed made the choice to become the Kraken, and denying that is taking agency away from his character. If you think Ed has no agency, that he was being controlled by some sort of outside force, then I guess you thought his terrible apology was "fine" because you probably don't think he needs to give anyone an apology for anything he did to he crew. You probably think Lucius has no right to be traumatized, that none of the crew members have a right to be traumatized, because nothing Ed did was actually "his fault", right? It was all somehow Izzy's fault??? It was Izzy's fault Ed decided of his own free will to sail into a storm and try to blow up the mast?
Thank god the narrative of the show disagrees with you. Thank god the narrative of the show depicts the crew as rightfully angry at Ed for his choices.
Your feelings when people say mean things to you are valid. But deciding to mutilate a former friend? Traumatizing the people who work for you? Almost getting them all killed because you want to die? Not caring if other people live or die because YOU'RE sad? That's a choice. And it is the wrong choice. And the narrative of the show repeatedly tells the audience it was the wrong choice.
I want you to think externally for a moment. We saw Izzy tell Ed "you've become a loser because you're pining over your boyfriend". Do you think those words justify Izzy being force-fed his own toe, having two other toes brutally amputated, being emotionally and physically abused, being shot in the leg, and being left to die - Do you think that is a reasonable, justified response? To being told "get over your boyfriend, he left you?"
Fukin' yikes. Izzy haters. Y'all are unsafe people.
Let's think back to who was showing concern for Blackbeard's crew in S1. Was it Ed? Or was it Izzy? (hint: it was Izzy). Izzy has been defending whoever is on his crew since season 1 episode 1. In s1 he was upset that the raid to rescue Stede killed several of the Queen Anne's crew members. You remember that part? Remember how Ed didn't care about his own crew? Remember Izzy pestering Ed throughout those first episodes? To like, you know, think of a plan so they didn't all fucking die? Remember Izzy begging Ed to fucking leave so they wouldn't get caught by the British? Izzy didn't like Stede because he thought Stede was a risk to Ed, and via fucking up Ed, Stede was a risk to the crew.
And Izzy lost his other toes in s2 because he was quietly defending the crew and protecting them from Ed's rage! When the crew didn't want to throw away the treasure, and Izzy didn't force them to do it, Ed took another toe! Izzy wasn't doing that to "play hero", he was doing it because he has always done what he knew in his heart was right - protecting the crew. Izzy has always been the guy PROTECTING THE CREW. He was like that from the very start!!
And like. The text of the show does not support your Izzy hate. The writers don't support it. The actors don't support it. Remember the scene where Ed was repairing the door in s2? And he said "Sorry, it wasn't your fault you got broken for being in the way, you were just doing your job?" HE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING DOOR. He was talking about Izzy. IZZY was just "doing his job" by getting in Ed's way so he couldn't hurt the crew.
And then, remember that part where Izzy found him and Ed said "sorry about your leg?" Yeah, that's Ed apologizing because he knows what he did was completely out of control and unacceptable.
Anyway, you're stupid, you're unsafe to be around, and I hope you have a miserable day.
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Hi!! Today I was wondering about the overwhelming prevalence of "shipping fics", particularly when those two characters are portrayed as close friends in canon (or at least they are said to be close friends in the narrative).
Close friends? No, they are romantically (and sexually) involved. Without fail. Because clearly that's the only way two people can be that close, or be so determined to help each other. (rolls eyes)
It bothers me that close friendships are never "just" friendships, whether it's male-female or between men or women. It also bothers me that two characters who share even a little or a lot of screentime are lumped together romantically. I'm thinking of ships like Stucky, SamxBucky, IronStrange, even Stony (before the whole CACW thing).
Why is shipping so prevalent?? What am I missing? (Sorry that it feels so very vent-y...)
Honey, you're sending this to someone who has never shipped before so... hell if I know! 😜😂
Seriously though, I think it's a combination of things. Romance has always been a huge part of the narrative so it makes sense that many fics will include that. I used to think I didn't like it but I realized eventually what I didn't enjoy was a story where the characters are not written to be anything more than each other's loved ones.
It's one of my pet peeves when it comes to Steve and Bucky, for instance. I don't ship them (although I do find Stucky super cute), but I hate it when they're paired up romantically and nothing else defines them. Everything Steve does is for Bucky, or everything Bucky does is for Steve. As if they're not fully developed, complex and wonderful characters on their own. I'm not a fan of it in fics but I despise it passionately in metas.
Then there's the amatonormativity angle that impregnates pretty much everything. All that "unless it's romantic, the relationship is not valuable" has done a lot of harm. So I'm not surprised that many people will see two characters who are friends in canon (like Steve and Natasha, Nat with Clint, Carol and Maria, Sam and Bucky) and want their bond to be stronger... so they pair them up.
PS1. Just to make this clear, I'm not saying I have an issue with people shipping or writing whatever they want. By all means, go ahead! There are tags to navigate through that and whoever doesn't like it has to curate their experience, it's not the job of the creators to do so. That is very clear.
PS2. You can vent in my inbox whenever you want, by the way. Free range, it's all yours! 😉
PS3. Don't get me started on the IronStrange or Stony ships. I might combust.
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20 Questions for 20 Writers
thank you for the tags @virtie333 and @runa-falls 💖💖
(it looks like there are two sets of questions lol i'm confused. maybe i'll just choose the 20 i like 😆)
How many works do you have?
oh jeez. on AO3 there are 61, on FF.Net there are 13 (l o l), and on Tumblr there are 65.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
oscar these days, but i've written for a few different fandoms over the years.
4. What are your top 5 fics by notes?
Another (Miguel x Reader - SMUT) Thaw (Miguel x Reader - SMUT) Wasted on You (Poe x Reader - SMUT) Morning (Poe x Reader - SMUT) Rich Girl (Jake x Reader - SMUT)
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes! or, at least i try to. sometimes tumblr doesn't notify me of reblogs for whatever reason tho and it takes a minute.
6. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
i think it's pretty clear from my blog that it's oscar as;dksl;fkgl lmao. if you'd like specifics tho: i started writing again after seeing the ads for dune (which ironically, i still have not watched a;sldkl;fk;sdlf). those ads made me rewatch the star wars sequels, and doing that made me wanna write my own poe fic and...well, here we are now lol.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't write much angst unless there's a happy ending tbh lol. off the top of my head it's either part two of Just Friends or Out of Time.
8. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mean, happy endings feature in most of my fics lol. ummmmm....the one that comes immediately to mind is Invisible String tho, so let's say that one.
9. Do you get hate on fics?
i don't think so? if i have, i've blocked it out 😆
10. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do, indeed. what kind? ....the smutty kind? lol what do you mean by this, sorry.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
lol no, i'm not popular enough for that 😆
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
unless you count those times i've gone back and forth with people on posts, no lol. i'm not against them or anything, it's just that no one's ever asked 😆 tbh tho, i'd be the worst person to write something with. i procrastinate SO MUCH.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
to read or to write? if it's to write, captain swan is technically the only ship i've written for. if it's to read....honestly? probably dramione.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
lmaoooooooooooooooo all of them??? no but fr....maybe my old CS fic bulletproof. there's no urgency to finish bc no one is reading it (no one read it when the fandom was active either lol). i do wanna finish it someday tho, if only for myself. i have it planned out and everything i just struggle to write it whenever i've sat down and tried. SOMEDAY, DAMN IT. SOMEDAY.
16. What are your writing strengths?
lol shit idk. i've been told that my smut is both sexy and sweet so maybe that? 🤷‍♀️
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i have trouble ending a fic sometimes tbh. most of the time, the scene in my head is so clear and there's no issues, but others i just have no idea where to stop and so sometimes my shit just like ends lol. also summaries and coming up with titles, if that counts.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i think the effort should be made if the character is from a particular culture, especially if they've been shown speaking another language in whatever media they're from.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon lol
20. Favorite fics you’ve written?
A Sunday Kind of Love (Poe x Reader - SMUT) Never Have I Ever (Poe x Reader) Sugar (Santi x Reader) Night Moves / Good Neighbors (Santi x Reader - SMUT) Safe Haven (Marc x Reader)
please feel free to check out my masterlist for more (if you're interested), i have all of my faves marked. 😊
tagging whoever wants to do this bc idk who has (ik that's always my excuse, i'm sorry ;-;). PLEASE feel free to tag me if you decide to do this!! i wanna add more fics to my reading list!
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Playing the neutral card when it comes to shipping only to push the agenda of a ship that is in fact problematic isn't going to solve anything mind, maybe it's not just people being hateful and irritated for the hell of it? But rather it's because both characters get reduced to something that the author himself has never even once tried to show nor tell. Issue is representation and how it's built in the JJK it's self. Maybe y'all think that Gojo is a goodie and soft heart in every aspect and is a relationship material, maybe y'all want him to love a woman so bad that you picked the one he has no respect for and call his teasing a harmless joke, try putting yourself in that position irl and chase after a guy that spares his free time to annoy you because he has the privilege to and you can't do anything about it.
You're analysing his character, playing both sides just so you can try to justify your non foundamental ship and for what exactly? Gege has not spent years now building and writing his story the way he did only to squeeze in some luck luster romance that doesn't have any sort of foundation nor benefit for the plot nor the characters whatsoever. So maybe instead of pushing the delusional agenda and overanalyzing every little things y'all call crumb, take a moment and understand that the story you're reading isn't just your typical shonen where a main character will get a romantic point with a woman that has barely appeared on screen and that he interacted like 3 times. Chances are actually that that'll be the last time they do, not to mention that Gojo himself never showed an ounce of interest in any woman and you think his way of being annoying af is a sign of affection towards everyone. In a world where misogyny is not a joke yet y'all still somehow end up dismissing it which causes even more problems as to why the characters are misunderstood. If the characters trust each other there, it is because it's the world they live in and are working for the greater good, not because they are secretly hoping to date each other. And in fact, Satoru put trust in other people aswell, i don't see him getting shipped with Shoko who he has known for years and shared traumas with, or Nanami who at least acknowledges what it feels like to lose someone you love dearly. Instead, he's being shipped with a woman that has never wanted anything to do with him and only works with him for the greater good, a woman who out of all her peers likes Shoko the best.
If you truly think that relationships in JJK are that simple and honky dorky then you're seriously reading an entirely different manga. In which you'll be disappointed at the end. So yeah, maybe people are just tired of seeing the characters they love be reduced only to "They're worth if they can date or be together" material. I'll leave it here; ship whoever tf y'all want, just don't bend nor twist the narrative and how it already is just to fit your fancies, there is a good reason why in every quality Gojo analysis Utahime is not a part of, if he had any interest in her past their political positions and partnership he'd acknowledge that she actually dislikes him and that he irritates her but he doesn't have to, he is a man in a society where women are looked down upon, and even though his intentions are not horribly malicious he is an asshole sometimes like it or not, and trying to build a love on the lack of respect is in fact toxic and problematic, if y'all fail to acknowledge even that, then please, stay the hell away from everyone that has at least reasonable knowledge and understanding of a character.
So yep, continue to ship whom ever tf you want, but keep everyone else out of your delusional bs and actually do stay in a private sector, it's better for everyone that way. Or maybe just chill from showing a forced romance into every interaction you see? Both works just fine.
You’re barking up the wrong tree, bro. What’re you, like… 17? Who the hell still comes anon into a inbox to drop 5km of text for a fictional ship? To argue for, what? Another fictional ship that’s never going to be canon? 😂😂😂
Because yeah, stsg has zero chance of happening. Not bc there’s no basis for them, not bc there’s no moments and hints for them. There’s plenty and they’re glorious and heartbreaking and beautiful. It’s bc y’all forget what kind of manga this is and who’s publishing them.
Are you new here in animanga? Because Weekly Shounen Jump is decaaaades away from letting mlm happening on page. This ain’t a webtoon you can read yaoi on, Shueisha isn’t gonna let that fly, Viz won’t print that. With Japan’s restrictions on certain publications as it is, and this being a whole ass Shounen, that’s a doomed ship from the start. At most we can hope for is a vague implication that stsg are together. I hope to the gods we do, bc we deserve at least this much.
Also, it’s always funny when y’all play the misogyny card. Because Gojo teases Utahime and “she really haaaaaates him” and that’s, like, making it forbidden by law on earth and heaven to ship them? As if stsg isn’t being shipped despite that Geto literally came back to attack Gojo and his students? Like, if you want to play the Who-Has-the-Most-Unhealthy-Relationship olympics between SatoSugu and GojoHime, I can assure you the two ppl who literally tried to kill each other and one succeeded would most likely win a golden medal.
The hypocrisy 😂
Hate to break it to you but Gojo is annoying to everyone. Even to Geto. They were even occasionally physically fighting each other during their school days, to the point they used their curse technique on each other, but go ahead and tell me how gojohime shouldn’t be shipped. I guess violence upon each other can be overlooked in lieu of romance.
The hypocrisy 😂
Also not y’all bringing Gege into this lmaooo Akutami “Gojo wears his glasses when he meet girls” Gege? Akutami “mentions Inoue Waka by name as a woman Gojo’s into” Gege? Akutami "draws Gojo flexing for a bunch of girls" Gege? But, sure. Gojo has not shown any interest in women. Lmao lol Hahahaha
I’ve entertained you enough, this getting too long. This message alone proves what I’ve been saying in that other post; I’m in both SatoSugu and GojoHime spaces, and yet it’s mostly stsg shippers who go out of their way to be hostile and volatile towards other shippers. GojoHime ain’t hurting anyone, sis. They have no chance in becoming canon in the manga, we know this. Akutami “Gojo can’t be sincere to any woman” Gege said as much. But fandom doesn't have to adhere to canon anyway, idk why you’re so mad? They’re two adults with over 10 years of history between them. Let it go. There’s a whole plethora of ppl out there shipping Gojo with minors, go use your energy on them.
Also, I ain’t even taking a word serious of ppl who can’t even get Gojo’s technique straight. Or say that he has a god complex. Or is an irresponsible clown. Or is morally gray, for some reason. Wanna character analyze him, but all the fics and takes on him are plainly wrong? I can separate shipping from canon but how y’all miss reading the text so badly? And then wanna come school others about Gojo Satoru? Bitch, please.
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todomitoukei · 3 years
dabihawks freaks are cancer for shipping an abusive murderer with his victim Dabi deserves to fucking die and you all should never reproduce
Hi pal!! So glad to see turning on anon after a couple of months would finally let insecure people feel comfortable enough to embarrass themselves in my inbox<3
Just a couple of notes:
One, I don't ship dabihwks. I know my username might be misleading, although most people don't even realize what it's referring to until I explain it. Anyway, I don't ship them anymore so you're like... 3 years late? Holy shit that's a long time wtf.
Two, please don't use the word "cancer" like that. Around 10 million people die from cancer each year, so it's incredibly disrespectful to use it as an insult when it's a serious disease that so many people suffer from. I would argue that referring to other people as "freaks" and "cancer" for shipping two fictional adult characters is, in fact, worse than shipping two fictional adult characters.
Three, ummm to be honest I'm not sure who the abusive murderer and who the victim is supposed to be? I mean both of them are murderers, but neither of them is abusive. They both are victims, though not of each other so again, I'm a little lost.
Four, "Dabi deserves to fucking die" is a little too subjective and displays some suppressed anger issues, which often stems from stress or depression and can lead to other issues, so whatever you've been dealing with - I hope you learn to cope and heal soon because being at a point where you aggressively wish for a fictional character to die is a little concerning, although I'm glad you're not taking it out on a real person - though sending anon hate is not it, either.
Five, I actually don't want kids so you and I both hope I'll never reproduce. Glad we can agree on something. It really goes to show that no matter what, you will always have something in common. On that same note, whoever reproduced only for you to end up being a cunt in someone else's inbox on the internet probably also wishes they had never reproduced, but I'm assuming you're already aware of these regrets and I want you to know that this blog is a safe space for people who don't have good relationships with their parents so feel free to have a look through my blog; there are plenty of posts discussing that and the negative impact abuse/trauma during childhood can have on kids who are still developing. Recognizing and acknowledging what's happened to you is the first step in being able to work through these issues and find coping/healing mechanisms that work for you and lead to a healthier, happier future.
Six, next time you decide to send me anon hate, please do a little more research since this didn't really feel like it should be sent to me? Makes me feel like you didn't even bother putting in the effort to actually hurt me and idk, I think I deserve for people to put in the effort.
Seven, just as a heads up - don't bother responding to this. I usually don't even respond to anon hate but it's been so long I received any that I figured, why not? But the next one will be blocked again :)
Anyway, good luck in your future and I hope you can find the resources to work towards healing. I believe in you!!
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vole-mon-amour · 4 years
OTP tag game.
Tagged by @captainjowl. You know for sure than I'm struggling to pick only 10 & fit them in here. But hell, that’s fun, thank you <3
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Rules: Choose 10 OTPs BEFORE reading the questions, and then get to answering
1) Harry James Potter & Sirius Orion Black
2) Daniel Le Domas & Grace (Ready or Not 2019)
3) Samuel & Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)
4) Corvo Attano & The Outsider (+probably Emily Kaldwin; Dishonored series)
5) Steve Grant Rogers & Bucky Buchanan Barnes (Marvel)
6) Tony Edward Stark & Peter Benjamin Parker (Marvel)
7) Handsome Jack & Rhys (Borderlands video game series)
8) Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (TVD Books & a tv show)
9) Batman & Joker (in every universe, really)
10) Adam Jensen x Francis Pritchard (Deus Ex video game series)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I believe it didn't hit me before Spider-Man: Homecoming. Civil War was about Steve & Bucky for me, but when I saw that growing up Peter with Tony, their dynamic, chemistry. Tom & Robert are really just like that.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Lmao. I've read like 50% of the tag on AO3, I wrote my own & started a few wips on them. They are amazing. Plus, with that shitty canon? We didn't get enough of them & they deserved better, so it's only logical to save yourself with fanfiction.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
I was living with The Outsider icon on my twitter & tumblr. That one is still my Google profile picture I believe. Don't remember about having an icon with the two of them. Also had The Outsider as my lockscreen on my smartphone for a while.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Funny how it fits canon, lmao. Rhys literally tried to erase Jack's AI in TFTBL, so I guess another day on Pandora, nothing new. They torture each other, they kiss each other, they kill other people in the process. It'll be fiiine.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I love them since the first time I met them, which was much more than 10 years ago, I don't even remember when. At some point they were the reason I was waking up & forcing myself to eat just to read more fanfiction & feel something. Even if I was drowning in pain (I was extremely depressed), it was still something. I read every fic I could find at that time. The depression that Harry went through, all these feelings, his love for Sirius. I was living through it, I could relate.
I'm currently drowning in these two again, though in a much healthier & happier state. I see their flaws & I know as much as I can. I see them differently as an adult. They saved me, they keep being my number one, I still consider making a tattoo of Padfoot/Sirius or of both Harry & Sirius together. I have many headcanons, ideas, I write fics about them. They are everything, you see? They were my choice when there was nothing, no one. They are HOME.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Both. There goes the dynamic of Jack & Rhys: torture, fighting, flirting, a lot of trauma. I'd definitely say that they are wild and comical sometimes, but they are definitely serious. With the Asylum, the mental health issues. There is so much more to it, the complexity of their relationship. The struggle of loving who you probably shouldn't (but hey, when does it work like that?) Thinking about Tettlate's Batman, about Batman: Europa & how Joker was: "You must be crazy, putting me in charge of the plan, letting me decide. Okay, well..."
Nah, they are entertaining, but this is a serious ship.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Are you kidding me? They are all the definition of CHEMISTRY. I'd say 5, but then go 2, 6, 7, 8. Come on. I'm not choosing. Most of they are WILD.
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom?
The fandom itself? Idk. I found one of my favourite artists through this fandom. If it's about the characters themselves, I played the first game with the DLC from start to beginning, looking around every corner. Spent more than 60 hours in there. Watched a second game (my laptop can't run the game) and the DLC (obviously), since Francis is in the DLC & not in the main game. I have a tag for them on tumblr, I read fanfiction, I tried to write my own. I still follow Elias & want a third game. Elias liked my tweets about Adam and Jensen being an actual couple a few times. I'd say I interacted with all of this a lot? Still do, actually.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
5. Best friends since childhood, fought & died for each other, still found their way back to each other. "It would break your Captain's heart, to see what they did to you." That only the MENTION of Steve can pull Bucky out of this brain washing(ed?) state, distract him in the middle of a fight. When Steve died in the comics because of Sharon & Tony sent Natasha to take Steve's shield from Bucky because even Tony knew how much Steve means to Bucky. And Bucky was like: "Oh, I see what he did. Not happening!" Fought Natasha (that is his ex in the comics) & kept going for Steve's sake.
Well, you see the point, I can go on and on.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
They're not actually canon so none? They had a few fights: In Civil war (the comics), in Homecoming (the movie).  That only means that they’ve got history & love each other.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
As fierce Grace is, they wouldn't stand a chance against Damon & Elena. Those two had to deal with worst thing than brainless stupid zombies. On the other hand, if there were no alive humans to drink their blood... It's either an animal diet that Damon hates so much or I don't know? Still, they're faster & more powerful. Their bodies have advantage of healing the wounds as well.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
From some people, yeah. Don't tell Athena, don't tell Vaughn, don't tell Fiona. Though Rhys wasn't very subtle about it & Jack just doesn't give a fuck. You will probably end up dead if you disagree or bore him, or if you're useless.
"I can take you to the top, but you gotta know where the top is" & Rhys doesn't tell anybody until Jack makes him the President for like whole 20 minutes lol.
Fiona & Sasha: "This can't be happening." Sure it can, darling.
14. Is 4 still together?
I have a headcanon about The Outsider finding Emily & Corvo after Billie frees him from the Void. He doesn't have anybody & they are his only friends aside from a potential friendship with Billie. And if we don't consider TOTO dlc, they definitely are! The Outsider visits them both when they sleep & takes them to the void sometimes. How could he not?
15. Is 10 canon?
Not really but also sort of? Let's say that they really care about each other in canon, despite Adam pushing Francis away because of his trauma & fear that Megan caused him. :/
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Can you imagine wizards fighting extremely powerful vampires? Superheroes with venom in their bodies that make them super strong with people that made a deal with the Devil himself (hi Le Bail)? 5000 y.o. God and his lover that share his powers and an augmented human protecting his tired IT guy? Combine mental health issues to that, Jack and Rhys with Batman and Joker. Corvo & The Outsider would probably slay them all as Corvo and Emily did in both games with entire islands, though it will still be a slaughter anyway.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
All the fucking time, lmaooo. I’m not even talking about it.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
I feel like I already did with Steve & Bucky after many Marvel movies (we're not even mentioning Endg*me, I fucking died & was dead for full 4-5 months).
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
I used to do that a few years back, but not anymore. There is not much content since the trilogy is finished.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
1 already went through it & fandom lives, so I'd say maybe 7? Rhys will find a way to bring Jack back & they are both so wild. It’s what happened in canon anyway. Jack kidnapped Lilith & forced her to do Angel's job, so I'd like to see that witch try at first. Jack is an immortal bastard. <3
Now that I think about it, Corvo would also deal with her in seconds as she waits to curse them.
As a conclusion: no one breaks up forever, we're killing the witch.
I tag: @ianmillkovichgallagher​ & @aledbr​
Whoever else wants to join the game, please do.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Self-Ship Tag Game
Rules: Pretty self explanatory. You write headcanons on how your relationship with your favourite character will be! Go wild with your imagination lol
Tagged by: @myherowritings Sof said that whoever wants to can do this so I helped myself with this because it seems incharresting 🥺👉👈 hope you don't mine lol
Let's just hope I won't regret this later...I'm gonna use my internet alias though because I don't wanna expose my irl name lol...phew here we go.
Hikari x Amajiki Tamaki
Ngl, the first meeting is gonna be so awkward.
Like, I'm usually attracted to shy and innocent boys because they're so cute and precious.
And I like to be the one to tease them.
Or so I imagined myself to be 😂
Irl tho, I'm so awkward with boys because I rarely got into contact with them. 
The concept of "dating" also is actually prohibited in my religion so if we were talking realistically here, I won't date Tamaki. 
If we imagined it like that, when we first encounter each other, it'll probably be due to some kind of work that needs to be done in a group.
We will eventually notice and feel conscious of one another when we see each other from afar. 
Tamaki is like, 3 years older than me irl so we won't actually bump into each other that frequently (if we had met during college years or something)
Tamaki is a shy and an anxious boy but he's really kind. I might see him helping somebody one day and when they thanked him for his help, he got so flustered and immediately slammed his forehead to the wall like he always does. 
I'll find this to be a bit amusing but it's kinda cute and I think of it as one of his charms.
I don't know what he'd see in me though lol. I'm wayyyy more socially anxious than him irl and I would always try to avoid talking to others. 
I won't really regard myself as someone who's kind. My heart is pretty black tbh 😕 my personality isn't that great either. Not trying to self hate but it's really the truth. (God this thing is turning dark. Change the subject, change the subject!)
But if he does fall in love with me and likes whatever scrap of kindness I have in me, I'd be so damn happy. (Obviously, it goes without saying)
Maybe at first he would just feel some sort of connection with me because of how introverted both of us are but eventually, he may got to know me more personally and like me for who I am.
Since my religion prohibits me from "dating" he's gonna go with the proper way and propose to me. Won't be easy though considering how nervous and shy he was but he tries his best.
We got engaged, yada yada all the sappy stuff I'd rather not write and regret it later, and finally got married.
I can totally imagine when we got married he would actually cry and be like, "I can't believe I'm married to you."
And oh boy. At first I would be flustered myself but then I'm the one who's gonna cry harder.
"Wdym I'm the one who can't believe I'm married to you. You're too precious and kind I don't deserve youuuuu what did I do to deserve this is this a dream???"
And this goes on for longer than we'd like to admit lmao
Overall I'd be so blessed having Tamaki as my partner and I would cherish him for life. Dates after marriage usually consists of indoorsy stuff since we both are introverts. 
And after marriage, I think I gathered more confidence and will be able to tease him more ;D
This is kinda embarrassing to write lmao I've never actually write a self ship fic before.
Tagging- @your-local-bnha-writer @minteasketches @identifybby
Sorry to bother you with the tags sksjkjd I was curious as to who you would write for--- feel free to do it anytime you want
It's okay if you can't do it though! But if you do, tag me in your post please 👉👈 i want to read it too sksksks
If anyone else wants to play it, feel free to! (P/s: tag me if you do 👀👀👀)
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malexfan10 · 5 years
Just wanted to do a little comparison
Everyone is free to ship whoever they choose, who they can relate to, admire, fell in love with etc.
A lot of people love Echo, some prefer her with Kyle
A lot of people love Malex, some prefer M&M
To each their own
For me, it's obviously Malex ❤
Not here to disrespect the fans of M&M, but for fun, I thought I would do a little comparison between the 2 ships
Malex vs M&M (aka The Other End of the Triangle From Hell)
Let's start with Malex:
- They connected on an emotional level because of the abuse they suffered in their youth
- Alex showed kindness by giving Michael a safe and warm place to stay, even though they were virtual strangers
- Michael ran to Alex's defense at prom
- Alex gave Michael his brother's guitar, allowing Michael to ease the chaos inside him
- Michael realized that him and Alex were one of 'those moments'
- Their first kiss where Alex fully expected Michael was going to let him down easy but instead, Michael pulled him in ❤
- Their first time in the place that had become theirs, a place where they were safe
- The sweet giggle they shared before they slept together
- Michael being Alex's hero again, by putting himself between Alex and his father and suffering the horrible consequences 😭
- 10 years went by and those feelings never changed
- Their first meeting outside of Michael's trailer, full of so much tension
- The reunion:
"Are you trying to hold my hand, Private?"
"Does the macho, cowboy swagger thing ever get old with you?"
"Did it get old for you?"
- THAT KISS - Michael watching Alex from the doorway (how long was he gazing at him??); the slow approach towards one another, all their walls dropped away because they were alone, the bedroom eyes they gave each other and the way that Michael pounced on Alex, releasing years of tension, longing and love in a single kiss ❤
- The forehead press (such a Malex thing)
- The way Michael's eyes opened as he watched Alex, who had his eyes still closed
- "Come on, Michael. Is there really nobody in this world that you would risk everything to save?" --- Michael looks at Alex ❤
- Let me reiterate - 10 years have gone by and those feelings haven't gone away
- The airstream exchange:
"Including the way you look at me. That's a problem for me, Guerin, because every time you look at me, I'm 17 again and I forget the last 10 years even happened. But then you look away and I remember all over again and it kills me, every time."
"I never look away. Not really" (seriously, who didn't cry at that?? Such a Malex thing again) ❤
- That smile on Alex's face when he looks up at Michael from the bed before Michael leans down
- The gentle tenderness they share in bed when Alex spends the night (before everything goes to shit)
- The nervousness Alex had approaching Michael at the drive-in, hoping for a date to make up for how things ended that morning (before everything really goes to shit)
- Michael admitting to Max "If you had been the reason Alex went to war, I would have hated you"
- "It's just him, you know? Screws me up" (Alex is not a glitch, Carina!!)
- Kyle pushing Alex to talk with Michael, realizing how much the Angry Cowboy means to him
- That beautiful talk outside his trailer - yes, it happened after Alex recognizes the necklace but he doesn't walk away (so important!) and he admits to Michael that they loved one another for a long time
- "Cosmic" -- enough said ❤
- That smile on Michael's face (per Vlamis, "In that moment, I loved him. More than anything in the world") 😭
- Their talk the next day by the fire pit, Michael letting his walls fall down and telling Alex details of his childhood (details he probably hadn't even revealed to Max or Isobel yet)
- Showing Alex his bunker
- "If anyone's going to destroy me, might as well be you" 😭
- Alex asking him to go to Caulfield "You do run hot, Guerin"
- Michael disliking the new closeness between Kyle and Alex
- "They're my family, Alex!"
"Alright, maybe. But you are mine!"
"What? No. You gotta go, Alex."
"I don't look away, Guerin." ❤
"No. Go! I don't love you! I don't! We've been holding onto this thing and what? It's gotten us nowhere. Just let go." 💔
"You're a miserable liar" ❤
* cue heartbreaking scene with Michael and his mom, beautiful song by Tyler playing in the background and Michael breaking down in Alex's arms (thoughts that came to mind were Epic, Cosmic, Soulmates, Endgame, M&M Who? etc.)
- Alex waiting for Michael in his trailer, telling him he shouldn't have left him behind when he enlisted but he wanted to be the type of person who won battles (in other words, he wanted to be good enough for Micheal)
- Michael telling Isobel "I love him. I probably always will" 😭
- Now let's pretend the last 10 minutes didn't happen. Everything was leading up to one particular end and it feels like the writers switched it up at the last second (maybe they knew they were being renewed and reshot the ending LOL wouldn't put it past the showrunner....)
So basically, Malex = ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Now let's remember M&M and the beauty of their relationship:
- They flirted in the bar
- Michael was there for her as a friend (I actually really liked this scene, but only as FRIENDS)
- He fixed her sign
- They had a drunken hookup in the desert
- He fixed her necklace
- Suddenly, Maria was torn about not being with Michael again and Michael was.....just weird
- More weirdness in episode 11
- Did I miss anything?
- Can't you feel the depth of love? How strong the feelings are?
So basically, M&M = Huh?
Maybe they intend to show more depth for them next season? 🤷‍♀️ But from what we've seen so far, there really is no comparison.
This is just the way I see it though! People are free to ship whoever they choose as long as there's no hate against any of the characters (ie. Alex because he's gay or Maria because whe's a WOC), and especially not against any of the actors/actresses
We can all hate the writers for shoving this storyline down our throats and as Malex fans, keep our fingers crossed for a quick and painless fix-it in season 2 🤞🤞🤞
Doubtful, but one can try and be positive?
Either way, Malex is endgame ❤
Until then, let's just bask in the glory of Tyler & Michael and be happy at how wonderful they are towards this ship
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voices-not-echoes · 6 years
You're calling out fookjonsastark in your post but have you ever seen Dany-Sue and her hate about Daenerys/her stans? There are MORE Dany/Jonerys haters than Jonsa haters (most Jonerys stans LOVE Sansa - they just don't see her with Jon). All the Jonsa posts today that mention Dany talk about her invading Jon's space or her dragons eating children - theories that hold no water at all. Jonerys people don't do that in relation to Sansa. It's Jonsas who hate all the time, not Jonerys.
Imagine sending this in response to the post I made, thinking you’re making a valid argument. Apparently there is more salt to come on my normally drama-light blog, so once again, feel free to ignore. Also, this is my first anon hate! Congrats you made me feel shitty.
Before I answer, I’m just going to insert a few parts of my post that you should have read before you interacted with it or sent this ask.
“This is all of my raging Jonsa salt finally exploding, so if you don’t ship or you just don’t want to see me go off, feel free to ignore.” ~ Me, letting you know if you follow me exactly what this angry rant I made at 11 o clock at night was so you didn’t have to read it. If you don’t follow me, there was a cut.
“I can recognize that there are Jonsas who are rude and tag incorrectly. I can recognize that there are people who make hateful comments and send gloats and anon hate and all that other bullshit. There are plenty of super nice Jonerys stans too, I follow a bunch of them.”  ~Me, acknowledging that there are people who make hateful posts about Daenerys’ stans
Now, let’s move on to your ask, and the way like 89% of what you said proved my point.
There are MORE Dany/Jonerys haters than Jonsa haters (most Jonerys stans LOVE Sansa - they just don’t see her with Jon). 
First of all, I don’t think the first part of your statement is true? Hating Jonsa is kind of a trend for the whole fandom right now. More importantly, you are not arguing against my post. Although I personally feel uncomfortable making content that is against a fictional character, I am okay with people who do that. I just look away when I see that people don’t like my fave, whether its my favorite ship or my favorite character. I am talking about fans insulting other fans (the real people behind the screens) for theorizing against Jonerys or liking Jonsa. I’ll leave some pictures below to clarify.
Post criticizing Sansa and promoting Jonerys:
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Do I agree with that content? No. Is it critical of my favorite character? Yes. Does it make me want to cry because I feel like my intelligence is insulted when I’m already having a bad day? No. Not insulting the people who like a character is not hard. Let’s see some people fail at it**.
**I had to venture into the anti Jonsa tag to prove my point on this one and just know, these were only the short Jonsa criticisms I found. I could have basically copied That One Big Jonerys Fan’s entire blog. This made me kind of emotionally exhausted also. I don’t think I’ll respond to any other asks on this.
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Huh…..it’s almost like…..people make their whole brand out of being mean to Jonsas. Whoever could have guessed? I don’t care about your hatred of a fictional character. Literally write whatever you want about Sansa Stark. I won’t like it. Sometimes I’ll refute it. But I won’t feel personally attacked because it isn’t a personal attack. As soon as you bring in how every Jonsa is a delusional, misogynistic teenage soccer mom who advocates for slavery, the murder of children, and feudalism, it is a personal attack. And even if it’s tagged correctly, if I see it, it will hurt me.
I’m not even going to talk about the fact that, despite how ridiculed they are, Jonsa theories generally come from somewhere? Whether its some book passages, chapter order, costumes, or scene directions, there is some evidence and a lot of analysis behind these metas and theories, and even if parts of them or even all of them turn out to not be true, it still took a lot of intelligence and work to put together that evidence and analyze the shit out of it. The Jonsa fandom is smart and creative and, contrary to popular opinion, not entirely made up of salty people who hate Dany so much they just had to join the party. We all have our own personalities, our own pet theories, our own level of investment in the ship. Even though Political Jon and Dark!Dany are popular in our fandom right now, not everyone believes them, including me! I’m thinking heroic sacrifice for Dany and Jon! Look at that! A jOnSa! With her own opinions!
All the Jonsa posts today that mention Dany talk about her invading Jon’s space or her dragons eating children - theories that hold no water at all.
Oh and also I’m refuting this even though I wasn’t originally planning on it because this post is already so long and so salty that I might as well. 
That scene in the trailer where Dany approaches Jon is like 3 seconds long and has no context, so… literally any theory about it holds water. It could be Dany sneaking down to meet up with Jon for some hot sex on Catelyn’s grave. It could be Dany threatening to burn Winterfell to the ground. It could just be Dany and Jon sharing a moment before they go up to feast after arriving. We don’t know!
Oh and…. about the dragons? Hate to tell you this but the dragons frequently burn people. That’s kind of the reason they’ve been brought North. To burn the wights. And, just in case you’ve forgotten, they have burned a child. Her name was Hazzea.
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