#you'll never guess when this is from (heavy sarcasm)
atthebell · 4 months
this is how i feel about people on this website every single day [thank you cellbit reactions]
"Fuck, you don't know how to INTERPRET A TEXT sorry I'm not having a very healthy day today"
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iheartmysun · 11 months
A Happy Halloween (George Weasley x Reader)
Genre: fluff, friends to lovers
Warnings: very slight use of swearing, some mentions of alcohol consumption
Word count: 3.6k
As the leaves of autumn settled onto the grounds of Hogwarts, so did the excited whispers and enlivened chatter of Halloween. Gossip about the 31st became more frequent with each passing day. Each house discussing who was throwing what party, what costume ideas they had thought of, and who they thought would get shit-faced the fastest.
George, as to be expected, was especially anticipating Halloween. Aside from April Fools' Day, it was the perfect excuse of a holiday to get his fair share of pranks out of his system. In fact, he expects his fellow peers to enjoy the pranks that he has in store, considering everyone actually wants to be spooked this time around.
Although he had become quite preoccupied by his plans, there was something else much more compelling that seemed to have consumed his thoughts.
Your name echoed at the forefront of his mind in almost everything that he did. The fact that he spoke to you every single day didn't help this at all, but he wasn't complaining. How could he? The vision of your heavenly face, the lyrical sound of your laugh, your soothing touch with which he found solace in; everything that encompassed you. How could he possibly find it within himself to be dissatisfied?
This is, he supposed, how he found himself being whacked in the back of the head by a frustrated Fred, who was very much done with his love sick antics.
"Three guesses to figure out what you're lost in thought over." Fred remarked sarcastically. George glared at his twin as he rubbed the back of his head. "Shut up, you don't know what I'm thinking about."
The older of the two then moved to rest on his elbow with his chin now in hand and leaned forward. "Oh, really? Then please, do enlighten me. What were you thinking about?" he questioned with raised eyebrows.
George stayed silent as a soft blush crept its way onto his face. Fred simply leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "See? Told you." he stated with a smug smirk.
"Whatever." George mumbled back, fiddling with a loose piece of paper in front of him, not feeling bothered with bickering right now.
Fred sighed and gently shook his head. "I don't get why you won't just tell Y/N how you feel already. They clearly like you back. Besides, you're best mates, it's not like much could go wrong."
George scoffed thinly at this statement. "Yeah, sure. Nothing could go wrong. Y/N could decide to never speak to me again, but nothing could go wrong. Thanks for the words of wisdom!" he said before rolling his eyes, sarcasm evident in his voice.
"Alright, alright. Sorry mate." he said while putting his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to test the waters. You'll never find out how things might go if ya don't try. Y'know?"
As much as it annoyed him that Fred was right, he agreed. He just didn't know how to go about it. He wasn't this Casanova that everyone believed him to be. He had only been in one other relationship before, and he didn't want to look stupid. In his eyes, you may as well have hung the stars in the sky. And who would want to look stupid in front of someone who managed such a feat?
He sat up straighter and ran a hand through his hair, breathing deeply. "Yeah, I know." George said sighing.
Seeing his brother so full of dispirit because of how smitten he was truly was a sight for sore eyes. Something he'd rather not see again; especially when they were supposed to be planning one of their up coming escapades.
"You'll figure it out mate. Always do." Fred said while shifting his chair a bit closer to his brother. "You may not have my good looks, but you've still got more of a shot than you think you do."
George couldn't help but smile at this. The heavy feeling in his chest feeling lighter than before. "You're dreaming if you think that you have the good looks. I'd be concerned if I had a face like yours, Freddie."
Fred smiled, laughing in return, happy to know he gave his slightly younger brother some peace of mind. He playfully nudged him in the shoulder before gesturing towards the paper firecrackers that sat in front of them. With that, they both got back to the matter at hand, quickly gaining focus over their project again.
Later on in the early hours of the evening he found himself looking for you, slowly wandering off towards your dorm. He knocked rhythmically on the mahogany door and smoothed back any flyaways from his mop of hair.
Without waiting for long, you turned the golden looking doorknob with the sound of a quiet click, and opened it to reveal a much too happy George Weasley.
"Trick or Treat!" he exclaimed with a wide grin.
"Probably trick, knowing you." you said with a smirk, examining him for any potential jokes that he could suddenly spring upon you.
"Is that all you expect of me, Y/N? Some deviant ready to pounce on the next potential victim to one of his glorious pranks?" he said holding his hand to his chest in feigned offense.
You casually rolled your eyes, chuckling at his light-hearted behavior, and stepped out of the way to motion for him to come in. Which he gladly did so.
"Sooo, what's up? I thought you were busy getting things ready for Halloween?" you asked while shutting the door again before making your way back over to the tall man who was now standing by the end of your bed.
It was only then that he realised he'd gone to visit you without a cause. He had merely wanted to see you and that was reason enough. However, that wasn't very helpful when you were asking him why he went out of his way to stop by your dorm to see you.
"Oh- well, I was just-" he laughed, trying to hide the nervousness that was now growing in his chest. He desperately thought of any excuse that he could, but just stood there silently like a deer in headlights.
Now he'd done it, he thought. He went and messed up by making things feel awkward. But before he could finish berating himself, a chuckle broke through the air.
"What, did you forget?" you asked amused. The idea of him seeing you just because he wanted to see you hadn't crossed your mind at all. You over thought how he felt about you almost as much as he did with you.
Suddenly seeming at ease, he chuckled. "Yeah, must've."
After snorting quietly in response, you stepped closer to him once more and smile softly. The room feeling rather still all of a sudden.
The way that George looked down at you could send your heart racing for eternity. He took in every little detail of your face, not wanting to miss a single marvelous feature. Your breath caught in your throat as he studied you. George noticed this and instantly felt a warmth rise up his neck and to his freckled cheeks as he realised how intently he had been staring at you.
He stepped back and almost fell onto your bed before he caught his balance and stood up right again in a matter of seconds. Feeling more embarrassed than he did a few moments ago, he quickly moved off to the side and clapped his hands together in a single movement.
"Well! I should get going! With all this- this Halloween stuff that Fred and I have to plan. You know how it is with... planning things!" he spoke hurriedly while trying to sound calm. Admittedly unsuccessful, but he just wanted to escape the uncomfortable situation he had put himself in.
"Oh, uh.. Okay?" you said confused as you watched him swiftly make his way to the door again, barely making eye contact with you.
Just as he had left the room and was about to shut to door harder than he meant to, he popped his head back in with an awkward expression on his face. "See you at the party."
And as soon as he had arrived, he was gone even faster.
You were left standing there, blinking at the door, as you tried to process what had just happened. The first thought of the matter being how it felt to have him look at you like that. His gaze looked so warm and soft. It made your stomach swirl and feel fuzzy.
You turned back to face your bed and dramatically flopped your weight onto your mattress and groaned into the plush bedding which you had now buried your face into, wishing more than ever for the 31st to arrive.
It had been four days since you and George had had a decent conversation with one another. He was either acting strangely around you or he was whisked away by Fred and Lee to get up to who knows what. It was frustrating to say the least.
Without you knowing it, George was frustrated too. But this feeling was overridden by the nerves that had settled in his chest. It sent a warm prickly feeling down his body and made his head spin. Fred had been encouraging him to spill the beans to you and so had Lee, although he was more tactful with it.
"Excited for tonight, Georgie?" Fred asked while grabbing his brothers shoulders from behind, peering over to try and see his face.
"Leave the poor lad alone," said Lee, shoving Fred away from his twin. "he's already got enough on his mind without you bothering him." he finished, sitting down across from the both of them.
"Oh yeah, that's right, you still gotta decide how you're gonna confess your love to Y/N." he said now sitting down, batting his eyelashes and clasping his hands together.
Georges face went pink before he spoke. "Piss off, I still don't know if I'm gonna say anything. I don't even know how I'd do it."
"How'd you ask out the last person that you were with?" Lee asked with raised eyebrows.
George furrowed his, and shook his head adamantly. "No, no, I can't tell Y/N how I feel like that. That was ordinary. I just told them how I felt after potions. This is different. This is..." He went quiet for a moment as he tried to find the words without revealing anything too vulnerable. It would surely be used as teasing fuel against him in the future. "It's just different." he finished saying in a soft voice.
Before either of them could add their input, George stood up and pushed the wooden chair in, causing a high pitched squeak.
"I'll see youse later. I have to get ready." he said with a slight wave of his hand before he trudged back up to his dorm room, simultaneously feeling anticipation and apprehension for the night ahead.
A few hours later, the Gryffindor common room was thronging with people who were eager to drink as much as they could and handful of others who already appeared tired of caring for their already drunk friends.
The tenseness that George had felt mostly ebbed away as the room became more occupied by lively music and vibrant conversation.
His friends had poured a plethora of different drinks, and a couple of Ravenclaws had tried to egg him on to have a shot of firewhisky, but he refused. George didn't want to lose his senses. No matter how miniscule. He wasn't sure when he'd see you and would much rather not saying something to expose himself just because he wasn't in a sober mind.
Searching for you over the ocean of heads had not been as easy as he thought it would. He felt as if he could see almost everyone else but you. Someone had almost caught their hair on fire, a fifth year was literally bouncing off the walls, and someone else had been unfortunate enough to have been standing underneath one of the enchanted floating pumpkins which had suddenly fallen directly on top of them.
Just as he was about to sit down, he somehow heard your laughter through the cacophonous sound of noisy chatter and music blending together.
He shot his head up and spotted you instantly, noticing that you were talking to a wild-eyed Neville who seemed to have soot on his face. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he began to make his way through the crowd to get to you.
He swerved and squeezed his way past, being elbowed in the ribs in the process, but he finally reached you.
Neville said a quick goodbye to you before he noticed George with wide eyes, quickly escaping to go and wipe the dark powder from his face.
He looked down at you with a shy, yet wide grin. You looked more wonderful than ever; it shouldn't be possible for a human to look so breathtaking, he thought. And yet here you were, standing there with the glow of the warm light surrounding you reflecting onto your face; flashing a seraphic smile that you wore, to him and him only.
"What's with him?" he said pointing in Neville's direction with his thumb, a sly smirk growing on his face.
"You're telling me that you don't know?" you questioned with a short laugh, clearly not believing his unknowingness.
"Always with the accusations, Y/N," he said pursing his lips together and crossing his arms. "I'm a saint! You'll never meet someone as innocent as me." he said with a shit-eating grin.
"Don't go making me concerned for the types of people I'll come across, George." you say with a chuckle, causing George to join in. His eyes sparkling with the joy of being the one to make you laugh.
After a few moments, there was a quiet between you. The world around you both seemed to fade away as the two of you focused in on the other. You felt the warmth and softness of his gaze again. He realised that you were looking at him differently too, but he wasn't completely sure what to make of it.
His eyes lingered on you for a short time longer until he cut the silence. "It's a bit loud in here, don't ya reckon?"
"Yeah, it is." you say gently, almost inaudible over the background noise, unsure where he's going with this.
"Follow me?" he asks you, holding his hand out for you to take.
You grin and slide your hand into his. He gives you a reassuring smile and begins leading the way past the mass of people; squeezing your hand lightly as he guides you to the portrait hole.
Once there, you both crawl through and make your way out of the rowdy home of Gryffindor. With much reluctance he lets go of your hand and nods forward, motioning the direction to go.
As you walk down the corridor another silence settles. Only this time, there were no interruptions.
The faint shadows of your silhouettes moving carefully across the stone flagged floor. Not a sound but your footsteps that echoed quietly across the walls.
George looked to you and felt a strange feeling in his chest. He felt as if he could blurt the words out right now. This wasn't how he had imagined it. But the stillness of the air felt like it was pushing him to spill his secret. And it just felt right. 'I like you. I like you more than a friend.' But no. The words got caught and he couldn't spit them out.
As he led for them to turn a corner, they had almost stepped onto a small creature with glowing red eyes. It instantly let out a loud meow as if it was calling for someone.
"Fuck!" George whispered loudly.
He swiftly grabbed you by the wrist and started booking it. You almost tripped over your own feet at first, but started to pick up speed no sooner than he had started running.
You could hear the somewhat distant meows and calls of a man chasing after you as you were being quickly tugged into different corridors to escape any potential punishments.
George had almost collided with the Hogwarts caretaker as he rounded a corner, not realising that he had snuck through a secret hallway to catch the two students who were out after hours.
Filch called after him and whoever else was on the run with him, but after being pulled into a hidden passageway behind a tapestry of a two-headed troll by George, his nagging calls demanding you to show yourselves gradually faded away.
Your knees almost buckled at the sudden halt, George held onto you to steady you.
"You okay?" he said through uneven breaths.
"Think so." you replied panting. "Are you?"
"Yeah." he said as his breathing began to even, nodding along with his words.
Looking up at him, you started to laugh and so did he. Your heart still raced as you stood still. He looked gorgeous. The freckles that scattered across his face seemed to glitter while his ginger hair fell perfectly around his sculpted face.
The crisp night air flowed into the space that you occupied and glided across your skin. The only light being from the faint luminescence of moonbeams.
The cool breeze made him shiver. George could still hear the thumping of his heartbeat in his ears. He wondered if you could hear it too, though he hoped you couldn't.
Adrenaline was still pumping through his body. He felt brave and was alone with you, so what a better time than now?
"Y/N," he paused. "I- I need to tell you something. But I don't want anything to change between us." a shy expression snuck its way into his smile. "Anything bad, at least."
Your eyes flickered over his face for a moment before you gave a small nod. "Okay..." you said uncertainly, suddenly becoming acutely aware of how close you were to each other.
George inhaled deeply before continuing. "I like you, a lot. More than you might expect." he paused again, examining your now flushed appearance. "And I have for a while." he said with an awkward laugh. "I turn myself inside out thinking about you. Sometimes I feel like I could burst because of how confused I make myself about it but, then you look at me and- I just, I just really like you, Y/N." he stopped himself from rambling on as he was afraid that he'd said too much. He didn't want to scare you off.
You had felt yourself freeze. You had an inkling that he liked you, but now he was actually telling you. It wasn't some delusion of grandeur that you had made up to keep yourself from feeling jealous or to make yourself feel better. No, he genuinely and whole heartedly likes you back. George Weasley, has feelings for you.
So many things that you'd been wanting to tell him raced to your mind. You didn't know where to start. This left you standing there staring at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
He felt his heart on the edge of dropping as you stood still without saying a word. He scanned your gaze to try and get an idea of how you were feeling, and just as he was about to apologise, the corners of your eyes crinkled and you laughed.
"You like me?" you questioned with a finger pointed at yourself.
He felt almost felt taken a back by this reaction but the corners of his mouth began to curve into a smile. "I really do." he said, noticing the way that your eyes sparkled.
Stepping forward, you started to close to small distance between your bodies. You felt breathless as the simple knowledge of being liked in return flooded your mind. "I like you too, George." you said in a giddy voice.
George let go of a breath that he didn't know that he was holding and broke out into a very pleased, and very wide smile. He reached for your hands and held them with care. His focus was fixed on you as a new type of warmth made its way to his smile.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked gently, a pink blush now settled on his cheeks.
"I would like that very much." you replied with a keen smile.
He leaned forward and looked at you for a moment to see if there was any hesitation before finally closing the gap. He pressed his soft lips against yours and moved them slowly.
You breathed in deeply, taking in his scent and letting it fill your nose alongside the autumn air. He let go of one of your hands and let his float upwards to cup you face. You moved your palm to rest on top on his knuckles in response.
You could feel him smile against you as the kiss deepened. He held you close as his mind emptied of everything else but you. No one else mattered right now.
The two of you pulled away in unison to catch your breaths. You looked at each other for a few moments before laughing like little kids. Exhilaration filled your bodies as you reveled in the moment.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." he spoke breathlessly as he wore a proud grin.
"I think I've got somewhat of a clue." you said with a coy smile.
Laughing once more, George peered out from behind the tapestry and turned to you. "Do you reckon we should head back now?" he asked quietly.
"Maybe. Orrr, we could stay here?" you said with a small grin.
George beamed at this suggestion and turned away from the exit to face you with the goofiest grin that you had ever seen. "I think I like that plan."
a/n: This is coming out later than I thought it would, but I was determined to finish it before the end of this month! I've edited this a little bit, but I'll go through and fix any other mistakes later. For someone who doesn't write often at all, this was a lot for me, so I need to rest my mind 🧘‍♀️
I hope that you all enjoyed! ♡
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years
Menace x Black Leg Sanji ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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hello hello hello! I know I said I would take a break to focus on uni work but ever since I had this dream I felt the need to write it. it kept bothering me and I simply couldnt focus on anything else but THIS. I adore this dork and I am happy I got to write about him. so.. here we go again :D I hope you'll enjoy this, do let me know what you think!
warning: MAJOR spoilers of The Whole Cake Island Arc. other than that, sfw, slightly angst, usual one piece violence I guess?? this was written with a fem reader in mind but apart from a lil description of the outfit, no pronouns are used and everything is pretty gender neutral.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
─── story under the cut to avoid spoilersss ↓
"I can't believe he's getting married." you said to yourself with grinned teeth, unable to even look at Sanji. You watched from afar as the whole crew greeted him and offered their congratulation, seemingly accepting the fact that he would leave the crew to join Big Mama's reign. It was a possibility you never considered, to not have him around all the time. Since when was he the type to be a loyal husband, the prince of a reign that never belonged to him - accepting the surname of the family that always rejected him?
To think he accepted the marriage without even consulting any of you, not even Luffy - it made your blood boil. He told you during dinner that he already packed his luggage, that this was the end of his journey - that his family wanted him to get married and he couldn't back away from it. He asked his beloved crew and captain to understand and to not start anything dangerous; he didn't want to be rescued or helped, he was fine accepting his destiny. "It's for the best", he kept repeating and everybody seemed to agree. But not you. How could he ever agree to something so stupid? How could he expect you to be fine with him getting married and disappearing from your life?
When the Germa66 ship finally approached the Sunny, it was time for Sanji to go. He had looked for you everywhere - he really wanted to say goodbye, to hold you in his arms one last time. But it was too much to bear for you; you were furious at him and watching him depart made your heart ache in way you didn't even know existed. And so you hid away from everyone, and from him. Staying in the gym the whole time trying to sweat your nervousness out, you could hear Sanji asking your crew mates to tell you he really wanted to see you once last time, which only made you punch the heavy punchbag in front of you stronger.
When Sanji finally sailed away, Zoro reached you in the gym, stopping the punchbag from swinging around.
"Luffy has a plan to rescue that damn chef. I think you might be interested." he said, a hint of sarcasm accompanying his words despite his genuine intentions. A tiny wave of relief crashed against your body - you knew Luffy wouldn't have let that stupid cook leave without a fight.
Exactly a week after Sanji's departure, you and your crew managed to sneak in Big Mama's territory. Perfectly blending in with the rest of the population, you safely navigated through the cities, which were all decorated for the wedding. Images of Sanji and her future wife flooded the streets; the wedding was the centre of every conversation and despite the visceral nuisance this caused you, at least it was easy for you to gather all the information you needed.
"You look beautiful." Nami smiled at you, fixing your hair. "You'll make his head spin, don't worry." she winked, smiling widely as she admired the way you were dressed.
A short, sparkly black dress wrapped your body gracefully, valuing your best curves and making it impossible to not look at you. One of Sanji's old blazer jackets completed your look, its golden buttons matching your jewellery. If you had to attend his wedding, you had to at least look nice. Your knee-high boots made your steps echo around the reception room, the rhythmic clicking of your heels contributing to the pre-existent noise.
Sitting down at your table, you noticed just how close you were to the altar. A shiver ran down your spine, the feelings you have constantly ignored coming to the surface all at once. Your hands started to shake as you realised you were about to see Sanji again after all that happened - the door you slammed on his face the last time he tried to talk to you, the goodbye you never got to say. A warm sensation came creeping him from your neck, rising to your cheeks and colouring them of a scarlet red. A subtle feeling of anxiety settled in your chest; you were about to see the man you love walk down the isle to marry someone else - without him knowing that you and your crew were moments away from blowing everything up and officially challenging one of the Four Emperors.
You sat and watched the ceremony in silence, tears flooding your eyes but never streaming down your cheeks. You bit your bottom lip as Pudding, Sanji's soon-to-be wife, read her vows; they were beautiful, surely. But how could they be true?
Unable to keep watching, you shifted your gaze away from the happy couple in front of you; finally noticing the mess your captain was about to make. It only took Luffy a couple of seconds to bring hell upon the ceremony, officially challenging Big Mama and everyone who tried to stand in his way, making your presence finally known - not only to the enemy, but to Sanji as well.
Realising what had just happened, Sanji scanned the crowd quickly - and for a moment, his eyes finally found yours after what felt like an eternity. A smirk formed on his face as he started to run towards you, kicking anyone who blocked his way. However, Big Mama had other plans than making the two of you reunite, and before Sanji could reach you, a big hand engulfed him in its grip, disappearing into the crowd and behind the majestic pillars of the ball room.
"SANJII!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, shutting down every other background noice and piercing through every walls, every ear, every heart. The battle stopped for a second as you fell on your knees - an excruciating pain held your heart hostage, making your chest ache with every breath you took.
"GO!" Nami screamed back at you, using her Clima-Tact to indicate the direction Sanji was taken to.
Heartbroken and more furious than ever, you finally got up. This was your battle after all, you didn't travel this far to give up so easily. Walking against the crowd's flow, you made your way to the palace in which Sanji was held hostage - ruthlessly eliminating any enemy you encountered along the way. Blood stains covered your face as you walked along the corridors of Big Mama's place, one confident stride after the other. Opening door after door, killing one guard after the other, frustration kept building inside your veins. You were tired of this, and you were angry; at Sanji, for accepting this stupid proposal, at yourself, for not confessing your feelings before, at every. damn. enemy. that kept coming your way.
Until something happened.
A weird, overwhelming, new sensation made your muscles tense and your senses heighten. Before you could even realise it, a powerful wave of haki destroyed every thing around you, causing window's glass to shatter against the floor and walls to crumble down one after the other, tumbling Big Mama's castle down. And that's when you finally saw him - in the middle of ruins, amongst a dusty cloud of concrete, his burning cigarette shined red. Those who were previously guarding him were now under the remains of the castle, setting Sanji finally free.
"You look beautiful." was all he said, his eyes piercing right through you as he watched you from afar, not moving a single muscle to shorten the distance between the two of you.
"We should go." you replied, shifting your gaze away from him, unable to maintain eye contact. Fighting against every fibre of your body, you stayed exactly where you were. He was safe, and single for all that mattered, and that was enough.
"So, this is it? Not even a little "I missed you?"" he asked, finally walking towards you. Before you could even realise it, now being only a few inches away from you - the strong, yet familiar smell of tobacco and his usual cologne tingling your nose.
"Guess we're even now." you replied stingy, hoping your words hit him exactly where it hurt the most.
"I just wanted to protect you." Sanji replied calmly, taking another hit from his cigarette and gently tucking your hair behind your ear.
"I don't need you to protect me, Sanji!" you said, placing your closed fist against his chest, trying to fight the lump in your throat. "I needed you to stay. I needed you to choose us, to choose me." you finally admitted, slightly punching him by letting your fist weakly hit his chest.
Sanji's entire body completely froze for a moment, processing what you just said. This was the closest thing he ever got to a confirm that, whatever was happening between the two of you, was real - not something he just created in his head. All the times you helped him clean the kitchen until late, the way your drunken self would always end up between his arms, looking for comfort. It all made sense now.
"I would always choose you." he said, resting his forehead against yours, making your heads slightly bump together. Noticing (and recognising) the blazer jacket you were wearing, he smiled before gently fixing the way it fell upon your shoulder.
"Hey." he said again, noticing how you sighed in response. "I mean it." he added, grabbing your chin in between his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look at him.
"Look at the mess we made for you." you laughed, trying to lighten the tension between the two of you.
"Jealousy looks hot on you." he smirked. "and makes you incredibly powerful, too." he appreciated, noticing how you destroyed every obstacle in your way.
"I'm not jealous, shut up." you hissed as you felt warmth spread around your cheeks, blushing like a teenager in love.
"Oh, so I could have gotten married anyway." he shrugged his shoulders, teasing you.
Grabbing him from the collar of his shirt, you pulled him towards you - his tall figure still towering you, noses brushing against each others.
"You better cut all the stupid swooning if you don't want me to earn your bounty. Deal?" you threatened him, a soft smile escaping your lips making you sound a little less terrifying that you wished.
A small laugh escaped Sanji's lips before he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you let go of his shirt.
"Deal, you little menace." he giggled, before finally pressing his lips onto yours.
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lis-muerta · 5 months
The afternoon sun streamed through the windows of the quaint teahouse, casting a warm, golden hue over the two figures seated at a corner table. Lin Bei Fong, with her steel-gray eyes and an expression as unyielding as the element she bent, huffed in disbelief across from Tenzin, whose monk robes seemed almost too bright in the calm interior.
"I can't believe you, Tenzin, suggesting that," Lin said with a mix of exasperation and incredulity. Her arms were crossed firmly over her chest, and her eyes narrowed just slightly, betraying her frustration.
"What? I think it's a great gift, please Lin," Tenzin defended, his voice carrying a note of earnest pleading. He leaned forward, hands clasped together as if to will her into agreement.
"I don't want to expose myself. It was something I did as a dumbass kid," Lin replied, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. It was rare to see such a flush on her face, a testament to the embarrassment the topic stirred within her.
"I just think it would be nice as a gift. They mentioned it a few times. They have been searching to find her so she would sing at their wedding," Tenzin continued, his voice softening, hoping to sway Lin with his reasoning.
"What's that have to do with me, puff princess?" Lin jabbed back, a smirk playing on her lips despite the tension she felt. She always had a knack for bringing Tenzin back down to earth with her sharp wit.
Tenzin's glare was swift, a silent scolding for her rudeness, but it faded as he saw the tension in her jaw, the slight rigidity in her posture. "Because you're her. It would be a nice surprise gift."
"I hate them. Why should I?" Lin retorted, her voice carrying a hint of bitterness.
Tenzin hesitated, his eyes revealing an inner conflict. "Would it be selfish to admit—nevermind?"
Their eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between them. "I never... I only ever was willing to for our—" Lin started, but her voice trailed off, heavy with unspoken words.
"I see, uh, I..." Tenzin stammered, the moment hanging between them, fragile as the steam rising from their neglected cups of tea.
"For old times' sake, I'll consider it if we find the others," Lin conceded, her voice softening just enough to reveal the hint of a compromise.
A grin spread across Tenzin's face, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight. "Oh, I can arrange that," he declared, the confidence of an airbending master who had already considered every angle. having had this on his mind since Zhu Li and Varrick mentioned wanting to hear Tsuki Bae live.
Lin sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of her past. "Guess all those lily-livered bastards get a break, and my vocal cords too," she muttered, a reluctant acceptance in her tone.
"I would assume so. I personally can't wait to hear you sing again," Tenzin replied, the warmth in his voice contrasting with Lin's discomfort.
"Please, my stomach's already turning just thinking about it," Lin grumbled, the very idea stirring a mix of nerves and nostalgia.
"You're going to do great, and it will be a really sweet gesture," Tenzin encouraged, his eyes meeting hers with unwavering support.
"And you'll get to hear what my brain was thinking when I was a dumbass kid," Lin said, her voice laced with sarcasm yet not devoid of a certain fondness for those reckless days.
"I was already there. You were brilliant, Lin, always," Tenzin murmured, lifting his cup of tea to his lips, only to find it had gone cold during their lengthy conversation.
As Lin tried to formulate a response, Tenzin sat back, a sense of completeness filling him. With Lin back in his life, every moment felt richer, every shared silence laden with years of history, and every glance an unspoken dialogue between old friends—or perhaps something more.
Seated side by side at the wedding, Lin's nerves were palpable; her stomach did somersaults. The rehearsal had unfolded without a hitch, and the band had lavished praise upon her, insisting she sang with the same clarity as in years past. But Lin was deaf to these affirmations, fixating only on the errors she perceived.
When the moment arrived, Tenzin took his place on stage, his smile a beacon of warmth. As the band began the opening bars, the instrumentals trickled out, unrecognized at first. The bride and groom exchanged puzzled glances, curious about the impending surprise. Bumi, Kya, Su, and Pema shared in the anticipation, a collective murmur of intrigue bubbling among them.
"It is with immense joy that I present this gift to the bride and groom," Tenzin announced, his voice resonating with pride. "Please welcome to the stage... Tsuki Bae." The crowd's confusion only deepened as Lin Beifong emerged, her presence raising more questions than it answered.
"If anyone so much as whispers about this after today, I'll ensure you regret it," Lin threatened, her tone gruff. Her warning elicited chuckles from Korra and Asami, and soon the whispers transformed into excited chatter. Pema stood beside her husband, eyes alight with curiosity as they watched Lin cast a final glance over the congregation before closing her eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath.
When she began to sing, her voice was ethereal, transcending the earthly realm—an auditory marvel that captivated every listener. Her gaze initially found Tenzin, prompting a fleeting wonder about a different life where this performance was for their nuptials. But as she continued, her eyes turned to the bride and groom, who were visibly moved, tears glistening as they grasped the reality of Lin's heartfelt serenade.
Lin locked eyes with Tenzin once more as the instrumental bridge wove its spell. His eyes crinkled with a joy that was ineffable, as if a long-held dream had been realized. A silent communion passed between them, like to two ships exchanging signals in the night. Despite their lack of marriage, their own connection had never missed a beat.
The only tinge of sorrow was for the years lost to silence after their separation. Lin acknowledged that she could love him, releasing the notion of what constituted a 'normal' relationship. She could love him freely. they, as an entity, transcended common love and the concept of soul mates.Their bond was an orbit of its own, their lives eternally intertwined, regardless of the paths they took or the companions they chose. They might never share a wedding, but a ceremony could never have encapsulated what they were to each other.
Even without her seismic sense, Lin could feel the collective heartbeat of the room, an entire assembly held in hypnotized awe as she reclaimed the melody.
As the song drew to a close, a single tear dared to escape Lin's eye—regret laced with revelation. She regretted not embracing such moments sooner, realizing that she relished the experience despite her initial reluctance to step beyond the familiar confines of her comfort zone.
“Congratulations on your wedding, uh. Goodnight.” Lin awkwardly finished her performance by thanking the guys who made it possible before stepping off the stage to find a drink as anxiety washed over her once more.
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | December 10th - Minho
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pairing: Lee Minho x Reader
genre: rivals to lovers
synopsis: Lee Minho is a driven and loyal employee of JY Publishing. He has been working for the company for a while now and he is determined to finally recieve his well deserved promotion. Unfortunately, he is not the only one who has their eyes on the position.
warnings: light cursing
words: 1062
10th day of SKZMAS
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December 10th
It's been going on for roughly a week now.
Minho is trying his best to concentrate on himself, he really does. He is doing everything and then some, each report is done on time, each email is answered within 30 seconds, and for each meeting, he is the first one in the room.
But still, he finds it hard to fall asleep at night. His mind keeps going back to the office, to his desk, to all the extra tasks he could be doing… and more often than not, he ends up opening his laptop and working a few extra hours, off the clock. He has done this before, losing hours of sleep barely affects him.
Or so he thought.
After a week of sparing 4-5 hours for sleep, he starts receiving a few strange glances from his coworkers.
“Are you sure you're okay?” Changbin asks concernedly as you sip on your first coffee of the day. Minho practically drinks it in one go, and it revitalizes him immediately.
“Never been better.” he nods, despite the heavy bags under his eyes. “What about you? You look like hell.”
“You're always too kind to me.” the younger pulls a face, followed by a sigh. “I don't know, man. Girlfriend is being difficult these days. I kind of feel like we are drifting apart.”
“It's not like you need someone like her.” Minho shrugs, walking back to his own desk with him. “This relationship is as good as burning money. Maybe even a bit colder.”
“Wow.” Changbin scoffs and now, he looks actually hurt. “When did you become such a relationship guru?”
“Just telling it how it is.” the older frowns. “What, am I supposed to lie to you?”
Changbin's jaw is tense, he looks like he is really trying to swallow his words, so when he finally speaks up, all he says is: “No. Of course not.”
Minho watches as Changbin walks away, and he is confused as ever. Why are people so sensitive now? He is the one who slept like no time at all.
The next second, he hears someone chuckle behind him.
“Oh wow Minho, you are really good with people. I see how a leading position would be just suitable for you!” you say and your words drip of sarcasm. When Minho turns, he sees that your under eye circles match his and you are desperately clinging onto a mean mug of black coffee. 
“Yeah, feel free to laugh now, but don’t come crying to me when I happen to fire you after I get the position.” he grunts at you, turning back to his computer. Just ignore them. They are trying to get under your skin, is what Jisung keeps telling him, but Minho cannot help it. If there is one thing you are good at, that’s getting on Minho’s nerves like no other.
“Come on, you would never fire me.” you shake your head in pity. “I am way too good at this job and you would miss me tremendously.” you sigh. “You would be so lost without me, pretty boy.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, I guess you'll have to wait and see, sweetheart.” Minho says with a grimacing smile, and his skin itches. You need to be humbled in a way or another. “I wouldn't waste time on me if I was you. I have way too high standards and you probably have a handful of reports to work through, don't you?”
“Don't you?” you counter with a smirk. “If you wouldn't be so busy flirting me up, maybe you would be done with your reports, like I am.” you shrug, waving a huge stack of papers in Minho’s gorgeous face triumphantly. “Now, if you excuse me, I have to hand these in.”
Minho is left fuming at his desk, angrily typing away on his computer. Oh, he will get back at you for that.
The opportunity comes in a few days when Minho is walking back to his desk with Chan after lunch. The two have been chatting about Chan's insomnia and Minho is pretty convinced he himself is suffering from the same thing. There is no way work keeps him up at night. He doesn't worry about the promotion that much.
He catches sight of you, and oh, he can't help but grin. One of your supervisors, Mr Choi, is scolding you, and from the sound of it, it is about a missed deadline. He takes it upon himself to save the day.
“Sir, I am so sorry this happened- it was all my fault.” Minho says earnestly, catching your eyes going wide.
“Mr Lee, how do you explain this situation?” Mr Choi asks with a frown, arms crossed on his chest.
“They have missed their deadline because we have been too caught up in our romance, sir.” Minho says, giving him the act of his life. He can feel you tense up by his side. If only he could see your face… “And while I have managed to hand in all of my reports and extra paperwork on time, I must have been distracting them from their responsibilities. I would like to sincerely apologize.”
“Just for the record, sir,”you speak up and oh, how you wish to punch that shit eating grin off of Minho’s face. “Since Minho loves me so much, he promised to help me with my assignments so there should be no issue with getting it done today. I know that Minho will do amazingly well, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” 
Mr Choi looks between the two of you, completely unimpressed. ”Trust me, I could honestly not care less who does the assignment as long as it gets done. Now get to it.” he says, turning around to leave. As Minho sneers at you, though, Mr Choi glances back. “Oh, and make sure to check the couples' dress code for the Christmas party.”
“Of course, Mr Choi.” you smile with a tight smile. You watch your supervisor walk away before you turn to each other with draggers flying from your eyes. “Look what you have done!”
“Well, I hope you're enjoying this as much as me because I'm sure as hell not helping you on that assignment.” Minho says, walking away with a grin because as annoying as this situation is, he can and will enjoy the little wins.
to be continued...
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heyyyyy! if you're still doing the dragon asks game, can I request fire and poison? 👉👈 thank youuuu ❤
Thanks! :D
Fire: share a snippet with some dialogue you’d like to show off. Here's an excerpt from Houses Full of Deceit:
With heavy sarcasm he asked, "What do I owe this pleasure to? Have you been hired to kill me or have you come to turn yourself in?"
Colman laughed. Just once, and with an odd rattle in his chest. "Neither. You'll never believe this but I've come to you for help."
"Really." Yo-han leant against the door-frame. "What sort of help? Did someone hire you to murder their enemy and now won't pay?"
"Not quite. Have you heard of the Hastings murders?"
"Not a word," Yo-han said. Now he regretted not buying international newspapers regularly.
Colman looked up at the ceiling. He didn't sit up, or prop himself up on his elbows, or move any part of his body except his head. "Horrible business. Husband, wife and three children all dead. Shot in the head. And guess who's got the blame?"
Yo-han frowned. "You didn't kill them?"
Colman gave him a downright offended look. "Have I ever killed children?"
To be honest Yo-han had no idea. He'd never been able to work out how many murders Colman had actually committed. Luckily Colman didn't wait for an answer.
"I was in Italy when the Hastings — Hastingses? — were murdered in London. First I heard of it was when I was recognised at the Italian customs. Had to run for my life. Got hold of a paper and discovered the whole thing's been pinned on me. My picture's in every paper in England and most of the ones in Europe too. So I decided to leave Europe. Got as far as Siam by pretending to be a missionary, then I met an attaché of the American embassy in a bar. He'd just been reassigned to Japan. So I got him drunk, stole his tickets, and got on the ship under his name. When we stopped at Seoul I went for a walk around the harbour and never came back. Then I wormed my way into the British embassy, found your address — you'd be amazed what people will say when they think you're Lord So-and-So — and came here."
"You seem to have had a very exciting time," Yo-han observed dryly. "And when did you get injured?"
Colman's casual façade cracked. As he looked at Yo-han, weeks of exhaustion and fear showed on his face. "How did you know?"
"You haven't moved once since I arrived. Either you're unbelievably lazy, or you're trying not to aggravate an injury."
Colman moved his left arm away from his side. "Remember when I said I ran for my life? I meant it. In Bangkok I was recognised again. That was why I resorted to something as stupid as identity theft. The guy went at me with a garden fork, believe it or not. It's shallow but hurts like hell."
Poison: share a snippet that’s all about relationships (good or bad). Here's an excerpt from Silver Glass:
This is not how David wanted to bring Alec into his bedroom. Alec is still shaking. He collapses onto the settee and stares into the fire. David pours him a glass of water and sits beside him. He wraps his arms around Alec's waist and rests his head on his shoulder.
"You'll have to marry her," he says. Alec makes a noise like a wounded animal. "Listen to me. She can destroy us both. You'll have to marry her, collect evidence against her — do you think she'll be faithful? — and divorce her the first chance you get. Ruin her reputation so well that no one will believe anything she says against you."
Alec cranes his neck to look at him. "But David…" He closes his eyes and visibly steels himself to continue. "No church will marry us, no law recognise us, but in my heart I'm married to you. I can't stand in front of God and man and swear to take that woman for better or worse, forsaking all other. It would be a monstrous lie."
David kisses him. He tries to pour all his unhappiness, all his rage at the situation, all his love for Alec into the kiss. Alec responds in kind.
When they break the kiss David presses his forehead against Alec's. Alec wraps his arms around David and pulls him closer. They watch the fire together.
"I couldn't continue this relationship with you," Alec says sadly. David knows him, knows his efforts to reconcile his sexuality with his religion, and was expecting this. "I'd be legally married to her, so I would be breaking a commandment."
"Aren't we already breaking commandments?" David asks. He doesn't want to be a married man's secret lover, but when the marriage is a sham built on blackmail it can hardly be considered binding.
Alec smiles ruefully. "Not one of the ten commandments, unless you count this as covetousness. I can list every reference condemning us, but only adultery is forbidden in the ten commandments."
They fall silent for a while. Alec has stopped shaking. David can guess what's going through his head, and knows his decision before he declares it.
"In the morning I'll tell her I agree to marry her," Alec says, and he says it as if he's reading his own death warrant.
David tightens his grip on him. The morning. It's afternoon and morning is getting rapidly closer. He calculates how long it will be before their absence is commented on. Not long enough. Especially if they miss dinner. But after dinner…
To hell with restraint. He can sneak out of Alec's room and back to his own before the servants start their rounds.
"You know, we haven't had our wedding night yet," he says.
Adding Deceit's and Glass's taglists: @lightgriffinsect​, @oh-no-another-idea​, @kittensartswriting, @writingpotato07, @sarahlizziewrites, @acertainmoshke, @author-a-holmes, @sam-glade (Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
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guessillcallitart · 1 year
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(pics from Pinterest)
"How true was that." I sigh, tracing the faded letters underneath the photograph with my forefinger. "He followed her to death so they could be together forever." How romantic but bullshit. "Romantic bullshit."
I trace the faded, ornamental cursive with my forefinger. "Why wasn't I good enough for you, Dad? Why couldn't you stay for me?" I guess you just were so in love. So in love it destroyed you. My eyes flit to the faded photograph. My mother looks like a 60s film star. Her curls tumble down her narrow shoulders and her eyes seem to sparkle even stranded in time. She looks pale and I can see a few freckles on her face. She's wearing a long floral dress. My father stands next to her, an arm slung around his beloved. His eyes are full of love and devotion. I tuck the photograph away in the chest. I spent a moment looking at the lovely sunflowers painted on the wooden surface. I stand on my tiptoes and wedge the chest on the top shelf in between a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights. "We could get a new bookshelf if you wanted to", Mike says rather shyly. I turn around to smile at him, struggling a little with my inner sadness. "I wasn't watching you or eavesdropping, you know. I hope I'm not coming out as creepy." He smirks. I take a few steps toward him and put my arms around his neck. "I would never say no to a new bookshelf, or anything related to books to be honest." I kiss him. "I love you", I mutter in between new kisses. I feel Mike's arms pulling me closer. "I love you too", he says with a wide smile. Then his smile fades a little, his forest eyes have a serious glint in them. "You can talk to me about anything, you know."
"I know." I rest my head on Mike's chest to hear his heartbeat. "I miss my parents. I didn't know them but Gods, I miss them so fucking much. My childhood could have been so much better." My words come out in a rush and slightly muffled. Mike drops a kiss on my hair. "I wasn't good enough for him, Mike. It's bullshit." I blink back tears. "I know, I'm sorry." Mike traces a heart shape on my back. "You're a million times good enough for me and everyone else who loves you, Sunshine." I lift my gaze to look into Mike's eyes. Immediately I can imagine I'm in a lovely forest clearing, dappled sunlight all around me, filtering through the trees. I feel a smile tucking at the corners of my lips. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, roomie." Mike grins cautiously. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. He lifts me off my feet slightly. We're smiling. Someone clears their throat and Mike places down. Eddie leans into the doorframe awkwardly. "This is the last box."
"Yeah, thanks for the help, Eds." Mike's smile hasn't faded. Eddie rolls his eyes. "What else would I do today other than help my ex move in with his new girlfriend? It's not like I have a child or anything." Livi climbs on the box. What a darling child, I think. She has a wide smile on her small face. "You have me, daddy!" she exclaims. Eddie glances at her with a fond look. "I was being sarcastic, sweetie", he says kindly. "You'll learn the magic of it when you're older."
"The magic of sarcasm." Mike nodded. "What a profounding life lesson for your daughter."
"I'm just imparting some wisdom." Eddie grins. "Why didn't you leave Livi with Mona anyway?" Mike asks. "Would you trust a child with Mona?" Eddie raises an eyebrow. Mike laughed. "Don't tell that to her."
"She's not the most responsible person", Eddie says. "She dated you after all." Mike pretends to be offended. "You dated me." Eddie shrugs. "We weren't talking about me." Livi poked him on his arm. "I'm bored. What does this box have in it?" Her bright eyes turn to me. I peer at the writing on the side. "Probably rocks judging by how heavy it was", Eddie complains. I ignore him. "Books." Livi nods. "I like books. I'm not allowed to read Harry Potter, though."
"Why not?" Mike asks. "She's five years old. Do you need any other reasons?" Eddie asks. "When can she read it then? When she's eleven and receives her acceptance letter from Hogwarts?" Mike questions. Livi's smile widens. "Oi, don't give her hope. I never got my letter", Eddie mutters. "Alright, Livi, let's head home." He bends down and Livi jumps on his back. "See you around." He waves his hand awkwardly. Mike smirks. "Yeah. I love you both." He ruffles Livi's hair quickly. Her curls are already very ruffled up, but she laughs. I boop her nose which makes her laugh more. Eddie hesitates for a few seconds by the door. "I love you too", he finally says. Once Livi and Eddie have left, Skai turns on the radio. A song from Gracie Abrams begins playing. “May I have this dance?” With a big smile, Skai offers their hand and Mike accepts it with an adoring look on his face. He pulls them close, so close, Skai can see the small freckles on his nose and the darker green spots in his hazel irises they have grown to love so much.
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accomplice-tendou · 3 years
Chapter Twenty Three
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁
Y/N'S P.O.V.
"U-Uh anyway Y/N, we're here to talk to you about what happened last week."
"Last week?" I reply as I sit up, "What about it? I thought everything was okay?"
You watch as Tendou and Goshiki exchange glances before asking you to redescribe the event.
"Fine," you groan, "I was watching the cop talk to his friend about how he was determined to get me specifically because he's got some information from my file."
You shrug and wait for the guys to finally move on from the tedious conversation. Unfortunately for you, the opposite happens.
"What files?" they both ask frustratedly.
"I dunno, the police files I guess," you shrug, "we talked about this already."
Tendou narrows his eyes and shakes his head.
"No we didn't," he tells you, "Y/N are you hiding something from me?"
You shift your gaze to Goshiki and see he's got a serious look on his face. It's way more intense than what you're used to seeing from him, almost frightening.
"N-No, I'm sorry. I thought I told you guys."
You hang your head in defeat, the deafening sound of silence consuming you.
Suddenly, without a word, Tendou grabs your arm and pulls you up. You go with him, not putting up a fight as he roughly pulls you down the hall and into his room. You only notice Goshiki's presence when the door shuts behind him.
You watch as Tendou begins searching for something on his laptop. Once he's done, he pats his lap and ushers you to sit with him. You steal one quick glance at Goshiki, who now looks a bit worried, as you walk over to Tendou.
Tendou types something quickly onto his computer and a Youtube video pops up. Right away you notice the video's got thousands of views.
As the video begins, you squint slightly to get a better look at the poor quality of what seems to be from an older phone. However, the scene is still clearly recognizable.
You see a man, around the age of twenty, with a black eye and blood covering the majority of his face. In the background you hear a familiar voice laughing wildly. You gasp once you recognize the voice as Tendou's. Additionally, you hear muffled grunts from the assaulter who you recognize as Goshiki even though his face isn't shown.
What the hell?
Realizing that you've got a good understanding of what he's trying to show you, Tendou lifts his arm and points to the man getting beat up.
"That dude," he states confidently, "was hiding information from us."
Your heart starts beating out of your chest. You know exactly what Tendou is trying to say and you know one small screw up and you'll be done for.
"Y/N, I want you to know that I'd never even think about hurting you," Tendou whispers as he plays with your hair, "but if you hide something from us, I won't be able to control the others."
For the first time since being with Tendou, you feel tears streaming down your face. Not in fear of the police or getting caught, but of the group you were surrounded by. You know you didn't purposefully hold back information, but will these guys really not hold back after your mistake?
"Enough," you hear Goshiki's voice from behind you.
Quickly, Goshiki pulls you off of Tendou's lap and tries to embrace you reassuringly.
"I really didn't mean to hide anything," you sob to him, "I'm sorry."
As you continue to stay in Goshiki's arms, you hear the chair Tendou was in scape against the floor and heavy footprints walk towards you. Roughly, Tendou grabs onto your face and forces you to look into his eyes.
"Then tell us, Y/N, what did you hear him say?"
"H-He said that he has our files i-in his home," you reply shakily.
Tendou lets go of your face and nods to Goshiki. You feel his arms hold you tighter for a moment before he whispers a goodbye.
Once Goshiki walks away and out of the room, you feel less secure standing there with Tendou alone. In fact, you back up slightly until Tendou takes hold of your hand.
"Please, Y/N," he says calmly, "tell me the rest."
You begin to tell Tendou about the conversation you overheard the other day. You make sure to emphasize the part where Daichi said he could get in trouble if you and your friends weren't caught soon.
Once more you can't help the tears roll down your face. Thankfully though, this time it wasn't because you felt uncomfortable around your friends.
Tendou hugs you tight, letting you cry as much as you need.
"Don't worry, Y/N," he soothes as he rubs your back, "I'm going to protect you no matter what."
Your heart sinks. You felt awful for how you perceived the situation before. Tendou wasn't trying to hurt you, he was showing you that he needed you to be honest in order for him to take care of you. Knowing this, you throw your arms around him holding him tight.
"I'm so sorry."
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"They'll be here any second," Tendou tells you the following day as you wait for the others to arrive.
"Why can't we just text them," you groan as you cover your face, "they're all going to hate me even more."
"You know it isn't safe that way," Tendou rolls his eyes, "but anyway they're not going to hate you. They don't hate you now."
"Ushijima does," you sigh.
"He's just like that," Tendou laughs, "He still likes you. I promise."
Just as the doorbell rings, you roll your eyes. You watch as Tendou walks over to answer the door followed by the rest of the group shuffling inside, sitting near you.
"All righty," Tendou beams, "We're all here because Y/N has something she remembered from what happened last week."
"She just remembered?" Shirabu asks with a hint of confusion and sarcasm.
"No, but we didn't have time to set up a meeting until now," Tendo lies, covering for you, "Go ahead, Y/N."
"Well the other day when I heard the cop talking, he mentioned having our files at his house and-"
"I told you Tendou," Ushijima stands, "Y/N lies and we can't trust her."
Quickly, Tendou pushes Ushijima away from the group.
"You're always pulling this crap," he berates his friend, "Just sit and listen to her for once!"
As you watch the scene Goshiki puts his hand on yours, pulling your attention to him.
"They're not going to do anything," he whispers, "don't worry about Ushi, k?"
You nod and once more your attention gets stolen. This time by Semi who sighs before pulling out his laptop. Even Ushijima and Tendou stop bickering as they watch Semi type something frantically and stare down at the scene with a burning intensity.
"Alright, I got his address," Semi calmly explains.
"See Y/N I told you it'll be fine!" Tendou smiles as he practically skips over towards Semi, "but I am going to need to borrow you again."
You look over at Goshiki who shrugs before catching on to the situation.
"It's what you gotta do," he says with a small smile.
Shirabu then calls you and hands you a small device.
"Here take this," he says, "and place it in the room where the files are."
"Oi, why'd you bring that with you?" Reon laughs.
"Shut up, I just had it on me," he retorts.
"Ooo, Shirabu's a little freak huh," Tendou laughs.
Shirabu ignores the comments and continues to explain to you how to work the device. He mentions that it'll allow them to hear what's going on in the room after you're gone. Once he is done, you give him a thumbs up and look over to your partner.
"Ready to go?" he smirks.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
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fiery-assassin-arc · 5 years
𝕬 𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕭𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓
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Triggers: assault, violence,  
Recap: Iris finds out the truth about Remington, she kicks him and is then thrown into the dungeon. She is 18. 
My back smacks hard against the cement, my loud swear at him ricocheting off the walls and cells. The prison guard locks me in chains by my wrists, secures the key. Walks away.  Not. Again. Light is a rectangle cut into sections above me.
Footsteps fading, I am still shaking with rage until a voice shakes me into remembrance.
I lift my head, my heart breaking in two. Nick, hands grasping at the metal bars across the cell doors. His hair is at his neck, messy and stuck in knots. His eyes mirror the same emotion: Relief.  He’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive. “Nick.”  
My family rises from the corner of their cells, going over to the cell bars. Mother looks like me, withered and tired. Father’s fire is a soft candle, the emotions relief and happiness. Aodh looks dejected. They look skinnier, but there is still a glow.
I have no idea what to say to them all. I brought this upon them. I let evil enter our home. I let myself be blinded. Tears are trickling down my cheeks, and I sink to the floor. The weight of it all strikes me like a kick.
I did this. We’re going to die, here.
My hand flies to my mouth as I choke out the words, “I’m so sorry,” over and over like a mantra. No one answers, they just let me cry in my cell. I hurt my family, I let Mia die. It is all my fault.
I shout for Mia. I shout for my friends. I shout for my mom. My dad. My brothers. My old self.
I’m ash and bone.
Mother hums a tune, using her magic to let the grass growing from the cracks of my wall to be vines, wrapping in me in a “hug.”  I pull my knees up to my chest, and touch the vines, the buds blooming to  be the flower of my name. I look through teary eyes to see my mother’s sad smile.  Aodh flexes his hand, making the vines tighter to make me feel his embrace.
Leaves reach to brush my wet cheeks, making me release soft shudders. “Breathe, my dear.” Father says. I move my hand to reach out, releasing tiny embers over to my family. Father pulls his hand to let them come over, sighing as it touches his skin.
Nick lets out cold air for us all, letting snowflakes drift far and down. One touches my nose, making me sneeze.  Aodh laughs, a sign of strength.
I rub my cheek against the vines, making fire and pushing it up towards the snowflakes. They grab on and cover the fireball. And it bursts in such soft color.
We all exchange smiles. Even if we’re “holding” each other, having them with me has me safe.
Heat and ice and flowers wrap me up in a blanket as I let myself slip into a deep sleep, Mom’s lullaby in my ears.
Footsteps jar me awake. Indistinct whispers come from upstairs. Dusk is settling. I look over at Aodh, who is digging a tally mark into the wall. My eyelids feel like curtains as I blink.
“Counting the days.” he says plainly
I can only nod in his direction before his image is destroyed by a man dressed in all black. Then I see the tints of gold, the shimmering of jewels performing a dance dance on my skin. I can’t fight the growl.
Remington’s POV
She looks intriguing when she growls. No, not that word. Feral. Chained by wrists, red hair a mess. My queen looks as wonderfully damaged as I imagined.
“My, is that any way to act around your king?” I reach for a lock of her hair in the cell bars, let it dance between my fingers. “No need to be so cold.”
Something cold hits me in the head, and I turn my head to see her brother Nicholas or something, waving particles of ice around his the center of his palm.
“Keep your hands off my little sister or so—”
I snap my fingers, letting a dark shadow wrap around the brother, tightening on his hands. I hear it coming, the breaking of bones and cartilage. He screams. “Keep your mouth shut.”
“Don’t hurt him!” Iris snaps at me, rushing to the bars. “Or by the gods, I swear you'll—”
My hand clasps around her  neck, pressing the pads of my fingers on the trachea. “I have a half a mind to cut your breathing off, but, you must listen to what I say and I need an answer. Clear?”
Her face is adorable. If looks could kill, hers would give me a paper-cut.
“Guard, open her cell.”
“Are you certain, your Majesty?” “I know what I am doing.” I counter, releasing my hold. “I’d like a talk with the fallen princess.”
The guard obeys my command, shoving Iris out of the way with a grunt. “No escape plans, little missy.”
“You are dismissed. Give me the keys.”
His face is petrified. Yet he listens.
I dangle the keys in front of her face, waving them side to side. “You want the keys, girl? Do you?”
Iris’s POV
I have hunger for two things, and two things. One: Those Keys. Two: Remington’s burnt body on a gold platter. As much as I would love to kick them out of his hands, I knew I had to listen. It’s like being in Kano’s captivity again, except without the taunting.
Right now I’d welcome that.
“Speak, Iris.”
“Fuck. You.” I retort.
“Good girl! But I’m out of treats.”
I can think of a few treats, but they’ll leave a bad taste in my mouth. I shake the chains holding me down. Halting me from strangling him. “Make it quick, don’t want to miss my evening prayers.”
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you.”
“Neither does the crown on your head.”
He leans against the cell, arms crossed, brows scrunched together. “May I speak?”
I have nothing better to do, aside imagining his head splitting open like rotted fruit in the sun. “Go on.”
“I have a proposition. Something that can set your family free. If you’re willing to listen, that is.” He takes a step closer to me, then kneels. Forcefully grabs my face with the strength of a child. Kano’s was stronger.
“Out with it. I don’t have all eternity.” I spit.
“Marry me. Marry me, and your family will be free. You’ll be safe.” He whispers ever so sweetly that it tastes like venom. “No one will hurt you, you will be untouchable. You will be my Queen. If not, you’ll be executed for abandoning your kingdom.”
Remington’s POV
I twist my hand to stroke her cheek, pushing back a red curl. She’s staring at me with fire in her eyes. Shock, perhaps admiration flicker in them. She knows she can be mine. It’s either this or an axe to the neck, severing her life short. I can’t have that.
Iris lifts a hand to press against my own. My heart does a gentle skip of one beat, but it resumes it’s normal rhythm. She smiles, like the Goddess she is.
“Is that a yes?” I ask.
She reaches up, close to me, warmth radiating from her. Then the heat rises. It’s uncomfortable, and I try to force myself away from her hand. Her fingers are a cobra on mine, then I feel one bend back.
A harsh snap.
I hear two things in the span of five seconds. A howl and a thud. When I open my eyes, she’s clutching her head, rage peeking through the mane of her hair. I see dark crimson forming a line down the right side of her head. “How about a no?” she gets out raggedly.
“So you would really risk your life over your pride?” I grab her by her throat, pin her to the stone wall. “Risk your family’s lives over what has happened in the past?” I press my thumb gingerly to her windpipe. Iris gasps for her breath as I throw up a wall of shadow on the cell across from us. Her family will hear, but won’t see. “She’s long dead, you survived, didn’t you? And I know you seek absolution to what you’ve set in motion. This is your only out.”
“Stop this now!” Her mother shouts, broken beyond disbelief. A sweet sound, but not like her daughter’s gasping and whimpering. It’s soft, like a puppy lost in the rain. She needs me. There is no other choice.
Well, mounted on the fireplace that is.
“Don’t you see, my precious Rainbow?” I reach up to kiss her cheek. She’s shaking now. Good, perhaps she’ll understand. “You need me.”
I release my thumb and she swallows the air that I breathe, heavy with rage. A tear slips out of her eye. She fears me. “What happens… if I refuse?”
“You will be executed. Head rolling. If you’ll agree to my terms.” I argue. She has to agree; she must. She is mine.
She growls with what freedom she has of her vocal chords. “Never.”
I tilt my head, observing the stubbornness.  See the burning flames inside her eyes. She really is that willing. She’ll risk her family’s lives to save her own skin. I put my thumb right on her lower lip, and replace it with my own mouth, pressing against them. It’s been so long, and I need to savor it. Her warm lips.  
My teeth pierce her lip. She gives a muffled cry in response, and I taste the salt of her blood. And fear, and hatred. I silence her by moving closer, my lips brush against hers, feeling her try to move away. Don’t, I whisper. Don’t move.
This is my last gift to her, a kiss of death.
I pull away, pressing my crimson-soaked lips to her freckled cheek. A brand. “Then I guess you had start saying your goodbyes, then.” I drop her to the ground, watching her spit out blood and gasp for air once more. Her hand reaches her windpipe, trying to wipe away the darkness.
“I will see to it  … you won’t get my kingdom. I’ll break you … piece by piece.” She gasps, wiping red off her chin.
“A pity that it will be very short.” I motion for the guard to let me out, and keep the rat in her cage. But before I could take a step, she attacks.
Her arms are around my neck, legs on my waist as she pushes me against the brick wall of the cell. The chains connecting on her wrists are biting into the back of my neck. She shoves us both forward to one of the walls with whatever strength remained of her body.
With a shout, she tries, oh how does this pathetic girl try, to choke me with her petite fingers, scrawny arms. It is adorable, cute even. Even attempt to scratch me.
The dust grinds into my face as I move our bodies so her back is against the wall, hearing her cries. “You really thought you could—” I move and back up against the wall again, “—really try and strangle me like that? You’re weak.” I slam her against the wall again, reaching behind me to grab at her side, using my shadows to burn her. She’s screaming so loud it is both extravagant to my ears and a ugly scrape. “You’re nothing without me. It’s a miracle you’ve made it here.”
I twist and pull her off of me, watching as she curls into a ball. I kick her in the chest, once, twice, three times. I push her arms away and stomp hard. “You should’ve taken the damn proposal. I’m the only thing saving you and your stupid family.”
Her cries rang out, whimpering and pressing a hand to her chest. I must have broken a rib or two. “I am not extending that offer twice.” I readjust my clothes, turning away from her. This is not the final image I wanted of her. Yet she had to be so fucking stubborn. I bring down the shadow wall, not even caring to hear her family’s cries as their daughter lay on the ground, crying.
“Say your final prayers and goodbyes, bitch.”
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 4: Mister X
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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When his attention returned to the ongoing traffic, her eyes continued to secretly caress him for several moments.
How could I not love it? It's from you my darling. I will treasure it for the rest of my life...
This was the heart-catching reality for Hyeonji. Hoseok frowning "I hope you're not just saying that."
Hyeonji found everything about the situation rather ironic. What would happen if she truly told him how she felt about him? Knowing Hobi, he would terribly be embarrassed. He hated complications in his life. He was a simple man at heart.
"Would I lie to you?" she quipped, though unable to keep the sardonic edge of her voice. He slanted her a rather bewildered look as though he'd never associated her with sarcasm before.
"I hope not. You were always a brutally honest kid. But right on the ball. Why else do you think I used to ask for your opinion on things? Mother just said whatever I do is great. I needed someone who told me as it really was. Which you did. You were always able to make me see what was worth working on, Hyeonji; what would last."
A pity you never asked my opinion on your lady friends. Hyeonji thought wryly, I could've told you all those females loved themselves too much to have much left over for anyone else. But then, it wasn't love you wanted from them, was it Hoseok? Still old habits die hard. What's going to happen when you want a girl to love you, and whom you can truly love in return? You'll never find the right wife, gravitating towards the wrong type of girl. The Tinashe's of this world are only out for what they can get.
Whereas I, I would love you as no other woman could ever love you, my darling. Look at me, Hoseok. Hyeonji's thoughts were running wild when Hoseok cuts her "Anyway, Hyeonji" Hoseok went on, oblivious of Hyeonji's thoughts and feelings. "I hope that necklace goes some small way to making up for my thoughtlessness in the past. I know I'm a selfish bastard. But your friendship means a lot to me and I wouldn't want you to think I never give you a moment's thought because I do."
"Trouble is..." he threw her a wry smile. "It's usually only when I need your help. Or your advice. Or your opinion on a new car." She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, at that point. Anger however came to the rescue. "And is that all tonight is Hobi?" she snapped "A test drive?" Are you taking me out just to get your opinion on your new car?"
"God, no!" He looked and sounded appalled. "No, that's not it at all! Far from it. The thing is, I realized today down the library that I never ask you about you. It added to my guilt, I can tell you. All these years and all we ever talk about is me. So tonight I want to hear all about you....Hyeonji."
"Me?" she echoed weakly.
"Yes. You. I want to know what'd going on in your life these days. You could've knocked me over with a feather when that woman said you were twenty-three. It suddenly came to me that a girl as great as you should have a boyfriend or married. I began to wonder. I wanted to ask you then and there but it was hardly appropriate. So I'm asking you now, Hyeonji. Why haven't you got a boyfriend?"
Hyeonji was really stumped. What to say? What to tell him? She busied herself putting the gold chain tidily into its case and slipping it into her purse, all the while trying to find the right lie to tell. The awkward silence grew till finally Hoseok shot her a shocked look. "Good God Hyeonji, you're not, are you?"
"Not what?" she asked.
Hyeonji's eyes rounded. And then she laughed. That was one excuse she'd never thought of. "No I am not gay."
"So what's the problem?" Hoseok continues looking a bit relieved. "The problem..." She considered her answer at some length, then decided excuse three carried a perverse kind of truth. "The problem is...that I am in love with a man. But he just doesn't love me back. In fact, he doesn't know I'm even alive in a sexual sense."
"Why not?" Hoseok demanded to know, apparently affronted by this mystery man's lack of passion for his best friend. Hyeonji almost felt soothed by Hoseok's chagrin on her behalf. "I guess I'm not his type, physically speaking. I'm not pretty enough."
"What stupid shit! You are very pretty."
"No, I'm not, Hobi. But it's nice of you to say so" Hyeonji was grateful that Hoseok dropped the subject of her beauty. He scowled all through the drive, not opening his mouth until there were on the entrance and approaching the coffee shop.
"So who is this idiot?" he flung at her. "Is he a local?"
"Yes, of course" Hyeonji answers trying not to look at Hoseok. "Did he go to our school?" as he continues to interrogate her. "Yes. But that's as much as I'm going to say."
"Our school..." he frowned as he scoured his memory. "I can't think of who it could be. Still there are over eight hundred kids in our school." He shook his head in frustration. "I've no idea. Look, just tell me who he is. Don't keep me in suspense!"
"Sorry, I am not telling you, or anyone else for that matter. I would find it terribly embarrassing. Besides it's quite pointless my telling you who he is. I've pretty well accepted he's not interested. Shortly, I aim to get on with my life, so you don't have to worry, Hobi. I don't intend to suffer indefinitely."
Hoseok mumbled and muttered all through swinging the car around before he launched into another verbal attack against her mystery man. Hyeonji found it amusing that he was railing himself. "So! Does this splendid advertisement for feminine taste have a girlfriend?"
"Actually he's between women at the moment." She answers. "Had a lot of them, has he?" Hoseok continues. "Oodles." As Hyeonji giggles, amused by Hoseok's predicament. "And you love this inveterate ladies' man?
"He takes my breath away" as Hyeonji confirms.
Hoseok pulled a face. "What is it about women that they always fall for the bad guys? He sounds positively awful!"
"I don't think he is at all awful. And he'd been very successful businesswise" Hyeonji tries to cover for Hoseok a bit. Hobi's top lip curled into a sneer. "I suppose he's good-looking."
"Drop-dead gorgeous," she agreed.
"Handsome is a handsome does, you know," he growled, then muttered some more under his breath all the way to the parking. Hyeonji sat next to him in a self-satisfied silence. She hadn't enjoyed herself so much in years. Perhaps she was playing with a double-edge sword, but if so it was worth the risk. She didn't think the penny would drop for Hoseok. Meanwhile, she was experiencing a heady exhilaration in toying with the truth in this manner.
They came round the parking hillside corner near the coffee shop and beach front coming into view and Hyeonji sighed her pleasure at the sight. It was a pretty place during the day, but even more so at night, especially when it was cloudless, and the moon sent ribbons of silver rippling across the dark waters.
Tonight, the moonlight was strong, the waves extra gentle as they lapped onto the golden curve of the sand. Some people were still swimming in the peaceful water. Many couples were sitting on the warm sand, arms around each other, or strolling along the beach hand in hand. As Hyeonji had thought earlier, it was night for lovers. Hoseok drove past the public car park at the bottom of the hill and along the narrow main street which flanked the beach, tall pines on the sea side, shops on the other. He eased into a space under a pine at the far end.
He snapped off his engine and swiveled in his seat to face Hyeonji, a scowl on his handsome face "It's not Jeon Jungkook, is it?"
Jeon Jungkook was the only boy in Hoseok's class who could rival him for his looks and subsequent business acumen. As dark as Hoseok was fair, he had thick black hair, heavy lidded dark doe eyes and a body of God, packing some major muscles. He didn't have Hoseok's super intelligence but he had a creative flair, he was born to hold a camera in his hands. Producing and editing music videos under his own company called Golden Closet Productions. His company started a few years back and had recently expanded. Unmarried, he was a swinging bachelor type who played the field without mercy. He'd recently bought a place at Gangnam and built an orgy palace of a house, the rumored activities therein supplying plenty of fuel for the local gossips.
Hyeonji only knew Jungkook as well as she did because his folks lives two doors up. He came to visit them quite often, and, Jungkook being Jungkook, he always waved at Hyeonji if she was out the front watering or weeding the garden.
A couple of months back, he'd also knocked on the door and asked if she and her mother wanted to sell the house to him, since he was wanting to have a place for himself near his parents. Even after they said no, he'd left his business card then stayed talking to Hyeonji for ages. He was one of those males who could not go past a female without proving he was God's gift to women. His charm operated on auto pilot.
Hyeonji found him likeable enough, but shallow in her opinion. It irked her that Hoseok should think she could be madly in love with him. "Well?" he probed. "Is it?"
"I'm sorry but I refuse to answer any such questions on the grounds they might incriminate me" she says. Hoseok glowered at her. "You're being damned difficult."
"I don't think so. You might be my friend but there's a limit to what I will tell you. And I think my love life is my own private business, don't you? After all, when I asked you about Tinashe, you wouldn't tell me." Hyeonji tries to fend off Hoseok's question.
"Fair enough. But if it is Jungkook," he growled, "then I hope to tell you never get your heart's desire. His reputation with women is appalling." Hyeonji rolled her eyes. As if Jeon Jungkook would take any serious notice of her anyway. That was as far-fetched as Hoseok doing so. Suddenly, she felt tired of this game. "If it will make you feel any better it's not Jungkook. But please don't come up with anymore candidates. I am not going to tell you and that's that."
"I had no idea you could be this stubborn." Hoseok looks at Hyeonji as she crossed her arms with finality over her chest. Her sideways glance carried a sardonic flavor. "There are a lot of things you don't know, Hobi."
"I'm beginning to see that's the case. And there I've been all these years, telling people what a sweet little thing you are. It seems Tinashe might not have been altogether wrong." He says. Hyeonji bristled. "Oh? And what, pray tell, did dear Tinashe say about me?"
"She said you were a sly piece and she wouldn't trust you as far as she could throw you" Hoseok answers. Hyeonji's blood pressure rose a few notches. "Humph! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
"I take it you don't like Tinashe?" he quirked an eyebrow at her.
"You take it correctly" she says nodding her head in full approval and conviction. "Why?"
Hyeonji almost launched into a tirade about vanity, superficiality and naked ambition, but pulled herself up just in time. There was little point in being vicious, now that the girl was possibly on the way out. Besides, the truth might sound too much like jealousy.
She managed to shrug. "You can't like everyone in this world. Some people just rub you up the wrong way right from the start."
"True. Okay. I won't be a pain and press for more. Neither will I ask you anymore embarrassing questions about Mr. X. I'm just relived it's not Jungkook. Come on, let's go for a walk." He was out of the car before she could say Jack Robinson, bounding around the front to her side where he wrenched open the passenger door.
"Do...do you think we could have our coffee first?" she asked a little shakily when Hoseok took her hand and drew her upright out of the rather low-slung vehicle. Whilst she told herself it was sheer hunger causing her stomach to cramp suddenly, she rather suspected there was another cause, and extracted her hand from Hoseok's as soon as she could.
"I guess so," he returned with a casual shrug. "If you're dying for some."
"It's not the coffee I'm dying for so much as something to eat." She sighed. Hoseok frowned. "Haven't you had dinner? You told me your mother was cooking dinner for you tonight."
"She did, but dinner these days wouldn't feed a flea. Some nights I could just scream!" Hoseok just laughed. "Don't complain. You're looking darned good on what your mother's been feeding you." Hyeonji could not stop the flush of pleasure "You...you really think so?"
"I really do." And his eyes were close to admiring as they swept over her new slender figure for the second time that night. After that, Hyeonji knew she would not eat a morsel. Fifteen minutes later she was sitting opposite Hobi in a booth in one of the cafés along the esplanade and had been fiddling with a large slice of chocolate cake for a full ten minutes when he finally burst forth.
"I though you said you were hungry!" Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and put down the fork. "I thought I was too. Do you want it?" he sighed. "Women! Here, give it to me." As she sheepishly handed it over, his exasperation dissolved into a cheeky grin. Hyeonji grinned back, then sat in contented silence to watch Hoseok eat.
It wasn't long before his innocent enough activity had a less than innocent effect on Hyeonji. Hoseok's mouth, unfortunately, was incredibly sexy, wide and curving, his mole on his upper lip, his lips saved from outright femininity by the masculine set of his jawline below, and strong straight nose above. It was also a very mobile mouth, with a very mobile tongue.
Hyeonji's concentration was soon totally on that tongue, and the way its moist pink tip snaked out after every forkful of cake to sweep any crumbs back into his mouth, showing his dimples, leaving Hoseok's lips wet and glistening. Her stomach twisted at the thought of having that tongue-tip do the same to her lips, or having it dart between those same lips and slide deep into her waiting, wanting mouth. Hyeonji smothered a tortured groan and pressed her parched lips firmly together. What she would not give to have that experience...just once.
Regret that she hadn't taken Choon Hee and Han Byeol's advice and gone broke tonight with her appearance rose up to haunt her. Maybe, if she'd left her hair down and worn that perfume, Hoseok might have found more to admire than her slimmer body. Maybe, if she'd used make-up and worn a sexy scarlet lipstick, he might've been tempted to give her a goodnight kiss.
"What's the matter?" Hoseok asked as he placed his fork across the now an empty plate. Hyeonji was beyond pretending. The eyes she lifted to him were sad eyes. Eyes without hope. She was seeing the end of her dream here. Hoseok reached across the table and picked up her left hand. "Loving this Mr. X is making you terribly unhappy, Hyeonji, isn't it?"
Not till today, she accepted with a degree of surprise. Before today, it had been quite a lovely dream. And she had had his friendship to sustain her. How many girls did she know who loved lesser men? Unworthy individuals. Creeps, even. Hoseok was a man amongst men. He was handsome and clever and essentially good. He loved life, and his mother, and he loved her, in a lukewarm brotherly kind of way. Hyeonji could see that now. "Is there anything I could do to help?" he asked gently, stroking his thumb along the top of her hand all the while.
Hyeonji stiffened under the tingly electric feelings it was sending through her. "I don't think so," she said tautly. "It's my problem, and as I've said I decided to move on soon."
"I think that would be the best Hyeonji, forget this idiot. He doesn't know a good thing when he sees it." Hyeonji merely smiled and finally extracted her hand from under his. Hoseok straightened and studied her with still worried eyes. "Why don't you do what my mother does when she's down and wants a lift? Go get yourself a new hairstyle. New clothes. New look altogether."
A bit late for that, she thought, even if I had the money. But Hoseok's words piqued her curiosity. "What would you suggest?" she asked him. "I mean, what do you think would suit me?"
Hoseok laughed "Good God, don't go asking me. I have no idea"
"Hobi, you just asked me if you could help, but as soon as I ask something of you, you opt out. Look, you're a trained artist, with an eye for design, shape and color. Think of me as one of your graphic design projects. Pretend you have me up on the screen of your computer, and then make me over to your personal taste and liking."
"My personal taste and liking? Wouldn't it be better if I made you over to Mr. X's personal taste and liking?" he asked. "You and him are similar types," she invented, warming to the game again with each passing moment. Not only that, she was going to take his advice. Whatever Hoseok suggested she would do, and to hell with the money. She would beg, borrow or steal some if she had to.
His smile was wry. "I thought you just said you were moving on."
"It's a woman's privilege to change her mind." Hoseok shook his head, his eyes wry. "Somehow I pity this Mr. X. he might not know it yet but he's not going to get a way easily, is he?"
"Do stop quibbling, Hobi. Just give me the once over and tell me what to change." She sat up straight and smiled encouragingly at him. Hoseok frowned as he looked over, then shook his head. "Honestly, I don't feel comfortable with this. You're not a graphic design project. You're a female...with feelings."
Hyeonji's eyebrows arched. "Goodness, Hobi, that's observant of you. But I shall bravely put aside my feminine sensitivity long enough to hear your unqualified opinion. You said you always admired my honesty when I gave you my opinion. Now I'm asking for yours."
He stared at her, still frowning, then shook his head again. "I'm sorry, Hyeonji, I really must decline. I suggest you get an experts opinion."
"I don't want an expert's opinion. I want yours. Okay. If you don't tell me straight out, how about we play tick on of the boxes?" as she attempts to push out answers from Hoseok. "Tick one of the boxes?" he said with a confused look in his face.
"Yes, I will suggest a change, then give three possible courses of action. You tell me which one you think will suit me best." Hoseok shrugged "If you must. But I won't give any promises of guarantees." Hyeonji smiled. "All care and no responsibility?"
He smiled back "Something like that."
"Fair enough. First thing on our agenda is my hair. I'm going to have it cut, normally it's always just an inch or two off from my waist, should I go shoulder-length, jaw-length or really short?" he tipped his head on one side to consider his answer "Shoulder-length" he said at last. "You have an elegant neck. It's a shame to ever hide it, plus you can style it still."
Hyeonji's hand automatically fluttered up to her throat, her stomach curling over at the compliment. She would have to have a good look at her neck when she got home. "What...what about color?" she finally went on, hoping she wasn't blushing. "What do you think would suit me best? Blonde, brunette or redhead?"
"Why don't you just leave it the color it is?" he asks. "No way! I've lived with this color long enough, thank you very much. There's going to be nothing mousy about me from now on. I can tell you! Now choose!"
Hoseok sighed. "Okay, but be it on your hear."
"Well, it will be won't it?" He shook his head at her. "First sarcasm. Now a savage wit. What next?" Hyeonji crossed her arms on the table. "Blonde? Brunette? Or Redhead?"
"Hmmm. Well, you have a fair delicate skin usually associated with redheads, but please, not one of those harsh reds. A rich copper color would be nice." He says nodding in approval. "A rich copper color," she repeated, swallowing nervously. Somehow she just couldn't see herself with a shorter red hair. Good God, this was going to take some courage, but she was determined.
Hyeonji opened her mouth to ask Hoseok about make-up, then she shut it again. A man wouldn't know much about that. She would have to consult an expert, maybe in the cosmetics section of a department store. She began totting-up the cost so far. A top hair-dresser. A dye job, which would need retouching every six to eight weeks. New make-up. Not to mention a new wardrobe. Goodness, the mind boggled.
"What about clothes?" she continued. "I mean...what kind of clothes do you like a girl to wear? Of course I realize I don't have a spectacular figure like Tinashe, but I'm not too bad these days."
"Don't underestimate yourself Hyeonjj" he said brusquely. "I've been noticing tonight what a good little figure you have –one which you seem to have hidden successfully for years. You have more than adequate bust, a very shapely bottom and a nice little waist. You also have remarkably good legs for such a short girl."
A shocked of delight rippled through Hyeonji. The girls had said that she had a good figure, but hearing Hoseok say so was wonderful! And to think all he could find to criticize was her height. "Unfortunately Hobi" she said, "there's nothing I can do about being short. I would dearly love to be taller, believe me."
"Your Mr. X is tall, then?"
"Fairly. And he likes tall girls" she answers back.
"Stupid man. Doesn't he know good things come in small packages?" he sounded decidedly irritable. "I suppose you could always wear higher heels than what you have on. You could also give the illusion of further height by shortening your skirts. Though I prefer girls in flats and short skirts."
"I have no intention of going to work every day in five-inch heels and minis!" Hyeonji says appalled at the idea. Hoseok gave her a long and hard look. "You see this Mr. X at work, do you?"
"Er...not very often." She replied. "Then what you wear to work is irrelevant. What you wear when he's around is another thing entirely."
"If I go to the trouble and expense of all these changes, Hobi," she said firmly, "then it won't be for Mr. X. it will be for me." She smiled.
"Sure, Hyeonji, sure. By the way, I don't like stripes, checks or floral prints. I like my women in figure-hugging clothes in strong block colors." When Hyeonji gave him a blank look, he smiled a drily amused smile. "You said Mr. X would have similar tastes to me. Please don't go on pretending this isn't for him. It insults my intelligence."
Hyeonji laughs at Hoseok "All right. I won't insult your intelligence. Go on. What else do you like?"
"I don't like girls to wear pants."
Hyeonji gaped at him. "If you think I'm going to swan around without my underwear on, then you have another thing coming!" His expression was droll. "Pants, Kang Hyeonji. Not panties. I'm talking about slack suits, or trousers, if you will."
"I don't mind tights. Or jeans, provided they fit well, really well. Men are attracted to a woman's shape. They like to see it" then he gives her a smirk.
"You're a sexist, do you know that?" with an eyebrow quirked. The corner of his mouth lifted in a wickedly attractive smile. "Yes. I like sex. Very much. Is that what you mean by sexist?"
"No and you darned well know it!" Hyeonjj gawks at Hoseok. He looked at her for a long time before speaking. "Do you like sex, Hyeonji?"
She went bright red. "I think that's a very personal question."
"Not really. It was a general one. I'm not asking for a blow-by-blow description of every sexual experience you've had." He says laughing at her.
"Well, if you did, it would be a mighty short conversation," she snapped. "In fact, I wouldn't have to say a word."
He just stared at her. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked at last in hushed tones. His obvious shock infuriated her, as did her having blurted out the truth. But she wasn't about to go shy and embarrassed on him. Pride demanded she hold her head high.
"Really, Hoseok. There's no need to whisper," she said coolly. "I am not ashamed of my virginity."
"But you're twenty-three, Hyeonji!" he says.
"So what? Is there a prescribed date for such dubious milestones? Where is it written in stone that a girl must lose her virginity before such and such a date? I happen to be waiting for someone special. I didn't want to throw it away on some fumbling boy down behind the school gym, or in the back of a car after a party. And don't think I haven't had any offers," she lied. "Because I have!"
Hoseok's brown eyes darkened. "You're waiting for this Mr. X, aren't you?"
"And if I am? What's it to you?" she says defensively.
He seemed taken back, then almost outraged. "You're my best friend, damn it! I don't want to see you hurt." Hyeonji was touched, and terribly close to tears. It was a struggle to retain her composure and sense of proportion. If nothing else, she'd made up her mind tonight to do something about changing her dreary appearance. On top of that, her friendship with Hoseok had subtly shifted into a deeper plane, more like that of true best friends. There was something very intimate and bonding about sharing confidences.
So now he knew she was a virgin. It was not such a disaster. How could the truth hurt? "I'll be all right, Hobi," she said, and actually reached out to touch his hand in a comforting gesture. "Please don't worry about me and Mr. X. Just promise me you'll be there...when and if I need you."
She looked deep into his eyes and was moved by the sincerity of the affection for her she saw there. "I think you better take me home now," she said softly. "Tomorrow's a working day."
Chapter 05
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