#you’re too kind to me
ssreeder · 10 months
Also I have to say one of the (many) things I really love about your writing is all the different advice different characters give to cope or help someone and it often contradicts other characters advice on similar problems because their logic on how to deal with life is shaped on their upbringing and experiences and it makes interactions so cool. And then you write them growing and changing like yeah, "maybe this is problably a shit way of dealing with problems and I'm working on it, but in my defense it's how I survived" like fuck yeah idk if this makes sense ILYSM ok I'm rambling bye <3
awwweeee you’re so sweet. I try to look at each character as an individual and I put a lot of effort into looking at the situation through their eyes (which is probably why I avoid a Zuko pov lol) but yeah! As situations change & characters get to know each other better things should hopefully continue to evolve lol.
& then… who knows?
Oh yeah btw
:D :D :D
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sunlightmurdock · 6 months
I mean this wholeheartedly when I say I think you are my favorite fic writer ever. The worlds you create continue to amaze me. It is so wild that I can just read all your stories for free. I feel like everything you write is so intentional, whether is character development or world building, I always know whatever you say is on purpose and that makes reading your stories that much more fun. I feel like I’m always discovering something new about a character in your stories. The way you write layered, complex characters with real world problems, has literally changed my outlook on real people in the real world and given me more grace for strangers. I reread your stories all the time time and I genuinely believe you would make a phenomenal author. You write the kind of stories and characters that should be apart of curriculums in English classes.I think being able to create and communicate so many amazing characters is a skill that so few have but you do it so perfectly. I genuinely love and hate some of your characters at the same time, and I think it’d so cool how you can walk that line just enough to pull out these real emotions from your readers. I think the fact that I can love and hate them at the same time is what makes them feel so real. Like in MFIY, I started reading it thinking he’d be just another mildly written fuck boy but after a couple chapters I was like “actually fuck this guy, please get him off my screen…” lol and then you brought him back around and I love him now 😂Anyways, that’s all!! ❤️❤️
oh my god? all of this hype for free??? you’re kidding me, this absolutely made my day 😭
I love that you said all of my writing feels so intentional because I feel like my writing process is so chaotic sometimes so it’s really lovely to hear that my work isn’t super messy 🥹🫶
And idk how close we are to having smut in English classes but hehehe tysm !!! Also you knowwww I love my flawed characters, and you’re so right about MFIY Bradley, I’m so glad he won you over again 🫶😭
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justtuesdays · 2 years
Hey! I saw the ask thingy, and I’ve gotta say, I’m always so beyond impressed with how absolutely creative Recipe For Two is!! I personally never saw a fic written in the format of twitter posts and text messages and such, and it never fails to amaze me - I am in awe!✨❤️ also super excited for It’s the Little Things - I live for fics that I can picture so easily, like a movie, and this was one of them🙌 I could feel the setting and practically see characters interacting:) Ah! LOVE IT❤️
😭 I’m not crying. You’re too kind to me. Recipe for Two was my first fic and the rewrite is a lot of fun to write! 🥺 It’s the Little Things is a guilt pleasure of mine and I really hope I can do my OCs and Islanders justice. Thanks so much again for this. This seriously made my day.
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hatchetsfield-arch · 4 months
quirks. you write character quirks so fluidly and wonderfully. you handle each character differently, but with such grace and care. you know how they are different and how each one has their own stims or movements. you capture their movements so well. there's so much you're good at, but this is something that super stands out. <3
what is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
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babystrcandy · 1 year
noa🥹 I assume you're doing just fine after the breakup? kinda makes me sad cuz you know, you were so cute talking about ur bf coming over n doing stuff then u went to see him. it was all so good but he just had to be an a**hole!! but i'm positive you'll find someone wayyyyy better who'll treat u right <3
Wah thank you, my love! I’m AOK! Men are disappointing but oh well 🙈 thank you for your sweet words mwah
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bixels · 11 months
Always an experience watching the leftism leave FNAF fans when someone mentions that Scott Cawthon financially backed fascist politicians.
The switch from posting hardline leftist tweets about boycotts and signal boosts and critical takedowns of politicians and celebrities to ‘ohhh, well. everyone makes mistakes. who can blame him, listen he. he donated money to gay charities too. that makes it ok! a millionaire in his forties is allowed to have political beliefs. does it even matter? just let it go!’ is whiplash inducing. The antivaxxer celebrities have got to go, but this one horror dev who quietly handed wads of cash to antivax lawmakers? He’s chill, he can stay.
The charity thing is so funny too because suddenly utilitarian positive-negative point counting is the way to go. Maybe an abacus would help calculate the net good of donating to the Trevor Project minus donating thousands of dollars to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. -10 points if I push a kid in a lake but +11 points if I help an old lady across the street, so I’m chill. You can’t judge me. Hey, maybe. Just don’t push a kid in the lake period. How fucking low is the bar when we’re excusing maxing out the possible dollar amount of donations to Mitch fucking McConnell. That should be like. Default you’re a bad person.
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thepromisedbride · 8 months
rip to the person from tmagp ep5 but if you get a mysterious invitation to a private horror film in a black envelope at your house from a contest where you had only given them your name and you go anyway then you fully deserve whatever’s about to happen
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
Followed for sick asf merthur art and found gravity Falls, Luca, and literally SO MANY OTHER SICK ASF FANDOMS?!?!
Yo your art and blog is so cool?!!? Like, your enchanted merthur stuff has me in a frenzy I love how you draw arthur!!! Like, his lil blush and everything!! So glad I scrolled instead of sleeping.
Have a nice day/evening!!
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Thank you so much!!!
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thehalfbloodfreak · 1 year
Cal will be like: “We both know what happens when I stay in one place too long” Gotta keep that low profile so the Empire doesn’t find us—
Also Cal to every stranger he sees: Hi I’m Cal Kestis. Oh and this is BD-1
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tariah23 · 8 months
This is such a harmful sentiment to push considering that you don’t necessarily have to be “attractive,” (beauty is subjective, yada yada) in order for men to want to harm you in the slightest… like man, what…
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#the lady talks about being followed and harassed and so on as if every woman and girl in the world regardless of their age and#‘good looks’#hasn’t experienced this and will continue to#I hate when these girls especially ones who are conveniently attractive talk about stuff like this under the guise of speaking for all#women while x-ing out most women#this easily leads into the realm of ‘you’re too ugly/fat to be assaulted ANYWAY-‘#talk that I see spread by misogynists and bird brained women like it’s such a natural thing to even say it’s actually rly scary#especially when it comes to the assault shit which is usually about power and control anyway#they don’t care what you look like#you could be covered up head to toe and someone would try to hurt you just because#I hate when women like this go online thinking that they said something open their mouths I really do#rambling#tw assault#got dudes in the comments going ‘she’s not even pretty anyway she’s like a 4 out of 10’#completely missing the message (as if they care) and see#these are the kinds of people that stuff like this attracts#stuff like this coming out of a woman’s mouth especially is so dangerous#I don’t think I’m the most good looking person in the world and I’ve been followed sm times I had to run away from a guy once and luckily#my bus was right fucking there!!!#then the guy who was harassing me years ago at a bus stop and forced me to hug him and touched my butt and no one else was around to help#me…#and he kept on trying to get me to go back to his apartment around the corner like that was so#the man who followed me into the store as I was shopping and I noticed that he kept on staring at me#then tried to holla and he looked way older than me and I think he was a pastor or something too he had a nice car and tried to get me to#come with him#sm more incidents over the years like this is crazy pls don’t say stuff like this and act like it’s normal#someone in the comments said that people like the woman in the video think that being pretty will free them from the patriarchy and like…#YEAH 😭#it’s so obvious too lmfao#these be the same women calling themselves ‘girls girls’’
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piquuroblox · 1 month
i have come to offer positivity in your inbox. i rlly like your art it makes me snile when i see it!!! your oc is really silly and cool also. thats all i have to say Goodbye
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thank u so much… i’ll never be able to explain or convey how much i appreciate u guys’ words!! 🩵💛🩵
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justtuesdays · 9 months
Sending lots of positivity and love to my favorite people! Thanks for being you ❤️💙💜💛💚🧡
Thank you 🥹 this was such a nice note to get back to after the whole month I’ve had.
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counting-stars-gayly · 8 months
Lord, give me strength. The PJO discourse has begun, and no one starting it has read the books in the last five years.
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sciderman · 6 months
You said you get more asks here instead of Ask-Spiderpool
Does that mean there's presently no asks? Or you have an Itty bitty backlog,,
honestly the amount of asks I get on ask-spiderpool is so, so paltry and sad at the moment that i can barely scrape together any motivation for it because there’s No inspiration coming in. which is kind of the point of an ask blog lads. conversation. it is Not a one-sided thing !!
sure, there’s a backlog but those are like, pantry items. I need fresh fruit and vegetables or I’ll die of scurvy
anyone who tells me “I want to start an ask blog” I immediately say “in this economy? don’t bother. you won’t even last a day.” I’m hanging on for grim death here .
it’s not about numbers. you’re more than numbers. you should be more than numbers, so please. act like more than numbers. please. don’t you want to be more than numbers? every time someone talks to me and I respond back they seem Shocked to find out I’m actually a human or whatever. why are you guys like that. of course I want to be talked to. any human wants to be talked to. so talk to me!! I’m as lonely and nerdy and pitiful as the rest of you. I’m here because I want friends. so please, be friends. I don’t need numbers. I need friends.
it’s so not about numbers. I still get thousands of notes or whatever,, more notes than before, even, but you’re all so passive now that it’s depressing. I miss when ask-blogging felt like a community,, and that’s Why I did started, and why I kept on for so long… sighs. I feel like everything’s been reduced to numbers. I don’t know how anyone can be happy with just numbers. numbers are so cold and unsexy. numbers do not tickle my pickle at all. (no sir)
I feel like the human element of everything I do is kind of slowly diminishing and I’m looking around at the wasteland like,, where did all the people go. not just here. everywhere. so I’ve been diving into career things again and having success with it, but I don’t want that to be my lifeline. it was my lifeline pre-covid and I don’t want it to be my lifeline again. I’m good at it, but I miss real people with real gratitude and excitement. not just people paying a pay check for my services. I never, never want what I do to just feel like an exchange of goods for like, money. or numbers. those things have No Soul. They’re not a substitute for what I actually look for when I create anything. and what I actually look for is Conversation. (which doesn’t cost you much, can you believe!)
it’s so funny how when I said I’m planning on quitting (which I don’t want to do, but I’m kind of being forced to do because I mean. how can one keep on running an ask-blog with no asks) I got a very big response here saying “noooo don’t do it” and it's sweet - it's really sweet, and appreciated, and warmed the heart but - again. no asks on the actual blog. so.
if you want ask-spiderpool to actually live on, there’s something so very simple and free (does not cost you money) that you can do! three guesses as to what that might be
I have so, so many plans and posts and scripts but I’m not writing into thin air,, man. why should I keep doing a stupid thing like that. what happened to us, that we’ve stopped communicating with creators because we’ve forgotten that wait a second ,, they share things on the internet because they want other people to interact with them. artists are the neediest guys on the internet. they need people to survive. I’m not going to keep on pretending I’m above it all and I’m cooler than that. I’m not cool, and an ask blog needs asks. you can’t expect it to keep going on without them.
so freaking . leave a kiss. leave a comment. stop just leaving a like and disappearing into that goodnight . I hate you all.
anyway. love you. kisses.
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kentopedia · 7 months
truthfully i want to back away from jjk but i don’t know how
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chuluoyi · 2 months
aaaa i’m squealing >< my popular guy college crush is now in the same community group as me and apparently he’s noticed me all these years🥹
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