#you’re a shitty person if you do
buckysdollforlife · 8 months
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This blog is stealing @pellucid-constellations fics and is refusing to take them down. This is just so fucking wrong and this person needs to take them down. Report them immediately!!!!!!
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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superantiship · 1 year
Do not incite paranoia by threatening people
Do not threaten paranoid people
Do not say “I’m in your walls”
Do not say “They can hear your thoughts”
Because nobody is in your walls, nobody can hear your thoughts. There is no such thing as a thought crime.
If you know someone that has paranoia and go out of your way to explicitly hurt them, you’re a SHITTY person.
This is not something to be proud of.
Fuck you.
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symbiotic-slime · 1 day
happy disability pride month I hope everyone who has ever said “just wait until you get older” in response to someone telling them about their condition dies
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gay-fae · 6 months
sorry I feel like I’ve made this post a million times but reminder that it’s not your job to police aromantic and asexual people’s preferences or decide if our identities are “valid”. and if you harass aro/ace ppl because they either completely avoid romance/sex OR enjoy, talk about, or participate in romance/sex, you’re an asshole. I know most of us on here are past the point of ace/aro discourse (we’ve been over it since the mid 2010s let’s be real) but I’ve being seeing aphobia both on tumblr and on other sites a LOT lately so I feel like it is important to remind people. ARO AND ACE PEOPLE CAN DO AND LIKE WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT. thanks :)
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sirenserendipity · 5 months
something about watching a bad kiss take place makes me want to fucking scream. like what is going ON??
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The thing the American left needs to understand is that the best thing you can do to advance leftism* is to vote for Joe Biden.
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janiedean · 3 months
two episodes of nervous crying your brains out for longer than one hour in the span of three days were not in my bingo card for 2024 when I graduated ten years ago and I would like to frankly get the fuck over myself
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labyrynth · 7 months
“shen jiu flung BOILING WATER over the FACE of a CHILD—“
so…luo binghe tried to serve him boiling hot tea, or…?
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ophernelia · 1 year
To be a fully grown adult and state that anti-blackness is a mistake is so nonsensical. You should be embarrassed, truly. Mistakes are when you accidentally write the wrong date on a paper, not when you perpetuate harmful rhetoric against a group of people. That is racist. It’s a direct representation of racist beliefs or ideals you hold, whether that’s consciously or subconsciously.
The constant need to infantilize people in order to absolve them of any wrongdoing is so old. The refusal to take accountability, to do some introspection to see where those harmful beliefs stem from, and instead to just peddle them off as a mistake is lazy. Calling something a mistake just so you can not feel guilty about taking part in the oppression of another group is telling of your character. That’s a character flaw. That takes deep seated work to even confront.
I want people to get a grip so bad. Anti-blackness is a global issue. It’s deeply imbedded in our global society. It’s how we are socialized. That’s why being anti-racist is a conscious and active choice. It’s a lot of listening and learning. Acknowledging your harmful behavior and correcting it. Do I believe in growth? I guess. But there’s no way in hell you can suggest a person has the ability to grow and still justify their wrongdoings by calling them mistakes.
The main thing: I’m so fucking tired of anti-blackness being called a mistake and something everyone else just gets to grow from. Yet the community you are DIRECTLY harming with that rhetoric has to bear the weight of your “mistakes”.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 11 months
Do you think Espio took drugs before he met Wave? Or did he take them after meeting Wave? Did Wave give Espio drugs for the first time or introduced him to new ones.
hm… that totally depends on if you consider weed a drug lmao.
like, listen. YES, marijuana is a drug. sorta. well it is, but it’s not real to me <- canadian who forgets the whole world isn’t pro-weed. espio is, though. 100%
wave however, she’s a wee bit more ambitious lol. mainly your club drugs and some psychedelics (which to me, aren’t real drugs, i know i’m biased!) but you could slide some narcos in there for some flavour and she wouldn’t be opposed.
i’m not saying wave would force espio to do anything, but he IS an arrogant prick who thinks he’s invincible. they’d probably do shrooms together, but that’s some spirituality shit right there so it’s not out of character for him necessarily.
honestly, wave likes that espio’s more stable than her in this department. she wouldn’t want to ruin him, she already likes who he is! espio is an intellectual adrenaline junkie who listens to her rant unconditionally and loves spending time with her. she couldn’t ask for a better match! even if he’s kinda into the darker lifestyle of the rogues and isn’t opposed by any means, wave puts a boundary there since he has a lot more to lose than her.
TLDR: they’re weed smoking girlfriends for the most part! espio isn’t as pure as people may think, and wave isn’t that much of an enabler either… not for drugs, anyways. she WILL enable him to stand up for himself for instance, or encourage him to set work boundaries, but not drugs hehe
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sleevebuscemii · 4 months
#a friend is coming back from a solo kayaking trip in patagonia today and i feel like such a shitty person for this but i just.#really dont feel like im in the mental space to hear about it.#and partly its because where im at mentally and personally right now just makes it hard for me to be happy for others#or at least for it to not open up doors that bog me down badly and thats on Me like thats totally my own shit#and even if i know hearing about their trip will be hard its an asshole move to approach them with#‘im not in the mental space to hear you share something you’re really excited about with me’#on the other hand.#i know the real reason its gonna suck so bad is that with This particular friend this trip just gonna be another thing they did first.#and in a perfect world it shouldn’t matter who the fuck did the thing first but in this relationship and in this dynamic it always has#and so i Know that yeah im mentally in a place where taking in other people’s good news is hard#but also im just dreading having to hear every detail of how this trip is something i will never measure up to#every detail of things i would have to do bigger and better for it to matter and like. idk i fucking hate thinking about this#because it always makes me feel so small and bitter and they’re such ugly feelings#but also i know this dynamic isn’t like this because of me but i also know nothing i’ve ever done to try to change it has worked#and it’s like. i just have so much anxiety around this conversation that hasn’t even happened yet#and it’s because i know it’s gonna open up all this shit with it#m
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sailor-aviator · 3 months
I am once again asking people to stop tagging me in fics I did not ask to be tagged in.
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strawberryshortpace · 4 months
I know it’s not very nice of me, but I’m honestly having so much fun watching the chaos of the whole fanfiction binding and selling debacle that’s happening
Cause while I read fanfic I usually stick to 2 main fandoms
Spider-Man, which has so many different creators and versions that I don’t think there’s any feasible way for them to put a complete ban on fanfic of the character
All For The Game, which I still consider a small fandom and I doubt anyone would even consider selling bound fanfics of the series cause 1) there’s not gonna be many people who would even buy it 2) the author would find it so quickly cause it would spread through the whole fandom so quickly and people would make sure she saw it
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me internally when i’m trying to respect and recognise that my dad has unaddressed autism that impacts the way he handles social interractions while also trying to not just excuse the shitty insensitive behaviour that has absolutely contributed to my mental health issues
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#it’s like. haha yeah he handled that situation terribly but remember it wasn’t intentional and he doesn’t understand how that came across!!#i can’t be mad at him i can’t take it personally and get upset haha. hahaha.#and also it’s like. being autistic isn’t an excuse to be a dick. being autistic doesn’t mean you have to like. emotionally damage ur kid ✌🏻#which i AM. growing up with him has fucked me up!!! and i’m allowed to be mad at that i’m allowed to be upset!!!!!!!!#but also oh god is that shitty of ME??? is that insensitive???? do i need to just be more empathetic and understanding#but ALSO also. when ur a kid that shit doesn’t matter. when ur a kid and ur dad is making you cry that doesn’t matter.#and those years of damage stick with you even when ur older and trying to be mature and understanding#literally this evening started with me trying to do something nice for him. trying to give him a gift. actually literally giving him a gift.#and it has ended with me feeling fucking….. shit.#and disrespected. and useless.#i try so fucking hard with this man and with our relationship and every fucking time i try to connect with him he throws it back in my face#like. hey! you’ve been saying how much you want to play gran turismo 7!!! i will loan you my PS5 for a while bcus i’m not playing anything#and i will BUY YOU the fucking car game for you to play it while me and my mum are away on our girlie beach holiday#like i will happily and enthusiastically do those things for you because you have been so vocal about wanting to play this game!!!#so it will make you happy right? it will be something positive for you to enjoy!!! right?!!!????#i will bring my console down to the family tv room for you and i will send you the money so you can buy the game!!!!#oh. oh you’ve clicked around the main playstation menu for 2mins and then turned it off to watch the news. and then just open ur laptop.#not even gonna buy the game huh. just gonna open ur laptop and zone out and act line i’m not even in the room. oh ok. ok ok.#not even a fucking thank you. not even a HINT of recognition. ok ok. ok. ok. now you’re literally ignoring me when i talk to you. ok. ok.#and like!!!! i know this seems so dumb and minor and insignificant but you have to understand. it has been 25 years of this shit.#25 years of me trying to make this man happy and 25 years of him rejecting all of those attempts.#and 25 years of……. a lot of other shit also.
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pallases · 7 months
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