#you would think giving a bunch of doctors clear instructions would help management
izvmimi · 5 months
i’m truly so over today already and i’ve only had lecture 😭
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
How do you think the slashers would react to their s/o just crumbling to the floor because of a severe migraine
My chronic migraines give me plenty of experience with this one. Enjoy luv!
Slashers x S/O With Severe Migraines
Michael Myers
Michael would freak out, but of course you would never know that, he’s as expressionless as ever. But he’s worried about you, he’s never seen you in so much pain and he hates not knowing how to help. So when you crumble to the ground with your head in your hands his first instinct is to pick you up.
Does his best to do what you normally do whenever you have a migraine or bad headache. After getting you tucked into bed he closes the blinds remembering how you would throw an arm over your eyes to block out the light. Brings you a glass of water and some pain killers to try and help with the persistent pain.
You won’t have to worry about loud noises being an issue either considering Michael always moves around quietly. It’s a quality of his that normally annoys you since he scares the crap out of you so often but in the moment you’ve never been more grateful that your giant of a boyfriend is so quite.
If the nausea gets to you and you make a run for the bathroom, Michael will disappear. He may care about you but he’s not going to hold your hair back for you or anything. Will show up to carry you back to the bed once more though. Even he won’t leave you lying on the cold floor.
Bo Sinclair
Bo may have experience with extreme hangovers but he doesn’t have any experience with severe migraines. At first, when you begin to complain about the pain he teases you about it. “It can’t be that bad, darlin’, you’re just bein’ dramatic.” He simply doesn’t understand the severity of your migraines, so you can imagine his surprise when you fall to the ground grimacing and taking deep breaths.
He does his best to appear nonchalant but you can still tell he’s panicking. Bo’s not stupid, he knows you have a pretty good pain tolerance and has witnessed it first hand. So he understands that you have to be in some serious pain to just crumble to the ground like that.
Carries you up the stairs to the bedroom and just awkwardly hovers. Eventually he decides to ask Vincent for his help. Bo knows everything there is to know about cars but he’s helpless when it comes to fixing up people.
His best idea is to just lay with you and rub circles onto your skin in a poor attempt to distract you from the pain and discomfort. Keeps asking what he can do to help when really the best thing he could do is stop asking questions and learn to shut up for once in his life. If you snap at him he decides that he can allow it use this once but don’t ever try to again.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent spend most of his time underneath Ambrose in his workshop. So when he finally reappears on the surface only to find you sitting on the kitchen floor with your head in your hands he’s immediately worried and begins to fret over you.
I’m convinced that Vincent actually knows a lot about medicine. His messed up father most definitely left behind a bunch of medical textbooks in his office as well as a few medical journals as well. Reading all of them in his free time has given him a great understanding of anatomy and the human body. How else would he be so good with handling the bodies. He can properly administer a sedative, stitch people up, and accurately slice the Achilles’ tendon, those things aren’t just common knowledge.
This makes Vincent the best equipped slasher to help you through any migraine. He’ll scoop you up and carry you to bed making sure the room stays dark and quite. If you want him to stay with you he will, otherwise he will leave you be and just occasionally pop in to check on you. If Bo comes home shouting Vincent will deal with him immediately.
Memorizes all of your migraine triggers and does his best to help you avoid them. While Vincent has sadistic tendencies he never wants to see you in pain. Especially not in so much pain that you fall to the floor and curl up on yourself like that.
Thomas Hewitt
The Hewitt household is always filled with loud noises and commotion. Whether it be screams, yelling, slamming doors, or the sound of a chainsaw there’s always some type of loud noise. But with so much to be done around the house and your need to carry your own weight, you do your best to push through the pain that begins in your head. But as the pain intensifies and the noises around you just continue to grow louder, you fall to the ground.
When Thomas finds you curled in on yourself he panics. Doing his best to be gentle, he picks you up and does the only thing he knows to do. Setting you down on the kitchen table he pulls Luda Mae over to you. His momma is the only person he can think of to help you out. Sure enough, she’s able to assess your migraine quickly and gets Thomas to carry you up to bed and close the curtains to try and block out the sun.
For once in a long time, the house is quite. There is no yelling, no screaming, and definitely no chainsaw. Luda Mae makes sure to keep Hoyt and Monty quiet while Thomas makes sure to not leave your side. The bodies can be dealt with tomorrow no matter how much crap he gets from Hoyt. Right now, Thomas is focused on making sure that you’re okay and fetches you anything that you need.
Brahms Heelshire
It’s no secret that Brahms watches you all day long. Whether he’s glued to your hip or within the walls, you can always feel his eyes on you and Brahms always finds a way to make his presence known. So when your migraine hits an unbearable point and the world begins to sway, you decide to sit on the middle of the floor.
Seeing you suddenly drop to the ground has Brahms panicking from his spot within the walls. You can hear him move around with loud thunks which only causes you to wince and press your hands to your head in an attempt to block out the noise. His whines of concern when he reach you don’t help either and you snap.
Brahms has never seen you snap at him like that but he’s also never seen you hurt like this so he feels very conflicted. Eventually he reasons that for now he can help you so that you’re no longer in pain. But lashing out at him like that is behavior that can’t go unpunished. So all the while he’s helping you and being on his best behavior he’s thinking of all the ways he can punish you when you feel better.
Billy Loomis
Billy isn’t good at taking care of people, half the time he can’t even do a good job of showing he cares. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s still very protective over you though. So when you crumble to the ground at one of Stu’s parties with tears beginning to form in your eyes he immediately grabs you and carries you to an empty room away fro any people.
When you explain to him that it’s a migraine and all the noise and flashing lights are only making it worse he’s immediately getting you in the car and carrying you home, no complaints. Billy refuses to keep you in a place that’s only going to make you feel worse even if he doesn’t know how to help you get rid of your migraine.
Once you make it home he carries you to bed and hands you water and pain killers. After listening to your instructions to hit the lights he crawls into bed beside you. Even after you manage to fall asleep he’s staying up worrying over you. Billy enjoys seeing people hurt, he’s crazy enough to stab his own best friend with no remorse. Even then, he quickly decides that he never wants to see you hurt and does everything he can to prevent that.
Stu Macher
Stu’s not great with empathy, he does a terrible job of reading the room, and he does a bad job of helping other people most of the time. So seeing you curl up on the ground makes him nervous. He knows you have migraines from time to time but usually you’re able to handle them on you’re own. The most you ever get him to do is fetch you water or Tylenol.
He panics as he helps you up off the ground, not knowing what to do with you. He considers carrying you to bed but decides that the couch is much closer. Pulling a blanket off of the back he drapes it over you, making sure to turn off the TV so it doesn’t bother you.
For the first time in his life Stu manages to be quite. Since he can’t ramble though he finds himself fidgeting around, biting at the skin around his nails. Listening to your small groans and whines of pain make him want to do something, anything. Knowing that all he can do is wait makes him feel helpless and useless.
Stu goes out of his way to help you avoid anything that might trigger your migraines. If you get a sever migraine while out in public he will come pick you up so that you dont’ have to drive yourself home. The two of you can worry about your car later, he’s just worried about making you feel better.
Jesse Cromeans
This man has his own medical staff just on standby at all times. Having any sort of severe or chronic migraines is no problem when you’re with Jesse. One phone call and he can find you the best doctor in the whole country.
Seeing you curl into a ball as you sit on the ground has him calling Spann and telling her to clear his schedule for the rest of the day. You are his top priority, he can handle business another day. Even if it was something important he has a whole team of people that are more than capable of handling the situation for the time being. He’ll make sure that you get some rest knowing that a nap usually helps to eradicate your pain.
If he happens to bring you along to one of his warehouses and end up with a migraine though then he begins to get nervous. You’re more likely to be put in danger there, so he’ll be reluctant to bring you along again. Jesse will have you sit in his lap and anyone that barges in yelling about “business affairs” then he’ll quickly get rid of them.
Black out curtains. He knows that the light streaming through the windows can make your migraines so much worse. So he would make sure to have blackout curtains in your bedroom so that no light can get through and you can rest peacefully. Nothing like a dark and quiet room when your head feels like it’s about to explode.
Asa Emory
If this happens while you’re still trapped in his hotel of horror, then you’re just kind of SOL. Asa has cameras in every room so he most definitely knows that you’re in pain. On the bright side the hotel is pretty dark and quiet so there’s not much that will make your migraine worse. Unless Asa decides to torture you by turning on extra bright lights or causing a scene just for some noise to irritate you.
If you’re still in the hotel, but Asa has grown fond of you then he may show some mercy. Sadly that mercy comes in the form simply knocking you out with any method he deems convenient. Lucky you, you wont be hit upside the head because he knows that would just make things worse.
However, if he’s decided to make you his a little house spouse, then he tends to be more gentle. His house is quiet and the dimly lit bedroom is your safe haven whenever your head starts to hurt. If you fall to the ground he’ll carry you to bed. Making sure to remind you how weak and pathetic you are, you wouldn’t be able to do anything without him to take care of you.
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helloalycia · 4 years
alex WILL kick my arse // supergirl
summary: you learn that being supergirl's doctor came with its challenges
warning/s: none.
author's note: i’m lowkey posting a bunch of stuff that i posted on my wattpad a while ago lol
masterlist | wattpad
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I was sat in the medical unit of the DEO, reading through some medical reports from the past few months. I had just transferred from the DEO's desert facility, where I was one of the doctors there to help with any of the agents' injuries. After a long time there, I decided to transfer here when there was an opening for the lead doctor.
I thought it would be best to settle in by having a look at what severe cases had been dealt with recently. It was usually the same stuff – agents injured on field missions. Bullet wounds, broken bones, sprained muscles, thankfully nothing too severe. There hadn't been many major alien attacks which meant less risky field operations.
I was pulled from the reports when the red alarm light began to flash for a few seconds, accompanied by a siren, before turning off.
"Agent Y/L/N, Supergirl is incoming with J'onn," my radio went off – it was Director Danvers. "She's had a solar flare and got a gunshot wound."
I recalled what a solar flare was from research I'd done in Supergirl's medical records. That was something I prioritised when coming here, since we didn't have Supergirl at the other facility.
"I'm prepping a bed and equipment now," I replied through the radio, before hurrying to do that. J'onn could literally fly, he'd be here any minute.
With the help of some nurses who were around, I prepped a bed and had the solar energy panels on standby for when/if her powers came back sooner than we thought. I had the tools ready to bandage up her gunshot wound temporarily when both heroes appeared beside me.
J'onn was stood there, holding Supergirl bridal style and lowering her onto the bed.
"Still getting used to that," I mumbled, surprised at how he just sped in here.
"I said I'm– agh, I'm fine," Supergirl complained, clutching her bloody wound and trying to sit up. "My powers will come back."
I stepped by her bedside and pushed her back down gently, moving closer to inspect her wound. "Please stay still for a second."
"Listen to the doctor," J'onn teased to lighten the mood.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and stayed still. I removed her hand and noticed it was covered in blood.
"Can somebody come clean this up?" I called out to one of the nurses, motioning to her hand.
One of the nurses did as I asked as I took a look at her wound. The bullet was still in there by the looks of it.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to overwork yourself?!" Director Danvers' voice called out as she walked in.
She was glaring at Supergirl, though the worry in her eyes was evident as she took in the hero's appearance.
"It's barely a scratch, Alex, it'll heal," Supergirl said dismissively, but as I cleaned up the blood with a cloth, I saw her clench her jaw a little.
"You need to be careful, you're not indestructible," Alex reminded her, before looking to J'onn. "Can you believe her?"
J'onn chuckled. "I'll leave you both to it. I should get back." He glanced at me. "Good luck."
I nodded his way, offering a small smile as he walked away.
"As fun as it is watching you both glare at each other, I do need to remove the bullet," I spoke up, interrupting both girls' staring contest.
"Go for it," Supergirl said, her eyes meeting mine.
"With anaesthetic," Alex added, shooting another glare towards the blonde.
"I don't need anaesthetic," Supergirl countered with an eye-roll and scoff.
"You're human for the time being, remember?" Alex reminded her before looking to me. "Anaesthetic, please."
I bit my lower lip as they erupted into another argument about how I should proceed. I didn't know either of them well enough to cut in, so I stood there awkwardly, trying to stop the blood loss and planning out how I could temporarily bandage her up so it could heal itself when she gets her powers back.
"I have to go," Alex finally said, pulling me back into reality. "I have to check on the bank robbery." She didn't seem too happy leaving Supergirl here, but she gave her a knowing look before looking to me. "Please make sure she stays put?"
"You got it, Director," I said with a playful salute. How hard could it be to keep her here?
Alex gave Supergirl one last warning look before leaving us be. I looked to the blonde who was finally breathing out, letting her guard down a little now that it was just us.
"The anaesthetic will make it bearable, just so I can remove the bullet," I spoke, causing her to open her eyes and look at me. "I'm just gonna bandage you up temporarily and you'll heal yourself when you get your powers back. Shouldn't be more than a few days, according to your medical history."
She swallowed hard before shaking her head. "I've been through much worse. It's okay. Just remove it and bandage me up. The sooner I'm out of here, the better."
I was ready to argue, but she gave me a convincing look and I couldn't help but give in.
"Fine, but you stay here and rest," I reasoned, to which she gave me a small, cute smile.
I got to work and surprisingly, she managed. It went well and I managed to bandage her up quite quickly, though it did mean I had to cut into her suit a little. Better safe than sorry though.
"Okay, you're all done," I said, patting her arm supportively, before packing away the gauze. "I'm gonna go get you some water and then you should take it easy, stay here maybe until you get your powers back. That alright?"
She gave me a thumbs up and a promising smile. "You got it, doc."
I was fairly confident that she would listen to me, since she seemed polite and was a trooper throughout the whole thing. However, I soon realised how naive I had been when I returned and her bed was empty.
I facepalmed and shook my head, realising she'd definitely played along the whole time.
The first thing I did was look around the DEO, asking around if anyone had seen Supergirl. I eventually followed the commotion coming from the main hall and spotted both Supergirl and Director Danvers having an argument.
"...stay and rest! You can't keep ignoring simple instructions, Kara!" Alex shouted around her.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and continued to look at the tablet in her hand. I approached the two and cleared my throat loudly to get the blonde's attention.
When she noticed me, she gave me a sheepish smile. "Doctor Y/L/N. Heeeeeeey."
"One job, literally," Alex mumbled, giving me a knowing look, before storming off.
I breathed out and glared at Supergirl. "Are you serious? I asked you to stay put!"
She straightened up and spread her arms out for emphasis. "But I'm fine! See? Nothing hurts, I'm walking, it's all good! Job well done, I must say. You're new, right? Well, I know why you got the job!"
She avoided my glare as she walked around me to get to the other side of the desk.
"You've heard of the term 'first impressions count', haven't you?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.
She gave me a knowing look. "C'mon. You can't hate me for this."
I sighed. "I've got work to do. Call me if you tear your stitches."
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I turned around and began to leave.
"I'm not gonna tear them!" I heard her call out from behind me, but I didn't care. I wasn't her parent, she could do what she wanted.
I wish I'd known I was dealing with a stubborn Super before accepting this job though.
"What a surprise," I said sarcastically.
A few hours later, I'd been called into one of the medical rooms because apparently, Supergirl had collapsed from blood loss and tore her stitches. Shocker.
"Is she going to be okay?" Alex asked as I got to work for the second time that day.
"Yeah, if she decides to listen to me this time," I said, sighing. "Is she always this stubborn?"
Alex clenched her jaw. "Unfortunately, yes... you think you can keep her here next time?"
"I'll give it my best shot," I promised her. "I'll call you when she's up?"
Alex nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "Thanks."
She left me to do my thing and this time I did things my way, the right way, with anaesthetic and IV fluid. I managed to sort out Supergirl's mess before going back to my office to fill out some more paperwork.
Some time passed when I found myself going back to check on Supergirl and see if she was awake. I was cleaning up a little around her side table when I heard her stir awake. She seemed confused at first, as she looked around and saw the tube coming from her arm. Eventually, realisation set in and she sank into her pillow.
I decided to stay quiet as I finished up, about to leave, but she stopped me.
"Wait," she called out. I paused as she continued, "I'm sorry."
I turned around and waited, watching as, unlike before, she wasn't joking or being unserious.
"I should have stayed put before. And listened to you. I didn't mean to offend you or come across as rude," she continued genuinely.
I crossed my arms and straightened up. "Well, Supergirl–"
"Kara," she interrupted. "It's Kara."
I nodded. "Okay, Kara. Yes, you probably should have listened. I redid your stitches and I'm asking you to stay put again. You're human for now and you need to act like one."
"You're right," she agreed, breathing out. "Sorry."
I realised that she seemed to mean it and at the end of the day, I was her doctor, so I couldn't hold a grudge. Instead, I went to her bedside and checked her monitors to see how she was doing.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, glancing at her.
"Tired. Achey. But better than before."
"That'll be the meds kicking in," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I did have to get in there twice."
Her cheeks went pink as she smiled with embarrassment. "I'm not used to being so..."
"Fragile?" I finished for her.
"Exactly," she said, nodding. "I'm not used to it and staying put isn't exactly my forte."
"I could tell," I joked, making her laugh a little. She had a nice laugh.
"About that first impressions thing..." she began, blue eyes holding mine nervously.
"It's nice to meet you for the first time, Kara," I said, holding out my hand. "I'm Y/N. Your doctor."
She cracked a smile, realising what I was doing. She shook my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, too, Y/N."
"Okay, I should go and get Alex," I said, backing up to leave. "Now please don't leave because Alex will kick my arse if you're not here when she comes back."
She laughed again. "I promise I'll be here when you return."
"Fingers crossed you're not playing me again," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
Her laughter seemed to follow me out the room, leaving me smiling to myself.
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AN: My Secret Santa fic is for the amazing FabulousPotatoSister! I hope you enjoy it! I tried to incorporate something that would be culturally significant (in a small way) and I am so, so sorry if I messed it up!!! 
Word Count: 1805
Description: The Doctor wants to celebrate Christmas with you. Christmas may already be passed but it doesn't mean that she can't have a small celebration with you and she has plans to try a tradition.
Secret Santa: @fabulouspotatosister
Tag List: @c-s-stars @queerconfusionthings @how-masterful @truthbehindthemysteries
“I know that it technically isn’t Christmas anymore for you, but - well you know- time machine and all.”
The Doctor did a little flourish as she reminded you that she lived in a time machine. As if you would ever forget this fact after having traveled with her throughout time for years. You tried to hide your laughter behind your hand, she was so cute. All eager and attempting to convince you of something you hadn’t even said no to yet.
"I don't know Doctor," you played hard to get, "last time we really celebrated Christmas together you ate mistletoe and got sick..."
For someone who spent so much time around humans, the Doctor managed to misunderstand traditions quite often. The fact that her eleventh body -or so she claimed, with how often she forgot her own age you almost doubted she knew how many bodies she had inhabited- had decided it was a good idea to consume all the mistletoe that you had used to decorate the TARDIS with was a clear sign of her ability to misunderstand tradition. They had gotten horribly sick and you had spent the whole holiday trying to keep the stubborn Time Lord in bed. You had never let him live it down, even when he had regenerated.
"That was two lifetimes ago. And I thought we promised never to mention it again!"
Okay, maybe after a lot of begging you had agreed to let them "live it down". 
You held her pouting face in your hands. A silent apology for bringing it up. Thumbs rubbing against her cheeks. You would feel bad about teasing her if it weren’t for the smile on her face the moment you touched her.
"What did you have in mind, Doctor?" You couldn’t help but inquire.
She leaned into the affection you were showing her like a touch-starved cat. Completely ignoring your question in favor of nuzzling into your palms. Eyes closed in bliss.
You hoped to catch her attention before you had to resort to drastic measures, like pulling your palms away from her face.
"I've been researching," she murmured. "I have a small idea, nothing big or impressive. We barely need to leave the TARDIS, which reduces the chance of trouble."
"Oh? So unlike your previous two selves, we will actually manage to do this unscathed? No sick from mistletoe boyish Time Lords? Or trouble seeking grumpy Scotsman Scrooges?"
You let yourself be just a bit dramatic about your somewhat sarcastic teasing. After the mistletoe disaster, her next regeneration refused to celebrate the holiday with you. It wouldn’t have been as disappointing as it was if he hadn’t tried to find an alien invasion to stop in order to avoid celebrating with you. It had been almost insulting. Which was why in the following years you had simply gone home for Christmas. The Doctor’s newest regeneration had a reestablished interest in celebrating the holiday with you that you didn’t quite trust yet. 
You kissed her nose before finally pulling your hands away from cradling her face, reveling in getting her to scrunch her nose in surprise. She stumbled after you for a moment before she caught herself and rushed around the TARDIS. Maneuvering around the console as she rushed to get you to your destination before you could consider denying her. Not that you would ever deny her.
“I didn’t agree to your plans yet Doctor!”
She ducked her head out around the center column. 
“Ah, but you didn’t say no yet either!”
Smiling incredulously, you shook your head, knowing that there would be no stopping her now.
“Can I know what the plan even is? Please, Doctor?”
You made your best puppy dog eyes at her. Doing your best to will her into giving away the plans she likely wanted to keep as a surprise.
“It’s a surprise! Besides, I’m sure that you will recognize what the plan is once we buy what we need for it.”
The TARDIS landed with a soft, teasing chime. The machine herself laughing at your sorry attempt at manipulation. The Doctor gave her a look that practically said, ‘please stop making fun of my human’.
Grabbing a scarf from the hexagon step’s railing, she did an awkward little jog over to you. Throwing the scarf around your head, pulling you in close before wrapping the one end around your neck. The other end had the majority of the excess. The tails were obviously lopsided. In a quick motion, the Doctor wrapped the other end around her own neck. Burying her chin in the fabric, hoping to hide the blush creeping across her cheeks.
“Sharing a scarf... it’s cute.”
You avoided her eyes, starting to feel just as embarrassed as she was. The two of you seemed to be back to the shy teen stage of your relationship after her regeneration this time. Everything seemed softer, every glance and touch full of yearning. 
“Well, you can’t wander off and get into trouble if we are attached,” the Doctor eventually found as an excuse for the action that could have been seen as either sweet or clingy.
“More like it’s a kiddy leash so a certain Time Lady can’t run off and get into trouble without me.”
You gently nudged her in the side as you playfully teased her.
“Hey!” She protested in faux outrage. “I’ll have you know that I am perfectly capable of dragging you into trouble without the help of my makeshift human danger-magnet leash.”
“Human danger-magnet leash!” 
Laughing you almost fell over, bringing the Doctor with you. Luckily you caught yourself in time before you could fall far.
“Shut up!” She was smiling. “Come on, trouble maker let’s go get the shopping done with before some aliens decide to invade the market I’ve chosen.”
Walking out of the TARDIS you almost expected the market to be- well, alien. Instead, it seemed to be a normal human market like the ones you would find back home. However the ordinary setting didn’t disappoint you, it served as reassurance that the small celebration that the Doctor wanted to have with you would actually manage to be peaceful.
Exploring side by side you tried to determine what it was that the Doctor was looking for. If you knew what you were searching for you could help to find it. All of your attempts to ask were met with a smile and gentle reassurance that you were smart and would figure it out. You had your suspicions when the Doctor stopped at a stall lit up with the traditional paper Christmas stars you would see at home during the holidays.
Those suspicions furthered as she gathered up bamboo poles and colored paper. Your excitement grew as she paid for the items. She had actually done some research, she hadn’t just said that to reassure you. As the shopkeeper handed her the bag filled with her purchases she turned to you.
“Back to the TARDIS before trouble can find us?”
You looked at her in adoration,” back to the TARDIS,” you agreed.
Sitting on the console room floor you helped the Doctor to organize the supplies as she started to nervously ramble.
“I watched a few videos so I should be okay at putting the star frame together for the parols. Is it pronounced parol? I honestly don’t know how to pronounce it, the videos I watched always just had the instructions typed out on the screen while calming music played. Did they pick calming music because putting these together is normally stressful? Or do you think it was just whatever the top royalty-free song happened to be? Either way, I think I can make the parol frames. Please tell me if I’m making a fool of myself and saying that wrong!”
“Your pronunciation is perfect Doctor,” you kissed her cheek to help stop her rambling.
As you continued to organize the paper by color the Doctor started to assemble the frames. Using her sonic as a method by which to secure the poles in place. You had no idea how it was working but you weren’t about to question it. She was making them in a variety of sizes, one was so big you weren't sure that you had enough paper to cover the frame. You thought about telling her that one was too big, but you didn’t want to ruin her fun.
Once the paper was organized you began to cover the completed frames. Starting with the smaller frames that would take up less paper. Gluing the paper onto the frames with care, not wanting to rip any of it. It was delicate work, but it was fun.
The Doctor watched your movements carefully when she was done putting all the frames together, watching with eager childlike interest. Slowly, after you had finished covering a few frames, she began to work on covering a few herself.
Her attempts were a bit childish. Small corners not covered or the paper bunched up in places. But you didn't mind at all. They had character, they spoke of being made by the Doctor.
The companionable silence as you worked ended when it was time to work together on covering the ambitiously large parol. The two of you joking together as you attempted to cover the large frame. You making fun of her for wanting to make one this huge. You managed to just barely cover the whole frame. It looked like the inside of a kaleidoscope with the random assortment of colors patched together.
The Doctor hung the parols throughout the console room, the natural glow of the pillars lighting them up. You felt as though you were in a sea of stars. The TARDIS pulsed lightly to bring your attention to the side of the room where two mugs of hot chocolate and a large fuzzy blanket were placed. Bringing them to the center of the room you settled onto the floor. Wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. When the Doctor finished hanging the last parol she turned to you for approval. Opening your arms to her you encouraged her to join you in the blanket for cuddles.
Immediately she rushed to clutch at you, snuggling into your arms with a content sigh.
"Do you like it?" She nervously asked.
"I love it, Doctor. Thank you."
You handed her the mug of hot chocolate and laughed as she eagerly drank it, leaving a milk mustache on her upper lip. Kissing her lips sweetly brought the sweet taste of chocolate to your own mouth. You picked up your own mug and took a sip while admiring the parols spread throughout the room. Maybe you could celebrate Christmas again with this incarnation of the Doctor without fear of trouble. You smiled, you'd have to see how next year went.
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kaekiro · 4 years
Pairing: Eren/Mikasa II Rating: T II Words: 2,465 II [AO3] Warnings: A bit of swearing, mentions of injuries/blood/death A/N: Prompt: Immediately after one of the many expeditions to clear titans from Wall Maria, Eren tends to Mikasa's wounds. I want to dedicate this one specifically to Ayna ( @aynashi) and Karsyn ( @spoilerarlert)!! Both of you really motivated me to write this fic :') ♥️ thank you for all you do, and I hope you two like this!!   
Of all the things that come with being a Scout, he’s sure that this is the worst. No matter how many times he’s done this, he knows he’ll never get used to it. There’s a sense of guilt as he helps cover the lifeless faces of his comrades with white sheets, and the cries of those who knew the deceased only make the task harder than it needs to be. He doesn’t say anything though. He knows all too well the grief of losing friends in such a cruel way. So he always makes sure to lift them onto the cart with great care, trying his best to keep his thoughts minimal lest they consume him.
“Are you alright?”
He looks up at Mikasa as they set down another body swathed in a blood-soaked sheet, wiping at his nose with the back of his wrist before nodding. 
“Yeah… I’m alright.” 
She watches him for another moment and he gives her his ‘I’m telling the truth’ look, holding her gaze until she breaks it away. They silently continue their work, preparing to lift another body with a makeshift stretcher. 
They begin to lift at the same time, and just as he mentally sighs over the fact that they are only a little over halfway done, Mikasa suddenly gasps and lets go of her end before she can fully pick up the person. This shocks him out of his state of mind, and he worries at the way her face is contorted with pain. 
“Mikasa?! What’s wrong? What happened?” She puts her hands up before he gets close to her, waving her hand dismissively. Within seconds her face becomes neutral again, as if nothing happened just now. 
“It’s nothing. It was just… a large bug. It crawled really fast and surprised me…” 
‘The hell…?’ Before he can comment on how weird it is for her to get scared of a bug when she takes down man-eating beasts without batting an eye, it suddenly dawns on him that she’s lying. He sighs out loud this time, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“You’re such a terrible liar. Let me see your arm.” Her eyes widen a fraction, cracking her calm composure and before she tries to play it off, he speaks up again. “I saw the way you were holding it. You’re clearly hurt.” Mikasa knows she’s caught because this time, her eyes downcast guiltily. She concedes, and after he finds others to temporarily cover their job for them, she allows him to take her where other Scouts are being tended. They walk up to the nearest “medic” (in essence someone who gives temporary treatment before a real doctor can take over), and they are almost immediately turned away. 
He grits his teeth. “What do you mean you can’t give her treatment? Isn’t that your job?” 
The man doesn’t look up at them, hastily patching up another soldier’s injury. “There’s only three of us and we’re overwhelmed with how many people need medical attention. I’m sorry, but I have to prioritize injuries more critical than an arm ache.” 
He steps forward, feeling more agitated than he has the right to be but he didn’t even look at her goddamn arm, and he’s already downplaying what could be a serious injury- 
“Eren” she pleads, tugging at his sleeve and moving them aside. “It's okay, I’ll take care of this when we get back. Let’s just focus on our job.” 
He looks at her, feeling his anger wither at her expression. ‘How does she do that?’ he wonders passively, glancing aside with a smidge of guilt. She’s literally the only one who can quickly bring him back down to a (relatively) calm state, and she doesn’t even have to say anything. 
“Let’s go,” she grabs his hand with her good arm, encouraging him to follow her but he resists her pull. “Eren?” 
He gently detaches her hand from his, looking down at her injury. “It’s fine if they can’t see you. I’ll just treat it myself.” 
He looks over her shoulder and spots a crate a small distance behind her, near additional supplies. “There,” he points, “wait there for me there, I’m going to grab what I need.” Without waiting for a response, he turns away and takes full advantage of how busy the medics are, managing to snag some spare materials. He approaches her from the side, settling into a kneel directly in front of her to place the items on the ground. 
“I can make room for you,” she suggests, getting ready to move over on the crate but he shakes his head. “There isn’t enough space, I’m okay like this.” Once again, she’s giving him that look and he insists on the decision with one of his own. She undoes the fastening on her cape and he stands to help carefully remove the sleeve of her jacket from her bad arm. Returning to a kneel, he takes her wrist in his hands and undoes the buttons at the cuff of her sleeve, being slow and mindful as he rolls up the loosened fabric until it’s bunched at her bicep. He feels dismayed at the bruises that surround the slightly swollen joint of her elbow, and then angry again at that medic because this definitely isn’t a simple arm ache. He shoots a glare at that man’s back until her voice draws his attention back. 
“It looks worse than it is.” 
He closes his eyes and sighs, suppressing his emotions so he can focus. “You don’t know that for sure. It could be more serious than you think.” He begins to put his basic “medical training” (which he’s sure is only a step up from knowing how to apply a bandaid) to practice, using a roll of bandages to wrap the entirety of the joint. He instructs her to bend her arm so he can wrap the binding appropriately, knowing that it’s going to have to be bent anyway for the sling. He apologizes every time Mikasa becomes tense or flinches, and in return, she reassures him that she’s okay. 
“You know,” he quietly starts, trying to tear the strip of cloth evenly, “there’s no need to lie about these things. I know you’re strong… but even you need to learn when to stop pushing yourself so hard. You tell me that all the time, don’t you?” In his periphery, he only sees her nod. After setting aside the roll, he finishes securing the bindings in place, keeping his hand and eyes on the taut cotton for a moment. 
“How did this even happen?” he asks, looking up at her. 
Mikasa shifts her eyes in the direction of the town her squad returned from, but she is void of emotion as she tells him the story. “There was an abnormal… and one of the newer recruits got too confident. I made it there just in time to save them, but when I grappled onto a nearby house, I didn’t realize that I was attached to a weak point. It crumbled and I had a rough landing.”
She looks down to where his hand still rests on her arm and he suddenly remembers himself, moving it away to grab a wider strip of cloth for a sling. Both of them silently work together to comfortably set her arm within the make-shift sling, and though he tries to put all his focus on this, he finds himself stuck on what happened to her, bothered by the things that could’ve happened. What if there had been a horde of titans when she fell? If she was with those new recruits, who would have come to save her life? Without his mind’s true consent, he imagines her face amongst the corpses they were carrying and it makes his stomach pit. The image crosses his mind the moment he brings the two ends of the sling together and ties the first knot, her quiet noise of pain signaling that he pulled it too tight. He curses and quickly undoes the tie as he apologizes, horrified by the direction of his thoughts. Desperate to forget, he forces himself to concentrate on the task at hand, thinking about each of his movements and the necessary steps that follow. Mikasa reaches behind to pull away the hair behind her neck, ensuring that the strands don’t get caught in the double knot he’s making. She let’s go when he tells her he’s finished, her dark hair covering the tie as it falls back into place.
“Is that okay?” 
She turns to face him, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. “Yes. Thank you, Eren, I’ll repay you as soon as I can.”
He rubs the back of his neck, unable to hold her gaze. “It was nothing… don’t worry about it.” 
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice calls. They both turn their heads to find an older soldier standing there, pointing at the crate she’s sitting on. “I need to open that.” 
They promptly remove themselves from the area, and within minutes of walking back, Hanji signals for everyone to begin preparing their return to Wall Rose. Neither of them say much as they walk towards the wagons, but this isn’t out of the ordinary. Things were always this way when they walked back home from collecting firewood, or when they headed back to their respective barracks as soldiers. Though… it’s been a long time since it’s been just him and Mikasa outside of their day-to-day responsibilities. When was the last time they spent time together for the sake of spending time? 
A man startles everyone nearby when he begins yelling, grabbing one of the men who replaced him and Mikasa by the collar and shaking him. He cries, accusing the man of lying about someone losing their life. The confrontation nearly takes a violent turn but two more people manage to tear him away. Unable to hold himself up, he crumbles entirely to the ground, sobbing a feminine name that doesn’t sound familiar. When she moves closer to his side, he glances over at Mikasa, who watches the scene unfold with pitying eyes. The thought that unwillingly occurred to him earlier returns, but now all he sees is himself in the stead of that broken soldier. 
“…Mikasa?” he calls when things quiet down, looking off to the side.
“Do you want to go with me tomorrow to the marketplace?” She looks up at him with an odd expression, and he begins to feel awkward. He didn’t think it was a strange thing to ask. “It doesn’t matter which one,” he starts to explain, “I just… the other day I was thinking about home, and I’ve been wanting to have some of my mom’s soup. You know… the one she showed you how to make…?” At that moment, he wants to do nothing more than facepalm. It sounds like he’s using his mom’s cooking as an excuse, why couldn’t he just be straightforward about simply spending time together? Was it because of the weird way she looked at him? 
Before he can further chastise himself, Mikasa stops walking and looks down at her arm regrettably. “But… I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it.”
He stares at her for a moment, then holds back a snort as he pokes at her forehead. “I’m not asking if you can make it! I can do these things on my own just fine. I only need help with finding all the ingredients… and…” he refuses to look at her, realizing he’s contradicting himself. “I need some instruction on how to prepare it.” 
She gives a small smile at the admission. “I thought you just said you could do those things on your own though?” 
She’s clearly teasing him, and this causes a little lighthearted bickering to ensue. He’s grown out of arguing over petty things but somehow, it still amuses him to get such a rare reaction from her. They go back and forth for a bit before he finally clicks his tongue, letting her win this one time since he can’t think of any more remarks. It falls quiet between them again for a few moments, until he remembers that she didn’t answer his question. 
“So…? Are you going with me or not?” he grumbles. 
Mikasa smiles again but this time there’s an unadulterated fondness in her eyes, and he can physically feel himself relent at the sight. Just as she opens her mouth to respond, Mikasa is nearly tackled by Sasha’s embrace from behind.  
“Mikasa! Why do you have that thing around your neck?! You’re hurt? Seriously? What happened?!” 
She fires off question after question as Mikasa tells her story again, and her nearly overdramatic reaction draws the attention of their other friends. They all circle Mikasa worriedly, and the conversation branches off into close calls they experienced during the expedition today. 
“Eren?” Armin asks while Connie and Sasha reenact their story, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, why do you ask?”
“It’s nothing, you just looked... annoyed.”
“Please, Armin,” Jean says, crossing his arms, “he always looks like that.” 
 “Oh! I interrupted your conversation with Mikasa, didn’t I? I’m sorry! What were you two talking about?” 
Everyone’s eyes are on him and he feels a twinge of irritation, wondering why they are so nosy all of a sudden. What’s wrong with me, he thinks as he flounders for words, they’re just asking a simple question, it’s not a big deal. 
“Eren and I were just making plans to go to the marketplace tomorrow,” Mikasa answers for him, “there’s no need to apologize Sasha.” 
“The marketplace?” Sasha enthusiastically repeats, grabbing Mikasa’s free hand. “We should all go! Let’s head for Trost, Jean can show us some hidden shops since he grew up there!”
“Who said I even wanted to go?”
“It’s not like you have anything better to do,” Sasha shrugs, turning away at Hanji’s final call for everyone to prepare to head out. Connie laughs and Jean is hot on her tail, arguing that he indeed has a life outside of their friend group and the military. Armin, like the mediator he is, reasons with Sasha but also encourages Jean to join them, insisting that it will be a good time. 
“Eren?” Mikasa looks over her shoulder, calling when she sees him trailing a little behind the group. He walks faster to catch up for her sake, but he can’t help his frown. It was just supposed to be him and Mikasa… but now everyone is coming with. He shakes his head, chiding himself once again. So what if everyone comes along, it doesn’t make a difference either way, right?
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aitaikimochi · 5 years
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Here is my full summary for the Boku No Hero Academia HEROES RISING movie! I originally posted it as a thread on Twitter, but here’s a more cohesive version for easy reading! Enjoy~
The movie starts off with Rock Lock, Endeavor, and another Pro-Hero in an epic car chase going after Spinner, Dabi, and Mr. Compress in a truck. They're transporting some important item somewhere, and there is a SICKASS fight between Endeavor and Dabi.
Endeavor uses his flamethrower and blasts it at Dabi, who scoffs at him but throws his blue fire at Endeavor. The blast from Endeavor is stronger though, and Dabi and co. give up as they turn to mud (via Twice's quirk). The truck then reels off the cliff.
Hawks is on the scene to check the damage of the truck. He wonders what exactly they were trying to deliver as the truck was heavily damaged by the fire. Later, we see Nine regroup with Slice, Mummy, and Chimera as he tells them they will soon leave.
After the opening scenes with the villains, we have a short recap of "society consists of 80% of the population with super powers" etc. etc. After the short narration, we immediately dive into scenes of the Class A members helping out on Nabu Island.
The first scene is two girls getting hit on by two guys, but Mineta helps save the girls by sticking the guys to the floor with his mogimogi balls. The girls see Ojiro and think that he's the one who saved him, but Ojiro blushes and says no it's not me!
Shoji is helping out at the beach as a lifesaver, and he spots a kid in trouble. Tsuyu dives into the water to help grab him, and then Satou rows the boat to save the boy. Tokoyami and Sero are also helping out at the beach.
Todoroki is helping the shaved ice stand make ice, and the shaved ice guy asks Todoroki to make more ice, and Todoroki creates a giant boulder of ice and says, "You can use this, right?" The shaved ice stand maker looks at him like wtf lol.
Next scene is Ashido, Ochako, Aoyama, Hagakure, Kaminari, and Deku sitting around in the Hero Agency headquarters on the island. Ashido is taking calls and dispatching Class A members to help out people around the island. They're all in hero costumes.
Bakugou and Kirishima are sitting in their own tatami room, and Bakugou is reading a magazine while lying down on the floor. Kirishima sits across from him. Ochako calls across the room and asks if anyone can help someone find a lost kid.
Kirishima offers to go, but Bakugou says to him in a light tone, "do you think your quirk would be effective to help pinpoint a lost boy?" and Kirishima looks at Bakugou like "Hmm actually..." Jirou volunteers instead and says her quirk would be helpful.
Deku narrates "so why exactly are we at the island? well..." There is a flashback to the Hero Committee saying that villains are getting stronger, and they need to train students to be prepared for anything. Aizawa tells Class A they need to do hero work.
Flash forward back to more montage of Class A members helping out with people around the island. Ashido and Aoyama are helping construction workers clear rubble, Kaminari is using his electricity to help power a farming tractor.
Kirishima is helping move cargo on a truck with the truck driver's wife and baby thanking him. He does his hardening pose and gestures "No problem!" but the hardening scares the baby, making the baby cry LOL.
Yaoyorozu helps repair a motorcycle. Deku, Ochako, and Jirou finding the "missing boy" at a playground. Deku approaches the boy but his sister comes to "save him" from the heroes. The kids then scurry away, leaving Deku, Ochako, & Jirou like wtf was that?
As the Class A members are helping around the island, All Might is back at U.A. and worries about whether they will be okay. Cut back to the kids at the island, and they're wearing their casual clothes now. They're super tired from the day's work.
The Class A members mention how this kind of hero work is still hard, even though they're not fighting anyone. However, the island citizens are thankful, and they bring a bunch of food for the kids to eat at the Hero Agency.
Bakugou and Kirishima are lounging in the tatami room together, and Bakugou mentions this kind of work is boring. Kirishima has his face on the table and looks at Bakugou like ;) as he says "Well, there's no villains here, so that's why."
Kaminari, Sero, Ojiro come and tell Kirishima to join them at the onsen bath and says that Bakugou can't go because he has to patrol the grounds since he didn't do any hero work all day long. Bakugou complains, but the guys leave him be.
As Bakugou is patrolling, Deku is outside training his quirk, and he thinks about OFA and how he can train himself to be able to use this power that All Might has given him. There is a brief scene where they show all the predecessors and silhouettes.
One of the silhouettes looks basically like Bakugou with burning red eyes, surrounded by a red aura. The other silhouette is drawn surrounded by a purple aura with their hair blowing in the wind. It is this exact scene from the manga, but clearer.
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As Deku is training, Bakugou sees him and asks him if he's made that quirk his own yet. Deku says he's getting there, and Bakugou says, "You think you can surpass ME even with that quirk perfected? Just try."
Suddenly, Katsuma comes hurriedly to Deku and says that a villain has appeared. Deku is about to help but Bakugou pushes him aside and grabs the kid, telling him to take him to where the villain is.
The next scene shows Hawks in a committee meeting. The Hero Committee mentions that the League of Villains managed to get a hold of perhaps the quirk nullifying bullet as there have been cases of people getting their quirks stolen.
They ask Hawks if he had heard anything about this, but Hawks said that he doesn't think that these incidents are from the quirk bullet. He thinks it's something else.
Next scene is Toga, Dabi, Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Shigaraki chilling at a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere. They complain to Shigaraki asking him what they're supposed to do. Shigaraki said that the Doctor has something for him.
Cut to Katsuma & Maholo's Dad on a business trip in Kyushu. He suddenly gets attacked by Nine, and Nine takes his quirk. The dad has a cell regeneration quirk. Nine suffers from some kind of ailment that causes his body to freeze up. He needs this quirk.
When Nine takes the Dad's quirk, he uses it to power up and calls lightning down to destroy parts of the city. He then freezes up as he realizes that the Dad's quirk cell regeneration isn't compatible with him. He then sees a video recording of the kids.
Nine then decides to aim for the kids as one of them must have a quirk that is similar to the Dad that might be compatible with his body. Nine is Blood Type B, so he needs someone that can help him regenerate his cells with the correct blood type.
We go back to Bakugou carrying Katsuma and asking him where the damn villain is. They then see a gigantic monster size Praying Mantis wrecking havoc on the side of the hill. Bakugou blasts off to fight the monster but then suddenly stops.
He realizes that the monster is a hologram, and Maholo's quirk is creating holograms of anything she wants. He could tell that the monster was fake because there was no shadow beneath the monster.
Bakugou is furious as he shouts to the girl if she's trying to make fun of him? He tells her that he's aiming to be Number 1 and doesn't need stupid kids to play pranks on him.
As he lunges at the girl, Deku holds him back, and Bakugou gets angry and wrestles Deku on the floor as Katsuma and Maholo scurry off.
The kids end up in a sugar cane field as they look at the stars. Maholo complains that she hates heroes because they're all talk. Katsuma says that they're good heroes though, but Maholo said that the best hero in her heart is their father.
Next scene is back in Kyushu where Hawks is looking at the damage to the city that was caused by Nine earlier that day. He wonders what exactly is going on.
Next day at the island, Ashido gets a call from an island citizen to help out. She dispatches Hagakure and Aoyama, and she tells Mineta that the girl sounded really cute on the phone. Mineta then says he's down to go help too.
Deku wants to go too, but as he leaves the Hero Agency building, he sees Katsuma approach him. Katsuma comes to apologize for the problems they made for him and Bakugou the previous day.
Bakugou also listens to Katsuma's apology as he is outside standing on the veranda and eating a popsicle. He listens to Katsuma explain that he wanted to prove to his sister that Heroes were good people who do come to the rescue when people are in need.
Deku tells Katsuma that it's no problem as his own goal is to become a great hero who can help save people. Bakugou listens carefully to their conversation, and Deku notes that Katsuma has an Edgeshot pin on his bag. He asks Katsuma if he likes heroes.
Katsuma says that he really admires Heroes, but Maholo just worries about him. Deku has a flashback of when his mom told him that she was always so worried about him because heroes put themselves in danger all the time.
Deku asks Katsuma, "What kind of hero do you want to be, Katsuma?" He then explains why he himself wants to be a hero. Bakugou stands at the veranda and listens the whole time, and when they're done talking, Bakugou realizes his ice cream melted away.
The neighbor sees Katsuma leave Deku & comes to him to explain that Katsuma and Maholo live alone with their father on the island. Their mother passed away when they were very young, and Maholo is very protective of her brother since Dad's always working
Suddenly, at the harbor, a boat rams into the pier at full speed. The boat topples over, and Nine, Chimera, Mummy, and Slice emerge on the top of the boat. Nine instructs them to do whatever they need to do in order to find the two kids.
Maholo and Katsuma are returning to their house when Nine appears out of nowhere and literally OBLITERATES their house by striking lightning out of thin air to destroy the home. Maholo then tries to call the Hero Agency to ask for help.
As she calls the Hero Agency, the phone line gets cut off. The Class A members then check their phones and sees that even their cellphone reception is down. We then see that Chimera destroyed the island's telephone and communication tower.
At the harbor, Mineta, Hagakure, and Aoyama just finished helping a couple out with a missing bag. Mineta scoffs to the side saying that Ashido tricked him into coming because the girl was actually taken. Suddenly, they see villains coming up the road.
The villain Mummy uses his bindings and turns anything, even inanimate objects into moving zombies. Aoyama uses his beam to blast away at Mummy's weird zombies, but he just keeps making more.
At the beach, Tsuyu is trying to evacuate all the beach goers as Chimera approaches dauntingly. Ojiro takes the initiative and attacks chimera. He tells Tokoyami to go back to the Hero Agency to ask for help since everyone's cellphones aren't working.
Tokoyami makes it back to the Hero Agency, and he says villains are near the harbor and beach. They need back-up. Iida dispatches everyone. Teams are
Bakugou, Kirishima, & Kaminari
Yaoyorozu, Jirou, & Ashido
Koda & Ochako
Iida, Todoroki, Sero, & Tokoyami
Aoyama is at his limit as he continues to fight Mummy, but thankfully, Bakugou blasts an explosion aimed towards Mummy to throw him off. Behind Bakugou, Kirishima comes rushing in and says "RED RIOT IS HERE!" Kaminari releases electricity too.
Ashido comes to Aoyama's aid and helps him up. She, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu bring the others to safety as well as direct the citizens to the safehold.
Mummy continues to attack Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Mummy finds an opening and tries to hit Bakugou, but Kirishima jumps in front of him and deflects the attack but gets caught himself. Bakugou then gets bounded, and Kirishima yells "Bakugou!"
Ojiro continues to fight Chimera at the beach and pulls some pretty cool moves on him. Good thing back up comes from Todoroki rushing in with Iida as well as Tokoyami having Dark Shadow drop him and Satou onto Chimera.
As Satou drops in and tries using his Sugar Rush attack move on Chimera, there is a BEAUTIFUL shot of him and Chimera fist to fist fighting against the sunset mid-air. It was such a dynamic shot. Totally not necessary but beautiful to see lol.
Back at Katsuma and Maholo's destroyed house (I realized that Nine destroys the house after, not before the beach fights). Nine can glance at a person and know what their stats, and he figures out that Katsuma is the one with the cell regeneration quirk.
Nine tells Katsuma and Maholo that he will not kill them, but that they should follow him because he needs something from them. Deku then comes to the rescue though and rushes them through the forest.
Nine then slowly walks to Deku and says, "get out of the way. If you're in my way, I will kill you." Deku then uses full cowl, but Nine is able to block him with a barrier. Nine also shoots energy from his fingers, and Deku thinks that he's like AFO.
Back at the battle with Mummy, Bakugou is completely controlled by Mummy, but he is trying to resist. Mummy is making Bakugou attack Kirishima and Kaminari against his will, and Kirishima tries to desperately call out to Bakugou.
Mummy then wraps both Kirishima and Kaminari, and Kaminari says, "Kirishima, what should we do!?" Mummy then says to them that they either surrender or watch as Bakugou kills them. As he says this, Bakugou's red eye shines, and he creates a huge explosion.
Bakugou is able to blast away the bindings and he completely OBLITERATES Mummy as he pins him against a wall and maniacally uses an explosion that is directed right at Mummy's face. Mummy passes out, and afterwards, they regroup with the others.
Kirishima and Kaminari stay with the rest, but Bakugou blasts off. Jirou asks where he's going, and Bakugou says he needs to fight the other villains on the island.
Next scene is Chimera fighting Todoroki, but Chimera is just too strong. Sero uses his tape to wrap around Todoroki as he saves him from Chimera's blow. Chimera can also breathe fire, and the guys find themselves outmatched by him.
Deku continues to fight Nine and uses Delaware Smash, but Nine uses a barrier to deflect his attack. Deku wonders to himself just how many quirks does Nine even have!? He then tries to use One For All 20% Full Cowl. Nine muses that Deku has a great power.
Nine then grabs Deku's head and tries to steal the quirk from him. Deku then thinks to himself that if Nine can steal quirks, that's exactly like AFO. Suddenly, an image of the OFA vestiges appears including the silhouettes. They appear in line like this:
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The OFA users prevent OFA from being stolen. Deku then realizes that the kids are still here, even though he told them to run -_-;; Nine then shoots Deku with his quirk and heavily injures him. The kids are too scared to move.
As Nine approaches Deku, who's badly injured, he's about to deliver a finishing blow but Bakugou flies in to save Deku. Bakugou attacks Nine, and Deku says "Kacchan! Watch out this guy has more than one quirk and can steal quirks!"
Bakugou then says that he just has to keep fighting him then, right? However, Nine pulls out another quirk that looks like Blue Eyes White Dragon (no joke) that pins down Bakugou. Deku tells himself to try to move as Bakugou blasts an explosion to him.
Deku wills himself to move and they try to fight him, but Nine is too powerful. He pins both of them to the ground and tries to go after the kids, but Deku and Bakugou each hold one of Nine's legs to stop him.
Nine gets super annoyed at them and calls forth a HUGE blast of lightning that zaps Deku and Bakugou completely unconscious. However, since he used his quirk too much, his body freezes up, and he falls to the ground. Slice comes to help him.
Nine tells Slice to get the kids, but as she tries to approach them, Koda calls forth a huge flock of crows to block her path. Shouji then rushes in and carries the kids off while Ochako taps Deku and Bakugou, & Tsuyu carries them together with her tongue.
The kids all escape and meanwhile, Chimera also retreats from where Todoroki, Sero, and co. were fighting him at the beach. The Class A members regroup at a shelter where the rest of the island citizens are currently staying at due to the villain attack.
It's raining, and Nine is sleeping on a bed somewhere on the island, trying to recover as Slice watches over him. Chimera comes into the room and asks where's Mummy, and they realize that Mummy was captured.
There is a flashback to when Nine was without his artifical quirks. He had a very weak body, but he wanted to get stronger and saved Chimera even though everyone hated Chimera due to his appearance.
Chimera says that he is thankful that Nine saved him that day. Also, side note, Nine looked super hot when he was younger and without a mask lol.
Flashback continues to when Nine gets experimented on by Dr. Ujiko. He tells him that he can steal up to nine quirks. Flash forward and Nine wakes up and says that he has to get the cell regeneration quirk that Katsuma has to help his body.
Ochako goes into the room where other civilians are being healed by people with healing quirks. She asks how is Deku and Bakugou doing. They're both completely unconscious as the healers try to help, but they're not doctors so their efforts aren't working.
Katsuma then comes into the room and says that he can help heal Deku and Bakugou. He explains that his quirk speeds up cell regeneration and can also boost one's power. He tries his hardest to heal Deku and Bakugou, to the point where he almost passes out.
The rest of Class A are resting in a break room in the shelter and are trying to figure out what to do with the villains. Deku enters the room with Katsuma, and Ochako says "Deku!" surprised he's completely healed.
Katsuma then tells everyone that the villains are after him, so he can just give himself up to save everyone the trouble of being attacked. However, Deku says that he will never let that happen as he will protect Katsuma and the rest of the citizens.
Bakugou then walks into the room slowly, and Kirishima looks up and says "Bakugou!" while looking relieved. Bakugou heard Deku's words of wanting to protect the citizens. He glances at Deku as they both recall All Might's words "win & save, save & win."
Bakugou then does this pose and says that what they gotta do is just fight these damn villains. Everyone else agrees, and Yaoyorozu & Iida lead the others in a PLUS ULTRA! cheer. Deku then devises a plan on how to capture the villains.
The plan is to lure the villains to the furthest corner of the island where ancient castle ruins are. Koda, Satou, and Hagakure will lead the island's citizens and livestock into a cave to hide. Meanwhile, the rest of the Class A will fight the villains.
(Just random commentary, but can I just mention how hilarious it is to ask the INVISIBLE GIRL to lead the citizens into a dark cave? Like, WHAT IS LOGIC???")
The Class A members then prepare for a large battle as the sun rises. This is the epic scene here where they stand together.
As according to plan, the villains approach exactly down the path that Deku predicted. Shouji is the one in charge of guarding the children while Jirou and Ojiro are nearby as the lookout. Each Class A member is stationed in different locations.
The first attack is by Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. Yaoyorozu pulls out her twin cannons, and Aoyama uses a super powerful navel beam that holds off the villains for a while. The blast is so strong that it causes the ground beneath the villains to break.
Slice then falls down into a cave below, but Chimera and Nine are able to evade the attack and go separate ways. Ochako, Sero, and Mineta work together to barrage Nine with thousands of falling rocks. This action combination looked really cool.
Meanwhile, Slice finds herself in a cave where Tokoyami and Ashido battle her together. Chimera is at another area where he's near a waterfall. As he steps into the water to cross the river, Todoroki turns the entire waterfall and river into ice.
Tsuyu captures Chimera with her tongue and pulls him further into the river where Todoroki tries freezing him. Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tsuyu then ready themselves as Chimera struggles to get out of his icy bonds.
Nine keeps attacking Sero and Ochako, and they try over and over to stop him with the barrage of rocks flung at him. Ochako is overusing her quirk, and Sero grabs her before she falls down and uses his tape to swing to higher ground.
Ochako then goes to a huge wall of thousands of rocks and uses her Zero Gravity on all of them. She falls to the ground, exhausted, but tries to still fight. Yaoyorozu and Aoyama also fight Nine as they throw attacks at him.
Deku and Bakugou then join Aoyama, Yaoyorozu, Sero, Mineta, and Ochako in the fight against Nine. Bakugou is in the air as Deku jumps high up and grabs his hand while Bakugou spins Deku, and the momentum helps them deal a super cool combo move together.
Meanwhile in the cave, Slice continues to fight Tokoyami, but suddenly she feels the cave stalactites falling as she realizes Ashido is using her acid to loosen the spikes on the ceiling. Ashido then unleashes a bunch of acid and burns off Slice's hair.
With her hair now short, Slice is still able to use them as small spears that she unleashes at Ashido all at once. Ashido is able to evade most of them, but three spears stab her thigh and causes her to fall down side of the cave.
Tokoyami yells, "ASHIDO!" as she plummets to the bottom of the cave. He approaches her and sees that she's very badly injured and bleeding, and his eyes go crazy as he loses it and Dark Shadow explodes out of him. He turns to Slice and says, "YOU BASTARD!"
Deku and Bakugou continue to fight Nine, and Nine keeps using his various quirks to hold them off. The scene then cuts to Iida fighting Chimera. He kicks Chimera, then Kirishima follows up with Red Gauntlet. Their attacks look weak, and Chimera laughs.
However suddenly, Chimera freezes up and Todoroki slowly approaches him as he explains that Kirishima and Iida were only distracting Chimera as they put Tsuyu's poison on his body, effectively stopping his body from moving.
Chimera says not to underestimate him, and he evolves into a crazy animal fusion. Kirishima says, "Woah what is he, Amajiki-senpai!?" Chimera then blasts energy all around him from his mouth, and Tsuyu uses her tongue to wrap around Kirishima to save him.
Iida then grabs Todoroki to push him out of the way from Chimera's energy beam. We then cut to a scene of Shouji protecting the kids as Nine continues to fight Deku and Bakugou but effectively advances towards the kids. Nine destroys Bakugou's gauntlet.
Sero tries to help and attack Nine, but Nine easily throws him aside. Bakugou shouts, "SERO!!" as he falls to the ground. Nine then throws Ochako into the air as well, and Deku quickly rushes into the air and catches her, holding her in his arms.
As he holds Ochako, she murmurs まだ....まだ... "not yet...I can still do more..." but then passes out. Deku then lays her gently on the ground. Nine then approaches Deku and Bakugou but freezes up as his cells have some issue when he overuses his quirk.
Todoroki then devises a plan to fight Chimera. He tells everyone of the plan, and Iida springs to action, trying to distract Chimera. Todoroki then holds Kirishima by the waist as he speeds them forward towards Chimera while sliding on his ice.
As Todoroki wraps his arms around Kirishima, Kirishima says, "Heh, this kind of reminds me of Kamino." Then Todoroki tells Kirishima to harden, and Kirishima uses Unbreakable. Chimera blasts Kirishima with his energy beam, and this scene is SICKKKK!!!!!
While holding Kirishima in front of him as a shield, Todoroki tries to push forward as Kirishima withstands Chimera's energy beam. However, his energy beam causes Kirishima's sleeves to rip, but Chimera finally exhausts his beam and needs to recharge.
As Chimera pauses for a moment, Kirishima falls to the ground, but Todoroki then gets close enough to lunge himself on top of Chimera as he sticks his hand down his throat and gruesomely freezes Chimera's entire body inside out with ice.
Todoroki then also passes out and his thoughts before he loses consciousness is "Midoriya...Bakugou...it's up to you guys now." Chimera, along with Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsuyu, and Iida, are all defeated.
Shouji continues to protect the kids even though nine is advancing towards them still. Meanwhile, Hawks visits the children's father in the hospital. The Dad explains to him that his son has the similar quirk to him.
The difference between Katsuma's cell regeneration quirk and his Dad's quirk is that his Dad's quirk can only help people with Blood Type A. However, Katsuma's quirk can help other blood types too. Hawks then realizes that the villains are at the island.
Hawks calls the other Pro-Heroes and tells them that they need to head to Nabu Island right away as the people there are all in danger, including Class A. He flies to the island first.
Note that it takes around 1 hour for a jet plane to fly from Kyushu to Okinawa (where this Nabu Island is supposedly located), so Hawks flying there is quite a feat lol.
Ojiro and Jirou tell Shouji to project the kids as they go forth and fight Nine. However, Nine is weakened by the constant attacks from Deku, Bakugou, and the earlier ones from the other Class A members.
Shouji holds the kids close to him as he blocks them from Nine's attacks. He takes on all of Nine's attacks and is heavily injured, and he tells the kids to run away.
However, Nine is able to catch Maholo before they can escape, and he tells Katsuma "If you value your sister's life, then come with me." Katsuma is about to give himself up but Deku comes to the rescue and uses SMASH against Nine.
Nine tosses Maholo to the side, but Bakugou is able to capture her before she falls the ground. Bakugou then tells her, "See I told you, I'm going to be the Number 1 Hero. That's why I'm strong!" He puts her down, and proceeds to fight Nine along with Deku.
Deku and Bakugou look like they are getting the upper hand as they throw explosion after smash attacks at Nine. However, Nine uses the purple fluid he carries on his back and makes himself super powered and indestructible. He then creates fire pillars.
He brings down lightning from the sky, and Deku tries using OFA 100% against him. Deku uses a Detroit Smash and Bakugou uses Howitzer Impact against Nine. They hold their attacks as long as they can, and this causes their costumes to get tattered.
Shouji, even in his beaten state, still manages to hold onto the kids to protect them. Bakugou and Deku then look up at Nine as their attacks were rendered useless against him.
Nine then goes onto a short cliche villain monologue about wanting to create a perfect society where only those with powerful quirks live in and those who are weak are eliminated. Deku and Bakugou look at him in disbelief.
Nine uses his blue eyes white dragon move and captures both Deku and Bakugou in its grasp. All hope looks like it's lost, but Maholo and Katsuma cry out to them saying, "Big Brother Deku! Bakugou!!! Don't give up!!!!!!"
Deku then tells Bakugou that in order to continue this fight, there's only one thing they can do. Bakugou makes this face as he hears Deku say this as he knows that in order to fight, he needs to have One For All. He looks regretful with this decision.
Deku and Bakugou both recall All Might's words to them about being heroes who can save and win, win and save. Deku reaches his bloody finger out to Bakugou, and Bakugou extends his finger as well. They miss at first, but they finally make contact.
They touch fingers for a few seconds as OFA is transferred into Bakugou, then they grasp hands firmly like this stock image. The OFA transfer is now complete as Deku wills it to be.
Bakugou asks Deku if he is even still capable of using OFA, and Deku explains that during All Might's fight against All For One, he still was able to use OFA as he was holding onto the flickering embers of the quirk.
Bakugou asks Deku if this is okay, and Deku says it's the only way. They then power themselves up using OFA, and they legit look like Goku and Vegeta as Super Saiyan, even with their hair standing up like this. Bakugou has orange energy, Deku with green.
Might+ U starts playing in this scene where Deku and Bakugou throw punch and explosion one after another at Nine. There is no sound effects or speech during this entire montage as the only music playing is Might+u.
The visuals of this scene are INSANE. Like holy shit the SAKUGA!!!!!! IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!!! There was this one scene where Super Saiyan Bakugou walks into the side of a mountain and completely melts the ENTIRE MOUNTAIN and throws it at Nine.
As they attack Nine, there is a flashback of when they are children, and Bakugou stands in front of a T.V. and says wow how cool is All Might?? There is also a flashback of Deku as a kid crying in front of his computer screen saying to his Mom AM is so cool
Both of them admire All Might, and the final few attacks are Deku and Bakugou perfectly mirroring each other, doing attacks in sync. They then prepare their finishing blow and do DETROIT SMASH into the air, clearing away the powerful storm to blue skies.
But wait! That wasn't the last move! The fight actually continues in silence with Might+u still playing in the background. Deku has a line over the montage that says "This, this is what One For All is capable of."
Bakugou prepares his final explosion and Deku prepares a finishing kick to Nine, and as they unleash their powerful attacks, Deku says "Thank you and goodbye, One For All" as he passes out, which is this scene in the trailer.
Before passing out and during the part where Deku recalls what One For All means, what One For All is capable of, there is a montage of all of Class A passed out from their own respective fights.
I missed a scene with Tokoyami and Ashido. As Dark Shadow goes crazy, he captures Slice but also causes the cave to fall down on them. Tokoyami shields Ashido with his body, and after Deku & Bakugou's fight, we see Hawks pulling Tokoyami from the rubble.
Hawks asks Tokoyami if he's alive, and Tokoyami says, "Hawks, why are you here??" Hawks then says that he's not the only one who's here as help has arrived.
We then see All Might kneeling next to Deku & Bakugou, who are lying on the ground passed out. All Might cradles Deku in his arms and says he did well. Deku asks if Bakugou is okay. All Might says "Always putting others in front of yourself, yes he's fine."
Deku then starts crying as he apologizes to All Might as he gave away such a great power entrusted with him by All Might. This is the scene where he says "I'm sorry, All Might. I'm sorry..."
All Might says Deku is brave and deserving of OFA, and then miraculously, Deku's body glows with the power of OFA coursing through his veins once more. All Might says it's a miracle, but perhaps the Predecessors willed it for Deku to hold this power.
All Might then thanks his master Nana as well as the predecessors for returning OFA back to Deku. He then holds Deku hand with one hand and in the other, holds Bakugou's hand as he cries.
The ending scene shows everyone being helped out by the Pro-Heroes. I originally thought that the scene took place in an infirmary, but it was actually on site where everyone was passed out.
Although the scene is also silent, we see Endeavor hugging Todoroki tightly as he cries comedically while he says "SHOUTOOOO!!!!!!" there is also a scene of Kaminari and Sero doing a fist bump as they are being held up by the pro-heroes.
 Ashido is being helped out on a stretcher, Tokoyami watches over her closely as she smiles at him, Ryukyu helps Tsuyu and Ochako, and the other students are escorted by the pro-heroes.
Hawks watches as Chimera and Slice are put into custody. He then wonders what Shigaraki has planned. We then see Nine was blasted away to an island surrounded by flowers. Shigaraki appears in front of him, and Nine says he needs more time.
Nine reaches out saying that he hasn't perfected the society yet, and there needs to be someone who can guide everyone. Shigaraki puts his hand on Nine's face and says, "Yes, someone. That someone is me. Good work and goodnight Nine." He disintegrates him.
The next scene is Bakugou waking up in the infirmary next to Recovery Girl. Deku narrates that Bakugou for some reason had no recollection of ever using OFA (how convenient lol), and Bakugou complains that his arms hurt like hell.
Katsuma accidentally sees Recovery Girl kissing Bakugou, and she blushes in embarrassment LOL. Deku tells Katsuma that he will be a great hero. The kids then are reunited with their father and are very happy to see him.
Class A board the boat as they are ready to go home, and Bakugou is at the top of the stern. He sees Deku and asks him if it's okay to leave without saying bye to the kids. Deku says it's fine. However, they then see the kids running to the pier.
The kids wave to Class A and say "Big Brother Deku, Bakugou, Everyone!!! Thank you so much!!" and Class A waves back at them. Katsuma then waves to Deku and says "Big Brother Deku! I'll be a hero just like you!" and Deku says U.A. is waiting for him!
Deku then waves back at Katsuma and Maholo and Bakugou puts his hand up and sort of waves. The last scene is Katsuma's smiling face as he looks on with hope, inspired by the heroes who helped change his life.
THE END!!!!!!
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
Joining His Pack: Trials
Description: Sanctuary Series: Joining His Pack. Things have been crazy since you fell ill, and there isn’t really an end in sight.
Posted: 05/12/2020
Tags:  Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
Angst/Fluff: 2,845 words
A/N: Only one part left after this one!
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You looked around with wide eyes, wrapped in a thicker coat than would normally be necessary for this time in May. But ever since your mini-heat reaction to the suppressants—which just meant you’d have a bigger one in a few months, that’s how you always reacted—you’d been a little temperature sensitive. You walked around Namjoon’s apartment wrapped up in blankets, and wore lots of sweaters and all of his sweatshirts (he didn’t seem to mind).
But you were starting to get better, finally. And court dates had been set.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Namjoon replied, grinning.
You huffed and leaned back.
He turned down a gravel drive.
You sat up straighter, frowning slightly, until finally a house came into view.
Your house.
Your den.
You looked at him excitedly. “Is it...?”
“It’s ours, baby. We closed the day after you were discharged, but I wanted to get the windows in before I brought you.” He parked, and turned to grin at you.
You’d still been out of it when discharged, but it wasn’t anything that the doctors were concerned about. Just more side effects from the suppressants, but it had kept you mostly bedridden and groggy and not too aware of the passing of time. The pack had been visiting to keep you company while he was at work and whatnot, especially the pack pups because they helped give you more clarity throughout the day. Plus, who wouldn’t want to cuddle pups?
But this was exciting. This explained why the past couple of days you couldn’t find things that you swore you knew the locations of. This explained why he didn’t want you going to your place to get things.
“We’ve got it fixed up enough to live in, not perfect, but enough. Enough for us to be comfortable. And we moved your stuff in already. My family has been sneaking stuff out of my place all week.” He looked pretty proud of having surprised you with this.
You squealed and threw yourself across the console to kiss him. “This is the best surprise ever. I love you. I love you. I love you.” You peppered his face with kisses, ignoring his embarrassed laughter and finishing with a quick peck on his lips before you hurried out of the car to take in the sight of your house.
Even though he said they’d only done a few things, you could tell it had to be more than that. The windows looked completely replaced, the siding looked like it had a fresh coat of paint, and the porch had temporary supports. Everything looked cleaner, and the garden beds had been cleared of weeds and carefully planted.
“You happy?” He asked softly, wrapping his arms around you.
“Aren’t you?”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “I’d carry you over the threshold, but—”
“You’ll do nothing of the sort. You already re-injured yourself while taking care of me during that mess, I’m not risking your well-being now.” You hit him lightly, then bounced. “Let’s go in!”
He laughed and took your hand, leading you up the porch and to the (brand new) front door, unlocking it and letting you enter first.
You looked around, breathing in air that smelt slightly of your pack, slightly of cleaners like pine-sol, and fresh air. Then lilac, from the bouquet of lilacs on the fireplace mantle. “Just enough to live in, huh?”
He was quiet, and when you looked back, he looked just as shocked at the sight of new flooring, and freshly painted walls. “I…they…must have worked on it more since last time.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his waist to just take it all in for a moment before gasping and rushing through to see the kitchen again.
The thorough cleaning made your adorable kitchen even better. They’d replaced the dingy light-fixture with a new one, which was really nice because if you remembered correctly it didn’t even make it to the counter below it.
And the master bedroom had a bed in it—that you promptly flopped on—and the room smelled like you and Namjoon, with subtle undertones of the pack (especially the littlest two of the pack pups, which you figured wasn’t too surprising since this blanket was the softest one you owned.
“Ecstatic,” You exclaimed into the bedding, breathing in his scent. The way it mixed with yours. The slightly milky smell of pups.
He flopped down next to you.
“But…what are you going to do about your apartment?”
“Oh, well, Jimin’s landlord actually is a jerk and he tried to rip them off, so they’re going to move in there for now. Save up for a place they actually want for a while, and then Yoongi’s said he wants it if he can manage to get a transfer.”
You made a happy sound, and wiggled closer, resting your head on his arm. “So, are we sleeping here?”
He nodded. “If that’s okay with you?”
You nodded. “Do we have clothes here?”
“You definitely do. I’ve got some clothes here. Enough to supply me for work for the next few days.” He sighed as he relaxed. “But I can also stop by after work tomorrow and get more of our stuff.”
“You’re sure they’re okay with you missing as much work as you have?” You asked quietly, resting a hand on his chest.
“They understand, and I’ve been working from home most days where I couldn’t leave you, so I’m not exactly behind. Actually, they seemed pretty happy to let me have Tuesday off because apparently I’m ahead of everyone.” He stretched, making your head drop to the bed.
You sighed, pouting slightly at the loss of your pillow before rolling back to your feet and bouncing out to the kitchen. “Do we have food here?”
“Knowing my family? Probably.”
You opened the fridge and freezer simultaneously and grinned. “Your pack is the best.”
“They’re your pack too, baby.”
“Not yet.”
“You know I couldn’t mate you while you were sick,” He called softly.
“I know. And I do consider them my pack, but it’s still more natural to call them your pack. Oooh! Ice cream!” You grabbed the container and hugged it briefly before putting it back. “So, I was thinking.”
“Uh oh.” He came in and leaned against the counter while watching you pull out one of the dishes someone left for you two.
“Preheat the oven? 375,” You told him, reading the instructions. “Anyway, Ariel mentioned that her one friend just started her own little shop where she sells jams, preserves, candies, and ice-creams and that she was looking for someone to help for the summer. Maybe I could see if she would hire me?”
“Are you sure?”
“I mean, I’m basically fired from the clothing shop, and even if it is just for the summer, it would still be some little bit of income. Enough to help us with groceries, because lets face it, we eat a lot of meat.” You went to him and kissed him gently. “Besides, how crazy do you think I would go without something to occupy my time? I mean, we’re going to have some gardens and I really do want to work on our Christmas trees, but it’s going to take some time.”
He was smiling down at you softly, and his fingers gently brushed your cheek. “This is the most rational you’ve sounded in a while, baby. It’s nice to hear.”
You hugged him. “Sorry I’ve been such a mess.”
He chuckled. “Hey, you put up with the messes I make.” Then he kissed the top of your head. “You’re my little wolf. I would cross the world for you. I can handle a little messiness.”
You relaxed, breathing him in until the oven beeped to let you both know that it had finished preheating.
He put the dish in the oven while you set a timer and got out the strawberries and started washing them.
“But the store thing, good idea or not?”
“As long as it doesn’t become too stressful for you, baby, I think you should try for it. After we settle all of this legal stuff.” He took a strawberry and popped it into his mouth.
“I didn’t take the stems off,” You said, staring at him in surprise. “I mean, they’re edible...but probably pretty bitter.”
He nodded, turning away to pull the stem from his mouth.
You smiled at your mess of a mate. “My dorky baby.”
He chuckled, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Hungry, honey bunch?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his waist. “You ready to eat?”
“Isn’t that why you’re washing the strawberries?” He countered, but he was still flustered as you pressed flirty little kisses to his neck. His hands found your waist.
“Mmhmm,” You agreed, on your toes to nibble on his ear.
“Babe…you’re still recovering.”
You nodded, humming agreement before sliding your hands over his torso and promptly turning away and running with the bowl of strawberries. “Mine!”
He sputtered, then laughed and chased after you, catching your waist and then pulling you to sit down beside him on the couch. Then he stole a berry and took a bite.
You giggled and took your own berry, looking around the room. “This is a nice couch.”
“We needed a second for this room, especially if we’re going to have family visiting. Micheal said he’d get our furniture moved this weekend. He’s got a couple of guys he needs to train, and Becca’s going to oversee it all for us. But I thought it’d be best if we weren’t around. Don’t want to wolf out on them.”
“Maybe we should go visit Yoongi and Taehyung,” You said between bites.
He smiled. “I’ll see if they’re free. We’ll have to take Eunyeong something.”
“Of course, she’s the cutest kitten and deserves all the love,” You chirped, snuggling up to him. “But maybe don’t check until after the meeting with the lawyers and the court stuff on Tuesday.”
He nodded, smile fading. “Yeah. Probably a good idea. Might want to stay home. Near the majority of the pack.”
“In which case we’re going to Emma’s and cuddling the twins.”
He nodded again, but looked distracted.
You watched him, just admiring his face while also trying to guess what he was thinking. “Are you worried about Tuesday?”
He took a deep breath and held your hand. “The last time anyone I loved was part of a court case…it was Emma. And it ended in this town giving the rights back to hybrids. Jin was the only one that went with her, he was certified as an aide-hybrid. Not because Emma really needed him, I mean, she did, but mostly because she wanted to give him as much freedom as she could. Yoongi-hyung and I were watching…but Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung couldn’t sit and listen. It was taking too long and some of it hit too close to home. They were outside, working in the garden just to avoid it.”
“I remember,” You whispered, squeezing his hand.
He squeezed it back. “That day changed our lives and…whatever the outcome on Tuesday…that will change both of our lives. Again. And I’m hoping for the better, I do trust these people. But…if we lose…I think I’ll lose more than I would have if we lost that day.”
You hummed. “You’re going to have to be on your best behavior.”
He nodded, but he didn’t seem very confident.
“But Namjoon, I think…I think you might need to stay away. Other than when you’re called upon. This is going to be…bad. It’s going to be really bad. And if either of us misbehaves we risk everything.”
He sighed, eyes closing and holding you tighter. “I know.”
“Maybe they can arrange for a separate room for you to watch in?”
“Maybe, I’ll ask Emma later.” He sounded a little relieved, and managed to relax a little as you snuggled in, scenting him a little.
You sighed softly, enjoying this moment, just in case.
His fingers lightly caressed your hair.
You frowned. “The fireplace mantle is crooked.”
He started laughing. “House still needs some improvements, baby.”
“But how is the mantle crooked!”
“They can’t prove it!”
“Neither can we,” The lawyer said calmly. “We can deny any false evidence they bring forward and hope our true does as well. We can only hope that the judge is as upstanding as they say and that the jury can see past the falsehoods created by the opposition.”
Emma huffed and sat down again, crossing her arms and thinking.
Jin calmly rubbed her back. “Y/n, is there any sort of concrete evidence you can provide?”
“Bank statements and pay stubs, which would show that I didn’t have any money other than what I was paid when I opened the account, and that she wasn’t originally on my account. The rental agreement with the Sanctuary. That’s about it,” You answered quietly.
Namjoon looked up. “All of these are trumped up charges. Theft? Assault? Public indecency? Disturbing the peace? Prostitution?!” He stood and went to the window, obviously angry.
“These papers will help disprove many of those charges. However, the one I’m most concerned with is the assault charge. We’re countering their charges with our own charge of defamation and wrongful arrest, but the case for the assault is fairly solid.”
“How so?” Emma asked, sounding tired.
“They have medical records from injuries incurred by here—or so they’re claiming. And they have a video of her attacking someone.”
You frowned.
“What?” Namjoon growled.
“Y/n, I need you to tell me right now, have you ever stabbed anyone in the leg?” The lawyer asked.
“No, I threatened to, but only because he was was being an asshole. I never did it and I left to make sure it would never happen.”
“And this video of you punching a security guard at the Sanctuary.”
Namjoon growled. “He understood. They’re twisting the situation.”
“Which security guard was it?” Emma asked.
“Yugyeom,” You answered. “And I gave him cookies to make up for it.”
Jin nodded and pulled out his phone.
Emma rolled her eyes. “He probably deserved it. But we can get him here and have him testify. I’m sure JB and Mark will sign off on that.”
“Is he still under their guardianship?” Namjoon asked.
Emma nodded. “All of them are, technically. But since they’re close it’s not an issue. It just means that they’ve got a safety net. Same as you all, we freed you but we also adopted you as our children.”
Micheal nodded. “They’re more like brothers so they didn’t want to go that route.”
Jin was talking lowly and you were grateful you couldn’t hear the conversation. You were stressed enough.
Emma quietly took your hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Alright, he’s on his way.”
The lawyer nodded. “I’ll go notify them that I have another witness.” He gathered his things and walked off, signaling Micheal to walk with him.
Namjoon was taking slow, deep breaths. “I hate this.”
You closed your eyes.
“I know,” Emma said softly, lightly smoothing your hair. “I know you’re both frustrated. I am too. But we’re going to take care of this, even if it takes us more time than we originally thought.”
Jin was watching Namjoon. “Sit down, Namjoon,” He ordered, a slight edge to his voice.
Namjoon did as told, only hesitating for a second before complying with the pack leader’s order.
“You’re making me anxious just watching you,” Jin explained, sounding relieved now that Namjoon was sitting. “Emma, why don’t you stay back here with Namjoon and I’ll go back out.”
She nodded. “I’m going to call and check on the kids.”
He pecked her on the lips, then met your gaze. “It’s about time to head back.”
You nodded, getting up with extreme reluctance and nuzzling Namjoon’s head before following Jin out.
Jin waited until you both were out of earshot before pausing, turning to you. “You don’t have to pretend you’re okay. You have every right to be more frustrated and upset than any of us.”
You sighed, looking at the ground. “I just want to go home. We thought this would all be settled on Tuesday. Last Tuesday.”
He reached over and adjusted your scarf—bathed in the scent of your mate to help keep you calm—then rested his hands on your shoulders. “I know it’s asking a lot, but please try to bear with us for another hour. Okay?”
You nodded, feeling safe at the very least with your pack leader looking out for you.
“But if they try to take you anywhere, you get over that barrier and behind me. They can’t legally take you anywhere, okay?”
You closed your eyes and nodded. “Okay.”
“Hey, court’s in session,” Micheal called.
You followed them back to the court, awaiting your fate.
Previous Part.   Next Part.
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epochofbelief · 4 years
Breath Control, Chapter Fifteen
An A Court of Mist and Fury College Swim Team AU 
All characters belong to SJ Maas! 
Feysand and Elriel
Author’s Note: Enjoy a bunch of fluff written kinda quick and stay tuned for the announcement for my next fic! Can’t believe only the epilogue is left of this story:) 
Masterlist Link !!! 
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“Love the room.”
Having just dropped my suitcase and swim bag on the floor of my new bedroom, I turned to find Rhys leaning in the doorway. 
“Thanks for letting me move in,” I responded, lugging the suitcase from the floor to the bed, ready to start unpacking. 
“Are you ready for training to start again tomorrow morning?” 
“I think I’m the one who should be asking you that, Mr. Still-Slightly-Out-of-Shape. I’m kicking ass right now, if you hadn’t noticed.” 
Rhys slumped down across my bed, his black hair a rumpled mess. 
“Please. Give me one more week and I’ll definitely be traveling to our next dual meet.” 
I gave up on packing and sat next to him. He placed a warm hand on my back, moving it back and forth across my t-shirt. I shivered slightly. 
“Coach is going to announce the rest of the team going to the Conference Championships by the end of Christmas break.” As hard as I tried to keep my tone even, I knew my voice shook as I said what I’d been thinking about for the past month. 
His hand stilled on my back. 
“You’re not worried that you won’t make it? You just got back on the travel team, Feyre. That basically means you’re going.” 
“Yeah, but we don’t know that for sure. I sucked at Conference last year, remember? And I’ve sucked ever since.” I stood up and grabbed an armful of rumpled clothes out of my suitcase. Keeping my eyes on the floor, I padded over to my dresser and shoved the clothes in. I remained there for a moment, staring at the top of the dresser.
“I’m pretty sure those were dirty,” Rhys’s voice came from right behind my back, making me jump and spin around to face him. 
“Ohmygosh you scared the shit out of me,” I breathed, eyes still on the floor between us. 
“Feyre. Look at me.” 
I bit my lip and raised my eyes to his. 
“You’re going to make that team. And if you don’t, it doesn’t change who you are. I’ll love you just the same, if that helps.” 
In some ways it frustrated me that him saying those words was nearly enough to make me feel better. I hated that I was worried about this, that I would be so massively crushed if I didn’t make a stupid sports team. But in most others, I was overjoyed to hear it. My swimming, be it good or bad, didn’t define me as a person. As long as I was giving it my all, day in and day out, the rest was out of my hands. And I cared about swimming, and wanted to be good, even if I’d lost sight of that drive for a while. 
I really wanted to make that team. 
“Besides,” Rhys continued, his hands coming to rest on my hips. “I should be the one begging you to accept me whether I make the team or not. My injury has really pushed me to the bottom of the barrel.” 
I threw my arms around his shoulders and pulled him close. “Thank you. And you know you’re going to make the team. Injury or not, you’re too damn fast for Coach to risk not taking you.” 
He buried his face in my hair. “True.”
I pulled back and smacked his arm. “Watch out, I think your head just swelled to twice its normal size, you humble man.” 
He raised his hands and backed away a few steps. “I speak the truth, and nothing but.” 
I smiled. 
“And that applies to everything I just said about you, Feyre. You deserve to go. You’ve improved so much over the past few months. Especially when I was out of the picture.”
I frowned. 
 “In fact, maybe I should just go…” He continued to back away, aiming for my bedroom door now. 
“Shut up. Get your stuck-up ass back over here!”
“No, no! This is what’s best for you, Feyre darling. I’ll just bid you adieu, and maybe we can talk after Conference. I think that’s the best plan.” He stepped into the hallway and out of view. 
Arms crossed, I stormed into the hallway. I knew he was joking but I could feel my blood boiling. I turned right, aiming for the stairs I was sure he’d be walking up at that moment, and ran straight into a wall of muscle.
I stumbled backwards, but Rhys seized my wrists before I could get very far.
“You know I’m kidding, right?” He kept his grip on my wrists firm.
“I know, but that doesn’t make you any less annoying!” I gazed up at him, breathing heavily, glaring. Keeping my wrists in his grip, he leaned down and brushed a featherlight kiss to my lips. 
“Do I annoy you when I do this?” He pushed me against the wall, both my wrists now pinned above my head by one of his hands. The other he placed on my waist as his lips met mine briefly, oh so briefly. “Because I can stop, if you want me to.”
“Don’t stop,” I whispered, his lips barely a millimeter from mine.
He kissed me again, his free hand roaming up and down my side. “But I thought I bothered you, Feyre darling,” he purred, his breath hot against my neck as he trailed a line of kisses down my shoulder, pulling the collar of my t-shirt back as he did so. 
I managed to shake my head. “No.” 
“Good,” he said brightly, letting me go.
He pushed off the wall and strode briskly into my bedroom.
“What the hell?” I shouted.
“Love you,” he called. “Now come unpack!”
“I take it all back! You win the prize for most annoying boyfriend-slash-roommate ever.”
“Then why are you following me into your bedroom?”
“Dammit,” I muttered, closing the door behind me. 
Ten minutes into the movie, Azriel and I were wrapped up together inside an enormous quilt and several fluffy blankets. A bowl of popcorn mixed with M&M’s rested between us. My head was on his shoulders, his hand on my thigh. It had been a few weeks since my concussion and this was the first movie I had been allowed to watch since. I hadn’t been able to use my phone or look at any screens per the doctor’s instructions. I was lucky I’d been cleared to focus on things close to my face just in time for school to start tomorrow. And thus, with my “staring at things” privileges returned to me, I planned on staying in that comfy spot on the couch until the end credits rolled when…
“I have to pee.”
I slowly turned my head to look at him. “You did not just say that.”
“I’m sorry, I do!” He started shifting under the quilt but I just nestled closer to him. 
“Nooooo. Why didn’t you go before?”
“What am I, five? I didn’t have to go then!”
“If you weren’t before, after saying that you’re definitely five now.” 
“Just stop the movie so I can go!” Azriel glared at me stubbornly. 
“You have chocolate on your face,” I said, reaching up to rub my thumb against his chin. “Such an adorable five year old.”
“Where’d we land on that movie?” He asked, batting my hand away, but not until I’d removed all the chocolate.
“You should have gone before. Go now but I’m not pausing it! It’s your fault for never having seen Jurassic Park before.” 
“My mother hated anything that had to do with dinosaurs, okay? I never got around to it! Please pause it. Please?” 
“What will you give me?” I said from the corner of my mouth, my eyes locked on the TV even though I had long since shifted my attention away from the screen and toward my immature boyfriend instead. 
“I’ll make it worth your while. Trust me. But please pause the movie--and rewind it a couple minutes. I've missed everything.” 
I made a large show of sighing and reaching for the remote that lay a few feet to my right on the couch. “Fine. Go on, then.” 
He was up and out of the room in a flash. He must really have had to pee. 
Not two minutes later, he was back. 
“DId you wash your hands?” I goaded from the couch.
“Oh my God, Elain, yes I did! Drop the five year old thing.” 
“Okay, okay, it’s dropped.” 
He sat back down, covering himself with the quilt. 
I giggled. He poked me in the side. 
“Okay really. I’m done. Can I press play now, dear?”
But after only five more minutes of watching, Azriel, his arm around my lower back, started rubbing small circles on the outside of my thigh. I kept my gaze locked on the screen. After I didn’t respond, he grazed his nose up the side of my neck, kissing the small patch of skin behind my ear. 
“Hmmm?” He pressed another kiss just below my ear, then another and another, trailing farther down my neck. 
“You’ve gone twenty-one years without seeing Jurassic Park. Think you could wait another night?”
“I’d hazard a guess and say I could survive another several nights with you and without the movie.” He murmured, now making his way down the skin of my chest that my v-neck left exposed. 
“Alright then.” I shut the TV off and moved the bowl of popcorn to the other side of the couch. 
Azriel pounced. 
He laid me back on the couch and hovered above me. He paused an inch from my lips. “You’re sure? Not five minutes ago you were yelling at me for making you pause the movie for two minutes. . .”
His hands started tugging down my leggings. 
“You must be mistaken,” I breathed, reaching for the hem of his shirt. 
His hand pushed mine away. “I’m pretty sure you’d rather watch that movie right now than do anything else. Or have anything else. . . done to you.” He cocked an eyebrow. 
I pulled him down on top of me.  “Shut up about the movie already,” I said, and kissed him. 
His tongue swept in as his hands made short work of my underwear. I now wore only my pajama t-shirt as his hands drifted toward the exact spot I wanted him to focus on. Our kisses became frantic, heated, before he lowered his head over me and made me forget entirely about the movie.
@queen-of-glass​ @fabfire​ @sleeping-and-books​ @aknymph​ 
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  All Better?
Will had known from the age of six that he'd grow up to be a doctor. He could pinpoint the exact moment the idea was planted in his head. It was one of his fondest memories and never failed to make him smile. Sometimes, when he was stressed, or sad Will would think back on it and almost immediately feel better. Guess childhood memories had that effect.
 Reaching out with his hand to tightly grip Jay's, Will let out a shuddering breath. Tears blurred his vision as he tried to recall those memories up now. Anything to help reconcile the image of his brother's prone and broken body laying before him. Anything to help drown out the continuous beeping of the heart monitor in the corner. He supposed that it should grant him a small amount of comfort but unfortunately all it did was remind how much of a failure he was as a brother.
 So instead, he imagined the beeping turning into the sound of Jay's laughter, echoing down the hallway of their childhood home. His small and unsteady feet trying their hardest to keep up with Will as they ran around the furniture.
 At the respective ages of five and two, both brothers were bundles of boundless energy. Unfortunately for Jay, he hadn't quite developed the fine motor functions required to weave his way around all the furniture and toys without bumping into something. Will could still remember the exact feeling of horror he had, when upon turning around to gloat victoriously from atop the couch, he saw Jay trip over the edge of the rug and smack the ground with a loud thud.
 Jay went chin first, sliding a few inches across the carpet. Both boys were silent for a few seconds before Jay's face scrunched up in pain and he let out a loud wail. Will frantically slid off the couch and ran towards Jay, praying their father wouldn't wake up. He had just gotten home from a graveyard shift a few hours ago and was supposed to be watching them while their mother was at a doctor's appointment, but as soon as the door had closed behind her, their father had rounded on Will. The instructions had been clear. 
 "You are responsible for Jay and you will under no circumstances, wake me before my alarm goes off."
 Panicking slightly, Will pulled Jay onto his lap as best he could. Jay was clutching his chin with a hand and sobbing, his face red with anger. Gently Will pulled Jay's hand away from his chin, frowning at the rug burn. 
 "It's ok," Will said confidently. "I can make it better, but you have to be big like me and not cry. We don't want daddy to wake up. Can you be big like me?" Will asked.
 Jay smashed his lips together tightly to keep from crying, chin quivering. He ended up looking more grumpy than brave but Will wasn't about to mention it. Slowly they stood up, Will grabbing Jay's hand and pulling him towards the bathroom. 
 With great determination Will managed to help Jay climb up and sit on the edge of the tub, just like their mama did when she cleaned up Will's scrapes and cuts. Giving Jay a quick kiss on the head, Will climbed up onto the counter, grabbing all the necessary items before sliding back down onto the floor. 
 "You're doing a good job," Will reminded Jay when he started to sniffle again. "Don't worry, it'll be all better soon."
 Will opened the bottle of rubbing alcohol and tried to carefully pour it on the rag he held. Unfortunately it ended up spilling more onto the floor than the rag. Jay giggled slightly at the mess, laughing harder when Will stuck his tongue out at him. It was nice to hear Jay laugh, knowing he was the one that made him feel better.
 "Be brave," Will said. "This is going to sting but then you get a bandaid. We even have blue ones." Holding the bandaids out for Jay, Will took advantage of the distraction they provided, and quickly dabbed the rag across Jay's rug burn, praising him so he wouldn't start crying again. Once that was done Will blew gently across the wound until it dried and applied a blue bandaid. He examined his handy work for a second before adding a bunch more, just in case.
 "All bedder?" Jay asked, staring wide eyed up at Will when he was finally done.
 "Mmhmm, all better." Will confirmed with a nod of satisfaction. Mama would be proud of him right now. "C'mon let's go get some popcorn and watch tv." 
 Will smiled slightly to himself at the memory. Their mother had come home an hour later to find them cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons and shoving their faces with popcorn. He had been so proud of himself that day and any other time he'd needed to patch Jay up. His younger brother had been a bit of a wild child, always getting himself hurt trying to do dangerous things.
 After that day though, Jay wanted to do everything Will did, looking up to Will like he was a hero. Will wished he could have lived up to Jay's expectations, been the hero he needed. He didn't feel like a hero much right now, he just felt like a failure. 
 "It's not your fault." Connor's voice sounded from the doorway. 
 "You don't know what you're talking about." Will snapped back, purposely refusing to look at the other man. His grip on Jay's hand tightened when he heard Connor make his way into the room, standing at the edge of the bed.
 "I do actually, because no matter how hard you try you can't control someone else's actions. You didn't make your father push Jay down a flight of steps, just like you didn't make Jay go over there."
 Snarling in anger, Will whipped around to glare at Connor. "Don't you dare try and blame Jay for this. I should have known something would happen and stopped it, that's my job as his brother. I'm supposed to protect him."
 Connor held his hands up placatingly, "I'm not blaming him and I'm not blaming you, no matter how much you think you deserve it. You had no idea something like this could happen. Your father, the one who pushed him, didn't even know. It was pure bad luck Jay fell the way he did."
 Will shook his head, "Doesn't change anything, I knew that one day our dad would go too far." He turned back to face Jay. "Dad was already pissed that he was being moved into a new place, I shouldn't have let Jay go help him alone. I can't make this better. I can't fix the fact that our father almost killed him."
 "I know I'm not going to be able to change your mind on that but I'm sure as hell, that your brother is going to be pissed when he wakes up and sees you like this." Connor forced Will to look at him. "You can't go back in time and stop this from happening, but if you want to help your brother then you can stop wallowing in self guilt. The only thing that can come from that is hurting yourself and Jay because lord knows, he is exactly like you. He sees you suffering and he will feel just as guilty as you do now and he sure as hell doesn't need that extra stress."
 Connor didn't want to be mean to Will right now but no one was doing anything and he couldn't just sit back and allow Will to self destruct. They may have their arguments but Will was still his friend and what else are friends for, then to be there, lending a helping hand to pull you back onto your feet when you need it most. Right now, Will definitely needed that hand.
As much as Will wanted to argue that he should be suffering alone with Jay, he knew Connnor was right. Jay would spot his guilt from a mile away and ignore his own health just to ease Will's suffering. They were too much alike for comfort sometimes. "I need him to be alright." 
 "He will be," Connor said confidently, even though he knew better. "He is already showing remarkable improvement from when he was brought in. The swelling around his brain has reduced to a comfortable enough level for them to remove the drain later tonight. You might be stubborn as hell but I'm pretty sure Jay has you trumped there. No way in hell he'll let this take him out."
 Will let out a weak laugh. "Your right. That pains me to say, by the way."
"I generally am," Connor said, feeling slightly better now that Will seemed to be coming out of his funk. "I'll be back to check up on both of you later." He gave Will a comforting pat on the back before making his way out of the room, stopping when he heard Will call his name.
 "Thank you," Will said. "I needed to hear that." Connor nodded his head, leaving as quietly as he arrived.
 Will turned back to his brother, focusing all his attention on the injured man. He leaned in, whispering in Jay's ear, "I promise you that no matter what happens, I'm always going to be there for you. I know I wasn't there for you after I left for college but I'll never leave you again. You just have to come back to me." Will choked out the last sentence, bowing his head in prayer. 
 A few hours passed until Jay was taken to have the drain removed. Will stood in the hallway watching them take his little brother away. He knew it would be a while before they returned so he found a spot where his co-workers couldn't find him easily. Natalie had been eyeing him with great concern and he knew she wanted to talk to him but right now he just needed a moment alone, to gather his thoughts before Jay came back. Finding an empty room to hole up in, Will sunk down with his head between his knees, allowing his mind to wander to better times again. A time when he had been there to protect Jay.
 Will had never been one for violence, that was more Jay's area, even for someone who came from Canary Ville. Sure, he knew how to throw a swing or two but he'd rather avoid it if he could. Unfortunately it was something the bullies in his grade had noticed rather quickly. They'd throw a punch once or twice, maybe say some rude things, but it never really bothered him that much. Most of it never even phased him enough for more than a passing thought.
 Jay on the other hand took great offense to it when he found out, which wasn't until his freshman year and Will's senior year. It was just dumb luck Will had been walking by when he was close enough to hear Jay confront one of his bullies. Now Jay, unlike his older brother, loved to get into fights. He might not have been large in size, his growth spurt came a little late in the height department, but he didn't take shit from anybody and loved to have a chance to prove himself. So of course when he decided to take care of the people messing with his older brother he had to confront the largest one of the bunch. A large jock who looked like he might be taking steroids.
 Will had heard Jay's yelp as he went sprawling to the ground, struggling to stand back up when the jock's foot kicked him in the side. He went back down to the ground, wind knocked out of him. Will's entire body seemed to burn with anger and all he could think about was beating the living hell out of the asshole attacking his brother. At the time he was unaware that Jay had started the fight, not that it would have mattered, and simply assumed the jock had decided that Jay was an easy target like his brother.
 "Hey!" Will shouted, dropping his things and running towards the fight. 
 "Well would you look at this, your brother wants a beating too." The jock smirked down at Jay, completely ignoring Will. The smile was knocked off his face when Will spun him around delivering a swift punch to the nose. The bully  howled and stumbled back, surprised that the other male had actually hit him and that it hurt so much. "You bastard! You're going to pay for that!"
 "Fuck you," Will yelled, hitting him with an upper cut in the solar plexus, knocking the breath out of him. As the jock gasped for air, Will quickly punched him in the kidney and his body spasmed for a second. Blinded with anger, Will hit him again and again screaming obscenities, until someone was pulling him away.
 "Will! Stop!" Jay yelled, pulling his brother away from the whimpering mess on the ground. 
Will panted heavily for a second, taking a moment to catch his breath, before noticing the large crowd that had gathered around them. 
"We gotta go before a teacher shows up," Jay urged, continuing to tug on his older brother's arm. Will allowed himself to be pulled away from glaring at the writhing mess on the ground. "That was so cool, I knew you could take him."
  Will groaned at his little brother. "Did you plan this?" He wouldn't put it past the little brat, Jay was surprisingly conniving when he wanted to be. 
 "Of course not," Jay said with a smirk. "We should probably skip the rest of the day. I doubt he'll rat on you but it might be better not to test it." 
 Will chose not to respond but allowed Jay to lead him off campus. He watched as Jay chatted on about how cool Will was, his smile bright as could be even though he was obviously going to have a nasty black eye tomorrow, if not within the next few hours. Jay bruised easily, their mother said it was because his skin was so pale. 
 They made their way to a nearby park to sit down for a few minutes, while Will examined Jay's head. "Why did he go after you?" Will finally asked. 
  "Well," Jay started sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "I might have started it."
 "Seriously? C'mon man you're like half his size, why would you do that?" Will asked, feeling frustrated.
"Because he's an ass to you! He can't just treat you like that, someone had to stop him."
Jay yelled, quick to defend himself. He might have miscalculated his abilities but Will showed up and everything had been fine, better than fine. "You kicked his ass, Will. Why were you letting him mess with you if you didn't have too?"
 "Because it doesn't bother me and despite what dad says, fighting isn't the answer to everything." Will flopped onto his back on the grass once he was sure Jay was going to be fine. "Besides. I got lucky. I surprised him and knew enough anatomy to know where to hit him. Probably got lucky hitting the right spots too."
 Cocking his head to the side, Jay looked curiously at his brother. "What do you mean? What's anatomy got to do with punching a dude."
 "Hit a guy in the solar plexus you knock the breath out of them, hit them on the kidney it will kinda paralysis them with pain. At least that's what I got from the book." Will looked over at Jay staring at him in awe. "Don't give me that look, it's also really dangerous. You can seriously hurt someone and I shouldn't have done it. So don't go trying it on someone, you little maniac."
 Jay smiled innocently, "Who me? I would never."
 "You're a menace," Will groaned.
"I know but I'll always have you to make it all better," Jay replied with a cheeky grin.
  The door to the room he was in opened, distracting Will from the memory.  He looked up to see Natalie standing in the doorway, silently asking to join him. Sighing, he waved her in, patting the spot next to him.
"I'm going to be ok," Will informed her. "Just needed some time to get myself together." 
"I know." Natalie sat down next to him, reaching over to hold his hand tightly. "But if you need someone to lean on, I'm here. You might have to be strong for Jay but you don't have to be for me." 
 Will gave her a watery smile, clutching her hand tighter in his. "Thank you. I might have to take you up on that when Jay starts driving me up the wall about getting back to work."
They laughed with each other before falling into a comfortable silence. Natalie broke the quiet, "They wrapped everything up a few minutes ago, they should be bringing Jay out soon. All the scans are looking good so far."
 "Do you think I'll have to tell him what happened?" Will asked suddenly.
 Natalie faltered for a moment before giving Will a weak smile. "You might have too, or someone else could do it. Connor or I, maybe Voight?" 
 "Lord, no. Not Voight." Will shuddered. As much as Voight might care about his team, gently breaking bad news to someone was never going to be something Will could imagine him doing. Although, being a cop probably required it fairly often so he might actually be good at it. Still though, this was Will's job. "I should be the one to tell him."
 "Ok." Natalie stood up, offering a hand to help pull Will up. "Should probably get back there, wouldn't want to miss your spot next to his bed. I hear it's the most wanted seat in the hospital right now."
 Laughing, Will allowed Natalie to help him to his feet. "His team only dreams they could have that spot, I'm almost certain I nearly grew roots there earlier." 
 The two laughed together as they made their way back to Jay's room. Seeing his brother already back in the room, Will quickly made his way to the chair beside him and grabbed his hand again. He heard Natalie get a call for an incoming trauma, so he settled down as comfortably as possible to wait out the time until Jay woke up. A few visitors came by, mostly the intelligence unit, but other than that Will was left alone with his thoughts until he finally fell asleep. 
 A sharp painful yank came from Will's scalp causing him to swat the air. "Stop." The tugging continued, growing incessantly more annoying every time. Whining, Will swatted the air again in an attempt to make it stop.
 "Willll, oh Willll, wake up you weirdo." Jay's voice slurred. 
Will shot straight up at the sound of his brother's voice, quickly remembering where he was. "Jay! Oh, thank god."  
 Jay smiled dopely up at his brother. "They gave me the good drugs."
 Will had trouble keeping his laughter at bay watching Jay act so completely out of character. "I can tell, you seem like you've been awake for awhile."
 "Yup," Jay continued to smile brightly, even though he was obviously falling asleep already. "I told'em no, good drugs, but they said yes, good drugs. You think Voight is gonna be mad they gave me drugs." Jay started speaking in a whisper. "Drugs are bad."
Will couldn't keep the smile off his face, just so happy Jay seemed to be completely fine mentally. He bent his head giving the back of Jay's hand a kiss, ignoring the whines about cooties, thanking every deity out there that Jay was ok. 
 "Get some more sleep," Will ordered, noticing Jay struggling to keep his eyes open. 
 Jay nodded sleepily, "Everything's going to be all better?"
 "Yeah, everything's going to be all better," Will promised, brushing Jay's hair gently out of his face as the younger male drifted off to sleep. If there was one thing he'd learned thinking back on his past, it was that he may not always be there to prevent Jay from getting hurt, but he sure as hell would be there after. He would never abandon Jay when he needed Will, because after all, what else are big brothers for?
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avatoh · 4 years
RCIJ: Swimming in Summer
Hello @ryik-the-writer it’s me! Late-o santa!
Prompt: I don’t think he’s moving
Summary: Mr. Gold takes his son to the pool during the summer for fun. Belle, the lifeguard, saves his son’s life one fateful day leaving Gold in her debt.
Swimming in Summer:
“I don’t think he’s moving,” said Baelfire to his friend, Emma, as he poked at his sleeping father with a large pool noodle. “He could be dead.”
“Really?” Emma said in as sarcastic a tone as a small 10 year old girl could manage.
“Yeah,” Neal said, walking closer to his papa and pulling funny faces, increasingly getting closer to his father’s sleeping figure. “I think he’s done for.”
Emma rolled her eyes as Neal poked more at his pool-side lounging father. Neal flicked a bit of water his father’s way and was met with an unconscious grunt of disapproval that caused the boy to burst out laughing. His father still didn't wake.
“Oh, wow,” Baelfire whispered to himself, going slightly concerned. “Papa?” he said in a louder tone. “Papa, wake up!”
He was met with his father jolting awake, the glasses on his reclined nose falling off.
“What is it?” Gold hissed.
“Nothing. Just keeping you on your toes,” Neal said as he ran away, jumping back into the pool with a noisy and wet ‘splash’.
Gold was awake now. He had somehow fallen asleep in the warm sun at the poolside. The days were hot and the usually adequate temperature town of Storybrooke was now in the middle of an intense summer heat wave. He himself couldn’t even bear his usual 3 piece suit and had limited his own poolside dress to either a suit vest or a ¾ sleeve button up: it was that hot. 
School was out, there was no need for his son to go to summer school and due to the smallness of the town there weren't many summer programs. So, most of the days, Gold took his son to the public pool at the town’s rec center to get his energy out and to cool down. There were a few things that he as an adult could do, but most days he just brought a book and read while his son splashed in the water with his friends. Besides, he didn’t trust others like Miss French, the lifeguard, to be in charge of the safety of his son when she had about 60 others to watch over.
He knew that soon enough, he was going to have to relinquish some of his control and trust his son to make smart decisions for himself. But for now, gazing up from his book every now and then to make sure he saw his son’s head floating above the water put him at ease.
Currently, his son’s favorite thing to do was doing fancy dives off the diving boards and had just discovered the tallest one in the deep end of the diving pool wasn’t as scary as it had been to him the previous year. He was proud of his son overcoming his fear but often had to tell him to be a bit more careful about running and how he was jumping. Even the lifeguard, who he thought so incompetent, had blown her whistle at his son a few times for running near the diving board. At least she had noticed that.
Baelfire was approaching the line for the diving board while he opened his book back up and continued reading where he left off. A few minutes later he heard the distinct yelp of his son followed by a weak splash of water. 
Gold knew his son’s screams well, and he could usually distinguish a happy yell from an upset yell. The one that he had just heard hadn’t been a good one. He threw his book aside in a panicked manner, already knowing that something terrible had happened. Before he could even see what had happened to his son and get over to him, he saw the lifeguard, Belle French, jump off the lifeguard station and leap into the water. He rushed over to the diving area in a panic and looked into the water below. It looked like nothing. He couldn’t make out anyone under the rippling water, but he could tell that something had happened as the people in the pool were hanging onto the sides or frozen in their spot. A foggy pinkness appeared from under the deep water, followed by his son and Miss French emerging from the depths. Gold teetered on the edge of the pool, half wanting to leap in and help pull his son in and half not wanting to get in Miss French’s way and hindering her any further. 
His son was pulled to safety and Gold helped pull his son out of the water. He tried to hold onto his son, who seemed unresponsive, but got pushed away from Miss French with a shove that made his unstable body buckle.
The lifeguard was checking on his son and started to give him CPR. Oh, that’s why he had been shoved away, he had realized. She was trying to save his son. Baelfire looked so little lying unconscious on the concrete surrounded by a bunch of strangers. He was certainly too young to die?! He couldn’t have been under water for more than a minute. Only 5 minutes earlier, Bae had been poking at him to wake up! His eyes were fixated on his son, who was limp in a pile of blood and water. His eyes refused to leave until he heard his son sputtering and coughing up water. He opened his eyes, which were rolled back and made erratically strange movements. Gold found himself right by his son’s side again, the lifeguard finally out of the way. 
“Papa?” his son asked, looking and sounding like he had just woken up. He attempted to get up but faltered.
“I can drive you to the hospital if you think it’s safe enough to move him to my car,” came a voice from the crowd that Gold identified as David Nolan, the town Sheriff.
“I suppose, but-” Miss French began to say.
“Is it or is it not fine?!” Gold demanded.
“I’m okay papa,” Baelfire said, getting to his knees. Gold hugged his son tightly to his chest.
They were only a few streets away from the hospital, three blocks away to be more precise. His son was awake and moving but still certainly needed to be checked out by a physician and given the clear. Gold looked at Miss French who gave him a nod and he helped his son to his feet, Bae was struggling a bit so he scooped his son up with some newly found strength and carried him to where Mr. Nolan was leading in the family sedan. Gold and Bae were in the backseat along with Mr. Nolan’s young daughter, who had tears streaming down her face and was sniffing wildly. It was then that Gold had noticed he had tears streaking down his own face.
When they arrived at the hospital, Baelfire was almost immediately taken into a room and was told that a doctor would see him shortly. The room was white and tiny and there was only one little chair and a bed for his son to sit on. Gold elected to stand up as he kept his son sitting on the bed. He was looking a little bit drowsy and was holding on to his father’s shirt. Gold now saw that his son was bleeding out from somewhere on his head. He didn’t dare investigate further, as he didn't want to hurt his son.
"How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I don’t feel that good,” Bae said meekly. “My hand really hurts too. I can’t move it.”
Gold hadn’t even noticed that there was anything wrong with his son’s hand. He had only noticed the blood coming from his head and the fact that his child had been unconscious. He did his best to keep a brave face and assured his son that the doctors would do what they could to help him and see what was wrong. It was the scariest thing in the world to almost have his son slip from his fingers like he almost just did.
About 15 minutes into waiting, a nurse did a quick examination and ordered some tests based on the results. Storybrooke was a small town and had an even smaller hospital staff, but thankfully there weren't too many emergency patients that day, so they soon were on the path to an almost all-day hospital trip. The thing that took the longest was the MRI scanner. It was a miracle that they even had the machine in the small town, but they did. Unfortunately, there were only a handful of people who knew how to operate the machine, and they were all preoccupied already. Gold was incredibly frustrated, but in the meantime there were other tests and procedures they had to go through. The X-ray technician, who also happened to be a dental hygienist on duty, got the results for them right away and let Gold know that his son’s wrist was most likely broken. Though they did have to wait for the doctor himself to come in and look at it.
The doctor came in almost 20 minutes later, but it had felt like hours. The doctor informed him that Bae had a mild concussion and had sprained his wrist
“Probably as a result of the fall,” the doctor said.
Bae was given a splint and a sling to keep him from moving his wrist, and they were given proper instruction on how to proceed. Gold had to unfortunately give David Nolan a phone call to let him know that they were done, since his car was still at the community pool. David had come out of a waiting room moments later. He had been at the hospital the whole time, explaining how he called his wife to pick up their daughter while he waited for them to finish up. Gold was glad of that and soon they all drove back to the community pool and got their own car to drive home. He couldn’t help but look at his son every 3 seconds as they made their way home.
The following days, Gold had been on high alert as to his son’s well-being and Baelfire was well aware of this, asking for ice cream and things that Gold normally would give his son in moderation every few hours. The boy really knew how to play him, but still panicked from the previous ordeal, he gave into most of the demands.
There was a knock at the door: they hadn’t been expecting visitors and the Nolan family had just left from a visit a few hours ago. Gold went to the door to investigate, leaving his son alone by himself. He winced as he left, if this guy was a salesman or some church group, they were really going to feel his wrath. He opened the door to find the lifeguard, Belle French, at his doorstep. The darkness in his heart immediately lightened up, turning into warmth.
“Hello, Mr. Gold.” Belle said, “I just came by to check on Baelfire. I hope he’s doing alright.”
Gold, still suppressed at her being at his door, stood blankly.
“I just wanted to make sure that your son was okay. Nobody's heard a word from you regarding his condition and I haven’t stopped thinking about him! Please tell me he is alright!”
Gold’s mind caught up with his body. "He has a sprained wrist and a mild concussion. He was told to stay home for a while to heal up. I apologize that no word was sent out to you. It won’t happen again.”
“I sure hope not,” Belle said. “I’ve been moonlighting as a lifeguard during the summer for the past 4 years, and I’ve never had anything quite like that happen before!”
“It was an accident,” Gold justified, or at least this is what he’d been telling himself for the past few days to make sense of what had happened.
If only he had been paying more attention to his son and making sure that everything in the facility was safe. When he had questioned his son, all he said was that he slipped.
“Did you, by chance, see how my son got hurt?”
Belle paused and shifted uncomfortably for a moment.
“Yes. I must admit that I saw the whole thing. I just couldn’t reach him in time, I’m so sorry that this happened, and that I couldn’t prevent it. I just, I was far away and-”
“No need to apologize, I should be thanking you for saving my son’s life!”
Belle nodded.
“Well, I wanted to give you this gift basket and wish you two the best of luck and healing,” she said, shoving a well-put together basket in his hands. “I best be going now. I just wanted to hear for myself if your son was okay or not.”
Gold nodded slowly, accepting the present, dumbfounded at this woman’s kindness and big heart.
Belle swiftly walked back to her car as Mr. Gold stood on his doorstep, looking at her. She had just given a gift basket to the most feared man in Storybrooke, and he had thanked her for her help! Mr. Gold never thanked anyone. She had seen him around town and heard almost nothing but bad things about the man. Due to inheriting her late father and mother’s house, she never had many run-ins with Mr. Gold. She knew his son well from school as well as from the pool, but had never really interacted with the man himself besides a few choice occasions where he scolded her for not being more strict with the children making noise and running around the pool. 
She had always taken her job as a lifeguard seriously but also remembered what it was like to be a child excited for summer. If only she had been more strict with Baelfire, maybe the accident was preventable. She was sure that Mr. Gold was going to hold a grudge against her for letting his precious and only son have an accident like that. She had told her friends about what had happened, and they told her she better watch out for Mr. Gold and that they wouldn’t put it past him if he sued her for negligence.
“What kind of person would do such a thing? There’s no way somebody would do something like that."
“He would, trust me.”
Two of her friends agreed and she spent two restless nights fearing the most feared man in Storybrooke. Yet another person he had under his grasp. She was legitimately nervous about Baelfire, as nobody had heard or seen him since the accident. The town sheriff, the one person at the pool she ever saw Gold somewhat talking to, hadn’t been in either. She asked around but nobody knew what had happened or heard from him since.
The one thing that everyone knew in Storybrooke, other than that Mr. Gold was one evil and ruthless sonofabitch, was that he lived in the bright pink house near the edge of town. The paint job was legendary and bold. When she first came to live in Storybrooke four years ago, she really admired the building, always wondering who lived in such a bold house as that. When she asked was one of the first times she heard about the famous old Mr. Gold who runs the pawnshop and also ruins lives in the sleepy little town.
She noticed Baelfire right away, as the librarian in charge of Storybrooke Elementary and Middle School. The child had such a unique name and she asked him about the history of it, remarking that she had never met someone with his name before. “Most people call me Bae or sometimes Bailey,” he said, shrugging as she checked out his books. 
“You don’t like your name?” she had asked.
“I do, but it’s hard to say and a lot of people make fun of me for it.”
She nodded, understanding. From that day on, every time he came into the library she would say things like “How are you doing, Baelfire?” and “What kind of book are you getting today?” His class usually had library days once a week to get new books, but sometimes she saw him during lunch and recess time as well. He seemed to have 2 or 3 of the same friends but he was usually alone. Some children straight up seemed to ignore him or avoid him, but she had just chalked it up to kids being kids and kids being bullies. She inquired about it after seeing two children in a row change course down the aisle as soon as they saw him.
“Oh, that child’s the child of Mr. Gold,” one of the teachers in the teachers lounge told her. “A lot of children’s parents owe his father a lot of money, so they tell them to avoid antagonizing his son.”
“So they just don’t ever speak to him?” Belle asked, gobsmacked. “They don’t speak to this child because they owe his father rent money?”
“You don’t understand,” the teacher said, shaking her head. “If you anger Mr. Gold in any way, your head is on the chopping block and your life could be ruined. Nobody wants to teach his son in fear of his father’s wrath.” 
Belle laughed, not knowing if this teacher was exaggerating or not. When she saw their blank expression she had a feeling they were for real.
“Oh, wow.”
“Yes, he’s never given a teacher too much trouble of course. He’s actually put a lot of his own money into this school for his son’s sake. But one time, when his kid was in pre-school and he had a meltdown, he got the teacher fired. We haven’t heard from her since.”
“Oh my," Belle said again.
“Anyway, just watch out what you say to the kid, alright?” The teacher warned. 
“Don’t worry, I will,” Belle said.
She heeded the teacher's advice for about 2 weeks, but the child seemed harmless. He was very polite and very interested in reading. While the thought of his fearsome father was sometimes nagging her at the back of her mind, she decided to treat Baelfire as just a normal kid.
Gold stood on his doorstep with the basket in hand and blinked, heading back upstairs to check on his son once more who was still on the same 15-minute episode of adventure time that he had been on when he left.
“The lifeguard came and got you a gift basket. She wanted to make sure that you were feeling well.”
“Yes.” He set it on Baelfire’s dresser.
“She helped me,” Bae said.
“Yes, she saved you,” Gold said, warmly.
“How come you didn’t let her in? Aren’t we supposed to thank people when they give us things?”
His son had surprised him yet again. “Yes, you’re right. When you’re feeling better, we can both thank her together. So you need to get your strength up.”
“I feel fine,” Baelfire wined. “You’re the one who said I can’t go outside to play right now.”
“That’s because you have a cast on and have a wrist sprain. I’m afraid I’m going to have to keep you inside for awhile until the doctor says you're fine.”
“Papa, that’s no fun, it’s Summer!”
“Sorry, that’s the way it has to be.”
His son pouted but didn’t remark on anything further than that. They watched the rest of the episode and then Bae inquired if he could open the care package now. Gold had really wanted to see for himself what the lifeguard had given his son and make sure it was appropriate, but he nodded, anyway, trusting this woman he knew little to nothing about. Bae was overjoyed and tore at the clear plastic that was surrounding the basket. Gold could see a bunch of sweets and treats in the variety of chocolate and sours as well as a few other things, such as a hardcover children's book and another book that looked like it was a creative prompt-book. There was also a card which Bae was strangely excited about, due to him never receiving much mail addressed to him. Overall, the package was very age appropriate, thoughtful but not too extravagant. It basically was an activity to keep his son busy, which Gold was very happy for. That was probably the most thoughtful thing somebody had done for him in awhile. Again, Gold thought about how he ought to have done something for Belle instead of her doing something for him and his family. What should he do in return for her? He pondered as he saw his son look through the book, which was titled Percy Jackson, a book neither he or his son knew anything about. Perhaps they could read it together, though his son typically read things by himself nowadays. 
After allowing his son to eat some of the candy, he asked his son if he wanted to read the book together. Bae nodded.
“Maybe as a bedtime story?”
Gold was still glad that his son wanted to do such things. He was nearly 10 and on a few occasions told him that he was too old for bedtime stories. His son was growing up so fast. He felt like his son was just a baby in his arms. He had devoted his whole life to Bae’s care and upbringing, that he almost didn’t know what he would do when his son left him. He was nearing his pre-teen, which meant in 3 years time he would be a teenager. Remembering his own teenage years, with his own terrible father, he was a little scared at raising a son when he had no idea what a normal way to raise a kid was like. The thought terrified him. All he knew was that when his son wanted or needed him now, he would be there.
After putting his son to bed, Gold retired to his office to do a little bit more work before he went to bed. Since he had Bae home all day and was still paying most of his attention to make sure that nothing was going to go horrifically wrong, he had been saving most of his work for late at night, which meant little sleep for him. He thought more about what he should do to thank Miss French. Perhaps a cheque? Would that be out of line or too much? How could he even put a price tag on his son’s life? He could also thank her with dinner or perhaps a gift basket in return, but he really didn’t know about that. He only knew that he had to do something. Gold finished up the rest of his work and then went to lay in bed, his mind restless and not letting him sleep.
The next morning, he made pancakes and his son and him sat at the kitchen table.
“Can we at least go for a walk, Papa?” Bae asked
Gold grimaced. Walking for the sake of walking was something he didn’t like too much, due to his ankle. It got sore rather easily when he walked for more than 30 minutes straight, but he agreed to it. It was good to get his son fresh air if he was asking for it. He took his good cane with him and the two set off, deciding to walk on the nearby sidewalk and just around the neighborhood. 
His son was doubly fast as him and often went off ahead alone, only to come back to his father. The boy had a lot of energy in him, and he had been cooped up for some time inside. Perhaps they should drive into town to walk, Gold supposed. The walk ended up being 40 minutes, and Gold was rather hot and sore by the end of it, while his son was unfazed. Exercise was something Gold should probably do more often, but the trouble was that his ankle killed him when he did most activities and he was pretty skinny and healthy, overall. He did know that he had a family history of heart trouble, and he wanted to be there for his son. Frankly, after his walk, he was a little more than a bit concerned about how winded he was from the walk. He never really went that far, so perhaps that was his main cause for concern.
He ended up taking his son to town the next day, where they planned on driving past the aquatics center to give Belle a Thank You card for the basket as well as for saving Bae’s life. It turned out that she was not working at the time, but the lifeguard on duty told them that she would be on the following day.
“Or you can leave the stuff with me. I can put it in the break room?”
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” Gold said.
He was always more of a person to do things in person than through a third party, which was part of the reason he collected rent by going to each and everyone’s house. Rent was due in a few days and he was still deciding the best route on how to deal with Bae. The usual babysitter who watched his son was out of town and summer camp had already ended. He was going to have to find a new babysitter or ask a favor of the only people who were nice to him and his son: the Nolan’s, who had already done so much for him lately. He could always take Bae along with him, which he did sometimes when he had the pawnshop open or had to do a few errands, but his kid was already cooped up and miserable. The babysitter he regularly used was recommended by a mutual business acquaintance, but he had no idea how to go about inquiring about a new sitter who had reputable character. He asked the Nolan family, as well as his regular babysitter named Margot, if they knew anyone who could possibly watch his son and they both recommended the same person: Alice Jones.
Gold met with the temporary babysitter a little bit before trying to catch Belle at the pool again. The babysitter was 20 minutes early and sitting in her car before he figured out who was loitering in front of his house. His first impression of her was that she was a little bit odd, but she seemed sufficient and kind enough to watch Bae for the afternoon when he went around collecting the rent the next day. It wasn't like he had much choice in the matter, and his son seemed to like her.
He told her that he would see her tomorrow and then left with Baelfire to swing by the pool. This time, Belle was indeed there. She was so focused on the children in the pool, she didn't realize Gold coming to her side with their little thank you gift in hand.
“Miss French,” Gold said, as he handed Belle the small thank you basket. “A little token of my appreciation.”
“Oh my.”
She looked at the basket in hand and then out to the water as she got down from her lifeguard tower to reach for it.
“Thank you so much,” she said cheerily.
“Thank you for saving my son.”
“Yeah, thanks for saving me,” said Baelfire.
“No problem!”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you at work,” Gold said, “but I didn’t know any other way to contact you. I take it your house isn't as pink and noticeable as mine.”
Belle laughed. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble."
Some kids were beginning to roughhouse and Belle had to blow her whistle at them.
“I’ll let you get going then,”
“Thank you,” said Belle. “I hope to see Baelfire in the pool again before the end of the year if he’s able too,” she smiled.
“We’ll see.” With that, the Golds departed. He had done his duty.
The next day Gold was rushed and panicked, trying to get all of the paperwork and receipts ready to try and hurry up and calculate all the rent in one go. He had been neglecting his work the past week, due to his son and he thought he was ready to collect rent but he was far from it. It seemed that he was going to run a little into overtime. Before Alice, the temporary babysitter, even came early that morning, Gold sent her a quick text asking if she could stay a little bit longer than he previously had asked if need be. Strangely the girl was already awake even though the sun was still coming out and informed him that she was free the whole day and would be willing to stay a little bit extra. This was the most relieving thing he had heard all day…
Alice arrived early once again, and Gold gave her the rundown before setting off to drop by his neglected pawn shop, which hadn’t been open all week. It was really more of his office than a legitimate business, but he still was sad that he hadn’t really had business hours in awhile. Usually, he stayed in the building an hour before he went to collect rent because sometimes residents liked going to him first before he came to them. 
Baelfire was still asleep when he set off, though he usually made sure his son was awake at a reasonable time, he told Alice to let him sleep in as long as he wanted to make it easier on her.
Getting in the door to the pawnshop there was already some poor soul waiting for him to open up who was asking for a rent extension as they had emergency expenses that month. Gold actually gave it to them, as he wasn’t in the mood to argue when he still had so much work to do before doing the first rounds of collections. Three more people came in for other various issues that he quickly resolved, and then he began his first rounds of collections, which took about an hour and a half before heading back to the pawnshop. Nobody liked rent day, not even him.
After getting about a third of his total rent collected, he was back at his shop and getting pretty hungry, realizing that he hadn’t remembered to pack himself anything as he had left in a hurry. He resolved to eat at Granny’s Diner before he started collecting more rent in that area.
The bell to Granny's rang as he walked into the building, as usual eyes turned his way.
“I’m here for the rent. I’m also here for my usual.”
He sat down at his usual booth and the Red woman, who usually helped him, gave him a tall glass of iced tea with a lemon slice.
“I’ll be back with your burger and the rent money, Mr. Gold.”
He nodded and pulled out his phone, contemplating asking for an update on his son. He was sure that Alice would tell him if anything was wrong and didn't want to seem too overprotective of his son. If almost like magic, Alice contacted him, giving him a short update on his son saying that Bae was doing well and asked if she could take him outside for a walk. He responded back and then his food came. Halfway through the meal, he saw Miss French walking his way. He hadn’t even seen her enter the building. She quietly walked up to him and stood right by his booth, looking down at him as he was finishing up chewing a bite of food. 
“Can I help you?”
“May I sit down?” she asked.
“Be my guest,” he motioned to the other side of the bench.
“Mr. Gold," she said, her voice low in case anyone was listening. “Um, I came here to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?”
“Um, that 'gift' that you gave me,” she slid him an envelope. “It was too much.”
She was talking about the cheque he had put in his thank you card. He had given it some thought and was determined that she would appreciate some money as a thank you for saving his son’s life. Perhaps he had thought wrong.
“I can’t believe it,” she started to say. “I had this sitting on the floor by my station the entire shift,” she exclaimed. “I can’t accept this.”
“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he said. “My apologies," he said, taking the envelope and sliding it in his breast pocket. "Will half the sum be more to your liking?”
“No! I just....” she paused trying to catch her words. “I can’t accept your money.”
“Fine. But is there anything I can do for you instead. I really can’t let my debt go unpaid. You saved my son’s life, after all.”
“You don’t owe me anything, really.”
“I insist.” Belle wavered and then her whole face lit up. “It seems you do have something in mind.”
“Well,” Belle started. “If you do ‘insist’ perhaps you can make a donation, a ‘small’ donation," she clarified, "to the school library or the summer swimming program. I’m sure the kids at Bae’s school would appreciate some new books and improved conditions.”
This woman was amazing. This woman was selfless. He was in awe.
“Done. On one condition,”
“What’s that?”
“You have to let me do something for you and you personally.”
“You heard me.”
“Umm…” Belle wavered. “You can enroll in my swimming class. I can always use a few more people.”
She eyed him and could tell he wasn’t going to buy that request as being selfless.
“Fine. You can help me with my sink. I know you’re a landlord who has a few contractors under your thumb and my sink’s been leaking. I haven’t gotten a plumber to come and look at it yet, but I’m pretty sure it needs work. If one of your guys could swing by and check it out, I’d appreciate it.”
“Consider it done. That’s all you want? Many folks don’t get the opportunity to ask me for things, so please take this into consideration.”
“Yes. That’s it. A donation to the school library and my sink.”
Gold nodded. “I’ll need to know your address and I can have it taken care of when it’s convenient for you.”
“Sure. Let me text you my address.”
The rest of the rent collecting went well that day. Gold came home to find his son in great spirits, and he said he had a lot of fun with the new babysitter. Belle still hadn't texted him, but it still hadn't even been a full day. 
About a full day later, while Gold was pouring through some of the logbooks he was working on, he found his phone had begun to ring. It was a call, not a text, a call! He picked it up and heard the soft timbre of Belle's voice.
“Are you calling regarding the plumbing?”
“Yes. Do you think you can have someone come over on Friday and take a look at my sink? That’s my next day off, and I should be home most of the day.”
Gold only had one man working on Fridays, and he hoped it wouldn’t be an issue.
“That’s fine," he said. Do you have a preference in time? Earlier in the day or later?”
“How about 11?”
“We can make that work,” Gold said, not hesitating. “Are there any pets that he might have to worry about?”
“Just my cat, but he shouldn’t be any issue.”
“Alright. I’ll send somebody out on Friday to the address you texted me. Thank you, Miss French.”
“Sounds good, and thank you for doing this for me, Mr. Gold, I really appreciate it.”
She hung up and Gold immediately called the plumber on duty for that day and informed him to clear his schedule and take emergencies only because he had a special job for him.
Friday morning came and around 10 am he got a call from his plumber.
“Mr. Gold, there’s a septic emergency at the Glass Tower Apartment buildings. A bunch of the apartments are backing up and leaking, well, you know. The bad stuff. I called the other 2 guys to help me. It looks like it’s going to take awhile.”
Gold was upset at this news, mostly because one of his apartment buildings was apparently flooding with shit, but he was also upset due to the fact that he had to cancel the one small favor Belle had asked of him. Perhaps he could go and check out the problem himself. After all, he used to have to worry about building repairs when he didn’t have the income to afford to hire his own handymen. If the problem was too great to solve, he could always have one of his men look at it once the bigger problem was solved. Or just hire another outside plumber if she needed work asap. Going over to suss out the situation was the best course, especially because she expected him in an hour.
After a change of clothes, dressing in one of his less nice suits and putting on an undershirt, in case the problem was really bad, he headed over to Belle’s at precisely 11.
“Oh,” she said. “Mr. Gold. I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Nor was I,” he said coming into the building. “There was an emergency in one of my buildings that required all 3 of my plumbers. I’m sure it will be the talk of the town in a few hours.”
“Oh my, I hope everything is alright.” 
“It’s alright, but I’m afraid there is only me to look at your sink today. I apologize and will leave if you want to wait for the plumbers on a different day.”
“I mean, you’re already here, might as well see what you can do. I tried to fix it myself but I don’t really know where Papa kept his tools and I’m 90% sure you’ll need tools to fix the problem I’m having.”
“That’s why I came prepared,” Gold said, raising his dusty old tool box. Belle nodded. “I used to do some sort of this stuff back in the day. I mostly know what I’m doing, but it’s been awhile. Can you please lead me to the problem?”
“Certainly, follow me.”
Belle led him to the kitchen and opened up the underneath of her sink up for him. There was a bucket collecting water and a long strip of crafting duct tape with a colorful rose pattern, holding things together.
“There’s a leak,” she explained. “It’s not a lot of water, and I can’t figure out exactly the source. I’ve been kind of putting it off, but it’s just gotten worse.”
“I see.”
Gold took off his suit jacket and bent down, in a bit of a painful way. He really hadn’t the need to bend like this in most cases. He used one of the dryer towels that was under the sink as support for his knees. He worked at removing the tape and then went digging through his tool box. Hopefully, the issue was a simple one, such as tightening a bolt or something. He tried the simple fixes first, until he was satisfied with his work. Belle was lingering looking at him the whole time, asking if she could do anything to help. When he was ready, he asked her to turn on the water and was met with a full on spray of water in his face.
“Oh God! I'm so sorry, Mr. Gold!”
He lurched back suddenly at full force, soaking wet and uncomfortable.
He lay there in his puddle, uncomfortable and soaked and then did something almost unexpected as his uncharacteristic cursing: he stifled a laugh. This whole situation was all so ridiculous. 
“I’m so sorry,” Belle began laughing a bit as well after she heard him laughing a bit more. “Let me get you a clean towel.”
Gold lay there on the floor, a little sore as Belle walked off. Oh, he definitely looked like a fool, but he somehow didn’t care in Belle’s presence. He should have left it for the professionals, but he just felt like he had to do something for her! He attempted to get up, a little sore, unused to lurching back the way he did. 
Belle came back to the room with a towel and held him up without asking, which he was grateful for. She helped him to the kitchen chair and he began to dry himself off.
“So it looks like the leak is a bit more of a problem than I expected.”
“Appears so.”
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Gold,” she apologized, for the third time. 
“Don’t mention it to anybody else ever and I’ll call us square for squirting me in the face with sink water.”
“It’s safe to say, the problem is beyond my help. I can help you put the tape back on, but you’ll probably have to avoid using that sink until I can get a real plumber to look at it.”
“Eat takeout tonight so I don’t use the sink, got it,” Belle answered.
“That will do.”
He started to unbutton his wet shirt a bit without care. She had already seen him soaking wet and his attire at the pool. Besides, he and his shirt would dry faster if he took it off for just a bit. He wasn’t a blushing exposed maiden, after all. Besides, he still had his undershirt on.
After a few moments of rest, he got up to help Belle clean the water from the floor and he winced. She turned her head.
“Did you need some ibuprofen or something.”
“That’d be great.”
He had made her get up again to go get him something. He felt bad. She returned to the room and went to grab him a cup of water, turning on the sink.
More water splashed on the floor, albeit just a little drop.
“Oh. Guess this is a lot harder than it looks to stay away.” She handed him the glass.
He took the pills down and then stiffly crouched to the floor to help her clean the mess.
After everything was dry,  they sat down at the table where his shirt lay.
“This was quite the experience.”
“Trust me, if I told any of my friends how I have come to know you and what we’ve been through, they wouldn’t believe me.”
He nodded. “You certainly haven’t seen me at my best.”
She laughed a bit. “I never would have imagined you being the way you are. I mean, I’ve only seen you around town here and there. You’re not too bad, Gold.”
“Well you’re not too bad yourself.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, sorry.”
“It’s fine. I know what people say. Sometimes I believe myself to be the most hated man in Storybrooke.” 
“I don’t think that’s true,” Belle started to say.
“Name one other person people hate more.”
Belle thought for a moment. “The Mayor!” Gold let out a short stifle of a laugh. “See! You agree with me.”
“I suppose.”
“See, I don’t really have to deal with you too much. The Mayor on the other hand, she keeps on trying to de-fund the school and library. I feel like I have to argue and fight with her once a week cause everyone else is too afraid to confront her.”
“You’re pretty brave, this is a secret: but she’s even known to frighten me on occasions.”
“Together we can probably stand strong together.”
Belle gave him a smile.
After a few more long minutes of chatting Gold had offered to take Belle out for dinner, “It’s only fair,” he explained. “You can’t really cook or do dishes today because of me.  I possibly made your sink worse than before.”
“It’s fine,” Belle said.
“I insist. What do you want to eat?”
“I dunno. Takeout is fine.”
“Yeah. We don’t have to go anywhere and sit down or anything. Takeout still results in no dishes or prep-work that needs a sink. Besides, me and you look pretty scruffy from the sink debacle earlier. People would talk if they saw me together, all ruffled up and stuff.”
Gold actually felt his cheeks redden. “Takeout is fine, Miss French.”
Perhaps this could be the start of something spectacular and new...?
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
Loki the midwife, One shot
Thank you for the prompt! Hope you like it.
wegingerangelica submitted:
Loki is living out his sentence at Stark tower helping the Avengers. Shield has sent a young, pregnant woman there for protection from Hydra, who want to exploit her powers and her soon to be born child. The Avengers are sent out on a vital mission, and leave Loki to protect the girl. She goes into early labor and Loki must deliver the baby, with the instruction from JARVIS, even though he hates using artificial intelligence. When the Avengers return, they are very surprised to see the content mother & child, and Loki beaming with pride
‘Why do I have to be the one to stay?’ Loki grumbled, not happy about being nominated for baby sitting duties.
‘Because you still need to keep a low profile for the public. And it’s a mission where we don’t need your powers.’ Steve said calmly.
He hadn’t been overly happy about asking Loki to be the one to stay behind to look after and protect Helen. But Steve knew that Loki would be strong enough to take on any Hydra agents if they came snooping for her.
The poor girl had been captured by Hydra previously, because she had mutant genes. But she was yet to know what her powers were anyway. But all Hydra cared about was because her father had been one of the strongest mutants in the world so far.
‘And you’re strong, you will be able to protect her should anything happen.’ Natasha added in, hoping it would help stroke his ego a bit and make him happy about staying behind.
Of course, Loki knew her game so just narrowed his eyes at her. But he smirked and nodded. ‘Your attempt at flattery is refreshing, Romanoff.’ He then looked back at Steve. ‘Fine. I shall stay. Let her know I shall be in the library and to rub this stone should she need me.’ Loki handed Steve a small green stone.
Steve nodded with a sigh. He had hoped Loki would’ve perhaps spent time with her at least, but he would take his acceptance as a win anyway.
He went to see Helen. ‘Are you doing ok?’ He asked her, she was in the living room watching TV, hand over her swollen stomach.
‘Hey, Steve. Yeah, thanks. Just hoping this little one hurries up. I think my back is going to snap if she stays in here any longer.’
Steve gave her a pitying smile. He couldn’t imagine carrying a child, he had massive respect for women that did. The pain they must go through, he couldn’t even think about it.
‘We have to go out on a mission, that needs the whole team. But Loki is going to be here if you need anything and he will protect you should anything happen. But we won’t be long.’ Steve assured her.
‘Where is he?’ She asked, looking a little worried.
‘He’s in the library. But he gave me this stone to give you, if you need him just rub it and he will come straight to you. Don’t worry, Helen. He may be a pain in the ass at times, but he will look after you.’
‘Oh I know. I’m not worried about that, I was just worried about where he was. I… I don’t like being alone that much right now.’ Helen said sheepishly.
‘Just use the stone if you need him. I’m sure he will understand.’ Steve gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, then he had to leave because the others were calling for him.
Helen felt ok for a while, but an hour after they’d left, she started feeling… Odd. Then when she stood up, feeling like she needed the bathroom, she suddenly realised she was peeing herself. Or she’d originally thought that. Then the realisation hit.
Loki was engrossed in his book when suddenly he was being summoned. He could sense the fear and urgency within the summoning. So he quickly teleported through to where Helen was. And he felt his stomach twist when he saw her on the sofa, panting quickly in pain and holding her stomach.
‘Loki!’ She panted. ‘Help. I’m… going into labour. My waters have broken.’ She cried, panicked.
‘Oh shit.’ Loki eyes were wide and he started to panic too, but he realised that wouldn’t do any good. He had to try and keep her calm.
‘I will call for help.’ He went to leave but she screamed and reached out towards him.
‘Please, there’s no time.’ She sobbed.
Loki went over to her and took her hand, she squeezed it so tight Loki momentarily thought she was some sort of warrior and was going to break his hand.
‘It will only take half an hour for Starks doctors to get here.’ He said urgently.
‘NO! She’s coming. I can feel it. I need to push.’ Helen cried and tried to get more comfortable.
Loki’s eyes were wide, but he cleared his throat. ‘Alright. JARVIS, I need you to talk me through delivering a baby… As much as I hate you.’ He said through gritted teeth while he managed to prise his hand out of Helen’s grip and he grabbed a bunch of pillows from the sofas and made a comfortable area on the floor for her.
He lifted her down onto the pillows, her back against the sofa.
JARVIS kicked in and ignored his remark, ready to help him through the steps.
‘I’m going to have to get your leggings and pants off.’ He said before touching her.
‘JUST DO IT!’ Helen shouted at him, not caring at this point about him seeing her down there. Because he was going to see a hell of a lot in a minute.
Loki was as careful as possible removing her leggings and pants. He then used his Seidr to gather everything he needed. Plenty of towels and some more pillows.
He summoned a double of himself to sit behind her on the sofa, holding her hands to allow her something to squeeze. He was glad he didn’t feel what his double did, as judging by the look on his face it was painful.
JARVIS talked Loki through what he should see and what to do. Loki then spoke calmly to Helen and talked her through what she had to do. Trying to keep calm, keep breathing and push.
In time, Loki saw the head. He started to get excited, the baby was almost there.
‘You’re doing great, Helen. Come on, a few more pushes. I can see her head!’
‘I can’t do it anymore!’ Helen sobbed, it was soooo painful.
‘Yes you can, darling. Come on, your baby girl is almost here.’ Loki said softly, reaching up to smooth her hair back from her sweaty forehead. ‘You’re going to be fine. You’re almost there then it will all be over. Come on.’
Loki’s gentle but coaxing words helped. She managed to push through the pain and Loki took hold of the baby as she started to come out. He was told by JARVIS to help ease her out slowly.
As soon as she was out, JARVIS helped talk him through the rest of what to do. Then he cradled the baby in his arms briefly while he wiped her down with a cloth, getting as much blood off as possible before handing her to her mother.
Helen started crying again, but this time with happiness while she cradled her baby to her chest.
Loki realised he was shaking slightly when he dismissed his double. But no wonder really, it wasn’t every day that he delivered a baby.
After cleaning up, he helped Helen up to the sofa where she stayed cuddling her baby.
‘Have you thought of a name for her?’ Loki asked, standing behind the sofa as he dried his hands off.
‘Victoria. After my Grandmother.’ Helen smiled and looked up at Loki. ‘Thank you.’
Loki smiled back at her.
The Avengers all came rushing in, having returned from their mission, stopping dead in complete shock upon seeing Helen cradling her baby. With Loki behind them, looking very pleased with himself. A few days later, Helen carried little Victoria through the compound and into the library. She smiled when saw Loki there, just who she was looking for.
Loki looked up from his book and gave a small smile when he saw them both and put his book down.
‘How are you fairing today?’ He asked when she sat down next to him on the sofa.
‘Good, thanks to you.’ She smiled. Victoria had stayed in her room for the last few days, just boding with Victoria. Stark had gotten his doctors to check them both over when they’d returned.
Loki looked at Victoria and his smile grew larger at her smiling face.
‘Would you like to hold her?’ Helen offered.
Loki looked slightly stunned at her offer, but he nodded and reached out for her. Helen carefully handed her daughter over to the God and felt a warmth inside of her when he cradled her against his chest and rocked her slightly.
‘Hello, little one. You’re certainly a ray of sunshine in this gloomy world.’ Loki spoke so softly, Helen had never heard that tone from him before.
Loki chuckled when Victoria started laughing and flailing her hands about while she looked right up at Loki’s face.
‘She likes you.’ Helen commented.
Loki glanced up at Helen then back down at Victoria. ‘For now. Once she’s older she will despise me like the rest of you.’ Loki said bitterly.
Helen frowned and put her hand on his arm, he looked a little startled at her touch and looked over at her again. ‘We don’t despise you, Loki. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, I wouldn’t be asking you to be Victoria’s god father if we despised you…’ She added in slyly and gave him a smirk.
Loki’s eyes widened, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. He was too shocked.
‘I understand if you say no. I mean, it will come with responsibilities. Such as reading bed time stories to her, baby sitting for me, kicking boys asses when she gets older…’
‘I would love to.’ Loki blurted out quickly, the biggest smile Helen had ever seen on his face. His eyes were even watering with happiness.
Helen felt so glad that he agreed.
Loki looked down at Victoria and kissed her forehead.
‘I promise. I will look after her and protect her.’ He then looked back at Helen. ‘Both of you.’ He added in, then carefully slid Victoria back to her mummy’s arms.
‘Thank you, Loki. I couldn’t think of anyone more suited to being her godfather. Considering you brought her into this world, after all.’ Helen leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush ever so slightly. ‘Now, I better go feed her before she starts screaming the place down.’
Loki chuckled. ‘I bet she has some set of lungs on her.’
‘Ohh she certainly does. And you will get to learn all about that soon.’ Helen grinned at him and winked.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Broken to Whole
Supernatural : Prompt
Setting: During mid to end Season 3 (Dean has his contract set for Hell)
Word Count: 2263
Warnings: There’s quite a bit of blood and some moments of terror, but it turns to funny and fluffy bits with the Winchesters right quick
Request: “1 with sibling!winchester reader? ok so what im thinking (which you can totally say no to) is that the reader and her brothers (sam and dean) are in a new town fighting a new threat and this threat gets to the reader which lands her in the hospital. her brothers are going insane waiting in the hospital or like a week until one day they’re watching over her and she wakes up?” - @aliciasayshi
“How long have you guys been standing around my bed like a bunch of creepers?”
A/N: After receiving an almost fatal blow, the Winchesters race you to the hospital where they fight with you and your immense fear of anything medical
Part Two: Take a Break
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(Y/N) was panting ridiculously through gritted teeth, attempting to conceal her cries of agony as blood continued to slip from her cut onto the table she laid on. 
“(Y/N)? Oh my God, stay right there!” Dean said, running to her. He grabbed the nearest supply of towels and cloths and started piling them on her stomach and she yelled out, “Sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. Hang on." 
Dean undid her restraints and instructed her to hold the towels in place while he helped Sam, who was on a table beside her in his own straps. (Y/N) applied pressure regardless of the shockwaves it was sending throughout her body. 
Sam went to tie the now unconscious monster down as Dean went back to (Y/N) and slowly removed the cloth to get a look at the damage, "Son of a bitch. That’s deep, (Y/N/N). We’ll have to go to the hospital." 
She grimaced, and tears started to pour down her face, "I really don’t like the hospital, Dean." 
He winced along with her, sympathy pain flowing his features, "You’re going to need stitches. And I bet nothing is sterile in here, you could get an infection or some other crap." 
(Y/N) continued to cry as Dean pushed against her cut, "Dean, I really, really don’t like the hospital. Please! Just stitch it yourself.”
He shook his head and looked towards his brother, who came over with the same pained expression on his face. 
”(Y/N), we need to get you help, now. You’re bleeding out everywhere. We don’t have the proper equipment and besides - that cut is deeper than any regular stitches can fix,“ Sam stated. 
And as the painful exhaustion started to blur the edges of her vision, Dean scooped her up, regardless of the blood getting onto him, and they quickly got out of the house and into the car. 
Despite her protests, she was put in the impala, crying and squealing with the pain. She tried her best to handle it with grace, but by the time Sam started driving, the bumps of the road enraged her wound. 
She clutched at Dean’s hand as he held her close, hushing her along the way. And all she could remember was physically praying that she’d pass out. 
And thankfully she did. 
When she finally came to she was in a light blue hospital gown, laying in a white hospital bed, covered in clear hospital tubes, and smelling like a bleached, disinfected hospital patient. 
And she was not happy about it at all; her heart monitor starting to raise as her blood pumped faster.
Next to her, sitting in a chair, was Sam. His head was on the edge of the bed and his hand was inches from hers. Dean was up and pacing the room, back and forth, right in front of her bed. 
"Now that I’ve received medical attention, can I please leave this hell hole?" 
Sam jumped up and scooted his chair in closer and Dean fumbled in his mid-turn and somehow managed to make it to the bed without falling. 
"How do you feel?” Sam questioned. 
“Are you in pain at all?” Dean added. 
“How long have you guys been standing around my bed like a bunch of creepers?” (Y/N) tried to sit up more, but failed miserably, wincing, “I’m fine. Can we leave, please?”
The brothers looked at each other and then back at her with contorted eyebrows and serious expressions. 
“You were hurt bad, (Y/N/N),” Sam muttered. “They had to take you to the surgical room to stitch you up." 
Dean made his way to her other side and rested a hand on the elevated part of her bed, "You probably would have bled to death if we hadn’t gotten you here." 
"And I’m thankful for all the modern medicine and blah, blah, blah. Seriously though, when can I leave?”
“It’s just a hospital, (Y/N/N). Why do you hate it so much? You seem fine whenever we do cases,” Sam asked. 
She took a deep breath, “Bad memories, alright? I don’t like being the patient in this situation. Visiting a hospital is fine. Staying in one? Count me out.” She attempted to swing her legs out of the bed and Dean held her down by the shoulders. 
“Not today, sweetheart. You need to heal. You’re not going anywhere." 
She gave each of them a moment of weakness gaze, her eyes filled with fear and pleading. Her heart rate was still raised, and her blood pressure and breathing had elevated. 
"I’m sorry, (Y/N). But this is your best option,” Sam muttered. 
She begrudgingly moved her gaze to her toes sticking up from the blanket and her eyes began to sting. She twiddled with her fingers again and bit the inside of her cheek. Finally, one of the monitors began to beep as an alarm and a nurse came running in. 
“I’m sorry, boys, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re causing her distress." 
At that thought (Y/N)’s vitals seemed to skyrocket even higher if that was possible. She moved her tear-filled eyes to the nurse and pleaded. 
"No, no, please don’t take them away from me.”
Sam got up from his seat and went over to whisper to the nurse, “She’s just a little afraid of hospitals. Us being here is what’s actually keeping her somewhat grounded." 
The nurse gave (Y/N) an up and down look and then back at Sam, "I see. Well, if those numbers keep rising then I’m going to have to sedate her. She needs to be relaxed for her to properly heal…" 
"We understand. If we could stay here it would really help her, honest." 
Dean went down and clasped one of (Y/N)’s shaking hands, trying to steady it. He eventually had to put both his hands around her one and she felt comfort in the pressure. She squeezed back and stared at the ceiling as her pulse started to lower. 
The nurse gave a slow nod and threw her hands in the air, "Whatever works for you. I’ve got cases that I need to file, if you would excuse me."  
Once they were alone again Sam came to (Y/N)’s other side and took her right hand in his, "Don’t worry, (Y/N/N). We’re not going anywhere. We’ve got time.” He looked at Dean when he said that, but (Y/N) didn’t notice. 
It took her almost the entire day to get her heart rate to a normal range, all the while holding onto Sam and Dean. They took turns watching over her as the other went to get food or take a small break. She complied to all that the doctors required her to do: shots, medicines, check-ups. As long as one of the brothers were there to hold her hand. 
It wasn’t until the last part of the second day that she was actually able to have a normal conversation with the two of them. 
“You know, for a hunter, you’re a bit of a softy,” Dean mumbled, his faced smashed into the bed as he sat there waiting for something to do. 
She actually responded this time, “Don’t give me that crap. Everyone’s scared of something." 
"Dean’s scared of planes,” Sam interjected from his laptop. 
Dean raised his head and glared at him, almost with a smolder on his tired features, “Yeah, well, Sammy’s afraid of clowns." 
"Really?” (Y/N) said. “Planes and clowns and you think you’re some big tough hunters?" 
Sam lifted his eyes from his work, "You’re scared of hospitals and we’re in and out of them weekly." 
There was a silence for a while as (Y/N) closed her eyes and Dean stared at Sam, flitting his head towards the resting girl. Sam got the message to egg her on. 
"Is there anything else you’re scared of?" 
"Like I said, everyone is scared of something."  
Dean gave a puzzled look, "So it’s only hospitals?" 
"And things associated with them. Needles, surgical equipment, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, stethoscopes… you name it." 
Sam laughed, "That’s a lot, (Y/N/N)." 
"Oh, and haunted houses,” she was on a roll now, her eyes still closed. “Can’t stand them. You know when I was fifteen I tried to go into one and I freaked and blacked out in the line." 
"In the line?” Dean asked, finally starting to sit up. 
“Yep. And I screamed and cried the entire time. The only reason I was able to move through it was because my friends dragged me." 
Not wanting to spoil the nice time they were suddenly having, the brothers pressed on with the topic.
"What is it about haunted houses that you don’t like?” Sam asked, shutting his laptop. “They’re supposed to be fun.”
“Fun? Don’t be ridiculous. What is so great about those freak filled horror fests? I just don’t like being scared, that’s all." 
Sam chuckled and scooted his chair closer to her bed, "But a haunted house is basically like all the places we go for hunts. Why do you enjoy one but despise the other?”
“Yeah, these real-life monsters come at you all the time and you never look scared when that’s happening,” Dean mentioned.
She finally opened her eyes and found them both gazing at her fondly. This was new, full and undivided attention. 
“Why do you guys want to know?”
“Curiosity,” Dean said. “Just wanting to get to know you more." 
“We haven’t seen you in years, (Y/N),” Sam shared a look towards his brother, “We just want to be close again.”
She thought about it for a minute. They wanted to get to know her. 
"I don’t like the dark either.”
“Yeah, Bobby was saying something about that to us earlier,” Sam said, remembering when they had called him to update about (Y/N)’s condition. “You don’t like to sleep. Is the dark part of that?”
(Y/N) moved her eyes to her sterile blanket, “Partly, I guess. I don’t like the dreams that I have." 
Both the boys leaned in, their silence begging for more. And she sensed that. 
"Nightmares, more like. Just a reminder of when I was younger." 
Sam caught a glance with his brother before cautiously moving forward, “Can we ask what your nightmares are about?”
(Y/N) pulled out her hands from under the blanket and played with her fingertips. She ignored the question for a long time before Sam took one of her twitching hands into his and said, "You know you can trust us, (Y/N/N). What is it going to take for you to believe us?”
She thought about her angels, her demons, her nightmares, her childhood. It was all so much information that she had kept to herself for so long. 
Running off to live with Bobby was the best decision she’d ever made, even if it took her from her brothers for over fifteen years. She wasn’t sure the boys were ready to hear all of that. Or if she was ready to tell it all. 
With a deep breath she pulled away her hand from Sam’s grasp and stretched, “I’m starved. Anyone up for burgers?" 
Sam sat back and gave an exasperated sigh, showing the defeat across his face. They had gotten so close, and (Y/N) knew it. She was letting them in too far. 
"Not so fast, kid. You’re not getting away that easily,” Dean said as he leaned back on two of the chairs legs. “You’ve been wiggling your way out of every question we ask. Now we don’t want to drill you or demand answers, but don’t you think we deserve to know something?” He let his chair fall onto all fours, “We’ve been waiting here." 
He was right. They’d been patient with her. She was the one being stubborn and afraid. 
"I just don’t want to push you away,” she whispered. “What if you don’t like the truth?”
Sam held a short smile, “(Y/N), we aren’t just going to up and leave. I don’t know what crazy thing happened to you, but the inevitable in this situation does not involve Dean and I leaving you. We’re here to stay." 
Dean nodded in agreement, "We’ve all got demons, (Y/N).”
“Who’s Lilith?”
Both the brothers were taken aback. 
“How do you know about Lilith?” Sam asked. 
She had to think quick, “Uh… Bobby mentioned her. I know she’s some kind of demon." 
Dean smirked, "She’s the bitch that’s holding my contract. And the one who’s after Sam." 
(Y/N) frowned slightly, "I guess I don’t know as much about you two as I thought." 
"She’s one of the original demons directly from Lucifer,” Sam explained. “She sees me as a threat because I… uh - well, I used to have psychic powers." 
That gave her something to be startled about, "Psychic powers? Wait… what?”
Dean laughed, “Yellow eyes. He’s a demon that had a plan that involved burning people alive and bleeding demon blood into the mouths of babies. It gave them… powers." 
"Yellow eyes? You mean Azazel? Bobby talked about him too… he’s the demon that you two were tracking for the past few years. The one that killed..." 
The brothers nodded, and Sam muttered, "Until Dean killed him. And my powers stopped." 
She twiddled her fingers, "He’s the one that killed mom." There was a silence that confirmed that for her, "But if your powers are gone why is Lilith so threatened by you?”
“I’m not entirely sure. Something about how I was chosen by Azazel to be his successor. I was the only one left standing out of the psychic children. But yellow eyes was stopped before he could get me to do anything else." 
(Y/N) smiled, "Sounds like you guys have been through a lot." 
Dean rubbed his hands together and laughed, "You got that right." 
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde rewritten - Ch. 48
48. Slow recovery
“Good morning, gentlemen! Oh, so gay today?”, Lady Summers observed, when Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde and Mr. Utterson came to her room, grinning at her and her doctor like no tomorrow.
“Indeed”, Dr. Jekyll responded. “But so are you two. If you pardon my indecency, Milady, but I know my friend – you finally talked about you-know-what, didn't you?”
Lady Summers and Lanyon exchanged a glance. Then they realised, that they were still holding hands and chuckled.
“Yes, Doctor”, she finally answered and settled back into the pillows.
Then she let her eyes wander over the trio and frowned. “But as I see, Mr. Hyde didn't listen to my instruction to stay in his room?”
He looked away sheepishly.
“No”, Mr. Utterson confirmed with a hint of frustration, “He crawled into ours and woke us up at three in the morning.”
Dr. Jekyll nodded.
Mr. Hyde threw his arms up. “Oh come on! I didn't want to fuck or anything!”
“Really?”, Jekyll interrupted sourly, “Then how come you couldn't keep your hands off me, when Gabriel and I were trying to sleep?!”
“Oh shut up, you miserable hypocrite! You couldn't keep your hands off me either!”
Lady Summers sighed and pinched her nose. “This kind of nonsense is why I didn't want you two to share a room. Mr. Hyde, just a friendly reminder, this is my house. And I'd rather not have to deal with the noise you two make, when you do … well, that. I would never be able to get them – or the images – out of my head, which I'd rather avoid, thank you very much.”
Mr. Utterson blinked. “What do you mean?”
Her dear doctor answered no-nonsensically: “These hypersexual bitches are loud.”
The looks on Dr. Jekyll's and Mr. Hyde's faces were so priceless that Lady Summers doubled over with laughter.
Poor Mr. Utterson almost fell from his chair, but somehow that made her laugh even harder.
As a result she spat blood, but that was worth it!
Oh, hanging out with these men was better than any burlesque!
“So you two are officially together now?”, Utterson asked, as soon as everyone had calmed down.
The Lady chuckled. “Well, only officially to you, but yes.”
“That's wonderful!”, he cried, “I'm so happy for you!”
“Thank you, Gabriel”, Lanyon replied warmly.
But Jekyll was feeling a light sting in his chest.
He was happy for them, he really, genuinely was.
But it was bittersweet.
Lanyon was happier with her than he'd ever been with him. And he deserved it, God knew he did! But it had taken so long for him to find that happiness, because he had wasted fifteen years of his life on him. Jekyll would probably never fully comprehend, how Lanyon had been able to put up with him for this long in the first place.
Lady Summers' voice brought him back to the moment. “Now, now, Dr. Jekyll. Let's not look back on our past relationships.”
“On one thing we have to look back, though”, Utterson spoke up. “What those people did to you is unforgivable.”
She nodded grimly. “I know it's unforgivable. And I certainly haven't forgiven them a single thing. And to think that it first happened in 1845, where people died from surgeries more often than they recovered-”
“That's only one thing”, Jekyll spoke up. “Notwithstanding your miraculous survival, only to be robbed of your dreams and crippled for the rest of your life – pardon my language, Milady.”
“Don't worry, no offence is taken”, she assured him. “I am technically a cripple, after all. Since-”
Another fit of blood spitting only served to confirm that statement.
“Since I suffer from this, because of all the things they did to me.”
“I have a question, though”, Hyde spoke up. Then he corrected himself. “Wait, no. It's two.”
She answered them, before they were even spoken: “I managed to fight you off that one night, because of my rigorous training. After our match I was indisposed for a week, but my condition would be a lot worse without the training. Learning to control my belly muscles was quite helpful, actually. If it wasn't for that I'd likely be quite dead by now.”
“Speaking of your condition”, Mr. Utterson spoke up. “We need to talk about pressing charges against your attacker.”
She raised a brow. “Baron Cleranescu? I don't think that will be necessary, considering he made a fool of himself and will never be able to show his face on British soil again. This is the worst thing you can do to someone belonging to the upper class.”
“He must face justice!”, Utterson insisted angrily, “You said yesterday night, that it's worse than usual and I will not accept the prospect of him hiding away and moping in some old castle in Rumania, while you're suffering from internal injuries! Not on my watch! I bet he wouldn't have dared to do this, if you were Lord and not Lady Summers!”
Oh right. Jekyll always forgot how adamant his love was about women's rights.
Lady Summers gaped at him.
Then she chuckled. “No, he definitely wouldn't have. He's as misogynistic as most men are, if not more.”
“That much was clear”, Hyde threw in, “I was there, I heard it all. She handed his arse to him with each sentence she spoke! Then he talked shit about Lanyon and his own wife, the Lady informed him that she's cheating on him with the king of Rumania and he lost it.”
Jekyll's jaw dropped. That bastard had kicked her in the abdomen – right where her weakest spot was – just because she had told him that his wife favoured another man?!
“I have an idea”, Hyde continued, “How about instead of suing him, we sic Alma onto him? She would love to-”
“Did somebody say my name?”, the very person asked, as she walked into the room to the Lady's bedside and took her hand.
“How are you feeling, Luise?”, she asked worriedly.
The Prussian chuckled. “Well, I'm spitting blood and my abdomen hurts, but apart from that, I'm fine.”
“It's that bastard's fault”, Miss Donovan snarled, “I'll cut his junk off and shove it into his mouth, before setting him on fire!”
“Sounds good, I'll help you”, Hyde agreed nonchalantly.
“No!”, Lady Summers spoke firmly. “You will do nothing of that sort. You will not get violent on me. Be the better person-”
“To hell with being the better person!”, Miss Donovan snapped, “I don't give a damn! That bastard hurt you and your health is already fragile! He must suffer! At least let me castrate him!”
Lady Summers frowned. “Give it one month and see what will happen.”
The red-haired girl huffed, but nodded.
Still before the evening all of London knew of the incident at the gala.
A foreigner had attacked and gravely injured one of the most high-ranking aristocrats of England, who was now bed-bound.
The Prince and Princess of Wales had requested that he be stripped of his rank and diplomatic immunity and the ambassador of Rumania had already complied.
The baron had already fled London.
Lanyon wasn't satisfied with that. He wanted the bastard to suffer for hurting his Lady. He wanted him to writhe in agony and beg for mercy.
“Now, now”, Lady Summers spoke up, when she saw him frown at the punchline on the newspaper. “Things need their time. Now that he no longer has his diplomatic immunity, he can be charged for his crimes. And if it doesn't happen in England, it'll be in Rumania.”
Lanyon hoped that she was right, he really did.
Lady Summers was unable to leave her bed for two weeks.
So when Lanyon allowed her to get up briefly and move around in a wheelchair, she was ecstatic.
It was a wonderful day, so she used the opportunity to get some fresh air.
“I really would love to go outside again”, she said. “And I hope that I won't be assaulted by a bunch of news reporters, who want an interview. Jesus Christ, I never asked for all this hustle!”
Mr. Utterson opened the window and looked outside. “I don't see any out there”, he told her.
She nodded in satisfaction. “Good. Perhaps I will enjoy just a few moments in the park, between all the people who recognise me and ask what happened.”
Dr. Jekyll lifted an eyebrow. “Considering how prominent you are? I doubt that.”
The Prussian huffed: “Crush my hopes, why don't you!”
Unfortunately, it turned out that Dr. Jekyll was right.
The group needed ages to get to the park; Lanyon had to stop the Lady's wheelchair every thirty feet, because someone recognised her and inquired after her wellbeing.
But finally they made it there and by the time it was forenoon, when most people were at home or at work.
“Perhaps it was good that it took us so long to get here”, Lady Summers remarked, “I love when the park is so empty.”
“I reckon you do”, her dear doctor remarked.
“And I can't sense anyone stalking us”, she continued cheerfully, “I think this will truly be a good day!”
Mr. Hyde cleared his throat, making her turn her head. “About that … I was wondering …”
“Should Jekyll and I be worried too? That …”
Maybe not the most reassuring answer, but they all knew that it was true.
The organisation was hunting for test subjects and if they found out the truth about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde …
The two needed to watch their backs in the near future.
“I have a question too”, Dr. Jekyll spoke up. “Those strange friends you mentioned … do they really live here in London?”
Lady Summers nodded. “Oh yes! They live in Soho, actually. Not that far away from Mr. Hyde's flat. I'm sure he passed by their house several times, without knowing.”
She chuckled fondly and shook her head. “You would like them, Dr. Jekyll. They're a lot like you.”
The blond doctor chuckled as well. “You attract people like me, don't you?”
“Somehow I do”, she replied nonchalantly and shrugged. “But you know what? I think I should introduce you four to them. I have told them a lot about you and am sure that they would love to meet you as well.”
Dr. Jekyll beamed at her. “I would love to meet them!”
“Same here”, Mr. Hyde agreed, “I'd be delighted to learn whose house I passed by without knowing.”
The other two men nodded as well.
Lady Summers was quite pleased at that. “Perfect. I will send them a note and inquire, if they receive.”
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 years
I kinda want to stick the boys in an urban fantasy setting like the one I’ve been developing for a few years.
Virgil wasn’t born with magic but made friends with a witch and is now a warlock that specializes in rune magic. He knows how to perform blood magic too but only uses it for larger spells. In this universe real, effective witchcraft done through rituals can only be performed by people with a shattered soul. It’s a sort of consolation prize the universe gives them for having to live with the emotional pain that comes with that. Virgil’s soul was broken in increments throughout his childhood through extreme bullying that he never reported to his parents. Like with many other witches and warlocks learning ritual magic and finding a community saved his life. He can see the state of other people’s souls and read what kind of inherent magic they have at a glance.
He’s a student getting a doctorate in the hopes of becoming a research professor at a prominent university. He’s that graduate student that’s also teaching an into to chemistry class to mostly freshmen and walks in to every class one minute late and with a bunch of disorganized papers in hand. A lot of people are surprised he’s trying to become a professor, especially when they see the weird runes tattooed on his arm. “what do they mean?” they always ask. “Some old poem thing.” he always replies, leaving it at that.
His introduction to the underground community was slow because registering witches and warlocks is complicated. Technically they’re not supposed to exist but the government learned long ago they’re not going anywhere so they just have to accept them in if they manage to master their craft.
Logan is an A-class weapons master. A-class is the highest level of natural power one can posses and a weapons master is someone that can summon weapons and learn to master them far faster than any other human would be able to. They also have the ability to enchant or curse weapons. Logan would randomly accidentally curse knives by accident when he was a little kid and the government was monitoring him from a young age because something was detected when he was a baby. When his “little problem” as his mother called it showed up they had people knocking on their door basically the next day.
He’s been taught how to fight and be a killing machine since he was a little kid for two reasons. 1. All magical persons are guaranteed through international law an opportunity to receive mentoring and instruction in their abilities and how to control them and Logan’s abilities are basically only useful if you’re fighting or cursing your uncle’s hunting rifle. 2. Magical persons are actually usually in danger of being attacked or turned into the authorities because most people in the world don’t know magic exists or understand it and A-class persons are especially vulnerable because they don’t always have control over their abilities so able bodied A-class magic users are strongly encouraged to learn how to fight and defend themselves. Logan’s parents took this advice and basically let his mentor shape him into a fighting machine.
He doesn’t like it but he was coerced into joining the marines as a teenager and he didn’t see until he was in the thick of things how much he actually hates the cards that he was dealt in life. It was at about his fifth confirmed kill on a special mission with two other weapons masters that he realized he didn’t want to be there. He tends to not answer questions about all the scars he has. If he does he just claims to be accident prone.
His day job now is working as an editor for a prominent literary magazine. Unfortunately for him he’s still really infamous and his uncle’s hunting rifle still teleports to another room whenever a person with A- blood touches it. His ex-boyfriend broke up with him because he one time conjured a dagger in his sleep and injured both of them in the process. Because of how infamous he is in certain parts of the magical community there’s always someone that wants to blackmail him into helping them somehow. Logan usually ends up snuffing the problem out relatively quickly though. He’s made it very clear that he wants to continue spending his days sorting through poetry submissions and he’s willing to get a little more blood on his hands to make sure that it stays that way. His current interaction with the underground doesn’t go much further than the occasional veterans support group meeting and maybe a visit to the magical clinic to have his energy levels checked.
Patton is a C-level spell caster. Different from a witch or warlock, often called a wizard or sorcerer instead. C-class is the lowest level of magic where inherent abilities are able to be used reliably (rather than just in moments of extreme panic like with most humans) and spell casters are persons with undifferentiated magic that can be directed with helpful objects. Wands, jewelry, magical knives, whatever. Hands only magic is also taught but is less exact unless you put a lot of effort into your training. Patton did not put a lot of effort into his training.
Basically think of spell casters as jack of all trades master of none type of magic. They can do anything, just not super powerfully. They can summon fire, sure, but someone with fire specific magic would be able to easily burn down an entire building while they can maybe light a candle. The most powerful of them might be able to do a flamethrower for a few seconds.
Patton uses his magic for fun, mostly. He works at the magical community center and teaches an intro to history of magic class and a basic magical law course for adults that discover their powers late and parents of magical children. If anyone without an “in pass” (permission to access the underground and granted immunity from memory wipes) asks what his day job is, he teaches adult school. He speaks Spanish and ASL as well as English and just generally shows a lot of love and patience to people being thrown into this world. He’s a supporter of the movement to integrate magic into everyday life and expose it to the world but knows that’s probably not going to happen in his lifetime.
Sometimes his classes will get bored and he’ll ask if they want to see something he’s been practicing and then he’ll try a new spell he’s been practicing with his expensive looking watch that he uses as his casting device and sometimes he causes a power outage. Only sometimes though, as he will quickly remind his boss.
Roman is a B-class charmer. That is, a person with moderately powerful charm magic. He can influence people easily and make them ignore some of the bad things about him and focus on the parts that they like instead. As a rule charmers aren’t usually introduced to the underground or made aware of their status as a magical person unless a friend or family member fills out the paperwork to let them in on their secret or someone int heir immediate family turns out to be magical. The reason is that charming is by far the most common magical ability (they almost outnumber the entire magical population on their own) and can only learn to control their powers to a certain degree. And of course of a B or A-class charmer learns how to control their abilities more the potential of them becoming more dangerous skyrockets. Charmers that powerful are quite rare, but they can’t make an exception for them.
Roman found out that he has this charming ability because as it turns out, his adopted daughter has the ability to control plants. When the scary people with clipboards and neckties and weird looking guns on their hips came to his door to explain to him and his husband that magic is real they also brought up Roman’s own magic. When they explained how it worked suddenly Roman got a horrible feeling in his stomach. Suddenly his whole life made a lot more sense, and suddenly he felt sort of bad for making a career as an influencer (he makes Instagram videos and YouTube commentary videos and confession type stuff, sort of akin to Dan Howell’s old stuff). And understandably this has but a lot of questions between him and his husband and if his husband was influenced by this ability Roman didn’t know he had. He is really conflicted. On one hand, he has something to talk to his daughter about and he’s learning to control himself better and find other people that relate to him. On the other hand, he feels a bit bad whenever one of his videos goes viral now, his husband doesn’t like appearing in videos anymore, and there’s a weird rift int heir relationship they have to get over now.
I’m sure you’re wondering now how they all meet. Well, Virgil and Patton are old college roommates and Virgil is staying with him while he goes to grad school because graduate students make not a lot of money and as great as witchcraft is, it unfortunately can’t make money out of thin air.
Roman is taking Patton’s class with his husband. The husband stops going in the middle of the class and Patton senses something’s up. He invites Roman to have a friendly coffee and Roman ends up spilling everything that’s been going on and probably his coffee too.
Logan shows up at the university from time to time to go to poetry readings or talk with people in the literary community or see a lecture and Virgil catches a glimpse of him on one of his visits and thinks “Oh. An A-class with a cracked soul. That’s some valuable blood for potions and such.” and he proceeds to worm his way into Logan’s life to try and convince him to let him bottle some of his blood. Unfortunately for Virgil he ends up liking Logan so much that this request becomes more and more awkward sounding as time goes on and eventually he gives up on the idea. Logan deduces what he wanted when Virgil reveals that he’s a warlock and then shrugs and goes “I have plenty of scars already. What’s one more?” and then there’s a weird visit to Patton’s house where Roman and his husband are having an informal bit of couple’s therapy and Virgil is thinking about taking Logan int he back room to do some bloodletting which is being delayed because guests are here and Roman and Virgil hate each other immediately of course.
I could take all of this two ways. Magical friends living a weird everyday magical life and doing weird everyday shenanigans, or some weird dangerous event happens like someone killing off witches or Roman’s daughter getting kidnapped, forcing Logan out of retirement and Virgil into using some of those weird bottles of blood he’s been holding onto. Big or small. Who knows? Not me. This is just an outline for the au who knows if I’ll actually do anything with it
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years
Difficulties Pt. 2
Best Friend!Sf9 x Reader
Summary: When you finally get home from the hospital, you knew that your friends had your back.
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The first thing you heard when you woke up was people yelling and some beeping. You tried to get up, but something was holding you down. When you finally opened your eyes, you saw a really bright light. When your eyes cleared a little, you looked over to the right and saw a guy.
“Oh! You’re awake.” The man said as he was writing on the clipboard that was in his hand.
“What happened?” You asked as you put your hand on your head.
“One of your friends found you passed out. And he called us.” He said as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital. “If you’re all good, they should just to a quick check up and you’ll be able to go home.”
After some time, and a few tests, the doctor finally came in to talk with you.
“Well, you certainly have been working a lot I’m guessing.” He said after he’d introduced himself.
“Yeah. I’m a producer at FNC.” You stated. “I have a lot of songs I need to write.”
“Well, you’re surely aren’t going to like what I’m going to say then.” He started. “The reason you passed out is because you’ve been overworking yourself. And with that paired that you haven’t been eating and resting like you should be, that’s why you fainted. Have you been feeling weak more than usual?”
“A little. When I would be helping our choreographer with some moves, I’d feel dizzy when I’m dancing.”
“So with everything, I’m going to talk to your company first and get stuff sorted out with them before I give you any final instructions. But it’ll definitely involve a rest for at least a week.” He said as he walked over to my bed. “We’ll keep you overnight so that we can watch you since you did hit your head when you fell. But you should be able to go home tomorrow morning.” He patted my hand and left. You sighed, this was not gonna be good.
The next morning you woke up, you saw your phone on the side table. When you picked it up, you had a lot of missed calls and texts from the guys. Most of them was from Rowoon, since he was the one that was bringing you medicine and some food. Most of them was telling you that he was leaving, and when he was outside your apartment. You guessed that Taeyang was with him because you also got a lot of texts from him when they were outside your apartment. You guessed Rowoon remembered where you kept your spare key outside your apartment and came inside to find you passed out in the kitchen. After that you had a bunch of messages from the rest of them, all of them freaking out and telling you that you needed to take better care of yourself. You chose not to answer them, your manager was gonna be mad enough already. You sighed and as 10 AM rolled around, the doctor came in.
“I talked to your company today, and they’ve agreed to let you rest for at least a week. And you schedule will be cleared for a couple of days after your week off so that you can slowly get back into work. And then when you get back into work, your manager is going to make sure you have a good amount of work and sleep. He’ll also be making sure you eat everyday.” He said as he came closer to the bed. “But the most important thing for you to get some rest and to get a good meal.” You sighed as you nodded. “But your manager should be here soon to pick you up.”
After your manager picked you up from the hospital, the ride home was silent. He’d said that he already talked to the company and would look at some of you already written songs for Junoesque’s next album. You sent a small text saying that you were fine to the boys, knowing that they were worried, and made sure to state that you didn’t want them to come over because your manager was already pissed. Youngbin messaged back quickly, and said that he’d make sure he kept the boys busy.
When you got home, you saw the medicine that Rowoon and Taeyang brought, along with the food, on the counter with the spare key. You put the spare back outside and threw yourself on the couch. It had been so long since you’d gotten a day off, much less a week, so you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You watched TV for a little while, but that got boring. You then decided to make some food, but found that your fridge and cabinets were all empty. You ordered some takeout and took out your lyric book. You’d been working on a couple of songs that you kept for yourself. They mainly were about your personal life and how unsatisfied you felt. Your parents kept asking when you were going to start dating, but when you’d tell them you were focusing on your work, they always seemed to roll their eyes and bite their tongues. You knew they just wanted you to be happy, but you were focusing on your work. It took up so much of your time that if you started to date now, you’d feel so guilty about having to cancel dates and being so busy all the time. It would not turn out good, so why would you subject yourself to something like that. A knock sounded at the door and you quickly grabbed your wallet to pay for your takeout. But when you opened the door, there stood Rowoon and Juho.
“What are you two doing here?” You asked in surprise. They immediately came inside and hugged you.
“We saw your text that you were home and we wanted to check on you.” Juho said as Rowoon kept you squished to him.
“I almost fainted when I saw you on the ground. Y/N you scared me so bad. Don’t EVER do that to me again. Poor Taeyang-ah, he started crying when you were getting loaded into the ambulance.” Rowoon said as he leaned back from the hug and checked over you.
“I’m sorry Ro. All the work I’ve been doing and with how busy I’ve been, I guess I forgot that I’m human.” Juho hit you in the back of the head. “Hey, ow. You can’t be too mad at me either because you overwork yourself too.” You gave him a pointed look and pushed him away with a laugh. “Come inside I guess. I’m also guessing that Binnie doesn’t know you’re here.”
“Uh.” Rowoon looked at Juho.
“No. As soon as we saw the text we ditched the rest of the boys when we were going back to the dorm.” Juho explained as you got a text from Youngbin. You laughed and showed them they text. He’d said that Rowoon and Juho would probably be on their way to see you since they had disappeared on the way home. You quickly texted him back and told him where they were.
“I ordered takeout, which should be here soon.” You said as they got comfortable and turned the TV back on. It reminded you of when you first became a trainee and would hang out with them all the time at your apartment when you had days off. You’d completely forgotten about your notebook, so when you had the takeout in your hand, you saw Juho flipping through it.
“Heyyyy,” You started as you quickly sat the food down and grabbed the notebook from his hands. “I usually don’t mind when you look through my book, but there’s some stuff in there I don’t want you to read just yet.” You said as you went to your room to put it away in the mess of your bookshelf of filled lyric books and sheet music.
“Why can’t I read it now?” He asked as he leaned against the doorframe.
“There’s a few songs I’m working on that I want to finish before I show anyone.” You said as you pushed him back into the living room.
“Can I have a better reason?”
“That’s literally it. And it’s a little bit personal, which isn’t the problem. But I want to finish them and write the music for them before I show anyone.”
“So these aren’t new songs for Junoesque?” Rowoon asked as he’d already gotten some plates and forks.
“Nope. I write these when I can’t write anything for them, and it helps to get my creativeness flowing again.” You said as you started to put food on your plate.
“Maybe you could release a solo album.” Juho wiggled his eyebrows. This made you and Rowoon laugh.
“Yeah right. I’d more than likely just record it and release it as a digital single.” You said as you ate some more. “Plus I think FNC just wants to keep me as a producer since my idol days are over.” You looked over at the framed picture you took with your members before you disbanded. You missed them a lot. They helped you a lot when you were struggling and would always make sure you were taking care of yourself. You looked back at the TV, but Rowoon and Juho saw the look you had. You obviously missed them, with most of your members in another company trying to debut again. One of them even on Produce 101 and won. You’d went to the finale and congratulated her with the rest of your old band members. You were so happy for them, but it seemed like you were stuck.
After some time hanging out with your two oldest friends, you had passed out on the couch, leaning on Rowoon with one of Juho’s old hoodies on. The boys were surprised you still had them after you moved out of the dorm into your new apartment. But you said it always brought you comfort since it made it seem like you were close to your friends when you needed them.
When you woke up, Rowoon and Juho were gone, but they left you a note. You saw that it was only 6 in the afternoon. You decided that you felt good enough to go to the store to get some groceries. You texted your manager and told him that you where you were going, since that was now one of the thing you had to do. And he had taken your studio key, and your key to get into the company. You luckily had your laptop at home and could work on your personal songs.
When you got to the store, thankfully there wasn’t a lot of people there. As you were shopping around, you saw Jaeyoon and Inseong. You snuck up behind them, and back hugged Jaeyoon.
“Hi love.” You smiled cheekily as he jumped and turned around quickly. When you started to laugh, Inseong turned as well and started laughing too.
“Y/N! You scared me!” He said as he put his hand to his chest. You gave him a real hug to apologize.
“Sorry.” You giggled. “It was too good of an opportunity to miss out on.” You gave Inseong a hug too and talked with them for a few minutes.
“I’m guessing they’re forcing you to rest.” Inseong said as they walked around with you as you picked up some stuff.
“Yep. I have a full week off.” You said as you tried to reach for something that was on the top shelf. Inseong saved you and grabbed it for you. “Thanks. And then after the week I have a few slow days to get used to my new schedule and then I can go back to work.”
“I’m glad they’re giving you a well deserved break.” Jaeyoon said as he put his arm over your shoulder. “You looked so tired and worn out when we’d see you at the company.” You smiled a little and patted his hand.
“It’s weird having nothing to do. My doctor recommended me to sleep a lot, which I have, but it’s weird. I can’t remember the last time I had a full week off.” You shook your head and tried to think back.
“You didn’t take a week off for Christmas?” Inseong asked as he put some things into the cart that he knew you liked.
“Nope. I’d take like 3 days off to see my family and then I’d come back to Seoul. Mainly because they’d don’t visit, we skype and facetime. And since they all live in the States it’s a lot bigger deal that it is here.” You said as you looked down at your phone to see your manager had texted you.
“So them don’t visit at all?” Jaeyoon asked as Inseong looked at you with wide eyes.
“Nope. I think the last time they visited was when I debuted.” You said as you texted your manager back about some songs that the company were asking about. “And then before that it was probably when I moved here.” Both boys were shocked.
“Is that why some of the staff would see you in the studio while everyone else was out?” Jaeyoon asked.
“Yep. I’d spend some time there showing everyone the company and then I’d play some stuff I was working on at the time. And then they’d call again when they were opening presents Christmas morning.” You smiled sadly, thinking about all the memories you had when you were younger, opening up presents super early. “I don’t really have any Christmas traditions anymore since I live alone now. When I was with my members, we’d give each other little gifts on Christmas morning and then they’d leave because their parents were in town or they were going home if it was close.” You looked up when you heard someone gasp. It was a teenage girl, who was with her friends. She was looking at the two boys beside you and you smiled weakly at them and told them you’d see them later. When you left, the boys realized how lonely you were. They didn’t know that your family didn’t visit, thinking that they’d come once in awhile. They knew that when your group disbanded, your parents tried to convince you to come home, but you refused and stayed at FNC.
When you finally got home, you put all your groceries away, and sat down to work on your personal songs. You grabbed your guitar and started to play a few chords, looking at the lyrics and trying to see what melody would go good with your words. You were on the couch for almost 2 hours when a knock came at your door. You put your guitar down and saw that the guys were there. When you opened your door, Taeyang hugged you almost immediately.
“Oh my god, please don’t ever do that to me again.” He said as he squeezed you to him. You laughed and ushered them inside. You patted Taeyang and comforted him enough to where he’d let you go. You put your guitar and notebook away and went back into the living room.
“Why are you guys here?” You asked. “I saw you 4 earlier.” You pointed to Inseong, Jaeyoon, Rowoon, and Juho.
“Well mainly, we wanted to know you were okay with our own eyes.” Youngbin said as he patted your head.
“When Tae heard you were home, we had to sit on him until he promised not to come straight over here.” Chani said as everyone laughed. Taeyang blushed and threw a pillow at the maknae.
“You weren’t here!” He defended. “She was just laying on the floor and I freaked out.” This made you laugh some more.
“Alright, alright. So I saw you brought food.” You said as you peaked into the kitchen. Rowoon was there with Hwiyoung and Dawon.
“We did. Since you didn’t get to eat what we cooked last night, we decided to cook here tonight.” Jaeyoon said as he sat on the couch.
“Plus you’ve been so busy that we haven’t been able to hang out.” Youngbin said as he watched Chani and Taeyang fight over the remote. You got a text from your manager again, asking for those songs. You grabbed your laptop and went back into the living room.
“What are you doing?” Jaeyoon asked as you sat down in between him and Youngbin.
“I’m sending my manager some songs that the company wants to look at.” You said as you quickly found the songs.
“Can we hear them?” Juho and Chani asked.
“Sure.” You said as you pressed play on the playlist you’d put them in. The first was a very poppy song, which was what Junoesque’s new concept was. FNC wanted them to have a girly concept and this song was perfect for it. Juho nodded along to the beat and Taeyang got up and started to dance around the room. Inseong peaked out of the kitchen and saw what was going on. He shook his head and went back into the kitchen to help finish cooking. The next song was a ballad you’d written right before you’d disbanded. It was a song about letting go of something. You hadn’t finished the lyrics when your group members left, but after everything had happened, you finished it and recorded it 3 months after the disbandment. Jaeyoon hummed along to the tune and Youngbin rested his head on your shoulder. The next was poppy, but it had a mature appeal to it. In your opinion, you though Junoesque should have a badass concept. It seemed to fit their style, and when they debuted it was their concept. It was almost girl crush, but it had a mature feel to it.
A few more songs played, which they all seemed to like, and after you sent them to your manager, you put your computer away. You stopped by the kitchen to see your other friends who were cooking. Rowoon, Hwiyoung, Inseong, and Dawon were at various places in the kitchen. Inseong and Hwiyoung were chopping some stuff on the island, while Rowoon and Dawon were at the stove.
“Hey guys.” You said as you leaned against the opposite side of the island to watch Inseong and Hwiyoung chop some vegetables.
“Hi Y/N.” Rowoon said as Dawon screeched and hugged you. The others came and and hugged you, and then went back to their jobs.
“What are you cooking?” You asked as you peaked in between Rowoon and Dawon.
“Well since it’s been a while since you’ve had any home food, so Inseong suggested having some chicken and dumplings.” Rowoon said as he took the lid off of the pot. “But we’re also cooking some ramyeon and we brought some kimchi.”
“Oh, I haven’t had chicken and dumplings since before I moved to Korea.” You said as you tasted the dumpling. You grabbed some salt, shaking some into the pot. “There. Let it cook for like 10 more minutes and it should be good.” You said as you leaned against the two boys. As you left to get the rest of the boys, but as you were leaving the kitchen, Inseong stopped you. He hugged you super tight and whispered in your ear.
“I know you’re lonely, so if you ever need to talk or just sit with someone then call me okay. I’ll drop everything to make sure you’re okay.” He let you go and you continued to go get the rest of the guys so that everyone could eat.
Later that night, after all the boys had went home, you thought about what Inseong had said. You quickly texted him that you appreciate him worrying over you, but that you were fine. But if you did get really lonely, you’d tell him and made sure to specify that you didn’t want him dropping everything for you. You’d be okay with a phone call or a good conversation through text to make you feel better. When he replied, he was using a meme of Juho, and said that he no longer spoke Korean or English and that he would make sure to drop everything to make sure you were okay. As you started to get tired, Inseong said goodnight and let you turn off your phone.
You were really glad that you had friends like them. You knew that any one of those boys would do anything for you, and you would do the same for them. You loved them all in their own individual way.
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k-joonie · 5 years
Little Band of Misfits
??? x reader
A/N: The violence in this might be a little triggering to some. Not to mention the vulgar words used. Read at your own cost. I may continue this in the future??? Idk?? Lemme know if you want me to (*´∀`*) Also, to go with how Korean high schools work, the hyung line is 18 and the maknae line is 17. Korean age ofc (*^.^*)
You worked hard for your money. Growing up in a bad part of town with just you and your father taught you the value of it. Especially with your father sick and out of work, you learned how to juggle school and work. With two part-time jobs and only being in high school, you didn’t have time for anything. You went to school, went to work, then went home. Free time was nonexistent.
At school, people tended to steer clear of you. You did your work and didn’t bother anyone even though you were often seen getting in trouble violating the school uniform or not completing your homework. You tried to complete the homework, but you often fell asleep in the middle of doing it. Most students stayed away because of this, thinking you were a bad student. You didn’t mind. That was fewer people in your business.
Sitting at your desk, you pulled out a pen and a notebook, waiting for class to begin. Many of the girls in the class were fawning over one of your classmates, Kim Namjoon. He was a genius that never needed to go to the after-school cram hours as most other students did. He was also part of Bangtan, which was basically a gang made of seven members. All of the members were different in personalities and interests, but they seemed to be the best of friends. Namjoon was the leader, so that made him at least ten times cooler to the rest of your peers, but you didn’t give a single shit. The eldest of the four, known as the hyung line, were second years like you and the maknae line were in their first year of high school.
You zoned out for most of the school day, mind more preoccupied with what work would be like that night. Luckily, you made decent enough grades that the teacher had stopped caring that you didn’t pay attention. At this point, you were a lost cause. That night you were working at the cafe until midnight, so you had to pump yourself up for the long night ahead.
Arriving at work, you put on an apron and your best smile. It wasn’t too hard to fake happiness at the cafe since most of the customers were fairly nice there. Those that came late were typically university student that needed a bit of caffeine and a quiet place to study. As soon as it hit midnight, your manager sent you on your way.
The cafe was not too far from your home, so there was no reason for you to take the bus. It would have just been a waste of money. “Hey baby,” a voice called from the alleyway. “What’cha doin’ out here this late at night? Daddy not here to escort you home? How about we show you a fun time.”
Huffing to yourself, you stuck your middle finger out to the bunch of bums in the alleyway. Before you knew it, they grabbed your hand and pushed you against the alleyway wall. “Oh, baby, you’re gonna regret that bad attitude. Only good girls get treated well,” another of the cretins spoke. There were two restraining you and one in front of your face, teasing you and creeping you out. You wriggled your dominant hand out of their grasp and punched the one in front on the nose. “You bitch!”
You managed to push the two that were restraining you out of the way and spin kick the other. The two you pushed away tried to come at you at once, but you managed to dodge their punches. A few more of their friends popped up. You tried to hold them off as long as possible, but they outnumbered you, so there wasn’t a lot you could do.
“Hey!” Another male’s voice had called out from where you couldn’t see. “Ganging up on a poor girl like that? At least make it even.” You turned your head to where the voice was coming from to see none other than Kim Namjoon and company. “There’s eight of you and eight of us. At it’ll make it fun.” The bums shrugged and went after the boys as well.
Pushing your confusion aside, you helped out Bangtan. You could hold yourself well in a fight. Considering where you grew up, it was a right of passage to win a fight in an alleyway. You had won your fair share of them. The fight ended when you and Bangtan were the only ones left standing.
Your rush of adrenaline leaving you, you fell to your knees. Everything hurt and your skin was covered in a mix of sweat and blood. That had been the worst you were roughed up in a while. One of the boys hurried over to check on you. “Hi, I’m Jung Hoseok. You can call me Hobi. What’s your name?”
“Y/L/N Y/N,” you managed to cough out.
“Hoseok hyung, you might want to let the one person part of Bangtan that’s the closest to a doctor as we can get tend to dear Y/N,” Namjoon warned. Hoseok nodded and moved out the way, only to be replaced by another of the hyung line.
“I’m Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. Can I look at you closer?” the man asked you. You nodded and he started to check you over for your injuries. “A few lacerations and a bruised rib or two. Nothing too deep. We should bring her back to our place because she might need stitches. I can’t do much for her out here.”
Namjoon nodded. “Looks like we’re gonna need our muscle pig. Jungkook?” The youngest boy nodded and jogged over to you.
“Y/N? I’m going to pick you up. Just wrap your arms around my neck,” Jungkook instructed. You nodded and he slipped one arm around your back and the other under your knees. Fortunately, their house wasn’t too far away from where you were, so in fifteen minutes you were there.
Jungkook put you down on their couch as Jin went to the back to grab his supplies. Taehyung and Jimin made quick work to distract you from the pain after they introduced themselves. They all acted as if you had no clue who they were. You knew them each vaguely, considering they were all very popular at school for their good looks and air of mystery. Even Yoongi, who had refrained from introducing himself or making any kind of conversation.
“Y/N,” Namjoon interrupted. “I’ve been doing some thinking. If it’s okay with the boys, I would like you to join Bangtan. You’re a tough girl. I think you would make a good addition to the team.” The other boys nodded along as you continued to stare at him dumbfounded. “Each of us has our own role. Jin hyung is our doctor. While he can put up a fight, he shines more in patching us up. Yoongi hyung here is one of our main fighters. He really packs a punch. Hoseok hyung is more like a field agent. When we take jobs, he gathers intel about targets from those close to them. Talented in the art of misdirection. I’m the leader and the brains behind every operation. Jimin works with Hoseok hyung. He’s very good at getting information from our female targets. Taehyung is our computer guy. During jobs, he’s in charge of hacking into whatever system we need him to and making sure that any video evidence of our work doesn’t continue to exist. Jungkook is our muscle. Along with Yoongi, they both are our fighters.”
“I don’t really understand,” you said. “Why me?” The whole situation felt laughable to you. “Why would I want to join you? What’s in it for me?”
“Y/N, you work two jobs. You’re hardly able to take care of your father, much less yourself. With the money we pull from jobs and the occasional street fights we do on the side, you’d be able to provide your father with the best possible care plus enough for you to live comfortably.” Namjoon stepped a little closer to you. “On the subject of ‘why you,’ there are many jobs we missed out on because we didn’t have a female on our team. We’ve had our eye on you for a while. You’re strong, passionate, and have a loyalty to family. Those are qualities we all share.” Namjoon paused for a second and chuckled. “Not to mention you have one hell of a hook.”
You took a second to think. If you joined them, you could quit your jobs. No need to sell shitty pastries or wait tables. Not to mention that you could take care of your father. To hell with the questionable legality of it all, surely something most high schoolers did not have to worry about. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it. What do I do?”
Namjoon smiled. “Just wait, little sparrow. I promise that it will be a fun time.”
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