#you wanna hear all about dog food and treats?
call-me-pup2 · 24 days
You turn me on so much and I love your personality wish I could date you
I dunno if you do, I'll talk your ear off about a lot if topics you'll have no interest in and you don't see the 'need to bed rot' side of me here 😅
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seungfl0wer · 1 month
Felix as your boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut🩷
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•Texts you non stop
•I mean do you see him on bbl? Man blows your phone up.
•If he’s not with you he’s texting you. About everything.
•Loves taking pictures of you.
•Has you model all the time for him.
•Selfies together all the time. He says he wants to always remember the happiness you bring him.
•Takes a lot of videos of you too.
•Edits them into little cute videos to send you.
•Would love to have a vlog channel with you.
•Just to keep all the little memories together.
•Felix is such a touchy person.
•So say goodbye to personal space.
•Wants to be touching you all the time.
•Or at least close to you.
•Hold his hand and he’ll be satisfied.
•Constantly pulling you to his lap to hold you tightly to him.
•Leaving sweet little kisses to any place he can.
•He enjoys leaving you little handwritten letters.
•Letters of love and admiration, telling you how much you mean to him.
•You have a big box just full of all of them.
•Spoils you so so much.
•Like for real. Don’t say you like anything infront of him.
•He’ll remember.
•He’ll have it for you with in a day, or buy you bulk if it’s snacks.
•Loves loves loves planning dates.
•Plans some really cute shit.
•However he really enjoys your anime/movie nights.
•Makes the couch all comfy with so many blankets.
•Get’s all your favorite foods, snacks and drinks.
•Cuddles you till you both end up falling asleep.
•He’d whine about how “we never finish the 3rd movie”
•Gives you great massages.
•Long day? Lay down and he’ll rub your back.
•Feet hurting? Put them up on his thighs so he can rub them.
•Just love’s doing this for you.
•Likes having you with him while he games too.
•If you’re not into gaming he’ll just want you to sit on his lap.
•Giving him kisses everytime he wins has him in shambles.
•Also hope you have a sweet tooth.
•Because he just loves baking with you.
•Always ending up with a big mess.
•Either from dropping stuff or putting it on one another.
•He melts at this though. Having you do something with him that he enjoys so much.
•Just the most cuddly, understanding man you could ever date.
•Treats you like such royalty.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•Felix has two sides to him.
•The one side that just melts at everything and anything you do.
•You have him in your hands.
•He’s such a mess at your disposal.
•Whining, begging, just needy as fuck.
•His body shakes under you.
•Drool running down his face as he begs you just to move on top of him.
•The other side of him is this assertive, soft dominant man.
•Who’s holding your hair back as he uses your throat.
•Who’s smacking your ass till it’s raw
•Making you beg him to let you cum.
•Or whining that it’s to much and you’re to sensitive.
•Which depending the mode he’s in he’ll either ease up or go rougher.
•Likes when you leave marks on him.
•Constantly leaning down toward your ear so he can let out the low groans you so desperately love.
•This man also really loves role play.
•Loves buying you sexy outfits for you to wear.
•Buys you maid outfits, cat/dog outfits and such.
•Ugh he eats this shit up.
•Also remember how I said he has a lot of pictures and videos of you?
•This man has a whole spank folder of you.
•Ones you send, ones he takes
•And the videos he has-
•God he loves taking videos of himself going in and out of you.
•And just to hear those noises.
•Sometimes he’ll watch them before he comes home to get in the mood.
•So he can get more videos for his collection.
•Aftercare is so sweet and loving.
•Has everything normally ready before yall even start so he can make you feel comfortable right away.
•Makes sure to get you to drink some water right after too.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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irisintheafterglow · 27 days
in his limited spare time, bakugo katsuki volunteers at the local animal shelter.
cw: brief blood/injury, swearing, much longer than i anticipated (i got carried away) this one's for you @lees-chaotic-brain <3
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you were bewildered, at first, when the top-ranking pro stomped his way through the lobby not in need of a pet, but a job. everyone's starting foundations and scholarships and shit, he grumbled when you carefully asked why he wanted to be a shelter volunteer. i don't need any of that flashy shit. just wanna do something that makes a difference. you declined to point out that his job was making a difference in people's lives and wordlessly handed him the clipboard with the signup paperwork.
a few days later, he listens diligently during volunteer training and doesn't so much as wrinkle his nose when he enters the urine-stenched kennels on the walking tour. he stalks around the perimeter of the concrete building, barely flinching when the more aggressive dogs flash their sharp teeth. as the tour moves on to the cat cottages, you linger behind and watch him determinedly take a seat in front of the loudest and largest dog, a 90-pound shepherd mix who was also the longest resident of the shelter.
"she was mistreated, i think," you say as the room quiets until the only dog barking was the one snarling at bakugo. he doesn't look at you but acknowledges your words with a simple nod, looking carefully at the defensive animal in front of him. "i call her daisy."
"how long's she been here?"
"over a year and a half," you reply, approaching daisy's kennel and having a seat next to bakugo. his eyes flicker to you for only a moment before returning to the dog. "i was the one who received her when animal control brought her in."
"she trusts you," he observes. daisy has resorted to quiet growling from the corner closest to you, her fur sticking through the metal frame of the door. she allows you to brush your fingers against it, trembling against your touch while never taking her eyes off of the man beside you.
"we've been here the same amount of time," you confirm. "though only one of us is allowed to come and go," you add with a sad smile, fishing out a piece of bacon from your treat pouch and handing it to her through the bars.
"you ever think about takin' her home?"
"i want to, but i don't have enough space for her." you sigh, slipping her a chunk of cheddar cheese. daisy focuses more on the food than on bakugo, placated for the time being. "and, i need her to at least tolerate men if i want to get her out of this place. i just don't know how." he hums in assent and you don't exchange another word as he follows you out of the building, leaving daisy curled up in her corner.
"he's out of his mind."
"is he trying to get himself killed?"
"we're gonna have to put her down if he keeps this up," is the whisper of gossip that snaps you out of your workspace, prompting you to join the crowd at the window.
"what's going on?"
"that pro, dynamight? he's trying to tame that girl of yours," one of your fellow volunteers replies. "took a bag of treats and disappeared into the kennel ten minutes ago." you don't wait to hear another disapproving comment, grabbing a first aid kit and sprinting out to the building where daisy was.
you rush in, expecting to find a mess of blood and volunteer clothes, but the kennel is silent. uncharacteristically silent. he senses you when you enter, turning over his shoulder from his position seated on the floor in front of daisy.
"good, you're here. couldn't find you and all your coworkers were calling me crazy," he informs you as you sit next to him, adrenaline still pumping through your veins. "i wanna help you with her."
"respectfully, i'm not sure how that would-"
"you said she hates men, yeah? but the other day, when you were here with me, she didn't seem to mind if she was getting food in the process. we can use that." you blink at him, stunned at his willingness to train the dog deemed 'untrainable.' because of her size and her teeth, every other volunteer was terrified of even trying to feed daisy. yet, here was a newbie (albeit a very muscular one) wanting to wrestle the goliath in his first week.
"are you sure? it's gonna be a long process and i don't want to interfere with your schedule."
"what do you think sidekicks and interns are for? patrolling and catching random extras isn't good enough anymore," he states, watching daisy watch him through the dog door from the outside portion of her kennel. "i wanna do something that makes a difference."
so, with bakugo's help, you began the process of acclimatizing daisy to men. for the first few days, you would just sit in front of her kennel together for a few minutes and she would be rewarded every time she looked at bakugo without growling. then, you took her out into the yard, and he would gradually get closer as the days went on. soon enough, he could stand a few feet away without daisy so much as glancing at him, too intrigued by the sights and smells around her.
it was time for him to handfeed her.
"you're sure about this? her bite strength could easily tear off a finger," you warn him during the walk to daisy's kennel. you'd become quite the formidable team, working with daisy and efficiently completing tasks together without wasting any time. the kennels were the best they'd ever looked and smelled, and you finally felt like you were helping daisy progress. "i know you literally died and came back to life when you were in high school, but-"
"i can handle anything she throws at me, i promise."
"and you won't get pissed at her?" it was a question that you needed to muster up the courage to ask, one that poked at the back of your mind every time daisy started to frustrate bakugo. he wasn't known for being the most level-headed hero, and you were afraid of an eventual snap where he might lash out on the dog.
"hey," he begins, coming to a stop and facing you. his voice is genuine, his usual scowl replaced with stone-cold determination. "i swear that i'd rather get my heart blown up again or some shit than lay a hand on her."
"everyone says you have anger issues, bakugo. i think i'm well within my rights to be concerned," you point out and he barks out a laugh.
"i have anger issues when it comes to assholes that are purposefully assholes. i know that underneath all that anger, she's just scared," he shrugs. "that doesn't mean someone should give up on her. so, c'mon," he tilts his head in the direction of her building. "our girl's waiting."
one hour and a lifetime of coaxing later, you were sitting in the shade with daisy's head in your lap as bakugo hands her small pieces of hot dog and more cheese. the branches of the tree behind you stretch far above your head, providing shelter from the midday sun and dropping occasional leaves that daisy tried to bite from time to time. you let yourself relax, supervising while daisy continues to let bakugo feed her. every so often, you'll hear him murmur words of praise and encouragement, so soft and out of character that you'd think someone else was speaking them.
you open your eyes after a moment, not realizing that you'd closed them in the peacefulness of it all, and realize daisy is no longer in your lap. instead, she's seated next to bakugo, who lightly brushes the back of his hand against the fur under her chin. to your delight, she nudges his hand with the top of her head, letting him pet her from her eyes to where her collar sat on her neck.
"i think we reached a big accomplishment today," you whisper with a smile.
"all thanks to you," he replies. "if you hadn't believed in her, she wouldn't have been here."
"and if you hadn't have been here, she wouldn't have anyone else who believed she could change." your attention returns to daisy, who has begun sniffing around bakugo's belt in search of the treat pouch.
"oi," he says sternly but playfully. "what do you think you're doing?" for the first time in your history together, you see daisy wag her tail with someone else other than you, and she drops into a play bow in front of bakugo challengingly. "you wanna play, girl? you feel good enough with me that you wanna play?" she barks once, leaping around like a cricket in the grass.
"you heard her," you chuckle and he stands, keeping a respectful distance away from her in case she changed her mind. she doesn't, and begins bounding from one end of the yard to the other as bakugo chases after her. i'm gonna get you, clever girl, he calls after her. but you gotta catch me first, he taunts, running away from her and making her chase after him instead.
as with most things, good times could only last for so long.
it'd been six months since you started working with bakugo to help daisy, and a new round of volunteers were coming in for the season. with the new season came new business, and your partner abruptly cut his hours to the point where most of your work with daisy was solo. he'd given you his number on the third day of working together, but you never felt comfortable reaching out to him because you weren't sure if your relationship was at that point. it became a necessity, however, when a nepotism hire decided to undo all the work you'd done with daisy.
you heard the screaming before you registered the stamping of feet filing out of the doors and toward the dog kennels. it wasn't uncommon for a dog to spook a prospective adopter, but your heart sinks when you realize which specific kennel everyone was beginning to surround. by the time you reach daisy, she's already restrained by two large men, eyes wide and saliva dripping from her jowls. she's thrashing against her holders, and begins whining in a panic once she sees you break through the crowd.
"give her to me," you order the two large security guards that you didn't recognize. you vaguely register the idiot new-guy whose hubris told him he could handle the largest dog for an impromptu photoshoot; his arm is dripping red and his thin hair sticks to his pasty face. the guards were probably his, and any longer in their restraint would likely cause trachea damage to the poor girl. "i said, give. her. to. me."
"that dog is dangerous and needs to be put down!" you shoot the man a withering glare and forcibly yank daisy away from the men, holding her shaking body close and backing as far away from the commotion as possible. i know, i know. i've gotcha. it's okay, baby, i've gotcha, you whisper in her ear, tenderly stroking her ears pinned against her head. more men approach, seemingly to take her away, and she snaps in warning at their outstretched hands. you take the opportunity to dash out of the kennels and retreat into the lawn.
swallowing bile and your nerves, you press the call button next to his contact.
"hey, it-it's me from the shelter," you say, trying your best to keep your voice steady. "i-i know it's sudden and you're probably busy..."
"are you two okay? i'm on my way now." you barely hear the sound of him barking out orders and slamming a door, followed by the sound of explosives blasting.
"i-yes, we're okay...i think," you sputter out, the adrenaline in your veins turning to anxiety and leaving you just as shaken as the dog hiding beside you. "she-she bit a new guy. he's a fucking idiot but his parents are big investors in the shelter, so he's trying to get her put down." your voice breaks and you push down a sob, your hand barely able to hold the phone still. "i don't know what to do and they won't listen to me and i don't know how to tell them and-"
"it's okay, sweetheart, just breathe." his voice is calm and collected in stark contrast to the furious sounds of blasting propelling him toward the shelter.
"katsuki, i don't want them to take her away," you whisper helplessly, your eyes following the line of people approaching you in the yard. it's the first time you're addressing bakugo by his first name, and you wish it was under better circumstances. "they're coming to take her away. i don't-i don't want them to take her-"
"i'm here. stay where you are, i'll take care of them," he grunts before you hear the beep beep beep of the phone being hung up. true to his word, he reaches you before your coworkers and the security guards do, hopping a few fences as a shortcut. he slips in front of you like a shield, formidable and intimidating in his hero costume that he didn't have time to change out of.
"mr. bakugo, please stand aside," your boss says, giving you a sympathetic look. "we need to take the dog in for an evaluation."
"and then what?" bakugo's voice is harsh and unforgiving, his scowl unrelenting. "i said," he clarifies when the group in front of him is too shocked to answer, "and then what?"
"psychological evaluation will most likely show that she is unable to be adopted," your boss explains and you catch the muscle in bakugo's jaw clench. "in that case-"
"you're gonna put down a dog that lashed out in self-defense? against an idiot who didn't bother checking that she was male-averse?"
"t-the family is incredibly important to the maintenance of the shelter, and continuing to have the dog would jeopardize our working relationship."
"that's not a fuckin' problem, then, because i'm taking her home," he states. "daisy's comin' with me. end of story." you hear the words of protest climbing out of the group's throats and are quick to back up your partner.
"she's been working with him for half a year now," you interject. "there's no man she trusts more than him. and as the one who's been taking care of her for the time she's been here," you take a needed breath, nodding at bakugo, "there's no one else i trust more, either."
"you can tell the family the dog ran away or something. i'll get her out of your hands and have my legal people clean up your shit." sensing that it's time to go, you give him the leash and daisy nudges her head into his gloved hand. "and if that asshole who disrespected her wants to take away our fucking dog, i'd love to see him try."
"our dog?" you ask quietly, catching his eye as you walk with him out of the shelter complex.
"yeah," he shrugs, his ears turning slightly pinker. "we're a team, aren't we?"
"oh, nice. you know that asshole that daisy bit?" you're sprawled out on the living room couch in his apartment, daisy sleeping soundly at your feet. katsuki grunts his assent from the kitchen, muttering a curse as a splash of hot oil prickles his skin. "he and his family are getting investigated for money laundering and exotic animal trafficking."
"serves them fucking right," he replies vindictively. "what about the shelter?"
"coworkers report that they're doing just fine, what with the generous donation from the dynamight agency and all."
"any bigs they're tryna wrangle?"
"not at the moment, no," you say, peeking over the edge of the couch and smiling at daisy's tongue sticking out of her sleepy mouth. "but they promise they'll call us if one arrives."
"that's good. i'm happy with that," he concludes, throwing a potholder onto the coffee table and setting a sizzling pan of something yummy-smelling on top. "how's that look, partner?"
"as good as the one who made it," you flirt, and a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. "is the chef single?"
"nope," he remarks with a wink, settling his entire body weight on top of you so that his head rests on your chest. "and i wouldn't want anyone else." daisy pops her head up from the floor and shakes herself, happily licking your boyfriend's face as he squirms away. "okay, okay! you're an important part of my life as well, you silly fuckin' dog."
"you sure she'll be okay at work with you?" your fingers card through katsuki's hair and his eyes flutter shut, relishing in the way your nails feel on his scalp.
"'course she will. she passed the bomb-sniffing test with flying colors. she's smart and she's loyal. she'll do just fine," he reassures you. "and we couldn't have gotten here without you."
"you're the one who practically stole her from the shelter," you remind him teasingly and his laugh reverberates against your ribcage. "daisy," you cautioned as she looks hungrily at the pan of food. "that's not for you. dad'll make you something to eat later. go back to sleep, for now." the dog gives a single woof of reluctant acknowledgement before settling into her plush bed in the corner. "thank you, katsuki."
"you haven't even tried the food yet, you doofus," he mumbles with his eyes shut against your chest.
"i mean thank you for believing in her, doofus."
"duh. it's easy to believe in the people you love."
"people and dogs," you correct.
"mhmm," he smiles, content with the little family you'd helped him form, despite the obstacles. "and dogs."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! commissions and nsfw requests can be sent through my fiverr! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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munsonkitten · 1 year
“Can I tell you something?” Steve whispers, tugging Eddie in closer to his body.
Eddie hums in response, nuzzling his face into Steve’s neck. “Sure, baby.”
“You know how we got you out of the Upside Down and brought you back here?” Steve asks. He rubs his hands up and down Eddie’s back, and continues without waiting for an answer. “I carried you up to the bathtub in my parents’ bathroom, got your pants off, and you were covered in so much blood, and I was already fighting off an infection myself, so I wasn’t all there, and I honestly… Man, I honestly thought the bats ate your dick and that I’d have to break the news.”
Eddie snorts, a quiet laugh pressed to Steve’s skin.
“Then you said to me, and you were half-conscious and kind of delirious, you said ‘if you wanna look at my pussy, at least buy me dinner first,’” Steve whispers. “Figured maybe it was fine, then.”
“Wait,” Eddie says, pulling back. “Is that why you always brought food when you started coming over?”
Steve laughs, then shakes his head. Quietly, he answers, “Nah, man, that was because you lost like forty pounds from not eating.”
“Well, that’s not as fun,” Eddie huffs. “Can we pretend you’ve just been trying to catch a glimpse ever since?”
“Sure,” Steve whispers. “I mean, not that I wasn’t trying to catch another glimpse, I mean that much is pretty obvious at this point, but, nah. I was just worried you weren’t eating enough.”
Eddie hums again and rolls over onto his back. “I don’t remember much. Being here, I mean. I just… I mean, I have bits and pieces, but then I remember waking up in the hospital with Wayne next to my bed. I didn’t think that was real, to be honest.”
“Yeah,” Steve sighs. “Yeah, it, uh… I tried taking care of you, and after I kinda put the pieces together, I wasn’t gonna let anyone else see you or touch you, I mean, I kind of knew what it meant, you know, to be transsexual, and I didn’t know everything, but I figured it was enough that I found out without your permission. I mean, I think about… Never mind, just… Yeah, so I tried taking care of you, but, like I said, I was sick, too. I think, um, it was Nancy… She kind of found us half-dead in my bed after not hearing from us for a couple days. She got in contact with Wayne, got us both to the hospital. You were there longer than me.”
“Does Nancy know?” Eddie whispers. “I mean, we talk a lot, and she’s never… She’s never mentioned it, but would she if she did?”
“She doesn’t know, baby. As far as I know, she doesn’t. I’m telling you, man, I didn’t let anyone else see you for days. I was…”
“My guard dog, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Steve chuckles.
“Mhm,” Eddie hums. “Should give you a treat.”
Steve smiles, presses a kiss to Eddie’s temple. “I’ve got it already.”
“Fuck off,” Eddie mumbles. “You can’t break out the Harrington charm right now.”
“Why not?” Steve asks.
“Because I’m gonna need to fuck you again for that and I don’t think I can move.”
Steve laughs and curls himself around Eddie. “Alright, I’ll cool it with the charm, then.”
They both sleep soundly that night, but Steve finds himself thinking about all of those complicated things before he drifts off, and again when he wakes up in the morning, as he watches Eddie fix his hair and slide on his rings over painted nails.
from chapter 5 of “you make me feel like i am whole again” on ao3
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totaly-obsessed · 1 year
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Leah Willamson x reader fic
-> Reader tends to bring home new animals when Leah is gone - what will it be this time?
➳ Masterlist
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Leah and Laura had joined their fellow arsenal teammates in Herzogenaurach, even though they were still in rehab for their torn ACL’s – it was good for team building if everyone was there. 
The blondes favorite part of this particular camp were the meals. Seeing as she couldn’t train with them on the pitch, it was bittersweet to be there, having to watch them, so being together outside of training was the nicest part. 
“You reckon your Zoo will have a new addition?” 
They were having lunch outside as it was a beautiful sunny day. It was Katie who started teasing Leah about her living situation – who else? 
Leah lived in a nice house with a big fenced in garden, together with you. And three cats and two dogs and supposedly wild birds that lived in the birdhouses you had set up but you kept feeding them so they came back and brought squirrels. There were also two tiny lambs in a heated little barn that you had picked up, who needed to be bottle fed. 
“Baby we can’t have lambs!” 
“But Lee he was going to abandon them!” 
But upon seeing your quivering lips, swollen and teary eyes and a soft white lamb in your arms, she gave up. 
How could she say no to that? So she didn’t. Little Mimi and Momo now were gradually moving on to solid foods, instead of being bottle fed. 
It seemed, that every time that Leah left your shared home she came back to more animals. 
“Honestly? Who knows?” The other girls thought it was quite comical, thinking about tall, stoic Leah who came home to her girlfriend and a whole Zoo of animals to cuddle – and she did. 
She gave of the biggest dad energy, not wanting any of the animals you had gotten, but it was Leah who would always take their sides, cuddle them to sleep and feed them treats even though you had already given them some. 
“But I’m gonna put my foot down this time. It’s enough animals at home.” The whole table started laughing, knowing damn well that Leah would never be able to say no to you or soft little animals. 
It was only a couple of days later when the older woman returned home. 
“Baby – I’m home!” As expected there were many excited feet coming her way – none of them human. 
It took her a while to properly greet the cats and dogs, who were longing for scratches only Leah could give. Every time you tried to scratch them how they liked it, you ended up being scared of hurting them, so you decided that you would be the one to give the best pets. 
“Baby? Where are you lovie?” The only thing Leah could hear was her own heartbeat – desperate to find you. While you only had not seen each other for a couple of days, the defender tended to be quite clingy, so she wanted to see you as soon as possible again. 
Upon walking outside, a hoard of animals following her - she saw Mimi and Momo grazing outside. 
“Baby?” And there you were, running out of the little barn. 
“Lee! You’re back!” Careful not to put too much pressure on her healing knee, Leah picked you up in a hug swinging you around a little. 
“I missed you, baby.” You wanted to reply to her, teasing how it only were a couple of days but instead of hearing your voice, she heard a little ‘Moo’ coming from the barn. 
“Do you wanna drink something Lee?” But the blonde didn’t even listen to you, pushing you aside gently. “Come on baby, you’ve had such a long day, lets get to bed yeah?” 
You again jump in her way, trying to redirect her inside again. “Let me see baby.” Now you started to panic, the moos getting louder – with all your might you tried pushing the defender back by her shoulders. 
The older blonde started to get frustrated and went in for a hug. “Awwwhhh, are you cuddly babe?”, you thought she gave up and wanted your worldfamous hugs, so when she pressed your body closer to hers, picking you up, you were surprised. “Ayieeee! Leah! Put me down!” 
With just a couple of steps the two of you stood in the barn, Leah setting you down on your feet again. 
And there it stood. A fluffy calf, or baby cow as you liked to call them. 
“What is that?” Deep brown button eyes stared her straight into her soul. 
“That’s Button…” 
“That’s a fucking cow - baby.” She did not look impressed or amused for that matter. 
“No it’s a baby cow, and her name is Button.” 
As always it took a little convincing, but only a few, well spent hours later, the two of you were lying in bed, cuddling. 
“Button is pretty cute – she can stay.” 
And with that your very own Zoo had grown, and Leah had a new baby to fuss about.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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liked by kimlittle1990 and 44.330 others
Leahwilliamsonn: Meet Button! Our newest addition to the Williamson Zoo!
katie_mccabe11: What happened to "putting your foot down"?
-> leahwilliamsonn: I don't want to hear it
lottewubbenmoy: Hi Button!
stephcatley: Why is she so cute?
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stitchthelilo · 8 months
what if pets had tumblr? you could even call it… petblr?! (this is very self indulgent)
just a quick warning, there will be unreality stuff in this, stay safe ^^
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🐈‍⬛ orangekittylover Follow
i hate people who call orange cats dumb like bffr that’s an EXTREMELY harmful stereotype and you should be ashamed
🧀 mrsqueaksalot Follow
username checks out
🧀 mrsqueaksalot Follow
why do i hear something clawing at the wall
39,276 notes
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👑 goldenkitty Follow
me to the cats who don’t get the expensive shit (my parents actually love me)
🌑 gothcatqueen Follow
👑 goldenkitty Follow
the difference is mine is actually good
#bitches wanna be like me fr
🌑 gothcatqueen Follow
DON’T ACT AS IF WE DON’T SEE THAT TAG, NOBODY WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU!! someone humble this kitten already.. probably the runt of the litter 💀💀
🐈‍⬛ themoontoyoursun Follow
that’s a bit too far.
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🐴 fastestmare Follow
prepping for a race, wish me luck yall
🐎 imevenfaster Follow
i hope you lose so bad they throw you a pity party
🐴 fastestmare Follow
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🛑 petinfo101 Follow
Signs of a Human trying to TRICK YOU!
1. Line of treats, humans tend to use this to lure you into carriers or anything of the sorts.
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🍊 zerobraincells Follow
i wish i saw this sooner.
102,922 notes
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🐔 cluckinallnight Follow
to whoever is making that racket right outside of the barn… stop, i’m trying to sleep
🐺 hungryforchicken Follow
🐔 cluckinallnight Follow
your username concerns me
🐔 cluckinallnight Follow
🐺 hungryforchicken Follow
8,901 notes
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❄️ babyitscoldoutside Follow
☁️ balloffluff Follow
😾 angrykitty Follow
it makes me angry.
🧀 mrsqueaksalotjr Follow
username checks out
🐈‍⬛ orangekittylover Follow
if you don’t stfu right now i’ll give you the same fate as your father
🧀 mrsqueaksalotjr Follow
🐶 thebestboy Follow
your owners stop doing that??
1,892,483 notes
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🐇 grasseater Follow
just built a new burrow!!
🐺 hungryforchicken Follow
let me just.. change my username real quick
🐺 hungryforrabbit Follow
you know what they say, it’s rabbit season!!!
🐇 grasseater Follow
🐺 hungryforrabbit Follow
every month is rabbit season for me :)
16 notes
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🐾 shortkingsforlife Follow
i swear to dog why do humans make us chihuahuas have such a bad reputation?? WE DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING, YOU ARE THE ONES WHO PROVOKED US AND MADE US GET HOSTILE!
🐈‍⬛ orangekittylover Follow
i can relate, humans say black cats are "bad luck"
🐾 shortkingsforlife Follow
aw i’m so sorry :(
🐾 shortkingsforlife Follow
hey how about we talk more in dms?
🐈‍⬛ orangekittylover Follow
i’d like that :3
🐈 thesuntoyourmoon Follow
finally a wholesome moment on here for once
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mother-na · 10 months
Yandere Policeman!Gojo X Reader X Yandere Policeman!Geto!
A one-shot set in a world where Jujutsu Sorcerers are replaced with a police unit and Curses are just a nuisance. With Gojo and Geto as policeman, you're bound to be caught somehow, since you're a mischievous curse! [Fem Reader]
Warnings!: Dubious Consent, Oral (both F and M receiving and giving), pet names (sweetheart, little curse), virgin reader, spit roasting, praise kink, lmk if I’m missing anything!
NOT proof read or edited
You've been having so much fun! Being a human is a boring experience. You have to work to eat and then you just sleep, but not when you're a curse!
As a curse, you just run around, stealing whatever food you want and sleeping where ever you please. What does it matter? Nobody can see you anyway!
Or so you thought. Lately you've been staying in a mall. During the day you eat all the food in there, pet the animals in the pet shops, and ride the kiddy trains with the kids! And then you get to sleep in the mattress store with the poor night shift worker!
You know you haven't been well behaved, but to think that somebody would call the police!
You planned to stay and exploit the mall and leave at the first sign of danger, but you'd accidentally met them and changed your mind…
It was late at night and most people had already left. You'd figured you'd grab a muffin, one of your favorite treats, but sneaking through the staff hall, you'd noticed a handsome man staring at you.
His ridiculously blue eyes caught you off guard for a few reasons. For one, who has eyes that blue? And for two, why were they looking at you?
It took you a moment, but you soon realized that this man was of the policemen sent to subdue you.
You didn't run though. You thought maybe you could trick him into not killing you. Though most policemen just drive away curses instead of killing them.
But you've just about the seductive skill of puppy because rather than doing something flirtatious like flipping up your skirt you… jumped.
Yes jumped, like a dog getting ready to play, your legs firm on the ground and your back bent forward. Which, to be fair, as a curse you've never been able to understand sexual behaviors. You're just a mischievous curse, nothing more and nothing less.
Though, to your surprise, the man didn't have a negative reaction or one of even surprise. Instead, he gave half a chuckle, before mirroring you movements.
He jumped and leaned over just like you were, spreading his legs just like yours.
You couldn't help yourself after that! He's was basically inviting you to play!
You gave another little jump, and he jumped to, an amused smile in his face.
“You're so playful, for a curse,” The man spoke, his hands on his knees, “very human as well.”
You didn't quite understand what he meant, you couldn't look in mirrors or take photos of yourself so you've no idea you look human.
Still, you couldn't help but giggle. He should just shut up and play with you!
You turned your back on him, looking over your shoulder and swaying a little, inviting him to chase you.
“You wanna play? You sure?” the man chuckled, a boyish grin on his face, “Silly Curse, you don’t really think you have a chance, do you?”
You'd thought it'd be fun! And you were very very wrong for a bit there.
The man turned out to be significantly faster then you. You only got away because you morphed through the floor!
It was so scary! One moment it was all fun and games and the next his footsteps are right behind you! You could hear him panting and breathing, his large slender hand hovering just behind your neck.
You'd thought he was the only one there that night, but you were wrong about that to!
As you caught your non-existent breath and drank some apple juice from one of the kitchens, you were caught by yet another one!
It was only thirty or so minutes later, just how fast were these guys moving?
“I guess Satoru was telling the truth.” a smooth voice spoke from behind you, almost making you drop your juice in surprise.
You huff, why are these people doing this? What jerks.
Taking another drink of your juice, you stick your tongue out.
“Aren’t you childish? Come here.” The man with black hair spoke, soothingly almost, stretching out his arms like he was inviting you.
You knew exactly what this was! He thinks that just because your a little childish that he can just beckon you and you'd listen! Stupid!
With a cocky attitude, you took steps back.
Right into the other’s arms.
Hooking his surprisingly thick arms underneath your armpits, trapping you against his chest. Was the blue eyed one from before!
“Geez Suguru, you almost scared her off! Scary~!” the man holding you teased.
The other man, Suguru, approached, ready to exorcise you, “Lets just hurry this up.”
You held your breath, preparing for your seemingly inevitable end.
But it never happened.
With sudden force, the man holding you lifted you with his arms under your pits, effectively swinging you to his side so his partner couldn't kill you.
“Or~ we can do something else!” the white-haired man proposed.
Suguru’s face changed to one of disgust, almost comically, “Whatever you about to suggest, please think it through…” the man basically pleaded. Poor guy must deal with his partner's nonsense often.
“I propose that we let this curse run around for just a little~ while longer. You know how the higher-ups are, they know we're the best so they plan to have us running errands till we drop, not that we’re at any risk of dying to curses like these~,” the man nuzzled his face playfully against yours, or perhaps it was meant to be condescending?
“So you just want to shirk your responsibilities then?” Suguru surmised.
“Right on the money~! Come on, you can't tell me it doesn't sound tempting.” the man squished his warm cheek against yours and gave the other man his best attempt at puppy eyes.
“C’mon, you smile too. It's your life on the line.” the white haired man spoke, to which you have an awkward smile.
Suguru looked at you two with a tired expression, pinching the bridge of his nose with light fingers.
And with that, the three of you had an agreement!
It’s been couple weeks since and you’ve completely forgotten your plan to leave.
How could you not, the two policemen spoiled you! Suguru, or Geto, would give you all the attention you wanted, albeit passively.
You could lay in his warm lap and pet your head gently.
He didn’t warm up to you at first, but the more he witnessed your simple behaviors, he too could not help finding your antics amusing.
The other one, whom you discovered was Satoru Gojo, was more of a gift giver than a cuddler, strangely enough.
Sure, he was touchy, but only to tease you. Otherwise, he’d often give you snacks and treats to keep you out of causing more trouble. The more trouble, the more you convinced their superiors that you were more than they could handle.
In the day you got to lay at their feet and be fed and given attention and during the night they’d let you curl up with them in the break room.
You’d honestly thought you had something special…
“Yeah yeah… I know…. No we don’t need backup… yup, yeah. Goodbye.” You heard Gojo mumble into a phone as you eavesdropped on the other side of the door.
“They want us out of here by tonight.” Gojo relayed simply, tossing the phone to Geto who was deep in thought.
“Figures. We have been here a long time.”
“Guess so… ugh, we’ve no choice then. We’ll take care of [Reader] tonight.”
And that was all the go to you needed. You scrambled right out of there!
It’s not like you needed to eat, so you just skipped your usual lunch with the two of them.
You wanted to collect what few belongings you had but… you just couldn’t find them! Your blanket and pillow were both gone! You’ve had them since you appeared in this world.
They were nowhere to be seen! The sun was setting and the store closing… and you still couldn’t find your stuff. In the end, you had to leave it.
“[Reader]~! Where the hell’d you go…?” You could hear Gojo call for you.
Whatever, you thought, they’re planning on killing you so why should you care if they were upset about it or not, you should be upset not them!
Sneaking out to the parking lot, you sulked a bit. There were no cars in the parking lot except the one police car belonging to the duo inside tucked around the corner.
Maybe you could go pop their tires or tear up their seats! It’s not a bad idea.
Hurrying around the corner to get your measly revenge you spotted their spacious black car. It wasn’t one designed to take the arrested since they were in a curse unit so it was quite big. Kinda like a van.
Peering in the front seats it was clear who the designated driver was. The drivers seat was spotless but the passenger had some fast food wrappers at the feet of it.
The image of Gojo absolutely downing several cheese burgers in the passenger seat as Geto watches in annoyance painted a rather hilarious scenario.
Still, you’d come to tear up their car! Looking at it, it’s a fairly new and pristine black car. Though they’ll be needing a better car when you’re done!
Fazing your hand through the front door, you unlocked the door with ease and crawled in. With a sudden burst of energy, you wasted no time in dragging your mildly clawed nails across the front seat. It wasn’t as deep as you’d like, but it’d do.
As you lifted your head to see your work, you incidentally could see something in the back.
In the back of the car on the floor in a neat little pile was your blanket and pillow.
Confused, you allowed yourself to lean over the center console where the cupholders were.
Before you could even think about what it meant, a firm hand pushed your bottom, making you land face first into the back seat.
Suddenly, Gojo was straddling the center console that you were just on and holding you down on the back seat.
Geto stuck his head in through the drivers side door, seeing the damage, and sighed, “Seriously?”
Geto shut the front car door and opened the back where you and half of Gojo were, leaning and placing a knee on the leather seat to steady himself.
“What’s the matter? Running and ripping up seats, why are you so upset?” Geto spoke kindly, though you could tell he was still angry he tried his best to hide it so as to understand better.
“I heard you two talking, you were gonna go against your promise and kill me!” You growled, feeling betrayed and hurt that they’d feign ignorance.
Geto’s furrowed his eyes brows and looked up at Gojo with an angry and disappointed expression.
“Why are you looking at me like that, I’m not the one spying on people.” Gojo weakly defended himself, pressing himself against your back, trapping you underneath him entirely dramatically, pinning the blame on you.
Geto turned to you and crouched down to meet your squished face, “Don’t be ridiculous. We were never going to kill you.” He spoke in his motherly voice, soothing and honest, lifting a hand to run his large hand through your hair.
“Then… what were you going to do?” You asked, confused.
Geto simply smiled and you could feel Gojo’s firm chest rumble as he chuckled.
“This, sweetheart.” Gojo stated simply before using one of his hands to crane your neck upward before consuming your mouth in his.
It was an overbearing kiss. His body weight smooshing you and his hand gripping your chin and neck, keeping you in place.
You smell, feel, and hear him acutely.
The way his scent blanketed you and his warmth ate away at your form and the small little sadistic laughs he released when you whimpered. His fingers digging gently into your skin.
He’d not-so-carefully bite at your ghostly lips, pulling them away before returning once again to thrust his tongue down your throat or, conversely, pull your own tongue down his own throat.
So focused on consuming your lips that he’s left to pant above you, his cruel laugh turning into drunken whispers as his chest heaved against you.
“Perhaps our little curses’ cursed technique is seduction. I’ve never seen you so distracted before, Satoru.” Geto mused to himself.
Gojo unlatched himself from the sloppy kiss, panting, “Ha… I wouldn’t be surprised.” He agreed.
“I was joking Satoru.” Geto mumbled out.
“Doesn’t sound like a mere joke when you’re faced with these lips, Su-gu-ru~. Taste for yourself.”
Gojo raised his body just enough to push your upper half toward Geto and allow himself to squeeze behind you, opening the car door on the other side so he could still press against you.
Geto looked thoughtless for a moment and you almost believed he was going to deny you a kiss, but he leaned in any way.
It was a gentler start then with Gojo. Geto’s kiss was gentle and rather than pushing past your lips like Gojo had, he merely licked at them for a bit.
It was only when you shyly allowed your lips to part, curious about this new experience, did Geto lunge his tongue without warning.
Geto’s hand that held your in place were more gentle then Gojo’s. His large hands holding your cheeks tenderly.
Yet despite his gentle hand, his kiss only got harsher. As though he were trying to consume your soul from the outside, Geto stole your breath as he kissed with more determination than Gojo had.
Of course, Gojo was not still either.
As Geto kissed you with harsh love, Gojo was poking around your skirt and underwear. Your skirt was a bit shabby, old as it was, but that doesn’t really matter given that Gojo was going to pull it down regardless.
Slipping your skirt and, by extension, your underwear off you shivered as the cold air hit your now exposed pussy, a new sensation.
You wanted to ask what was happening, but honestly your stomach was fluttering with Geto and Gojo touching you like this. It made the presumed betrayal seem like a silly notion.
Gojo gripped your love hands and hips, his large hands able to wrap around both, before forcing you onto your knees.
You were about to ask why but between Geto refusing to free your mouth and Gojo’s fingers now rubbing experimental circles around your virgin clit.
Gojo’s fingers were testing their limits, feeling what ministrations made you twitch most, your hole clench in desperation. While at the start it was only half good, he quickly figure out your favorite patterns. Though, even if he hadn’t, the idea that it was his fingers touching you was enough to get you off.
You arched your back, asking for more nervously, before you felt Gojo groping your thighs, no longer touching your stimulated pussy.
But your pussy’s loneliness didn’t last long as soon after you felt Gojo’s hands’ gripping your thighs, firmly, sternly even, keeping you in place as you felt his breath on your pussy.
With an open panting mouth, like a starving man, Gojo used his tongue to swipe one very long, very slow, and very intrusive, slobbering lick across the entirety of your exposed genitalia.
Every time he drunkenly laughed at your twitching pussy with the flat of his tongue pressed firmly against your pussy you could feel the resulting hot breath reminding you just how close he was.
With just one drooling lick, Gojo had managed to use his tongue to invade every last cell of your cunt and effectively make you dumb in the head.
Your hips couldn’t help themselves, wanting to follow that long tantalizing and cruel stroke, but Gojo kept you firmly in place, his hands holding a bruising grip, refusing to give you even an extra inch of his tongue. You could only be mercilessly teased by him.
It was so mind numbing that you had to interrupt Geto’s kiss by allowing your tongue to loll out when you gasped in utter pleasure.
You babbled, wanting to ask what he was doing, wanting to know what this pleasure was, but Geto stared deep into your eyes, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
“Haha… hah,” Gojo pulled away from your dripping cunt, mindlessly laughing to himself like a madman out of breath, “Suguru~, don’t tell me- hah- you’re just gonna sit there and- ha- waste that hot mouth of hers.” He panted.
Geto hummed, “Oh I’ve no plan to waste any part of our little curse. I just want to make sure we’re running at the same pace.”
Geto seemed relatively calm, but you could hear Gojo hurriedly rush to his feet, the sound of a buckle moving, “Oh trust me, I’m all ready to go.”
Geto reached out his hand and grabbed your lolling tongue between thumb and the knuckle of his pointer finger, massaging it there, “I’d say she is too.”
You’d believed Geto to be the only calm one, but as he stood up you realized that what’s in his pants is anything but calm.
From both in front of you and behind you, you could hear the sounds of belts being removed and pants being pulled down. It was a good thing the sun was just about set because what was about to happen shouldn’t be seen by anyone’s eyes.
Geto’s cock, already hard, was already wet at the tip, pre cum pearling as a sign he’d been worked up for a while now. His patience was certainly not something to gawk at.
Geto once again raised his knee to lean into the car, right next to your head so your face was against his warm thigh and, obviously, his cock right near your mouth.
“It’s simple, you just open your mouth and suck, is that easy enough for you?” Geto cooed at you, kindness in his eyes as he pet your head.
You could only nod your head. Ah~ even in such a forceful situation, Geto was so very kind.
Geto allowed you to explore his cock first, to get a handle on it.
Only just as you were lapping up his precum eagerly did Gojo decide he’d waited long enough.
His impatience got the better of him for a moment, his cock slapping against your slick before sliding the tip into your sopping cunt.
Of course, a virgin as you were, you yelped a bit at the foreign burning.
The sound of your pain seemed to force Gojo back to his senses a bit, his motion coming to a halt.
“Oh! My bad sweetheart~, I was too excited, wasn’t I?” Gojo apologized, sincerely for once, gently rubbing your legs and back soothingly.
“It’ll be okay, just take deep breaths and take me in one~ inch at a time, yeah?” Gojo leaned down to whisper to you.
“If it gets to much, just let me know, I’ll give him a good punch for it.” Geto joked.
“Oh come on, I’m not that bad~.”
True to his word, Gojo took it very slow, and Geto didn’t ask you to keep pleasing him while you focused, instead praising you generously for your efforts.
“You’re such a good girl, taking it in so well. You’re so sweet.” Geto held your face against his thigh, stroking your head, occasionally gripping the hair gently.
“Hn- I’ll say. You’re more than sweet, you tasted divine.” Gojo, currently pressed down against you again, groaned in your ear, his hot breath and aroused voice reaching thickly against you, tracing a line steadily from your chin, down your neck, between your breasts, against your tender belly, and finally to your clit, offering a little stimulation.
Gojo’s cock, angled as he’d gone in, dragged steadily across your sensitive virgin walls.
Finally, as his final inch popped into you, did Gojo’s heavy cock kiss your cervix.
You, finally at ease, went back to pleasing Geto. In order to steady yourself, squished so fiercely, you held onto Gojo’s wrists as he held himself up, or barely up any way.
With Gojo now moving at a steady pace, his body sweaty above you, you couldn’t keep focusing on Geto and decided to instead take his cock into your mouth.
His taste was foreign but not at all unpleasant. And his precum was somewhat creamy and sweet!
Of course, the most distracting thing was Gojo’s merciless cock. There was now only a faint sensation of burning as your stomach and pussy exploded with pleasure like firework going off in your belly.
His pace was fast and sloppy but is strokes were lengthy. His fit body allowed him to pull out all the way to the very tip before delving straight back in, his thick head quickly meeting to gently smooch your cervix.
His length throbbed and every time his pelvis met yours there was a good chance you could feel his heart beat through his phallus. Though, you could hear his hammering heart anyhow as he pressed so firmly against you as though wished to become one with you. His wrists too, as you held them, had a quickened pace. You could feel his bulging veins against your palms.
From sadistic laughter, to drunken giggling, to now heavy pants as his face scrunched in focus. His eyes closed firmly and his mouth hanging open as he released deep quiet moans and stifled whispers of desperation into your ear.
Geto was no better. To please him, you completely negated your gag reflux against your bodies wishes and, in your need to please your sweet Geto, recklessly took several more inches of him down your throat than you probably should have.
His heart beat as could be felt. So thick in your throat that it felt as though he wished you could consume him, heartbeat and all.
Geto leaned against the cars door, his body occasionally quaking as he groaned deeply and released gasps intermittently. He had sweat glistening on his face, the hand he’d placed on your face was damp as well.
Eventually, Geto couldn’t help himself and subtly rocked himself into you, his hips stuttering and losing rhythm.
Gojo too was beginning to lose pace.
And you?
You were a mess.
You were coated in their essence, your own essence was coating Gojo’s cock. And your thighs. And probably Gojo’s thighs.
You moaned with abandon, your body thoroughly stuffed in both ends as the only people you’ve known in your life rocked their body inside you.
Their rhythm became a mess.
Geto was gripping the door of the car so hard you swear he was denting it, his cock throbbing in your throat, threatening to burst. His hand was so clearly fighting the urge to grasp at yours and Gojo’s hair as Gojo has hovered so close to you that Geto was now tasked with providing a loving hand to both you and Gojo.
As for Gojo himself, he’d begun cursing, entirely out of breath, and his pace was sloppy. With clear desperation he was humping you like an animal.
Make no mistake, he was pounding you.
You’d kind of thought Gojo was the more experienced with this kind of thing, but he was so clingy and desperate that you’ve no idea where he’d gotten his previous attitude from.
He whimpered and stifled mewls but you heard it all the same.
Geto did too, which is probably why he was now bringing his other hand to give both you and Gojo attention.
As the three of you, sweaty, drooling, and loudly moaning, reached your climax Geto had gripped both Gojo’s hair and your hair.
Gojo moaned, well moaned and yelped honestly, as his cock pumped thick hot strings of cum deep into your sensitive quivering hole, collapsing on top of you.
Geto too had came, straight down your happily swallowing throat.
Geto popped his now half soft cock out of your slimy and exhausted throat as the three of you panted.
You slowly gathered your thoughts. What just happened..?
“S…So… you were never gonna… gon’ get me..?” You asked confused.
Usually Gojo would’ve responded first but you were pretty sure he was half asleep. He moved his arms to around your neck and shoulders and cuddled you close. Fairly certain his bare ass is hanging out the car currently, but he doesn’t seem concerned.
Geto laughed with half a breath, “No, sweetheart. How could we ever? We were going to take you with us.” Geto assured you, fixing his pants.
Looking back, it made sense. Your stuff was in the car and everything. How embarrassing… and to think you messed up his car.
“‘M sorry! About the car… I mean…” you apologized, burying you face into your arms, embarrassed.
Geto smiled gently, closing the car door on his side and going around the car to fix Gojo, “It’s alright. I mean, I’m mad sure, but I get it. You were fearing for your life after all.” He responded, pulling up Gojo’s pants and lifting his feet into the car so he could close the door.
Geto entered the drivers seat door, taking a seat and pulling out the car keys.
“You don’t have to fear anything anymore. We’ll take care of you, we promise.” Geto tenderly spoke, before driving you to live with your new family as your eyes fell closed.
The two of them will care for you for as long as they live, and when they die, they’ll make sure you come with them. They just love you that much.
This ain’t proof reeaadd
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therapycat21 · 11 months
All Right Now Part 4
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
I’ve been on cloud 9 since that night, he has been texting and calling me almost every day, calling just to ask if I was feeling okay, what kind of flowers I liked, and how I preferred cats over dogs. For the first time, it feels right, actually true and real. Compared to the last few years and the relationships I’ve been in, this falls at the very top of my list.
Ever since that night at the restaurant I’ve been counting down the days until I get to physically see him again, we both have been so busy with life that I'm only able to see him on Facetime.   
But today is the day of his game against the Jets and I'm so excited to finally see him again, and bring my mom to her first football game. 
My thoughts still swirling, I’m interrupted by a knock on the door, checking the time, I know it’s my mom. I run to the door and open it to see my mom in full Chiefs gear, also wearing a #87 jersey like me. I give her a giant smile before we pull each other into a deep hug. “Ugh, I missed you so much Mommy,” I tell her, getting a little emotional from not seeing her “Oh I missed you too my baby” Our hug lasts a few more seconds before we let each other go. “So, how's Travis?” she asks. Yes, I already told her about him, I can’t not tell her, we’re way too close for me to keep secrets from her.
I try to hide my smile but inevitably it pops out “he’s good, he called me today before heading to the stadium, he’s a little nervous” I tell her, she frowns slightly “Why’s he nervous, he plays absolutely amazing” she tells me “we know that but he’s more nervous about how they'll treat me cause we all know they're gonna be ticked off about me being there and doesn't want it to give me bad press” I tell her slightly frowning.
I look over at her after not hearing her say anything. She is slightly smiling “What are you so smiley about?” I question
“Oh nothing, this is just the first time I’ve ever heard one of your boyfriends actually be concerned for you, your feelings, and your safety.”
 I sigh turning back around and gathering my things to leave “We have not had that talk yet Mom, so please refrain from saying anything about that to him.” “Oh honey if you think that man does not want to be your boyfriend, you are very mistaken, if only you saw how he looks at you,” she tells me grinning.
Looking at her confused, I question “What do you mean how he looks at me?” she belly laughs from the doorway looking at her phone “From when you guys went out to dinner that night, I’m looking at the picture now”. I look at her in a panic and rush to open my phone and find what she is talking about. Opening Instagram I see a post from ENews.
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Mouth agape in shock “Oh my god, I can't believe they saw us.” I say out loud. My mom laughs loudly “Honey no offense but you're a famous singer and he’s a famous footballer, of course, they would’ve found out. Look It’ll be okay I promise” I sigh a little in relief from her reassurance.
But I still have to let Travis know, that is what gets my nerves to skyrocket not knowing how he’ll take the information. I shake my hands a bit to shake off some of the nerves hopefully “Ohh man, okay let’s go, we will be even more late if we stay here” I tell her smiling at her assuringly. We both left the apartment.
1 Hour Later in The Chief's Family Suite
We both found our seats and ordered ourselves drinks and some light food. I lean over to my mom “So? How is it so far?” I question smiling at her “Oh honey this is so fun, I wanna do it every weekend” she tells me smiling. 
Before I respond we’re interrupted by someone calling my name I turn around to see Kylie and the two girls. I jump up to go greet them “Hey you guys, I didn’t know you were coming today,” I say while hugging Kylie she hugs me back responding “I know Jason decided last minute to come so his mom didn’t have to drive by herself” I nod smiling before turning my attention to the two girls and bending down to reach them “hey pretty girls” before I can fully greet them they both rush in to hug me “ugh I just love seeing you two” I tell them, letting them both go and standing back upright.
 “Oh you guys, this is my mom Katalina. Mom this is Kylie Travis’s sister-in-law and these two beautiful girls are his nieces” I introduce them. My mom stands to greet them pulling them each into a hug “Oh it is so nice to meet all of you, I heard so much from y/n, do you wanna sit with us over here?” she asks. Kylie smiles before nodding and guiding the girls into the seats between me and her. I look around searching “Where’s Jason?” I ask Ky “Oh he’s grabbing some drinks and snacks with his mom, he should be here soon.” she lets me know “Their mom is here?” I question with a twinge of fear lacing my voice. I can tell she noticed because of the sympathetic look on her face “Don’t worry Trav and Jason have been telling her amazing things about you, I know she’ll love you” she reassures me. I give her a small smile before turning back to my mom waiting for the game to start.  
A few minutes go by before we hear the oh-so-boisterous voice of Jason Kelce. Me and mom turn to face the sound and see Jason with a smaller and shorter woman. We wait for them to greet Kylie and the kids before I stand up to greet Jason “Hey, there my girly!” he says reaching to pull me into a bear hug.
 Laughing I hug him back before letting go and introducing him to Mom, he reaches around and pulls her into a hug before guiding us to meet Donna who he said was his mom's name. “Momma, this is y/n and her mom Katalina” I smile about to reach out and shake her hand before she laughs and pulls me into a motherly hug “Oh it is so nice to meet you sweetheart” After a few seconds she lets go “it’s so nice to meet you too, Travis talks about you all the time” I tell her smiling, she laughs “touche my dear” she smirks at me. I blush before introducing her to my mom. After all of the pleasantries are done we all sit down. My mom was on my right, Donna on my left with Jason and the kids, and Kylie on her left.
The game finally starts and we finally see Travis run out onto the field with the other players. Once the players are settled on the field I see him look over and up straight at me with a soft fond smile on his face, he slightly waves at me before turning back to the game.
I blush and turn to see his action brought attention to me in the suite. I look down to see some of the crowd taking pictures and videos. I catch the eye of one of the fans before smiling, blowing them a kiss, and waving at them.  A few minutes of this go by before everyone goes back to the game with fans occasionally looking back up here at us. In the meantime, me, my mom and Donna are all laughing and making jokes together. (if only I knew what gonna come from that on the internet). 
And as expected I look up from the field to the jumbo, smiling as I see my own face. I give a quick smile and wave before turning around and showing my jersey number with a proud smile on my face. Everyone gives a laugh before I sit back down and the jumbo goes back to the game.
The laughter halts for a moment after seeing Pat throw the ball and Travis jumps to catch it, everyone stands up jumping and cheering as Travis runs to make the touchdown with them winning the game against the Jets. The stadium breaks into hollers and screams, me included. Kylie still standing screaming for Travis reaches over and hugs me before Donna pulls me into a hug. We all hug each other before everyone calms down as Travis does his touchdown dance.
As the excitement dies down, everyone starts to gather their belonging. I’m then approached by one of the workers. “Hello, we were asked to escort you down to Travis and the car is that okay?” he asks me I look over at my mom, and she gives me a smile slightly pushing me towards the doors “go, it’s okay Donna and I are gonna go out to eat and talk some, okay” I smile reaching over to give her a big hug telling her I love her, I do the same to Donna “tell him he played amazing for me and I love him” she tells me I give her quick nod before nodding to the man and rushing over to go see Travis.
After a few minutes of walking, we hit the elevator the man guides me in before pushing the button to go down, a few silent seconds go by before the man slightly turns towards me “I’m sorry if this is unprofessional but Is it okay If I get a picture with you for my daughter? She loves your music” I look at him “Absolutely and believe me you’re not being unprofessional, how about I make a video for her, what’s her name ” he smiles reaching to fish his phone put “Her name is Jessica” I smile as he turns to video and I lean over to say a few words to her before he thanks me to put his phone away. I grab my phone and ask for his information “Is it okay if I get your information, I’d like to send her some stuff if that’s okay” I ask. He looks at me in shock before hurriedly nodding at me “Of course, you just made me the father of the year” he jokes at me, we laugh and talk a few more before the doors open and we’re greeted by Travis leaning against the wall with a few teammates. He gives them quick goodbyes before I walk out.
He makes quick strides toward me lifting me into a deep hug, his face pressed into the side of my hair. “Oh I missed you so much,” he tells me still hugging me. I relish in the feeling of his warmth before responding “I missed you too” he lets me go putting my feet back onto the ground “Oh by the way your mom asked me to tell you that you played amazing and she loves you” he gives a fond smile before it turns quizzical “you and my mom talked?” he questions. I panic a little “I’m sorry I didn’t know she was gonna be the—” he cuts me off with a laugh “Baby, it wasn't a bad thing you talked to my mom I was just surprised I thought she wasn't coming to this game that’s why” I sigh in relief happy he isn't upset “yeah Kylie said Jason decided to come last minute and drove your mom too” I tell him. He nods understanding.
“Anyway, did you wanna go home and watch a movie and chill for the night?” he questions. I nod profusely, excited for a chill night in before a concert the next day. “Yes please” I smile at him he gives me a nod before grabbing my hand and turning me towards the doors using his other hand to brush the back of my head pulling my forehead to kiss it “Oh you’re so adorable,” he tells me before stopping abruptly “what’s wrong?” I question he turns towards me “I was about to walk out this door exposing us to the world before asking you if you’re okay walking in public together yet?” I blush a little before raising my hand to his cheek “I am totally okay with being seen in public with you” I tell him proudly. He blushes turning his head down before nodding and clasping my hand in his leaning down and brushing his lips over mine. “Alright let’s go announce to the world I am the proud boyfriend of the infamous y/n l/n,” he says pulling my arm. “Ho ho hold on there a sec, boyfriend?” I question pulling my arm from his hand to get him to stop walking. He looks at me sideways “Um yeah, In case you didn’t know we’ve been together since I even looked at you that cool with you?” he smirks at me staring intensely. I blush underneath his gaze I ponder for a second “Yeah, yeah it’s cool with me.” I tell him before turning back to the door.
He nods also turning back to the door and we are then blinded by flashing lights as we are engulfed in the sounds of flashing cameras and screaming fans.
Why does this feel like the end??? Do yall want more of this series or no???? please let me know...
Like my writing? buy me a coffee! I would be so grateful!
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Hi Cider!!! Do you think you write about a poor y/n (gen neutral) with Tolkien, Kyle, Kenny, and Clyde? 🫶
(on another note, I absolutely love your writing glad to see you're taking requests lol ❤️)
tolkien, kyle, kenny, and clyde with a poor reader
platonic G/N reader
A/N: hii !!! this is based off of my experience of growing up lower class and such, though i was never poor to the point of like kenny so tbis might be inaccurate!!! also thank you so much :))
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tolkien black
at some point after meeting your family/going to your house, it makes him feel a little bad so he talks to his parents about organizing some sort of food donation
like him and his parents make food for your family and make sandwiches and stuff, and he claims it's the least he can do
always inviting you over for dinner!!!! you two spend a lot of time playing baseball in his backyard or watching shows on his racecar bed and he lets you take all the food you want
always coming up to you during school asking if you want to hang out at his place!!! sometimes the other dudes hang out with you too and it just becomes a full blown party if his parents aren't home
at lunch he always brings a little something for you; whether it be a little snack or a drink or something he'll always think of grabbing something for you while packing his lunch
he does feel bad, so he generally tries to make everything easier on you. little things like picking up your dropped books or holding a door open for you. they're small little gestures, but it's how he shows his care!!
kyle broflovski
he doesn't really think about your financial situation often, but if you mention something to do with it or it becomes apparent or something he might think about it for awhile
he knows he can't really do anything, and it isn't his place to really feel bad, but he can't help but contemplate it, esp if it's got you feeling down
i can see him being the type of person to anonymously give you things, like if your stomach rumbles in class and you mention you didn't have a good breakfast, he might buy something from the vending machine and leave it on your desk
or he asks his mom if he can send you money in the mail (his mom thinks it's adorable that he cares) u two also have lots of sleepovers and his mom makes snacks for you!!
other than that, he doesn't treat you differently. though he does get upset when cartman harasses you over it
"dude, at least i'm not as poor as Y/N's family! their mamas so poor she puts a penny in a gumball machine and asks for change!"
kenny mccormick
he understands more than anyone!!!
it makes him comfortable to know that someone else is struggling like him,,, as his friends (cartman) always downplay his situation and make fun of him for it, it makes him happy to have a friend who gets it
he might just deadpan at you whenever someone cracks a joke about you or him being poor. he is sick and tired
sometimes you two go to the forest and skip rocks at starks pond just to get out of the house, especially if your home situation is like his.
always coming up to you once school gets out to see if you wanna go hang out with the guys or just take a walk with him or something. you two hanging out is like a win-win-win, you get to hang out with him, he gets to hang out with you, and you both get out of your homes for a bit!!
you two use puppy dog eyes to get the others to pay for your shit when eating together and then giggle mischeviously about it
clyde donovan
he doesn't really think much of it at first, like he hears people joking about you being poor all the time but he never really gave it a second thought
although he might think about it when you ask to stay at his place for the night, and suddenly he feels kinda guilty
lets you eat as much food as you want from his pantry & fridge, and he lets you take stuff home sometimes. not all the time though because even he can't afford you sneaking around his kitchen all the time (but he lets it slide more often than he'd like to admit)
probably pokes fun at you with the other guys except he's just joining in with them and has no idea what they're making fun of you for💀
he actually really enjoys sleepovers, especially with all of his friends!!! so you and him end up having a lot of slumber parties with the rest of the dudes. cartman's group refers to your sleepovers as "their gay orgy night" or "circle jerk sesh"
he forgets a lot like he never really pays your situation any mind unless it becomes apparent or you bring it up. like if you haven't washed in awhile he wonders why you stink and then he's like oh yeah and offers to sleepover so you can finally shower
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Okay idk if u wanna do this but May I request a crossover of vita Carnis and Mandela Catalouge headcanons?..
For Adam,Jonah and Mark. Basically they arrive at theyre s/o’s House..and find out they have a pet trimming named Meatloaf or something.s/o treat them like they’re baby like any pet owner would,what are they’re reactions?
Awwwwe yeah my two current analog horror fixations let's goooo
He shows up at your door right as you were getting food for your pet.
It was especially important that you fed it at this particular time so it would settle down for the night...
But Adam's persistent knocking forces you to stop and answer the door, momentarily leaving it with an empty bowl.
"Adam? What are you doing here so late?"
"Did you get my message? Our client wants us to go to his place now. I got the salt and everything."
"...he's gonna have to wait a minute. I just gotta feed my pet and-"
"C'mon, babe. We can't lose this offer. I'm sure your pet's not gonna starve to dea-"
All of the sudden, both of you hear metal scraping and a loud whining noise that sounded like a dying animal, startling Adam while you just stare blankly at him. "You were saying?"
"..what the hell was that?????"
You decide it's better to just show him, so you go back inside and introduce him to your pet: a small six-legged fat lump of raw red meat with a collar around its neck.
"What the fuck is that?? An alien??"
"No, it's a Trimming. And their name is Meatloaf."
"....that literally explains nothing."
After feeding your Trimming and calming it down, you told Adam a little bit about its role in the Vita Carnis family.
Where you're from, they're common house pets, being even more popular than dogs or cats as they were docile and willing to eat anything.
When you're done explaining, he just stares at Meatloaf for a while, who's now swaddled in a blanket and curled up in your lap.
It looks kinda gross, but he is intrigued.
Apparently, it's trained to sniff out Mimics and scream when it detects one....which has saved your life on multiple occasions, and it did the same when it sensed an Alternate in your house not long after you moved here.
That's cool.
He thinks you should bring it on BPS assignments.
On the other hand....
When you mentioned owning an exotic pet, Jonah didn't expect anything like this when he showed up uninvited, letting himself in with a spare key.
"Hey I brought some pizza for--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, S/O?!!
Babe, please don't scream-"
"Am I tripping or is tHAT A FUCKING FETUS??!!!!" He points wildly to the Trimming sitting in your kitchen sink, covered in soap and looking saddened bc your bf interrupted bath time.
Meanwhile, you're pissed off by his yelling and covered its sensitive ears, glaring at him. "Will you calm down? This is a Trimming..you haven't heard of them?"
"No???? It looks like the goddamn chestburster from Alien! What is it?!!"
He was ready to run out of the house, but you convinced him to stay and you explained what a Trimming is, rinsing off the soap while doing so.
Poor guy's still trying to comprehend why (and how) a thing like this even exists, eyes wide as he watches you dry it off and care for it like you would a puppy or kitten.
It doesn't help that you call it "Meatloaf" and have a cute little bow on its collar/head.
Nothing you say will stop him from getting nauseous, suddenly losing his appetite for the pizza (especially since he got pepperoni and sausage on it).
You reassure him it's not gonna go to waste, instead feeding it to Meatloaf in bite-sized pieces.
Jonah's just in shock as it happily devours them with no hesitation, before it waddles back into your arms for cuddles.
You made it your mission to get him to hold it, trying to show him it's not scary at all.
It's....still a work in progress.
You knew exactly what he was gonna think of your Trimming.
So you explained what it was exactly, even showing him a photo so he's better prepared to meet it when he comes over.
The last thing you wanted was for him to scream "demon" and throw a bible at your sweet little nondemonic meat pet.
But still...he clams up when you greet him at the door, holding Meatloaf in one arm.
"O-Oh, it's..uh....cute...?" Mark tries his best to be polite, yet his face is as pale as a ghost's.
You're just relieved he didn't panic and cause a huge scene.
However, for a normally social creature...Meatloaf became unusually shy around him, flinching away when he attempted to pet it and whining if you put it down for too long.
It constantly followed you, refusing to be in the same room as him.
This keeps happening whenever he visits, and he's unsure what to do.
So one day he asks if it'll ever warm up to him.
"Oh! How could I forget? Trimmings usually like it when they're sorta "involved" in conversations..if that makes sense." You tell him. "Meatloaf probably thinks you're unfriendly because you talk to only me when you come over."
"....so..how do I fix that? By talking to it myself?"
"Will it...understand me?"
"Not sure, but it just likes hearing chatter." You then speak to Meatloaf, scratching under its chin to stir it from sleep. "Hey, Loafy. My boyfriend wants to tell you something."
With the Trimming now looking at Mark, he feels...awkward, but he finally stutters something.
"H-Hey, uh...so I'm Mark. But you probably know that. S/o talks about me a lot and...uh....anyways we've been together for a few months. Sorry if I didn't seem that "friendly" to you, but I hope um...you...approve of us..?"
He trails off as it shifts out of your hold and climbs into his lap, curling up and cooing happily.
His eyes are HUGE and he's filled with fear(tm), but eventually makes the brave decision to pat its fleshy head, hearing it...purring?
Then you see his smile.
You're extremely happy about this bonding moment and had to snap a picture of the two.
'Yeah, this one's definitely for the books'
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heatwave has me on a chokehold.
like fuck. No autonomy for reader fr and it's so deliciously and wrenchingly fucked up for them to present the illusion of free will via limited options even if at the end, they're the ones with the leash, the one in control, regardless of the option you chose.
And I love the difference between Gojo and Geto with Gojo wanting for reader to accept whatever they offer but Geto not really caring if reader really accepts (wants) as long as he provides and takes care of reader (even if against their will) and can very much so resort to forceful means (the tube feeder ((that shit has me like😶, like damn, as long as reader eats lmao)).)
The way you write the humiliation for reader with all the times they forced them to wet themself feels real fr. That shit is literally picking at their self-esteem, and the constant unwanted reaffirmation that it's natural and it's fine is so not doing any good at all to her pysche.
Ngl I wanna see reader after the panic attack breaking and turn into a hollow shell fr. One that do still talks, entertains and obeys but one that's just hollow. Half-hearted at best and empty at worse because they're gearing for the worse (the abandonment. the pain, left behind all tied up and with no control over her body. They've turned her into someone who can't even feel like they're capable of making choices on their own anymore). Just for the angst and a little (okay maybe big) karma for what they've done🥰
Wonderful writing! Hope to see more jjk with stsg (esp satoru) and If you don't mind, make a little insight to their pov?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the fic! hearing this makes me feel really great about writing this, because it's like!
yes!! PRECISELY!! SO REAL SO TRUE!!! the message has come across, the fic gave you exactly the feelings i had when i was making it!! it makes me feel like i successfully conveyed,, The Vision,,,
honestly it started out as horny and it was supposed to have heat sex later on but then when i got into the forced piss stuff it got. sooo psychological.
in the back of my mind i kinda knew it was getting off track but it was getting SO GOOD. i loved writing about. conditioning, psychological warfare, the loss of control and how people deal with it.
jjk itself is pretty brutally realistic with the consequences of the bad things that happen in the series, and i love realistic dark content.
you try a hunger strike? geto deals with it. you do not refuse food again. they are yanderes and they are not afraid to make this very ugly and very uncomfortable for you. they'll do it sometimes even if you DO cooperate.
gojo is truly the essence of a puppy dog. he loves you sooo sososo much and maybe he'll throw a fit but he's not the calculated tactician geto can be. geto's got goals. gojo's just happy to be here.
the panic attack/breakdown kinda just came out when i was trying to write you going into heat.
it was supposed to be this stockholm syndrome moment where you're like "oh at least they won't leave me" but then i started getting into. well.
they did leave you once, didn't they? and at every moment they remind you, sometimes in the most humiliating ways, that you DO NOT control what they do or how they treat you.
so now you're enduring psychological warfare from your own psyche where you're wrestling with the idea of getting impregnated because:
you don't want to be pregnant
but if you DID get pregnant, then they would HAVE to stay with you, right?
but you don't WANT them to stay with you. you hate them, right? if they left you'd like that because you don't WANT them around.
but what if they wouldn't stay with you anyways? you can't make them do anything.
actually you can't even control that so why worry haha. they're going to get you pregnant if they want to, they'll leave you if they want to, and you can't do anything about it.
just the absolute war zone in your head as every thought clashes with all the others. the natural consequences of the stuff you've been through since the beginning of the fic, all trickling down into one moment.
*extremely quietly* okay don't tell anyone bc it's annoying when people JUST say "can't wait for part 2" and nothing else, like.
what did you like so much? what would you hope to see expanded on? many writers would love to hear this in a comment, but instead they just get "part 2 please" and it feels like a demand.
i know it comes from a place of appreciation but it's not encouraging when that's all someone has to say about your work.
there WAS actually more to that fic. i kept writing after where it ends. it switches to geto's POV and him and gojo freaking out, trying to calm you down and figure out what happened and how to fix it.
i realized that this oneshot would turn into a huge monster of a fic if i let it keep going, and i had a really good stopping point already with the reader in the midst of their breakdown, so i cut it there and posted so i could start writing for the next prompt (which i'm also super enjoying!).
if i DO any kind of part 2 or companion piece for ANY of the heatwave fics, it'll be that one.
i'm not sure how i want it to go, though. it'd be easier to write the shell of a reader from gojo/geto's POV, but i like keeping things primarily in the reader's POV. i also don't like to stick to one mood, especially not some boring doom and gloom suffering stuff.
i'll need someone to do something drastic in the follow up. maybe gojo? he's got to get something out of you somehow. and we all know what a freak he is, the fuck is he gonna get up to, hmmm...
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kittenwalker · 2 years
a helping hand (kyle spencer) x (fem!reader)
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“ Hey get me another shot Frankenstein “ Madison shouted to Kyle, our butler, while holding up her shot glass
Kyle ran towards Madison and followed up with her request. All four witches in this academy were always treating Kyle like some dog, especially Zoe and Madison. Zoe and Kyle seemed to have something going on but looks like Zoe cut ties with him. You were always intrigued by Kyle, you wanted to help him. You wanted him to feel loved in a way.
You are the fifth and newest member of Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies. You arrived a couple of weeks ago and were starting to warm up to everyone but you weren’t fond of the other witches. It was kinda just you and yourself, you do share some glances with Kyle but nothing more. Even though you wanted more than that, you wanted to mean something to Kyle.
“Hey bitches listen up, there’s a party tonight anyone wanna join me? “ Madison announced making you look up from your food.
Everyone agreed to tag along except you, you weren’t really into parties. All the wild people and loud music scare you. So you decided to stay back to do some revising on magic.
“ You have no life y/n, “ Madison said chuckling
“ Nope just don’t like parties “ you shrugged
“ Alright then you’ll have to take care Kyle and make sure he doesn’t kill himself “ Zoe instructed 
You nodded and continued eating while the others chatted about the party. 
Walking up onto the spiral stairs, you entered your room to take a hot shower before checking on Kyle. When you came out from bathing the house was quiet, indicating that the four witches had left to attend their party. You wore your clothes and walked into your room, you saw Kyle sitting on your bed and you jumped getting scared by the sudden presence.
“ Kyle you scared me “ you laughed
“ s-s-sor-ry “ 
You stepped closer to him and a gush of his scent washed over you. You can smell sweat all over him so you asked.
“ Kyle, did you shower yet? “ 
“ I d-don’t kn-now how to, “ he said slurring his words
You instantly felt bad, you forgot Kyle was from the dead and can’t do normal basic things. But an idea surfaced in your mind, you ran over to your nightstand and took out your spell book. You were going to attempt to fix him.
Flipping through the book in a hast to find the spell that you vividly remember reading about. There you found it, page 364 titled ‘ bringing back a zombie’s sanity ‘. You needed the following ingredients to make this spell successful. Mud, dirt, water, mint leaves, rose petals, and a piece of the subject’s hair.
 Mixing all of the listed ingredients, put it over a fire to boil it. Then let the subject breathe in the substance for a minute. After that bind it all in with a kiss, this was pretty simple you thought as you reread it.
You collected all of the items and went back to your room eagerly, you wanted Kyle to have another chance to live normally again.
You and Kyle sat in the ring of candles surrounding you both. You started crushing the mint leaves and rose petals to dust then combining it in a pot with the mud, dirt, and water. You emit a small flame under the metal pot with your powers, making the substance boil.
“ Kyle, you need to inhale this substance for about a minute alright? “ 
He looked at you and then nodded, putting his head on top of the pot. After a minute or so you needed to move on to the next step, kissing him. You were quite nervous but you do want to kiss Kyle just not expecting your first kiss to be like this.
“ Okay Kyle now we need to kiss now “ 
He looked up and it seemed like his eye lit up hearing it. You leaned into him pecking at his delicate soft lips but the short peck became a full kiss. You pulled away and put out the flame asking how Kyle felt. He tested his voice and it seems to have worked. He wasn’t stuttering anymore, it made you smile to know that it work. Before you knew it, Kyle was engulfing his large hands around your body thanking you.
“ Thank you y/n, I couldn’t be more grateful “
“ Of course, I’m happy to help “ 
Kyle pulled his head back to face you, hands still on your waist. You stared into his dark brown eyes then slowly moved to his lips, gosh you just wanted to kiss him. The kiss you shared with him earlier only made you crave more, bravery took over your mind and you smashed your lips against his. 
His soft plush lips started to move against yours, his tongue inviting itself into your mouth. You both break away to catch your breaths and you watched as a smirk took over his lips.
“ That wasn’t part of the spell but I liked it “
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lettingthoughtsflow · 1 month
season 1: episode 1 (crush, chop, & burn pt. 1)
alright y'all I'm bulletpointing as I watch so let's go!!
the whole "mrs. and mr. davenport" beginning scene is literally seared into my brain from childhood-i think it's funny how clearly i remember it
when we meet the team they're in these mission suit esque things and seeing as all they do is train, is that what they live in????
davenport saying "i don't want to brag, but i am incredibly smart" when introducing the kids is so wild when you consider the fact that he probably didn't have anything to do with making the kids
i love how offended they get when tasha calls them robots
tasha and leo have such a cute relationship i freaking love it
i know we hate donald, and rightfully so, but this episode really amps me up bc dude you are literally introducing them to your wife and you keep talking about them like plants you're growing
when donald is introducing the kids, tasha's the only one recognizing that they're children
"i wanna go upstairs" 😭
they literally never leave the room, it's not just because of filming and set design, they don't even have a place to run THERE'S A RAT WHEEL
@fairytalesociology said that davenport feeds the kids glorified dog food and they're so right
you can't just feed them food??? even preordered????
they eat, sleep, and bathe in their capsules no one can convince me the man was just looking to be cost effective in getting these inventions perfected (they were not children to him AT ALL)
bree is just a girl and i love her for it bc thinking about breaking into song/dance numbers is so real
If you pay attention to the background you can see chase playing with a random locker for a while and I think it’s so funny/cute
Honestly I with it opened and he was just using his bionic hearing to unlock the locker
i just noticed leo has brown paper wrapped around his textbooks and it reminds me of when my mom and i use to make book covers out of trader joes bags and decorate them 💗
baby chase was insterested in chess club and taking med school courses, he deserved more extracurriculars and hobbies in the show
the early heat vision graphics 😅
"i know a chiropractor in the phillipines" is so cute
davenport is awful but the freaking out performances are great
30 grand for a situation to go away is insane bc what really happened??? like yeah the mascot's head caught on fire but it wasn't like they destroyed the building. and even if it was a bribe to get rid of witnesses, you'd have to adress the entire school bc it was a pep rally
tasha being a mom to the kids is so cute like yeah, they're just kids
bree immediately getting excited about the party with tasha is freaking adorable, we deserved more Tasha fr
honestly i think she was more freaked out about the kids than their bionics
lecturing them about how they were designed for missions is so disheartening bc 1. you've probably told them all about how they're top sercret their whole lives and 2. they are superHUMANS
it honestly feels akin to when a parent tells a child they have to be perfect or pushes them into a career they never wanted
yes bc having no contact with the outside world will prevent their glitches and train them for missions (not to mention real life)
obviously it's the perfect solution
honestly if they socialized they would probably have better emotional regulation and control over their glitches. like you could have at least brought them to a company party (and told everyone to treat them as humans) so they have practice talking to people.
chase really was always in blue plaid from the start huh?
"they are not just science projects, they're teenagers" TELL HIM QUEEN
bro you're going to tell me that you can't reprogram your ROBOT FRIEND to like your WIFE
like he can still be snarky but he literally hates her
i really hope someone gets this, but there are a few scenes where Adam feels more like a regular person than just someone who's core personality is being kind of dumb and reckless, and the ending scene before everyone goes to bed is one of those few scenes
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kawaiianimekitten · 1 year
Obey me x reader
He scares you/accidentally-ish makes you fear him
I decided to do the whole part all at once for this one
Warnings - cussing, not proofread, violence, hurt/comfort
I had overhead some of the brothers talking about how Mammon had gotten an unusually rough punishment from Lucifer, so I wanted to make sure he was ok and hopefully forget about it for a bit.
I have some games, some food and drinks, some music, some movies, and some other stuff to hopefully cheer him up.
I get to his room and knock on his door before just walking in.
"Hey, Mams, I heard you ha-" I immediately stop talking and drop everything when I see Mammon.
"Oh my god, are you ok???" I rush over to him, quickly looking at the bruises all over his body.
He pulls away from me glaring. "Does it look like I'm ok?"
Gently grabbing his hand and holding it in mine, I reply "No... Wanna talk about it? Or I brought some stuff if ya wanna-"
"No. Just leave me alone." He pulls his hand away.
Not knowing how to react, I just stand there. He's never acted like this twords me. Am I supposed to actually go? He doesn't usually mean it when he says it, but he does seem more serious than usual. Maybe I-
"Stop standing there with that stupid look on your face, human." Wow. So that's how he's gonna play it.
I glare right back. "Fine. I'll leave. Before I do, though." I go grab his favorite snack and drink that I dropped when walking in and hand it to him, softening my look. "I brought these for you. If you wanna talk or hang out, you know where I'm at."
I turn around to leave before being pulled back.
"Fuck! Mams, that hurt, dammmit." I say, holding my now out of socket arm.
He gets in my face still glaring. "If I wanted food or drinks or you I woulda come got it myself. But I didn't. So why the fuck are you here. I never asked you to be." He had turned into his demon form sometime when I was turned around and is now bearing his fangs at me like some kind of dog.
Wtf is wrong with him today? He usually doesn't look like he wants to skin me.
"Mams, can you back up? If you want me to leave, I will. You don't have to be a dick about it. Ah!" I barely not my sentence out before Mammon has me pinned to the wall, arm on my throat.
"Don't talk to me that way. I have to deal with my brothers treating me like shit, I'm not gonna let you as well."
I can't breathe. I can't breath. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Just keeps repeating in my head as I try to get free from Mammon's arms.
Thankfully Levi decided to walk in, wanting his money from Mammon for something anime related, I'm guessing.
"Mammon! Get off her!" He tries pulling his brother away as Beel and Belphie pop their head in curiously before going to help get Mammon away.
I hit the floor, head spinning while gasping for air once they get him off.
Lucifer, hearing all the commotion, had begrudgingly came to check, immediately alert seeing 3 of his brothers pulling Mammon away from me.
Lucifer turns into his demon form. "What is going on here?!" Everyone immediately stops what their doing. Except me, I continue to cough and gasp for air, feeling so outta breath as if I just ran a marathon.
"Mammon. My office. Beel, take her to the couch. Levi, she'll prolly need a cold compress to reduce any swelling on her neck. Belphie, water." Lucifer commanded. Next thing I know I'm in beels arms.
When walking past Lucifer, though, I whisper "please go easy on him..."
He might've just scared the shit outta me, but I would feel bad if he got another bad punishment after just having a bad one.
Mammon later walks through the living room, glaring at me. I just hide in Beels side, deciding to try to ignore it.
By dinner he looks almost bad to normal. More like a kicked puppy rather than a pissed off demon.
I make eye contact with him, but he glares at me, making me flinch and look away. I guess I was wrong. Not back to normal.
It's been a little over 24 hours since what happened. By lunch he finally stopped glaring at me, thankfully. It's currently dinner and I can feel his eyes on me.
I look up and meet his eyes, which look less bright than usual, which breaks my heart a bit. He looks down, and after a minute I feel my phone vibrate. I check my phone, careful so that Lucifer doesn't notice (he doesn't like phones at the table, unless it's very important).
It's Mammon. 'Hey... I'm sorry... Wanna watch some TV in the livin room after dinner? I got somethin for ya I wanna give ya...'
'ok' I quickly reply before going back to eating.
I go back to my room to get ready to hang with Mammon and calm my nerves a bit.
Knock knock
"hm?" I open the door seeing a sheepish Mammon standing there, fidgeting with his own hands.
"U-Uhm, H-Hey Mc..."
I smile a little, glad he seems back to normal. "Hi"
"Ready to h-hang out?" He seems kinda scared as if I'll reject him, even though I already agreed.
"Yup, let's go." I step outta my room, closing the door behind me.
I hear him take a deep breath before gently taking my hand in his. Once he notices I'm not putting up a fight or upset about it, he takes me to the living room that's already set up like a mini pillow fort.
He faces me and gently grabs my other hand, acting as if in glass.
"Mc... I'm really sorry for how I've been acting... I have no reasoning good enough to excuse what I did and how I acted following it..." He lets go of one of my hands, pulling something out of his pocket.
It's a beautiful necklace with a locket on it, along with some additional lockets I can put onto the necklace.
I take the necklace and open the locket. It's a picture of us on his first date.
He had opened the other lockets while I was looking at the one in my hands.
One was us getting scolded by Lucifer after we started a food fight. Another is one he took while I was asleep on him. There's a group one of everyone that's chaotic, rather than the nice, organized ones Lucifer likes.
"I know this doesn't make up for my behavior or anything... But I just wanted to show how truly sorry I am... And that I truly love you with all my heart..."
I tackle him in a hug, which he reciprocates after a moment of shock.
"How long were you practicing that?" I smile up at him.
"S-Since Breakfast..." He shyly confesses.
We just end up hugging, laughing, saying I love yous, sorry from Mammon, and even crying. All while in eachothere arms.
"I l-love you, my Treasure"
"I love you too Mams."
We do eventually pull ourselves together enough to get ourselves over to the fort to cuddle and watch the show Mams picked out.
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ifidiedinadream · 2 months
Soft/cute Aleksi reader insert idea. You've been dating for a little bit mostly long distance due to tour and when tour is over you stay at his place and meet Rilla for the first time.
this is a request from december, if you're still here anon i hope you enjoy 😅🩷
also on ao3
Aleksi is waiting by the front yard when you arrive at his house. The black Nirvana cap shields his eyes from the sun, and he’s wearing the loveliest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Hey, baby,” he says as you hug him tightly, for the first time in weeks.
“I missed you so much.”
Aleksi briefly pulls away to kiss you. Your whole being relaxes in an instant.
“Wanna come inside? I must warn you though, a ferocious beast lives with me.”
You snort, making your way through his front yard to the front door with him. You’ve never been here before, and you only saw pictures and videos of Rilla, and you’re so excited about finally experiencing this (Aleksi’s world; his life) that your fingers are tingling.
“You mean your cute dachshund?”
“Exactly. She’s vicious.”
You can hear her bark from the patio.
“Should I fear for my life? Will she attack me?”
“Who knows. I’ll do my best to save you in case that happens, though.”
Aleksi opens the door. Rilla dashes towards him, but halts when she sees you. Your presence perplexes her, but at the same time she just can’t not say hi to her owner, even if he left for presumably no more than five minutes. She alternates jumping on Aleksi’s legs and letting out excited sounds and barking at you, doing her best to protect Aleksi from the scary intruder (the fact that he brought you along means nothing to her). It’s fun to watch. Aleksi crouches down and tries to calm her down. She shows him her belly and quiets down after a few scratches.
“Now, little one, she’s my girlfriend, so you better treat her right, understood? She comes in peace.”
Trying not to upset or scare her, you approach the little dog slowly, and she promptly gets on her paws, alert. You kneel down, giving her the time to come closer and sniff you on her own terms. She doesn’t, only looks at you with her intense black eyes, growling from deep in her little body.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, so you reach in your pocket to grab the treats you brought along. You put one in the palm of your hand and offer it to her.
“You came prepared,” Aleksi laughs.
“I will win her over. Whether she wants it or not.”
“Well, food is the right weapon. She likes to act all stubborn at first, but it’s all for show. She doesn’t want you to think she’s weak.”
“I don’t think you’re weak, baby! Please, give me a chance. I won’t harm you or your Daddy.”
As if encouraged by your words (but it’s actually the smell of the treat), Rilla walks over, ever so slowly - suspiciously. She sniffs your hand at first, inspecting, then hesitantly takes the treat. Once she’s had a taste, there’s no turning back: she devours the rest of it, and you give her another one. You take the chance to pet her little head. She doesn’t run away, so you dare a bit more and scratch behind her ears. She seems to love it, and when you stop, she comes even closer, lying down by your legs on her back, offering you her belly.
“Yay! I tamed the beast!”
You rub her belly and she kicks her leg. At this point, you don’t know who’s more excited.
“You did such a great job, I’m impressed.” Aleksi shuffles on the floor so that he’s sitting behind you. Feeling his solid chest behind your back, you lean into him. He grabs your waist and leaves a kiss on your hairline. “This wasn’t easy.”
“Will she get mad if I kiss you? Thinking I’m trying to eat you or something?”
“Nah, she loves you now. You’re fine.”
“You’re only saying it because you want the kiss.”
“Well, okay. Maybe.”
Willing to challenge fate, you pull Aleksi in a kiss anyway. His mouth is soft and warm and the touch of his tongue makes all the butterflies in your stomach fly around without a care in the world, like it’s spring and all the flowers suddenly bloomed, offering their sweet nectar to them. You momentarily forget about Rilla, at least until her little tongue finds your hand. The way she’s licking at your fingers tickles.
Giggling, you break the kiss. Aleksi looks down at the dog with mock annoyance, then gets up, nudging you to do the same.
“Trying to steal her from me, huh?” he asks the dog. Aleksi opens the front door, making sure Rilla notices. “Well, you can play with her later. If I’m feeling generous, that is. Now go play outside.”
Something on the other side of the door (maybe a squirrel or a bird), catches Rilla’s attention and she runs towards the front yard. Aleksi closes the door behind her.
“Jealous of what Rilla and I have already?”  
Aleksi holds your waist again, and the way the grip is tighter than before makes your laughter die out, bringing about another kind of emotion. His kiss is deeper, leaving your head spinning, and the darkness in his eyes makes your heart beat faster.
“Is it wrong if I want you all to myself, finally?”
You can only shake your head no as his lips find your neck.
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beoneofus · 1 year
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 2
- 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 -
part 1 here
tags: @hao-ming-8, @crustyraccoon
when you and david started dating, david found out way more about you. for example, your obsession with dead insects.
he had never been in your house/apartment before dating you. you had always hung out at the cave and boardwalk with him and the boys, sometimes even a few of the funky food places nearby. so he they never really had a reason to visit your place.
however, david was always left curious — and this is exactly one of the reasons why. he pegged you as peculiar, but seeing dead butterflies pressed into a plastic wax seel inside of a scrapbook took him offguard. he wasn't disturbed, though; actually found it... intriguing. found it to be you.
so when you confessed to actually having fantasies about how life after death is, he wasn't too surprised.
seeing you go on and on about the beautiful scenery of each passage the afterlife could hold while spinning about in your swivel chair left him to rest his chin on his fist, absentmindedly smirking at you in admiration. you didn't notice for a while, too busy detailing the specifics of what you dreamed it'd be like, but eventually you lifted your thrown back head and made eye contact with him.
“ what? ” you tilted your head like a cute, oblivious puppy dog. blinking those pretty eyes, the ones that he loved so dearly, before rounding them down to try n’ look at your nose.“ do I have something on my face? ”
david was reminded why he fell so in love with for you all over again. and, once more, his heart beated a single thump, leaving him shook and breathless.
one day, you decided to corner him on your couch and sit upon his lap. he looked at you in surprise, but that look was quickly marked with a smirk; his hands finding your hips in no time, since he thought he was getting a special treat.
but you turned the tables on him by bringing out a singular brush with black ink on it; your liquid eyeliner. you had the biggest shit eating grin on your face once you seen his drop.
“ no way in hell. ” he'd growl out, eyeing the brush menacingly. he may have agreed to the whole eyeliner thing before, but after his brother's laughed at him he refused to even come by you again when you held anything makeup related. he was embarrassed... and his pride had been wounded. poor vamp baby.
the man would never admit that, but you knew better.
after big puppy dog eyes and pouting pleas, he'd cave, but only because he didn't want to hear your annoying whines any longer. that was a load of shit.
david would grit his teeth the entire time you doodle designs on his eyes and over his cheeks, but he dealt with it for your sake. If he ever admitted out loud he only did it for your happiness, that'd be a true surprise for the world.
you took several pictures of him after finishing his look... but unfortunately they didn't come out right. you couldn't see him. it was a dumb moment for you cause you forgot about the whole ‘ vampire ’ thing, so you were left to sigh sadly and sulk because you'd never be able to look back at the memories of your pretty boy wearing your makeup.
poo :(.
but... after making a deal with marko several days later, he agreed to draw david with the stencil of the previous look, that you provided him.
It took an enormous amount of bribing with sweet n’ sour chicken, and new art supplies since he didn't wanna die at the hands of his brother, but he caves eventually since he saw you as a sibling and cared for you deeply.
you ended up presenting david with the picture, framed and all, upon your guys’ date that following weekend. you wore a bright grin, so proud that you had marko draw it.
the vampire was... shocked - eyes wide, mouth open. he said nothing for a few passing beats. but then, he pulled you close, sliding your butt over his knee and then placing you in his lap. he then we wrapped his arms around your waist, only to pull you closer and hug you to his chest.
“ thank you... ” the words were muffled by your jacket and rather quiet, which was out of character for him, but you understand immediately. it was life changing for him to see himself again, even if it was to be displayed as him with a silly eye look. he was really thankful — and once again, that odd beat was struck in his chest.
you two became more bonded that night. and, what made you finally have that same feeling as david, was realizing he painted his nails black...
your favorite color.
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